eyc capturing customers on your doorstep final_pdf version

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Capturing Customers on Your Doorstep –Personalized Proximity Marketing

8th October 2015

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Today we will look at how Smartphones can make untargeted, irrelevant

communications a thing of the past.

Cat Food?


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But first, a quick history lesson. In just 20 years, mobile phones have conquered the

world and it is the Smartphone that now drives global growth.

Source: Informa

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Last year, Indonesia added nearly 40 million new Smartphone users – the fourth

highest total and not far behind the USA.

* Mediacells

New Smartphone Users 2014*

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And in 2015, Indonesia will again be a key driver of the global growth of Smartphone


* GfK Target Setter projections

Growth by Value Ranking 2015*




South Africa







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In terms of mobile web traffic, Indonesia is also at the top-end, with half of all web

pages served to mobile phones.



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The proportion of mobile web traffic is also certain to grow. Youngsters in the U.S.

access their iPhones more than 120 times a day – definitely higher in Asia!!

Source: Kantar

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To take advantage of evolving browsing habits, websites are optimizing their m-

commerce capabilities to capture users at the moment of interest.

Pictures from Twitter, Facebook, Google

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And at the same time, advertising spend is being diverted from traditional to internet

mediums. Mobile forecast to double its share by 2017.

Source: ZenithOptimedia

Share of global adspend by medium (%)

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However, “with great power comes great responsibility” (thanks Spiderman!)

Consumers are bombarded with hundreds of untailored, digital promotions every day.

Short-term uplift

No long-term customer relationship

Irritating user experience

Users put off buying the product

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Retailers and brands need tools to break through the noise to deliver…


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Customer data Content delivery

EYC’s OfferBeam is a geo-targeting platform for delivering your message precisely

when and where it will have the greatest impact on shopping behavior.

EYC web portal


OfferBeam location technology embedded in your mobile app

CRM data

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There are 3 ways in which OfferBeam can influence your shoppers.

Firstly, “on the go”…

Encourage browsing the top deals “for

me” via a personalized circular

Receive a push notification about my

favorite product with an engaging offer

just prior to my weekly shopping trip

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…or in the home via “smart” reminders based on location and purchase frequency.

Save $1 when you buy any

L’Oreal hair care product!

OfferBeam analyzes Amy's purchase

frequency and also finds she may be

running low on shampoo.

OfferBeam sends a message to

Amy’s phone.

Amy is delighted by the timely

message and drives to her local

Swensons to make the purchase.

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App Interactions are Geo-tagged and time stampedSecondly, strategically place geo-fences allow you to welcome and reward shoppers

near your stores as well as defend against lapsing to competitors.

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App Interactions are Geo-tagged and time stampedOfferBeam’s unlimited geo-fencing capabilities allows retailers to reach shoppers in

creative and relevant ways. Test Learn Scale up = Greater ROI $$$

Competitor Locations Community Events

Life Stage Promotions e.g. Schools Sporting Events

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And thirdly, when shoppers are in your store…

Engage shoppers at the moment of decision for maximum impact

increase basket size and category repertoire.

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App Interactions are Geo-tagged and time stampedDrive incremental sales after prescription pickup with strategically placed beacons

1. A customer enters

your store to pick up a


2. When they arrive at the

pharmacy, a beacon

detects their smartphone

3. A second beacon placed near

the vitamin aisle triggers a

message on their phone

Take $2 off any CVS

vitamin purchase!


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Loyal Opportunity


Finally, EYC can help you build a CRM program in collaboration suppliers along with a

proven targeting & allocation engine for campaign execution EYC Amplify

Build plan with


Build plan

with suppliers


offer pool

Category and brand


Align with promotions


Level of commitment

Offer allocation – personalise offers to customersMulti-channel




ry b






Brand buying behaviour

Build CRM


Customer objectives

Marketing alignment



Roles and


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The result? Delighted, engaged shoppers ready to deliver a greater return on your

loyalty investment.

Ooh, great!

I’ll buy

some now.

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Capturing Customers on Your Doorstep

Please join us at the Symphony EYC booth for more

information on our OfferBeam and Amplify solutions.

Or email [email protected]

Thank you!