fighting the giant - how to empower local brand to fight against global brand


Upload: sapto-handriyanto

Post on 01-Nov-2014




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The wave of global brands expansion is unavoidable, for local brands this is a seriour threat. However the way local brands facing the challenge is usually by catch up the standard of global brands. This is when they fall into the mistake. Every local brand has potential to become a global brand, all they need is unquestionable quality AND stories. Therefore the way local brands taking challenge from global brands is not by imitating it, instead it should be standing on its own and create diffeences.



2. We generally think that they are better than local. Are they? Our life is surrounded by global brands 3. NO GLOBAL BRANDS STARTED AS A GLOBAL BRAND 4. THEYRE ALL STARTED AS A LOCAL BRAND 5. There was only one small store in Seattle Previously.. 6. Source: Washington Post They are all over the world Today, 7. Well have the same quality of STARBUCKS experience Anywhere in the world, Barista @ Starbucks greeting the customer 8. It is still carrying the spirit of local coffee shop But no matter how global STARBUCKS is Starbucks store @ Beijing, China 9. WHY? BECAUSE GLOBAL CONSUMER ONLY EXIST ON PAPER 10. IN REALITY, ALL CONSUMERS ARE A LOCAL CONSUMER 11. In San Bernardino, California (1940) It was also started as a local brand The first ever McDonald Restaurant 12. HOW DOES A LOCAL BRAND BECOME THE GLOBAL BRAND? 13. DONT PLAY DEFENSE 14. PLAY OFFENSE 15. The biggest beer in South East Asia Story of 16. In 1889, a well-known Manila businessman, Don Enrique Mara Barretto de Ycaza y Esteban, applied for a royal grant from Spain to establish a brewery in the Philippines. The brewery was the first in Southeast Asia using the most modern equipment and facilities of the day. 17. Today, San Miguel Corporation is Southeast Asia's largest publicly listed food, beverage and packaging company with over 17,000 employees in over 100 major facilities throughout the Asia-Pacific region. Its flagship product, San Miguel Beer, is one of the largest selling beers and among the top ten selling beer brands in the world. San Miguel's manufacturing operations extend beyond its home market to Hong Kong, China, Indonesia, Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia and Australia; and its products are exported to 60 markets around the world. 18. An old print ad of Kratingdaeng from 1970s They keep growing themselves aggressively Having an advantage of being the first didnt make San Miguel settle 19. It goes further From a beer into various line of businesses 20. IF SAN MIGUEL SETTLED AS THE PHILIPPINE'S MOST SELLING BEER, THEY WONT GO THIS FAR (and competitors will eventually come to steal their crown) 21. San Miguel is keep investing in various strategic business And it seems they are far from being settled Sual Power Station TPLEX Toll Road 22. SAN MIGUEL CORPORATION IS CURRENTLY GENERATING 6,6% OF THE COUNTRY GDP 23. DONT ADOPT GLOBAL SUCCESS 24. PROMOTE LOCAL SUCCESS 25. Some will say Kratingdaeng What logo is this? Other will say red bull 26. Krating Daeng was first introduced in Thailand in 1976. It contains water, cane sugar, caffeine, taurine, inositol and B-vitamins. Krating Daeng sales soared across Asia in the 1980s, especially among truck drivers, construction workers and farmers. The working class image was boosted by sponsorship of Thai boxing matches, where the logo of two red bulls charging each other was often on display. 27. The Thai product was transformed into a global brand by Dietrich Mateschitz, an Austrian entrepreneur. Mateschitz was the international marketing director for Blendax, a German toothpaste company, when he visited Thailand in 1982 and discovered that Krating Daeng helped to cure his jet lag. He cooperated with Chaleo's T.C Pharmaceuticals to adapt the formula and composition to "Western tastes". Then, he launched Red Bull in 1987. 28. Now is the number one energy drink in the world What was started as a booster drink for working class in Thailand An old print ad of Kratingdaeng from 1970s 29. It goes further From Energy drink into global name of extreme actions 30. ALL BECAUSE IT HAS BROUGHT LOCAL SUCCESS (MUAY THAI) INTO GLOBAL ADAPTATION (EXTREME GAMES) 31. Could Kratingdaeng go? But how extreme 32. SKY IS NO LONGER THE LIMIT (literally). AS LONG AS ITS EXTREME, ITS KRATINGDAENG. 33. DONT AIM TO BE A GLOBAL BRAND 34. AIM TO BE A UNIVERSAL BRAND 35. GLOBAL BRAND IS THE RESULT UNIVERSAL BRAND IS THE PROCESS 36. But why they are accepted globally? We know that these brands are global brands because they are anywhere globally. 37. A universal language Because they speak Safe Magical I can 38. Nelson Mandela If you speak a language a man understand, you speak to his mind. If you speak his language, you spak to his heart 39. Local Success Global Adaptation Universal Language LOCAL BRAND UNIVERSAL BRAND GLOBAL BRAND Universal Value In short The process The Asset The Process The Result Universal Story 40. That dont impress me that much! So.. You got a product? 41. LOCAL SUCCESS IS LIKE A ROUGH DIAMOND IN THE GLOBAL MARKET WE NEED TO GET THE VALUE OUT OF IT 42. The same as diamond by having 4Cs How to create universal values of our brand 43. BUT ITS NOT CUT, CLARITY, COLOR & CARAT 44. INSTEAD ITS CONTEXT, CASE, COST & CONFIDENT 45. CONTEXT Consider the brand context that will perfectly fulfill the need of the consumers 46. CASE Consider the packaging of the brand, and doesnt mean only a physical packaging of the brand 47. COST Consider values we offer. Its not about being the cheapest, but more about being most valuable 48. CONFIDENCE Consider the brand reputation. On top of all benefit a brand can offer, people also buy a brand because of its reputation 49. WITH UNIVERSAL VALUE IN HAND WE CAN CREATE UNIVERSAL STORY 50. The world knows about Tomyum soup People can tell a lot of story about Tomyum soup 51. What does the world know about soto? Whereas there a lot of stories about soto we can tell 52. The world knows about Korean Ginseng People can tell a lot of story about Korean Ginseng 53. What does the world know about temulawak? Whereas there a lot of stories about temulawak we can tell 54. What is the story of Indonesian Champion Brands? What does the world know about them? 55. The Great Story of 56. INDOMIE HAS SUCCEED LOCALLY COULD IT ALSO SUCCESS GLOBALLY? 57. YES IT COULD! 58. Indomie is quite known in Nigeria its considered to be their staple food 59. Indomie ads in Ghana 60. Indomie in Saudi Arabia 61. Indomie in Australia & New Zealand 62. On May 2011 Jesse Two Ocean (J2O) from London, United Kingdom performing "Indomie" Produced by Acen, praising the taste of Indomie. The video attracts more than 500.000 viewers to date 63. On December 13, 2009 The late Roger Ebert, popular film critic from United States for Chicago Sun-Times, ranked Indomie in one of his "Twelve Gifts of Christmas" in position #1 64. The road was long and difficult, but Indomie has made it through a universal language: Tasty Instant Noodle 65. Currently, Indomie is sold globally 66. Started as local brand Now Indomie is one of the global brand 67. INDOMIE DIDNT: PLAY DEFENSE ADOPT GLOBAL SUCCESS AIM TO BE A GLOBAL BRAND 68. INDOMIE DID: PLAY OFFENSE PROMOTE LOCAL SUCCESS AIM TO BE A UNIVERSAL BRAND 69. Local Success Global Adaptation Universal Language UNIVERSAL BRAND GLOBAL BRAND Universal Value The Asset The Process The Result Universal Story Tasty Instant Noodle Context : Staple Food Case : Local Flavor Cost : Valuable Confidence : Taste Best Everyone likes it 70. Charles Darwin Only the most adaptable will survive T H A N K Y O U