feudalism and the manor economy - mrs. frances-goldstein...

December 18, 2014 Feudalism and the Manor Economy Aim: How did Feudalism shape the economic, political, and social life of people in Europe during the Middle Ages? The Middle Ages! Barbarian Invasions cause the Fall of the Western Roman Empire The Rise of Feudalism in Europe New Kingdoms are unable to protect themselves from Barbarian Invasions, causing a need for localized Protection Rise of New Kingdoms/ States that are not united (Charlemagne’s empire was short-lived)

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Page 1: Feudalism and the Manor Economy - MRs. Frances-Goldstein ...msfrances.weebly.com/uploads/1/1/0/2/11026627/fudeualism_and_the_manor... · December 18, 2014 Feudalism and the Manor

December 18, 2014

Feudalism and the Manor Economy

Aim: How did Feudalism shape the economic, political, and social life of people in Europe during the Middle Ages?

The Middle Ages!

Barbarian Invasions cause theFall of the Western Roman Empire

TheRise of Feudalism in Europe

New Kingdoms are unable to protect themselves fromBarbarianInvasions, causing a need for localized Protection

Rise ofNewKingdoms/States that are not united (Charlemagne’s empire was short-lived)

Page 2: Feudalism and the Manor Economy - MRs. Frances-Goldstein ...msfrances.weebly.com/uploads/1/1/0/2/11026627/fudeualism_and_the_manor... · December 18, 2014 Feudalism and the Manor

December 18, 2014

Threat of Constant Invasion

Feudalism-A political and social system of the middle ages based upon relationships of mutual obligations.

-This system was derived as a result of no strong central government. (There were still kings they were just weak!)

-This system was based upon the exchange of land for protection.

-A grant of land was called a fief.

-The individual who granted the land is known as a lord and the individual who receives the land is known as a vassal.

Page 3: Feudalism and the Manor Economy - MRs. Frances-Goldstein ...msfrances.weebly.com/uploads/1/1/0/2/11026627/fudeualism_and_the_manor... · December 18, 2014 Feudalism and the Manor

December 18, 2014

Feudal Contract

-Ceremony began with the act of homage (agreement to provide military service in return for land)

-This officially entered the two parties in a feudal relationship.

-This was followed by an oath of fidelity.

Feudal Obligations

Obligations of the lord Obligations of the vassal

• Protect the vassal• Grant the vassal a fief, or


• Pledge loyalty to the lord• Provide the lord with 40 days

of military service per year• Provide money payments

and advice

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December 18, 2014

Feudal Pyramid

Feudal Pyramid

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December 18, 2014

Warfare-Warfare was a way of life during this time.

-Castles were built for defense, and nobles began training at a young age to be knights.

-These fortresses housed lords and knights and provided refuge to peasants in time of war.

Knights!Boys as young as seven went to the castle of their father’s lord to learn to ride and fight.

When training was done, the young man was made a knight in a public ceremony.

Knights engaged in warfare and mock battles called tournaments.

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December 18, 2014


-Knights adopted a code of conduct called chivalry.

-It required them to be brave, loyal, and true to their word, as well as to fight fairly.

Manor Economy

-Manorialism got its name from the manor or large farming estates that fiefs were broken into.

-There was little to no trade during this time because it was unsafe to leave one’s manor.

-As a result people became self-sufficient.

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December 18, 2014

-Everything that was needed was produced on one’s manor.

-Food, clothing, and shelter were all produced on the manner.

-The land on the manor was shared by a lord and several peasant families. Most of the population were serfs, who were bound to the land.

Manor Economy

Manor Economy

-Most peasants never traveled farther than a few miles away during their entire lives

- Peasant life was harsh, worked long hours, usually on lived till the age of 35

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December 18, 2014