final job ad - technical support specialist

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  • 8/17/2019 Final Job Ad - Technical Support Specialist


     Avast is your place to innovate

    Customer Care Gurus Job Information

    Customer Care specialists are in daily contact with Location Charlotte, NC

    Avast users around the globe. They not only help Industry Software Securitythem solve their usual software problems, but also Working Permanent / ull!Timtry to ma"e them happy. #ife is more than $ust Salary

    Competitivea computer, and our specialists reali%e this. Level  Team Sta& 

    Degree 'achelor(s)egree

    Corporate Product Technical Support Specialist - Job Description

    Reuired S!ills

    Security for home" mobile" andbusinessAVAST Software *, ma"er of the

    worlds most popular antivirus,protects over - millioncomputers and mobile deviceswith our security applications. 0nbusiness for over -1 years, A2ASTis one of the oldest companies inthe computer security business,with a portfolio coveringeverything from free antivirus forPC, 3ac, and Android, to premiumsuites and services for business !o&ered in about 4 languages.

    'ased in Prague, C%ech 5epublic,

    • Provide phone, tic"eting, email and remote technical support to the company(s customers

    and business partners

    • Solve comple6 technical issues 7uic"ly and e&ectively within agreed time lines and S#A(s.

    • Co!operate with other members of the technical support team, sales team and other


    • Consult on!line web tool, computeri%ed data base, manuals, circulars or internal resources for

    information on resolution procedures.

    • 8or" closely with team members and Sales 9ngineers to identify bugs and report issues

    using internal systems and policies.

    • 9scalate new infections to T- support.

    • 5eport false positives from customers and escalate to T- or Support 3anager.

    • Assist with creation of "nowledge base articles and submit to T- and Support 3anager.

    • Ability to recogni%e when escalation is necessary. 9scalate cases properly through

    established procedures.

    • 5emain current on new developments and changes through ongoing circular, e!mail, andmanual review. Attend training updates as re7uired.

    • :ther activities based on tas" from supervisor. 

    • -!; years( e6perience in ? @+ and 8indows server :S(s *Server -,Server -@ all versions and Server -- all versions+.

    • 96perience using command line interface and a sound

    "nowledge of networ"ing protocols *B)P, TCP etc.+.

    • Some "nowledge on editing registry and a basic

    understanding of #inu6.• Bnderstanding of )C:3, 830, performance counters, event

    logging, diagnostic tools ? 8indows services.

    • Procient with Active )irectory, Networ"ing "nowledge *)NS,

    00S, rewall, ports, and routing+.

    • 3inimum re7uirement of multiple 3icrosoft 3CP Certications

    3CS9/3CSA is preferred.

    Specication of working relationship:

    • ull!time

    • Able to wor" a shift pattern, 3onday to riday

    'ilingual a plus

  • 8/17/2019 Final Job Ad - Technical Support Specialist


    with oDces in the B.S., Eermany, and Asia, A2AST Software employs some of the brightest newtalent in the 0T industry, from around di&erent nations.

    Contact Informationontact !a"e Fara 9isenberg ountry B.S.o"pany Avast Software, 0nc. #"ail eisenbergGavast.comAddress H