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0 Miffs fl .fill! II IP J iFl r" iff pj gf j i - y u n ji fi r 5 1 I.il ft i I k I 1 1 i t IitMI(h .lal . 1800. .i VOIi. XIX.. XO. 3713. HOXOLUIiIJ. ILVAVAIIAX ISLAXDS. SATURDAY. JUXJS 10 181)1. IMtlCi:: 5 CENTS. i Business Carti CONSTITUTiONA . A. PERRY, ATTORN EY AT LAW Aiul Notary Public. Office: Over Bishop's Bank. .1092-- 1 y HAWAIIAN HARDWARE CO., ILVRDWARE, Cutlery and Glassware 307 Fort Street. S675-l- y J. IL DAVIDSON. Attornsy ind CcnnseUor-at-La- v. M, E. Grossman, D.D.S-DENTIS- T, 93 EOTXL STEXTT. gg"Orric Hqcb9 a. m. to 4 r. u. DR. R I. MOORE "DE3STTIST, am i i HAWAIIAN Abstract and Title Co. jO. MEKCHAKT ST. H9SOfPLU. H. I. y. M. JtiAtcii - resident CcD Brown - Yic-Preside- nt W. B- - O&stle 8retAry J. F. Brown, Treasurer & Manager W. Y. Frear Auditor This Cotapnj is prepared to search reeor&s and farniab abstracts of title to all real property in the Kingdom. Parties placuig loans on, or contemplat- ing the purchase of real estate will find it to their adrantage to consult the company in regard to title. jpy All orders attended to with prompt- ness. . Tterbvn fr5: P. O. Bex cTbREWER t CO., LB11TED Queen Street, Honolulu, U. J. . AGENTS FOR Hawaiian Aericnltnral Co., Oncmea Ecsar Co., Honoma c?nar Co , Wailaka Bccar Co , Waihte Sugir Co., Makee gugir Co., Hale&kala Kanch Co., Kapa-pa- la Hanch. PUnters line San Francisco Packets. Chis. Brewer A Co.'s Line of Boston Packets. Agents Boston Board of Underwriters. Agents Philadelphia Board ui Under- writers. LIST OF OFFICERS: P. C. Joses .President Geo. H. Kobrktsos Manager E. F. Bishop Tres. and feecy. Col. W. F. Aixex... Auditor CM.Cookb ) H. Watkbhouss.-.J- - .....Directors C. L- - Oartkk ) National Iron Works m QUEEN STREET, Between Alakea sjid Bichard Streets. UNDERSIGNED ARE THE to make all kinds of Iron, Brass, Bronze, Zinc and Lead Castings; also a general Kepair Shop for Steam Enjrines, Rice Mills, Corn Mills, Water Wheels, Wind Mills, etc; Machines for the cleaning of Coffee, Castor Oil Beans, Kamie, Sisal, Pineapple Leaves and other fibrous plants ; also, Machines for Paper Mock, Machines for extracting Starch from Maniock, Arrow Root, etc. C"All orders promptly attended to. White, Hitman & Co. 343ftti New Goods A FINE ASSORTMENT. TILES FOR FLOORS ! And for Decorating Purposes; Mattuo or ATX KctDS, Masha Cxgabs. Chinese Fire Crackers, Rockets and Bamba, Japanese Pro vis ions and Soy. Eiad-piint- ed Porcelm Dinner Ss's A few of those fine hand-embroider- ed BTX.X and SATIN SCREENS. EBONY FRAJIES, Assorted colors end patterns of Crepe oux oaawis. ruegani x eie- - e uapi anyone who dared to say a won! for them, Mini he moved tho aytsand noen be taken. Councillor Brown said the aye and noes could not be taken in committee unless by a special vote. Minister Smith said the objection had not been made before, though it had been done repeatedly. Councillor Wilder said if the vote was not taken in committee he would call for it in the IIou8e. The motion to indefinitely post pono was lost 011 tho following division : Ayes Brown, Carter, Ena, Fernan-des- , Hatch, losepa, Kahaulelio, Kalua, McCandless, Mendonca, Pogue, Mor- gan, Robertson, D. B. Smith, Teuuey, A. S. Wilcox 1G. Noes Dole, Damon, King, W. O. Smith, .Wilder. Ahlea, Allen, Bald-Wi- n, Emmelutn, Homer, Kauhane, Lyman, Nott, Rice, Vivas, Water-hous- e, G. N. Wilcox 17. Abent Bolte, Hitchcock, Young, Kuuuiakea. The subject was then referred to a aspecial committee. The Committee of the Whole then proceeded to tho consideration of tho reports referred to them. The Legislative Committee's report was in favor ot adoptingSections2, 3,4 ami G of Article 17. referriug to special rights of citizenship. Delegate Abies presented a report, recommending that the certificate iu qut stiou entitle the holder to a Sena- torial vote. The words u in manner and form" in Section 2 were stricken out, and tile word uas" ubstituted. Delegate Vivas favorc.i striking out the six months limitation and allow- ing certificates to be obtained at auy time. Councillor Emmeluth moved to in- sert, after residence,' the words 11 nature of service. rendered." Minister Hatch opposed that motion. It would result iu throwing obstacles iu the way of extendii.g this reward to persons who were really entitled to it. Councillor McCandless agreed with the Minister of Foreign Allairs. He favored passage as it was. Councillor Emmelutii did not see ' the force of the Minister's objection. It would seem to imply that there were things done for the Government which there was reasou to be ashamed of. He himself believed, that every service rendered the Government was an honorable one, and worthy of men- tion iu the certificate. Delegate Carter thought it was time to put a stop to the ventilation cf political aphorisms by a mau who had refused to register, and who was only present iu the Convention at all by the courtesy of its members. Councillor Emmelutn : Mr. Chair- man, icali Delegate Carter to order. I defy any mac to point to a word or act of mine which would give anyone a right to say that 1 am uufaithtul to the cause of aunexaliou, and I will match my physical strength with any mau who repeats the insinuation. The Chairman said that all person- alities should be avoided in the dis- cussion before the Convention. Councillor Emmeluth's amendment was lost, and the section passed as in the draft. Sections 4 and 5 passed. Section 5 of Article 18, concerning naturalization, was then taken up and passed. The report on .Article 68 recom- mends the insertion of the words "sine die," after adjourn," in the first par- agraph. The Article was adopted as amended. Section 1 of Article 70 was adopted as iu the dratt. The Committee report on Article 78, Section 1, relating to the Council of State, recommends the Section pass as iu the draft, with an additional provision that members ot the Exec- utive Council might take part iu the proceedings of the Council without the power to vote. The Section was passed as recom- mended by the Committee. The same Committee report on Sec- tion 3, Article 77, -- relating to sittings of Registration Boards, re com mend- ing the addition of a provision that the final meeting shall be not less than 21 days prior to the first election held under the Constitution. The Section passed as amended. The new section (Section 22 Article 77) providing that the boards of reg- istration shall keep a record, was then taken up and adopted. Article 100, relating to tho oath, was tnkeh up and adopted as In the draft. Section 4 of Article 35 was taken up. The committee recommend in line two after the word "president" tho insertion of the wonts ? "before sir months from tho expiration of his term." President Dole moved the words prior to" be substituted tr "from." Curried, and the nmcudmcM adopted. The committee also reeommend In the following lln the insertion of tho words "unless the legislature is in session." The amended section then passed. At 12 10 the committer rote and ro-pott- ed anil asked leave to sit nuln. The report Was adopted. Councillor Smith stated that he was requested to invito th committee to attend the open meeting of the American league ut which Mr. Thiirxloit was to speak. The resident announced the fol-lowl- ntf Special Committee on womati siiUVuge: Messrs. Wilder, Damon, limner, Kallhuiie, A. S. Wilcox, C Brown au.l D. B Smith. Not let of meeting of committers. IMeg tfo Balowlu sld he hoped the members of ih Convention would com. here at U o'clock Saturday, a there were matters of impoitnuoo to h dlcised At 12;20 the Convention adjourned Until 10 a, m, Monday, L GONVENHON Solons Engaged in Picking Up Odds and Ends. SLIM CHANCE FOR WOMAN-SUFFRA- GE. lleporta of the Various Committees on Different Article of the Constitution Taken Up and Disposed Of The Con-ventl- on Adjourns Over until Monday. Thirteenth Day. Fkiday, Juno 15, 1891. The Convention was called to order at 10 A. M., President Dole In the chair. Prayer by lie v. J; Waiamau. Roll call. Minutes of preceding day read and approved. REPORTS. .Minister Smith reported for the Leg- islative Committee on Section C, Arti- cle 77, of the Constitution. The sec- tion in question provides that the last registration tdml I be the basis for the first election held under the new Con- stitution. The Committee are in favor of a new registration, and recommend the section be stricken out. Adopted. . The same Committee reported on the proosed new section in Article providing that the Board of Registrars ket-- p minutes of all their pioceedingsi. The Committee recommend the adop- tion of such a section, to be Svorded as follows : "The several Boards shall each keep books of record in which minutes shall be preserved of all their proceed- ings. ' Tabled for consideration with the Constitution. The same Committee reports on the oath required in the Con?titutiou, and recommends its adoption a9 in the draft the miuority of the Committee (Councillor Brown), dis-entln- g. Councillor Brown held that the por- tion of the oath regarding the restor- ation of monarchy was superfluous. Delegate Baldwin, for the Commit- tee ,on Executive, reported recom- mending the passage of ejection 4, Ar ticle 35. Tabled for consideration with the Constitution. Minister Smith moved reconsidera- tion of Article 91, relating to majoiity rule. Carried.. Under suspension of the rules, Sec- tion 4, Article 21, contain flit? a provis ion of the same kind relating to the Executive Council was reconsidered. Section 4, of Article 21, and Article 94 were then referred to the Commit- tee on Legislature. The same Minister moved a recon sideration of Section 1, Article 101, re-la- tlt cr to impeachment. The Execu tive Council wished to recommend some changes in it. ' . Carried. The reconsidered section was re- ferred to the Committee of the Whole. Minister Smith moved that all re ports and amendments on the table be referred to the Committee or the Whole. Carried. At 10:40 the Convention went into committee of the whole, Judge Ly man in the chair. The special order of the day was the petition and amendment relating to woman-futlrage- . Tho amendment provides that tho franchise may be extended by tho Legislature to women, subject to all the conditions attached by tneConsti tution to the voting privilege. Councillor Brown myved that when the committee rie it recommend the amendment be indefinitely ttostpoued Minister Smith wished to know whether the committee of ladies had had an opportunity to be heard. Councillor Brown said the commit tee could not come into tiie Conven- tion and make xpeerhc.s. Delegate Curler said tho question involved so much ot social science und political economy that he favored the motion to indefinitoly postpone. The question eouM only be settled by the people themselves, una I he bea way was to leave it to them to settle at some future time. The question was too you njr, even in tho United States of America. Minister I) tmon said a fundamen tal principle to follow was that when individuals were taxed they should have some rights. For this Con ven tiou wholly to ignore a subject whic h was receiving so much attention olo where, did not seem right. Women had the right to vote In Home place elsewhere. It had been brought up lately by Ioni Salisbury, lie did not lavor ilismlsxing it with such scant courtefy. lie would support n refer- ence lo the Leisluiive Committee. Councillor Waterhousu favored a special committee mid would so move. The pttiiloiu-i- s ought to ho heard. Delegate Robertson sai l ho hnd moved reference to a committee be- fore, and it had been voted down. The woman sufiragist had hm( ample notice. lle f.ivo.eil tile Illation to potp ne. Delegate Baldwin w is in f ivor of an indefinite poni poneuient, but he did not mean to shut, his eui lo nil uigijiin-nt- , and h thought Ibe woiimmi should have an opportunity lo b heal d. ih'teg'ito (ose pa favored indefinite pnprpoiielih'nt. Jn iegute Wilder mid the holies did not see ill to have any friend here, or B.W. K'CHKSKXT. J. St. A F. W. M'CHI CTT. 124 Clay St., S. F. 40 Queen Bt, Hono. 12. W. LIcCHESNEY & SONS, . Wholesale Grocers, Commission Mer- chants and Importers. 40 Queen St., Honolulu. lewis & CO., Wholesale and Retail Grocers 111 FORT STREET, Telephone 2 JO. I. O. Box 297. JOHN T. WATERH0USE, Importer and Sealer In GENERAL MERCHANDISE. No. 25-3- 1 Queen street, Honolulu. ' H. HACEFELD & CO.. General Commission Agents Cor. Fort and Queen sts., Honolulu. LEXERS & COOKE, iSuccessors to Lewers & Dickson. Importers and Dealers in Lumber And all Kinds of Building Materials. SO. 82 FOET STREET, HONOLULU HONOLULU IRON WORKS CO., Steam Engines, Boilers, Sugar mils, Coolers, Crass and XVead Castings, " -- ...-' And machinery of every description raade to order. Particular attention paid to ships' blackamithintr. Job work excuted on the shortest notic. THE WHITE nnns Rl 118 Nuuanu Avenue, HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS A First-cla- ss Rooming . Douse . IN" EVERY RESPECT. Rooms from $1.50 to $3.00 per Week or 50c. per Day. PAUL LEMKE, MANAGER. Bell Telephone. 132.' 3 01-l- m D O YOU FEED THE BABY 1 The Skin needs food. If the Com- plexion is fcatlow, rough, scaly, pimply, it is because it is not fed with LOLA M0NTEZ CIIEME The Skin Food and Tissue Builder, positively the only ape and reliable ar- ticle for the Complexion. Absolutely uarinlfcfis. opeus tho pores, increases the natural and newsaary secretions of the skin. Kestores the nBh to firm health tstate of youth. Prevents wrinkle. Good for burns, chapped lips and hand ot lasts three months. PRICK 75 CENTS. GT'Ask your druggist for it. HOW CAN YOU TOLERATE Freckles, Pim- ples, Blackheads, yellow or mud dy Hkin, mouth Wrinkles or anj form of facial when Mrs Nettie Hah- - RiboN i?uaranties V" vlSt2- - tocure you. Don't ' (-- r)f' A confeider your J i ' n -- t case a hopeless , - r one. Mr. Harrison treats Idl for m11 da f.rtt. t . A M r--i 1 f(f 111 Th. ptvi mm nont Mrnovnl, of superfluous hair jmjih. ?srpirii iiwiticiHOJv A.nrlc5H HHUty L)o5tr. 523 teary hrr:?t, San r'rancinco, Co) S&trioT ) by HOLLI8TKH DUUG CO. f,23 Kort Hi ., Honolnhi. tps. rrtAY would announce T 1 that Hiti will ir.tfi'nd a limited nam- - tr ot patient. Afl'?rHH at II. At Whltnny', Kin r.l. ; TW-- p 'on 75 . Thn A D Vfi UTIti V, It in th liver ctl bv vnrrlern tn tnty pnrt tit tht ' cttv for 75 mil i month, in utlvtsncc, &ubncrihf now uutl kftp up with thn new yur. ltln tip 7ehphor.tr No. 8H. Office 36 Merchant 8tret. WILLI All C. PARKE, ATTORNEY - AT - LAW grant to tak Acknowlftd ginants, Orxicx No. 13 Kaahnmanu Btreet, Hono-lul- n. H. 1. - BEAVER SALOON, PORT STREET, OPPOSITE WILDES A C0wS II. J. NOLTE, Proprietor. Fir?t-cl- as Lunches f erved with Tea, Cof- fee, fcoJa Water, Ginger Ala or Miik. XTCTES FKOM 3 A. SI. TILL 10 P. K. Smokers Recuirites a specialty. Tk . New Jeweliy Store 503 Fort Street, AUK PREPARED "SO MAXITFACTCIUB AXY-THLS- Q IX TUkXS LIXE. Souvenir Spoons! a specialty. Also, on band a fine stock of imported JEWELRY. EVEBYTHEIG IN, THE LATEST DESIGNS. SJmJ Island orders promptly attended to. P. O. BOX 2S7. MUTUAL TELEPHONE 46S. E. A. JACOBSON Criterion Saloon IER ATJSTRAIilA Another InToice of the celebrated J0H3 TTKLaIiD ESTE1 PAIS Lager Beer Also, a fresh Invoice of CALIFORNIA OYSTERS -- toe- OYSTER COCKTAILS L. H. DEE, - Proprietor. 3406 CASTLE & COOKE Lli-'- E AND FIRE INSURANCE AGENTS AGENTS FOR NEW ENGLAND MUTUAL Life Insurance Co. OP BOSTON, Mtna. Fire Insurance Co. O HARTFORD. PIANO NOTICE Aa oir Fino Toner and Eepairer has now ativfrd, we ar i.rf-par-- d to take orders for work, which wilt be fXtrcoUsl in kt very Uvt manner ponnbie, a without qa-Mio- n we have secured (In the ffnjn ol 31r. G. H. Harruson) the mwt skillful and finihhed Artifet in his Trade who has ever visited the ifclanda. ALL WOKK Ci VA IX A Sf TK E fi. TKLKI'HOsK EH YOVU , OIXUKIX8 AT OStK. Music J)cpartment. THE HAWAIIAN NEWS COMPANY, LIMITED. 02ce: Irlirgtoa Hczss, Hotel St, Pailcr 2. rSGaa Administered. Office IIouks : 9 to 12 and 1 to 4. ' S271-l- m "SANS SOUCP HOTEL SEASIDE KESORT, WAIKIKI, : II 0 1ST O lll desire to find rio quieter haven than the 'Sans.SoucV, and may well add with the poet: In a more sacred or Fequestered bewer, Hor nymph nor Fannns hannted. BO BERT LOUIS STBYEXSON" P. C. Advertiser, Oct. 7, 183. T. A. Simpson, 3523-l- y MANAGER. C. B. RIPLEY, ARTHUR REYNOLDS, ARCHITECTS. Office New afe Deposit Building, Hokolcxu, H. I. ence given for every description of Build Ing. Old Bull -- lings snccessrolly remodelled and enlarged. Designs for Interior Decorations. Maps or Mechanical Drawing, Tracing, and Blueprinting. yDrawings for Book or Newspaper Illustration. CENTRAL MARKET ! 2 Lf UANTJ STREET. First-clae- s Market in every respect ; be sides carrying a fail line of Jueats, we make a epecialty of Breakfast Sausasea, Head Clieese, Pressed Corn Beef. WESTBROOK ft GARES, 3437-- q Propeietok. DAI NIPPON JAPANESE EANCY GOODS STORE, Hotel Street Next Door, to the Falace Ice Cream I'arlors. lionolulu, II. I. EMBROIDERED SILK GOODS! Japanese Silk and Crape for Ladief' Dresses, Screen?, Bamboo and Torcelain Ware. Sirs. J. P. P.Collaco, PROPRIETRESS. IB OB $-- h Pionoor Stoara CANDY FACTORY and BAKEBY r. IIORM I'ractical Conictlocer, Faitrv Cook and liakcr. No. 71 Mf.ti.i Ht. TJwbone, Daily Advertifcer, 75 cenh at month. i and Saucers, a- nne iox ox BOATS AND ACCESSOEIES A lew of those handy Mosquito Urrs Also, an assortment of new stylet cf Rattan Chairs and. Tables Also, a small selection of JAPANESE C03TUHZ8. WING WO CHAN k CO. No. S2 Nuuanu 0trt EUSTACE & CO., WOOD AND COAL Abo White and Black Sand 'which we will 'A &t the very lowest market rrXea. &&Zzvl Txuztzos No. 41 4 pilcxut TLxrao3M No. 414 64i-l- y

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-y u n ji fi r5 1 I.il ft i I

k I1 1

i tIitMI(h .lal . 1800.





Aiul Notary Public.Office: Over Bishop's Bank.

.1092-- 1 y


ILVRDWARE,Cutlery and Glassware

307 Fort Street.S675-l- y


Attornsy ind CcnnseUor-at-La- v.

M, E. Grossman, D.D.S-DENTIS-T,


gg"Orric Hqcb9 a. m. to 4 r. u.






Abstract and Title Co.



y. M. JtiAtcii - residentCcD Brown - Yic-Preside- nt

W. B-- O&stle 8retAryJ. F. Brown, Treasurer & ManagerW. Y. Frear Auditor

This Cotapnj is prepared to searchreeor&s and farniab abstracts of title toall real property in the Kingdom.

Parties placuig loans on, or contemplat-ing the purchase of real estate will find itto their adrantage to consult the companyin regard to title.

jpyAll orders attended to with prompt-ness. .

Tterbvn fr5: P. O. Bex


Queen Street, Honolulu, U. J.

. AGENTS FORHawaiian Aericnltnral Co., Oncmea

Ecsar Co., Honoma c?nar Co , WailakaBccar Co , Waihte Sugir Co., Makeegugir Co., Hale&kala Kanch Co., Kapa-pa- la

Hanch.PUnters line San Francisco Packets.

Chis. Brewer A Co.'s Line of BostonPackets.

Agents Boston Board of Underwriters.Agents Philadelphia Board ui Under-


P. C. Joses .PresidentGeo. H. Kobrktsos ManagerE. F. Bishop Tres. and feecy.Col. W. F. Aixex... AuditorCM.Cookb )H. Watkbhouss.-.J- - .....DirectorsC. L-- Oartkk )

National Iron Worksm

QUEEN STREET,Between Alakea sjid Bichard Streets.

UNDERSIGNED ARETHE to make all kinds of Iron,Brass, Bronze, Zinc and Lead Castings;also a general Kepair Shop for SteamEnjrines, Rice Mills, Corn Mills, WaterWheels, Wind Mills, etc; Machines forthe cleaning of Coffee, Castor Oil Beans,Kamie, Sisal, Pineapple Leaves and

other fibrous plants ; also, Machines forPaper Mock, Machines for extractingStarch from Maniock, Arrow Root, etc.

C"All orders promptly attended to.

White, Hitman & Co.343ftti



And for Decorating Purposes;

Mattuo or ATX KctDS,

Masha Cxgabs.

Chinese Fire Crackers, Rockets andBamba, Japanese Pro vis ions and Soy.

Eiad-piint-ed Porcelm Dinner Ss's

A few of those fine hand-embroider- ed


Assorted colors end patterns of Crepeoux oaawis. ruegani x eie-- e uapi

anyone who dared to say a won! forthem, Mini he moved tho aytsand noenbe taken.

Councillor Brown said the aye andnoes could not be taken in committeeunless by a special vote.

Minister Smith said the objectionhad not been made before, though ithad been done repeatedly.

Councillor Wilder said if the votewas not taken in committee he wouldcall for it in the IIou8e.

The motion to indefinitely post ponowas lost 011 tho following division :

Ayes Brown, Carter, Ena, Fernan-des- ,Hatch, losepa, Kahaulelio, Kalua,

McCandless, Mendonca, Pogue, Mor-gan, Robertson, D. B. Smith, Teuuey,A. S. Wilcox 1G.

Noes Dole, Damon, King, W. O.Smith, .Wilder. Ahlea, Allen, Bald-Wi- n,

Emmelutn, Homer, Kauhane,Lyman, Nott, Rice, Vivas, Water-hous- e,

G. N. Wilcox 17.Abent Bolte, Hitchcock, Young,

Kuuuiakea.The subject was then referred to a

aspecial committee. The Committeeof the Whole then proceeded to thoconsideration of tho reports referred tothem.

The Legislative Committee's reportwas in favor ot adoptingSections2, 3,4ami G of Article 17. referriug to specialrights of citizenship.

Delegate Abies presented a report,recommending that the certificate iuqut stiou entitle the holder to a Sena-torial vote.

The words u in manner and form"in Section 2 were stricken out, andtile word uas" ubstituted.

Delegate Vivas favorc.i striking outthe six months limitation and allow-ing certificates to be obtained at auytime.

Councillor Emmeluth moved to in-sert, after residence,' the words11 nature of service. rendered."

Minister Hatch opposed that motion.It would result iu throwing obstaclesiu the way of extendii.g this rewardto persons who were really entitled toit.

Councillor McCandless agreed withthe Minister of Foreign Allairs. Hefavored passage as it was.

Councillor Emmelutii did not see '

the force of the Minister's objection.It would seem to imply that therewere things done for the Governmentwhich there was reasou to be ashamedof. He himself believed, that everyservice rendered the Government wasan honorable one, and worthy of men-tion iu the certificate.

Delegate Carter thought it was timeto put a stop to the ventilation cfpolitical aphorisms by a mau who hadrefused to register, and who was onlypresent iu the Convention at all bythe courtesy of its members.

Councillor Emmelutn : Mr. Chair-man, icali Delegate Carter to order.I defy any mac to point to a word oract of mine which would give anyonea right to say that 1 am uufaithtul tothe cause of aunexaliou, and I willmatch my physical strength with anymau who repeats the insinuation.

The Chairman said that all person-alities should be avoided in the dis-cussion before the Convention.

Councillor Emmeluth's amendmentwas lost, and the section passed as inthe draft.

Sections 4 and 5 passed.Section 5 of Article 18, concerning

naturalization, was then taken up andpassed.

The report on .Article 68 recom-mends the insertion of the words "sinedie," after adjourn," in the first par-agraph.

The Article was adopted as amended.Section 1 of Article 70 was adopted

as iu the dratt.The Committee report on Article

78, Section 1, relating to the Councilof State, recommends the Sectionpass as iu the draft, with an additionalprovision that members ot the Exec-utive Council might take part iu theproceedings of the Council withoutthe power to vote.

The Section was passed as recom-mended by the Committee.

The same Committee report on Sec-tion 3, Article 77, -- relating to sittingsof Registration Boards, recom mend-ing the addition of a provision thatthe final meeting shall be not lessthan 21 days prior to the first electionheld under the Constitution. TheSection passed as amended.

The new section (Section 22 Article77) providing that the boards of reg-istration shall keep a record, was thentaken up and adopted.

Article 100, relating to tho oath,was tnkeh up and adopted as In thedraft.

Section 4 of Article 35 was taken up.The committee recommend in linetwo after the word "president" thoinsertion of the wonts ? "before sirmonths from tho expiration of histerm."

President Dole moved the wordsprior to" be substituted tr "from."

Curried, and the nmcudmcM adopted.The committee also reeommend Inthe following lln the insertion of thowords "unless the legislature is insession."

The amended section then passed.At 12 10 the committer rote and ro-pott- ed

anil asked leave to sit nuln.The report Was adopted.Councillor Smith stated that he

was requested to invito th committeeto attend the open meeting of theAmerican league ut which Mr.Thiirxloit was to speak.

The resident announced the fol-lowl- ntf

Special Committee on womatisiiUVuge: Messrs. Wilder, Damon,limner, Kallhuiie, A. S. Wilcox, CBrown au.l D. B Smith.

Not let of meeting of committers.IMeg tfo Balowlu sld he hoped the

members of ih Convention wouldcom. here at U o'clock Saturday, athere were matters of impoitnuoo toh dlcised

At 12;20 the Convention adjournedUntil 10 a, m, Monday,


Solons Engaged in Picking Up Odds

and Ends.


lleporta of the Various Committees onDifferent Article of the ConstitutionTaken Up and Disposed Of The Con-ventl- on

Adjourns Over until Monday.

Thirteenth Day.Fkiday, Juno 15, 1891.

The Convention was called to orderat 10 A. M., President Dole In thechair. Prayer by liev. J; Waiamau.Roll call.

Minutes of preceding day read andapproved.


.Minister Smith reported for the Leg-islative Committee on Section C, Arti-cle 77, of the Constitution. The sec-tion in question provides that the lastregistration tdml I be the basis for thefirst election held under the new Con-stitution. The Committee are in favorof a new registration, and recommendthe section be stricken out.

Adopted. .The same Committee reported on

the proosed new section in Articleproviding that the Board of Registrarsket-- p minutes of all their pioceedingsi.The Committee recommend the adop-tion of such a section, to be Svorded asfollows :

"The several Boards shall each keepbooks of record in which minutesshall be preserved of all their proceed-ings. '

Tabled for consideration with theConstitution.

The same Committee reports on theoath required in the Con?titutiou, andrecommends its adoption a9 in thedraft the miuority of the Committee(Councillor Brown), dis-entln- g.

Councillor Brown held that the por-tion of the oath regarding the restor-ation of monarchy was superfluous.

Delegate Baldwin, for the Commit-tee ,on Executive, reported recom-mending the passage of ejection 4, Article 35.

Tabled for consideration with theConstitution.

Minister Smith moved reconsidera-tion of Article 91, relating to majoiityrule.

Carried..Under suspension of the rules, Sec-

tion 4, Article 21, contain flit? a provision of the same kind relating to theExecutive Council was reconsidered.

Section 4, of Article 21, and Article94 were then referred to the Commit-tee on Legislature.

The same Minister moved a reconsideration of Section 1, Article 101, re-la- tlt

cr to impeachment. The Executive Council wished to recommendsome changes in it. ' .

Carried.The reconsidered section was re-

ferred to the Committee of the Whole.Minister Smith moved that all re

ports and amendments on the tablebe referred to the Committee or theWhole.

Carried.At 10:40 the Convention went into

committee of the whole, Judge Lyman in the chair.

The special order of the day was thepetition and amendment relating towoman-futlrage- .

Tho amendment provides that thofranchise may be extended by thoLegislature to women, subject to allthe conditions attached by tneConstitution to the voting privilege.

Councillor Brown myved that whenthe committee rie it recommend theamendment be indefinitely ttostpoued

Minister Smith wished to knowwhether the committee of ladies hadhad an opportunity to be heard.

Councillor Brown said the committee could not come into tiie Conven-tion and make xpeerhc.s.

Delegate Curler said tho questioninvolved so much ot social science undpolitical economy that he favored themotion to indefinitoly postpone. Thequestion eouM only be settled by thepeople themselves, una I he bea waywas to leave it to them to settle atsome future time. The question wastoo you njr, even in tho United Statesof America.

Minister I) tmon said a fundamental principle to follow was that whenindividuals were taxed they shouldhave some rights. For this Con ventiou wholly to ignore a subject whic hwas receiving so much attention olowhere, did not seem right. Womenhad the right to vote In Home placeelsewhere. It had been brought uplately by Ioni Salisbury, lie did notlavor ilismlsxing it with such scantcourtefy. lie would support n refer-ence lo the Leisluiive Committee.

Councillor Waterhousu favored aspecial committee mid would somove. The pttiiloiu-i- s ought to hoheard.

Delegate Robertson sai l ho hndmoved reference to a committee be-fore, and it had been voted down.The woman sufiragist had hm( amplenotice. lle f.ivo.eil tile Illation to

potp ne.Delegate Baldwin w is in f ivor of

an indefinite poni poneuient, but hedid not mean to shut, his eui lo niluigijiin-nt- , and h thought Ibe woiimmishould have an opportunity lo bheal d.

ih'teg'ito (ose pa favored indefinitepnprpoiielih'nt.

Jn iegute Wilder mid the holies didnot see ill to have any friend here, or

B.W. K'CHKSKXT. J. St. A F. W. M'CHI CTT.124 Clay St., S. F. 40 Queen Bt, Hono.


Wholesale Grocers, Commission Mer-

chants and Importers.40 Queen St., Honolulu.

lewis & CO.,

Wholesale and Retail Grocers


Telephone 2 JO. I. O. Box 297.


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Importers and Dealers in LumberAnd all Kinds of Building Materials.



Steam Engines,Boilers, Sugar mils, Coolers, Crass

and XVead Castings,"

-- ...-'

And machinery of every description raadeto order. Particular attention paid toships' blackamithintr. Job work excutedon the shortest notic.



A First-cla- ss Rooming.Douse

. IN" EVERY RESPECT.Rooms from $1.50 to $3.00 per

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The Skin needs food. If the Com-plexion is fcatlow, rough, scaly, pimply,it is because it is not fed with

LOLA M0NTEZ CIIEMEThe Skin Food and Tissue Builder,

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ticle for the Complexion. Absolutelyuarinlfcfis. opeus tho pores, increases thenatural and newsaary secretions of theskin. Kestores the nBh to firm healthtstate of youth. Prevents wrinkle.Good for burns, chapped lips and hand

ot lasts three months.PRICK 75 CENTS.GT'Ask your druggist for it.

HOW CAN YOU TOLERATEFreckles, Pim-ples, Blackheads,yellow or muddy Hkin, mouthWrinkles or anjform of facial

whenMrs Nettie Hah- -

RiboN i?uarantiesV" vlSt2- - tocure you. Don't' (--

r)f' A confeider yourJ i ' n -- t case a hopeless

,- r one.

Mr. Harrison treats Idl for m11 daf.rtt. t .A M r--i 1 f(f 111 Th. ptvi mm

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A.nrlc5H HHUty L)o5tr.523 teary hrr:?t, San r'rancinco, Co)

S&trioT ) by HOLLI8TKH DUUGCO. f,23 Kort Hi ., Honolnhi.

tps. rrtAY would announceT 1 that Hiti will ir.tfi'nd a limited nam- -

tr ot patient. Afl'?rHH at II. At

Whltnny', Kin r.l. ; TW-- p 'on 75.

Thn A D Vfi UTIti V, It in th liverctl bv vnrrlern tn tnty pnrt tittht ' cttv for 75 mil i month, inutlvtsncc, &ubncrihf now uutl kftpup with thn new yur. ltln tip7ehphor.tr No. 8H.

Office 36 Merchant 8tret.


ATTORNEY - AT - LAWgrant to tak Acknowlftd ginants,

Orxicx No. 13 Kaahnmanu Btreet, Hono-lul- n.

H. 1. -


II. J. NOLTE, Proprietor.Fir?t-cl- as Lunches f erved with Tea, Cof-

fee, fcoJa Water, Ginger Ala or Miik.XTCTES FKOM 3 A. SI. TILL 10 P. K.

Smokers Recuirites a specialty.


New Jeweliy Store503 Fort Street,



Souvenir Spoons!a specialty. Also, on band a fine stock

of imported


SJmJ Island orders promptly attended to.

P. O. BOX 2S7.



Criterion SaloonIER ATJSTRAIilA

Another InToice of the celebrated


Lager BeerAlso, a fresh Invoice of



L. H. DEE, - Proprietor.3406





Life Insurance Co.OP BOSTON,

Mtna. Fire Insurance Co.



Aa oir Fino Toner and Eepairer hasnow ativfrd, we ar i.rf-par-- d to takeorders for work, which wilt be fXtrcoUslin kt very Uvt manner ponnbie, awithout qa-Mio- n we have secured (In theffnjn ol 31r. G. H. Harruson) the mwtskillful and finihhed Artifet in his Tradewho has ever visited the ifclanda.



Music J)cpartment.THE HAWAIIAN NEWS


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rSGaa Administered.

Office IIouks : 9 to 12 and 1 to 4.'

S271-l- m



lll desire to find rio quieter haventhan the 'Sans.SoucV, and may welladd with the poet:

In a more sacred or Fequestered bewer,Hor nymph nor Fannns hannted.

BOBERT LOUIS STBYEXSON"P. C. Advertiser, Oct. 7, 183.

T. A. Simpson,3523-l- y MANAGER.


ARCHITECTS.Office New afe Deposit Building,

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ence given for every description of BuildIng.

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and Blueprinting.yDrawings for Book or Newspaper




First-clae- s Market in every respect ; besides carrying a fail line of Jueats,

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Japanese Silk and Crape for Ladief'Dresses,

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Sirs. J. P. P.Collaco,PROPRIETRESS.

IB OB $--h


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No. 71 Mf.ti.i Ht. TJwbone,

Daily Advertifcer, 75 cenh atmonth.


and Saucers, a- nne iox ox

BOATS AND ACCESSOEIESA lew of those handy Mosquito Urrs

Also, an assortment of new stylet cf

Rattan Chairs and. TablesAlso, a small selection of JAPANESE



No. S2 Nuuanu 0trtEUSTACE & CO.,

WOOD AND COALAbo White and Black Sand 'which we

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pilcxut TLxrao3M No. 41464i-l- y

Page 2: evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu · 0 fl .fill! Miffs II IP J iFl r" iff pj gf j i y u n ji fi r - 5 1 I.il ft i I k I 1 1 IitMI(h i t.lal . 1800..i VOIi. XIX.. XO. 3713. HOXOLUIiIJ


BYAUTHORITY. bidders are referred to the above menrioned Act.

Profosa's will close at 12 JuneL0th, 1894. S. M. DAMON,

Ministtr of Finance.Finance Department, Honolulu, June THETHE

Hawaiianuoo devolution.



-:- -


the same pivi!eg-- 8 that we giveoureiv-s- ; but let him come in with'he fall understanding that be ahjnrt-- s monarchy that the Republicis a mea s to an end, and that end polit-ical union with the United States, an I

to that end I hopU the Co .v-nti- on willm k abjuration of the monarchy a partof the test oath. Any nua who willnot .gree cot to help restore tbe mon-archy i- - at heart a traitor to the ttepib-li- c

and we want none of him, either inoffice or as a voter.

Reference was mid to Mr. Arm-stiou- g's

letter u thr? Advert: -- eh. Mr.Arms rong had been a mot valuablec u s lor of th- - Government Ha waas jm-- ; what cf a peemiai in te rv hut anoptimist in practice. Some of his ta taanl conclusions were exaggerated. ThePortuguese, alth. Uajh c annirf wre nomore s than other nationalities Theyhad always stood for good governmentanil mn'd be depended upon to continueto do to.

Ultimate success depends upon wheth-er we ha e the yrit to wait. It is a dis-tinctive chaacteristic of Analo Saxonsthat thet can wait a well as fight. Allthat is nees?ary to assure success i- - tostand together, work together, and waitThe enemy will try to accomplish bystea'th what they da e not attempt byforce; they wih continue to try tosjwiirsension a ad distrust in our ranks.Disregard their attempts; show yourabi tty to wait as well a you havehownjour wi Iingue--s to fight if necessary,and, as sure as the r sing sun gilds theeastern hills after the starrflag of freedom will float over the hill3and valleys of Hawaii, never more tocome down.

Mr. Thurston's remarks were fre-

quently interrupted by hearty ap-plause and cheering. When he hadfinished, Edward Towse epoke fora few minutes, followed by W. 0.Smith and John Emmeluth.


The Crisp photo process, by which 4The Histcry". will bo illustrated, isacqoirirjg a well-merite- d reputation for excellence, the prcdnctiocs beingartistic triumphs. (

Ad instantaneous success ! ! ! The rrciect received by tbe businessmen of Honolulu in a most enthusiastic manner.

Lj.t, iuuuuu-:cui-3 "fliu iu iia yi dice. xu HI liSUC gem CI ID 6 purestray serene." TO BE PUBLISHED LN 1S04.

The historians have commenced with the. frame-wor-k of the construct-ion, setting forth tbe remote causes of events and the motives of hnmanaction; and follow np their connection with other development?, and pro-se- nt

the whole in a finished exterior of hich literary worth. The founda--

j minds at different epeebs, tbe phytical cenditien of diereat parts of theland, the natore of different influences brought to bear cpon the people,have all been closely stndied, and the effects philosophically traced. Accuracy of statement, soundness of reasonin'g, clear presentation, and highliterary merit will be the commanding aspect of this ambitions effort. Itwill be published in an attractive form containing over 200 pages, fullyillustrated, supplied with many maps and plans, containing tables of usefulinformation and a complete index, it comprises all the accompanments nec-essary to complete a work of its character.



He Addresses an Open Heating ofthe League.


A Speeh TJit TVa L!tend to WithIntense Interest and Frequent Ap-plan- ne

by th Many Preiat-Fc-U

About the Old nd New GoTnimnti.

Robinson Hall was crowded lastevening, when Hon. L. A. Thars- -

ton addressed an open meeting ofthe American Leagu. The speakerwas introduced by President Mar-ra-y,

and spoke substantially as fol-

lows :

I am glad to say a few words to yonas a co-work- er in a common carse. 1

have prfpartd no formal adores, batwill epeak briefly of what the conditionsare in Washington and what they arehere, with relation to what we mast dohere if we are successful in oar purpose

The cause 'of annexation haa practi-cally the united support of the Repibli-c- an

party, but is not for that reascnbeing made a party question. The str inv-

est man am ns the fopulists, VenatorKleof Souh Dakota, waa a classmateof JameCat!e, and is as warm a supporter of Hawaiian iuteresis, and kepaas well informed a tnough he were fromhere. Among the Democrats, John 1.Morgan, of A'ama, one of the ablestmen irom the S utb, openly, in the ann-

ate and out of it. within the party an-- i

out of it, advocate i annexation. He iabeading ad bis energies in eapport of theRicraua Cantl, and-snppo- rta tfieCanal and Uawaban Annexation as winmeasnre-i- . In addition, among the Dem-

ocrats Batlero!outhCr'Iina,Voorhs,now in charge oi the tariff bill, and otherprominent Democratic leaders, are pro-

nounced Annexationists. While, there-fore, there are more supporters of theproposition among the Republicans thanamong th Democrats there will be nodivision of a vote, when a vote comes onstrict party lines. We have every reasonto beatiafied with the trend of affairs atthat end of the line. As to affairs here.I am perhaps in a better position to judgethaa joa who have been in the thickof the fight. I have been proud cf rep-resenting this community, as week afterweek the news has come tnat you werestill holding the lort sgiinst enemirs athome and enemies abroad, and that yonwere standing shoulder to shoulder, re-

gardless of race, nationality or profes-sion. I am more than satisfied with thegeneral trend of afliirs here.

A few words as to the condttlcns con-fronting n in our endeavors to estab-lish the Kepublic. Why is it that bycommon consent we are all seeking an-nexation to the United States as apanacea of car evils?

No longer than lsS4, Mr. Damon tookme to task in the public print lor somuch as mentioning the name of theking in dlscossinz public matters. Nowhe is the daninz oi the Radicals . I canremember the time when it nearly gaveCecil Bowa a fx: to have a meaber oftie Legislazare ia the house apeak ad-Ters- tJ

to rarva- - tj. Now, he sits in thepa!acrc that Kamahamebas and ataunch-l-y

advecare aanaxia-ji-Up t Wo'tlne on the morning of

January 17, I3S3. S B Vile halted be-twe-es

monarch y and ann station Now,hes is the sLnize hammer of theTliiional Government, who has dealtacch tremendous blows for the cause.

It was only a few years ago thatFather McGrew was in despair becausethe damn missionary sons were stand-ing out in support of the monarchy in-stead of listening to common sense.Now, so far as I know, the missionarysons are a unit in favor ot annexation.What is the cause of all this? It wasthe monarchy which forced it uponan unwilling people : upon as loyalmonarchists as any who stand guard inWashington Place. It was by a gradualcourte of encroachment upon thefundamental rights of the people,that the revolutionary spirit in thecountry was fos'ered; the numberlessrevolutions and conspiracies finally crys-taize- d

intn the belief that independent,responsible government in this countrywas no longer possible No i idependentgovernment can con;iru to exist iu thiscounty. except by military force at itsback. The monarchy generated themicrobe of revolution in the country,and it has got to be reckoned with as anexisting condition. Another conditionis, that a larze portion of the people arebitterly hostile to t'e Republic and toannexation, and will stop at no meas-ures to accomplish their ends! Theyare woikin ours:de of and not withinthe Constitution. Cnder thes condi-tions we are attempting to create a newgovernment. In doin so we cannotbuild on theoretical liae only, but muatmake theories conform to conditions.

Given a revolutionary community anda party hostile to the existence of theRepublic, it is not safe to undertakewholly theoretical democratic govern-ment.

The United States has practicallychanged the theoretical doctrine of theuniversal brotherhood of man expressedin the declaration that God hath en-dowed airmen with certain inalienablerights by excepting Chinamen. Andthe other great democratic theory 'thatthe majority should rule has been over-ridden by the and onion-sk- in

ballot system of government in a part ofthe Union.

We propose no - such system ; but wecan take a lesson from these facts, thatthe greatest of Republics subordinatesits theories to its conditions, and not itsconditions to its theor es.

We are in no conditi n to adopt thebroadest democratic theories. We musthave a more centralized government f rthe present. Majority or no majoritythere shall bena more monarchy in Ha-waii forever. This ia a proposition con-cerning which thera can b no vote, andWhich we will fiht to maintain, if nec-essary. I believe in creating a govern-ment for the whole country and on oei-i- g

the registry and inviting all. on equalterms to'regiu-- r and vole extend theolive and bury the hatchet. . We don'tcare what a man's former politics were,let him come into the Republic with


Oftice o? ths Babd of Health, )

Honolclc, Juue 12. 1S94 J"

Sealed Tenders will be received at thisOffice until 12 m. Wfcll NE'DaY, June20, 1S44, for farniining the Board withthe fol'owing articles for use of theLeper Settlement, Molokai, to December31, IS04.

Bids may be made for all or any cfthe articles, to b delivered in quantitiesord-re- d by Agents of the' Board ofHealth f. o. b. d steamers.

All bid3 mast be plainly marked''Tender for Supplies, Leper Settlement."


Rouh N W Lumber, up to 35 M feet,per M

Tongue and Grooved N W, up to 20M feet, per M

Redwood shingles, up to 100 M, per MRedwood Surfaced, np to 3 M feet,per MRedwood Batten-- , up to 500 feet,

per footR W Fence Posts, up to 2 31, eachDoors, 2x6x6, 1J eachSashes, 10x1 J and 10x14, per pairIron Cut Nails, up to 50 kegs, lOd

basis per kegHubbuck's Boiled Oil, up to 150 gal-

lons, per gallonTurpentine, up t 53 gallons, per gallonWhile Lead, Hubbuck's, Jo 1, up to

3000 pounds, per poundCement, up to 5) baTeTs, per barrelLime, up to 100 barrels, pr barrelGalvaniz--d Iron Pip?, 4, and 1

inch, per footGalvanized Iron Roofing', per poundWashers and Screws, per pound


Rice No 1, up to 50Q bagsMedinca Bread, good quality, ram pies

to be furnished up to 600 cast aBest quality Fiour, sacks, up to 200

barrelsSugar No. 1, raw, np to 150 bagsSalmon, best red. up to SO barrelsBrown Soap, bars, up to 200

boxes 100-po- und boxes, per boxMatches, long card, up to 3C0 grass,

per gross 1

alt, coare. np to 500 bag, per tonKerosene Oil, up to 200 cases, per caseCoal, in sacks, up to 20 tons, per toaAlso, tenders for supplying the Board

of Health with Hay and Grain, for thesame period named above, to be delivered at the Board of Health stables, nearcorner of South and Queen streets :

Wheat or Oat Hay, up to 100 balesBran, up to 100 bagsOats, np to 100 bags

The tenders must be for weight deliver-ed at the stables.

The Board cf Health does not binditself to accept the lowest or any bid.

By order of the Board of Health.W1LUAM O. fcMvTH,

President of the Board of Health.3713-4- t


Owick of, the Board of Health )

Honolulu, June 12, 1894 J

Tenders for the purchase of hides andtallow from the Board of Health fromdaje of awarding the contract to December 31, 1S94, will be received at thisoffice, until 12 sr. WEDNESDAY,June 20, 1894.

The tender must be for theprice per pound for hides andtallow delivered on the wharf,at Honolulu, on weights approved by anAgent of the Board of Health. PaymentsARB TO BE MADE IS U. S. GOLD CoiS.

The Board coe3 npt bind itself to accept the highest or any bid.

By order of the Board of Health.WILLIAM O. SMITH,

President o? the Board of Health.b71J-- 4t


Office of the Board of Health, )

Honolulu, June 12, 1S94. fTenders will be reeeived at this ofiice

until 12 m. WEDNESDAY, June 27,1891, for supplying the Leper Settlementon Molokai with (1) Good Beef Cattle, toweigli not less than 350 pounds net whendressed, and (2) Fat Beef Cattle to be

Ulelivered at the Leper Settlement ingoou conomon at an average or yu neaosper month, more or less, for the periodof six months ending December 31, 1S94.

The tender for Fat Beef Cattle mustbe for the price per pennd dressed, andthat for Good Beef Cattle per head-Hid- es

and tallow to be the property ofthe Board.

Bids should be marked "Tender forBeef Cattle, Leper Settlement" TheBoard will elect whicli tender to accept,and does not bind itself to accept thelowest or any bid-B-y

Order of the Board of Health.William O. Smith,

President of the Board of Herdth.3713-- 4.

denied ri wi!l h received forHawaiian Treasury Notes, linger theAct of Jure let, 1834, t the aa.onnt of$100,1.00, in deiioiLinations ct ill 00 ormultip'ts thereof, aad fcr fall p trticulars

112, ii9i. sai-o- t

Irrigation Notice,Holder of water privileges, or thos-payi- nz

wa'er rates, are hereby notifiedthat the hcurs for irrigation purposes arefrom 6 to S o'clock a. h. nd 4 to 6o'clock p x. A. EROWN,Superintend3i:t Honolulu Water Works.Approved :

J. A. King,Minister cf the Interior.

Honolulu, May 25, 1SS4. 3uSS-t- f

Sale of Tenancy at Will of theGovernment Land of 2a--

nnka, Kan, Hawaii.On TUESDAY", June 19, 1S94, at 1

o'clock noon, at the front entrance of theI" xecutive Building will be sold at pub-

lic auction, the Tenancy at Will of theGovernment Land of Manuka, Rau,Hawaii, containing an area of 22,8C0

aciea, a little more or less.Term Tenancy from year to year

until such tirse a3 the Minister of theInterior may wish to terminate theSitne by giving 9) day3 notice.

Upset price $50 per annum, payablesemi-annnall- y in advance.

JAS. A. KING,Minister of the Interior.

Interior Office, May 16, 1S94.3591-- 3t

'DAWThe Summit Crater of


Parties of not less thanthree wishing to visitthis great wonder of Ha-

waii, 'can do so with verylittle inconvenience, as theundersigned will be preparedafter the 1st of July, with com-

petent guides and good ani-

mals to make the ascent.Parties can ride to the summitand view the grand sightfrom on horseback withoutundergoing any fatigue fromwalking. Ladies who will putup with the little inconven-iences of camp life and horse-

back riding can make theascent.

Parties taken from theVolcano House to the tamp onthe mountain side the firstday. Second day to summit,where they will have fromthree to five hours, which issufficient time for all sightseeing and return to campsame day. Third day, back toVolcano House. No touristought to miss this trip.

G-p-or further particulars

and terms, address'

; J. MONSAJtKAT,Kapapala Rancti, Kau, Hawaii.

h707-l- m

Stocks and Bonds




Hawaiian Agricultural Co. Stock.

Olowalu 8agar Co. Stock.


Hawaiian -:- - GoTemment -:-- Beads

Q JPar Cent. Interest.Ewa Plantation Co. Bonds (first mort-

gage) 7 per cent, interest.

Heeia Agricultural Co. Bonus (first mort-gage) 8 per cent, interest.

Ej&'Fqt particulars, apply to

Tte Hawaiian Safe Deposit

Investment Company.3613-l- w

Chapter 1. Prof. Alexander's History of King Kalakaua'sReign.

Chapter 2 Prof. Alexanders History of LiliuokalanFsReign.

Chapter 3 A Brief Account of the Revolution of 1S93.

Chapter 4 A Brief Account of the Provisional Govern-ment to date.

Chapter 5 Minister Willis' Letters to President Dole toabdicate.

Chapter 6 President Dole's Reply.

Chapter 7 Willis and Dole's Correspondence.i

Chapter 8 Minister Thurston's Protest issued atWashington.

Chapter 9 Minister Thurston's Statement of the Hawai-ian Case.

Chapter 10 President Dole's Specifications.

Chapter 11 Morgan's Report to the Senate.

Chapter 12 The Senate's Action on Hawaiian Affairs.

3tts CVCn crfisennit13











In. the Circuit Court for tlieyirst Cirota.it. Iix Vdmiralty.

THE MATTER OF STEAMERIN"Waimahalo."Jn pursuance of a stipulation made,

signed and filed by the parties to theabove entitled cause, on the 8th day ofJune, 1S94, the unders gned will sell atpublic auction, at the Fish MarketWharf, in Honolulu, on SATURDAY,the 2Jd day of June, 1894, the HAWAI-IAN STKAMER WAIMANALO," herboat, sails, anchors, tackel, apparel andfurniture, as she now lies off the fishMarket Wharf, in Honolulu.

The vessel has recently been repairedand put in first-clas- s condition at largeexpense and has not since been used.

She is schooner ringed, with full com-plement of sails, anchors, chains, cables,boat and other apparel and furniture.

The "Waimanalo" is abont 50 tons re-gister; her dimensions beiiur about 67leet length ; 15 feet beam ; 5.2 feet dep hof hold. She is equipped with engineand boilers, eu table to her size, and iscapable of steaming seven knots ier hoarin ordinary weather. She is especia lydesigned and adopted for the Inter-lslan- d

trade, being of a size most couvenientand speed and machinery euiumentmost economical for such trade.

ffjST" Terms of sale: Ca?h in U. S.gold coin. Possession given immediately.

Dated this Sth day of June, 1S::4.E. G. HITCHCOCK,

3709-- fd Marshal.


VIRTUE OF A WRIT OF Exec-ution, issued out of the District

Court, ou the 26th day of May, A.D.1S34.against Mra. Opeala (w), defendant, infavor of Mrs. ,ihoa, plaintiff, for thesum of $33, 1 Lave levied upon and shallexpose for sale at the Police Station, inthe District of Honolulu, Island ot Oaha,at 12 o'clock of TUhDAY, the 3d daycf July, A. D. 1814, to the highest bid-der, all the right, title and interest of thesaid Mrs. Opealu, defendant, in and- - tothe following property, unless said judg-ment, interest, costs and my expensesbe previously paid,

last ot for Fale :1 old dwelling house, being a two-stor- y

building, situated on the Waikiki side otKaumakapili church, on Feretaniattreet. and is the second heu-- e fom thesaid churth. A. M. BKOWN",

Deputy Marshal.Honolulu, June 2, 189.

3705 1556-- 2t

Notice.T TT T" v i r ' r .t tt-t- t rfc v-v--

M a. v. oL.Ar. 1 1 ir r.r, LXL-r-u

as a partner trom our dim.H. IHCKFKL.D & CO.

Honolulu, May 15, 184.3639-3- 1 1651-- 1 rui

The publishers have the honor to announce that arrangmentsare being made for the insertion of the following Bodies:

The Committee of Safety, the Executive, the Officers of the originalAnnexation Ciub, Oflicers and members of the National Guard, the FireDepartment, the 1st Advisory Committee, Members of the Bar, the Consuls.


Special note to proprietors of Trades and Industries. There isnow only room for six or seven firms in the limited space devoted to therepresentation of Trades and Industries, and a great favor will be conferred if those desirous of inserting theirs between the pages of the beautyspots of the city and those pages assigned to the early efforts of Hawaiianpioneers will call at the publication office.

Page 3: evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu · 0 fl .fill! Miffs II IP J iFl r" iff pj gf j i y u n ji fi r - 5 1 I.il ft i I k I 1 1 IitMI(h i t.lal . 1800..i VOIi. XIX.. XO. 3713. HOXOLUIiIJ



A 'Radical Demonstration,TELEGRAPHIC NOTES. $Itu Cl&wttisrmcMa.


Homes at Pearl City!Comme Advertiser



X-V-';' '

-- .49

9 .

city, mining, agriculture and kin-drr- d

purbuits. The American pa-vilion i3 not yet completed, butwill be oue of the finest on thegrounds.

London, June 1. The match ofthe Royal Thames Ciub was mailedyesterday. The Prince of Wales'yacht Britannia beat the Ivania andthe Cztrioa defeated the Vendetta.The handicap match was won bythe Namara.

It is intimated that all the mem-bers of the Senate will be calledone by one before the committeeand questioned as to their know-ledge of efforts made by the SugarTrust to influence tariff legisla-tion.

Chicago, June 2. Prendergast,the assassin of Carter Harrison,will not be tried as to his sanityJune 11th. By agreement of coun-sel the case goes over uutil nextfall. The fall term of court openson September 3J.

Washington, June 2. Repre-sentative Hitt, of Illinois, today in-

troduced a resolution on the Ha-waiian question in the House, sim-ilar to that passed by the Senate.The resolution was referred to theCommittee on Foreign Affairs.



ISsi mrn --m

: &tSHOP SSTATSfJ" rf 1 I iv

THE OAHU KAIIAVAY Ss I4AKB CO.Offer tbe Public Another Great Opportunity to 8ecure Homes In Oue of ,the

Most ll!shtfulJLoclltIe to oe Fiud lu tne 1'araUli of tbe Faelfle.

As a healthly lesort PearlCity has already established an enviable reputation.Many eood citizens in this community have experienced tbe wonderful effect produced by a few days sojourn in that dry, cool a'mosphere, and 'give grateful testi-mony to tbe relief they have almost instantly gained from severe and longcontinued attacks of asthma. PfysicUns acquainted with the climate of FearlCity recommend it as a natural sanitarium.

The Water Supply is Ample.And can be increased to meet tho needs ot a population equal to the, largest

citv in the wold.Fkof. A. B. Lyons of Oahu College isour authority for stating that th water

supply is the purest yet discovered in this country.


For ninety days from date we will sell lots on special tkrms favorable to bona-fi- da

settler?. For a term of three montt s from date, lumber and alt building materials will be supplied, and delivered at Fearl City at much lower price than everbefore obtained.

For further particulars, call at this office or on any of the lumber dealers inthis city. Those who now own lots a well as hos who propose to becomeresidents of that growing city, will do well to embrace this opportunity, lhonewho avail themselves of tbis offer, within the time named, will be entitled to, andwill receive the following benefits: .

For & term of ten vears. this ComDanv will carrv such residents and their

Washington, May 31. The comrnittee investigating the sugar trustresumed its setou today.

Chairman Oray says the com-

mittee will continue its investiga-tion?, leaving the District Attorneyto deal with the witnesses who re-

fuse to answer.Senator McPherson was today

before the committee. He reitera-ted the statement he had made re-

cently on the lluor of the Senate,that when it became apparent thatgaar was to become the subjectof legislation he instructed hisbroker to cease all dealings inBU-C- 'tr in hi3 name.

The committee also examinedSenators Harris and Mills, andconcluded the sitting for the daywith the testimony of SecretaryCarlisle, who denied explicitly allthe charges made in the Edwardsletter except one.

Washington, May 31. SenatorSherman today charged that thesugar schedule of the tariff billhad been drawn by the refiners.H9 contradicted the statement ofSenator Gorman that the protec-tion offered the sugar trust hadbeen reduced, and asserted thestatement was a palpable misrep-resentation. . He denounced theprotection given to the sugar trust,and declared that it was five-eight- hs

of 1 cent, or equal to theentire cost of refining sugar, in-

cluding the wear and tear of ma-hiner- v.

He characterized freewool as the culminating atrocity ofthe bill.

Honolulu Potter Again.Kansas City, (Mo.), June 2.

Joseph Irviue Potter, alias "Hono-lulu," who some time ago came

- into oromineuce because of his. swindling operations while repre

senting himseli as an agent oi tneTTawniian Government, made adaring attempt to escape from thefourth etory of the County Jailearly this morning. He tore uphis mattress into strings, made arope and slipped down to the side-

walk from the windov7, but .wascaptured a few hours later. Hehad been placed in the hospital-roo- m

owing to sickness.Lord Coleridge to Resign,

London, May 31. Rumors arein circulation that the Right Hon.Lord Coleridge, Lord Chief Justiceof England, has tendered his resig-

nation to Lord Roseberry. It isalso stated that he has for sometime been suffering from a seriousinternal disorder. These rumorshave caused a sensation.



I 2k.

families from Fearl City to Honolulu in the morning arriving a little beforeseven o'clock, and from Honolulu to Fearl City in the evening leaving Hono-lulu station a little after five o'clock!, for ten cents each way, a rate less than onecent per mile. Th rates on all other passenger trains running during the dayur nigbt-wil- l be IK cents per mile firBt clats, and 1 cent per mile second class.

A good school is about to be opened in the Peninsula, in the fine, large, newBchool-hou- se erected bv Mr. J. T.Waterhouse. Residents living at Pearl City

GLASGOwJune 2. One hundredthousand persons witnessed heretoday a procession that had beenarranged by the Kauicals againstthe House of Lords. lne lnsnresidents of Glasgow are out instrong lorce among tne paraders.A uublic meeting followed the pro--cession, uemanding tne aooiitiou oithe House of Lords.

Cholera ha3 broken out in Frussia.

There were six lynchings in theUnited btatts on June 2d.

The Democratic State cocveutionwill be held in San Fraucisco onAugust 21st.

A convict in the Illinois StatePrison ate a bar of lye soap re-

cently and died in 'agony.The apple army worm has made

its appearance in the orchards ofIndiana and is doing great damage.

General Neal Dow has acceptedan invitation to be present at thecoming prohibition congress in NewxorK.

New York. May 31. Count Herbert Bismarck, son of Prince Bismarck, arrived on the JNormanmatonight.

Three non-unio- n carpenters arein a Chicago hospital in a seriouscondition as a result of an assaultmade by union strikers.

A. decision has just been rend-ered in Ohio which declares theState tax law unconstitutional.About $600,000 in back taxes willnot be paid as a result.

Notices have been posted on theCambria Iron Works Company,mechanical department, at Johns- -

town, Pa., that oue-ha- lt ot tne em-

ployees will be suspended indefin-itely. .

Philadelphia, June 2. The sy-

nod of the Reformed PresbyterianChurch at today's session adoptedresolutions against the admission ofUtah to Statehood on moralgrounds.

J. W. Kelley, brother of "Gen-eral" Kelly, has been sentenced to

x months in jail at Helena, Mont.,for seizing a train on the NorthernPacifier Six others were givenlesser terms.

Annapolis, June 2 The three-mil- e

boat race between the crewsof the University of Pennsylvaniaand the Navai Cadets resulted ina victory for the former by fourlengths. Time, 19:33.

Lemburg, (Poland), June 2.An international exhibition openedhere vesterday. There are twenty-ei- x

buildings devoted to fisheries,horticulture, liberal arts, electri

IS 1 p"P"R "VFyD

THE- -

and King Streets.

heights, above Pearl City station and those having homes on the reninsma,will be allowed to ride free on regular trains between Pearl City stationsto and from the Peninsula. .

Those who want to continue to send their children to schoo3 m Honolulu,can have transportation on all regular trains to and from Fsarl City, for thepurpose of atti. ding school at five cents each way for each pupil. This is equalto 24 to 26 miles ride for ten cents.

Equal inducements for those desiring fo secure homes in this country havenever before been offered to the public.

ThiH Company hap been requested from abroad to rame the price of all their un-sold land in that loealitv.

Should a clearance Pale be made to a syndicate, no opportunity like thewould again occur for the purchase of homes at Fearl City.

4A word to the wise is sufficient.' 'OAHU RAILWAY A LAND CO.i

S683 B. F. Dillingham, General Manager.


Tho I best and biggest

Daily paper in tho Da-waii- an


In favor of annexation,

first, last and ali tho


ITRepresents all business

interests and all sec-

tions of tho I&landa

Qives the best' value to

both advertisers and



The largest and most

general circulation in

tho Hawaiian Islands'

HASThe most thrifty, and

desirable class of. read-

ers, a great many of

whom take no other

local paper.

"WENeed and deserve your

subscription and adver-

tisement and will givo

you the worth of your


Gazette Publishing Company

3 -


$10.oo A



Arrival of the Australia.Meeting of the Councils at 9

a. m.Auction sale of horses by J. F.

Morgan, at the yards of J. I. Dow-se- tt

on Qaeen street, a noon.Baseball, Kamehameha3 and

Hawaiis, at 3 :30 p. m.Concert at the Hawaiian Hotel

at 7 :30 p. m.Monthly Temperance concert at

the' Y. M. C. A. at 7 ;30 p. m.

National and Citi-

zens' Guards.

Having now arranged for

tne insertion of the Process

photos on the History of theRevolution of nearly all the

social and political bodies

connected with the Revolut-

ion we feel that there is nobody

that deserves to be placed

more highly on record than

those 'citizens that at great

inconvenience banded them

selves together to protect life

and property during the

stormy days of the formation

of the Provisional Govern- -

ment, we have decided to de--

vote a series of pages to the

officers and privates of the

National Guard and Citizens'

Guard. Some thirty or forty

names have already been sent

in and we shall be grateful if

any member desiring to aP'

pear Will send word to ' Mr.

Wellesley Parker care of this

office when he will irame- -

diately call and furnish full


Early attention to this is

requested as the pictorial

pages to tho Ilistory ' must

positively be closed in a few


The Hawaiian Gazelle Co,

On the Installment Plan.

1fiON T H t

all other competitors.The World.s Fvair judges gave Vose & Sons' Pianos the. Highest Award over


--c&n ana Examine, InetrnmentB at our Salesroom, or "WriteIrice.

awaiian News Company

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Corner of Nuuanu

Kerosene --p -

Oil-- - JL CiX JL

'. at the following prices, subject 'to change :

From i to 99 Cases, $1.90 per Case.


Brandor uver, si.ao per

XL GOLD tUlJN.i. r. K.tter g.mr " "

o Cases


G.T.r.t ri.t. !.. ti... ti,...


yv.a:en Standard Oil Co,S83 1551-- .f

Page 4: evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu · 0 fl .fill! Miffs II IP J iFl r" iff pj gf j i y u n ji fi r - 5 1 I.il ft i I k I 1 1 IitMI(h i t.lal . 1800..i VOIi. XIX.. XO. 3713. HOXOLUIiIJ

' ' "i7-- ' ' i


UNITED STATES NAVAL NOTES.The Pacific Commercial Advertiser

T. he object ct a Constitution irto formulate those settled nileaof a.77 which admit no excep-

tion, to fix the form of governmentand to secure against frequent andill-conside- changes those princi

BELOW,the many socd weWe enumerate a few of

are olfering at special prices:Hawaiian Gazzttx Company

Lata3t Dciiur3 lnong tie 05csr3

Washington. Jane 2 Orderswen "sent by the Navy D-part- mnt

tiday to the United States shipBaltimore at Nagasaki, Japan, tosail at once for Chemulpo, Coren,to protect American interests there.Advices to the State Departmentstate that there is danger of an ap-rii- r.

of the natives. It will takeforty-eig- ht hours for the Baltimoreto reacta Chemulpo.

New Yens:, May 31. --The Tri

ples whicn, aa it were, constitutethe framework within which theconcrete body of the laws 13 builtnp. Xothin which does nGt an-

swer to one of these purposes shouldfind a place in the Constitution. Ifthee principles are not observedthe freedom and flexibility of polit--

The absence of the MLoni

mule" at this season's racesshould not ceter people fromvisiting- - the race track oa Holi-day, there are enoncrh eventsto satL-f-v evervene and sivepeople opportunities to placetheir money. The road to thepark has been put in first-clas- s


Herimac Print?, 20 yards for SI.Amoskeag Ginghams, 12 yards for 1.Victoria Lawns, 10 yards for 75 cents.Figured India Dimity, G yards for SI.Ladies Bibbed Vests, 10 cents each.

H. If. CASTL2,


On Honday, .Jane lSthr we will have special sale cfTifE four-mast- ed echooner Alice icai life iz impaired without anyCooke arrived yesterday with three corresponding gain in stability. Ladies', Children's and Gentlemen's Black Hosiery. These

goods we guarantee fast black and stainless. For one dayonly, HONDA r, Jane 13th.CHURCH SERVICES.

order by the road supervisorand his aids and everythingwill be in shape for a glorious

bune's Washington correspondenttelegraphs that orders were issuedfrom the Navy Department today,directing Captain Berijimin F. Dayto take passage from ban Franciscoon. the steamship China, saiJing onJune l ith. On his arrival at Yo-

kohama he is to assume commandof the flagship BIti more, detachingCaptain William Yi. Bridgman,who will return as soon after July

days later news from the Coast.The passage of the Tarpie resolu-

tion, of which the royalists haverefused to take any cognizance, hconfirmed, so that the restorationdate, which waa get for tomorrowwill probably suffer another vexa-

tious postponement. .


The services of the Cathedral The Clauss Bread Knife soldCongregation of St. Andrew's Cathe-dral for tomorrow are. as follows :

6:30 A.sf., Holy Communion; itby us is acknowledged to bethe best bread knife made; it

6th as possible on a two months'


Pacific hardware:, company, uhtted.Invoices toat received.

Cfcoice patterns direct from, factory.

The very latest styles. . .

will last longer than an ordia.m., Hoi v Communion and sermon ; leave of absence nary knife for cutting breadbecause it cannot be used for

s :.J p.m., evensong and sermon. Washing-tost- , May 31. The oS--aico.TD congregation. cial report of the naval board which

acted the recent trial of theThe services of the Second Con- -rogation of St. Andrew's Cathedral Mia. was submitted to

Mr. Thurstott made a stirringspeech before the American Leaguelast night, and he was receivedwith marked enthusiasm by themembers of the organization. The

anything else. One set of threeknives goes to you for a dollar;

tomorrow (Sunday) will be as fol-- ZT --J 7u T.u nr' - TTyou wonld'nt part with them e in def;ra aati finishtone of the meeting showed that lows: 0:45 Ar., Morning Prayer lDe w,Dwa ,a nef VTA ZZlA ZZ7- vl?f of the finest vessels afloat. On her if you

the annexation party is as much a with sermon ; Caliin m G ; down the Delaware she struck I fR by the Bri T.mG . Irwin.way place them.Te Deum, Woodward in E. flat: 1?A-Iv-

erv taate satwned.gome drift Itfgs, and as a resultseveral of her plates were dented.Banedictus, Maunder in B flat;

hymns 196 and 222: Anthem, "O11 J'JU .UCUCVC LUC due.

you read, the Grand EapidsCarpet Sweeper is the best

unit now as it wa3 last Decemberand a3 it was in January, 1893.

The words spoken by Mr. Thurstonregarding the services of Mr. Arm-

strong to the annexation causewere especially timely. Hawaiiha3 no better friend.

manufactured; we know from

Saviour of the World," by Goss.6 :30 p.m., Evensong with sermon ;Magnificat, Gauntlett in G ; NuncDimittis, Gibbons in E flat ; hymns290, 291 and 239. Rev. Alex.Mackintosh, pastor. All are cor-dially invited.


CVjJiiCUUe tiltUj LUGI TTf f "faie correct, vve ve sola a

The ship has gone into dock topermit of an examination. Mr.McAdoo says Captain Sumner wasfree from blame, as the vessel wasin the hands of a competent pilot,and that the damage was trifling.

Washington, May 31. In astatement prepared by the NavyDepartment, showing the numberof veseels flying the American flagwhich could be pressed into ser-vice in time of war, it is. shownthat there are abont twenty-fiv- e

great many of these sweepersAPPAEESTLT C00H2D. to people who have polished


Xjnuaual indiicementa to cash customers.

Xook at our asscrtment of EIrd Cases.

Direct irnportailoca specially selected.

X nspection cf our atock is solicited.

Now ia the time to make your choice.

Cxive jour orders to the Pacific Hardware Company. limited.

Sunday School at 9 :45 a.m.All are cordially invited to

floors in their houses and whodon?t care to get down on theirhunkers' and shove a dust

The cause of Woman Suffrageseems to be doomed, so far as thepresent Convention 13 concerned. The Young People's Society of brush. The price is the sameWhen the nnestion arose vesterdav f Christian Endeavor will meet ata . all over, ours is a little less.it aIiai f aI n sAnaa e T rra rrr ?nTt n r A I O ZoJ P.JI.Alt CllVtKU 4 O V WiJf invited to The season for using- - HenStrangers cordially

all services.very ancient jokes from eeveral of

such-vessel- s oa the Pacific Coast.The vessels vary considerably imavailability, and some of themwould only be used as a last resort.For every vessel which the board ofnaval officers at San Francisco hasinspected, plans are on file atWashington, showing full details of

dry's Ready Mixed Paints ishere and so are the paints. WeY. M. C. A. SERVICES.

Sunday: 11 Ajtr., at Oaha Jail have a complete stock of de

tbo intellectual lights of the body,bat hardly a eeriou3 or a friendlyword from anyone, with the excep-tion of Vice-Preside- nt Wilder. C.L. Carter abandoned hi3 ownamendment for . reasons that were

1 :15 p.ir, at the Barracks ; 3 :30 p. sirable colors for inside and THE IVXXJTTJljx., Bible study at Y. M. C. A. ; 6 :30 all modifiationa that might be nec-p.i- r.,

Gospel praise service at Y. M. I essary to, equip them for various outside work. Color cardsC. A. purposes. It i3 estimated that, if

Tuesday, 7 :30 P.3C, prayer meet-- desired, any of the vessels coulding at Y. M. C. A. thus be transformed so a3 to accom LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW YORK

furnished upon application.The Hawahait Hardware Co.

307Fost Street, Honolulu.

modate its quota of infantry, artil--passing strange. He had concludedthat the question of women's vot-

ing should be left to the people andtherefore he would forbid it in theConstitution 1

Ierv or cavairv m one week's time RICHARD A. HeCCRDT President.m t t t r I -lieorganizea nurcn ot jesus i

Christ of Latter Day Saints ; Hill- - SPenny-i-n the 810 automatic raa Assets December 31st, 1S93 : 1S6,707,6S0.14Iani Hall, rear of Opera House, f chines were known in the tiaiecfAre the members of the Conven--m I Services will be held on Sanday as I Hero of Alexandria, who describes in

tion really afraid to leave this mat- - foUo . 10 . BibIe cla5a . hia "Pneumatics" "a sacrificial vessel oa a . 1 - '1 T it I . . Z . 'I which flows only when money id in--, ter io me . people i xi mey are, n :15 3r; &nd 7 :S0 p, preach-- A Good Record, theJBest Guarantee for the Future,trodnced.77then they are taking a wise course ing by Elder J. C. Clapp.in placing & constitutional barrier

Imtian Saks.in the way of woman suffrage. But CORRESPONDENCE. LatestlfflDortationsif they are really willing to let the


S. B. ROSE,G-erier-al Agent for Hawaiian Islands.

By Jas. JF. Jorau.THIS DAY.

people decide the matter for them- -033 Takea to Certaid State- -

eelves, then con.istency and fair neat3 flfplay require that they ehoald notplace in the Constitution itself a Editor : I should like, asgreat and grievous obgtacle to the aa earnest advocate of tax-refor- m,

free exercise of the popular will. to cal1. Public attention, throughHORSE SALE ! --OF- EVERYBODY KNOWS

To requirea constitutional amend- - the columns ofyour valuable paper, ON SATURDAY, JUNE 16rnent to secure a given measure is to some statements made at the A,.rn. Geo LincolnCloth,ooviou6iy aoing everytning possioie wru. """"s u


to obstruct that "measure: It is, in league by Mr. Emmeluth. I will sell at Public Auction, at the yardot ilrJLJjowaett, Queen street,The gentleman said that further EE-ESTABLISH- ED AT 512 KING; STBEETlegislation was badly needed in 30 Horses and Mares !

short, the exact opposite of "leav-ing it to the people." -

It is a very little thing which thewoman suffragists ask of the Con

the Hawaiian Islands on the taxation of land,, ind suggested that no Serges, Have the Value of Your Property Kept tip by Keepingperson ought to own more than Jas. k Morgan,

3712-- t AUCTIONEER. it in Repair--venuon. , 1 ney simpiy ass mat tne twentv-fiv-e acres. He said ownersdetermination of their case shall and shareholders of large planta-b-e

left to tho people. tions were not taxed in proportion 3Iortgaee's Notice of Intentionto Foreclose and of Sale. Diagonalsto tne large pronts they realized

from the land.LEAVE IT TO LAW. Now, Sir, if I understand the

gentleman's statements risht. his MONDAY, JUNE 18th, 1894The relation of the State to pri-- proposition in taxing the land is to

Increase the Value by Making Improvements.o

ECONOMY-- -- : IS MY-:- - 2-FO-OT -:- - BULE

Eoyal Insnrance Co.,OF LIVERPOOL.


ihm andera power of sale contain! In acertain mortcaa- muxle by D. U. N AHINL' anda-iU- JAtnu. Dia wifii, tota of Lfooteena.

vate schools i3 a matter of great include improvements which, inconsequence, and it should not be m3r opinion would not only be an

inicto the planters but dis- -disposed of by the Convention courage toem from investment ofwithout much thought. It does theIr capital, and thus create a

: not appear that there is any reason condition of industrial depressionwhy this relation should be regn- - aD(l unemployed laborers, aa ia thelated in the Constitution at all. c.aset a11 ov"er-th- e 75ld ith the

. single exception of 2iew Zealand,I he propensity to burden that in- - i -

- . where the government ha3 set anstrument with all sorts of minute example to the world of exempt--

in tne ui!trictef h.oni. Island of one oftae Hawaiian lilarifli. to Joan Thomas Wter-- are always to be found atnonae or Hoaomln. m tae Island of Uaha, on oftaid nWAii.tn Iaiands. dated the Oih dair ofOctober. A. D. 1S91. And recorded in the Rei?istrx THE LARGEST LN THE WOliLJ)."of Deeds In said Honoiala. in Book 12', on pun;3:2aad3il, the-- said John Thomas Witeraoalse,mortiT-ur-e for breaca of the condition, therein t I II I 7 Assets Jaunarj 1st. 1892, - 142.432.174.00conraineti.for pnyment bothof ! be principal sam I I rx y QT'T1 CIof Five Hundred Dailara and of interest taere)a I 1 J . I J 1 X J 1 1regulations is already overgrown, ing improvements on the land and

and should be checked, rather than i taxing "land values," thereby en- -ui c.iut uu per ana am in one

jear from care taejret f.Notice ia a! hereby driven that the tuortjadproperty will be aoid at DabLic iaction at the

auction rooms of Janic--s F. i!or?aa. ia said Ho--encouraged. . wuginS tae investment 01 capiItal. Taxation of land values, irren.4.were a well settled nnncinle I : . ST-JTir- e nsia on ah kiugs of insurable property tasen at Current rateanoinia. on 1 . tne li?ta dav of JU S.

by.Y 7,V lepecuTeoi improvements, aicour- -.

that Government aid should not ages , land speculation but would STOEE,be extended to private schools, make of these islands a land of in- - J". S. WAT.yAgent for Hawaiian Tfarfrfa.

tben that principle might with dustry and homes. ai40-l-ni

G. Ai Gymer.

Honolulu.17 Qaeea Streetpropriety be formulated in the Con-

stitution. But there is no such. principle. On- - the contrary, the

continued practice of this andother countries assumes that under

One Sided.Japan has consented that

may... go and come and live ENTEEPEISE PLANING MILIJ

.a. u. 133. at o cjock noon.The said mortaed property is tens described zAll thoae tr-ic-tj of land etttLate at Kaia-aiii- .

Sonth ffona, Uaaii. which, are t.ie property ofKapipaia (k. deceaat-d- , L. C. A TKT, &. P.eoncaintiLX an area of 2 S5-IU- 0 acres, and theproperty of Xanakaole (w) of the same piare. L.Ci.!J5T5. R.P. 5iiicontainina area of 3 3U-1- 00

acres, conveyed to ai-- i U. IL Nahma aforeaaid.he bei&2 the only snrvivin? heir uj the a;lproperties, and airM a tract of farm land ownedby Holi (-

- of Kanaaka.its the said district, whosold the same to fvanew t (w , a ?randdanhter ofthe aid Uoli (w). in the month of FebmarvA. D. I6'J). L. C. A. 7371, R. p. 7.437. conuiuinan area of l acrvs; and the farmins land cfilahi ('). deceased, of the same piact-- . wbica bpurchased from Kaai (w. the heir of Mah: (k)aforasaid in latiS. the same b?in L. C. A. 7)7,H. P. Z5t, containing aa ar-- a of u fu-- i acrs.Together with ail appurtenances and hfioesthereon, and the ri. he. iirter-s-ts and lizl- - cf thesaid D. H. Nahin!t oa si;d lands.juh thuaias

Morrut-e- .

Deeds at the expanse of parcaaier. Furtherparticulars can be n&dof A. HartweL',attoraeyfor rhe said mortaz-e- .

Oted HonoiuUi. ti. I May 13, A. D. IStW.

wherever they please m Japan, soIons S3 they Propristors.PETES HISH & CO.,

OFTTCJEcertain conditions the public laws of the country- - In return for "These Goods are of the "D fTT.T. .Cnmoney may be properly ad wisely I this concetssion the Japanese Gov-epe- nt

in aid of nrivate foundations, ernment insists that th? Japanese ia Alaiaa and EicZrard Q32.T Qzeen Street, HonoZnln, H. I.the Sandwich Islands shall have the

best English and Frenchmake and comprise the new- - IStlOTJX.IDIrGS,

t t ? t Doors, Sash, Blinds, Screens, Frames, Etc.est styles ana patterns, will

nuch aid is certainly not properunder all circumstances, and thecircumstances which justify it"Vary, both cf which facts stronglyindicate the wisdom of leaving itto the, laws to say when the pursemay be opened, and when it shouldha eloaed.

right to vote. As there are very fewHawaiians in Japan and about30,000 Japanese in the islands, theproposition is regarded a a onesided one by the Provisional Govern-ment. If the Japanese had - thsuffrage they woold be masters ofthe situation. Philadelphia Record.

Beriiners eat horseflesh.

be sold in quantities to suit TURNED AND SAWED WORST.Jas. F. Morgan, purchasers.37C4-3- t'

,CE7"Tnr3pt Attention to all ordsra.T E L h F H O K p'

AUCnO.NEEE.,3712-- td

8552 MUTUAL 5.3. -

--J j ti I9f


Page 5: evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu · 0 fl .fill! Miffs II IP J iFl r" iff pj gf j i y u n ji fi r - 5 1 I.il ft i I k I 1 1 IitMI(h i t.lal . 1800..i VOIi. XIX.. XO. 3713. HOXOLUIiIJ

AJX i'Aumu' wapgaiciAL advertised honolijiaj, junk ig, isoi.pnnoT wnTPQ I n A,

' I iHrro SUtorrtistnirnta, Kfiu Cltwrrtiormmts.(General ltotrtistmcnt&

Judge Whiting yesterday issued THEJUST RECEIVED ! Mod (k SinWilliam H. Aldrich, who was com-- 1 MIS' MRRWRARHIMjjjltieu io priMJu lur iniriy uays iur I aax


520 Fort StreetSACHS',

-:- - -- : -:- - Honolulu

J. T. Waterlionso

No. 10 Store

contempt of court, and the writwas handed to the Marshal, with aKection that he report his doingsin the premises.

Judge Whiting has appointedHenry Smith, the clerk, as guardianof Malulu and two other leperboys residing in Molokai for thepurpose of collecting rents duethem


of land in Waikiki-uka- ,b


surrLY OF Tho attention of PlanMana Agents is called to 'aofollowing letter from Air.John A. Scott, ManagerLades' Chemises a Variety of Styles.TT A Y !

XX XX. J. Our Chemises for 35 cent, rimmA1 With linonFEESH

l.n-- o ?a vrvi.tno Ililo bugar Co., regardtlio working of tho NationalCauo Shredder- - whip.li hn )nladies' and gent'sjust introdneoil into 'Mm 7Uin

good villus. .

Ladies' Skirts of Every Description.Don't fail to see our 50-ce- nt Skiit.

Ladies' Night Gowns, "Our Own Make."

Grain and

Chicken FeedBATHING SUITS!Ladies' and Children's Cloaks

and Jackets,

of that Company:Waumkv, Hilo, Hawaii, iftny '2ii, isai.fUox. m f. G. Irwin, Honolulu, H. I.Dkar Hih: In reply to yours of tl16th Inst, regarding the Ntttlonal CanoShredder furnifehed by the UniversalMill Co. of New York, and erected bythe Hilo 8ucar Co. thla past season,I would tnMAv thnr It ! i

amounting to aoout o per an-

num. W. R. Castle for Kaikuaana(w), the former guardian, resigned.

Judge Cooper has confirmed thegale made by Hang; Same, asguardian of his two children. . Pro-ceeds of sale, S20 net. W. R.Castle for the guardian.

The annual account of the trus-tees under the will of the lateJames Woods has been referred toa master for verification and re-

port.The account of C. Winam and

Lam Chu, assignees of the bank-rupt estate of Wong K work Hang,

i i -- i

Our $1 night Gown is hard to beat, well-mad- e, embroidery trimmedand good material. A full lino ofT i: i . -for us. uuies corset uovers, a Variety of Styles.

Chiltlrtm'B Pinaforen,

Silk, Shetland and. Wool Shawls

A good assortment of

Ladies Gauze and Jersey Knit Vests.Ladies' Vest3 from 15 centa upward.

Black Sateen Skirts, Colored Alpaca Skirts.CALIFORNIA FEED


In operation day and night during the pastthree weeks working on plant cane, andalso hard ratoons.and it is giving ine thogreatest natiafaction. Tho more I aeo ofits capabilities, the better pleased 1 amthat I put it in, as I am satisfied that itwill repay tho original outlay In a short

ha3 oeen approveu, ana ine as KID GLOVES,signees were discharged upon pro-ducing creditors' receipts for a nnrZttll?.011 a E Corfot Waist, caU for FERRIS' GOOD SENSETELEPHONES 121. " tioi, peneci ni, Deal lor neaith, com ort and w-a- r.

;Jnai dividend to be paid to them.cane every 22 hours with the greatesteae, and it could shred a much largerTHE PROPER WAY

fA. S. Hartwell or "ie assignees.In the matter of the estate of

the late M. E. Sharratt, W. O.Smith, the administrator, has fileda final account, and has asked forapproval of the same and for his


Hats and Bonnets !jo: NOTT,TO EAT AN


'juumuy u necessary, it delivers thoenreddod cane In an even uniform feedto the three roller mill, which receives Itwithout tho intervention of any Jalor,and as the cane is thoroughly shreddedor disintegrated it relieves the mill of a

ius reducing theliability of broken shafts, gearing, etc.There is a saving of four (4) men daily

on the mill, as only one man is requiredto regulate the amount of cane deliveredby the carrier to the shredder. It hasincreased the extraction from 4 to5 per cent.

The economical use of steam Is gene-rally a eerious consideration in liddingnew machinery, as in most mills the


discharge, feet lor neartng on July20th next.

The June term of the SupremeCourt opens on Monday, next.There are about fourteen cases onthe calendar, but the list is liableto be supplemented by additionalcases, the appeals in which havenot yet been perfected. See list of

Dross Goods in groat variety,Rainbow arid Embroidorod

Crapo,cases below. uoner power la tax-- d to Its highest limit,SOMETHING

NEW!TiVn th PVG ii ml Nl vnrAa s U Wft--

9in thifl. and "V increased

an fulilitinnal Knit- -i kj iviiu i iuuDiij I uemanu necessitated

SOMETHINGNow Curtain Materials,

Silk and Velvet Ribbons,. Leather and Silver Bolts,


The June Term Opens NextMonday.

The following is the Calendar ofCases to be heard before the Su-

preme Court at its June term, be


er. Uut I find that the shredder and thethree roll mill engines combined nso nomore- - steam than tho three roll millengine did when working on whole cane,while doing better work and more of it,and owing to the uniform feed on themill, the engine demands very HMattention.

The Megass-fro- the alireddcd, snemakes superior fnel, and the fireu mhave let s difficulty in maintaining a uni-form pressure of steam than formerly.

I will be pleased to have a call fromparties interested, as it is necessaij 5osee the machine at work to fully aip e-ci- ate

its capabilities.I remain, very truly yours,

(Big.) JOHN A. 8COTT.Manager Ililo Sugar Co.

Novelties in RucliingChiffon Handkerchiefs and

'Wehave just received from the factoryan assortment of

ginning on Monday, June 18th1894:

rJIn re : bankruptcy of John Rich- - Ties,

LACE AND EMBROIDEREDCUUSUL4 , appeal iiuiu uiuci uppruv.ing assignee's account. Carter fc I (fVCl Tl Q'A lllTIQ ICarter for the assignee ; V. V. Ash- - vw"Ovford for certain contesting creditors. FLOUNCIMS !

3523ST"P1 ans for ernrlion nfwhich seem to be about the right thing.

No- - more soiling of fingers, no slip-

ping of the orange.The fruit can be all ready served for

James L Dowsett vs. Flora Jonesand husband ; assumpsit ; excep-tions from Judge Whiting. J. A.Magooh for plaintiff; A. S. Hart-we- ll

for defendants-appellan- t.

these shredders may bo secat tho office of tho Agents,where prices and other parti-culars may also be obtained.

Steel and Iron Eanges, Stoves and Fixtures,' hodskksipiikj aooDs iiro kitchei nnitsiiB,

AGATE WARE IN GREAT VARIETY.White, Gray and Silver-plate- d.

eating, with the orange held firmly inPlace then Wlth on0 of oar dainty httlefromreplevin;- - exceptions Fifth

RTJBB 7ER ' HOSE ffi G. Irwin & Co. L'd.



Plumbers' Stock, Water and Soil Pipes.

Plumbing, Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Work

Wholesale and RetailFULL LINE OF

JAPANESE GOODSSilk and Cotton Dress Goods,

. Circuit Court. A. S. Iiartwell for orange spoons to eat it witii , wnat great-plainti- ff;

A. Rosa for defeandant- - er joy can mortal wish for ?appelant. To see them is to want them, so be

' sThomas R. Mossman vs. Hawaii- - .sure to provide yourself .with a numberan Government ; ejectment ; ques- -, tions reserved. W. A. Kinney for. aa.tbeyyrill soon be mdispensible on aplaintiff; 'A. Hartwell for de-- well appointed dinner table.lendant. Add to that a few pieces of our beauti--

Kahakuakol vs. Hawaiian Gov-- ful cut glass, and your table will beernment; ejectment; questions re--

comlete- -served; W. C. Achi and E. John--fOn for plaintiff; A. S. Hartwell New goods are constantly coming ourfor defendant. ' wayso do not forget to look around the

Provisional Government vs. Jo- - store when, in town, there may be som- e-

Caeceires murder in secondeph ; thIng need whiclyou were going todegree; exceptions from First Cir--rmtn. a nflnfl.i send away for. Let us save you the

1awananPIMOKD BLOCK, 95 and 97 KXKQ STEEET. SILK, LINEN AND CREPE SHIRTSof complete stock made by Yama-toy-a

of Yokohama.

Straw Hats, Neckwears, .


'ARJust Arrived per S. S. GaelicSashes, Shawls, .etc.

PROVISIONS in general.


Etc., Etc., Etc., EtcWhen vou are in need of anv lino of

Japanese Goods; 'give us first call andsave your going all around town.

the, prosecution ; J. A. Ma goon for!sndant.

'SVilliam Henry vs. L Ahlo;water controversy in Koolaupoko.

H. G. McGrew, by his guardian,vs. Alphonsine McGrew; libel indivorce. Questions reserved. A.S. Hartwell and Carter & Carterfor plaintiff; C. W. Ashford andF. M. Wakefield for respondent.

In re-esta- te of C. Manaole ; pro-Ga- te

appeal from First CirpuitCourt. J. A. Ma goon for proponent-appella- nt

; C. V. Ashford for con-testants.

T. W. Rawlins vs. Honolulu Soap


517 Fort Street.


MANILA CIGARSSubscription Price


ITOHAN,Importer of Japanese Goods

206 Fort St., near Custom House.33S5-t- f

The Planters' Monthly.From the Factories La Constancia andEl Cometa del Oriente.


vv orfcs Company ; damages. Ques-tions reserved. C. Brown and V.A. Kinney for plaintiff ; A. S. Hart-well and F. M. Hatch for defendant.

In Te estate of S. G. Wilder ; sub-03iF8i- on

on agreed statement ofacts. A. . Hartwell for administ-

rators and residuary legatees;garter & Carter for general lega- -tees.

Wailuu Kekaula vs. S. M. Kaau- -- ai T fiSSlimnotf Pvnzintinno frrtTM


Conchitas, Conchas,

Londres, Habanos, Etc.FOR SALE IN BOND OR DUTY PAID.

A Newspaper Artist, Late of theSan Francisco Evening Post Hawaiian Star

HOLLTSfER COIs prepared to make illuiv

trations for newspaper ad-

vertisements, or for book and

jQdge Cooper. V. V. Ashford andJobnsou for plaintiff; W. C.

Achi for defendant-appellan- t.

Provisional Government vs. Laia; liquor selling. ExceptionsJna Kawaihau District Court.


36ol-- tl

Crown Flour

Notes on Varions Subjects.Portuguese Laborers. ,Destruction oi Forests in New Zealand.Hints from New England.Accidents in Kusrar Mills.The Synthesis of Sugar. .

Help Kequired from the Planter.Beet Sugar Industry in United States.Florida Orange Culture.Droughts and Water Supplies.A Ten-Millio- n Sugar Factory.Sugar Duties 1891-- 4.

Mistakes of New Comers.Facing New Conditions.Prices Paid for Sugar in Different

Countries.Queensland Labor Question.Origin of Mineral Phosphates.Growth of Irrigation.Notes on Banana Cultivation.Important of Sugar Statistics.Sisal Hemp inTruth the Sign of a Gentleman.Cost of Sugar in 1893.

Subscription $2.50 a year.Foreign Subscription $3 a year.

Bound Volumes 3 50Back Volumes bound to order.

ii ZETTE PUBLISHING CO.,4h Mt-rchK- m 6t.. Honolulu

Corner Fort and Merchant Streets.job work at short notice.

Cuts of buildings, portraits,real estate maps, etc., made

"Hi Writ Of CPrtlnrori' f! W Ash.V for petitioner; A. S. Hartwell

I contra. at Coast rates.FOR SALE BYFine pen work for labels

and photograving. MuscDaily Advertiser, 75 Cents per Monthan automatic light. France hasfconse.

aris lino c(n.nn . Lntt.. streetarg. Jliere of thk ADVEK-- Castle & . Cooke100,000xnbyS8ia'S mPress has a SDELIVERED BY CARRIER. "0t' ' I 3553 J514 Imtf

Page 6: evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu · 0 fl .fill! Miffs II IP J iFl r" iff pj gf j i y u n ji fi r - 5 1 I.il ft i I k I 1 1 IitMI(h i t.lal . 1800..i VOIi. XIX.. XO. 3713. HOXOLUIiIJ


tnrrct 2llwrtu!annit3.Minister Damon thcught there shouldTHE COUHCILS III SESSION. be a man on duty pome place, either on

the wharf cr at Diamond Head, allnieht.

Minister Smith moved to make thename cf the item "Pilot's night watch-man." Then the man could be placedanvwhere.

Mr. Ena accepted the amendment,which was carried.

Farther Work on the AppropriationBilL

Hardware, Builders and' General.alwayi cp ta tte times in quality, styles and price.

Plantation Supplies,1 full adsortmenr to ult the various denauJ

Steel Plows,made expressly for Island work with extra parr

Mr. Allen moved to raise the appropriation for Queen's Hospital from $15,-00- 0

to $25,000.OOMinister Damon said he would favorA SUBSIDY FOE THE u PARADISE."

raising to $20,000- -

Mr Ailed eai 1 that if the hop;tal didnot owe a dent of $ 000 then $2 J 000wouLl- - be efficient. They wanted this ty


i J

$3 W ilrmV f'i' " I ''.'jfii.A J j I., !ir'.'i-- f

ml 1 111 mwfc?y I if fM&0

increase in order to pay that debt.I he item pa?sd at $20,000

Hawaiian Who Want to Iletorn FromJIormondom-- A Petition In ISegardto .IrI' Boarding Sclioola An In-

crease in Qoeeu't Hospital AllowanceMr. Brown said that in oo'auloa, this

island, there was not a b.idge tnat wasCDsafe to travel over, and their condition o.was d sraceful. He a-k- ed for an appro opriation of $1000 f"r their improvement.

Mr. Morgan moved to intert at the endof the Appropriation Bill, the sum of$200 for a subsidy (o the Paradise ofthe Pacific. It was the only papr here

5tydevoted to adveiti-in- g the island-?- , and it

was a most deserving publication.The motion was carried.Minister Hatch moved to increase the

Cultivator s Cane Knives.

Agricultural Implements,Hoes, Shovels, Forks, Mattocks, etc., etc

Carpenters', Blacksmiths'and Machinists' Tools

Screw Plates, Taos and Dies, Twist Drills,

Paints and Gils, Brushes, Glass,asbestos Hair Felt and Felt Mixture.

Blake's Steam Pumps,Weston's Centrifugals.

Sr'im MACHINES. Wilcox & Gibbs, and Remington.

Lubricating Oils

General Merchandise, Tthere Is anything you want, come and ask for it, you will bepolitely treated. No trouble to show goods.

3278-tf-- d

amount for Contular and Diplomatic ser-vice to $10,000.

Carried.Mr. Waterhouse noved" to insert an

item of $1000 for aid to the Honolulu




Library.No second.

AND ETHEL BLUSHED.Tomjit Ye. cats can sec in tbe dark and .o can Ethel; cause when Mr.

WriRht walked into the parlor when she was sittm-al- l alone in the'--


dark 1

heard her say to him: "Vhy. Arthur, you dadn't eet shaved today.Minister Kmith moved to insert anitem of $2000 for .re-indcx- ing the taxrecord.

Carried.Minister Damon moved to adopt the

report of the Waterworks Committee.Carried Ex ALAMEDA.Minister Smith moved to insert an 1

item oi $.500 for an artesian well at theInsane Asvlum.

Mr. Waterhouse moved to insert anitem of $20,003 for a girls' industrialhome. No second. Wampole's TastelessTne Secretary read a lergthy report

!from the Prenident of the Board of Hdu- - FUBN1TUKEcation. In it he protested against the

Tbe Councils met at 1:20 yesterdayafternoon, Resident Dole in the chair.There were present Ministers Hatch,King, Damon and Smith, and CouncillorsBrown, Ena, Waterhouse, Allen, Wilder,Smith, Tenney, Nott, Morgan, Mendonca,McCand!es3.

A petition was read by the Secretary,in regard to girla' boarding schools, asfol.ows : .

To President Dolk and the Members ofthe Executive and Advisory Coun-cils:

The undersigned, members of theEducational Committee of the HawaiianBoard, and interested in recuring thebest possible edu ational .advantages forthe ch ldren of this community, of what-ever nationality, refcpectfully representand petition!

(1 That boarding-schools.fo- r girls fur-nish fuch care and training as the Gov-ernment cannot well undertake, and ata minimum ot expense; and that it i- -

desirable that the aid granted throughthe Board of Education, in the for a of aEemi-annu- al allowance per capita forsome scholars popsessi certain speci-fied qualifications, should be slightly in-

creased and made more widely applic-able; and that th charge for board andtuition, which the Government nowlimi'.s to fifty dollars per year, may legallybe increased so as to allow a charge ofsixty dollars per annum, or one dollarand a half per week, for the school yt arof fortv weeks.

(2) That the Government aid grantedto the schools for Chinese under Air. F.W. Damon be c ntinued, as Jierttof re,in view of the necessity of instruction otthe character and methods adopted inthese schools, as more flexible and moreeffective in its adaptation to present ne-cessities than the necessarily rigid re-

quirements of a uni.'orm public schoolBy stem.

(3) That a small turn, say one thous-sa- nd

dollars, be voted for the Rice andConke Graded Schools for Portuguese,which are meeting and assisting mate-rially the work done in the Governmentschool

And your petitioners will ever humblypray.

A. F. Judd,Chairman of Committee.

proponed clause in the Constitution,-pr- o

viding that all tiovernnient aid should PEEPARATIOIT OFbe taken from pnvate hchoo!s.

Minister Damun moved that the sumof $425, amount due Kawaiihao Semi JTJST RECEIVED A NEW LINE OF

FURNITURE and UPHOLSTERYLIVER -- : OILCODnary lor unpa.d capitation lees.Cat tied

. Section 2 of the Bill was parsed.Section 3 of the Bid was passed.Section 4 was omitted from the Bill. --OF THE LATEST PATTERNS IN- -

Section 5 was made number 4, and

Bedroom Sets, Wicker Ware,STEAUKS' wine orwa passed.

Section 6 was adopted; and made Sec-

tion 5.Further discussion was postponed un-

til this morning at 9 o'clock. Clieffbiiiers and CliairsTO SUIT ALL AT THE LOWEST PRICES ; ALSO, ALL KINDS OF MANT- J-Cod Li"er Oil I

Hood s Oures rAviurwUMi uuwa ii r u tiiMi uki., BUJUiy ANDUPHOLSTERING, AND BEbT QUALITY OF


Cy"8pecial orders for Wicker Ware or all kinds of Farnitrirft tn imltat low prices.

523 Fort Street, ISCAll orders from the other islauds will receive our prompt attention and-Furnitur-

will be well packed and goods sold at an Francisco prices,


74 King Street.

CM. Hyde, .. Secretary.

Honolulu, June 15, 1834.

On motion of Mr. Waterhouse, the pe-

tition was laid on the table to be consid-ered on the second reading of tl Appro-priation Bill.

Mr. Brown .said he had a list of aboutfifty flawaiifcns who wished to be broughtback from Skun Valley, Utah. The mat--

tar was laid on the table for-futur- e con-



The Minister of Finance presented his ZLrs. Z AC. PainsEagle Creek, Oregon. UCPOBTXES AMD DZALZBScsuil weekly statement, which on mo-- Received, "by Various I..ate Arrivals. .


The aspcriment oi TLOW 8 ar.d ERr AKh RS is very complete. These PJorsti n of Mr. Waei house, was receivedX have llred here in Oregon for tht putand placed op file. , twenty years, and most of the tune have been are in Cf e in evey pait cf the Fei?iids aBd' aef or eideitd the bett. Extra Beams,

Handles and PciTb always on Lard and eold in large numbers.very great sufferer from inflammatoryMr. Morgan reported for the Com mito whom was referred the matter of Groceries, Provisions and FeedHALL'S FUEEOW 3?LO"W" 1

rheumatism. I have also had what the doctorcalled heart disease, with shortness of breathand sharp pains in the left side. I doclded to take

appropriations for repairs to reservoirs,and recommended, the allowance of $S500.

Laid on the table to be taken up withHood's Sarsaparllla, and before I had finished Stands "Witliout a Itiral and is In Constant Demand.three bottles I was In better health than I hadbeen for years. I do not have , any pain nowthe Appropriation Bill.

EAST CORNER FORT AND KING 8TREETS.sleep well, and to-da- y no woman of my axeThe Minister of the Interior presentedhis biennial report. It was received andordered printed and bound under the Enjoys Better Healthsupervision of the Interior Department. than I. At home on the ranch I not only attend

to my family housework, but last summer X

cared for and milked tour cows. I do not feelThe Minister of the Interior also pre

sented a report from Andrew Brown, theNew Goods received by every packet from the Eastern States and Europe.

Fresh California Produce by every steamer. All orders faithfully attended to, andGoods delivered to any part of the city free of charge. Island orders solicitedSatisfaction guaranteed. Post Office Box No 145. Telephone No. 92.

that I can say half enough In praise otBuperintendent cf Water Wo;ks, as fol

Hood's Saroaparillalows:Honolulu, June 14, 1894. Mas. L M. Parte, Eagle Creek, Oregon.

His Excellency J. A. King, Minister ofHood's Pills are prompt and efficient, jet1ut nor.

easy in action, bold by ail druggists, zoo.Sir: A oirected by Your ExcellencyI, accompanied by the Superintendent

. cf Public Works, have made an exam HOBfiON, NEWMAN & O.,33S6 Wh lksalk Agksts. JTJST ARRIVEDPER BARK C. . BRYANT.ination with the view of obtaining a

supply f water for the residents of Ka-li- hi

and the BZaluaopalena lots. It isimpossible to obtain a supply of waterfor Kal hi on an appropriation of $5000, NowReadyas it would- - cast that amount for a welland pump alone, and at the presenttime there is no pipe on hand. To bore

BABY CARRIAGES of all styles,CARPETS, RUGS, and MATS in the latest patterns," Household 55 Sewing; MachinesHand Sewing Machines, all with the latest improvements

Also on handWestermayer's Celebrated... Cottage Pianos

T 1 "V rt.

a well at the insane Asylum premisesand carry the water to Kalihi or a well IN PAMPHLET FORM' bored in the neighborhood of Waller's

On liand a large apscrfment of Honse Broorrls, Mill Brooms, Tard and StreetBrewerv and have the water brought to-van.- !s

Palarna, would cost about $33 000. Brooms and Coooanut Brooms. BhUMir B of all kr ds o sizes for psinten"' Ufe.It is the intention of the Government rarior urgans, uuitars and other Musical Instruments.to lay larger mains on King street to

Waller's Brewery, and I would recom Senator r ur saie oy

.ED. HOFFSCHLAEGER & CO.,mend that arrangements be ma e witathe Tiu$tee8of the Kamehame-- h Schools

POCKKT CUTLERY just toharjd ; also TABLK C ul LIKY exptcttd very soon.Our assortment of Iron and'S'eel WIRE ROPE is now complete, also lop sail

SHEET CHAIN including all sizes.

HAWAIIAN GAZETTE GOto con'inue to supply the eleven privi Kmer Stroet, opposite Oastio jsr. Cooks.Morgan'sleges for knottier year when the largemain wiil be laid

Respectfully submitted,(Signed) . - Andrew Brown,

Sapt. of Honolulu Water Works. Give theThe report was accepted. BabyMinuter Damon said that tenders for G-ENEB- A

A Perfect Nutrimentfor growing Children,Convalescents,

COWG'JMTJ vi:DYSP?pr,C::..

find tho Aj'im?,.im Jin At-ut- i.'f.-- j .

the pumping plant and piping were now


being prepared, and it was hoped .thatwonc would soon be begun.

Mr. Brown, for the Judiciary Committee, presented a hill t j transfer soldolands in the district of Puna, Hawaii, TERSPRINinto the district ot South tlilo. dimMinister Smith wanted to suspend the

ITrule for the parpoee of reconsidering IT'' f.FOR ANDtoe item oi the expense of the cocsufarand d p'omatic se vice. There woutd INFANTSANDprobably be more expense connectedwith it now, and he moved reconsider- -

ation. earned price per , rnrnvTnncMr Ena said that the item of nightwatchman for the pilots office ($1440)

for Hand-fe-d Infant?., fOT7R BOOTW thn i .st

Ofmoiliers.-Th- e Vnrv r--w i ito any nJdreia, upon ret.uer.t.

DOLIDER-GOODAL- J; CODo . on, Mass., u. s. a.

INDERnot necessarv li a steamer wkdun, t e pilot whose duty ii would be tom-e- i it enonid be at the pil t officw atthe time, lie therefore moved to drikecut tno item. or. it it ua nprcKeniT t BENSON, SMITH & CO.,have a watchman, that he be stationed No. 46 Merchant Street.. at the ieepuoLo fetation. Hawaiian Gazette Co. Sole AfienU for tH Hawaiian Ialands.

Page 7: evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu · 0 fl .fill! Miffs II IP J iFl r" iff pj gf j i y u n ji fi r - 5 1 I.il ft i I k I 1 1 IitMI(h i t.lal . 1800..i VOIi. XIX.. XO. 3713. HOXOLUIiIJ


LOCAL BREVITIES. SOPER RESIGNS. SPECIAL, BUSINESS ITEMS. ntrral Utorrti$nnmts. (Dnirral 5U)rtisrmcnt3 (5r;trrai Clocrnwrmni la.

EST Per'S. S. Australia-Jun- eNo Convention today. HAWAIIANMat's Good for a For Sale Lease

The Councils Accept the Resigna-tion in Secret Session.

fit is understood that ColonelSoper yesterday tendered his



CheFter A. Doyle has returnedfrom Maui.

An office in the Cummins blockia for rent.

The CouncilB meet at 9 o'clockthis morning.

The hand will not play atErajuaSquare this afternoon.

The Convention adjourned yes-terday until Monday morningl

There will h a moonlight bat-talion drill next Monday evening.

Mr. Wells will lead the praiseservice at the Y. M. C. A. tomor-row.

The English cruiser Championwas telephoned last nieht at 1 :30" A wo'clock.

Olaf Sorenson arrived yesterdayto spend his school vacation withhis parents.

.Harry Jfennaiiow, . a son ofCaptain Fenhallow, came dowrijorHthe Alice Cooke with his parents.

The Government band will givea concert at the Hotel tonight as acompliment to Captain Houdlette.

..lllCiC YrtO uituauu it n uw

Ewa mill' yesterday, necessitatinga sionnatre 01 worK. iur uvci uvohours.

The sharpshooters will hold theirfirst quarterly shoot for companymedals at the H. R. A. range thisafternoon.

The Consolidated Soda WaterWorks Company can be communicated with over both telephonelines, number 71.

The Board of Health advertisesfor -- tenders for supplies for theleper settlement, and also for offersfor hides and tallow.

Leo Cooper did not give hisdramatic recital yesterday after-noon. It was postponed untilsome day next week.

The Kamehamehas and Hawaiiswill play a league game this after- -

ijuuu uuujuiouiut; -






dThe school band will be in attend

lGth Camarinos' Kefrif rator, containing a full supply of Nectarine?,Peaches, Cherries'. Plums, FrozenOysters', Celery, Cauliflower, FreshSalmon, Crabs, etc.

Mutual Telephone 37S.California Fruit Market.

ladies' Garden or BathingHutu for 25c. : Ladies' Sailors for 50c.at X. S. Sachs, Fort st eet.

Nottingham Lace Curtains,white or cream, for $1.50 a pair; Nottingham Door Curtain Net, 9 yardsfor $1 ; also a full line of fancy draperycan be found at Sachs, Fort street.

Ejsj If you want to sell outyour Furniture in its entirety, callat the I. X. K

For Bargains In 2ew andSecond-han- d Furniture, Lawn Mow--eis, Wicker Chairs, Garden Hose,etc., call at the I. X. Lu, corner ofNuuanu and King streets.

X7 Bedroom Sets. Wardrobes.Ice Boxes, Stoves, Hanging Lamps,Bugs, Bureaus, Chiffoniers, Steamerand Veranda Chairs, Bed Lounges.Sofas. Baby Cribs, Clothes Baskets,Sewing Machines, Whatnots, MeatSafes, Trunks, etc.. sold at the lowestn . ' . ' 'uasn races at the I. X. Lu, corner ofNuuanu and King streets.


. JS Excels ior Lodre No. 1,l aciuj Hnekah Lodjre No. 1 andtheir families are hereby je-qnet- ed

to assemble at HarmonyHall, King street, at 3p. m., for the purpose of attendingmemorial exercises.

vinm lirothers in the ciiy, a:sowidows and orphans of deceased members, are cordially invited to attend

PER UKDEU COviMirTEli.37i2-3- t


Corner King and Bethel Streets.

Carriages at all Hours !

JOT"Both Telephones 113.3713-t- f J. S. ANDRADE, Manager.

Wanted.A sfaslnA shStion in 8tore; has bad experience fornnvpral vftars. Address "A. B. C. P.O. Box 209, Honolulu. 3712-3- t


Notice.WILL FURNISH AND LAY Ha-waiianI stone curb in any quantity

to suit parties for the sum of tifty-si- x

cents (n6) per lineal loot complete. Applyat law office of A. G. Correa.

3696-- 1 m JOE CORREA.


with excellent sea view at Makiki.For particulars apply to

WM. L. PETERSON,g3694--2 - at Cartwrighfs office.

I Wanted.A GIRL OR WOMAN TO TAKEf; car? of children i and do light hotue--

wrK. a. sooa oome 10 ine iiitm nariy.A pplyat Apverti8bb office. 3711-- tf

First Semi-Annu- al Exhibition '


Open From June gth to July gthExhibition of oil piintinirs, pcalpture,

water colors, wood carving an 1 Chinapainting. Admission 2c. 370 2m


A LL PERSONS HAVING CLAIM 3xV against tha estate of Dr. GeorgeMartin, deceased, are requested to present the same at once to tha uadersia:?ied.and all persons owing to said estate willplease make immediate pavment to

J. I . HACKFKLD,Arting German Consul.

Hono!ulc, June 8, 1891.3709 5t

Canadian PacificThb Famous Tourist Routs ot ths World.





Banff! Glacier, Mount Stephen andFraser Canon.

lz::i:: Li:; of Stealers f;:n 7::::;ir?Tickets to all points in Japan, China, India

and aroand the world. re

For Tiolifcts and General Informationof

THEO. H. DAVIES & CO., the

Agents Canadian Pacific Unilway andCanadian-Australia- n JS. S. Line.

11th of JuDeSuDburn?

Cold Cream,

Camphor Ice,'

Cocoa Butter, .

PllPlimflPr Win TnninUUUUIIIUUI Uftlll I Willi)

Glycerine and Camphor

Hind's Honey and Almond Cream,


Jd"The application of anyQf the abnvfi rpmpdinl nrrpnfc:

I Ml li i . , ., ,win anay ana soouie Lne Durn- -

ins sensation and tend tolessen the after effects of sunburn "peeling."



To Let or LeaseFOR A. TERM OP YBAR8

THE PREMISES ON THEcorner of King and Alapai streets,lately occupied by l)r. G. P.

Andrews.The yard has a frontage of 200 feet on

King street and is 300 feet deep. Thehouse contains eight rooms, two halts ;also a larne kitchen, pantry, china closet,bath roona. etc., etc., besides all out-buildings that are necessary.

Possession given immediately.For further particulars apply to

35S-t- f CHAS. M. COOKF.


tania street, one block east of'I nomas Square, lately occupied

by Mr. W. G. Peacock having a frontageof 200 feet. The House contains twilarce fitting Rooms, Dining Room, twoBedrooms, Hall, etc., together withServants Quarters, fetables, etc. Fcifurther particulars, apply to

3686-t- f W. C. PEACOCK & CO.

For Sale.

A LODGING HOUSEof 27 rooms, situated inthe heart of the City.Address "A. B.," care of

this office. 3fi64tf


IN A PRIVATE HOUSE,with or without board, a largewell-fuinis- hed front room, cent

rally locat! in one of the pleasantestsituations in the city. Electric lights,modern conveniences. Terms: room$15, with bJHrd $50. References required. Address "N. C." this office.

3691-- tt

Art .Lessons.

CAMEO OIL PAINTING; FEEin Pacific Hardware Co. 'a

window. W. B. Ash will give lessons inor execute Flower Painting on any mate-rial Photographs painted in water colorsand instruct ions in the art eiven. Forparti"il;irgf apply at Aloha Gallery.

3696 lm W. B. ASH.

Notice.INTERESTED IN ANDANYONE to subscribe towards de

fraying the expenses in cele-biai-ing

the cominar Fourth ofJuly, can find subscription listsopm at the following places : HawaiianNews Co , T. G. Thrum, HollisterDruir Co . Benson. Smith & Co.. Hob- -ron, Newman &. Co., Hollister & Co. andThe Hawaiian Safe Deposit and Investment Co. 3707-- 1 w

Notice. l--

A TVT. CREDITORS OF BEN PANGE--linan of Kaionihi, North Kobala, are

jueted to file their claims, duly au Orthenticated, wi h the urd-rMi;n- -d, assa'd Panyelinan has made an alignment

all hi property to the umlersuued forbenefit of h.s crelitois.

II. L. HOLSTEIN,Assignee of 13en Panehnan.

May 23, 18S4.370 1- -2 w


V -- - - mm.Mr. A. J. uirtwriflrht

Situated on Corner of Lnnalilo andKeeaumoka Streets, Makiki.

The bousfl Las four bedrooms, ball.bath and drHssincr rooms, balcoovaud ceder lint-- closets on upperfloor ard parlor, hall, dining roobalibrary, pantries, kitchen and veran-dah on lower floor. Hot water at-tachments complete, and gasthroughout the house.

The stable contains three fine boxstalls, wash rack, carriage and harnessrooms, hay and feed loft and threeservant's room9 and is one of thebest equipped on the Islands. Thereare also cuicken houses, pigeon houseand cow sheds, store rooms and threepaddocks for live stock on the place.

The grounds are laid out in lawns.abd palm, orange, marrnolia. andmany varieties of fruit and shadetrees, roses and shrubs are trrowint?on the premises.

Jbor further particulars apply toBruce Cartwrioiit

368otf Trustee.


Mian Stamps

We will buy for cash largo or smallquantities of used Hawaiian Postagestamps at the following prices perhundred :

1 cent violet. $ 851 cent blue 851 cent green 502 cent vermillion 752 cent brown 852 cent rose 402 cent violet, 1891 issue 605 cent dark blue 755 cent lifcht klue 106 cent green 7510 cent black 7510 cent vermillion 5 2510 cent brown. . 2 7512 cent blaok 6 5012 cent mauve 6 5015 cent brown 5 2518 cent ted 10 5025 cent purple 10 6050 cent red , 2d 00$1 carmine .' 20 00

ejsJ Stamps which re torn are notwanted at any price Address


P. O. Box 443,3G22-t-f Washington, D. C.


is located in Fnkuoka Ken 11

the Island of Kinshni, Japan,and was discovered about twentyyears ago. It was owned brthe government and mined sim-

ply for the government's use.

Great improvements, howeverwere made since it was sold to acorporation about six years ago,by importing mining machineryfrom Europe and America.

TAGAWA COAIiis used more than tny otherJapanese coals in the followingcountries: China, Manila andStrait's Settlements. It hasfound its way even to Bombay.

Two carpoos have been im-

ported into the Hawaiian Ifclandsrecently, and it has no superiorin this market as stove or steamcoal.

(r. E. U0ABD3IAN,1

Sole Agent for K. Ogura & Co.3G65-t-f

Merchants' ExchangeTHE 3?OITJ'i.iR




SG7""Call early and often.3602-t- f

Property Owners and Whom it

May Concern.

THE UNDESIGNED, WILLp'atie balance of Granite Ciirhinc on

hand, rixd complete, at 65 cf-- nt perlinear foot within on mile of PostoflitO.

Builder. bWk ot llinr.K i

resignation, and that it was ac-

cepted at the secret session of theCouncils. There has been, as yet,no action taken as to his successor.

The resignation has been mootedfor some time. A few months ago,when it wa3 first spoken of, therewas a possibility that the Govern-ment could obtain a graduate ofAnnapolis as chief of the military,bui whether that will be possiblenow, is not at present known.

Several members of the Councilwere asked concerning the matterlast evening, but each was reticentabout it. However, enough wasdropped during the conversationto show that the resignation was afact. It will probably take effectas soon as a successor can be aD- -pointed.


It Wants to Enter the FOUrtn Of

July Sports.The Athletic Club met last eve- -

ning and elected three new mem- -'suciB. J. IJC U1UU ECCU13 IU UC IU it

flourishing condition, as, after payU

ing the expenses incurred at itsrecent exhibition, it has $20 in the )

treasury.A eotnmittpfi was nnnninterl in

confer with theCommittee oh Sportsr... t.u e T..- i- :iui iud j.'uurui ti ifuiy, in urucr iu i

make arrangements to enter, andalso to have the sports take placeat the baseball grounds.

The doming BentGt.Arrangements are very nearly

Completed for the benefit to begiven Jerry Connors. Lne eventwill take place next Thursdayevening at tne upera iouse, anathere will undoubtedly be a bigcrowd present.

Captain Barker has kindly givenpermission lor tne rniiaaeipniaminstrel and specialty troope toappear, ana the JNationai liand nasoffered its services gratis. L. J.Levev has nromised to attend to allbusiness of the ticket-sellingn- d

other business connected with theOoera House free of anv charere.andfrom riresent indications, thew r w i

receipts will be nearly all cleargain.


Cummins' Block, opening onMerchant street. Terms moderate.

Inquire at Bank of Clans Spreckels & Co.S713-1- W

In the Circuit Court of the First Circuit. Hawaiian Islands.

TN THE MATTER OF TBE EJL tateofT F.O. Y. Alai. Al&i. 8r.. andIdxm Pun. comprising the Copartnershipfirm of Tai Wo Chan Company.

I VorHtnra nf caiTtanlrmnta ara lioroV.tr I

stifled to come in and prove theirdebts before the Circuit Court ofthe First Circuit, in the Court-room of said Court, at Honolulu, Oahu,on MONDAY, the 25th day of June, 1894,between the hours of ten o clock in theforenoon and noon of the said day, andelect a a Assignee or Assignees of thesaid Bankrupts' Estate.

By the Court.GEO. LUCAS,

3713-t- d Clerk.


Prof. Pamuel Adelsfein will receive hlimited number of pupils. Adlress careHawaiian News U j. oi 10-l- m

CONSOLIDATEDSoda Wa!cr Works Company, Limited

Esp!anada, Corner Allen and Fort Sti

HOLLISTER. & CO.,3710 1553-l- y Aeents


Corner of King and Nuuanu streets.3689-l- mt

FUKNITUKE, OLDWANTED. Tobooks, tools, lamps, stoves.second hand clothing, all kinds secondhand cojkIs. No. 114 King St., cor.

Alakea. 86S-l- m

Bead This!

F YOU WANT A MO IT VIS rU WEK,order a Keoan Vapoe or I'acific

Gas Kngise: they are the best, safestsimplest in the world.

JUS. TliNlviK,Sole Aint.

'Send for catalogues. Honolulu,I. XtiSH-- tf

Keep your friends abroad poston Hawaiian aftnirs by sendl jg

them copies of the HAWAIIANGAZETTEt semi-weekl- y.



Saturday afternoon, jdne ic

AT 3:30 O'CLOCK.


The Hawaiian Beerage Company



Non - Intoxicating , Hop Beer


Manufactory, Punchbowl St.,Itetween Palace Walk and King 6t.CT'Matual Telephone 314.

3704 tf


THE STORE NOW OCCU- -.pied by Ben on, Smith & Co.,with upper part of bui. dine.Possession given July 1st.

,yijppiy to

H. S. TREGLOAN & SON.S705-t- f

This Reserved-- :- Space -- :



NEXT -:- - TO -:- - HORN'S -:- - BAKERY2679-- tf

The Most Complete st.oJk Millineiy


J. J. Egan's, 514 Fort St.

A large assortment of Woolen Dre&sGoods, Storm Serge in Blue, Black ar dWhite; Scotch, English and AmericanGinghams in large quantities.

A fine line . in fancy-figure- d washGoods.

A complete stock of Striped andChecked Flannels. This is the placeto buy your Laces, Embroidery andHosiery, cheap; a complete line.

fi6"Dressmakinc done in all itsbranches by the well-know- n Dressmaker,Mr henner.

fflff COIL!



C, Brewer & Co.


TTAWAIIAN FERTILIZING . CO.Xl. manufacturers and dealers in allkinds 01 Fertilizers

A. F. COOKE,Manager and Proprietor.


JL PIIaTES in quantities to euit.Apply to


OULPHATE AND MURIATE OFO POTASH, direct from Stransfart,Mines; always on hand and for sale by


XTITRATK OF SODA OR CHTLKV SALTPETRE;' 100 tons just received.

1 mror saie in Dags or Dareis.A.. F.COOKE,

Manager Hawaiian Fertilizing Co.



and Fiah Gnano: Ctiina Nut Cake.erspoli'nfe 1 tjbedlivereil on arrival.


m A FURNISHED COTTAGF,of or.elarjre om forient. Address


The Y. M. C. A. monthly temperance concert will take placethiB-evenint- r

- .commencing at 7 .:6U

o'clock. A good programme nasbeen arranged for the occasion.

The annual meeting of the Hawaiian Mission Children's Society,for the election of officers and thereading of reports, will be held this

rAt a. il Z

ATfininp. .mne loin, at lue reai--

rienr.fi of Mr. J. 15. Atherton, at7 :30 o'clock.

The Oddfellows will observe theirMemorial Day Sunday. At 3 o'clockthe different lodges will assembleat Harmony Hall, from which theywill be driven to the cemetery,wWa thAv will decorate the cravesofVTVtheir dead comrades.

TMV ' "KYieman. the steward of the I

TTi.n..t!:n TT-4a- 1 Vioa Vtoort artrA1 nt.Pfl I

assistant manager, vice Mr..T.ftwisJ nwho left yesterday. Mr. Friemanhas a large numoer oi inenas inthe city among the patrons of theHotel, and he will undoubtedly bean acquisition to the stall ot employees.

Judge Whiting yesterday issuedii mittimus for the arrest of W. H.Aldrich. whom he had sentencedto thirty clays on the reel ior contempt of Court. But Aldrich isnot to be found, and although thewarmnt i nnt for his arrest, heetill wanders somewhere in the outskirts.

A Complimentary Concert,Thfl Hawaiian tnind Will Cive a

complimentary concert at the Hawaiian Hotel this evening, in honorof Captain Houdlette, who todaycompletes his 100th trip .to theislands. The following programmewill be presented :

part r.1. March' ' Ureetings" Faust2. Overtun "Festival" Herman3. Kcho meca 'In Switzerland '

HoweSolos by Messrs. Kreuter

and Kapua.4. Piccolo Solo 44 Auld Lang

Syne" Hartman ofMr. I isaraotii.

PART II.5. Selection Robin Hood" (by

request).......,. De Koven6. Ballad "On the Sea" scuuDeri,7. Waltz 44 Favorite Melodies"

. Io. Two niarcties bySouza n. "Lib-erty Belli," . "WashiogtonPost" and

44Hawaii Ponoi."

Q Jerusalem blacksmiths get II.3L92 a week.

Sir Charles Kassell was a news-paper reporter. ed

St. Petersburg has an 1100 tonbronza statue. A this olhce. otfKMm j Esplanade. ji.iOJMf

Page 8: evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu · 0 fl .fill! Miffs II IP J iFl r" iff pj gf j i y u n ji fi r - 5 1 I.il ft i I k I 1 1 IitMI(h i t.lal . 1800..i VOIi. XIX.. XO. 3713. HOXOLUIiIJ


Diplomatic and Consular RepreSfJtrjBing. GOVERNMENTTHE PROVISIONALOAHD RAILWAY & lp CO.'S

expenses was the bill to theboarding house masters, and by the

sailor was ready to go to 6ea therenothing left of his advance.

Chronicle.New Yoke, Jane 3. American

steamer Paris is in, after theqnickest voyage ever made fromSouthampton. She left Tne Needles

2:13 p. m. May SG, and arrived atSandy Hook at 8 40 last evenrogover

south course, covering 3,119and making an average of 20:1

knots per hour, the best averagemade. The time was 6 days 11 in

hours and 31 minutes. This doe3break the record made in Julylast of G days 9 hours and 37

minutes, bnt on that occasion shethe Northern course and only

covered 3,052 miles.When the British bark Archer,

Captain Dawson, was abandoned onbeam ends while going from

Victoria to Portland, Or., in Marchthe crew were rescued by theJohn C. Potter of this port saysS. P. Call. By a private letter

received here it is learned that theEnglish Board of Trade has awarded R.

Captain Meyer of the Potter a votethanks and a handsome binocular

glass for the gallantry and humanitydieclayed cm the ocsasion. Tu

Archer was recently purchased byCaptain Calhoun, formerly master of I

Ceylon.When the British ship Craig

Elvan arrived in this port last fallCaptain Hawthone, her commander,

intoxicated, and remained sonearly the whole time the vessel wa9

port. When the Yessel arrivedhome a few weeks ago the captain

first and second mates werecharged with broaching cargo andup:n mnk on the vovaere from

- ... .tn rrhav OTprft

fnnnd crniltv. and Cactain Hawthorne had his certificate as mastersuspended for six montbs and bad topay 20 toward the cost of the in-

quiry. The certificates of the firstaud second mates were canceled.

F. Call.


The Boilers of the Philadelphia to

he Repaired.

Some time ago the United State3papers contained many articlesstating that the tubes of the boilers

the U. S. S. Phildelphia weredefective, and there was consider--

able talk about the matter in navalcircles. It now transpires that thereport was a fact.

On the Planter, which arrivedrecently, were 3300 three inchtubes, each ten feet long, whichhave been taken aboard the man- -of-wa-r. In a lew weeKS tne contractfor putting them in place will prob-ably be let. This will be a ratherlengthy operation, occupying somemonins, as eauu uuuer uished and thoroughly tested beforeanother is begun. ,


(From Ileports to "Weather Service.)




B B A DA..M. ?.M. r.M.

r sum Mnnftlnln...8:45 1:45 4:35 5:10- Tvi q?30 2:30 5:10 5:56ASvaVr Mill -- .9:57 2:57 5:36 6:22


0 B B AA.M. A.M. P.H. p.m.

kw Mill.. 6:21 10:43 3:43 5:42ri?:" 11:15 4:15 6:10Arrive llonolalu..7:30 115 .45 6:45

A Saturdays only; .

B Daily.n Rnndav excepted.D Vaturuaya excepted.

The Pacific Commercial Advertiser j

Issued Every Morning, Except

Sunday, by theM

Hawaiian Gazette Company

At No. 318 Merchant Street.



The Daily Pacific Commercial Adver--TISER (8 PAOtSJ

Per month in advance J$Per quarter ii advance J JJJPer year in advance . ... . . . -

Per year, postpaid to United States11 00of America, Canada, or Mexico..

Per year, postpaid Foreign . , . 14 uuSemi-Week- ly (8

AAA WW k w--

pages Tuesdays and Fridays)

Per year 104 numbers. . . . . $5 00,wr. IT R and Canada o UU

tn.i,oar rkthpr Koreitrn Countries. . 7 CO1CI JfcBl)V-- v. c

Payable Invariably In Advance.

II. M. WHITNEY,Business Manager.



June, 1894.

Fr. Bi. KOOH'l FBilU.M. Tu. W.

2 .3 jMwvr MootJane 3.

10O Jane 10.

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Full Moona Jane 17.19 20 at 22 23 24 " l,M Qn't

2 98 19 Jnne "fi

roKSiov mail, bervice.

Ijteamships will leave for and arrive ftornFrancisco, on the following dates, till

the close of 1S04.

Ab. at Hosolulu Lkavk HokoluluFk. Saw Francisco Fob San Francisco

oa Vancouver oa VancouverOn or About . On or About

Australia.... June 16 Australia . . . .June 23

Arawa June 23 Alonowai....Juue 28Mariposa July 5 Wrrimoo July 1

Belgic July 5 Kio J aneiro . .J uly H

Australia .... J uly 14 Australia.... J uly 21

Warn moo... July 2 Alameda July 26Monowai Aug. 2 Arawa....... Aug. 1

Australia. . . .Aug. 11 Australia .... Aug. 18

Arawa Aug. 23 (iaelic AUi. 21

Alameda.... Aug. 3U Sl-rip- . . .Aug. 23

China.. Sept. 3 Warrimoo....!Sept. 1

Australia .... Sept. 8 Australia... Sept. 15

Warrimoo..Sept. 23 Monowai Sept. 20

Mariposa... Ben. 27 Arawa -- ct. iOceanic . ..Oct. 2 Peking Oct. 9

Australia. Oct. 6 Australia. ...Oct. 10

Arawa .Oct. 23 Alameda Oct. 18"

Monowai Oct. 25 Warrimoo....Nov. 1

Australia Nov. 3 Australia... 'Nov. 13

China.. Nov. 12 Mariposa. . . Nov. 15

Alameda Nov. 22 Oceanic Nov. 19

Warrim o . . .Nov. 23 Arawa Dec. 1

Australia Dc. 1 Australia, Dec. 8

Oceanic Dec. 11 Monowai.... Dec. 13

Mariposa Dec. Warrinioo...Dtc 31

Arawa ...Dec. i Chma...:...-Dtc- . 31

Australia Dec. 29

Mteroo)Clcttl Keconl.




sentatives of Hawaii Abroad.IN T1IK UNITED STATES.

United States His Fx L A ThurstonEnvoy Extraordinary and MinisterPlenipotentiary, Washington. D C.

Secretary and Charyre d' A ffaiies ad in- -

York E II Allen, Oonsul-Gener-

Francisco C T Wilder, Consnl- - tGeneral for the I'acific Mates: Cali-forni- a,

Oregon and Nevada andWashington ...J F SoperConsular Clerk

Philadelphia Kobert II Davis, ConsulDieo, CaJa Jas W Girvin, Consul

Boston Gorham D Gilman. ConsulPortland Or J ilcCraken, Consul

lownsend, Wash James G SwanConsul

Seattle G R Carter, ConsulTacoma, Washington J T Belcher

Acting Vice-Cons- ul"


S of Mexico, Mexico -- Tol W JGrees, Consul. K U Baker, Vice-Cons- ul

Manzanillo Robert James Barney, Co--'8Ul.

Guatemala Henry Tolke, ConsnlLima F S Crosby, Acting Consul

Callao, Peru S Crosby, ConsulChile, Valparaiso, D Thomas, Charge d

Affaires and Consal-Gener- al

Monte Video, Uruguay Conrad HugheConsul

Philippine Islands, Iloilo George Shel- -merdine, Consul

Manila Jasper M Wood ConsulCebu George E A Cadell Consul


London Charge d' AffaireeSecretary of Legation Manley Hop-kins, Conhul-Genera- l

Liverpool Harold Janion, ConsulBristol Mark Wbitw ell, Consul

ewcastle on Tyne-- E Biestetfeld,Consul

Falmouth C R Bread, ConsulDover (and the Cinque Torts) Francis

William Precott, ConsulCardiff H Goldberg, C --nsulSwansea II Bovey, Vice ConsulEdinburgh and ieith K G Buchanan,

ConsulGlasgow Jas Duin, ConsnlDundee J G Zooler, ConsulDublin H Jas Murphy,' Vice-Cons- ul

Qu-enstow- Geo B Dawson,' ConsulBelfast W A Kcsf, Consul


Toronto, Ontario - J E Thompson, Consul' General Geo" A Sh w, Vice-Con- sul

Montreal Dickson Anderson. ConsulKingston, Ontario Geo Richardson,

Vice-Cons- ul

Rimouski, Quebec J N Pouliot Q C.Vice-Cons- ul

John's. N B Allan O Crookshank,Consul

Yarmouth, N S Ed F Clements, Vice-Cons- ul

Victoria, B C "R P Rithet, ConsulVancouver, B C E M Beattie, ConsulSydney, W S W W E Dixon, ActiugN

Consul' JMelbourne,Victoria G N Oakley, ConsuBrisbane, Queensland Alex B. Webster

Consul.Hobart, Tasmania Captain Hon Audley

Coot, ConsulLaunceeton- - Geo Collins, Vice-Cens- ul

Newcastle, N IS W W 11 Moulton,Consul

A nckland, N Z D B Cruikphank. ConsulDunedin, N Z Henry Driver, ConsulHongkong, China Hon J Johnstone

Keswick, Acting Consul-Gener- al

Shanghai, China lion J JohnstoneKeswick


Paris Alfred noule, Chf rge d' Affand Consul-Gener- al ; AN HTeysVice-Cons- ul

Marseilles G du Cayla, ConsulBordeaux Ernest de Bcissac, ConsulDijon, H H Veilhomnne, ConsulLibourne Charles Schaessler, ConsulTahiti, Papeete A F Bonet, Consul


Bremen John F Muller, ConsulHamburg Edward F Weber, ConsulFrankfoit-on-Main- e Joseph Kopp, Con-bu- I

- -

Dresden Augustus P Russ ConsulKarlsTuhe U Muller, Consul


Vienna Hugo von Schonberger, Consul


Barcelona Enrique Minguez, ConsuGeneral

Cadiz James Shaw, ConsulValencia-Jul- io Solar, ConsulMalaga F T De Navarra, Consul; if

Gimenea y Navarra, Vice-Cons- ul

Cartejjena J Paris, ConsulLas Palmas, Gran Canaria Louis F&l- -

cony Quevedo. Consul ; J Bravo uaL,aguna, v ice-Cons- ul

Santa Cruz A C de las Casas, Vice-Ccnt- ul

Arecife de Lanzarotte E MoralesRodriguez, Vice-Conb- ul


Lisbon A Fereira de Serpa, Consul-Gener- al

Oporto Narciso T M Ferro, ConsulMadeira F Rodrigues. Conbultft Michaels A de rt Moreira, ConsulSt Vincent, Cape de Verde Islands

C Martins, Vice-Cons- ul

Lagos M J Barbosa, Vice-Cons- ul


Rome James Clinton Hooker, ConsulGeneral

Genoa Raphael de Lucbi, ConsalPalermo An, elo Tagliavia, Consul


Amsterdam D II Schmull, Consul"General

Dordrecht P J Bouwman, Consul


Antwerp Victor rorge, Consul-Gene- ral

4hpnt K Connieter.s. Consul

Official List of Members and Loca

tion of Bureaus.Newfcfan

.Executive Council.B. Dole, President of the Provisional

Government of the Hawaiian Islands. PanM. Hatch, Minister of Foreign Af- -

fairs.A. King, Minister of the Interior. PortM. Damon, Minister of finance.

O. Smith, Attorney-Genera- l.1

Adyisoby Council.

C. Wilder, Vice-Preside- nt of the Provisional Government of the HawaiianIslands. U

Bolte, John Emmeluth,Brown, E. D. Tenney,Nott, W. F. Allen.Ena, Henry Waterhouse,

James F. Morsran, A. loung,A. McCandless, D. B. Smith, Peru,

P. Mendonca.Chas. T. Rodgers. Secretary Ex. and

4councils.SUPREMP COUKT.

A. F. Judd, C itsf Justice.R. F. Bickerton, First Associate

Justice.Hon. W. F. Frear, Second Associate

Justice.Henry Smith, Chief Clerk.Geo- - Lucas, Deputy Clerk.

h Peterson, Second Deputy Clerk.Walter Jones, Stenographer.

Circuit Judges.

FirsiCircuit: XlH Oahu.(H. JSecond Circuit: (Maui) A. N. Kenoikai.Third and Fourth Circuit: (Hawaii) S.

L. Austin. ,Fifth Circuit : (Kauai) J. Hardy.

Offices and Court-roo- m in Court House.King street. Sitting in HonoluluThe first Monday in February, May,

Department of Foreign Affairs.Office in Capitol Building, King street .

His Excellency F. M. Hatch, Minis-ter of Foreign Affairs.

Geo. C. Potter, Secretary.Lionel Hart, Clerk.


Office in Capitol Building, Kingstreet.

His Excellency J. A. King, Minister of Stthe Interior.Chief Clerk, John A. Hassinger.Assistant Clerks : James H. Boyd, M. K.

Keohokalole, James Aholo. StephenMahaulu, George C.Ross, EdwardS. Boyd.

Bureau of Agriculture and Forestry.President : His Excellency the Minister

of Interior. Wm, G. Irwin, AllanHerbert, John Ena. Joseph Mars-de-n,

Commissioner and Secretary.Chiefs cf Bureaus, Interior Depart-

ment.Surveyor-Genera- l, W.D. AlexandergupU PubJic Works, W. E. Eowell.Supt. Water Works, Andrew Brown.Inspector, Electric Lights, John Cassidy.Registrar of Conveyances, T. G. Thrum.Road Supervisor, Honolulu, W. H.Cum-ming- s.

Chief Engineer Fire Dept., Jas. II. Hunt.8upt. Insane Asylum, Dr. A. McWayne


Office, Capitol Building, Kingstreet.

Minister of Finance, His Excellency S.M. Damon.

Auditor-Genera- l, II. Laws.Registrar of Accounts, W. G. Ashley.Clerk to Finance Office, E. A. Mclnerny.Collector-Gener- al of Customs, Jas. B.

Castle. .Tax Assessor. Oahu. Jona. Shaw.Deputy Tax Assessor, W. CWeedon.Postmaster-Genera- l, J. Mort Oat.

Customs Bureau.Office, Custom House. Esplanade, Fort

8tr6ouCollector-Genera- l, Jas. B. Castle.Deputy-Collecto- r, F. B. McStocker.Harbormaster, Captain A. Fuller.Port Surveyor, M. N. Sanders.Storekeeper, George C. Stratemeyer.

Depabtment op Attokney-Geneba- l.

Office in Capitol Building, Kingstreet.

Attorney-Genera- l, W. O. Smith.Deputy Attorney-Gene- i J, G. K. WildeiClerk, J. M. Kea.Marshal, E. G. Hitchcock.Clerk to Marshal, H. M. Dow.Deputy Marshal, Arthur M. Brown.Jailor Oanu Prison, J. A. Low.Prison Physician, Dr. C. B. Cooper.

Boabd of Immigration.

President, His Excellency J. A. King.Members of the Board of Immigration

Hon. J. B. Atherton, Jas. B. CastleHon. A. S. Cieghorn, James G.Spencer, Mark P. Robinson.

Secretary, Wray Taylor.

Board of Health.Office in grounds of Court House Build-

ing, corner of Mililani and Queenstreets.

Members Dr. Day, Dr. Miner, Dr.Andrews, J.T. Water house, Jr., JohnEna, T.heo. 1?. Lansmg and Attorney-Gener- al

Smith,President Hon. W. O. Smith.Secretary Chas. Wilcox.Executive Officer C. B. Reynolds.Inspector and Manager of Garbage Ser--

vice aj. riciTo. .Inspector G. W. C. Jones.Port Physician, Dr. G. P. Andrews.Dispensary, Dr. H. W. Howard.Leper Settlement, Dr. R . K. Oliver.

Board of Education.Court House Building, King street.

President, Hon. W. R. Castle.

Steamship Line.

' T TO'

Steamers of the above line,, running 8.connection with the Canadian Pacific

Railway Co., between Vancouver, B. C. F.and Sydney, N. S. W., and calling atVictoria B. C. Honolulu and J.

8.Suva Fiji, W.

Are Due at HonoluluOn or about the dates below stated, viz: W.

From Sydney and Suva, for Victoria C,Cecil

and Vancouver, B. ft: JohnJohn

K. "WARRIMOO" July 1 J.S. s. "AHaWA" : August 1 Jos.S. S. "WAKRIMOO" Septtemberl

A 1

From Victoria and Vancouver, B. C, foraqv.

Suva and Sydney: Hon.Hon.

S. S. ARAWA" . .. Jnne 23K. S. "WARRIMOO'I. .. July 21S. S. "ARAWA" . .August 23

Through tickets issued from Honolulu C.to Canada, United States and Europe. J.

!pS2For Freight and Passage and allgeseral information, apply to

Theo. H. Davies & Co.,GENERAL AGENTS.



Australian Mail Service.

For San Francisco:The New and Fine Al Steel Steamship

f "MONOWAIOf the Oceanic Steamship Company willbe due at Honolulu, from Sydney andAuckland, on or about

JUNE 28th,And will leave for the above port withMails and Passengers on or about thatdate.

t,, byilliey CL AUCKlclIlUThe New and Fine Al Steel Steamship


Of the Oceanic Steamship Company willbe due at Honolulu, from San Francisco,on or about

JULY 5th,And will have prompt despatch withMails and Passengers for the above ports.

The undersigned are now prepared. to issue



For further particulars regardingFreight or Passage apply to

Wm. G. Irwiii & Co., Ltd.,GENERAL AGENTS.



Time Table.LOCAL LINE.

S. S. AUSTRALIAArrive Honolulu Leave Honolulu

- from S. F. for b. 1? .June 16 June 23 .

July 14 July 21

THROUGH LINE.From San Fran, From Sydney for

for Sydney. San Francisco.Arrive Honolulu. Leave Honolulu.MARIPOSA Jul 5 MONOWAI Jun 28MONOWAI Aug 2 ALAMD Jul 26ALAMEDA Aug 30 MARIPOSA Aug 23MAKIPOSA Sep 27 MONOWAI Sept 20MONOWAI Oct 25 ALAMEDA Oct 18


CH1S. B12WIE & CO8

BOStOll Lille Of PaCketS.

;s. Shippers will please takenotice that the



timeARRIVALS. whs

Feiday, June 15.

Stmr W G IJall, Simer3on, from MauilineHawaii. . ...

bchr Alice uooke, I cnnaiiow, iroiu canFrancisco.

atDEPASTURES. theFriday, June 15. miles

Stmr Waialeale, Smythc. for port3 onHawaii. ever

notVKHHEL9 MS fOKT.21st(TMsllat does not Include coter.i

NAVAL VI8SEL8. tookIflKH Philadelphia. Barker. Callao.HUM Takachiuo. Nomura, Yokohama. JJapanese Training bhip Ivon-g- o, a runa,

Commander, Yokohama.MKECHASTMER. her

Am Miss strar Morninjr Star, Garland.Aia bkt Kobt fcudden, Dhlberg, N h W.Am bk Newsboy, Mollestad, N B W. last,Brig WG Irwin, McDonald, ban Francisco. shipGer bk J C Glade, fctee. Liverpool. theSchr K W Bartlett, Lavsan Is.Bk Matilda, Svenson. Departure Bay.Bk Discovery. Christianson, tau Iran.Bfctne b O Wilder, McNeil, ban Francisco.Bk Cey on, Calhoun, Ban Francisco. ofSchr Aloha, Dbel, oan Francisco.Bchr Alice Cooke, Penhallqw, Ban Fran.


FOREIGN VESSELS EXPECTED.Vaseis. Where from. Dae. the

Am schr W S Phelps. ..Gray's Har. .. .DueHarkfeld (sld tfeD 25)..Lrpool. Mar25-3- 1f:?;;: .Jf J:dSSS5S

OSS Australia ...F June jo wasfcch Allen A .. 8 F (Man): .June 17Am bk Amy Turner... New York.. June inBktne Amelia, ,Pt Gamble..June30OSSMarposa 8F Juy 6

Jtr O si M Vtottrln Kn Fran Julv 5 and&0SKio Janeiro. .Hongkong.. July i0

BarkKenta..... Liverpool.. July 30Uk t N vvncoi. .. MiacuesDorougo, auK .


From San Francisco, per schr AliceCooke, June 15 Olof Sornesen and FiankAndrade. S.

From Maui and Hawaii per stmr W GHall, June 15 A Young, J M Mcuire,Palmer Wo ds, A Hanneberg, 1 Fried-lande- r,

Sheriff G H Wi iiams. C A Doyle,VV O Aiken, Linds-y- . Miss C Drew. MrsP A Dias, J A Magoon, 11 11 Makekau, 1

Sato, Hattie Nahia.

uiruuTs.Per W G Hall 51 bags coffee, 142 bags

awa, 87 "hides, 28 head caltle, 1 horse, 20bag rice, 50 pkgs sundries.


CARTEB In this city, June 15th, to thej ife of J. C. Carter, a son.


Diamond Head, June 15, 10 p. m.Weather, cloudv : wind, . light

1 -

east.The Australia is due this morning.The barkntioe Amelia left Port

Gamble on May 31st for this port.The schooner King Cyrus left San

Francisco for Tacoma on May 31st.The S. G. Wilder will leave for

San Francisco" this afternoon about2 o'clock.

The Newsboy has been moved toBrewer's wharf to make room forthe Australia. ,

The brig John D. Spreckels arrived at San Francisco on the 1stinst, 20 days from Kahului.

Spoken per Anstralia May 27, lat19 N, long 153 30 W, spoken bark

Annie Johnson, 3 days out, form-Hil- o

for.San Francisco.The schooner Alice Cooke arrived

from San Francisco yesterday after-noon. The vessel had a pleasantvovasre and came down in 13 day9.She brought a cargo of 'general,merchandise.

The brig Geneva, has been chart-ered by the Apollo ConsolidatedMining Company to make the trip toUoga, Alaska, with a stampmill andmachinery for the miues. TheGeneva was recently at this port.

Of the seventeen vessels that lefthere last November for the UnitedKingdom the quickest passage wasmade by the British ship City ofHat.kow. which went home in 10G

days. The average passage of allthe vessels was 127 days. S.F.Call.

New York, June 2. There was acollision in the harbor this eveningand one man lost his life. Thesteamship Manan, Captiiu Turnbull,bound for Sydney, was pas-iu- g

North River, aud was opposite PierNo. 35, when she struck the tug A.B. Hosie amidships, cutting the lat-ter in two. The tug sank, earringdown with her C. Bragg, the engineer, who was at work in the engineroom. The others wero saved.

Word ha been received at SanFrancisco that the British barkCambrian xJhieftiau, CaptainTnomas, had been thrown on herbeam ends during a gale, whitebound for Newcastle, Australia, toCoauimbo, and abandoned. Thecaptain's wife and two children andfourteen of th crew were landed atValparaiso by the British bark Dee.Toe uapiaiu ana me resi oi toe crewwere missing. Captain I nomas iswell known and was formerly incommand of the Jralgrave, CambrunChieftain, River Avon and Derbyshire.

The advance in sailors' wages ontSo cjast aud between hete and theHawaiian islands and Tahiti hasbeen cut off, and hereafter th buard- -

inir huuse masters will have to waitfor thir biils'until the return of ves-s- e

h from tbose points. Heretoforesailors h.ore beu allowed to drawagainst the owners before they lefton a voyage. The mouey thus received went to defray tneir expenseswhile in port. Tne principal item of


Elev.Feet. Inches

50 1.87100 2.65100 3.18200 3.61

3.3210 2.83

900 3.91400 1.31750 0.64300 0.25

1200 0.28400 0.40700 1 26200 2.375S3 2.20

2730 1.59950 3.55

15S0 3.621800 6.53

800 2.81650 0.26

1100 0 3S1650 5.19

10 ' 1.49600 2.52750 2.69

10 0.00600 0.04

15 0.0015 1.20

70 ' 0.50

50 0.40SO 0 3320 0.27- -

50 0.1015 0.1910 0.03

. 150 0 30100 0.40'

30 0.5450 0.4350 1 24

250 0 67405 1.03735 1.24850 2.46350 0.4S -

25 0.3815 0.7060 0.00

100 0.11.

200 0.71. 300 0.91. 200 0.49

325 1 23, O0 A 2w

C. J. Lyons,


I Ir



WaiakeaHilo (town) - ....PepeekeoHakalau ......HononinaLaupahoehoe ....

PaauiloPaauhauPaauhauHonokaaKukuihaeleNiuliiKobala MissionWaimea- -X.ii 1 uXm


Olaa (Mason)PohoikiTohoikiWraiakaheula


MolokaiMapulehu ...

OahuPunahouOahu CollegeHonolulu (City)..'....ivulaokahua- -Kiug St. (Kewalo)Kapiolanl ParkMakikiManoaInsane AsylumPauoa -Nuuauu

Si uu&uuNuuanu (Elec. Stn)NuuauuNuuanu, LuakahaAhuimauuTci ti ulvUWaianae........Ewa Plantation....Waimanalo


Kihtuea i mm


In charge of Weather Bureau.

Washington, June 2.-T- he Mar-blheu- d

will robably start fromNew York for Bluefields next Tues-day. The Atlanta having relievedthe Richmond at Philadelphia, willah--o start for Bluefields as soon asshe can be made ready.

58 o 33 )u 2. B 2 - o

B ? S

70 810.05 59 2 kb 4

73 S2 o.OO 53 1 bsb 5-- 3

72 81 0.00 64 2 esi 367 83 0 00 60 3 B 366 82 0 CO 60 5 36ft 82!o 00 67 2 Nrf 166 86fo 00 70 2 8 K l-- 3



Ban. 30.12 30 07

AIot JO. 1. 30. 07Tue ;tt.llj30.C7Wec 30.14 30.08Tha Hi n3Q 06Fxi. 30.1230 058t. 9130.10 30 06

. Barometer corrected for temperature and ele-vation, bnt not for latitude.

Tide. San and Moon.

Liege Jul93 Bianpain, Consul , f ?'

Brutres Emile Van dn Brande, Consu' ,pjn. p.m. a m . p.m.Hon.. U 0 0 l'.31 5.20 4 . 0 5.17 6.4 : 0.51Tne. II 1. 0 11.25 6. 0 5 40 5 17 6.4Wed. L3 1.2- - 1'.50 6 21 7.) 6.17 6. 2 J.fSTnur. U 1.0 6.5 9. 0 5.17 6.4J 1.13

r!.... t5 2.3' i6 7.30 10.C3 5.18 6 43! 3.10Sat... iv 3 . 0 1.30 8. Ojll. 0 5.18 6. 3.MSon. -- 7 3.3- - 3. 0 8.1511.40 5.18 6.4lj 4.4i

- i


Stockholm C A Engails, cting ConsaiGeneral.

Christiania L Samson, ConsalLysbil II Bergstrotn, Vice -- Consul

VicGothemb-r- g Gutav Kr.uik,Consul


Hi. i

Leaves New York on or about JULYl&t for tbia port, if sufficient induce-ment offers."

&JEJT' For further information, apply toChas. Brewer & Co., 27 Kilbv St., Boston,Mass., or to

C. BREWER & CO. (L'D.),Honolulu, Agents.

Secretary, W. James Smith.Inspector of Schools, A. T. Atkinson.

, District uourt.Police Station Building, Merchant streetAG. M. Robertson, Magistrate.Jam 3a Thompson, Clerk.

Full moon on the 17th at Sh. 3 m. p. m.Time WhlHtle biow at lb. 'it-- 4s. P.M. of

Honolnln time, which U the same at 12b. 0m. C.Of Greenwich time.

For every 1000 feet ot distance of the observerthe Custom Hone) allow one second forSm of sound, or 6 seconds to a statute


Tokio His Excellency R Walker Irwr jfMinister Resident 1

Hiogo and Oaka-- C P Hall, Confol ;