first oci to -

Seol3 oci IFeiges 1 to 8 VOL XX VIII NO Published Twice a and Thursday IUINKSV1LLK FLORIDA MONDAY JULY 1105 ONE DOLLAR A I o First fit ry L 1 M tJ Joe fti I l3 l 7 L WeekMonday o 1 w a I tt ± > BEFORE FRIDAY JULY 23 Governor Gilchrist Wires Sheriff Ramsey to Suspend Execution Until Further Advised OWEN WILL NOT HANG j From Fridays Dally Sun- K 11 Owen has been granted a ie- lirlevu of two weeks thu date fur his execution having been set for Friday July 23 and unless the attorneys managing the case and the expert who will probably make another ex nmlnatlon do something he will then be hung as per the second death war- rant now en route to this city The Information was received Thursday morning about 1030 In the shape of a wire from Governor Gil christ which stated Suspend exe- cution of death warrant upon It 11 Owen until July 23rd Order folioa first mall A W Gilchrist Governor Owen was not aware of the news that was received from Tallahassee on Wednesday night which certainly- did not look very favorable fur pro- longing his tune to die and both the condemned man and the sheriff were making every preparation for the ending Friday at noon Owens was seen in Jail Thursday Iiy a Sun representative and wits vtry hitter against tome of the main ones who have done their utmost to make the man comfortable and at the same time gain some sympathy for him from the public He has prepared n lengthy diary some twenty or thirty fetter pages which he says was for his wife to keep and turn our to their son when he becomes grown The diary In question commenced nt tile first of his troubles and goes on In his own way to tell of all the occurrences of the roan from tle tune he llnt went to the Jonesville up to and Including the kill- ing of the two men for the murder of one of whom he has been sentenced- to hang Owen shows his confinement to some extent at the present time and las fallen off considerably within the few weeks although both Jailor jorlay and himself state that his has been fine up until about two days since but from that time 1e has eaten very little The Jailor has spared extra pains to provide fresh meats fish steak etc for the man besides he has been given oat meal and any dish that he called for or his appetite might demand during the past two weeks hence it Is ctlon vast s ap- petite ¬ ¬ ¬ < strange that with the treatment he has received he could complain in the manner he dues regarding both jailor and sheriff When Owen thought that he was to hang on Friday the 9th he stated that he had a great deal to say and he was going to say what he thought regardless ot whose feelings he might hurt for he wanted the whole community to know Just how he full about the whole trial and the manner in which he had been handled all because he hud no money- to light ills case- In getting around from his cell to the bars In front Owen uses the sides of the wall for support and claims that he will be unable to go to the gallows and If he Is to be hung the officers will have to hold him up whITe the trap is sprung Owen Is dissatisfied over being placed tipstairs Instead of the cell below but at the time he was re- moved the place below was too crowded and he kept up such a ills itnrlmnro nt night and slept dnrlne the day that the other prisoners could get no rest and naturally mum the complaint which caused his re The special physician sent lure by Governor Jllchrift has pronounced Own sane toad unless some extra Information received and another pvamnntioii held ho will die as per tit verdict of the Jury on July 23rd two weeks from the time first set by Governor Jllchrlst Some comment has been made con rrrnlng the report In Thursdays pa- per but It was given Just as the man has often stated to the reporter and not colored In any manner Escapes as Respite Comes MONTGOMERY Ala July 8 Jim Parish a negro condemned to be hanged In Decatur Ala tomorrow for killing another negro escaped from Jail there Wednesday at the very hour Governor Comer granted him a respite of thirty days Ho was recaptured This the second time the negro has escaped lie was to have been hung last December but left the prison and was captured In St Louis a short time ago I poor ttto I h ¬ County Commissioners Hold Monthly Session Gainesville Fla July The Board of County Commission mot this day as required by luw- i equalize the taxes for the year Prewut J G IXunpIir chair man C W Summers 0 P Cannon J W May and J F Townnend 1 At e Bor Coition Tli KtfitliiK a orrKr- ti I th iuullziiig of tax n wn taken ui Aft r the examination of a tun of the roll for 1909 ti adjoUrn Kl to meet tomor M nioruiug at 9 oclock I i Tile biifl ti t ay with a IK mixre 11 ni Tli iIu f- ja li i a r 4 V A Yit par SID lJt board JI ill 1- I It w called Tugs this r r i TI 4 e h > > < + den 1 Rirhard Griffin iMinper The following Krsoii8 be imid for sup hassle OotMlHon 3 Kllxaboth Jones Mary Owens 3 W M Ward V S II Wlengp minute court 712 UPIIHOII Son work at jail 11 Benson te Sou road work l J S Ikxllfonl medicine 221 W S Broom county attorney Fat Florida Ter hon Co 4 W M Johnson drugs 2i Drs Mr- Kli try at jail O S Merhrunt Co vundrkf 47 If I Vfontgunury for county road 3- T A Wur road work 1 R t r r wk fi I list S 4 S I r f I I t j I r I Hrrll- i 1 Ii 7 services n l- I crk ti r > > GOVERNOR GIICHRISIS ORDER FOR RESPITE THE LUNACY QUESTION AGAIN BEING AGITATED Very Probable That Another Examina than Will Be Made as to Owen Sanity Prom Saturdays Daily Sun II 11 Owen the doomed white man watt dissatisfied when he karnud morning that he was nut to be hung at this time and that a re lirlevu of fourteen days had boon granted him When Sheriff Romscv lied upon him In his cell and I f ruitu him the news he simply remarked that lie didnt give a d uit wished they had hung trim Following Is a copy of the order at received from Governor Gilchrist and which arrived Friday morning together with a new death warrant setting Friday July 13 as the time for the hanging State of Florida Executive office Whereas uiilicatiou Is made or a respite of the death sentence jrdtrtd to be executed upon It II Owen convicted of murder In the tint degree and sentenced to be hung on the ninth day of July A D ISO pcnd- UK an examlnation Into the of the paid It II Owen Now therefore acting under the authority vested In me as Governor of the State of Florida I do hereby grant a reprieve to the said II U Owen for a period of fourteen days from the ninth day of July IM to the 23d day of July l Ct at the term nation of which tune the warrant for lib execution will be enforced unless i commutation of said sentence be oozier decreed by the State Hoard of Pardons The above order was signed and sealed by the Governor and Secre- tary of State Whether the Governor will again send an fcjpert here Is not known fur the former man sent by he State department has rendered his report declaring the man to be Stephens road supplies 859 II C Parker supplies 1249 W D Fin ayaon road supplies 775 G S Merchant Co 10430 J F money advanced on roads 2 R Mlnton road work 1 H G Jason examination lunatic 750 S Wynne bringing lunatic 055 S Wlenges stamps 1405 Antlzone Chemical Co 60 W M Johnson drugs 150 McCormick Howe 9183 Pilfer Hros sheets 1414- 3eo Lteckham road work 150 J F townscnd road work 20 J F lIam itond road supplies 2033 Frank Townsend road work 3 C W Sum users road work 20 Hardec Bros inpplles 1747 C C Fletcher sup lies Hawthorn Trading Cum any mipplies 1271 H Z Williams Mil Kirpplte T R Waits sere ees 0o 0 P Cannon road 2 N I Matlib road Cervices 50 J G ampler 20 DIH road iiinncr Alfred Collins rind 75 cents Ikn Stewnit nwii work edits N It Mutt coffin for aii T 5 A It Klmon latiiff Luis Hale taking Uhtliaon- elleyDavidson caw 4 J W May road work 2 W D IM kin n commission 5i i fi I iail- on commissions lOS4 City o- aiiMKVlllf aur rent 102 Gas nd 2 Atlantic liitrl hoc r l 2 o P- Ivaiii flrkitiR a tii s 0 IJ II I fn r ti i rr l I of sun It Same S G II tn II work 62 K II 1 Electric Co 1 8 n I It- r J I Fri- day to- me Town- send F1a I t r I lug rub 3n a 1owor firm or I t- t < > ¬ > < > < + ± THE TARIFF BILL HAS Hundred and FortySeven Senate Am ments to the Original House Bill GONE TO CONFERENE- ight WASHINGTON July tariff now has been shifted from both houses of Congress to a conference committee The HOUM adopted a rule whereby all of tin eight hundred and fortyseven amend- ments of tho Senate were disagreed j prd the CGI ri ce rccjrest 1 by j sni d 2 teen IVpub cans voted against the rule at ont ovr f vr th lot met it norm Inter uuu i i tevc ueat ihe leaden on both sides had notified their re spcctlve forces to be on hand The debate which at times warm disclosed the fact that there were some Republicans In addition to the socaltod Insurgents who were yet to be pacified before they would lve their votes on the final passage f the bill The Democrats accused the majority party of having violated Us pledges A feature- f the discussion was an appeal by Chairman Payne to his colleagues to tend the conferees to the Senate un- hampered by Instructions He prom- ised to rigidly exact an explanation of every amendment made by tho Sen- ate In order that tho House con fercos might report back in n bill vhlrh would meet the approval of thr majority and of the country at large appeal was granted In the course of the debate Repre- sentative Mann of Illinois declared ho would vote against tho bill on the onfereuce report If the Senate pro- vision on wood pulp and print paper Messrs Randell Texas Pou North Carolina and Henry Texas charac- terized the measure as breaking the hug prisoners 15120 Whereupon the board adjourned until tomorrow Wednesday July 7 Hoard met with all members pres- ent pursuant to adjournment The hoard being called to order the fol lowing unfinished business was taken upOrdered That II G Mason be paid for examining lunatic 7 John Jones repairing county Jail roof 10 J G Dampier road hands 200 C W Summers road hands 150 0 P Cannon road hands 350 J W May road hands 200 J F Townsend road hands 175 Costs In criminal court cases H G Mason 11895- P G Ramsey 345 G W Livingston 2195 S H Wlenges 11112 C S Wlenges 250 I W Fennel JP280 S G Wynne 6925 Ira J Carter 5905 J A Carlisle 3922 II C Scaley 453 W C Hague S G Spencer 7 T Henderson- M95I J P Slford M S O UIoi M T Water 340 M A Hex 10The and i 3 eat Ills fo 1 Barr n yesterday waxed ante election ray retained ¬ < + Republican pledges to tho Ass people In pleading for tile opportunl vote separately on the various Mr Bartlett Georgia de ho was In favor of the amend providing for free cotton gang and the drawback on eettoe but as to tho corporation tax b- it was a subterfuge a pretc sham placed In the bill to Income tax Speaker Cannon announced lowing aa tile House conferees New York Dalzell P- vonla McCall Massachusetts- tell Illinois Cnlderhead Fordney Michigan Republl Clark Missouri Underwood jatpa Griggs Georgia Deraocr Senators Aldrich Cullom Halt rows and Penrose Republicans Daniels Money and Bailey 1 crats were appointed conferees half of the Senate Tho Senate yesterday paM Philippine tariff bill and the bill majjcally continuing the Porto An amendment by Senator Btnn Alabama declaring the lot of tho United States oventua grant Independence to the Phil was opposed as being out of plae Dy the adoption of the House lutlon an Invitation was accept Congress to be present at the A Exposition Before adjourning tho Sesai calved official announcemeat of death of Representative Cask Washington and adjourned out spcct to his memory ley 738 J O McGrlff 119 Stokes 118 W F lama C Canon services Inquest 44 M ICJncald road fund 2000 Montgomery road fund 11734 L Dlttlngcr secretary road tion 2 Robert Coson aid 0 Ramsey road work 20 P O soy paper 11 That The Gainesville SUB la nated as the official paper to fo the acts of the Legislature for 1 That bill of R D Ford for R Tom Wynne also team hire to fused That bill of Dm Montgomery Johnson for surgical attention Wynne bo refused That whereas there Is a gro demand throughout the count better roads and whereas the boa anxious to comply with the therefore be it ordered that all sons owning land and having the i under fence move their fences Continued on Pt e Five clef t Pal K dust I 1 de a- ments tn t rt ieid Yukon Paciflc The Sea Island Cotton Market Quiet and D SAVANNAH Ga July 10 Th for Sea Island cotton wa- t I rifK tle fMUt week With i d lltlle bust M the basis of Infld T ahoy but most r rrywnted In Some j r I t 1Trur I I re- l r irk t quo N t i I tt + deterioration from the previous condition Sales fur week wore 235 b The following prices were base factory quotations and are rot weekly on Friday Fancy Floridaa 21 fc Fancy ondas 21 G- Kv thnUe Florida 19 C- i tVoice Gvorirta 10 C Choice Ga arid FVa17 0- Kx fr anal Pa13 G- r oG arl Fi re f- f i Ll F 0 ll C the o G s A 1 i r <

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Seol3 oci IFeiges 1 to 8


Published Twice a and Thursday





1 M tJJoe ftiI

l3 l7 L



w a






Governor Gilchrist Wires Sheriff Ramsey to Suspend

Execution Until Further Advised


From Fridays Dally Sun-K 11 Owen has been granted a ie-

lirlevu of two weeks thu date fur hisexecution having been set for FridayJuly 23 and unless the attorneysmanaging the case and the expertwho will probably make another ex

nmlnatlon do something he will thenbe hung as per the second death war-

rant now en route to this city

The Information was receivedThursday morning about 1030 In theshape of a wire from Governor Gil

christ which stated Suspend exe-

cution of death warrant upon It 11

Owen until July 23rd Order folioafirst mall A W Gilchrist Governor

Owen was not aware of the newsthat was received from Tallahasseeon Wednesday night which certainly-did not look very favorable fur pro-

longing his tune to die and both thecondemned man and the sheriff weremaking every preparation for theending Friday at noon

Owens was seen in Jail ThursdayIiy a Sun representative and wits vtryhitter against tome of the main oneswho have done their utmost to makethe man comfortable and at the sametime gain some sympathy for himfrom the public He has prepared n

lengthy diary some twenty or thirtyfetter pages which he says was for hiswife to keep and turn our to theirson when he becomes grown

The diary In question commencednt tile first of his troubles and goeson In his own way to tell of allthe occurrences of the roan from tletune he llnt went to the Jonesville

up to and Including the kill-

ing of the two men for the murderof one of whom he has been sentenced-to hang

Owen shows his confinement tosome extent at the present time and

las fallen off considerably within thefew weeks although both Jailor

jorlay and himself state that hishas been fine up until about

two days since but from that time1e has eaten very little The Jailorhas spared extra pains to providefresh meats fish steak etc for theman besides he has been given oatmeal and any dish that he called foror his appetite might demand duringthe past two weeks hence it Is









strange that with the treatment hehas received he could complain inthe manner he dues regarding bothjailor and sheriff

When Owen thought that he was tohang on Friday the 9th he statedthat he had a great deal to say andhe was going to say what hethought regardless ot whose feelingshe might hurt for he wanted thewhole community to know Just howhe full about the whole trial and the

manner in which he had beenhandled all because he hud no money-to light ills case-

In getting around from his cell tothe bars In front Owen uses thesides of the wall for support andclaims that he will be unable togo to the gallows and If he Is to behung the officers will have to holdhim up whITe the trap is sprung

Owen Is dissatisfied over beingplaced tipstairs Instead of the cellbelow but at the time he was re-

moved the place below was toocrowded and he kept up such a illsitnrlmnro nt night and slept dnrlnethe day that the other prisonerscould get no rest and naturally mumthe complaint which caused his re

The special physician sent lure byGovernor Jllchrift has pronounced

Own sane toad unless some extraInformation received and anotherpvamnntioii held ho will die as pertit verdict of the Jury on July 23rdtwo weeks from the time first setby Governor Jllchrlst

Some comment has been made conrrrnlng the report In Thursdays pa-

per but It was given Just as the manhas often stated to the reporter andnot colored In any manner

Escapes as Respite ComesMONTGOMERY Ala July 8 Jim

Parish a negro condemned to behanged In Decatur Ala tomorrow forkilling another negro escaped fromJail there Wednesday at the very hourGovernor Comer granted him a respiteof thirty days Ho was recapturedThis the second time the negro hasescaped lie was to have been hunglast December but left the prison andwas captured In St Louis a shorttime ago I


ttto I



County Commissioners

Hold Monthly SessionGainesville Fla July

The Board of County Commissionmot this day as required by luw-

i equalize the taxes for the yearPrewut J G IXunpIir chair

man C W Summers 0 P CannonJ W May and J F Townnend1 At e Bor Coition

Tli KtfitliiK a orrKr-

ti I th iuullziiig of tax n wn takenui Aft r the examination of atun of the roll for 1909

ti adjoUrn Kl to meet tomorM nioruiug at 9 oclock

I i

Tile biifl ti t ay with a

IK mixre 11 ni Tli iIu f-

ja li i a r 4




parSID lJt



ill 1-

I It





r i TI 4 e h





den 1 Rirhard Griffin iMinperThe following Krsoii8 be imid for sup

hassle OotMlHon 3 KllxabothJones Mary Owens 3 W M

Ward V S II Wlengp minutecourt 712 UPIIHOII Son work atjail 11 Benson te Sou road workl J S Ikxllfonl medicine 221W S Broom county attorneyFat Florida Ter hon Co 4 WM Johnson drugs 2i Drs Mr-

Kli try at jail O SMerhrunt Co vundrkf 47 IfI Vfontgunury for county road 3-

T A Wur road work 1 R

t r r wk fi






I rf I It



r I Hrrll-i






I crk ti r







Very Probable That Another Examina

than Will Be Made as to

Owen Sanity

Prom Saturdays Daily SunII 11 Owen the doomed white man

watt dissatisfied when he karnudmorning that he was nut to be

hung at this time and that a relirlevu of fourteen days had boongranted him

When Sheriff Romscv lied uponhim In his cell and I f ruitu himthe news he simply remarked thatlie didnt give a d uit wished

they had hung trimFollowing Is a copy of the order at

received from Governor Gilchristand which arrived Friday morningtogether with a new death warrantsetting Friday July 13 as the timefor the hangingState of Florida Executive office

Whereas uiilicatiou Is madeor a respite of the death sentence

jrdtrtd to be executed upon It IIOwen convicted of murder In the tintdegree and sentenced to be hung onthe ninth day of July A D ISO pcnd-

UK an examlnation Into theof the paid It II Owen

Now therefore acting under theauthority vested In me as Governorof the State of Florida I do herebygrant a reprieve to the said II UOwen for a period of fourteen daysfrom the ninth day of July IM tothe 23d day of July l Ct at the termnation of which tune the warrant forlib execution will be enforced unlessi commutation of said sentence beoozier decreed by the State Hoard of

PardonsThe above order was signed and

sealed by the Governor and Secre-tary of State Whether the Governorwill again send an fcjpert here Is notknown fur the former man sent byhe State department has rendered

his report declaring the man to be

Stephens road supplies 859 II C

Parker supplies 1249 W D Finayaon road supplies 775 G S

Merchant Co 10430 J Fmoney advanced on roads 2

R Mlnton road work 1 H G

Jason examination lunatic 750 SWynne bringing lunatic 055 SWlenges stamps 1405 Antlzone

Chemical Co 60 W M Johnsondrugs 150 McCormick Howe9183 Pilfer Hros sheets 1414-

3eo Lteckham road work 150 J Ftownscnd road work 20 J F lIamitond road supplies 2033 FrankTownsend road work 3 C W Sumusers road work 20 Hardec Brosinpplles 1747 C C Fletcher sup

lies Hawthorn Trading Cumany mipplies 1271 H Z Williams

Mil Kirpplte T R Waits sereees 0o 0 P Cannon road 2 NI Matlib road Cervices 50 J G

ampler 20 DIH roadiiinncr Alfred Collins rind

75 cents Ikn Stewnit nwiiwork edits N It Mutt coffin for

aii T 5 A It Klmon latiiffLuis Hale taking Uhtliaon-

elleyDavidson caw 4 J WMay road work 2 W D IM kinn commission 5i i fi I iail-on commissions lOS4 City o-

aiiMKVlllf aur rent 102 Gasnd 2 Atlanticliitrl hoc r l 2 o P-

Ivaiii flrkitiR a tii s 0 IJ III fn r ti i rr l I


sun It











Electric Co 1 8n

I It-

r J











r I lugrub



1oworfirm or

I t-






< >





Hundred and FortySeven Senate Am

ments to the Original House Bill



WASHINGTON July tariffnow has been shifted from bothhouses of Congress to a conferencecommittee The HOUMadopted a rule whereby all of tineight hundred and fortyseven amend-ments of tho Senate were disagreedj prd the CGI ri ce rccjrest 1 byj sni d 2 teen IVpub

cans voted against the rule at ontovr f

vr th lot met it norm Interuuu i i tevc ueat ihe leaden

on both sides had notified their respcctlve forces to be on hand

The debate which at timeswarm disclosed the fact that therewere some Republicans In additionto the socaltod Insurgents who wereyet to be pacified before they would

lve their votes on the final passagef the bill The Democrats accused

the majority party of having violatedUs pledges A feature-

f the discussion was an appeal by

Chairman Payne to his colleagues totend the conferees to the Senate un-

hampered by Instructions He prom-ised to rigidly exact an explanationof every amendment made by tho Sen-

ate In order that tho House confercos might report back in n billvhlrh would meet the approval of thrmajority and of the country at large

appeal was grantedIn the course of the debate Repre-

sentative Mann of Illinois declared howould vote against tho bill on theonfereuce report If the Senate pro-

vision on wood pulp and print paper

Messrs Randell Texas Pou NorthCarolina and Henry Texas charac-terized the measure as breaking the

hug prisoners 15120 Whereupon theboard adjourned until tomorrow

Wednesday July 7

Hoard met with all members pres-

ent pursuant to adjournment Thehoard being called to order the following unfinished business was taken

upOrdered That II G Mason be paidfor examining lunatic 7 John Jonesrepairing county Jail roof 10 J G

Dampier road hands 200 C WSummers road hands 150 0 PCannon road hands 350 J W May

road hands 200 J F Townsendroad hands 175 Costs In criminalcourt cases H G Mason 11895-

P G Ramsey 345 G W Livingston2195 S H Wlenges 11112 C

S Wlenges 250 I W FennelJP280 S G Wynne 6925 Ira JCarter 5905 J A Carlisle 3922II C Scaley 453 W C Hague S

G Spencer 7 T Henderson-

M95I J P Slford M S O

UIoi M T Water 340 M A Hex







fo 1

Barr n



ante election

ray retained




Republican pledges to tho Asspeople

In pleading for tile opportunlvote separately on the various

Mr Bartlett Georgia deho was In favor of the amendproviding for free cottongang and the drawback on eettoebut as to tho corporation tax b-

it was a subterfuge a pretcsham placed In the bill toIncome tax

Speaker Cannon announcedlowing aa tile House conferees

New York Dalzell P-

vonla McCall Massachusetts-tell Illinois CnlderheadFordney Michigan RepubllClark Missouri Underwoodjatpa Griggs Georgia Deraocr

Senators Aldrich Cullom Haltrows and Penrose RepublicansDaniels Money and Bailey 1

crats were appointed confereeshalf of the Senate

Tho Senate yesterday paMPhilippine tariff bill and the billmajjcally continuing the Porto

An amendment by SenatorBtnn Alabama declaring the lotof tho United States oventuagrant Independence to the Philwas opposed as being out of plae

Dy the adoption of the Houselutlon an Invitation was acceptCongress to be present at the A

ExpositionBefore adjourning tho Sesai

calved official announcemeat ofdeath of Representative CaskWashington and adjourned outspcct to his memory

ley 738 J O McGrlff 119Stokes 118 W F lamaC Canon services Inquest 44M ICJncald road fund 2000Montgomery road fund 11734L Dlttlngcr secretary roadtion 2 Robert Coson aid0 Ramsey road work 20 P Osoy paper 11

That The Gainesville SUB lanated as the official paper to fo

the acts of the Legislature for 1That bill of R D Ford for R

Tom Wynne also team hire to

fusedThat bill of Dm Montgomery

Johnson for surgical attentionWynne bo refused

That whereas there Is a grodemand throughout the countbetter roads and whereas the boaanxious to comply with thetherefore be it ordered that allsons owning land and having the i

under fence move their fences

Continued on Pt e Five











t rt ieid

Yukon Paciflc

The Sea Island Cotton

Market Quiet and D

SAVANNAH Ga July 10 Thfor Sea Island cotton wa-

t I rifK tle fMUt week Withi d lltlle bust

M the basis of InfldT ahoy but most

r rrywnted In


j r I t 1TrurI




r irk tquo

N t


I tt


deterioration from the previouscondition

Sales fur week wore 235 bThe following prices were base

factory quotations and are rotweekly on FridayFancy Floridaa 21 fcFancy ondas 21 G-

Kv thnUe Florida 19 C-

i tVoice Gvorirta 10 CChoice Ga arid FVa17 0-

Kx fr anal Pa13 G-

r o G arl Fi re f-

f i Ll F 0 ll C




s A 1

