film poster annotations (2)

This slogan for the poster is very appealing for the audience it gives them a sense of danger , and that anything they want to do is possible. This helps the poster relate with the action genre as target audiences like spontaneity. The logo for batman is on fire the colour orange creates passion and danger as well as excitement so this will show audiences that if they watch this film they will be excited and enjoy it. The logo has been placed on the building above Batman this shows that wherever he goes he leaves his mark behind that everyone will remember , that he is powerful this may appeal to audiences as they would a sense of that power to be considered a hero. The image of Batman has been placed in the middle of the poster this is eye catching and attracts audiences, the shot is a low angle to make him look powerful and serious. The colours for the background of the poster are black this connotes mystery and darkness and this adds curiosity and will hook the target audience to film poster. There is also some navy blue, grey and white clouds this shows that a storm is coming (evil) and he has must save the city. These are the film credits it has been placed underneath the film title, this is just to inform the audience who has participated in the making of the film. The film logo has a black bat behind the title this is so it sticks into the target audiences head so that they will recognise what the film will be about. The title is in white to stand out against the black background, the title ‘ The Dark Knight’ may insinuate that although he may seem dangerous the ‘Knight’ shows he is heroic this from theory that a film has a hero, that would appeal to audiences because they would want to see how Batman acts as a hero. The image of city has been put in the poster to show that this is Batman’s city, he owns it again this adds to his sense of power and this may appeal to target audiences. ANNOTATIONS OF FILM POSTERS. This poster is interesting is interesting because its gives off two sides to Batman it shows that he doesn’t care about rules hence why the building has his logo flaming but at the same time he is a protector of the city. This attracts audiences because it shows him off as a heroic vigilante.

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Post on 02-Dec-2014



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Page 1: Film poster annotations (2)

This slogan for the poster is very appealing for the audience it gives them a sense of danger , and that anything they want to do is possible. This helps the poster relate with the action genre as target audiences like spontaneity.

The logo for batman is on fire the colour orange creates passion and danger as well as excitement so this will show audiences that if they watch this film they will be excited and enjoy it. The logo has been placed on the building above Batman this shows that wherever he goes he leaves his mark behind that everyone will remember , that he is powerful this may appeal to audiences as they would a sense of that power to be considered a hero.

The image of Batman has been placed in the middle of the poster this is eye catching and attracts audiences, the shot is a low angle to make him look powerful and serious.

The colours for the background of the poster are black this connotes mystery and darkness and this adds curiosity and will hook the target audience to film poster. There is also some navy blue, grey and white clouds this shows that a storm is coming (evil) and he has must save the city.

These are the film credits it has been placed underneath the film title, this is just to inform the audience who has participated in the making of the film.

The film logo has a black bat behind the title this is so it sticks into the target audiences head so that they will recognise what the film will be about. The title is in white to stand out against the black background, the title ‘ The Dark Knight’ may insinuate that although he may seem dangerous the ‘Knight’ shows he is heroic this from theory that a film has a hero, that would appeal to audiences because they would want to see how Batman acts as a hero.

The image of city has been put in the poster to show that this is Batman’s city, he owns it again this adds to his sense of power and this may appeal to target audiences.


This poster is interesting is interesting because its gives off two sides to Batman it shows that he doesn’t care about rules hence why the building has his logo flaming but at the same time he is a protector of the city. This attracts audiences because it shows him off as a heroic vigilante.

Page 2: Film poster annotations (2)

This image covers the whole poster, it is a two shot and shows the proximity of each actor so in this case it shows ‘Simon Pegg’ as the more important actors so this informs the audiences that he is the main character in the film, using Dyer’s star theory this will appeal to audiences as who are his fans or know him to be a comical actor. The reason that this image has been enlarged to cover the whole poster is to attract the audiences eye, and draws them and makes them wonder why he posing like that. The actors have a direct mode of address this is to capture the audiences attention and make analyse the film poster.

The slogan ‘ Big Cops, Small Town, Moderate Violence this informs audiences that there is danger lurking everywhere this would attract audiences to watch the film as it adds a sense of action and adventure and audience could escape into the film epically British audiences as they would relate to the lifestyle of the character in the film.

The title ‘Hot Fuzz’ is in grey this is a neutral colour to stand out against the black background. The title has the metallic effect like soldiers metal tags so this shows to the audience that their role is being the soldiers of the village and its their job to protect them .

The lighting effect on this image is ambient it shows that they are in interrogation mode an the light reflects their facial expression and they are serious about being police officers. This adds a sense of comedy as they are exaggerating the role of real life police officers and this attracts audiences to watch it as they would be interested in comedy.

Black is the main colour used for the poster this adds mystery, curiosity and darkness that this film poster has a story to tell and you must watch the film to find out what it is.

The names of the actors are placed above the film title using Dyer’s star theory these will appeal to the target audience as they may like the films of these actors.


The film poster meets its expectation because the two shot is dominating the poster its right in your face and audiences won’t be able to keep their eyes off of it , they both have a direct mode of address and serious facial expressions this will intrigue the audiences as they would wonder why these across that are considered to perform comical performances.

Page 3: Film poster annotations (2)


The main image is Gary Oldman he has a direct mode of address to capture the target audiences eye this hooks the audiences, the image is pixilated with codes of numbers and letters this adds to the spy and mystery genre .It is large and covers the whole poster and has been placed in the middle of the poster this will attract the target audience and make them focus on the image as its dominating the poster.

The target aim on the chess piece shows that this movie and being a spy is like chess it requires concentration and intelligence this shows that audiences will be learn something about technique whilst watching this film and there’s also adventure and mystery which will excite audiences.

The red on the poster connotes passion this is passion for the action genre and mystery and will attract people to watch the film.

The title of the film is in white and block capitals this is to stand out against the dark background the chess piece as well will help the name of the stick to their heads so that will make want to know why that chess piece has been placed there and what is the story behind it this would encourage audiences to watch the film even more.

These are the film credits it has been placed underneath the film title, this is just to inform the audience who has participated in the making of the film.

This film poster intrigues the audience because of its exclusivity. its has no further connotations which is good in some sense because it hooks the target audience. It adds curiosity because this film is based around spies its good to be isolated and not give away information that easily.