finnlines is an integral part of finland’s security of supply...rocket science. “we could call a...

Efficient. Reliable. Sustainable. Finnlines is an integral part of Finland’s security of supply Introducing Finnlines Newbuilding team Superstar ro-pax vessels to scale up Finland–Sweden connection a Grimaldi Group company news 2/2020

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Post on 05-Oct-2020




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Page 1: Finnlines is an integral part of Finland’s security of supply...rocket science. “We could call a shipyard and order a ro-ro ship with a capacity of 5,800 lane metres to be delivered

Efficient. Reliable. Sustainable.

Finnlines is an integral part of Finland’s security of supply Introducing Finnlines Newbuilding team

Superstar ro-pax vessels to scale up Finland–Sweden connection

a Grimaldi Group company


Page 2: Finnlines is an integral part of Finland’s security of supply...rocket science. “We could call a shipyard and order a ro-ro ship with a capacity of 5,800 lane metres to be delivered

Finnlines remains true to the goal of its foundation despite today’s turbulent waters

Finnlines was established in 1947 as part of a wider effort to reconnect Finnish society and industry with neighbouring countries following the devastation of World War II. This mission has held true into the 21st century, the Company invested in newer and newer vessels generations and grew up in its role; Finnlines transports today a third of the 1 million trucks bringing goods from Finland to Europe and back every year.

THE NETWORK HAS EXPANDED – Europe, Russia and the rest of the world are today accessible to Finnish export-ers and importers via the larger Grimaldi Group network – but Finnlines’ vital, market-leading position still meansit is incumbent upon us to act responsibly and to fulfilthe role acquired by the Company in Finland and in theBaltic.

THE 21 VESSELS WE OPERATE ARE AMONG THE BEST YOU’LL FIND PLYING THE BALTIC SEA in terms of size, efficiency and CO2 footprint. All vessels trading between Finland and the rest of Europe fly the Finnish flag.



Editorial 2

Bringing up the Next Generation Introducing Finnlines Newbuilding team 5

Building together – the companies behind the vessels 8

Hybrid ro-ro vessels sail into a green future 9

Superstar ro-pax vessels to scale up Finland–Sweden connection 12

Putting the spotlight on the great archipelago 13

Schedules 15–19

Issue 2/2020 seq. no. 29

Editor in Chief: Finnlines

Printed by: K-Print

Published by: Finnlines PlcKomentosilta 1FI 00980 [email protected]

Address changes:

Printed in August 2020.Circulation: 12,000 copies

Page 3: Finnlines is an integral part of Finland’s security of supply...rocket science. “We could call a shipyard and order a ro-ro ship with a capacity of 5,800 lane metres to be delivered

Finnlines remains true to the goal of its foundation despite today’s turbulent waters

All vessels trading between Finland and the rest of

Europe fly the Finnish flag.

Emanuele GrimaldiCEO

SEVERE REVENUE LOSSES DURING THE VIRUS LOCKDOWN SPARED NO-ONE and ranged from 20% to 80% on some trades. Carriers have had to bear the additional costs of heightened sanitation measures. Finnlines and oth-ers have reimbursed passenger tickets and introduced new crew procedures to reduce the risk of exposure.

UNLIKE OTHER GROUPS, HOWEVER, WE HAVE NOT LAID UP VESSELS. Despite the losses, services have contin-ued unaltered. It is therefore disappointing to witness certain authorities, in defiance of EU rules, give our competitors what amounts to unearned income. If sup-port for the marketplace is required, there are ways for these subsidies to be distributed fairly and in proportion to services rendered. A reduction in port fees, by way of example, would distort the market less than selec-tive aid to certain companies.

DESPITE OUR DETERMINATION TO KEEP ESSENTIAL SUP-PLY LINES OPEN, subsidies to our competitors have trig-gered yet more imbalances because state-supported services have depressed rates further. We have been penalised with reduced revenues for a second time.

NO MATTER: FINNLINES HAS BROAD SHOULDERS. We will navigate these turbulent waters with the same honesty and self-sufficiency that has served us so well until now. We will keep serving our markets with the same energy and commitment as before, true to the goal laid down more than 70 years ago.

Enjoy the latest edition of Finnlines News.

OUR ONGOING INVESTMENTS prove we keep on re-sponding to the demands of society. A series of three ro-ro vessels will join the fleet over the next two years, thereby improving our economies of scale and tonne-kilometre efficiency. A further two ro-pax vessels capa-ble of carrying 1,100 passengers each are scheduled to arrive in 2023.

THESE VESSELS COME WITH THE LATEST IN GREEN TECHNOLOGY: emissions abatement systems known as scrubbers; battery packs reducing emissions to zero while in port; and hulls made all the more streamlined thanks to a fine coating of bubbles. We are in total investing EUR 700 million in equipment, retrofits and newbuildings.

WE HAVE BECOME THE MARKET LEADER by relying on our own efforts and entrepreneurship. We ask for nothing from public authorities other than the chance to com-pete on an even playing field without distortion.

IT IS THEREFORE WITH A CERTAIN REGRET THAT WE FEEL OBLIGED TO REPORT that public authorities have in recent months distorted the competitive landscape via aid to certain operators.


Page 4: Finnlines is an integral part of Finland’s security of supply...rocket science. “We could call a shipyard and order a ro-ro ship with a capacity of 5,800 lane metres to be delivered

In Memoriam Claus HøghScandinavia Ro-Ro Line Manager and Managing Director of Finnlines Danmark A/S Claus Høgh passed away on 2nd of July 2020 after serious illness at the age of 64 years.

Claus was an experienced man-ager, fighting for his line and his agen-cy. He worked loyally for Finnlines for 15 years – through good times and bad. Also providing precious help with some important asset dismissals in a time of distress for the Company.

Additionally, Claus had great inter-national experience within the busi-ness. In his early years, he worked for ACL in Copenhagen, Southampton and New York and later for CMB in Antwerp as Commercial Manager. When moving back to Denmark after years abroad, he joined Lillebaelt Shipping as Managing Director before joining Finnlines in 2005.

At Finnlines Claus was known as a top shipping professional. His skills and experience were appreciated by his colleagues throughout the Grimaldi Group organization. He will also be remembered for his excellent sense of humour which he was able to show also in difficult times.

He leaves behind a wife and two daughters by whom he will be greatly missed.


Newbuilding programme

Finnlines has a modern and energy-efficient fleet consisting of 21 vessels, of which 9 are ro-pax and 12 ro-ro vessels. Over the years, the Company has invested more than a billion euros in renewal of vessels. All these investments were aimed at improving energy efficiency and thus contribute more to reducing emissions.

Finnlines’ EUR 500 million newbuilding programme will increase the Company’s combined fleet capacity by 40% for rolling cargo like trailers, lorries and cars and by an even more impressive 60% in passenger capacity. This investment will provide perfect tools to respond to future customer needs.

Finnlines is investing in new environmentally friendly vessels to cut emissions further. The world’s greenest ro-ro vessels are currently being built to accommodate sustainable development. These ultra green vessels will be built with the latest technology available to ensure the lowest CO2 emissions.

In addition, Finnlines has also ordered two Superstar eco-efficient ro-pax vessels, which will pioneer in honouring green values. They are designed to provide maximum efficiency and the seamless transfer of cargo and passengers.

Page 5: Finnlines is an integral part of Finland’s security of supply...rocket science. “We could call a shipyard and order a ro-ro ship with a capacity of 5,800 lane metres to be delivered



Bringing up the Next Generation Introducing Finnlines Newbuilding team

All four members in the Newbuilding team have a proven track record of shipping and maritime industry. Their expertise covers navigation, ship design, dockings, classification, hotel management, cruise business... In fact, the list is never-ending. All are committed to developing a new, advanced vessel concept.

Finnlines Newbuilding team is committed to developing the best possible vessel concept for Finnlines. Mikael Lindholm, Pasi Väänänen, Juha Ahia and Kristiina Uppala took part in a meeting.

Page 6: Finnlines is an integral part of Finland’s security of supply...rocket science. “We could call a shipyard and order a ro-ro ship with a capacity of 5,800 lane metres to be delivered


Head of Newbuilding Mikael LindholmMikael Lindholm was appointed Head of Newbuilding at the beginning of 2020 as it was necessary to pay full-time atten-tion on the EUR 500-million investment programme.

Mikael finished his long sailing ca-reer as a Captain onboard Silja Line’s passenger ferry in the late 1990s and landed with working on various projects in the company’s shore organisation. He moved on to act as a Marine Manager and finally as a Director of Ship Manage-ment. Being a member of the Executive Group, he got a good overall picture of all company operations.

meet changes in capacity demand and amendments in legislation. “Lengthen-ing of the six Breeze-class ro-ro vessels could be seen as quite a spectacle, but the project was technically even more successful than we expected,” Juha says.

Juha works on newbuildings from day one when the owner decides to order new ships. “The building process, which starts with the design development and ends when the ship sets off for traffic, is long and hectic, involving many play-ers both within and outside Finnlines. Technical and commercial aspects must be considered and numerous decisions made.”

According to Juha shipbuilding is not rocket science. “We could call a shipyard and order a ro-ro ship with a capacity of 5,800 lane metres to be delivered in March 2022. However, we prefer an ana-lytical and pragmatic process to reach the design that serves our purposes.”

Newbuilding Project Manager Juha AhiaHaving graduated as a Naval Archi-tect, Juha Ahia was employed by the ship design and engineering company Deltamarin. “University studies aimed for understanding fundamental principles of naval architecture and marine engineer-ing, such as ship design, stability and hydrodynamics, loads and structures, and machinery. Courses could be quite theoretical, but an academic background and “learning by doing” in a project department that mainly worked with inter-national customers gave me a good start. My first superior was also very inspiring.”

During his more than 20-year em-ployment at Finnlines, Juha has been involved in many newbuilding projects. To be precise, the Superstar ro-pax is his fifth newbuilding series and it will add up the number of deliveries to 19.

Juha has also worked on conver-sions where vessels have been rebuilt to

Newbuildings seem to be Mikael’s destiny as he supervised Silja Serenade when the vessel was built at the Turku Shipyard in 1989–1990. When he joined Finnlines in 2012 to lead Finnlines Ship Management, the last Breeze-class ro-ro vessels were under construction. “I had hardly settled at Finnlines when I had to travel to China to attend a sea trial. Later I celebrated delivery and ship naming ceremonies. These occasions gave me an opportunity to get well familiar with the Jinling Shipyard, which now makes it easier to work on the new projects.”

Challenges are always welcome. “At Finnlines we are very excited to work on these milestones and I am very proud of my professional team.”

The Superstar ro-pax is my fifth newbuilding

series where I have been involved.

I got familiar with the Jinling Shipyard, which

now makes it easier to work on the new projects.

Page 7: Finnlines is an integral part of Finland’s security of supply...rocket science. “We could call a shipyard and order a ro-ro ship with a capacity of 5,800 lane metres to be delivered


Head of Customer Service, Passenger Services Kristiina UppalaKristiina Uppala is a world citizen. She has worked around the world in many kinds of leading positions, such as a Hotel Director, in the travel & hotel busi-ness. During her international career, multicultural teamwork and customer segments have become a daily stand-ard. Some of her most memorable and remarkable workplaces have been luxury hotels & resorts in Monte Carlo, France and Thailand.

The planned 2-year contract onboard MSC cruise vessels ended up lasting 15 years. Cruising in various positions in the Caribbean, Mediterranean, Norwe-gian Fjords, South Africa, Middle East and South America, there were always

new challenges to face and targets to achieve.

For the last 5 years, Kristiina has been working at Finnlines as the Head of Customer Service. The main duties have been to improve the onboard concept and revenue opportunities. She has also done major facelifts on all ro-pax ves-sels to unify the customer experience.

After many years at sea and having seen all sides of the hospitality indus-try, it was natural to be involved in the newbuilding projects. “We are working closely with the architect and suppliers to ensure that the customer experience is brought to a completely new level. We are trying to find the perfect balance to fulfill the expectations of the freight and leisure customers, respecting today’s trends and values. I’m definitely looking forward to seeing these new vessels on our archipelago line.”

Project Engineer Pasi VäänänenA Bachelor’s degree in marine engineer-ing ensures that there are many jobs to choose from. During his 20-year marine career, Pasi Väänänen has sailed as a watch-keeping engineer and as a 1st engineer, who is in charge of daily work in the engine department.

Before joining Finnlines in the sum-mer of 2019, Pasi worked as a technical superintendent for Columbia Cruise Ser-vices. The work involved frequent travel, often from Asia via Hamburg – where the company headquarters are – to the Caribbean. There was no time to recover from jetlag. “The crew was queuing up for advice and support from the moment I embarked the cruise ship. Technical problems varied from main engine stops

to broken dishwashers and frozen cock-tail machines.” Engineering skills were a must, counselling skills an asset. “I often had to sort out crewing topics as there were around 60 nationalities working onboard and cultures crash issues were faced every now and then.”

The newbuilding project was moving full ahead when Pasi started at Finnlines. “I concentrate mainly on engine room arrangements, which include more than machinery. I have to consider rules and regulations, check drawings, participate in selection of makers and suppliers. However, this is all about teamwork and our team meets regularly to have facts checked and details covered.”

It is also evident that sooner or later long-distance travel will be noted in Pasi’s calendar.

Other key participantsFinnlines’ Newbuilding team has worked together with Grimaldi’s experts to create the most environmentally friendly ship design ever operated in the Baltic Sea. Finnlines also has a site team at the Jinling shipyard to supervise the work, which started with steel cutting at the beginning of June 2020.

“The role of supervision cannot be overestimated. No matter how good the design is, the product will be a failure without quality work and control,” says Juha Ahia.

I have worked on several projects and especially

interesting was to work with top professionals around 60 nationalities on board.

I have several years of experience in

international leadership roles in the hotel and cruise business around the world.


Page 8: Finnlines is an integral part of Finland’s security of supply...rocket science. “We could call a shipyard and order a ro-ro ship with a capacity of 5,800 lane metres to be delivered


The newbuilding programme is a collaborative project and in addition to the shipyards it will engage several suppliers.

In total, Finnlines has ordered three hybrid ro-ro vessels and two Superstar ro-pax vessels. The new ro-ro vessel, the first of which is expected to be delivered in 2021, will represent a very eco-friendly and energy-efficient ship by using the latest technol-ogy. Our largest, most innovative and greenest ship yet, Superstar ro-pax vessels are expected to start in operation in 2023.

Best technical expertise for newbuildingsThe world’s greenest ro-ro vessels have been designed in cooperation with the Nordic marine designer Knud E. Hansen. Construction of the first of the three new hybrid ro-ro vessels has started at the Chinese Nanjing Jinling Shipyard. The shipyard is one of the world’s most prolific builders of short-sea ro-ro vessels and has delivered hundreds of large vessels to more than 20 countries and regions worldwide with high reputa-tion. Finnlines has had a good cooperation with Nanjing

Jinling Shipyard in the past, as its six latest ro-ro ves-sels, delivered in 2012–2013, were ordered from the same shipyard.

The hybrid ro-ro’s will be fitted with Wärtsilä’s Hybrid Power Conversion system and together with Corvus Energy’s ESS the approach enables zero- emission operations in port. The vessels will be equipped with MAN Energy Solutions’ two-stroke propulsion package and energy-efficient engines and they will enable a 100% increase in efficiency.

The order of two large Superstar ro-pax vessels was finalized in December 2019. The Superstar ro-pax concept plan design was implemented in close co-operation with Grimaldi, Finnlines and Nordic marine designer, Knud E. Hansen. Finland-based naval ar-chitect Deltamarin was chosen to design the details of the 5,100lm ro-pax vessels, which will be built in China Merchants’ Jinling Shipyard in Weihai. Both Deltama-rin and CMJL shipyard have a long history of building ro-pax vessels, the latest projects being E-Flexer ro-pax vessels for Swedish Stena Line.

Both shipyards are part of China Merchants Group.

Building together – the companies behind the vessels


Traditional steel cutting ceremonyFinnlines newbuilding programme continues as planned. The construction of Finnlines’ newest environmentally friendly ro-ro vessel was started on 8 June 2020, with the steel cutting in the Chinese Nanjing Jinling shipyard. Due to the current coronavirus situation the traditional steel cutting ceremony couldn’t be organized on a normal scale, but instead it was held with limited onsite personnel.

In the picture Finnlines’ repre-sentative Site Manager Davor Radic.

Page 9: Finnlines is an integral part of Finland’s security of supply...rocket science. “We could call a shipyard and order a ro-ro ship with a capacity of 5,800 lane metres to be delivered



Hybrid ro-ro vessels sail into a green futureNew ultra-green vessels will bring many benefits to our customers, including fast and efficient loading and unloading, and in addition, provide more flexible cargo space to our customers.


Page 10: Finnlines is an integral part of Finland’s security of supply...rocket science. “We could call a shipyard and order a ro-ro ship with a capacity of 5,800 lane metres to be delivered


The ro-ro’s will be 238 metres long with a cargo capacity of 5,800 lane metres, 5,800m2 of car decks and about 520 TEU

on the weather deck. Consequently, one vessel can carry for example, about 300 trailers, 150 cars and 500 sea containers per sailing.

The vessels are designed to be flex-ible for all type of ro-ro cargo whilst tank top and main deck are designed free of pillar areas to accommodate paper and sto-ro concept. Several decks and internal ramps speed up loading and unloading. At the same the vessels will be an extremely flexible – hoistable deck makes it possible to load any type of rolling freight such as trucks, tractors, excavators up to 7.4 metres.

Battery banks save fuel and reduce emissions The vessels come with an integrated propeller- rudder system and modern hull lines that have been designed in accordance with the state-of-the-art hydrodynamics. They will be equipped with the most modern two-stroke main engines, which have a lower specific fuel consumption than four-stroke engines, and thus also, they produce less CO2 and other emissions.

In addition to lithium-ion batteries that enables zero-emission operations in port, they will be equipped with emission abatement and an innovative air lubrica-tion system to reduce hull resistance.

Newbuilding Department, Finnlines. The newbuildings will also feature ice-class classification, 1A Super.

Improved services on boardFinnlines will be focusing more on the on board services provided on freight ships where lorry drivers are frequent customers. In order to offer value-added service, there will be a gym and sauna area, dining and recreation room and laundry for all drivers use. To add comfort on board, drivers will be allocated single cabins. There will be 12 cabins for driv-ers and 26 cabins for the crew on board. “These features will be very welcomed by our customers. For drivers who travel be-tween countries, ships and their services play huge part in their working lives”, says Lindholm.

Name refers to the environmentThe new vessels will be named Finneco I, Finneco II and Finneco III in honour the green innovations. “Hybrid ro-ro’s will be a very modern and innovative vessels using several energy saving technolo-gies to ensure the lowest CO2 emissions. It was obvious that the name is taking shape according to the ‘eco’ theme”, says Lindholm.

The vessels will be painted in a fresh colour, green, which reflects the names of the vessels. In fact, all Finnlines’ ves-sels used to be green still in the early 2000’s and therefore the new colour will be a nod to the Finnlines’ history as well.

2020 8 June

Steel cutting


Keel laying





Hybrid ro-ro’s will be very modern and

innovative vessels using several energy saving technologies.

Finnlines is a forerunner in sustainability and well heading towards the “zero emission in port”.

Additionally, the vessels will be equipped with approximately 600m2 of solar pan-els. Renewable energy is available on board to users.

“We are aiming for high energy ef-ficiency and environmental friendliness. By installing a high-powered battery bank as well as preparing the vessels for shore-side electricity, we are well head-ing towards the “zero emissions in port” target”, says Mikael Lindholm, Head of


Page 11: Finnlines is an integral part of Finland’s security of supply...rocket science. “We could call a shipyard and order a ro-ro ship with a capacity of 5,800 lane metres to be delivered



Environmental aspects• Lithium-ion battery systems to enable zero-

emission operations and to reduce noise in port • An innovative air lubrication system to create

bubble layers which will reduce hull resistance• Clean and renewable energy source: 600m2 of

solar panels to produce electricity to users on board

Operational aspects• Hull lines designed to optimise energy

efficiency• Rudder bulb to increase energy efficiency• The vessel will comply with Ice Class 1A


More efficient cargo loading • Flexible for all type of ro-ro cargo whilst tank

top and main deck are designed free of pillar areas to accommodate paper and sto-ro concept

• Fast loading and unloading with tripple stern ramp arrangement

Power generation• Two-stroke main engines for fuel saving and

redundancy• Main engines: type and size carefully selected

to achieve the lowest possible specific fuel oil consumption

• Hybrid solution with battery system (batteries can be recharged both during sailing and in port)

• Use of shore-side electricity in port to reduce fuel consumption, emissions and noise


Battery banksLithium-ion battery systems to enable zero-emission operations and to reduce noise in port

Reblading & Promas Lite Systemsto increase energy efficiency

Optimised hull lines to optimise energy efficiency

Main enginestype and size carefully selected to achieve the lowest possible specific fuel oil consumption

An innovative air lubrication system to create bubble layers which will reduce friction and hydrodynamic resistance

Use of shore-side electricity in port to reduce fuel consumption, emissions and noise

Increase in cargo capacity

Length238.00 m

(217.80 m)

Breadth34.00 m

(26.5 m)

Hybrid ro-ro vessel in comparison to previous Breeze series ro-ro vessel





Speed20.7 knots


Lane metres5,800 m

(4,192 m)

Driver cabins12(6)


238.00 m

217.80 m

Page 12: Finnlines is an integral part of Finland’s security of supply...rocket science. “We could call a shipyard and order a ro-ro ship with a capacity of 5,800 lane metres to be delivered

2021 June

Steel cutting


Keel laying






Superstar ro-pax vessels to scale up Finland–Sweden connectionFinnlines Superstar ro-paxes will set new standards when they start operating on the Baltic Sea in 2023.

To meet the customers’ demand, Finnlines will deploy a new vessel type especially designed for its Sweden– Finland traffic. The new ships will have a full intake up to 5,100 lane metres and 1,100 passengers. In other words, the vessels have the capacity to carry approximately 200 cars and 290 trail-ers or 250 trucks per voyage.

Faster services for freight customersFinnlines has used a lot of time to design cargo handling and its processes so that the vessel will get the best possible cargo system suitable for the planned route. To-gether the new vessels will offer increased stowage capacity with over 40% larger than current ships on that route.

Automooring at berth will ensure faster

mooring and more efficient port operations. Customers will see this in faster cargo handling times as loading and unloading of the cargo will take less time. The enhanced functions will also reduce the environmen-tal impact and emissions.

Superstar ro-pax vessels will bring new innovative solutions to Finnlines services and environmental perspective is taken into account everywhere. Onshore power supply will provide an alternative source of energy enabling emission-free operations in port. Light management and ventila-tion will be designed to enhance energy efficiency even in changing conditions. Moreover, two-speed reduction gears will improve propulsion efficiency.



Length235.00 m

(218.8 m)

GT ~68,460



Superstar ro-pax vessel in comparison to present MS Finnswan



Lane metres 5,100 m

(4,200 m)


Page 13: Finnlines is an integral part of Finland’s security of supply...rocket science. “We could call a shipyard and order a ro-ro ship with a capacity of 5,800 lane metres to be delivered



Increase in cargo capacity

+20%Increase in passenger capacity


Breadth33.30 m

(30.5 m)

Speed 20.5 knots


Putting the spotlight on the great archipelago

Finnlines has ordered two new Super-star Class ro-pax vessels which are set to start operating in Naantali–Lågnäs–Kapellskär route in 2023.

They are designed using the highest technical standards, making them pioneers in green values among the Baltic ro-pax vessels.

Ensuring customer satisfactionFinnlines is now developing more enhanced on board concept where future travel trends have been taken into consideration. “We have done many improvements and changes

to our new and existing vessels based on the customer feedback, and will continue to listen closely what our customers think,” says Kristiina Uppala, Head of Customer Service, Passenger Services, Finnlines. The emphasis has specifically been in green values, state-of-the-art technology and passenger comfort. Future passengers value sustainable and meaningful travel and thus it was clear that unique views of the sea and archipelago play a key role in the vessel design. Large win-dows and covered outer deck areas provide passengers facilities to enjoy the sceneries.

These next generation vessels are going to bring the passenger experience to a completely new level with a new on board concept.


Superstar ro-pax vessel in comparison to present MS Finnswan

235.00 m

218.80 m

Page 14: Finnlines is an integral part of Finland’s security of supply...rocket science. “We could call a shipyard and order a ro-ro ship with a capacity of 5,800 lane metres to be delivered

Intelligent Superstar ro-pax vessels

The interior design draws inspiration from

nature and natural materials.

Green values have been considered throughout the ship, including accom-modation and interior design. Lighting is based on low-energy LED systems and designed to suit each specific service and location. Furniture, in the sauna bar for instance, will be made from recyclable materials.

To further enhance energy savings, passenger cabins are equipped with a smart control system, which turns off lighting and air conditioning automati-cally when the cabin is not occupied.

Printed materials, such as menus, signs, travel programs, shopping cata-logues, will all be replaced by digital

screens and information will also be accessible from smart phones. This will minimize paper waste.

When galley equipment is selected, attention is paid to low energy consump-tion. The intention is to serve locally produced food and use of plastics will be avoided where possible.


be favoured and a new Summer bar will serve outdoors seasonally.

Finnlines is targeting for paperless vessels and will be introducing a smart-phone app for even smoother travel experience. Alongside with the app, a Pre-Order shop will be opened with a separate pick-up location on board.

Staying on board Finnlines is adding options also for the cabins by introducing new cabin catego-ries (e.g. Comfort, Family) and adding more cabins for passengers travelling with their pets. Overall, in the new Superstars will be over 100 more passenger cabins than on the previous ro-pax vessels.

A central vacuum cleaning system will be introduced which will improve the air quality and cleaning processes in the cabins as well as other areas on board.

All cabins will be equipped with smart control system that will save energy.

”We are excited to bring our new con-cept to the market, and I’m sure it will be well welcomed. We have put lots of effort on enhancing the customer experience and providing more well-being options on board, without forgetting our current customers,” says Uppala.

The Duty-Free Shop will offer new ways of shopping, including pre-order and self-service. Digital signage will also have an important role not only in the Shop, but all around the vessels.

The new spa and sauna concept will offer pure relaxation in a restful atmos-phere and an opportunity to admire the Archipelago scenery.

The Company is also putting more effort on premium travel, and the new ro-pax vessels will offer adequate prem-ises to new passenger segments such as groups and conference customers. These new vessels can carry double the amount of passengers than the previous ro-pax vessels.

Inspiration from natureThe interior design has been inspired by the archipelago, which can be enjoyed through extremely wide windows and more spacious outdoor deck. The heart of the new vessels is the Arcade area that includes Finnlines’ largest Duty-Free Shop, approx. 400 m2.

The new on board experiences in-clude a premium lounge with its pop-up shop and a large spa area. The tradi-tional sauna will be turned into a unisex sauna concept, consisting of one steam room and two saunas with a great sea view. Also, kids will have both outdoor and indoor play areas.

In terms of dining on board, there will be more options in addition to the tradi-tional buffet. Locally produced goods will

Page 15: Finnlines is an integral part of Finland’s security of supply...rocket science. “We could call a shipyard and order a ro-ro ship with a capacity of 5,800 lane metres to be delivered


St. PetersburgWallhamn







FosMarseille Savona








Izmir Mersin

Limassol LattakiaTartous






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GEMLIK 2/7 9/7 16/7 23/7 30/7 6/8 13/8 20/8 27/8 3/9 10/9 17/9 24/9 1/10 8/10 15/10 22/10 29/10 5/11 12/11YENIKOI 3/7 10/7 17/7 24/7 31/7 7/8 14/8 21/8 28/8 4/9 11/9 18/9 25/9 2/10 9/10 16/10 23/10 30/10 6/11 13/11SALERNO nb 7/7 14/7 21/7 28/7 4/8 11/8 18/8 25/8 1/9 8/9 15/9 22/9 29/9 6/10 13/10 20/10 27/10 3/11 10/11 17/11VALENCIA nb 9/7 16/7 23/7 30/7 6/8 13/8 20/8 27/8 3/9 10/9 17/9 24/9 1/10 8/10 15/10 22/10 29/10 5/11 12/11 19/11SOUTHAMPTON nb 14/7 21/7 28/7 4/8 11/8 18/8 25/8 1/9 8/9 15/9 22/9 29/9 6/10 13/10 20/10 27/10 3/11 10/11 17/11 24/11ESBJERG 16/7 23/7 30/7 6/8 13/8 20/8 27/8 3/9 10/9 17/9 24/9 1/10 8/10 15/10 22/10 29/10 5/11 12/11 19/11 26/11WALLHAMN 17/7 24/7 31/7 7/8 14/8 21/8 28/8 4/9 11/9 18/9 25/9 2/10 9/10 16/10 23/10 30/10 6/11 13/11 20/11 27/11ANTWERP 20/7 27/7 3/8 10/8 17/8 24/8 31/8 7/9 14/9 21/9 28/9 5/10 12/10 19/10 26/10 2/11 9/11 16/11 23/11 30/11SOUTHAMPTON sb 21/7 28/7 4/8 11/8 18/8 25/8 1/9 8/9 15/9 22/9 29/9 6/10 13/10 20/10 27/10 3/11 10/11 17/11 24/11 1/12VALENCIA sb 26/7 2/8 9/8 16/8 23/8 30/8 6/9 13/9 20/9 27/9 4/10 11/10 18/10 25/10 1/11 8/11 15/11 22/11 29/11 6/12SALERNO sb 28/7 4/8 11/8 18/8 25/8 1/9 8/9 15/9 22/9 29/9 6/10 13/10 20/10 27/10 3/11 10/11 17/11 24/11 1/12 8/12PIREO 30/7 6/8 13/8 20/8 27/8 3/9 10/9 17/9 24/9 1/10 8/10 15/10 22/10 29/10 5/11 12/11 19/11 26/11 3/12 10/12IZMIR 31/7 7/8 14/8 21/8 28/8 4/9 11/9 18/9 25/9 2/10 9/10 16/10 23/10 30/10 6/11 13/11 20/11 27/11 4/12 11/12ASHDOD 2/8 9/8 16/8 23/8 30/8 6/9 13/9 20/9 27/9 4/10 11/10 18/10 25/10 1/11 8/11 15/11 22/11 29/11 6/12 13/12ALEXANDRIA 4/8 11/8 18/8 25/8 1/9 8/9 15/9 22/9 29/9 6/10 13/10 20/10 27/10 3/11 10/11 17/11 24/11 1/12 8/12 15/12

BalticEuroMed Service


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More than 170 weekly freight departures and 80 passenger departures.

SCHEDULES a Grimaldi Group company

Page 16: Finnlines is an integral part of Finland’s security of supply...rocket science. “We could call a shipyard and order a ro-ro ship with a capacity of 5,800 lane metres to be delivered







HansaLink FinnLink NordöLink

PASSENGER [email protected]

FINLAND+358 9 231 [email protected]

GERMANY+49 451 1507 [email protected]

SWEDEN +46 771 340 [email protected]

More than 170 weekly freight departures and 80 passenger departures.SCHEDULES

Page 17: Finnlines is an integral part of Finland’s security of supply...rocket science. “We could call a shipyard and order a ro-ro ship with a capacity of 5,800 lane metres to be delivered



[email protected] +358 10 343 50GERMANYLü[email protected] +49 451 1507 500


[email protected] Phone +358 10 436 7645SWEDENKapellskä[email protected] +46 176 207 612


GERMANYTravemü[email protected] +49 4502 805 20SWEDENMalmö[email protected] +46 40 176 800


Travemünde MalmöMon 2.30 11.45 Mon

22.00 7.15 Tue

Tue 2.30 11.15 Tue

10.00 19.15 Tue

21.45 7.15 Wed

Wed 2.30 11.15 Wed

10.00 19.15 Wed

21.45 7.15 Thu

Thu 2.30 11.15 Thu

10.00 19.15 Thu

22.00 7.15 Fri

Fri 2.30 11.15 Fri

10.00 19.15 Fri

22.00 7.15 Sat

Sat 3.00 12.00 Sat

11.00 20.00 Sat

22.00 07.30 Sun

Sun 1.00 10.30 Sun

22.00 7.30 Mon


Malmö TravemündeMon 16.00 0.45 Tue

22.00 7.00 Tue

Tue 10.00 19.00 Tue

16.00 0.45 Wed

22.00 7.00 Wed

Wed 10.00 19.00 Wed

16.00 0.45 Thu

22.00 7.15 Thu

Thu 10.00 19.00 Thu

16.00 0.45 Fri

22.00 7.15 Fri

Fri 10.00 19.15 Fri

16.00 0.45 Sat

22.00 7.00 Sat

Sat 10.00 19.15 Sat

13.30 23.00 Sat

22.30 8.30 Sun

Sun 16.00 1.15 Mon

22.00 7.15 Mon


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s with

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Helsinki TravemündeMon 17.00 Tue 21.30

Tue 17.00 Wed 21.30

Wed 17.00 Thu 21.30

Thu 17.00 Fri 21.30

Fri 17.00 Sat 21.30

Sat 17.00 Sun 21.30

Sun 15.30 Mon 21.30


Travemünde HelsinkiMon 2.00 Tue 9.00

Tue 3.00 Wed 9.00

Wed 3.00 Thu 9.00

Thu 3.00 Fri 9.00

Fri 3.00 Sat 9.00

Sat 3.30 Sun 9.30

Sun 3.00 Mon 9.00

Mon 10.45 15.40 15.45 18.15 Mon 09.15 13.55 14.10 19.10

22.30 03.45 03.55 06.15 Tue 21.30 02.10 02.25 07.15 Tue

Tue 10.45 15.40 15.45 18.15 Tue 09.15 13.55 14.10 19.10

22.30 03.45 03.55 06.15 Wed 21.30 02.10 02.25 07.15 Wed

Wed 10.45 15.40 15.45 18.15 Wed 09.15 13.55 14.10 19.10

22.30 03.45 03.55 06.15 Thu 21.30 02.10 02.25 07.15 Thu

Thu 10.45 15.40 15.45 18.15 Thu 09.15 13.55 14.10 19.10

22.30 03.45 03.55 06.15 Fri 21.30 02.10 02.25 07.15 Fri

Fri 10.45 15.40 15.45 18.15 Fri 09.15 13.55 14.10 19.10

22.30 03.45 03.55 06.15 Sat 21.30 02.10 02.25 07.15 Sat

Sat 10.45 15.40 15.45 18.15 Sat 09.15 13.55 14.10 19.10

22.30 03.45 03.55 06.15 Sun 21.30 02.10 02.25 07.15 Sun

Sun 10.45 15.40 15.45 18.15 Sun 10.30 15.10 15.15 20.00

22.30 03.45 03.55 06.15 Mon 21.30 02.10 02.25 07.15 Mon


Naantali Långnäs Långnäs Kapellskär Kapellskär Långnäs Långnäs Naantali

FinnLinkPassengers & ro-ro service

NordöLinkPassengers & ro-ro service

HansaLinkPassengers & ro-ro service

Page 18: Finnlines is an integral part of Finland’s security of supply...rocket science. “We could call a shipyard and order a ro-ro ship with a capacity of 5,800 lane metres to be delivered





St. Petersburg





Tilbury Antwerp




More than 170 weekly freight departures and 80 passenger departures.SCHEDULES

FinnlinesNorth Sea & Baltic ro-ro

ROUTE LOADING SAILING DISCHARGING ARRIVAL Additional infoBelgium - Estonia Antwerp Fri 18:00 Paldiski Mon 18:00

Zeebrugge Thu 23:00 Paldiski Mon 18:00Belgium - Finland Antwerp Fri 18:00 Kotka Thu 06:00

Antwerp Helsinki Tue 06:45Zeebrugge Thu 22:00 Helsinki Tue 06:45Zeebrugge Thu 22:00 Kotka Thu 06:00

Belgium - Russia Antwerp Fri 18:00 St.Petersburg Wed 07:00Zeebrugge Thu 23:00 St.Petersburg Wed 07:00

Belgium - Spain Zeebrugge Fri 23:00 Bilbao Mon 8:00Antwerp Tue 21:00 Bilbao Mon 8:00

Belgium - Great Britain Antwerp Tue 21:00 Tilbury Wed 15:00Denmark - Finland Aarhus Tue 18:00 Helsinki Thu 6:45

Aarhus Fri 19:00 Helsinki Sun 9:00Denmark - Russia Aarhus St.Petersburg by request, transshipment via Helsinki

Estonia - Great Britain Paldiski Mon 22:00 Tilbury Wed 15:00Estonia - Belgium Paldiski Mon 22:00 Zeebrugge Fri 06:00

Paldiski Mon 22:00 Antwerp Tue 14:00Estonia - Spain Paldiski Mon 22:00 Bilbao Mon 8:00Finland - Belgium Kotka Thu 22:00 Zeebrugge Fri 06:00

Helsinki Fri 18:00 Antwerp Tue 14:00Kotka Thu 22:00 Antwerp Tue 14:00Helsinki Fri 18:00 Zeebrugge Fri 06:00

Finland - Denmark Helsinki Tue 19:00 Aarhus Thu 7:00Helsinki Sun 17:00 Aarhus Tue 07:00

Finland - Germany Hanko Mon 15:00 Rostock Tue 18:00Uusikaupunki Tue 22:00 Travemünde Thu 08:00Helsinki Thu 20:00 Rostock Sat 7:00Hanko Tue 17:00 Rostock Wed 19:00Kotka Tue 22:00 Travemünde Thu 10:00Kotka Thu 22:00 Travemünde Sun 06:00Kotka Tue 22:00 Lübeck Fri 13:00Uusikaupunki Fri 14:00 Travemünde Sun 09:00Hanko Thu 12:00 Rostock Fri 14:00Uusikaupunki Sun 23:00 Travemünde Tue 8:00Turku Fri 23:00 Travemünde Sun 09:00

Page 19: Finnlines is an integral part of Finland’s security of supply...rocket science. “We could call a shipyard and order a ro-ro ship with a capacity of 5,800 lane metres to be delivered



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ROUTE LOADING SAILING DISCHARGING ARRIVAL Additional infoFinland - Germany Hanko Sat 15:00 Rostock Sun 22:00

Turku Sun 12:00 Travemünde Tue 8:00Finland - Great Britain Helsinki Thu 15:30 Hull Sun 8:00

Kotka Thu 22:00 Tilbury Wed 15:00Helsinki Fri 18:00 Tilbury Wed 15:00

Finland - Poland Hanko Mon 18:30 Gdynia Tue 14:00Hanko Wed 22:00 Gdynia Thu 18:00Hanko Sat 13:00 Gdynia Sun 8:00

Finland - Spain Kotka Thu 22:00 Bilbao Mon 8:00Helsinki Fri 18:00 Bilbao Mon 8:00

Germany - Finland Rostock Mon 7:00 Hanko Tue 11:00Travemünde Wed 19:30 Uusikaupunki Fri 7:00Rostock Wed 01:00 Hanko Thu 6:00Travemünde Wed 19:30 Turku Fri 18:30Rostock Thu 2:00 Hanko Fri 6:00Travemünde Fri 21:30 Turku Sun 06:30Travemünde Fri 21:30 Uusikaupunki Sun 15:00Rostock Sat 22:00 Hanko Mon 6:00Travemünde Sun 19:00 Uusikaupunki Tue 7:00Travemünde Fri 12:00 Kotka Tue 06:00Lübeck Fri 23:00 Kotka Tue 06:00

Germany - Russia Lübeck Fri 23:00 St.Petersburg Mon 07:00Germany - Spain Travemünde Sun 12:00 Bilbao Mon 08:00Germany - Uk Travemünde Sun 12:00 Tilbury Wed 15:00Germany - Belgium Travemünde Sun 12:00 Antwerp Tue 14:00

Travemünde Sun 12:00 Zeebrugge Fri 06:00Great Britain - Finland Hull Sun 20:00 Helsinki Wed 15:30Great Britain - Russia Hull Sun 20:00 St.Petersburg Wed 07:00 transshipment via Helsinki // +9 days

Great Britain - Spain Tilbury Thu 18:00 Bilbao Mon 8:00Hull Sat 14:00 Bilbao Mon 8:00 transhipment in Zeebrugge

Teesport Sat 14:00 Bilbao Mon 8:00 transhipment in Zeebrugge

Poland - Finland Gdynia Tue 20:00 Hanko Wed 17:00Gdynia Fri 4:00 Hanko Sat 7:00Gdynia Sun 14:00 Hanko Mon 12:00

Russia - Belgium St.Petersburg Wed 19:00 Zeebrugge Fri 06:00St.Petersburg Wed 19:00 Antwerp Tue 14:00

Russia - Denmark St.Petersburg Aarhus by request, transshipment

Russia - Finland St.Petersburg Mon 19:00 Kotka Tue 06:00St.Petersburg Wed 19:00 Kotka Thu 06:00St.Petersburg Wed 19:00 Helsinki Fri 06:45

Russia - Germany St.Petersburg Mon 19:00 Lübeck Fri 13:00St.Petersburg Wed 19:00 Travemünde Sun 06:00

Russia - Great Britain St.Petersburg Wed 19:00 Hull Sun 08:00 4 days, transshipment via Helsinki

St.Petersburg Wed 19:00 Tilbury Wed 15:00Russia - Spain St.Petersburg Wed 19:00 Bilbao Mon 08:00Spain - Belgium Bilbao Tue 18:00 Zeebrugge Thu 14:00

Bilbao Tue 18:00 Antwerp Fri 6:00Spain - Estonia Bilbao Tue 18:00 Paldiski Mon 18:00Spain - Finland Bilbao Tue 18:00 Helsinki Tue 06:45Spain - Germany Bilbao Tue 18:00 Lübeck Fri 14:00

Bilbao Tue 18:00 Travemünde Sun 06:00Spain - Great Britain Bilbao Tue 18:00 Tilbury Sun 07:00 transhipment in Zeebrugge

Bilbao Tue 18:00 Hull Sun 08:00 transhipment in Zeebrugge

Bilbao Tue 18:00 Teesport Sun 08:00 transhipment in Zeebrugge

Spain - Norway Bilbao Tue 18:00 Frederikstad Mon08:00 transhipment in Zeebrugge

Spain - Russia Bilbao Tue 18:00 St.Petersburg Wed 07:00Spain - Sweden Bilbao Tue 18:00 Gothenburg Mon 08:00 transhipment in Zeebrugge

Sweden - Spain Gothenburg Sat 14:00 Bilbao Mon 08:00 transhipment in Zeebrugge


[email protected] +32 3 570 [email protected] +45 86 206 650FINLAND [email protected] +358 10 343 50GERMANY Lü[email protected] +49 451 1507 0GREAT BRITAIN [email protected] +44 1482 377 655POLAND [email protected] +48 58 627 4239RUSSIA St. [email protected] +7 921 949 1205SPAIN [email protected] +34 91 750 0707SWEDEN Malmö[email protected] +46 40 176 800


THE NETHERLANDS AmsterdamVerenigd Cargadoorskantoor [email protected] +31 20 587 7877RUSSIASt. PetersburgTrans-Log [email protected] +7 303 99 14SPAIN BilbaoConsignaciones Toro y Betolaza [email protected] +34 94 425 2600MadridGrimaldi Logistica Espana [email protected]: +34 63 710 9054 SWEDEN GothenburgGrimaldi Maritime Agencies Sweden AB [email protected] +46 31 607280

Page 20: Finnlines is an integral part of Finland’s security of supply...rocket science. “We could call a shipyard and order a ro-ro ship with a capacity of 5,800 lane metres to be delivered

Book your trip

Finnlines connects Germany, Finland and Sweden.


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