final major project magazine


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Contents: 1.  About  the  Magazine    2.  The  Latest  Music!            -­‐  Crystal  Castles  (p2  –  9)            -­‐  Grimes  (p12  –  19)            -­‐  Purity  Ring  (p22  –  25)    3.  Culture  Shock            -­‐  Japanese  Culture  (p28  –  30)    4.  Oh  So  Trendy  S/S  2014            -­‐  Pastel  Pink  Trend  (p33  –  36)            -­‐  Plaid  Trend  (p37  –  38)            -­‐  Art  Trend  (p39  –  41)    5.  Diversity  Now            -­‐  Up-­‐and-­‐coming  Petite  Range  for  Matalan  (p44  –  45)            -­‐  Up-­‐and-­‐coming  Plus  Sized  Range  for  Very  (p46  –  47)    6.  Lifestyle  Changing            -­‐  Minimalistic  Lifestyle  (p50  –  52)    7.  Latest  Designers  On  the  Block            -­‐  Bobby  Abley's  Work  (p53  –  56)    8.  Main  Spread            -­‐  Fashion  Conscious  Teens  (p57  –  70)    

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About the Magazine II   is   an   independent  magazine   created   and   founded  by  Ryan  Mallon,   a   student  from  Liverpool   Community   College.   Ryan   decided   to   create   a  magazine   for   his  Final  Major  Project  at  the  end  of  his  one-­‐year  course.  Ryan  set  out  to  create  this  magazine  for  the  more  “artsy”  type  of  customer.  The  magazine  is  based  on  both  genders.  This  magazine  is  set  out  to  give  people  a  greater  insight  on  the  various  goings   on  within   the   fashion   retail.   This   could   range   from   trends,   to   the   latest  and  up-­‐and-­‐coming  designers.  The  magazine  isn’t  set  on  just  one  topic;  it’s  based  on  different  aspects  of  the  world,  such  as  lifestyle,  culture,  music  and  fashion.                                                  1    

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Crystal Castles Crystal  Castles  are  a  band  made  up  of  two  artists,  Alice  Glass  and  Ethan  Kath.  The  duo  comes  from  the  small  town  of  Saint  Helena,  Toronto,  Canada.  The  band  was  formed  in  2004  when  Ethan  Kath  spotted  Alice  performing  with  her  old  band  “Fetus  Fatale.”    He  then  went  on  to  give  her  a  CD  full  with  60  instrumentals  of  songs  that  he  had  made,  and  Alice  had  to  choose  5   to  write   vocals   for.   They   then  went  on   to   the   recording   studio  and  produced   the   tracks  that  Alice  had  written  vocals  for  but  to  Alice's  surprise,  Ethan  had  created  a  6th  track  which  was  just  Alice's  pre-­‐recordings  of  the  lyrics  she  wrote.  This  went  on  to  becoming  the  bands  first  vinyl  single,  Alice  Practice.      Crystal   Castles'   first   album,   Crystal   Castles,  was   released   in   2008   and   was   listed   39th   on  NME'S   "Top   100   Greatest   Albums   of   the   Decade.”   The   album   Crystal   Castles   has   various  methods  of  communicating  with  the  listener,  may  this  be  from  listening  to  one  of  the  darker  songs  such  as  Xxzxczx  me  or  Vanished,  to  listening  to  one  of  the  more  “cheery”  songs  such  as  Tell   Me   What   To   Swallow   or  Magic   Spells.   Each   song   has   a   hidden   meaning   to   it   and  although   the   synths   and   beats  may   feel   fun,   the   lyrics   tell   a   story.   Take  Tell  Me  What   To  Swallow  for  example.  When  you  first  listen  to  this  song,  it  makes  you  feel  calm  and  relaxed  whilst   at   the   same   time,   feeling  well   composed   and   cheerful.   But  when   you   listen   to   the  lyrics,   they   actually   tell   a   story   of   what   used   to   be   Alice's   former   life   as   a   child.   She  composed  the  following  lyrics:    “Through  the  wall  he  threw  me,  I  know  he'd  never  hurt  me.  Daddy  watched  me  sleeping,  I've  been  praying  for  you  silently.    Daddy's  love  makes  me  whole,  Without  him  I'm  insecure  The  only  girl  he'd  ever  love,  Is  the  one  who  smells  so  pure.”    When  you  first  get  the  gist  of  the  lyrics,  you  will  realise  that  it  has  a  strong  theme  of  abuse  /  paedophilia  throughout.  But  you  don't  actually  notice  fully  until  you  take  the  song  apart  and  analyse  it  thoroughly.  Personally,  this  song  stood  out  the  most  for  me  as  the  soft  tone  of  her  voice   cuts   through   the   sharp  message   that   she   is   putting   across.   This   song   is   a   step   back  from   every   other   song   on   the   album;   it   is   explaining   the   root   of   the   struggle   that   is  underlying  throughout  the  album.  This  album  was  just  the  start  off  point  for  Crystal  Castles;  little  did  they  know  that  they  would  create  such  a  diverse  fan  base  and  plummet  into  one  of  the  best  electronic  bands  to  date.  When  they  were  touring  for  this  album  in  late  2008,  Alice  broke   two  of  her   ribs   in   a   car   accident   and  was   instructed   to   take  at   least   6  weeks  off   to  allow  the  healing  of  the  ribs,  but  Alice  refused  to  do  so  and  was  performing  sets  within  days  of   the   accident.  When   Crystal   Castles   do   a   tour,   their   fans   expect   nothing   but   havoc   and  mischief.  This  is  because  Alice  Glass  is  known  for  her  outrageous  and  wild  personality  whilst  performing,   she   is  also  known  to  be  heavily  under   the   influence  of  drugs  and  alcohol.  The  album  cover  (displayed  on  the  left  hand  side)  is  Alice  and  Ethan  with  a  relaxed  yet  deformed  posture  facing  towards  the  floor.        

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     Crystal  Castles'  second  album,  (II),  was  released  in  2010  and  was  their  first  album  to  chart  on  the  “Billboard  Top  200”  at  188th.  This  album  is  very  similar  to  Crystal  Castles   in  many  ways,  but  this  album  had  a  more  “Pop”  feel  towards  it.  This  album  still  had  dark  undertones  in  its  lyrics  and  instrumentals  and  is  seen  by  many  as  the  best  Crystal  Castles  albums  to  date.  The  album  goes  from  the  1st  song,  Baptism.  To  the  last  song,  Year  Of  Silence,  and  takes  us  on  an  emotional  roller  coaster  –  yet  again  –  through  Alice's  life.  This  time,  the  lyrics  have  a  deeper  emotion  within  them,  and   it's  something  that  you  can  actually   feel   in  your  mind.  The  song  Pap  Smear  has  lyrics  relating  to  abortion;    “You  never  got  to  bloom  They  cut  you  from  the  stem  You're  innocent  at  birth  Until  you  understand    Repeat  every  word  that  you  say  to  me  They  put  you  to  use  or  put  you  to  sleep  I  cant  tell  you  the  difference  between  An  embryo  or  a  planted  seed.”      Many  say  that  this  is  referring  to  the  unborn  foetus  and  how  it  gets  cut  off  from  all  forms  of  human   life   before   it   actually   has   a   life   of   its   own,   she   then   goes   on   to   sing   about   how  abortion   is  your  own  choice  and  once  that  decision   is  made,  that  you  can't  take  back  your  word  on  it.  Many  say  that  this  song  could  also  have  something  to  do  with  various  subjects  and  not  just  the  topic  of  abortion.  The  lyrics  that  Alice  produced  for  (II)  are  that  meaningful,  that  you  actually  feel  like  you  could  be  living  the  life  of  the  song  that  is  taking  place.  That's  just   one   of   the   many   things   that   Crystal   Castles   do   well,   mental   manipulation.   Crystal  Castles'   songs  don't   just   tell   a   story;   they  also   influence  your  mind   into   feeling   things   that  you  have  never  felt  before.  When  you  listen  to  the  song  I  Am  Made  Of  Chalk,  it  almost  feels  as  if  you're  drowning  and  you're  calling  out  for  help  yet  your  words  never  seem  to  reach  the  surface.  That's  also  what  Crystal  Castles'  lyrics  are  like,  they  never  actually  reach  the  surface  unless   you   go   into   the   water   (or   song,  metaphorically   speaking)   and   drag   them   out.   The  album  artwork  for  (II)  is  a  boy  named  X  Tecumseh  Clark  who  is  in  a  graveyard  mourning.  The  photograph  was  originally  taken  by  his  father  and  then  used  for  Crystal  Castles'  use.                                6  

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Crystal  Castles'  most  recent  album,  (III),  was  released  in  2012.  This  album  has  been  said  to  be  one  of  the  most  diverse  albums  of  the  millennium,  and  I  agree  with  that.  A  quote  from  an  interview  that  Alice  was  in  claims:  "A  lot  of  bad  things  have  happened  to  people  close  to  me  since  (II),  and  it's  profoundly  influenced  my  writing  as  I've  realized  there  will  never  be  justice  for  them.  I  didn't  think  I  could  lose  faith  in  humanity  any  more  than  I  already  had,  but  after  witnessing  some  things,   it   feels   like   the  world   is  a  dystopia  where  victims  don't  get   justice  and  corruption  prevails.”  The  album  addresses  the  theme  of  oppression  and  different  ways  on  how  you  can  treat  it.  Take  the  song  Wrath  of  God  for  example:    “Christen  them  with  paraffin  Sterilize  Samaritans  Contravene  loyal  ties  Migrate  them  Through  the  pesticide    They’ll  strip  you  of  your  heritage  Heritage  They’ll  strip  you  of  your  heritage.”    This  song  is  about  colonization  of  native  and  indigenous  peoples  throughout  the  world.  I  also  believe   the  verses  are  being   said   from   the  voice  of  a   colonizer.   This   song  also   reflects   the  reasoning  behind  the  colonizer,  possibly  spreading  the  beliefs  of  God  to  people  around  the  world,   yet   the   “wrath”   of   God   is   oppression   of   things   such   as   rape,   torture,   occupation,  genocide,  slavery  and  the  stripping  of  heritage.  Stripping  someone  of  their  heritage  is  taking  away  any  form  of  their  past,  making  them  forget  who  they  once  cared  about  and  cherished,  this  also  links  back  into  the  quote  mentioned  earlier  on  in  this  article.  In  this  article,  you  can  feel  a  great  sense  of  clarity  yet  depression  within  the   lyrics,  Child   I  Will  Hurt  You  has   lyrics  relating  to  depression  and  self  harm:    “Keep  them  locked  away  Reduce  them  to  strays  Clean  their  cuts  and  scrapes.”    This   could   possibly   relate   to   Alice's   former   life,   and   things   she   could   have   done   before  joining  Crystal  Castles.  This  album  could  be  the  be  all  end  all  for  people  who  want  an  insight  to  the  true  meaning  of  Alice  and  Ethan’s  life.  For  me  personally,  I  think  that  this  album  is  the  best  album  that  Crystal  Castles  have  created  yet.  The  raw  emotion  and  compassion   in  this  album  is  profoundly  sincere,  and  from  listening  to  the  first  song,  Plague,  to  the  last,  Child  I  Will   Hurt   You,   you   can   just   feel   the   emotions   dwelling   in   each   song,   and   it   affects   the  listeners  life  greatly.  The  album  artwork  for  (III)  features  a  picture  by  Spanish  photographer  Samuel  Aranda.  The  image  depicts  a  woman  named  Fatima  al-­‐Qaws  holding  her  son,  Zayed,  who  was  exposed  to  tear  gas  in  a  street  demonstration  in  Sana'a,  Yemen,  on  October  15th,  2011.    I  recommend  Crystal  Castles  to  anyone  who  likes  great  music,  music  that  actually  shows  raw  emotion  not   just  through  the   instrumentals,  but  through  the   lyrics,  music  that  will  actually  make  you  think  about  your  life  rather  than  just  feel  numb  when  listening  to  it.  Crystal  Castles  are   a   beautiful   band   who   will   thrive   in   the   up   and   coming   years,   their   next   album   –  rumoured  to  be  titled  (IV)  –  will  hopefully   live  up  to  the  expectations  of  the  hundreds  and  thousands  of  fans  around  the  world.      8  

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Grimes Claire   Elise  Boucher,   born  March  17th   1988,   better   known  by  her   stage  name  Grimes,   is   a  Canadian   producer,   artist,  musician,   singer-­‐songwriter   and  music   video  director.   Born   and  raised   in   Vancouver.   Grimes   began   recording   experimental   music   while   attending   McGill  University  in  Montréal,  where  she  became  involved  with  the  underground  music  scene.        Grimes   has   created   three   albums,   the   first   being   Geidi   Primes.   This   album   feels   more  cultural,  with  Chinese  bells  and  claps  reoccurring  in  her  songs.  Her  voice  is  like  a  soft  whisper  in  all  her  music,  which  creates  a  more  eerie  feel  whilst  listening,  yet  her  instrumentals  create  a  more  joyous  and  exciting  mood.  People  say  that  Geidi  Primes   is  a  cultist  album,  featuring  songs  with  titles  such  as  Beast  Infection  and  Rosa.  I  personally  think  that  the  album  is  not  a  cultist   album,   yet   an   album   filled  with   the   ideas   of   a   young  woman  who  wants   to   create  atmospheric  music  that  will  empower  the  listener.  In  Grimes'  song,  Feyd  Rautha  Dark  Heart,  it  features  lyrics  such  as:    “I  wont  break  your  heart,  in  the  dark.  I  wont  break  your  heart,  in  the  dark.  I  wont  break  no  I  wont  break  no.”    This   song   has   a   more   darker   feel   towards   it,   with   the   instrumental   sounding   cloudy   and  fuzzed  but  with  her  soft  and  mellow  voice  cutting  through  the  instrumental  like  a  knife,  the  lyrics   suggest   that   This   song   could   have   been   empowered   by   a   past   relationship   and   that  Claire  is  trying  to  get  out  to  the  person  she  was  dating  and  explaining  that  she  didn't  mean  to  actually  break  their  heart.  Grimes  strives  on  creating  different  music  to  anyone  else,  she  likes   to   create   a   visual   mind-­‐set   for   the   listener   and   bases   most   of   her   music   in   Japan.  Grimes  is  an  artist  that  likes  to  create  music  when  she  feels  like,  she  will  not  create  an  album  year   after   year   with   the   same   sounding   music   on,   she   likes   to   take   her   time   to   create  something   different   each   time.   She   is   currently   creating   an   album   that   could   possibly   be  released  in  November,  but  due  to  issues  with  her  old  record  label  and  being  taken  in  by  Roc  Records,  there  is  a  high  possibility  that  we  won't  be  getting  any  new  Grimes  new  music  until  early  2015.  When  Grimes  goes  on  tour,  she  always  likes  to  include  lights,  but  lights  that  will  captivate   the   audience  when   they   go   to   see   her.   Her   tours   always   include   some   form   of  Japanese  item  in  it  also,  her  most  popular  item  is  a  branch  of  cherry  blossom,  nobody  knows  what  this  symbolises  yet  she  always  has  one  at  her  tours.  Grimes  created  Geidi  Primes  on  an  Apple  based  application  called  “Garage  Band.”  And  although  the  album  was  created  on  an  application  such  as  Garage  Band,  it  is  one  of  the  most  endearing  albums  I  have  heard  in  my  life.                  15  

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         Grimes'   second   album,   Halfaxa,   Has   a   really   sinister   sound   to   it,   with   heavy   bass   and  distressed  vocals  and  instrumentals.  This  album  still  has  that  oriental  feel  towards  it  but  you  can  feel   it  slipping  away  as  this  album  focuses  more  on  actually  getting  inside  the  listeners  mind  and  creating  that  distorted  feel  whilst  listening.  Grimes  still  has  that  whispering  tone  to  her   voice   in   this   album   and   it  makes   the   instrumentals   feel   deeper   than   the   first   album.  Halfaxa  also  features  song  titles  with  not  just  letters  in,  but  also  symbols.  No  one  fully  knows  and  understands  what  these  symbols  mean,  yet  they  give  the  album  a  more  disambiguated  feel   to   the  music   industry   as   putting   symbols   such   as   a   triangle   or   the  Omega   sign   is   not  usually  seen  in  albums.  Consider  the  title  at  face  value;  Halfaxa  is  just  slightly  removed  from  a  place  that  we  can  understand  and  grab  onto.  This  is  the  perfect  way  to  describe  the  music  of  Grimes,  a  B.C.  transplant  making  waves   in  the  Montreal  underground  music  scene.    The  songs  on  the  album  include  titles  such  as  ∆∆∆∆Rasik∆∆∆∆  and  Sagrad  прекрасный.  Grimes  always  tends  to  use  various  cultures  within  her  music,  no  one  will  ever  fully  understand  why  she  does  so,  but  it  gives  it  that  more  underground  and  darker  feel  towards  her  albums.  The  song  My  Sister  Says  The  Saddest  Things,  has  lyrics  such  as:    “Ah,  my  sister  Hold  my  hand  in  the  night,  Tick  tock,  baby  Tick  tock,  baby    Ladies  walk  about,  singing  in  the  night  You  will  never  tell.    I  will  cry  on  the  4th  of  July,  and  I  don't  really  mind,  and  I  haven't  the  time.”    This  song  makes  the  listener  feel  overwhelmed,  as  it  feels  like  Grimes  is  actually  reaching  out  to  you  personally  and  is  telling  you  her  problems.  The  album  Halfaxa  will  make  the  listener  feel  like  their  body  is  being  taken  over  and  that  they  are  floating  into  space,  this  is  because  Grimes'   vocals   and   instrumentals   are   that   heavenly.   Grimes   is   well   known   for   her  aesthetically  pleasing  album  covers,  and  this  album  cover  features  a  statue  looking  woman  with  a  glowing  hue  around  her.  She  then  has  her  name  “GRIMES”  vertically  on  the  far  right  of  her  cover.                      17  

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       Grimes’  most  recent  album  is  Visions  and  it  was  a  studio-­‐based  album.  This  album  is  exactly  the   same  as  Halfaxa  yet   it   has   an   earthier   feel   towards   it,  with   songs   such   as  Skin,  which  embraces  the  earth  and  tells  you  to  actually  appreciate  the  earth.  Grimes  also  has  a  song  on  the  album  called  Oblivion,  this  song  is  about  a  past  experience  that  the  singer  had  been  in,  and  it  was  when  she  was  walking  alone  at  night  and  her  evident  insecurities  were  showing,  hence  why  she  tends  to  write  the  song  in  her  “point  of  view.”  The  fact  that  the  song  is  called  Oblivion   is   obviously   representing   what   she   felt   when   she   was   in   this   situation.   In   an  interview  she  says  that  when  she  went  through  the  tragic  event,  that  she  couldn’t  trust  men  for  a  while  afterwards.  The  lyrics  have  a  deep  meaning  and  when  you  fully  understand  what  the  song  is  about,  you  will  begin  to  unravel  the  song  piece  by  piece  and  get  a  clearer  image  of  what   the  singer   is   trying   to  portray.  Grimes’   soft  voice  guides  you   through   the  14-­‐track  album.   The   album   includes   a   soft   intro   with   a   deep   and   bassy   outro.   This   is   a   good  representation  of  the  album  as  it  progresses  from  quiet  and  soft  melodies  in  the  beginning  to  dirty  and  dark  bass  tracks  at  the  end.    The  song  Skin  that  I  mentioned  earlier  features  the  lyrics:    “Soft  skin,  You  touch  me  once  again  and  somehow  it  stings  ‘Cause  I  know  it  is  the  end  I  hate  that  you’re  leaving,  so  why  don’t  you  talk  to  me?  You  act  like  nothing  ever  happened  but  it  meant  the  world  to  me.    And  you  can’t,  and  you  can’t  see  the  wind  in  the  trees.  And  you  can’t,  and  you  can’t  see  the  wind  in  the  leaves,  And  you  can’t,  and  you  can’t  see  the  weight  in  the  dark.  And  you  can’t,  and  you  can’t  see  the  weight  in  the  heart.”    When  you  actually  listen  to  this  song,  it  isn’t  just  about  appreciating  the  earth,  but  it  is  about  a  relationship  that  is  at  its  breaking  point.  The  lyrics  that  start  from  “And  you  can’t,  and  you  can’t  see  the  wind   in  the  trees”  could  represent  the  fact  that  the  singer   is  hurting  and  the  partner  is  oblivious  to  the  fact.    It  could  also  be  seen,  as  the  artist  is  hurting  in  ways  that  are  unexplainable  and  to  the  other  person  it   is   just  another  story  that  they  have  heard  before;  it’s   like  the  inevitable.  The  album  artwork  is  a  mutant  looking  man  with  a  black  and  purple  background  displaying  the  track  list  on  the  side.  Grimes  is  a  girl  of  the  future  and  in  a  very  short  space  of  time,  she  will  become  famous.  So  get  used  to  hearing  her  sweet  melodic  voice  around.                      19  

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Purity Ring Purity   Ring   is   a   band   from   Canada   made   up   from   two   artists,   Megan   James   and   Corin  Roddick.  Megan  James  and  Corin  Roddick,  aged  26  and  23  respectively  in  April  2014,  formed  Purity   Ring   in   2010.   Both   grew   up   in   Edmonton,   Alberta.   Megan   played   piano   and   Corin  played   drums   prior   to   the   band's   inception,   however   neither   currently   play   them   as   their  primary  instrument  for  Purity  Ring.  During  live  shows,  Corin  uses  a  custom-­‐built,  tree-­‐shaped  instrument  to  drive  both  live  sound  and  lighting.  Additionally,  during  live  appearances  both  wear   clothes   custom  designed   and   sewn  by  Megan.  Megan   uses  written  work,  which   she  originally  did  not  intend  to  release  to  the  public  for  many  of  the  band's  lyrics.    Purity   Ring's   only   album,   self-­‐titled   “Shrines”   is   one   of   the   most   outspoken   and   deepest  albums  out  there.  The  album  was  made  in  2012  and  still  gets  flawless  reviews  now.  It's  like  a  mixture   of   Grimes   and   Crystal   Castles   put   together.   Purity   Ring   has   an   array   of   different  songs,   varying   from   the   lighter  Ungirthed,   to   the  more   sinister  Obedear.  These   songs   too,  like   Crystal   Castles',   have   a   deeper   meaning   behind   them.   Take   their   song   Saltkin   for  example.  This  song  chants  things  such  as:    “Still my sweating lips, wield my starving hips There's a cult, there's a cult inside of me Form a salt, sprinkle it around me.” This  song  is  speaking  about  getting  rid  of  those  dark  emotions  inside  you,  casting  them  out  as  “demons”  and  trying  to  cleanse  your  body  by  bringing  the  old  you  back.  This  song  speaks  out  to  near  enough  all  people  as  we  all  have  those  inner  demons  that  we  wish  to  repent.  The  hollow   voice   of   the   lead   singer,   Megan   James,   makes   the   song   seem   godlier,   whilst   the  instrumental   behind   it   all  makes   it   feel  more   alluring.   The   11-­‐track   album   loops   through,  playing   a   snippet   of   each   song   at   the   end   of   the   previous   so   you   get   that   never-­‐ending  feeling.  This   is  a  good  technique  as  once  you  start   listening  to  the  mesmerising  album;   it's  hard   to   stop.  Each  song   is  portraying  various  aspects  of   life,   some  of  which  you  may  have  never  heard  of.  Apparently,  Obedear   is  a  song  about  killing  your  loved  ones  and  hiding  the  evidence,  god  knows  why  anyone  would  want  to  sing  about  that  but  the  mastery  behind  the  vocals  and  those  unearthly  synths  makes  your  body  want  to  envelop  the  music  and  become  one  with  it.  Purity  Ring  are  a  not  so  well  known  band,  and  this  makes  listening  to  them  that  bit   more   exciting.   I   mean,   who   doesn't   love   listening   to   an   unknown   band   and   bragging  about  your  finds  to  a  friend?  Purity  Ring  are  masters  at  creating  atmospheric  tunes  to  dance  and   sway   to,   they  make  you   feel   like   that   thing   that  was  missing   in   your   life,   is   back,   and  bigger   than   ever   before.   This   album   feels   very   cult-­‐like   with   the   numerous   lyrics   about  “cults”  and  “death”  that  appear  on  more  than  one  occasion.    Purity  Ring's  album  cover  is  a  mixture  of  all  their  singles  put  together.  There  is  a  set  of  lungs  on  top  of  the  pile,  then  a  pair  of  hands  that  appear  to  be  trying  to  grasp  the  lungs  (maybe  it  link's  to  Saltkin?)  and  then  finally,  an  image  of  a  young  girl  who  is  holding  onto  a  sheep.  The  colours  on  the  cover  are  also  very  alluring,  with  the  black  of  the  background  and  the   light,  pastel  colours  of  the  different  things  surrounding  the  girl.              24  

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Japanese Style The  Japanese  style  is  one  of  the  most  beautiful  styles  on  this  earth.  They  take  the  simplest  of  things  and  turn   it   into  wearable  art.  The   items  that   they  use  can  be  both  home  made  and  also   store   bought   but   they  will   never   steer   away   from   the   traditional   Japanese   trends.   At  present,  there  are  many  styles  of  dress  in  Japan,  created  from  a  mix  of  both  local  and  foreign  labels.  Some  of  these  styles  are  extreme  and  avant-­‐garde,  similar  to  the  haute  couture  seen  on  European  catwalks.  Shoichi  Aoki  has  chronicled  the  rise  and  fall  of  many  of  these  trends  since  1997  in  the  fashion  magazine  FRUiTS,  which  is  a  magazine  for  the  promotion  of  street  fashion   in   Japan.  There  are  many  groups  of   Japanese  street   fashion,   such  as  Lolita,  Gyaru,  Ganguro,  Kogal,  Bōsōzoku,  Decora,  Shironuri  and  Cult  Party  Kei.  Each  of  the  sub-­‐sections  has  their  own  style,  and  they  are  all  interpreted  in  their  own  way.  Japanese  fashion  is  known  to  have  an  international  influence,  and  the  influential  countries  are  known  as  China,  Korea  and  Taiwan.  Japanese  street  fashion  is  also  said  to  influence  the  West  Cost  of  the  USA.  High-­‐end  fashion  brands  like  Comme  des  Garçons  played  a  big  role  in  the  global  industry  since  the  80s,  especially   through   numerous   guest   designs   with   other   brands.   In   2008,   Rei   Kawakubo  designed  for  Louis  Vuitton  and  H&M.  The  Japanese  tend  to  wear  vibrant  colours  and  usually  cosplay   their   favourite   artists.   The   best   style   is   seen   in   the  main   area   of   Japan,   which   is  Tokyo.   This   is   because   Japanese   people   like   to   stun   the   foreign   visitors   whilst   they   are  touring  around  Tokyo.  The  Japanese  are  known  to  exaggerate  their  eyes  with  contacts,  this  is  so  they  can  look  as  “Anime”  as  possible.                                      28  

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Pastel Pink Pastel   Pink,   among  many  other   pastel   colours,   is   soon   to  hit   the  high-­‐street   retailers.   The  pastel  hue   seen  amongst   the  catwalks,   is   this   spring   /   summers  hit   trend.  Many  designers  have  tried  to  interpret  the  pastels  into  their  own  style  by  creating  more  elegant  and  formal  wear  that  can  still  be  classed  as  ravishing  when  going  out  for  a  meal  with  friends  or  even  if  you're   just   spending   the   day   in   the   office.   Pastels   are   easy   to   co-­‐ordinate   with   summer  clothes   as   the   pastel   hue   will   give   the   clothes   a   more   relaxed   and   light   feeling   without  making   the   outfit   look   crowded   and   dark.   Leather   has   also   been   known   to   make   an  appearance   whilst   wearing   the   pink   pastel   hue,   as   it   clashes   and   gives   it   more   of   a  captivating   look.  Not  only   is   this   look   filtering  down   from   the   catwalk   into   the  high-­‐street  stores,  but   it   is  also  making  an  appearance  within  celebrity’s  wardrobes,   this  shows  that   it  will  definitely  be  a  trend  to  look  out  for  this  S/S.  One  of  the  key  colour  combinations  of  this  S/S  trend  is  to  go  for  a  more  light  grey  approach,  clashing  the  light  hue  of  the  pink  with  the  musky   and   contrasting   grey   to   give   it   that   luxurious   look   and   feel.   Another   colour  combination  would  also  be   the  white  on  white   trend,   it   isn't  all  about   the  colour  black  no  more,  this  trend  has  definitely  eliminated  black  from  the  colour  palette  this  S/S.  You  don't  actually  have  to  own  pastel  pink  garments  to  take  part  in  this  trend;  you  can  also  accessories  with   pink   hues   to   add   that   summery   feel   to   any   of   your   current   looks.   Some   of   the   key  accessories  would  be  a  stylish  clutch  bag  and  shoes  to  enhance  your  outfit  to  that  more  elite  look,  but  even  if  you  don't  have  those,  you  can  still  wear  a  cute  little  watch  and  accessorize  with  hairpieces  and  such.  It's  also  been  reported  that  this  trend  is  even  going  into  hairstyles.  This   season’s   hairstyle   guide   is   apparently   saying   that   this   seasons   “look”   is   soft   rounded  edges  with  a  light  pastel  hue  to  set  the  look  off.                                  34  

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Plaid The  Plaid  trend  has  been  a  thing  that  has  been  around  for  many,  many  years.  The  earliest  sighting  was   in   the  1980's.   Fashion   just   re-­‐uses   trends  but   finds  new  and  exciting  ways   to  change   them   around.   This   time,   the   plaid   trend   has   gone   for   a   different   approach,   using  bolder   colours   for   both  men   and   women.   The  women   get   dresses   slashed  with   reds   and  blues,  which  mould   together   and   create   a   beautiful   violet   colour,  whereas   the  men   get   a  more  neutral  approach  and  get  the  browns,  greys  and  blacks.  Many  designers  have  created  looks   on   the   catwalk   that   include   cut   sequinned   jeans  with   the   plaid   pattern   on,   and   this  trend  has  been   funnelled  down   into   the  high-­‐street  stores  so  you  can  get  almost  anything  with   it   on.   There  has   also  been  a   recent  outbreak  of   two  pieces  of   the   same  pattern,   put  together   in   a   creative   and   stylish  way.   This   is   better   known   as   a   “Co-­‐cord.”  Many   people  have   been  wearing   plaid   co-­‐cords   in   its   original  monochrome   colours   to   give   the   outfit   a  more  stylish  yet  sophisticated  look  whilst   in  every  day  life  and  around  the  office.  The  plaid  trend  will  be  something  that  will  always  manage  to  amaze  everyone,  yet  still  turn  up  every  couple  of  years  with  something  new  and  different  in  its  works.                                              38    

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Art There   is   currently   a   trend   exclusively   to   the   catwalk   involving   a   full   collection   of   famous  artist  paintings,  so  exclusive  that  they  haven't  even  filtered  down  the  high  street  yet  and  are  not   available   for   the   public,   only   for   celebrities.   The   trend   has   been   a   sweep   over   blogs  reaching  over  1000  posts  per  minute  just  over  the  trend  alone.  Some  websites  have  tried  to  interpret  this  trend  my  creating  more  smaller  items  for  use,  such  as  socks.  There  is  a  website  that  has   created  a   full   range  of   socks  based  on  some  of   the  most   famous  paintings   in   the  world  such  as  The  Mona  Lisa  and  “Scream.”  Word  is,  that  some  of  the  designers  in  couture  houses   even   interviewed   various   artists   and   got   illustrations   created   exclusively   for   them.  According   to   an   inside   source,   Prada   even   had   various   printings   on   their   studio   walls   for  inspiration   for   this   trend.   This   trend   could   also   leap   into   next   years   S/S   and   appear   with  paintbrush  strokes,   spray  cans  and  even  graphite.  The  art   trend  can  be  worn  any  way  you  want  to,  you  can  go  full  grey  scale  or  every  colour  of  the  spectrum  available  if  you  wish.  This  is  one  of  the  more  “creative”  trends  of  the  S/S  and  should  be  used  to  your  own  advantage  to  create  more  eye-­‐catching  looks,  as  everything  will  be  changing  in  A/W  to  more  gloomy  and  darker  outfits.                                        40  

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Petite Matalan   are   creating   a  new   range,   and   this   range   is   not   your  ordinary   style   of  range,  it’s  petite.  This  is  the  first  petite  range  of  its  kind,  and  it’s  coming  your  way  at  the  beginning  of  May  2015.  The  range  will   include  various  different  patterns  including  things  such  as  florals,  abstract  prints,  peplum  shirts  and  maxi  dresses,  all   tailored  to  suit  the  petite  size.  That’s  another  thing,  one  of  the  key  trends  of  this  range  is  Tailored-­‐clothing.  Things  such  as  abstract,  bold  prints  with  a  subtle  tone   towards   them  will  be   in  next  s/s,   just  a  heads  up.  Occasion  wear   is  also  a  key  trend,  short  suits  with  a  pastel  approach  are  definitely  coming  up  next  year  and  this  range  literally  has  it  all.  The  preview  launch  date  for  this  range  is  in  the  Liverpool  store  and  day  is  Saturday  2nd  of  May  2015,  the  time  is  8am  to  6:30pm,  to   give   everyone  enough   time   to   shop  until   you  drop!  The   first  100   customers  who  spend  £20+  get  a  free  £5  reduction  off  their  purchase.  The  Liverpool  store  is  the   first   to   have   the   range   so   be   sure   to   come   down   and   grab   those   bargain  pieces  before  they  all  sell  out.  The  official  release  date  of  the  range  is  the  5th  of  May  2015  and   it   goes  nationwide,   also  online.  The  preview   launch  will   also  be  fundraising   for   the  NSPCC  by   creating   raffles  with   various   items   to  win.  There  will   be   free   goodie   bags   given   out,   including   things   such   as   vouchers,   card  organizers,   pens,   and   much   more.   The   launch   of   this   range   is   the   first   that  Matalan   has   ever   seen   and   should   definitely   not   be  missed.   As   always,   we   do  have  some  exclusive  never  seen  before  previews  of  the  CADs  and  designs  used  in  the  making,  enjoy!                                  45      

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So Fabulous! There’s  a  new  range  heading  your  way  buyers.  This  range  is  also  an  exclusive  range  that  has  never  been  created  before,  it’s  a  plus  sized  range.    Now  as   is   based   online,   there   is   going   to   be   a   pop-­‐up   shop   in   the  Metquarter   based   in   Liverpool   City   Centre.   The  Metquarter   is   one   of   the  most  well   known   places   in   the   Liverpool   area   and   it   has   really   easy   access   to   its  facilities.  There   is   a  bus   station   literally   around   the   corner  and   there   is   a   train  station  about  a  5-­‐minute  walk  away.  The  pop-­‐up  shop  is  going  to  be  available  for  4  weeks  only  from  the  2nd  of  June  until  the  20th  of  June  2015.  The  opening  times  are   going   to   be  Monday   –   Friday:   9am  –   5pm  and   Saturday   –   Sunday:   10am  –  4pm.  There  are  going  to  be  vouchers  given  out  to  the  first  50  people  who  visit  the  pop  up  shop.  There  will  be  a  personal  shopper  there  also  to  cater  to  everyone’s  needs,  may  it  be  a  complete  re-­‐style  or  just  a  little  touch  up.  The  main  reason  for  this  pop-­‐up  shop  is  that  not  every  shop  has  ranges  for  plus-­‐sized  women,  so  they  tend  to  shop  online,  not  no  more.  This  pop-­‐up  shop  will  allow  other  plus-­‐sized  women  to  go  out  and  actually  shop  and  meet  new  people,  whilst  gathering  new  clothes  to  wear.  There  will  also  be  goody  bags  given  away  on  the  first  day  along  with  the  vouchers  that  I  mentioned  earlier.  The  sizes  will  be  around  14  –  32  and  there  will  be  a  special  celebrity  guest  there  for  the  opening,  Gemma  Collins.    As  always,  we  have  an  exclusive  preview  of  some  of  the  CADs  of  the  items,  hope  you  enjoy  ;)                                  47  

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Lifestyle There   is   currently   a   trend   that   is   sweeping   across   the   nation,   and   that   trend   is   known   as  “Minimalism.”  Now  you  must  be  wondering:  “Is   this   the   'old   fashioned'  minimalism  where  you  go  around  wearing  no  clothes  and  having  the  basic  supplies?”  No,   it   isn't.  This  trend  is  about  having  different  aspects  to  your  life:  • White,  clean  cut  clothing  • Plants,  lots  of  them  • A  “soft”  look  • A  clean  and  friendly  environment    This  trend  firstly  started  off  on  the  popular  blog  website  “Tumblr”  and  has  funneled  its  way  down   to   “Twitter”   and   “Instagram.”   I   follow   a   girl   on   Instagram   who   has   nearly   4000  followers  because  of  her  witty  clothes  and  minimalistic  style.  Her  Instagram  posts  are  always  so  fresh  and  clean,  and  she  always  has  people  commenting  on  her  pictures  asking  where  she  got  her  clothes,  plants  and  even  home  furnishings.  You're  probably  wondering  what  I  meant  about   the   “soft”   look,   and   it  basically   is  natural,  natural   looking  hair,  hardly  any  make-­‐up,  and   it   helps   if   your   eyebrows   are   “on   point”   too.   Many   people   may   see   this   trend   as  nonsense  and  will  shun  it,  but  others  literally  worship  this  trend  and  do  everything  in  their  will   power   to   become   more   minimalist.   I   personally   think   that   this   is   one   of   the   nicest  lifestyle   trends   to   come   around   in   the   20th   century   as   I   feel   like   it   is   more   elegant   and  beautiful.  This  trend  also  focuses  a  lot  on  nature,  and  loving  the  surroundings  that  you  are  brought  up   in.  This  will   include  going   for  walks  and  appreciating   the  birds   that   tweet,  and  the  flowers  that  grow  beneath  your  feet.  People  mainly  base  their  minimalism  in  their  own  living   space,  more   specifically,   your   bedroom.   Your   bedroom   is   your   own   personal   shrine  where  you  can  go  to  escape  reality  when  it  gets  too  hard.  You  can  go  to  your  room,  read  a  book  and  drink  some  green  tea  whilst  gazing  outside  your  window  watching  the  clouds  pass  you  by.  By  allowing  yourself  to  have  a  minimalistic  lifestyle,  you  are  allowing  your  body  to  be  free,  to  be  one  with  the  clouds  and  the  clothes  that  you  put  on.  You  see  a  different  side  to  the  world  when  you  have  this   lifestyle  and   it   is  a  better  one  for  sure.  Having  a  clean  mind  and  environment  will  mean  that  you  have  a  clean  and  clear  mind,  this  will  help  you  see  life  in  a  different  light  and  will  help  you  become  more  open  and  free  with  the  world.    “We ascribe beauty to that which is simple; which has no superfluous parts; which exactly answers its end.” -­‐  Quote  by  Richard  Bach about  minimalism.    If   you   are   reading   this   and   you   feel   like  minimalism   is   the   “thing”   for   you,   then   you   now  know  what  you  need  to  lead  a  more  fulfilling  and  enlightening  life.            51  

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Bobby Abley    Bobby   Abley   has   taken   the   fashion   industry   by   storm.   Bobby’s   collection   is   full   of   Disney  inspired   works,   with   pink,   Mickey   Mouse   ears   baseball   cap,   Banksy’esque   slogan   tops   in  Disney   typography,   furry   sports   jerseys   and   fuzzy   Mickey   Mouse   shorts,   everything   was  bright   and   playful.   The   styling   saw   a   juxtapose   between   childlike   and   street-­‐punk,   where  barbed   wire   printed   track-­‐suits   met   cartoon   crow   prints,   where   models   clutching   teddy-­‐bears  wore  metal  mouth   vices,   forcing   their  mouths  wide  open.   The   collection  had  a   90’s  vibe  to  it  with  the  three  quarter  length  trousers,  big  print  hoodies,  and  up  to  elbow  sleeved  cut   off   t-­‐shirts;   all   rounded   off   with   the   90’s   style   Dr.  Martens   to   give   it   that   cyber-­‐punk  aesthetic.  Bobby  is  originally  from  Scarborough,  and  studied  at  the  Ravensbourne  College  of  Design  and  Communication.  He  has  previously  worked  for  Rankin,  Alexander  McQueen  and  Jeremy   Scott.   Bobby’s   signature   is   cartoon   inspired   prints.   Bobby’s   trademark   is   anything  with  the  Bobby  Abley  bear  on;  this  is  a  solid  black  outline  of  a  bear. Bobby   Abley   is   an   up   and   coming   fashion   designer   whose   recent   A/W   2014   catwalk  collection    


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Fashion Conscious Teens This   day   in   age,   you   don’t   get   judged   by   the   actions   that   you   do,   it’s   all   about  what  you’re  wearing.  When  you  go  out  to  town  or  anywhere  with  your  friends,  you   will   feel   pressured   into   looking   your   best,   why   has   it   all   come   to   this?  Teenagers  and  even  adults  are  feeling  undermined  when  they  go  outside  due  to  the  glaring  eyes  of  the  people  around  them.  The  actions  that  people  take  to  look  “fashionable”  are  unnecessary  and  are  all  because  of  celebrities.  Celebrities  are  the  source  of   fashion,  when  teenagers  and  adults  adore  a  certain  celebrity  they  will   try   their  best   to  dress   like   them.  Celebrities  will  manipulate   their   fans  and  try  to  wear  the  most  luxurious  clothes  they  can  to  try  and  tempt  their  fans  to  do  the  same.  In  this  article,  I  will  be  interviewing  a  teenager  on  her  personal  views  about   being   fashion   conscious   this   day   in   age.   Fashion   is   about   style,   not   cost.  Celebrities  don’t  wear  high  street  fashion,  they  tend  to  stick  to  the  more  designer  brands  forcing  their  fans  to  spend  several  hundreds  of  pounds  /  dollars  on  one  garment.   Celebrities   do   this   as   the   fashion   industry   is   one   of   the   most  competitive   industries  and  celebrities  get   free  garments  to  expose  their   fans  to  the  eccentric  fashion  that  is  available  to  all.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               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 Q: Hello. What is your name, age, and where are you from? A:  Hey!  My  name  is  Emma  Beggs,  I'm  17  years  old,  and  I  live  in  Maghull,  Liverpool.    Q: When you go out, do you feel like you have to try and look your best at all times? A:  Yes,  absolutely.  I  feel  like  I  have  to  keep  my  image  to  a  respectable  standard  as  I  feel  like  my  friends  are  going  to  try  their  hardest  to  keep  their   image  up,  plus  I   feel   like  nowadays,  everything   is  based  around   fashion.  People  will   judge  you  based  on  what  you  wear   rather  than  your  actual  personality.    Q: Who is your main fashion icon? A:  Kylie  Jenner  would  be  my  main  fashion  icon  at  the  moment.  The  way  she  dresses  is  really  minimalist  and  clean  and  I  would  love  to  be  able  to  dress  in  the  clothes  that  she  wears  on  a  daily  basis.    Q: Do you feel like when you go out, that people always look at you and what you're wearing? A:   Yes,   I   feel   like   everyone   is   looking   at  me   as   teens   in  modern   society   are   solely   judged  based  on  the  clothes  that  they  wear.  You  don't  realise  it,  but  you  will  be  doing  it  yourself,  no  matter  where  you  go  and  who  you're  with,  you  will  always  be   looking  at  other  people  and  looking  at  their  clothes.    Q: What do you do to make yourself stand out from the crowd? A:  I  tend  to  try  and  wear  darker  clothes  mixed  in  with  pastels  on  a  daily  basis.  But  I  usually  try  to  wear  clothes  that  differ  from  the  current  trends,  but  also  try  to  incorporate  the  trends  into  my  clothes.      Q: What is/are your favourite brand(s) to shop at? A:  I  tend  to  shop  at  Zara,  Pull  and  Bear  and  H&M.  They  are  all  stylish  and  minimalist  but  at  an  affordable  price.  I  also  think  that  they  have  some  really  stylish  up-­‐to-­‐date  clothes  but  they  are  diverse  and  to  my  taste.    Q: Would you spend countless amounts of pounds on a garment if a celebrity told you do/has worn it? A:  I  would  if  the  garment  was  at  a  reasonable  price  and  I  actually  thought  that  I  would  wear  it.    Q: What is your favourite trend this Spring/Summer?  A:   I'd  have  to  say  that  my  favourite  trend  this  S/S  would  be  pastels.   I   feel   like  this  trend  is  really   refreshing   and   can  be   incorporated   into  many  different   styles,   such   as  my  personal  favourite  –  Black  x  Pastel.    Q: What do you think the fashion industry has turned into this day in age? A:  I  believe  that  it  has  turned  into  a  more  cost-­‐based  industries  and  it's  becoming  harder  for  teenagers  and  adults  alike  to  dress  in  the  way  they  want  to  as  the  prices  are  just  rocketing  up.   I   feel   like   celebrities  also  have  a  big   impact  on   the   fashion   industry,   as   they  cannot  be  seen   in   plain   high-­‐street   brands   even   though   they   have   probably   had   a   celebrity  endorsement  tied  into  them.    Q: Thank you for answering these questions, just one more. What tips would you give to teenagers/adults reading this magazine and wondering about what/how to wear clothes? A:   I  would   say   to   just   be   yourself   and   dress   how   you   feel   best.   Do   not   try   and   dress   and  become  something  that  you  are  not,  as  you  will  be   lying  to  yourself  and  the  others  around  you.  If  you  just  dress  how  you  want,  then  you  will  become  happier  and  more  self-­‐fulfilled.      64  

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