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a Fit Girl’s Guide eBook




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!The publisher and author do not assume, thereby disclaiming,

any liability to any individual for any loss or damage caused by inaccuracy. !

This book does not contain medical advice. Consult your physician for matters relating to your health. The exercises contained in this eBook, like all exercises,

do pose some inherent risk, and the author urges readers to take into consideration their individual levels of experience and training before

attempting any activities described in this eBook. !

Copyright © 2014 FitGirlsWorldwide, FGW Media Ltd. All rights reserved. Book Design and Production by FGW Media, Ltd.

Written by FGW Media, Ltd. Second Edition. !

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INDEX !How to Measure Progress ………. p12 Eating ………………………………….…… p16 Survival Tips …………….………….…. p20 Nutrition …………………………….……. p23 Fit Girl’s Choice of Protein …... p26 Substitutions ……………………………. p28 Snacks ………………………………………. p33 Week One Menu ……………………….. p45 Bonus Recipes ………………………….. p61 Week Two Menu ………………………. p63 Bonus Recipes ………………………….. p79 The Fitkini Body Workout ..…… p81 How to Fitkini ..…………………….… p85 Pep Talk …………………………………… p91 Stretch Routine ……………………….. p93 The Workouts …………………………… p95 The Exercises ……………………….….. p103

Hello Hello Hello Fit Girl Fam!

Welcome back. Ahhhh!!! It's time for the next 28 days of amazeballs Fit Girldom. We're so excited to see where your journey takes you!

This book is a continuation of everything we've been working on in our 28 Day Jumpstart. Don't worry, we'll start out with a recap, like how in The Baby-Sitter's Club books they always re-told you the backstory of the club and it was really exciting because once you'd read a few of the books you could whip through the early pages real fast and feel super accomplished. Anyway, like that. But don't read too fast because we've slipped in some new things too.

The Fitkini Body Challenge kicks things up to the next level with more challenging workouts that you can still do in your living room with no equipment or gym required. Since you're Varsity Fit Girls with experience in the kitchen, we've set up the Meal Plan with more meals per week for two weeks. The second two weeks are Fit Girl's Choice. You can 1) Repeat the Meal Plan, 2) Make a customized plan combining your favorite Jumpstart and Fitkini recipes, 3) Start experimenting with the recipes in Fit Girls Cook or 4) Use the chart on the last page of the book to set up the Meal Plan the month-long way like we did in Jumpstart. Pick the option that will make this month the most amazeballs for you!

All right, Fit Girls, put a hand in the Fit Girl Circle. “Let's Fitkini” on 3. 1 … 2 … 3 … LET'S FITKINI!

Use #FitkiniBodyChal lenge in al l your Insta and Twitter posts!


It's a way of life. That's the core principle behind Fit Girl's Guide. We can't stress this enough. We 100% do not believe in diet fads or restricting food groups as a means to quick weight loss. The worst thing you can do is constantly shock your body with extreme diets. There are no shortcuts to healthy fitness.

The Fit Girl life is a commitment. It's a commitment to reprograming your body to crave good foods and healthy-sized portions. And it's a commitment to taking care of yourself with regular sleep, exercise, and (above all) positive Girltastic energy. We hope you'll find that you feel so amazeballs you'll never want to go back to old habits.

We believe in Clean Eating for the Real World Girl. We believe in making healthier versions of fav foods and developing a positive relationship with food. We believe in balanced meals high in protein with energizing whole grain carbohydrates, tons of veggies, and healthy fats. Our philosophy on food is that a) food is amazing and b) you should get to have treats and yummy food every day.

“So what is Clean Eating?” Clean Eating is eating foods as close to their natural state as possible. This includes all fruits, vegetables, beans, meat, poultry, dairy, eggs, and hearty grains like brown rice, quinoa and whole wheat pasta and bread products. The fewer ingredients on the label the better. If you see a bunch of strange ingredients you can't pronounce, you've probably left the land of Clean Eating. To sum it up: Clean means shopping the outside aisles of the grocery store more than the inside ones.


Even when eating clean, portion control is the secret to Fit Girl success. Just because it's “healthy food” doesn't mean you can eat as much of it as you want without gaining weight. While you can add extra veggies to a meal without adding many calories, it's super important to watch portions of other ingredients.

Shhhhhhhh, don't tell but one of our tips to girls who write us about super distracting cravings is that if a craving is so distracting that you feel like you can't continue your healthy eating plan, substitute a 200 calorie portion of whatever you're craving for a 200 calorie snack in the Meal Plan and see if that takes care of it.

While we encourage you to stick to Clean Eating as close to 100% as possible for the first 14 days (and ideally for the first 28 days) to detox your body and retrain your mind to crave healthy foods, there's no reason you should give up over a craving. Again, this isn't a diet. It's about moderation and building a new healthy lifestyle. Do whatever it takes to get there for your body.

Oh, and while we're on the topic of cravings, let's talk about the word “cheat.” Erase it from your fitness vocab. Now. Please and thank you. xoxo. The more we talk to women about their Fit Girl journeys, the more we've come to believe the word “cheat” should be banished. It's a super charged negative word. It heightens feelings of self-hatred and guilt and can trigger binging, none of which are psychologically healthy or good for motivation.

We recommend saying things like, “I didn't stick to my goals as well as I could have today” or “I kinda fell off track for a sec but I'm back!” There is no perfect. There is no perfect. There is no perfect. There is only the Journey. Super cheesy. Super true. Live it. Love yourself!


Fit Girl science has proven that making pretty crafts is a super important part of getting fit. Fit Girl science has also proven that scented candles make everything right in the world, it's never a bad day for blue eye shadow, and unicorns are real.

So get out your craft box, Fit Girls, it's glitter time! We're going on a magical mantra mission!

Step One Write “I will not quit because” on a piece of paper.

Step Two Add the reasons why you're not gonna quit.

Step Three Bling it up. Feathers? Pearls? Rhinestones? Fairy dust?

Get ridiculously amazing.

Step Four Post it on Instagram at #FitGirlMantra if you're sharing your

journey with the Fit Girl Community!

PS: We just wanted to remind you that you're awesome and deserve to be loved by yourself. That's the golden rule of being a Fit Girl. Love yourself wherever you are in your journey and love the process of your journey. The more passion you have for the process (and not just the end goals), the more likely you are to never give up!


“WOW NOTES”We're keeping up the Jumpstart tradition of Lunch Box Notes but we're adding a twist. This month we're writing “Wow Notes.”

“OMG what's a Wow Note I want one?!?!?”

A Wow Note is when you become your own fitspiration. And you're not gonna get one. You're gonna get 28.

Ok … here's how it works:

Every morning you're going to write a note complimenting yourself on one success from the day before and pack it with your lunch. And you're going to start every note with “wow.”

“Wow, I went on a walk at my lunch break because I knew I had no other time to workout.” “Wow, I stretched for a full five minutes after my workout.” “Wow, I didn't binge on the bread basket when I went out to dinner.”

Now here's the secret to Wow Notes. You can't skip any. You have to find something nice to say about yourself no matter what happened the day before. No self-hating. Only self-hearting.

So often we get caught up in the things we don't think we did well enough and forget how many things we are doing awesomely. Let your “wows” inspire you and let go of your non-“wows.” They're not important. Positive energy makes Fit Girl World go round.

Save all your #wownotes so that you can read over them when you're having a down day. They'll help you remember how much you've accomplished and inspire you to push forward!


Your Fit Girl body and spirit is the ultimate reward, but little treats at the end of each week are a fun way of saying, “Hey Fit Girl, you done good this week let's get you a tiara.”

(JK you totally don't have to buy yourself a tiara … but, like, it would work awesome for the Week 1 category and, really, every girl needs a tiara even if it's just for your teddy bear to wear.)

Use our reward ideas below or create your own that make you feel like the specialist Fit Girl in all the Fit Girl Land!

Week 1 Fit Girl Stuffed Animal Mascot

(Or anything silly that delights you!)

Week 2 Go on a Girlventure with a Friend

Week 3 Something That Makes You Feel Bold

Week 4 Time for a New Fitkini

(Or any swimsuit that you're super excited to rock!) !

Hashtag your reward with #FitGirlReward!

#jazz hands 4life.

HOW TO MEASURE PROGRESS… without losing your mind. Very important. Because if you lose your mind in the process of measuring your progress you won't get to enjoy your awesome progress. We want everyone to find health and balance both inside and out on your Fit Girl journeys! We recommend picking 2-3 of the following methods to track your progress because sometimes you'll see progress through one method while another deceptively shows none.

Let's start with photos. We recommend taking them first thing in the morning every 1-2 weeks from front, back, and side angles. Wear the same clothes and match the exact angles and lighting to best see your progress. The weekly changes will be small but once you start looking at 4-8 week progress pictures, things get exciting!

“Pictures are cool but I love my scale! It's my best friend!” No, it's not. It's a major frenemy slash downright enemy. “But we hang out every single day sometimes twice a day!” We know. It has to stop. You really really really need to see less of each other.

The scale does not tell you everything you need to know. Your fat versus muscle distribution are a big part of the fitness progress you're making. You might not lose any “weight” one week but lose fat and gain muscle and look slimmer and feel great about yourself then step on the scale and be like, “OMG I didn't lose any weight I hate myself.” That story just made us sad. Also don't hate yourself. Srsly. Not to mention everyone's weight naturally fluctuates by a few pounds. Not to mention don't ever weigh yourself before or during your period unless you want to cry. K? K.

“But I neeeeeed to know that number. I NEED TO!” We get it, stop squeezing our arm so hard it hurts. “Sorry I got carried away I just really love numbers.” No problem. We get it. It's ok to want to know your weight. Just be sane about it. We recommend weighing yourself once-a-week max. Go two weeks if you can. Ideally weigh yourself once right after your period and once two weeks later. Or not at all! There's nothing in the “How to Be a Girl” manual that says you have to know how much you weigh. If you want a break from scales, take one.

You also have the measurement option. Once right after your period and again two weeks later is also a great rule for measurements because women's measurements also fluctuate during that whole “period thing.” More on measurements in a sec.

Don't like numbers? There's the fun and easy clothes method. Put on a favorite outfit that's a little tight and try it on again once a week. “Ok I'll try it on every day! Extra credit! A+ to me.” No. Not every day. Stop trying to measure progress every day. Once a week.

Ok, now let's talk about the one measurement to skip. Skip measuring yourself against others. Getting fit in a community is awesome and inspiring, but it can also lead to negative comparisons. You will notice different results depending on where you start from, your body type, and your metabolism.

Girls with less body fat will often notice more toning and less weight loss than girls with more body fat. Girls who have previously been eating high calorie processed food diets will notice more drastic immediate weight-loss than girls who have already been eating similarly to this book. Please embrace your own journey so you can feel confident cheering others on in theirs!



Measure around the

fullest part of your arm

and measure each side


measuresThe Five Basic

This is Kerry and she said it was totally ok if we pointed at her boobs and butt.P



Measure around the

smallest part of your waist.


Measure around the

fullest part of your hips.


Measure around the

fullest part of your thigh

and measure each side







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r b



the clean

(No. You will

not be eating


Calm down.

This pic just

made us lol.)


Eating habits are the main thing that affect your Fit Girl progress. Yes, even more than exercise. Way more than exercise. If you're exercising regularly and aren't seeing the results you want, your eating habits prob need some TLC. The two week Clean Challenge is here to hold your hand while you get on track (or back on track) with healthier food choices and portion-sizes. We'll get to the exact menus in a few pages but first let's talk mental prep.

Ditch the all-or-nothing mentality.

Stop us if you've heard this one: Angela eats a super healthy breakfast, a rad morning snack, and an amazingly fab lunch. Then at 3pm she's bored and has a leftover danish from Keven's birthday celebration that's sitting out in the break room. She gets really mad at herself. She tells herself the day is “ruined” and binges the rest of it away vowing to “start again tomorrow” with powdered sugar all over her face.

Angela just turned a 400 calorie choice into a 2400 calorie choice. Had she just said, “Oh well, I ate a danish that wasn't the best choice but I'm human I'll eat a little less at dinner” it'd all be totes coolio.

“That's me! OMG! I'm Angela! Actually my name is Mackenzie but I'm metaphorically Angela!” It'll all be ok. We can end this pattern.

Just because you're following a Meal Plan and it has “Challenge” in the title doesn't mean you “fail” the Challenge if you don't follow it 100% exact every second. You don't get sent back to Day 1 for eating a danish. You just get up and keep going because it's a process.


If you've fallen back into old eating habits between Challenges, we don't recommend a “Cheat Meal” during the first two weeks so that you can re-brainwash your body into craving healthy food and feeling satisfied with smaller portions.

If you've been rocking your Fit Girl eating for awhile and want to start building in “Cheat Meals,” we recommend making it a single meal a week. We call it a “Whatever I Want Meal” rather than a “Cheat Meal” because it sounds more positive and affirming.

But beware of making it a “Binge Meal.” A Binge Meal isn't a meal — it's an unhealthy relationship with food. We recommend your “Whatever I Want Meal” be a meal you sit down and savor and that you don't continue eating beyond the point of being full. We also recommend that it be a quality meal and not a processed fast food meal, unless absolutely necessary for your cravings.

“What about a Cheat Day?! Gimme allll the cookies everywhere. Pile them into my mouth for me while I hold it open super wide.” Sorry, we don't recommend a Cheat Day. Cheat Days are a big factor in why girls do not see progress in their Fit Girl journeys. While one meal that follows the above guidelines will not undo your week of hard work, a whole day very easily can. Mostly because many girls treat a Cheat Day as a “Binge Day.” Calories stack up really really quickly when they're the kind of foods and beverages people go for on a “Binge Day.” And, again, beyond stalling fitness progress, binging promotes an unhealthy relationship with food.


What you drink during the day is just as important to your progress as what you eat during the day. If you're eating super fabulously but packing on calories in drinks you'll find yourself running in place, which is awesome as a cardio warmup but not as a metaphor.

Ok, let's start with “Do it.” Absolutely drink water. 8 glasses is a great goal to shoot for. Make sure to drink it throughout the day so you have constant hydration. Sip don't chug. Fancy Girl Tip: Infuse your water with cucumber, fruit, or herbs to give it more flavor — and prettiness! (PS: Hot water with a squeeze of lemon is great in the AM to get the digestive tract going. You can also enjoy non-caffeinated tea whenever you want. We especially love mint tea!)

Next, “Limit it.” Limit beverages with caffeine, if you drink them. 1-2 small cups of coffee or a few cups of caffeinated tea is plenty. Skip the sweeteners and use extracts, spices, and/or a splash of milk for flavor if you want to spiff things up. Also limit sparkling water. Why? Because carbonation causes tummy bloating.

“Super limit it” when it comes to alcohol, if you're of legal drinking age. We recommend no more than 2 drinks a week. Ditch high calorie menu cocktails and aim for drinks under 150 calories.

“Skip it” when it comes to all soda & diet soda and other drinks with sugar or fake sugar. Also ditch the fruit juice. It's super high in sugar and calories and doesn't give you the fiber of whole fruit. Try fruit smoothies with protein powder instead because then you get your fiber as well as a protein boost. These make great snacks!


DO IT 8 glasses of water !

OPTIONAL Non-caffeinated tea !

LIMIT IT Coffee Caffeinated tea Sparkling water !

SUPER LIMIT IT Alcohol (if you’re of legal age) !

SKIP IT Juice Soda/Diet Soda Sugary/Fake Sugary Drinks

REMEMBER: What you drink during the

day is just as important as what you eat.


1. Stay super duper positive. If you fall off track, get right back on track! Remember: There is no “I'll start again Monday,” there's only “I'll start again right this second because I'm amazeballs and changing lifestyle habits isn't easy and I love myself enough to keep going.” #progressnotperfection #liveit

2. Eat chocolate every day. We're continuing the “Audrey Hepburn had a square of dark chocolate a day and we all should too” tradition we started in our first book. Enjoy one 60 calorie square of dark chocolate a day whenever you want. We recommend 85% cocoa content but 70% is swell too if you're “not ready yet.” If you don't like dark chocolate, you can have any other 60 calorie Clean treat you want. A dried date makes a great little dessert. If you're not a sweets person, have an extra little savory snack instead!

3. Chew your food. No, srsly. We're often in such a rush that we don't properly chew our food and this has consequences both for our digestion and our appetite. Chewing is essential to helping your body break down the Clean foods you're feeding it and leads to less bloating. It also slows you down when you eat, which helps your brain more accurately register when you're full. Eat slow. Chew lots. You'll be more full with less food. #squeeeeee

4. Brush your teeth after you eat. Our fav trick ever. Brushing your teeth after a meal majorly helps cut down on mindless snacking. It signals to your brain that eating time is over and, bonus, you'll feel all sexy minty fun and fresh.


5. Drink your water. “You realize you just told us that like two pages ago, right?” Yes. But we wanted to say it again because it's that important. Water may not seem like much, but it actually gives our bodies energy. Dehydration makes us tired. It can also give us false feelings of hunger. Sometimes we think we're hungry when we're really just thirsty. Fit Girl Tip: Try drinking a glass of water and seeing if you're still hungry 15 minutes later. If you are, it's bonafide hunger, if not, you were probably just low on hydration.

6. Get your zzzzz’s. We know this one is really hard for a lot of girls. School, jobs, kids, and general life things get in the way. But to the best of your ability sleep 7-9 hours a night and try to stick to the same sleeping schedule whenever possible. Feeling rested is important to your energy level and appetite.

7. Eat on the reg. Also eat on a regular meal schedule when you can. Aim for no more than 4 hours between eating a meal or snack so you never let your body get too hungry. Meals and snacks can be broken up into two portions if you prefer to eat every 2 hours throughout the day. Eat however feels right for you. There is no one right way to eat or magic number of meals. What matters in the end is overall calories burned v. calories eaten. Do what's best for your schedule and body.

8. Spice it up don’t salt it up. We do not recommend adding extra salt to the recipes beyond what's listed. Use a tiny extra pinch if necessary. Excess sodium is one of the biggest reasons we hold on to water weight aka bloating. You can add garlic, onion, and spicy peppers to recipes whenever you want, as well as hot sauces that are around 100mg a teaspoon and any other spices or herbs you want. Lower sodium food doesn't have to be bland food. Just put some distance between you and the salt shaker.


(Ok, we’ll get back to work now.)

All recipes are for one serving for one person. The grocery lists are also for one person. (Double the produce on the grocery list if cooking for two and use your judgment for the other items.)

The approximate calorie breakdown for the meals in the Meal Plan is 350 calories for breakfast, 400 calories lunch, and 400 calories for dinner. You can follow our plan exactly or mix-and-match the meals in any combination you want. You can also substitute your own Clean meal of equal calories that contains at least 20 grams of protein. The Clean Challenge meals can also be mix-and-matched with the meals from the 28 Day Jumpstart and Fit Girls Cook.

Everyone has different calorie needs. Adjust the Meal Plan to suit yours with the number of snack calories you add. The three basic meals plus daily 60 calorie dark chocolate square and daily 50 calories of bonus fruit is approximately 1250 calories.

1200 is the lowest calories recommended a day for a woman and we only recommend that if you know you need a 1200 calorie plan for a particular reason. Eating too few calories does not help your progress. It slows it down. Do not starve your body. We recommend starting with the 1450 calorie plan and adjusting from there depending on how your body responds.

PS: If you find yourself at a restaurant, don't panic. Just try to eat something with lots of healthy ingredients and get sauces and dressings on the side. Stick to portions similar to what you're eating in the Meal Plan and you'll stay on track.



1250 Calories No snacks

1350 Calories +100 cal snacks

1450 Calories +200 cal snacks

1550 Calories +300 cal snacks

1650 Calories +400 cal snacks

1750 Calories +500 cal snacks

The 3 meals + daily 60 calories of chocolate + daily 50 calories of bonus fruit = 1250 calories. Add snack calories accordingly to find what's right for your body. Start at 1450 calories and adjust from there if you're uncertain where to start. (If your man is joining you, start him at 1850 and adjust from there!)

As we said earlier, one of the common misconceptions of healthy eating is that if you're eating healthy you can eat as much of anything as you want. This is totally not true. A calorie is still a calorie. Portions are your BFF even when it comes to healthy food. Or else you'll be us during the “giant spoonfuls of almond butter” debacle of 2009. Nuts and grains and healthy fats are awesome, but in moderation.

We've counted the calories in the Meal Plan so you don't have to. But for the whole “us counting so you don't have to” thing to work, you need to measure things accurately.

It's ok if fruit and veggie measurements overflow a bit, but be as exact as possible with all other measurements. When an ingredient is listed as “prepared” or “cooked” that means you measure it after it's cooked. Do not pack down grains or shredded cheese. This will drastically alter their portion. If you ever want to make a meal larger while adding few extra calories, add in extra veggies!

We recommend owning measuring spoons, measuring cups, and a basic kitchen scale. (You can find cheap ones at almost all big box stores.) For our metric friends, there are many free online converters that will enable you to easily translate the portions.

Reminders: Big “T” means tablespoon and little “t” means teaspoon. Super important not to confuse the two. (Just remember the little “t” is the littler measurement.) Also “c” means cup, for those new to cooking or unfamiliar with American measurements.


FIT GIRL’S CHOICE OF PROTEIN To accommodate as many Fit Girl eaters as possible, most lunches and dinners are served with “Fit Girl's Choice of Protein.” This is a 150 calorie serving of protein (or 120 calories of protein + 30 calories of oil or sauce for prep) that's you, the Fit Girl's, choice.

We've made recommendations throughout the Meal Plan for what we used, but feel free to use whatever best suits you! You can bake, sauté, grill, or have a party with your crockpot. Add your favorite spices and marinades. Whatever will make the meals best for you!

Most protein packaging contains calorie information per ounce. If it doesn't, use a free online calorie counter to determine portion size for your protein. Here are some Fit Girltastic protein options!








!We recommend buying organic proteins if possible. Please make sure to follow food safety protocol for handling meat, fish, and eggs. Food poisoning is no joke. Stay safe in the kitchen, Fit Girls!

chicken breast turkey tofu tempeh protein powder Greek yogurt eggs lean red meat pork fish seafoodSo


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tein l

ikes t

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Here are the three most popular proteins our readers enjoy and a few specific prep methods we used in our recipes …

Chicken Breast. Crockpot chicken is a Lazy/Busy Girl's BFF. Making it with marinara sauce makes it especially flavorful. Cover the bottom of your crock pot with 1 cup marinara sauce. Add a single layer of chicken breasts, approximately 1lb. Cover with 1 t0 1 and 1/2 cups marinara sauce. Cook on high for 4 hours or until chicken is tender and not pink inside. When the chicken is done, shred it with a fork or enjoy the pieces whole. You can also make a more flavor-neutral version of crockpot chicken breasts by using 2 cups low-sodium chicken broth instead of marinara sauce. This version is great with basically everything.

Salmon. Preheat oven to 450 degrees F. Pat salmon dry with a paper towel. Place salmon skin-side down on a foil-lined sheet or pan. Brush salmon with 1t olive oil. Bake 4-6 minutes per 1/2 inch thickness. Salmon is done when the color is opaque and salmon flakes easily with a fork.

Tofu. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Cut extra-firm tofu into 1/2 inch thick strips. Spray a parchment-lined baking sheet with cooking spray and arrange tofu in a single layer. Keep the strips from touching each other. Spray again. Bake for 10 minutes. Flip pieces over. Bake another 10 minutes or longer if you want them chewier. You can also marinade for 30 minutes before baking.*

* We don't personally have a positive relationship with soy, but many of our readers do and it's very popular with them. If you suspect soy doesn't make your body feel good, you can try going soy-free and see how your body responds!


Nuts & Avocado Sub equal calories of anything you prefer.

VegetablesUse the same measurement

of another veggie you prefer (except potato) or

is in season locally.

FruitUse the same measurement

of another fruit you prefer (except avocado) or

is in season locally.

Cheese Sub equal calories of a protein you prefer.

Gluten-FreeUse gluten-free versions of bread & pasta or sub brown rice or quinoa.

Anything not listed here …

Look up the calories and sub with any equal

calorie Clean ingredient of your choice!

You can literally substitute any ingredient in the entire Meal Plan. This is your Challenge. Make it as wonderful for you as possible! We've given some substitution suggestions within the recipes, but here are the general guidelines to use!

We heart our #FitGirlVegan friends! Here are easy alterations you can make to each meal to make them 100% animal-product free. There are also great tips in here to help Fit Girls who don't eat dairy!

Days 1-3. LUX FRENCH TOAST. Sub 1T coconut flour instead of the egg in the French toast batter and use 1/4c non-dairy milk instead of 1T. Have a 110 calorie protein shake in place of the ricotta and second egg. THE GREAT PLATE. Sub 60 cals of your favorite vegan dressing or use non-dairy sour cream. DECONSTRUCTED PRIMAVERA. Sub 70 calories non-dairy cheese for the Parm and ricotta or have 1/3 cup extra pasta.

Days 4-7. QUINOA PUDDING. Sub non-dairy yogurt. PIMPED-OUT GREEK SALAD. Sub 70 calories non-dairy cheese for the feta or have 1/3 cup extra pasta. CAPRESE À LA FIT GIRL. Sub 70 calories non-dairy cheese or have 70 calories extra protein.

Days 8-10. THE BREKKIE PIZZA. Sub 130 calories veggie burger, tofu or tempeh for egg, bacon, and Parm or have a 130 calorie protein shake alongside the tomato-avocado flatbread. TATER TOPPERS. Sub non-dairy cream cheese and non-dairy cheese.

Days 11-14. CINNA FITBUN. Leave out the egg white and use 1/4 cup non-dairy milk. Sub 1T non-dairy cream cheese for the frosting. OVERSTUFFED KALESADILLAS. Sub 110 calories non-dairy cheese or extra protein. Sub non-dairy sour cream if choosing that option.

* Also sub agave for honey and non-dairy butter for butter whenever you see them in the recipes! xoxo





Please contact us at [email protected] with your order number if you need to get in touch. We respond within 48 hours. We do not use our Insta DM due to the spam we receive as a large page. Please do not use the comments on Insta posts to ask questions since we don't see all of them. We want to make sure we get your message!

All our substitution advice is already in the book. You have all the tools you need to succeed! The Meal Plan is totally customizable. If an ingredient you want to sub for isn't listed just use a free online calorie counter to look up the calories in the ingredient and sub something of equal calories. There are a bunch of alternate ideas within our actual recipes as well as Fit Girl Basics on p42. Everyone will be sure to find something they enjoy! Cross our hearts.

contact us

Snack Time!

Not a Fit Girl

portion size. M

SNACKSYou choose your number of daily snacks based on how many

calories you want your Meal Plan to include (p22). We’ve made

ten 200-calorie snacks on the following pages. You can choose

from those or make your own Clean snacks using whole grains,

proteins, fruit, veggies, and nuts. Here are some more ideas!

protein shake or smoothie popcorn sprinkled with cinnamon

veggie sticks & hummus store-bought protein bar

trail mix Greek yogurt with granola

string cheese & almonds 1/2 avocado filled with cottage cheese

latte or cappuccino

PS: You can adjust the portions on any of these snack ideas

between 100-200 calories depending on your calorie needs!

JAZZY RICE CAKESWe used large rice cakes that have 60 calories. 140 cals left for

topping-tasticness! Try ours or create your own! #JazzyRiceCakes

Avo: 1/4 of an avocado + 1 egg any style + crushed red pepper

Pizza: 2T warm pizza sauce + any veggies you want + 1/4c

mozzarella (we did 2T Parm for a 140 cal alternate version)

Nacho: 3T refried beans + 3T cheese + 1t sour cream + 1T salsa

Deli: 2oz turkey + 2T hummus + tomatoes + cayenne pepper

Protein Berry: 1/4c cottage cheese + 2 strawberries + 1T

pistachios + 1t honey

Choco Nana: 2t peanut butter + 1/2 banana + 20 cals

chopped dark chocolate

Berry Coconutty: 2t almond butter + 1/4c blueberries +

1T toasted coconut

Pecan Date: 2T Greek yogurt + 2t pecans + 1 date + 1t honey


Only six ingredients and no baking required! Mix 1/3c

peanut butter, 2T honey, 1t vanilla extract and a pinch of salt in a

bowl. Pour in 1/2c oats (whole or lightly ground in a food

processor) and 3T shredded coconut. Mix it all up. Using your

hands is totally allowed.


Refrigerate for 15 minutes. Use a tablespoon to measure out

portions of dough and roll them into perfect little Doughettes.

Store in the fridge for up to four days.


Nutrition Note: We measured ours in slightly heaping

tablespoons and got 10 Doughettes out of the batch. If making

10 per batch, these come out to almost 90 calories per

Doughette. #FitGirlsDeserveCookieDoughToo


Only eight ingredients and no baking required! Mix 1/3c

almond butter, 2T honey, 1t vanilla extract and a pinch of salt in

a bowl. Pour in 1/2c oats (whole or lightly ground in a food

processor) mixed with 1/4t cinnamon, 2T raisins, and 1T pecans.

Mix it all up. Using your hands still totally allowed.


Refrigerate for 15 minutes. Use a tablespoon to measure out

portions of dough and roll them into perfect little Doughettes.

Store in the fridge for up to four days.


Nutrition Note: We measured ours in slightly heaping

tablespoons and got 10 Doughettes out of the batch. If making

10 per batch, these come out to almost 90 calories per

Doughette. #FitGirlsDeserveCookieDoughToo

“omg we get 50 cals of bonus fruit every day!”

BONUS FRUITEvery day you get to have one 50 calorie bonus serving of the

fruit of your choice. You can eat this whenever you want! (Fancy

Girl Tip: A lot of girls like to melt their daily chocolate square

on top of their daily bonus fruit.) Here are some examples of

what 50 calories of fruit is ...

1/2 of an apple or pear or banana 1/2 grapefruit

1c sliced strawberries 2/3c blueberries

1/3c pomegranate seeds 12 cherries

15 grapes (they’re amazing frozen) 1 tangerine

2/3c pineapple cubes

PS: If you want to enjoy a fruit that's not listed here just look up the nutrition information in a free calorie counter and voila!



fresh ground pepper

dried oregano

garlic powder



cooking spray

olive oil

sesame oil

apple cider vinegar

rice vinegar

unsweetened cocoa powder

baking powder

real maple syrup


vanilla extract

parchment paper

*We like to use

pink Himalayan

salt that comes

in a grinder.

PANTRY LISTThese are the basic pantry items we use in the

Meal Plan. You prob already have many on hand!

FIT GIRL BASICSIf you ever don’t like a meal in the Meal Plan or want a super quick alternate meal, try a Fit Girl Basic! !

Dressy Oats: Microwave 1/3c oats with 2/3c any milk. Stir in

2t maple syrup, a teeny pinch of salt, 1/8t vanilla, and 1/8t cinnamon. Top with 1T nuts, 50 cals of fruit & 2t coconut shreds.

!Protein Quickie: 130 calorie whole grain wrap or pita +

1 serving Fit Girl's Choice of Protein + 70 calories dressing, cheese or spread + all the cooked or raw veggies you can stuff inside.


Picky Girl Feast: Have one serving Fit Girl's Choice of

Protein with 1/2 cup cooked brown rice, quinoa, or whole grain

pasta and 1 cup vegetables sautéed in 1t oil and your favorite

spices. Top with 50 calories of dressing or sauce. Tip: You can

chop up your protein and mix everything together bowl-style!




+ SNACKS (see page 31)

BREAKFAST Quinoa Pudding

LUNCH Pimped-Out Greek Salad

DINNER Caprese à la Fit Girl

DAYS 4-7

BREAKFAST Luxe French Toast

LUNCH The Great Plate

DINNER Deconstructed Primavera




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8oz any milk 16oz 2% vanilla Greek yogurt 15oz part-skim ricotta cheese 1 block feta cheese 1 ball fresh mozzarella 1 dozen eggs 8oz sour cream 1 stick butter small block of fresh Parm

Produce1 cucumber 1 small red onion 1 bag spinach 1 small box cherry tomatoes 2 tomatoes veggies for roasting (we used 1 eggplant, 1 yellow pepper, 1 bunch asparagus, and 3 portobello mushroom caps) 1 bag Brussels sprouts 2 sweet potatoes 1 bunch or bag of kale fresh basil fresh dill 1 head of fresh garlic 1 carton raspberries 2 lemons 2 bananas 7 servings Bonus Fruit

Bread1 loaf crusty whole wheat bread (100 calories a slice) 1 bag any color quinoa 1 pkg whole wheat or gluten-free penne or spiral pasta

+ 14 Servings Fit Girl’s Choice Protein (p24)

Other1 small jar marinara sauce 4oz bag chopped pecans 1 bag dried coconut 1 bar dark chocolate 1 jar Kalamata olives balsamic glaze (optional) 1 low-sodium broth (optional)

Don’t forget your snacks! You’ll have extra coconut, pecans, marinara, and feta that you can use as rice cake toppers, just FYI.




Skip optional ingredients. !

Sub produce that is on sale and choose sale fruits for your bonus fruit.

!Choose proteins that are on sale.

!Sub an on-sale salad dressing for the sour cream, dill, Garlic & lemon juice and use

that for the Greek Salad and The Great Plate. !

Skip the kalamata olives and have 1/2 cup pasta in the Greek Salad.

!Skip the pecans in the quinoa pudding

and have 50 extra snack calories.

Share your advice with #FrugalGirlTips!

NIGHT 0 prep 3 “The Great Plate” (can easily transport in tupperware) NIGHT 1 make three servings of dinner then eat left overs the next two nights if desired NIGHT 3 prep 4 quinoa puddings prep 4 greek salads (we recommend prepping all the ingredients now but storing them in separate containers and combining them until the morning of each day) NIGHT 4 make three servings of veggies so you don’t have to make them fresh the next two days


NIGHT 0 • Prep 3 THE GREAT PLATE lunches. • Make 3 hard-boiled eggs if choosing that

option for your second breakfast egg. (See p74 for how to hard-boil eggs.)

MORNING 1 • If you enjoy reheated French toast, you

can make all three slices and reheat them in a pan or microwave the following days. We prefer it fresh each morning.


have leftovers the next two nights.

NIGHT 3 • Prep 4 QUINOA PUDDINGS. • Prep all the ingredients for 4 PIMPED-

OUT GREEK SALADS. We don’t recommend combining them until the morning of. You can store the prepped ingredients in separate containers for easy assembly.

NIGHT 4 • Make 4 servings of your dinner veggie &

use leftovers the next 3 nights.

1. Whisk 1 egg with milk, vanilla, cinnamon and nutmeg then transfer to a shallow bowl.

2. Warm a non-stick frying pan on medium heat. 3. Place bread in egg mixture. Let is soak up

mixture on both sides. (It won't soak it all up.) 4. Coat warmed pan with cooking spray (we

used Coconut Oil Spray) then add the bread and cook until golden brown on both sides.

5. Spread butter on top then serve with ricotta and berries. We mixed 1t maple syrup (and a bonus 1/8t vanilla) in the ricotta & drizzled the other 1t of syrup on top!

6. Serve with the other egg cooked any style (not pictured) or pack a hard-boiled egg for a morning snack.

2 eggs

1T any kind of mi l k

1/2 t vani l la

pinch of cinnamon

pinch of nutmeg

100 cal whole wheat bread

1/2t butter

3T part-skim r ic otta*

1/3c raspberr ies

2t maple syrup

cooking spray

!*Y ou can sub an equal

amount of cottage

cheese for r ic otta.

Luxe French Toast

Alt Meal: Serve two eggs any style on top of buttered toast and have the ricotta with berries & maple syrup as a side. Sweet N’ Savory perfection!

Fit Girl’s Guide

one Day 1-3

1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees F. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and coat with cooking spray (we used Olive Oil Spray). Lay down sweet potatoes cut into 1/3 inch slices and spray again. Add a pinch of salt. Roast for 12 minutes or until tender.

2. Prepare quinoa according to package directions. You can prepare it with low sodium veggie or chicken broth for additional flavor.

3. Put kale in a pot with two inches water. Boil until bright green, about 5-8 minutes.

4. Prepare Fit Girl's Choice of Protein. We did baked tofu (p25) but anything works great!

5. For the dressing, mix the sour cream, dill, lemon juice, and a touch of fresh garlic (we use a micro-grater) with 1/2t water and teeny pinch of salt. Voila! (Sub 60 calories of another dressing if you prefer!)

1/3c cooked quinoa* Large handful steamed kale

3oz raw sweet potat o**

Fit G ir l’s C hoice Pr otein

2T sour cream

1T fresh di l l

1t lemon juice

t ouch of fresh gar l ic

!* Sub equal amount of

br own r ice f or quinoa.

!** Use 1/2c quinoa instead

of 1/3c and add 1 cup of

any cooked veggies t o sub

for sweet potat oes.

THE great plate

Fit Girl’s Guide

one Day 1-3

Tip: You can serve this meal on top of lettuce for added volume and crunch and mix it up salad style!

1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees F. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and coat with cooking spray (we use Olive Oil Spray). Lay down your choice of vegetables. Sprinkle with garlic powder and roast for 15 minutes. Flip. Roast another 15 minutes or until tender. (We took the asparagus and portobello out halfway because they cook quicker.)

2. Prepare pasta according to package directions then top with marinara, Parm and basil.

3. Don't forget your Fit Girl's Choice of Protein! (Not pictured.) Chicken works great here.

4. You can serve as separate mini-dishes like we did (we mixed the ricotta with fresh basil and roasted garlic and layered it between the veggies) or you can chop up the veggies and mix all the ingredients together bowl-style!

1/2c cooked pasta

1/4c mar inara sauce

1T fresh Parmesan

2T part-skim r ic otta

1 1/2c r oasted veggies Fit G ir l’s C hoice Pr otein

Fresh basi l (opt ional)

Fresh gar l ic (opt ional)

!Veggies we used: port obel l o

mushr oom cap, eggplant ,

yel l ow bel l pepper,

asparagus. Also good for

r oast ing: caul if l ower,

zucchini, al l squash, onions,

and Brussels spr outs.

deconstructed primavera

Fit Girl’s Guide

one Day 1-3

How to Roast Garlic: Cut across the top of an unpeeled head of garlic, exposing part of the cloves. Drizzle with 1t olive oil and wrap in foil. Cook for 30 minutes alongside the veggies.

1. If you haven't tried quinoa in sweet dishes yet, welcome! It's a friend to both sweet & savory flavors. For sweet dishes, prepare it according to package directions using water not broth.

2. Put prepared quinoa in the fridge to cool. 3. Mix cold quinoa with yogurt, cocoa powder,

and 1/2 of the dried coconut. 4. Top with banana, pecans, and the rest of the

coconut in the morning when you're ready to eat for max freshness. We shaved a tiny bit of dark chocolate on top using a micr0-grater!

5. Variations: You can make endless variations of Quinoa Pudding! The quinoa + vanilla yogurt is 200 calories. Use 150 calories of whatever other fruits, nuts, and toppers you want to create your own masterpieces!

1/2c cooked quinoa *1/2c 2% vani l la Greek yogurt

1/2 banana 1t unsweetened cocoa powder

1T chopped pecans

1T dr ied coconut

shaved dar k choco late

!*Y ou can sub 1/2c 2%

plain Greek yogurt &

1/8t vani l l a extract &

1-2t maple syrup f or

vani l l a Greek yogurt.

Y ou can also use regular

2% yogurt if desired.

Quinoa Pudding

Fit Girl’s Guide

one Day 4-7

Fridge Oat Style: Sub 1/3c uncooked old-fashioned or rolled oats (not instant or steel) for the quinoa. You can prepare these up to 4 days at a time but they must at least be made the night before.

1. Prepare pasta according to package directions. Drain and run under cold water to cool.

2. Prepare Fit Girl's Choice of Protein. We did baked salmon (p25) then flaked it. Chicken or sautéed tempe also go well.

3. Make the dressing using olive oil, lemon juice, honey, apple cider vinegar, and fresh ground pepper and oregano to taste.

4. Toss pasta with spinach, tomatoes, cucumber, onion, olives and protein and top with feta cheese and dressing.

5. PS: You can add extra veggies to this salad if you want. Adding extra non-potato veggies to a meal is an awesome way to bulk it up without adding many calories!

1/3c cooked pasta

large handful spinach

handful cherry t omat oes

1/2c cucumber

a few sl ices red onion

1 oz feta cheese

5 Kalamata o l ives Fit G ir l’s C hoice Pr otein

1t o l ive oi l

1t lemon juice

1t honey

1T apple cider vinegar

fresh gr ound pepper

dr ied oregano


Fit Girl’s Guide

one Day 4-7

Pimped-Out Regular Salad: Use any veggies you want combined with the protein and pasta. Top with 70 calories of any cheese and 60 calories of any dressing. Voila! A million different salads await!

1. Prepare Fit Girl's Choice of Protein. We made crockpot chicken in marinara sauce and shredded it (p25). (Not all of the chicken fit on the sandwich so we ate the rest while the sandwich was baking.) We think chicken works best on the actual sandwich and other proteins work best on the side. Your call!

2. Preheat the oven to 400. Top the bread with butter and toast in the oven for 5 minutes. Add chicken, tomato, and mozzarella and bake until cheese is melted, about 8 minutes.

3. Top with basil and balsamic glaze (optional). Serve with Brussels sprouts or your fav veggie.

4. You can also make Caprese à la Fit Girl on the stove like a grilled cheese. Butter the bottom of the bread and put the cheese directly on top. Cook until the cheese is melted then top with all the other ingredients. Super quick.

100 cal whole wheat bread

1t butter Fit G ir l’s C hoice Pr otein

2 sl ices t omat o

1 oz fresh mozzarel la

fresh basi l

balsamic glaze (opt ional)

3/4c Brussels spr outs

!!Gar l ic Lovers Var iat ion:

Spread r oasted gar l ic

on t he bread al ong wit h

butter before t oast ing!

CAPRESE a la fit girl

Fit Girl’s Guide

one Day 4-7

Tip: Add two slices of roasted eggplant where the chicken is and serve the protein on the side. #mmm



Loaded BLT: Use the stovetop prep method. Toast 1oz of

swiss cheese on 100 calorie piece of bread spread with 1t butter

on bottom. Top with 1/4 of an avocado (mashed) + fresh ground

pepper + a handful of sprouts + tomato slices + 1 piece turkey

bacon + a large piece of romaine lettuce on top to hold onto as

the top piece of “bread.” Serve with 3/4c of any veggie. (Bonus:

Chopped fresh basil makes a great addition!)


Roasted Portobello: Toast a 100 calorie piece of bread in a

toaster. Spread with 1oz goat cheese. Layer with slices of hot or

cold roasted red pepper and raw spinach leaves. Drizzle with

balsamic reduction. Top with a hot or cold roasted portobello

mushroom cap to hold onto as the top piece of “bread.” Serve

with Fit Girl's Choice of Protein and 3/4c veggies.

Salmon Toastie: Make the sauce from The Great Plate but

skip the water and add 1/4c diced cucumber. Toast a 100 calorie

piece of bread in a toaster. Top with cucumber sauce + a handful

of arugula or spring mix + a 150 calorie filet of baked salmon.

Serve with a large handful of steamed asparagus topped with 1t

of olive oil, a squeeze of lemon, and fresh ground pepper.

Spicy Girl Cheese: Spread 1t butter on a piece of 100

calorie bread and cut in half. Top one half (butter side down)

with 1/2oz white cheddar cheese, 5 pickled jalapeño slices, and a

few leaves of raw spinach. Top with the other half of bread

(butter side up). Cook in a pan on both sides. Serve with 120

calories of low-sodium tomato soup and 1/2 serving of whatever

Fit Girl's Choice of Protein suits your fancy!

!D.I.Y. Sandwich Bar: 100 calorie piece of bread + 100

calories of any cheese and/or sauce + 150 calories protein + 3/4c

veggies! Tag your creations with #DIYSandwichBar!




+ SNACKS (see page 31)

BREAKFAST Cinna Fitbun

LUNCH I Heart Greens Salad

DINNER Overstuffed Kalesadillas

DAYS 11-14

BREAKFAST The Brekkie Pizza

LUNCH Veg-Tastic Asian Salad

DINNER Tater Toppers




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You already have sour cream, butter, fresh Parm, and milk. 1 dozen eggs (yes you need more) 1 package turkey bacon 1 block cheddar cheese to shred 12oz container 2% cottage cheese

ProduceYou already have garlic from last week and might have left over cherry tomatoes. 2 avocados 1 large handful pea pods 2 bell peppers 1 English or regular cucumber 1 head Napa or regular cabbage 1 bag bean sprouts 1 small piece of ginger 2 sweet or regular potatoes 1 bag or head of broccoli 1 bag spinach 1 bundle asparagus 1 shallot 1 bag shredded carrots 2 zucchini (optional) 1 bag or bunch of kale 1 bunch scallions (optional) 1 bunch cilantro (optional) 1 jalapeño (optional) 1 lime (optional) 1 apple 2 bananas 1 container strawberries 7 servings Bonus Fruit

+ 8 Servings Fit Girl’s Choice Protein (p24)

Bread + Other1 pkg old-fashioned or rolled oats (not steel cut or instant) 1 box brown rice noodles or whole grain linguini 1 pkg whole wheat flat bread (or sub pita bread or regular bread) 1 pkg whole wheat tortillas Your choice carb for Greens Salad 1 tiny bag pistachios (optional) 1 tiny bag salted peanuts 1 jar reduced-sodium soy sauce 1 jar salsa

Don’t forget your snacks! FYI you’ll have extra oats to make Doughettes!




Skip optional ingredients. !

Sub produce that is on sale and choose sale fruits for your bonus fruit.

!Choose proteins that are on sale.

!Sub Green Beans or any other veggie instead

of asparagus in the I Heart Greens Salad. !

Use an extra teaspoon of olive oil in the I Heart Greens Salad instead of the avocado

and an extra handful of any veggies. !

Skip the avocado on the Brekkie Pizza and instead have two eggs.

Share your advice with #FrugalGirlTips!

NIGHT 0 prep 3 “The Great Plate” (can easily transport in tupperware) NIGHT 1 make three servings of dinner then eat left overs the next two nights if desired NIGHT 3 prep 4 quinoa puddings prep 4 greek salads (we recommend prepping all the ingredients now but storing them in separate containers and combining them until the morning of each day) NIGHT 4 make three servings of veggies so you don’t have to make them fresh the next two days



recommend keeping the cucumbers separate and adding them the day of due to their water content.)

NIGHT 8 • You can make all 3 TATER TOPPERS at

once and have leftovers the next two nights if desired.

NIGHT 10 • Prep 4 CINNA FITBUNS. They’re great

reheated. (Store icing on the side.) You can also make a larger batch and freeze them!

• Prep all the ingredients for 4 I HEART GREENS SALADS. We don’t recommend combining them until the morning of.


made fresh, but you get all 4 days of protein prepped and veggies pre-chopped!

1. Warm a non-stick frying pan over medium heat. Coat with cooking spray (we use Olive Oil Spray) and add the bacon.

2. While the bacon is cooking, make the egg in the other side of the pan any style. We did ours Sunny-Side Up in an egg ring.

3. Cut flat bread in half and toast it in a toaster. 4. Top toasted bread with avocado, egg, bacon

(you can crumble it up in bits), tomatoes (feel free to use more than we did if you want), fresh Parm, and scallions if using. Done!

5. If you want two eggs, you can sub an extra egg for the bacon for slightly higher cals. You can also sub a bonus egg for the avocado. (BTW we're obsessed with hot sauce and sprinkling it on eggs is always welcome in our world!)

130 cal whole wheat f lat bread

1 egg

1 piece tur key bacon

1T fresh Parm

1/4 of an av ocado

a few cherry t omat oes

scal l ions (opt ional)

!!Green G ir l Tip: Freeze

your extra f lat bread and

make more Brekkie P izzas

next week!

The Brekkie Pizza

Fit Girl’s Guide

one Day 8-10

Sweet N’ Savory Variation: Cut the flat bread in half and toast it. Top one side with 1/8 avocado and 1 egg any style. Top the other half with 1/2T nut butter and 1/2 banana and 1t honey.

1. Cook noodles according to package directions. Rinse in cold water. (You can sub 1oz linguini or regular rice noodles or 1/2 cup brown rice.)

2. Prepare Fit Girl's Choice of Protein. We used baked tofu. Chicken, shrimp, and beef are also great here!

3. Cut up the veggies. (Psst: They're very low calorie and you can add extra if you want!)

4. Mix sesame oil, soy sauce, rice vinegar, honey, ginger, garlic and optional squeeze of lime. (We micr0-grated the ginger and garlic.)

5. Toss veggies, noodles, and protein with dressing. Top with peanuts. Add cilantro, scallions, and jalapeño slices if desired!

6. Hot Lunch Variation: Skip the cucumbers and sauté the veggies for a stir fry! Mix them with cooked protein and hot noodles.

1 oz uncooked br own r ice nood les

Fit G ir l’s C hoice Pr otein 1/3c pea pods 1/3c bel l peppers 1/3c cucumber 1/2c cabbage 1/3c bean spr outs 1T chopped peanuts sl ices jalapeno (opt ional) ci lantr o (opt ional) scal l ions (opt ional) 1t sesame oi l 2t reduced-sodium soy sauce

1T r ice vinegar 1t honey 1/8t ginger 1/8t gar l ic squeeze of l ime (opt ional)

veg-tastic asian salad

Fit Girl’s Guide

one Day 8-10

Veg-Tastic Regular Salad: Chop up a bunch of your fav veggies, mix with Fit Girl's Choice of Protein, 100 calories of carb, and 70 calories of dressing!

1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees F. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and coat with cooking spray (we used Olive Oil Spray). Lay down sweet potatoes cut into 1/3 inch slices and spray again. Add a pinch of salt. Roast for 12 minutes or until tender. (PS: Regular potatoes work great here too! Sub 3oz.)

2. Steam broccoli to your desired tenderness. 3. Prepare any Fit Girl's Choice of Protein (not

pictured) and serve as a side. (Shhhhh! Don't tell but we did 5oz sweet potatoes and a 100 calorie serving of protein. You can too if you're feeling a little more tater-y!)

4. Top sweet potato slices with broccoli and cheese. Put back into oven for a couple minutes until the cheese melts. Top with sour cream and scallions, if you're using them. Serve with sliced apple. Fit Girl finger food!

3 oz raw sweet potat o

3/4c steamed br occo l i *Fit G ir l’s C hoice Pr otein

1T regular sour cream

3T shredded cheddar

scal l ions (opt ional)

1/3 of an apple

!!*Using 35 calories of your

protein on a slice of turkey

bacon then crumbling it on

top of the tater r ounds is

amazebal ls here.

broccoli cheddar

tater toppers

Fit Girl’s Guide

one Day 8-10

Tater Topers R’ Flex: You can top these with any kind of cheese or veggies and they're delish!

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Mix oats, baking powder, cinnamon (use 1/8t if you want it less cinnamon-y), and salt in a bowl. Note: Use old-fashioned or rolled oats, not steel cut or instant.

2. In a separate bowl, melt butter. Mash banana into melted butter with a fork until well blended. Mix in 2t maple syrup, milk, 1/4t vanilla and egg white. Combine well. Add in the oat mixture and stir together.

3. Grease ramekin or muffin tin with cooking spray, oil, or butter. Pour batter in.

4. Bake for 16-20 minutes or until a tooth pick comes out clean. (Ours took 18 minutes.)

5. Mix cottage cheese, 1/4t vanilla, and 1t maple syrup in a food processor to make cottage cheese icing. Top your Fitbun!

1/3c oats

1/4t baking powder

1/4t cinnamon

teeny pinch of salt

1/2 of a banana*

1/2T butter

3t maple syrup

1T any kind of mi l k

1/2t vani l la

1 egg white

1/4c cottage cheese

5 sl iced strawberr ies

!*Y ou can sub 3T apple

sauce for banana.

Cinna FitBun

Fit Girl’s Guide

one Day 11-14

Indulgent Version: Sub 1T regular cream cheese mixed with 1t maple syrup and 1/4t vanilla and 1t milk for icing! Same calorie count, less protein.

1. Put your eggs in a pot of cold water. Bring the water to a boil without the lid. Once the water's boiling, boil for exactly 1 minute. Take off the heat and cover. Leave covered for 20 minutes. Drain and rinse with cold water.

2. Meanwhile, cook your turkey bacon. 3. Steam asparagus to your desired tenderness. 4. To make the dressing mix apple cider vinegar,

honey, olive oil and micro-grated or finely chopped shallot to taste.

5. Lay down your spinach and top with chopped asparagus, diced avocado, sliced boiled eggs (we saved one for a snack later), chopped turkey bacon, and dressing. Add some fresh ground pepper as a finishing touch if desired!

large handful spinach

8 spears asparagus

1/4 of an av ocado

*2 hard-boi led eggs

*1 piece tur key bacon

1t apple cider vinegar

1t honey

1t o l ive oi l

grated shal l ot

fresh gr ound pepper

Fit G ir l’s C hoice Car b

!*Y ou can sub any Fit

G ir l’s C hoice Pr otein

f or t hese t hree items.

I heart Greens salad

Fit Girl’s Guide

one Day 11-14

Fit Girl's Choice Carb: Serve this meal with a side of carbs or mix the carb in the salad (not pictured). Options include 70 calories of bread or 1/3 cup of brown rice, quinoa or pasta or 1/2 cup of potatoes. Our favs are quinoa or roasted potatoes mixed in!

1. Prepare 1/2 serving Fit Girl's Choice Protein. (There's also protein in the whole wheat wrap and the cheese.) We used shredded crockpot chicken (p25).

2. Sauté the carrots, shallot, bell pepper, and jalapeño (if using) with olive oil and a sprinkle of cumin and garlic powder on medium heat. Add in kale when the other veggies are almost done cooking. Remove from pan.

3. Put tortilla in pan and sprinkle half the cheese on one side of the tortilla. Layer veggies, protein, and other half of the cheese then fold tortilla over on top. Cook until cheese is melted. (If all the veggies and protein don't fit just eat the rest as a side. Nom nom nom.)

4. Enjoy with a side of salsa and avocado (or sour cream)! For an extra 50 calories serve with 2t pistachios on top of zucchini “noodles” (we used a veggie spiralizer) sautéed with garlic and mixed with chopped cilantro

1/2 Fit G ir l’s C hoice Pr otein

1/4c shredded carr ots

2T diced shal l ot

1/4c chopped bel l pepper

sl iced jalapeno (opt ional)

1t o l ive oi l

cumin & gar l ic powder

1/2c raw chopped kale

1/4c shredded cheddar 130 cal whole wheat tortil la

2T salsa

1T av ocado or sour cream

1/2c zucchini (opt ional)

ci lantr o (opt ional)

2t pistachios (opt ional)

overstuffed kalesadillas

Fit Girl’s Guide

one Day 11-14

Bowl Style: Sub 1/2c brown rice for the tortilla!


Pizadilla: 130 cal tortilla + 1/4c shredded mozzarella + 2/3c

your favorite pre-sautéed toppings (we like black olives, green

peppers, and mushrooms) = dip in 1/4c marinara sauce and

enjoy with 1/2 serving of Fit Girl's Choice of Protein on the side


Tacodilla: 130 cal tortilla + 2T refried beans + 1/4c shredded

cheddar + 70 cals lean ground turkey or beef sautéed with a tiny

sprinkle each of cumin, cayenne, oregano, garlic, paprika & chili

powder + 2T diced tomatoes = dip in 1T sour cream and 1T guac

!Bacon-Appledilla: 130 cal tortilla + 1/3 Granny Smith apple

sliced super thin + 1/4c shredded cheddar (or 1oz Gruyere if

you're feeling fancy) + 1 piece crumbled turkey bacon = serve

with a tomato-arugula salad topped with 70 cals vinaigrette

Butternutdilla: 130 cal tortilla + 1/4c shredded pepper jack

+ 1/2 cup sautéed tiny butternut squash cubes and onion in 1t

olive oil + 2T black beans + a few leaves of spinach = dip in 2T

salsa and serve with 1/2 serving Fit Girl's Choice of Protein


Roasted Veggiedilla: 130 cal tortilla + 1oz feta cheese +

1/2c roasted vegetables + 1t pesto sauce = dip in one serving of

the dressing from The Great Plate (p50) and serve with 1/2

serving Fit Girl's Choice of Protein


Funky Monkeydilla: 130 cal tortilla + 1T peanut butter +

1T chopped dark chocolate + 1/2 banana = dip in 2T vanilla Greek

yogurt (350 calories … also great for breakfast!)


Any Way You Want It Dilla: 130 cal tortilla + 1/2c your

fav shredded cheese + 1/2 serving Fit Girl's Choice of Protein (or

eat it as a side) + 1/2-3/4c roasted or sautéed or grilled veggies =

dip in 50 cals of your fav sauce or dressing

the Fitkini Bodyworkout*

Monkey not included.*

Yay! Back to pink paper! We missed it. Mmmmm. Feels like home. We are so so so excited about the Fitkini Body Workout. We're kicking it to the next level, Fit Girls. Get ready to feel seriously strong both inside and out. And get ready to rock that bikini, obv.

The Fitkini Body Workout is a total body toning plan with a cardio kick to burn fat and increase endurance, energy, and flexibility. Bonus: A parade of baby unicorns high fives you after you complete each workout. (JK #lies.)

Just like the 28 Day Jumpstart, you can do the Fitkini Body Workout at home with no equipment. You can also take it on a field trip to the gym, if you prefer to get out of the house. It likes traveling.

(PS: We added optional hand weights and medicine ball into the “Make It Harder” versions of the exercises for girls who have them lying around at home and want to know how to incorporate them, but the workouts are plenty Challenging without them.)

The Fitkini Body Workouts are designed for intermediate-level Fit Girls who have completed our 28 Day Jumpstart, but we've also included beginner modifications for girls who are just getting started so that everyone can party.

You'll find charts on the following pages to help you select a workout level and schedule. You can repeat the Fitkini Body Workout for a second month using a harder level. If you find your body is still responding to the exercises you can continue to incorporate them in your Fit Girl life as long as you want.


We recommend doing three 30 minute sessions of cardio and three Fitkini Body Workouts a week, but do whatever is best for your body and your schedule.

For cardio, choose the cardio you enjoy most. Enjoyment is key. Pick something you love. Brisk walking is totally enough if that's your jam. Our Fitkini Body Workouts are intense and contain heart-pumping cardio within them. (PS: You can walk every day if you want. We love walking every day. Perfect time to pet other people's puppies and catch up on phone calls.)

You can do your cardio on the same day that you do your Fitkini Body Workouts if you prefer to exercise 3 times a week instead of 6. We recommend doing the Fitkini Body Workout before you do your cardio so that your form will be better and you won't be too tired to do the exercises properly.

The Fitkini Body Workouts are strength training. We do not recommend doing them on back-to-back days. Your muscles need time to repair between workouts. If you're adding in extra strength training, add it in on the Fitkini Body Workout days. You'll get better results if you let your muscles repair for a day between.

Don't skip at least one complete rest day a week. Walking, stretching, and restorative yoga are ok on your rest day but nothing else. If you struggle with taking time off, think of rest days as progress days. You're not being a heroine by exercising 7 days a week. You're making your body sad. Keep it happy! Rest.

#EveryTimeAGirlSkipsHerRestDayABabyUnicornGetsSeparated FromItsMomInACrowdedShoppingMall

No, making shadow puppets does not count

as cardio.

HOW TO FITKINI …Each Fitkini Body Workout has 9 exercises that you do circuit style. “Wait, what does that mean again?” That means you do all the exercises with the number of reps listed in the order that they're listed. Then you take a break. Then you repeat the whole thing again, if you're doing more than one round. “Copy that. Weeee!”

There are 24 total exercises you will master during the course of the month. They are all explained in detail after the circuits. We've incorporated a few of the exercises from the 28 Day Jumpstart a) to make the transition smoother and b) because they're that freakin’ amazing.

Proper form is super important to getting the most out of the Bikini Body Workouts. Take the time to learn how to do all the exercises properly. You'll spend a little more time the first week but it'll pay off in future weeks.

It's also super important to not rush through the exercises. This ties into form. If you're rushing through the exercises you're not doing them properly. The only exercises that should be done fast are mountain climbers, high knees, butt kickers, line hops, and jump rope (aka the cardio moves).

Each Fitkini Body Workout is approximately 20 minutes in length for “Freshman” level, 30 minutes for “Sophomore” level, and 45 minutes “Junior” level, and up to 60 minutes for “Senior” level. “Pre-Frosh” varies. We'll get to exactly what these levels mean in a minute. First let's talk about how to do the workouts!

The Fitkini Body Workout has 3 parts that are equally important: Warm Up, Circuits, Stretching. Yes, equally important. Legit. Don't jump right into the Circuits and don't finish without stretching.

Warm Up: Warm up for the length of one song aka 4-5 minutes. Your body needs to wake up before getting into the circuits safely. You can go for a quick walk or jog, march or dance in place, or do a cardio machine if you're at the gym.

Circuits: Do all 9 exercises with the number of reps listed. This counts as one round. Try not to take breaks while completing the round. The round will take roughly 9-10 minutes if you don't take breaks and use proper form without rushing. Take a 1-2 minute break between rounds, if you're doing multiple rounds.

Stretch: Think of stretching as part of your workout not “that annoying thing I have to do at the end grrrr.” Complete our stretch routine or do your own if you have one. Your body will love you so much for this! (PS: If you invest in one piece of workout equipment, get a foam roller. It's the best way to stretch out the muscles on the front of your legs aka your quads. You can find foam rollers at most big box stores nowadays or get them online.)

Each week has one Upper Body and one Lower Body circuit. They are labeled at the top of the workout. All the circuits actually work the full body and core, but they focus more on one half of the body or the other.

The third workout of the week is Fit Girl’s Choice. If you want to focus more on your Upper Body, repeat the week's Upper Body workout. If you want to focus more on Lower Body, repeat the week's Lower Body workout. If you want to focus equally on both, repeat Upper Body one week and Lower Body the next.

safety tipsExercise

* Remember to warm up.

* Use good form.

* Don’t push yourself too

hard. When you can no

longer do the exercises

with proper form you’ve

gone too far.

Kerry is working out at home today. Just a reminder that do-at-home doesn’t mean

“do-in-socks.” Protect your body. Wear sneakers.

* Don’t exercise when you’re

sick. Take care of yourself.

* Avoid exercise if injured.


* Wear proper attire.

* Discuss any medical

conditions with your doctor

before beginning an exercise



Pre-Frosh “I never exercise. Ooops!

Walk 30 minutes a day and start

learning the exercises using the “Make It

Easier” tips.

Freshman“I walk a lot and sorta do some squats.”

Complete 1 round of the circuit using

“Make It Easier” tips and breaks if needed.

Sophomore“I do both cardio

and strength on the reg.”

Complete 2 rounds of the circuit with as

few breaks during the round

as possible.

Junior“I can handle

rigorous cardio and strength.”

Complete 3 rounds of the circuit with as

few breaks during the round

as possible.

Senior “I’m legit like you can’t even.”

Complete 3-4 rounds of the circuit using the “Make It Harder”


We recommend starting as a Sophomore if you completed the 28 Day Jumpstart! If that's not enough of a challenge, start out as a Junior. You want to feel challenged but not overwhelmed.


mDay 1

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

Day 5

Day 6

Day 7

Week 1U P P E R





!Cardio OFF

Week 2U P P E R





!Cardio OFF

Week 3U P P E R





!Cardio OFF

Week 4U P P E R



CardioF G C

Cardio OFF

For a six day plan, split your Fitkini Body Workouts and cardio into separate days. Pick whatever time of day is best for you to exercise and when you have the most energy. FGC = Fit Girl's Choice of whether to repeat the Upper or Lower workout.

3 DaY SCHEDULEIf you prefer to work out three days a week for a longer period of time, you can combine your Fitkini Body Workouts and cardio into one day. Again, pick the best time of day for you! FGC = Fit Girl's Choice of whether to repeat the Upper or Lower workout.

mDay 1

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

Day 5

Day 6

Day 7

Week 1 Upper +


Lower +




Week 2 Upper +


Lower +




Week 3 Upper +


Lower +




Week 4 Upper +


Lower +




Remember, like with eating, exercise is not an all-or-nothing situation. Get out of the “if I don't have time/energy/motivation for the whole amazeballs workout I had planned I'm doing nothing” mentality. 15 minutes is better than zero minutes. 15 minutes is awesome! 15 minutes counts. You can do a lot in 15 minutes.

The Fit Girl motto is: Just because you don't have the time or motivation to work out a lot doesn't mean it's not awesome to work out a little.

Our fav thing to do when we're feeling unmotivated is to put on a tv show or movie we're feeling super motivated to watch. The excitement to watch the show/movie counteracts the lack of excitement to exercise and … in Fit Girl Math that works out to us feeling all, “Whoa. Magic. It's suddenly nbd to be working out.”

Having a workout buddy also helps a lot of girls stay motivated, whether it's a local friend or someone you work out with over Skype. #FriendsHelpFriendsGetAbs

You can also find tons of motivational friends in our beyond words awesome @FitGirlsGuide Insta community. There's always a girl ready to cheer you on! Find them in #FitkiniBodyChallenge

Whatever you do, do not give up on yourself! Some days are easier than others to feel motivated. That's just part of life. Motivation is an emotion, but commitment is an action. You don't have to feel motivated to be committed. You just have to act committed.

Never stop believing in yourself. You can do this.


1. hamstring 2. back 3. shoulder

4. side body 5. tricep 6. calf

7. outer hip 8. hip flexor 9. inner thigh

Interlock your hands behind you. Bend forward over your legs. Keep a microbend in your knees and elbows as you stretch for 20-30 seconds. Let yourself relax into your stretches. Breathe.

This is called Cat/Cow in yoga. Keep a microbend in your elbows. Breathe in as you arch your back. Breathe out as you round your back. Repeat in sync with your breath 5-10 times each.

Reach your arm across your body. Hold for 20-30 seconds each side.

Bend to one side until you feel a nice stretch. Stretches should never hurt. They should pull a little but in a good stretching way, not in a hurting way. Hold for 20-30 seconds each side.

Reach your arm behind your head. Hold for 20-30 seconds each side. (This is great to do at your desk too.)

Press against a wall for this one. Adjust your angle until you feel a good stretch in the back calf. Hold for 20-30 seconds each side.

Your front leg should be at a perfect 90 degree angle. Move your back leg backward until you feel a stretch in your back hip flexor. (You might be able to go pretty far.) Hold for 20-30 seconds each side.

Sit on a chair with one leg crossed over the other in a figure four shape. Bend forward over your leg and gently push your bent leg open. Hold for 20 -30 seconds each side.

Sit with butterfly legs and lean forward, using your elbows to gently push your legs open. Hold for 20-30 seconds.

* We recommend investing in a foam roller and foam rolling your quads. you’ll thank us.

All exercises are listed by standard names so that you can find them on youtube if you like video demos. Ab bends, reverse lunge, straddle leg lifts, and Twisted Squat Jumps, are the only exercises that don’t have standard names.

The Exercises

Ahhhh! the

book is over!

see you soon!The end of the book always makes us sad, like we're saying goodbye. Then we remember that we're actually saying hello to your journey! We can't wait to follow your progress on Instagram! Words cannot describe how beyond-proud we are of everyone's 28 Day Jumpstart progress and we are even more excited to see everyone's #FitkiniBodyChallenge progress. Thank you for letting us be part of your lives. Thank you, thank you, thank you for making our Instagram community a true community, a love fest where all shapes and sizes and fitness goals are welcomed. You are, truly, amazeballs. !SO MUCH LOVE! !

xoxo, !

Fit Girl’s Guide

P S: Yes, we’l l be back again with more! Let’s keep the Fit Girl Party going until the robot apocalypse comes and ruins it for everyone!

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P hoto Credits

BREAKFAST Luxe French Toast


The Great Plate !

SNACK 200 Calorie Snack


Deconstructed Primavera (Day 1/3/5/7)

!Pick a Bonus Recipe

(Day 2/4/6)

BREAKFAST Quinoa Pudding


Pimped-Out Greek Salad !

SNACK 200 Calorie Snack


Caprese à la Fit Girl (Day 1/3/5/7)

!Pick a Bonus Recipe

(Day 2/4/6)

BREAKFAST Brekkie Pizza


Veg-tastic Asian Salad !

SNACK 200 Calorie Snack


Tater Toppers (Day 1/3/5/7)

!Pick a Bonus Recipe

(Day 2/4/6)

BREAKFAST Cinna Fitbun


I Heart Greens Salad !

SNACK 200 Calorie Snack


Overstuffed Kalesadillas (Day 1/3/5/7)

!Pick a Bonus Recipe

(Day 2/4/6)