fall bulletin

Inside this issue: KEY CLUB INTERNATIONAL Volume 2 Fall Bulletin BUCKEYE KEY Governor’s Message 2 About Michelle Peterson 3 Fall Rally 2013 4 #DLC2014 5 ICON Recap 6 Club Spotlight: Avon Lake High School 7 Eliminate Update 8 Key Club Week 9 YOF 10 Fall into Service 11 Message from the Bulletin Editor 12

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Page 1: Fall Bulletin

Inside this issue:


Volume 2 Fall Bulletin


Governor’s Message 2

About Michelle Peterson 3

Fall Rally 2013 4

#DLC2014 5

ICON Recap 6

Club Spotlight: Avon Lake High School 7

Eliminate Update 8

Key Club Week 9

YOF 10

Fall into Service 11

Message from the Bulletin Editor 12

Page 2: Fall Bulletin

Dear Ohio District,

Hope everyone is finally getting back into the swing of school. I know that I am enjoying seeing all my

friends again even if it is at the cost of doing homework again. I would also like to add that autumn is my favorite

season and the weather could not be more perfect. The thought of being able to cuddle up with friends around

a fire and wear sweatshirts just makes me happy.

Be sure to be looking out for updates from the Ohio District Board! We are making Newsletters especially

for you to read including hopefully making a Members Memo soon talking about cool ways to fundraise and

how you can become more involved. We try to make sure that our website (ohiokeyclub.org), our Facebook

(Ohio District of Key Club International ) and our Twitter page (@OhioKeyClub) are up to date with information

from the District Board, International and from people just like you! We are currently promoting the use of the

#OhioKeyClub to spread awareness of Key Club as well as give us the chance to retweet some of your awe-

some projects. It’s time of service to get social.

I really encourage all of you to come to Fall Rally on October 27th at The Ohio Union! We are going to be

rocking the day away with a 50’s theme. Who wouldn’t want to come to a college campus to be surrounded by

crazy Key Club spirit, service projects and the chance to meet people from all across the state? Better not miss

this one! Registration is also really cheap and we offer so many great opportunities.

I challenge all of you to thank your Kiwanis Clubs for everything that they do. If it were not for them,

there would be no us! Be sure to offer them any help when they attend your meetings. If they don’t already, ex-

tend a friendly hand and invite them to your next one.

Continue to serve and I hope to see all of you October 27th at the Ohio Union :)

Yours in Service,

Natalie Hagy

2013-2014 Ohio District Governor


Governor Fun Fact!

She has never broken a bone in

her body!

Page 3: Fall Bulletin

Hey there, Ohio Key Clubbers!

My name is Michelle Petersen and I’m the lucky girl who gets to serve as the International Trustee for the

sister districts of Ohio, Capital, and New York! I can’t begin to express how excited and honored I am to be able

to serve alongside Ohio District members, who are known across Key Club International for their warmhearted

nature and commitment to bettering the lives of others. My job, in short, is to make sure my assigned three dis-

tricts are represented during Key Club International Board meetings and make sure they have all the help from

International they need to be successful. Every trustee carries out that duty a little differently, but how I do it is by

emailing out weekly international updates and monthly newsletters to my district boards, having weekly calls

with my districts’ governors so they can share ideas and get advice, and making sure my districts are well aware

of any opportunities or big changes in Key Club. Outside of that regular communication, I’m willing and eager

to do whatever my districts need, whether that’s carrying out district committee directives, contributing to publi-

cations, making promotional videos, or anything else they can think of!

This year I really want to strive to be personable and accessible to the membership. My biggest fear is

that a member will think of me as some mysterious figurehead from International. My entire job is to serve you,

the members, as best I can, so if anything, you’re like my boss! I promise I’m not scary and I don’t bite; I just want

to help build your clubs, your district, and our organization to bigger and better heights. I've served in the past as

a club class representative, a club president, and a lieutenant governor for the Michigan District, so if anyone of

any level of this organization has a question or needs some advice, I can help you out. Also, if you have a cool

idea you’d like Key Club International to consider, I’m all ears!

Stories of the amazing things your district does keep me motivated and inspired every day, so please

keep making such a phenomenal difference in the world! If there’s ever anything I can do for you to help you

better serve your homes, schools, and communities, please don’t hesitate to contact me! In the words of Kim

Possible: “Call me, beep me, if you wanna reach me. When you wanna page me, it’s okay. Whenever you

need me, baby.”

Best Wishes,

Michelle Petersen

[email protected]

(586) 533-6796


We can not wait to

meet you at Fall

Rally! You will bring

so much to the

Ohio District and

we can not wait to

be able to interact

with and be en-

lightened by

you! :)


Introducing Miss Michelle Peterson-

our new International Trustee!

Page 4: Fall Bulletin


Fall Rally 2013!

Hello Ohio District Key Clubbers!

The Fall Rally Committee would like to invite you to the 2013 Ohio District Fall Rally as we flashback to the '50s

and "Rock N' Roll" into service! Come and join us at a new location, the Ohio Union at The Ohio State Universi-

ty! You can have fun taking pictures with Brutus the Buckeye at registration and watching the Ohio State

Cheerleaders participate at the spirit rally during opening session. There will be fun and informative forums

such as an informational meeting with Ohio State admission counselors, yoga, and an instructive session for

current and potential officers. At Fall Rally, your club can participate in a service project as we make fleece

blankets for donation to those in need. If your club needs some help thinking of fresh service projects, look no

further than the service fair that will be setup at Fall Rally! This event is a great opportunity for Key Clubbers

from across Ohio to build ties with peers who have similar interests and goals. Who knows, you might just make

a lifelong friendship! The Ohio District's new International Trustee, Michelle Petersen, will be joining us for this

day of fun so feel free to get to know her and ask her about all things International! Fall Rally is a great way to

get to know the 2013-2014 District Board as well. Registration will begin at 9:30 AM on October 27th, 2013 and

Fall Rally will conclude at 3 PM. Be sure to register by October 18th to receive a special early bird registration

price of $15. Any registrations received after the October 18th deadline (including at the door) will have a

higher price of $20. No Key Clubber will want to miss this fun filled day! We hope to see you all at the Ohio

Union for Fall Rally on October 27th!

Yours In Service,

Shyanne Zitkovic

Division 21 Lieutenant Governor

Page 5: Fall Bulletin


We hope you are getting excited for our annual spring gathering of Key Clubbers! We are making some

big changes for the better. Formally called District Convention (DCON), we have changed the event's

name to District Leadership Conference (DLC) to better represent the events that will take place during

this lively weekend.

One of our main goals for this year is to spread the love of service and of Key Club with a larger audience.

We want to get more people involved in order to strengthen our organization and ensure the future, on-

going success of the K-Family. DLC fosters enthusiasm for Key Club, Kiwanis, and service projects like The

Eliminate Project. By attending DLC, you’ll have the opportunity to meet fellow Key Clubbers from around

the state, learn about Key Club at the International level, and become familiar with Circle K International

as well as Kiwanis.

If you’ve already been before, you know how much fun it is going to be, so don’t miss out on another

great weekend of Key Club activities. If you haven’t been before… don’t miss out on the best weekend

of your life!

We have some really great, interactive forums this year ranging from informational instruction on being a

good officer and leader to hands on service projects. You’ll go home with a wealth of new service ideas,

and a solid plan on how to continue contributing to The Eliminate Project.

We can’t wait to see you there!

Yours in service,

Sarah Blatt-Herold

Division 7&8 Lieutenant Governor


Page 5

Page 6: Fall Bulletin

Yet another great year at ICON! The entire event was so well planned out thanks to the Capitol District. It

was such a fantastic experience to be able to meet Key Clubbers from all around the world. Kids from the Carib-

bean, the Bahamas, Aruba, Jamaica, and New Zealand were all in Washington D.C. During this convention! The

entire convention was full of energy and positive vibes! So much about Key Club was brought together into that

one place. The Ohio District went on a tour of all the grand monuments when we had a break from convention.

We went to the Lincoln Memorial, the Vietnam memorial and many other powerful places that really opened

the eyes of the dedication that these men and women put into make our nation the way it is. At convention

though we elected the new Key Club International President, Vice President, and the rest of the International

board. Congrats to Mr. Raeford Penny, Ms. Rachel Benoit, and the rest of the International Board! If you were

unable to attend ICON this year, join us next year as ICON 2014 is held in Anaheim, California, hosted by the Cali

-Nev-Hai district!


ICON Recap!

Page 7: Fall Bulletin

Club Spotlight: Avon Lake Remembers


Great job to Avon

Lake for such a

great tribute. If

you believe your

club belongs the

next club

spotlight, email

me at




Avon Lake High School truly showed their community what Key

Club was all about on 9/11. While most students couldn't wait to leave

school when the bell rang, these Key Clubbers club came together to

place 2,996 American flags on the school's front lawn to represent all of

the lives lost on September 11, 2001. The club started this tradition the

year after the terrorist attacks in 2001 and have continued it ever since.

They hope that this project will always serve as a respectful reminder of

that day, so as it is never forgotten. In addition to placing flags, the Avon

Lake High School Key Club maintains a courtyard in their school as a 9/11

memorial. This courtyard is filled with symbolism from the roses to the

stones used in the pavement. To prove her dedication to this project, one

Key Clubber singlehandedly raised over $10,000 just from carrying a post-

er around town stating her cause. The Key Club raised enough money to

construct a sculpture and reflecting pool in their courtyard however, they

still have thousands of dollars to raise in order to finish this project. The club

made their local news as a result of the impact their project made on the

community. Faculty advisor, Gjergj Haxhiu, refuses to take any praise for

the project, as he believes all of the credit goes to the students. Key Club

is truly a student-led organization. What will you do to make a difference?

Molly Holleran

Ohio District Secretary 2013-2014

Page 7

Page 8: Fall Bulletin

Eliminate Update!


Hello Ohio District! Hopefully you are all familiar with The Eliminate Project, but in case you are not,

here is a brief summary of the project, followed by some news and updates.

The Eliminate Project is a joint project of Kiwanis International and UNICEF to eliminate maternal/

neonatal tetanus (MNT) from the face of the Earth. MNT kills one baby every nine minutes, and

Kiwanis and UNICEF together are targeting the most underserved women and children in the

world. Hand-in-hand, Kiwanis and UNICEF are changing the world. To eliminate MNT from the

Earth, over $100 million mothers and future babies must be immunized, requiring countless re-

sources and the dedicated work of UNICEF and Kiwanis Family members.

There are 28 countries left from which MNT has yet to be eliminated, but in 2013 alone three coun-

tries have been rid of the disease. In total, 31 countries have eliminated MNT, but in order to rid

the Earth of MNT we need your help!

You may not think there is much for you to do, but less than $2

can help protect a mother and her child from this fatal disease.

Club fundraising is needed to help reach the goal of Eliminating

MNT from the Earth. The Ohio District of Key Club has made The

Eliminate Project our service project focus for this year, and every

dollar your club contributes goes towards the Ohio District goals!

Spread awareness about MNT in your school and community and

form coalitions with other groups around you to help raise money.

You can help raise much-needed funds for women and children

in the most poor, most remote areas of the world.

You can read more about The Eliminate Project and find plenty of fundraiser ideas at

www.TheEliminateProject.org. Also, please check out this special video message from the Elimi-

nate Project Campaign Chairman: https://docs.google.com/open?


Please make The Eliminate Project a priority in your Key Club and help rid the world of MNT!

Yours in service,

Salman Arif

Division 24 Lieutenant Governor Thus far, the

Eliminate pro-

ject has raised a

total of 39.1 mil-

lion dollars as of

September 16th!

Ohio is ranked

5th for Districts

that have raised

the most money!

Page 8

Page 9: Fall Bulletin

The most exciting week of the year is coming up in November! You guess right, it is Key Club Week. This is

the perfect week to show off your Key Club spirit to your home, school, and community. International has set up

some themed days through out the week so we can get our Key Club on! This week is as follows:

Monday November 4th– Show your K in every way

Show why your passionate about Key Club! Tell your friends and classmates about the abundant things

that Key Club does for the community, the nation, and the world!

Tuesday November 5th-Kudos to the Key players

Thank whom ever made Key Club possible for you! Show appreciation for your Kiwanians, Advisors, Prin-

cipals and other people who made Key Club possible for you to join and love!

Wednesday November 6th-Connect the Ks

Reach out to your K-Kids, Builders Club Members, and Circle K Members in the neighboring area! Along

with the Kiwanians of course. Show that all of Kiwanis is extremely important and do a service project together!

Thursday November 7th-Bring a friend to Key Club

Bring a friend to a service project or a meeting to show them what Key Club is all about! You may even

get them to join next year.

Friday November 8th-Your Way!

Do something in the name of Key Club and show it off to the community! Do your own thing and end

Key Club week on a powerful note!


Key Club Week!

November 4-8 2013

During Key Club

Week, take plenty

of pictures and

email them to


[email protected]!

They might show

up in the next bul-

letin or even on the

Ohio Key Club site!

Page 10: Fall Bulletin

Fall into Service

Page 10

Fall is an excellent time to get involved with service projects in your com-

munity. As the weather gets colder, it is important to help the community

stay warm, so fall is a great time to get started on projects to keep people

comfortable. A jacket collection, or Coat’s for Kids is a great way to help.

Also, making fleece blankets is a fun project that could be done at a Key

Club meeting or as an event with Builder’s Club or community members.

Also, as the holidays approach food banks often run low on their food sup-

ply. A typical can food drive can be made more exciting by adding some

friendly competition. See who can collect the most cans! Food banks can

also use volunteers to help stock food. As the leaves fall, libraries or school

playgrounds may need volunteers to help rake leaves- reach out and offer

your local schools or libraries help! In addition to all of these things, it is im-

portant to reach out to people who are often forgotten. Get a group to

visit a local nursing home, it is a great opportunity to involve K-Kids or Build-

er’s clubs in your area in making crafts to bring the residents or come

along on the visits! No matter what type of service you love, fall is a great

time to get involved!

Yours in Service

Olivia Rocco

Division 20 Lieutenant Governor


Page 11: Fall Bulletin

The Youth Opportunity Fund, also known as the Y.O.F, is a vital component for Key Club International to function! For every dollar donated to this

cause, 93 cents goes to the actual fund which can be used for service projects around the nation. Key Clubs can apply for Y.O.F. grants to do service pro-

jects in their communities. The Whitney High

School Key Club in the Cali-Nev-Hai used this grant money to buy and collect shampoos, soaps, and other bathroom necessities which were all then donat-

ed to three neighboring orphanages. Your Key Club could do these great things too! To apply for a grant, go to


to print out the application and find out more information on deadline

dates. To figure out more about to this wonderful cause, go to http://

www.youthopportunityfoundation.org/ and find out how YOU can make a dif-


Page 11 YOF

Youth Opportunity Fund

Page 12: Fall Bulletin

Message from the Bulletin Editor! (:

Message from the Bulletin Editor! (:

Hello Fellow Key Clubbers!

I hope everyone has had a fabulous start to the school and Key Club year! I know it

is a very important year for a lot of you so make sure you do plenty of fun activities

and service projects. Make sure that we stay in contact with the district board so

that we can make district events the best for you as much as possible. I really hope

I am able to meet as many of you as I can at our upcoming event, Fall Rally! The

board has been working so hard to make this event jam packed with fun entertain-

ing Key Club activities! Don’t be afraid to meet new people and definitely come

introduce yourself to me! This is the perfect opportunity to meet Key Clubbers all

around Ohio just like you. You may find your next best friend here! Or your new

found love for yoga ;) Also, check out the Ohio Districts new Vine and Instagram

pages! We have some pretty creative ideas :) I hope to see all of you at Fall Rally!

Yours in service,

Laura Hagy

District Bulletin Editor

Doubles Classic Champions!

Galileo and Socrates

play fighting!

Tennis match with

the Governor!

Football Game

with friends!