everday english conversations family

Everyday English Conversations – Family Presented By

Post on 13-Sep-2014




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This is part 11 of my series - Everyday English Conversations. This one is talking about your family and things that are done as a family.


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Everyday English Conversations – Family

Presented By

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AmerEnglishLive Free / Speak Free

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Click on any of the icons through out this presentation to listen to it. You may click as many times as you like.

The dialogues are all one conversation and are not broken into sentences for listening.

Listen to each saying and / or sentence and then repeat each of them. You may want to do this several times so you get the right pronunciation.


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Family RelationshipsTypes of familyExpressions with familyDescribing family relationshipsIntroducing your familyAsking about family & close friendsEating TogetherCooking TogetherEating and Clean UpDialogues

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Family Relationships:

Male Female Relationship

Father Mother Parent

"Dad" "Mom" Parent

Son Daughter Child

Husband Wife Spouse

Brother Sister Sibling

Grandfather Grandmother Grandparent(s)

"Grandpa" "Grandma" Grandparent(s)

Grandson Granddaughter Grandchild(ren)

Uncle Aunt Parent's sibling

Nephew Niece Sibling's child(ren)

Cousin Cousin Aunt/Uncle's child(ren)

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Types of familynuclear family = mother, father and children: "The traditional family unit is a nuclear family."

single-parent / one-parent family = a family which only has one parent (because the parents are divorced, or because one of the parents has died): "There are more and more single-parent families in the UK."

immediate family = your closest relatives: "Only immediate family members attended the funeral."

extended family = your entire family: "The wedding invitations were sent to the entire extended family."

close-knit family = a family where the members have close relationships with each other: "They are a close-knit family."

dysfunctional family = a family where the members have serious problems with each other: "He comes from a rather dysfunctional family."

blood relative = a relative connected to you by "blood" rather than through marriage: "She's not a blood relative, but we're still very close."

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Expressions with family

family gathering = a meeting / celebration of family members: "There's a small family gathering next week."

family resemblance = where members of the family look / act similar: "You can see a distinct family resemblance between the father and the son."

to start a family = to start having children: "They want to wait a couple of years before starting a family."

to run in the family = a characteristic that is common among family members: "Baldness runs in his family."

to bring up / raise a family = to have and look after children: "It's difficult to raise a family on one income."

a family car = a car big enough to transport a family: "The Volvo Estate is a popular family car."

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family-size = large quantity item: "We need to buy family-size packets of biscuits!"

family-friendly = a policy that favours families: "This hotel is family-friendly."

family doctor = a doctor who looks after general medical needs: "There are a number of good family doctors in this area."

family man = a man who prefers to spend his time with his family: "John is a family man."

family values = traditional ideas about what a family should be: "Some political parties often emphasize family values and the importance of marriage."

family name = surname: "What's your family name?"

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Describing family relationships

Children often quarrel with each other, and these arguments – or squabbles – are often quickly resolved. In fact, sibling rivalry (the competition between brothers and sisters) is quite common.

More seriously, if arguments continue into adulthood, family feuds can develop where both sides can end up hating each other and even trying to hurt or destroy each other.

A person who no longer speaks to a family member is estranged from his / her family. Often estrangement is voluntary. However, if parents decide they no longer want anything to do with their children, they cut them off (= break off communication), or even disinherit them. (Decide not to leave them anything when they die.)

Most people feel loyalty to their family, and will defend family members saying "He / She's family". There's also a saying "Blood's thicker than water" which means that your family ties are stronger than any other relationships.

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Introducing your family

This is my mother/mom.

This is my father/dad.

(These are my parents)

This is my wife.

This is my husband.

There are five people in my family.(My mother, my father, my older brother, my older sister, me, my

younger brother.)

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I have two brothers.One is older.

one brother is older (than me).One is younger.

I have one sister.

I'm number three.

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Asking about family & close friends

How many brothers and sisters do you have?

What number are you?

He's the oldest (of five children).

She's the youngest.

Cindy doesn't have any brothers or sisters.

Jared is an only child.

How many children do you have?

We have two. One son and one daughter.

Do you have any kids?

No, I'm not married.

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"How are your parents doing?"

"Are your parents healthy and well?"

"Do you still live with your parents?"

"Do you live near any family members?"

"Where do your in-laws live?"

"Do you see your family frequently?"

"Do you ever have family reunions?"

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"My parents are doing well."

"My father is getting old, but otherwise, healthy."

"My mother has been complaining about chest pains. I hope it isn't anything serious."

"Yeah. I live with my parents. It saves me some rent money."

"Just for another year until I get back on my feet."

"No. I moved out several years ago. I have my own apartment now."

"My in-laws are in Ohio.“

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"I grew up in Florida, so my in-laws are there. We moved to California 5 years ago."

"My family lives in the area so I usually see them once a month."

"My family lives pretty far away, so I only see them a couple times a year."

"We have a family reunion every 5 years."

"No, but I wish we could."

"We used to, but everyone is too busy these days, so we haven't had one in a while now."

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Eating TogetherPreparing a meal and eating together is a wonderful way to spend time with family and friends. While doing this activity not only can you share foods you love but it is also a good opportunity to talk and learn about one another. In this lesson, we will be covering everything you need to know from coming up with a meal to prepare, cooking it together, and sharing a conversation.

Invitation and Planning

First you must choose a meal to share. Breakfast is eaten in the morning, lunch in the afternoon and dinner in the evening. The steps for planning a menu are relatively the same for all three. When planning a meal it is also important to try and come up with something you all will enjoy.

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Here are some questions commonly used when asking someone to cook a meal and have dinner.

"Would you like to come over to my house and have dinner with me?"

"Maybe we could cook dinner together?"

"What time should we plan on getting together?"

"Do you have any suggestions on what we could make?"

"We should probably make a grocery list."

"Do you want to go to the grocery store together?"

"What grocery store do you prefer?"

"If we could go together do you want me to drive?"

"Should we pick up any wine or beer to drink at dinner?"

"Maybe we can split the grocery bill?"

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If you are asked any of these questions, here are ways that you could respond.

"Sure, I would love to come over for dinner. I really love to cook and it might give us some time to catch up with one another."

"That sounds great. I am free tonight so I can definitely make it."

"Cooking dinner together sounds fun."

"I think that is a good idea, maybe we can share recipes."

"How does 5 o'clock sound?"

"I get off work at 5. I can go straight home to grab a few things and meet you around 6."

"I have this new recipe I have been dying to try. Do you like Italian food?"

"I am not too picky. I have some steak and chicken we can use."

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"Yes we probably should make a list. I don't want to forget anything."

"I am pretty sure I will remember everything we need, but if you want to jot a few things down that is ok with me."

"Sure, we can go to the grocery store together."

"Let's see what we both have at home to cook and maybe we can skip the grocery."

"I usually shop at Albertsons."

"I don't have a preference where we go."

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“If it's ok I can just meet you there."

"Sure, you can drive if you don't mind."

"I do not drink alcohol but maybe we could grab some soda."

"Sure, wine sounds good with dinner. I prefer white wine."

"I think splitting the bill is a good idea."

"No big deal. I can buy the groceries this time and if we do this again you can treat."

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Cooking Together

Cooking the meal together is a fun time to talk, share recipes and work together. Here are some questions commonly used when cooking a meal together.

"You have a preference on which job to do?"

"Do you mind heating up some water on the stove?"

"Do you have any different ways to prepare this meal?"

"Would you like something to drink while we are cooking?"

"Do you mind setting up the table for us?"

"Can you turn the oven on to 360 degrees?"

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If you are asked any of these questions, here are ways that you could respond.

"No, I really don't have a preference."

"Yes, I would really like to prepare the salad."

"No problem, I will heat the water up now."

"Sure I can heat it up. Do you mind it boiling?"

"I have a way to prepare this that my mom taught me."

"I don't really have any other ways. Let's just do what the recipe says."

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"Sure, can I have a glass of water?"

"No thanks. I might just wait until dinner."

"Sure I can set the table."

"I have never set the table before. Do you have a particular way of doing it?"

"Yes, I can turn on the oven."

"No problem."

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This is also a good time to talk about other subjects while sharing interests and learning more about each other. If questions like these come up, just answer them the best you can. Everyone will have different opinions and answers about each of these personal topics.

"What is your favorite TV show?"

"Do you have a favorite book?"

"Do you have any brothers or sisters?"

"Where were you born?"

"Do you have any hobbies?"

"So how is work going?"

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Eating and Clean Up

Here are some questions commonly used while eating and then cleaning up afterwards.

"Do you mind if we pray before we eat?"

"I love your recipe for the chicken. Where did you get it?"

"Can you pass me the salt?"

"Would you like some dessert?"

"Can you help me clear the table?"

"Do you want to take home any leftovers?"

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If you are asked any of these questions, here are ways that you could respond.

"I normally do not pray but you can if you want."

"That sounds good. I will let you pray if that is ok."

"I found the recipe in a cookbook I have."

"My mom gave me the recipe a few years ago."

"Sure, here you go."

"Yes I can."

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"Dessert sounds awesome."

"No thank you, I am too full to have dessert."

"Yes, let me help you clear the table."

"Sure, I will just put the dishes on the sink."

"Sure, I will take home some leftovers."

"No thanks. You can just save it so you can have something for tomorrow."

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Here is a list of a few other statements you can say after eating.

"Thank you for a wonderful dinner."

"Thank you for your help."

"Thank you that was delicious."

"I sure am full."

"Thank you for inviting me."

"Thanks for accepting my invitation to come over."

"We should do this again sometime."

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Grand Mother : Son, What are you talking to Gomathi?

Father : I am showing her the moon.

Daughter : When did it rise?

Father : It had risen one hour before. It is a full moon day.

Daughter : Can we see the moon during No-Moon Day?

Father : During Amavasai the sky will be completely dark.

Child : What is the white ball through the window?

Mother : No. It is not a ball. It is the full moon.

Child : It is very beautiful.

Child : Grandpa is calling us for supper. We shall go.

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A: Do you have a girlfriend?

B: No, I don't. Do you?

A: I don't have a girlfriend, either.

B: Why not?

A: I don't know. Maybe I'm not rich enough.

B: Girls like guys with money.

A: They sure do.

B: They like guys with new cars.

A: I don't have money or a new car.

B: Me, neither.

A: But girls like guys who are funny.

B: Maybe we should learn some good jokes.

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A: My parents are divorced.

B: So are mine.

A: Why did your parents get divorced?

B: My father found a new girlfriend.

A: That's too bad.

B: My mother was hurt and angry.

A: She had good reason. What did she do?

B: She told him to drop his girlfriend.

A: What did your father do?

B: He moved out of our house.

A: I guess he really liked his new girlfriend.

B: Yes, but she left him a year later.

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A: Are you married?

B: No. I'm divorced.

A: When did you get divorced?

B: I got divorced two years ago.

A: Why did you get divorced?

B: My wife left me.

A: Why did she leave you?

B: She said she didn't love me anymore.

A: Wow! That's terrible.

B: Yes, it was.

A: Why didn't she love you anymore?

B: She fell in love with my best friend.

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Luis: Tell me, how's the family? How's everybody doing?

Gaby: Very well. My parents are coming to visit this summer.

Luis: Are your younger brother and your sister-in-law coming?

Gaby: No, they recently had a baby, but my uncle Juan and my cousin Sebastian are coming with them.

Luis: Great! My grandparents will come to visit, too.

Gaby: Excellent! Let's get both families to have lunch together!

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A. Have you got a big family?

B: Yes, very big. There are six in my family: my mum, my dad, my three sisters and me. What about you? Have you got any brothers or sisters?

A: I’ve got a little sister.

B: What’s her name?

A: Her name’s Kerry.

B: How old is she?

A: She’s two years old

B: Have you got any pets?

A: Yes, I’ve got a dog, Lula, and a cat, Remy.

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Thank you!

I hope this will help you, a little.

Any questions, comments, advice, and / or wishes – you can email me at [email protected]