everything you ever wanted to know about social media

FasterFutureConsulting .com Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About Social Media …but were afraid to ask

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Post on 17-May-2015




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My slides from the seminar I held in Huntingdon on October 1, 2009, titled Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Social Media but were afraid to ask. White papers and additional resources available at http://fasterfuture.blogspot.com. Quality cartoons included by Hugh McLeod (GapingVoid.com). You'll find many more in hi book Ignore Everybody. Bad graphics authors own :-)


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Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About Social Media

…but were afraid to ask

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Who am I?

20 years in media, advertising, marketing and organisational change

Author of The Power of the Network Blog ranked world No7 for publishing, UK’s

top 20 for marketing/advertising, Invited to speak on the impact of social

media from New York to San Francisco (the valley, too) Cannes to Cork

Helped Bauer/emap, Honda, Phillips, Sony-Ericsson, Gatwick Airport, Edge, UKBA, CWDC, DfT, Grey (London), MCBD, Digitas, RIOT/180, ThirdeyeT, The Met Police et al

Trustee of UK charity Citizens Online Director of Social Media at BrandoSocial FFC

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See things differently

What is social media – and what does it mean for... Everything?

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Setting the scene

Defining the prize

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What is social media?

Digitally enabled peer-to-peer networks

From email and sms to Facebook and Twitter

Distribution is by people to people

Content is by people to be shared with other people

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What is social media?

Digitally enabled peer-to-peer networks

From email and sms to Facebook and Twitter

Distribution is by people to people

Content is by people to be shared with other people


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Every hotel Every restaurant Every shop Everywhere…

Filled with published critics

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The most powerful behaviour changer there is

We do what others like us do

Social media brings us together with people like us

Social media helps people like us act together

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Many media

Broadcast media is one-to-many

Social media is many-to-many

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Social media

Is not: A channel (it’s a network)

Is not: A place to broadcast (it’s for conversations)

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It’s all about the people, people

Where humans are talking to each other about things that bother/interest them – on a global scale

You are included. With or without your permission.

If you’re lucky/unlucky

If you contribute If you participate

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For example Text messaging; sms and

mms Email; including

webmail(gmail etc) and fixed (outlook)

Instant Messaging:eg Windows Messenger; skype

Forums; of the traditional message board variety.

Social networks: such as Facebook, MySpace, Bebo

Blogging: Platforms such as Blogger, Wordpress,

Microblogging: eg Twitter, Plurk, Tumblr

Video sharing sites: eg Youtube, Vimeo

Image sharing sites: such as photobucket, flickr

Audio sharing: Lastfm, blip.fm, podcasts

Conversation aggregators: such as Friendfeed, Disqus

Human-powered search sites such as mahalo, and increasingly twitter etc

Human filtering sites such as digg, delicious, stumbleupon

Comments on more traditional ‘broadcast-style’ sites – such as the BBC, Guardian.co.uk

Wikis: wikipedia Googlewave?

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The internet is winning

IDC reported in August 08 internet use was already outstripping TV consumption.

Internet: 32.7 hours TV: 16.4 hours Newspapers &

magazines: 3.9 hours

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Does internet = social media?

Not 100%: but enough for you to take very seriously…

1. Google 2. Yahoo! 3. Facebook 4. YouTube 5. Windows Live 6. Wikipedia 7. Blogger.com 8. Microsoft Network9. Baidu.com 10. yahoo.co.jp11. Myspace 12. Google India 13. Twitter 14. Google.de Alexa Sep


What no traditional media, BBC? New York Times? CNN? Fox? Guardian?

15. QQ.COM 16. RapidShare 17. Microsoft Corp18. Google.fr 19. WordPress.com 20. Google UK

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Alexa records visitor numbers

Not time spent Not conversations had Not relationships fostered Not content created Not groups formed Not action enabled Not value created

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We’re all publishers now

186m blogs globally 73% of web users read blogs Facebook members 132.1

million unique users in June 2008 (now over 300m)

MySpace had 117.6 million users in June 08 (now declining).

Twitter has now exceeded 50m – up 49m in a year! (overtaken myspace in UK)

More video added to Youtube in last year than broadcast by TV EVER!

The revolution is speeding up...

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We’re all advertisers and marketers now

Friend-recommendation is responsible for 70%+ of all purchase decisions

34% write about products and brands on their blogs

20% of all tweets are brand related

23% of social network users have added applications

18% of bloggers install widgets

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Social media. Shared media.

Very different measures required. Not consuming; participating Co-creating the experience Communities not audiences To take part, you have to create part Think ears and mouths, rather than


Very different from the world of mass broadcast media

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How do we adapt?

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The user is the destination now

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Hits are worth(-)less in a networked world

The long tail...

The idea that the majority is made up of people who don’t want the thing that the largest single group do.

Twitter Trends, the charts and often elections – surface the largest single group – not, by a long way, the majority

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Three laws describe how value growsand is distributed in networks…

The science bit

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Sarnoff’s Law – the red line

The value of a broadcast network is proportional to the number of viewers/listeners:

Eg TV, Radio, Cinema

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Metcalfe’s Law: the yellow lineyellow line

The value of a network is proportional to the square of the number of users of the system (n² growth):

Fax machines, telephones, one-to-one communications.

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Reed’s Law: the green line

• The value of large networks, particularly social networks, grows exponentially with the size of the network.(2n)Because: The number of possible sub-groups of network participants grows faster than either the number of participants, ‘N’ (Sarnoff’s Law), or the number of possible pairs (Metcalfe's law) (N squared)

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How does this reveal the value of hits in the networked world?

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Flip the graphs to find the demand curve

…and we discover why the long tail

succeeds in the group forming (Reed’s Law) world of social

networks that IS the internet.

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Hits take more of the available valuein a broadcast world

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Hits worth more in broadcast world

Shaded area shows hits account for a greater proportion of the available

demand and total value in Sarnoff’s broadcast world and in Metcalfe’sMetcalfe’s world

of one-to-one communications.

The biggest single group = the majority in a broadcast world but a small minority in the networked world

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Hits are still worth having… but

They have less proportional value compared to the overall economics of the networked world.

In a broadcast world the hit was where MOST of the value resided

The opposite is true in a networked world. Seeking ways to create value in the long tail

therefore offers the bigger opportunity

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Caution: Snakes

Long tail is getting longer…

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Frightening Fragmentation

Q: How can we reach deep into and along the ever-elongating long tail?

A: Understand how messages/ideas and conversations evolve in the networked world

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The internet is for people.

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The internet is for people. For people to form groups

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The internet is for people. For people to form groups

Groups with sharedpurposes

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The internet is for people. For people to form groups

Groups with shared purposesGroups of people that can form at little or no cost

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That changes everything


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Three key disruptions

Who gets to create content?

Who gets to distribute content?

Who controls the user experience?

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Three key disruptions

Who gets to create content?Any and everyoneWho gets to distribute content?Any and everyoneWho controls the user experience?The user is the destination now, they control their own A-to-anywhere journey

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You can’t target every community of purpose

They can

Here’s howhttp://flickr.com/photos/caribb/

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You can’t target every community of purpose

They can

Here’s how

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Scale = audience = where the eyeballs have gone

Message broadcast at audience

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But in (social) networks the broadcast message doesn’t arrive

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They aren’t looking at The Stage.

They are looking at each other

Scale = lots of communities of purpose = where the eyeballs are focused

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•They share messages among their groups.•They adapt them to suit their groups •They make the message theirs

We share what we think is cool with people who (we think) will think its cool, too

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•The groups are not fixed (adhoc).•The message spreads when the groups reform around a new purpose

Users select what they think is cool (has utility) to take with them on their journey

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Participants adapt the message

to suit the group they wish to share it with

The people best-placed to adapt the message are in the group, not on the stage

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And so it continues; the message evolving to

survive. Or it dies out

We share what we think is cool. That which we co-create, we embrace

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They aren’t your groups they are theirs

They aren’t your messages they are theirs

Communication is not done to them, it is done by them

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In social media

WE are the distribution, WE are the content, WE are the 'user journey', WE are how messages are

transmitted. WE are the medium and the

media carried by it WE are the connections.

and how the connections are made.

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Same as it ever was?

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Key lessons for organisations


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Key lessons for organisations 2



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The conversations are happening with or without your permission.

They are happening everywhere people talk

You can listen: twitter search; brandtags.net, Radian6, etc

Listen, enable, and serve.

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Business case for listening

70% of purchase decisions are friend-recommended.

How much of your current spend is focused on connecting to the conversations?

How much value do you currently place on these conversations?

If the answer isn’t 70%...

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2. Respond

Marketing isn’t done to them, it is done by them

Think less of where the eyeballs are and more about the mouths and ears

Place value on real-time, human interaction.

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Homo Mimicus

Behaviour emulation is a key mechanic

Pic: Somargraphics via flickr

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Social media works best

When users can adapt the message to better suit those they would share with

Eg Youtube’s many incarnations of the Cadbury’s gorilla ad.

Where they lower the technical barriers

Eg Pampers easy-insert of your own kids’ pictures into a Christmas video message.

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Messy kitchens

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Interesting + together

Create interesting things for people to do together

Co-create with those you were going to do your content to/deliver a product or service to.

Now do it with them. They’ll find that more interesting.

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Connect communities of purpose

Make it easy for people who care to connect

People who care, act Action creates value (makes change) Their actions attract more people to the

purpose by amplifying and sustaining the conversation

This is how behaviour is changed – remember our monkey mimic?

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The value of right now

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Success requires:

1. A willingness to relinquish control

2. Toolkits users can play with

3. Creative users

2&3 are in place.

Ready for No1?


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It ain’t social media if it doesn’t change your business…

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If the world outside is changing faster than the world inside, something is going to tear

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What makes me angry?

1. Businesses insisting on massaging (messaging?) the humanity out of their best efforts to communicate with humans. There's a kind of insanity in that which is beyond grotesque.

2. Those who think they can 'use' us (that's me and you, kid) as a channel. 

3. Those who think the conversation is trivial. They belittle what it is to be human and the value we place on relationships. Their loss.

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The networked journey

Listening to and responding to the network requires and drives cultural change within the organisation itself.

It raises and answers questions about ownership and control to make your brand or organisation better adapted to the networked world.

It is your safe passage to the future

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Together 90:10

“The people who can make the biggest difference to your company don't work for it.

“Adapting to the network means they can.”

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The great disruption has only just begun

Brian Eno 1991

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Social + Media

Social = Groups, people, us, what we choose to do together

Media = Content, distribution, them, what they would seek to do to us

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David Cushman



[email protected]

[email protected]

Call or text +447736 353590

Or just Google me (no, really)

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