fiction: a story that is made up by an author (not true)

ELEMENTS OF FICTION Fiction: A story that is made up by an author (not true).

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Post on 25-Dec-2015




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  • Fiction: A story that is made up by an author (not true).
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  • REALISTIC FICTION A story that tells about characters and events that are similar to people and animals in real life.
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  • SCIENCE FICTION A story that is set in the future and is based on scientific ideas.
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  • HISTORICAL FICTION A story that is set in the past and portrays people, places, and events that did or could have happened. A story that is not realistic; sometimes, the characters have magical or supernatural powers. FANTASY
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  • SETTING when and where the action in the story takes place. Map of Narnia
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  • PLOT The plot is the outline of events that takes place in a story.
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  • Plot (continued) Exposition- the first part of the story. The author establishes the setting, introduces characters, and gives additional background information. Rising Action- the series of conflicts or struggles that build a story toward its climax. Tension rises.
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  • Plot (continued) Climax- the high point or turning point in a story. It is the most intense point. A decision is made that will decide the outcome of the conflict. Falling Action- the action that works out the decision arrived at during the climax. The conflict is or begins to be settled.
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  • Resolution Resolution is the conclusion of the story. The reader finds out how the conflict has been resolved and what happens with the characters.
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  • CHARACTERS The people or animals that take part in the story. MAIN CHARACTERS: who the story is mainly about MINOR CHARACTERs: the less important characters in the story Selection of Characters from Percy Jackson and the Olympians
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  • Characters (continued) Character Types- Protagonist- the main character in the story that is most central to the action in the story. Antagonist- the person or thing working against the protagonist or hero in the story.
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  • Characterization- The techniques an author uses to develop the personality of a character in a literary work. An author can give information about a character by describing several aspects of the character:
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  • Characterization (continued) physical appearance and personality speech, behavior, and actions thoughts and feelings interactions with other characters
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  • Static Characters- characters that stay the same throughout the story.
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  • Dynamic Characters- characters that change and learn something during the story.
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  • Flat characters very few personality traits; do not change throughout the story; sometimes can be symbols or stereotypes.
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  • Round characters convincing and true to life; many different personality traits; usually undergo a change during the story.
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  • CONFLICT The struggle between two opposing forces in a story. 1. INTERNAL CONFLICT Takes place within a characters mind. 2. EXTERNAL CONFLICT The character struggles with an outside force. The Brothers Grimm: Sleeping Beauty
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  • External Conflict An external conflict is between a character and an outside force. Man vs. Man Man vs. Nature Man vs. Society
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  • Internal Conflict An internal conflict is between a character and his/her self. Man vs. Self
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  • OTHER TYPES OF CONFLICT Man vs. Supernatural Gods, ghosts, monsters, spirits, aliens, etc. Man vs. Fate Fight for choice; fight against destiny Man vs. Technology Computers, machines, etc.
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  • Conflict (continued) Without conflict, there is no plot! The plot mountain is created around the conflict Introduced in rising action Is faced head-on during climax Begins to work itself out during falling action Is resolved during resolution.
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  • POINT OF VIEW The vantage point from which a story is told. 1 st person the writer uses first-person pronouns (I or me) to tell the story; only one (biased) perspective. 3 rd person narrator describes the events, but does not take part in them. 3 rd person omniscient the narrator knows everything; encompassing.
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  • Mood While we often associate setting with the where and when, there is also an emotional effect of setting because the setting can create a mood or an atmosphere. A storys mood is the feeling that a text conveys to its readers.
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  • Symbolism Something concretesuch as a person, place, or objectthat signifies something more than just itself, something abstract, such as a concept or an idea. Universal Symbols: water = purity black clouds = evil approaching
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  • THEME Theme is the statement about life that the author wants to share with the reader. Often times, the reader will have to make inferences or reasonable guesses as to the theme of the story. Helpful hint- Ask yourself what lesson the main character learned in the story?
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  • What is an authors tone? TONE
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  • Tone indicates the writers attitude. Often an author's tone is described by adjectives, such as: cynical, depressed, sympathetic, cheerful, outraged, positive, angry, sarcastic, prayerful, ironic, solemn, vindictive, intense, excited. What is an authors tone?
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  • Tone is not an action. It is an attitude.
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  • Tone is not explained or expressed directly.
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  • A reader must read between the lines to determine the authors attitude and identify the tone.
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  • Tone is the authors own attitude toward the subject. Mood is the emotion the author wants the readers to feel while reading about the subject. Tone is different from mood.
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  • An authors tone influences the storys mood and atmosphere.
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  • An authors tone leads to the storys atmosphere and mood.
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  • An author writes a horror story using a serious and sinister tone. That tone helps create a scary atmosphere and a nervous, frightened mood for the readers. Example:
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  • An author writes a satire, making fun of a horror story using a playful or sarcastic tone. That playful tone helps create a humorous mood for the readers. Another Example:
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  • Irony A surprise! It is the difference between what we expect to happen, and what actually does happen. It is often used to add suspense and interest. It is also used to keep the reader thinking about the theme of the story.
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  • The Big Picture Irony Verbal Irony Situational Irony Dramatic Irony
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  • Verbal Irony The simplest kind of irony. You use it everyday when you say one thing and really mean another. It is often similar to a sarcastic response. Example: When you appear to be sick and someone asks you if youre okay. You say Of course! But in the meantime you are vomiting and fainting.
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  • Situational Irony Occurs when a situation turns out to be the opposite of what you thought it would be. Example: The teachers daughter is a high school drop out. The chef wont eat his/her own cooking. The barber always needs a hair cut.
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  • Dramatic Irony Occurs when the audience knows something that the characters in the story, on the screen, or on the stage do not know; the audience is more aware of whats going in the story compared to the characters. This is used to engage the audience and keep them actively involved in the storyline.
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  • Dramatic Irony (continued) In all of the Friday the 13 th movies, we know Jason is in the woods. The characters do not. When they go out into the woods, we are afraid for them because we know that they are in danger. We scream for them to run; we get excited when they fall; we cringe when we know that Jason is right behind the tree.
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  • Foreshadowing A writers way of hinting at what will come in the story. A reader can make predictions based on the information given. The reader is able to have an A-ha moment and make connections later on in the story.
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  • Authors Purpose Authors have a purpose in mind when writing: entertain, analyze, persuade, inform, etc. They consider their audience when deciding on a subject, purpose for writing, and the tone and style in which to write.
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  • Dialogue The words that characters speak aloud/exchange with one another. Always involves two or more people.