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  • 8/7/2019 finalized management


    Master in Business Administration


    Name Student : Qazi Abdul Haseeb

    Roll No : AH523138

    Subject : Management Theory &Practice

    Assignment # : 02

    Date : 30 October 2010

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    I would like to thank to Almighty Allah who gave me knowledge and capability to make

    me able to complete and submit my Second Assignment successfully.

    I shall also like to wish to acknowledge and show my deep gratitude to all respected

    teachers, for their consistence, advice and support given during the writing up of this assignment.

    I personally visited to Roshan Centre. Plot 78-W, Jinnah Avenue, (New 2043), F-7/G-7,

    Blue Area, Islamabad I am also thankful to Branch Manager

    Mr. Idress-Ud-Din Khawaja who supported me well and provided me information about my


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    Many decision makers have a tendency to seek more information than required to make a good

    decision. When too much information is sought and obtained, one or more of several problems

    can arise.firstly A delay in the decision occurs because of the time required to obtain and process

    the extra information. This delay could impair the effectiveness of the decision or solution.

    Secondly Information overload will occur. In this state, so much information is available that

    decision making ability actually declines because the information in its entirely can no longer be

    managed or assessed appropriately. A major problem caused by information overload is

    forgetfulness. When too much information is taken into memory, especially in a short period of

    time, some of the information (often that received early on) will be pushed out.

    A common misconception about decision making is that decisions are made in isolation from

    each other; you gather information, explore alternatives, and make a choice, without regard to

    anything that has gone before. T he fact is, decision are made in a context of other decisions. The

    typical metaphor used to explain this is that of a stream. There is a stream of decision

    surrounding a given decision, many decisions made earlier have led up to this decision and made

    it both possible and limited.

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    Serial Description Page No


    2 ABSTRACT 3




    6 SWOT ANALYSIS 28 29




    10 ANNEX A 31

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    Decision making is a non liner, recursive process. That is most decisions are made by moving

    back and forth between the choices of criteria. And the identification of alternatives. The

    alternatives available influence the criteria we apply to them, and similarly the criteria we

    establish influence the alternative we will consider.

    There will always to some risk, some cost of failure when taking decisions. These risks can be

    reduced, but not eliminated, by following these steps when taking decisions. These steps sometimes called the decision making process

    1Establish the Objective of the OrganizationIt is not possible to take good decision unless it is clear what the aims of firms are.

    2Identify and Analyze the problem to be solvedAll decisions are taken to solve problems, managers need to know what they are trying to

    solve before deciding a decision .e.g. a sales manager is worried about falling sales. The

    decision taken at this stage to lower the prices which has no effect on demand but lowers

    the firms profit margin. Only later does the manager discover that sales fell due to

    advertisement not appearing in paper when they were planned to.

    Collect data on all the possible alternatives Solutions

    It is too easy to jump at the first solution through of. Managers must collect data about all

    possible options before making a final choice. This data must include the limits on what

    is possible. There is nonpoint in suggestion that the business stores should open all the

    day on Sunday, to boost sales if this is actually against the law

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    Implementing Decision

    Make the final decision and put it in to effect. This is called implementing the decision. The

    managers job is not finished even when this has been done. It is important to check to see that

    the decision has been put into effect and that it is working to plan.

    Review and Evaluation of the Decision

    Look back to see whether the right decision was made. This is called review and evaluation of

    the decision. This is sometimes very hard to do especially if the wrong decision was made. But

    by looking back and evaluating what happened lessons for the future can be learned

    The components of the Decision Making

    The Decision Environment:

    Every decision is made within a decision environment which is defined as the collection of

    information, alternatives values and preferences available at the time of the decision. An idealdecision environment would include all possible information, all of it accurate and very possible

    alternative, however both information and alternatives are constrained because the time and

    effort to gain information or identify alternatives are limited. The time constraint simply means

    that the decision must be made by a certain time. The effort constraint reflects the limits of

    manpower, money and priorities.

    Since decision must be mane within this constrained environment, we can say that the major

    challenge of the decision making is uncertainty, and a major goal of information needed to make

    a decision with certainty, so most decisions involve an undeniable amount of risk

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    The fact that decision must be made within a limiting decision environment suggests two thins

    ,first it explains why hindsight is so much more accurate and better at making decisions that

    foresight .as the time passes the decision environment continues to grow and expand .new

    information and new alternatives appear even after the decision must be made. armed with new

    information after the fact the hindsight can many times look back and make a much better

    decision than the original maker, because the decision environment has continued to expand.

    The second thing suggested by the decision with an environment idea follows from the above

    point. Since the decision environment continues to expand as time passes, it is often advisable to

    put off making a decision until close to the deadline. Information and alternatives continue to

    grow as time passes, so to have access to the most information and to the best alternatives, do not

    make the decision too soon. Now, since we re dealing with real life, it is obvious that somealternatives might no longer be available if too much time passes; that is a tension we have to

    work with, a tension that helps to shape the cutoff date for the decision.

    Delaying a decision as long as reasonably possible, then, provides three benefits:

    1.The decision environment will be larger, providing more information. There is alsotime for more thoughtful and extended analysis.

    2.New alternatives might be recognized or created. Version 2.0 might be released.3.The decision makers preferences might change. With further thought, wisdom, and


    The Effects of Quantity on Decision Making

    Many decision makers have a tendency to seek more information than required to make a good

    decision. When too much information is sought and obtained, one or more of several problems

    can arise. (1) A delay in the decision occurs because of the time required to obtain and process

    the extra information. This delay could impair the effectiveness of the decision or solution. (2)

    Information overload will occur. In this state, so much information is available that decision

    making ability actually declines because the information in its entirely can no longer be

    managed or assessed appropriately. A major problem caused by information overload is

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    forgetfulness. When too much information is taken into memory, especially in a short period of

    time, some of the information (often that received early on) will be pushed out.

    The example is sometimes given of the man who spent the day at an information heavy seminar.

    At the end of the day, he was not only unable to remember the first half of the seminar but he had

    also forgotten where he parked his car that morning.

    (3) Selective use of the information will occur. That is, the decision maker will choose from

    among all the information available only those facts which support a preconceived solution or

    position. (4) Mental fatigue occurs, which results in slower work or poor quality work. (5)

    Decision maker tires of making decisions. Often the result is fast, careless decisions or even

    decision paralysis no decisions are made at all.

    The quantity of information that can be processed by the human mind is limited.

    Unless information is consciously selected, processing will be biased toward the first part of the

    information received. After that, the mind tires and begins to ignore subsequent information or

    forget earlier information.

    Decision Streams:

    A common misconception about decision making is that decisions are made in isolation from

    each other; you gather information, explore alternatives, and make a choice, without regard to

    anything that has gone before. T he fact is, decision are made in a context of other decisions. The

    typical metaphor used to explain this is that of a stream. There is a stream of decision

    surrounding a given decision, many decisions made earlier have led up to this decision and made

    it both possible and limited.Many other decisions will follow from it.

    Another way to describe this situation is to say that most decisions involve a choice from a group

    of preselected alternatives, made available to us from the universe of alternatives by the previous

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    decision we have made. Previous decisions have activated or made operable certain

    alternatives and deactivated or made inoperable others.

    We might say that every decision (1) follows from previous decisions, (2) enables many future

    decisions, and (3) prevents other future decisions. People who have trouble making decision

    making. Every decision you make precludes other decisions, and therefore might be said to cause

    a loss of freedom. If you decide to marry terry, you no longer can decide to Marry Shawn.

    However, just as making a decision causes a loss of freedom, it also creates new freedom, new

    choices and new possibilities. So making a decision is liberation as well as constraining. And a

    decision left unmade will often result in a decision by default or a decision being made for you.

    It is important to realize that every decision you make affects the decision stream and the

    collections of alternatives available to you both immediately and in the future. In other words,

    decisions have far reaching consequences.

    Concepts and Definitions:

    1.Information. This is knowledge about the decision, the effects of its alternatives, theprobability of each alternative, and so forth. A major point to make here is that while

    substantial information is desirable, the statement that the more information, the

    better is not true. Too much information can actually reduce the quality of adecision. See the discussion on The Effects of Quantity on DecisionMaking above.

    2.Alternatives. These are the possibilities one has to choose from. Alternatives can beidentified (that is, searched for and located) or even developed (created where they

    did not previously exist). Merely searching for preexisting alternatives will result in

    less effective decision making.

    3.Criteria. These are the characteristics or requirements that each alternative mustposses to greater or lesser extent. Usually the alternatively are rated on how well they

    possess each criterion. For example, alternative Toyota ranks an 8 on the criterion of

    economy, while alternative Buick ranks a 6 on the same criterion.

    4.Goals. What is it you want to accomplish? Strangely enough, many decision makerscollect a bunch of alternatives (say cars to buy or people to marry) and then ask,

    Which should I choose? Without thinking first of what their goals are, what overall

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    objective they want to achieve. Next time you find yourself asking, What should I

    do? What should I choose? Ask yourself first, What are my goals?

    A component of goal identification should be included in every instance of decision


    5.Value. Value refers to how desirable a particular outcome is, the value of thealternative, whether in dollars, satisfaction, or other benefit.

    6.Preferences. These reflect the philosophy and moral hierarchy of decision maker. Wecould say that they are the decision makers values, but that might be confusing

    with the other use of the word, above. If we could use here, we would say that

    personal values dictate preferences. Some people prefer excitement to calmness,

    certainty to risk, efficiency to esthetics, quality to quantity, and so on. Thus, when

    one person chooses to ride the wildest roller coaster in the park and another chooses amild ride, both may be making good decisions, if based on their individual


    7.Decision Quality. This is a rating of whether a decision is good a bad. A gooddecision is a logical one based on the available information and reflecting the

    preferences of the decision maker.

    The important concept to grasp here is that the quality of decision is not related to its

    outcome: a good decision can have either a good or a bad outcome. Similarly, a bad

    decision (one not based on adequate information or not reflecting the decisionmakers preferences) can still have a good outcome.

    For example. If you do extensive analysis and carefully decide on a certain

    investment based on what you know about its risks and your preferences, then your

    decision is a good one, even though you may lose money on the investment.

    Similarly, if you throw a dart at a listing of stocks and buy the one the darts hits, your

    decision is a bad one, even though the stock may go up in value.

    Good decisions that result in bad outcomes should thus not be cause for guilt or

    recrimination. If you decide to take the scenic route based on what you know of the

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    road (reasonably safe, not heavily traveled) and your preferences (minimal risk,

    prefer scenery over early arrival), then your decision is a good one, even though you

    might happen to get in an accident, or have a flat tire in the middle of nowhere. It is

    not justified to say Well this was a bad decision.

    In judging the quality of a decision, in addition to the concerns of logic, use of

    information and alternatives, three other considerations come into play:

    A.The decision must meet the stated objectives most thoroughly and completely.How well does the alternative chosen meet the goals identified?

    B.The decision must meet the stated objectives most efficiency, with concern overcost, energy, side effects. Are there negative consequences to the alternative that

    make that choice less desirable? We sometimes overlook this consideration in our

    search for thrills.

    C.The decision must take into account valuable byproducts or indirect advantages.A new employee candidate may also have extra abilities not directly related to the

    job but valuable to the company nonetheless. These should be taken into accounts.

    8.Acceptance. Those who must implement the decision or who will be affected by itmust accept it both intellectually and emotionally.

    Acceptance is a critical factor because it occasionally conflicts with one of the quality

    criteria. In such cases, the best thing to do may be to choose a lesser quality solution that

    has greater acceptance.

    Thus, the inferior method may produce greater results if the inferior one has greater

    support. One of the most important considerations in decision making then is the people

    factor. Always consider a consider a decision in light of the people implementation.

    A decision that may be technologically brilliant that is sociologically stupid will not

    work. Only decisions that are implemented, and implemented with thoroughness (and

    preferably enthusiasm) will work the way they are intended to.

    Approaches to Decision making

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    There are two major approaches to decision making in an organization, the authoritarian

    method in which an executive figure makes a decision for the group and the group

    method in which the group decides what to do.

    1.Authoritarian. The manager makes the decision based on the knowledge he cangather. He then must explain the decision to the group and gain their acceptance of it.

    In some studies, the time breakdown for a typical operating decision is something like


    Making decision, 5 min; explain decision, 30 min; gain acceptance, 30 min.

    2.Group. The group shares ideas and analyses, and agrees upon a decision toimplement. Studies show that the group often has values, feelings, and reactions quite

    different from those the manager supposes they have. No one knows the group and its

    tastes and preferences as well as the group itself. And, interestingly, the time

    breakdown is something like this;

    Group makes decision, 30 min; explain decision, 0 min; gain acceptance, 0 min.

    Clearly, just from an efficiency standpoint, group decision-making is better. More

    that this, it has been shown many times that people prefer to implement the ideas they

    themselves think of. They will work harder and more energetically to implement their

    own idea than they would to implement and idea imposed on them by others. We all

    have a love for our own ideas and solutions, and we will always work harder on a

    solution supported by our own vision and our own ego than we will on a solution we

    have little creative involvement with.

    There are two types of group decision-making sessions. First is free discussion in

    which the problem is simply put on the table for the group to talk about. For example,

    Joe has been offered a job change from shift supervisor to maintenance foreman.

    Should he take the job?

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    The other kind of group decision-making is developmental discussion or structured

    discussion. Here the problems are broken down into steps, smaller parts with specific

    goals. For example, instead of asking generally whether Joe should take the job, the

    group works on sub questions; what are Joes skills? What skills do the new job

    requires? How does Joe rate on each of the skills required? Notice that these

    questions seek specific information rather than more general impressionistic opinions.

    Developmental discussion (1) insures systematic coverage of a topic and (2) insures

    that all members of the group are talking about the same aspect of the problems at the

    same time.

    Some Decision Making Strategies.

    As you know, there are often many solutions to a given problem, and the decision

    makers task is to choose one of them. The task of choosing can be as simple or as

    complex as the importance of the decision warrants, and the number and quality of

    alternatives can also be adjusted according to importance, time, and resource and so

    on. There are several strategies used for choosing. Among them are the following.

    1.Optimizing. This is the strategy of choosing the best possible solution to theproblem, discovering as many alternatives as possible and choosing the very best.How thoroughly optimizing can be done is dependent on

    A.Importance of the problemB.Time available for solving itC.Cost involved with alternative solutionsD.Availability of resources, knowledgeE.Personal psychology, valuesNote that the collection of complete information and the consideration of all

    alternatives are seldom possible for most major decisions, so that limitations mustbe placed on alternatives.

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    2.Satisfying. In this strategy, the first satisfactory alternative is chosen rather thanthe best alternative. If you are very hungry, you might choose to stop at the first

    decent looking restaurant in the next town rather than attempting to choose the

    best restaurant from among all (the optimizing strategy). The word satirizing was

    coined combining and sufficient. For many small decisions, such as where to

    park, what to drink, which pen to use, which tie to wear, and so on, the satisfying

    strategy is perfect.

    3.Maxim ax. This stands for maximize the maximums. This strategy focuseson evaluating and then choosing the alternatives based on their maximum possible

    payoff. This is sometimes described as the strategy of the optimist, because

    favorable outcomes and high potentials are the areas of concerns. It is a good

    strategy for use when risk taking is most acceptable, when the go-for-broke

    philosophy is reigning feely.

    4.Maxim in. this stands for maximize the minimums. In this strategy, that ofthe pessimist, the worst possible outcome of each decision is considered and thedecision with the highest minimum is chosen. The Maximin orientation is good

    when the consequences of a failed decision are particularly harmful or

    undesirable. Maximin concentrated on the salvage value of a decision, or of the

    guaranteed return of the decision. Its the philosophy behind the saying, A bird

    in the hand is worth two in the bush.

    Quiz shows exploit the uncertainty many people feel when they are not quite sure

    whether to go with a maximax strategy or a maximin on: Okay, Mrs. Freen, you

    can now choose to take what youve already won and go home, or risk losing it all

    and find out whats behind door number three.

    DecisionMaking Procedure

    As you read this procedure, remember our discussion earlier about the recursive

    nature of decision making. In a typical decision making situation, as you move

    from step to step here, you will probably find yourself moving back and forth


    1.Identify the decision to be made together with the goals it should achieve.Determine the scope and limitations of the decision. Is the new job to be

    permanent or temporary or is that not yet know (thus requiring another

    decision later)? Is the new package for the product to be put into all markets

    or just into a test market? How might the scope of the decision be changed-

    that is, what are its possible parameters? How might the scope of the decision

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    be changed-that is, what are its possible parameters? When thinking about the

    decision, be sure to include a clarification of goals: We must decide whom to

    hire for our new secretary, one who will be able to create an efficient and

    organized office. Or, we must decided where to go on vacation, where we can

    relax and get some rest from the fast pace of society.

    2.Get the facts. But remembers that you cannot get all the facts. Get as manyfacts as possible about a decision within the limits of time imposed on you and

    your ability to process them, but remember that virtually every decision must

    be made in partial ignorance. Lack of complete information must not be

    allowed to paralyze your decision. A decision based on partial knowledge is

    usually better than not making the decision when a decision is really needed.

    The proverb that any decision is better than no decision, while perhaps

    extreme, shows the importance of choosing. When you are racing toward a

    bridge support, you must decide to turn away to the right or to the left. Which

    way you turn is less important than the facet that you do indeed turn. As partof your collection of facts, list your feelings, hunches, and intuitive urges.

    Many decisions must ultimately rely on or be influenced by intuition because

    of the remaining degree of uncertainty involved in the situation.

    Also as part of your collection of facts, consult those who will be affected by

    and who will have to implement your decision. Input from these people not

    only helps supply you with information and help in making the decision but it

    begins to produce the acceptance necessary in the implementers because they

    feel that they are part of the decision making process. As Russell Ackoff noted

    in The Art of Problem Solving, not consulting people involved in a decision is

    often perceived as an act of aggression.

    3.Develop Alternatives.Make a list of all the possible choices you have,including the choice the choice of doing nothing. Not choosing one of the

    candidates or one of the building sites is in itself a decision. Often a non

    decision is harmful as we mentioned above not choosing to turn either right or

    left is to choose to drive into the bridge. But sometimes the decisions to do

    nothing is useful or at least better than the alternatives, so it should always be

    consciously included in the decision making process. Also be sure to think

    about not just identifying available alternatives but creating alternatives that

    dont yet exist. For example, if you want to choose which major to pursue in

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    college, think not only of the available ones in the catalog, but of designing

    your own course of study.

    4.Rates e each alternative. This is the evaluation of the value of eachalternative. Consider the negative of each alternative (cost, consequences,

    problems created, time needed, etc.) and the positive of each (money saved,

    time saved, added creativity or happiness to company or employees, etc.).

    Remember here that the alternative that you might like best or that would in

    the best of all possible worlds be an obvious choice will, however, not be

    functional in the real world because of too much cost, time, or lack of

    acceptance by others.

    Also dont forget to include indirect factors in the rating. If you are deciding

    between machines X, Y and Z and you already have an employee who knows

    how to operate machine Z, that fact should be considered. If you are choosing

    an investigative team to send to Japan to look at plant sites and you have veryqualified candidates A, B and C, the fact that B is a very fast typist, a

    supervisor, photographer or has some other side benefit in addition to being a

    qualified team member, should be considered. In fact, what you put on your

    hobbies and interests line on your resume can be quite important when you

    apply for job just because employees are interested in getting people with a

    good collection of additional abilities.

    5.Rate the risk of each alternative. In problem solving, you hunt around for asolution that best solves a particular problem, and by such a hunt you arepretty sure that the solution will work. In decision making, however, there is

    always some degree of uncertainty in any choice. Will Bill really work out as

    the new supervisor? If we decide to expand into Canada, will our sales and

    profits really increase? If we let Jane date Fred at age fifteen, will the

    experience be good? If you decided to marry person X or buy car Y or go to

    school Z, will that be the best or at least a successful choice? Risks can be

    rated as percentages, ratios, ranking, and grades or in any other form that

    allows them to be compared. See the section on risk evaluation for more

    details on risking.

    6.Making the Decision. If you are making an individual decision, apply yourpreferences (which may take into account the preferences of others). Choose

    the path to follow, whether it includes one of the alternatives more than one of

    them (a multiple decision) or the decision to choose none.

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    Introduction to Warid:

    Warid Telecom is founded by Abu-Dhabi group. The Abu Dhabi Group is led by His Highness

    Sheikh NahayanMabarak Al Nahayan. His Highness is the FederalMinister for Education of the

    United Arab Emirates. He is the Chairman of Warid Telecom Wateen Telecom United Bank

    Limited and also the Founder Chairman of Bank Alfalah Limited. Warid Telecom launched in

    Pakistan on 23rdMay 2005 but its pre launch operations started working six months before the

    Launch this shows the planning masters took enough time studying PakistansMarket and is well

    equipped to serve in the field of service based cellular industries in Pakistan.

    Value creation in Warid telecom:

    Warid Telecoms value creation factors include:

    Quality Investments in an organization must be spent effectively to gain targetedsuccess. Warid Telecom has an uncompromising commitment to quality in this regard.

    That is why we spare no efforts in pursuing the best in network services products and


    Simplicity The industry trend is to complicate all aspects of telecommunications tointimidate the user into benign behavior. Warid Telecom encourages subscribers to be

    bold knowing that they are getting what they asked for. We keep things simple easy to

    understand and even easier to use.

    Innovation For years people complained of the same things on mobiles. At WaridTelecom we constantly look to make the communication experience different by doing

    things in a better way. That is why the telecommunications market is totally different

    from three years ago.

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    Transparency We are always open and honest. Warid Telecom has paved the wayto expose hidden charges reduce tariffs and maintain a clean reputation. We say what we

    do and we do what we say.

    Customer-Friendliness We enjoy working and succeeding together by buildingclose relationships. While we have a sense of purpose in our operations we also have a

    strong culture that demonstrates to customers thatWe Care. Warid Telecom considers the

    needs of customers first.

    Performance Measure in warid:


    To monitor progress against agreed performance standards and goals the company has to identify

    performance gaps and take remedial action.


    Regular feedback and coaching provided on a relatively informal basis throughout the


    Interim review conducted at least at 6 months to review progress on whats andhows and revise Development/Action Plan if needed

    Four steps

    Tracking progress (what-results)Making observations (how-behaviors)Giving ongoing feedback and reinforcements

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    Providing ongoing coachingJoint responsibility to prepare and agree Development/Action Plan at the beginning of PM cycle:

    Manager communicates the key what's and hows, performance standards andweightings for the role, as defined by the Business Unit

    Manager encourages jobholder to set challenging and realistic goals

    Manager and jobholder develop and agree an individual plan of how to meet roleexpectations

    Manager plans training and development to assist jobholder to meet role expectations

    Performance Review

    Joint responsibility to conduct an annual performance review and assess performance against


    oManager and jobholder prepare for review meeting by reviewing performanceand supporting evidences from the year

    oManager recognizes and rewards jobholder for agreed performance level

    oJobholder provides feedback to manager on support by manager to achieveobjectives.

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    Decision making in Warid Telecom

    Is working on centralized procedures. Department wise Warid Telecom they are decentralized in

    way that they can perform their operation separately. But the decision-making is centralized for

    every single purpose decision comes from the same channels.

    Culture of Warid

    The culture of organization is:


    Heirarchy of Warid:

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    Warid Telecom is a tall organization because of more vertical organizational levels. That you

    will see in the hierarchy of Warid Telecom under the head of Chain of Command. This is a

    very formal and friendly structure. The employees and the workers are advised to go to the

    senior managers of the outlet if a problem is occurred, there is a bigger issue then it is discussed

    with the seniors managers and if there is a crisis then it is immediately taken to the CEO for the

    solutions. a meeting is held after six months or annually so that a preview of the companys

    outlook is checked, or seminars are conducted to assure the safety and security of the company.

    Span of management

    Warid telecom came with the point of view of becoming Pakistans largest cellular operator and

    for that they have sufficient infrastructure and human resources.

    There are supervisors for the team of twelve CSRs.

    And for every (two) supervisors there is one Floor manager

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    All floor managers reports to department manager

    The department manager reports to Contact center head

    Contact center head reports to GeneralManager

    sme hierarchy applies on every other department


    The organization is departmentalized on the basis of its functionality

    Different functions are catered in different departments

    As there is one department that works for operations

    The other works as credit and collection

    The next works as bill delivery systems

    And other works as complaints management and support

    Task Division

    Task division is basing on division of labor and the work specialization

    The higher management perform mostly basing on their work specialization matters At first line

    managers the familiarity with the system and software being used

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    Selection and Recruitment at Warid:

    Like every multinational company, Warid Telecom has also a specialized procedure for selecting

    the employees. The selection process is described as follows:

    yRequisition raised by concern department.yHRDepartment processes this requisition.yPublish the advertisement in the newspapers.yScreening the application forms and resumes.yInterviewing Candidates.yChecking References.ySelect the person.

    They select the employees on the basis of work experience and knowledge. Good results are also

    matters but knowledge is very essential for concerned job. In selecting the company conducts

    tests for clerical jobs. There are some engineering tests, communication skills tests, computer

    knowledge tests and many more based upon the vacancy.

    Line Managers and Human Resource Managers conduct interviews from the candidates. But if

    there is an interview for some special posts like General Managers etc, then Board ofDirectors

    and Chief Executive Officers conduct interviews. The company conducts all types of interviews

    like structured, situational, behavior description, and panel interview. In most of the cases, there

    are panel interviews. The selected candidates are informed by both e-mail and postal services.


    In warid telecom orientation period is one week the purpose of orientation is to assist new

    employee.In becoming familiar with the organization. In understanding the mission of the

    organization. In understanding their responsibilities within the organization. To provide

    information about academic policies, procedures and requirements.

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    Problem solving

    The problem solving strategy used by Warid telecom is:

    DO IT

    yD: Define ProblemyO: Open mind 7 Apply creative techniques.yI: Identify best solution.yT: Transform.

    Next Approach:

    yProblem finding.yFact findingyProblem Definition.yIdeas FindingySelection.yPlanningySell ideasyAction.


    Warid telecom main strategy is to serve maximum people of Pakistan they can serve. The

    company works according to the need, wants and demands of the people who are searching for

    the quality on cheaper prices. This company wants to be honest with all Pakistanis and wanted

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    to minimize the inflation in the prices of mobile connections. Its not only inflation in prices but

    the poor quality which forces the company to serve the people with change and give them respect

    and freedom to satisfy for what they are paying enough.

    Warid telecom knows that Pakistan is a poor country and people here have not been treated

    fairly. Company wanted to set standards of providing quality services on cheaper prices.

    Warid telecom keeping in mind the change in trends and customer needs company serves them

    by giving additional services like on line billing option, customer can check their mobile bills on

    company websites, value added services GPRS, MMS charging minor additional cost. Company

    offers its customers free delivery where ever they want.Warid telecom obviously runs that

    business to earn money by serving people best, for that it focuses on more quantity sold. It keeps

    the prices low and little profit per unit with more unit sold results the profit maximization.

    Warid telecom in long-term strategies wants to work together with the government for their

    future concern project like fiber optic cable , land line phone service project .they have their own

    international gate way.

    Warid telecom is a business having its tough competitors covering almost every city of

    Pakistan. But the competitive edge this company has is the quality and providing maximum

    facilities on lowest possible rates and the compiled comparison of the rates of other cellular



    The basic goal of any firm is to earn money or generate profits on its investment. Warid telecom

    has clear strategies to maximize profits by selling more. Company is working well according to

    its plans and strategies and has been very successful to achieve all its financial goals. Its

    expanding day by day and the financial status of the company is improving constantly.

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    Warid holds a unique identity in the cellular market and holds more than 30% of the total cellular

    customers average. The case does not close here; Warid enjoyed the corporate benefits for more

    than 3 years. There were two business rival mobilink and ufone. Even now, they are forming 7 to

    9 radio based stations all over the country per month; Warid is generating almost $3 average/unit

    from a regular Zem customer and $22 average/unit from Zahi customer. These facts are enough

    to bother any rival. This is helping the organization flourish and strengthen its roots in the

    country. Warid has become a generic identity over the years and still is a giant contender in the

    market. The basic element behind their success is satisfied customers. They hold an attitude that

    customer is the king.


    STRENGTH:According to our study these are the key strength of Warid Telecom,Quality service Good and efficient networkMore consumer oriented marketing due to AlfalahBank Bringing new trends in cellular technology Internationally approachable More choice andcheaper rates Easy to use Proper connectivity Defensive strategy Billing system friendly andsupportive (online billing system) Highest no. of franchises


    Weaknesses which we have find out in the functionality of the company,New Entrant Lesser advertisement on broadcast media. Tough competition with other cellularcompany Lesser coverage as compare to competitor.

    OPPORTUNITIES:The area of Sindh has the grater opportunities and growth area for Warid Telecom over all Waridhas these opportunities like.Growing industry More use due to increase of business in Pakistan Quality consciousness inpeople Latest technology Internationally accepted networkMore motivational opportunities toemployeesMore reliable network They have more positive investment opportunities

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    THREATS:In some of the ten cities in which Warid are going to launching the services MOBILINK alreadyexist. So there is the threat that people may reject the services in favor ofMOBLINK. Apotential threat can also be seen in the higher costs involved and its potential returns. Most of theother threats which we have found out are Existing competitors Unstable political system

    Package rate of competitorsM

    ore experienced staff in other cellular companies Network spreadis small as compare to competitors spread.


    Warid Telecom is committed to distinctive quality and unparalleled customer service in all

    aspects of their business. The success of Warid Telecom is determined by the success of unified

    team operating in their organization. They have to earn trust and respect of their customers

    everyday in order that the customer makes the decision to choose their services. Their success isguaranteed by creative, productive employees who are empowered to make suggestions. Their

    jobs are designed to fulfill their mission. The primary goal of Warid Telecom is to live their

    vision and continue to be an industry leader. They achieve this through dedicated hard work and

    commitment from every employee. It is the desire of Warid Telecoms management, from top to

    bottom, to have every employee succeed in their job and assist in achieving their goals.


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    Interview with Mr.Atif Ikhlaq (corporate area sales manager)

    what type of decisions do you have to take more often? Risky, certain or uncertain?

    Mr.Atif : certain, are mostly sure about the decisions that we take, it involves anticipation and


    What type of communication takes place in WARID? Formal ,informal or both?

    Mr.Atif : both

    Which one is preferred?

    Mr.Atif : Formal communication Is mostly preferred.

    Is there a healthy competition between the managers in WARID?

    Mr.Atif : yes.

    How do your competitors effect you?

    Mr.Atif : They effect us in a positive manner,competition provides a motivation to fight for our

    share of market. There is no success without the presence of competition.

    Does WARID have strategic partners?

    Mr.Atif : We have affinity partners like AL-Falah and FO-B etc.They provide sales channels and

    platforms for out services.

    Why do You think WARID is successful? Due to its perfect lauch, outstanding

    management, good marketing and advertisement,services or others?

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    Mr.Atif : Well, all of them.

    What is the role of ethics in your decision making?

    Mr.Atif : I think ethics is the key, our decisions are based on ethics.

    What is the situation of individual ethics in WARID?

    Mr.Atif : Very good.

    Why do you think WARID is successful?

    Mr.Atif : Our services.

    What actions do you take if employees are not following your decisions?

    Mr.Atif : We take collective measures, send warning letters etc.

    Do your higher authorities take decisions or group/combined decisions are preferred?

    Mr.Atif : Group decision making preferred.

    Do you take decisions in anticipation or take the decision on time?

    Mr.Atif : Anticipation.

    What do you prefer, long term plans and gradual results or short term plans and

    immediate results?

    Mr.Atif : We make long term plans.

    Do you think government polices are favourable for you or do you think they are merely


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    Mr.Atif : They are in our interest.

    What is your approach towards change?

    Mr.Atif : We are open to change.