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Зміст 1 Вступ …....………………………………………………………4 2 Загальні методичні вказівки ..….. …………………………….. 7 3 Вправи для самоконтролю ……....……………….…... …….. 17 4 Виконання контрольних завдань та оформлення контрольних робіт ……………………………………………….……...….. 19 5 Контрольні роботи ……………………………………...….. 20 6 Контрольна робота 1 ……………………………………...… 21 7 Контрольне завдання 2 …………………………………...… 34 8 Контрольне завдання 3 ………………………………...…… 50 9 Контрольне завдання 4 ……………………………………… 87 3

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1 Вступ …....………………………………………………………42 Загальні методичні вказівки ..…..…………………………….. 73 Вправи для самоконтролю ……....……………….…...…….. 174 Виконання контрольних завдань та оформлення контрольних

робіт ……………………………………………….……...….. 195 Контрольні роботи ……………………………………...….. 206 Контрольна робота 1 ……………………………………...… 217 Контрольне завдання 2 …………………………………...… 348 Контрольне завдання 3 ………………………………...…… 509 Контрольне завдання 4 ……………………………………… 87


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Володіння англійською мовою є невід’ємним компонентом професійної підготовки сучасного спеціаліста будь-якого профілю, тому вузівський курс іноземної мови має професійно-орієнтований характер, і його завдання визначаються комунікативними та пізнавальними потребами спеціалістів. Слід пам’ятати, що цей вузівський курс є ланцюгом системи: школа – вуз – післявузівська освіта (підвищення кваліфікації, самоосвіта) – і забезпечує підготовку до подальшої самостійної роботи.

Метою розробки є спрямувати самостійну роботу студента з вивчення програмного матеріалу курсу, допомогти правильно виконати контрольні роботи, підготуватися до заліків та екзамену за дворічний курс вивчення англійської мови. Вивчення іноземної мови протягом двох років навчання спрямоване на формування спеціалізованої іншомовної комунікативної компетенції мінімального рівня в усіх видах мовленнєвої діяльності при домінувальній ролі читання для задоволення потреб особистого, суспільного та професійно-орієнтованого спілкування.

Завданнями вивчення дисципліни є:- опанування мовними мінімумами з фонетики, лексики,

граматики;- удосконалення навичок і вмінь з аудіювання та вимови,

діалогічного та монологічного мовлення, читання, письма. ЗмістНавчання спрямоване на формування навичок та умінь

мовлення.Читання:- розуміти тему (підтеми), головну думку тексту;- розуміти загальний зміст (основну інформацію тексту);-використовувати як опору заголовки, креслення;-здогадуватися про зміст окремих незнайомих слів за текстом.Письмо:- фіксувати інформацію під час читання тексту;- ставити запитання, давати відповіді на питання;


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- складати план (тези) усного повідомлення;- логічно описувати факти, явища, події, процеси;- висловлювати власні думки.Говоріння:Діалогічне мовлення за визначеними темами:- знайомитися;- звертатися та відповідати на звертання;- вести діалог-розпитування.Монологічне мовлення за визначеними темами:- послідовно, логічно будувати повідомлення;- чітко структурувати вислови (повідомлення);- викладати факти у певній послідовності.Граматичні вміння:- уміти перекласти з рідної мови на англійську речення;-оперувати граматичними структурами при побудові

висловлювання.Робота з лексикою

Щоб розуміти літературу, яку Ви читаєте, необхідно оволодіти певним запасом слів та виразів. Для цього рекомендується регулярно читати англійською мовою навчальні тексти, газети та оригінальну літературу за фахом. Роботу над закріпленням та збагаченням лексичного запасу радимо проводити таким чином:

а) працюючи зі словником, вивчіть англійський алфавіт, ознайомтеся з побудовою словника, системою умовних позначень;

б) слова виписуйте у зошит або на картки з відповідною граматичною характеристикою.

При перекладі з англійської мови на українську необхідно пам’ятати, що викликає складності таке:

1 Багатозначність слів. Наприклад, слово сonvention має значення: 1) збори, з’їзд; 2) договір, конвенція, угода; 3) звичай; 4) умовність. Підібрати потрібне значення слова можливо тільки виходячи з контексту.

The сonvention was successful Збори пройшли успішноThat is not in accord with convention Таке тут не прийнято


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2 Омоніми (різні за значенням, але однакові за звучанням слова). Їх слід відрізняти від багатозначних слів: some - який-небудь і sum – сума; break – ламати і brake – гальмо.

3 Конверсія (утворення нових слів з існуючих без зміни написання). Найпоширенішим є утворення дієслів від відповідних іменників. Наприклад: water – вода, to water – поливати.

4 Інтернаціоналізми (слова, що запозичені з інших мов, в основному, з латинської та грецької). Ці слова набули широкого поширення і стали інтернаціональними. По кореню таких слів легко здогадатися про їх переклад українською мовою, наприклад: mechanization - механізація, atom - атом тощо. Однак треба пам’ятати, що більшість інтернаціоналізмів розходяться у своєму значенні в українській і англійській мовах, тому їх часто називають «хибними друзями» перекладача. Наприклад, accurate – точний, а не акуратний; to control – не тільки контролювати, а й управляти (керувати) тощо.

5 Словотворення. Ефективним засобом розширення запасу слів в англійській мові є знання засобів словотворення. Крім того, якщо знаєш значення найбільш уживаних префіксів та суфіксів, можна без зусиль зрозуміти значення гнізда слів.

Найуживаніші префікси

anti- anti-war антивоєннийco- co-exit співіснуватиcounter- counter-weight противагаde- demilitarize демілітаризуватиextra- extraordinary надзвичайнийin- inlay вставлятиmulti- multistage багатоступеневийover- overcome подолатиpoly- polytechnical політехнічнийpost- postgraduate аспірантpre- predetеrmine визначитиre- reorganize реорганізуватиtrans- transformation перетворенняsuper- superprofits надприбуткиultra- ultra-violet ультрафіолетовий


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Основні суфікси іменників

Суфікси Приклади Переклад-ance importance значення-ence silence мовчання-sion revision перегляд -dom freedom воля-ion (-tion, -ation) revolution,


формування-ion (-tion, -ation) revolution,


формування-ment equipment обладнання-ness softness м’якість-ship friendship дружба-age voltage напруга-er teacher викладач-ty difficulty трудність

Основні суфікси прикметників та прислівників

Суфікси Приклади Переклад-able remarkable видатний-ible extensible розтяжний-ant, -ent resistant, different опірний, різний-ful successful успішний-less homeless бездомний-ous famous відомий-y sunny сонячний-ly happily щасливо

6 В англійській мові є ряд дієслів, що вживаються з післяскладами й утворюють нові поняття. Завдяки післяскладам порівняно невелика група слів відрізняється великою багатозначністю. До цієї групи належать дієслова to get, to make, to go, to set та ряд інших.

7 В англійській мові дуже часто іменники вживаються в функції означення без зміни своєї форми. Структура «іменник + іменник + іменник» викликає труднощі при перекладі, оскільки


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іменники стоять підряд. Головним словом у такій групі є останнє, а всі попередні іменники є означеннями до нього. Деякі іменники-означення можуть перекладатися прикметниками. Наприклад: cane - очерет; cane sugar - тростинний цукор; sugar - цукор, sugar cane - цукрова тростина, machine-building industry - машинобудівна промисловість

8 Проте подібний спосіб перекладу не завжди є можливим: часто такі значення доводиться перекладати іменниками у непрямих відмінках (з прийменниками або без них). Порядок перекладу обумовлюється змістовими зв’язками між означенням та словом, що означається. Переклад слід починати справа наліво з останнього іменника, а іменники, що стоять перед ним у ролі означення, треба перекладати на українську мову іменниками у непрямих відмінках (частіше родовому або з прийменниками в інших відмінках), наприклад: export grain – зерно на експорт, grain export - експорт зерна, raw materials – сировина.

9 Іноді при перекладі з англійської мови доводиться застосовувати описовий переклад і перекладати значення англійського слова за допомогою кількох українських слів, наприклад: characteristics - характерні особливості;efficiency - коефіцієнт корисної дії, necessities – речі першої необхідності; mainly (chiefly) - головним чином

Оскільки основною цільовою установкою навчання іноземній мові є отримання інформації з іншомовного джерела, особливу увагу слід приділяти читанню текстів. Точне та повне розуміння тексту можна отримати шляхом вивчаючого читання, що передбачає вміння самостійно здійснювати лексико-граматичний аналіз тексту. Підсумком вивчаючого читання є адекватний переклад тексту рідною мовою за допомогою словника. Читаючи текст, що призначений для розуміння загального змісту, необхідно, не звертаючись до словника, зрозуміти основний зміст прочитаного.


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Організація навчальної роботи проводиться за наступними розділами.

І семестр. Граматика. Особові та присвійні займенники. Дієслово to be у теперішньому неозначеному часі. Теперішній тривалий час (the Present Progressive tense). Типи питальних речень (загальні, альтернативні, спеціальні, розділові). Прийменники з післяскладами. Зворот there is/are. Вираз to be going to do something. Неозначені займенники some, any та їх похідні. Числівники. Присвійний відмінок іменників. Теперішній доконаний час (Present Perfect). Майбутній неозначений час (the Simple Future tense). Способи вираження майбутніх дій. Дієслово to have.

Розмовні теми: Навчання, клас. Я вивчаю англійську мову. Про себе та про свою сім’ю. Зовнішність людини. Взаємовідносини між людьми. Приміщення. Моя квартира. Мій будинок.

ІІ семестр. Граматика. Минулий неозначений час (the Simple Past tense). Розділові питання (Tag-questions). Минулий тривалий час (the Past Progressive tense). Безособові речення (the Impersonal Sentences with it). Теперішній доконаний час (the Present Perfect tense). Модальні дієслова can, may (the Modal Verbs can, may). Неозначено-особові речення (the Indefinite-Personal Sentences). Ступені порівняння прикметників та прислівників (the Degrees of Comparison of Adjectives and Adverbs). Конструкції з інфінітивом (the Infinitive Constructions).

Розмовні теми: Режим дня. Обов’язки на роботі та вдома. Пори року та погода. У продовольчому магазині. В універмазі. ІІІ семестр. Граматика: Теперішній перфектно-тривалий час (the Present Perfect Continuous tense). Модальні дієслова та їх еквіваленти (Modal Verbs can, may, must and their equivalents). Пасивний стан (the Passive Voice). Минулий доконаний час (the Past Perfect tense). Майбутній час у минулому (the Future-in-the-


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Past). Узгодження часів (the Sequence of Tenses). Непряма мова (the Indirect Speech).

Розмовні теми: Місто. (Моє місто. Київ. Лондон). Освіта. Київський університет. Сумський державний університет. Конотопський інститут Сумського державного університету. Вільний час. Улюблені заняття. Канікули.

ІV семестр. Граматика. Умовний спосіб (Subjunctive, Conditional Mood). Умовний спосіб у підрядних додаткових реченнях після дієслова “wish”. Складний підмет, складний додаток (the Complex Object, the Complex Subject).

Розмовні теми: Канікули. Відпустки. Свята України. Звичаї українського народу. Звичаї англійського народу. Проживання в готелі.

Рекомендована література

1. Верба Л. Г., Верба Г. В. Граматика сучасної англійської мови (довідник). - Київ: ТОВ „ВП Логос”,2002.

2. Куліш Л. Ю., Друянова Є. О. та ін. Прискорений курс англійської мови. - Київ: Вища школа, 1994.

3. Литвиненко Г.І., Алексахіна Т.О. Англійська мова. Суми: ВТД „Університетська книга”, 2005.

4. Шпак В. К. Англійська для економістів і бізнесменів. – Київ: Вища школа, 2000.

5. Методичні вказівки до читання текстів зі спеціальності „Менеджмент” (збірка текстів, вправ, лексичного мінімуму).

6. Інтернет. Збірка текстів для читання англійською мовою. – Суми: Вид-во СумДУ, 2002.

7. Голіцинський Ю. Граматика: Збірник вправ. - Київ: А. С. К.8. Шпак В. К. Англійська мова для повсякденного спілкування.

– Київ: Вища школа, 2001.Основні питання заліку


Перелік питань

I Слова, словосполучення та фрази, пов’язанні з темами:


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Навчання. Клас. Я вивчаю англійську мову. Про себе та сім’ю. Приміщення. Дім. Квартира. Мої друзі. Граматика: Порядок слів у реченні. Дієслово to be, to have в Simple Present. Present Progressive. Зворот there is/are. Займенники. Числівники. Simple Future. Засоби вираження майбутньої дії. Спеціальні питання.

Тексти та післятекстові завдання із спеціальності II Слова, словосполучення та фрази, пов’язані з темами:

Режим дня. Обов’язки на роботі і дома. Пори року та погода. Складання прогнозу погоди. У продовольчому магазині. В універмазі.

Граматика: The Simple Past Tense. Розділові питання. Рast Progressive. Безособові речення. Present Perfect. Degrees of Comparison of Adjectives and Adverbs.

Тексти та післятекстові завдання із спеціальності III Лексика за темами: Моє місто. Київ. Лондон. Освіта.

Київський університет. Сумський державний університет. Улюблені заняття у вільний час.

Граматика: the Present Perfect Progressive. Модальні дієслова та їх еквіваленти. The Passive Voice. The Past Perfect Tense. The Future-in-the-Past. The Seqence of Tense. Тексти та післятекстові завдання із спеціальності

Уміння та навички

Усне мовлення: уміти вести бесіду за визначеними темами, зробити монологічне повідомлення обсягом 10-15 речень.

Читання: прочитати та перекласти текст на зазначену тему, відповісти на запитання.

Граматичні вміння: виконати граматичні завдання, вміти перекласти з рідної мови на англійську речення, де необхідно використати зазначений матеріал.

Вимоги до екзамену1 Читання та переказ тексту (обсяг 1000 друкованих знаків

тексту, пов’язаного зі спеціальністю).


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2 Виконання вправи на підстановку (3 речення на граматичний матеріал чотирьох семестрів).

3 Переклад вправи з української мови на англійську мову (на граматичний матеріал чотирьох семестрів).

4 Монологічне повідомлення за темою (10-15 речень). Бесіда за темою (теми чотирьох семестрів).

Семестр 1Розділ 1(Unit 1) – 15 годин самостійної роботи студентаРозмовні теми: Я вивчаю англійську мову. Навчання та класГраматика: Правила читання. Дієслово to be у теперішньому

неозначеному часі. Особові та прислівні займенники (залежна та незалежна форма).

Студент повинен засвоїти лексичний мінімум із розмовних тем, уміти робити повідомлення за темами (задавати питання та відповідати на запитання).

Студент повинен знати букви та звуки англійського алфавіта, знати основні правила читання приголосних та голосних букв у трьох типах складу, правила читання буквосполучень типу -ee-,-ea-, - ch-, -ck-, -th-. Необхідно знати форми дієслова to be в теперішньому часі, вміти будувати розповідні, питальні та заперечні речення з ним, а також знати особові займенники (I, you, he, she, it, we, they), а також залежну та незалежну та незалежну форми прислівних займенників (my, mine, her, hers)

Необхідно вміти будувати розповідні речення (побудова за правильним порядком слів – підмет – присудок – інші члени речення) та застосовувати зворотній порядок слів у питальному реченні (інверсія).

Розділ 2 (Unit 2) – 20 годин самостійної роботи студентаГраматика: Типи питальних речень. Прийменники з

дієсловом. Теперішній тривалий час (Present Progressive)Розмовна тема: Навчання та класНеобхідно знати граматичну структуру теперішнього тривалого

часу, знати, в яких випадках вживається цей час. Студент повинен чітко знати основні типи питальних речень: загальні, розділові, альтернативні, спеціальні питання, а також спеціальні питання до підмета та вміти утворювати різні типи питальних речень.


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Студент повинен пам’ятати про дієслова з прийменниками після них. Прийменники після деяких дієслів можуть змінювати лексичне значення. Наприклад, to look – дивитися на; to look for – шукати; to give - відмовлятися; to give in – уступати і т.ін.

Розділ 3 (Unit 3) – 18 годин самостійної роботи. Граматика: Конструкція there is/are. Конструкція to be going to

do smith. Неозначені займенники some, any та їх похідні. Числівники.

Розділ 4 (Unit 4) – 20 годин самостійної роботи студента. Граматика: Дієслово to have. Теперішній неозначений час

(Simple Present Tens). Порівняння Present Progressive та Simple Present. Майбутній неозначений час (Simple Future tense). Розмовна тема: Приміщення. Моя квартира. Мій будинок.

Необхідно робити усне повідомлення за темами та вміти вести бесіду (як ставити, так і відповідати на питання), а також володіти лексичним матеріалом за темою «Приміщення».

Необхідно пам’ятати, що дієслова to have, to be можуть у реченні бути основними дієсловами, а також модальними для вираження значення необхідності виконати щось, а також допоміжними дієсловами. Дієслово to have як основне (смислове) дієслово перекладається ,,мати’’ і може утворювати самостійно без допоміжного дієслова питання та заперечення в теперішньому неозначеному часі.

Студент повинен знати правила утворення та випадки вживання теперішнього та майбутнього неозначеного часів, вміти утворювати питальні, заперечні та розповідні форми часів. Необхідно розуміти різницю вживання теперішнього тривалого та неозначеного часу, а також всі можливі способи вираження майбутніх дій (майбутній неозначений час, теперішній тривалий та неозначний часи з дієсловами руху, зворот to be going to do smith та лексичні засоби вираження майбутніх дій).

Семестр 2Розділ 5 (Unit 5) – 15 год. самостійної роботиГраматика: Минулий неозначений час (the Simple Past tense).

Розділові питання (Tag-questions)


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Розмовна тема: Режим дня. Обов’язки на роботі і вдома. Мої вихідні дні.

Студент повинен уміти будувати стверджувальні, питальні і заперечні речення в минулому часі, знати способи утворення минулого часу правильних і неправильних дієслів (ІІ форма дієслова), зміни в правописі правильних дієслів при додаванні закінчення ed знати три форми неправильних найуживаніших дієслів. Необхідно засвоїти в яких випадках вживається минулий неозначений час.

Необхідно активізувати правила утворення розділових питань. Студент повинен уміти робити усне повідомлення по вивчених темах та засвоїти лексичний мінімум необхідний для побудови повідомлень по темах, а також уміти вести бесіду.

Розділ 6 (Unit 6) – 18 год самостійної роботиГраматика: Безособові речення з it. Минулий тривалий час

(the Past Progressive tense).Розмовна тема: Пори року, погода. Складання прогнозу.Студент повинен уміти утворювати стверджувальну, питальну і

заперечну форми минулого тривалого часу, знати випадки вживання минулого тривалого часу. Необхідно пам’ятати орфографічні зміни, що відбуваються при утворенні дієприкметника теперішнього часу (при додаванні закінчення –ing до основи неозначеної форми дієслова).

Студент повинен уміти розповідати про чотири пори року, описати свою улюблену пору року, скласти прогноз погоди, а також уміти вести бесіду за темами.

Розділ 7 (Unit 7) – 20 год самостійної роботиГраматика: Теперішній доконаний час (The Present Perfect

tense). Модальні дієслова can, may (the Modal Verbs). Неозначені особові речення (the Indefinite Personal Sentences)

Розмовна тема: У продовольчому магазині.Студент повинен уміти будувати стверджувальні, питальні і

заперечні речення в теперішньому доконаному часі, знати випадки вживання цього часу, чітко розуміти відмінності у вживанні минулого неозначеного часу та теперішнього


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доконаного часу, обставини часу та прислівники, з якими вживається цей час.

Студент повинен засвоїти, в яких випадках вживаються неозначено-особові речення (типу «They sell…», «One can buy…») Необхідно також познайомитися з особливою групою дієслів, котрі називаються модальними (may, can, must) зрозуміти відмінності цих дієслів від решти дієслів, особливості вживання їх з іншими дієсловами, утворення стверджувальних, питальних і заперечних речень з модальними дієсловами. Необхідно засвоїти лексичний мінімум за темою «У продовольчому магазині», а також уміти робити повідомлення (описати магазин, сказати, які покупки в ньому робляться постійно та робились останнього разу).

Розділ 8 (Unit 8) – 20 год самостійної роботиГраматика: Ступені порівняння прикметників та прислівників.

Конструкції з інфінітивом Розмовна тема: В універмазіСтудент повинен знати дві форми ступенів порівняння (просту і

складну), прикметників та прислівників, знати орфографічні зміни, що утворюються при утворенні вищого та найвищого ступенів порівняння односкладових та деяких двоскладових прикметників. Необхідно знати також конструкції порівняння (as…as, not so…as).

Студент повинен познайомитися з конструкціями з інфінітивом the Complex Object (складний додаток), особливостями утворення, перекладу, випадками вживання, а також конструкцією типу Ann finds it possible (difficult, interesting, etc.) to discus this question – it+ прикметник + to do smith), котра вживається після дієслів to find.

Семестр 3Розділ 10 (Unit 10) - 25 годин самостійної роботи Граматика: Теперішній перфектно-тривалий час (the Present

Perfect Progressive tense). Модальні дієслова та їх еквіваленти (the Modal Verbs and their Equivalents)

Розмовна тема: Міста. Моє рідне місто. Київ. Лондон.


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Студент повинен засвоїти спосіб утворення розповідних, питальних і заперечних речень перфектно–тривалого часу та розуміти, для вираження яких дій вживається цей час.

Необхідно зрозуміти лексичне значення модальних дієслів can, may, must та їх еквівалентів to be able to, to have to, to be to, to be allowed (permitted) to do smth, а також побудову розповідних, питальних та заперечних речень з модальними дієсловами та їх еквівалентами у всіх часах групи неозначених часів – теперішньому, минулому, майбутньому. Розмовна тема „Місто” передбачає вміння студента зробити усне повідомлення обсягом 10-15 речень про своє місто, Київ та Лондон, уміння вести бесіду за темами та знати лексичний мінімум.

Розділ 11(Unit 11) – 15 годин самостійної роботиГраматика: Пасивний стан дієслова (The Passive Voice)Розмовна тема: Освіта. Київський університет. Сумський

державний університет. Конотопський інститут.Студент повинен засвоїти, в яких випадках присудок у

реченнях буває виражений у пасивному стані, а також утворення пасивного стану всіх часів груп Simple (неозначені), Progressive (тривалі), Perfect (доконані) та вживання прийменників by, with для вказівки на виконавця чи інструмент дії.

Необхідно вміти робити усне повідомлення про Київський університет, Сумського державного університету та Конотопський інститут, про освітню підготовку студентів у цих навчальних закладах. Необхідно володіти лексичним мінімумом.

Розділ 12 (Unit 12) – 23 години самостійної роботиГраматика: Минулий доконаний час (Past Perfect). Майбутній

у минулому час (the Future – in – the - Past). Узгодження часів (the Sequence of Tenses). Непряма мова (the Indirect Speech).

Розмовна тема: Вільний час. Канікули. Улюблені заняття.Студент повинен засвоїти утворення стверджувальних,

питальних та заперечних речень минулого доконаного часу та майбутнього в минулому часу та випадки їх вживання. Необхідно чітко зрозуміти таке явище, як узгодження часів в підрядному додатковому реченні після головного речення в минулому часі, а


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також правила перетворення прямої мови на непряму розповідних речень, питальних речень і наказів та прохань.

Необхідно володіти лексичним мінімумом для побудови монологічного (10-15 речень) усного повідомлення та діалогічного спілкування за темами „Вільний час”, „Улюблені заняття у вільний час”, „Канікули (відпустка)”.

Семестр 4 Розділ 13 (Unit 13) – 40 годин самостійної роботи Граматика: Умовний спосіб (The Subjunctive and Conditional

Mood).Розмовна тема: Канікули. Відпустки.Студент повинен засвоїти лексичний мінімум, необхідний для

побудови усного монологічного повідомлення про свої останні канікули та вміти вести бесіду за темою.

Розділ 14 (Unit 14) – 33 години самостійної роботиГраматика: Складний підмет та додаток (the Comlex Subject,

the Comlex Object). Дієприкметник. Абсолютний дієприкметниковий зворот (Participle I. The Absolute Participle Construction)

Розмовна тема: Звичаї українського та англійського народів. Свята України. Проживання в готелі.

Студент повинен засвоїти необхідний лексичний мінімум для складання усного монологічного повідомлення з теми „Звичаї українців та англійців”, „Свята України”, „Проживання в готелі” (обсяг 10-15 речень), а також уміти вести бесіду за темами.


І семестр

I Answer the following questions bearing in mind that you are speaking about flat:

What is there in your bedroom? Are there flowers on the window –sill? What colour are the walls? Where is the wardrobe? What is there on the floor? Do you like your bedroom?


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ІІ Answer the following questions bearing in mind. What you are speaking about your family:

What kind of person is your mother? What is she? Whre does she work? How many days a week does she work? Does she have much work to do at home? Do you help her? How do you help her?

IIІ Open the brackets and put the verbs in brackets into the Present Simple Tense or the Future Simple Tense

She (to tell) you about it next time. It (to take) you long to prepare homework? Your friend (to graduate) from the Institute next year.

IV Join the following sentences beginning the subordinate clauses with the conjunctions in brackets

My family will go to the country. The weather will be fine on Sunday (where). He will come to your place. He will have time (if).

V Put the verbs in brackets in the Present Continuous TenseMary (to write) a letter at the moment. The students (to sit) in the

front row now.ІІ семестр

I Answer the following questions speaking about department stores

1 Do you often go shopping?2 Do you find it difficult to shop in large stores? Why?3 Have you bought anything this week? What have you bought?4 You prefer to do your shopping in small shops, don’t you? Why?5 What size do you take in shoes (suits)?6 I prefer to buy shoes a size larger, what about you?II Answer the following questions speaking about provision

shops1 Have you gone shopping this week?2 What have you bought?3 How much money a week do you spend on foodstuffs?4 When did you go shopping last?5 What are you going to buy in the shop today?6 Will you go shopping tomorrow? What will you buy?III Complete the sentences in your own way using the degrees of

comparison of adjectives18

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1 … is taller than … 2 … is smaller than … 3 … are the best … 4 … are the worst … 5 … as easy as … 6 … not so expensive as … 7 … not so cheap as … IV Ask questions to have the following answers. Yes, we have

already bought some beef and pork. No, Yuri Belov cannot give lectures on Sunday. My brother has already done the shopping. They have already had dinner today.

V Put for types of questions to this statement1. They had a rest in the country.

ІІІ семестр

I Fill in the blanks with modal verbs or their equivalentsIt was raining hard and we… to wait until it stopped raining. You …

go when you have finished your work. I … give you a book for a couple of days.

II State the tense and the voice in each of the following sentences. Make them negative and interrogative

The actress will be given a little role in the movie. English and German are taught at our institute.

III Open the brackets using the necessary verb form. Mind the sequence of tenses. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian

My friend asked me who (is playing, was playing) the piano in the sitting-room. He said he (will come, would come ) to the station to see me off.

IV Speak about your higher educational establishment1 When was Sumy University founded?2 How many students get their training here?3 At what faculties do the students study?4 What subjects do they take?5 What subjects do the senior students major in?6 Where do they take their practical training?


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7 Speak about the cooperation of your establishment with other institutions of higher education.

8 At what faculties are foreign languages taught.9 What laboratories are there in your establishment.

IV семестр

I Do the sentences using the Subjunctive Mood and the Conditional Mood

I wish it (to be) summer all the year round. I wish I (to spend) my last summer holiday in the Crimea. If he were not such an outstanding actor, he (not to have) so many admires. If she (not to be) so absent-minded, she would be a much better student. If they (not to go) to Kyiv last year, they would not have heard that famous musician.

II Underline the Complex Object and the Complex Subject constructions in the following sentences. Translate them into Ukrainian

Many books are known to be published in our country every year. He was said to be one of the most promising nuclear physicist. The man was seen to have taken off his coat. The Tortoise seemed to be moving very slowly. She felt her hands tremble. I noticed him frowning. Mother made eat the soup. I know him to be a good pupil.

III Answer the following questions speaking about the customs and traditions of the Ukrainian and English people

The English people keep their traditions up with great honour. What about the Ukrainian people? What English and Ukrainian traditions do you know? What is the most celebrated holiday in England (in Ukraine)? What are your family traditions in meals? What do you know about the English national cuisine?

IV Answer the following speaking about staying at hotelsDo you often have to put up at a hotel? What facilities are generally

found in a hotel? What services does a hotel offer? What rooms do you prefer when staying at a hotel (single or double rooms)? When do you usually have meals when staying at a hotel?


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Виконувати письмові контрольні роботи треба в окремому зошиті. На обкладинці зошита напишіть своє прізвище, індекс групи, номер контрольного завдання. Контрольні роботи повинні виконуватись акуратно, чітким почерком. При виконанні контрольної роботи залишайте у зошиті широкі поля для зауважень та пояснень вказівок рецензента.

Матеріали контрольної роботи слід розмістити у зошиті за таким зразком:

Ліва сторінка Права сторінкаполя англійський



Виконані контрольні роботи направляйте для перевірки та рецензування у встановлені строки. Якщо контрольну роботу виконано без дотримання вказівок або не повністю, вона повертається на доопрацювання.

При одержанні від рецензента перевіреної контрольної роботи треба уважно прочитати рецензію, ознайомитися із зауваженнями та проаналізувати позначені помилки. Користуючись вказівками рецензента, опрацюйте ще раз навчальний матеріал. Усі речення, в яких було виявлено орфографічні та граматичні помилки або неточності перекладу, перепишіть начисто у виправленому вигляді в кінці даної контрольної роботи. Відрецензовані контрольні роботи є навчальними документами, що необхідно зберігати; пам'ятайте про те, що під час заліку здійснюється перевірка засвоєння матеріалу, який увійшов до контрольних робіт.

Вимоги до заліку

До заліків допускаються студенти, які виконали контрольні 21

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роботи в обсязі, що передбачений програмою.Для отримання заліку студент повинен вміти: прочитати зі

словником незнайомий текст англійською мовою; уміти вести бесіду за вивченою темою; виконати граматичне завдання.


Контрольне завдання 1 (зразок виконання)

I Виконати вправи на вживання дієслова "to be".Виберіть потрібну форму дієслова, та перекладіть українською: Where... your parents?a) am b) is c) are Where are your parents? Де твої батьки?II Виконати вправи на утворення різних типів питань.Поставте всі можливі запитання до речень: We are doing an English exercise now.1) Are we doing an English exercise now?2) Are we doing an English or German exercise now?3) We are doing an English exercise now, aren't we?4) Who is doing an English exercise now?5) What are we doing now?III Виконати вправи на вживання прийменників місця.Поставте замість пропусків прийменники місця, перепишіть і

перекладіть реченняAre there any books... the shelf? Are there any books on the shelf? Чи є на полиці книжки? ІV Виконати вправи на вживання часів.Перепешіть речення, визначте час, вкажіть початкову форму

дієслова, перекладіть речення.They will move to a new flat next week.- will move Simple Present tense (to move)Вони переїдуть у нову квартиру наступного тижня.V Виконати вправи на вживання неозначених займенників.


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Поставте замість пропусків займенники "some", "any", "nо" або їх похідні; перепешіть і перекладіть речення.

There is... in the next room. There is nobody in the next room. У сусідній кімнаті немає нікого.VI Виконати вправи на переклад речень.Перекладіть речення з української на англійську 1) Біля столу стоять стільці. There are some chairs at the table.2)Він буде працювати на заводі наступного року. Не will work

at the plant next year. VІІ Перекладіть текст українською мовою, виконайте завдання

до нього.


І Виконати вправи на вживання дієслова "to be".Виберіть потрібну форму дієслова "tо be" (am, is, are),

перепишіть і перекладіть речення:1 John Smith ... a mathematician2 The students ... studying English. 3 These ... our students. 4 I... in the classroom now. 5 Where ... you from? II Виконати вправи на утворення різних типів питань. Поставте всі можливі запитання до речень.Не often teaches his students in this room. Yuri Below is reading an

English text now. They will move into a new flat next week. IIІ Виконати вправи на вживання прийменників місця. Поставте замість пропусків прийменники місця, перепишіть і

перекладіть речення. The picture is hanging ... the welll. What is there ... the sitting-

room? He works ... the plant. Are there any chairs ... the table? There is a thick carpet ... the floor.

IV Виконати вправи на вживання часів. Перепишіть речення, визначте час, вкажіть початкову форму

дієслова, перекладіть речення23

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Не reads, writes and speaks these languages very well. The housing conditions will improve. They are listening to their teacher now. My parents - in - law live in Kyiv. I shall send you a picture of my new flat tomorrow.

V Виконати вправи на вживання неозначених займенників.

Поставте замість пропусків займенники "some", "any", "по" або їх похідні; перепишіть і перекладіть речення.

Are there ... illustrations in that book? Put ... salt on your meat.Is there ... new? There is... in the next room who wants to speak to

you. Where can I get ... to drink?VI Виконати вправи на переклад речень. Перекладіть речення з української мови англійською.Він працює в університеті. У цій кімнаті є багато полиць із

книгами. У нас піде 20 хвилин на те, щоб дістатися туди. У ванній кімнаті холодна і гаряча вода. У мене зараз практичні заняття.

VII Перекладіть текст українською мовою, виконайте завдання до тексту.

Дайте відповідь на запитання, випишіть та вивчіть незнайомі слова з тексту.

What is Sіmferopol? When was the city founded? What industries are developed in the city.

SIMFEROPOL Simferopol is the capital of the Autonomous Republic of the

Crimea, The population of the city is over 400,000. Simferopol is situated on the Salhir River. The locality has been

populated since time immemorial. In the 4th century the Scythians built here their capital Neapolis Scythian which existed 6 centuries. In the 16th century, a Tatar settlement of Ak-Mesdzhid /White Mosque/ came into being on the left bank of the Saihir. It became the Crimean Khan's residence. After annexation of the Crimea by Russia this site was chosen for foundation of the central city of the Tauris Province. The city was called Simferopol - the city - Gatherer.


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In the late 19th century the city crossed over to the Right Bank of the Salhir. Simferopol became the administrative, industrial and cultural center of the Crimean region.

The food and light industries are the leading industries of the city. Simferopol has a wide range of engineering industries, including the production of modern consumer goods and machine tools.

Simferopol is cultural and educational center of the Crimea. The city boasts of Tauris University, the Medical Institute, the Agricultural Institute, the three theatres, the Philharmonic Society, the Museum of Regional Studies and the Museum of Arts. Tauris University boasts of the name of Volodymyr I.Vernads'kyi /1863-19457, the first Ukrainian Academician, an outstanding scientist who was the rector of Tauris University.

The Museum of arts was established in 1920. The museum boasts of the masterpieces of M. Levyts'kyi, V. Tropinin, O.Venetsianov, I. Aivazovs'kyi, I. Repin, T. Yablons'ka. The Crimean Russian Drama theatre was established in 1921. The theatre boasts of the famous actors M.Tsariov/1903-1987/and Faina Ranievskaya /1896-1984/.

The Crimean Ukrainian Theatre of Drama and Musical comedy was established in 1956. The theater boasts of the names of the noted Ukrainian actors M.I. Andrusenko, V. Boiko, M. Bondarevs'kyi, I. Burmenko, Along with the modern plays its repertoire includes classical Ukrainian plays "Zaporіzhian Cossack beyond the Danube" and "Matchmaking in Honcharivka".

The Crimean Museum of Regional Studies was established in 1899. The museum has section of history and nature of the Crimea and boasts of the library "Tavrika".

The architectural image of the city is represented by the style of classicism. The monuments of architecture include the Vorontsov Palace in a picturesque park on the bank of the Salhir River. In 1820 O. Pushkin visited Simferopol. The monument to the great poet was erected in 1967 by sculptor O.Kovaliov. Its low pedestal harmonizes perfectly with the sitting bronze statue.

Simferopol is the capital of the Crimean Autonomous Republic, which include 15 districts, 16 towns, 55 settlements and 972 villages.


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I Виконати вправи на вживання дієслова "to be" (am, is, are).

Виберіть потрібну форму дієслова "to be", перепишіть і перекладіть речення.

1 How large ... your family? 2 There…some books there. 3 I ...sitting at my desk now.

II Виконати вправи на утворення різних типів питань:Поставте всі можливі запитання до речень. 1 Не is writing English words now.2 They will work in various fields of our economy.3 Their daughter plays the paino very well.III Виконати вправи на вживання прийменників місцяПоставте замість пропусків прийменники місця, перепишіть і

перекладіть речення.1 There is a large table ... of the room.. 2 The TV set is ... the left - hand corner of the room.3 There is a mirror... the shelf and a rail for towels ... the bathroom.4 There is an underground station…our house.5 Our flat is ... the 4 th floor in a nine - storeyed building.1V Виконати вправи на вживання часів: Перепишіть речення, визначте час, вкажіть початкову форму

дієслова, перекладіть речення.1 We usually come home at 7 o'clock in the evening.2 They will bring me a lot of presents and flowers on my birthday.3 We are having a laboratory session now.4 Peter Klymenko gives lectures at the university twice a week.5 We shall go to the institute tomorrow.V Виконати вправи на вживання неозначених

займенників: Поставте замість пропусків займенники "some", "any", "no"

або їх похідні; перепишіть і перекладіть речення.1 Are there ... stools in the kitchen? 2 She has ... type - writer and tape - recorder on the desk.


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3 Do you want... apples? 4 If you find ... money on the floor, it is mine.5 I see ...at the window. VI Виконати вправи на переклад речень:Перекладіть речення з української мови англійською. 1 У твоїй квартирі є телефон. 2 Мати моїх друзів живе в селі. 3 Що ви зараз робите ? 4 В його квартирі є всі сучасні вигоди. 5 Вона зателефонує мені завтра.VII Перекладіть текст українською мовою, виконайте

завдання.Дайте відповідь на запитання, випишіть та вивчіть незнайомі

слова з тексту. 1 When was Poltava founded? 2 What do you know about the Poltava Battle of 1709? 3 What museums does Poltava boast of?

POLTAVA Poltava is a regional center, railway and AutoRoute junction. It is

located on the Right Bank of the Vorskla River, 333 km from Kyiv. The population of Poltava is about 350,000.

Poltava is one of the most illustrious of Ukrainian national culture. Its date of founding is unknown. An ancient dwelling from the Paleolithic era was uncovered in Bila Hora. Remains of the Scythians have been uncovered beneath the Soborny Maidan.

A settlement known as Ltava is mentioned in the Hypatian Chronicle. The current name of the city dates back to the 15 th century. In the 16-17th cc. Poltava belonged to the Pereyaslav principality. In 1648 Poltava was captured by Ukrainian magnate Yarema Vyshnevetskyi /1612-51/. During the Liberation war of 1848 it was the base of the Poltava regiment/1648-1775/. The first Cossack colonel of the regiment was M. Pushkar’ /d.1658/, a brave military leader who fell in action at Poltava.

In 1709 a tragic battle was fought near Poltava between the Cossacks of Ivan Mazepa and Sweden's King Charles XII against the Russian Czar Peter I. It was the General Battle of the Northern


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war/1700-21/. The Russian army/42.000 men and 72 cannons/ defeated the army of Charles XII /30.000 men and 32 cannons/. In 1802 the city became a provisional center.

During the Great Patriotic War an underground partisan group "Unsubdued Poltavite" was active in Poltava. After the war the city was reconstructed and today Poltava is a new industrial and agricultural regional center.

Its textile and clothing industries include the largest cotton mill in Ukraine. There are also engineering works engaged in diesel-locomotive repair and machine building.

Poltava has teacher-training, medical, agricultural, and agricultural-engineering institutes.Several research establishments include the Institute of Pig-Breeding.

Poltava boasts of two theatres and Philharmonic Society, six museums, the Historical -Cultural Reserve “The Poltava Battle”, the I. Kotliarevskyi Museum, the Panas Mymyi Museum, the V. Korolenko Museum. The monuments of architecture of Poltava include the Belfry of the Assumption Cathedral /1774-1801/, the Round Square with the monument- column of Glory /1805-11/.


І Виконати вправи на вживання дієслова "to be".Виберіть потрібну форму дієслова "to be" (am, is, are),

перепишіть і перекладіть речення.1 There ... some arm - chairs on both sides of the large window. 2 He ... going to work at his English. 3 The type- writer and tape-recorder ... on the desk 4 I ... a first - year student of the Cherkassy Engineering an

Technological Institute. 5 We ... fond of reading books on science fiction ІІ Виконати вправи на утворення різних типів питань Поставте всі можливі запитання до речень. 1 In two years I shall graduate from the Institute. 2 I seldom speak with him about my cousins.


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3 A chambermaid is сlеаnіng my suit at the preset moment. III Виконати вправи на вживання прийменників місця:Пооставте замість пропусків прийменник місця; перепишіть і

перекладіть речення.1 How many chairs are there ... the table?2 There are some bookshelves ... the entrance hall.3 The side - board is ... the window. 4 My grandparents work … a farm. 5 Where is the tea? - It is ... the cup.IV Виконати вправи на вживання часів:Перепишіть речення, визначте час, зазначте початкову форму

дієслова, перекладіть речення.1 They will return from the country in two days.2 He is working at his English now.3 We usually visit him on our days - off.4 I shall buy a new set of furniture.5 Her mother - in - law works at a large plant.V Виконати вправи на вживання неозначених займенників.Поставте замість пропусків займенники "some",”any”,”no”

або їх похідні: перепишіть і перекладіть речення1 Are there ... modern conveniences in your flat ?2 I want to buy ... flowers.3 Take ... jam, please.4 Jive me ... to eat , I’m hungry.5 Do you learn ... foreign languages?VI Виконати вправи на переклад речень: Перекладіть речення з української мови англійською.1 Його дружина зараз готує вечерю.2 Завтра я піду в інститут.3 В середині кімнати стіл з шістьма стільцями навколо нього.4 На стіні картини.5 Він рідко читає книжку ввечері.VII Перекладіть текст українською мовою, виконайте

завдання. Дайте відповідь на запитання, випишіть та вивчіть незнайомі слова з тексту.

1 Who was Lev Danylovych?29

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2 Why are the architectural monuments of Lviv so unique?3 When was Lviv founded?

LVIVLviv is a regional capital, the traditional economic, transport,

cultural and administrative center of the Western Ukraine. The city was founded as a fort in the 13th century by Prince Danylo Halytskyi /l201-64/ and was named after the son of Prince Danylo Hatytskyi - Lev Danylovych /1228-1301/.

Lviv was first mentioned in 1256 in connection with the fire of Kholm , but the first settlement appeared here to the 6th century. Lviv became the center of trade and commerce of the region. The city’s location on the crossroads of trade routs led to its rapid economic development.

In the 14th century Halychyna was taken over by Poland. The vast majority of people remained Ukrainian Orthodox. Later they joined the Greek Catholic Church, which acknowledged the Pope’s spiritual supremacy but kept the Orthodox ceremonies.

In 1661 Lviv University was founded. In its four departments lectures were held in Latin, German, Polish and Ukrainian.

After the first Partition of Poland /1772/ Halychyna became part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire but remained dominated by Poles.

In the 1890’s Lviv became the center of the Ukrainian national movement. Many prominent cultural and political leaders rived in Lviv, among them Ivan Franko and Mykhailo Hrushevskyi.

The city became a crossroad of Ukrainian, Polish and Jewish cultures.

In November of 1918 LViv was proclaimed the capital of the independent Republic of Western Ukraine. In July 1919 when the Western Ukraine was occupied Poland Lviv returned to Polish rule.

In September 1939 when the W.W.II began the Western Ukraine formed part of the Soviet Ukraine. From 1941 till 1944 Lviv was


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occupied by Germany and in 1944 L’viv again went under Soviet rule. In 1946 the activity of the Greek Catholic Church was prohibited.

Since the 1980's the city became a leading force in Ukraine's movement towards sovereignty arid democracy. The activity of the Greek Catholic church started again. The national Ukrainian movement Rukh won the elections.

Now Lviv is a major economic and cultural center in the Western region of independent Ukrainian State. Despite difficulties, economic reforms in Lviv proceed more rapidly than in any other Ukrainian economic centers. Lviv boasts of many monuments of the past. The different styles of the monuments range from Ukrainian traditional to Italian Renaissance and German Baroque. Today they form a unique whole of the wonderful city of Lviv.


І Виконати вправи па вживання дієслова "to be":Виберіть потрібну форму дієслова "tо be" (am, is, are),

перепишіть і перекладіть речення1 What ... your mother tongue? 2 ... you sometimes tired after lessons? 3 I ... inviting a fellow - student to have dinner at my place. 4 Our hostel ... in a large six-storeyed house. 5 There bookshelves ... on the walls. ІІ Виконати вправи на утворення різних типів питань: Поставте всі можливі запитання до речень.1 They will build a new apartment house in our street. 2 The windows of my new flat face the embankment.

3 I am looking for the key. III Виконати вправи на вживання прийменників місця: Поставте замість пропусків прийменники місця: перепишіть і

перекладіть речення.1 They have breakfast ... their room, 2 His niece works ... the hospital.3 There is a girl standing ... the bridge. 4 The teacher is writing some words ... the blackboard.


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5 Where is your little sister? - She is ... bed. IV Виконати вправи на вживання часів: Перепишіть речення, визначте час, зазначте початкову форму

дієслова, перекладіть речення.1 The laundress is washing shirts now. 2 We shall live in a comfortable three-room flat on the second

floor.З You will invite them for your house - warming party.4 He reads much and does many language exercises.5 Each branch of science and technology has its own separate

vocabulary.V Виконати вправи на вживання неозначених займенників.Поставте замість пропусків займенники "some", "any", "nо"

або їх похідні; перепишіть і перекладіть речення. 1 Will you give me ... bread, please?

2 Do ... engineers work here? 3 Please, take ... English book you like.4 Everybody sees ... in that room.5 Are you reading ... interesting now?VI Виконати вправи на переклад речень:Перекладіть речення з української мови на англійську. 1 Мері Браун - економіст, їй подобається її робота. 2 Вони часто приймають участь у конференціях. 3 Я збираюся відвідати своїх рідних.4 Том і Еліс придбають пилосос, посудомийну та пральну

машини. 5 На першому поверсі знаходиться пральня.VII Перекладіть текст на українску мову, виконайте

завдання до тексту. Дайте відповідь на запитання, випишіть та вивчіть незнайомі

слова 1 When was Sumy founded?2 Why is the town called "Sumy"? 3 What are modern Sumy's industries?


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SUMYSumy is a regional town situated upon the Psei River and its tributary

Sumka. It was founded in 1652 by the settlers from Bila Tserkwa / White Church/ regiment as a fort. In 1658 -1765 the Slobids'kyi Regiment was dislocated in Sumy. The Regiment distinguished itself in battles with the Turks in 1677-78. Sumy became a town in 1780. The legend has it that Hetman

Doroshenko lost his bag here. It is also believed that the name of the city comes from three bags, which were found here. On the city coat of arms there are three bags on the silver background. During the 18 and 19 centuries trade and Industrial enterprises

flourished here. When regimental rule was abolished in 1765 the Sumy Cossack regiment became Hussar light cavalry regiment. The abolishing of serfdom in 1861 helped to spur industrial

development of the city. Before the WWI there were over forty enterprises in Sumy. In the present-day Sumy they produce machinery for the chemical Industry, electron microscopes, pumps, and fertilizers. Light industries include sugar refining and other food processing. The city is known for production of clothing and footwear. In Sumy there are Bio and Porcelain Plants. The city boasts of the S. Makarenko Teacher-training Institute, the

Sumy Museum of Arts where the pictures of T. Shevchenko, V. Borovykovs'kyi, I. Shyshkin, A. Kuindzhi and T. Yablons'ka are on show. Many noted persons are connected with the history of the city. The outstanding Ukrainian philosopher and poet of the 18 century H. Skovoroda /1722-1794/ visited Sumy many times. In 1858 .] the city was visited by the great Ukrainian poet T. Shevchenko/1814-1861/. The writers B. Hrinchenkff and V. Korolenko, the great composer P.Chaikovs'kyi /Tchaikovsky/ visited Sumy on numerous-occasions. There are many historical and architectural monuments in Sumy:

the Ressurection church /1707/, the Transfiguration Cathedral /1776-88/, the Church of Illia /1836-51/, the Trinity Cathedral /1901-08/ The Sumy M. Shchepkin Drama Theater boasts of the noted

Ukrainian actors who played on its stage: Domian Kozachkovs'kyi /1896-1967/, Ihor Rybchyns'kyi, Oleksii Tarasenko.


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І Виконати вправи на вживання дієслова "to be". Виберіть потребну форму дієслова "to be"(am, is, are),

перепишіть і перекладіть речення.1 Не ... a man of character. 2 We ... looking for the nearest telephone now.3 This student... sitting in the front row.

4 They ... economists.5 There ... 6 students in the classroom.II Виконати вправи на утворення різних типів питань: Поставте всі можливі запитання до речень.1 They are criticizing my report at the moment.2 I shall place the furniture in my bedroom to my liking.3 He reads periodicals seldom.ІІІ Виконати вправи на вживання прийменників місця: Поставте замість пропусків прийменники місця; перепишіть і

перекладіть речення.1 My father's sister works ... an office.2 They live ... a nine - storeyed building.3 The students are sitting ... their desks.4 These men are sitting ... the front row.5 These sportsmen are ... the stadium now. IV Виконати вправи на вживання часів: Перепишіть речення, визначте час, зазначте початкову

форму дієслова, перекладіть речення. 1 We come to the Institute at 8 a. m. sharp.2 They see us at the club very often.3 І shall buy new furniture for my kitchen and my living - room. 4 Four chairs are standing round the table.5 Halyna is cooking dinner now. V Виконати вправи на вживання неозначених

займенників: Поставте замість пропусків займенники "some", "any", "по"

або їх похідні; перепишіть і перекладіть речення.1 There is ... in the classroom.


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2 Is there ... interesting on the table?3 Please take ... magazine you like.4 Give me ... ice - cream with jam, please. 5 Is there ... who speaks English?VI Виконати вправи на переклад речень:

Перекладіть речення з української мови англійською.1 Мій брат вчиться в інституті іноземних мов.2 Ми придбаємо нові меблі: два крісла, диван, письмовий стіл

– і деякі побутові електроприлади.3 Він завжди в доброму гуморі.

4 В їхній кімнаті небагато меблів.5 Я чекаю на своїх одногрупників. VII Перекладіть текст українською мовою, виконайте

завдання до тексту: Дайте відповідь на запитання, випишіть та вивчіть незнайомі слова з тексту.

1 Which town of the Sumy region can boast of the first in Ukraine school of singers? 2 Which town bears the name of White Fortress.

3 Which town was mentioned in the "Lay of Ihor's Host"? THE TOWNS OF SUMY REGION

Glukhiv is a district town known since 1152 as a town of the Chernihiv Principality. The name comes from "glukhyi" lonely, remote. It is the hometown of Ukrainian painters Anton Losenko /1737-1773/, Kostiantyn Lomykin and Mykola Murashko /1844-1909/; composers Maksym Berezovs'kyi /1745-1777/ and Dmytro Bortnians'kyi /1751-1825/. In 1738 the first in Ukraine school of singers was open in Glukhiv.

Konotop is a district town known since 1638. Once it was a Polish fortification near the ford of the Yezuch River where horses used to stick.

Krolevets is a district town known since 1601. It is believed to be named after the Polish king Sigismund III /1566-1632/who took advantage of Russia's weakness after the death of Boris Godunov and invaded Moscow in /1610-12/


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Lebedyn is a district town on the Vilshanka River. In 1652, saving themselves from the oppression of the Polish magnates, the settlers from the Right-Bank Ukraine settled on the Left-Bank of the Dnieper where there were many swans /lebid" in Ukrainian/. It has a monument of the wooden architecture - the Church of Ressurection built in 1748.

Okhtyrka is a district town on the Vorskla River. It was founded in 1641 by the peasants and Cossacks from the Right-Bank Ukraine. The name comes from the Turkic "ak tura" - a White Fortress. The Okhtyrka Cossack regiment /1655-1765/ was dislocated here to defend the southern borders. In 1765 it was reorganized in the Hussar regiment and the Cossack became "military residents".

Putyvl is a district town on the Seim River. It was founded in 1146. The town stands at the crossing of the roads /put' is a way in Ukrainian/. It boasts of the Transfiguration Cathedral /17 c/, the church of Cossack Nicholas /18 c/. There are monuments to S. Rudnev, S. Kovpak and Yarostavna.

Romny is a district town on the Sula River. It is known since 1096 and is mentioned as Rym in the "Lay of Ihor's Host". It was a fortress of Kyivan Rus at the site where the Romen River empties into the Sula.

Trostianets is a district town on the Boromlia River. It was founded by the settlers from Vinnytsia area of the Trostianytsia River in 1660. The name of the river comes from a cane /cane is "trostyna" in Ukrainian/. It boasts of the museum of outstanding composer P.I. Chaikovs'kyi /1840-1893/ who visited Ukraine every year and composed opera "Mazepa" /1883/.


Щоб виконати завдання 2, необхідно засвоїти такі розділи курсу англійської мови:

1) видочасові форми дієслова: дійсний стан форми теперішнього неозначеного часу та минулого неозначеного часу (Simple Present, Simple Past); дійсний стан форми минулого


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тривалого часу (Past Progressive); дійсний стан форми теперішнього завершеного часу (Present Perfeсt).

2) Модальні дієслова (can, may, must).3) Прикметник. Ступені порівняння. Конструкція типу the

more…the less. Конструкції порівняння.4) Безособові та неозначено - особові речення.5) Розділове питання.6) Конструкції з інфінітивом.7) Просте поширене речення: прямий порядок слів

розповідного речення та зворотний (інверсія) питального речення.

Зразок виконання завдання 21) Поставте дієслово в дужках у минулий неозначений час.

Зробіть переклад речень.Electronics …rapid progress some years ago (to make) -

Electronics made a rapid progress some years ago. - Електроніка зробила швидкий прогрес декілька років тому.

2) Виберіть необхідну форму дієслова з дужок. The assistant (instructs, has instructed, was instructing) the

students when I (entered, was entering) the lab – The assistant was instructing the student when I entered the lab.

3) Поставте речення в теперішній доконаний час (Present Perfect Tense). Зробіть переклад речень.

4) Last month we began to make a transaction with Bell and Co. - We have already begun to make a transaction with Bell and Co. - Ми вже розпочали вести справу з компанією Bell and Co.

5) Перекладіть речення українською мовою. Зверніть увагу на ступені порівняння прикметників та прислівників.

This office is not so large as that one. - Цей офіс не такий великий, як той.

6) Перекладіть речення з української англійською.Коли інженер увійшов у лабораторію, ми працювали над новим

технологічним процесом. - When the engineer entered the lab we were working at the new technological process.

7) Поставити всі можливі запитання до твердження.


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We have finished building a power station on the river this year. Have we finished building a power station on the river this year? Have we finished building a power station or a plant on the river this year? We have finished building a power station on the river this year, haven’t we? Who has finished building a power station on the river this year? What have we finished building on the river this year? Where have we finished building a power station this year? When have we finished building a power station?

8) Розкрийте дужки, вживаючи інфінітивів у потрібній часовій формі.

Why you (not to go) to the theatre with me now? Well, you see, I (not finish) my work yet.

Why are you not going to the theatre with me now? “Well, you see, I have not finished my work yet”

Варіант 1

І Put the verbs in the brackets into the Past Indefinite Tense. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian:

1 The agency ... some more employees (hire).2 They ... for a private meeting last week (arrange).3 Mary ... this text-book last year (read).4 We ... to learn technical terms three years ago (begin)5 They ... this matter a moment ago (discuss)II Choose the necessary form of the verb from the brackets:1 Dick (was making; made) a report at 7 o'clock yesterday.2 When I (entered; was entering) the lab, the chief engineer (was

analyzing; has analyzed) the results.3 A cold wind (was blowing; blew) from the sea the whole evening

yesterday.4 We (went; were going) shopping from 2 till 4 p.m. yesterday.5 Last year I (decided; was deciding) to go to England for my

holidays.III Transfer the sentences into the Present Perfect Tense.

Translate the sentences into Ukrainian:1 Frank is taking his final examination.


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2 Jane makes a good progress in her English.3 He broke his car. So, he has to go to his work on foot.4 The application of computer is revolutionizing mathematics and

other sciences now.5 They sent for the new laboratory equipment yesterday.IV Translate the sentences into Ukrainian Mind the degrees of

comparison of adjectives and adverbs:1 One of the most famous buildings in England is St. Paul's

Cathedral.2 The longer the night the shorter the day.3 This room is smaller than that one.4 This method is not so interesting as that one.5 Our currency has become cheaper than before.V Translate from Ukrainian into English:1 Ми вже обговорили деякі пункти контракту.2 Декілька вчених Київського університету зараз працюють над

цією проблемою.3 Вода, що кипить, змінює свій стан.4 Минулого року він не брав участі в науковій конференції в

Лондоні.5 Чим вища температура, тим більш мяким стає метал.VI Ask all possible questions to the statement. A world famous violinist has played at tonight's concert.VII Open the brackets using the necessary tense-form. When your friend (to return) from the South? - She (to return)

yesterday. You (to go) to the station to meet her? - No, I (to be) too busy then. It (to rain) hard when I (to leave) home yesterday, so I (to return), (to put on) my raincoat and (to start) again. They already (to think) of everything? They (to buy) a lot of food? - Yes, Mark just (to order) ten bottles of coke and four kinds of mineral water.

VIII Прочитайте та перекладіть письмово І-ІІІ абзаци тексту:

Перекладіть усно ІV абзац тексту.Herman Helmholtz – Герман Гельмгольц; celebrated –

знаменний, прославлений; ophthalmoscope – офтальмоскоп; colour-blindness —дальтонізм; through — через, завдяки; vortex


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motion—вихровий рух versatile – різнобічний, багатосторонній; ultimately – у решті -

рештHERMAN HELMHOLTZ (1821-1894)

1 Herman Helmholtz is celebrated for his contributions to physiology and theoretical physics. A delicate child, Helmholtz early displayed a passion for understanding things, but otherwise developed slowly, and had no marked early talent for mathematics. Although he wished to study physics, he was persuaded by his father to take up the study of medicine, entering the Medical Inslitute at Berlin in 1838.

2 His researches into physiological optics began about 1850 with the discovery of the ophthalmoscope (1851), followed by investigations into colour, including the problem of colour-blindness. He also made fundamental contribution to the understanding of the structure and mechanism of the human eye.

3 Helmholtz's first and most celebrated paper in theoretical physics was his article on the conservation of force. In this paper he proved the conservation of total energy of a system of particles which were interacting through central forces depending only on the masses and separations of the particles. Other important work in theoretical physics included the famous paper on vortex motion (1858), and the application of the principle of least action to electrodynamical problems.

4 Helmholtz was undoubtedly the most versatile of nineteenth-century scientists. From 1871 onwards he was perhaps more famous as a theoretical physicist than as a physiologist. But it seems probable that apart from his work on the conservation of energy he will ultimately be remembered more for his epoch-making researches in physiological optics and acoustics in which his talents as physiologist, physicist, mathematician and experimentalist of genius were most vividly displayed.

V Прочитайте 4-й абзац тексту і питання до нього. Зазначте варіант правильної відповіді:

For what researches will Helmhollz be remembered?1.... for his celebrated paper in theoretical physics.


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2.... for his epoch-making researches in physiological optics and acoustics.

3.... for his paper on vortex motion.

Варіант 2

І Put the verbs in the brackets into the Past Indefinite Tense. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian:

1 They ... this technological method last time (improve).2 My brother ... as a factory worker many years ago (work).3 My friend ... Moscow for Kiev last week (leave).4 They ... the experiment in complete darkness (to carry out).5 They ... ancient pictures in caves (find).II Choose the necessary form of the verb from the brackets:1 Chemical methods of purifying water (are becoming; became)

very important now. We (were airing; aired) the room when he entered. We (discussed; were discussing) the question in details yesterday. All our students (went; were going) to the Institute at 8 o'clock in the morning. Chemists (used; were using) this method for producing synthetic rubber last century.

III Transfer the sentences into the Present Perfect Tense. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian:

1 Electronics is making a rapid progress.2 We installed new equipment yesterday.3 We are conducting the experiments now.4 The experts calculate the orbits of sputniks with the help of

electronic computers every year.5 The scientists were speaking about the necessity of discovering

new sources of energy for space vehicles the whole conference.IV Translate the sentences into Ukrainian Mind the degrees of

comparison of adjectives and adverbs:1 The Island of Great Britain is smaller than Greenland.2 This method of producing rubber is the most difficult of all.3 This article is not so long as that one.4 It is easier to swim in the sea than in the river.5 No park in London is as popular as Hyde Park.


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V Translate from Ukrainian into English:1 Він почуває себе набагато краще сьогодні.2 О п'ятій сім'я Смітів зібралася в їдальні. Їх було п'ятеро. Вони

снідали.3 Кандидати на цю посаду вже подали всі документи до відділу

кадрів.4 Ця фірма поставила всі необхідні товари минулого тижня.5 Том грає в теніс добре, але Бен грає краще, ніж Том.VI Ask all possible questions to the statement The shop has changed everything in Charlе’s credit card.VII. Open the brackets using the necessary tense-form:As soon as I (to see) him, I (to understand) that he (to work) hard.

He (to write) something and (not to notice) anything. When I (to come) home yesterday, my children (to run) and (to sing) merrily. "We (to learn) a new song!" they cried. When the young man (to enter) the room she (to look) at him in surprise. "What you (to want) to tell me?" she (to say). "Why you (to come)?"

VIII Прочитайте та перекладіть письмово І-ІІІ абзаци тексту.

Перекладіть усно ІV абзац текстуMeither – Майтнер, doctorate - докторська ступінь, then available

– доступні в той час, illustrious – прославлений, відомий, productive - плідний

LISE MEITNER (1878-1968)1 In 1938, an Austrian physicist named Lise Meitner announced the

splitting of the atom in the laboratory. That announcement confirmed once again the beginning of the Atomic Age. At that time Lise Meitner was one of the few persons in the world who had a thorough understanding of atomic energy and the uses which could be made of this great power.

2 Lise Meitner, the daughter of a lawyer, was born in Vienna on the 17th of November 1878. She grew interested in science when she read of the Curies discovery of radium. The example of Marie Curie showed that a woman was able to achieve something in science. Lise Meitner became the first woman in the history of the University of


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Vienna who earned her doctorate in physics.3 In 1906 she went to the University of Berlin to continue her

studies by attending the theoretical lectures of Max Planck and by doing experimental work. Then she began her research in the new field of radioactivity. She focused her attention on the behaviour of beta radiation from radioactive elements, experimenting with the primitive methods then available for measuring and analysing radioactivity. Meitner's work in the 1920s and early 1930s emphasized the physical aspects of radioactivity.

4 In 1938 she left Germany for Sweden. Lise Meitner declined to work on the development of the atom bomb remaining in Sweden throughout the war. She was concerned with the properties of new radioactive isotopes, produced by the cyclotron. Her career was illustrious and productive (she published more than 135 scientific papers), but throughout her life she remained a shy person, with a deep interest in music. Her devotion to science had been total. She never married. In 1960 she moved to Cambridge, England, where she died in 1968.

V Прочитайте 4-й абзац тексту і питання до нього. Зазначте варіант правильної відповіді:

Why can we say that Meitner's career was illustrious and pro-ductive?

1 ... because she was concerned with the study of thermal conductivity in non-homogeneous bodies.

2 ... because she was measuring and analysing radioactivity. 3 ... because she published more than 135 scientific papers.

Варіант 3

І Put the verbs in the brackets into the Past Indefinite Tense. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian:

1 They ... ancient mathematical tables with great difficulty (read).2 The Scientists ... the theory of the biosphere in the first half of the

XX-th century (to work out).3 They ... a better method of obtaining the elements (to use).


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4 World science ... with the task of protecting the biosphere from pollutants some years ago (to face).

5 The head engineer ... to start the machine yesterday (to offer).II Choose the necessary form of the verb from the brackets:1 He was busy yesterday. He (took; was taking) part in the

discussion from 5 till six p.m.2 The flow (was increasing; increased) constantly in spring.3 When I (was entering; entered) the lecture-room, they (spoke;

were speaking) English.4 We often (turned; were turning) to him for help last year.5 The engineers (studied; were studying) the problem of using

cosmic rays and solar energy.III Transfer the sentences into the Present Perfect Tense.

Translate the sentences into Ukrainian:1 Scientists are calculating and correcting the orbits of sputniks with

the help of electronic computers.2 The fourth-year students regularly inform their physics instructor

of their scientific experiments.3 The distance between the Earth and the Moon changed some years

ago.4 We were looking through the results of your experiments with

great interest the whole evening.5 Students speak of the new device which is used for measuring

pressure.IV Translate the sentences into Ukrainian Mind the degrees of

comparison of adjectives and adverbs:1 This firm has promised to deliver all goods quicker than that one.2 One of the most famous libraries in the world is in the British

Museum.3 This way to the station is as long as that one.4 The more we think, the more time we have.5 This is the lightest room in the building.V Translate from Ukrainian into English:1 Алекс говорить англійською мовою набагато краще, ніж його

друг, але Беті розмовляє краще за всіх.


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2 Він залишився в науково-дослідницькому інституті по його закінченні.

3 Північно-льодовитий океан холодніший, ніж Індійський.4 Ми обговорювали результати нашого експерименту, коли

увійшов наш керівник.5 Вони були раді брати участь у нашій експедиції минулого

року.VI Ask all possible questions to the statement: Mark has just ordered ten bottles of coke.VII Open the brackets using the necessary tense-form:As soon as I (to hear) a cry, I (to run) out of the room and (to see)

that a child (to lie) on the ground and (to cry). "What (to happen)? Why you (to cry)? You (to hurt) yourself?" I asked. They (to go) to the museum of the Great Patriotic war last week. They (to be) to the museum twice this week. Why you (to shiver)? -I (to shiver) because I (to be) cold.

VIII Прочитайте та перекладіть письмово І-ІІІ абзаци тексту.

Перекладіть усно ІV абзац текстуHonorary board – дошка пошани, in compiling this – збираючи

всі матеріали і факти, some sixty in all – всього близько шести десяти, verbally – усно

D. I. MENDELEYEV (1834-1907)1 A Russian name appeared in 1964 on the honorary board of

science at Bridgeport University, USA: Mendeleyev was added to the list of the greatest geniuses – Euclid, Archimedes, Copernicus, Galilei, Newton and Lavoisier. D.I. Mendeleyev, the explorer of nature, is the greatest chemist of the world. The Mendeleyev system has served for almost 10 years as a key to discovering new elements and it has retained its key capacity until now.

2 D. I. Mendeleyev was the fourteenth, and last child of the Director of the Gymnasium at Tobolsk. At 16 he was taken by his mother to St. Petersburg to seek higher education. He entered the Pedagogical Institute where his father has also studied. In 1856 he took a degree in chemistry and in 1859 he was sent abroad for two years for further


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training. He returned to St. Petersburg in 1861 as Professor of Chemistry.

3 In 1868 Mendeleyev began to write a great textbook of chemistry, known in its English translation as the “Principles of Chemistry”. In compiling this, he tried to find some system of classifying the elements – some sixty in all the known – whose properties he was describing. This led him to formulate the Periodic Law, which earned him lasting international fame. He presented it verbally to the Russian Chemical Society in October 1868 and published it in February 1869.

4 In this paper he set out clearly his discovery that if the elements are arranged in order of their atomic weights, chemically related elements appear at regular intervals. The greatness of Mendeleyev’s achievement lies in the fact that he had discovered a generalization that not only unified an enormous amount of existing information but pointed the way to further progress.

V Прочитайте 4-й абзац тексту і питання до нього. Зазначте варіант правильної відповіді:

What can you say abut the greatness of Mendeleyev’s discovery?

1 His Periodic Table pointed the way to further progress in chemistry.

2 Mendeleyev has discovered several new elements.3 Mendeleyev created the system of classifying chemical elements.

Варіант 4

І Put the verbs in the brackets into the Past Indefinite Tense. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian:

1 At the end of the experiment they ... a liquid substance of a deep yellow color (obtain).

2 The discovery of number ... greatly to the development of automobile industry (contribute).

3 Faraday was not yet twenty when he ... experimenting (begin).4 Last month we ... a trial order with Brown and Co (place).5 It ... thirty minutes of experimental work to work out the process

for purifying the metal aluminum (take).46

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ll Choose the necessary form of the verb from the brackets:1 We (enter), when the engineer (measured; was measuring) the

ultrasonic technique.2 Many scientists (studied; were studying) this material all day long

yesterday.3 The students (carried out; were carrying out) the experiment in

complete darkness, when I came into the lab.4 He (analyzed; was analyzing) the results while I (was translating;

translates) the article.5 Our engineers and scientists (were carrying; carried; have carried)

out important work in laboratories from 1 till 5 p.m. yesterday.III Transfer the sentences into the Present Perfect Tense.

Translate the sentences into Ukrainian:1 The water in the river rose ten inches.2 The increase of production results from the use of automation and

high-speed methods.3 The laboratory will soon become the seat of great activity in

research.4 The sun is rising, and it is quite light. 5 The distance between the Earth and the Moon was changing.IV Translate the sentences into Ukrainian Mind the degrees of

comparison of adjectives and adverbs: 1 The house his aunt lives in is as old as the one his uncle lives in.2 The English Channel is wider than the strait of Gibraltar.3 The new cinema in our district is much bigger than the old one.4 This garden is the most beautiful in our town.5 His work is not so difficult as mine.V Translate from Ukrainian into English.1 Він виконує ці вправи дуже швидко, але я роблю їх швидше

за всіх.2 Що ти шукаєш? - Я шукаю окуляри мого дідуся.3 Моїй мамі стільки ж років, як і твоїй.4 Фірми вже підписали цю важливу угоду.5 Багато видатних науковців зібрали матеріали для своїх робіт

у бібліотеці цього музею.VI Ask all possible questions to the statement.


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The wind has blown off the man's hat, and he cannot catch it.VII Open the brackets using the necessary tense-form.After school yesterday he (to come) home, (to have) dinner, (to

read) an article from the latest magazine and (to begin) doing his homework. You (to hear) the new symphony by? - Yes, I ... - when you (to hear) it? - I (to hear) it last Sunday. When I (to enter) the kitchen, I (to see) that my mother (to stand) at the table and (to cut) some cabbage. She (to cook) dinner.

VIII Прочитайте та перекладіть письмово І-ІІІ абзаци тексту.

Перекладіть усно ІV абзац текстуPre-eminent –видатний, the Cavil Service – державна служба, to

appoint to a positionв –назначати на посаду, to testify to – свідчити про, to occupy the chair – очолювати кафедру, brought – притягнув, to emerge – проявити себе

CH. V. RAMA (1888 - 1970)1 Raman was an Indian physicist, pre-eminent in molecular

spectroscopy and acoustics. He created the Indian Academy of Sciences in 1934 and was its president until his death in 1970. He was justly considered the father of Indian science and the Indian Government honoured him with the first of its National Professorships. In 1957 he became an International Lenin Peace Prize Winner.

2 The son of a teacher and lecturer, Raman entered the College in Madras in 1903 and achieved the highest distinctions in the examinations for scientific degrees. As scientific research was at this time almost completely neglected in India, he then entered the Civil Service and was appointed to a position in the Finance Department in 1907. He retained this employment for ten years, mostly in Calcutta. When he was eighteen years old he published his first original optical research in the "Philosophical Magazine". He continued scientific work in his spare lime: some thirty papers testified to his ability and energy and helped to make his name familiar to scientists in Europe and America.


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3 In 1917 Raman was offered the professorship of physics at the Calcutta University. He occupied the chair from 1917 to 1933. Raman brought to Calcutta many talented young Indians to undertake research into optical phenomena, acoustics and other branches of physics.

4 During the years in Calcutta Raman emerged as a truly international figure. In 1930 he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics (for his work on the scattering of light and for the discovery of the effect named after him). Raman was honoured by universities and scientific institutions in the Soviet Union, Europe and America as well as in his own country.

V Прочитайте 4-й абзац тексту і питання до нього. Зазначте варіант правильної відповіді:

Why was Raman honoured by many universities and scientific institutions of different countries?

1 ... because he was awarded the Nobel Prize.2 ... because he brought to Calcutta many young talented Indians.3 ... because of his work on the scattering of light and for the

discovery of an effect named after him.

Варіант 5

I Put the verbs in the brackets into the Past Indefinite Tense. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian:

1 They ... very interesting results (receive).2 In 1669 the alchemist Hennig Brandt... phosphorus (to discover).3 They ... the weights of these particles with the help of electronic

computer (to calculate). 4 The water ... an hour ago (to boil). 5 They ... the results of the experiment yesterday (to show).II Choose the necessary form of the verb from the brackets: 1 When he (entered; has entered; enters) the laboratory he (saw; was

seeing) that the researches (discussed; were discussing) the results of the experiment.

2 When I (come; was coming; came) we still (were discussing; are discussing) the matter.


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3 They (were using; used) the computer the whole evening yesterday.

4 The engineers of our laboratory (were conducting; conducted) new research work I (was analizing; analized this method).

5 What (were doing; did; has done) you in day-time yesterday? I (was calculating; calculated) the results of the experiment.

III Transfer the sentences into the Present Perfect Tense. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian:

1 We finished the analysis of the mixture.2 Now he is studying the possibilities of using solar energy for

practical purpose.3 Mathematical methods in biology interest him greatly.4 Government controls most of industrial enterprises.5 They did not mention that group of plants in their papers.IV Translate the sentences into Ukrainian. Mind the degrees of

comparison of adjectives and adverbs:1 It is easier to swim in the sea than in the river.2 He is one of the most dangerous criminals in the world.3 She was not so attractive as her mother. 4 The tram system isn't as reliable as it used to be.5 And of course Hellie has the best handwriting of all.V Translate from Ukrainian into English:1 Екзамен був не таким важким, як ми очікували.2 Цей комп'ютер найсучасніший і найдорожчий з усіх.3 Він успішно склав усі вступні іспити в Київський університет.4 Ми продовжили розрахунки, коли він прийшов.5 Температура поступово почала підвищуватися.VI Ask all possible questions to the statement. We have solved this difficult problem.VII Open the brackets using the necessary tense-form.As soon as (to hear) a cry, I (to run) out of the room and (to see) that

a child (to lie) on the ground and (to cry). It (to rain) hard when I (to leave) home yesterday, so I (to return), (to put) on my raincoat and (to start) again. The children (to play) with their cat the whole evening yesterday.

VIII Прочитайте та перекладіть письмово І-ІІІ абзаци. 50

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Перекладіть усно ІV абзац текстуParticle physics – фізика елементарних часток, the Pugwush

Confereces – Пагуошські конференції, were determined – були сповнені рішучості, won a scholarship – отримав (за конкурсом) стипендію, position— посада, sub-nuclear particle—суб’ядерна частка

CF. POWELL (1903-1969)1 Powell was a prominent English scientist noted for his techniques

and discoveries in particle physics. He was also deeply concerned with problems relating to the social responsibility of scientists. Powell was a leader in the World Federation of Scientific Workers in the mid-1950s and was a founder of the Pugwush Conferences on Science and World Affairs in 1957. As a public man and in his published articles Powell stressed the perils of destructive weapons and the need for international cooperation.

2 Powell was born in December 1903 in England. His parents were poor and they were determined to give their children a good education to increase their opportunities for a better life. In 1921 Powell won a scholarship of one of the colleges at Cambridge which he graduated in 1925 with first-class honours in science. He started his scientific career at the Cavendish laboratory headed by Ernest Rutherford. After gaining his scientific degree at Cambridge in 1928 Powell accepted a position at the new Physics laboratory in the University of Bristol. Powell spent the rest of his career there advancing to professor in 1948 and director of the laboratory in 1964.

3 In 1947 Powell's Bristol group identified a new particle in the cosmic radiation. Powell and other two scientists discovered the -meson and demonstrated that this sub-nuclear particle was produced directly in nuclear reactions and rapidly decayed in flight, producing the -meson. The discovery solved a complicated scientific problem and helped open a new era of particle physics.

4 Powell continued to develop and apply the photographic method of Bristol. His laboratory became the source of new ex-perimental discoveries in meson physics and an international training centre for physicists of many countries. In 1950 he was awarded the Nobel Prize


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for his development of the photographic method and his meson discoveries.

V Прочитайте 4-й абзац тексту і питання до нього. Зазначте варіант правильної відповіді:

For what discovery was Powell awarded the Nobel Prize?1 ... for the role he played in the establishment of the European

Centre for Nuclear Research.2 ... for his development of the photographic method and his meson



Щоб правильно виконати контрольне завдання 3, необхідно засвоїти наступні розділи курсу англійської мови:

1 Модальні дієслова та їх еквіваленти 2 Пасивний стан дієслова (The Passive voice) 3 Минулий завершений час (The Past Perfect Tense) 4 Майбутній час з точкою зору минулого (Future-in-the Past) 5 Узгодження часів (Sequence of tenses) 6 Непряма мова (Indirect Speech)

Зразок виконанняДо вправи 1 1 At the station they will be met by a man from the travel bureau.

(Future Indefinite Passive). На залізничній станції їх зустрічатиме чоловік із туристичного бюро.

2 The work was finished in time. (Past Indefinite Passive). Робота була завершена вчасно.

3 The letter has just been sent off. (Present Perfect Passive). Листа щойно відправили.

До вправи 21 Руки треба мити кожного разу перед вживанням їжі. Hands

must be washed before each meal. (Present Indefinite Passive).2 Чи перевірили мою контрольну роботу? Ні, її все ще

перевіряють. Has my test paper been checked yet? – No, it has not. It


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is still being checked (Present Perfect Passive, Present Continuous Passive).

3 Нові ковзани куплять завтра. The new skates will be bought tomorrow. (Future Indefinite Passive).

До вправи 31 The policeman asked George where he (to run) so early.The policeman asked George where he was running so early.2 The delegates were told that the guide just (to go) out and (to be)

bask in ten minutes. The delegates were told that the guide had just gone out and would be bask in ten minutes

До вправи 41 He said: “I have just received a letter from his uncle”. He said

that he had have just received a letter from my uncle.2 “This man spoke to me on the road”, said the woman. The woman

said that that man had spoken to her on the road.3 He said to me: “Where do you usually spend your vocations?”

He asked me where I usually spend my vocations.До вправи 51 Her Grandmother can knit very well. Її бабуся добре в’яже.До вправи 61 He … go home if he likes. He may go home if he likes.2 … you see anything in this inky darkness? Can you see anything

in this inky darkness?3 We … to go the cinema that afternoon. We were not able to go

the cinema that afternoon.

Варіант 1

І Translate the sentences into Ukrainian, paying attention to the form of the predicates. State the tense and the voice of the predicates in the sentences:

1 New underground lines are being built in Kiev.2 Are they ready with the parcel? No, it’s still being packed.3 At this time tomorrow he will be making his last experiment.4 I think Peter is cross with John because Peter has never been

laughed at before.53

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5 I was told your friend had been waiting half an hour before you rang him up.

ІІ Translate the sentences into English using the passive voice. State the tense and the voice of the predicates:

1 Я продивився тільки частину статей, решта ще друкується зараз.

2 Як тільки весь потрібний матеріал буде готовий, вам принесуть його

3 Коли я приїхав у відпустку в рідне село, там будували новий клуб. Я впевнений, що зараз він уже збудований.

4 Телеграму все ще обговорюють.ІІІ Open the brackets using the verbs in the necessary tense

form.1 I knew they (to wait) for me at the metro station and I decidedto hurry.2 I didn’t know that you already (to wind) up the clock.3 I was afraid that the little girl (not to be) able to unlock the front door and (to go) upstairs to help her.IV Change the following sentences from direct into indirect

speech.1 He said to her “Have you really told me the truth?”2 She said to me “Why did he send a telegram?”3 She said “I shall put the child to bed in this room”.4 He announced “The time is up”.5 He said to Mary “Don’t cross the street in the wrong place?”.V Translate into Ukrainian paying attention to the use of modal

verbs.1 They should keep the dog chained.2 She ought not to give up the stage.3 This effect must have caused some change in the atomic

structure.4 Can the director really have given her that role? She is too young.5 You might bring me the paper, Ann.VI Fill in the blanks with modal verbs or their equivalents.1 What … we see on this map.2 At what time … you come to school.


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3 … I can come in? – No, you … not.4 You … not smoked here.5 She … to send a telegram because it was too late to send a letter.6 Do you know this man? He … to be our new teacher of history.VII Read the text and answer the comprehension questions

LINE AND STAFF POSITIONSIn business organization structure means the relationship between

positions and people who hold the positions. Organization structure is very important because it provides an efficient work system as well as a system of communication.

Historically, line structure is the oldest type of organization structure. The main idea of it is direct vertical relationship between the positions and tasks of each level, and the position and tasks above and bellow each level. For example, a sales manager may be in a line position between a vise-president of marketing and a salesman. Thus a vise-president of marketing has direct authority over a salesman. This chain of command simplifies the problem of giving and taking orders.

When a business grows in size and becomes more complex, there is a need for specialists. In such a case administrators may organize staff departments and add staff specialists to do specific work. These people are usually busy with services, they are not tied in with the company product. The activities of the staff departments include accounting, personnel, credit and advertising. Generally, they do not give orders to other departments.

ACTIVE VOCABULARYrelationship – співвідношенняto hold a position – займати посадуorganization structure – організаційна структураlevel – рівеньsales manager – управляючий з торгівлі, маркетингуsalesman – продавецьto have direct authority over smb. – мати повну владу над

кимосьto give orders – віддавати наказиto take orders – брати накази


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staff – штат, керівництвоstaff department – керівний відділ (не має прямого відношення

до виробництва)Line departments – лінійний відділ (має безпосереднє

відношення до кінцевого продукту)to be tied in with the company product – мати відношення до


1 What does the organization structure mean?2 What does the organization structure provide?3 What is historically the oldest type of organization structure?4 In what position is a sales manager in attitude to a vise-president

of marketing and a salesman?5 What is the difference between line and staff departments? 6 Why is an advertising department or a credit department conside-

red staff structure rather than line structure?VOCABULARY PRACTICE

Choose the necessary word and put it in the sentence (relationships, to hold a position, authority, complex, task, a line department, a staff department )

1 Organization structure shows … between each position and positions above and below.

2 A sales manager has direct … over a salesman.3 As a rule a… usually does not give orders to other departments.4 When the business gets more… there is a need for staff

departments5 My friend … of sales manager.6 The … of staff departments is to do different services.7 My friend works in a … …, he is responsible for the compa-

ny product. VIII Translate the dialogue into Ukrainian

DIALOGUE(Peggy Forman is talking with Jaff Downing, another administrative

assistant in her company)Jaff How are you today, Peggy?Peggy Oh, fine, thanks.


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Jaff Glad to hear that. By the way, are you familiar with the organizational chart for the company?

Peggy No, I am not. What is it like actually?Jaff Well, the chart shows how the employees are divided into

groups. It gives one an overview of the chain of command in the company.

Peggy I see. The positions can be line and staff ones. Jaff Yes. The subject is not new to you. What else do you know

about it?Peggy As far as I know a worker in a line position receives orders

from his immediate subordinate. Jaff Exactly, that’s the line chain of command. Peggy A worker in a staff position reports directly to a line worker

but he neither gives nor receives orders for line workers. Am I right? Jaff Yes, you are. But someone may have line authority over

people in his department and not be considered a line administrator.Peggy How can it be?Jaff That’s possible when a whole department is a staff

department. For example, in our company the head of the credit department or the personnel department can

hardly ever be president of the company.Peggy And what do the people in staff departments do, how is their

work different?Jaff Well, they are usually busy with service and they could do

the same service for any company. So they are not in the line.Peggy It seems to be rather complicated.Jaff It only seems so. I think the chart should help.Peggy Oh, sure. But, Jaff, would you explain me what span of

control is? Jaff Oh, span of control refers to the number of people whom

one manages directly.Peggy Can you give me an example?Jaff Well. The President of our company directly manages the

Vice-President of Production, the Vice-President of Marketing and the Controller. Thus, his span of control includes three people.

Peggy Yes, now I see. Thank you for your help.57

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Jaff Not at all. Why don’t we go to the coffee stall and have a snack together?

ІХ Translate into English:1 Мої взаємовідносини з керівником дуже гарні.2 Мій товариш займає посаду головного фінансиста.3 Я незнайомий з організаційною структурою

нашого підприємства.4 Він більше любить віддавати накази, ніж отримувати їх.5 Я віддаю перевагу працювати в лінійному відділенні.6 Управляючі відділи не пов’язані з кінцевим продуктом.7 Будова нашого підприємства складна.8 Я більш підхожу до керуючої посади, ніж до лінійної.9 Мій безпосередній керівник дуже пунктуальний.

Варіант 2

І Translate the sentences into Ukrainian, paying attention to the form of the predicates. State the tense and the voice of the predicates in the sentences:

1 When I went to Kiev in 1968, the first underground line was still being built.

2 Listen carefully, a new grammar rule is being explained.3 By the time Peter came to the group, the grammar rule for the

first lesson had already been taken.4 Negroes in America are often arrested only because they fight

for their rights.5 My letter has been answered immediately. ІІ Translate the sentences into English using the passive voice.

State the tense and the voice of the predicates. 1 У нашій країні багато уваги приділяється спорту.2 Ваші екзаменаційні роботи зараз ще перевіряються, тому я

не можу ще сказати вам, як ви їх написали.3 Коли я приїхав до свого друга, всі речі були вже спаковані.4 Коли вчитель зайшов, вправу все ще виконували.ІІІ Open the brackets using the verbs in the necessary tense


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1 She thought the children (to play) in the yard.2 She hoped her friend (to come) to see her.3 He thought father (to repair) his bicycle.IV Change the following sentences from direct into indirect

speech.1 He asked me “What will you tell her if she asks you about Jack”.2 He asked “Have you paid for the TV set?”3 He told me “I showed them the shortest way there”.4 He said “The Browns will be having dinner with us tomorrow”.5 She whispered “Wait a minute, please ”.V Translate into Ukrainian paying attention to the modal verbs.1 This phenomenon must be described in detail.2 The manager cannot have told you much about me.3 The young artist may have died of poverty and starvation.4 She shouldn’t forget to take medicine.5 I had to read the article several times to understand it.VI Fill in the blanks with modal verbs or their equivalents.1 You … to learn all the new words for the next lesson.2 Who … to go to the library to get the new books? – I was, but

I couldn’t boca … to finish some work in phonetics laboratory.3 … you speak Spanish? – No, unfortunately I … .4 … I take your book? – I’m afraid not : I need it.5 I have very little time : I … go.6 He … not speak English yet.VII Read the text and answer the comprehension questions.


The number of new products coming into the market of western countries every year is overwhelming. A lot of these products are not new, but adaptations. It means that these products are not new, they are existing items to which a modification has been made. Only few products are really original or innovations. For instance, a clock-television is an adaptation, but TV-set itself, the refrigerator – each was an innovation. A great number of innovations and adaptations are designed, produced and marketed by small business. Very often a new


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product is formed on the basis of new business. Sometimes there is a patent to make the business more successful. But it happens very often that market research hasn’t done carefully.

Even in case larger scale producers do more research and testing there is no sure success. A promising new product may be also robbed of by unreasonable prices, inadequate promotion and poor selling methods. Generally, less that one fifth of all new products turn out to the profitable.

ACTIVE VOCABULARYproduct development – розвиток виробництваadaptation – що несуть перероблене, пристосованеmodification – модифікація, видозміненняinnovation – нововведенняpatent – патентlarger scale producers – великий виробникpromising product – перспективний продуктunreasonable prices – нерозумна цінаinadequate – недостатній, не підходить вимогам

COMPREHENSION QUESTIONS1 How can you explain the term “adaptation”? 2 What is an innovation? 3 Give your own examples of innovations and adaptations. 4 Why are many innovations and adaptations manufactured and

marketed by small businesses? 5 Why is it so important to obtain a patent? 6 Why does the failure of a new product take place?

VOCABULARY PRACTICEChoose the necessary word and put it in the sentence (adaptation,

innovation, inadequate, patent, failure, success, unreasonable).1 Though market research tries to predict the trends, there is no

sure…2 This product isn’t original, it is an … .3 … office receives applications from many young inventors.4 If the price is … , the product won’t be sold out.5 A clock-television is an adaptation but the television itself is an

… .60

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6 If a sure … is stopped, money and time can be saved.7 They failed because of … promotion campaing.VIII Translate the dialogue into Ukrainian.

DIALOGUE(Dick and Jack are having lunch. Dick is Vice-President in charge:

of Product Development. And Jack is Vice- president in charge of the Legal Department).

Dick How are the things?Jack Great. We are busy with a new line of clock-television.Dick Sounds interesting. Are you going to apply for a patent

soon?Jack Yes, we are. We are preparing the necessary papers now.Dick And what did the Market Research say by the way?Jack They think there is fair market for the product at the moment

but it will take a few years to catch on.Dick I see. We’ll have to turn a good promotional campaign.Jack Without doubt.Dick Well, it will be our advantage to have the patent on it as

well. You have decided on the size, haven’t you?Jack We’ll start with a small screen model. It will a wake-up

button and go-to-sleep button with timers. Market Research says that the automatic go-to-sleep button may be the bigger selling point.

Dick Yes, the idea of a set that turns itself off is great. To tell you the truth I’m always falling asleep in the middle of the show. Now it can be done.

Jack Well, in future we’ll probably expand the line to include different size screens and colour.

Dick That’s good.Jack I think we are close to a big success.Dick That is why we must be very careful. Before we begin to

market television we must fulfil the most complete testing.Jack You are right.Dick What about the pricing? Has it been worked out?Jack Not completely. Market Research Department says we can’t

have too high price on this kind of item.


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Dick It’s evident we must be very careful. Maybe this time consumers will really surprise us

Jack Let’s hope for the best.ІХ Translate into English1 Цей продукт – модифікація старого.2 Малі виробники виготовляють більше товарів.3 Вам необхідно отримати патент на виробництво даного

товару.4 Необхідно провести ретельне вивчення ринку, щоб

гарантувати успіх.5 Потрібно 5 років на те, щоб ваш продукт отримав визнання6 Пристрій із таймером – саме те що, приверне увагу покупця.7 Потрібно завершити всі досліди, перш ніж продавати

наш продукт.8 Нам необхідно збільшити лінію

Варіант 3

I Translate the sentences into Ukrainian, paying attention to the form of the predicates. State the tense and the voice of the predicates in the sentences:

1 Pavlov is at the hospital now. His son is being operated on.2 Which rule was being explained when you went into the room?3 I won’t be able to get the material ready by 12 o’clock. I don’t

think the articles will be translated by then.4 The Smirnovs have been given a new flat and they are going

to move into it next week.5 By the time he copied out the telegram, the rest of the mail had

be-en looked through.

II Translate the sentences into English using the passive voice. State the tense and the voice of the predicates:

1 Хіба ти не розумієш правило, яке нам тільки що пояснили?2 Якщо він не прийде, це питання не будуть обговорювати.3 Підійшовши ближче, він зрозумів, що обговорюється попит

на новий вид машин.62

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4 Теоритичні дослідження були виконані, перш ніж ми поча- ли експерименти.III Open the brackets using the verbs in the necessary tense

from.He says that he (to know) the laws of the country. Sarie

understood why Lanny (not to come) the previous evening. She asked me whether I (to remember) the legend about the faithful lion.

IV Change the following sentences from direct into indirect speech.

1) He asked her “How long will you stay at the university?”.2) She asked me “Did he send a telegram?”.3) She said to Mike “You got the album for nothing”.4) The passenger said the me “I shall wake you up in time”.5) She asked him “Tell me the truth”.V Translate into Ukrainian paying attention to the modal verbs. 1 This value must have been included into the above

considerations. 2 You could take it to the cleaner’s on the way to town and I’d get

it back in time for party. 3 You might have prevented the misfortune. 4 He needn’t go there. We don’t have to buy the books. 5 You shouldn’t have taken him to the pictures.VI Fill in the blanks with modal verbs or their equivalents.1 It is raining. You ... to put on your raincoat.2 “The patient ... to stay in bed for a few days”, the doctor said.3 The child had stomach trouble and ... to take castor oil.4 They ... not go to the park today because they are busy.5 You ... understand this text, it is easy enough.6 At what time ... you come to school.VII Read the text and answer the comprehension questions.

MARKETING (ринок збуту) Marketing includes all the business activities connected with

the movement of goods and services from producers to consumers. Sometimes it is called distribution. On the one hand, marketing is made up of such activities as transporting, storing and selling goods


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and, on the other hand, a series of decisions you make during the process of moving goods from producer to user. Marketing operations include product planning, buying, storage, pricing, promotion, selling, credit, traffic and marketing research.

The ability to recognize early trends is very important. Producers must know why, where, for what purpose the consumers buy. Market research helps the producer to predict what the people will want. And through advertising he attempts to influence the customer to buy. Marketing operations are very expensive. They take up more than half of the customer’s dollar. The trend in the USA has been to high mass consumption. The construction of good shopping centres has made goods available to consumers. It provided a wide range of merchandize and plenty of parking facilities.

ACTIVE VOCABULARYmarketing – продаж, маркетингdistribution – збутtransporting - транпортуванняstoring - зберіганняproduct planning – розроблення нових продуктівpricing – калькуляція цінpromotion – сприяння в продажу товару, наприклад, за

допомогою реклами traffic - торгівляmarketing research – вивчення ринку збутуtrend – тенденція, загальний напрямокto predict - передбачати

Comprehension questions1 What does marketing mean?2 What activities does marketing consist of?3 What do marketing operations include?4 Why is so important for the producer to predict the trends?5 How was mass consumption possible in the USA?

Vocabulary practiceChoose the necessary word and put it in the sentence (predict,

influence, promote, marketing, trends, distribution, market research, product planning, consumer).


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1 One of the aims of market research is to indicate new ... among people.

2 Advertising must...the consumer and make him buy the goods produced.

3 Often marketing is called ... .4 In order to sell a new product, a producer has to consider how

to ... it.5 The goods of this company are not sold very well, they must think

abouy ... .6 Sometimes it is difficult to ... through advertising.7 If you want to produce something new, you should start with ... .8 A producer wants to ... the new trends and then tries to influence

them.9 ... includes product development and pricing among other things. VIII Translate the dialogue into Ukrainian.

DIALOGUE (Sally and Don work in the Marketing Department of a company

that makes different meal products.)Don Hey, Sally, look at these figures. The price of sugar is going

up 10 % during the next year.Sally Oh, that’s bad. That means trouble for our jam line.Don I think so too. Sugar is the main ingredient, you know.

What’s your opinion?Sally Well, we are not the price leaders in the field and jam is very

price sensitive item. According to our marketing search information consumers aren’t particularly brand loyal about jam.

Don I have a brilliant idea. You know, this could be a great marketing opportunity for us.

Sally What do you mean?Don Well, because of the price rise on sugar we know that price of

jam will go up too. The increase will pass on the consumer, won’t it?Sally Right.Don Imagine, we find the possibility of changing the ingredients in

the jam so that we wouldn’t have to raise the price.Sally Then we wouldn’t trouble about the price rise on sugar

because we’ll be able to sell jam at the same price. The idea is that 65

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we could market less expensive jam. What a promotional campaing we could have!

Don Sure. If we do it right we’ll sell more and become the leader in the market.

Sally Now the first thing is to talk to Research and Development.Don Right and we’ll see when they’ll have some samples of new

formulars ready.Sally What about marketing research? I think we should schedule

some tests for responses to the R & D samples.Don Well, there is a lot to do. I think we should also change

packaging. Now, Sally, that would be great.Sally Oh, Don, let’s hope for the best. If we don’t lose the chance,

the competitors products will stay on the supermarket shelves.Don Oh, it’s time for lunch,let’s discuss our business in cafeteria.Sally Oh, sure, we’ve got a lot to discuss – distribution,

advertising... ІХ Translate into English1 Маркетинг включає в себе дії, зв’язані з рухом товару від

виробника до споживача.2 Маркетинг включає в себе перевезення, зберігання, рекламу,

калькуляцію цін, продаж.3 Вивчення ринку допомогає передбачати загальні напрямки

попиту.4 Реклама мая сильний вплив на покупця.5 Ми не можемо встановити саму низьку ціну на цей товар.6 Ми повинні розробляти план виготовлення нової продукції.7 Збут цього товару дуже реагує на зміни ціни.

Варіант 4

I Translate the sentences into Ukrainian, paying attention to the form of the predicates. State the tense and the voice of the predicates in the sentences:

1 A new building will soon be built for the picture gallery. 2 Are they ready with the telegram? No, it is still being translated.


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3 These materials had been studied before we began to use them in costruction.

4 What shall we do if the article hasn’t been found by then? 5 What was going on in the room? A new film was being

discussed.II Translate the sentences into English using the passive voice.

State the tense and the voice of the predicates: 1 Не хвилюйтеся. Все буде зроблено вчасно.2 Дізнайся, будь ласка, чи замовлені вже білети в театр.3 Не заходьте в купе, його зараз прибирають.4 Що відбувалося в установі, коли ви дісталися туди? –

Договір був підписаний, готували документи для конференції. III Open the brackets using the verbs in the necessary tense

from.1) He understood that the soldiers (to arrest) him.2) He could not understand why people (not to want) to take water

from that well.3) I hope they (to send) a dog offer the burglar immediately.IV Change the following sentences from direct into indirect

speech.1) She asked me “Did you dance at the party yesterday?”.2) He asked “Why didn’t you show them the shortest way there?”.3) She said “Tell me how it all happened”.4) He announced “We shall arrange everything for the trip”.5) She said “I prefer to watch films at home”.V Translate into Ukrainian paying attention to the modal

verbs. 1) She should have told you about the letter. 2) Something ought to be done. 3) He must be taking good care of himself. 4) The movie might have received the first prize, if it had been

shown at the festival. 5) He could have informed us about his illness earlier.VI Fill in the blanks with modal verbs or their equivalents.1) We ... to go to the cinema that afternoon.2) He didn’t come, so I ... to go there myself.


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3) I ... not go out today: it is too cold.4) ... I take your pen? – Certainly.5) We ... not carry the bookcase upstairs: it is too heavy. VІІ Read the text and answer the comprehension questions.

WHOLESALING (Оптова торгівля)Wholesaling is a part of marketing system. It provides channels ot

distribution which help to bring goods to the market. Generally, indirect channels are used to market manufactured consumer goods. It could be from the manufacturer to the wholesaler, from the retailer to the consumer or through more complicated channels. A direct channel moves goods from the manufacturer or producer to the consumer.

Wholesaling is often a field of small business, but there is a growing chain movement in the western countries. About a quarter of wholesaling units account for the one- third of total sales.

Two-thirdof the wholesaling middlemen are merchant wholesalers who take title to the goods they deal in. There are also agent middlemen who negotiate purchases or sales or both. They don’t take title to the goods they deal in. Sometimes they take possession though. These agents don’t earn salaries. They receive commissions. This is a percentage of the value of the goods they sell.

Wholesalers simplify the process of distribution. For example, the average supermarket stocks 5,000 items in groceries alone, a retaіl druggist can have more than 6,000 items. As a wholesaler handles a large assortment of items from numerous manufacturers he reduces the problem of both manufacturer and retailer. The store keeper does not have to deal directly with thousands of different people. He usually has a well-stocked store and deals with only a few wholesalers.

ACTIVE VOCABULARYto provide channels – забеспечувати системою збутуindirect channels – непряма система збуту wholesaling middleman – оптовий посередникretailer – роздрібний торговецьcomplicated channels – складна система (збуту)chain movement – рух до об’єднанняwholesale unit – контора оптової торгівліmerchant wholesaler – оптовий покупець


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to take title to the goods – отримувати товар як майноagent middleman – посередник між виробником і покупцемto negotiate purchases or sales – вести переговори з приводу

купівлі або продажуto receive commissions – отримувати комісійні grocery – бакалійна торгівляto handle – 1) керувати, 2) торгуватиtotal sales – совокупний продаж

Comprehension questions1 What is the aim of the wholesaling?2 How can you describe a direct channel of distribution?3 What is an indirect channel of distribution?4 What channel of distribution is preferable?5 Is there any difference between a merchant wholesaler and an

agent middleman? What is this difference?6 How does a wholesaler simplify the process of distribution?7 What would a retailer have to do without wholesalers?

Vocabulary practiceChoose the necessary word and put it in the sentence (wholesalers,

take title, retailer, stock, channels, assortment, to receive commissions, middleman).

1 They use both direct and indirect ... of distribution.2 Agent middleman do not ... to the goods they deal in.3 Usually wholesaling ... stands between the producer and the

retailer.4 A supermarket may ... thousands of commissions items.5 Usually a wholesaler handles a large ... of items of numerous

manufacturers.6 Agent middlemen don’t earn salaries, they ... .7 A wholesaler doesn’t deal with the customers, he does with ... .8 ... simplify the problems of manufacturers.VIII Translate the dialogue into Ukrainian.

DIALOGUE (John is explaining his new job to his wife, Susan. He is a sales

trainee for a company.)


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John It’s a great job, you know. The salesmen are paid salaries instead of being on commission.

Susan Why do you find it great? You can earn less money.John Well, it’s regular weekly salary. And besides we get

reimbursed for everything – lunches and dinners, even the football tickets, the car, gasoline, tolls.

Susan That’s really great.John And I’m going to get a raise in three months.Susan And what are you going to see?John Foam rubber.Susan What is it used for?John It is used to make couches and beds generally ideal with

furniture manufacturers.Susan So you will travel much,won’t you?John No. Delivery is a part of our wholesaling operation. Foam is

sold and delivered by the truckloads. It is rather bulky and it is expensive to have it shipped a long distance. We are going to deal with buyers who are in this region.

Susan That’s fine. I don’t want you to travel too much. By the way I want to know more about sales procedure.

John At first I go to see a buyer. We discuss what he needs. After that I send him a written quote. If our prices suit him, he’ll call us and send an order.

Susan Do you take orders over the phone?John Yes. The buyers are always in a hurry and a letter would

take too much time to come. If it’s a verbal agreement we call it gentleman’s agreement.

Susan And what happens after the verbal agreement?John We receive a written purchase order. It is called p. o. – and

it has a number that we use for all future correspondence on that order. The office than retypes the order form and the p. o. and order form are stapled together and filed.

Susan It sounds organized. Whom do you usually deal with in a company?

John Well, I’ll deal with purchasing agents. But I could deal with any administrator from the president on down,in some cases.


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Susan Good. Soon you’ll get your raise.John Yes. Selling is usually a stepping stone to higher positions

in management.Susan Don’t worry, dear. If it doesn’t work out, we still have my

job.ІХ Translate into English.1 Оптова торгівля – важливий елемент ринкової системи.2 Товари йдуть від оптового продавця до покупця через

роздрібного торговця.3 Непряма система збуту найкраща.4 Оптові перекупники отримують товар.5 Посередник отримує проценти від продажу.6 Посередник, як завжди, веде переговори з приводу купівлі

або продажу.7 У цьому магазині гарний асортимент товарів.

Варіант 5

I Translate the sentences into Ukrainian, paying attention to the form of predicates. State the tense and the voice of the predicates in the sentences:

1 All the experimental part will have been completed by this time tomorrow.

2 I had been shown a room and offered a cup of tea before it rained.3 Why aren t you answering? You are being spoken to.4 I knew I was being waited for.5 He is cross with her because she made a joke at his expense.6 You see, he has never been laughed at before.II Translate the sentences into English using the passive voice.

State the tense and the voice of the predicates.1 Він зміг продивитися тільки частину документів, оскільки

решта ще друкувалися.2 Ваша контрольна робота ще перевіряється. Вона буде готова

pf деякий час.3 Дізнайся, будь ласка, чи куплені вже білети до Києва.4 До того часу як я дістався туди, листи вже відіслали.


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III Open the brackets using the verbs in the necessary tense form.

1) I suppose she ( to know ) English very well.2) The delegates were told that the guide just ( to go ) out and ( to be

) back in ten minutes.3) We were sure our sportsman ( to win ) the game.IV Change the following sentences from direct into indirect

speech.1) He said “At two o clock we'll be passing a bridge”.2) I said “I'm changing my shoes”.3) Ann said to Pete “Put on the light because it is getting dark”.4) She said to us “I didn't go to the station to see her off”.5) The policeman asked “Why have you crossed the street in the

wrong place?V Translate into Ukrainian paying attention to the modal verbs. 1) Some new considerations must be involved into this study.2) These sketches cannot have been intended for the exhibition, they

lack talent.3) She may be wearing her hair long now.4) You needn't wair for me.5) You should spend more time out of doors.VI Fill in the blanks with modals verbs or their equivalents.1) When … you come to see us?2) Peter … return the book to the library. We all want to read it.3) … we do the exercise at once? – Yes, you … do it.4) … john really do this today? – No, he … not, I think, he has little

time. He … do it tomorrow.5) Where … the lecture to take place? I suppose in the assembly

hall.VII Read the text and answer the comprehension questions.

PRICING (ЦІНОУТВОРЕННЯ) All products and all services have prices. The price depends on

different things such as credit terms, delivery, trade-in allowance, guarantees quality and other forms of service, which price can produce the biggest profit during a long period of time. It s hardly possible to determine such a price. The price may be too high to produce a large


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volume or too low to cover costs. No other area of operations has been a subject to bad practice. Many businesses pursue unsound prices policies for long periods of time and are not aware about it.

Prices can be determined in different ways. For example, the prices on meat, cotton and other agricultural products can be decided in a large central market where forces of supply and demand exit. This is pure price competition. The prices on industrial products ( iron, steel, etc. ) are usually decided by large companies. As a rule the amount and prices of goods sold to a large number of buyers are controlled by a few competing sellers. Prices also can be set by the government, usually for different public services – railroads, electricity, manufactured gas, bus services, etc. If demand increases, prices rise, profits expand and new investment is attracted. But other factors may be involved as well. Prices are related to each other in different ways. Ultimately, everything is related by price, since the consumer can buy and must pay for everything out of a particular, limited amount of money.

ACTIVE VOCABULARYcredit terms – кредитні умовиtrade-in allowance – сума грошей, віддана за стару річ і

врахована в рахунок купівлі новоїto cover costs – покривати витратиto pursue unsound prices policies – вести правильну

ціноутворювальну політикуsupply and demand – пропозиція і попит price competition – конкуренція в ціноутворенніto set prices – встановлювати ціни

COMPREHENSION QUESTIONS1 Why is it difficult to determine the right price?2 Why is the seller interested in the price that produces the highest

volume of sales at the lowest unit cost?3 Why do many businesses follow unsound pricing policies?4 In what way are agricultural prices decided?5 How are industrial products usually priced?6 Why does the government usually set the prices for public utility


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7 Why is it so important to know the levels of supply and demand when dealing with pricing?

8 Why is everything related by price?VOCABULARY PRACTICE

Put the necessary word in the sentence (supply and demand, volume of sales, trade- in allowance, compete, price policies, credit terms, to set prices).

1 It is very difficult … without sound price police.2 Of course we are interested in producing the … with the lowest

unit costs.3 I decided to buy a new car at this company because they offered

the best … on my old model.4 The … of this store are very beneficial for a customer.5 Their business will fail if they pursue unsound … .6 The government usually … for different public services.7 In pure competition the forces of … operate.VIII Translate the dialogue into Ukrainian.

DIALOGUE(Dick is introducing a new line of products and is talking to his

friend Tom, a business consultant, about it)Dick It’s the first time when I m in business for myself.Tom Don’t worry. The store has always been doing well. It has a

great location and as far as your new line of merchandise… Dick That’s what I wanted to talk to you about. Can you give some

ideas how to charge the prices?Tom With pleasure. Generally, there are two types of pricing

policies. There is price emphasis and price de-emphasis.Dick What’s the difference?Tom The price emphasis police emphasizes low prices. This

encourages sales. But low price doesn’t give extra services.Dick So, a really low price means no credit, home delivery, repair,

installation and other services.Tom That’s what I mean. But many people are interested only in

the low price and not in the extra services.Dick Yes, and vice versa. The price which I set determines the

number of sales. I must think thoroughly about it.74

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Tom A good example of price emphasis is loss- leader pricing. It means that you choose one item - let’s say an electric razor – at a price just above the cost. The customers will come to your shop to buy this lossleader item.

Dick It sounds interesting. They can decide to buy a few other things they need.

Tom There is also off-even pricing. Let’s say you sell a tape recorder for $ 69.95 instead of $ 70.00. Though it is in fact about the same, the low price can produce a favourable psychological effect.

Dick What are the other ways to attract the customers?Tom First of all, remember that you are going to compete with

well-known products, so you should start with specially low prices. It’s important to advertise this. You should use newspaper aids, maybe a radio spot,. maybe do a big window and floor display.

Dick It makes sense.Tom And you can raise the price after your customer try a new

brand, get to know it and like it. They will continue to buy it.Dick I see. And what is the price de- emphasis you mentioned

before?Tom It concerns high quality expensive items. Price de-emphasis

means that you don t call attention to the price at all. Dick I know, it concerns our fine jewelry department or designer

fashions.Tom Yes, I see you are going to do very well.Dick Your suggestions seem to be very useful. Don’t forget you

have a discount on any shopping you do in my shop.Tom In such a case I’ll be back tomorrow with my wife.Translate in to English:1 Цей магази надає покупцю вигідні кредитні умови. 2 Товар має низьку ціну. Вона покриває витрати.3 Ця фірма веде нерозумну ціноутворювальну політику.4 Перш ніж випускати товар, необхідно ретельно вивчити

попит і пропозицію.5 Держава встановлює ціни на перелік продуктів.6 Магазин має гарне місце розташування.


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7 Супермаркет надає покупцю багато додаткових послуг: доставку товарів на дім, кредит, оснащення і т. ін.

8 Нова марка, безсумнівно, привабить покупців.9 Починайте з низької ціни.10 Продаж за рахунок низької ціни діє при продажі товарів

народного споживання.

Варіанти текстів для студентів спеціальності «Електронні прилади»

Варіант 1

І. Read and translate the following texts

PROGRAM STRUCTUREFlowchartsYou've been writing flowcharts before you write your programs.

This helps ensure that you get all the steps into your program and get them in the right order. Remember that in writing a flowchart you plan the logical flow of your program. Once the flowchart is written, you can translate it into a program by writing one or more statements for each step in the flowchart.

However, when you begin to plan more complex programs, you'll find that the flowcharts also become more complex. When you have a great many steps and a great many branches, you simply can't find a place for all of them on the flowchart. This makes it very hard to check the flowchart you've written to be sure that you haven't left anything out. To handle more complex programs, you need another way of planning them.

Modular DesignIn engineering, education, programming, and other fields, a

module is a self-contained unit that performs one specific task, which is needed to accomplish a larger task. For example, the word module is used in the space program to refer to a part of a spaceship that performs a specific task. A lunar landing module lands on the moon.


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A power module provides power to the ship in space. A waste-disposal module gets rid of garbage. All of these modules are necessary for getting spaceships to the moon and back.

In a computer program, a module is a self-contained part of the program that performs a specific programming task. For example, a program might have an input module and a print module. A program that is divided into modules in the planning and programming stages has a modular design.

A modular program is said to have a top-down structure because when you plan it, you start at the "top" with the most general module and work your way "down" to include all the modules that make up that module. This allows you to break a complex program into parts to make programming more efficient and easier.

Let's see what top-down modular design looks like for an activity, like playing a baseball game.

THE POWER OF PROGRAMSIf you were going to build a bookcase, you'd follow a step-by-step

plan. First, you'd decide exactly what sort of book-case you wanted: its length, width and number of shelves. Once your design was set, you'd gather your tools and supplies and get started. When you finished, you'd check your work carefully and make any needed changes.

Programming a computer - giving it a set of instructions to follow - has a lot in common with building that bookcase. To write a program, you begin by deciding exactly what task you want to accomplish. Then you work on developing and refining program. You don't use carpentry tools, of course. Instead, you use a programming tool: the computer.

In this unit, you'll learn about programming: its purpose, power, and importance. You'll also learn about computer languages, especially the easy- to - learn language called BASIC.

Do you want to play a computer game? Use a computer to write a story? Turn your computer into a piano or a drawing pad? You can do all these. But for a computer to do something - anything - it must have a set of instructions. Without instructions the computer is as useless as


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a phonograph without a record. You can buy instructions for the computer in the form of computer software, such as a game or a word-processing program, or you can create your own instructions.

Creating instructions for the computer is called writing a computer program, or programming. In this chapter you will begin to learn how to write some simple programs. Writing even simple programs can help you to understand better how a computer and computer software work.

Programming can also be a very exciting hobby. Many students go on to create complicated programs as a hobby. Some students even turn their hobbies into jobs.

Whether or not you go on to develop a hobby or a career as a programmer, you should enjoy being in charge of the computer as you learn about programming.

II. Find the English equivalents of the following words and word combinations in the text and learn them.

Блок-схема; потік даних; оператор (елемент тексту програми, що виражає цілісну закінчену дію); оператор присвоювання; гілка програми (перехід); модульний проект; замкнений пристрій (блок); енергетичний модуль; низхідне проектування; модуль; керувати (регулювати); досягти; вдосконалювати; фонограф без запису; управляти чимось.

III. Read the texts and answer the following questions:Why is it necessary to write flowcharts before writing programs?What is to be done when the flowchart is ready? What is a

module? What programs have modular design? Why are modular design programs considered to be easy and what makes them easy and efficient?

Варіант 2

І Read and translate the following texts

LANGUAGES FOR OTHER TASKSSome languages are very well suited to tasks that are hard to do in BASIC. For example, FORTRAN is a language that is very

similar to BASIC, but it is better for scientific applications (BASIC is 78

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actually a simpler version of FORTRAN). FORTRAN contains commands that make it easier to do engineering problems and use mathematics for solving scientific problems. It allows the programmer to program mathematical formulas more easily than does BASIC. FORTRAN is available for some microcomputers.

COBOL is a language that was developed mainly for large computers and may be available on a few microcomputers. It is designed for business uses and is particularly good for report writing. It makes it easy to set up very complicated reports with rows and columns', and to print these on the screen or a printer.

ASSEMBLY LANGUAGEThe languages described so far are called high-level languages

because they are far removed from the low-level machine language binary commands that the computer can understand directly. Many students who begin with BASIC go on to learn to write assembly-language programs. Assembly language is not a high-level language. It is much closer to the machine language of the computer.

In assembly language you work with what you might think of as building blocks to create your program. Because you can use these blocks in. many ways, you can create commands that don't exist in BASIC. You can also control the computer directly and control external peripherals like home security systems through the computer. A program that is written in assembly language also runs much faster than a program that is written in BASIC because it does not need to be interpreted like BASIC.

Assembly language can also be used to write programs that will run on several different computers. Any computer with the same computer chip will use the same assembly language.

Unfortunately, assembly language is very difficult to use. It takes much longer to write a program in assembly language than it does in any high-level language. Assembly language is not a structured language, so it is very difficult for someone else to understand your programs.

WHAT IS A COMPUTER LANGUAGE?Instructing a computer is done a with computer language. A

computer language is a set of words, symbols and commands that a 79

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computer can "understand". Think of this example: if you study French you learn words and rules of grammar that another speaker of French can understand. If you study computer language, you learn words and rules of grammar called syntax rules that a computer can understand. Most French words are not familiar to you when you first see them. But many computer languages use words that are mostly English words, such as PRINT, RUN, and NEW. These words have special meanings in a computer language.

Computer languages are not spoken to the computer (except in some experimental systems with limited vocabularies). Instead, you type the computer language on the keyboard. The computer then translates what you typed into electrical impulses that represent 0's and I's—the form in which the computer can understand and carry out your instructions. To translate your instructions, the computer needs a language processor that is either built into the computer itself or loaded into the computer from a disk. The language processor acts somewhat like a human interpreter who listens to someone speaking French and then tells you what the words mean in English. It does the translating.

There are many different computer languages. You may have heard of BASIC, Pascal, Logo, FORTRAN, COBOL and others. For your computer to understand one of these languages, it needs a translator for that language.

Why are there different computer languages? The reason for this is that different languages work well for different kinds of tasks.

II Find the English equivalents of the following words and word combinations in the texts and learn them.

Введення команд у комп’ютер; комп’ютерна мова; специфічний (особливий); клавіатура; виконувати інструкції (команди); завантажувати в комп’ютер; комп’ютерний перекладач; застосування в науці; програмувати математичні формули; відповідати завданням; розробити мову; екран; мова високого рівня; управляти комп’ютером безпосередньо; зовнішній периферійний пристрій; система охорони дому.

III Read the texts and answer the following questions:


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What do we call a computer language? What device is used for translating one’s instructions? Why were so many different computer languages developed? What languages are considered to be high – level one’s? What are the advantages and disadvantages of Assembly language? What language is considered to be the easiest one?

Варіант 3

І Read and translate the following texts

WHAT EQUIPMENT IS REQUIRED?To run word-processing software, you must, of course, have a

computer. If the computer does not come with a display screen, you will need a separate screen. Most word-processing software comes on disks, so a disk drive is required. It's also good to have a couple of blank disks, in case you want to save something that you have written. And if you want to put what you've written on paper, you'll need a printer.

HOW DOES WORD-PROCESSING SOFTWARE WORK? Word-processing software works like any other computer program—you simply load the program into your computer. Then you type on

the computer keyboard just as you would type on a typewriter.As you type, the words appear on the screen. The words that you

type are also stored in the computer's memory, so you can save your writing on a disk and work on it later, just as you can save a computer program on a disk and run or change it later. If you have a printer, you can print your writing on paper in much the same way that you print the output from the computer on paper. In fact, you can print as many copies of your work as you like without having to retype it.

HOW TO USE A WORD-PROCESSING PROGRAMYou're probably thinking, "Word-processing software sounds

great, but how do I use it?" There are many answers to that question, because there are many different word-processing programs available. How you operate a program depends on which program you are using.

Before you use a word-processing program, you should read the documentation carefully in order to determine exactly what that


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particular program does and exactly what you have to do to run it. Let's talk about word processors in general, though. Most word-

processing programs perform the same basic functions.COMPUTER TRESPASSING

Breaking into a computer system (using it when you don't have permission) is a crime. It is called computer trespassing.

People break into computer systems for many reasons. They might do it to find out private records, to change or destroy information, to steal money or goods, or simply to show they know how to do it.

Computer trespassing is a serious problem. Important information ranging from medical records to top secret military information is often stored in computer systems. If someone changes, destroys, or steals the information, he or she might cause great damage. For example, a trespasser in a hospital computer system might endanger a patient's health by changing his or her medical records. In the case of a government computer system, a computer trespasser might threaten national security by stealing military information. A trespasser in a bank's computer system might steal millions of dollars.

How can we prevent computer trespassing? One way to protect information stored in computer systems is to use passwords or number codes. The words or codes are programmed into the computer system. The system will admit only those people who enter the correct code. An alarm alerts a security guard if someone enters an incorrect code more than once.

Some computer systems use cryptography (secret writing) to protect information. Such systems store information in the computer in coded or scrambled form. If you don't know how to unscramble the information, it is meaningless.

Federal and state laws also protect in formation stored in computer systems. One federal law, the Counterfeit Access Device and Computer Fraud and Abuse Act of 1984, prohibits people from using a computer system without permission. It also prohibits the use of a computer system: (1) to steal money or goods worth $5,000 or more: (2) to use, change, destroy, or reveal restricted information in government files; (3) to obtain financial information and credit records that are protected by other federal laws.


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II Find the English equivalents of the following words and word combinations in the texts and learn them:

Запустити програму обробки даних; дисковод; зберігати інформацію на диску; екран дисплея; завантажити програму; комп’ютерна клавіатура; зберігатися в комп’ютерній пам’яті; виконувати основні функції; вторгнення в комп’ютерну систему; приватні документи; знищити інформацію; викрасти гроші чи товари; загрожувати національній безпеці; захистити інформацію; цифровий код; пароль; вводити правильний код; зберігати інформацію в закодованій чи зашифрованій формі; забороняти отримувати фінансову інформацію та кредитні звіти.

III Read the texts and answer the following questions:What do we call a computer trespassing? Why do people break

into computer systems? What damage may trespassing cause? How can one protect information? What equipment is required to run word – processing software? How does word – processing software work?

Варіант 4

І Read and translate the following texts

SPECIAL WORD-PROCESSING FEATURESMost word-processing programs allow you to create, edit, format,

print, and save documents. Some of them also allow you to perform more complex functions. The following are two examples of thesophisticated features that some programs have.

SPELLING CHECKERSSome word-processing programs come with a spelling checker. A

spelling checker works with a word-processing program to find misspelled words in your document. It does this by matching each word in your document with a list of words that have been programmed into its memory. This list is usually called a dictionary, but the name is misleading. Spelling checkers have no way of knowing what a word means. Their "dictionaries" are simply lists of property spelled words.


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When a spelling checker finds a word that does not match any of the words in its dictionary, it displays that word. Then you decide whether to change it or, if it is spelled correctly, add it to the spelling checker's dictionary. This is often necessary, since the dictionary 'does not contain every word you will want to use. Unusual words, technical terms, and proper names will usually need to be added to the dictionary.

While a spelling checker can help you with your writing, it is not a substitute for good language skills. Because it only matches combinations of letters, a spelling checker cannot determine whether you are using words correctly. For example if you use too in a sentence that requires two, a spelling checker will not detect the error because too is spelled correctly.

If you are typing the sentence "I wish I were at the beach" and you make a mistake and type "I fish I were at the beach," the spelling checker will not detect the error, since fish is properly spelled.

LEARNING THE JARGONBefore turning to the computer, you review the documentation

that accompanies the program and become familiar with the terminology, or jargon, of a DBMS. You learn three important words: field, record, and file.

Field. A field is a single category of information in your data base. It can be made up of numbers, letters, or a combination of numbers and letters. You look at a catalogue card in your current data base and identify eleven fields, including type of movie, movie title, and call number.

Record. A record is a collection of fields. Each catalogue card with all its entries about a single movie is a record. Since your catalogue currently consists of title and subject cards, you have two records for each movie listed in your data base.

File. A file is a collection of related records. Your subject catalogue is one file; your title catalogue is another. Your DBMS will eliminate duplicate records and combine the two files.

While every data base consists of fields, records, and files, some can handle more data than others. Say that this particular program allows 65characters in a field, 12 fields in a record, and 300 records in


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a file. Each letter, number, or space in an entry counts as one character. You note that in setting up your DBMS you'll have to shorten the descriptions of the movies. After making this minor adjustment.

FORMATTING A DOCUMENTBefore you print your document, you can choose how you want it

to look on paper. This is called formatting. Some word-processing programs ask you to do this before you start writing. Others wait until you are ready to print your document and then give you a list of choices. The instructions that you use to tell the computer how to print your document are called formatting commands.

What are some of the choices that you have for formatting text? Most word-processing programs allow you to adjust the line spacing on your document. That means that you can select the amount of empty space between printed lines. You can print your document using either single-spaced or double spaced text.

Single-spaced text looks like the type that you are reading now. Double-spaced text looks like the type that you are reading now. Some programs allow you to print your document using triple-spaced text as well. You can also choose how much of a margin you want between your writing and the edges of the paper.

Some word-processing programs have a formatting command that prints justified lines. Justified lines form straight margins on both sides of this paper. For example, the text in this book is justified, but the text in this paragraph is not justified.

PRINTING A DOCUMENTYour word processor and printer work together to carry out

formatting commands. Some printers are capable of performing more formatting functions then others. For example, your word-processing program may allow you to print italic type, but if your printer can't produce italic type, the commands useless. The reverse is also true. A printer can't produce italic type if it's hooked up to word-processing program that won allow it.

There are many different kinds of printers. The two most common types for word processing are dot matrix printer and letter-quality printers.


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A dot-matrix printer forms characters.II Find the English equivalents of the following words and

word combinations in the texts and learn them.Встановити інтервал між рядками; поля; вирівнювати рядки; виконувати команди форматування; курсив; матричний друкуючий пристрій; високоякісний друкуючий пристрій; редагувати документи; зберігати документи; коректор; співставляти слова; показувати слова на екрані; ввести в словник комп’ютера; виявити помилку; бути альтернативою в отриманні гарних мовних навиків; створювати документи.

III Read the texts and answer the following questions:What is called formatting?What do we call formatting commands?What are one’s choices for formatting a text?What are the most common types of printers?How does a spelling checker work and what is it used for?Is a spelling checker a substitute for good language skills?

Варіант 5

I Read and translate the following texts

COMPUTERS IN OUR LIFEA computer may be a person or a machine that takes in

information (problems and data), performs reasonable operations on the information and puts out answers. We may consider as a computer a man, for example, who receives information, writes some of it on paper, operates a slide rule and by means of it solves some problems. Any device which can accept information, record and process it and then come out with a definite answer is a computer. There exist various types of mechanical devices which perform computing operations and are in wide use in science and industry, i.e. in laboratories, research institutes, in plants and offices. These are adding machines which add numbers accurately and quickly and print the results of computations on tape. There are also desk calculating machines which can add, subtract, multiply. Storage system or


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Memory is the unit which has the ability to store extensive programmes and instructions, refer to and modify them for operation. The Arithmetic unit operates on the data received, i.e. it can perform high-speed calculations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. It can produce results, i.e. provide answers to a large variety of problems by means of the Output unit all under the direction of the Control unit.

An up-to-date computer can solve a complicated problem many millions of times faster than a skilled mathematician. It handles thousands of calculations per second.

There are two main classes of computing equipment: analogue and digital. They work on different principles and yield different results. The digital computers can perform a much broader range of functions than the analogue computers. The application includes all forms of automatic control in science and industry and first of all in space exploration, in automatic piloting navigation and landing of space vehicles. Computer programming is the progress of the future. Computers will guide the first spaceships to Venus, Mars and other planets.

The state gives energetic support to the development of computer engineering. The Academy of Sciences established a network of computing centres all over the country. These centers work out new numerical methods, develop new ways and means of automated programming work.

They solve practical problems for various institutes and develop new types of electronic computers.

SETTING UP A DBMS (Data-Base-Management-System)Now that you know the advantages of electronic files, let's set up a

data-base management system in order to learn how one works. Assume that you are in charge of your school video library. You have access to a microcomputer and are interested in computerizing your ever-expanding catalogue. Since you already have a data base-a title and a subject card catalogue-you have a good idea of the kind of information that people want and how they can best find it. After consulting with the computer lab instructor, you buy a DBMS. You're ready to begin.


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LEARNING THE JARGONBefore turning to the computer, you review the documentation that accompanies the program and become familiar with the terminology, or jargon, of a DBMS. You learn three important words: field, record, and file.Field. A field is a single category of information in your data base. It can be made up of numbers, letters, or a combination of numbers and letters. You look at a catalogue card in your current data base and identify eleven fields, including type of movie, movie title, and call number.

Record. A record is a collection of fields. Each catalogue card with all its entries about a single movie is a record. Since your catalogue currently consists of title and subject cards, you have two records for each movie listed in your data base.File. A file is a collection of related records. Your subject catalogue is one file; your title catalogue is another. Your DBMS will eliminate duplicate records and combine the two files.

While every data base consists of fields, records, and files, some can handle more data than others. Say that this particular program allows 65characters in a field, 12 fields in a record, and 300 records in a file. Each letter, number, or space in an entry counts as one character. You note that in setting up your DBMS you'll have to shorten the descriptions of the movies. After making this minor adjustment.

II Find the English equivalents of the following words and word combinations in the texts and learn themпрацювати з логарифмічною лінійкою; друкувати на стрічці;настільна обчислювальна машина; блок управління; автоматичне управління; управляти, регулювати; обробка даних;змінювати; мережа; в секунду; радіус дії, діапазон; пристрій, блок; випуск, вихід (виробляти); автоматизована інформаційна система; мати доступ; ознайомитися з термінологією; поле (пойменована частина інформації, елемент даних); база даних;


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запис; введення даних (вихідне положення);тематичний аналіз.III Read the texts and answer the following questions:

What is a computer? What are the functions of the Storage and Arithmetic system? What is the difference between analogue and digital computers? What are the advantages of setting up a data – base – management – system? How does a DBMS work?

Контрольне завдання №4

Щоб правильно виконати завдання 4, необхідно засвоїти такі розділи курсу англійської мови:

1 Звороти, рівнозначні додатковим реченням: об’єктний інфінітивний зворот,суб’єктний інфінітивний зворот.

2 Дієприкметники: Participle I, II, дієприкметниковий зворот.3 Умовні речення

Зразок виконання 1 (до впр.1)1 Mr. Price is said to be writing a new book. The Complex Subject.Кажуть, що містер Прайс пише нову книгу.2 Would you like me to tell the whole story? The Complex Object.Ти б хотів, щоб я розповів всю історію.3 The weather is likely to change. The Complex Subject.Погода, ймовірно, зміниться.

Зразок виконання 2 (до впр.2)1 On turning to us she said it was time to do it. Participle I, Active,

обставина часу. Повернувшись до нас, вона сказала, що пора це робити.

2 He stopped before a closed door. Participle II, Passive, означення. Він зупинився перед зачиненими дверима.

3 I couldn’t give a call with my telephone being out of order. Participle I, Active, у складі незалежного дієприкметникового звороту. Я не міг зателефонувати, тому що мій телефон не працював.

Зразок виконання 3 (до впр.3)1 If you help me, I will finish my work very soon. Реальна

умова. 89

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Якщо ти мені допоможеш, то я закінчу цю роботу дуже швидко.

2 If you took a taxi, you would get to the station in time. Малоймовірна умова.

Якщо б ти взяв таксі, то прибув би на стацію вчасно.3 If it hadn’t rained yesterday, they would have gone fishing.

Нереальна умова.Якщо б вчора не було дощу, вони би пішли на рибалку.

Контрольні роботи для студентів спеціальностей „Економіка підприємств”, „Менеджмент”, „Фінанси”

Варіант 1

І Rewrite and translate the following sentences into Ukrainian. State and comment on the Infinitive constructions used in the sentences (see model 1):

1 We know the air to consist of different gases.2 We want you to take into consideration that voltage, resistance

and capacity are the three important properties to influence the flow of current in an electric circuit.

3 The orbit of Mars turned out to be ellipse.4 The switchboard operator happened to be observing the ammeter

at that moment.5 Real water vapour and steam are known to be completely invisible.6 The teacher wanted us to put down the saying and explain it.ІІ Rewrite and translate the following sentences into Ukrainian.

State the form and the function of the participles used in the sentences. Mind the translation of the Absolute Participle Construction. (see model 2):

1 The gas turbine having been tested at our plant functions properly now.

2 Being colded in air the metal became hardened.3 The results obtained differed depending on the substance.4 The force causing current to flow in a circuit is to be measured

with this instrument.90

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5 If heated molecules of the material move faster6 The mission carried out, they were granted a three day leave. III Choose the right form of the verb from the brackets.

Translate the sentences into Ukrainian. Comment on the condition used in the subordinate clauses (see model 3):

1 He wished now that when the director of his firm spoke to him he ... differently. (answer/answers/answered/had answered).

2 But life isn't like that in England these days. I wish it ... (be/is/was/were/had been).

3 "I can think why you don't arrest Dr. Rendell", said Mrs. Oliver. "I would if I ... the Head of Scotland Yard" (am/is/are/was/were/had been).

4 If these pills ... really ... my pain I would certainly take them. (can relieve/could relieve/ could have relieved).

5 The boy would post your letter if you ... it to him. (give/gives/gave/has given/had given).

6 If we are busy tomorrow, we ….. part in the picnic (take/took/ shall take ).

ІV Rewrite the following sentences and translate them into English.

1 У Англії мало природних ресурсів, i більша частина сировини ввозиться з інших країн.

2 Вас, здається, не цікавить проблема, яку обговорюють.3 Прийшовши до такого висновку, лікар вирішив нічого не

казати пацієнту.4 Він відчув, як хтось торкнув його за плече.5 Ми всі знали його як чесну людину.6 Якби він керував автомобілем обережніше, нещасний випадок

не стався б.V Translate the following text into Ukrainian and do the tasks

to it.Producers have some notion of how much output they are willing

and able to produce at various price levels. Likewise, consumers, businesses, governments, and the rest of the world have some notion of how much output they are willing and able to buy at different price levels. These forces of aggregate demand and aggregate supply


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confront each other in the market place. Eventually, buyers and sellers discover that only one «price-output» combination is acceptable to both sides. This is the «price-output» combination we designate as (macro) equilibrium.At equilibrium, the aggregate quantity of goods demanded exactly equals the aggregate quantity supplied. In the absence of macro disturbances, the economy will gravitate toward equilibrium — and stay there.

Dollar expenditures (total spending) are directly related to the flow of real goods and services; the level of employment depends on the willingness of people to spend their incomes. Businesses hire workers only if the goods and services such workers produce can be sold in product markets. Firms will demand more labor only if the demand for goods and services such labor produces is sufficiently strong.

In this sense we say that employers have a derived demand for labor, a demand that is derived from demands for final goods and services.

Consumer expenditures account for two-thirds of total spending in the U.S. economy. We need to determine what factors influence the rate of consumption and thus the potential for achieving full employment.

Consumption decisions are influenced by a variety of forces, including income, prices, interest rates, wealth and expectations.

Disposable income (Dl) represents the amount of income consumers can actually choose to spend or not spend (save) in a given time period.

Business firms purchase a new plant and equipment for the purpose of expending or improving their output capabilities; such purchases are called fixed investment. Firms also acquire inventories of goods that can be used to satisfy consumer demands; such expenditures are called inventory investment. Both forms of investment represent a demand for output and are therefore counted as part of aggregate spending.

VI Give English equivalents of the following:купувати з метою розширення наймати робітниківта поліпшення виробничих особистий прибутокможливостей рівень зайнятостіпередбачення майбутнього загальні витрати


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збуту та прибутків рівень цінзадовольнити потреби споживача у цьому розумінніVII Fill in the blanks with appropriate words:1 Aggregate demand is the total ... of output demanded at alterative

price levels in a given time period.2 Equilibrium is the ... of price level and real output that is

compatible with both ... and aggregate supply.3 ... is the total quantity of output producers are willing and able to

supply at alternative price levels in a given time period.4 Aggregate spending is the rate of total ... desired at alternative

levels of income.5 The role of business firms in factor markets is ... available workers

and other factors of production to produce ... and ... .6 In fact all of the income spent in product markets ends up as

income for ... .7 Firms will ... more labor only if the demand for the goods and

services such labor producer is ... strong.8 Consumption decisions are influenced by a variety of forces,

including ..., prices, ..., wealth and expectations.9 Investment is ... on new plant and equipment in a given time

period, plus changes in business inventories.(aggregate supply; combination; market participants; expenditures;

aggregate demand; quantity; to hire; goods; services; demand; sufficiently; expenditure; income; interest rates.)

VIII Translate into English:1 Загальний попит і загальна пропозиція протистоять одне

одному. 2 Зрештою покупці та продавці з'ясовують, що тільки єдина

комбінація «ціна — продукція» прийнятна для обох сторін. 3 Збалансування — це комбінація рівня цін і реального випуску

продукції, що поєднується із загальним попитом і загальним постачанням.

4 Похідний попит — це потреба в робочій силі та інших чинниках виробництва, що залежать від попиту на кінцеву продукцію і послуги.


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5 Споживання — це витрата готових товарів і послуг споживачами.

6 Наявний прибуток становить певну суму прибутку, яку споживачі можуть витрачати або ні за певний період.

7 Накопичення — та частина чистого прибутку, що не витрачається на поточне споживання.

Варіант 2

І Rewrite and translate the following sentences into Ukrainian. State and comment on the Infinitive constructions used in the sentences (see model 1):

1 The engineer wanted the device to be tested in the laboratory.2 It is carelessness that allows losses to be greater.3 The laser beam seems to have almost unlimited industrial

possibilities.4 An automatic drilling machine is reported to have increased

production more than 550 per cent.5 She made him apologize.ІІ Rewrite and translate the following sentences into Ukrainian.

State the form and the functionof the participles used in the sentences. Mind the translation of the Absolute Participle Construction (see model 2):

1 Iron becomes magnetized if placed in a strong magnetic field.2 Being heated magnetized steel losses its magnetism.3 Having made a great number of experiments with different

substances the chemists found that most of them could be decomposed into substances.

4 The model being shown to us now has been made by one of the best specialists of our plant.

5 X-rays are produced when matter is bombarded by a fast moving stream of negatively charged particles.

6 The performance being over, everybody went home. III Choose the right form of the verb from the brackets.

Translate the sentences into Ukrainian. Comment on the condition used in the subordinate clauses (see model 3):


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1 What would you do if you ... sick (get/gets/got/have got)?2 "If I were you, I......no attention to the things", Hattie says (shall

pay/ will pay/should pay/would have paid).3 If I ... your age, I'd do it like a shot (am/is/are/will be/were/had

been).4 If we ... some information we should already have given it to the

police (have/has/had/had had).5 If mother had lived, they......(may.marry/might marry/might

have married).6 It …… you good if you spend more time in the open air (will do/

do / did).IV Rewrite the following sentences and translate them into

English:1 Подорожуючи, ми дізнаємося багато нового і цікавого.2 Вони згадали дні, проведені в Англії під час Шекспірівського

фестивалю.3 Денис запалив цигарку, руки його трусилися.4 Кажуть, що цей палац був побудований на початку XVII

століття.5 Я хочу, щоб ви відповіли на це питання.6 Якби не погана погода, ми вже давно б дісталися до місця

призначення.V Translate the following text into Ukrainian and do the tasks

to it.Nations trade with one another for the same reason that individuals

and business firms within a country trade: both sides expect to benefit from the transaction. They benefitbecause trade enables them to exchange things they don't need (their surplus goods and services) for the things they do need and want. Some areas can produce things that others cannot. Because of its warm climate and the type of soil it has, Florida grows oranges but not wheat. Kansas grows no oranges, but it does grow wheat. The people in Florida and Kansas would like to have wheat and oranges, and so each specializes in one of those crops and trades its surplus with the other.

Manufacturing can also be performed more efficiently in some parts of our country than in others. Natural resources, an adequate labor


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supply, and transportation facilities have promoted the development of certain industries in particular regions of the country. For example, the computer industry is concentrated in northern California, the steel industry developed in western

Pennsylvania, and large automobile factories were first built in southern Michigan.

Absolute Advantage. Nations will gain because of differences in terms of climate, natural resources, labor supply, capital, and technology. These differences make it sensible for them to specialize in the production of some products and to buy the other things they need from other countries.

Despite the many advantages of trade between nations, most countries, including our own, often restrict that trade in a number of ways. Some of these ways are discussed below.

Tariffs. A tariff is a duty, or tax, on imports. There are two basic types of tariffs. Revenue Tariffs are levied as a way to raise money. Through most of its history (intil 1910), the United States looked to the revenue tariff as its principal source of income. Protective Tariffs are levied to protect a domestic industry from foreign competition. The goal is to make the foreign product more expensive than a similar item produced in the United States. Then people will stop buying the foreign made item and purchase its domestic counterpart.

Quotas. Restrictions on the numbers of certain specified goods that can enter the country from abroad are called quotas. Like protective tariffs, quotas limit the amount of foreign competition a protected industry will have to face. In the 1980's, for example, the government protected the U.S. automobile industry by placing a quota on the number of automobiles that could be imported from Japan.

Other Tactics. There are a number of other devices that directly affect the flow of trade among nations. One of these is the expect subsidy — a payment by a country to its exportersthat enables them to sell their products abroad at a lower price than they could sell them for at home. Selling the same product for a lower price abroad than at home is called dumping.

Still another tactic that has been used to restrict foreign trade can be classified as «administrative red tape». This is the deliberate use of


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governmental rules and regulations to make it difficult to import goods from abroad (pp. 151—155).

VI Give English equivalents of the following:отримувати прибуток від операцій; мати переваги;спеціалізація з виробництва деяких природні ресурси;

товарів; джерело прибутку;виробляти товар з меншими обмежувати торгівлю;

витратами; вести торгівлю;імпортувати товар з-за кордону; транспортні засоби.VII Fill in the blanks with appropriate words:1 Manufacturing can also be performed more ... in some parts of our

country than in others.2 Natural resources, an adequate labor ..., and ... facilities have

promoted the development of certain industries in particular regions of the country,

3 Nations will ... because of differences in terms of climate, natural resources, ..., capital, and technology.

4 Differences make it sensible to ... in the production of some products.

5 A nation has a comparative ... in the production of an item when its ... to produce the item of an item are lower than those of other nations.

6 A ... is a duty, or tax, on imports.7 Restrictions on the numbers of certain specified goods that can

enter the country from abroad are called ....8 Another tactic that has been used to restrict foreign trade can be

classified as ... .(transportation; supply; labor supply; quotas; specialize;

opportunity; costs; tariff; efficiently; gain; advantage; administrative; red tape.)

VIII Translate into English:1 Держави ведуть торгівлю з тих самих причин, що й приватні

особи та фірми. 2 Держави отримують зиск від торгівлі тому, що вона дає їм

можливість обмінювати надлишок товару, який вони виробляють, на товар, у якому вони мають потребу.


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3 Природні багатства, транспортні засоби, трудові ресурси дали поштовх розвиткові окремих видів промисловості.

4 Різниця в кліматичних умовах, природних багатствах, трудових ресурсах зробила можливою спеціалізацію з виробництва окремих видів товарів.

5 Незважаючи на значні переваги торгівлі, більшість країн запроваджує обмеження на торгівлю.

6 Упродовж історії свого існування США розглядали фіскальні тарифи як головне джерело надходжень.

7 Для того щоб захистити вітчизняну промисловість від іноземної конкуренції, існують тарифи,мета яких — зробити зарубіжний товар дорожчим за такий самий товар, виготовлений у країні.

8 Квоти знижують рівень конкуренції, з якою може зіткнутися вітчизняна промисловість, обмежуючи кількість імпортованого товару.

Варіант 3

І Rewrite and translate the following sentences into Ukrainian. State and comment on the Infinitive constructions used in the sentences (see model 1):

1 The engineer wamted the device to be tested in the laboratory.2 He wanted the experiments to be carried out under any

circumstances.3 The temperature in the centre of the sun is believed to be 15 mln,

degrees Centigrade.4 The conference discussed the problems, which are said to be

extremely important for designing new types of computers5 All electrons appear to be identical and to have properties that

don't change with time.6 She was believed to have returned.ІІ Rewrite and translate the following sentences into Ukrainian.

State the form and the functionof the participles used in the sentences. Mind the translation of the Absolute Participle Construction (see model 2):


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1 X-rays are produced when matter is bombarded by a fast moving stream of negatively charged particles

2 If heated molecules of the material move faster.3 The results obtained proved to be right.4 The ammount of heat generated depends on the quality of the fuel

used. 5 Having been given all the instructions the designer was able to

start his work immediately6 The pupils having previously acquired all sorts of wrong language

habits, the teacher's chief duty is to eliminate these and replace them by sound habits.

ІІІ Choose the right form of the verb from the brackets. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian. Comment on the condition used in the subordinate clauses (see model 3):

1 "Oh, I don't know what I'm talking about. How I wish ... some proper education" (have/has/had/had had).

2 Even if they ... me to stay, I should have refused (want/wants/wanted/has wanted/had wanted).

3 I believe that if I......her then, she would have told me his name (can see/could see/can have seen /could have seen).

4 "He would have done so if you.........here (isn't/aren't/hasn't been/hadn't been)".

5 "І respect you very much, doctor, and should be sorry if you ... ill of me" (think/will think/thought/had thought).

6 If you ..... in a difficulty, I can help you (was/ are / will be). IV Rewrite the following sentences and translate them into

English:1 Ви б почувалися набагато краще, якби дотримувалися

режиму. Невже це так важко?2 Відомо, що Байрон і Шеллі були гарними друзями.3 Я чув, що професор Хілл працює над цією проблемою вже

більше двох років.4 Він продивлявся пошту, достпавлену за декілька останніх

днів.5 Коли найважливіше питання було вирішене, ми розійшлися.


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V Translate the following text into Ukrainian and do the tasks to it.

Ever since the days of the Great Depression, the federal government has sought to stabilize the economy. To achieve these goals the government relies upon two sets of «tools» or strategies: fiscal policy and monetary policy.

Fiscal Policy. Fiscal policy is applied by changing the level of tax receipts relative to federal spending. It is the responsibility of the President and Congress because they control taxing and spending.

When taxes are reduced, individuals and business firms will have more money available to spend for the things they want. As business and consumer spending begins to increase, the economy will enter the expansion phase. If taxes are increased consumers and business would have less to spend. This would create a contraction in the total demand for goods that should reduce inflation.

Fiscal Policy Has Its Critics: Many economists feel that when properly applied, fiscal policies can provide effective tools with which to fight recession and inflation. Others, however, believe fiscal policy solutions have several serious drawbacks.

— When government reduces taxes to fight a recession, it often creates a budget deficit. That is its revenues will be less than its expenditures, and the government's debt will increase. When taxes are reduced, the government can still spend because it can borrow or print money.

If the government chooses to borrow from the public to offset a tax reduction, the money it borrows cannot be spent by the lenders.

— The federal government can also finance its debts by printing money.

Unfortunately, such increases in the money supply tend to fuel inflation by pushing up prices. For that reason a number of economists are opposed to this strategy.

Fiscal policies must be timed so that they are applied at the right moment.

Monetary Policy. Monetary policy refers to regulating the supply of money as a way of stabilizing the economy. Monetary policy is the responsibility of the Federal Reserve System.


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There is a direct relationship between the amount of money in circulation and the level of business activity. When the money supply is increased, consumer spending and business spending tend to increase with it. It follows that in time of contraction and recession, an increase in the money supply will help to bring about economic recovery. When the opposite situation prevails and the booming economy is pushing up prices in an inflationary spiral, a reduction in the money supply will serve to reduce demand and lower prices.

VI Give English equivalents of the following:підвищувати податки; випускати гроші;зменшувати податки; попит на товари;стабілізувати економіку; дефіцит бюджету;контролювати податки та витрати; спад виробництві;застосовуватися в потрібний момент;змінювати рівень грошових надходжень за рахунок податків.VII Fill in the blanks with appropriate words:1 Fiscal policy is applied by changing the level of tax receipts

relative to ... .2 When taxes are ..., individuals and business firms will have more

money available to spend for the things they want.3 When properly applied, ... can provide effective tools with which

to fight recession and ... .4 Fiscal policy solutions have several serious ... .5 When government reduces taxes to fight a recession, it often

creates a ... .6 The federal government can also finance its debts by printing ....7 Fiscal policies must be ... so that they are applied at the right

moment.8 There is a direct relationship between the amount of money in ...

and the level of business activity.(reduced; fiscal policies; inflation; federal spending; timed; budget

deficit; money; drawbacks; circulation.)VIII Translate into English:1 Економісти шукають шляхів, щоб стабілізувати економіку. 2 Для того щоб досягти мети стабілізації економіки, уряд

звертається до двох стратегій: фіскальної та грошової політики. 3 101

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Коли податки зменшуватимуться, фірми та приватні особи матимуть у розпорядженні більше грошей, щоб витрачати їх на речі, які вони хочуть придбати.

4 Деякі економісти стверджують, що фінансова політика має кілька серйозних недоліків.

5 Коли уряд зменшує податки, він може створити дефіцит бюджету.

6 Дефіцит бюджету означає, що прибутки будуть меншими за витрати, і заборгованість уряду зросте.

7 Уряд може покривати дефіцит бюджету, роблячи позички або випускаючи нові гроші.

8 Прикро, що збільшення грошової маси є поштовхом до інфляції.

9 Існує прямий зв'язок між наявною в обігу кількістю грошей та рівнем виробництва.

Варіант 4

І Rewrite and translate the following sentences into Ukrainian. State and comment on the Infinitive constructions used in the sentences (see model 1):

1 The scientists believe gold and silver to have been used by the ancients prior to any other metal.

2 This experiment enabled the problem to the solved.3 You cannot see the tool move.4 Something seems to be limiting the ammount of electron flow.5 The lost of activity of the substance proved to have been only

temporary.6 I seem to have lost my watch.ІІ Rewrite and translate the following sentences into Ukrainian.

State the form and the functionof the participles used in the sentences. Mind the translation of the Absolute Participle Construction (see model 2):

1 Electrons, being negetive, move from lower to higher potential, that is more negative to less negative.

2 The temperature of the liquid obtained remained constant.


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3 While working with a map, make sure that you know whether your map is marked in feet or in meters.

4 Having been tested the new apparatus was recommended for work in the laboratories.

5 The laser beem has almost unlimited industrial possibilities6 It being warm, the children went for a walk.III Choose the right form of the verb from the brackets.

Translate the sentences into Ukrainian. Comment on the condition used in the subordinate clauses (see model 3):

1 If indeed he......for a path to the boat station, he would have kept on the lower level ear

the river (was looking/were looking/has been looking/had been looking).

2 It would be dreadful if she ... nowhere to go (have/has/had/had had).

3 They......a more perfect day for a garden party even if they had ordered one (cannot have/could not

have/could not have had).4 If he.........every penny all his life, he wouldn't be the owner of the

fine ship, (do notsave/does not save/did not save/has not saved/had no saved).5 "How curious! I wished I ... you" (see/saw/has seen/had seen).6 If I have time tomorrow, I ….. them (visited/ shall visit/ visit). IV Rewrite the following sentences and translate them into

English:1 Якщо б не дощ, ми б пішли кататися на човні.2 Як відомо, Оксфордский університет – найстаріший в Англії.3 Я чув, як він декілька разів згадав про це.4 Не знаючи адресу, я звернувся в бюро довідок.5 Залишена в темноті на одинці дитина, заплакала.6 Оскільки вам більше не потрібна наша допомога, ми можемо

піти.V Translate the following text into Ukrainian and do the tasks

to it.Markets exist wherever people come together to buy and sell their

goods and services. In economic systems during such hours, 103

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consumers and producers exchange their goods and services in many competitive markets.

A perfectly competitive market, according to economists, requires all of the following conditions:

- Many buyers and sellers; no individual or group can influence the behavior of the market.

- Identical goods or services offered for sale.- No buyer or seller knows more than any other about the market.Buyers and sellers are able to enter or leave the market at will. Few

markets have all these characteristics. The New York Stock Exchange, the American Stock Exchange and other similar securities markets, however, are good examples of perfect competition. The individual securities of a particular firm are totally interchangeable.

Collusion is a secret arrangement between two or more firms to fix prices or share the market. These agreements are usually illegal.

Public Utilities are privately owned firms that provide an essential public service. They are granted a monopoly because it is felt that competition would be harmful to the public interest.

Trademarks are special designs, names or symbols that identify a product, service or company. Many businesses are naturally interested in growing and controlling as much of a market — or several markets — as possible. One way to accomplish this goal is through a merger.

Mergers fall into three categories: horizontal, vertical, or conglomerate. The combination (or «integrating») of two or more companies engaged in the same business is a horizontal merger. The combination of two or more book publishing firms would be an example of a horizontal merger or horizontal integration.

VI Give English equivalents of the following:комунальні послуги; ринок;торгова марка; об'єднання (підприємств);надавати перевагу; угода;конкуренція; за власним бажанням;взаємозамінний патент; монополія;мати вплив на ринок; продавець.покупець;VII Fill in the blanks with appropriate words:


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1 Economists often speak of the «structure» of a ... .2 ... are able to enter or to leave the market at will.3 A market in which there is only one seller is a ....4 ... motivates producers to improve the quality and increase the

variety of goods and services.5 «Coke» is a ... of the Coca-cola Company.6 In a monopoly supply is determined by a single ....7 Under conditions of perfect competition ... could be found at the

intersection of the supply and demand curves.8 The products of certain industries such as aluminium, chemicals

and electronics, are protected by ... .(buyers and sellers; monopoly; trademark; patents; market;

competition; firm, market price).VIII Translate into English:1 Ринок існує скрізь, де люди збираються разом, щоб купити

або продати свої товари та послуги. 2 Покупці та продавці можуть виходити на ринок або залишати

його за власним бажанням.3 Приватні цінні папери певної фірми цілком взаємозамінні.4 Зговір — це секретна домовленість між двома або більше

фірмами про встановлення цін і розподіл ринку. 5 Конкуренція в сфері підприємств громадського користування

вважається шкідливою для громадського інтересу. 6 Одна з умов найбільш конкурентоспроможного ринку це те,

що жодна приватна особа або група не можуть мати вплив на ринок.

7 Конгломерат об'єднує дві або більше незалежних фірм під єдине керівництво.

Варіант 5

І Rewrite and translate the following sentences into Ukrainian. State and comment on the Infinitive constructions used in the sentences (see model 1):

1 We know the pressure to increase as altitude increases.2 The difficult tin situation stimulated the workers to find substitute


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3 The internal energy appears to be connected with the configuration of theparticles of which the atom is concerned.

4 The instrument is not likely to be damaged, if all rules are followed.

5 The mother allows her children to play in the open air.ІІ Rewrite and translate the following sentences into Ukrainian.

State the form and the functionof the participles used in the sentences. Mind the translation of the Absolute Participle Construction (see model 2):

1 The electric current passing through a wire will heat the wire.2 It should be born in mind, when working on transmitters, that very

dangerous voltage will exist.3 The ammount of heat generated depended on the guality of the fuel

used.4 Radio waves are emitted from a conductor carrying the alternating

currect.5 Having made a great number of experiments with different

substances the chemists found that most of them could be decomposed into substances.

6 Weather permitting, we shall sail off tomorrow morning.ІІІ Choose the right form of the verb from the brackets.

Translate the sentences into Ukrainian. Comment on the condition used in the subordinate clauses (see model 3):

1 I was afraid something was going to happen, and I wished I......(don't speak/doesn't speak/didn't speak/hadn't spoken).

2 Even if they ... me to stay, I should have refused (want/wants/wanted/has wanted/had wanted).

3 If he......with them, he wouldn't have got into the trouble. He would be alive (go/goes/went/has gone/had gone).

4 If I......her then she would have told me his name. (can see/could see/could have seen).

5 If somebody......things away at least one day a week you soon wouldn't be able to move in this small house, (does not tidy/do not tidy/didn't tidy/has not tidied).

6 If Jim is free, he ...... to the stadium tonight (goes /will go / went).106

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IV Rewrite the following sentences and translate them into English:

1 Якби ми б заказали номер в готелі по телефону, нам не довелося б чекати зараз.

2 Сер Уілфред був одним із кращих адвокатів Лондона.3 Я чув, як він декілька разів нагадав про це.4 Проблема, яку ми обговорювали, турбувала всіх нас.5 Проблеми, що обговорюються на конференції, мають

величезне значення.V Translate the following text into Ukrainian and do the tasks

to it.What is money? Money can be anything that is generally accepted

in payment for goods and services. Although anything can serve as money, as a practical matter the material should possess the following qualities:

Stability. The value of money should be more or less the same today as tomorrow. In societies where value of money fluctuates (goes up and down) people will hoard it in the hope that its value will increase, or spend it immediatelythinking it will be worth less tomorrow. Either action could be harmful to the economy.

Portability. Modern money has to be small enough and light enough for people to carry. Bowling balls would not be a practical form of money.

Durability. The material chosen has to have a reasonable life expectancy. For that reason most countries use a very high quality paper for their money.

Uniformity. Equal denomination of money should have the same value. It's easy to see that if some quarters or dollar bills were worth more than others, things could be pretty confusing.

Divisibility. One of the principal advantages of money over barter is its ability to be divided into parts. In other words, while making change for a dollar is easy, making change for a chicken is more difficult.

Recognizability. Money should be easily recognized for what it is and hard to copy. The quality of the paper and the engravings make paper money extremely difficult to counterfeit.


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We can also define money by what it does, which is to provide: A Medium of Exchange; A Measure of Value; A Store of Value.

A Medium of Exchange. The principal difference between a barter economy and a money economy is that in a barter economy you must find someone who has what you want and wants what you have. In a money economy people can sell what they have to anyone and use the money to buy what they want. Money, therefore, is the medium that enables exchanges to be made easily.

A Measure of Value. Money enables us to state the price of something in terms that everyone can understand. We can say the eggs we have for sale are worth 85 cents a dozen. That is far simpler than having to figure out how much milk or meat or clothing we would expect in payment for a dozen eggs.

A Store of Value. Money enables us to use the value of something that we sell today to make a purchase sometime in the future. For example, our egg seller could put the money from the day's sale toward a college education sometime in the future. You can imagine the difficulties if that person tried to save one or two year's worth of eggs toward a college education.

Currency. The money you are most familiar with, currency, consists of the paper money and coins that you almost use daily. Give English equivalents of the following:

бути небезпечним для економіки; бартерна економіка;головна перевага грошей; встановлювати ціну;накопичення цінностей; робити покупку;високоякісний папір; засіб обміну;вартість грошей; валюта;мірило цінності.VII Fill in the blanks with appropriate words:1 Money can be anything, that is generally accepted in ... for goods

and services.2 Equal ... of money should have the same value. 3 One of the principal ... of money over barter is its ability to be

divided into parts.


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4 The principal difference between a ... and a ... is that in a barter economy you must find someone who has what you want and wants what you have.

5 Money, therefore, is the ... that enables exchanges to be made easily.

6 The money you are most familiar with, currency, consists of the ... and coins that you use almost daily.

(denomination; payment; paper money; medium; advantages; barter economy; money economy.)

VIII Translate into English:1 Більшість країн використовує високоякісний папір для

виготовлення грошей. 2 Однією із головних переваг грошей над бартером — це те,

що гроші можна ділити на частини. 3 Головна різниця між бартерною та грошовою економікою

полягає в тому, що при бартерній економіці вам слід шукати когось, хто мав би те, що ви хочете, і хотів би те, що ви маєте.

4 Гроші дають нам змогу встановлювати ціну товару. 5 Гроші — це засіб, що дає нам можливість робити обмін. 6 Гроші дають змогу нам робити покупки коли-небудь у

майбутньому, використовуючи вартість чогось, що ми продаємо сьогодні.

7 Валюта — це паперові гроші та монети, якими ми користуємося майже щодня.

Контрольні роботи для студентів спеціальності „Електронні прилади”


І Rewrite and translate into Ukrainian the following sentences. State and comment on the infinitive constructions used in the sentences / use model 1 /:

1 We know the air to consist of different gases.


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2 We want you to take into consideration that voltage, resistance and capacity are the three important properties to influence the flow of current in an electric circuit.

3 The orbit of Mars turned out to be ellipse.4 The switchboard operator happened to be observing the ammeter

at that moment.5 Real water vapour and steam are known to be completely invisible.6 The mother allows her children to play in the open air.II Rewrite and translate into Ukrainian the following sentences.

State the form and function of the participles used in the sentences. Mind the translation of the Absolute Participle Construction /see model 2/:

1 The gas turbine having been tested at our plant functions properly now.

2 Being colded in air the metal became hardened.3 The results obtained differed depending on the substance.4 The force causing current to flow in a circuit is to be measured

with this instrument.5 If heated molecules of the material move faster.6 Weather permitting we shall sail off tomorrow morning.III Choose the right form of the verb from the brackets.

Translate the sentences into Ukrainian. Comment on the condition used in the subordinate clauses /see model 3 /:

1 "Oh, I don't know what I'm talking about. How I wish ... some proper education" (have/has/had/had had).

2 Even if they ... me to stay, I should have refused (want/wants/wanted/has wanted/had wanted).

3 I believe that if I......her then, she would have told me his name (can see/could see/can have seen /could have seen ).

4 "He would have done so if you ... here (isn't/aren't/hasn't been/hadn't been)".

5 "І respect you very much, doctor, and should be sorry if you ... ill of me" (think/will think/thought/had thought).

6 If we are busy tomorrow, we ... part in the picnic (take/took/shall take).


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IV Rewrite the following sentences and translate them into English:

1 Якщо б ми замовили номер у готелі по телефону, нам не довелося б зараз чекати.

2 Сер Уілфред вважався одним із кращих адвокатів у Лондоні.3 Я чув, як він декілька разів згадав про це.4 Проблема, яку обговорюють,цікавить усіх нас.5 Проблеми, що обговорюються на конферунції, мають велике

значення.V Translate the following text. Do the tasks to the text.


What exactly is the Internet? The best way to think of the Internet, or Net as it is often called, is as a vast global network of networks connecting computers across the world. These networks range from government departments and industrial and educational communication systems down to the personal online service providers such as CompuServe, Delphi, etc. At present, more than 33 million people use the Internet and over three million computers worldwide are linked in. They use the Net for transferring data, playing games, socializing with other computer users, and sending e-mail (electronic mail).

What is cyberspace?Cyberspace is the term we give to this entire electronic domain.

Whenever you are using one of the online services such as e-mail or the World Wide Web, you are in cyberspace. Despite the confusing techno-jargon that surrounds it, the Internet is simple: computers talk to one another through a network that uses phone lines, cable, and fibre-optic lines.

How did it begin?The Net was dreamt up in the late 1960s by the US Defense

Department's Advanced Research Projects Agency which decided that, in the event of a nuclear attack, it needed a means by which messages could be sent and received even if phone lines were inoperative. In 1969, there was a network of just four mainframe


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computers. By 1972, the number had risen to 40. About this lime the idea of the electronic mailbox was born, as users looked for a way of talking to each other electronically. By 1984 when the resources of the network were made available to academics, the Internet began to develop into the form we know it today.

The Internet can be divided into five broad areas1 Electronic MailE-mail is much faster than traditional or snail mail because once the

message is typed out, it arrives in the electronic mailbox of the recipient within minutes or seconds. Anything that can be digitized-pictures, sound, video - can be sent, retrieved, and printed at the other end. This is efficient, convenient, and saves trees!

2 Information sitesThis is perhaps the fastest growing area of the Internet as more and

more people put their own information pages on line. One thing that computers do very well is process vast amounts of information very fast, so, by specifying a key word or phrase, the computer can then search around the Net until it finds some matches. These information sites are usually stored on big computers that exist all over the world. The beauty of the Net is that you can access any of them from your home, using your own PC.

3 The World Wide WebThe World Wide Web, usually referred to as WWW or 3W, is a vast

network of information databases that feature text, visuals, sound, and even video clips. On the WWW you can do such things as go on a tour of a museum or art exhibition, see the latest images from outer space, go shopping, and get travel information on hotels and holidays. You can oven view a hotel's facilities before deciding to book!

4 UsenetUsenet is a collection of newsgroups covering any topic. Newsgroup

allow users to participate in dialogues and conversations by subscribing free of charge. Each news-group consists of messages and information posted by other users. There are more than 10,000 newsgroups and they are popular with universities and businesses.


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5 TelnetTelnet programmes allow you to use your personal computer to

access a powerful mainframe computer. If you are an academic, or just have a lot of number-crunching to do it can be very useful and cost-effective.

VI Give English equivalents of the following: належати до числа; нараховувати; неавтономний; база даних

показувати на екрані; провайдер послуг доступу в Інтернет; з’єднувати; підключати; передавати; спілкуватися; кіберпростір; цілий; увесь; область; сфера; (всесвітня) мережа що викликає змішання; заплутаний; волоконо-оптична лінія; вигадувати; придумувати; Міністерство оборони; передовий; прогресивний; у випадку; ядерний; атомний; недієвий; головний комп’ютер; поштова скринька; доступний; досяжний; учений; широкий; головний; равлик; друкувати; одержувач; цифрований; точно визначати; відповідне слово; зберігати; звертатися (до бази даних); засоби обслуговування; зручності новинна сітка; висвітлювати; розглядати; підписуватися; безкоштовно; швидка обробка великої кількості чисел за допомогою комп’ютера.

VII Answer the questions:1 Which of the five bread areas of the internet do you use more

thah others?2 Why is internet considered to de an invaluable professional

means for businessmen and academics? Варіант 2

І Rewrite and translate into Ukrainian the following sentences. State and comment on the infinitive constructions used in the sentences /see model 1/:

1 The engineer wanted the device to be tested in the laboratory.2 It is carelessness that allows losses to be greater.3 The laser beam seems to have almost unlimited industrial

possibilities.4 An automatic drilling machine is reported to have increased

production more than 550 per cent.113

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5 The teacher wanted us to put down the saying and explain it.II Rewrite and translate into Ukrainian the following sentences.

State the form and function of the participles used in the sentences. Mind the translation of the Absolute Participle Construction /see model 2/:

1 Iron becomes magnetized if placed in a strong magnetic field.2 Being heated magnetized steel losses its magnetism.3 Having made a great number of experiments with different

substances the chemists found that most of them could be decomposed into substances.

4 The model being shown to us now has been made by one of the best specialists of our plant.

5 X-rays are produced when matter is bombarded by a fast moving stream of.6 The mission carried out, they were granted a three day leave.

III Choose the right form of the verb from the brackets. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian. Comment on the condition used in the subordinate clauses / see model 3 /:

1 If indeed he......for a path to the boat station, he would have kept on the lower level near the river (was looking/were looking/has been looking/had been looking).

2 It would be dreadful if she ... nowhere to go (have/has/had/had had).

3 They......a more perfect day for a garden party even if they had ordered one (cannot have/could not have/could not have had).

4 If he.........every penny all his life, he wouldn't be the owner of the fine ship, (do not save/does not save/did not save/has not saved/had no saved).

5 "How curious! I wished I ... you" (see/saw/has seen/had seen).6 It …… you good if you spend more time in the open air (will do/

do / did).IV Rewrite the following sentences and translate them into

English:1 В Англії мало природних ресурсів, і більша частина

продуктів ввозиться з інших країн.2 Вас нібито не цікавить проблема, яку обговорюють.


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3 Прийшовши до такого висновку, лікар вирішив нічого не говорити паціенту.

4 Він відчув, як хтось торкрув його за плече.5 Ми всі знали його як чесну людину.6 Якби він керував автомобілем обережніше, нещасного

випадку не сталося б. V Translate the following text. Do the tasks to the text


The data processing in a computer requires recording, storage, processing and output.

In fairly standard computer terminology, the recording is called input, and the, processing is conventionally called arithmetic. The memory and storage are used interchangeably. Control tells the rest of the machine what to do.

Fig. 1 may be of assistance in visualizing the interrelationships between the functions of computer.

The input section consists of devices which take information from punched cards, paper tape, or other devices and place it into memory. In technical language this is called reading. The function of the input device is essentially to translate from the external form in which the information is represented, such as holes in a punched card, to the form in which the same information is stored in memory. The infor-mation in question may be anything which can be stored in memory: numbers to be used in the calculation, instructions which tell the machine what to do, numbers or letters to be used later as column headings on the output, names and addresses, etc. The single arrow from the input box to the memory box in Fig. l implies that the information goes only to memory; further operations must move the information from memory to the other sections of the machine.

The memory of a computer is the nerve center of the machine. All information being processed must travel through it. All numbers must be in it before any arithmetic manipulations can be carried out. All the instructions which tell the machine what to do must be in memory before they can go over to the control section. The memory needs to be large and fast, i.e., it should be able to hold many numbers or


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instructions and be able to send these to the arithmetic or control sections with a minimum delay—as short as a fraction of a microsecond (millionth of a second). Since it is not technically or economically feasible to build a high-speed memory large enough to hold all the information required, a solution is to store the part not currently needed in a larger, but slower, auxiliary device. As indicated in Fig. 1. the auxiliary memory “communicates” only with the main memory.

The arithmetic section of the computeгs does what its name implies. In addition to the four arithmetic operations, this section can shift numbers right and left, and can assist in certain operations which make it possible for the computer to make decisions.

The control section of a calculator has the function of interpreting or decoding the instructions stored in memory, and then sending signals to the rest of the parts telling them what to do. In Fig. 1 we see two solid lines, implying that instructions are sent to and from (usually from) memory to control: the dashed lines imply electric signals sent to the rest of the machine, based on these instructions.

The output section has the obvious purpose of recording in convenient form the results of the processing, or anything else in memory. The media may be punched cards, printed pages, or paper or magnetic tapes. The chart shows that information may be recorded (or written, in the jargon) only from memory.

VI Translate the words into UkrainianProcessing; recording; input; output; reader; printer; processor;

calculation; information; instruction; heading; storage; nterchangeable; control.

VII Make up word-combination of the words in columns and translate them: to process; to store; to carry out; to go over to; to input; to output; to solve; to perform; to interpart; data; information; manipulation; instruction; character; problem; operation.

VIІІ Answer the questions:1 What is the purpose of the input and output sections?2 Why is the memory of the computer considered to be the centre of

the machine.


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Варіант 3

І Rewrite and translate into Ukrainian the following sentences. State and comment on the infinitive constructions used in the sentences /see model 1/:

1 The engineer wamted the device to be tested in the laboratory.2 He wanted the experiments to be carried out under any

circumstances.3 The temperature in the centre of the sun is believed to be 15 mln,

degrees Centigrade.4 The conference discussed the problems, which are said to be

extremely important for designing new types of computers5 All electrons appear to be identical and to have properties that

don't change with time.6 I seem to have lost my watch.II Rewrite and translate into Ukrainian the following sentences.

State the form and function of the participles used in the sentences. Mind the translation of the Absolute Participle Construction /see model 2/

1 X-rays are produced when matter is bombarded by a fast moving stream of negatively charged particles

2 If heated molecules of the material move faster.3 The results obtained proved to be right.4 The ammount of heat generated depends on the quality of the fuel

used. 5 Having been given all the instructions the designer was able to

start his work immediately.6 It being warm, the children went for a walk.III Choose the right form of the verb from the brackets.

Translate the sentences into Ukrainian. Comment on the condition used in the subordinate clauses /see model 3/:

1 I was afraid something was going to happen, and I wished I...(don't speak/doesn't speak/didn't speak/hadn't spoken).

2 Even if they ... me to stay, I should have refused (want/wants/wanted/has wanted/had wanted).


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3 If he......with them, he wouldn't have got into the trouble. He would be alive. (go/goes/went/has gone/had gone).

4 If I ... her then she would have told me his name. (can see/could see/could have seen).

5 If somebody......things away at least one day a week you soon wouldn't be able to move in this small house, (does not tidy/do not tidy/didn't tidy/has not tidied).

6 If you ..... in a difficulty, I can help you (was/ are / will be).IV Rewrite the following sentences and translate them into

English:1 Якби не було дощу, ми пішли б зараз кататися на човні.2 Як відомо, Оксфорський університет – найстаріший в Англії.3 Я чув, як він кілька раз згадав про це.4 Не знаючи адреси, я звернувся в довідкове бюро.5 Залишена одна у темряві, дитина заплакала.6 Оскільки вам більше не потрібна наша допомога, ми можемо

піти.V Translate the following text. Answer the questions

WHAT IS A COMPUTER? The word computer comes from a Latin word which means to

“count.” Devices to assist working with numbers have been in existence as long as there have been numbers. The first was the abacus, which made use of the bi-quianry number system some several thousand years before its application in several modern computers. The first mechanical computer was built by Pascal in 1642; a better device was built by Leibnitz in 1673.

Today computer is a machine with a complex network of electronic circuits that operates switches or magnetize tiny metal cores. The switches, like the cores, are capable of being in one or two possible states, that is on and off; magnetized or demagnetized. The machine is capable of storing and manipulating numbers, letters, and characters.

The basic idea of the computer is that we can make the machine do what we want by inputting signals that 'turn certain switches on and turn others off, or that magnetize or do not magnetize the cores.


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The basic job of computers is the processing of information. For this reason, computers can be defined as devices which accept information in (he form of instructions called a program and characters called data, perform mathematical and or logical operations on the information, and then supply results of these operations. The program, or part of it, which tells the computers what to do and the data, which provide the information needed to solve the problem, are kept inside the computer in a place called memory.

Some of the most common methods of inputting information are to use punched cards, magnetic tape, disks, and terminals. The computer's input device (which may be a card reader, a tape drive, depending on the medium used in inputting information) reads the information into the computer. For outputting information, two common devices used are a printer which prints the new information on paper, or a CRT display screen which shows the results on a TV-like screen.

There are different kinds of computers. Some do only one job over and over again. These are special-purpose computers. But there are some computers that can do many different jobs. They are called general-purpose computers. These are the “big brains” that solve the most difficult problems of science. They answer questions about rockets and planes, bridges and ships — long before these things are even built. Computers help our space program, our business and industry, medicine and education. They are powerful tools which help to change our life and the world around us.

VI Answer the questions:1 Are computers capable of storing and manipulating numbers,

letters and characters?2 In what way can we make computers do what we want? 3 What is the basic job of computers?4 How can computers be defined?5 Where must the program be kept?6 What devices can be used for out-putting information?7 What are special-purpose computers?VII Translate the following word combinations into Ukrainian


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bi – quianry number system; a complex network of electronic circuits; to operate switches; to magnetize tiny metal cores; to store and manipulate numbers and characters; to input signals; to process information; to supply results of the operations.

Варіант 4

І Rewrite and translate into Ukrainian the following sentences. State and comment on the infinitive constructions used in the sentences /see model 1/:

1 The scientists believe gold and silver to have been used by the ancients prior to any other metal.

2 This experiment enabled the problem to the solved.3 You cannot see the tool move.4 Something seems to be limiting the ammount of electron flow.5 The lost of activity of the substance proved to have been only

temporary.6 She made him apologize.II Rewrite and translate into Ukrainian the following sentences.

State the form and function of the participles used in the sentences. Mind the translation of the Absolute Participle Construction /see model 2/:

1 Electrons, being negetive, move from lower to higher potential, that is more negative to less negative.

2 The temperature of the liquid obtained remained constant.3 While working with a map, make sure that you know whether your

map is marked in feet or in meters.4 Having been tested the new apparatus was recommended for work

in the laboratories.5 The laser beem has almost unlimited industrial possibilities.6 The performance being over, everybody went home.III Choose the right form of the verb from the brackets.

Translate the sentences into Ukrainian. Comment on the condition used in the subordinate clauses / see model 3 /:

1 What would you do if you ... sick (get/gets/got/have got)?


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2 "If I were you, I......no attention to the things", Hattie says (shall pay/ will pay/should pay/would have paid).

3 If I ... your age, I'd do it like a shot (am/is/are/will be/were/had been).

4 If we ... some information we should already have given it to the police (have/has/had/had had).

5 If mother had lived, they......(may.marry/might marry/might have married).

6 If I have time tomorrow, I … them (visited/ shall visit/ visit).IV Rewrite the following sentences and translate them into

English:1 Подорожуючи, ми дізнаємося багато нового та цікавого.2 Вони згадали про дні, проведені в Англії під час

шекспірівського фестивалю.3 Дені запалив цигарку, його руки тремтіли.4 Кажуть, що цей палац був збудований на початку XVII

століття.5 Я хочу, щоб ви відповіли на це запитання.6 Якби не погана погода, ми б уже давно дісталися до місця

призначення. V Translate the following text. Do the tasks to the text

Electricity and Electronics1 "Atomic Age" is the name often applied to the period in which we

live. It is also frequently referred to as the "Air Age". These terms emphasize the importance of science and invention in our time. But we can speak of an age that has prepared the way for these and includes them all — the "Age of Electricity and Electronics".

2 From the remarkable achievements of nuclear science and the noticeable progress in aviation to the innumerable discoveries that have added comfort and convenience to our daily lives, we are constantly dependent upon electricity and electronics.

3 It is very difficult to separate the meaning of the two words "electricity" and "electronics". The field of electricity is usually


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thought of as electricity that is used in magnets, generators, motors, lights and heaters.

4 The field of electronics is usually thought of as electricity that is used in radio; television, and other equipment where electron tubes and transistors are needed.

5 Basically electronics is not so much a new subject as a new way of looking at electricity. All electrical effects are really electronic because all electric currents result from the movements of electrons, and all electric charges are due to the accumulation of electrons.

6 Electronics is the science or practice of using electricity in devices similar to radio tubes so as to get results not possible with ordinary electrical equipment.

7 Although electronics has received greater attention in recent years, we have been using electronic equipment for a third of a century. Radio, television, sound pictures, fluorescent lighting and long-distance telephone calls owe their existence to electronics. As most of these familiar equipments serve to carry or give information one may say that communication has been the major purpose of electronics.

8 Electronics is closely connected with, a series of discoveries and inventions which have revolutionized the life of man in this twentieth century. In 1883 Thomas A. Edison discovered current conduction through gas in an incandescent lamp. This phenomenon known as the Edison effect marked the birth of electronic science. The Edison effect was followed by the- discoveries of electromagnetic waves, X-rays, wireless communication and at last by the invention of the two-electrode detector or the "valve". These basic discoveries and a lot of others have produced what is known as electronics.

9 Nothing can be done in modern research laboratory without the aid of electricity and electronics. Nearly all of the measuring devices used in industry and research are electrically operated. Electronics has found broad application in industry as a means of automation, control and inspection, and as a direct means of fulfilling such operations as melting, cutting of superhard materials and welding.


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VI Translate the following combinations:a) similar terms, similar properties, similar weights, similar quality,

similar in shape, similar fn colour, to emphasize the importance, to emphasize the significance; remarkable changes, remarkable achieve ments, remarkable equipment;

noticeable progress, noticeable improvement, noticeable advantage.b) to be dependent upon one's help, to be dependent upon speed;

closely connected; current conduction; wireless communication; basic discoveries; moderm research laboratory; measuring devices; electrically operated; a means of automation and control; a direct means of fulfilling such operations.

VII Answer the questions:1 Why is the period we live in called the “Age of Electricity and

Electronics”?2 What are the advantages and disadvantages of the Age of

Electronics?3 What are the future trends of electronics development?

Варіант 5

I Rewrite and translate into Ukrainian the following sentences. State and comment on the infinitive constructions used in the sentences / see model 1 /:

1 We know the pressure to increase as altitude increases.2 The difficult tin situation stimulated the workers to find substitute

material.3 The internal energy appears to be connected with the configuration

of the particles of which the atom is concerned.4 The instrument is not likely to be damaged, if all rules are

followed.5 She was believed to have returned.II Rewrite and translate into Ukrainian the following sentences.

State the form and function of the participles used in the sentences. Mind the translation of the Absolute Participle Construction / see model 2 /:


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1 The electric current passing through a wire will heat the wire.2 It should be born in mind, when working on transmitters, that very

dangerous voltage will exist.3 The ammount of heat generated depended on the guality of the

fuel used.4 Radio waves are emitted from a conductor carrying the alternating

currect.5 Having made a great number of experiments with different

substances the chemists found that most of them could be decomposed into substances.

6 The pupils having previously acquired all sorts of wrong language habits, the teacher’s chief duty is to eliminate these and replace them by sound habits.

III Choose the right form of the verb from the brackets. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian.Comment on the condition used in the subordinate clauses. /see model 3/:

1 After all, if she ... any talent, I should be the first to encourage it. (has/have/had/have had/has had).

2 How I wish ... some proper education. (have/has/had/had had).3 I wouldn't approve of paying such sum of money if I ... anything

about it. (know/knows/knew/have knew/had knew).4 If Eve Carpenter ... this photograph of herself, she would tear it in

pieces quickly, (see/sees/saw/has seen/had seen).5 I wish I ... something for you, some good thing. (can do/could

do/will be able to do).6 If Jim is free, he ...... to the stadium tonight (goes /will go / went).IV Rewrite the following sentences and translate them into

English:1 Ви б почували себе краще, якби дотримувалися режиму.

Невже це так важко?2 Відомо, що Байрон та Шeллі були гарними друзями. 3 Я чув, що професор Хілл працює над цією проблемою вже

більше двох років.4 Він продивлявся пошту, що прийшла за кілька останніх днів.5 Коли найважливіше питання було вирішене, ми розійшлись.V Translate the following text. Do the tasks to the text


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Thermionic Valves or Tubes. DiodeThe branch of electronics dealing with the emission of electrons

from substances under the action of heat, particularly the study and designs of thermionic valves or tubes is called thermionics.

A good high vacuum is practically a perfect nonconductor, since in it no carriers of electricity are present. If two metal plates or electrodes are enclosed in a vacuum by a glass tube, we have an open circuit and no current will flow. However, one of the electrodes being heated to a high temperature, the thermal velocity of some of the conduction electrons in the metal becomes high enough for these electrons to escape. In moving through a vacuum these electrons form an electric current.

The effect of thermionic emission is due to the fact that some of the electrons in metal under certain conditions can obtain such a velocity, that their kinetic energy is great enough to overcome forces of attraction and so they may leave the metal surface. The mean velocity of the electrons in the metallic conductor is not high enough to cause more then a very small percentage of the electrons to be ejected.

Nevertheless, the electrons leaving the metal surface can produce considerable currents. Electrons can as well escape from cold metal surfaces in case they are acted upon by so high an electric field (approximately 107 volt/cm or more), that the molecular forces of attraction are overcome by it.

A thermionic valve is a system of electrodes arranged in an evacuated glass or metal tube. For special purposes gas at low pressure may be introduced into the valve. The heated electrode is called the cathode (or sometimes the filament) and the cold electrode-the plate. The cathode is an electrode which is held at a negative potential to the plate. It emits electrons. The cathode of a tube may be in the form of a wire which is heated or it may be a metal tube coated with certain metallic oxides, which is heated by a separate heater. In the former case the cathode is known as “filament”, in the latter, it is called an “indirectly heated cathode”. In both cases the heating of a substance causes it to emit electrons. The device is called a diode and


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if we apply an alternating current to a vacuum tube it behaves as a oneway resistance, electrons move from cathode to plate but not from plate to cathode.

VI Give English equivalents of the following: електронно променева трубка; емісія електронів; гарний ізолятор; рух струму; швидкість носіїв заряду; металева поверхня; перевищувати сили при тяжіння; діяти високим електричним полем; заповнювати електронно-променеву трубку газом низького тиску; нитка накалювання; анод; покривати металевими оксидами; катод; який непрямо нагрівається; змінний струм; опір в одному напрямку.

VII Answer the following questions:1 What do we call thermionics?2 Why is a good vacuum a perfect nonconductor?3 Why do electrons escape from a heated electrode? What else can

cause the escape of electrons from metal surfaces? 4 What do they form in the evacuated glass tube?