expat fair supplement


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New to Copenhagen? This is the perfect supplement to get you and your family involved in Danish culture and sport. Held at the City Hall, an event not to be missed!


Page 1: Expat Fair Supplement

expat faircopenhagen

BanK on gooD


copenhagen YoUr neW

hoMeconnecting With SportS

aBcS to phDS







27 aUgUSt 2012 • 15:30 - 18:00 the citY hall

Expat Fair Supplement.indd 1 22-08-2012 13:14:34

Page 2: Expat Fair Supplement

Greve – Roskilde – Copenhagen – Lyngby

Learn Danish in Lyngby with CLAVISNew language school in Lyngby

At CLAVIS Lyngby you can sign up for: • Danish for English speakers (day and evening classes) • CLAVIS Online: Class room seminars combined with Online learning • Danish for Scandinavian speakers • Danish for Russian speakers • Danish for Polish speakers • Private courses: intensive programmes • Danish for Polish speakers• Private courses: intensive programmes

Info & signing up

+45 22 10 53 99 | [email protected] | www.clavis.org

CLAVIS Lyngby – Klampenborgvej 232, 2nd floor,

2800 Kongens Lyngby

S-train line E stops at Lyngby Station - only 5 minutes

walk from CLAVIS. Excellent parking facilities.

The courses at CLAVIS come highly recommended by students and collaboration partners.

Have a look at our web site to see what they say.

The Danish Education programmes are free of charge for all foreign nationals over the age of 18, who have not spent their three year right to free Danish education funded by the municipality.

At CLAVIS, we specialize in efficient and tailor-made Danish courses for foreign citizens, businesses and municipalities.

Expat Fair Supplement.indd 2 22-08-2012 13:14:36

Page 3: Expat Fair Supplement

Copenhagen Expat Fair - 27 August 2012

This is our third year helping to organise the Copenhagen Expat Fair – and every year it’s been a great pleasure to experience the

enthusiasm for and interest in the fair. The idea is simple. Denmark has lots of clubs and options for those looking for an active

life for their whole family. However, many Danish clubs and associations are run by volunteers, leaving no budget for websites

in English.

Our idea behind this fair was to simply ‘build a bridge’ between expats and Danes based on the assumption that when you share

a common interest, cultural differences and language barriers are no longer important.

So join us at City Hall and take this opportunity to meet new people and hear about all the exciting and fun clubs you can join.

Anette Pilmark - Managing director of Spousecare


President and Publisher: Ejvind Sandal

Chief Executive: Jesper Nymark

Editor: Ben Hamilton

Production & Layout: Lyndsay Jensen

Proofreader: Dom Summers

Sales and Advertising:Jeanne Thames, Mark Millen, Lyndsay Jensen

If you would like to contact us or leave a comment: [email protected]

This supplement is published by The Copenhagen Post; please refer to our disclaimer on page 2 of the newspaper.


Behind a door at City Hall that bears the sign ‘The

woman behind it all’ sits Pia Allerslev, the culture

minister for Copenhagen and this year’s keynote

speaker at the Copenhagen Expat Fair. As a repre-

sentative of the city and a member of the Global

Minds Network, Allerslev has long been an advo-

cate for integrating the expatriate community into

the city of Copenhagen. By Linn Lemhag

WelcoMe reception anDcopenhagen expat fair

27 aUgUSt 2012copenhagen citY hall

entrY iS free!

prograMMeof eVentS:

Sponsored by:

3.30 - 6.00pm

Copenhagen Expat Fair 2012

Copenhagen is a vibrant cen-

tre of cultural events and

experiences with a broad

range of music, art and sport

activities to choose from.

Joining a club or any leisure

activity is often the basis for

a rich social life in Copenha-

gen, providing excellent op-

portunities for meeting both

Danes and fellow expats.

Copenhagen Expat Fair gives

you the chance to talk to a

wide range of clubs and as-

sociations from the Greater

Copenhagen area. Join us on

August 27th.


Welcome speech

Pia Allerslev, Copenhagen’s

mayor of culture and leisure,

will make an official welcome

speech at 4pm. After the

welcome speech, the world

famous ‘City Hall Pancakes’

will be served. Throughout

the fair you will be able to

see various entertainment:

dance shows, kids and adults

performing, and many partic-

ipating clubs demonstrating

the activities they offer. We

hope you will be inspired!

“The first year or two can be difficult for expats, and it can

especially be difficult to get to know the Danish people.

It’s not that we are not friendly, or that we do not like

new people in our city – we love it!” says Allerslev, who sees

the Expat Fair as a great place for those new to Denmark to

find a way of getting involved with Copenhagen life.

“The expat fair is actually a very simple concept – it’s all about

bringing people and organisations together. Showing people

what you can do in Copenhagen and where to do it – we could

use your help here, and maybe you could use ours there. It’s

also a way of showing people that they are important to our

city, and that we would really like for them to be involved in as

many aspects of it as possible.”

A resident in Copenhagen for the past 20 years, Allerslev is en-

thusiastic about expatriate families settling down in her city,

both from a personal and professional point of view.

“I think for the dynamic of a capital city, it’s very important that

people want to come here and live here – people who don’t

have the same background as maybe I do,” she says.

“From a business perspective, expat employees are highly

qualified and most of them receive good salaries. They then

pay taxes to the city of Copenhagen, and that’s a lot of money

that they contribute to the city. We can make a lot of things

happen with all that money, so in that respect, expats are very

valuable to the Copenhagen. Therefore, it is very important for

me to make sure that as many of them as possible get some-

thing back in return. We have so many things for the entire

family that are either for free or inexpensive in comparison to

abroad, including sports clubs, theatre groups, festivals and

various cultural activities.”

Allerslev encourages those new to Denmark to discover the

“Copenhagen way”, which she describes as a “work-life bal-


Organised by:

“In Copenhagen we work a lot, but we also cherish the time that we have,” she says. “Especially

during the summer months when we can actually be outside without freezing – we have activities

and festivals going on all the time, most of which are free.”

Summer is ending, and though those new to Denmark may fear the cold, dark winter that looms

ahead, they should know that the ‘Copenhagen way’ does not include hibernation. “We actually

have a lot of outdoor activities going on during the winter, like ice-skating and, for those brave

enough for a taste of true Viking life, several winter bathing clubs. You can even swim in the har-

bour! The lighting of the Christmas tree in City Hall Square is always beautiful, and come February

we host a festival called Wondercool.”

Join Allerslev in celebrating Copenhagen’s expatriate community as she opens the fair at 4pm on

Monday afternoon. Sample some of the world-famous City Hall pancakes, have some fun, and

maybe you’ll find a Dane who can explain why jumping into freezing water in the middle of winter

is a national sport.

That’s the Copenhagen Way!

The Expat Fair is actually a very simple concept - it’s all

about bringing people and organisations together.

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Page 4: Expat Fair Supplement

Copenhagen Expat Fair - 27 August 2012


When you uproot your life, whether it be for a short or long-term posting in another country, there are lots of things to worry about. But not when it comes to banking with Danske Bank.

Banking should be easy and straightforward“It is primarily about having a comprehensive and worry-free ex-

perience when it comes to your banking needs. Which credit card

or account type you should choose is the last thing on your mind,

when you have just moved to a new country and are focused on

getting the children enrolled in school etc. We provide that peace

of mind!”

This is how Henrik Skov Nielsen, the head of International Private

Clients department at Danske Bank, describes the services offered

to their international clients. A majority of them are expats who

are in Denmark for either a short or long time.

Refreshingly different For the past four years, Nielsen has been responsible for the In-

ternational Private Clients department at Danske Bank. This role

has given him an insight into many different cultures, and he has

gained an understanding of why it, at times, can be difficult being

new to Denmark.

“In my work, I meet people from all over the world and it is a true

privilege. I feel that it is important that we, as a large internation-

al company, support the international community in Denmark.

Therefore it is completely natural for us to be the sponsor of the

Expat Fair 2012,” says Nielsen.

Breaking down barriers“Danish banking is very structured, and the procedures and prac-

tices can be challenging for our clients, as they come from a differ-

ent banking culture and often do not fit perfectly into an existing


According to Nielsen, it is Danske Bank’s primary role to break

down the barriers to make it easy and straightforward, no matter

who you are or where you come from.

“Our account managers can provide guidance in English, and we

also have an English version of our user-friendly e-Banking system

already in place. Because we have great experience with inter-

national clients, we can remove the doubt and uncertainty that

comes with making important financial decisions.”

“Some expats decide to stay longer than initially planned, or their

needs change during their stay in other ways, such as falling in

love, wanting to buy property, having children etc. We are familiar

with the various scenarios which an expat can find themselves in,

and we can offer a completely unique set-up to ensure their needs

are met.



our Account Managers can provide guidance

in English, and we also have an English version

of our user-friendly e-Banking system already in place.

What is the international Private Clients department in danske Bank

➡ A specialised department, specifically dedicated to

international private clients working in Denmark and

Danes living abroad.

➡ This department helps with everything from opening

accounts and the financing of property, to drawing up

insurance policies, pension schemes as well as


➡ The majority of expats require, at minimum, a Danish bank

account, a card, and access to eBanking. This can be

accomplished through a 20-minute meeting with the

International Private Clients department at Danske Bank.

danske Bank, in the stands!If you are a sports fan, you will also

encounter Danske Bank during your

stay in Denmark. In 2011 Danske

Bank became the proud sponsor of

the Danish FA (DBU), which not only

means that they sponsor the Danish na-

tional football team, but are also involved in lo-

cal and regional football. In Northern Ireland, where Danske

Bank also has a presence, they are sponsors of the country’s

top flight, which is now called the ‘Danske Bank Premiership’.

You can see the Danish national team play their first World

Cup qualification match at Parken, the national stadium in

Østerbro (Copenhagen), on September 8 against the Czech



WIN WIN WIN! visit our stand at the Expat Fair, and

stand a chance of winning four sets of two tickets to the

denmark vs Czech republic match, aNd a football jersey

signed by the national team!

Come visit our stand at the Expat Fair!

Expat Fair Supplement.indd 4 22-08-2012 13:15:22

Page 5: Expat Fair Supplement

Copenhagen Expat Fair - 27 August 2012



Expat Fair organizers urge newcomers to spend free time on group activities

Wondering how you and your family might benefit by joining a club?

Read on for some great reasons to get the whole family involved!

By Francisco Perez

Get out and do SomethingMany of us spend too many hours in front of the TV watching sense-

less shows or playing video games. A club gives you an opportunity to

explore more varied, and healthier, activities.

Meet people / Make FriendsJoining a club gives your family a comfortable place to meet others with

similar interests. This often forms the basis for lifelong friendships.

Learn New SkillsChildren who participate in a variety of activities are introduced to new

skills and given a chance to develop them. As children realize they ‘can

do’, their self-confidence grows.

Learn teamworkMany activities require children to work together towards a common

goal. Whether they’re trying to win a game or complete a community

service project, children learn to work as a team.

Keep out of troubleStudies show that after-school hours are more dangerous to children

than night-time hours. Participating in an after-school club reduces chil-

dren’s risks of becoming involved in drugs or alcohol, getting pregnant

or committing crimes.

Leadership / ResponsibilityChildren have the opportunity to make their own decisions and elect

team leaders. They learn to lead, follow, and carry their portion of the


Civic Mindedness / ValuesSome exist as service organizations. Others participate in community

service as part of a larger scope of activities. Either way, children learn to

look beyond themselves and experience the joy of making a difference.

plain old FunPlaying a game, camping, singing, spending time together as a family –

whatever the focus, people participate because they enjoy the activities,

and sometimes fun is as good a reason as any other joining a club.

• Sport • Sport • Sport •

Row, row, row your boatBy Francisco Perez

KøBENhaVNS RoKLuB (CopENhaGEN RoWING CLuB):Tømmergravsgade 13, Cph SV; 3312 3075;

www.koebenhavnsroklub.dk (English website incomplete)

Water sports amateurs and dedicated athletes of all kinds

will surely appreciate the Copenhagen Rowing Club. This

is the second oldest rowing club in Denmark. Its members

have been rocking the waters around the Copenhagen Har-

bour and Islands Brygge since its foundation in 1866.

The club is also one of the most important rowing associa-

tions in Scandinavia, hosting major events such as a Dragon

Boat Regatta, paddling races, or rowing competitions with

rival Nordic clubs. Nowadays, the club welcome all rowing,

paddling or sculling lovers from the age of 13.

Youngsters aged between 13 and 18 can undertake two

weekly training sessions on Tuesdays and Thursdays, includ-

ing not only rowing, but also gymnastics, endurance train-

ing and weightlifting. These teenagers are then entered into

several competitions against other rowing clubs throughout

Copenhagen. Daily afternoon and early evening sessions are

available for working adults, and elderly seniors are also wel-

comed at the club.

During the summer, members train in Copenhagen Harbour

and embark on relatively long rowing tours (between one

and two hours) through the Copenhagen canals. In the win-

ter, the club continues its activities indoors, using mainly

rowing machines.

Despite rowing being their principal activity, the Copenha-

gen Rowing Club also provides its members with numer-

ous other sporting activities, such as physical training in the

club’s gym or yoga lessons. Prices for four-month member-

ships range from 180kr for youngsters aged between 13 and

18, to 720kr for those aged 22 or over, though one can also

become a ‘passive member’ and pay just 290kr.

Come visit our stand at the Expat Fair!

Expat Fair Supplement.indd 5 22-08-2012 13:15:55

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Copenhagen Expat Fair - 27 August 2012

the sport that invented sweatBy Francisco Perez

SVaNEN SquaSh CLuB:Svanemøllehallen, Østerbrogade 240, Cph Ø; contact Chris-

tian N Brevadt, the club chairman and coach, on 2849 0258;


For the explosive, temperamental and resilient sports players,

squash is often an appropriate choice. Born out of the merger

of two former squash clubs in Copenhagen, the Svanen Squash

Club currently has 250 registered and competitive members.

Its facilities in Østerbro offer room for close to 100 players to

hammer the walls, though unfortunately the club does not al-

low non-registered members to use its courts. Once you pay,

the yearly cost of 700kr for seniors (350 for under-18s) plus

a 300kr joining fee, Svanen Squash offers extensive training

and numerous opportunities for its members to take part in

small or major regional and national competitions. There is

currently a waiting list to become a registered member. Train-

ing courses are provided on a fortnightly basis: every second

Monday from 4-5pm for juniors, and every other Tuesday

from 6-7pm for men and from 7-8pm for women.

The club has created a fairly competitive spirit amongst its

members, likely to please all high-spirited sports players. All

registered players are ranked on a leaderboard. To gain a

higher position in the overall rankings, members must chal-

lenge those ranked above them. Challenges are binding: once

one has been formally made, both the challenger and the de-

fender must agree on a date to play within two weeks. If a

member is thought to be ‘escaping’ a challenge or refuses to

play within the deadline for no acceptable reason, the chal-

lenger is considered the winner.

• Sport • Sport • Sport •

this country’s best sportBy Francisco Perez

KøBENhaVNS BadMINtoN KLuB (CopENhaGEN BadMINtoN CLuB):Krausesvej 12, Cph Ø; contact Helle Nielsen Sjørring on

3538 7292 for more info; www.kbknet.dk (in Danish only)

Want to take part in one of Denmark’s signature sports and

main sources of Olympic medals? Then badminton is defi-

nitely for you. The Copenhagen Badminton Club (KBK) is the

second oldest in Denmark – founded in 1928 – and one of

the biggest in the country, with close to 800 active members

hitting the shuttlecock.

Its facilities in Østerbro will please all unconditional fans and

offer a great starting point for newcomers: wooden floors

with lines exclusively made for badminton, a state-of-the-art

gym, and relaxation facilities such as a sauna and a restau-


KBK members are among the best badminton players in the

country, and their club often serves as a training ground for

both top Danish and foreign players when international com-

petitions are held in Copenhagen. Yet plenty of space is left

for casual players, who can both take part in one of the club’s

weekly training sessions and measure their progress during

the monthly tournaments organised by the KBK.

The club caters for all ages: there are over 200 young players

aged between 6 and 18, as well as specific training for adults

aged up to 40, veterans between 40 and 50, and seniors,

aged 50 or more. Membership fees differ according to age.

Prices for six months range from 184-287kr for under-18s, to

625-840kr for adults.

Expat Fair Supplement.indd 6 22-08-2012 13:16:30

Page 7: Expat Fair Supplement

Copenhagen Expat Fair - 27 August 2012

Denmark’s most effective

Danish courses!


dance like Bruce LeeBy Francisco Perez

CapoEIRa SKoLEN SENzaLa (SENzaLa CapoEIRa SChooL)Barfoedsvej 5, Frederiksberg; contact Steen Møller for more

details on 2048 4049; www.senzala.dk (website also in Eng-


With facilities in Næstved, Østerbro, Hellerup, Valby and Fre-deriksberg, the Senzala Capoeira School is the biggest school teaching the Brazilian dance and martial art in Scandinavia.

Founded in 1991 by Steen Møller, the school boasts over 500 students and offers extensive training on weekdays. Children from the age of four as well as novice or curious adults can be taught to perform the moves, play the instruments and em-brace the practices that have made this art so unique.

Other activities include mixed classes where parents can come along with their young children (two to four) and, for the most experienced and proficient performers, potential trips to Bra-zil for further training, competition and cultural immersion.

Lessons take place every weekday at one or more of the school’s training grounds, from 5-7pm. The membership price ranges from 250kr for younger children, to 350kr for adults, to be paid every three months.

The teachers include Møller himself, as well as six other pro-fessionals whom are all well acquainted with Brazilian culture and arts. The school started its 2012/2013 season in early Au-gust and is still welcoming newcomers immediately, without there being a waiting list.

the teachers include Møller himself, as well as six other

professionals whom are all well acquainted with

Brazilian culture and arts.


Free access to 65 museumsand attractions in the entire metropolitan areaSee more at copenhagencard.com

InOutThe CPH Post Entertainment Guide | 16 - 22 Sep


page G9


COPENHAGENwww.copenhagenbluesfest iva l .dk


SEPT. 28 - OCT. 2 · 2011

BLUESS e e f u l l p r o g r a m m e : w w w . c o p e n h a g e n b l u e s f e s t i v a l . d k & w w w . k u l t u n a u t . d k

John Primer w. Nisse Thorbjorn Band [US/DK]Joe Louis Walker [US] | Holmes Brothers [US]

Mud Morganfield w. Peter Nande Band [US/DK]Louisiana Red & Paul Lamb [US/UK] | Janice

Harrington w. Kenn Lending Blues Band [US/DK]

Keith Dunn Band [US/NL] | Johnny Max Band [CA]

Delta Blues Band | The Healers | Shades of BlueThorbjorn Risager | Troels Jensen | Alain Apaloo

H.P. Lange | Mike Andersen & Jens Kristian DamTutweiler | Fried Okra Band | The Blues Overdrive

Bluesoul | Grahn & Malm | Ole Frimer | Paul Banks

Jacob Fischer Trio | Svante Sjöblom | Jes Holtsoe

Page 10

Cheering a Muslim as we

do a Murderer!












Is now the time to join the

euro, or to run like hell? 4

Get in or get out

4 - 10 November 2011 | Vol 14 Issue 44

Copenhagen Renaissance Music Festival

Special advertising section INSIDE!

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o: K


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FROM SCHÜTZ TO GEISTEarly German Baroque Music 1600-1700

In commemoration of Christian Geist (c.1650-1711)


National coach Morten Olsen’s new

contract will keep him in the job

until after the 2014 World Cup.



Dane unable to obtain family

reunifi cation for his � ai girlfriend

says residency rules are a Catch-22


Exploiting ‘fat tax’

NEWS | 3

Supermarkets are scamming

their customers under the guise

of the new national ‘fat tax’

Warrior Jesus


How Christianity borrowed from

Norse mythology and branded Jesus

as a tough guy in order to woo the

pagan Vikings

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Discovering Israel: Inside the Holy Land

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CAN YOU HAVE your cake and

eat it too? Conventional wisdom

says no, but with their � rst budg-

et plan since the shift of power,

the new Socialdemokraterne-Radikale-

Socialistisk Folkeparti (SRSF) coalition

appear to be giving it a shot.

Many of the elements of the new

budget – which is expected to be re-

leased in its entirety on � ursday – will

increase state spending at a time when

the budget de� cit has increased. But

where the money would come from re-

mained a mystery.A number of the new budget items

reinstate spending cuts made by the pre-

vious Venstre-Konservative (VK) govern-

ment. Here are a few of the major points:

Families: VK limited the state’s

monthly child support handouts (bør-

necheck) to 35,000 kroner per fam-

ily. � at limit has now been abolished,

meaning that many families will get

larger child bene� ts. � e government

will also pay for fertility treatments and

voluntary sterilisations.Welfare: VK and Dansk Folkeparti

(DF) introduced specialised welfare pro-

grammes that reduced the cash bene� ts

for new immigrants. � ose programmes

have now been eliminated and going

forward all residents in need of state

support will receive the same welfare

bene� ts. Higher education and research:

Universities will get an extra one billion

kroner over two years to cover costs as-

sociated with a predicted increase in

the number of students. Moreover, stu-

dents will no longer pay administrative

fees, and prospective Master’s students

will have prerequisite course tuitions

paid. � e government will also fund

1,500 more state-supported internship

positions.Infrastructure and job creation:

Some 17.5 billion kroner will be in-

vested over two years in infrastructure

projects, such as a new rail line between

Copenhagen and Ringsted, a project to

widen the Holbæk motorway, erosion

protection e� orts along Jutland’s west

coast, and renovations to public hous-

ing. Prime minister Helle � orning-

Schmidt has said that these ‘kickstart’

projects will create 20,000 new jobs

from 2012-2013. � e Danish Construc-

tion Association predicts 10,000.

Tax break: � e unpopular ‘mul-

timedia tax’ introduced by VK will be

abolished, saving some 525,000 Danes

with business laptops and mobile

phones 3,000 kroner per year.

Not everyone, however, can look for-

ward to a cash infusion. Smokers and junk

food lovers will be taxed higher on their

vices, while international corporations

will also see higher tax bills. SRSF plans

to raise revenue by closing a number of

tax loopholes going back nearly 20 years

that allowed international corporations

in Denmark to escape paying corporate

taxes (see more on page 15).

All told, the spending increases in the

new budget are not as big as the minister

of the economy and interior, Margrethe

Vestager (R), would like. She noted that

VK under-reported the de� cit for 2012,

making it imprudent to spend more. But

Denmark will still meet the EU’s � nan-

cial responsibility benchmarks, despite

the larger de� cit, she added.

A new budget to ‘kickstart’ the economy

SRSF’s � rst budget will spend 17.5 billion

kroner on infrastructure and abolish

previous taxes and restrictions



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Expat Fair Supplement.indd 7 22-08-2012 13:16:42

Page 8: Expat Fair Supplement

Copenhagen Expat Fair - 27 August 2012


ENtRaNCE6 5 4 3 2 1 40 39 38

15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24




13 GuESt



CIty haLL paNCaKES

Expat Fair Club and Association Listings *drawing not to scale14

Pics taken at the 2011 Expat Fair courtesy of Hasse Ferrold

pERFoRMaNCE tIMES: 16:45

Expat Fair Supplement.indd 8 22-08-2012 13:16:57

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Copenhagen Expat Fair - 27 August 2012










































Spousecare/New City Mums

Scout organisations in Copenhagen area

Danske Bank

The Copenhagen Post Newspaper

Expat in Denmark

Amager Volleyklub

Amager-Demons (American Football)

DGI (Sports guides)

Frem (Football club in Valby)

Fremad Amager Football club

Svanen Squash

Københavns Badminton Klub

Falcon Basket

Skjold Copenhagen Soccer

Exiles Rugby Club

Copenhagen Celtic

Københavns Roklub

Hovedstadens Svømmeklub (HSK)

ABC Cykelklub

Copenhagen Hockey Club


Copenhagen’s Track and Field Club

Den Danske Karateskole – perform

Rytmisk Centre

Uppercut Dance Theater (also represents Dance in North West) – Two performances (Duration: 10 min each)

Capoira Skolen Senzala – Two performances (Duration: 10 min each)

Scandinavian Yoga and Meditation

Miljøpunkt Indre By/Christianshavn –(including Dyrk Nørrebro and Prags Have)

Københavns Fødevarefællesskab

Friluftsrådet/Danish Outdoor Council - (Greater Copenhagen Area)

Hellerup Sailling Club

ATK Tennis Club

FOF (Copenhagen + Lyngby + HOF Gentofte)

AOF (Copenhagen + Frederiksberg)

Copenhagen Business Service

Huset + Krudttønden + Amager Kulturpunkt (also represent the community centres)

Copenhagen Libraries & Cultural Volunteer Programme

Culture and Leisure Department

Copenhagen Volunteer

CPH International Service/CPH Integration and Language (Host Programme & Career)

www.spousecare.dk / www.newcitymums.com







































38 37 36 35

24 25 26





table No Club / association Website Expat Fair Club and Association Listings *drawing not to scale



16:15 & 17:10


tIMES: 16:30 & 17:30

Expat Fair Supplement.indd 9 22-08-2012 13:17:04

Page 10: Expat Fair Supplement

Copenhagen Expat Fair - 27 August 2012


for thoSe looking to let off some steam while also learning how to de-fend themselves, the Danish Karate School might be the place to go.

Get your jolly hockey fixBy Francisco Perez

CopENhaGEN hoCKEy CLuB:Kløvermarksvej 50, Cph S (outdoor pitch); contact club chair-

man Flemming (the youth team leader) on 4054 6843; www.

kh-hockey.dk/11/index.php (website in English)

Want to try something different from traditional outdoors

sports like football or tennis? How about hockey then? Field

hockey is one of the biggest field sports in the world as well as

an intense and entertaining activity, albeit a less well known

one. And the Copenhagen Hockey Club (CHC) might just turn

you into an unconditional fan.

The club, founded in 1904, is the oldest in Denmark and one

of the most successful in the country. Teams play outdoors on

fast-paced grass pitches during the summer, and indoors on

handball courts, ideal for physically strong and technically ac-

complished players, during the winter. Its teams have clinched

national titles repeatedly, owing to the club’s traditional win-

ning spirit and training techniques.

All its teams are composed of several nationalities, which

might just help recently established foreigners make new

friends (both Danish and foreigners) and help make settling

in Denmark easier. The CHC welcomes new players regardless

of their level, so long as they share the group’s characteristic

team spirit. There are specific teams for men, women, young-

sters and veteran players. Newcomers can drop by for free tri-

als before signing up.

A membership costs 1,200kr a year for adults and 700kr for

youths – payments are split in two and made twice a year,

each half paying for either the summer or winter seasons. The

CHC requires newcomers to purchase their own equipment

(hockey stick, shin guards and an optional mouth guard), but

it supplies goalkeepers with their own equipment and advises

players on what to buy.

• Sport • Sport • Sport •

you won’t leave empty-handedBy Francisco Perez

dEN daNSKE KaRatESKoLE (thE daNISh KaRatE SChooL):Bryggervangen 19, 1, Cph Ø; 3929 8943; www.karate.dk

(website in Danish Only)

For those looking to let off some steam while also learning

how to defend themselves, the Danish Karate School might

be the place to go.

The school provides training for everyone, starting with

children aged five. Classes are divided into age groups, with

children aged from five to eleven, teenagers aged 12-15 and

16-19, and adults aged 20 or more. Each group has specific

aims for its students: while younger children are taught to

be aware of and feel good in their bodies, older children and

teenagers are trained to use their physical capacities to their

full potential. Adults are taught the fundamentals of combat

and self-defense typical of karate.

The club does not expect newcomers, regardless of the age

group they wish to integrate, to have any previous experi-

ence. Lessons are provided on a weekly basis, with sessions

taking place each day to accommodate all timetables.

Other activities at the school include kick-boxing and specific

self-defence courses. Fees are due on a monthly basis and

vary according to age groups: children aged five to eleven

pay 140kr a month, those aged 12-15 pay 150kr, the older

teens 210kr, and adults 300kr. The club offers cheap intro-

duction days for those who wish to get a taster before sign-

ing up (20kr), as well as trial months for half-price. All regis-

trations include a supplementary fee of 100kr, and the club

encourages those interested to sign up quickly because of

the high demand for places.

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Copenhagen Expat Fair - 27 August 2012

Adjusting to life in Copenhagen can be

hard for many reasons, but learning

Danish is at the top of the list. Native

English speakers lament that nothing is spoken

like it is read, random letters are sometimes left

silent and pronouncing the vowels makes you

sound like you’ve got a sore throat. Despite all

that, it is a language that can be picked up quickly

and painlessly; all it takes is the right environ-

ment, methods and staff to lead the way.

Københavns Sprogcenter gives students these

tools. Nestled in the old meatpacking district of

Vesterbro, the school spans two large buildings

and boasts a newly renovated computer lab,

language lab, library and cafeteria. A surprise

perhaps to those who imagine language schools

consisting of nothing more than a few rundown

classrooms, this language centre has taken extra

steps to modernise its space and add a level of

comfort to the often uncomfortable experience

of learning a new language.

Newcomers are interviewed by one of the school’s

five counsellors and placed into courses less than

a month later. They are then immersed in Dan-

ish from day one by Københavns Sprogcenter’s

renowned faculty, which includes more than 10

authors of Danish language textbooks. Teachers

understand exactly what their students are going

through and can help them navigate textbooks

that, in many cases, they wrote themselves.

“They’re not only [good teachers], but

they’re professionals in their field,”

department manager Julie Henriques

explains. “This also means that the teachers

who haven’t written textbooks are working

with the authors, so they understand and are

constantly learning as well.”

Københavns Sprogcenter aims to help newcom-

ers pass the Danish language test required by

immigration laws, but it also understands that

there’s more to a language than that.

“We look at it in a broader sense – what do you

need to do with the language? Why do you need

to make it your own?” Henriques elaborates. “It’s

not just about passing the test; it’s about how to

live - how to buy a pack of cigarettes, how to ask

someone out on a date - that’s not on the test.”

To achieve this understanding, the school offers

both fulltime day courses and night classes that

give students flexibility to work around their own

schedules. Those who want an intensive learn-

ing experience can find it here, but so can those

with other jobs or schoolwork who can only fit

in a couple of nights a week. Traditional lectures

and in-class activities are supplemented with

practice in the language lab, where students can

pronounce words into a microphone and receive

individual critiques from staff. Priority is placed

on active learning (speaking and writing) rather

than passive learning (reading and listening).

Above all else, Københavns Sprogcenter has cre-

ated an environment where people from around

the world can work to overcome a similar chal-

lenge. With 1,400 students currently enrolled

from over 90 countries, the language centre pro-

vides expats with a group of people who can un-

derstand their situation.

“It’s a whole new network,” Henriques says.

“Really strong friendships are made in

classes, crossing religious, political, social or

whatever borders they live with normally.”

Danish will always be a tough language to grasp,

but the resources at Københavns Sprogcenter can

make this process both quicker and easier. With

a comfortable environment and informed facul-

ty, you can finally join the real Copenhagen and

discover what’s so special about that so-called

“throat disease.”

Say “Hej” to tHe DaniSH LanguageAdvertisement

Meditate like yoda, it’s great to yogaBy Francisco Perez

SCaNdINaVIaN yoGa aNd MEdItatIoNKøbmagergade 65, Cph K; 3334 3536; www.yoga.dk/Koebenhavn

(website in Danish only)

Is the stress of moving to a new country or the anxiety of work eat-ing you alive? If so, you could do with some relaxation exercises and some revitalising yoga lessons at the Scandinavian Yoga and Meditation School. Established in 1970 in Sweden, the school is the oldest of its kind in Nordic Europe and is now established in several cities across the region and the rest of Europe.

With over a dozen professional instructors, anyone in need of a few hours of calm breathing, stretching and searching for inner peace is like-ly to find what they’re looking for. Beginner courses are available for all, regardless of their previous experience and level, but all advanced les-sons require completion of the previous stage of training. Some courses are also provided in English.

Other activities include specific courses for pregnant women, media-tion and relaxation sessions, or meditative singing and dancing. Lessons are organised on a weekly basis in small groups that allow for a greater follow-up of each participant. Registration grants access to a series of lessons, with prices differing according to their length and the time of the week you wish to have them.

Newcomers must both book their spot in their chosen lesson and pay online. Fees range from 700-1,300kr, but there are discounts for stu-dents, pensioners and the unemployed. The school does offer free trial lessons, however, as an opportunity for newcomers to discover what their level and passion truly are.

other activities include specific courses for pregnant

women, mediation and relaxation sessions, or

meditative singing and dancing.


Expat Fair Supplement.indd 11 22-08-2012 13:18:11

Page 12: Expat Fair Supplement

From the renowned University of Copenhagen –

established in 1479 and responsible for shaping

such great minds as philosopher Søren Kierke-

gaard and Nobel Prize-winning physicist Niels

Bohr, the abundance of technical and professional colleges

whose language of instruction is Danish, to world class in-

ternational schools where English is the lingua franca, edu-

cation in Denmark is a highly valued commodity.

Compulsory for children up to the age of 16, the Danish

education system is ranked first equal in the world, along

with Australia, New Zealand and Finland in the UN’s Educa-

tion Index. It comprises nine or ten years (the tenth being

optional) of primary and secondary education, followed

either by an upper-secondary school (gymnasium) to pre-

pare students for university, or a technical or trade school,

where students spend approximately 30-50% of their time

in school and 50-70% as a trainee or apprentice.

It aLL StaRtS WIth daNIShOne of the most important, and often most difficult, as-

pects of moving to a foreign country and adjusting to the

new culture and surroundings is learning the language.

In order to help adapt to your adopted country as quickly

and smoothly as possible, it’s highly recommended to begin

by learning some of the local lingo. Being able to have con-

versations in Danish will make everything just that little bit

easier – from making friends to finding a job.

For everyone with a CPR number (found on the yellow

health insurance card), the local municipality offers free (or

almost free) classes designed to get you speaking, reading

and writing the Danish language as quickly as possible. As

well as the state-offered options, there is also a host of pri-

vate language schools providing expert tuition to learners

using a variety of tried and tested methods.

EduCatIoN IN ENGLIShFor those whose stay in Denmark is short-term or for whom

the thought of learning a new language is one of prolonged

torture, Denmark also offers a myriad of education courses

in English, such as international schools and English lan-

guage university courses.

Many newcomers to Denmark on short-term stays bring the

family. In these cases, it’s not so much learning the local

language that is the top priority, but making sure the kids

study in English and gain internationally recognised diplo-

mas, such as the Baccalaureate. Copenhagen offers various

international school options tailored specifically to expat

families who want to give their children an international

education while living in Denmark.

There are many schools available, but one such school is

Rygaards Skole, founded in 1909 by the Sisters of Assump-

tions and with a curriculum based on the British system but

adapted to international needs. The aim at Rygaards is to

provide a sound education in English, in order to enable stu-

dents to return to their own national system, or to continue

at another international school. It provides education for

Copenhagen Expat Fair - 27 August 2012


The danish education system’s high standards offer cours-

es and schools for everyone, newcomers included. Whether

it’s learning the danish language, enrolling your child in an

international school or studying at one of denmark’s lead-

ing higher education institutes, there’s something here to fit

the needs of everyone, all the way from the ABC to Phds.

By Jimmy Fyfe


Expat Fair Supplement.indd 12 22-08-2012 13:18:17

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Copenhagen Expat Fair - 27 August 2012

children aged 4-16 and specialises in teaching students in Den-

mark on a temporary basis.

Bjørn’s International School endeavours to cultivate tolerance

and intercultural understanding, and secure a harmonious

community for the children and staff. Østerbro International

School, also provides education in English to the Copenhagen

international community, with its focus on identifying and ap-

preciating the unique potential of each pupil.

If your move to Denmark finds you, however, living in Jutland,

The Cosmo International School of Southern Denmark offers

three international educational programmes for ages 5 to 16,

all taught in English and offered by the University of Cambridge

International Examinations (CIE).

hIGhER EduCatIoNWhether you plan on using your degree in Denmark or abroad,

a qualification from one of Denmark’s higher education insti-

tutes carries weight wherever you plan on taking your career.

With around 130 different degree programmes taught in Eng-

lish, Danish institutes offer international students a wealth

of opportunities, and with English language version websites

available as well as on-campus support staff at most universi-

ties, planning and taking your studies to the next level couldn’t

be easier.

Although most English language programmes are at the Master

or PhD level, a number of universities and professional colleges

also offer courses in English at the Bachelor level, too. Tuition

fees vary depending on your country of citizenship, with free

tuition available for citizens of EU/EEA countries. Non-EU/EEA

citizens will need to pay for tuition, with fees generally ranging

from around 6,000 – 16,000 Euros. Most institutes also have

financial scholarships available.

Citizens of countries where English is not an official language

are required to provide proof of competence in English, usually

by submitting their TOEFL language test score. Applicants must

also show that their previous education is relevant to advanced

studies in the field. The Danish Agency for International Educa-

tion offers a qualification review process to help prospective

students determine how their foreign degrees compare in the

Danish education system. More info can be found at http://


aduLt EduCatIoN

In addition to the municipally-run Danish language courses,

your yellow health insurance card also entitles you to attend

classes at your local VUC – Vokenuddannelsescentre, or adult

education centres.

The VUC also offers Danish language classes, from the most

basic courses for those lacking a high school education to fast

track programmes for quick learners. In addition, it’s possi-

ble to attend courses in other foreign languages, preparatory

courses for those going on to higher education institutes and

requisite, single-subject courses needed for entry into specific

education programmes. The majority of classes are in the Dan-

ish language, with Danes and foreigners studying side by side.

The centres also offer business orientated courses, teaching

such skills as how to conduct business telephone conversa-

tions in Danish, letter and report writing and customer service


top LaNGuaGE SChooLS: www.kbh-sprogcenter .dk

www.kiss .dkwww.kvuc.dk

www.sprogcenterhel lerup.dk


Copenhagen is full of opportunities for

people who want to participate in cultur-

al and leisure pursuits. Culture, sports fa-

cilities and recreation provides a frame-

work for good experiences, voluntary

activities and excellent opportunities to

meet both danes and fellow expats. At

the Expat Fair you can experience some

of the many offers.

Copenhagen is one of the world’s lead-

ing ‘green labatories’ for sustainable

urban solutions and the city is strong-

ly focusing on the aim to be carbon-

neutral by 2025. One thing new citizens notice

when they arrive to Copenhagen is the many

cyclists. More than 35 percent cycle to work or

school. The council’s aim is 50 percent and new

super highways for cyclists are made to make it

safe and easy to get around in the Greater Co-

penhagen area.

There’s an ease to everyday life here. The re-

markable good life-work balance, the shorter

working hours, the emphasis on making the

most out of the outdoors means that you will be

able to spend a relatively large amount of time

with your family or friends, while still having the

opportunity to be professionally challenged at


Cph International ServiceWhen you become a resident in Copenhagen

there are lots of things to get used to and places

to get to know. A new cultural and social life be-

gins. We like to help you settle down and feel at


You will find information at our website on how

you create an everyday life for you and your

family in Copenhagen, practical matters, and the

most common services the City offers its resi-

dents. So visit the City of Copenhagen’s official

website: kk.dk/English

International Citizen Service There’s a lot of paperwork to take care of when

you arrive in Copenhagen as a foreign employee

or job seeker. At the International Citizen Serv-

ice (ICS) all the authorities you typically need to

contact are represented. So, in most cases, you’ll

only need to visit our ICS office in order to get

your basic paperwork done.

The following authorities are represented at ICS:

The council of Copenhagen, the Danish tax and

Customs Administration – SKAT, the regional

State Administration, WorkinDenmark, the Dan-

ish Ministry of Employment and International

Recruitment and the Danish Agency for Univer-

sities and Internationalization.

CopENhaGEN – Your NEW HoME!

Come visit us at:Nyropsgade 11602 Copenhagen VWednesday 13-17thursday 11-15

or please visit our website: www.icitizen.dk

Expat Fair Supplement.indd 13 22-08-2012 13:18:35

Page 14: Expat Fair Supplement

Copenhagen Expat Fair - 27 August 2012


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Page 15: Expat Fair Supplement

Copenhagen Expat Fair - 27 August 2012

Copenhagen is easy enough to walk around, but if you really want to fit in all the sights, its public

transport system is one of the cleanest and safest in Europe. It’s also relatively cheap and refreshingly


tRaNSFER SyStEMOnce you understand the system, having the right ticket for your journey couldn’t be easier.

All of Copenhagen’s buses and trains, including the Metro and the suburban S-train network share

an integrated ticketing system based on zones, with zone one in the centre, gradually working up the

zones as you move outwards into the capital’s outlying towns.

The cheapest ticket available is for two zones, which should be sufficient for most first-timers to Co-

penhagen. Other places, like Copenhagen’s Kastrup Airport, are found in zone three. Each ticket lasts

an hour and includes as many transfers as you wish to make within that hour.

For multiple journeys, you can also buy a clip card or klippekort. This works on the same principal, but

as you pay for the journeys in advance, you get them a little cheaper. This is ideal for a group of people

travelling together or for travel through a number of zones: for example, three clips of a two-zone card

allow you to travel through six zones. Just remember to clip the card immediately before travel in the

yellow machine, found either on the station platform when taking the train or just in the door as you

board the bus.

CopENhaGEN CaRdFor those planning on doing a lot of sightseeing over a short space of time, the Copenhagen Card is

ideal. This is sold from the Wonderful Copenhagen tourist office and incorporates free entrance to a

whole slew of museums and attractions, discounts on selected shops and restaurants, and free public

transport for a 24-hour or 72-hour period. Another plus is that two kids under ten can travel for free

with an adult card.

thE MEtRoCopenhagen’s underground Metro service opened in 2002, with just two lines between the suburb

of Amager in the south-east to Vanløse in the west. The line was extended in 2007 to include Kastrup

Airport, and another line, the City Ring, is currently being built, with an expected completion date of

2018, finally connecting the line to the Central Train Station as well as the boroughs of Nørrebro and

Østerbro. The sleek, driverless trains are generally fun to use, even in rush hour, and the safety and

efficiency of the service earned it the title of ‘World’s Best Metro’ in 2010 by industry experts.

SIGhtSEEING SERVICESThe CityCirkel 11A bus route has been posited as a great alternative to the official sightseeing buses

around the city. The small buses drive around the inner city at seven minute intervals, taking you to

the door of major attractions like the Nationalmuseet, Statens Museum for Kunst, Nyhavn, the Round

Tower and Tivoli. They are also electric, making them less polluting and CO2-neutral than ordinary


Another way to see the city using public transport is to take the harbour bus, or havnebus. These yel-

low boats cost no more than a regular bus and will take you from Nyhavn, the Black Diamond or even

Fisketorvet Shopping mall to the Opera House in style.

BuSES – a FEW tIpSThere is a certain etiquette to using Copenhagen’s buses. You board at the front, paying the driver if

you haven’t already bought a clip card beforehand; you don’t need exact change, but coins are better

than notes. The fold-up seats by the centre doors are to be used only when there aren’t any prams or

strollers on the bus, and there usually are, at least in the daytime. You leave by the middle or rear door.

Copenhagen’s public transport system runs all night long, though with less services. Night buses are

marked with an ‘N’.

take the express route to Copenhagen’s attractions by bus or train. By Jane Graham

GEttINGthE tRaNSpoRtatIoN NEtWoRKto KNoW


Expat Fair Supplement.indd 15 22-08-2012 13:19:44

Page 16: Expat Fair Supplement

Learn Danish fast and efficiently with

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Expat Fair Supplement.indd 16 22-08-2012 13:19:44