evols.library.manoa.hawaii.eduevols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/40346/1/...we offer for...

v & I fTlltill'MYf'it 1 1 y i.ifl ill i i ,i ip ,t fc Kat&blltheJ July 8 1830. VOL,. XVIII. NO. 3438. IONOL.UL.U, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, MONDAY, JULY 21, 1893. PRICE 5 CENTS. Opctial ZCoticco. 5 penal ICotircs. (Dnirrol CUtotrtisnntnta. cDcnrral nDrrrnsnnnn: Pacific Commercial Advertiser (general tornisniur.t. OCEANIC Hardware, Builders and Genera!, always up to the times in quality, styles and prices. Plantation Supplies, a full assortment to suit tho various demand . Steel Plows, made expressly for Island work with extra parts. Cultivator's Cane Knives. Agricultural Implements, Hoes, Shovels, Forks, Mattocks, etc., etc Carpenters', Blacksmiths' and Machinists' Tools Screw Plates, Taps and Dies, Twist Drills, Ctf O o O o O o O - s III w Paints and (- - (ft Blake's Steam 03 CO SEWING MACHINES, a I nhnmnflnn flilc luui luamiy uno o General Merchandise, there is anything you E politely treated. No Oils, Brushes, Glass, Asbestos Hair felt and Felt Mixture. every "tiling0 woiiave,11 want, come and ask for it, you will he trouble to show goods. 3278-tf-- d Pumns. Weston's Centrifugals. Wilcox & Gibhs, and Remington. In quality and efficiency surpassed by none. 14C2-tf-- 893. 7 Life Ins. Co. YORK. President. - - 175,081,156.61. policy, or any particulars concerning the .Mutual Lite insurance company may SEMI-CENTENNIA- L, 5 Per Cent. Debenture Folic) n -- ISSUED BY 13 PCBUSHiD Every Morning Except Sundays, BT TEB HAWAIIAN GAZETTE COMPANY, At Ho. 40 Merchant Bt. dUBSCRIPTION KATE8I Daily Pacific Co vhk rci al Adtzstissk (G PAQSS) i - Q- - n-;- iRmM nrmfnmS 6 00 cjCif ' ' . Por rear. tJostraiJ Foreign 12 00 Tpt TPir. nostM.id to United States J ' .n.;o fenaa rr Tpnf. ill IfJ I vi .luiciiv! - i I l W esllt (12 FAGS3) Hattahax Gazsttb Per year, with "Guide'; premiums 5 00 Per year, postpaid Foreign - o uo 1 Payablo inTftrUbly In Advance. I All transient Advertisements mu3t bo prepaid. il. M. Wiutnsy, Manager. Autuuk Johnstone, Editor. riiClAL NOTICE. anJ sub- - :: rr a.t'ertisetaents riciii.-,- ? muit o6 prepaiu. tfsy-Oitrrl- eis are not allowed to seU ivij-ers.uo- r to receive payment irum . r li ii A r t v t " tmeh or Weekly Gazette can al- - wars be purchased from the ew3 I WiKS'." T5Q.Tr.S 1ILV APVtUiISSIt. Wct p mouth, or a year. i Li v - I JroS-lf- f on prSKSitSS e the b-ii- . wiii be stopped without further notice. Subscriptions for the Daily Advss- - TISEEan'I V. EESXY U.umL ma.) uc paid at the publication office, 4 Mer- chant street, or to the collector, E. SWAS, who is auinor:zea receipt for the same Any subscriber who pays to the un- - dersismed for either paper one year, trictlv in advance, will receive one copy of the " Tocrists' Ucirz " as a premium -- Ten Dollars reward will bs paid for information that will lead to the conviction of any one steann? the Dailv or Weefcly left at tne office or fresidenceot subscnoerg. . a.: n ch.nrrf.l Hf Lcur y . . . . . i . , .nostra I handed m aunng iue uj,wiu" publication the next moram'. fehort notices receive.1 up to-1- p. v. HAWAIIAN QAZETTE CO., II. M. Whits sy. Manager. In the Supreme Court of ths Ha waiian Islands. Joe Teem, 1593. , i t. i Frank Brown vs. .io-- e j. lau- - VALno, Domingo J. L. Muto? and J. M. Viva?. wrrnup JLDD. C. J. EiCHEETON AND rr.E.vn, jt. There is no appeal to the huorenie Court j from a .icwi-n- n oi a i'isiru:i overrn ing a fiennrrer i -- r im-j-.-ni- c. t.f parlies, in a civil ca" no final j.vis- - mont havi:)? rendered in the l:s- - I OPISIOX OF Tilt. COURT EV JrDD. CJ. In this case the defendants.plead as a demurrer a misjoinder of a de- - ienuant, ana on una ic overruled bv the Court, took sr. ap- - peal to the supreme i.ouri Tlie Mutual OF NEW Richard A. McCurdy, - Assets Information regarding this form of various other forms of policies Issued bv The be Obtained Of f?-nn- q Administorpd. H. E. McINTYRE & JBRO., HAWAIIAN Abstract ami Title Co. NO. -- X'-l MKHC1IANT MM". HONOLULU, H. I. F. M. Hatch I'rrsuteiit Ccil Brown Vfcel'riidenl J. F. Brown, TrcacurcrA Maur.ffr'r w. r. t rear ... auuhot Thtm PnmMitiB r.rrt,nrrit tn Kfcrrh rnrnrda and fnrni.xh alistractK of title to all Ma nrnnnrtn In 1 r . A klnPi nm. ...... A Ml V jhviii 'w v-- v w. ...j - Ing the purchaxe of real estate will tind it to their advantage to consult me company in regard to title. 5-- All orders attended to with prompt ness. Mutnal Telenhono 133: Bell Telephone 1B2. 1. O. Box 325. Boston Lunch Parlora FORT HTItICir.T. MllS. NICIIOLL - PropriolrcRH. Homo - m ado IvuncliOH ! AT ALL 1IOUI18 OV THli DAV. M. Boston-bake- d Beans and Brown T.pvg vour orders on or before l'ridav. t 4 p. m. rach weok. for Beans and Brown Bread, to insure a rromia , . .1 I ... C. BREWER ft CO., L'D Quekm Stkklt, Honolulu II. I. AGICNT8 lon Hawaiian Agricultural Co. Onomea Sujrar Co. Honomu Bugar Co. Wailnku Sugar Co. Waihee Huear Co. Makee Sugar Co. llaleakaia Iianch Co. Kananala itanch. Planters' Line San Francinco I'ackets. & Co''B Lin0 of BoBton Chaf;a?er . . . 0 t- - 1 tt.,:v Anta PhilodlnTiifi TViard of UnderwrL tera. List of Oririciiiis : Hon. J. O. Carter, President & Manager George H. HobertBon Treasurer E. F. Bishop .... Becretary Col. W. F. Allen Auditor Hon. O. R. Biahon 1 LuSrnEB1, DirectorB- - OFFER FOR BALE AT THE WE following prices: iu idaui n . .u ,u i ; Poha Jelly in 1 lb. cans at 3.50 per doz. uuava Jeny in l in. cans ai --.- per uez. china 0ranK0 anJ rapaiaJarnt (tbi8 a very 8Uerior article), in 2 lb. cana 4.50 per dozen. GT" Terms Cash. KONA CANNING CO., Kealakckua, Kona, 3140-3- m Hawaii, II. I. valine 1 1B03 181 Si3 J vni Pioncor Steam CANDY FACTORY and BAKERY. K, 1JOUN Practical Conictio!i'r. rastrv Uook and uatfr. No. 71 Hotel Bt. Toloiihoir. 0. 15. K1PLEY, ARCHITECT ! OrricE SrBKc-KKLf- l ItmcK, I'oom s. HoKoi-ri-r- , H. I. Plan.. BnocIflcMkMi. mul HnroriiM-n- J rnce glTon for every ilo.Trijticn of r.uiUI . . itn!M ' ..crefullv rrtnoJoU.M enlarRril. Desisne for Interior Ieccrnttons. Maj'i or MH-hnnif- I)rnr-r.u- . Trfn itili, liitieitriniwi.T. CPlrawinr"5 for I'.ook or N wriii rr IlInntrAtion. .. - , J 1 1 1 1 . A V .. ii-ini!- vr . im,ii.-.- : m ivrt uTl'lMH n 1 ' " ' of I ii 1 m r , 1 ; 1 ! . Piititiiiv', I'li.i, I'im fi'i .i im-;- " mi.Ii (. 1 !.! n'. 1 ;!rr inj:, elf . .MUsir AN P M ii;.IM 'ii;ol'Mt., ny 1'nMofn. 0IIAS. T. GULICK, NOTARY PUBLIC For the Island of Oahu. Agent to take Acknowledgments to Laho Contrnpts. Agent to Grant Marriage Licenses, Hono lulu, uanu. Apent for the Hawaiian Islands of Pitt & fcicoTT a Freight and rarcels express. m ' a - - Agent ior me uurnngion nouie. Real Estate Broker & General Agent, Bell Tel. 343; Mut. Tel. 139; r.O. Box 415. OFFICE: No. 33 MERCHANT Bt., noNOLCXtr, Oahu, H. I. PIANO TUNING! rr, n nnitnnll V. II. DttiOUSit I ijy Leave orders on slate at Boom 13 Arlincton Hotel. Hotel 8t 3040-lm- tf W. A. KINNEY, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Oitice : No. GO Fort Street, (W. O. Smith's Law Office) 3.1G0-- tf ATLAS Assurance Compauv FOUNDED 1 BO W . Capital. 5 6,000,000 Assets, it..' it.t Annt Via I !ir to I uuuvw vv-- " J"" J " " - ; "rf . I premium. n. W. SCHMIDT A SONS. DR. E. I. MOOEE DENTIST, Office: Arlington Hou88, Hotel St, Plor 2. I Offics IIouk3: 9 to 12 and 1 to 4. 3271-l- m JOHN H. THOMPSON, NOTARY PUBLIC Agent to tako Acknowledgments to LABOR CONTRACTS. XJSfOffico at Gulick's Agency, No. 38 Merchant Street, Honolulu. -- , n r T Tk H m. ii. uiossmau, is at DENTIST, 93 HOTEL Sum. j3jOrncs JIocrb 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. DBS. ANDERSON k LCNDY, DENTISTS, Hotel fit., opp.Dr.J. S.McGrcw' fig-UA- H ADMlNfSTKUKI). HUSTAOE & CO., DXAI.SKS IS UUIJ AINJJ VJiVlv I aibo into ami iacK rana wincn w !l .11AAl 1 A 1 I vui bcii r.i mo very joweai mamoi raics. Bnd 2"FKLL TKLKTIlONfi No. 4 14. and CuSyMvrvM. TrLsruoNK No. 414. .1033-- 1 y n Jl'tr (1 fa irknrtitlMivn I irl '" I''Hn renin.!; for ' ...,.,.. H Iti. mil. an. a ...m... t f.t T I t TM Til'. It Bfl l I. 4 , .ioiirrr..tnt.-naHi- :'i . , , i'.ii U""l " ti li mrpfrri n r wertr a. j mum 11 M l. A If A i all 111. II i)imn, Neummi A ('n., Aj:Mit I lil!ihr ('., Wi.!.-u!- o Aic'ifi. I'Mi.jn, Smith A (Jo., Vho!-".i!i- ' Aitentn. J. H. DAVIDSON. Attorney and Counsellor-at-La- w. Office So Merchant Street, LEWERS A COOKE, Importers And JDealor in tuiiibPr AS r.ll Elc3a cf EalUing MiierUl S. STONE, ACCOUNTANT. TP. O. Pox No. 17. 3230-lni- tf R. VT. M CHESSET. J. M. A F. W. St'CHRSXCKY. 121 Clay St., S. F. 40 Queen St, Hono. J H. T7. LIcCIIESNEY & S0N3, Whclssale Grocers, Commission Mer- - chants and Importers. 49 tiuecn irt., Honolulu. F. IvI. WAKEFIELD, Attorney and Counsellor at Law with C W. Ashford, Mt-rci'.a- Street, ilenoir.u. ,3 My BUrJOLULU iV,0 VfOUKS CO., a n.i m ,;nr.rY cf e ve: v description made to order. PaUieular attention paid to ships' blaeksmuhisiir. Jon wcrs ezcuiea on tn? Hiioi tost JiOlU'. 1 k CO., ' Wboiesaie and lUiuil Grocefs ill FOKT fcTBEET. BEAVER SALOON, v?i target, Oprotlte "Wilder 3t II. 1. KOLT2, FECPSLETCIi . J.l7t-c!aa- 3 LuccSes EcrTtA w:ta T, CoC6 Bca v. itar, eisger aio cr uui. Open From 3 a.m. till 10 p. ro. jTSr.kera'Beqolaitgea Sreclalty. JOHN T. WATEEH0USE. GS1ISEAL IIEEO II A1TDISE. Ko. 25-2- 1 Qneea street, Ilanoiulti. a. hackfsld co.f General i'omm lesion Agents Go?. Tort & Qncon eta., Hoaolaln. TILLIE L. SPENCER, LlDki - ilAlK - LKi.itiK ! I I juroRTcr. cf IInm.r.n. Hair and. Fancy Goods T.T-iir1- ' nr:d Children's Hair Cutting, :nampcoing, Dyeing and L.leacning. 202 ELLIS STREET, Near Mason, - San Francisco. TtrPv:it'5 Fin Doree. best in the world, i'roiessior.ai lanuiaciurui a ltv. 3421-t- f -- f - - WILLIAM C. PARKE, ATTORNEY - AT -- LAW Agnt to tako AeknowfleJgna OFricr No. 13 Kaahuruantt Street, Hono- - luin. in. i. M. L. MINER. D. V. S.. VETERINARY SURGEON, PHYSICIAN and. Dentist. CiPvrrrL Hotel Ftables. OrncH IIcum: 3-- 10 a. m., 1:30-- 10 P- - j? Kesidskce: With Dr. r. L. Miner, Leretania street. 53T"All calls will receive prompt at ipntion. .i.mwv ARTHUR M. BROWI7, Attorney and Counsellor-at-La- w NOTARY PUBLIC, 27"OSce : No. 13 Ilaahnmanu street, Honolulu, II. I. S200-l- y OH R. OERTZ, ly.Tcr.Tzr. and deale?. i;j GESTS, LILIES' AID CHILDREN'S IOOtH, SllOCS rind SliXpOI'r? Has rf-r- n oved to Nuuanu S'tret, For;-fr- r II!of:k, llfrchant St. ."'!4 tf r I . ,;..' 'II A ' !r.4.U at II f Wi.lT.' y'n, Kir'pt.; id lOj.i.or, 7... v" mroaTEES ai STEAMSHIP CO Australian Mail Service. For San Francisco: ti..v. -- i t-- :. t c,,,: lOiSrowA.!" . .. .. -- ,i l)f thft Doanif? uomPtiny win : - ba dua at Honolulu, . from hydney and Auckland, on or about JULY 27tll, And is-il- l leave for the above iort with ja;ig anj Pa;yeni:er3 on or about that date For Sydney & Auckland The New and Fine Al Steel Steamship "MAEIPOSA" Of the Oceanic .Steamship Company will be duo at II noiu.u, from s;:n on or a'nout JULY 27t!l, . , h prompt despatch wit: &rA Pas5eR!;pK for the above ports Ihe unders.gned are now prepared to issue THROUGH TICKETS TiS ALL POINTS IN THE UNITED STATES. Tor farther particulars reprardin., Freight or Passage apply to Win. G. Irwin & Co., Ltd., GENERAL AGENTS. OCEANIC CpTi 4 "F.QTTTP T1A Nx Ljiiiyi 0X1x1 JS Time Table, LOCAU, LINE. S. S. AUSTRALIA : TTnnn1n1n Tooto llfinfilnlil .innouuuumm ' " from S. F. forS.F. July 12 July 19 Au;r. 9 Aug. 16 Sept. 6 Sept. 13 Oct. 4 lOct. 11 Nov. 1 Nov. S THROUGH LINE. From San Fran. From Sydney for for Sydney. San Francisco. Arrive Honolulu. Leave Honolulu. ALAMEDA Jun 29 MARIPOSA Jun 29 MARIPOSA Jul 27 MONOWAI Jul 27 MONOWAI Attj; 24 I AL MEDA Aug 24 a .1 )A sen "i i J Aiiiru.i re i .'t xlAR1i.OSAOcti9 mo.nowai Oct 19 monowaixov ic alaMEDA Xot iu NEW GOODS. Just arrived ex Palnias a tine assort ment of Mattinz. Camphor Truuk3, Rattan Chairs and Tables, suscaawisana uAauknmicis, 3, Chinese and Japanese Provisions! And . a penera! . a33ortment of Groceries, lowest m. Goolg Eteaffier fn5Jcal:fornia an,j china. WIXG MOW OH AN, 3 n t t d o fALdth lbt, unnaiu rxvtiuu hotel, street. lea Cream, Sherb3t3, Sodas, C?.naies, uaKe3, uonee, Chocolite, Tea, Etc. Mrs. AT WOOD, Proprietress. 339 3--tf SUN NAM SING. o. IOO ICtiTiaiiTi Street, I. O. Rot 175. Keps to call the attention of the public their iaree ana wen eeiectea $l0ck 0f Japanese Goods ri;iitab:e for this mariet. which will n!d t IOwpat Prir-- . Pianos For Rent, PIANOS IN (i OO I O II I) K V. tZg& 1;0!IVi'4VJTtw ZllM l Ml kinds of artistic printing in tho Gazette OSice. i4vnoariAfi KVAVlQimiQ llf H AP.r EAST CORNER FORT New Q0od3 received by every packet rean uautornia rrocmce oy every steamer, .hi uruera i;iu!iiuuy auenuuu u, uuu Goods delivered to any part of the city free of charge. Island orders solicited. friatisiaction . . - guaranieeu. Post Offirft Box Royal Insurance Co., OF LIVERPOOL. li s I I r t 1.1 I "THE LARGEST Assets January 1st, 1892, $ 42,432,17400 v, nite L.:une&e uinen, White and Colored Silk in Roll t..ne Tea3 Fire janila Ciara, S. B. ROSE, General Agent, Hawaiian Islands. dzaleks in AND KING STREETS. from tne eastern btates ana juropo. No. 145. TeleDhone No. 92. IN THE WORM)." WALKER, Agent for Hawaiian Islands. Qaeen Street, Honolulu, H. I. HI " " ' SAWED WORK. O N K H SJSy P.F.LL 4IJ3. Acl vexti sfvi - MONTI! SFiro risks on all kinds of Insurable property taken at Current rate3 by J. S. 3140-ln- a Having called 1:1 tne rttpecnc-onn?e- l and heard their view?, and U24-q Ner launakea. ENTERPRISE PLANING MILL PETER HIGH, ... Propriator. OFFICE VTX IMIII: On Alakea and Richards near OVX LJ L.JJJ.1M Vr, referring to the cases cf the Pro- - viional Government v?. W. G. Smith and Provisional Government vs. Ah Un, we now apply the opin- - ions expressed therein to this case and hold that the ruling on the de mnrrer was not annealable, al tntrVi jivniiable as a point of law on appeal if the District Magistrate 1, a Tnrl rlpfi-io- n in the case which disposed of it so far a his Court wa3 concerned. A decision in the statute on r.p- -. , o finnl nr.e so far a3 that Court is concerned. For in- - stance, if the Court had Eustaineu the demurrer and no amenunieiit was asked for and obtained by plaintiff, then the decision thereon would be final in that Court. We therefore decline to entertain the case and s nd it back to the District Court for further proceed- - ing,. Co,t- - to abide final f C. I.. Carter for plaintiff; Creighton for defendants. Honolulu, Julv IS. 100. T T"l 1 ft "-- "7 " -- wxo, 7 TURNED AN ID o ZJ7"Prompt attention to all orders. T K L K I II S3T MUTUAL 5o. The Daily HO OK NTS i

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Page 1: evols.library.manoa.hawaii.eduevols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/40346/1/...WE OFFER FOR BALE AT THE following prices: iu idaui n..u,u Pohai Jelly in 1 lb. cans at; 3.50

v &

I fTlltill'MYf'it1 1

y i.ifl ill i i ,i ip ,t fc

Kat&blltheJ July 8 1830.


Opctial ZCoticco.5 penal ICotircs.(Dnirrol CUtotrtisnntnta.cDcnrral nDrrrnsnnnn:Pacific Commercial Advertiser (general tornisniur.t.

OCEANIC Hardware, Builders and Genera!,always up to the times in quality, styles and prices.

Plantation Supplies,a full assortment to suit tho various demand .

Steel Plows,made expressly for Island work with extra parts.

Cultivator's Cane Knives.

Agricultural Implements,Hoes, Shovels, Forks, Mattocks, etc., etc

Carpenters', Blacksmiths'and Machinists' Tools

Screw Plates, Taps and Dies, Twist Drills,



O oO oO -sIII w

Paints and

(--(ft Blake's Steam



a I nhnmnflnn flilcluui luamiy unoo General Merchandise,

there is anything youE politely treated. No

Oils, Brushes, Glass,

Asbestos Hair felt and Felt Mixture.

every "tiling0 woiiave,11want, come and ask for it, you will hetrouble to show goods.

3278-tf-- d

Pumns.Weston's Centrifugals.Wilcox & Gibhs, and Remington.

In quality and efficiency surpassedby none.




Life Ins. Co.YORK.

President.- -

175,081,156.61.policy, or any particulars concerning the

.Mutual Lite insurance company may


5 Per Cent. Debenture Folic)n



Every Morning Except Sundays,BT TEB


At Ho. 40 Merchant Bt.

dUBSCRIPTION KATE8IDaily Pacific Co vhk rcial Adtzstissk


i - Q- - n-;- iRmM nrmfnmS 6 00cjCif ' ' .

Por rear. tJostraiJ Foreign 12 00Tpt TPir. nostM.id to United StatesJ '.n.;o fenaa rr Tpnf. ill IfJ I

vi .luiciiv! - iIl

W esllt (12 FAGS3) Hattahax Gazsttb

Per year, with "Guide'; premiums 5 00

Per year, postpaid Foreign - o uo 1

Payablo inTftrUbly In Advance. I

All transient Advertisementsmu3t bo prepaid.

il. M. Wiutnsy, Manager.Autuuk Johnstone, Editor.


anJ sub--:: rr a.t'ertisetaentsriciii.-,- ? muit o6 prepaiu.

tfsy-Oitrrl- eis are not allowed to seUivij-ers.uo- r to receive payment irum

.r li ii A r t v t" tmeh or Weekly Gazette can al- -

wars be purchased from the ew3 I


p mouth, or a year.i Li v - I

JroS-lf- f on prSKSitSSe the b-ii-

. wiii be stopped withoutfurther notice.

Subscriptions for the Daily Advss- -

TISEEan'I V. EESXY U.umL ma.) ucpaid at the publication office, 4 Mer-chant street, or to the collector,E. SWAS, who is auinor:zeareceipt for the same

Any subscriber who pays to the un- -

dersismed for either paper one year,trictlv in advance, will receive one

copy of the " Tocrists' Ucirz " asa premium

--Ten Dollars reward will bs paid forinformation that will lead to theconviction of any one steann? theDailv or Weefcly left at tne office orfresidenceot subscnoerg.

. a.: n ch.nrrf.l HfLcur y . . . . . i . , .nostra I

handed m aunng iue uj,wiu"publication the next moram'. fehortnotices receive.1 up to-1- p. v.


II. M. Whits sy. Manager.

In the Supreme Court of ths Ha

waiian Islands.

Joe Teem, 1593.

, i t. i

Frank Brown vs. .io-- e j. lau--

VALno, Domingo J. L. Muto?and J. M. Viva?.


rr.E.vn, jt.

There is no appeal to the huorenie Court j

from a .icwi-n- n oi a i'isiru:ioverrn ing a fiennrrer i -- r im-j-.-ni- c.

t.f parlies, in a civil ca" no final j.vis- -

mont havi:)? rendered in the l:s- -


In this case the defendants.pleadas a demurrer a misjoinder of a de--

ienuant, ana on una icoverruled bv the Court, took sr. ap--

peal to the supreme i.ouri

Tlie MutualOF NEW

Richard A. McCurdy, -

AssetsInformation regarding this form of

various other forms of policies Issued bv Thebe Obtained Of f?-nn- q Administorpd.



Abstract ami Title Co.

NO. -- X'-l MKHC1IANT MM".


F. M. Hatch I'rrsuteiitCcil Brown Vfcel'riidenl

J. F. Brown, TrcacurcrA Maur.ffr'rw. r. t rear ... auuhot

Thtm PnmMitiB r.rrt,nrrit tn Kfcrrhrnrnrda and fnrni.xh alistractK of title toall Ma nrnnnrtn In 1 r . A klnPi nm.

......A Ml V jhviii 'w v-- v w. ...j -

Ing the purchaxe of real estate will tind itto their advantage to consult me companyin regard to title.

5--All orders attended to with promptness.

Mutnal Telenhono 133: Bell Telephone1B2. 1. O. Box 325.

Boston Lunch ParloraFORT HTItICir.T.

MllS. NICIIOLL - PropriolrcRH.

Homo - mado IvuncliOH !


M. Boston-bake- d Beans and Brown

T.pvg vour orders on or before l'ridav.t 4 p. m. rach weok. for Beans and

Brown Bread, to insure a rromia, . .1 I ...

C. BREWER ft CO., L'DQuekm Stkklt, Honolulu II. I.

AGICNT8 lonHawaiian Agricultural Co.

Onomea Sujrar Co.Honomu Bugar Co.

Wailnku Sugar Co.Waihee Huear Co.

Makee Sugar Co.llaleakaia Iianch Co.

Kananala itanch.Planters' Line San Francinco I'ackets.

& Co''B Lin0 of BoBtonChaf;a?er. . .0 t-- 1 tt.,:vAnta PhilodlnTiifi TViard of UnderwrL


List of Oririciiiis :

Hon. J. O. Carter, President & ManagerGeorge H. HobertBon TreasurerE. F. Bishop .... BecretaryCol. W. F. Allen AuditorHon. O. R. Biahon 1

LuSrnEB1, DirectorB- -

OFFER FOR BALE AT THEWEfollowing prices:

iu idaui n . .u ,ui ;Poha Jelly in 1 lb. cans at 3.50 per doz.

uuava Jeny in l in. cans ai --.- per uez.

china 0ranK0 anJ rapaiaJarnt (tbi8a very 8Uerior article), in 2 lb. cana

4.50 per dozen.GT" Terms Cash.

KONA CANNING CO.,Kealakckua, Kona,

3140-3- m Hawaii, II. I.


1B03181Si3 J



K, 1JOUN Practical Conictio!i'r.rastrv Uook and uatfr.

No. 71 Hotel Bt. Toloiihoir.

0. 15. K1PLEY,


OrricE SrBKc-KKLf- l ItmcK, I'oom s.HoKoi-ri-r- , H. I.

Plan.. BnocIflcMkMi. mul HnroriiM-n- Jrnce glTon for every ilo.Trijticn of r.uiUI

. .itn!M ' ..crefullv rrtnoJoU.M

enlarRril.Desisne for Interior Ieccrnttons.Maj'i or MH-hnnif- I)rnr-r.u- . Trfn itili,

liitieitriniwi.T.CPlrawinr"5 for I'.ook or N wriii rr


.. - ,

J 1 1 1 1 . A V ..

ii-ini!- vr . im,ii.-.- : m ivrt uTl'lMHn 1 ' " '

of I ii 1 m r , 1 ; 1 !. Piititiiiv', I'li.i,

I'im fi'i .i im-;-" mi.Ii (. 1 !.! n'. 1 ;!rr

inj:, elf .

.MUsir A N P M ii;.IM 'ii;ol'Mt.,ny 1'nMofn.


For the Island of Oahu.Agent to take Acknowledgments to Laho

Contrnpts.Agent to Grant Marriage Licenses, Hono

lulu, uanu.Apent for the Hawaiian Islands of Pitt &

fcicoTT a Freight and rarcels express.m ' a- -Agent ior me uurnngion nouie.

Real Estate Broker & General Agent,

Bell Tel. 343; Mut. Tel. 139; r.O. Box 415.

OFFICE: No. 33 MERCHANT Bt.,noNOLCXtr, Oahu, H. I.

PIANO TUNING!rr, n nnitnnllV. II. DttiOUSit I

ijy Leave orders on slate at Boom 13Arlincton Hotel. Hotel 8t 3040-lm- tf



Oitice : No. GO Fort Street, (W. O.

Smith's Law Office) 3.1G0-- tf

ATLASAssurance Compauv


Capital. 5 6,000,000Assets,

it..' it.t Annt Via I

!ir to Iuuuvw vv-- " J"" J " " - ; "rf . I

premium.n. W. SCHMIDT A SONS.



Office: Arlington Hou88, Hotel St, Plor 2.


Offics IIouk3: 9 to 12 and 1 to 4.3271-l- m


NOTARY PUBLICAgent to tako Acknowledgments to

LABOR CONTRACTS.XJSfOffico at Gulick's Agency, No. 38

Merchant Street, Honolulu.

-- ,

n r T Tk Hm. ii. uiossmau,isat


j3jOrncs JIocrb 9 a. m. to 4 p. m.



Hotel fit., opp.Dr.J. S.McGrcw'





aibo into ami iacK rana wincn w!l .11AAl 1 A 1 I

vui bcii r.i mo very joweai mamoi raics. Bnd

2"FKLL TKLKTIlONfi No. 4 14.

andCuSyMvrvM. TrLsruoNK No. 414..1033-- 1 y

n Jl'tr (1 fa irknrtitlMivn I

irl '" I''Hn renin.!; for

' ...,.,.. H Iti. mil. an. a ...m... t f.t T

I t TM Til'. It Bfl l I.4 , .ioiirrr..tnt.-naHi- :'i. , , i'.ii U""l " ti li mrpfrri n

r wertr a. j mum 11 M l.A If A i all 111.

II i)imn, Neummi A ('n., Aj:MitI lil!ihr ('., Wi.!.-u!-o Aic'ifi.I'Mi.jn, Smith A (Jo., Vho!-".i!i- ' Aitentn.


Attorney and Counsellor-at-La- w.

Office So Merchant Street,


Importers And JDealor in tuiiibPrAS r.ll Elc3a cf EalUing MiierUl



TP. O. Pox No. 17. 3230-lni- tf


121 Clay St., S. F. 40 Queen St, Hono. J


Whclssale Grocers, Commission Mer--

chants and Importers.

49 tiuecn irt., Honolulu.

F. IvI. WAKEFIELD,Attorney and Counsellor at Law

with C W. Ashford,Mt-rci'.a- Street, ilenoir.u.

,3 My


a n.i m ,;nr.rY cf e ve: v description madeto order. PaUieular attention paid toships' blaeksmuhisiir. Jon wcrs ezcuieaon tn? Hiioi tost JiOlU'.

1 k CO., '

Wboiesaie and lUiuil Grocefs



v?i target, Oprotlte "Wilder 3t


J.l7t-c!aa- 3 LuccSes EcrTtA w:ta T, CoC6Bca v. itar, eisger aio cr uui.

Open From 3 a.m. till 10 p. ro.jTSr.kera'Beqolaitgea Sreclalty.



Ko. 25-2-1 Qneea street, Ilanoiulti.

a. hackfsld co.f

General i'omm lesion Agents

Go?. Tort & Qncon eta., Hoaolaln.


LlDki - ilAlK - LKi.itiK !I


juroRTcr. cfIInm.r.n. Hair and. Fancy Goods

T.T-iir1- ' nr:d Children's Hair Cutting,:nampcoing, Dyeing and L.leacning.

202 ELLIS STREET,Near Mason, - San Francisco.

TtrPv:it'5 Fin Doree. best in theworld, i'roiessior.ai lanuiaciurui a

ltv. 3421-t- f-- f - -



Agnt to tako AeknowfleJgnaOFricr No. 13 Kaahuruantt Street, Hono- -

luin. in. i.

M. L. MINER. D. V. S..


and. Dentist.CiPvrrrL Hotel Ftables.OrncH IIcum: 3--10 a. m., 1:30--10 P- - j?Kesidskce: With Dr. r. L. Miner,

Leretania street.53T"All calls will receive prompt at

ipntion. .i.mwv


Attorney and Counsellor-at-La- w


27"OSce : No. 13 Ilaahnmanu street,Honolulu, II. I.

S200-l- y

OH R. OERTZ,ly.Tcr.Tzr. and deale?. i;j


IOOtH, SllOCS rind SliXpOI'r?Has rf-r- n oved to Nuuanu S'tret, For;-fr- r

II!of:k, llfrchant St.."'!4 tf

r I . ,;..' 'II A ' !r.4.U at II f

Wi.lT.' y'n, Kir'pt.; id lOj.i.or, 7...v"

mroaTEES ai


Australian Mail Service.

For San Francisco:ti..v. -- i t--:. t c,,,:

lOiSrowA.!". .. . . -- ,il)f thft Doanif? uomPtiny win: -

ba dua at Honolulu,. from hydney and

Auckland, on or about

JULY 27tll,And is-il- l leave for the above iort withja;ig anj Pa;yeni:er3 on or about thatdate

For Sydney & AucklandThe New and Fine Al Steel Steamship

"MAEIPOSA"Of the Oceanic .Steamship Company willbe duo at II noiu.u, from s;:non or a'nout

JULY 27t!l,. , h prompt despatch wit:

&rA Pas5eR!;pK for the above ports

Ihe unders.gned are now preparedto issue



Tor farther particulars reprardin.,Freight or Passage apply to

Win. G. Irwin & Co., Ltd.,GENERAL AGENTS.

OCEANICCpTi 4 "F.QTTTP T1ANx Ljiiiyi0X1x1 JS

Time Table,LOCAU, LINE.

S. S. AUSTRALIA: TTnnn1n1n Tooto llfinfilnlil.innouuuumm ' "

from S. F. forS.F.July 12 July 19Au;r. 9 Aug. 16Sept. 6 Sept. 13Oct. 4 lOct. 11

Nov. 1 Nov. S

THROUGH LINE.From San Fran. From Sydney for

for Sydney. San Francisco.Arrive Honolulu. Leave Honolulu.ALAMEDA Jun 29 MARIPOSA Jun 29MARIPOSA Jul 27 MONOWAI Jul 27MONOWAI Attj; 24 I AL MEDA Aug 24a .1 )A sen "i i J Aiiiru.i re i .'txlAR1i.OSAOcti9 mo.nowai Oct 19monowaixov ic alaMEDA Xot iu


Just arrived ex Palnias a tine assortment of

Mattinz. Camphor Truuk3,Rattan Chairs and Tables,suscaawisana uAauknmicis,


Chinese and Japanese Provisions!

And. a penera!.

a33ortment of Groceries,lowestm. Goolg Eteaffier

fn5Jcal:fornia an,j china.


n t t d ofALdth lbt, unnaiu rxvtiuuhotel, street.

lea Cream, Sherb3t3, Sodas,C?.naies, uaKe3, uonee,

Chocolite, Tea, Etc.Mrs. AT WOOD, Proprietress.

339 3--tf

SUN NAM SING.o. IOO ICtiTiaiiTi Street,

I. O. Rot 175.Keps to call the attention of the public

their iaree ana wen eeiectea

$l0ck 0f Japanese Goodsri;iitab:e for this mariet. which will

n!d t IOwpat Prir-- .

Pianos For Rent,


tZg& 1;0!IVi'4VJTtwZllMl

Ml kinds of artistic printing intho Gazette OSice.

i4vnoariAfi KVAVlQimiQ llf H AP.r


New Q0od3 received by every packetrean uautornia rrocmce oy every steamer, .hi uruera i;iu!iiuuy auenuuu u, uuu

Goods delivered to any part of the city free of charge. Island orders solicited.friatisiaction

. . - guaranieeu. Post Offirft Box

Royal Insurance Co.,OF LIVERPOOL.








Assets January 1st, 1892, $ 42,432,17400v, nite L.:une&e uinen,White and Colored Silk in Rollt..ne Tea3 Fire janila Ciara,

S. B. ROSE,General Agent, Hawaiian Islands.

dzaleks in


from tne eastern btates ana juropo.

No. 145. TeleDhone No. 92.


WALKER,Agent for Hawaiian Islands.

Qaeen Street, Honolulu, H. I.




Acl vexti sfvi -


SFiro risks on all kinds of Insurable property taken at Current rate3by

J. S.3140-ln- a

Having called 1:1 tne rttpecnc-onn?e- l

and heard their view?, and U24-q Ner launakea.


OFFICE VTX IMIII:On Alakea and Richards near


referring to the cases cf the Pro- -

viional Government v?. W. G.Smith and Provisional Governmentvs. Ah Un, we now apply the opin--

ions expressed therein to this caseand hold that the ruling on the demnrrer was not annealable, altntrVi jivniiable as a point of lawon appeal if the District Magistrate1, a Tnrl rlpfi-io- n in the casewhich disposed of it so far a hisCourt wa3 concerned.

A decision in the statute on r.p--.

, o finnl nr.e so far a3that Court is concerned. For in- -

stance, if the Court had Eustaineuthe demurrer and no amenunieiitwas asked for and obtained byplaintiff, then the decision thereonwould be final in that Court.

We therefore decline to entertainthe case and s nd it back to theDistrict Court for further proceed- -

ing,. Co,t- - to abide final fC. I.. Carter for plaintiff;

Creighton for defendants.Honolulu, Julv IS. 100.

T T"l 1 ft"-- "7 "-- wxo, 7


ZJ7"Prompt attention to all orders.T K L K I II


The DailyHO OK NTS


Page 2: evols.library.manoa.hawaii.eduevols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/40346/1/...WE OFFER FOR BALE AT THE following prices: iu idaui n..u,u Pohai Jelly in 1 lb. cans at; 3.50


THE ADVERTISER CALENDAR. We have received 'a note from THE ASH FAMILY.


OCKEY -:- - CLUB !



Fine Tailors' Canadian Tweed Goods !

Cashmeres. Full Suit guarantee to tit for $14.AUo. some entirely new patterns in

BLUE SKRGES, DIAGONALS, Ktc. tc,ZriCalt and see our bargain.

GOO KIM, Nuuanu Street.



ummer Neckwear!-- o-


Thev Make a Hit at the OperaHouse.

There was a fair attendance atthe opera house on Saturday even-

ing, the occasion being a concertgiven for the benefit of the widowof the late L. II. Stolz. W. P.Ash directed the affair and muchcredit is due him and ProfessorBerger fur the success of the even-

ing. The programme as advertisedwas carried out and a number oflocal favorites won fresh laurels.Miss Xolte sang two ballads verysweetly, followed by ProfessorLibornio who a pi eyed a solo onthe saxophone. He did it so wellthat thi audience loudly encoredhim. The local minstrel, GeorgeRitrnan, sang two capital songs tothe evident satisfaction of theaudience. Mr. Ordway contributedsolos on tho mandolin with guitarand violin accompaniment. Hereceived merited applause.

Mr. Booth sang a tenor solo in apleading manner.

Orie of the hits of the eveningwas made by little Delia Ash. Sheis but four years of age. She sanga song liko an old stager and wasnot frightened in the least degree.She was rewarded with a prettybasket of flowers.

The programme concluded witha musical act in which Mr. andMrs. Ash took part. They playedon many different instruments andwon immediate favor for theirefforts.

During the evening the Ha-waiian orchestra played three over-tures in an artistic manner.


Shipment of Oats and OtherCereals to Follow.

Seattle, July 13. An experi-mental shipment of eighty-fiv- e

bales of hay was made to Hono-lulu yesterday by Lilly, BogardusSc Co. The shipment was orderedfrom the islands, and will no doubtprove of such success that a steadytrade will follow. An order wasplaced with tho agent of the Ha-waiian fruit shippers by J. AV.

Goodwin & Co., commission men,for 200 bunches of bananas onevery steamer of tho Canadian-Australia- n

line. Two hundredbunches were received by the firmyesterday and large consignmentswere received by other houses.The Hawaiian fruit trade is al-ready' assuming preportions in Seattle, and has every indication ofbeing permanent. Shipments ofoats and other cereals will be madelater on by the new steamship lin"as soon as the new crops are in


Mr. William Cuthberteon, secre-tary of the firm of A. B. Fleming& Co. of Edinburg, London andNew York, was a passenger by thesteamer "NVarrimoo for Australia,where he goes in tho interests ofhis house. The firm deals in pnnter3' eurplies and paper. Mr. Cuthbertson paid this oflice a visitduring his stay in port. lie madeinquiries as to the chances of opening trade in Honolulu.

100 Dozen Four - in


100 Dozen Fonr - in -


A .nVn k , , i. Stoves and RangesSUPERB, APOLLO, WKI.COM k, PRIZE,

WESTERN, 1)ANIY. A supply of thefavorite REPWOOIV- -

Invoices ot'uuoui CjiuiiT'irtH"uind Australia just to hand for Ihn

Dr. O. Trousseau relative to theprivate letter accompanying hisresignation, in which he set forthto the board of health his reasonsfor declining to serve longer on theboard of examiners of leprosy. Dr.Trousseau has kindly consented tothe publication of his letter to theboard and has supplemented itwith a second letter containing theconclusions of the leoprosy com-

mission, already mentioned.Owing to lack of space this morn-ing both letters will appear in thenext issue.

Papa XordhofT ha3 been at itagain, this time in the San Francisco Argonaut. Like the rest ofhis letters this one is as full ofmisstatements as any royalistjournal in Honolulu. He admitshis first letter was written on theevidence of persons in San Francisco before he knew anything ofthe facts, which alone is enough toimneach him as a iournalist. Ifthe truth could be ascertained theannexationists he mentions as hisinformants would more than likelyprove to be the Spreckels familyfather and sons- -: who were mas-querading as annexationists, it willbe remembered, before they receivedorders from the sugar trust to backthe republic scheme and dance thecoolie puppet as an accessory toHawaiian prosperity.

The confidence men of . Chicagoare all anxiouslv awaiting the arrival of tho Sultan of Jehore withhis $10,000,000 worth of diamonds.If the nabob has the confience the"gentlemen of the profession" willsoon have enough diamonds tostart a little sideshow of their ownin the windy city.


Supposed to be in ConnectionWith the Bering Sea Claims.

San Fkaxcisco, July 12. A statement is printed here, based upon aletter from an English army officerto a wealthy Englishman sojourningin San Francisco, that contingencyorders nave been issued to the .birthbattalion of the Royal Rillo brigade,now at Davenport, England, to holditself in readiness to proceed to Vic-

toria for colonial station duty. Thebattalian numbers 4000 men and isone of the best organized and mostefficient in the British service. Tholetter further says that tho powerfulBritish ship Minotaur has also beenspecially commanded to duty atE;quimalt, and the commander .of

the been rnadoroyal briga-.h- as

.nTTimnnrla-- - 01 tho Esquimalt station,eiierv tulDS dock yard superintendent

oa uoinei 1'rior, ot trio can a'dian forces, who has heretoforo held both posts. Two batallionsof royal marine artillery are alsonnder orders for station duty atVictoria, and tho Canadian authorities are said to bo devising measuresto overhaul and put Esquimau harbor in a moro complete defensiblecondition.

The British officer writes his frieudto inquire about the climate andgeneral situation and the manner oflivin g at Esquimalt, and seems toindicate that this sudden activity ontho part of tho British authoritieshas direct conuection with the Bellring sea controversy. From the toneand language of the letter the Sanrrancisco Englishman believes thatEngland anticipates an unfavorabletermination of the Behring sea arbi-tration, and proposes to place herselfin a position to defend and enforcewhat sho considers her rights in thoseal properties. Tho recent arrivalof the war vessel Royal Arthur atEsquimalt, with Admiral Stevensonaboard, and these unusual movements of British forces appear tolend some tingo of probauilify to thostory.


South American Affairs.Valparaiso, July 12. Patrick

Egan, ex-Uni- ted States minister toChile, sailed for home yesterday. Hewas escorted to the steamer by a de-

tachment of police. There was nodemonstration at his departure bythe loyal Chileans. A few Americansand many adherents of Balmacedawere on the wharf to say farewell.

The government vessel Republicais now en route to Rio Grande tofight Admiral "Wankelkoto on theJupiter. They also hope to meet andcapture his convoy, the Comcoin.All buoys have been removed fromthe bar of the river and the port ofRio Grande has been blocked. It isreported that the officers and crew ofthe Republica will desert and joinWankelkoto as soon as the steamerarrives at Rio Grande. The situa-tion in Rio Grande is critical.

San Francisco Fair.San Francisco, July 12. A force

of engineers has been put to work inGolden Gate park to mako the pro-liminn- rv

survey for the location ofthe four main buildings for tho midwinter exposition. The fair will bemodeled on tho Columbian exposition plan, and many features of thobig fair will be reprovinceu on af mailer scale.

The Daily Awsktiseh ia deliver-ed by carrier- - 50c?nt3 a mor.'.b.Ring up T tisa 8S. Now isthe time jribe.

July, 1893.

Mo. Th.j Fr.Js. j 4o. voos ruAfti.1 2

T - July C.3 4 1 e V

To tf-- "JU17137-N- 'tw11 12 13 14 is 16 Moon.

TT 13 19 20 21 22 23 9i July loTiJFlrM yn'rt'r

21 25 2 i 27 I 2 23 30 Joiy is.1-- M-I- viFull Moon.



Six Pages.lie Jat aud fear not;

Lot all the end thoa alm't at beThy Country', thy (lod'i, and Troth's

MONDAY, JULY 21, 1803,


On the 9th of July the Frenchgovernment yielded partially tothe rioters. This course was broughtabout by the action of M. Peytral,minister of finance, who sent in hisresignation on account of the clos-

ing of the labor exchange. Thocabinet immediately met to con-

sider the situation. PresidentCarnot. asked Peytral toconfer with his colleaguesbefore insisting on his resignation.The conference took place and M.Peytral insisted that the policyoutlined by him previously shouldbo followed as a condition to thewithdrawal of his resignation. Toavoid a cabinet crisis the compro-mise was made, and the govern-ment agreed to the immediate"discussion of tho policy of enforc-ing the law against religious andall other societies ; that we forth-

with remove the prefecture of police,that tho police force be reorganized ;

that its outrages, like these of thepast week, bo stopped." Thocrisis was by this means tempo-rarily postponed, but within a fewImnra iht rlianiirrifs rpnort.P.d ilift


cabinet as threatening by thepeople themselves. The action ofthe cabinet, who, a week before hadXursued an aggressive policy,won the contempt of allparties, and the governmentwas attacked from every side. TheFocialists declare they have 450,000nv;n ready to join a general strike.The people lay the blame and re-

sponsibility on President Carnot,and with the new elections comingoff next month, the near downfallof the present governments i3 predicted. The troops are stU11 beld 111

and vere to be rc"the city of Paris,Jul' 15 aftertained therr-u- ntil

the celebration of the fall of theBastile, when it was feared troublemight again be precipitated.

The people of California are evi-

dently very much in earnest overtho proposed midwinter exposition.The entire state is aroused, andpreliminary organization has beeneffected. The executive committeeis being ably backed by the pressof the state, and Mayor Ellert, ofSan Francisco, has made a strongplea in favor of the exposition. Theprogress of the exposition has beenvery rapid, and western enter-priz- o

has already pushed it to apoint where a finance committeefor the collection of funds has beenappointed. Californians have thereputation of doing everythingupon the grand scale, and shouldthe golden state rival the world'sfair at Chicago the rest of mankindwould tako it as a matter of coursewithout lifting an eyebrow in sur-

prise. But whilo California is pre-

paring to display her wealth andresources to the world and attractas much of the world's exhibit tothe midwinter exposition as pos-

sible, Hawaii should bestir herselfto take advantage of the oppor-tunity offered now for tho secondtime within so short a period.Bankrupt by the monarchy thecountry was too poor to even makea showing at Chicago, and Hawaiiis dependent for representationthere, good as far as it goes, to theenterprize of private persons. Thereseems to be no good reason why,with the present financial showingand economy, the governmentshould not be able to make endslap sufficiently to spare a few thou-

sand dollars to make a creditableexhibit at the midwinter expositionin California. At any rate theproposal is submitted to tha

of the Provisional

July 24, iSgs.

The arrival of the ;S. N.Castle" in a day or two will be

the occasion for rejoicing bythe 407 people who have beencoming to us every dayfor brass bird cages. Theseare among the articles we havebeen waiting for and whichshould have arrived on theAustralia. If you want a cageand it is presumed you do,

wait a day or so longer and wewill show you some beauties,built on the most approvedstyles of birdcage architecture.

The word about washingmachines was just in time toadd years to the lives of threesociety ladies, who for econo-

my sake, decided to dispensewith their Japanese washladies and do their own work.The "Western Empire," thebest washing machine of thisor any other age, will do thewashing for ten people in asmany minutes; they cost verylittle and you should have one

now.A toilet set of eleven pieces

for four dollars, strikes youas being remarkably cheap fora good article dear enoughfor a poor one. Ours are goodones the best the Englishmake for the money. You'dpay $10 for the set in SanFrancisco and think you hada bargain; what do you call itat 84?

The Hawaiian Hardware Co.,

"307 S"

Fort---? street, Honolulu.

Have you seen

the dainty little STRAW BE R

RY FORKS in sterling

silver at H. F. WICHMAN'S ?

Do yon know thatthey are absolutely the

correct titin, and that even

a poor berry will taste

sweet if eaten with one

of these little implements ?

Do you know that we

have lots of new and striking

Goods in every line ?

Don't forget that we have





in the city, and that we can

suit .your tastes in color

and quality at moderate cost.




Dressmaking RoomsOd HOTEL. STREET.

Prices lower than elsewhere in Hono-hi'.t- i.

Latest ntyles as worn in Londonand Paris. A ppecialty of Washing lres-- i.

All wort ticatlv and promptly4 X 3A0

PACIFIC HARDWARE CO, il).A Water Filter at Low Cost ; Cone Fillets ur Wntcr ('fcs A NKW LINE Oh

OHA N D K Li 1 1 : R S !

Hall, Banquet and Hanging La nps ; Revt;r Ui.l.si IL-- e;

Turkey and Ostrich Dusters; Tuck's Packing; CWs Wiem lie,Zinc and Brass (tilers; Cow Bells; Cart-.;- - and M;ichirui BoIm;Nutri and Washers ; Sal So t;i ; x Uow ;

Cut Nails, Halv:ii d .ni l Pltin; t..n.i Vii,-- ,

Horse and Mule Shoes, Horse SIio,; NailsTinware, Rinsing, Dish and Dairy Pu:m, Coik Screw,Charcoal Iron, ard Brooms, Locks, Ni-jh- t L.itrlies, Yale I.ocUhDisston's Saws, Files and Cane Knivcp, u, lull w-soi- l incut ;Ratchet and Spofford Brace. Hook Hinges, Ur. and Iron Butt,

Chisels, Squares, Bitts, Chest Handles !

Cup Hooks, Paints, Lamp Black, Putty, Brushes,Insecticide Wash and Spray Pumps.



Septem bar 2ndCOMMENCING AT

1:30 O'Clock Sharp.

1 QUEEN'S CUP Purse $50.dash for Hawaiian-bre- d horse?.

2 MATCH RACE 1 mile dah 1k;- -tween Duke Spencer and Lord Brock.

3 PRESIDENT HAWAIIAN JOCKEYCUP Trotting an I Pacing;mile heats ; best 3 in 5, to names.Free for all.

4 KALAKAUA. CUP Mile dash forHawaiian-bre- d horses.

5 KAPIOLANI PARK CUP Parseif 100. Trotting and Pacing; :

minute class.

G OCEANIC S. S. CO.'S CUPmile dash ; free for all.

3434-t- d

CH18. B7J3WSK & CO.'S

Boston Line of Packets.

1 Ml'OllTKr'.S WILL PLEASEtake that the fine


I .Nkwej.',, Maler,

Will positively siii on OCTOBER 1st.i'or farther particulars apply to

A CO.f For Sale.

1 House and Lot on Liliha Street.2 Lot on Kuakini Street, between

Nuuanu Avenue and Liliha Street.3 House and Lot on the Palama


To Let.1 House and Lot on Emma Street.2 House and Lot on Liliha Street.v"For further particulars, apply to

.1. M. JVIONSAUKAT,Cart Wright's Block, Merchant Street.

3429-- tf

National Iron Works

QUKICrsr STKEET,Between Alakea and Ilichard Streets.


pared fo make all kind.i of Iron,Br-- s, Bronze, Zinc and Lead Castings;also a general Repair Shop for SteamEniii e, Rice Mills, Corn M1II3. WaterWheel., Wind Mills, etc.; Machines forthe cleanup of Ci flVe, Castor Oil Beans,Ramie, feissal. Pineapple Leaves andother fibrous plants; also, Machines forPaper Mock, Machines for extractingStarch from Maniock, Arrow Root, etc.

S?"All orders promptly attended to.

White, Ritrnan & Co.3423-t- f

Enterprise Beer




Enterprise Beer

Election of Officers.

A T THE ANNUAL MEETING OFI. Directors of the Pioneer Buildingand Loan Association, held in this city,July 11th, ls'3, the following pentleinenwere elected asofllcersof the Associationfor the tr.sum i vear:

President Thin. F. LinsinijVice-Pr- e' ident . S. B. RosScretary . J. G. Rothwel!Treasurer . . . .J. 11. FiherAtt'vinev . .C:.a?. L. Carttr

J. G. ROTH WELL,Secretary.

HonoU'-- . J 'Av II. .14

o ,

- Hands at 25 CentsbO CENTS EACH.

Ifnnds at :i5 fVnts75 CENTS EACH.

CFFor Freight and Passage an. I allgeneral intormation, apply to

Theo. H. Davies & Co.Agents for Hawaiian Islands.


Auction Salts.


Canadian - Australian Steamship Line,ntSth CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY.

The Famous Tourist Routa of the World.

Tiolcets por Canadian Xnoilto Ituilwuy unt$5 Second (lass and 10 First i'lasf

Iohm thim ,y TTnitMi Htutot Iln.STEAMSHIP S'-RVIO- MONTHLY.2yTH ROUGH TICKETS i.ueJfrom Honolulu to Canada, Umtkd Staticand El-rope-; also, to Rmrakk and Swnky.

FOR BRISBANE AND SYDNEY-Steam- ers pail lilst each month VJCTO-ANI- )VANCOUVER. B. C.-Ste- amers sail Aug. 1st, Aug. : ilt,

Oct. 2d, Nov. Ut, Dec. 2d and Jan. 1st, 1803.

FRKKJHT AND PASS. AGENTS:D. MeNicolI, Montreal Canada;M. M. Stern, San Francisco, Cal ;

(jr. McL. Brown, Vancouver, B. C.


This MormngAnd Evening




Bankrupt Sale !

At the Arlington.ALL BARGAINS

New Cases Fine Goods !

Etc., . Etc., Etc., Etc.SfAll to bs sold without reserve.

3433-t- d AUCTIONEER.



nnni:inrn nnnxTirniiiinMl II I X MUM! II HI K V I I KllVUULlUULU' runAmuiiti

This Bay, July 24thAT lO O'CLOCK A. M.,

At the Residence of Mr. Mr 1 ILL AX.No 1"J6 Nuuanu Street, below IvnJniistreet, I will .Sell at i'ublio Auction, theiiouscnoM l iirr.it ure, comprisisi3I;irlV'ton 'VntiM Table !

Sof i cn I C.-nt- Uiv?, I'ii-tujes- ,

Wh-ke- r Cinirs. Han0'ir Lamp?,L'phcl.-i-r.- -l L.j-i:-..-



Utir-.- is Var.ir-!- s uf

.Lipm Tr.i .vef, Crv'.ery,KITCHEN SrOVE. lill'.DHN HOSE

Kv., I tr , Li-- ,

J us. Ii LorJtn,


For Preserving and Beautifying the Complexion

Contains none of the poisonous ingredients so generally addedto such preparations, but is entirely harmless.have made a careful analysis of CA MEL LINE, and find it to beabsolutely free from all poisonous or delaterinu

present in preparations for the complexion. It is compounded with area'M,,cTOOTmena u as uetno perfectly harmless in Usupon the skin or health."Very truly Yours,

"(Signed.) THOMAS PRICE, M. D."Analytical Chemist."

CAMEL LINE, Fluid White and Flesh Color.CAMELLINE, Powder White, Flesh and Brunette.


HOLLISTEB & CO., DRUGGISTSFort Street, Honolulu.

Page 3: evols.library.manoa.hawaii.eduevols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/40346/1/...WE OFFER FOR BALE AT THE following prices: iu idaui n..u,u Pohai Jelly in 1 lb. cans at; 3.50

'rf-- p




From Molokai. per sCwht Mokcl.i.July L Edward. F. C McCartney and10 on deck.

From Hnn Franeisro, per bark I! 1 Kith-c- t.

July 22 D Cont'd.,:) and Mr Wil.-on- .

From San Frannro, rr bktne Irnipard,July 2.'- -C Wall. II Clarksou Cloud ai.d WSchmidt.

From Maui, per tnir Likelike. JulvMr L II t'.!z ar d 2 ifjiiJren. K D Mil. h .Mi-- s S Sheldon. D Dunn. M . W 1

McKnv, IJrother ilen.-v-, Brother Ri;-h- .

Brother Inatiou". Brother Charles. Brother Mathia. F II Ivttcham, wife and child.E C Hendry. A Wilder, Mi-- s Caddick and40 on deck.

From Kauai, per stmr , Julv23 G N Wilcox, J K P.ukett ar.l wife, MrsC I; Smith. Mi a M Catton. II C Austinand wife. F Goedicke, J B Alexander. W AWall, J Mundon. Miss Auhagen.Dr Camp-ba- ll

and wife, C B. Dunbar and wife and o0on deck.


For San Francisco, per bk Andrew Welch,Julv 23 Mrs M J Coarsen, A C Lovekin,C D Rich and two others.

IltirOKTS.For stmr Kanln 10CJ bair-- sr.jrar and 'I'A

bass rice.I'er stmr Moko'.ii 42 hides 75 sheen and

13 calves.Per Likelike 1755 Lacs smjar. 221

bap.? potatoes, 1C bags corn, l.'J3bags bor. :?,41 hides, 3 hoes, 1012 feet koa lu:jjber andi 13 pkgs sundries.

Per stmr Mikahala 221 bacs suar. 75b ics rice, 40 bngi pi3, 17 bndles hides and45 pkgs sundr es.

I'er stmr Lehua 23C0 bags sugar.Per sehr Kawailani ZVQ bags rice.Per sehr Mile Morris 100 bags rice.

Moonlight Band Concert.The Hawaiian band, conducted

by Professor Berger, will give apublic concert at Emma Squarebis (Monday) evening, commcne- -

ing at i :ouo clock, following isthe programme :

PART I.Overture "Fra Diavolo'' Auber

rarch "The Volunteers" Me raWaltz "Carlotta" MillockerSelection "Bohemian Girr'..lalfe

PAKT II." Reminiscences of OfTenbach"

ConradiG. Kuphonium solo "Hocked in the

Deep" PrendervilleMarch "High School Cadet"

SouzaGalon "Wally" Ilcinfdorf

Hawaii I'onoi.

The Banana Trade.Victoria, July 11. Tn connec-

tion with the new Australian steam-ship service Wilson Brothers havebeen appointed agents for BritishColumbia and Washington forCampbell, Marshall & Co. of Hono-lulu, dealers in bananas, who shipon an average 2000 bunches to SanFrancisco by each steamer. u il- -son Brothers received COO hunchesby the Warrimoo, 150 of which willbe sold here and the rest go to Portland and the mainland.

To Succeed Father Damien.A successor to Father Damien

lias arisen in the person of PereSauton, a Benedictine monk, whohas been commissioned by theFrench government to study upleprosy. Ho will visit leprousdistricts in Norway, Lapland, Fin-land, Turkey, Greece and Egypt,afterward returning to France toreport the result of his investiga-tions to M. Pasteur. Subsequentlyhe is to set out to Molokai. in theSandwich Islands, where hi? willremain for a time. Ex.

Gives Satisfaction.The appointment of A. Murray

Beattie as Hawaiian consul is awise one, and will no doubt findfavor with the citizens, as well aswith those captains and others sail-ing under the Hawaiian Hag whomny have business to do with theconsulate. The Provisional govern-ment will have no reason io regrttits choice of a representative.Seattle Post-Intelligenc-

Will Serve Her Sentence.t the last term of the circuit !

court a foreign jury brought in a j

verdict of guilty in the case of Mrs. i

Machado, charged with the larcenyof $S90. She was sentenced toeighteen months hard labor and afine of $400. The case was ap-pealed to the supreme court on atechnicality. On Saturday a de-

cision was handed down sustainingthe lower court.

The Admiral is All Right.Commodore George Brown,

known better in this city as Ad-

miral Brown, has successfullypassed the physical examinationfor promotion to the admiralship,and in a few days will take theprofessional examination.

Wilder Is Recognized. j

At San Francisco on the 11th!inst. Collector of Customs Wise was j

instructed to recognize temporarily I

'the recent appointed HawaiianConsul-Genera- l, C.T. Wilder, pending the issue of his exequatur.

Vote of Thanks. to

Captain Schmidt and the chief set

officer of the crack barkentine Irmgard have the thanks of the Adve-rtiser


for late San Francisco papers.j

Dividend Declared. i

lorThe American Sugar Company for

paid a quarterly dividend of 3 percent, on common stock and 12 pr forcent, on preferred stock on the 3d a

- ri" : t

j r ju.ne i.

f.'r ir


B E A DA.M. P.M. P.M. P.M

Leave Honolulu. 8:43 1 :43 4 :33 5 :10Leave Pearl City .9:30 2:30 5:10 5:50Arrive Ewa Mjll. .9:57 5 :3i

to no::oLCLCC B U A

A.M. A.M. P.M. P.M

Leave Ewa Mill.. 0:21 10:43 3:43 5:42Leave Pearl City..G:55 11:15 4:15 6:10Arrive Honolulu. .7 :30 11:55 4:55 6:45

A Saturdav3 only.B Daily.G Sundays excepted.D Saturdays excepted.

?n::nns mam. skuvici:.

Steamships will leave for and ariivc fromSan Francisco, on the following dates, till

the close of 1S03.

l.EAVK HOSOLCLC Dtk at HonoluluFOB Sas Feascisco. Fm. Sas

i:io Janeiro.. July 23 Mariposa July 27

Monowai July 27 Oceanic Aug. 7

Miowera, tor an- - Australia ...AU.couver Au. 1 Miowera, from Van-

couverGaelic Aug. G Aug. 21

City rtkiiiK.Aug. Is Monowai. ..Aug. 24

Australia... .AbK- - lf Australia Sept. 6

Alameda Ai R. 21 China Sept. 13

Warrimoo, for Van-couvt....A- u. Warrimoo,from Van-couverM Sept. 21

Australia... Kept. 13 Alameda Sept. 21

Mariposa... Sept. 21 Australia Oct. 4

Oceanic fc'ept. 25 Oceanic Oct. 1G

Miowera, for Van-couver.

Marinosa ... Oct. 13: . . . -- Oct. 2 Miowera, from Van

Australia Oct. 11 couver Oct. 21

Monowai Oct. 19 Australia Nov.Warrimoo, for Van-

couverMonowai... Nov. 1G

Nov. 1 Warnmoo.froniVanChina ...Nov. G couver Nov. 21

Australia. ... Nov. 8 China Nov. 27

Alameda. ...Nov. 10 Australia Deo. 6Miowera, for Van- - Alameda.. -- Dec. 14

couver.. Dec. 2 Miowera, from VanOceanic... ...Dec. 4 couver Dec. 21

Australia. ...Dec. G Oceanic Dec 25Alameda ..Dec. 14 Australia Jan. 3Warrimoo, for Van-

couverWa rrimoo.f rora Van

Jan. 1 couver Jan. 21

City Peking. ..Jan. 2

Meteorological Recent




3v a a--

B 3

Sin C :.C'J 3.) C2 71 62 0.00 r,8 8-- 3 NE!) 72 8i O.CfJ 3 MMan t 7) O J

: ' 8110.00 6. 39 KCTue 18 3) (SWei i ;: 12 JO 15 7n 8l0 C3 rr, EXE

Thu ai'jo.u: o; 70 1)2 0. HI Co EXE

i'ri. V tO 03 i) 02 7iJ M 'MS EMHit. 2i i M :i 0 70 KB

Ttden. Sou and Moa.u.

o c aca

3 C9 3

p.m.'.m. a.ni. p.m.Mod.... 1.C0 0.20 6.45' 10.10 8.31 C.42 1.53Tqi... 2.351 l.M 7.20 U.:-- 5 5.31 C.42 2.43Wed ... a l.V 1.4j 7 50,10 65 B.C1 6.41 3.34

Thar... 3.4U, 2.25, 8.35 11.15 5.il 6.41 4.29nse

rri...... 4.25 3.2 0 23,11. 5o 6.32 6.40 7. 7

8t 4.53: 4.25 10. .:11.55; 6.40 7.40

Han.... 5.3:.; 5. 5 l').B5; 6."32,' 6.S 8.21Ill)Fall moon on the 2Stb, at 0 h. SO m. a. ia.Time Wblst'.e b!oar at lh. 2iu. 3U. p.m. of

Honolala time, which Is the same ts 12b. Oia. 0s.of Oreentsricb tlma.

sniFPinu istellui v. c f: .

. ;;j:ivai,.Sathrpay. July '22.

Hawaiian Lk U P Rithct, Mormon, 13

.ltr from San Fr:mCisCOHawaiian bk Mauna Ala, 13 day? from

San Francisco,btrnr Kaala. G&ban. from Kahuku.Sehr Eawailani from Koolaa.

Scnday, July 2?.

Am bkt Irmsrar.l, Sr'jnddt, 10 days fromSan Francisco.

Stmr Mikahala, Chancy, from K.-nia-

Stmr LikeiiUe. Cameron, from Matii.Kioop Helene, from Waimanalo


, July -- 2.

CPSS Warriaioo. Ailhur. for the coloniea.

yioop Ilc'cne, far WainianaiO.tjfSPAY. July 2.'i.

Hawaiian ek An-Irev- W'clcli, Drew, forFan t'rancisco.

VESSELS LEVVINO TODAV.Strar J A Cummins, Neiiion. for Koolau,

fit 111 A 111.

jftiurC II r.ishop. Le Claire, for Kapaa,ICilaaea and Hamuei, at 4 p m.

Stmr Hawaii. Fiiz.eralJ. for UamakuaJ n Til.

Stmr Mokolii. McOresor, for Molokai,at 5 p m.

Sehr Mile Morris for Koolau.

VESSELS IN i'OKT.Ttia lint dJS not icctnJe colter. i


U S S I'oston. P iy.from a cruise.IT S 5 Adams, Nelson, from Lahaina.


Br sch Norma, Macquarrie, Yokohama.Am sclir W II Taibjt. liluhm. Newcastle.Uer bk Geo N Wilcox. Wolters. Livcrpoo!.Am tern Allen A. Senate, Eureka.Am sehr Aloha. Dabel. Sin b rancisco.lir bk Ladstoek, Williams. Liverpool.Am sch Transit, Jorenent San t ranc-.sco- .

Haw bk Mauna Ala, Smith. San Francisco.Haw bk IS T Kithet, Morrison, San Fran.Am bkt Irmgard, SchmiJt. San Francisco.

rOUClUS VEsSKLS nXl'ECTED.Vc8?l3. Wfcerefrcr:. I)n.

C.er bk J C rituzer Bremen. . .Sept 5-- 15

Am bk Martha Davis.. JJoston Dec 5-- 15

Am sehr Alice Cooke. Purt Sound.. July 25CPSS Miowera Sydney Aug 111 M S S Mariposa San Fran Julv 27It M S S Monowai Svdney July 27IJrSS Gaelic China Auff 7Am bk Amelia Puiret Sound Aug 30Am bk Annie Johnson. S F (Hilo).-Jul- v 31Am bk Albert San Fran. ..Aug 10Am b;t Consuelo. S F (Kah). . Aug 5

EXI'OllTS.For San Francico, per bark Andrew

Welch. July 23 Theo II Da vies & Co. 7933bag sugar; C Brewer iV Co. 8100 bag3 sug-ar; Castle & Cooke. C177 bags sugar; FAxS??efer ,& Co, i331 bags sngar. total, 25.-S- m

SS 510 t0n3)' scgar: domestic value,

Just received, per steamer Au.stralia, Vv'liite Cllamoi-ki- n (I loves,excellent qtulity, warranted to wash,at X. S. Sach.n' Porrr. w; Mili.ixkkyStoke.

ii r c X-,- ...

Goods received by last steamer:Silk Belting, two widths. WhiteCream and Black; Tine Silk Umbrellas; New. Ribbon, all Shades;New Millinery; Dress Goods in Cot-ton and "Wool; Japanese Sill: Kimo- -

nas for .Ladies ana Gentlemen; Gentleman's Silk Shirts with Ties toMatch. Uqan & Grxx, Fort street.

Hawaiian Soap, the onlypure laundry soap in the market, canbe had by the co.se or at retail, at anyof the grocers in Honolulu, as well asat the company's agent. Familiescan now order Hawaiian soap fromtheir crceers with other Roods. Trice$3.00 per hundred.

M. W. McCnESXEY's Soxs,Agents Honolulu Soap "Work Co.

30-tf- .

American Enameled But-tou-llo- le

Buttons for Sale at theI X Jj.

F" Pinest Enameled Cabinetsonlv S3 a dozen at Cosmopolitan--

Photo Co., 4C7 Nuuanu street.S341-t- f

Those desirous of having theirPianos Timed or repairt willplease send in their orders to V. II.Benson, at the Arlington. 33S2-3- t

Por Bargains in New andSecond hand Furniture, Lawn Mowers, Wicker Chairs, Garden Hose,etc.. call at the I. X. L.. corner ofNuuanu and King streets.

yur Furniture in its entirety, canat the I. X. L.

EJGT" Bedroom Sets, Wardrobes,Ice Boxes, Stoves, Hanging Lamps,Ruga, Bureaus, Chitlbniers, Steamerand Veranda Chairs, Bed Lounges,Sofas, Baby Cribs, Clothes Baskets,Sewing Machines, Whatnots, MeatSafes, Trunks, etc., sold at the lowestCash Prices at the I. X. L., corner ofNuuanu and King streets.

f The Musical Library of thelate G. L. Babcock is now on sale atthe Golden Rule Bazaar.

326i-l- tf

gSS?" The Bon Ton Dressmaking Parlors are now at corner of

Fort and Beretama streets, open tothose of Honolulu and vicinity wish-ing stylish suits and costumes, as wellalso a3 comfortable and neat gowns.

The public are now enabled to havetheir wardrobes fitted out as well andwith the same style as can be ob-

tained in San Francisco. 3267

I'rompt returns made onGoods sold on commission at ther. x. l.

Notice to Planters.

TIIE UNDEnSfGNED, AGENTSJL of the California Fertilizer Works

(J. E. Jliller, Manager) have on hand alimited supply of that firm's High Graderertilizers for short notice orders andrequirements of the planters.

O. BRKWEtt & CO. (L'd.),Queen Street, Honolulu.


Contractor and Bnildcr.All kinds of Jobbing promptly attend

ed to. Will make a tpecia'ty of OHioeand Store Fitting; second floor HonoluluP.aning Mill, Fort Street.

ggyMutual Telephone f25. 3119 3m


Lane, Pa'ama, containing a LargoParlor, three Bed Kcom?, Dininj

Room, Kitchen and Tath Room and aLarge Yard with Fruit Trpes. Posses-sion given after Julv 7th, 1S93. Apply to

M. S. PEltEIUA,Corner Nuuanu and Hotel streets, or toM. G. ConiiEA.

Pearl Citv, Mut. Tele-plow- No. 502-0- .34i.")-l- m

To Let.


suitable for two with board, canbe had at 32 Emma street.

3417 t f

Wanted.TT'ANrED BY A YOUNG MAR- - of

lied man position as manager oncoffee and EUjjar plantation, same hasbeen for 2 years maunder in South Ame-rica, Brazil. Having certificate of ahi-r-school of agriculture, I am enabled toimprove ar.v plantation. A'dress

Plantation C," this office. 3435-t- f

Kohala Telephone Co.

4 T THE ANNUAL MEETING OF talJr. the Kohila Telephone Co , the fo- l- tolowing olhc-r- s Trprc? ted for the inensuing term :

President lohn HindVice-Presiden- t. . . . E. C. BondSecretary G. P. TulloehTreasurer II. !I. RontonAuditor .W. P. McDo-7ra!- l

TlRECTORS pon 3 Yf.ahs.e. r . Low, C. L. Winht.

. TULLOCH,343-- It 14S3-- 2t Secret arv.

Send a copy of this week's Ha-waiian Gazette with vour letter.

ii. F. Wichman has a larire fireproof .safe f--


Ten Chinese were arrested laevening for playing fan tan.

Some Australian cockatoos arefor at Ledger's I. X. L. s

The Hawaiian band will jrive a.

concert at Emma square this even1 n rri. L

Go j Kim, Nuuanu street, offersto make suits to order for $14, fitguaranteed.

The IIawaii3 and the Crescentswill play the last game of this season next Saturday.

Mrs. L. D. Stoltz and twochildren were pa sengers on theLikelike yesterday.

George E. lioardman has twohouses on Eeretania street and twoon Fort street for rent.

Mr. C. "Wail of Kau, Hawaii,' re-

turned yesterday from the coast bythe barkentine Irmgard.

There was no business of anyimportance transacted in the dis-trict court on Saturday.

X. S. Sachs offers special bar- -

See hisuiijj lux into n ik. vuxtadvertisement in this issue.

Mr. Cloud stated yesterday thatthe coffee plantations of Guatamalaarc on a verv extensive scale thisyear.

The Duke cf Newcastle was pres-ent at the 11 o'clock service of St.Andrew's cathedral yesterdaymorning.

The Hawaiian band will playat San Souci tomorrow evening.After the concert dancing willtake place.- The creditors of Samuel Parkerare requested to meet this morningat 10 o'clock at the Chamber ofCommerce.

The Kamehameha. ball team wilnot appear on the diamond anymore this season. 1 hev have wonthe pennant.

The Ilio Janeiro will be due to-

morrow from China-e- route toSan Francisco. She will carry amail from this port.

Departure Bay coal i3 consideredthe best for family use. Hustaceit Co. sell it at a low figure forcash and deliver it free.

IF. F. Wiehmau has a new advertisement in this issue, in whichho offers the latest thmg in sterlingsilver a strawberry fork.

The board of trustees of theSailer's Home society will hold ameeting this morning at 11 o'clockat the Chamber of Commerce.

The bankrupt sale at the Arling-ton will be continued today. Twosales will take place at 10 a.m.and at 7 r m. Jas. F. Morgan willbe the auctioneer.

This morning at 10 o'clock Jasr. Morcan will hold a sale ofhousehold furniture at the residence of II. McMillan, on Nuuanu,below Kukui street.

The arrival of the barkentine S.X. Castle will be a jubilee day atthe Hawaiian Hardware Co. s store.Head the advertisement in tnis issue, it tells all about it.

Messrs. G. L. Edwards av 1 E. C.McCartney, principals of t.ie Ka-luaa- ha

and Kaunakakairespectively, on Molokai, arrived intown per steamer Mokolii.

The successful bidder will havethirty instead of twenty days inwhich to print and bind the lawsenacted by tue Provisional govern- -

nient. Bids will be received at theattorney --general's office until noon


The closing exercises of the Ha-law- a

English school, on Molokai,took place last Wednesday andThursday. Mr. II. van Giesen isprincipal and Mr. Sol Fuller as-

sistant. The exercises concludedwith luans and balls on both even-ings.

A CoiFee Specialist.Mr. H. Clarkson Cloud wa3 a

passenger yesterday by the barken-tine Irmgard. He is a coffee spe-cialist, having been for many yearsengaged on coffee plantations inMexico and Guatamala. Mr. Cloudwill visit the coffee plantations onHawaii, but i.s at present undecidedwhether he will locate here or not.

Commended.Several letters have been re

ceived in Honolulu lately whichspeak in the highest terms of theservice and attention paid pas-sengers by the new steamer route

British Columbia. The tableon two steamers is said to be

the best in the Pacific.

Corbctt and Jackson Matched.Chicago, July 11. Jamea J.

Corbett and Parson Davies, acting1'eter Jacicson, signed articlesa fight between Jackson and

Corbett, to come off in June, 1S94,the largest purse obtainable and

side bet of $10,000. the winner totake everything.

THE ET,ITKCream Farlors

A re t U ki:?wa for their excellent quality of

Iiiio Ico Cream,Calces, OanIie, IMoh,

Fancy 1'astries,Ice Cream So;ln, 8herlt,

Hot Coffee, Tea and Chocolate, Etc.The rr.cst attractive colllection cf

Inland Curios I

STNATIVK FANS a specialty.


85 Hotel Street.


TJIJVNXJ ST1JEET.First-clas- s Market in every respect; ho

sides carrying a full line of Meats,we make a specialty of

liroalclast Sausjts;e,Ilerul Clieso.

T'ressotl Corn Heef.


3t;7-l- ni tf PaorRiKTon.

Transfer of Insurance Agencies.

T II AVE THIS DAY TItANSFKUUKDJL the Insurance Agencies held by me.together v.ith the eood-wi- ll thereof, asfohows :

Liom Fini: In.si'uaxck Co. to Urueoand A. J.Cartwright.

IlAMai-Rfl-jlAfinEnrn- fj

Co. to F. A. bchaefer & Co.

National Fire Insurance Co.and Driest Fire Insurance Co.to O. Bolte.

I icquest for tny successors a eon- -tinuanctf of the patronage hitherto givento me. A. JA Ell Fit.

Honolulu. July 15. 1803. 3134-l-


rrMlR UXDRRSIfiXKn II A VINOL been appointed Executor of the

Estate of Andre Alexandre Corniot, deceased, requests all persons havingelaima against that Estate to presentthem within Fix month from date or

"they will b- - forever barred, and allpersons indebted to the above Fstateto make immediate payment.

F. A. bUilAEFJ'.Ii,Executor with the Will annexed of A.

A. Corniot, deceased.3426 IQt 14S0--- U

The Missing: Numbers

'piIE FOLLOWING DATES OF THEJ Planters' Monthly are wanted one,two or more copies of each :

Mav, September and December, 1882;Aum?t, 1SS3; April, 1884.

. HAWAIIAN GAZETTE CO.2437--4 t 14S9-- 2t


ANE COPY EACH OF THRUM'SAlmanac for the following yeare, for

which i he publisher's price wi 1 be paid:1875, 1876, 1877, 1878, 1879, 1881, 1887,i8Ul, 1892, 1893.

HAWAIIAN GAZETTE CO.3423 1438-2- t

Keal Estate for Sale.

7 VALUABLE PIECESof improved Property, locat-ed in different parts of thethe city of Honolulu ; all bar-gains. Apply for full parti

culars toRliUCE & A. J. CAUTWRIGIIT.


For Leaseor Sale.

RESIDENCE ON LUNAL1LOstreet, at present occupied by E.W. Uoldswortb .containing doubleparlors, 4 bedrooms. dressine an

batli rooms, dining room, pantry anakitchen. Grounds 300x105 feet, well tafdout; servants' rooms, stable and chickenbouu3 in rear of main buiM:n.

R. I. LILLIE,2li2J-- t with Thpo. If. vip A On.


T AM KOU WILL THIS DAY OPENJLi Lunch Rooms on Hotel Street, nextdoor to Saloon; open at allhours; Cold Lunohea 25o. 3421-- 1 m

For Sale.

LIGHT COVERED BUGGY INgood condition ; prion 1(K) Inquire

II. .M. WIIITNKY,4-- Merchant Street.

For Lease.


serve, recently occupied by Mr.Charles Creiehton. The grounds areppacious, and well ehided with Ornamen

and Fruit Treps ; only a minute's walkTramways. The Buildings will be putthorough repair to suit the wiphes of a

pood tenant. For further particulars,apply to BRUCE CARTWRIGI1T,

Trustee for Mrs. Mary S. Levey.33oS--tf

For Kent.

A DESIRABLE DWELLINGwith commodious Grounds:Shrubbery, etc., on Kinau Street

nest to corner of Pensarola; one blockfrom Tramcars. E. R. HENDRY,

3377-t- f Hawaiian Hardware Co.




Life Insurance Co.OF DOSTON.

x.llianco --cVssuniicoCOMPANY OF LONDON,

iEtna Fire Iiistiraucc Co.

PEE MONOWAI-- foj: tiii:

CElTEEiOSFresh Oysters



.m-i- y


Nuuanu Avenue,


Hotel Street.

BATESTable Hoard l per dty.Board and $2 " "Board and Iodiinp $12 per week.IC7Bpetial monthly priecB.T. E. KROIJSE, ' PnorniKTou.


Oyster Cocktails!FOR

MercliaiitSExcluiiiproWhere :ho popular

ENTERPRISE BEEROn Draught i3 always Frcfch and Col J.

33G7-- tf


Has removed her

To Hotel st, Opp. lLo Y. M. C. A. Hall

Where she is prepared to do DrcHnxnckinRin all the latest styles. The new methodof form-fittin- g employed (the methodnow used by all the leading dressmakersin San Francisco).

2S"A11 work redly and promptlyfinished. Prices as reaHonab'e aB an uthe city. .'L.M-t- f


Pliyflician and SurgeonOffice: 31 Alakea Flrei t.Offic Houkh: 10 to 12 a.m., 2 to 4

P. M., 7 to 8 v. m; Sundays Sh.'iO to 10:30A. M.

Telephoned: Mutual 42-1- , Bell 110.Rkkidenci:: No. 10 t'nion Ntieet, MutualTelephone 40;), HonoJuhi, 11. 1.

3.""n-t- f

For Sale or Exchange.

RESIDENCE IN A VERYdeferable part of Honolulu. Par-lor, Diriinj Room, 2 I'd Roomc.

Pantry, Kitchen, ewln kcom, in mainhouse. Cottajjo adjoining of 2 paperedRooms, Store Room and I'ath Room.Lot 100x200 feet. Hell or c-- hanpo forsmaller property and cafdi or et,-- ?:rily.All the building are new. One blockfrom Tramways. Apply at thin ofiice.

3013-t- f


LL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMSA1 against Jamts Love, are requestedto present same at once at the officeof


' S K N),

To journey to Chiitjo,but quite another to remain there com-fortably during the crowded

The untaken rooms are coin rapidly.Have you arranged for a place yet?

All the World's Fair Hotels demand acash deposit beore they'll look at you orbook your name. 1 heHotels may not le the choieej-t- , butthey'll pet your money.

Join the Pacific Excursion Co., andavoid Euch rifk. Our fee of $" cover:' thecash deposit demanded by Hotels. Wehave 5 Hotel, which have Ic-e- perfon- -ally selected .y our President, and ranbe recommended.

You can eo by any route, at any tim eand remain as long as you care to.




Man Hunter Oat lines fsPlan of Action and is

ConSdent of Success.

A. R. Bindt is a youth who iswell known about town. Unfortu-nately he is a cripple, so he wascompelled to ride a horse. Thisfact is mentioned merely so thereaders of the Advertiser can callhim to mind. Young Bindt has ascheme on foot, and if he is success-ful he will make the members ofthe Larsen expedition grow greenwith envy. This is the story:When the expedition returnedfrom Kalalau valley without bringing the body of Koolau, the heroof this story made a bet with him-

self that he could accomplish whatan army could not, so he hied him-self to the police station in searchof information.

He met Captain Juen who gavehim the necessary points. At thetime Juen did not think the youthwas in earnest, but on the contrary,he thought Bindt was, to use aninelegant term, "talking throughhis face."

Later in the dav the boy provedhe was in earnest, as he departedfor Kauai, ostensibly to work in aplantation store, but in reality tocapture Koolau and the 1000 Kala-kau- a

dollars offered by the govern-ment.

Before his departure, which wason last Tuesday, he informed Juenthat a young friend named HarryGregson would go later to reinforcehim. History does not say whetherGregson has gone or not.

Bindt has a plan that will surelyland Koolau, that is if he can getwithin a mile of the lefer. In shortit is to start, an illicit distillery inthe Kalalau valley, and after hemakes divers gallons of that fascin-ating drink known as "okole-hao,- "

to ask the murderer to partake ofit. When he is helples3 from theeffects of the liquor then Bindtwould tie his feet and hands andthen bundle him off to jail. Asimilar proposition was advancedby a genius while Larsen was atKalalau. The idea was to placesome poison in a large bottle of ginand then give it to Koolau, but thewise heads of the camp said itwould be a shame to waste good"square-face- " in that manner.

The rest of the story is told inBindt's own words. The followingletter was received yesterday byCaptain Juen :

Waimea, Kauai, July 20, 1893.Capt. Juen, Police Station, JHono-lulu- :

Arrived here Thursday and fell inwith Arthur Hunt. He was in Kalalau on eruard duty. He says itwould be impossible to get into tbevalley without being seen, so I haveformed another plan.

Put me and who I shall choose toassist me above the law for threemonths so we can go to Kalalauand start a okolehao mill, and byGeorge ! if we don't get Koolau on a"buso" I am a liar!

If vou have a small distillery onhand send it down.

If you comedown come under disguise and don't let any one Knowyour plans.

If you don't come please writeand give me orders.

As we will be outlaws as well asKoolau, we will be able to get thedrop on him.

If you write put the letter in oneenvelope with my address on it andseal it and put in another envelopeaddressed A. Hunt, Waimea, ivauai.

If you don't come ask Ben if hewill be willing to advance a littlemoney till I return to Honolulu.

Oq my scheme 1 bet my lite. 1 willcatch him before August 31st.

If the reporters ask you if yonhave heard from me tell them, no.

Keep my plans in your own headand don't let them out.

If you come down I will meet youat the wharf. For a sign when youshake hands just step on my foot.

Give me a guarantee from themarshal that I will receive the reward if I capture Koolau dead oralive. Your obedient servant,yr-- A. R. Bindt.

Lv)FonnS's Marriage.

The marriage of Alexander YoungJr. of Honolulu and Miss BlancheEvans, the youngest daughter ofMrs. Jane B. Evans, was solemn-

ized at the residence of the bride,1225 Chestnut street, Oakland,Thursday. July 6th, at 10:30o'clock, Rev. E. P. Dennitt officiat-ing. The bride is well-know- n inAlameda circles. A few hours afterthe ceremony the bride and groomdeparted for Honolulu on thesteamer Australia, where theT willreside. S. F. Chronicle.

All kinds of artistic printing atthe Gazette Office.instant.

Page 4: evols.library.manoa.hawaii.eduevols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/40346/1/...WE OFFER FOR BALE AT THE following prices: iu idaui n..u,u Pohai Jelly in 1 lb. cans at; 3.50



& POUTER,OEDWAYRobinson Block, Hotel Street,

F Limit are,AND

CA.BISr.'Krl1-- O

had been got off at high water inthe afternoon without having suf-fered any damage to speak of.Seattle paper.

The Hong Kong Telegraph says :

"The steamship Zambesi, afterall her troubles, is to be sold to aJapanese firm in Kobe, we believefor about $G0000. She leaves hereon Tuesday next, 20th, for thatport, where she will be surveyedunder Japanese board of traderules, after which, if found satis-factory, she will be put on ti ecoasting trade with a Japanesename and probably also with anative captain and officers'

SAn Francisco, July 11. Theschooner Theresa arrived thisafternoon from Sand Point, Alaska,and reports that a story is goingthe rounds of Alaska ports to theeffect that the sealing schoonerHelen Blum, of San Francisco, waswrecked June 19, on Seminoskyreef, Alaska. There is nothing toconfirm the story, as the crew havenot been heard from nor ha;. aiywreckage been seen.

The Victoria Colonist :

"Only one serious accident oc-

curred on board the steamer War-rimo- o;

a passenger while inspect-ing the fruit in cargo was attackedby a tarantula that climbed overhis shoulder, down his neck andbeneath his shirt, biting him in thefleshy part of his breast before itwas killed. The wound was cutout by the surgeon, and a possiblyfatal result avoided.

bstwcea Fort and Nuuinu.


M A Iv I .N O






25F"M.itthig laying a specialty. All orders attended to.





Merchant St., Honolulu.



Executive Blilding, )

Honolulu, June 30, lS93.f

It is hereby ordered that until furthernotice, the right of the writ of HabeasCorpus is hereby &upended and MartialLaw is hereby declared to exist in andthroughout the Districts of Hanalei andWaimea, on the island of Kauai.

(Signed), SANFORD B. DOLE,President of the Provisional Government

of the Hawaiian Island? and Miiiii-o- fForeign Affairs.

Approved :

J. A. Kino,Minister of the Interior.

W. O. Smith,Attorney-Ge- nf ral.


Sale of Government JLot SouthSlope, Punchbowl Hill,

Honolulu, Oaliu.On THURSDAY, August 17ili, 1SS3,

at 12 o'clock noon, at the front entranceof the Executive Building, will be soldat public auction, one Government lotsituate on the east corner of Alapai andQuarry street?, and immediately abovethe Portuguese Mutual Benefit Societypremises, containing an area of 9012square feet, a little more or less.

Upset price $150.J. A. KING,

Minister of the Interior.Interior Office, July 1 i, 1S93.

313G-- 5t 1433-3- t

Sale of Lease of a Piece ofGovernment Land in Kano-hoanahop- u,

Koolau-poko, Oalin.

On THURSDAY, August 17, 18)3, at12 o'clock noon, at the front entrance ofthe Executive Building, will be eold atpublic auction, the lease of a piece ofGovernment land situated at Kauohcana-hopu- ,

Koolaupoko, Oahu, containing anarea of 1 4-1- 0 acres.

Term Lease for 15 j e :rs.Upset price $20 per annum, pyablo

semi-annua- lly in advance.J. A. KING,

Minister of the Interior.Interior Office, July 12, 1S93.

3430 14S8--3t

Sale ot Lease ofthe GovernmentLand of Hanapai, Hama-ku- a,

Hawaii.On TUESDAY, July 25, 1S93, at 12.

o'clock noon, at the front entrance of theExecutive Building, will be sold at pub-lic auction, the lease of the Governmentland of Hanapai, Hamakua, Hawaii,containing an area of 77?4 acres, a littlemore or Ices.

Term Lease for 15 years to commencefrom the 13th day of October, 1893 .

Upset price $300 per annum, payablesemi-annual- ly in advance.

J. A. KING,Minister of the Interior.

Interior Office, June 24thl93.3415-3-t 14SG-3- t

Sale of Lease of the Government Landof Hanapai, Hamakua, Hawaii.

On TUESDAY, July Jtb,'lSif "at 12o'clock noonat44i3 front entranoo of tboExecutive-2aildiu- g will bo sold at publicantion the lease of the Government land ofHanapai, Hamakua, Hawaii, containing anarea of 77K acres a little more or les.

Term Lease for 15 ye.irs to comtuoiicofrom the 13th of October, 1P03.

Upset prica 300 perannam payable semi-

annually in advance.J. A. KING,

Minister of the Interior.Interior Office, Juno 24, 1893.

341G-- 3 1485-- 3

Sale of Lease of GovernmentLancia in Kohala, Hawaii.

On WEDNESDAY", August 9, 1853, at12 o'clock noon, at tho front entrance ofthe Executive Building, will be sold atpublic auction, the lease of those landsin North Kohala, Hawaii, known asKohala Fili Lands from Pahinahina toKaipuhaa inclusive, and extending fromshore to the makai boundaries of Gov-

ernment Grants made from these landsand containing an approximate area of7973 acres.

Term Lease for 10 years.Upset price $250 perannnm, payable

semi-annual- ly in advance.The lease of the above lands is sold

upon the following conditions :

(1) The lessee to make every reasona-ble effort within one year from the dateof the lease to develope water for stockon tho premises.

(2) The lessee immediately after thepurchase of the lease to plant and makeevery effort to establish a kiawe forestalong the coast of the lands leased.

J. A. KING,Minister of the Interior.

Interior Office, July 10, 1893.3428 14SS--3t

Bale oi Lease of GovernmentLands in Kawela and

Iinelelcu, liana,JIaui.

On THURSDAY", August 17th, 1S93,at 12 o'clock noon, at the front entranceof the Executive Building, will be soldat public auction, the lease of the Gov-ernment Lands in Kawela an 1 Kaeleku,Hana, Maui, containing an area of 1250acres, a little more or less.

Term Lease for 15 years.Upset price $100, payable semi-annuall- y

in advance.JAS. A. KING,

Minister of the Interior.Interior Office, July 12, 1S03.

3423 1433-3- t

Letterheads, billheads, receiptbooks, shipping receipts and commercial printing at the GazetteOffice.

ACT -- 1 O.

An Act to Increase the Facilities toDepoaltor aid 1'rovltllng for TermI4ponit4 in th Hawaiian Postalfaring ltank.

liz it Exacted by the Executive andAdvisory Councils of the ProvitionalGovernment of the HawaiianIslands :

Section 1. The I'os'mastet-General- ,

as Manager of the Postal Savings Bank,with the consent and approval of theMinister of Finance, may issue to anyperson Term Deposit Certificates in thename of the Hawaiian Tostal SavingsBank for deposits of not less than FiveHundred Dollars nor mere than FiveThousand Dollars.

Sectiok 2. The amounts so depositedshall draw interest at a rate not to ex-

ceed fcix per cent, per annum to be com-

puted ia accordance with the law reg-

ulating the Bank. Such deposits shallnot in the aggregate exceed $150,000 atany one lime.

Section 3. The term for which anydeposit shall be received under this Actshall not exceed twelve months.

Section 4. The form of the said cer-

tificates shall be as follows, and shallcontain the conditions hereinafter setforth :



$ NO

Honolulu, 189..Received from in

Coin, Dollars onDeposit, payable in Coin on pre-

sentation of this Certificate, properly indorsed. This deposit is made formonths, and will bear interest from

189.., at the rate ofpercent, per annum, and in accordancewith the conditions printed hereon .

Interest ,A pproved :

Minister of Finance.CONDITIONS.

Present this Certificate at the PostalSavings Bank at the expiration of theterm stated herein. Interest will ceaseat that date.

Holders at a distance may indorse thisCertificate and send by mail to the Post-al Savings Bank, when it will be paid.

This Certificate may be transferred byendorsement, and principal with interestwill be paid to the holder hereof.

Section 5. This Act shall take effectfrom the date of it3 publication.

Approved this 15th day of June,A. D. 1893.

Signed. SANFORD B. DOLE,President of the Provisional Government

of the Hawaiian Islands.Signed.

J. A. Krxo,Minister of the Interior.

3418 14SG-l-m


To print and bind jn pamphlet formwith paper covers, five hundred (500)copies of the laws passed by theExecutive and Advisory Councils of theProvisional Government, from Act I to"Act 42 inclusive.

The English and Hawaiian versionsioXrc connd under oaa cover, the Eng-lish first ana Hawaiian next with anindex to each, and at the end of eachversion to bind twenty (20) blankleaves.

The object of the blank leaves beingto afford a place for pasting in addition-al laws that may be passed.

The size of the pages of the pam phlet toto correspond the size of the pages of theSession Laws of 1S92 and in siaiilar type.

The work to be done in a good andworkmanlike manner, and completedwithin thirty days from the date of thoacceptanca of the bid.

Bi is to be per page and be filed at theoffice of the Attorney-Genera- l on orbefore 12 o'clock noon on TUESDAY,July 25, 1S93. " W. O. SMITH,

Attorney-Gener- al.

July 20 1893. 3436-t- d

The Minister of Finance approves oftho following list of persons to act asDeputy Assessors and Collectors foi theyear 1S93.


Honolulu Walter C. WeedonEwa and Waianae S. HookanoWaialua Isaac D. IaeaKoolaupoko No. 1 Asa KauliaKoolaupoko No. 2 C. H. JuddKcolanlea A. J. Aylett


Labaina ..David TaylorWailuku Wm T. RobinsonMakawao David MortonHana J. V. SylvaMolokai and Lanai J. H. Mahce


Uilo and N. Ililo N. C. WillfongHamakna Chas. WilliamsSouth Kohala Wilmot VredenburdNorth Kohala.. Eben P. LowNorth Kona J. KaelemakuleSouth Kona Thos. II. WrightKau...... 0. T. SbipmanPuna J. E. Eldarts


Wairuea and Niihau Th. BrandKoloa A. K. MikaLihue J. C HanaikeKawaihau.. S. KauiHanalei- - W. E. Deverill

S. 31. DAMON,Minister of Finance.

Finance Department, June 23, 1S93.

3134 14S9-3- t



Ainau'.t on the llili as Tramp

Steamer O verJ ue Sealing Scliooner

Diamond Hkad, July 23, 10 p.m.:Weather, clear ; wind, light. N.

The barkentine Irmgard, Capt.Schmidt, arrived on Sunday morn-ing from San Francisco. She lefton the- 12th instant, and conse-quently made the passage down ina little over 10 day?, which is avery good passage. Fair weatherwas had the entire voyage. TheIrmgard is at anchor out in theetream.

The British ship Gainsboroughwas loading lumber at the SoundJuly 11th for Valparaiso.

The bark Alden Hesse, Capt.Friis, arrived at San Francisco onJuly 11th 24 days from Kahului.

The steamship Vvarrimoo,CaptainArthur resumed her voyage to Syd-ney via Brisbane at 3 o'clock onSaturday afternoon, July 22. Shehad 7000 packages merchandise intransit.

The Hawaiian iron bark AndrewWelch, Captain Drew, sailed yes-terday for San Francisco with 1540tons of sugar valued at $114,969.

The bark Alex. McNeill is now ontho vtay from Departure Bay,B. C, with a cargo of coal for thisport.

The barken tine Amelia arrivedat Port Blakely on the 11th inst.17 days from" San Francisco. Shewill load lumber for Honolulu.

The schooner Anna arrived atSan Francisco on the 11th inst.,20 days from Kahului.

The Hawaiian iron bark It. P.Rithet, Captain P. II. M. Morrison,arrived on Saturday morning, 13idays from San Francisco. Shebrought about 400 tons generalmerchandise to Brewer & Co. Herturn to load sugar will come afterthe Transit.

The American bark Detroit, nowat Departure bay, has beenchartered to carry coal thence toHonolulu.

The British bark ElizabethGraham shortly expected herefrom New South Wales with coalwill proceed to Puget Sound andload lumber for Sidney.

Manilla, July S. The Spanishsteamer Don Juan, before reportedafire and abandoned at sea offUnion, has been towed here a complete, wreck ;.145 C4iiheRe passengers were lost.

San Fuancisco, July 11. Whenthe Pacific Mail steamship Colonarrived this morning, two of herofficers were under arrest and inirons. The two men were RobertDonigue, the freight clerk andThird Officer A. J. Moore. Thetwo men had been arrested for anassault made upon the first officer,J. G. Dorris. Both the prisonerswere turned over to the UnitedStates marshal, when it appearedthat Moore had a misunderstand-ing with the first officer, andstruck him over the head with arevolver. Donigue, the freightclerk, took a hand in the proceed-ings, too, and the third officer andhe were then placed under arrest.The revolver was not loaded, andit doesn't appear whose property iti3. Both the men were held upona charge of committing an assaultwith a deadly weapon.

New York, Jul 12. The trampsteamship Red Sea, which sailedfrom Bremen, June 2Gth, with 800immigrants abroad, is now fourdays overdue. The report circu-lated yesterday to the effect thattho vessel, to evade the restrictionsat this port, would put in at Phila-delphia, i3 characterized by ship-ping men as ludicrous. The RedSea had clearance papers for thisport, and would not be allowed toland passengers at any other place.

San Francisco, Jul- - 14. TheBritish steamer Bawnmore, whichran on the rocks near Point Gorda,on the 9th inst., arrived from Caperthis morning in tow of the steamersEmily and Westcott.

According to a late Victoriapaper, Captain Jack Lee has beenreinstated as captain of the barkSonoma. The vessel is at a Soundpert loading lumber for SouthAmerica.

The barkentine Amelia, Capt.Ward, went ashore on Point NoPoint Monday night, Jul- - 10th,at Iot water. The Amelia wassailing into the Sound and thewind died out, letting her drift onthe point. She was observed thereby Capt. Baughman, of the GeorgeE. Starr, as that boat was passingthe point on her trip to Port Town-sen- d

early Tuesday morning.When the Starr came back nextday the bark was lying on thepoint, listed well ever to the shore.The tug V.T.Price wa3 lying by andthe bark seemed in no immediatedanger. The report reached Seat-tle Tuesday night that the Amelia

Law Books and 131ank3, Pamphlet of any kiud,Lawyers' Briefs, Freight and Plantation Honk.,

Statistical Work, Colored Poster Work,Lithograph Colored Cards, Business and Visiting Cart Ik,

Ball and Veddlng Card3, Programmes, Billheads,Letterheads printed in Copying Ink, Etc., Etc., Etc., Kt-- .

ZIr. I. H. ChurchillSit. Vernon, "Wash.

An Honest Medicine

Rheumatism Cun-.-i Health BuUt Up.Mr. Churchill, formerly of Churchill L Taylor,eurvrvor and civil Vnir.eis. Mr. Vernon,

Washington, writes: Southern Californiawas nr.-- homo for mar.v vear3. When I camehero 1 began to be aniiuted all over with

RheumatismAv.i also pains In my back and a general feellnjcf beinsc used up. Mv business takes me out iaU:pelements all the time, and 1 found ray-se- if

unfit for work. Heading an advertise-ment of Hood's Sarsap.o.rilJa, and learningalso that the medicine was compounded inmy own State of Massachusetts. I concludedthis mny be nn Iioiicst raedirine. I tookit and am so much improved that I am out

Sarsa-parill- a oresIn all weathers and travel all clay with nofatigue and tired feehntr. To any one thatfeels bad all over I say take Hood's Sarsapa-rill-a.

It has cured me." 1. II. CncRCHilx.HOOD'S Pills cure Liver Ills, Jaundice,

Ciliousaess, kick Ileadacho and Constipation.HOBRON, NEWMAN & CO.,

333G WnoLESALE Agents.

Ileal Estate AgencyNO. 51D FOIiT STREET.

To Let.m

2 Houses on Bsrotat.ij. Street.2 Houses on Fort Street.Furnished IIun.ce rt ralama, near the

Reformatory I. Kent, $22 month.


Sewml Resiliences in first- -

class locaiiovs.Houe an.l I it on Deretania Street,

near Pensneohi': f ot --00 ft. frontage and140 feet ! p.

Also, a Va!n i ! llWk of Brick Rtv.hl- -

iv.s:.fi in tho 1km f tho Citr.1 Upright !'ia t.

( K. SiOAUDMAN.Aeoiit.


The fc'kin needs foo ?. If the Complexion i3 eallow, rough, scaly, pimply,it is because it is not fed with

LOLA MONTEZ CRE3IEThe Skin Food ond Tissue Builder,

positively the only safe and reliable ar-ticle for the Complexion. Absolutelyharmless, opens the pores, increases t lienatural and necessary secretions of theskin. Restores the flesh to firm healthystate of jouth. Prevents wrinkles.Good for bums, chapped lips and hands.

3Tot lasts three months.PRICE 75 GENTS.f2F"Ask vour druggist for it.

HOW CAN YOU TOLERATE. - Freckles, Pim- -

- pies, iwac&heads,

dy Skin, monthWrinkles or anyform cf facial dis-figurement whenMrs. Nettie Har-rison guaranteestocure3'ou. Don'tconsider your

Hivv.A-n- , KzLdi ca3 a hopeless4 lu&t &:vvv oneMrs. Ht,rrison treats ladies for all de-

fects of face and figure. The perma-nent removal of superfluous hairguaranteed.MRS. NEiTTIE HAKK1SON

America's Beauty Doctor.2G Geary Street, San Francisco, Cal.

For sale by IIOLLISTER & CO.,Druggists, 100 Fort St., Honolulu.

3400-t- f

Marshal's Sale.

VIRTUE OF A WRIT OFBY issued out of the First CircuitCourt, on the 11th day of June, A. D.1S'J3, against Famuel Parker, t,

in favor of F. Wilhelm. Lewers A Cookeand E. C Rowe, plaintiffs, for the sumof $1167.30. ..603,G5 and $429.62 respec-tively, I have levied upon and shallexpose for sale at the Police Station, inthe District of Honolulu, Island of O.iliu,at 12 o'clock of WEDNESDAY, the 26thdav of July, A. D. 13(J3, to the highestbidder, all the right, title and interest ofthe said Samuel Parker, defendant, inand to the following property, unles3 saidjudgment, interest, costs and mv ex-penses be previously paid.

List of property for sale :

1st All of those pieces or parcels ofland described ia a certain mortgagedeed of Samuel Parker 10 Cha3. R. Bis-hop, dated March 10th, 13S7 andrecorded in Liber 106, on pages 25, 26, 27,28, 29 and 30, which said description iscontained in Schedules, A and B theretoattached.

2d All of those pieces or parcels ofland described in a certain mortgagedeed cf Samuel Parker and Harriet P.Parker, his wife, to William G. Irwinand Samuel M. Damon, more particular- -

i ly in schedules A and B attached thereto ;

said deed being dated .November 12th,1890 and recorded in Liber 129, on pages327 to 330.

fSigned) E. G. HITCHCOCK,Marshal.

Honolulu. June 27, 1S93. 3417-o- t

Dividend Notice.

rpiIE KOHALA TELEPHONE CO.1 declared a dividend of 5 per cent, or

50 cents a share lor six months endingJnneSOth, 1893. Dividend payable atCompanv's office on demand.

GEO. P. TULLOCH,3435-- 1 1 1489 2t Secretary.

Any kind of printing at the Gazette Office equal to work doneabroad.



The Students Lose for the FirstTime this Season.

The Kamehamehas met withtheir first defeat this season on

Saturday, when the Crescent clubtook the game by a score of 8 to 4.

The students had several newmen in the field in place of regularplayers who have left the city tospend the school vacation. TheCrescents had one new man, TomPryce, who was placed at rightfield. He did excellent work.

The Crescents went to bat first,and scored five times. They main-tained the lead until the end.

A fair sized audience witnessedthe game, and the Hawaiian band,as usual, played enlivening airs atintervals.


Crescents 3 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 SKanichameha O 0 0 0 1 3 0 0 04A Pools s h Anti- - Ann exa t ion in t .

The New York Herald is hard upfor ammunition in its campaignagainst Hawaiian annexation. Itargues that onco admitted into theUnion, Hawaii's "mongrel popula-tion" would have a voice in theelection of president , and "in a closecontest it would be interesting toawait returns from the islands tolearn the result of the election."

The laws of the United Stateswill prevent the "mongrel popula-tion" of the islands, that is the ob-

jectionable part of it, from havingany voice in elections. As to thenative race, at its present rate ofdecadence it will disappear withinhalf a century. New York can getthe results of an election as prompt-ly today from Honolulu as it couldfrom Chicago when William HenryHarrison was elected, or from Cali-fornia in Lincoln's first election.With a telegraph cable, whichwould promptly follow annexation,it could get the Hawaiian returnsas quickly as those from Nantucketand Martha's Vineyard. The Her-ald's un-Americ- an zeal runs awaywith its discretion. S. F. Bulletin,July 3.

The Northern Market.The feature of the market today

was the arrival from Honolulu ofabout 1000 bunches of bananasand a quantity of pineapples. Thefruit was brought to Victoria onthe Warrimoo, and has arrived herein good condition so far as yet as-certained. Bananas are now quot-ed from $2 to $3. Firsts must haveat least eight hands, and some ofthem run as high as twelve hands.Those bunches with less hands thaneight are sold a3 seconds, their dif-ference being simply one of size,and the price of a bunch dependsupon its size, which determinesthe number of bananas in it. Pine-apples are quoted at $1.75 to $2 perdozen, wholesale. Seattle paper.


Parker are requ sted to meet at therooms of the Chamber of Commerce onMONDAY, July 24, at 10 o'clock a. r.

3437-- 2t PER ORDER.


Jrx. Board of Trustees of the Sailors'Home Society will be held at the roomof the Chamber of Commerce on MON-DAY, Julv 24, at 11 a sr. Ter order.

F. A. SCIIAEFER,.143S-l- t Secretary .

For Sale.

In all its


: m



Magazine, Law Book, Music Books,Blank Books of any description, Account and Timo Books,

Day Books and Cash Books, Journals and Ledgers,Map and Photograph Mounting, Portfolios, Scrap-book- s,

Albums, Old Books Be-lxmn- d, Letter Copying Books,Edge Gilding, Lettering in Gold,





Circulating tkrorcgliQui the IslandsI OFFER MY LARGE McNEALE &

Urban Fire-pro- of Safe; double andinside doors, for $275; cost double.

H. F. WICHMAN,3433-l- w 517 Fort Street. Subscription $6.00 a Year

Page 5: evols.library.manoa.hawaii.eduevols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/40346/1/...WE OFFER FOR BALE AT THE following prices: iu idaui n..u,u Pohai Jelly in 1 lb. cans at; 3.50

OA.IL. iACIFIC COMMERCIAL. AOVEHTISElt, JUL.Y 2-1- . 1!3.2Cciu vttuurtisnnrnb.MAUI NEWS. NAVAL AFFAIRS. suit in sending Commodore Stan-

ton to the South Atlantic station.a largo number of parents andfriends. W. A. Kiha, E:--q , of Kauai,and John Kalama, E.--q , addressedthe pupils, ilrs. Avrana entertainedmost of tho guets by a well appointed luau at her residence.

Tno Haiku echool in char of Mr.Charles Baldwin and Peter Xoa heldrhetoricals in the Haiku church. A

"Auarust tains k On's

JNT. S. SACHS520 Fort Street



THE YORKTOWN TO relieve Tin-- : nosrox.

Knllgied .'Men in 'l'ncle iiam'" Service

Can No iv Purchase their Kls-- (


.Tt' t i r rr i i 1

uASHi.N(,Tc.,juiy u.--ine aia- -

posal of vessels that participated I

.1 ..iin tne naval review, continues.and as fast as thev can be made

v the white ships are being I

. .i i f .isent to tne iour quarters 01 tnelobe. I he latest to receive orders

to sail is the Yorktown, now at theNew York navy yard. She is indock being painted and next week,if every thing is ready, she willproceede to the Pacific station byCape Horn. The voyage will takenearly three months under ordinalcruising power, and it is probablethe shin will brin? up at SanFrancisco unless events in Peiseem to require her to stop there,She will then be cleaned and putin shape for service to relieve oneof the vessels at the Hawaiianislands, probably the Boston, whichhas been a long time stationedthere and is in need of an overhauling. The Yorktown will goout under a New York commander,fjr the order was issued at thenavy department today detaching

Bengal bilkahne Drapery, fancy figured in delicate lints,6 yards for SI.

Unbleached drawn Curtain Scrim, 1) yards for SI.Polka Dot Scrims, assorted colors, C yards for SI.Fine, fancy, colored Madras, reduced to 30 cents per yard.

gTThese prices are positively for this week only.


B. F. EIILERS & CO.,501) and 511 - - - Fort Street.

Ladies' and Children's Jackets and Caps.Irish Point, Antique and Madras Curtains.Chenille Portieres with fringes from SG.GOapair upwards.Smyrna Rugs in ail sizes from S2 upwards.Knotted Swiss. Silkalino aud Dimity in great variety.Cashmero Sublimes at 20 cents a yard; one of tho hand-

somest wash material this season, entirely new aud for thoprice has no equal.

White Lawn in plain, striped and checked.Dressmaking Under tho Management of Mrs. Kcnnikr

Commander Harrington from duty upon her departure. Captain Hol-a- s

inspector of the Fourth light-- land believes the entire port will

Golden Rule Bazaar !

AT- -



-- o

J' , - r --V" Z '.i


a.s follows:o


IVrnrdLerina: Business.We have sold all our $3.50 Machines and now come with

this pretty little machine, S12 complete with cover.

house district, and ordering him tocommand the Yorktown, relievingCommander Frank Wilds, who isdetached and granted a month sleave.

The cruiser Charleston, whichhas been undergoing repairs at theNorfolk navy yard, is now readyfor sea and will leave for the Paci- -Cc station in a few days. Shewill go from Norfolk to Valparaiso,Chili, and, if no orders await herthere, she will proceed to Callao,Peru, where instructions will besent her.


Enlisted men in the navy willnow have the privilege of purchas-ing their discharge. SecretaryHerbert issued an order on July 12establishing rules and regulationsfor the purchase of discharges authorized by tne last naval appro- -

priation bill. .No man 13 to beallowed to purchase a dischargewhile in debt to the government oruntil he has served three months.The price of discharge during thefourth month of enlistment will be25 ner cent, of the vearlvDavof the

The secretary also toJay issued anorder making Captain Howisoncommandant of the Mare Islandnavy yard. The captain has beenin temporary command for sometime.

The Columbus Iron Workshave notified the Xavy Depart-ment that the cruiser Detroit, builtby them, is ready for delivery tothe Government. The reports ofthe Bureaus of Construction andEngineering, recommending theacceptance of the vessel, are in thehands of Secretary Herbert. Thevessel will be sent from Baltimoreta Norfolk Navy Yard, where shewill stay until she goes intocommission.

Washington, July S. Ordersfor tho Philndelnhia to proceed to-Samoa were signed to-da- y. Theyhave been transmitted by cable to

i r i. u .it l .1uxparaisu, nueie mey m ue ue- -Kvered by the United States minis- -

on thflrrival of his shir) at th a1


Yellow Fever Rages.Philadelphia, July 10. The

brig Odorilla, Captain Holland, hasarrived here from Santos. CaptainHolland is the only survivor of theoriginal crew, eight men havingsuccumbed to the ravages of yellowfever. Captain Holland's descrip- -

tion of the misery and sufferingsrom yenow lever in cantos is

p.ncinpcq nt n. pnmnlete standstilland forty-fiv- e vessels were lying inthe fcantos river witnout crews.The London and Brazil bankclosed its doors before the Odorillaleft, every one of its employeeshaving been carried off by thescourge, ine israznian ana couthAmerican bank was compelled todo likewise. On March 3d, CharlesWadsworth, the American viceconsul, died, and the vessel couldnot get any consular certificate

in a short time be completeh de- -

populated. While the Odorilla lavat Santos the death rate daily aver- -

aged Jiu. .Hundreds 01 corpseswere afloat in the river in allstages of decay. Patients die morerapidly than the bodies can be dis- -

posed of.

An English Opinion." The American policy of refus

ing to assume the responsibility ofproviding for the government ofthis country as an integral part ofthe United btates, while at thesame time declaring that the inter-vention of any other nation willnot bo permitted, is, to say theleast, a sordid and unjust policy,if, indeed, it is not untenable.Hawaii must get along as best itmay, for according to this policyAmerica does not care to shoulderany ouugauon ana win noi permnany other nation to do so. Ur,putting it anoiner way, ine unueubtates wants alt the advantages otthe control ot Hawaii without con- -

lernng on nawau s citizens anyadequate compensation for such

providing a stauie government.The morals of annexation are notall on one side. American senti- -

,1 U 17" I1 mnm ! o - WLut-ii-b uuiu uuiam irciciigiami,for instance, to enunciate any suchuoctrine as mis : u win nut lunethe island?, but America shall nothave them, and we will not permittne people in tne lsianus to secureabsorption into any other nationality.

In its manufacture a knife ishandled by 70 different artisansfrom the moment the blade isforced until the instrument is fin- -ished and smoothly wrapped upfor the market

Marshal's Sale.


JL issued out of the First CircuitCourt, on the 21st day of June, A. D.1S93, apainst Look Torjg, defendant, infavor of Phillip Peck, plaintiff, for thesum of $993 5S, I have levied upon andshall expose for sale at the Station House,in the District of Honolulu, Island ofOahu, at 12 o'clock of FRIDAY, the 21stHav of J niv. A. I). 1S93. to the highestbidder, all the right, title and interest ofthe said Look Tong, defendant, in and tothe following property, unless saidjngdeiuent, interest, costs and my ex-penses be previously paid.

List of property for sale :

1 Piece of land situated at Kalihinear Honolulu, bounded and describedas follows :

Commencing at rock marked X atsouth corner of this land on west side ofthe river j lining Kahoewai (Adams),and running north 539 dg 45 min, east2 ch 34 4-- 12 ch along Kahoewai to northcorner of abutment of new bridge, thencenorth 41 deg 30 min, west 3 ch 4 ft alongAhupuaa to slight angle, thence north43 deg 30 min, west 5 ch along Ahupuaato water course and roaa norm corner ot j

this land, thence south 50 deg 30 min,west 1 ch 26 4-1- 2 ft along road and water j

course to west corner of this, thencesouth 42 deg 30 min, ea3t 34 ch alongland called Kaihukanamee to corner,thence south 42 deg, west 42 5-1- 2 ft tocorner thence south 42 deg 45 min, east49J2' ft to corner, thence 33 deg 30 min.east S ch 31 ft along Kaihukanamee tocommencement. Area 1 49-10-

2 All that piece of land described inR P No G04, apana 9 containing areaof 97-10- 0 of an acre, recorded in Liber 83,page 354.

(Signed) E. G. HITCHCOCK,Marshal.

Honolulu, June 22, 1S93. 3414-5- t

JEEThe above sale is postponed byrequest to August 12.


Mr. Lorenzo F. Sleeper is verywell known to the citizens of Apple-ton- ,

Me., and neighborhood. Hesays: " Hight years ago I was taken

sick, and sulfered as no one but a" can. I then began tak-"in- g

August Flower. At tho. timegreat sufferer.

" thing I ate distressed me so that I"had to throw it up. Then iu a" few moments that horrid distress" would come cn and I would have

For that "again. I took a"little cf your rued-"iciu- e,

Horrid and felt muchStomach ''better, and after" taking a little mereFeeling. ' ' August Flower my

"Dyspepsia disap-peared, aud since that time I" have never had the first sign of it."lean eat anything without the"least fear of distress. I wish all"that are afflicted with that terrible

disease cr the troubles caused byit would try August Flower, ns Iam sn tilled there is m medicineeqiKii lo it." O


CrCSCGllt-- VS, IlilWiliiS

Saturday, July 29thA.T :i:30 O'CLOCK T. M.


V 1? YT ( f7T QL V W.Received by late Steamers.

COTTON CHAPE!Of New ratterns ; also,


Crape Shirts and Suns !

Of First-clas- s style.Silk Handkerchiefs and Neckties,

Handsome Vases of Japaueee Ait, etc.EXTRA CHOICE

Pan Fired Japan TeaFOR FAMILY USE.

Sold at vcrv reasonable prices for t lietrade as well as retail.

ITOHAN,Importer of Japanese Goods

20G Fort St., near Custom Hoaae.Yamatoya, Yokohama, Japan, Cotton

Crape Manufacturer ani Shirt Maker,Sole aiient, ITOilAN, L'0f Fortstr.'f t,IIODOIUIU

:i3f5 tf

Marshal's Sale.

VIRTUE OF A WKIt'BY issued out of the Fir.stCircuit Court, on the JMf-- t day of June,A. D. 1893, against William Davie?, defendant, iu favor of H. Jav Greene,plaintiff, for the fiim of $1G1.72, I havelevied upon and shall expose for sale atihe Police Station, in the District ofHonolulu. Island of Oahu, at 12 o clockof KKIDAY, the 4th d-i-

y of August. A D.1893, to the highest bidder, all theriht,title and interest of the said WilliamDavies, defendant, in and to the follow-ing property, unless said judgement,interest, cots and my expenses l.epreviously paid.

Lht of property for sale :

Two House Lots situated in Funahou,Honolulu, on Bingham and .Metcalf sts.The first having an area of 75-10- 0 of anacre, more particularly described in dt edof Paty to Graham, recorded in Liber 70,nat'e 391.

Aleo Lot containing 30,000 square fec--t

and described in deed of Dillingham toGraham, recorded in Liber 83, pag- - 420,both being portions of the pasture lotbelonging to the O.ihu College and dulyconveved to said William D.ivie by dendof W.'H. Cornwell. dated Augusto" 1SS9,recorded in Liber 113, page --.(', togetherwith the buildings and appurtenancesthereon. Said property subject toa mortgage, however, of 3 500 to theestate of f. H. Hobron and to amortgage of $$00 to W. ii. Castle, datedJuly 22, 1S92, and recorded in Lib-.-- r lo$,page 171.

Also, 45 Shares of the. Pioneer Build-ing and Loan Association Company, saidshares being represented by certitictteNo. 489 for 5 share?, and by certificateNo. 2S4 for 40 shares. Faid shares ofEtock, however, being togetherwith the aforementioned rr-a- l estate tothe said mortgage to W. It. Castle.

A. M. BROWN',Deputy .Marshal.

lu, July 0, 1S9J. 3t24-5- t

For Sale.

A LKilirCOYKlir.D 1JUG-g- v

in irood condition; price$100. Inquire of

II. M. WHITNEY,4 Mnrrlint Street.

For Sale.


3434-l- m Queen Street.

A Tv.-- o Day's Convention atWaihiku.

Maui, July 22. At 10 a. m. Thursday, the 21?t inst., the first clay ofthe second meeting c tho Mauiteachers' association had a beginningin the Wailaka school hall, whichwai still gayly decorated with its reception day bunting. After callingthe assemblage to order, PresidentH. S. Townsend delivered an inau- -

garal address enthusiastic in thecause of teaching and strongb re--commending local circles wuncourses or reading lor tcacner3 as ameans of perpetuating the interest

U increasing tho benefit to bo da- -

ved frum tho present association.Miss M. Ti. Nape of tho Makawaoschool then gave a short but inter--eating exposition cf her methods inteaching ilanguage to beginners.,?

Thi3 addres3 was followed by JA.Moore on "Methods of TeachingKnclish to Hawaiians." Mr. Moore's


words were care-ful- l listened to andexcited a good deal of debate,as to thebenefit to be derived by the pupils inthe use of diagrams in the analysis of

He illustrated tho method by sendin a class of his pupils to tho blackboard, and if their neat and accuratework did not convince the opponents

t tkn rrttnm tit lp.nst iK wdn tlifir I

admiration. After lunch, at 1 p. ji.Mis3 JZ. Mnudon of the Makawaoschool in a clear antl conciso way ex- -

plained the lust step in tne ionic soifa method, end at tho request of Mr.

V. C. Crook made tho conventionBinrr "doh, me, sol" using tho signsmade by the hand. 31 r. UrooK alter- - l

wards introduced a simple song by 1

the Karoo method.In the absence of Y. L.. haliery cf.

Lahaina the talk on readmg wasomitted. Then followi d a report byJ. Ii. DamRs in regard to an educational journal for the islands. Hewas encouraged by the receipt ofletters from teachers on the otherislands strongly advocating the plan.

The following motion was carriedthat tho president of tho associationappoint one teacher for each districtthrouznout ino isiauu: to iano luematter in hand, and arousa nsmnchenthnsiasm as possible within theirrespective Jocalities. Alter fometalk about diagrams, the meeting ad-

journed.The attendance during tho day ex

rapdfld fiftr. m03t of the Hanateachers beinir prevented from attending, as the Fchool agent felt thathe could not consistently permittbem to close hcbcol two d:iya earlierthan the appointed timu .uLcut anynfTimnl notico to that effect. Frof.and Mrs. G. V. BaM of Kameha-meha- ,

were among the visitors present.

At 10 a. M. on Friday thu meetingwas again called to order, and Mr. H.Dickinson, of Lahaina, one cf thomost successful teachers f the tonicsol fa, gave his views concerning theteaching of music in governmentschools. He stated that 8G per cent,of the teachers in England andWales used the tonic methed, andout of 500 New Jersey teachers con-

sulted, 49'J of them endorsed the sys-

tem.He illustrated his ideas very clear

ly by dividing tho convention intofour parts which sang tho soprano,alto, tenor and bass of a Foag writtenon the blackboard. This event wasgreeted with much pleasure and in-

terest.At 10:10 Miss M. de Canuo of tho

Paia school, iu a pleasing way, show-ed to those present tho three simpleprinciples of penmanship now iu usein Hawaiian schools. ,Sho also exhibited a triangular bit of cardboardwhich would aid the pupils much inliving tho correct slaut to the letters

The subject of common fractiouswas illustrated on the blackboard by13?nj. Kahoopai, of Han3, by diagrams, applied examples, explanations and statements. His neat workon the board was worthy of commen-dation and imitation.

At 1 p. m. Miss It. E. Crook, of thoPaia school, spoke upon "SchoolDisciplioe," advocating strongly self- -

ccntrol on the part of the teacher,and explained the marking Fystemnow uced f uccefSiuiiy in ner class- -

room Her remarks were well receivej' Mr. J. L. Dnmas, in his address on"Elements of Physical Science," ad- -

vocated simple lessons on the humanbodv for beginners, to bo followedby teaching ideas of form, size, color,composition, etc. Plants and animalsshould bo introdaced in a systematicway especially those most often en-

countered. He most enthusiasticallyadvocated object lessons, but uponthose object- - which the pupil himself could brinr? ioto the classroom,could handle, pull to pieces anddescribe.

A vote of thanks was passed tothose who had taken part in theexercises. It was then decided thatthe convention meet once a year;that local circles for improvementbe established in tho different disiricts; that ".Crowning's EducationalTheories" be adopted as a standard;and that tho next general meetingshould be held in Wailukn.

After the reading of the secretary'sreport by Miss Mossman, the meet-ing adjourned subject to tho call ofthe executive committee.

The teachers were generally muchpleased with the convention and aremost grateful to their Wailnku andWaihee friends who so hospitablyentertained them.


Mr. Willow Baldwin departed lastSaturday for Makaweli to resume bisold position.

Ihe Makawao school closed onMonday, the 17th, in the presence of

larpe attendances luau and speeches j

by Kev. Kuia and others weroaacag j

the events.Tho Wailnkn school under tho di- - j

rection of J. A. Moore, Misses Cunningham, Ilogers and Akana, had itsreception day on Wednesday.Crowds of people visited the differentrooms in which the exercises wereheld.

Tho Waihee school exhibited amost elaborate programme, a Colum-bian piece, which caused the introduction of thirty costumes. Thoteachers of thi3 institution are Mrand Mrs. J. L. Dumas, Misses Hadley and Horcer.

The Paia school, which had itsfinal day on Wednesday, was com- -

piimented by tho attendance of alarge number of parents and friendsAmong the latter were eight teachers.The teachers in charge are Mr andMrs. V. C. Crook, Misses K. E.Crook, , crmo

T. II. Davies & Co.'s AVailuku store.managed by T. J. McLaughlin, hasremoved to more spacious quarters

the post office building Theirpening day occurs on the 2th in- -

stant. MrX'TA partv consisting of FLansing of Honolulu, Miss Frnser,Mes rs. Dickey, Lindsey and Ketchum, visited Haleakala yesterday.This was the third party of thoweek.

A pleasant little social gatheringin honor of the visiting teachers washeld at Sheriff Chillingworth'd onThursday evening. There was dancing and a pleasing lunch

Mr. Uenson of Honolulu 13 looking:

jjr e. R. liiven has for the in;esent a(iopted the insurance business

Th TCnmnh.imftha school bovswkQ ijave receDtly returned to MauimnhQ a CC0(i impression by theirnf,t flnnMnncfl nnd mannerlv be

,iiavinr.Af th Mnkuwan nnln tournament

iast Saturday L. von Tempskv'sanartetto of nlavers var.ouished tho0thor two fours under tho leadershipof j von Tmn5kv and L. FHnirhcs

It is reported that the Kahuluirace track will be extended to acirenlr mile before next Fourth.

Pilot Enlish'd steam launch is oxpetted at Kahnlni by the 1st ofAugust.

W. O. Aiken is the new dparv taxcouPCtor for Makawao district

V0fl ,or- - T in nsnnl snmraflrvinds, heat and dust, with a littlorain 0Q te highlands.


Koolau is Said to be in EitherMan a or Waimea.

Mr. George N. Wilcox, ex sheriffGf Kauai, ariived yesterday morning from that island. He statesthat word had been received fromthe natives in Kalalau valley tothe effect that Koolau, the leper,had not been seen since the soldiersleft the valley.

Mr. Wilcox is of the opinion thatthe leper is secreted in the woodsin either Mana or Waimea. It issupposed that he receives food fromhis relatives, of which he hasmany.

The ex-sher- m ieels certain thatit. i i 1 i, 4Krrg iaru vuvii jgovernment will secure the arrestof the hunted man within a fewweess.

Regarding the supposed additional reward offered by people onKauai, Mr. Wilcox says he hasheard nothing about it.

Caesars Real and Reputed.Mu. Editor : The parallel be

tween the Caesar of old Rome andthe pudgy imitation recently set upin Honolulu might have been car-

ried further than was done in Friday's issue. As the imperatorof old, from the safe seclusion ofthe royal box, could enjoy the spectacle of the ilowing blood and dy--

j struggles of his miserable vio. without the slightest risk to

j lf SQ hi jmitatormay perhaps expect to sit safelyand comfortably in the seclusion ofhis San Francisco home, sippinghis champagne and pulling hiscigar, while he reads the news ofil3 hired politicians in Honolulu

knocking out their microscopicbrains against the defenses of theProvisional government, and, perchance, making interesting corpsesof themselves and widows andorphans of their wives and children,all in order that a California mil- -

lionaire may add other millions tohis already overgrown pile by beingthe power behind the restored Ha-waiian throne and running hisHawaiian plantations with cheapcoolie labor.

Just here, however, the parallelbegins to fail. The gladiators of oldreally fought, and fought to kill.But these Honolulu chaps oh,dear me ! When the time for fight-ing comes they will shed theirblood precisely as did the leadersof the royalist cause and all the i

rest of them did on the 17th ofJanuary last. It will not be blood,but whisksy that will flow. Theflow will be inward and not out-

ward, and Imperator Spreckels willbe expected to foot the bill. Thegrand counter-revolutio- n, conceivedin cocktails and brought forth inchampagne, will be finally drownedin bp fWincr howl. ITALIA.

Honolulu, July 21, lo.

1v : t '

applicant ; during the fifth month, control, not allowing any other na-u- U

per cent., and so on, increasing tion even to buy such control by

And don't forget we keep the King and Star of allMachines, and that's tho

"J30VETiSrr IC."


Haviug Placed Our Orders lor LargoLines Goods Shortly to Arrive, we

Must Make Koom for Same.-- o-

Wo Offer Some Startling Bargains in StaploStationery

5 per cent, per month until thefourteenth month, when the maxi- -

.nnm nrin rpnAiPfl Dnrinrrthft.1 ,,.1 I 1 t

11 teentn mom 11 tno price win De93 per cent, of the maximum price,in the sixteenth month JU per cent.,and so on, decreasing 5 per cent,per month until the thirtv-fourt- h

month, when he may apply for adischarge without pavment. Noman will be allowed to purchase adischarge a second time, and thoseprocuring discharges by purchasewill forfeit all benefit due to con- -

tinuous service or honorable dis- -

charge. Discharge by purchase isnot an inherent right, but a privi- -lege wmch may be granted by thenavy department.

cablegram was received at thenavy department on July rz an-nouncing that the cruiser Philadelphia was at Rio de Janeiro. She

11 :.. i. t- - i iwm remain iti mo lung uuuugn 10coal and then proceed to Valpar- -

aiso. licr instructions, it is said,will be to proceed to Samoa untilthe state of affairs in Peru andChile require her presence there.She has beea eighteen davs inzoincr from New York to Rio.

Secretary Herbert has acceptedthe resignation of Commodore Wilson as chief constructor of thenavy, arid appointed ConstructorPhilip Highborn to succeed him.Commodore Wilson has resignedon account of ill-healt- h.

Secretarv Herbert has directed acourt martial to assemble at MareIsland, Cal., on July 26, for thetrial of Pavmaster J. C. Sullivan,charged with embezzlement. Thereare five charges against Sullivan.The court which will conduct theinquiry will consist of CaptainsSelfridge and Komvl, CommandersGlass and Clark, Pavmastersliache, Skt-ldin- g and Loomis andLieut.-Commande- rs Ilutchins andGilmore, with Lieut. Garst as

udge-a- d vocate.Washington, Julv l'2. Secre

tarv Herbert has tken action inwo cases of importance concerninglie navy yard commands. lie hasecided to make permanent the

1 r 1

suspension orders. commodoreKirkland will take command ofthe South Atlantic station, andwill allow him to remain as commandant of the League Island, Pa.,navy yard. This will probably re- -

GOOD QUALITY PENCILS rubber tipped, at 15 cents a doz-- ; nute hie,LINEN Tablets, 15 centn 2 for 2" cents ; Letter Tablets, good .lUility,

15 cents, former price 25 cents ; PHO I O ERA VIES, cabinet siz s, new, 50 centn,:i for $1 ; Composition Books, size 7x8J, good qu.ility, 5') cents a dozn ; NOI E

PAPER, H ream packages, special line, 25 cmUs; ESVELOI'ES, white gwlquality, per box 500, only 75 cents ; PEN HOLDERS, suitablo for h:hool wvt15 cents a dozen.

NOTIt'E In consequence of cutting prices, we cannot allow any discount to thetrade on above lines.

We are just in receipt of a full line MARCUS WARDS fine linen Papers, ruled andunruled; Envelopes to match.

ALUMINIUM NOVELTIKS Just the thing for Whist and Euchre Prizes; guaran-teed not to tarnish; a large variety of these goodain Pla ing Card Cases; pricesreasonable.

MUSIC DEPARTMENT.Everything to be found in a first-c!a?- s Mufic Store; over 25,000 pieces sheet Muh'u- -

to select from. Our prices will be found the lowest and goods the b'.-st- .

SPECIAL DISCOUNT allowed to Teachers, Schools and Clergymen. Send orwrite for catalogues and discounts.

PUBLISHERS of Prof. Ce-tr- 's "MELE HAWAII,' 20 numbers, the only choiceeelection of Hawaiian Music in print.

GENEFtAIj AGENT8.J. & C. Fischer, Everitt & Schiller PI ANOS ; Storv and Cl.irk and Chicago Cottage

ORGANS; YOST TYPE-WRITE- R, DENSMORIO TYPE-WRITE- R, the twobest writing Machines in the world.

TYPE-WRITE- R SUPPLY DEPARTMENT.We will soon is-u-- 3 a catalogue of Papers, Ribbon?, etc., for all makes of Machine.

Parties desiring a copy, can have same mailed to their addrefH by leavingname at our ofiice. This catalogue will be found very useful to Type-write- rs


The Hawaiian News Co., L'd., Honolulu.

The Daily Advertiser50 CENTS PER MONTH,

Page 6: evols.library.manoa.hawaii.eduevols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/40346/1/...WE OFFER FOR BALE AT THE following prices: iu idaui n..u,u Pohai Jelly in 1 lb. cans at; 3.50

UAJLL.V jACiiriC COMMEKC1AL A.Lr V KHXISKIi, JULY 24. 1S3.OFFICIAL JJI1U4CT0KY rCnn iTUrcrttscr.icitfcs. (general UincrttGcmcmD.

Hawaiian Si;u;iProvisional (invt rnwerit of thtHawaiian IisL'iml.

GO A. I -At MoK miry 1 '2 i os



M k3s










nnvthins in our :!0

TWILL PAY CASH, FOR EITHERJL large cr email quantities of used Ha-

waiian Postape Stamps, as follows:(These oilers ara rer hundred and nr.--j

quantity will bo accepted, no matter howsniall, at the same ratee.)1 cent, violet $ 751 cent, blue 751 cent, green 402 cent, vermilion 1 602 cent, brown 752 cent, rose oJ2 cent, violet. 1S91 issue 505 cent, dark blue 1 EO5 cent, ultramarine blue 1 COG cent, green 2 6010 cent, black 4 0010 cent, vermilion 5 0010 cent, brown 2 5012 cent t fo!ac&.. 0 0012 cent, mauve 6 0015 cent, brown 5 00IS cent, red 10 0023 cent, purple 10 0050 cent, red 25 00

I, carmine 25 001 cent envelops 502 cent envelope 754 cent envelope.. 2 CO5 cent envelope 2 CO10 cent envelope 5 00

gSiyNo torn stamps wanted at anjprice. Addres3 :

GEO. E. WASHBURN,T. O. Box 2068. San Francisco, Cat.

3021 1418-t- f

NEW GOODSA Fins Assortment.

TILES EOlt FLOORAnd for Decorating Purpoees ;

Matting op all Kii;ds,

Manila Cigakh.

Chinese. Fire Crackers, llocketa amibombs, Japanese Provision and Hoj

E&rd-paint- ed Porcelain Dinner Set,

A tew of t'iios'j t':.!ie iiiii!d-!:ihr.- ,! ..

SI3L.XI antt 8AT1N BCltTi: 1 ; .


Ai3ortci eoinri aiul pHi;.rr On;..P.iik Shav.'ls. ICJc'.-.;- fi Toff-- js 5 - i

HOVrs AND AfCKS.sniHKsA lev. of IJjt.-S- f is:i:u: .V :;;t. I ' r n 3.

Ilattoii Ohaii'M arid TablesAlso, a sriiuil felection ol JAl'AKKi'.a



t'o. 2S Nauunu Stvuot.

The Hawaiian Newspapers



K ! OKOAWith a combined Circulation cf

4r,SOO COPIESFurnish the best medium foradvertising in tho Hawaiianlanguage, and are the onlyrecognized leading Journals.

tW Advertisements anasubscriptions received at theoffice of the

Hawaiian Gazette ..

40 Merchant Street,Honolulu.

Pork Packing Co.

Thf above Company i? prepa tedto buy


In any quantity at Highest MarketPrice.

gTTiirs for lloaptinr, Dressed or onFcot.

Man ufac lure ro of

Extra Leaf Lard,Guaranteed pure, and nade under the

inspection of tbe Board of Health.X?Post Office Box 314 ; Mutual Tel .


j?Slaughter Yards and Pens, Iwilei.JE"Omce, West cor. Mannakea andKingStg.

Notice of Instruction.

Steel and Iron lianges' Stoves and Fixtures.HOUSEKEEPING G00D3 AND KITCHEN DTEHSII5,

AGATE WARE IN GREAT VAUIBTY,White, Gray and Silver-plate- d.

LOIIg Branch Baths !

j Extensive improvements have recentlyneen mase at tins ropu ar resort

and the management announcesa on

Thursday, July 6ihA KEY AXB COMMODIOUS

DANCING PAVILIONHa been erected for the accommodationof Battling and Dancing Parlie?,ani withthe new and increased accommodations in

Th; Lrlis Bathicg Department!Unusual facilities are cO'ered to Ladies

and ChildrenA fail assortment of Netr Bath-

ing .Suits just received. 3423-l-

Honolulu fycleiy!


Wcotten & Bromley, - Proprittors.


Cushion Tire Safeties and Tandems

FOR RENTBy the day or hour. Riding lessons

given day or evening.


American lianiblcr Safeties

Fitted with Elh pti;: f prcekets and (J. & i

J . corrugated p.ir lube tires. TJiepe tirescan b tiUed to iiy r neumatio safety, !

U.ey are idiotically puncture proof, donot slip on wt t road, and are very fapt.Any desired gear ran he futnif-he- d withthese wheel? from To. 56 to 80.

While on :siy IJamllt--r wh.-ell'- seated,And up the street, J .swiftly ghdo,

T!y fsav discussion, prows quite he.ttedToknow Rhat wheel that man doth ride;

And when my wheel I let them try,They exclaim with look intent

This is the whet we'll surely buyIf we don'i lay t:p a rent.J

All Kinds of Bicyclo Repairing Done

at short notice and at reasonableprices. All work guaranteed. Work fromtbe other islands attended to and return-ed promptly.


Columbia Bicycle PartsON HAND !

Also, Lamps, Bells, Whistles, CandleCarriers, Lubricating Oil, llluminatiagOil, Bicycle Enamel, Trouser Guards andrubber cement for mending leaky tires:

Bicycles EnameledAnd email parts Nickle plated.

jBargain.s in New and Second-han- d

Safeties for Ladies, Gentlemen andBoy3.

ftS?Call and examine them.3375-- tf

Criterion Saloon

Another Invoice of the celebratedJOHN WIELAKD EXTRA PALE

Lager BeerAlso, a fresh Invoice of



L. II. DEE, - Proprietor.3406

3PThe Latest Parisian Fashions inHair Dressing.


Ladies' Hair Dreiser.Hair Culturist and Toilet Artiste.

8CG Market Street.Importer of Human Hair Goods and

Toilet Articles for private and stae use.Private Kooms for Hair Preying,

Fhampooing and Tonic Treatment.3410-t- f

'Tlie Gorman9NEW EUROPEAN !

100 Eipganllv Furnished RoomsKj I.

osrir two blocmsFrcm Maia Entrance to tha Fair

olG-o- lS Cwltli Terrace, Chicago.

Rstes: $lp8rDayand Upward. lst-Cla-ss Cafe

3359-3- m J. F. GORMAN, Prop.

A 7Ian V.'Iio Coulu Sec? 1X1 Temper."A run inavho pretty emart in a great

many thir?, but it isn't everybody that i

hr.o VT3 hovr to hold his temper," remarkedClarko Y';-.Tvc- of New Orleans at tho i

Lindcll yesterday. I sav a-- very oddcaso dovra in Mississippi last vreek. Itvrai in a railroad restaurant. A yotzngla ycr, a raaramoth fellow physically,had some vords vrith a colored waiter.The neyro vra3 very abusive, and at onostags of the quarrel pulled a gun. Wor.11 thought that that meant death forcno or tho ether of them, but no; tholawyer did r.ot teem a bit worried, andsorno byt.r.r.dcr3 tco!r tho gun from thowaiter. Tho latter then followed thoycuns follow out to tho platform and re-

newed Lis abuso and demands for satis-faction. The rest of tts were dumf&und-e-d

at the action of tho lawyer. Ho wasevidently no coward, and it was ju?t asevident that ho was more than a matchfor tho waiter.

"Finally tho negro struch at him,merely knocking his hat ofT. Then somecno hustled him away. After he wa3fjono comebody epolzo to the young fel-

low about it, and ho said it would bopoor policy for Idm to disgrace his fam-ily by becoming a murderer, and that itwould bo just as disgraceful for him toengage in a fist fight. Another thing, itwould do that waiter good to bo taughta lesson, and on his return he wouldhave him arrested and sent to prison fora year or so. That man knew how tokeep liia temper, and I guess, after all, helook tho right view of tho matter." St.Louis Globe-Democra- t.

jtloxikeys Tli at Enjoy a Joke.In a largo cago in tho PhiladelpMa

zoo wero kept at ono timo about 20 mon-keys. Among them wero two big, wisolooking apes with gray beard3 and hair,and with tho mien of stoics. They hadvery long, straight tails, and a habit ofsitting high up from tho ground and al-

lowing their tails to hang at full length.In the same cago were t hree or four browncebu3 monkeys, who were much devotedto exercise and fun.

"While tho big monkeys would cling totho sido of tho cago or sit on a perchsome 10 or 12 feet from the ground onecf tho little brown monkeys wouldstealthily creep up to ono of them andsuddenly grasp tho end of the long tailend swing with all its might. Of courf othe ''big un" could not lift his tail be-

cause of tho weight of the little monkeyclinging to it. lie could only climb downthe fcido of tho cago with his burden un-

til he could reach tho floor.During this operation tho brown mon-

key kept swinging until his own tailtouched tho floor, at which instant howould release his hold and spring to thetop of tho cage, followed by the outragedmonkey amid tho screams of tho others.

By tho timo ho had reached a pointwhero ho could attack his little tor-mentor, who would chow somo signs ofresistance and cause liim to pause for amoment, another brown monkey wouldseize his long tail and take a swing. R.S. Garner in New Review.

The Tattjct ITas the Deed.A young lawyer in the city had a3 a

client somo time ago a negro chargedwith assault and battery, and the ac-cused now owc3 his liberty to tho finework dono in hi3 behalf by his counsel,who put up tho plea of insanity as hi3defense and was sustained by tho jury.It was a hard fight. Tho fee was a goodone, but tho negro had no cash. In lieuthereof ho deeded a building lot in thosuburbs to his lawyer, who accepted thedeed, duly signed and delivered, andlocked it away in his safe.

A 6hort timo ago' ho bethought himthat with the help of a building and loanassociation ho might put a linuso'on thatlo anjl, incroaco its rahie, so ho offered

homo building and loan associations.IIi3 application wa3 duly received, butwhen he went around to hear the resulttho secretary told him that the commit-tee had rejected tho application.

The astonished lawyer asked tho rea-son; tho lot wa3 good, tho loan smalland titlo good, for he had examined intothat part of it. Tho secretary said thattho committee clificred with the lawyera3 to the title, because while the' them-selves wero not lawyers they failed toECO how a negro who had been releasedby a jury on a pica of insanity couldgive a good title to property. Tha younglawyer still has tho deed. Macon Tele-graph

A. Superstitious Actress.Eleanora Duse is absurdly supersti-

tious and in tho most unexpected ways.A stago carpenter at the Fifth Avenuetheater relates this incident. Just be-

fore an evening performance ho com-pleted some bit of work and threw liini-se- lf

down to rest for a moment upon onoof tho stago properties, a couch made ofsoap boxes and covered with a buffalorobe.

Immediately all of Duse's support Hewat liim, chattering in wild excitementand unintelligible Italian. Finally thostago manager spied him and pouncedupon him.

"You must get ofT from that," hesaid. '"If Signora Duso taw you. shewouldn't let tho curtain go up. Shethinks it's a bad omen to have any oneexcept herself rest upon that seat."New York Times.

An r!tit.i;li.A tombstone in a country churchyard

bears thj inscription, "She was so pleas-ant." After all, could it havo been morefully or better said? Tho stranger as wellss tho intimate knows that the deadwoman was one who brought cheer withher wherever she came and brightenedthe joyless day with her sunny presence.One may not sigh if fame, riches, attain-ments are missed if so pleasant" is saidof us by and by. New York Times.

Like Light Tapers.A servant girl was once given some

macaroni by her mistress to prepare fortho table. Noticing the girl's surprisetho lady asked:

"Didn't you cook macaroni at yourlast place?"'

"Cook it? Wo used them things tolight tho flro with!" Exchange.

The Daily Advertiser is deliver-ed by carriers for 50 cents a month.Ring up Telephones 8S. Now isthe time to Fubpcribe.

Artistic printing at the GazetteOffice.


. 15. io!f, President of the l'lovitionalGovernment of tLe Hawaiian 15-!ind.-

and Minister of Foivi,ri Af-

fairs.f. A. Kiajr, Minister of the Inttiior.5. M. Damon, Minister of FinanceW. O. Smith, Attorney-Genera- l.

Advisory Corxcxi..Vv C. Wilder. Vice-Preside- nt of the Irc-vision- al

Government of the HawaiianIsland.

Uolte, John Eminc'iuili,Cecil Brown, K. D. Tenney,JohnNott, W.F.Allen,JohnEca, Henry Waterhouse,James F. Morgan, A, Young,Ed.Suhr F. M. Hatch.Jos. P. Mcndonca.

Chas. T. Rodger.", .Secretary Fx. andAdv. Councils.

Supreme Coi-rt- .

Hon. A. F. Judd, Chief Justice.Hon. R. F. Eickerton, First Associate

Justice.Hon. W. F. Frear, Second Associate

Justice.Henry Smith, Chief Clerk.Fred Wundenberg, Deputy Clerk .

Geo. Lucas, Second Deputy Clerk.J. Walter Jones, Stenographer.

Circctt Jcnous.

FtatCimut: jg; Whiting, 0a,Second Circuit : A. N. Kepoikai .

Third and Fourth Circuit : S. L. Austin.Fifth Circuit : J. Hardy.

Offices and Court-roo- m m Coui t House,King street. Sitting in HonoluluThe fiirst Monday in February, May,August and November.

DsrAimiEXT oir Foreign Affairs.Office in Capitol Building, Kingttreet.His Excellent- - Sanford H Dole, Minis-

ter of Foreign Affairs.Geo. C. Potter, Secretary.W. Horace Wright, Ed. Si'dcs, Lii.r.el

Hart, Clerks.Department of rn:c Intkkios

Oflice in Capitol liuildinr, Kinstreet,

His Excellency J. A. Kinjr, Minister ofthe Interior.

Chief Clerk, John A. Hassinger.Assistant Clerks: James II. Boyd, M. K.

Keohokalo'.e, James Aholo, StephenMahaulu, George C. Ross, EdwardS. Boyd.

Chiefs of Bureaus, Interior Depart-ment.

Surveyor-Genera- l, W.D. Alexander.Supt. Public Works, W. E. Rowell .

Supt. Water Works, Andrew Brown.Inspector, Electric Lights, John Cassidy.Registrar of Conveyances, T. G. Thrum.Deputy Registrar, Malcolm Brown.Road Supervisor, Honolulu, W. Il.Cnm-ming- s.

Chief Engineer Fire Dept., F. Hustace.Supt. Insane Asylum, Dr. A. Mc Wayne

Department of Finance.Office, Capital Building, King

street.Minister of Finance, His Excellency S.

M. Damon.Auditor-Genera- l, George J. Ross.Registrar of Accounts, Geo. E. Smithies.Clerk to Finance Office. Carl Widemann.Collector-Gener- al of Customs, Ja3. B.

Castle.Tax Assessor, Oahu, Jona. Shaw.Deputy Tax Assessor, W. C. Weedon.Postmaster-Genera- l, J. Mort Oat .

Custoii3 Bureau.Office, Custom House, Esplanade, Fort

street,Collector-Genera- l, Jas. B. Castle.Deputy-Collecto- r, F. B. McStockcr.Harbormaster, Captain A. Fuller.Port Surveyor, M. N. Sanders.Storekeeper, George C. Stratemeyer.

Department of Attorney-Genera- l.

Office in Capitol Building, Kingstreet.

Attorney-Genera- l, W. O. Smith.Deputy Attorney-Genera- l, G. K. Wilder.Clerk, J. M. Kea.Marshal, E. G. Hitchcock.Clerk to Marshal, H. M. Dow.Deputy Marshal, Arthur M. Brown.Jailor Oahu Prison, Capt. A. N. Tripp.Prison Physician, Dr. C. B. Cooper.

Board of Immigration.

President, His Excellency J. A. King.Members of the Board of Immigration :

Hon. J. B. Atherton, Jas. B. Castle,Hon. A. S. Cleghorn, James G.Spencer, Mark P. Robinson.

Secretary, Wray Taylor.

Board of Health.Office in grounds of Court House Build-

ing, corner 'of Mililani and Queenstreets.

Members Dr. Day, Dr. Miner, Dr.Andrews, J. O. Carter, J. T. Water-hous- e,

Jr., John Ena, and Attorney-Gener- al

Smith.President Hon. W. O. Smith.Secretary Chas. Wilcox.Executive Officer C. B. Reynolds.Agent on Leprosy David Dayton.Inspector and Manager of Garbage Ser-

vice L. L. La Pierre.Inspector G. W. C. Jones.Port Thysician, Dr. G. Trousseau.Dispensary, Dr. II. McGrew.Leper Settlement, Dr. R. K. Oliver.

Board of Education.Court House Building, King street.

President, Hon. C. R. Bishop.Secretary, W. James Smith.Inspector of Schools, A. T. Atkinson.

District Court.Police Station Building, Merchant street.William Foster, Magistrate.James Thompson, Clerk.


STOVE COAL.11 $12 a ton !

X)v 1 i vi red to any part if Jit-no- -

lulu FKEK.

HUSTACE & Cu.XST'Ring up No. 414 on Jkth Tele-

phones.3172-t- f


1892. li92.


Through (lie Hawaiian Islands

H. M. WHITNEY, Kditor.

Prloe in Honolulu, 60 Cents per Copy

TLe Uook has 17C papo of H xi, win,

0 Fall Pago UlustrsticrE cf Mud lU ii

and a description of the IVari ih.ili,,Railway enterprise, auij surroui.-..'.;,:-country- .

. It has also FOUHA1APU of tli laiileiands, prepared expreiiBjy for it.

The UUIDK gives a full det-criptio-

each of the principal Islands and Ketlttnients in this Group, and will prove uninvaluable hand-boo- k for touriete. and forresidents to send to f lieir friends abroad.

Some of the illustrations in the m--book are very fine specimens cf the Photo-tin-

process of engraving, and accurntehrepresent the scenes portrnyrd.

B3PFor sale at Hawaiian Iscws .:,ir,.pany's, and at T. (J. Thrum's Up-tuw- i.

Btationsry store. dA wi- -

Tho Guide will be mailed to any ran i.the Islands for 64 Cents per Copy.

Or, to any foreign country for 70 iVi.i.- -

Published by the


46 Merchant Ht.,


Fertilizing CompanyWhile thankful to tho PJantera for

their generous Bupjort dnrinjrthe patt year, do now

offer a few tons of

Various Grades of Fertilizefctill reraaiL5ng on hand, and ready for

lmineuiaic uenvery :

Complete Iligh Grade Firlilizets,

FISH GUANO,Hotted Stable Manure and Lend Plaster,

Sulphate Potash and Muriate Pot at. h,itrate of Koda and Dried lilood,Dissolved Laysen Island Guano,

Pure Raw Bono MealGround Coral Lime, Btone,Etc., Etc., Etc.

Having disposed of Large Quantities ofManures and High Grade f ertilizer?during the year 1892, we are now pre-pared to receive orders lor 1893, de-livery in quantities to Buit.

Cff"We will give tenders for anyQuantity and of any Grades desired.

Fertilizers made to order, and anyanalysis guaranteed.

fctlWhilo making your orders for1893, give us a call, or Bend yourorders to

A. F. COOKE,Manager Hawaiian Fertilizting Co.




Insurance CompanyOF NEW YORK.

ASSETS $5,879,208.00- - -NET SURPLUS - 2,255,389.00

Solid Security Against Fire.

Fire Insurance Only.

27" When Rates are Equal, get theBest Security.

WILDER & CO.,3320-- 1 m AGENTS,


Plumbers' Stock, Water an J Soil Pipes.

Plumbing, Tin, Copper and Sheet iron Work,


Great Clearance SaleCOMMENCING

We will offer

c Large Stock of GoodsAt Greatly Reduced Prices! II 5;

E0TCa and sea for tho hargains wp aroljevoffering in all Department?.


Egan & Gunn, Eort Street.


CARPETS, RUGS, and MATS in the latest patterns," Household 9 Sewing Machines

Hand Sewing Machines, all with the latest improvements.Also on hand

Westermayers Celebrated Cottage Pianos !

Parlor Organs, Guitars and other Musical Instruments.E5?For sale by

ED. H OFFSC H L AEGE R CO.,King Street, opposite Castle & Cooke.



One Hundred Pounds Worth Two Hundred of Any Other.

PROFESSOR B. RUCIIWALDYto inform the ladies

and gentlemen of Honolulu, that he haslately arrived here with the view ofteaching Violin, Cello, Guitar, Mandolin,Philomela, etc., etc.

The Professor was formerly in theCourt of Siam as Violin Virtuoso andInformator to II. M. the King and Prin-ces of Siam, where lie was decorated bythe II. M. with the Royal Gold Medal ofIlonor PCSfAMALLA.

CT Applications to Arlington Hotel.No. 8, are requested for particulars andterms.

Honolulu, May 16th, 1893. SS82--tf

M. W. McCliesney & Sons3301-l- y AG-ENT- S.