exotic animals you can legally own

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Page 1: Exotic animals you can legally own

Exotic Animals You Can Legally Own


Page 2: Exotic animals you can legally own

Some people just don’t have the stomach for the usual cat and mouse animals, but prefer the challenge and thrill of owning something unique & rather eye catching. It’s a great way to feed your exotic animal fetish and hobby-ish nature. If you ever thought owning some exotic pets would be a colossal nightmare in care and possession, you would be surprised to know that the animals mentioned below are actually being kept as pets.


Page 3: Exotic animals you can legally own

Bearded Dragon LizardThe dragon lizard, tends to look like something out of The Hobbit but in reality, they are one of the gentlest reptiles out there. Despite their looks and being very strange animals, they love to be fondled and enjoy the occasional misty showers. Often kept in glass aquariums, they are diurnal i.e. stay up during day and sleep at night. So you can watch them when you’re awake! Dragon lizards show great temperaments and can be handled so well, in fact even children can play them as well! Supervised of course.


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ChinchillaThe Chinchilla’s make a really good house pet for the average small family. The name though, sounds more like a Mexican drink off the bar. Keeping that Mexican energy note, these rodents are perky little energy balls making good pets for for teens and above.Being light weight and very fragile, the Chinchilla’s zip like flash if left loose in the house. They are however very sensitive to, too tight of grips and can bite if provoked. The good part of these best pets, is their thick layer of fur and hardly any sound. Proving to be some excellent low maintenance pets.


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HedgehogThey make rather unusual pets in appearance, People often mistake these intelligent and small animals as a ‘Hole creator’ in their hands. Forgetting they only stiffen their spines when they feel threatened. Otherwise, they are a humble and strictly mind their own business pets, easily comparable to hamsters. Despite their sensitivity to surroundings, Hedgehogs are usually shy creatures. They tend to develop good personality, through greater owner interaction, requiring a lot of time and commitment. Expect to bond with your pet like you would with an infant.


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CrocodileUnlike lizards, which are tamed and less harmful, crocodiles tend be the same up until they are the same size. They eventually grow out their enclosures and require more space and food as size and age increases exponentially. You can never turn your back on a crocodile and keeping this reptile is a specialist job undoubtedly.


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Fish PiranhaPiranhas are very feisty carnivorous fast moving fish. If you’re into gentle fish love loving nature, then piranhas are not meant for you. Usually they are the wolves of the river, normally hunting in a pack. So, if you’re planning on getting some unique pets as piranhas, get three and above. Oh yeah! Don’t go on feeding them with your hand, piranhas love hunting live fish, though they never say no to the occasional worms and insects. However, piranhas do require maintenance, proving to be very messy eaters and not really the best pets for kids .


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ScorpionBefore I even begin, scorpions hold a lot of physiological power that comes associated with their sight. Astrologically – Often resembling strength, is a strong reason for owners to keep as their preferred best exotic pets. Scorpions can sting from their stinger, and definitely hurt their owners. Unlike others, scorpions are a definite no show for children, requiring expert care and handling from experienced individuals. Despite their unappealing looks, scorpions can be found easily in various pet shops.


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Boa Constrictor SnakeUnlike most snakes of the world, Boas are constrictors that means they are large and non-poisonous and kill through strangling around their prey. Despite being weird pets, they are quite popular animals among enthusiasts. Boas tend to grow past the 5 feet mark, more depending on the species. Considering the size, the weight will grow accordingly as much. Since Boas are amazon based, the enclosures for them are required to be high and heated to best mimic their natural habitat.


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Mexican Red-Legged TarantulaThough many would call them creepy and run away instantly, Tarantulas and in specific the Mexican Red-legged one is one very beginner species kept in captivity for pet use. There striking features are vibrant orange knees contrasted with a black body. They show good temperament, and usually like to run away as the first line of defense. Despite being docile, they tend to be a little skittish at times and can show aggression if provoked.


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Madagascar Hissing CockroachYou have got to be kidding me? These things can be pets. Not happening in my world. But hey look at this way, they will replace dogs as the most loyal pet post a nuclear holocaust, since they can survive one. The cockroach, despite its displeasing appearance is quite popular among enthusiast for being docile and hardy in nature. Having a strong exoskeleton, allows for it to be tough as well, thank God it doesn’t have any wings, otherwise it would have definitely taken over the world.


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Green IguanaAnother reptile on the list, we are pleased to inform you which doesn’t move so soften. Having a very slow moving speed will almost make it appear to be a plastic model. You will find the iguana usually spending time relaxing, sun basking and watching you with its deep spooky eyes. What a surprise, their Herbivorous! I thought Godzilla’s distant cousin would be a meat eater. Looks like being vegan is the new fad even among reptiles!

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Hermit Crab If girls remember the crab Sebastian from Ariel, they will definitely want one in the form of the Hermit Crab, they make excellent first pets to be kept in an aquarium for children. But be advised, marine life is very sensitive and requires precision care. Though you will find loads in your local pet shop, once bought you do need them to be in a large enough aquarium for optimal comfort and prevention from imminent death through suffocation. Hermit Crabs require high levels of humidity in their enclosure which is usually not maintained.


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Bush BabyNothing can be more aww inspiring than gazing in those deep brown eyes. This tree dwelling marsupial from Africa is very agile and made for the tree branches. The last thing these small animals will expect is a small tight cage to be in. Bush Baby’s require wide open branched type areas to live in their own with the least stress. Though most house owners are not able to provide the environment. It’s advised this animal stays in the zoo, where it can’t be endangered.


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Southern TamanduaIf you have a backyard with an infestation of a lot of ant and termite mounds, well in that case there can be no better natural exterminator than the Southern Tamandua, basically an anteater. Anteaters are very cute looking, from their pencil necked pointy faced cuddliness. Trust me, if you had a dog lick you, the Tamandua’s tongue will be longer than expected and make your face sticky as a glue stick. They are very attention seeking animals and show varying moods if neglected.


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Flying Squirrel (Sugar Glider)If you have an admiration for squirrels, a glider version will be even better. These marsupials love to run on their wheel. Considering the environmental policy, a permit is required if you wish to own this type of animal. No matter the diet, the glider requires fresh fruits and nuts for healthy functioning. Their high metabolism requires nutrient rich food, which can be found in only fresh foods. They make very good pets but if you really want to see them glide, let them climb high up and then see them glide to the next tree.


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Kinkajou (Flower Bear)Hailing from the rain forests of central South America, the kinkajou comes from the raccoon family. So expect them to be the annoying types and give you a headache if not acquainted with. Considered to be very exotic and bred for private use, the kinkajou tent to be rather friendly. Even though they are solitary, they are vocal animals. So expect the house to be running a bit high on volume. People consider them to be very social and specially their interaction with their owners. Kinkajou love having fresh fruits, figs, and flower nectar.


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Chanterelle FennecUnlike other foxes, the Fennec is a very small fox species, but sits very comfortably in between a big cat and a small dog. The exotic animal can be enjoyed by the entire family and expect itself to show the same alertness and excitement as of a cat and the same fun and playfulness as that of a very active dog. They are full of energy creatures that are going to tire you out. So expect to share some time and muscle power with your pet.


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Mini DonkeyA mini donkey is a very funny, comical and affectionate joy to own. Having a bad reputation for being dumb is not the case here, as they boast a solid memory that they use to build lasting relationships with their owners for obvious reasons like any pet animal – attention. Like any donkey, they are however very stubborn and will not do what is required, if they are not in the mood. Being quite animals, other than the occasional ‘he haw’ is heard. Mini donkeys are popular animals as they make good pets for kids due to their size and gentle nature.


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Pygmy GoatsThe Pygmy Goat is a hardy, good-natured animal; a gentle and responsive pet, that loves to be with its own kind. So it’s advisable to get a couple whenever possible. Pygmy goats can be small enough to fit in a normal size bag and are the best pets for kids to play with and have a good time with. This little small package of energy will tire you with endless climbing games. Having an addition of a turtle along with it will establish the perfect fairy tale example for your children.


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