ffm 1 - overview of forests and forestry & management

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  • 8/9/2019 FFM 1 - Overview of Forests and Forestry & Management


    Overview of Forests and

    Forestry Management


  • 8/9/2019 FFM 1 - Overview of Forests and Forestry & Management


    Forest•  The word “forest” is derived from Latin

    word “foris” meaning outside the villageboundary or away from inhabited land.

    • Forest – (a) (enl.!. "n area set aside forthe #rodu$tion of timber % other forest

    #rodu$e& or maintained under woodyvegetation for $ertain indire$t bene'tswhi$h it #rovides& e.g.& $limati$ or#rote$tive. (b) ($ol.!. " #lant $ommunity

    #redominantly of trees % other woodyvegetation& usually with a $losed $ano#y.(c) (Legal!. "n area of land #ro$laimed tobe a forest under a forest law.


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    F"O *e'nition

    • F"O $lassi'es all su$h lands intoforests whi$h bear vegetativeasso$iations dominated by trees of

    any si+e& e,#loited or not& $a#able of#rodu$ing wood or other forest#rodu$ts& or e,erting an in-uen$e on

    the $limate or water regime or#roviding shelter for livesto$ %wildlife.


  • 8/9/2019 FFM 1 - Overview of Forests and Forestry & Management


    F"O de'nition of ForestLO0"L FO2T 2O342 "2222M5T )616& TM2 "5* *F757T7O52

    OM& )616

    • FOREST

    • Land spanning more than 0.5 hectares with trees higher than5 meters and a canopy cover o more than !0 percent" or treesab#e to reach these thresho#ds in situ. It does not include landthat is predominantly under agricultural or urban land use.

    ,#lanatory notes1. Forest is determined both by the #resen$e of trees and the absen$e of

    other #redominant land uses. The trees should be able to rea$h aminimum height of 8 meters in situ.

    ). 7n$ludes areas with young trees that have not yet rea$hed but whi$hare e,#e$ted to rea$h a $ano#y $over of 16 #er$ent and tree height of

    8 meters. 7t also in$ludes areas that are tem#orarily unsto$ed due to$lear9$utting as #art of a forest management #ra$ti$e or naturaldisasters& and whi$h are e,#e$ted to be regenerated within 8 years.Lo$al $onditions may& in e,$e#tional $ases& :ustify that a longer timeframe is used.

    /. 7n$ludes forest roads& 'rebreas and other small o#en areas; forest in

    national #ars& nature reserves and other #rote$ted areas su$h asthose of s#e$i'$ environmental& s$ienti'$& histori$al& $ultural or

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  • 8/9/2019 FFM 1 - Overview of Forests and Forestry & Management


     Bungle % ForestC

    •  &%ng#e – The general 7ndian term forforest. ("bridged lossary of

     Te$hni$al Terms& F7 % 4olleges&

    *ehra *un!

    • “The ob:e$ts with whi$h nature#rodu$es vegetation are not identi$al

    with that of man. The former#rodu$es a ‘jungle’ . The latter a‘forest’ .”


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  • 8/9/2019 FFM 1 - Overview of Forests and Forestry & Management


    8 4om#onents of DForestE *e'nition

    1. 7t is an %nc%#tivated land area.

    ). The land area should be o$$u#ied bydierent inds of nat%ra# vegetationessentially by trees or it is #ro#osed toestablish trees % other forms of vegetation.

    /. The trees should form a $losed or a#artially c#osed canopy.

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    4lassi'$ation of ForestsA0asis

    7. "ge

    77. Method of regeneration

    777. 4om#osition7H. Ownershi#

    H. Ob:e$t of management

    H7.LegalH77.rowing sto$



  • 8/9/2019 FFM 1 - Overview of Forests and Forestry & Management


    1. 4lassi'$ation by "ge

    • Even aged ' neven ged.

    • ven "ged or egular Forests – Treesof a##ro,imately the same age.

    •  True even aged forests $an only beman9made forests.

    • 3neven "ged or 7rregular – Ihentrees vary widely in age.


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    ). 4lassi'$ation byegeneration

    • *igh Forests ' +oppice Forests. – Jigh Forests – Ihen regeneration is obtained

    from seed.


    4o##i$e Forests – Ihen the regeneration isthrough $o##i$e or some vegetative #art of thetree.

    • ,at%ra# ' -anmade orests. –

    5atural – Ihen the regeneration is obtainednaturally.

     – Man9made – "rti'$ial regeneration or Klantation.


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    /. 4lassi'$ation by4om#osition

    • /%re Forest – 3sually to the e,tent of notless than 86

    • -i$ed – Forest $om#osed of trees of two or

    more s#e$ies intermingled in the same$ano#y.

    • /rincipa# Species – First in im#ortan$e.

    • ccessory Species – Less im#ortant.

    • %$i#iary Species or Secondary Species– 7nferior s#e$ies& relatively little silvi$ulturalvalue.


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  • 8/9/2019 FFM 1 - Overview of Forests and Forestry & Management


    8. 4lassi'$ation byOwnershi#

    • overnment orests.

    • /rivate orests

    Forests owned by corporations"panchayats" societies ' otheragencies.


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    =. Legal 4lassi'$ation

    ovt. forests are further $lassi'ed into9

    • Reserved Forests

    • /rotected Forests

    • 1i##age Forests

    7ndian Forest "$t& 1@)>


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    >. 4lassi'$ation by rowing2to$

    • ,orma# orest – an ideal forest withregard to growing sto$& age $lassdistribution % in$rement % from whi$h the

    annual or #eriodi$ removal of #rodu$eeual to the in$rement $an be $ontinuedinde'nitely without endangering futureyields.

    • 2u$h forests serve a standard for$om#arison % are rarely found in nature.

    • bnorma# orest – Ihi$h is not normal.


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    • Forestry is de'ned as the theory %#ra$ti$e of all that $onstitutes the$reation& $onservation % s$ienti'$

    management of forests % theutilization of their resources.


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    7ntensive Forestry % Multi#le 3se


    • 2ntensive Forestry – The #ra$ti$e of forestrywith the ob:e$t of obtaining the ma,imum involume % uality of #rodu$ts #er unit areathrough the a##li$ation of the best te$hniuesof silvi$ulture % management.

    • -%#tip#e%se Forestry – The #ra$ti$e offorestry for Dthe simultaneous use of a forestarea for two or more #ur#oses& often in somemeasure $on-i$ting& e.g.& the #rodu$tion ofwood with forest gra+ing %Gor wild life$onservation.


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    Forestry +#assi3cation at a #ance

    ("!Krote$tion Forestry

    (0!4ommer$ial Forestry

    (4!2o$ial Forestry

    (1! Farm Forestry

    ()! ,tension Forestry

     (i! Mi,ed Forestry

     (ii! 2helterbelts

     (iii! Linear 2tri# Klantations  (/! e$reational Forestry


    Forestr Ob:e$ti e based $lassi'$ation

  • 8/9/2019 FFM 1 - Overview of Forests and Forestry & Management


    Forestry – Ob:e$tive based $lassi'$ation

    !. /rotection Forestry – The #ra$ti$e of forestrywith the #rimary ob:e$t of 1. protecting lands

    against wind % water erosion ). conservingwater su##lies for human $onsum#tion& 'sh$ulture et$. /. red%cing ha4ards from -ood %

  • 8/9/2019 FFM 1 - Overview of Forests and Forestry & Management


    Harious *imensions of 2o$ial Forestry

    !. Farm Forestry – the #ra$ti$e of forestry onfarms in the form of raising rows of trees onbunds or boundaries of 'eld % individualtrees in #rivate agri$ulture land as well as$reation of wind breaks.

    6. E$tension orestry – the #ra$ti$e offorestry in areas devoid of tree growth %other vegetation % situated in #la$es awayfrom the $onventional forest areas.

    7. Recreationa# Forestry8 estheticForestry – aising ornamental trees %shrubs for develo#ing a forest of high s$eni$value.


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  • 8/9/2019 FFM 1 - Overview of Forests and Forestry & Management



  • 8/9/2019 FFM 1 - Overview of Forests and Forestry & Management



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  • 8/9/2019 FFM 1 - Overview of Forests and Forestry & Management



  • 8/9/2019 FFM 1 - Overview of Forests and Forestry & Management


    Jistory of Forests % Forestry in 7ndia

    • Forests in Maurya Keriod.

    • NautilyaEs "rthshastra (/)6 04! –

    • J.O.*. Forest – Nu#yadhyasha& assisted by

    Han#alas. *uties in$luded in$reasing the#rodu$tivity of forests& ',ing the #ri$es offorest #rodu$e& $lassi'$ation of various ty#es oftrees % bamboos % $olle$tion of various ty#es offorest #rodu$e in$luding wildlife.

    • Forests 4lassi'ed into – 1. eserved for the ing). reserved for the state /. donated to eminantbrahmins %

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    4ontinued 9

    • 4at$hing ele#hants was on of theduties of Hana#alas.

    • Nilling of wild animals& #arti$ularlyele#hants& was a #unishable oen$e.

    • Forests lo$ated at the boundaries ofthe state were very well #rote$ted.

    • Felling of trees in state forests was#rohibited.


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    Forests in 0ritish Keriod

    • *uring the rule of ast 7ndia 4om#any 9 larges$ale removal of timber % other forest #rodu$e.

    • *uring 1?66 – " Forestry 4ommission was

    a##ointed to mae regulation #rohibiting fellingin young tea forests of Malabar *istri$t.

    • 1?6= – " #oli$e o$er Mr. Iatson wasa##ointed as 4onservator of Forests for

    arranging e,#loitation of forests.• 1?

  • 8/9/2019 FFM 1 - Overview of Forests and Forestry & Management


    4ontinued 9• 1?88 – overnor eneral Lord *alhousie issued

    a memorandum of o7& outlining the ste#s for

    forest $onservation.

    • 1?=< – Forest de#artment was $reated by o7 %*r *ietri$h 0randis was a##ointed as the 'rst7ns#e$tor eneral.

    • 1?=8 – 7ndian Forest "$t was formulated.-onopo#y right o the state wasrecogni4ed. F % KF $lassi'$ation introdu$ed.

    • 1??) – " se#arate forest a$t for Madras#residen$y. “Ma:or eserved Forests” were e#tunder ovt $ontrol. “Minor Forests” weretransferred to #an$hayats.


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    4ontinued 9

    • 1?@6 – " erman 2$ientist *r.Hoel$er em#hasi+ed the need toim#rove the $ondition of forests.

    • 1?@< – First 5ational Forest Koli$y. This forest #oli$y % the forest a$t didnot signi'$antly ae$t the s$ale of

    deforestation.• 1@)> – 7ndian Forest "$t

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    7m#ortant ste#s undertaen during

    0ritish Keriod

    7. 4reation of Forest *e#t. organi+ation.

    77. na$ting laws % #oli$ies.

    777. Ma##ing of forests % 'eld demar$ation.

    7H. *e$laring more % more forests as F % KF.H. Kre#aration of woring #lans.

    H7.7nitiation of arti'$ial #ro#agation te$hniuesfor some im#ortant #lant s#e$ies.

    H77.stablishment of forest resear$h institute&training $olleges et$.

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    Forestry "fter 7nde#enden$e• 1@

  • 8/9/2019 FFM 1 - Overview of Forests and Forestry & Management


    E$tent o orests (mha) in top ten co%ntries o thewor#d.

    ,tent of Forests 7n 7ndia % Other4ountries

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    Forest *istribution in 7ndia

    • @8 owned by government.

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    oles of Forests!./rod%ctive – Iood& Fuelwood& 7ndustrial raw

    material& 5TFK.6. /rotective ' me#iorative 9 4arbon

    seuestration& in$reasing lo$al #re$i#itation&redu$tion in tem#erature& maintaining

    #rodu$tivity of soil& $he$ing soil erosion %-oods& redu$ing wind velo$ity& store9house ofgeneti$ diversity& #rote$tion from #ollution&a$t as shelterbelt % windbrea.

    7.Recreationa# – 5ational Kars % 2an$tuaries&,#erimental laboratory& healing ee$t.

    9.:eve#opmenta# – m#loyment& tribaldevelo#ment& sour$e of revenue to govt.

  • 8/9/2019 FFM 1 - Overview of Forests and Forestry & Management


    2ilvi$ulture• 7t refers to $ertain as#e$ts of theory

    % #ra$ti$e of raising forest $ro#s(4ham#ion % 2eth& 1@=?!.

    • 7t is de'ned as the art % s$ien$e of$ultivating forest $ro#s.

    • 7t is $on$erned with the te$hni$aldetails of $ro# #rodu$tion % de'nedas the art of #rodu$ing % tending a

    forest or the theory % #ra$ti$e of$ontrolling forest establishment&

    $om#osition % growth (2mith& 1@>=!.

  • 8/9/2019 FFM 1 - Overview of Forests and Forestry & Management


    Ob:e$tives of 2ilvi$ulture1. 4ontrol of $ro# $om#osition % #rodu$tion

    of s#e$ies of more e$onomi$ value.

    ). 4ontrol of stand9density for #rodu$tion ofma,imum volume.

    /. "orestation of blan % under9sto$ed

    areas.. 4reation of man9made forests %

    introdu$tion of e,oti$s.

    ?. Krote$tion of site % intangible returns.

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    • " Te,tboo of 2ilvi$ulture – by " K*wivedi

    • Krin$i#les % Kra$ti$e of 2ilvi$ulture –

    by L 2 Nhanna

    • "bridged lossary of Te$hni$al Terms– F7 % 4olleges& *ehra *un

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