farming, agriculture, and farmers in us history. new world new nation english colonists found no...

Farming, Agriculture, and Farmers in US History

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Page 1: Farming, Agriculture, and Farmers in US History. New world  New Nation  English colonists found no gold  crops for survival  crops for profit  The

Farming, Agriculture, and Farmers in US


Page 2: Farming, Agriculture, and Farmers in US History. New world  New Nation  English colonists found no gold  crops for survival  crops for profit  The

New world New Nation

English colonists found no gold crops for survival crops for profit

The Columbian Exchange

Colonists trades crops for humans, and livestock (trade between the Americas, Asia, Europe and Africa that also brought disease)

Triangular Trade

Colonists traded crops, humans and gold with Africa and Europe

Cash Crops

Crops made in bulk that made a lot of profit in trade (indigo & tobacco in the south rice and cotton in the deep south)

Page 3: Farming, Agriculture, and Farmers in US History. New world  New Nation  English colonists found no gold  crops for survival  crops for profit  The

Columbian Exchange

Page 4: Farming, Agriculture, and Farmers in US History. New world  New Nation  English colonists found no gold  crops for survival  crops for profit  The

Triangular Trade

Page 5: Farming, Agriculture, and Farmers in US History. New world  New Nation  English colonists found no gold  crops for survival  crops for profit  The

Getting Land in Early America

Headright System

Granted anyone who bought stock in the Virginia company 50 acres of land in the New World

Communal Land Grant


Common Area w/ school & church, surrounded by


FarmlandThere were too many people and not enough land pushed farmers outwards, paving the way for future urbanization

Page 6: Farming, Agriculture, and Farmers in US History. New world  New Nation  English colonists found no gold  crops for survival  crops for profit  The


Ordinance 1785

Land surveyed by the government and organized so that for every 640 acres, 1/6th would be set aside for schools

Promoted movement and had new land for farmers

Homestead Act 1862

Government gave land to the public who were willing to farm on it for free

*promoted farming by helping farmers get land

Page 7: Farming, Agriculture, and Farmers in US History. New world  New Nation  English colonists found no gold  crops for survival  crops for profit  The

Social Hierarchy Plantation Owners owned many

slaves that worked on the plantations to grow cash crops

Yeomen Farmers Small land owners who farmed for themselves and their family, usually without slaves

Indentured Servants servants who worked off the debt they owed for they journey to the New World

Slaves Africans who were forced into labor against their will, didn’t get paid, worked for life, and were “property”






Yeomen Farmers

Page 8: Farming, Agriculture, and Farmers in US History. New world  New Nation  English colonists found no gold  crops for survival  crops for profit  The

Hamilton created an economic plan that included taxation of the whiskey industry, which was strongly opposed by the farmers who made whisky by farming grain Whiskey Rebellion (1794)

Federalist Era & Jeffersonian DemocracyHamilton’s Economic


Embargo Act

Passed by Jefferson in 1807 in response to French and British impressment, this act actually devastated port cities and farmers who could not make any profit off of trading their crops

Page 9: Farming, Agriculture, and Farmers in US History. New world  New Nation  English colonists found no gold  crops for survival  crops for profit  The


National Cumberland Road

Paved road from MD to the Old Northwest. Unified the country and opened a new way for transportation

Erie Canal

Canal from the Great Lakes to New York City that made trade a lot faster and more efficient for farmers

Market Revolution Market Revolution was

the development of technology in communication, manufacturing and transportation

Farmers could now trade their goods farther away via railroads

Cotton farmers could produce much more cotton with the cotton gin, invented by Eli Whitney in 1793

Page 10: Farming, Agriculture, and Farmers in US History. New world  New Nation  English colonists found no gold  crops for survival  crops for profit  The

Market Revolution

Encouraged industry over agriculture with the creation of the wage

worker who tended to machines instead of

working in the fields/farming

Helped the growth of the cotton industry as well as helped farmers trade their goods farther and faster

Page 11: Farming, Agriculture, and Farmers in US History. New world  New Nation  English colonists found no gold  crops for survival  crops for profit  The

The Road to Civil War

Popular Sovereignty (created by Stephen Douglas)

Compromise of 1850

Kansas- Nebraska Act of 1854Agriculture, at least in plantations, relied on slavery for production of the crops. If states were allowed popular sovereignty, they could decide for themselves, meaning they could have slaves and continue to be economically

prosperous through plantations and slaves.

The lack of northern support for this policy as well asthe common northern support for emancipation helped

push the south to secede

Page 12: Farming, Agriculture, and Farmers in US History. New world  New Nation  English colonists found no gold  crops for survival  crops for profit  The

The Civil War: Confederate Advantages

Cotton Production

Allowed the Confederacy to have a grand supply of clothes and economic standing while the Union struggled with their supplies

King Cotton Diplomacy

The strategy of the Confederacy:

If France & Britain continued to depend on the Confederacy for cotton, they would help them defeat the Union to get more cotton

Page 13: Farming, Agriculture, and Farmers in US History. New world  New Nation  English colonists found no gold  crops for survival  crops for profit  The

The Gilded Age

Agrarian Discontent

Government helped industrialization over agriculture

Farmers in debt

Crop lien: farmers promised consumers crops they would trade them in the future in exchange for goods, services, or money

Sharecropping: Black families could work on plantations and live on them and share them with the plantation owners by splitting it up

Conglomerate farms

Larger farms produce cheaper charge less prices go down: made it harder for small farmers to grow economically

They can’t pay for themselves (supplies, support for families, etc) poor

Page 14: Farming, Agriculture, and Farmers in US History. New world  New Nation  English colonists found no gold  crops for survival  crops for profit  The

The Gilded Age

What Farmers Wanted

1. More circulation of money via free silver

2. Increased government regulation

Specifically to decrease railroad prices so they can transport their goods

3. Direct election of the senators for representation

Successful - 17th Amendment (1912)

Page 15: Farming, Agriculture, and Farmers in US History. New world  New Nation  English colonists found no gold  crops for survival  crops for profit  The

Farmers in Politics The Grange Movement (1860-1870)

Organized farmers movement that advocated for more power to the common farmer, a lower financial burden (buying seeds and farming equipment individually)

Free Soil Party

Advocated for no slavery in the new territory, internal improvements funded by the government, and free land from the government for settlers

Farmers Alliance

An organization that united farmers locally and nationally, this alliance had the goals of readily available farm credits and federal regulation of the railroads.

Peoples’/Populist Party

Party comprised of southern and westerners, this advocated for the rights and powers of farmers/common people versus the privileged/elite

Page 16: Farming, Agriculture, and Farmers in US History. New world  New Nation  English colonists found no gold  crops for survival  crops for profit  The

2nd Industrial Revolution

Mass production/consumption

For farmers, this meant that a handful big plantations would profit and gain control of agriculture while smaller farms would struggle


Meant more machines to help facilitate the production of crops

Wage Employment

Sent small farmers who were not making profit into urban areas for work because they needed to support their families

Bigger Corporations

CEOs and owners of big corporations had more control on the economy and politics, giving farmers a smaller voice while benefiting themselves as much as possible

Helped out industry over agriculture even more than before

Transformed farming and agriculture into the monopolies we have today, where big companies/plants control the whole market (from food inc)

Page 17: Farming, Agriculture, and Farmers in US History. New world  New Nation  English colonists found no gold  crops for survival  crops for profit  The

1750 1800 1850 1900 1950 20000%











% of Farmers in the Labor Force from 1790-1980

% Farmers in Labor Force

The graph above shows that over the course of American History, agriculture, farms, and farming decreased as the industries increased (market revolutions). As the industries

increased and agriculture became a place for big plantation owners to monopolize, small farmers stopped farming and moved into the common workplace, leaving the percent of

farmers in the labor force today below 5% compared to the 90% in 1790.

Information for this graph came from:

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Photo Sources