fantastic frontiers di stargate

Upload: dragonid

Post on 04-Mar-2016




9 download


manuale di fantastic fronties


  • TGENoteI would like to thank the folks at AEG for this great roleplaying game, it's a shame you folks lost the license to the Stargate property.

    It's a shame this document has to be a scan, it's large and you can't select text. A lot of game companies are making their products available in pdf (see for details), it's a shame that AEG still hasn't gotten their collective heads out of their asses. If i could have bought the document at drivethrurpg i would never have scanned it and shared it in this way, i would have payed top dollar for the pdf (as in $27 for this book in pdf). AEG get your rear ends in gear and start making your books available in pdf format before i'm finished with the rest of the SG-1 series and start on the Spycraft series (can anyone say Spycraft 2.0).


    Upcomming:AEG 2211 - Living Gods: Stargate System LordsAEG 2212 - Friends an Foes: Stargate Season TwoAEG 2213 - First Steps: The Stargate Unexplored Worlds Roleplaying Sourcebook