february 2015 eagle pride newsletter

1 Three Reasons Why I Love Public Relations A career that is built on strong relationships, problem solving skills, and creativity is the new found "love of my life." Like your everyday high school sweet heart PR has opened many doors for me, PR has held my hand and guided me through college, PR has accepted me with open arms, and lastly PR just understands me. I love my career choice and feel like it has helped me learn so much about myself. PR is definitely here to stay. We are all aware that it is the month of February, also known as the month of love, so I'm going to tell you three reasons why I love public relations: Variety: PR is necessary in any company and because of this there are a wide range of job opportunities for me to pursue, whether it be working for the government or a small local business. PR professionals are needed all around the world, so I also have the option of working abroad and this will allow me to meet a variety of people from different cultures and backgrounds. PR isn’t your average 9 to 5 job and if variety is what you want, PR is what you get. Writing: Writing helps me express myself and understand more about who I am as a person. PR also involves a lot of writing, whether it be sending a tweet, writing a newsletter, a press release, a speech or a simple email. Because there are so many forms of writing in PR I can always find ways to be creative and expressive. Making A Difference: Public relations is all about being the liaison between companies and their publics. Therefore, I can help the public get what they need, as well as companies. If I were to work as a publicist for a nonprofit organization I would be able to speak for those who can’t speak for themselves. In this case, I would help raise money and awareness for projects that can help the poor, the hungry, the sick and anyone else in need. I want to make a difference in the lives of others so this is the final and main reason I love Public Relations. Briyanna Ferguson For the Love of PR Events One great aspect of being involved in public relations is the connections you make with people. Networking and establishing a good reputation in the professional world are essential in this field of work. But making new friends, building relationships and bonding over time with people from all over, that’s just a bonus. A HUGE part of this process begins with PR Events. The sole purpose of a PR event may vary from one place to the next. But overall, the mission is quite the same. People want to introduce an idea, and make businesses and/ or the public become interested in that idea. For example, when Georgia Southern wants to build awareness about an upcoming basketball game, they are more than likely going to start off with an event to get people pumped. Students get to take a jump shot to win a free t-shirt, while promoters announce information about the upcoming game and encourage us to come support. It’s not the biggest event out there, but it gets the job done. Having a PR event is the best method of getting information out to your target audience because people actually meet and interact with one another. It’s more effective than just reading something on social media or in a press release. It builds trust quicker and creates potential for great things in the future. Randy LaMons Why We’re Falling in Love with PR All Over Again February 2015

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Page 1: February 2015 Eagle PRide Newsletter


Three Reasons Why I Love Public Relations

A career that is built on strong relationships, problem solving skills, and creativity is the

new found "love of my life." Like your everyday high school sweet heart PR has opened

many doors for me, PR has held my hand and guided me through college, PR has

accepted me with open arms, and lastly PR just understands me. I love my career choice

and feel like it has helped me learn so much about myself. PR is definitely here to stay.

We are all aware that it is the month of February, also known as the month of love, so

I'm going to tell you three reasons why I love public relations:

Variety: PR is necessary in any company and because of this there are a wide range

of job opportunities for me to pursue, whether it be working for the government or

a small local business. PR professionals are needed all around the world, so I also have

the option of working abroad and this will allow me to meet a variety of people from different cultures and

backgrounds. PR isn’t your average 9 to 5 job and if variety is what you want, PR is what you get.

Writing: Writing helps me express myself and understand more about who I am as a person. PR also involves a lot

of writing, whether it be sending a tweet, writing a newsletter, a press release, a speech or a simple email. Because

there are so many forms of writing in PR I can always find ways to be creative and expressive.

Making A Difference: Public relations is all about being the liaison between companies and their publics. Therefore,

I can help the public get what they need, as well as companies. If I were to work as a publicist for a nonprofit

organization I would be able to speak for those who can’t speak for themselves. In this case, I would help raise

money and awareness for projects that can help the poor, the hungry, the sick and anyone else in need. I want to

make a difference in the lives of others so this is the final and main reason I love Public Relations.







For the Love of PR Events

One great aspect of being involved in public relations is the connections you make with

people. Networking and establishing a good reputation in the professional world are

essential in this field of work. But making new friends, building relationships and

bonding over time with people from all over, that’s just a bonus. A HUGE part of this

process begins with PR Events.

The sole purpose of a PR event may vary from one place to the next. But overall, the

mission is quite the same. People want to introduce an idea, and make businesses and/

or the public become interested in that idea. For example, when Georgia Southern

wants to build awareness about an upcoming basketball game, they are more than

likely going to start off with an event to get people pumped. Students get to take a jump

shot to win a free t-shirt, while promoters announce information about the upcoming

game and encourage us to come support. It’s not the biggest event out there, but it gets the job done.

Having a PR event is the best method of getting information out to your target audience because people actually

meet and interact with one another. It’s more effective than just reading something on social media or in a press

release. It builds trust quicker and creates potential for great things in the future.



y L




Why We’re Falling in Love with PR All Over Again

February 2015

Page 2: February 2015 Eagle PRide Newsletter


Oh for the Love of Social Media

There are so many things I love about Public Relations but the aspect I love the most

would have to be social media, where selfies and pictures of anything, and everything,

is acceptable to upload. When it comes to PR, social media plays a big part in making

or breaking a company, organization or an individual’s image. Before social media, we

depended solely on word-of-mouth and traditional media like television, radio and even

newspapers to spread awareness about something. Today, it is right at our finger tips

with just a click of a button.

It is amazing how much we use this type of media nowadays to connect with people

and stay ahead of current events and popular trends. For instance, I go to @PRNews on

Twitter to stay up to date on tips and information that can help me become a stronger PR professional. They tweet

pointers, quotes, articles and more that deals with PR. It is also important for a PR professional, especially those

like you and I who have not yet made their journey into the industry, to stay ahead of what is happening in the

world via social media. It gives PR professionals the ability to monitor their client’s reputation and see what people

are saying through user-generated feedback and it also keeps you informed on your client’s competitors. And after

all, who wouldn’t enjoy using Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Blogs on the regular at their job?

Social media has the opportunity to bring people together by connecting them through computer-mediated

environments. Even companies like Starbucks and Target have picked up on this tactic and are now building

mutual relationships with their followers and customers by motivating retweets, comments, likes and follows. The

world is changing constantly and social media plays a major part in that transformation. Just think, our

generation is right in the midst of this social media era and it is only getting bigger from here!



n E



Oh for the Love of Creativity

When I think of public relations I think of problem

solving, communicating with people, event and

campaign planning, the list goes on. My favorite

aspect of public relations is the creative outlet this

field offers. What I mean by the creative aspect I mean being able to come up with an event or campaign and build

on that idea and make it into a reality through publications.

I recently discovered my love for this creative part of public relations after I took a publications class with

Professor Groover. PR Publications was my first taste of being able to make my thoughts into something concrete

and tangible. I learned how to create all kinds of publications that include, brochures, fliers, program covers and

save the dates. This class gave me the foundation I needed to be able to be creative in public relations by teaching

me not only how to make these publications but make them cohesive with the event.

Once my interest in creating an event was sparked I decided to take Event

Management. This class teaches you how to create an event from the ground up. You

have to think of everything from making cohesive publications, promoting the events,

keeping attendees happy and every detail in between. I am in charge of creating the

publications for my event and I am using a lot of the tips I learned in PR Pubs to help

me create everything. One tip I have when creating publications is use contrast in

everything from color choice to font, don't be boring.

You can create an experience that is truly magical through publications. It can be

time consuming but also extremely rewarding. When everything comes together and

you are able to see your fantasy turned into a reality, it’s all worth it.

More than 58 million pounds of chocolate

candy will be sold during Valentine's week.

Did You Know?






Page 3: February 2015 Eagle PRide Newsletter


We LOVE Edward Bernays!

Love is in the air! Love is all around! Love is what we have for our very own Edward

Bernays! The Austrian-born Bernays was known as “the father of public relations.”

His ability to refine and popularize press releases gave him the recognition of being

the best.

As the nephew of Sigmund Freud, Bernays was a top pioneer in the PR industry’s

use of psychology to design great campaigns that involved persuading the public.

Bernays worked with a vast number of famous figures such as President Coolidge,

American Tobacco Company (“Torches of Freedom”), and Dodge Motors. Out of all Bernays’ contributions,

perhaps the greatest contribution he made was to America’s favorite breakfast staple: BACON. Since it’s all about

love this time of year, we can take a look at the way bacon captured our hearts through Edward Bernays

impressive public relations techniques.

Bernays was approached in the 1920’s by the Beech-Nut Packaging Company for help with increasing consumer

demand for bacon (those people were missing out, big time!). Bernays tackled this assignment strategically. He

developed a “study” of 5,000 doctors who were asked if a “hearty breakfast was better than a light breakfast to

replace the energy lost by the body at night.” After the “study” was conducted, the “results” showed that most of

the doctors agreed on this statement. From then on, print and broadcast media

depicted the staple breakfast meal- namely ‘Bacon and Eggs’- as the “hearty

breakfast food to boost energy and vitality.”

So, next time you’re digging into the nearly 18 pounds of bacon that Americans

consume each year, remember Edward Bernays and how PR provided your

favorite protein! During his life, Bernays was an intriguing, influential, and

controversial figure. He served as PR’s main philosopher by demonstrating, for

future generations of PR professionals, how much power their profession holds in

shaping the nation’s economic, political, and cultural life. To me, Bernays’ accomplishments showed me what a

great work ethic he had by living up to the expectation of focusing on the interest of the public with the

ingredients’ needed to control, influence and mold the opinions, tastes, and ideas of the people. C





Remember the time…

Where Did Valentine’s Day come from?

The most popular theory about Valentine's Day origin is that Emperor Claudius II didn't

want Roman men to marry during wartime. Bishop Valentine went against his wishes and

performed secret weddings. For this, Valentine was jailed and executed. While in jail he

wrote a note to the jailor's daughter signing it "from your Valentine".

Page 4: February 2015 Eagle PRide Newsletter


Company Spotlight: Hallmark and Valentine’s Day

It is nearly impossible to think of Valentine’s Day and not think of Hallmark.

Hallmark as a corporation has basically created a holiday that seemingly cannot

exist without Hallmark cards, movies, stuffed animals and chocolates. The idea of

a “corporate-fueled” holiday where the feeling of bliss is centered on purchasing

these products, may anger the anti-materialistic nonconformists. However, one

cannot deny the pure genius behind the public relations and marketing tactics

that this corporation takes advantage of

each February. This year, Hallmark has

continued to embrace their PR guru

reputation with their “Put Your Heart to

Paper” campaign.

In the “Put Your Heart to Paper” campaign, Hallmark films ordinary

couples as they talk about what it means to be in love and the feelings of love that ignite in all of us. The twist to

this Valentine endeavor is that each couple is asked to describe their feelings without using the word “love”. The

results were moving. Hallmark has highlighted the importance of reminding your loved ones how you feel.

Hallmark has proven their PR expertise once again by spreading their message to a wider audience. An elderly

couple, young couple, and couples from different cultures and ethnicities - each couple brings a different story about

love. Amongst the seven endearing videos, they feature a lesbian couple joining in on the sentimental conversation

and communicating their affection for one another.

This inclusion proves that Hallmark is aware of the importance of knowing their target audience and relating to the

current social atmosphere. By including all types of couples in different walks of life to discuss an incredible feeling,

Hallmark has embraced their powerful voice to bring the holiday back to its core reason for existing and reminding

us of the essence of love. It’s not about the cards, movies, stuffed animals, or even chocolates; it’s about real people

and real stories about love. One things for sure, the PR executives at Hallmark know what they’re doing.




ie R



Loving Diversity: Why I Do, and Why You Should, Too!

“…In diversity there is beauty, and there is strength.” Maya Angelou

Love is in the air this month, and so is African-American history.

Since February is synonymous with the two, why not combine them and

share my love for diversity with everyone? You know, that word that

means variety; the thing that our very country is known for…other than

cheeseburgers and fries. Without it, the world would be a very

monotonous place. A world without celebrations for heritage and


Why do I love diversity? Diversity allows us to learn and to grow.

We learn of other people, their backgrounds, and their beliefs, and with

this knowledge, we can grow to become more understanding and

compassionate people. Most would agree that everyone deserves equal opportunity. Loving diversity allows us to

promote the equality that so many have fought for and continue to fight for today.

From a business standpoint, diversity is the best thing that can happen. Diversity fosters creativity and

innovation. It allows us to create solutions from different angles. I have learned in the past that a solution that

might not work in a way you hoped, may work in a way that a person unlike you, creates. Diversity drives a

workforce to become tolerant of those who may be different, and to embrace those differences, while learning to

appreciate a variety of ideas. It’s especially important to those careers that revolve around the need for creativity,

like Public Relations. Without diversity, there would be no success for these businesses. –continued on page 5


ily S




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...continued from page 4

And so, I ask you to think about a world without diversity. A world where

we are the same. What kind of world would that be? Would there be any

room for creativity? Would creativity exist at all? I think we need to

appreciate living somewhere that allows the freedom to be different, and to

think for ourselves. It’s not a luxury everyone, everywhere gets, and with

the blatant racism and disrespect I have witnessed lately, I think it’s time

that everyone recognize that.

Loving PR and the People You Meet

When I first decided to major in Public Relations, my initial thought was that

this particular major will fit me because I like to talk and I love people.

What else could there be? My first class in the department and I realized

that PR is so much more than just that. It’s about building relationships

that last and are genuine, not some made up picture that’s just for show, but

a real concrete foundation.

Growing up I remember always being drawn to thriving in a situation that

others would find awkward, not knowing a single soul in the room. There

were people who just did not understand my fascination with meeting new

people. I could never find a name for it, that is, until I discovered the world

of PR. “Networking” is the word that finally put meaning into what I

couldn’t explain before.

I love PR because it has given me the opportunity to reach out to so many

people and has handed me the tools to meet so many more. Professors that I have been so fortunate enough to

learn from continue to inspire me to use these tools to my advantage every single day. As a student body, I think

we are so fortunate to have the professors that we do because of all the experience and wisdom that they bring to

the table. As I look to my fellow classmates, I see the many strong relationships we’ve made over the years.

However, instead of looking at them as competition, I look at them as friends that will continue to have one

another’s back throughout this journey we call life.

Public Relations is a perfect example of how making long-lasting connections throughout your life can benefit you

in more ways than one. This is why networking is the aspect I love the most about Public Relations. So, the next

time you are in a crowded room of strangers, make sure you interact and mingle with those that you may not know.

Because at the end of the day, working with each other and finding those unexpected relationships will only

further pave your road to success. T

ori H


Why Real World? The Importance of Professional Conferences

In public relations, and many other fields, who you know is just as important

as what you know—the power of networking should never be underestimated.

The Real World PR conference, and others like it, is designed to bring together

current and future public relations professionals. Students attending the

conference participate in careering-advancing workshops, resume critiques, a

career expo and ample networking opportunities. Each year the students are

addressed by a keynote speak. The 2015 conference keynote speaker is Kat

Cole, the president of Cinnabon, Inc. This one day conference provides

students with useful information that will complement the lessons they have

learned in the classroom. -continued on page 6






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…continued from page 5

Many students leave the conference with invaluable advice from current professionals, industry contacts,

internship opportunities and new friends. In addition to those things, students learn firsthand how to conduct

themselves in a professional environment. Walking into a room full of potential employers can be nerve wracking

but after this experience students will have a better idea of what to expect and how to handle it.

As a marketing student, I attended a DECA conference held in Atlanta, Georgia. During this conference, I learned

how to exchange ideas and receive constructive feedback in a professional setting. Attending this conference also

opened my eyes to professional options and career paths I didn’t know existed. Getting this kind of experience

before graduating and starting your career gives you a special look into what top employers in the industry are

looking for. I would recommend that everyone presented with the opportunity to attend a professional conference,

should definitely take advantage of it. Only conferences of this design, give students access to so many valuable

resources at once.

This years’ Real World conference will be held on Friday, February 20, 2015 at the Westin, Atlanta Perimeter

North. The registration fee for PRSSA members is $85. Registration for non PRSSA members is $95. Students

must be registered by Tuesday, February 17.

For more information visit: http://www.prsageorgia.org/?page=RealWorld_Conference.

Why Do We Love Reputation Management and Branding?

The upcoming Regional Conference is a great accomplishment for our PRSSA

chapter. Your executive board has been working hard since the summer to be

able to give you this experience. We are so proud to announce that we are the

one and only university chosen to host the conference from our region. Our

chapter is also one of ten in the entire nation that was given the chance to host

a regional conference this year. Now we have the opportunity to bring the

experiences and knowledge that you would normally have to travel and pay a

lot of money for, right to your doorstep.

This Regional Conference is a wonderful opportunity, not only to network ,but

to gain important insight into how to build your personal brand and manage

your reputation. You get to learn these things from professionals who are currently in the industry and have the

knowledge to help us become better PR professionals. As the co-coordinator of the conference, I feel this is an

extremely relevant topic of our time. We see this on the news every week it seems; another person in the public eye

has done something to damage how the public sees them (their brand). Although these people are often celebrity

types, the same concept goes for those of us entering the professional world. We are under great scrutiny and

pressure to have a positive reputation and it is becoming

increasingly difficult to keep our personal lives personal. The

use of social media is a key player in this challenge.

Being in Public Relations we all know Social Media is a great

tool when it comes to building and promoting our brand, but it

can also be the sole outlet that breaks it down. One way we can

use it positively is by blogging about different topics we are

passionate about, therefore reaching different audiences and

getting your name out there. It is my personal belief, if you are

not actively building and promoting your personal brand and

reputation, others will build it for you. People will make an

opinion of you no matter what, but you can influence what that

opinion will be. As marketing expert Jim Joseph says it, “It’s

not about being Kim Kardashian, it’s about being yourself and managing how people perceive you.” That is what we

hope this conference will do for our students and future professionals. To register for our regional conference, visit



ily P


Page 7: February 2015 Eagle PRide Newsletter


2014-2015 Executive Board

President—Heidi Foon Vice President—Emily Pacitti

Treasurer—Sarah Mooney Secretary—Ethan Flynn

Liaison—Khyra Walker Managing Editor—Kelsey Anderson

Webmaster—Heather Lana Social Media Manager—Briyanna Ferguson

Like. Follow. ENGAGE.

Twitter: @PRSSAGaSouthern

Facebook: PRSSA at Georgia Southern University

Mark Your Calendars For The Next Two PRSSA Meetings:

Tuesday, Feb. 24, 2015 at 6 p.m.—Russell Union 2042

Tuesday, March 10, 2015 at 6 p.m.—Russell Union 2042