
Upload: fatihahzainallim

Post on 06-Mar-2016




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Project Management Tools


Explain how by learning project management tools and techniques helps to improve your daily activities. Give ONE (1) example.By learning project management tools and techniques, it helps me to schedule the time to deal with what arises such as assignment or any activities that I need to be done at certain time. It also helps me to achieve a larger goal, or to complete a task. My task are being organized that results in less rework and mistakes. It keeps the things at proper places that do not required more time which we need goes on searching of documents, important files, folders and so on. It allows me to know my capabilities while working in certain environment. One of example of project management techniques that helps me to improve my daily activities is planning. Starting my life with planning, it makes my works done efficiently and effectively. I know when I should start and end my work. I can also submit a task or works on time without being burden with others tasks.