fb exercise guide - fb home gym - incrediblly effective hydraulic

-1- FB Exercise Guide The FB 30X3 Total Fitness workout makes strength training easy. Here are some easy-to-follow instructions and photos to help you get started with a basic workout. The ten basic exercises are designed to work all of your major muscle groups-- a total body workout. A typical workout would be: two or three sets of eight to 20 repetitions for every major muscle group. A set is one group of repetitions. Follow this routine three times a week. That’s the 30X3 Fitness Workout--a balanced, complete fitness program. The goal of any specific exercise is to work that muscle or muscles hard enough that you are able to feel the muscles you are working burning by the time you are completing the second or third set. The burning is caused by lactic acid building up in the muscles you are working and is a good indication that you are doing the exercise correctly. You can aim for a slight burn or a more intense burn depending on your fitness and comfort level. Start by aiming for a slight burn and then slowly increase the intensity of your workout, as you feel comfortable. To increase the intensity of the workout, you can increase your repetitions or resistance level or both. But please, -- a complete physical examination by your physician is recommended before starting any new exercise program. Work your way into a routine. Going overboard after not exercising much for a long time may result in injury. For maximum benefit at minimum injury risk, the body needs to rest and recover. Rest for at least one day between workouts. The Ten Basic Exercises are shown on the next two pages. These are the suggested starting exercises for your Basic Ten exercise routine. You will also find many supplemental exercises. You can swap some of these exercises that work similar muscle groups to keep your 30X3 Total Fitness Workout fresh or add additional exercises to your workout to concentrate on a particular area. It’s a great way to get in shape and stay in shape! You may also choose to use your FB home gym for circuit training. Circuit training involves intervals of high intensity exercises, alternating lower intensity exercises as a recovery. With the FB home gym you can do your circuit training and home. At a gym you may have to wait for each machine and that defeats the purpose of circuit training. Alternate the order of the basic ten exercises from high intensity to low intensity as you determine the intensity from a few trial workouts. Design your own circuit training sequence that suits your goals and needs. If your goal is weight loss you should alternate between a resistance exercise and the seated row exercise (cardio exercise) with little or no rest in between. If you purchased the optional ministepper, include that as one of your exercises in the circuit. Design a new exercise to suit your particular needs. After trying a few of these you'll be familiar with the resistance adjustments and how they can completely change the focus on particular muscle groups. Important: Please consult your physician before beginning any vigorous exercise program.

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FB Exercise Guide

The FB 30X3 Total Fitness workout makes strength training easy. Here are some easy-to-follow instructions and photos to help you get started with a basic workout. The ten basic exercises are designed to work all of your major muscle groups-- a total body workout. A typical workout would be: two or three sets of eight to 20 repetitions for every major muscle group. A set is one group of repetitions. Follow this routine three times a week. That’s the 30X3 Fitness Workout--a balanced, complete fitness program. The goal of any specific exercise is to work that muscle or muscles hard enough that you are able to feel the muscles you are working burning by the time you are completing the second or third set. The burning is caused by lactic acid building up in the muscles you are working and is a good indication that you are doing the exercise correctly. You can aim for a slight burn or a more intense burn depending on your fitness and comfort level. Start by aiming for a slight burn and then slowly increase the intensity of your workout, as you feel comfortable. To increase the intensity of the workout, you can increase your repetitions or resistance level or both. But please, -- a complete physical examination by your physician is recommended before starting any new exercise program. Work your way into a routine. Going overboard after not exercising much for a long time may result in injury. For maximum benefit at minimum injury risk, the body needs to rest and recover. Rest for at least one day between workouts. The Ten Basic Exercises are shown on the next two pages. These are the suggested starting exercises for your Basic Ten exercise routine. You will also find many supplemental exercises. You can swap some of these exercises that work similar muscle groups to keep your 30X3 Total Fitness Workout fresh or add additional exercises to your workout to concentrate on a particular area. It’s a great way to get in shape and stay in shape! You may also choose to use your FB home gym for circuit training. Circuit training involves intervals of high intensity exercises, alternating lower intensity exercises as a recovery. With the FB home gym you can do your circuit training and home. At a gym you may have to wait for each machine and that defeats the purpose of circuit training. Alternate the order of the basic ten exercises from high intensity to low intensity as you determine the intensity from a few trial workouts. Design your own circuit training sequence that suits your goals and needs. If your goal is weight loss you should alternate between a resistance exercise and the seated row exercise (cardio exercise) with little or no rest in between. If you purchased the optional ministepper, include that as one of your exercises in the circuit. Design a new exercise to suit your particular needs. After trying a few of these you'll be familiar with the resistance adjustments and how they can completely change the focus on particular muscle groups. Important: Please consult your physician before beginning any vigorous exercise program.

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Using the Hydraulic Cylinders

The hydraulic cylinders operate with the principals of fluid mechanics. During your exercise the fluid is forced from one chamber to another. Resistance is determined by the speed and the adjustment of the orifice from one chamber to the other. This is a key feature of the home gym and it allows the resistance to adapt to your strength level. The cylinders have a graduated resistance dial numbered 1 to 12. Each cylinder has an arrow to indicate which resistance is being used. The arrows on the front and rear leg cylinders face the ground. The arrows on the top and bottom vertical cylinders face away from the machine. The arrows on the chest fly cylinders face inward. Start your exercise at the lowest resistance levels and gradually increase the resistance as you gain strength and endurance. The dials are intended for a reference to chart your progress. Both the dial setting and the speed of the exercise determine the resisting force. Need more resistance? Challenge yourself by increasing the repetitions of each circuit exercise as you progress.

Exercising with Two-way Resistance

The FB Gym offers adjustable positive resistance in both directions of your exercise stroke. As you progress and become familiar with the Basic 10 Exercises you will become accustomed to the muscles that are being used for these exercises. You can then begin to turn up the return resistance on the main vertical cylinder set or the leg cylinder set to exercise a different set of muscle groups in the same exercise cycle but on the return stroke as well. This will result in a more efficient and challenging exercise. Several of the Basic 10 exercises will be combined and reduced to just 6 basic exercises but with positive resistance in both directions. Choose another 4 exercises to replace those 4 exercises that were combined and continue with a more advanced workout session.

DO’S and DON’TS 1. DO have fun! The benefits to working out don't pay off if you don't enjoy yourself. This isn't an

excuse for not exercising, as it's still vital to your health. But finding a workout that you enjoy will make the difference when setting a workout schedule that will stick.

2. DO start off moderately. Work your way into a routine. Going overboard may result in injury, or at

least disappointment. Your workout shouldn't do either, so build up from a moderate beginning. 3. DO warm up and cool down. A low-impact warm-up before any exercise is essential. It warms the

muscles, makes them more limber and easier to stretch, which results in a better workout. It also helps to prevent injury. Cooling down after exercising is also important as it relaxes the muscles, lowers the heart rate, and helps the body to recover from the stress of a workout. It'll make you feel better immediately after the workout, and the next morning.

4. DO stretch. Flexibility is one of the most important factors of fitness. Stretching before, during and

after a workout will result in better performance, good posture, fewer injuries, and overall better fitness. Be sure to warm up before doing any type of stretching.

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5. DO be aware of the muscle you are trying to work. Each exercise described is designed to work

a specific muscle group or groups. If you are not feeling that muscle group, you may be doing the exercise incorrectly.

6. DO hold your abdominal muscles tight while you are doing any exercise. It is important to

protect you back while you are strength training. Contracting your abdominals while you are completing the exercises will help do this. To practice contracting your abdominals, pretend someone is coming at you and they are going to try to punch you in the stomach. Your flinching reaction to protect yourself is most likely your abdominals contracting. It is important to distinguish between sucking in your stomach and contracting your abdominals.

7. DO watch what you eat. Diet is just as much a part of fitness as exercise, and what you eat will

affect every aspect of your workout. A proper diet also influences the results of you fitness plan, since it helps build muscle and decrease the percentage of fat in your overall body weight.

8. DON’T hold your breath while strength training. Holding your breath while strength training may

cause an increase in blood pressure and a headache. You should exhale on the exertion. This means you should be blowing out while you are working against the resistance of the cylinders. For example, while doing the leg extension you should be exhaling while you are extending your knees.

9. DON'T dehydrate yourself. When exercising, the body needs four to eight ounces of water every

20 minutes to replace water loss. If you become thirsty during a workout, you've already passed out of a "safe" stage of hydration. Take fluids immediately. Always avoid caffeine or alcohol when exercising, both of which further dehydrate your body.

10. DON'T lose concentration. Preoccupation with outside situations can counteract the benefits of a

workout. For example, you might decrease intensity as you lose concentration. And not paying attention to a workout can lead to sloppy style and potential injury. Instead, use the time to concentrate on proper form and control. It will lead to a better workout, greater benefits, and a more relaxing experience.

11. DON’T continue to do an exercise if you cannot maintain proper form. Being unable to

maintain proper form means your body is getting tired. You increase your risk for injury if you continue to do an exercise in this manner.

12. DON'T over-exercise. For maximum benefit at minimum injury risk, the body needs to rest and

recover. At least a 24-hour rest after heavy muscle strain is advised. Stagger workouts between heavy and light strain. For example, you can alternate the 30X3 workout with biking.

13. DON'T push an injury. Listen to your body. If you feel pain, stop. Muscle and joint pain can mean

many things -- pushing a small hurt can lead to big problems later on.

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Basic Exercises

1. Leg extension – quadriceps (front of upper leg) • Adjustments – choose upper or lower position of leg extension pads • Resistance – adjust the front cylinder to 1; adjust the rear cylinder to desired intensity level • Starting position – begin the exercise seated on the bench facing the leg extension unit with your knees bent and over the upper leg extension pads and your ankles in between the lower leg extension pads; stabilize your torso by gripping the sides of the bench directly next to your hips Exercise motion – extend your knees until they are almost

straight then return to the starting position; this exercise can be combined with the Leg Curl exercise to perform both exercises during a cycle

2. Leg curl - hamstrings (back of upper leg) • Adjustments – choose upper or lower position of leg extension pads • Resistance – adjust the rear cylinder to 1; adjust the front cylinder to desired intensity level • Starting position – begin the exercise seated on the bench facing the leg extension unit with your ankles in between the lower leg extension pads and your knees extended to almost straight over the upper leg extension pads; stabilize your torso by gripping the sides of the bench directly next to your hips Exercise motion – bend your knees until you reach the a stopping point then return to the starting position

3. Bench press – pectorals (chest) and triceps (back of the upper arm) • Adjustments – choose any of the four movable handle positions on the Y bar; the handles should make a line across your chest • Resistance – adjust the bottom cylinder to 1; adjust the top cylinder to desired intensity level • Starting position – begin the exercise lying on your back on the bench with your knees bent and feet flat on the bench; hands should be comfortably gripping the handles with elbows pointing away from your body

Exercise motion – push up on the handles and extend your elbows until they are almost straight then return to the starting position; this exercise can be combined with the Lying Row exercise to perform both exercises during a cycle

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4. Lying row – trapezius (upper back) and biceps (front of upper arm) • Adjustments – choose any of the four movable handle positions on the Y bar; the handles should make a line across your chest • Resistance – adjust the top cylinder to 1; adjust the bottom cylinder to desired intensity level • Starting position – begin the exercise lying on your back on the bench with your knees bent and feet flat on the bench; hands should be comfortably gripping the handles with elbows extended

Exercise motion – pull down on the handles and bend your elbows, continue pulling down until you feel a slight stretch across your chest then return to the starting position

5. Overhead press – deltoids (shoulders) and triceps (back of upper arm) • Adjustments – none • Resistance – adjust the bottom cylinder to 1; adjust the top cylinder to desired intensity level • Starting position – begin the exercise sitting and straddling the bench facing the FB pad; hands should be gripping the outer handles on the Y bar and elbows should bent so the handles are near shoulder level Exercise motion – push up on the handles and extend your elbows as far as possible then return to the starting position.

This exercise can be combined with the Lat Pull Down exercise to perform both exercises during a cycle.

6. Lat pull down – latissimus dorsi (back) and biceps (front of upper arm) • Adjustments – none • Resistance – adjust the top cylinder to 1; adjust the bottom cylinder to desired intensity level • Starting position – begin the exercise sitting on the bench facing the FB pad; hands should be gripping the outer handles on the Y bar and elbows should extended as much as possible Exercise motion – pull down on the handles, bending the elbows and pulling them into your sides then return to the

starting position

7. Tricep pull down – triceps (back of upper arm) • Adjustments – remove ab roller from leg extension unit • Resistance – adjust the rear cylinder to 1; adjust the front cylinder to desired intensity level • Starting position – begin the exercise sitting and straddling the bench very close to the leg extension unit facing away from the FB pad; adjust where you are sitting so that when you bend at the hips, your back is flat while your elbows rest on the upper leg extension pads; hands should be gripping the leg extension unit handles with palms facing up and elbows should be bent as much as possible

Exercise motion – pull down on the handles and extend the elbows as much as possible then return to the starting position; try to keep the elbows on the pads and the torso still. This exercise can be combined with the Bicep Curl exercise to perform both exercises during a cycle

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8. Bicep curl – biceps (front of upper arm) • Adjustments – remove ab roller from leg extension unit • Resistance – adjust the front cylinder to 1; adjust the rear cylinder to desired intensity level • Starting position – begin the exercise sitting and straddling the bench very close to the leg extension unit facing away from the FB pad; adjust where you are sitting so that when you bend at the hips, your back is flat while your elbows rest on the upper leg extension pads; hands should be gripping the leg extension unit handles with palms facing up and elbows should be bent as much as possible

Exercise motion – pull up on the handles and bend the elbows as much as possible then return to the starting position; try to keep the elbows on the pads and the torso still

9. Ab crunch – abdominals (stomach) • Adjustments – attach ab roller to leg extension unit; choose either the inner or outer position for the handles on the ab roller • Resistance – adjust the front cylinder to 1; adjust the rear cylinder to desired intensity level • Starting position – begin the exercise lying on the bench with head comfortably placed on the ab roller head pad; knees should be bent and feet flat on the bench; hands gripping the handles; hips should be tilted up so your low back is pushed slightly into the bench

Exercise motion – contract your abdominals so your head and shoulders curl up and your low back pushes farther into the bench then return to the starting position; try not to allow your arms to do the work.

10. Low back extension – erector spinae and quadratus lumborum (low back) • Adjustments – remove the ab roller from the leg extension unit • Resistance – none • Starting position – begin the exercise lying your stomach on the bench with head towards the FB pad; feet should be hooked under the leg extension handles; hands should be placed directly underneath chin with elbows pointing away from the body while head is looking slightly down Exercise motion – gently raise your torso as one unit as high

as possible, slightly pushing hips into the bench then return to the starting position

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Supplemental Exercises Exercises with a “ * ” are advanced exercises.

Exercises Using the Y Bar Without the Bench

1. Upright row – deltoids (shoulders) and biceps (front of upper arm) • Adjustments – remove bench from machine; choose any of the four positions for the movable handles on the Y bar • Resistance – adjust the bottom cylinder to 1; adjust the top cylinder to desired intensity level • Starting position – begin the exercise standing on the foot plates facing the FB pad; grip the handles so your palms face your body and elbows point out to the sides; elbows should be extended as much as possible

Exercise motion – pull up on the handles so your hands move up parallel to the front of your body, come up as high as possible then return to starting position; as your hands are moving upward, try to keep your elbows above the level of your hands. This exercise can be combined with the Tricep Press Down exercise to perform both exercises during a cycle

2. Tricep press down – triceps (back of upper arm) • Adjustments – remove bench from machine; choose any of the four positions for the movable handles on the Y bar • Resistance – adjust the top cylinder to 1; adjust the bottom cylinder to desired intensity level • Starting position – begin the exercise standing on the foot plates facing the FB pad; grip the handles so your palms face your body and elbows point out to the sides; elbows should be bent as much as possible; start with the elbows level with the hands

Exercise motion – push down on the handles so your hands move down parallel to the front of your body, push down until your elbows are as extended as possible then return to starting position

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3. Tricep extension – triceps (back of upper arm) • Adjustments – remove the bench from the machine; choose either inner position of the movable handles on the Y bar • Resistance – adjust the top cylinder to 1; adjust the bottom cylinder to desired intensity level • Starting position – begin the exercise standing very close to the chest fly facing away from the FB pad with your feet on the floor bar; hands should be gripping the inner handles on the Y bar with your palms facing down and arms should bent as much as possible

Exercise motion – push down on the handles and straighten the elbows as much as possible then return to the starting position; try to keep the elbows and upper arms next to your body

4. Lunge* – quads (front of upper leg), hamstrings (back of upper leg) and gluts (butt) • Adjustments – Remove the bench from the machine; choose either position of the inner handles on the Y bar • Resistance – adjust the bottom cylinder to 1; adjust the top cylinder to desired intensity level • Starting position – begin the exercise standing with one foot on the foot pad in front of you; reach the outside leg far behind you; your hands should be gripping the handle at shoulder level with your palm facing you Exercise motion – drop your back knee towards the ground, pulling the handle down with you as you keep

your hand at shoulder level then return to the starting position; keep the torso up during this exercise, try not to let your chest drop forward; also try not to let your front knee bend to the point where your knee is past your foot, if it is bending past your foot, reach your outside leg back farther; use the opposite food pad to complete this exercise with the opposite leg.

Alternate Positions for Lunge Exercises

5. Dead lift* – erector spinae and quadratus lumborum (low back) • Adjustments – remove the bench from the machine; choose either inner position of the inner handles on the Y bar • Resistance – adjust the bottom cylinder to 1; adjust the top cylinder to desired intensity level • Starting position – begin the exercise standing on the foot plates facing the FB pad; hands should be gripping the inner handles on the Y bar with your palms facing down; keeping the back flat, bend at the waist as far as possible; hands should still be gripping the handles and arms should be

hanging down in front of you Exercise motion – pull up on the handles by extending your back muscles and coming to an upright position so you are standing straight then return to the starting position; back should always remain flat, try not to let it arch at any time; arms are simply following your torso in this exercise, they should not be doing any of the work

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6. Squats* – hamstrings (back of upper leg), quads (front of upper leg), and gluts (butt) • Adjustments – remove the bench from the machine; choose any of the four positions of the inner handles on the Y bar • Resistance – adjust the bottom cylinder to 1; adjust the top cylinder to desired intensity level • Starting position – begin the exercise standing facing the FB pad with your feet on the foot plates; hands should be gripping the inner handles on the Y bar at shoulder level with your palms facing forward

Exercise motion – push your butt back at an angle behind you, as if you were going to sit in a chair, as far as possible, pulling the handles down with you as your hands stay at shoulder level then return to the starting position; your torso should angle forward as you are pushing your butt backwards; be sure to keep your back flat; try not to let your knee bend to the point where your knee is past your foot, if it is bending past that point, push your butt back more and lean forward more.

Alternate Position – Rear Squat

7. Outer thigh lifts – abductors (outer thigh) and gluts (butt) • Adjustments – remove the bench from the machine; lock the Y bar in the up position by adjusting the top cylinder to 1and the bottom cylinder to 12 • Resistance – none • Starting position – begin the exercise standing facing the FB pad with your feet on the foot plates and knees slightly bent; hands should be resting on the Y bar just for balance Exercise motion – lift one leg out to the side as high as

possible then return to the starting position and repeat with other leg, continue alternating legs; keep your toes pointed inward as you lift your leg; try not to let your torso sway back and forth during the exercise.

8. Calf Raise – calves • Adjustments – remove the bench from the machine; • Resistance – none • Starting position – begin the exercise standing facing the FB pad with your toes on the foot plates and heels on the floor; hands should be grasping the butterfly bar just for balance. Exercise motion -Raise heels by extending ankles as high as possible. Lower heels by bending ankles until calves are stretched.

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Bench Exercises

1. Decline crunch (hard)*– abdominals (stomach) • Adjustments – lower bench into bottom position or raise it into top position • Resistance – none • Starting position – begin the exercise lying on the bench with your head towards the downhill; knees should be bent and feet flat on the bench; head resting gently in your hands and elbows out to the sides; hips titled slightly up so your low back is beginning to push into the bench Exercise motion – curl up and contract your abdominals so your head and shoulders roll off the bench as one unit,

continue to push your low back into the bench then return to the starting position; keep your elbows back and your chin off your chest

2. Standard crunch (easier) – abdominals (stomach) • Adjustments – Bench should be in the middle position • Resistance – none • Starting position – begin the exercise lying on the bench; knees should be bent and feet flat on the bench; head resting gently in your hands and elbows out to the sides; hips titled slightly up so your low back is beginning to push into the bench Exercise motion – curl up and contract your abdominals so your head and shoulders roll off the bench as one unit,

continue to push your low back into the bench then return to the starting position; keep your elbows back and your chin off your chest

3. Incline crunch (easiest) – abdominals (stomach) • Adjustments – lower bench into bottom position or raise it into top position • Resistance – none • Starting position – begin the exercise lying on the bench with your head towards the uphill; knees should be bent and feet flat on the bench; head resting gently in your hands and elbows out to the sides; hips titled slightly up so your low back is beginning to push into the bench Exercise motion – curl up and contract your abdominals so your head and shoulders roll off the bench as one unit,

continue to push your low back into the bench then return to the starting position; keep your elbows back and your chin off your chest

4. Decline reverse crunch (hard)* – abdominals (stomach) and transverse abdominals (lower stomach) • Adjustments – lower bench into bottom position or raise it into top position • Resistance – none • Starting position – begin the exercise lying on the bench with your head towards the uphill; secure your hands above your head or near your sides; lift your legs so your feet are pointed at the ceiling with knees slightly bent Exercise motion – contract your lower abdominals so your feet push slightly towards the ceiling, your tailbone lifts off the

bench, and your lower back pushes into the bench then return to the starting position; don’t allow your legs to swing forward and back, keep them controlled


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5. Standard reverse crunch (easier) – abdominals (stomach) and transverse abdominals (lower stomach) • Adjustments – none • Resistance – none • Starting position – begin the exercise lying on the bench; secure your hands above your head or near your sides; lift your legs so your feet are pointed at the ceiling with knees slightly bent Exercise motion – contract your lower abdominals so your feet push slightly towards the ceiling, your tailbone lifts off the bench, and your lower back pushes into the bench then

return to the starting position; don’t allow your legs to swing forward and back, keep them controlled.

6. Incline reverse crunch (easiest) – abdominals (stomach) and transverse abdominals (lower stomach) • Adjustments – lower bench into bottom position or raise it into top position • Resistance – none • Starting position – begin the exercise lying on the bench with your head towards the downhill; secure your hands above your head or near your sides; lift your legs so your feet are pointed at the ceiling with knees slightly bent Exercise motion – contract your lower abdominals so your

feet push slightly towards the ceiling, your tailbone lifts off the bench, and your lower back pushes into the bench then return to the starting position; don’t allow your legs to swing forward and back, keep them controlled.

7. Decline push up (hard)* – pectorals (chest) and triceps (back of upper arm) • Adjustments – raise bench into the top position • Resistance – none • Starting position – begin the exercise with your hands on the curl rod and elbows extended; rest your knees on the bench, they should be far enough back that your body is straight from your shoulders to your knees (don’t let your butt stick out or your back arch) Exercise motion – bend your elbows and lower your chest

towards your hands as far down as possible then return to the starting position

8. Standard push up (easier) – pectorals (chest) and triceps (back of upper arm) • Adjustments – none • Resistance – none • Starting position – begin the exercise with your hands on the curl rod and elbows extended; rest your knees on the bench, they should be far enough back that your body is straight from your shoulders to your knees (don’t let your butt stick out or your back arch) Exercise motion – bend your elbows and lower your chest

towards your hands as far down as possible then return to the starting position

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9. Incline push up (easiest) – pectorals (chest) and triceps (back of upper arm) • Adjustments – lower the bench into the bottom position • Resistance – none • Starting position – begin the exercise with your hands on the curl rod and elbows extended; rest your knees on the bench, they should be far enough back that your body is straight from your shoulders to your knees (don’t let your butt stick out or your back arch) • Exercise motion – bend your elbows and lower your chest

towards your hands as far down as possible then return to the starting position.

10. Leg raise* – abdominals (stomach) and hip flexors (front of hip) • Adjustments – none • Resistance – none • Starting position – begin the exercise lying flat on your back on the bench with your head towards the chest fly, your legs extended and your hands secured on the main vertical bar Exercise motion – lift your legs up by contracting your abdominals and bending at the hips until your legs are at a

90 degree angle with your body then return to the starting position; be sure not to allow your lower back to arch during this exercise, try extremely hard to keep it flat

11. Knee bends* – abdominals (stomach) and hip flexors (front of hip) • Adjustments – none • Resistance – none • Starting position – begin the exercise lying flat on your back on the bench with your head towards the chest fly, your legs extended and your hands secured on the main vertical bar Exercise motion – contract your abdominals and pull your knees into your chest then return to the starting position; be

sure not to allow your lower back to arch during this exercise, try extremely hard to keep it flat.

12. Body curl up* – abdominals (stomach), transverse abdominals (lower stomach), and hip flexors (front of hip) • Adjustments – none • Resistance – none • Starting position – begin the exercise lying flat on your back on the bench with your head towards the chest fly, your legs extended and your hands secured on the main vertical bar Exercise motion – contract your abdominals and pull your

knees into your chest, continue pulling your knees into your chest until your tailbone and lower back roll up off the bench then return to the starting position; be sure not to allow your lower back to arch during this exercise, try extremely hard to keep it flat.

Exercises Using the Y Bar With the Bench

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1. Decline bench press – pectorals-lower fibers (chest) and triceps (back of upper arm) • Adjustments – lower bench into the bottom position; choose any of the four handle positions of the inner handles on the Y bar; the handles should be adjusted so they make a line across your chest • Resistance – adjust the bottom cylinder to 1; adjust the top cylinder to desired intensity level • Starting position – begin the exercise lying on your back on the bench with your knees bent and feet flat on the bench; hands should be comfortably gripping the handles with

elbows pointing away from your body Exercise motion – push up on the handles and extend your elbows until they are almost straight then return to the starting position.

2. Incline bench press – pectorals-upper fibers (chest) and triceps (back of upper arm) • Adjustments – raise bench into the top position; choose any of the four handle positions of the inner handles on the Y bar; the handles should be adjusted so they make a line across your chest • Resistance – adjust the bottom cylinder to 1; adjust the top cylinder to desired intensity level • Starting position – begin the exercise lying on your back on the bench with your knees bent and feet flat on the bench; hands should be comfortably gripping the handles with

elbows pointing away from your body Exercise motion – push up on the handles and extend your elbows until they are almost straight then return to the starting position.

3. Reverse bicep curl – biceps (front of upper arm) • Adjustments – choose either inner position of the inner handles on the Y bar • Resistance – adjust the bottom cylinder to 1; adjust the top cylinder to desired intensity level • Starting position – begin the exercise standing and straddling the bench very close to the chest fly facing away from the FB pad; hands should be gripping the inner handles on the Y bar with your palms facing down and arms should extended as much as possible Exercise motion – pull up on the handles and bend the elbows as much as possible then return to the starting position; keep the elbows and upper arms next to your body.

4. Plie’* – adductors (inner thigh), hamstrings (back of upper leg), quads (front of upper leg), and gluts (butt) • Adjustments – lower the bench to it’s lowest position. Move the legs all the way forward and lower the rear of the bench. • Resistance – adjust the bottom cylinder to 1; adjust the top cylinder to desired intensity level • Starting position – begin the exercise standing facing the FB pad; hands should be gripping the outer handles on the Y bar at shoulder level with your palms facing forward; feet should be spread very wide with your toes pointing out; torso

should be straight up Exercise motion – lower your butt towards the ground until it nears to level of your knees, pulling the handles down with you as your hands stay at shoulder level then return to the starting position; try not to let your knee bend to the point where your knee is past your foot, if it is bending past that point, spread you legs out farther; keep your torso upright, try not to let your chest drop forward

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Exercises Using the Chest Fly With the Bench

1. Chest fly – pectorals (chest) • Adjustments – none • Resistance – adjust the chest fly cylinders to the desired intensity level • Starting position – begin the exercise seated on the bench facing away from the FB pad; grip handles on the chest fly arms, elbows should be near the level of your shoulders; pads should be completely open Exercise motion – push inward with your elbows and forearms bringing the pads in as far as possible then return to the starting position

2. Lying chest fly – pectorals (chest) • Adjustments – none • Resistance – adjust the chest fly cylinders to the desired intensity level • Starting position – begin the exercise lying on the bench with your head towards the FB pad; place hands on chest fly pads; pads should be completely open Exercise motion – push inward with your hands bringing the pads in as far as possible then return to the starting position

3. Reverse chest fly – pectorals (chest), Back • Adjustments – none • Resistance – adjust the chest fly cylinders to the desired intensity level • Starting position – begin the exercise seated on the bench facing the FB pad; place your hands on the vertical portion of the butterfly arms; butterfly arms should be completely open Exercise motion – pull inward with your hands bringing the pads in as far as possible then return to the starting position

Exercises Using the Ab Roller

1. Shoulder press – deltoids (shoulders) and triceps (back of upper arm) • Adjustments – attach ab roller to leg extension unit; put the handles in the outer position for the handles on the ab roller • Resistance – adjust the rear cylinder to 1; adjust the front cylinder to desired intensity level • Starting position – begin the exercise sitting and straddling the bench near the leg extension unit; hands should be gripping the outer handles with palms facing forward; handles should be near shoulder level

Exercise motion – push up on the handles, extending your elbows as far as possible then return to the starting position.

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2. High row – trapezius (upper back) and biceps (front of upper arm) • Adjustments – attach ab roller to leg extension unit; put the handles in the outer position for the handles on the ab roller • Resistance – adjust the front cylinder to 1; adjust the rear cylinder to desired intensity level • Starting position – begin the exercise sitting and straddling the bench near the leg extension unit; hands should be gripping the outer handles with palms facing forward; elbows should be extended as much as possible

Exercise motion – pull the handles towards you, bending your elbows as much as possible then return to the starting position

3. Standing bicep curl – biceps (front of upper arm) • Adjustments – attach ab roller to leg extension unit; choose either the inner or outer position for the handles on the ab roller • Resistance – adjust the front cylinder to 1; adjust the rear cylinder to desired intensity level • Starting position – begin the exercise standing and straddling the bench near the leg extension unit; hands should be gripping the handles with palms facing up; elbows should be extended as much as possible Exercise motion – pull the handles towards you, bending

your elbows as much as possible then return to the starting position; try to keep your elbows and upper arms into your sides

4. One arm row – trapezius (upper back) and biceps (front of upper arm) • Adjustments – attach ab roller to leg extension unit; put the handles in the outer position for the handles on the ab roller • Resistance – adjust the front cylinder to 1; adjust the rear cylinder to desired intensity level • Starting position – begin the exercise standing on the side of the bench near the leg extension unit; hand on the machine side should be gripping the handle with palm facing down; elbow should be extended as much as possible Exercise motion – pull the handles towards you, bending your elbows as much as possible then return to the starting

position 5. Standing side curl – latissimus dorsi (back) and biceps (front of upper arm) • Adjustments –Attach Ab roller to leg extension unit • Resistance – adjust the front cylinder to 1; adjust the rear cylinder to desired intensity level • Starting position – begin the exercise standing on the side of the bench near the leg extension unit; your hand should be gripping the handle with palm up; elbow should be extended as much as possible Exercise motion – pull the handle towards you, bending your elbow as much as possible then return to the starting position

Exercises Using the Handle on the Leg Extension Unit

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1. One arm side fly – pectorals (chest) • Adjustments – none • Resistance – adjust the front cylinder to 1; adjust the rear cylinder to desired intensity level • Starting position – begin the exercise standing to the side and facing the bench near the leg extension unit; bend at the waist and support your body with the arm the isn’t being used, be sure to keep your back flat; hand toward the leg extension unit should be gripping the handle with palm down; stand far enough away from the handle so your elbow is mostly extended

and your hand is near shoulder level Exercise motion – pull the handle towards you, bringing your hand towards the midline of your body as much as possible then return to the starting position; repeat with other arm

2. Kneeling side bicep curl – biceps (front of upper arm) • Adjustments – none • Resistance – adjust the front cylinder to 1; adjust the rear cylinder to desired intensity level • Starting position – begin the exercise standing to the side of the bench near the leg extension unit; kneel on outer knee and rest elbow on the machine side on the upper leg extension pad; hand should be gripping the handle with palm up; elbow should be extended as much as possible Exercise motion – pull the handle towards you, bending your elbow as much as possible then return to the starting

position; try to keep your elbow and upper arm into your side; repeat with other arm

1. Low row – latissimus dorsi (back) and biceps (front of upper arm) • Adjustments – none • Resistance – adjust the front cylinder to 1; adjust the rear cylinder to desired intensity level • Starting position – begin the exercise sitting and straddling the bench near the leg extension unit; hands should be gripping the handles with palms up or down; elbows should be extended as much as possible Exercise motion – pull the handles towards you, bending your elbows as much as possible then return to the starting


Exercise Tips


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Check your heart rate periodically while you are performing your workout. This will indicate whether you are working out in the Fat Burning Zone and Cardiovascular Zone. Consult your physician before beginning any exercise program.

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WEEKLY EXERCISE & FITNESS LOGDate: Date: Date: Date: Date: Date: Date:

Food (Calories)BreakfastSnackLunchSnackDinnerSnackOther


Exercise H.R.- reps / min H.R.- reps / min H.R.- reps / min H.R.- reps / min H.R.- reps / min H.R.- reps / min H.R.- reps / min(Basic Workout)1. Leg Extension2. Leg curl3. Bench press4. Lying row5. Overhead press6. Lat pull doen7. Tricep pull down8. Bicep curl9. Ab crunch10. Low back extension


Cool DownH.R. after 2 minutes

H.R. after 10 minutes

*H.R. - Heart Rate

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