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  • 7/30/2019 Eyl Course Notes



    EYL Course Project

    The syllabus for this course requires a project.

    Here is some information that will assist you in preparing your course project:

    1. You will work with a partner and produce a lesson plan containing information on the timing,

    content, steps, rationale and materials for a 30-minute English language lesson for young


    2. Make sure your names are on the lesson plan when you submit it.

    Grade (30% of overall course grade):

    You will be graded on the extent to which your lesson plan meets these criteria:

    A. Complete (10%) - Is all information on your lesson plan?

    B. Appropriate (10%) - Is the lesson appropriate to the age and proficiency level of the students

    identified? Materials should be of high interest and appropriate to the students.

    C. Accurate (10%) - Does your lesson plan reflect full and clear understanding of the conceptswe have addressed in the class?

    Note: You should make reference to at least one concept learned in this class for each step in

    your lesson plan. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask here on FB or in class.

  • 7/30/2019 Eyl Course Notes


    Due date; May 14-16, 2013 P

    Please try hard to get this assignment done on time. Late projects will not be accepted.

    1. Introduction to the courseTheoretical Concepts

    1. Children actively try to construct meaning and need space for language growth (zone of

    proximal development, Vygotsky).

    2. Language use carries clues to meaning that students may not notice.

    3. Language development is internalizing from social interaction.

    4. Learning comes from thought that is derived from action (assimilation/accommodation)


    5. Learners need scaffolds and routines to help them attend to what is important (and learn).


    6. Foreign language learning depends on experience. (All)

    7. Not all of what is learned can be or is taught. Some basic concepts and knowledge come as a

    result only of experience. So, teaching has limitations (but good teaching is needed to provide an

    environment for natural learning).

    8. Teaching young children English does not mean, "let them play." Rather, teaching young

    children English requires carefully designed lessons that provide students with the complex

    language they need in order to be able to use the language.

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    2. Learning Language Through Tasks and Activities

    Task as learning environment

    Task demands and task support in six categories: cognitive, linguistic, interaction, metalinguistic,

    involvement, physical

    Balance between demands and support

    Language learning goals are always essential to keep first in mind - we are teaching language,

    not task-doing!

    Tasks are real - meaningful to students, contextualized, form-focused, appropriate (to age and

    proficiency level), attached to language learning goals, and involve learners in the activity

    Tasks have 3 stages: preparation, core and follow-up

    3. Learning The Spoken Language

    Teaching spoken English requires children to both use and learn the language:

    Meaning comes first

    Vygotsky and Piaget teach us that children actively construct meaning from their experiences in

    the world. Vygotsky focuses on the value of social interaction with others; Burner addresses the

    role of scaffolding.

    Human desire to make contact with other people.

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    When we interact, we use words to try to make sense of our own and other people's meaning.

    Discourse skills require children to participate in their learning as well as to build up their

    knowledge in order to participate

    Discourse = a) a concern with language use; and b) a concern beyond a sentence (so, in speaking,

    we think of conversations, lectures, etc. - language used in a longer exchange or speaking)

    Teachers have to check with learners to see if the meaning is accessible to them: A good teacher

    asks: "Can this child find or construct the meaning in this activity?"

    Listening and speaking: Children listen and get the meaning of contexts in their experiences (to

    stories, for example, or listening to a conversation between parents or between friends).

    "Comprehensible input" (Krashen, 1982) is what helps children learn new information through


    Children adjust their "output" by considering "input."

    However, children are not computers (with input and output). Rather, children creatively

    construct meaning. So, Krashen's concepts are not that good in explaining students' abilities to

    listen and speak.

    Tasks help students by creating opportunities to share meaning through the use of the foreign


    Discourse skills developed in childhood:

    1. Conversation and extended talk and conversation skills - longer turns in a conversation and a

    degree of interaction skill;

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    2. Conversational skill development: taking responsibility for how other people will understand

    what you say and for making sure that you understand them is an aspect of discourse that

    develops with age. Young learners lack awareness of how to cater for other participants in

    discourse, and are not very skillful in planning their talk. As listeners, they understand others'

    talk to the extent of their social and cognitive resources. Children blame themselves if they do

    not understand something said to them. Research confirms that only older children can be trained

    to be effective communicators.

    3. Children should not be asked to engage in social or other interactive activities without

    understanding those. So, teachers provide learning environment and tasks that students do

    understand, patterns that are familiar (from home and family) and should not demand that

    children do things they cannot do. Summarizing someone else's point of view, for example, is

    too hard for a young child and should not be assigned.

    4. Researchers have identified these different types of talk as appropriate for young learners:

    - Narratives

    - Descriptions


    - Arguments

    - Opinions

    5. The language of narrative - Bruner argues that narrative discourse and mental organization are

    primary in children's development.

    6. Description (or non-narrative discourse) - appearance, habits, categorizations, origin, natural

    habitat - familiar to children.

    7. In summary, 3 points: To effectively develop discourse skills of young learners, teachers may

    be aware of these:

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    A. Types of discourse - their organization and components; the language forms that are typically

    used in their construction;

    B. An understanding of children's developing communication skills and cognitive abilities;

    C. The educational significance of paradigmatically organized discourse.

    Supporting children's language discourse skills:

    Use motivating topics

    Structure tasks well and clearly

    Lead students in practicing new language

    Support spoken language through written language through dialogs

    Finally, a summary of tips in teaching spoken language to young children:

    1. The meaning and purpose of discourse needs to be made accessible to learners;

    2. Personal involvement in the talk with increase participation;

    3. Speaking (contributing to discourse) makes different demands from listening and


    4. When demands are too high, children will tend to produce single words and formulaic


    5. Children are capable of participating in narrative and simple descriptive discourse;

    6. Short practice activities can help build productive language to use in discourse;

    7. A dialog should be seen as a text that offers learning opportunities; those will not necessarily

    be for discourse skills development.

    4. Learning Words

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    So, learning language means using it in the classroom. Right? Building up a good vocabulary is

    essential at the primary level. Learning words also comes from participating in discourse level

    activities in the classroom.

    1. Since children at a young age are still learning words in their first language, a processtied with concept development, learning second language vocabulary is not a simple, do-

    it-once task.

    2. There are parts of vocab learning and linking them up is essential for teachers tosupport learners in doing.

    The word as a unitwords, yes, but also formulaic phrases (units of meaning) like Mommy

    read! Words like flowers growing in the ground all we see is the flower; but underneath is a

    big, complex root system.

    Very young (5-7 year olds) children usually have partial knowledge of vocabulary words.

    Vocabulary sizeEnglish has about 54,000 words (Nation & Waring, 1997) and no one knows

    all of them; most adults use 20,000 words; child native speakers use about 4000-5000 words, to

    which they add about 1,000 words per year.

    Given good learning conditions, Indonesian children will do well to learn 500 words per year.

    What is knowing a word?

    It means that in most contexts, the child can recognize and use the word correctly. Note: Vocab

    knowledge is NOT ALL OR NOTHING.

    Knowing a word = a lot of knowledge

    1. Receptive knowledge, memory, conceptual knowledge,

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    2. Knowing of the spoken form of the language (phonological knowledge),3. Grammatical knowledge (knowing how to use it in a grammatically accurate way),4. Collocational knowledge (know which other words go with it):5. Orthographic knowledge (how to spell it);6. Pragmatic knowledge (how to use it in the right situation);7. Connotational knowledge (positive/negative associations with related words); and8. Metalinguistic knowledge (how the word how it workspro is a prefix).

    Seeit means A LOT to say a child knows a word!

    Conceptual knowledge (to which words are tied) grows with experiences and child development.

    Schooling should have an impact on learning conceptual knowledge and ability to use languages

    (both English and bahasa Indonesia).

    Categories of words

    Furniturechairrocking chair


    Cultural knowledge as a part of vocabulary development - different cultural groups organize

    concepts in different ways.


    1. Types of words that children find it possible to learn will change over time. 5-year-oldslearn concrete vocabulary (things they can see); older kids learn more abstract and remote


    2. Vocabulary development is not about learning words only; its about expanding concepts,then putting words to them.

    3. Words and word knowledge can be viewed as being linked in networks or categories.

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    4. Basic level words are better for younger children; older learners can benefit frombuilding up superordinate and subordinate vocab;

    5. Children change in how they can learn words

    Function and content wordsThat old box in the corner belongs to my sister.

    Content words are taught directly; function words are taught in different contexts.

    Kids need sources of support to help them when they encounter new wordsthey need to learn

    meanings of words, make a strong memory connection between forms and meanings of words;

    and to use words.

    Use objects, photos, pictures, drawings, diagrams, cut-out figures, gestures, actions (role play,

    drama), verbal explanations that are clear and require prior knowledge.

    Make logical categories for vocabulary:


    Vegetablescabbages, celery, carrots

    Always-usually-sometimes, never

    WORK OUT (AWAY FROM) TEXTBOOK & extend beyond the textbook

    Give choices

    Incidental learning through stories, narratives, conversations

    Finally, how children learn words:

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    1. Empirical evidence on strategy use shows that shifts occur between younger and olderchildren in what strategies they use and how they use them. Teachers need to keep up

    with childrens development and not apply strategies that are disconnected with

    childrens strategies

    2. Guessing,3. Noticing,4. Remembering (memorizing)

    Teachers should try to help children to notice the strategies the children use to learn new

    words and to help them to develop those strategies.


    Grammar does have a place in young learner classrooms. But the teacher of young

    learners can probably best help to develop childrens grammar in the foreign language,



    CLASSROOM. A grammar-sensitive teacher will see the language patterns that occur in

    tasks, stories, songs, rhymes and classroom talk, and will have a range of techniques to

    bring these patterns to the childrens notice, and to organize meaningful practice. To do

    this well requires considerable knowledge and teaching skills. ~ Lynne Cameron

    Children do not notice grammar. And teachers can help them to do that using meaningful

    exchanges between students and between students and teacher.

    Childs Internal Grammar In the early stages, young learners string together words and

    chunks to get their meanings across. Psychological development research and social

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    Activities should require learners to

    Manipulate language, changing form to express meaning

    Be required to choose content that requires grammar adjustments and

    Have timemost results of structuring work will still be internal among young learners


    Grammar is taught as a part of meaning

    Form will be learned whether attended to or not

    Form-focused instruction is relevant for those features of the grammar that are different

    from L1



    1. Work from discourse to grammar2. Language of classroom management is the first source of meaning for EYLs3. Talk with children4. Guide students in noticing: Listen, then notice5. Use puppets, questionnaires, surveys and quizzes, information gap activities, helping

    hands activities, drills and chants




    second language literacy is a complicated area and as far as young learners are concerned,

    there is much that remains unknown. In the absence of relevant research findings, we will often

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    need to rley on clear thinking and carefully monitored practice as guides in the classroom. ~

    Lynne Cameron

    Reading and writing are taught and learned as a means of expressing and sharing meanings

    between people.

    Skills: recognizing individual letters, knowing syllables to make up words, use information from

    the whole text and the context.

    Reading is dependent on visual, phonological and semantic information in a contextall at


    What do skilled readers do? Skilled readers are able to access information from many different

    knowledge bits in order to construct the meaning of what they read: Context, text, Paragraph,

    Sentence/clause, Words, Morphemes, syllables and letters

    What influences a childs ability to read in a second language: the nature of the written forms,

    the learners prior experience with L1 literacy, the learners knowledge of the new language; and

    the learners age.

    L1 literacy knowledge includes backward transfer, or being able to apply second language

    reading skills to native language reading; methodology used to teach children literacy skills in

    their first language; and social aspects of first language literacysome L1s have no written


    L2 knowledgephonological awareness, vocabulary knowledge, ability to sound out words

    (children should always be required to read texts for which they already have spoken language

    equivalencies); agevery young children are still learning how written text functions, so that

    they may not be able to transfer even the most general concepts about text and print.

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    Objectives for readings age 5-7 years:

    Textattitudes toward literacy; being read to from a range of books, enjoying looking at books;

    point conventionslearn how text is written down in lines and pages, with space between

    words, capital and small letters; participate in a variety of literacy events in school and link to out

    of school literacy activities and events.

    Sentencelearn to copy short sentences that have a personal meaning

    Wordslearn basic set of words by sight, begin to spot words and letters in books

    Morphemes/syllableslisten to rhymes, chants, songs and by joining them, learn by hart and be

    able to say or sing them

    Letters/soundslearn the names, shapes and sounds of some initial consonants; begin to learn

    the alphabet, in order, by name.

    Creating a literate environment in the classroomlabels for objects in the room, posters,

    messages, reading aloud

    Active literacy learningattention to details, fun with literacy skills

    Emergent literacyLanguage Experience Approachstarts children reading and writing at the

    sentence levelchild and teacher write sentences together; words have a physical reality,

    punctuation is present and reading and writing are integrated.

    Whole words/key words

    Phonics teaching

    Steps in teaching reading skills:

    1. Start with a meaningful context

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    2. Focus students attention on the unit and key features being taught3. Give inputexamples, rules, etc.4. Provide variation in the ways students practice reading5. Give students opportunities to apply their new knowledge and skills in different,

    meaningful and varied contexts

    Literacy features to teach: sight words, initial consonants, rimes, final consonants, vowels,

    morphemes, consonant clusters and blends

    Reading and Writing as Discourse-level Skills

    What is fluency in reading and writing?

    The use of reading skills will, over time, become more automatic, faster and easier.

    For writing, students should be encouraged to write often and at length. This kind of writing

    should not be corrected but it might be responded to by the teacher who reads the writing now

    and then and writes thoughts down about ideas the child has written.

    Learning to write for different audiences, including formats and conventions of various types of
