final report of sip

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  • 8/6/2019 Final Report of Sip



    We would like to give our sincere thanks to the people of villages surveyed, whogave their precious time in completing the survey. Without their co-operation it wouldhave not been possible.

    Very special thanks to our Director, Prof. Pradeep Bhargava whose incessantsupport throughout our study is commendable and inevitable for the preparation of thisreport.

    We would also like to give thank Mr. A.K. Chadha (Dy. GM, S & A) & Mr. SatishBhuvir (Assistant manager, rural development department) Vikram cement, under whose supervision and guidance we completed this study.




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    THE ORGANIZATIONI did my summer internship in the Vikram Cement (a part of Aditya Birla group) in theNeemuch district of Madhya Pradesh. I worked under the rural and communitydevelopment department. This department works for the development of thesurrounding villages of the plant under the CSR interventions of Vikram Cement

    What is ABGs CSR all about?

    For them it is reaching out to underserved communities is a part of their DNA. Theybelieve in the trusteeship concept. This entails transcending business interests andgrappling with the quality of life challenges that underserved communities face andworking towards making a meaningful difference to them.

    Their VISION:

    "To actively contribute to the social and economic development of the communities inwhich we operate. In so doing, build a better, sustainable way of life for the weaker sections of society and raise the country's human development index."



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    (i) H ierarchal Structure

    (ii) Leadership Style Benevolent Authoritative i.e. concern for subordinatesbeing limited, so they say what they think the boss wants to hear . Althoughthere is some delegation of decisions, almost all major decisions are stillmade centrally.

    (iii) Management Style Middle of the Road ( equal concern for people & production ) so as to keep a balance between both objectives but not makingthe employees & beneficiaries as a team.

    Aditya Birla Centre for Community Initiative and RuralDevelopment Cell , Mumbai.

    U nit Head

    (Sr. Executive President)

    Functional Head

    (Vice President, HR, P & A )

    Head of Deptt.

    Dy.G.M.( Admin.& CSR )


    Supervisor Supervisor(Health)

    TwoSocial worker


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    (iv) Culture The attitude of the company representatives is of what ever isdone by the company is enough & it cannot be done by any anyone whichreflects the organizations culture.

    (v) Less degree of Decentralization this hampers a lot of ideas generated atthe ground level.

    (vi) Accepting Responsibility with Authority(vii) Discipline(viii) Resistance to Change(ix)Narrow span of Control(x) Unity of Command and Direction


    Their projects are carried out under the aegis of the "Aditya Birla Centre for CommunityInitiatives and Rural Development", led by Mrs. Rajashree Birla. The Centre providesthe strategic direction, and the thrust areas for their work ensuring performancemanagement as well. Their focus is on the all-round development of the communitiesaround their plant located in distant rural areas and tribal belts.

    Projects are planned after a participatory need assessment of the communities aroundthe plants. Each project has a one-year and a three-year rolling plan, with milestonesand measurable targets. 1% of the yearly net profits being used for the CSR initiativesby the company as its own endeavour. The objective is to phase out their presence

    over a period of time and hand over the reins of further development to thepeople. This also enables us to widen their reach. Along with internal performanceassessment mechanisms, their projects are audited by reputed external agencies, whomeasure it on qualitative and quantitative parameters, helping us gauge theeffectiveness and providing excellent inputs.

    Their partners in development are government bodies, district authorities, villagepanchayats and the end beneficiaries -- the villagers. At the same time, they networkand collaborate with like-minded bilateral and unilateral agencies to share ideas, drawfrom each other's experiences, and ensure that efforts are not duplicat


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    Their rural development activities span five key areas and their single-minded goal hereis to help build model villages that can stand on their own feet. Their focus areas arehealthcare, education, sustainable livelihood, infrastructure and espousing socialcauses.


    Balwadis (pre-school) Adult education

    Non-formal education

    Continuing educationScholarships for girls, merit and technical education

    H ealth and family welfare

    Mobile clinics - doctors visit once a weekMedical camps - general and issue-based

    Health training and awareness

    Sanitation - toilets, training, smokeless chullahs, biogasSafe drinking water Mother and child health

    Sustainable development and livelihood and agriculture and watersheddevelopment

    Self-help groups

    SGSY - dairy, readymade garments, jute project, basket making, aggarbatimaking, bee keeping, durrie making.Check damIrrigation

    Land developmentSoil and water conservation

    Pasture development

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    Create community assets in the villages for comfort of life Improve literacy rate ,livelihood & economic standard

    Ensure quality health services to local community by adopting public [privatepartnershipFacilitates villages for creating gainful employment opportunity for all class of people

    Improve agricultural productivity through generating awareness, adopting multi-cropping, use of latest technologies &method

    Increase community participation specially for women &youth

    Social forestry/ plantation activities/ nurseryHorticultureFarmer training

    Infrastructure development


    Community centresHousesCulverts


    Health centersWater channels


    Social causes

    Widow / dowry-less mass marriages

    Women empowerment Awareness drives on knowledge, attitude and practices

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    Giving a universal definition of Corporate Social Responsibility is bit difficult as there isno common definition as such. However, there are few common threads that connect allthe perspectives of CSR with each other; the dedication to serve the society being mostimportant of them. Most ideal definition of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) hasbeen given by World Business Council

    World Business Council for Sustainable Development defines Corporate SocialResponsibility (CSR) as The continuing commitment by business to behave ethicallyand contribute to economic development while improving the quality of life of theworkforce and their families as well as of the local community and society at large .

    In other words CSR can be defined as " A concept whereby companies decidevoluntarily to contribute to a better society and a cleaner environment. A conceptwhereby companies integrate social and environmental concerns in their businessoperations and in their interaction with their stakeholders on a voluntary basis" .


    Companies that are socially responsible in making profits also contribute to some,although obviously not all, aspects of social development. Every company should not beexpected to be involved in every aspect of social development. That would be ludicrousand unnecessarily restrictive. But for a firm to be involved in some aspects, both withinthe firm and on the outside will make its products and services (for example financialservices) more attractive to consumers as a whole, therefore making the company moreprofitable. There will be increased costs to implement CSR, but the benefits are likely tofar outweigh the costs.


    1 . CSR Strategy

    The CSR Strategy should be the starting point of the organizational CSR practice. Thisstrategy needs to be defined as clear as possible with a future goal in mind.

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    2 . CSR Management System

    After defining the strategy your next task will be to set up the CSR Management system.The management system of CSR within your business will outline what you actuallyneed to do to make your strategy happen and to produce results.

    3. CSR Reporting

    The next step after the successful set up of the management system is the reporting of the first results of your companies CSR activities. This is called CSR reporting.Companies usually report on an annual basis. This CSR reporting is really the first testwhether you and your team have created something interesting and worth reporting for your stakeholders.

    4. Stakeholder Engagement & Communication

    Stakeholder Engagement and Communication is the area, which keeps all of theseareas together and connected. Without engaging your stakeholder on a continuousbasis there is no real long term value in building a CSR Strategy, a report or communicating what you as an organization have been doing. So what do you need totake into account to practice successful stakeholder engagement?

    Approaches to CSR

    Our study identified three different approaches to CSR.

    y Caring for company staff and their families: This is the most widespreadperception of CSR which includes two approaches the paternalistic approachand the innovative approach; the former sees the the employer as benefactorand the latter focuses on qualification and training, as well as social investment(insurance and loan benefits), which enhance the capacity, professional andsocial capital of employees.

    y Social activities benefiting the local community: As a rule, these actions are notpart of the long-term strategy of companies and decisions are made on a case-by-case basis. Activities include improvements in the urban environment, publicrelations interests with a social impact, and support for orphans, children andelderly people in institutions.

    y Activities with a long-term social impact, such as social investment: Most often,this approach is taken by large companies who have a corporate policy in placeand are implementing coherent, long-term strategies and policies

    Nevertheless, even though there are positive trends, CSR is not yet incorporated incompanies long-term business strategies.

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    The main objectives of our summer internship program are:

    TO STUDY T H E EFFECTIVENESS OF VARIOUS INTERVENTIONS: the first objectiveis to study the effectiveness of various interventions of the company in the surroundingrural areas.

    TO STUDY T H E IMPACTOF VARIOUS INTERVENTIONS: the second objective is theassessment of various impacts of various interventions of the company in thesurrounding areas.


    study the various methods and techniques employed by the organisation for theeffective and efficient implementation of plans

    MAKING OF PLANS AND T H EIR IMPLEMENTATION: another objective is to studythe making of plans and strategies for the surrounding areas. What is the flow of command in the organization and how effective it is.

    IMPACT OF VARIOUS PLANS AND SC H EMES ON T H E MINDSET OF PEOPLES:another objective is to study the impact of various plans and schemes on the mindset of peoples .this includes change in their socio economic conditions and standard of living

    TO ASEESS T H E PERCEPTION OF PEOPLES ABOUT T H E CSR PROGRAM: another objective is to assess the perception of the local peoples and beneficiariesabout the various interventions of the CSR program

    EFFECTIVENESS OF PUBLIC PRIVATE PARTENS H IP MODEL: another objective isto study the effectiveness of the public private partnership model adopted by theorganization for the various interventions in the surrounding villages

    For these objectives we have done four projects in the organisation. The finding andconclusions of all those projects provides us a detailed information about the allobjectives

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    We have undertaken four projects during our summer internship .They are:

    Impact Assessment of the Sanitation Scheme: under this project we have studiedthe impact of the sanitation scheme of Vikram Cement started under the model of publicprivate partnership in the surrounding villages. We have studied the impact on thehealth and hygienic condition of the people of the villages. We have also studied thechange in the socio economic background and condition of living of the peoples of thesurrounding villages.

    Baseline Survey Of The Two Model Villages : under this project we have studied theoverall development of the two model villages adopted by Vikram Cement . In this baseline survey we have studied the several perimeters like health, education, employment,and infrastructure and thus done a detailed analysis of the overall development of boththe model villages adopted by the company.

    Writing Success Stories: under this project we have written 17 success stories of thevarious beneficiaries of the different schemes of Vikram Cement. We have takendifferent cases and thus write their success stories which involve their overall change of the socio economic background, change in the income and their sources.

    Preparing A Food Basket Of The District Neemuch: this involves the preparation of the food basket which involves the complete information about the district including totalno. of cattles in the district, education status, health status, infrastructure status,employment status, consumption pattern etc.


    Methodology adopted by us in the completion of these projects is:

    Structured interview with the help of structured questionnaireUnstructured interviewRapport building in the surrounding villagesBase line survey in the surrounding villageSamplings methods

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    The study involves the complete and systematic analysis of the impact of total sanitationcampaign started by the R.D. department of the Vikram Cement in the surroundingvillages under its C.S.R. interventions.

    In addition the study also involve the finding of the level of satisfaction of thebeneficiaries and what are the changes they experienced after getting the sanitationfacilities

    Moreover the study also involves the detailed analysis of the several problems faced by

    the beneficiaries before getting the sanitation facility and what are the major issues dueto which they want the sanitation facility in their own houses.

    Furthermore the study also involves the analysis of what are the benefits they observedafter getting the sanitation facilities .This also includes change in their social status andthe sources from which they get the knowledge of the total sanitation campaign .


    The total sanitation campaign started under the public private partnership is coveringthe rural area in which the private agency Vikram Cement is providing toilet door andtoilet seat to the beneficiary and an amount of Rs.2, 200/ is being provided by thegovernment as a part of public agency .

    Total Sanitation Campaign ( TSC ) emphasizes more on Information, Educationand Communication ( IEC ), Human Resource Development, Capacity Developmentactivities to increase awareness among the rural people and generation of demand for sanitary facilities. This will also alternate delivery mechanisms as per their economiccondition. The Programme is being implemented with focus on community-led andpeople centered initiatives. Children play an effective role in absorbing and popularizingnew ideas and concepts. This programme, therefore, intends to tap their potential as themost persuasive advocates of good sanitation practices in their own households andschools. The aim is also to provide separate urinals/toilets for boys and girls in allthe schools/ Anganwadis in rural areas in the country

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    The main objectives of the TSC are as under:-

    1. Bring about an improvement in the general quality of life in the rural areas.2. Accelerate sanitation coverage in rural areas to access to toilets to all by 2012.3. Motivate communities and Panchayati Raj Institutions promoting sustainable

    sanitation facilities through awareness creation and health education.4. In rural areas, cover schools by March2008 and Anganwadis by March 2009,

    with sanitation facilities and promote hygiene education and sanitary habitsamong students.

    5. Encourage cost effective and appropriate technologies for ecologically safe andsustainable sanitation.

    6. Develop community managed environmental sanitation systems focusing onsolid & liquid waste management.


    On health: before having the sanitation facility, then health conditions of the villagerswas not so good. They have to in fields and in forests due to which a lot of allergiesand skin problems were developed among the villagers especially in the children. Totalsanitation campaign solves all these problems and thus plays an important role inimproving the health condition of the villagers.

    On security : it was very unsecure for the family members to go in the forests for toilets.also it was very unsecure for the female members of the family as they have to go for

    toilets in the night time and this was very unsecure for them. Total sanitation campaignby providing toilets in their own hoses solve the problems of security o the villagers andthus generates a sense of security among the villagers.

    On social status : many villagers have no social status and social identification in thevillage .Also they and their family members receives a lot of bad comments from thevillagers and being the poor and weak section they cannot stops all those comments .Total sanitation campaign helps them in making a social status and now thebeneficiaries have a social status in the village.

    On time consumption : a lot of time of the villagers gets wasted while going for thetoilets in the fields and forests. Since they have to travel a lot for that therefore itrequires a lot of time and labor. Today they have their own toilets because of totalsanitation campaign by which a lot of time of the villagers have saved which they usedin other productive works.

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    The major problems faced by the villagers before having sanitation facility:

    Security of female members of the family

    Problems of children as they cant travel very long distance

    Unhygienic condition and Unhealthy condition

    Consume a lot of time as villagers have to travel a lot

    Social status was not good

    In the rainy season a lot of problems arises as the fields get full of water

    Safety problems from wild animals

    Women have to go in the night which was pretty unsafe

    Benefits after getting sanitation facility:

    Security and safety of members of the family get confirmed

    Improved social status

    Saving of time

    More healthy and hygienic conditions


    Total sanitation campaign of R.D. Department of Vikram Cement under its C.S.R.interventions has done a remarkable job in the field of health and hygiene in thesurrounding villages. It is one of the most successful schemes started under publicprivate partnership. More than 450 houses has been covered which reflects the

    successful implementation of the scheme.The campaign puts a positive impact on the mind set and attitude of the villagers, whodont know the importance of sanitation facility in home. The campaign is still going onand thus it is expected that every household of surrounding village would be coveredunder this campaign. Also there is a need of making common toilets in the villages sothat the vulnerable section of the villages gets benefitted .

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    The sole objective of our study is to collect information from each and every house andwith the help of that information we have to find the present status of the two modelvillages Segwa and Morka and to provide suggestions to the organization about thevarious schemes, plans and problems of the two model village The present status to befinding on the basis of five major components .These is

    H ealth - This includes the complete information of child vaccination, family planning,common diseases, and anti natal care provided to the eligible persons.

    Education - This includes the complete and specific information of the child enrolled,

    total no. of dropouts, no. of illiterates and d the opinion of the people about the adulteducation.

    Livelihood - This includes the complete and specific information about the occupationof the peoples, total income of the household, and where they keep their savings

    Infrastructure - This includes the complete information of the status of every house,sanitation status, and the availability of safe drinking water

    Resources This includes the complete information of the resources owned by thevillagers which includes land, assets and livestock.

    IntroductionVIKRAM CEMENT with its CSR initiatives is engaged in Rural and Communitydevelopment in the villages of JAWAD TE H SIL, NEEMUC H district of Madhya Pradeshsince 1985.

    Definition of a model village : village could be defined as a model village where eachand every individual has employment for their sustainable livelihood, has education sothat they can take active participation in all development activities, basic health

    amenities and the availability of safe drinking water so that the inhabitant of the villagesare able to achieve the goal of sustainable development

    Both the villages are situated in Jawad block of Neemuch district in Madhya Pradesh.The main occupation in both the villages is agriculture and mines labor. The mainsource of income is wages. The main caste of the villages are Dhakad, Bheel, Nagda,and Gayri .

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    Villagers have very less knowledge regarding the modern agriculture technique soawareness camp should be organized in the villages so as to provide the awarenessof latest and modern agriculture techniques.Micro enterprise is a very good source of employment generation in the villagestherefore awareness should be provided to the villagers about the variousmicroenterprises.Peoples of both the villages are facing a huge problem of drinking water this primeneed problem should be solved on sustainable basis with the help of public privatepartnership.Large number of animal husbandry is present in the villages so the establishment of a dairy would not only enhance the income of the villagers but also enhance the

    income of the surrounding villages and proper utilization of milk as well. In SEGWA the health camp should be organized in the school or in the community

    hall made by the company so that a large number of people get benefitted.Both the villages have a sufficient number of old people therefore monthly healthcheck-up should be provided to them which can be done well by establishing amobile health check-ups unit.Both the villages have very low percentage of sanitation and drainage system whichis a basic need for proper health therefore both of them should be enhanced andimproved.

    Many villagers are interested in adult education therefore evening classes can bestarted in both the villages. Many people are interested in the training for starting their own enterprise in thefield like motorcycle repairing, mobile repairing etc. so that more employmentopportunities available in the villages which will improve their economic status andliving standard as well.Self Help groups are now becoming one of the most successful sources to enhancesaving and group activities of the villagers. Although there are self help groups in thevillages but they are not doing well as there are no regular meetings and no anyeconomic activities so it should be done to develop a sense of unity within thevillagers.

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    On the basis of whole study we concluded that Vikram Cement has done aremarkable job in the field of health and education especially in child vaccination and

    anti natal care vaccination whose coverage is 100% in the villages. This should befurther improved by providing more attention on the nutrition level of the children andhealth status of old people.

    Moreover the status of education needs more attention which can be improvedby providing the basic education to the adult illiterates.

    Furthermore it is also concluded that most of the houses are made up of nonpermanent roof which is extremely dangerous for the villagers and also affect theongoing development process.

    In addition a lot of attention is required in the field of livelihood and resources.Villagers have abilities but they dont have the skills to convert their abilities in tooutputs, also their resources are not utilized fully which not only affect the socioeconomic condition of the villagers but also affect the development activities.

    There is extreme need to increase the participation of local people in thedevelopment process as they are the biggest stakeholders for every development plansand schemes so suggestions and recommendations from them can make theimplementation of all the development plans and schemes more successful and thetransparency of plans and schemes should be maintained with villagers.

    Note: the methodologies adopted by us in the base line survey are:

    y Rapport buildingy Observationy Structured Interviewingy Participatory communicationy Key Informants :-

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    The objective of our study is to identify various change agents that can bring the changein the society and accelerates the development process in the surrounding villages. For this we have write 17 success stories of different beneficiaries of various schemes .asthese are the peoples who bring change in their overall soci-economic background andlifestyle.


    For providing a better life and changing social and economic status of rural poor, theorganization have organized training camps to provide training to the unskilled peoples.They have opened various schools in which they provide education to the children freeof cost. They also provide doors and seats for improving the sanitation status of thesurrounding villages. Their grants and financial aids also play a major role in the life of many peoples who today becomes a benchmark for the society.

    But after all these efforts and hard work the organization still havent achieved their goals and targets regarding the development of the surrounding villages. This was dueto the absence of devoted and committed change agents. For this we have to chooseselected beneficiaries and we have to write different success stories about them so thathe organization can easily identify these agents for the ongoing development processes

    MET H ODOLOGY Rapport building We must establish rapport through pleasant, receptive and patientthe information so interrupt with what they speaks rather help them to overcomebehavior and must not The villagers must feel that we are interested in their opinionsand their personal inability of expression.

    Observation :- In this method we observed with the simple technique of observation. Itwas done through a transient walk and collect information regarding social, economicand geographical condition of the village.

    Unstructured Interviewing :-In this method we asked some question to the villagersregarding their social and economic condition and their views about several issuesabout different components for their development.

    Participatory communication :-We take active participation in the communicationamong the villagers and thus observe their views and their problems. This helps to build

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    The sole objective of the study is to prepare a report on the current status of Neemuchdistrict of Madhya Pradesh. The general information of the district includes

    Its locationLiteracy level

    InfrastructureAgricultureAnimal husbandry


    Also the study includes preparing a food basket which includes the daily consumption of the common people .their calorific value, their current market costs, and how much their expenditure on these food items in a month.

    Moreover the study also includes preparing a market basket which includes the monthlyexpenditure of a person on nine factors. These are.

    FoodClothingEducationHouse rentEmergencyElectricityMedical expensesSocial needsCommuting


    Neemuch District is a new District of Madhya Pradesh enacted on 6 th July,1998 . It lies at 24 & 22 North latitude and 74 and 43 East longitude. It issurrounded by Kota District in North, Pratapgarh District in South, JhalawadDistrict in East and Chittorgarh District in West direction. Average height fromsea level is 468 meters.

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    Observation :-In this method we observed with the simple technique of observation. Itwas done through a transient walk and collect information regarding social, economicand geographical condition of the village.

    Structured Interviewing : In this method we asked some question to the villagersregarding their social and economic condition and their views about several issuesabout different components for their development.

    Key Informants:- This method is used by us when no one wants to give me information. A key informant is a way to take the information by only one member or villager. Keyinformant is youth, Childs, or any person of old age.

    Stratified random sampling:- This method includes selection of samples from differentlocations. We select 15 persons as sample from 15 different locations.





    Item Weight (Gms.)(Cooked)

    Calorific Value(Kcal)



    01. Wheat 270 945 14.00 3.78

    02. Jowar / Bajra 15 55 12.00 0. 1 8

    03. Maize 125 438 12.00 1 .5

    04. Rice 11 34 16.00 0. 1 7

    05. Pulses 22 53 70.00 1 .54

    06. Vegetable 92 202 9.00 0.8 2

    07. EdibleOil/Spices

    25 232 80.00 2

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    08. Sugar 48 216 29.00 1 .39

    09. Tea Leaves 8 38 180.00 1 .44

    10. Milk 121 150 24.00 2 .90

    Total 735 2 363 1 5.7 2


    Type of Expenditures Expenditure(Rs./Per Month)

    Education of children328

    Commuting 115

    Medical Expenses271

    Clothing 206

    Electricity 245

    House Rent 106

    Fooding (for a family of 5 persons based upon food basket)


    Social Needs72

    Emergency 64

    Total 3765

    Note: The current Minimum Wages are Rs.4056/- (Rs. 1 56/- per day * 2 6) per monthas declared by the Govt. of Madhya Pradesh

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    We study the effectiveness of various plans and an intervention of the organization inthe surrounding villages .The four projects helps us a lot in the fulfillment of thisobjective. From our study we found that all the plans and schemes were proven veryeffective for the local peoples .The effectiveness was measured in terms of the theoverall satisfaction level of all the stakeholders of every interventions of the organization

    Thus we have collected their views and opinions in every project by which we haveconcluded that all the interventions are very effective and play an important role in the

    development process of the village of surrounding areas.


    The second objective is the assessment of various impacts of various interventions of the company in the surrounding areas. We study the impacts of various plans andschemes on the environment of the surrounding areas .the base line survey and theimpact assessment of sanitation scheme provides us a very clear picture of the various

    impacts on the various factors. This involves impact on their socio-economicbackground, impact on their living standards, on their health standards, on their incomeetc .Thus these projects helps us a lot in achieving our second objective.

    OBJECTIVE (3): TO STUDY H OW A BIG CORPORATE H OUSE WORKS IN FIELD: in this we have to study the various methods and techniques employed by theorganisation for the effective and efficient implementation of plans . We have studied thevarious techniques and method the department of rural development employed for thesuccessful implementation of their plans and schemes. They employed many

    organizations for the assessment of their plans and schemes so that they get a clear idea and scenario of the success achieved in the fields. Moreover we have also studyhow the ground staff works in the fields and what are the various flaws in their working.n addition we also studied how the department choose the beneficiaries for their plansand schemes .this all helps a lot in assessment of the overall functioning of theorganization in the fields.

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    Another objective is to study the making of plans and strategies for the surroundingvillages .what is the flow of command in the organization and how effective it is. Wehave study how the plans and strategies are formed and what are the various steps thatare to taken for the approval of the project and plans. We thus study the flow of command of the organization. The flow of command is as follows:

    This flow of command provides a clear picture about the various steps a plan has tofollow. This takes a lot of time as on every stage the plan gets evaluated and somechanges occurs in the plans in this process. This looses the time utility of theinformation and making decisions less effective. Also the attribute of scalar chain showsthe communication pattern used in the organization which is normative in nature and isslow due to hierarchal structure of organization. Thus making of any plan takes alot of time in the organization and thus implementation of that respective plan also gotdelayed. Thus in this way we have studied the process of making of plans and their implementation.

    U nit Head

    Dy. General Manager

    (Admin. & CSR)



    Groundlevel staff

    Flow of Command

    = = Flow of Request &


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    Another objective is to study the impact of various plans and schemes on the mindset of peoples .This includes change in their socio economic conditions and standard of living . We have studied that the plans and schemes have seriously affect the mindset of thepeople in a positive way. These plans and schemes generate the want of developmentin the minds of the local peoples. Now they play an active role in the proper andsuccessful implementation process of nearly every plan and schemes. Theseinterventions play an active role in providing knowledge and awareness among the ruralpeoples and this forces them to act for their overall development .Thus in this way wethe organization plays an active role in changing the mindset of the people and

    providing them awareness about their own development.


    Another objective is to assess the perception of the local peoples and beneficiariesabout the various interventions of the CSR program. This involves their perception onboth the interventions and about the working of the organization in the rural areas.People having a negative feeling regarding the pollution caused due to blasts in mines,degrading the health of environment & people, and other negative externalities.

    Moreover in some interventions the benefits are taken away by the local powers whichput a negative impact on their perception about the working and functioning of the ruraldevelopment department. Thus we have also studied that what are the perception of thepeoples and how it changes with the process of functioning and implementation.


    Another objective is to study the effectiveness of the public private partnership modeladopted by the organization for the various interventions in the surrounding villages.This we have studied while completing our project of the impact assessment of sanitation scheme which was started under the public private partnership. We havestudied how effective this model is for the development processes in the rural areas.inthis we have studied how the organization works under this model and how effectivethis model is. By our study we can say that this model is proven very success full inrural areas and have all the ability to play an important role in the process of ruraldevelopment

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    SWOC ANALYSIS The analysis is prepared after the detail and complete study of the various projectcompleted by us. This includes our field study and our personal experiences in the field

    and in the organization.


    Trust amongst peopleOnly organization providing such services & facilitiesAvailability of funds and resourcesGovt. support due to the CSR initiatives which has also supplemented to the

    work of govt.Local employeesTransparency in the formulation and implementation of the plans and schemesMonitoring and evaluation of every interventions enhance their efficiency

    Weaknesses :

    Less no. of Development Professionals

    Objectives of Rural Development subordinate to corporate objectivesLack in initiative by people working at the ground levelMechanized process of getting sanctions for fund and implementation of plansUnawareness in the peoples of local areasNegative perceptions of the peoples in the surrounding areas


    Emerge as a distinct corporate social entity in the regioGiving back to nature, by focusing more on environmental issues like treeplantation, etc.Collaborate with NGOs working in these fields who also conduct a lot of actionresearch in this regardDemands of the local peoples

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    CONSTRAINTS: Local powers taking away most of the benefitsPeople having a negative feeling regarding the pollution caused due to blasts inmines, degrading the health of environment & people, and other negative

    externalitiesPeoples are becoming parasites

    LEARNINGThe major learnings of the summer internship program are :

    The ground realities are way different from what we study in our books.

    Life is a challenge in the tribal areas of Rajasthan due to low quality of infrastructural facilities

    The work culture of the organization needs to gel with the culture of the endbeneficiaries

    How an organisation works for the development of the surrounding villages

    Impact of the plans and schemes on the mindset of the local peoples

    The role of public private partnership in the development process

    Lack of skilled development professionals in the organization affect the processof planning and the implementation process

    Providing the facilities to the local peoples without the full awareness andknowledge seriously affect the implementation process

    The intervention strategy and activities of the organization for making various

    plans and schemes

    Impact of the interventions on the community

    Social satisfaction from the existing interventions

  • 8/6/2019 Final Report of Sip


  • 8/6/2019 Final Report of Sip
