experiments and eadanlter tho trifle with bealtb f what...

THE DAILY SUN UA1NESVIUK KUIK1IM FKKRVAKY 21 Hit 5 w 5 NEWS FROM ALL PARTS OF FLORIDA Brief Happenings From Various Sections of State TILE MOST IMPORTANT EVENTS Transpiring in The Land of Flowers Things Boiled Down to Suit the Busy of Interest to All Classes Tin attendance at tht ChatitawiJi eioeeJ that of any fur jear Report from Miami ia that tte tomato cmp propect in rlitt tiu ire favorable Jacksonville will have atiti iotiiie racy from April Vh t G h anl u bj- tiiie it ite dreen Cove iruk ilac ii cans e MI high that t carnival cim- Vanie do not thither tm- Vti af ls n got on her test lnl tucker for the Mardi trra armvnl a big time i IIIK IIJ lyvtl K i iimi e n to luve R law ami Order league to ee that tfi lnk nl optiin law it enforced An 1 theyll do it Fort Myer that 110 boar uf IlrnnKeit hve lif n hipjiil from that place up to Fehrnry J Th Orlaml Polo Clun tvent to Catniien S KriUy eight to play a cam with the teim at thru place An tort will he made t h- an Odd Fellow lod e at Iirto for the diff jKion nt the principle of benev- olence nd charity Two tire in Milton in lea han a w ck pnjjle of that place to wonder if a firebug ha been turneil- loo e in theirmiilct- V Kitiliy cmmht a h in the St John rver neir en Cove Sprintf ne diy lat week that weichrd 3 pound Th Steamer Alligator made her tlrnt trip front Kiti to Sprint and new navigation may be raid to open m hi line A midway feature will be added the iMde County Fair attractions which opens March lth No fair i complete without a midway Walton county will try and iiduce a colony of entninavittn to locate there The catnJiiiaviatis ar hand farmer and will be a credit to any faction The and Order Iacue at Km- timtii h a mniiLMptl ticket in the Held fur the coming election and it is fare toj in out if the league stands tocethrr Now th rt it project of an electric railway line from Tampa to the Knt CAt When the line one tart tatted to building there will many of them constructed in tat The ci dilat for mayor of Iiv oak are beginning to place their an- riouncement in Ihe Iirniocrat and there ii a p ibi y that the paler may have to run another h t intil alter j r mirie u Herald tnruiHgernent took the iiewMiDy and inrrier to thu John spark 51uiw one ln t and the paper pot crnuch adv rtiinK from tie nuir tv pay tin il the paper for ticket with doen revolver from the T a llardwnre Company branch tore ai Ybor City He was trying to di ro1 f on of th weapon when a- rretd Hit Tumpa Tinifj that rnnn employed tilt Steamer jui n man wv kilt d hy Itfnc lrtiek ly the niHrhnivry while nuking int of the ejiuine houe window They ji t j hive fjiiCrly iOfitruiJted tauier d wn there The ditor of itity- Menld pmrii f HJ DONT It J i A irv to- rri itit i t Iuri n- tr Wier DI ri i tAltK It- TKAlT ron Iff r ie t 4rtltc r tiei i irf ct n linr r nl 1 i tr e tu j j cu- o j order JAMES F SMITH Ma fr KINK r AUUI KTu- UllAK fru nt ti IT- I r e l irtrat L iir ur M r- osroae Tiie i rt 4r l ao t hrt uc- nuuct ar l futlrr nr i totJ Rot Stntllo EttulilMied in 1 V7 I ReaderItems Funl err ant th std Ir Pays l lat th J to I this I th TIll 11111 erne 01 stealing u r till I I Taj Ir nIL II th 1t1 10 t r I i t I L I 1 rely i L snit s The s fill tat s has eel 1 rat i err a SIr r Law plated s night f tai curl Cue was Ii aye far leer ding r G Li rut that rut 1 1 j L r 1 > > ¬ > < < > > > < < > > + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Begin Taking Osomul Jon Today and Your Cure Begins Today Its Mti iM M llclil- Cri i t tru Iale anti Hallow In Strength to Weak to th i mil Invntlil In T Mntr tip Svuli m of Convala- aefin 1r m I Mirr In Cl nn ir th Entire Sv iirn In star g Vorr ut In lt uiDMT Out th Thin Fur of rul tree In HiiHIrn up on their Uttle nixllra PflMte Pink and White Flesh and In Dottnjr th lr chirki with Irtty Color unit that make Mothers Heart Glad la a Aatldoti alt Dlacaaea ky BHpoaw t Cole aa4 Wet To prove Its MedicInal Food Merita Trial Bottle by Mall Will b pent on request Writ br letter nr postal carte to Ozomulsion Co 98 Plat Alt Uru Ut Two lie6Sc and HML- pi Plum to Mitt Alice Kooevelt a a wedding preiiit tiut hi appetite K t te tetter of him end he cooked that for tit of ati fjin own craving Cattle art heinir hipj d from cala t t I ter burg for le f nnd the raring of ftoik ii becoming one of the b t in Florida It is a fart that Florida tenet i pal to the Wi ern proJiiit when the farmer takes a l ttle pin in feeding Panama City i the name given town on St Andrew bay which will be the Gulf port of the nw rail- road that will at Opelika Ala and nf through Jacknon and V h- inkion countie in this State and terminate on S Andrcwi bay A Healing Gospel pv J C Warren pator of Slnrnn liptit Church Ie ir a- HJ of Kiectrc P itter It a CJid end to mankind It cured me of lame bak till joint and lete physical collapse I was no w nk it took me bolt an hour to walk a mile Two bottle of Klectric Pitter have made me n strong I have just walked three mill In A minutes and feel like walking tnre nor It a new man of me remedy for wenkneM and all Mtomach liver and kidney complaint Sold under guar- antee by all drug Ntj Price 50 Turner Dies Suddenly N v York Ll Tin nt the Vilnrf Morla Frllay of II Tnrmr pivsM nt of St loiii nnd Suburban railroad whu was a proniinont ti ire in the M call ed boodle trinsaciIons In St Louts four years uw waa juitc sudden Mr Turn r was h man who first ylcldnl- to the pri Mirv sated by lty Attor- ney Folk now governor of Missouri whrn that oillclal bean to probe methods employed by public corpora lions to tin municipal legblu tore of rit Joiils Croup Peein with the nymptom of a cim man cold There aehilline nee inc Purr throat hot kin quick pulse honrene awl respiration iive fre- jjent rmall doe of HallardN Hore honnd Syrup the child will cry for it and at the tenet of a croiipy cough apply frequently HrtltardV Snow Liniment U tilt throat Vli t New Ci tle Colo writes March 10 1 think Italian Ho Syrup a wonderful remedy and o 1 len ant to take Sold by W M- Johuon Hdrdy Wins Cup ltvorpool Ken 21 The Waterloo cup for routing uthcrwlso the annual dog derby as condilt Friday at Altcnr mar here with a fur II Hardy Huprrnd Thero were fntrl util the hrjts iNnipl d tlirx Th IxMMni which nt the 1 I aamt Frlda Struck en Head With A Still Lives Hurt i 2 i M the n yr i fiink h h id itn i it l i av Hi f nnii I m 1 at MIMUIK tiuuie Moon n of the l t iltuated n virKS tltiHUetal- ly Jn th county Afraid of Strong Medicines Many people iiTer for year front rheumatic pain prefer u rather than take the strong medicines usually given fur rheumatism not knowing that quick relief from pain may be had tiy simply applying Chamberlain Pain Balm and without taking any medicine internally ale by all druggists oJ- T 1 W lnol Proprr tI I I Ioih H az In lfIP tn the the I I the the Imp I OZOUIIIIO Caused I a Fr 8 St II III I possum hI I ltIUIII fit Th mad nth Chal its ron fill ill t I r Jr > 1111 I 1 dnys h a rlaya r I 11 I II It 1 Wo I II n WISH ft t H I r I I I I j i I J or I 11 a t I d r Nrathy II r r Pr turing the ualrg I 1 Peaked the the I for NewYerk pure the- n w start t come I realest II hot I the the a Pig L u vlr ore 1 Tie sitett ihr- I days start tart I1 It nd wn rail r d lhhr ot n r taI tt- binMl ur 9 I dr1 t < tend I < > > < > > ¬ > > > ¬ > > > < > > > > < = < < < > + + + + + + > + Charges Polite Robbed Him tint on Feb it II i tip iii i if vhi wi i toMliu Ills c I Clli tl W allelte tin pni I nrt tit niii ld bitn i II urj th ni t at he Aa In th t i Uiirn he wrro t j M arcluil iiiil IH n Im him nn1 when ilwiiipT- r n o from ihi ii Mir iiliro- dfpiriiiient only s is handed u r tO Illlll ExTustee Sued A nndrln Ind F l Suit ha be ii tllrd nuainst e TMi hlp Trus- tre V T Hakir of mis city by a nunin r of cltlzrnt all cln that he wri converted Jt OIK nf the tox iiMps funds tti his own use dur- ing he four vjirs he llll d the offlrn from to is a promi- nent business man ami Is looked up n the roniinK H uiiu err of Mils city his apiNitntinent expected almost dally Tlllman Glllesple Resolution Passed Washtnuton Fob JIWithout op posltlon the house at Its tirst biisltii ss Frllav passed the the Interstate cotntiM err commission to make an ex- amination on the subject of railroad discriminations and nonopiles and re- port same from time to time Convicted of Extortion riitsburi Feb 21 Former Police Captain lames Wilson of Allegheny recently convicted of extortion In con motion with the reform crusade has been sentenced to serve MX months- In the workhouse rend pay a fine of lioo in addition to the costs of hi trial New Gas Rate Fixed Albany V V F b 2 Tho utato commission on gas nail electricity has Issued tin order fixing the rate on eras on Manhattan Island at SO cents per loon cubic fret The order Is iffw live May 1 n x and U to continue In force years The Yellow Fever Germ recently been discovered It bears a close resemblance to the ma- laria germ To free the v tem from the mott ffHctive rem- edy i Dr Life fill Guaranteed to cure nil di due to malaria poison and constipation all drug tore liters for the next 31 days the following goods at preens below Uiirkee Salad Three iKXtle Pukle Three can Corn Three l 5c One 3lb can Klbcrta Peache Two Ib run Klberta Iraches- Pottle of Queen liars Met Lump Starch peril Three 1lh can Corned or Heef Mi let Compound Lard per Hi 8c- Ke t grsdes of Ham and reakfnt Bacon mid everything Ch ap GIVE LS A CALL We cull atify you both in t jality and pric- ein TKiKriiuNi 1715 GOOD DREAD AIDS DIGESTION Afit MTpotri1 rr l nit nf that fif Hi w i li 4V v v iircuil ii- lioutul to eroi ITS YOUR OWN FAULT not rep wlm M np finned fvr t 4 frr t er 0- vcriil at ur il J KEYSTONE BAKERY e n it T M iitmt IVOP T F THOMAS UNDERTAKING CO FULL IINfi OF NOW iOODS- A t SI rs IOMUSIOMSI- KON r rKns- r t J ruulKrt thN M Gainesville Florida tI I 1 I Ir h haul h HUll Will hiker n twin TIllrllalH Until w alt c- at The Co1 rc lic 5c Jr rr Holt fur Clitlh tents I t It Ill nr I 4 I t Jf 1- 1Iera r 11 to I t h Itlr full rIeh1ti tl ht p- it 11 15 I per r him lon omit hurizlnc throe disease germ Kings Cash Grocery nam- ed Ureic lDg bans Ira i do nb 1e Ir nd e M9 IM i and in tar rrre urderv- pr0T1444 atcrI > > < > > > ¬ > > > > ¬ < ¬ < > > > > > < + CASTORIAAXVvVVCs- VvV v TIle Kind You Hnvo Always Bonght ftad klcfc IUM in use for over 30 years has boree the Rlffftatare C- s and ban been made under Ills llow no owe to deceive you la title VII Counterfeits Imitation aRdJutaftirood that trifle with bealtb f Infants and agaiBftt ExperiaMat What is CASTORIA CftKtorin in a harmless Riibstltvto for Castor Oil goric In iiH nnd Soothing Syrups It in Plcanaat Ife- coutniim neither Opium Morphlao nor other Nareattof- tubtttance Itn BRO In iU guarantee It do tr y W and alluj FcvorinhnenH It cures Diarrhtea and Colic It rcliuvcH Teething Troubles cures Co ntipatto and Flatulency It assimilates the Food regulates the tttoniach and Bowels giving healthy aad Batural alggy The Childrens lanaceaTho Mothers Fricad GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS rf furs the Sifnmtnrt f The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 YtarV- v4 WIIVTMMi E E VOYLE MGR Abstract of Title and full information furniibed county Otr manager lived in this eoontr thirty year U thoroughly converiant with lead FIRE ACCIDENT HUROLARY AND INDEMNITY INBDRAMOK F prc n number of prominent American and EncHak eaaapaalM REAL AND CITY LOUIS EAST FLORIDA TELEPHONE COMPANY Head Office Gainesville Florida 1 This Company lit connection with following point and men will make money by uiitirf the linen in trnntaoting buaineM- Alnohua Archer Arredondo eland Clinic Clyatt Mutton Double wink Ere rmrbank White rove llngne- Hnjnei worth linwthnrii- Juilion Knnnp ha- Kirkwood LaCrosse Lake City JnclnM- ieniiopy Meredith Monthrook- MnrrUtun Orange Lake Palmer Prairie Lake Itnleinh Rocky Point Ilex Sawannne River Tacoma illiiton- Wacalioota SOUTHERN RY Inn Trains Dally to Va klBff1oH sate Mew V rk- s heijr We t ve November W t V- tfu tl SoIM TniTrwIti K- MA4 7 i lvJiiiks vlllir- Vp i HHI Ar iomiiitiu lv I IVi l lyl w V rriKirntielv M I i u i jii r ir inli r lv JHp Vu 211 i Iw Ar tlinvliie lv tie lilt it i ltlirhouh1 IJ T II T B NoJ7 No 11 North No 11 So If- P iM i iHp lvJux vuirHa SiiKyAr KSO p l IM Lv Jeup i4 SoltrAr fl IChk nmt 4 Ar Mic n 4 So K lv I Ua l Shi- IM C lop ArCtuirCiM e v I lp iVv- ii Ar Vi4 in t r v lM t II V Ar lUitt v M Mi r I v Jfip MUl- I n Ar VrvY r IJ h l t t- NIV t ml ti NVw Purr rlurMn- tr I Ml I Iniiri llrncia Iticua- S CHKI K 4 Ar Atlanta iuSoltr II IM tu i In v n 4 llotnctia SuKr 5 i II t i iVi Ar Dultim lia So Mr v 7 Up top livp IS4 Arh4ttuniMV4 S K v aki 3UCV A II Ar l lrwi m Q AC v OiVa 7 MT QC v- i lv Ar 7 KHi- H 7 Ar thliio HiKnur AIM N r W iirrftn and t u IU T li 1141 l r JiM S ei iitf i r J ilortiV i r t J eiV p tp IA rnmn ti 14 1 1 Ar C IV 7 Km Ar hliMl 14 Utie lv ki- UP lv rirn initt rtlvli Ar h- Ai Ar iiUMrfit Munon II lv i iip lv rinnnnuli Ar v h- iJi ArTi iilo l ilT II KV 7 iV Ar lvtrilt Mu i IM tv l m- i TI lv 1mrlnniil lllifr r Ar eVKt G IV Ar IlfvrUrvl Illtf lr U t ii- fi ii l xltmmKjrSi ll Ar Ill lv yiul vlllr Mr lv i 11- JrtiMievie CU Ar SMOU Ar IT lv t tta lu Ar Anni tm So Kr lv 7 II tVt Ar UlrtJiirwhuni So It lv S iM- nlp Ar MrratihN lriMn Iv I5a- r s o lv tm ti- p I MfnitN Tror Ar i Xi- 3nv Ar Hot Ark 7 tfp- So U aril II Sintil Vc lltwli Train thuwith tM f4 ho awJ fulliius eoi4tut Oar I J okvnvll r to ftmlnnall 1 Nov 17 lime Atlauta SeUIti- ma KrHWin lUxitd Slerirtntf Car Jaok- Dnlr n AH i Alinnta unit ChattanoOki Ianoeprfm I un in nprior In Atlanta until 7 M a tu J ll SKL We I Wot IU St- fe UAUUV K K iil W TAYLOR li T A UROOKS MORUAN A G P A 5 I HOnal upenbloa alRee ule7 I I tt are Experiments and eadanlter tho I ChildrenExperience I ABSTRACT COMPANY poratcll hall EE V C Y LE TATE Gainesville th business Rueh111 ort limn wltrr Tyler ro t 1 xrrl r I i Sib II I HI I 11111 I lOa I I t I 1 Iv Iii 1 Ill t Its I r U 1 I I q t IM r 1 I lit v- II I t ve W r 7 7 I ell tad r pMND I i4 7 i f SOl t I Itr cute ur Tr 1 top 7 If tilt r eIIbJ Ar e rp HOo Ivt iinur tlPi J Inn IT- t I I tl Iv r ctcnIHtJ t 1 11 II t l I UrI ot no 11io H tr lhrllllnilawltQIllt 1 nlntlu I I Thr r I re Tnt n iet Iau J lIlIJc II beat peer t its ial bat i t Pam Wind a I 65LI i T eeri11 vy YeaaavMar ruvaall iSR REALTY r tIn lame la Ikea ad n j renting JPlorida Lrin ton ark Campvllle 1lcintosh Ni J ga Wet Ar Iv It It IP L ISI It nsunnns lr 14r I sup l let q I 1 Ar 1 Clnctnnutl a N It LtnrAU el t dp- E lthu innat Itt F r- A a r h S O rte rid tIM t sir IeWi lerr Ui Jekea t Sre 5 rk rr I1arrta i 1n H lie t I Ir ha Iy i- xIr ftrrajh LiUi i v S 4I Lv IIM rvrairl I tmi I 1 1 hI r Ir en a IK AAerhiC Lt Illp- r Ar st nnas C i1 1r TrrIn tv 1I tr liravt K Lv 7 t- At a TIMNe IJI U IiI h t S r I S I nad t1 a n tniath I n 1 and II Pruwn Iwn1Slertdn silt ItY1lt p r trtvett artW1n JatWntlir rn nvYt ii1 hen iIltr PuU Itr ant Cir erne c cab t r Ci Fta lie t > > > > > > > > < > > > > > < > > > > > < + + + + + + + + < + + + + +

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Page 1: Experiments and eadanlter tho trifle with bealtb f What isufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/02/82/98/01408/00404.pdf · A Healing Gospel pv J C Warren pator of Slnrnn liptit Church Ie






Brief Happenings From VariousSections of State


Transpiring in The Land of FlowersThings Boiled Down to Suit theBusy of Interest toAll Classes

Tin attendance at thtChatitawiJi eioeeJ that of any furjear

Report from Miami ia that ttetomato cmp propect in rlitt tiuire favorable

Jacksonville will have atiti iotiiieracy from April Vh t G h anl u bj-tiiie it ite

dreen Cove iruk ilac ii

cans e MI high that t carnival cim-Vanie do not thither tm-

Vti af ls n got on her test lnltucker for the Mardi trra armvnla big time i IIIK IIJ lyvtl

K i iimi e n to luve R law ami Orderleague to ee that tfi lnk nl optiin lawit enforced An 1 theyll do it

Fort Myer that 110

boar uf IlrnnKeit hve lif n hipjiilfrom that place up to Fehrnry J

Th Orlaml Polo Clun tvent toCatniien S KriUy eight toplay a cam with the teim at thruplace

An tort will he made t h-

an Odd Fellow lod e at Iirto forthe diff jKion nt the principle of benev-olence nd charity

Two tire in Milton in lea han aw ck pnjjle of that placeto wonder if a firebug ha been turneil-loo e in theirmiilct-

V Kitiliy cmmht a h in theSt John rver neir en CoveSprintf ne diy lat week thatweichrd 3 pound

Th Steamer Alligator madeher tlrnt trip front Kiti toSprint and new navigation may beraid to open m hi line

A midway feature will be addedthe iMde County Fair attractions

which opens March lth No fair i

complete without a midway

Walton county will try and iiduce acolony of entninavittn to locatethere The catnJiiiaviatis ar handfarmer and will be a credit to anyfaction

The and Order Iacue at Km-

timtii h a mniiLMptl ticketin the Held fur the coming election andit is fare toj in out if the leaguestands tocethrr

Now th rt it project of an electricrailway line from Tampa to the KntCAt When the line one tarttatted to building there will many ofthem constructed in tat

The ci dilat for mayor of Iivoak are beginning to place their an-

riouncement in Ihe Iirniocrat andthere ii a p ibi y that the palermay have to run another h t intilalter j r mirie

u Herald tnruiHgernent tookthe iiewMiDy and inrrier to thu Johnspark 51uiw one ln t andthe paper pot crnuch adv rtiinK fromtie nuir tv pay tin ilthe paper for ticket

with doen revolver fromthe T a llardwnre Company branchtore ai Ybor City He was trying todi ro1 f on of th weapon when a-rretd

Hit Tumpa Tinifj that rnnnemployed tilt Steamer jui n

man wv kilt d hy Itfnc lrtiekl y the niHrhnivry while nuking int ofthe ejiuine houe window They ji t j

hive fjiiCrly iOfitruiJted tauierd wn there

The ditor of itity-Menld pmrii f HJ

DONTIt J i A irv to-

rri itit i t Iuri n-

tr Wier DI ri i tAltK It-

TKAlT ron Iff r iet 4rtltc r tiei i irf ct n linrr n l 1 i tr e tu j j cu-

o j orderJAMES F SMITH

Ma fr KINK r AUUI KTu-UllAK fru nt ti IT-

I r e l irtrat L iir ur M r-

osroae Tiie i rt 4r l ao t hrt uc-nuuct ar l futlrr nr i totJ Rot

Stntllo EttulilMied in 1 V7






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Begin Taking Osomul Jon Todayand Your Cure Begins Today

Its Mti iM M llclil-

Cri i t tru Iale anti HallowIn Strength to Weak to

th i mil InvntlilIn T Mntr tip Svuli m of Convala-

aefin 1r m I MirrIn Cl nn ir th Entire Sv iirnIn star g Vorr utIn lt uiDMT Out th Thin

Fur of rul treeIn HiiHIrn up on their Uttle nixllra

PflMte Pink and White Flesh andIn Dottnjr th lr chirki with Irtty

Color unit that make MothersHeart Gladla a Aatldoti alt Dlacaaea ky

BHpoaw t Cole aa4 WetTo prove Its MedicInal Food MeritaTrial Bottle by Mall

Will b pent on request Writ br letternr postal carte to

Ozomulsion Co 98 PlatAlt Uru Ut Two lie6Sc and HML-

pi Plum to Mitt Alice Kooevelt a awedding preiiit tiut hi appetite K tte tetter of him end he cooked that

for tit of ati fjinown craving

Cattle art heinir hipj d from calat t I ter burg for l e f nnd theraring of ftoik ii becoming one of theb t in Florida It is a fartthat Florida tenet i pal to the Wi

ern proJiiit when the farmer takes al ttle pin in feeding

Panama City i the name giventown on St Andrew bay which

will be the Gulf port of the nw rail-road that will at Opelika Alaand nf through Jacknon and V h-

inkion countie in this State andterminate on S Andrcwi bay

A Healing Gospelpv J C Warren pator of

Slnrnn liptit Church Ie ir a-

HJ of Kiectrc P itter It a CJid

end to mankind It cured me oflame bak till joint and letephysical collapse I was no w nk ittook me bolt an hour to walk a mileTwo bottle of Klectric Pitter havemade me n strong I have just walkedthree mill In A minutes and feel likewalking tnre nor It a newman of me remedy forwenkneM and all Mtomach liver andkidney complaint Sold under guar-

antee by all drug Ntj Price 50

Turner Dies SuddenlyN v York Ll Tin nt

the Vilnrf Morla Frllay ofII Tnrmr pivsM nt of

St loiii nnd Suburban railroad whuwas a proniinont ti ire in the M called boodle trinsaciIons In St Loutsfour years uw waa juitc sudden MrTurn r was h man who first ylcldnl-to the pri Mirv sated by lty Attor-ney Folk now governor of Missouriwhrn that oillclal bean to probemethods employed by public corporalions to tin municipal legblutore of rit Joiils


Peein with the nymptom of a cimman cold There aehilline neeinc Purr throat hot kin quick pulsehonrene awl respiration iive fre-

jjent rmall doe of HallardN Horehonnd Syrup the child will cry forit and at the tenet of a croiipycough apply frequently HrtltardV SnowLiniment U tilt throat Vli tNew Ci tle Colo writes March 10

1 think Italian HoSyrup a wonderful remedy and o1 len ant to take Sold by W M-


Hdrdy Wins Cupltvorpool Ken 21 The Waterloo

cup for routing uthcrwlso the annualdog derby as condilt Friday at

Altcnr mar here with a furII Hardy Huprrnd Thero werefntrl util the hrjts iNnipl d tlirx

Th IxMMni which nt the1 I aamt Frlda

Struck en Head With A Still LivesHurt i 2 i M

the n yr i fiink hh id itn i it l i

av Hi f nnii I m 1

at MIMUIK tiuuie Moon n

of the l t iltuated n virKS tltiHUetal-ly Jn th county

Afraid of Strong MedicinesMany people iiTer for year front

rheumatic pain prefer u ratherthan take the strong medicines usuallygiven fur rheumatism not knowingthat quick relief from pain may be hadtiy simply applying ChamberlainPain Balm and without taking anymedicine internally ale by alldruggists


T 1 W lnolProprr

tI I I Ioih H azIn lfIP tn the

theI I the











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Charges Polite Robbed Himtint on Feb it II i

tip iii i if vhi wii toMliu Ills c I

Clli tl W allelte tin pniI nrt tit niii ld bitn i II urj

th ni t at he Aa In tht i Uiirn he wrro t j

M arcluil iiiil IH n

Im him nn1 when ilwiiipT-r n o from ihi ii Mir iiliro-dfpiriiiient only s is handed u rtO Illlll

ExTustee SuedA nndrln Ind F l Suit ha

be ii tllrd nuainst e TMi hlp Trus-tre V T Hakir of mis city by anunin r of cltlzrnt all cln that hewri converted Jt OIK nf thetox iiMps funds tti his own use dur-ing he four vjirs he llll d the offlrnfrom to is a promi-nent business man ami Is looked up n

the roniinK H uiiu err of Mils cityhis apiNitntinent expected almostdally

Tlllman Glllesple Resolution PassedWashtnuton Fob JIWithout op

posltlon the house at Its tirst biisltii ssFrllav passed the

the InterstatecotntiM err commission to make an ex-

amination on the subject of railroaddiscriminations and nonopiles and re-

port same from time to time

Convicted of Extortionriitsburi Feb 21 Former Police

Captain lames Wilson of Alleghenyrecently convicted of extortion In conmotion with the reform crusade hasbeen sentenced to serve MX months-In the workhouse rend pay a fine oflioo in addition to the costs of hitrial

New Gas Rate FixedAlbany V V F b 2 Tho utato

commission on gas nail electricity hasIssued tin order fixing the rate on erason Manhattan Island at SO cents perloon cubic fret The order Is iffwlive May 1 n x and U to continue Inforce years

The Yellow Fever Germrecently been discovered It

bears a close resemblance to the ma-

laria germ To free the v tem fromthe mott ffHctive rem-

edy i Dr Life fillGuaranteed to cure nil di due tomalaria poison and constipation

all drug tore

liters for the next 31 days thefollowing goods at preens

belowUiirkee SaladThree iKXtle PukleThree can CornThree l 5cOne 3lb can Klbcrta PeacheTwo Ib run Klberta Iraches-Pottle of Queen liarsMet Lump Starch perilThree 1lh can Corned or

Heef Milet Compound Lard per Hi 8c-

Ke t grsdes of Ham and reakfntBacon mid everything Ch ap

GIVE LS A CALLWe cull atify you both in t jality and

pric-ein TKiKriiuNi 1715


AIDS DIGESTIONAfit MTpotri1 rr l nit nf thatfif Hi w i li 4V v v iircuil ii-lioutul to eroi


not rep wlm M n p finnedfvr t 4 frr t er 0-

vcriil at ur il J






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TIle Kind You Hnvo Always Bonght ftad klcfc IUMin use for over 30 years has boree the Rlffftatare C-

s and ban been made under Ills

llow no owe todeceive you la titleVII Counterfeits Imitation aRdJutaftirood

that trifle with bealtb fInfants and agaiBftt ExperiaMat

What is CASTORIACftKtorin in a harmless Riibstltvto for Castor Oilgoric In iiH nnd Soothing Syrups It in Plcanaat Ife-

coutniim neither Opium Morphlao nor other Nareattof-tubtttance Itn BRO In iU guarantee It do tr y Wand alluj FcvorinhnenH It cures Diarrhtea andColic It rcliuvcH Teething Troubles cures Co ntipattoand Flatulency It assimilates the Food regulates thetttoniach and Bowels giving healthy aad Batural alggyThe Childrens lanaceaTho Mothers Fricad


rf furs the Sifnmtnrt f

The Kind You Have Always BoughtIn Use For Over 30 YtarV-


E E VOYLE MGRAbstract of Title and full information furniibed

county Otr manager lived in this eoontr thirty yearU thoroughly converiant with lead

FIRE ACCIDENT HUROLARY AND INDEMNITY INBDRAMOK F prcn number of prominent American and EncHak eaaapaalM



Head Office Gainesville Florida1

This Company lit connection with following point andmen will make money by uiitirf the linen in trnntaoting buaineM-AlnohuaArcherArredondoeland

ClinicClyattMuttonDouble winkEre


rovellngne-Hnjnei worthlinwthnrii-JuilionKnnnp ha-


Lake City JnclnM-ieniiopyMeredithMonthrook-MnrrUtun

Orange LakePalmerPrairie LakeItnleinh

Rocky Point

IlexSawannne RiverTacoma


SOUTHERN RYInn Trains Dally to Va klBff1oH sate Mew V rk-

s heijr We t ve November W t V-

tfu tl SoIM TniTrwIti K-

MA4 7 i lvJiiiks vlllir-

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nmt 4 Ar Mic n 4 So K lv I Ua l Shi-

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NIV t ml ti NVw Purr rlurMn-tr I Ml I Iniiri llrncia Iticua-

S CHKI K 4 Ar Atlanta iuSoltr II IMtu i In v n 4 llotnctia SuKr 5 iII t i iVi Ar Dultim lia So Mr v 7 Up toplivp IS4 Arh4ttuniMV4 S K v aki 3UCV

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3nv Ar Hot Ark 7 tfp-

So U aril II Sintil Vc lltwli Trainthuwith tM f4 ho awJ fulliius eoi4tut Oar

I J okvnvll r to ftmlnnall

1 Nov 17 lime Atlauta SeUIti-ma KrHWin lUxitd Slerirtntf Car Jaok-

Dnlr n AH i Alinnta unit ChattanoOki IanoeprfmI un in nprior In Atlanta until 7 M a tu

J ll SKL We I Wot IU St-




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