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Adaptive Equalization Library ExamplesPath: Examples\Adaptive Equalization Library

Name Description Usage

BlindEqLms.wsv This example implements a blind equalizer. The adaptive filter LMScore block is used as the adaptive algorithm. Note that in this case thedesired signal is the output of the non linearity block. This means thatno training sequence is required.


EqualiserCoreRLS.wsv This example shows the use of the Complex RLS Adaptive Filter Coreblock in an inverse system identification scenario. An equivalentimplementation using the Complex RLS Adaptive Filter is alsoprovided. Note that the Complex RLS Adaptive Filter Core block onlyimplements the complex FIR filter with variable coefficients and theadaptive RLS algorithm controlling them. Therefore the subtractor anderror feedback loop need to be implemented externally when using theComplex RLS Adaptive Filter Core block.

EqualiserRealRLS.wsv This example shows the use of the Real RLS Adaptive Filter block in aninverse system identification scenario.

EqualiserRealRLSCore.wsv This example shows the use of the Real RLS Adaptive Filter Core blockin an inverse system identification scenario. An equivalentimplementation using the Real RLS Adaptive Filter is also provided.Note that the Real RLS Adaptive Filter Core block only implements thereal FIR filter with variable coefficients and the adaptive RLS algorithmcontrolling them. Therefore the subtractor and error feedback loopneed to be implemented externally when using the Real RLS AdaptiveFilter Core block.

InverseSysIdAPACore.wsv This model implements a complex arithmetic inverse systemidentification setup using the APA algorithm. The unknown system is acomplex FIR filter. The error signal is plotted once it has gone throughthe error filter. The identified filter weights are also plotted. Note thatthey represent the inverse of the impulse response of the unknownfilter. The frequency response of both unknown channel and equalizerare also plotted.

InverseSysIdRealAPACore.wsv This model implements a real arithmetic inverse system identificationsetup using the APA algorithm. The unknown system is a real FIRfilter. The error signal is plotted once it has gone through the errorfilter. The identified filter weights are also plotted. Note that theyrepresent the inverse of the impulse response of the unknown filter.The frequency response of both unknown channel and equalizer arealso plotted.

SysIdAPA.wsv In this example a system identification configuration has been setup,where the adaptive filter attempts to identify the impulse response ofa complex arithmetic unknown system. Both the unknown system andthe adaptive filter are excited with white noise. The unknown system isrepresented here by a complex FIR filter. Its output is used as thedesired signal input of the adaptive filter as shown.

SysIdLMS.wsv In this example a system identification configuration has been setup,where the adaptive filter attempts to identify the impulse response ofa complex arithmetic unknown system. Both the unknown system andthe adaptive filter are excited with white noise. The unknown system isrepresented here by a complex FIR filter. Its output is used as the

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desired signal input of the adaptive filter as shown.

SysIdLMSCore.wsv This example shows the functionality of the LMS_AdaptFltCore part.This block contains the core functionality of the adaptive filter, i.e. theFIR filter with variable weights and the adaptive algorithm whichcontrols them. Therefore it does not contain the calculation of the errorsignal and the feedback loop required to pass this signal back into theadaptive filter.

SysIdQR.wsv In this example a system identification configuration has been setup,where the adaptive filter attempts to identify the impulse response ofa complex arithmetic unknown system. Both the unknown system andthe adaptive filter are excited with white noise. The unknown system isrepresented here by a complex FIR filter. Its output is used as thedesired signal input of the adaptive filter as shown.

SysIdRealAPA.wsv This model implements a real arithmetic system identification setupusing the APA algorithm. The unknown system is a real FIR filter. Theerror signal is plotted once it has gone through the error filter. Theidentified filter weights are also plotted.

SysIdRealLMS.wsv This example implements an unknown system identification setupusing the real LMS adaptive filter. The unknown filter is represented bya real FIR filter. A real error filter is used to smooth out the variationsof the error signal.

SysIdRealLMSCore.wsv This example shows two implementations of an adaptive IIR filterusing the real LMS core parts. The first implementation shows how touse these parts in feedforward and feedback configurations. Thesecond implementation shows how to use just one part and setting theparameters to include internally feedback and feedforward parts.

SysIdRealQR.wsv This example implements an unknown system identification setupusing the real QR adaptive filter. The unknown filter is represented bya real FIR filter. A real error filter is used to smooth out the variationsof the error signal.

SysIdRLS.wsv In this example a system identification configuration has been setup,where the adaptive filter attempts to identify the impulse response ofa complex arithmetic unknown system. Both the unknown system andthe adaptive filter are excited with white noise. The unknown system isrepresented here by a complex FIR filter. Its output is used as thedesired signal input of the adaptive filter as shown.

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SystemVue - Examples


Baseband Verification Library DesignExamplesAgilent SystemVue has a number of add-on libraries to support design and verificaiton ofbaseband algorithm and system architectures. As part of these add-on products AgilentSystemVue provides a number of examples to aid in the usage of the libraries and to aidin understanding of the specific standards they were created for along with theperformance requirements of those standards

ContentsPath: Examples\Baseband Verification\sub-folder

Cognitive Radio (examples)DVB-2 (examples)LTE (examples)WiMAX (examples)WPAN (examples)ZigBee (examples)

3GPP LTE Design ExamplesThis 3GPP LTE Wireless Design Library includes several design examples for FDD LTE/TDDLTE downlink/uplink transmitter measurement, downlink/uplink BER and throughputperformance measurement. Fourteen example workspaces are provided in the 3GPP LTEWireless Design Library.

Path: Examples\Baseband Verification\LTE

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Name Description Usage

3GPP_LTE_CFR_EVM.wsv This example workspace explores Crest factor reduction (CFR)for a LTE OFDMA System. CFR is a technique for reducing thepeak-to average ratio (PAR) of an orthogonal frequencydivision multiplexing (OFDM) waveform. The algoithm used inthis example is based on a modified version of the algorithm in"Constrained Clipping for Crest Factor Reduction in Multiple-user OFDM", In Proc. IEEE Radio and Wireless Symposium,pp.341-344, Jan. 2007. This CFR algorithm consists of oneIFFT, time domain polar clipping, in-band and out-of-bandpost-processing and one FFT.

3GPP_LTE_DL_ChannelCoding.wsv This example workspace demonstrates the 3GPP LTE downlinkchannel coding, channel decoding and swept Throughput vsSNR measurements.

3GPP_LTE_DL_MIMO_Throughput.wsv This example workspace demonstrates swept Thoughput vsSNR measurements for LTE downlink in a fading environment.

3GPP_LTE_DL_SISO_BER.wsv This example workspace demonstrates swept BER and BLER vsSNR measurements for a LTE downlink SISO system. Twoenvironments are tested: AWGN (Additive White GaussianNoise) and fading.

3GPP_LTE_DL_FDD_TestCase.wsv This example workspace demonstrates swept Thoughput vsSNR measurements for LTE FDD downlink in a fadingenvironment for the configurations that are defined in 8 ofTS36.101 V8.6.0.

3GPP_LTE_DL_Tx.wsv This example workspace demonstrates spectrum and CCDFmeasurements for a LTE downlink transmitter with oneantenna, two antennas and four antennas.

3GPP_LTE_DL_TxEVM.wsv This example workspace demonstrates EVM measurements forLTE downlink transmitter in FDD and TDD modes.

3GPP_LTE_UL_BER.wsv This example workspace demonstrates swept BER and BLER vsSNR measurements for an LTE uplink system in AWGN(Additive White Gaussian Noise) and fading.

3GPP_LTE_UL_ChannelCoding.wsv This example workspace demonstrates the 3GPP LTE UplinkFDD Channel coding, channel decoding and swept BER andBLER vs SNR measurements.

3GPP_LTE_UL_SISO_Throughput.wsv This example workspace demonstrates Throughput vs SNRmeasurements for a LTE Uplink system in AWGN (AdditiveWhite Gaussian Noise) channel with SISO.

3GPP_LTE_UL_SIMO_Throughput.wsv This example workspace demonstrates Throughput vs SNRmeasurements for a LTE Uplink system in Fading channel with2 and 4 recceiver antennas, following the configuration in 8.2of 36.104.

3GPP_LTE_UL_PRACH_Detection.wsv This example workspace demonstrates PRACH detectionmeasurements for a LTE Uplink in Fading and AGWNenvironment, following 8.4.2 of 36.104.

3GPP_LTE_UL_TX.wsv This example workspace demonstrates a spectrum and a CCDFmeasurement of a LTE Uplink transmitter.

3GPP_LTE_UL_TxEVM.wsv This example workspace demonstrates EVM measurements forLTE Uplink transmitter in FDD and TDD modes.

Cognitive RadioExamples in this directory implement cognitive radio spectrum sensing and signal

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generation that utilize the SystemVue LTE and WiMAX Baseband Verification examples.

Path: Examples\Baseband Verification\Cognitive Radio

Name Description Usage

Cognitive_Radio_Example.wsv This example implements Spectrum Sensing algorithm usingSystemVue Math Language to detect space available in acaptured spectrum and will generate either an LTE or WiMAXsignal to fit the available spectrum

MathLanguage,LTE, WiMAX

DVB-2 Baseband Verification Design ExamplesPath: Examples\Baseband Verification\DVB2

Name Description Usage

DVBS2_Tx.wsv This example workspace demonstrates a spectrum and a CCDF measurementof an DVB-S2 transmitter. The spectrum measurement is achieved using theSpectrumAnalyzer part. The resulting spectrum is shown in theDVBS2_Tx_Spectrum Measurements graph. The CCDF measurement isachieved usign the CCDF part. The resulting CCDF curve is shown in theDVBS2_Tx_CCDF_Measurements graph. A reference curve (CCDF of whitegaussian noise) is also plotted on this graph.

DVBS2_AWGN_BER.wsv This example workspace demonstrates the BER and PER measurements ofthe DVB-S2 receiver on AWGN channel. Different FecFrame, CodeRate andModType can be changed to get BER and PER results. The PER referencecurve is plotted on this graph.

WiMax Baseband Verification Design ExamplesPath: Examples\Baseband Verification\WiMax

Name Description Usage

WiMAX_DL_Source_Spectrum_CCDF.wsv This example workspace demonstrates a spectrum and aCCDF measurement of a WiMAX downlink source.

WiMAX_UL_AWGN_BER.wsv This example workspace demonstrates a swept BER vsEb/No measurement for a WiMAX uplink in AWGN (AdditiveWhite Gaussian Noise).

WPAN Baseband Verification Design ExamplesThis WPAN Wireless Design Library includes several design examples for WPAN HRP andDirectional LRP transmitter measurement, HRP BER and receiver sensitivity measurement.Six example workspaces are provided in the WPAN Wireless Design Library.

Path: Examples\Baseband Verification\WPAN

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Name Description Usage

WPAN_HRP_TxEVM.wsv This example measures the EVM of WPAN HRP transmitter. Foradditional documentation see WPAN_HRP_TxEVM (examples)

WPAN_HRP_TxWaveform_Spec.wsv This example measures the Waveform, Spectrum and CCDF ofWPAN HRP transmitter. For additional documentation seeWPAN_HRP_TxWaveform_Spec (examples)

WPAN_LRP_TxWaveform_D.wsv This example measures the Waveform, Spectrum and CCDF ofWPAN Directional LRP transmitter. For additional documentationsee WPAN_LRP_TxWaveform_D (examples)

WPAN_HRP_AWGN_BER.wsv This example measures the WPAN HRP BER and FER on AWGNchannel. Users can change HRPModeIdx from 0 to 2 inSignal_Generation_VARs and get BER and FER results fordifferent modulations and code rates. For additionaldocumentation see WPAN_HRP_AWGN_BER (examples)

WPAN_HRP_RawBER.wsv This example measures the WPAN Raw BER and FER on AWGNchannel. For additional documentation see WPAN_HRP_RawBER(examples)

WPAN_HRP_RxSensitivity.wsv This example measures the WPAN HRP receiver sensitivity. Theminimum power input to a single receiver is defined such that theerror criterion of BER less than 1e-7 is met. A compliant HRPreceiver shall have a sensitivity that is less than -50 dBm for HRPmode index 0. For additional documentation seeWPAN_HRP_RxSensitivity (examples)

WPAN_HRP_AWGN_BERThe design for HRP BER measurement under AWGN channel is shown below:

Users can change HRPModeIdx from 0 to 2 in Equations and get BER results for differentmodulations. Please note the HRPModeIdx for each sub-packets should be the same. InEquations, the Eb/N0 and corresponding SNR is calculated. The number of frames forsimulating BER is defined which may be varied for different Eb/N0.BitsPerOFDMSymbol is calculated and output in the Simulation Log window. The designshould be simulated twice to get the value of BitsPerOFDMSymbol. For the first simulation,after reading the BitsPerOFDMSymbol from the Simulation Log window, the simulation canbe stopped. Then the value of BitsPerOFDMSymbol should be filled into Equation. With thecorrect value of BitsPerOFDMSymbol, starting the simulation again.The performances of BER under AWGN for HRP Mode index 0, 1 and 2 are given in Graphand DataSet below:

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1. IEEE P802.15.3c/D08, "Part 15.3: Wireless Medium Access Control (MAC) and PhysicalLayer (PHY) Specifications for High Rate Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs):Amendment 2: Millimeter-wave based Alternative Physical Layer Extension", 2009.

WPAN_HRP_RawBERThe design for HRP Raw BER (Uncoded BER) measurement under AWGN channel is shownbelow:

Users can change HRPModeIdx from 0 to 2 in Equations and get BER results for differentmodulations. Please note the HRPModeIdx for each sub-packets should be the same. InEquations, the Eb/N0 and corresponding SNR is calculated. The number of frames forsimulating BER is defined which may be varied for different Eb/N0.

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The performances of RawBER under AWGN for QPSK and 16QAM are given in Graph andDataSet below:


1. IEEE P802.15.3c/D08, "Part 15.3: Wireless Medium Access Control (MAC) and PhysicalLayer (PHY) Specifications for High Rate Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs):Amendment 2: Millimeter-wave based Alternative Physical Layer Extension", 2009.

WPAN_HRP_RxSensitivityThe design for HRP receiver minimum input level sensitivity measurement is shown below:

The minimum power input to a single receiver is defined such that the error criterion ofBER less than 1e-7 is met. An HRP receiver shall have a sensitivity that is less than -50dBm for HRP mode index 0.

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1. IEEE P802.15.3c/D08, "Part 15.3: Wireless Medium Access Control (MAC) and PhysicalLayer (PHY) Specifications for High Rate Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs):Amendment 2: Millimeter-wave based Alternative Physical Layer Extension", 2009.

WPAN_HRP_TxEVMBelow is the transmitter EVM measurement design:

The transmitter evm of each frame, average evm, average EVM for each subcarrierandand constellation are shown in Graph and DataSet.Below is the constellation and average EVM for each subcarrierand.

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1. IEEE P802.15.3c/D08, "Part 15.3: Wireless Medium Access Control (MAC) and PhysicalLayer (PHY) Specifications for High Rate Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs):Amendment 2: Millimeter-wave based Alternative Physical Layer Extension", 2009.

WPAN_HRP_TxWaveform_SpecThis design measures the HRP transmitter Waveform, Spectrum and CCDF. The design isshown below:

The transmitter Waveform, Spectrum and CCDF are shown in Graph and DataSet.

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1. IEEE P802.15.3c/D08, "Part 15.3: Wireless Medium Access Control (MAC) and PhysicalLayer (PHY) Specifications for High Rate Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs):Amendment 2: Millimeter-wave based Alternative Physical Layer Extension", 2009.

WPAN_LRP_TxWaveform_DThis design measures the directional LRP transmitter Waveform, Spectrum and CCDF. Thedesign is shown below:

The transmitter Waveform, Spectrum and CCDF are shown in Graph and DataSet below:

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1. IEEE P802.15.3c/D08, "Part 15.3: Wireless Medium Access Control (MAC) and PhysicalLayer (PHY) Specifications for High Rate Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs):Amendment 2: Millimeter-wave based Alternative Physical Layer Extension", 2009.

ZigBee Baseband Verification Library Design ExampleThis ZigBee Wireless Design Library includes several design examples for ZigBeetransmitter spectrum, BER under AWGN channel, receiver sensitivity and adjacent andalternate jamming resistance measurements. Five example workspaces are provided inthe ZigBee Wireless Design Library.

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Name Description Usage

ZigBee_Adjacent_Jamming_Resistace.wsv This example workspace demonstrates Adjacent Jammingresistance for ZigBee system as defined in and6.6.3.5 of IEEE Std 802.15.4-2006.

ZigBee_Alternate_Jamming_Resistace.wsv This example workspace demonstrates Alternate Jammingresistance for ZigBee system as defined in and6.6.3.5 of IEEE Std 802.15.4-2006.

ZigBee_AWGN_BER.wsv This example workspace demostrates swept BER vs SNRmeasurements for ZigBee system under AWGN channel.

ZigBee_Sensitivity.wsv This example workspace demostrates swept FER vsTransmit signal power for ZigBee sensitivity measurementas defined in 6.1.7 of IEEE Std 802.15.4-2006.

ZigBee_TxWaveform_Spec.wsv This example workspace demonstrates the spectrummeasurement and VSA 89601 connection of ZigBeetransmitter.

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Comms Examples ContentsPath: Examples\sub-folder

BER (examples)OFDM (examples)Satellite (examples)Zigbee (examples)

Path: Examples\Comms

Name Description Usage

Bluetooth.wsv This example workspace demonstrates simple hopping and demdulation of aBluetooth-like signal, but not modulated to the actual RF frequency, using a lowerfrequency instead to speed simulation.

Costas.wsv This example workspace demonstrates a second-order Costas Loop fordemodulation of a BPSK waveform. The Costas Loop is a specialized form of PLLthat regenerates the carrier from a bi-phase modulated signal using quadraturemixer.


This example illustrates a model of a DQPSK transceiver with detailed algorithmicmodeling of DQPSK encoder, DQPSK decoder, bit slicer, and Grey decoder. An RFmodel is added with overal BER analysis at the reciver.

DQPSK EncoderModeling.wsv

This example illustrates SystemVue modeling polymorphism with multipleimplemenations of a DQPSK encoder in floating point, fixed point, and MathLanguage. Verification of encoder performance is analyzed using Agilent VectorSignal Analyzer.

QAM16.wsv This is a simple 16 symbol Quadrature Amplitude Modulation example

BER ExamplesPath: Examples\Comms\BER

Name Description Usage

QPSK_BER_CODED_Viterbi.wsv This example workspace demonstrates setup of BER simulationfor a QPSK modulated system including FEC with convolutionalcoding and Viterbi decoding. Improvements to BER with softdecision detection are shown

QPSK_BER_Importance_Sampling.wsv This example workspace demonstrates setup of BER simulationfor modulated signals using QPSK as an example with sweptcontrol over EbNo using Math language equations and sweepcontroller. BER is facilitated using both Monte Carlo andImportance Sampling with comparison again theoretical BERcurves.

Transceiver_BER_with_Scripting.wsv This example combines simulation scripting using SystemVueMath language with a typical setup for BER simulation usingswept EbNo simulation. User has control over multiplemodulation formats with swept control over EbNo for acurateBER simulation

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OFDM ExamplesPath: Examples\Comms\OFDM

Name Description Usage

OFDM_Custom_Signal.wsv This example workspace demonstrates the use of generic OFDM buildingblocks found in SystemVue to create a arbitrary OFDM signal. The signalcreated is very similar to 802.11a, with 52 sub-carriers, 48 data sub-carriers with use settable modulation, and 4 pilot carriers. Long and shortpre-emble is also created and multiplexed into the final OFDM spectrum.

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Satellite Examples


Path: Examples\sub-folder

Galilleo (examples)GPS (examples)

Galileo Examples

Path: Examples\Comms\Satellite\Galileo

Name Description Usage

Galileo_E1_Src.wsv This example illustrates the usage of generic building blocks for creatingcustom satcom signaling to the Galileo specification with SystemVue. Theblocks used in this example are all from the standard "Algorithm" library withinSystemVue. Where a standard algorithmic model was not sufficient,SystemVue's Math language model interface was used. To see the underlyingMath Language algorithm for these blocks simply double click on the partsymbol to see the source code.

GNSS_BOC_n_m.wsv This example illustrates the usage of generic building blocks for creatinggeneric satcom signaling with Binary Offset Carrier (BOC) using AgilentSystemVue. The blocks used in this example are all from the standard"Algorithm" library within SystemVue.

GNSS_BOC1.wsv This example illustrates the usage of generic building blocks for creatinggeneric satcom signaling with Binary Offset Carrier (BOC) and Binary PhaseShift Keying (BPSK) using Agilent SystemVue.

GPS Examples

Path: Examples\Comms\Satellite\GPS

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Name Description Usage

GPS_Codes_and_RF_TX.wsv This example illustrates usage of ranging codes in GPS satellitenavigation. GPS navigation (NAV) applications have data codingrequirements defined in the technical specification ICD-GPS-200C(Navstar GPS Space Segment / Navigation User Interfaces). For GPSNAV applications, two basic ranging codes are generated (among severalothers). The precision (P) code is the principal NAV ranging code. Thecoarse/acquisition (C/A) code is used primarily for acquisition of the Pcode.

Zigbee ExamplesPath: Examples\Comms\Zigbee

Name Description Usage

Zigbee868_915Mhz.wsv This workspace includes two examples to generate Zigbee signal sourcebased on IEEE 802.15.4 868 MHz PHY specification and 915 MHz PHYspecification.

Zigbee_2450MHz.wsv This workspace includes two examples to generate Zigbee signal sourcebased on IEEE 802.15.4 2450 MHz PHY specification.

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Hardware Design Examples ContentsPath: Examples\sub-folder

Name Description Usage

CORDIC_NCO.wsv Numerically controlled oscillator implemented using theCORDIC algorithm in rotation mode

CORDIC_Vectoring.wsv Rectangular to polar conversion implemented using theCORDIC algorithm in vectoring mode

DualNCO.wsv LUT based numerically controlled oscillator with sineand cosine outputs

FicedPoint Please refer FixedPoint (examples) Examples for moredetails

FMMod.wsv Simple FM modulation using Fixed point integrator andmath

HDLCodeGeneration\GFSKMod\GFSKMod.wsv Gaussian Frequency Shift Keying modulator

HDLCodeGeneration\IIR_DDS\IIR_DDS.wsv Sinusoid generation using an IIR filter

LMS.wsv Channel/System identification LMS filter example

MACFIR.wsv MAC FIR implemention with time shared hardware

NCO.wsv Direct Digital Synthesis (DDS) / LUT based numericallycontrolled oscillator

WiMAX_SVue_SDR_IQ_Modulator.wsv A collection of designs to implement a DUC, digitalupconverter, with lookup tables (LUTS) allowingcreation of WiMAX and LTE arbitrary waveforms. Thisdesign can be implemented on a Nallatech FPGA forwaveform prototyping

TCM.wsv This is a Trellis Coder-Decoder example completlydesigned in Fixed Point. The design can beimplemented on a Nallatech FPGA system forprototyping

FixedPoint ExamplesPath: Examples\Hardware Design

Name Description Usage

FixedPoint\BPSK\BPSK.wsv Binary Phase Shift Keying fixed point implementation example

FixedPoint\CIC\CIC.wsv Cascade Integrated Comb filter fixed point implementationexample

FixedPoint\M-ary_PSK\M-ary_PSK.wsv M-ary Phase Shift Keying fixed point implementation example


M-ary Quadrature Amplitude Modulation fixed pointimplementation example

FixedPoint\pi-by-4 DQPSK\pi-by-4DQPSK.wsv

Pi/4 rotated Differential Quadrature Phase Shift Keying fixedpoint implementation example

FixedPoint\QPSK\QPSK.wsv Quadrature Phase Shift Keying fixed point implementationexample

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Instrument ExamplesSee Examples (examples) page on how to access and run these examples

ContentsPath: Examples\sub-folder

N5106A SignalDownloader (examples)VSA89600ASink (examples)VSA89600ASource (examples)

Simple Examples to Exercise Instrument Control parts

Path: Examples\Instruments and its sub-folders

Name Description Usage

ESG SignalDownloaderExample.wsv

An example on how to use the SignalDownloader_E4438C (algorithm) todownload and play out waveform in Agilent ESG or MXG series RF SignalSynthesizer such as E4438C or N5182A.)

E4438C andN5182A only

Practical Applications

Name Description

Generate LTE RFSignals

Generate LTE modulated RF signals with RF Vector Synthesizers from AgilentTechnologies

N5106A PXB Signal Generator ExamplesSimple Examples to Exercise N5106A Signal Downloader Part are as follows:Path: Examples\Instruments\N5106A SignalDownloader

Name Description Usage

Bento N5106ASignalDownloader.wsv

An example on how to use the SignalDownloader_N5106A (algorithm)to download and play out waveform in Agilent Bento N5106A


Vector Signal Analyzer Sink ExamplesSimple Examples to Exercise VSA Sink Part are as follows:Path: Examples\Instruments\VSA89600Sink

VSA89600 DemodQPSK.wsv

An example on how to use the VSA_89600_Sink (algorithm) to control Glacier 89600to process waveforms generated by the simulation

Vector Signal Analyzer Source ExamplesSimple Examples to Exercise VSA Source Part are as follows:Path: Examples\Instruments\VSA89600Source

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Math Language Scripting ExamplesPath: Examples\Math Language Scripting

Name Description Usage

ParameterSweeping.wsv This example uses a simple SineGen source and Sink to create aplatform for multi-dimensional parametric sweeps. The amplitude,frequency and phase of the sinusoid generator are set to betunable and hence can be selected as sweep parameters fromanalyses mounted on the basic data analysis process.

Scripting_SinkFile_Output.wsv This tutorial workspace shows how to use a Math Language scriptto generate output files for each value in a sequence.


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Model Building ExamplesPath: Examples\Model Building Examples

Name Description Usage

C Modeling\Simple Model BuilderExample.wsv

This example demonstrates how you can use the C++ ModelBuilder to build custom models.

Math Language Modeling\MathLangDemo.wsv

This example demonstrates the use of the MathLang model.The 'Network' design has a sinusoid source, a MathLangblock, and two sinks to record the input and output of theMathLang block.

Math Language Modeling\MathLangMultirate Demo.wsv

This example demonstrates the use of the MathLang model.The two branches of the design are identical in functionality -what is achieved by using built-in system level parts in onebranch is performed via equations in a single Math Languagepart.

Math Language Modeling\MathLangSymbol Demo.wsv

This example demonstrates the use of the MathLang modelwith an arbitrary symbol.

Math LanguageModeling\Dynamic_paths.wsv

This example shows how MathLang blocks can be used inrun-time tuning to select between signal processing paths foreither baseband or for RF Envelopes. A few S-parameterresponses are used to simulate the bandlimited response of achannelized receiver front-end, chosen interactively with aslider.

Math LanguageModeling\Math_AnalogDistortion.wsv

This example shows a more analog application for the mathlanguage modeling, generating transistor-like distortion withinteractive sliders. A run-time tuning example is also shown.

CIC Filter.wsv This example demonstrates how you can use built-inSystemVue parts, MathLang, and the C++ Model Builder toimplement a Cascaded integrator-comb (CIC) filter.

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Radar ExamplesPath: Examples\Radar

Name Description Usage

Radar_Chirp.wsv This example workspace demonstrates a some simple Radar source models withvarious impairements. Example 1 shows a pulsed radar source with RF TX and RXmodels. Example 2 shows a chirp radar source with Radar channel for modelingdistance and doppler frequency. Example 3 builds an interference signal on top ofthe chirp radar source. Example 4 is a model of a Constant False Alarm Rate (CFAR)detector using a Cell Averaging structure.

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RF Architecture Design Examples ContentsPath: Examples\sub-folder

RF Design Kit (examples)

Path: Examples\RF Architecture

Name Description Usage

QPSK_RF_Link_Demo.wsv A combined DSP-RF design flow is described. TX and RX RFdesigns are evaluated using RF System analyses (Spectrasys) todetermine the RF design broad band frequency domain response.These RF designs are included in DSP design and use Data Flowanalysis to determine the combined bandpass time domainresponse.


SData Demo.wsv This examples highlights the setup and usage of the SDatapart/model which allows importation of S21 S-parameter data intothe SystemVue time domain data flow simulation

Oscillator_Phase_Noise.wsv A phase noise modeling example is demonstrated in Design"Random PN". An Oscillator source is used to generate a 1 GHztone at a power level of 10 dBm into 50 Ohms. The tone iscolored with phase noise, whose frequency specification is definedin the PhaseNoiseData parameter. For this example, f offsetMin is 1

kHz and f offsetMax is 400 kHz.


ZIF_3GPP_test.wsv This workspace demonstrates SystemVue's capability forsimulating RF Subsystems

Data FlowRF models

ZIF_two_tone_test.wsv This workspace demonstrates SystemVue's capability forsimulating RF Subsystems

Data FlowRF models

RF Design Kit (Spectrasys) ExamplesPath: Examples\RF Architecture\RF Design Kit

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Name Description Usage

5GHZ VSWR Detector.wsv This is a simple example of a 3 sector 5.8 GHz receiver that can beused as a TX powermeter or VSWR tester. This example will show the importance or RFarchitecture workand how many design parameters can be confidently selected usingan RF architecturedesign tool.

AppCAD 1.9 GHZ CDMAHandset Receiver.wsv

This is a simple illustration of how a dumbed down Spectrasyssimulation will give the same answers as the AppCAD NoiseCalcexample '1.9 GHz Handset Receiver'. Furthermore, a more realisticdesign is created showing the value of Spectrasys abovespreadsheets.

Diversity TX and HybridAmp.wsv

This is a simple illustration of a diversity transmitter with a hybridamplifier. Two IS95 carriers are created at 1955 and 1965 MHz.

Dual Band Frequency Plan.wsv This example illustrates the IF performance of adual band CDMA receiver.

What IF,SpectraSys

Simple Table Mixer.wsv This is example will help the user understand table mixerconfiguration and operation.

Simple Transceiver.wsv This is a illustration of how sub-network models. Transmitter andreceiver schematics are created are re-used at a top leveltransceiver schematic that incorporates a diversity receiver. Customsymbols were also created for the transmitter and receiver.

Transceiver_RFLink.wsv This tutorial example shows how an RF air interface defined inSpectrasys can be dropped into a DSP link-level simulation using theRFLINK component. The effect of RF Transmit IP3 and filter rolloffcan easily be seen on the received baseband constellation.

Tx RX Chain.wsv This is a illustration an entire transmit and receive chain includingthe path loss between the transmitter and receiver. Reciever noiseis calculated along with TX output Spectrum.


WhatIF Dual AnalysisOnly.wsv

In this particular example we have an RF input spectrum from 275to 325 MHz. The desired IF is a difference IF at 800 MHz derivedfrom a high side LO. Since we have chosen the IF frequency to be800 MHz and the IF bandwidth is 1 MHz then the LO will range from1075.5 to 1124.5 MHz. In this given example we are looking at the'Single Intermediate Frequency' behavior only.

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Signal Processing ExamplesPath: Examples\Signal Processing

Name Description Usage

CrossCorr.wsv This example workspace demonstrates theCrossCorr block and use of cross correlationto calculate signal delay.

Spectrum Analysis.wsv This example workspace demonstrates theuse of the Spectrum Analyzer sink.

DSP\Aliasing.wsv By increasing the frequency of the sine wavesource and comparing with the 1000Hz sinewave, we can observe that for frequenciesabove fs/2 (5000Hz in this example), thediscrete version of the signal is seen to aliasto have a frequency below 5000Hz.

DSP\Dithering Quant Errors.wsv This shows the effect of quantization onspurs in the frequency domain. By adding abit of AWGN to dither quantization errors,energy in the spurs is spread out, increasingthe Spur Free Dynamic Range. SFDR isobserved in the Spectrum graph window.

DSP\NonLinear_Quantizer.wsv This tutorial illustrates how linearsuperposition of two sequences does notapply depending on where signals arequantized.

The following list describes Digital Signal Processing(DSP) tutorial examples from Steepest Ascent, LTD.DSPedia

DSPedia-Chap6 Frequency Domain\6.01_FourierSeries.wsv

DSPedia-Chap6 Frequency Domain\6.02_Square.wsv

DSPedia-Chap6 Frequency Domain\6.04_Square2.wsv

DSPedia-Chap6 Frequency Domain\6.05_triangle.wsv

DSPedia-Chap6 Frequency Domain\6.06_quantize2.wsv

DSPedia-Chap6 Frequency Domain\6.07_fft_scaling.wsv

DSPedia-Chap6 Frequency Domain\6.08_zero_pad.wsv

DSPedia-Chap6 FrequencyDomain\6.10_Windowed_Sine.wsv

DSPedia-Chap6 Frequency Domain\6.11_Window.wsv

DSPedia-Chap6 FrequencyDomain\6.12_Frequency_Discriminationwsv.wsv

DSPedia-Chap6 FrequencyDomain\6.13_Sine_in_Noise.wsv

DSPedia-Chap6 FrequencyDomain\6.14_Waterfall_Chirp.wsv

DSPedia-Chap6 Frequency Domain\6.16_FFT_Part.wsv

DSPedia-Chap6 Frequency Domain\6.17_IFFT.wsv

DSPedia-Chap6 Frequency

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DSPedia-Chap7 Digital_Filtering\7.03_sum_of_sines.wsv


DSPedia-Chap7 Digital_Filtering\7.05_bandpass.wsv

DSPedia-Chap7 Digital_Filtering\7.06_cascade.wsv

DSPedia-Chap7 Digital_Filtering\7.10_Zdomain.wsv

DSPedia-Chap7 Digital_Filtering\7.11_Zdomain.wsv


DSPedia-Chap7 Digital_Filtering\7.13_Differentiator.wsv

DSPedia-Chap7 Digital_Filtering\7.14_Comb.wsv

DSPedia-Chap7 Digital_Filtering\7.15_LinearPhase.wsv

DSPedia-Chap7 Digital_Filtering\7.16_IIR.wsv


DSPedia-Chap7 Digital_Filtering\7.18_IIR_AllPass.wsv


This example designs a FIR filter, fromspecification to implementable fixed-pointmodel.

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VBScripting ExamplesPath: Examples\VBScripting

Name Description Usage

Buttons.wsv Click buttons on a schematic to launch a VBScript to runsimulations.

Parameter Script.wsv VBScript to set part parameters and run simulations.