figures of speech. similes are a figure of speech that compare two nouns that are not alike in most...

Figures of Speech

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Post on 18-Dec-2015




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Figures of Speech

Similes are a figure of speech that compare two nouns that are not alike in most ways, but are similar in one important way.

In other words, Similes set two unlike things side-by-side to make us see how they are alike.

Similes use the words “as” or “like” to make the connection between the two things that are being compared.

Authors use them to make their writing more interesting or entertaining.

Metaphors are a figure of speech that compare two nouns that are alike in some way, only you don't use the word “like” or “as”.

Metaphors state that something is something else.

Metaphors are a way to describe something.

Authors use them to make their writing more interesting and entertaining.

She sings like an angel. His skin was as cold as ice.

These cookies taste like garbage. I was so tired I slept like a log.

It felt as hard as rock. She looked as gentle as a lamb. He had a temper like a volcano. They fought like cats and dogs.

My desk is a rat’s nest. My friend is a clown. She is a jack rabbit.

My brother is a monkey. The cafeteria is a zoo.

My new bike is a dream. Grandpa is a teddy bear.

Grandma is a peach.

He eats like a pig. (Simile) He is a pig. (Metaphor)

She looks like a doll. (Simile) She is a doll. (Metaphor)

He is as strong as an ox. (Simile) He is an ox. (Metaphor)

She was as happy as a clam.Simile

My father is a rock.Metaphor

You are my sunshine.Metaphor

That book is as old as the hills.Simile

I’m as hungry as a bear.Simile

The soap was a slippery eel.Metaphor