findings exercise

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Post on 03-Apr-2018




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  • 7/28/2019 Findings Exercise


    1. Non-Conformance

    At the time of the audit the ff. inadequacies were noted:

    a. No incident report had been reported & recorded

    b. No material invoice or delivery receipt was found.

    Thus, it cannot be recognized that controls of Non-Conforming Matl are met. The ab ove

    is a violation against ISO 9001 Clause 8.3 and OSHAS Clause 4.5.3 which requires the

    Organization to establish, implement, and maintain controls associated with incident

    investigation, identifying & correcting non-conformities and taking corrective action to

    mitigate their consequencies and taking preventive action to prevent the recurrence.

    2 . Minor Non-Conformance

    During audit , it was noted that the Union President is not reflected in the IMS Table of

    Organization and his duties and responsibilities defined. Thus, it cannot be established

    if he has the responsibility, accountability, and authority to represent employees on

    policies development and risk management.

    The above is against OHSAS Clause 4.4.1b which requires Top Management to define

    roles, allocate responsibilities and accountabilities and delegate authority.

    3 . Minor Non-Conformance

    At the time of the audit, the ff. were noted:

    a. No accicident report relating to the forklift crashing in to the drums and

    b. Subsequent clean-up had been reported.

    Thus, review of the effectiveness of the corrective action cannot be determined. This is a

    violation against OSHAS Clauses, and 4.4.7 which require the

    organization to conduct and report incident investigation and record and communicatethe results of corrective action, implement appropriate preventive action to prevent

    recurrence and periodically review and review its emergency preparedness and

    response procedure after the occurrence of such emergency situations.

  • 7/28/2019 Findings Exercise


    4. Opportunity for Improvement

    The legal limit stated in the Noise Regulations for 8 hour equivalent of unprotected

    exposure is 85 dB. While reviewing the noise measurement report, the 8 hour equivalent for the

    last mewasurement 1 month ago was 86 dB. The manager in charge explained that since the

    noise level is only slightly above the noise limit, they did not plan to implement any changes to

    the machine other than issuing the affected qworkers with ear-plugs.

    The auditor may consider checking the procedure for OSHAS Clause 4.5.3, check if

    investigation is made, check provision in the procedure for criteria for raising CARs and if theres

    provision for conduct of HIRADC. If inadequate, raise CAR against OSHAS Clause 4.5.3.

    5. Minor Non-Conformance

    At the time of the audit, the f. were noted:

    a. No HIRADC was conducted for the decommissioning and dismantling activities for the

    absorption type chillers.

    b. No Aspect Evaluation/Impact Evaluation was evident in records since six months ago.

    Thus, the environmental aspects of the activities cannot be identified taking into account

    planned or new or modified activities. Also those aspects that have significant aspects cannot

    be determined. This is agains Clause ISO 14001: 4.3.1 which requires the organization to

    ensure that significant environmental aspects are taken into account, document this information

    and keep it updated.