express'o june edition

June 2014 Father’s Day

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Father's Day! New article: House Brew! A new article for speical updates, announcements and most importantly to connect with you readers!


Page 1: Express'o June Edition

June 2014

Father’s Day

Page 2: Express'o June Edition

2Content Page

Content Page

English Revelation Article 4

Chinese Revelation Article 6

Church Service Summary 8

Recommendations 11

House Brew 14

Page 3: Express'o June Edition

3The Contributors

Hannah Xu Qian RuChinese Revelation

Jeanette ZeeEnglish Revelation

Yvonne Teo Yen PinRecommendations

Jason LeeCover Page Photo & Newsletter Design

Chris Benhard A. SembiringChurch Service Summary

Page 4: Express'o June Edition


The fathers on earth as it is in heaven by Jeanette Zee

English Revelation Article

The third Sunday of every month of June is where we celebrate the authority, love and concern that is shown by the head of the household ---- The Fathers

The love of our fathers will be shown through the big or small acts they do for their children and family. To some, fathers are the protector of the family. To others, fathers are the provider of the family. Maybe to a few, fathers are good role models. But no matter what it is, I am sure they have impacted your life in one way or another.

In Luke 11:11-13, it says that, “If a son asks for bread from any father among you, will he give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will he give him a serpent instead of a fish? Or if he asks for an egg, will he offer him a scorpion? If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him!”

From this verse, God is trying to tell us that even though our earthly fathers may be imperfect in many areas of their lives, they are still willing to shower unconditional love to their children in their own special ways. Our earthly fathers will make the effort to care for us and provide for the household. At times, you may be disappointed with our earthly fathers but at the end of the day, they are still imperfect like you and I and we have to accept them for who they are with the love of God. Remember that whatever our earthly father can’t, our Heavenly Father can. The verse later on talks about if our earthly fathers are able to love their children in their own ways, what more

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5English Revelation Article

our Heavenly Father that will never fail us and will neither leave us nor forsake us. Ask and you shall be given, seek and you will find. You can imagine the great and unconditional love that He has showered and will shower us with!

He is the same yesterday, today and forever. A love that never changes. God sends His one and only son to die for our sins and no matter what we have done, God keeps no record of our wrongs and love us the same. How amazing a Heavenly father we serve?

Sometimes we take for granted the great love that both our earthly father and Heavenly Father has showered us with. So today, let us be reminded of how great our earthly father is and appreciate them for all they have done for you and also, our Heavenly Father that sacrifices so much for us. Why not let’s take some time to appreciate our earthly fathers with our physical actions and thank our Heavenly Fathers through our prayers and our own personal time with Him.

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深沉的爱 — 之父亲节篇by Hannah Xu Qian Ru


我的人生美满顺利的度过了近四分之一。无忧无虑,伤心也只不过一两天的时间。这种生活我倒也满足。2008年圣诞节, 我来到了一个陌生却充满新鲜感和神秘感的地方:城市丰收教

Chinese Revelation Article

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7Chinese Revelation Article

会。无论是书本上读到的或者曾经参观过的还是电视剧里看到的教堂,在我记忆里,教堂是一个神圣,传统,安静的地方 前去的人们几乎都是为了虔诚的忏悔或者祈祷。而城市丰收教会让我全新了解到了天上的父亲竟然可以如此的触手可及, 拥有着人们所形容的慈爱和温柔,也拥有着人们所形容的超能力。而当我越发去了解这位所谓的“上帝”,他远远超乎了书中所描述,人们所形容,导演所理解。因为他,我慢慢了解了以为父亲在家庭中所扮演的角色有多重要。



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Pearl of Great Priceby Chris Benhard A. Sembiring

On Sunday (18/5), Ps. Kong Hee shared about how Jesus in His ministry is comparable to a pearl of great price. Opening his sermon by reading from Matthew 13:45-46 and shared some facts about pearls. A pearl is made up of particles of sand which entered an oyster’s shells. The rough sand particles would irritate the oyster, so it produces minerals called nacre to coat the sand particles to relieve the irritation. Hence, the bigger the pearl, the more irritation it causes for the oyster; the bigger the pearl, the greater its value.

Likewise, Jesus’ ministry can be likened to a pearl of a great price. In his sermon, Ps. Kong shared 7 types of irritation Jesus felt during His ministry. The first irritation Jesus felt was the Irritation of the Human Body. Jesus came into the world as a human, which means He had relinquished His Godly qualities yet without blemish. As written in Hebrews 10:5-7, Jesus had to re-discover His purpose in this world by reading the Scriptures.

The second irritation Jesus felt was the Irritation of the Human Nature. Examples of human nature, according to Ps. Kong, are drives for self-preservation, food, sex, possession, dominion and worship. It is human to have such drives, and can lead us astray from God when we lose control of those desires. When we let those drives control us instead, they will lead us into indulging in overeating, fornications, stealing, killing, and worshipping other gods. Jesus displayed such drives during His ministry. There were times when He was hungry and when He wanted to be left alone to pray. Galatians 5:16-17 warned us that the fleshly nature is permanently in conflict with the Spirit. As written by Galatians 5:25, we need to live in the Spirit to keep such drives in check.

Church Service Summary

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9Church Service Summary

Thirdly, Jesus felt the Irritation of Temptation. Luke 4:1-13 gives an account how Jesus, shortly after His baptism at the Jordan River, was tempted by the devil to satisfy His bodily needs, His desire for riches and His desire for glory. Jesus spurned the devil’s temptation, making Him fit to be a High Priest described in Hebrews 4:15. The fourth irritation was the Irritation of Misunderstanding. Jesus was misunderstood by His parents, His disciples, and His society. Mary misunderstood Jesus’ desire to learn about the Scripture when He was missing in Jerusalem; Peter misunderstood Jesus when He predicted His death; the Pharisees misunderstood Jesus’ teachings and petitioned for His death to Pontius Pilate.

From the people’s misunderstanding, the fifth irritation arose. It is the Irritation of Slander. Jesus was slandered by the Pharisees, as described in Matthew 12:24, by equating Him to Beelzebub after Jesus cast out demons. Slanders are very delicate to handle.

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According to Ps. Kong, should Jesus gave more explanation of what He did, He would appear defensive; if He failed to do so, the slander would spread even faster. Such is the power of slander, that Ps. Kong called it a double-edged sword for the victim. The slander even led to His death, as prophesied in Psalm 31:13-14.

The sixth irritation was the Irritation of Submission. Jesus, God incarnate, humbly submitted to His parents during His childhood. His ultimate submission was shown in the Garden of Gethsemane, when Jesus put God’s Will before His own, as written in Matthew 26:39. The seventh irritation Jesus felt was the Irritation of Abuse. Jesus suffered abuse before Pilate ordered for His death. Jesus was even abused when He was hung at the Cross, when the Roman soldiers gambled over His clothes, which implies He was hung at the Cross almost naked.

Those are the irritations that Jesus felt during His ministry. Like pearls, the more painful the irritation the oyster feels, the more beautiful the pearl is. Of course, we face similar irritation in our life. Ps. Kong urged that we should cover the irritation by God’s Word, like the nacre did the sand particles. God is constantly looking for pearls in each of us; in Jesus, God found the pearl of His ministry, His death which redeems us of our sins. What kind of pearl will God find in us?

Church Service Summary

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How To Love Your Dadby Yvonne Teo Yen Pin

With Father’s day coming up, you may be wondering what to get your dad to show him that you really love him, and that you are not just getting him something because “you have to”–it’s Father’s Day after all. I often wonder how any gift can possibly convey the love for someone. As clichéd as it might sound, something from the heart really does make a lasting impression, and will express your sincerity better than any store bought gift you can buy.

Here are a few ways to show your dad the love.

Make him his favorite meal.Instead of just doing it once, make it a regular habit, each month make him something he likes, and sit down and share the meal with him. Or, if you aren’t the cooking type, take him to his favorite place. It works especially when your dad love to eat.


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Give him the gift of your time and full attentionIf you live near him, make a commitment to spend some time with him, talk with him and listen. Don’t text and don’t take calls; instead, simply pay attention to what he’s saying. Take the opportunity to learn about the family history, his personal history, and all of the things he’s learned in life. These are valuable lessons that can make your own life better, and that he has probably wanted to share with you for a long time. Even if you live far apart, you can call him or Skype with him, and do the same thing. Communication can make your dad feel emotional intimacy with you, and it can make him feel respected and valued.

Schedule regular dates with him and go enjoy some of his favorite things. Does he like basketball (or football, baseball, etc.) but you don’t? Think of all the things he did (and does) for you that he might not have really been that crazy about — but because he’s a dad, he did them anyway. Don’t just get him the tickets, but go with him, let him teach you about the game, and show you what it is he loves about it. Does he fish? Is he a golfer? Whatever his hobby is there’s some way you can share it with him. Maybe he doesn’t want you golfing with him, but you can sit down and watch golf on TV with him, or take him to his favorite sporting goods store for golf items.

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Give him a framed photo of the two of you.Choose one of his favorites and write him a note telling him how much he means to you, and how much the memory captured in that photo means to you. Or choose one of your favorites and write about why it is your favorite. You can let your dad feel how much you value him and how much of an impact he is in your life.

Plant him a garden and maintain it for him year round. Or deliver him his own mini “CSA” box each week using produce from your own garden. Not a gardener? Shop at the farmers’ market and deliver it to him. And, don’t think that your mother is the only one who would like flowers; fresh flowers brighten anybody’s day, so plant him a small cutting garden as well.

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The news broke out on 16/05/2014, a Friday night. It is confirmed that W380 is multiplying. It may stir many thoughts in you of how W380 impacted your life, but this time let me share about my thoughts. I have never told anyone about how much I love W380 because I hardly ever express myself, and most importantly in the past whatever I loved have left me. So up till today I still have the fear of confessing the things I love, fearing that they would just leave me like how the rest did. However deep down I am immensely grateful so today take it as I am plucking up the courage to face the fact that I do love W380.

I seem so extrovert and joyful all the time, always laughing at anything. To be honest I had no friends before I even come to CHC. One of my friend don’t even remember I was in her class for one entire year, and that is how invisible I am. Of course I felt terribly lousy, I don’t even think anyone will ever want me to be their friend. That is how lousy I felt about myself.

The people in w380 could probably be one of my first few friends I ever have, and still having up till now. It’s part of my blood and my lifestyle. There is a w380 DNA in me. I wont say W380 is a perfect group with perfect people and you’ll find everything amazing there, but it is the place where I found kindness and love within humans and also the place I found God.

It’s a place with genuine hearts and souls and I appreciate the genuinity of the people in W380 have.

House Brew

House Brewby Yvonne Teo Yen Pin

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We’re a little tad different because we don’t put on a front to be likeable in order to feel accepted. I mean sometimes I feel that the people there don’t even bother to put on a front.

That’s why I say we’re different because we behave like ourselves, this is a place where people can remove their mask and no one will say “you’re different”. I mean we cry for each other and we quarrel against each other but we are still together. Great are those who are united but greater are those who are still united despite all.

One thing I’ll ever remember is when I had no friends and no one yet they accepted me as friends, and they saw the good in me. It’s an amazing place, and amazing bunch of people, a bunch of people worth loving. They told me it is alright to be who I am, it is alright to fail, and it is alright to be left behind by the world, because they’re always behind my back to support me. When I couldn’t find anyone around me and I thought I had no more path ahead, I saw smiles that reached out to me saying “ keep on keeping on”.

Even this Express’o is a form of acceptance I felt, I mean just look at me, I don’t speak up and only writing brings out emotions in me. Their support to establish Express’o allows me to know myself better!

Now that it is multiplying, there is no deny that I wish it did not, but a part of me elates because it tells me that we are growing, we are increasing, we are going to be better!

The way W380 can impact is GREATER and this legacy will spread! Everyone will soon take down their mask and have faith in this world again; everyone will start to believe that love does exist and love never fails.

House Brew

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Jeanette can do an amazing job I’m sure because she is one I can identify servanthood and discipleship.

Most importantly, she is always faithful in the little things! Jeanette if u see this please know I trust in u and so is everyone!

This is just one example of how W380 changed my life. You too, have experiences that words could not express. W380 lives in our heart and no other can replace it.

I challenge you, write down about how and what W380 have done for you. Send in [email protected] and it will be featured in the next issue. The chosen one may also receive a giveaway for his/her father! Express’o is now telling you to don’t stop expressing yourself!

House Brew