five: volume 1. issue 1

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Pensacola is steadily working its way up to become the next thriving metropolis, and we intend on documenting the progress of our fine city. We are the upside of Florida. We are FIVE-- here to discusses the passions that we share and the issues about which you care.


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Dressing for thePensacola “Winter”

These ladies all have their own unique, fashion-forward style. Let them inspire you as they tell you from wear they draw inspiration. Picking out your outfit is an art form; a way to express yourself. Have fun with your wardrobe! Don’t let the rules of fashion box your creativity.


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From where do you draw inspiration for your style?I get inspired if I see something I find that is unique whether it be on a blog or in a magazine.

Describe your style in one word.Eclectic

What is your favorite place to shop in Pensacola and why?Antique and thrift stores. You can find the most unique vintage items that no one else will have.

Do you have any shopping tips for our readers?I buy plain clothes but I dress them up with accessories. Give it a try and you may find yourself a new look. But try to keep an outfit simple and basic to show off every piece.

Kerrie has a knack for finding amazing items of clothing for very little money. She frequents thrift stores

and consignment shops for vintage on the cheap.


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From where do you draw inspiration for your style?Most of my inspiration comes from fashion magazines, look books, and fashion blogs.

Describe your style in one word.Chic

What is your favorite place to shop in Pensacola and why?Charlotte Russe! It is affordable, stylish, fashion forward, and they have great sales.

Do you have any shopping tips for our readers?I buy plain clothes but I dress them up with accessories. Give it a try and you may find yourself a new look. But try to keep an outfit simple and basic to show off every piece.

Chonchon came to the U.S. from India, where she still has a thriving fan base. This supports diversity and uniqueness in her style


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Chonchon came to the U.S. from India, where she still has a thriving fan base. This supports diversity and uniqueness in her styleI met Kaitlin at Berry Awesome

Jam, a bboy dance competition, and I could tell immediately that

she was serious about style.

From where do you draw inspiration for your style?I draw inspiration from everything and anything that catches my eye. I love Japa-nese and Korean styles because I feel like they are more diverse when it comes to fashion!

Describe your style in one word.Eccentric

What is your favorite place to shop in Pensacola and why?I would just say at the mall, because you can find little deals everywhere and you might get lucky and find something unique.

Do you have any shopping tips for our readers?Just because something doesn’t look promising on the hanger, doesn’t mean it won’t be a whole different story once you put it with an outfit. Don’t be close minded.


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From where do you draw inspiration for your style?Mostly from blogs and random pictures I come across. Seeking inspiration is one of my favorite things to do! Some of my favorites are Rachel Parcel from The Pink Peonies Blog, Emily Schuman from Cupcakes and Cashmere, and The Glitter Guide.

Describe your style in one word.Personalized

What is your favorite place to shop in Pensacola and why?Old Navy and Indigeaux Denim Bar and Boutique; a mix of casual and glamorous.

Do you have any shopping tips for our readers?Don’t measure your wardrobe by how many clothes you have, measure it by how much you can do with the clothes you have. Sometimes the best pieces to buy are the most plain!

Kerrie Anderson, a fellow FIVE fashionista, told me that “Payton Anderson is the Lauren Conrad of Pensacola.” Payton glows with style that’s sophisticated and at the same time exciting and creative! She even has a blog on tumblr!


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From where do you draw inspiration for your style? and Stephanie Valenzuela of the TheFashionCitizen on YouTube

Describe your style in one word.Edgy

What is your favorite place to shop in Pensacola and why?Goodwill, because everything is cheap, and you can usually find exactly what you are looking for!

Do you have any shopping tips for our readers?If you can’t picture yourself in at least 3 different outfits, with the item in question, then don’t buy it!

“Noel is very passionate about thrifting. She even made a top 5 list of thrift

stores in the United States for finding useful vintage.


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Pensacola “Winter”

Alex, Eric, Felix, and Joe are at the forefront of fashion in our area. We know there are other stylish guys out there, though. Our goal is to actually have five fashionistos in the second issue of FIVE. Send us an email with your style portfolio to try out.


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From where do you draw inspiration for your style?I draw inspiration for my style from a few places. When I was in high school I read GQ and Details like it’s a bible. They have a lot of good tips on figuring out what your style is, and how to wear things. Daily though, I’m always keeping an eye out for new styles or trends. The smallest detail in one outfit will give me ideas for ten more.

Describe your style in one word.Fluid

What is your favorite place to shop in Pensacola and why?Cotton On, because I get a discount and they have awesome clothes for cheap.

Do you have any shopping tips for our readers?Know what you like to wear, and work from there. Always try on something out-side of your norm, and if it fits and looks really good buy it in every color.

Alex is our cover fashionisto. He’s lived all over America

and it brings an exciting variety to his wardrobe.


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From where do you draw inspiration for your style?My inspiration comes from a lot of places. Normally if something looks nice to me I’ll wear it. I’ll also look at the way other people dress as well and I’ll try to interpret their looks with my own style.

Describe your style in one word.Simple

What is your favorite place to shop in Pensacola and why?My favorite place to shop in Pensacola is Cotton On in Cordova Mall. I like how simple yet stylish their clothes are and how I can mix and match the clothes to make different outfits.

Do you have any shopping tips for our readers?My advice to readers when shopping is to find the style that works for you and just make it your own.

Felix makes unique outfits by mixing and matching simple staples.


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From where do you draw inspiration for your style?I draw inspiration from different patterns and colors that catch my eye and a steady subscription to GQ doesn’t hurt.

Describe your style in one word.Nifty

What is your favorite place to shop in Pensacola and why?My favorite place to shop in Pensacola is Express in Cordova mall. It’s a great place to put together something sharp.

Do you have any shopping tips for our readers?My advice to readers is to not be afraid of wearing something you like even if no one else does. If people are talking about you you’re doing something right.

Joe is hilarious and has fun with his style.


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From where do you draw inspiration for your style?My style was inspired by the love I have for all things vintage. I feel as if I have an old soul, because I just am not satisfied with how things are in the present era. I love the way things were before.

Describe your style in one word.Different

What is your favorite place to shop in Pensacola and why?Thrift stores, because they don’t always have awesome things, but when you do find something good, it makes it all so much more worthwhile. I also don’t like looking exactly like everyone else does nowadays.

Do you have any shopping tips for our readers?

Just because it’s not new doesn’t mean it’s worth less.

Eric’s wardrobe is heavily inspired by the days of old.


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Hello! My name is Nathaniel Johnston. I just graduated from the University of West Florida with a Bachelor of Fine Art degree. Let’s hope this makes sense.

My number one motivator for making art, is art itself. Ever since I dedicated my life to art, ( it’s not a cult), life has been a multiplying series of discoveries. I have a few mantras: always know that you do not know, be present, and embrace the circumstances of your life. I learned these from making. The backbone of each of these ideas, for me, is truth. A desire for learning and the adventure of exploration. Art is part self exploration, part eye of critical examination. Every single experience becomes inspiring when you can find beauty in the most menial of things. Movies, television, video games, music (that’s a big one), and even food are all sources of inspiration and content in my work. I’m a recent college graduate. These are the things college kids love. Art gave me the ability to turn entertainment into a research. I don’t want to sound too much like a hippie, but life is all about beauty. We all want to be mystified. But I’m not going to sit around, and just hope something happens. I’m going to take what I have, a few brushes and some paint, and I am going to mystify myself.

“What else should I be? All apologies. In the sun, in the sun, I feel as one. In the sun.” (Kurt Cobain)

Romance, 2012, Oil on Panel. Kurt Donald Cobain, 2012,Oil on Canvas


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“My name is Alex Hilton, no relation to Paris, and I’m from a small fishing town called Pulaski, in New York.”


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Alex’s love of fashion started when he was in the third grade and was allowed to pick out all of his school clothes for the first time. He says that he was shy growing up so he spent a lot of time learning about brands and types of clothing through magazines and online. Alex says, “It all has come back to help me, and I’ve learned even more while working retail since I was 16.”

Alex continues by saying, “I’m very open to changing my style, and I get bored of looks pretty quickly, but I tend to revisit most of them. My closet could dress any guy from a lumberjack to a businessman it varies so much. I think that’s the best way to keep inspiring yourself though, have a wide variety of clothes so you can make new trends.”

When asked where he draws inspiration Alex states, “When i was in high school I read GQ, and Details like the bible.” He says that is where he gathered lots of good tips on developing your personal style and also how to wear various items. Now Alex is always keeping his eye out for new styles and trends. “The smallest detail in one outfit will give me ideas for ten more.”

His favorite place to shop is Cotton On, where he works and therefore gets a discount! “They have awesome clothes for cheap!” He leaves you with these shopping tips, “Know what you like to wear, and work from there. Always try on something outside of your norm, and if it fits and looks really good buy it in every color.”

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Shannon is our cover fashionista. She performs great during her photo shoots and we are happy to have her as a face of FIVE.


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Shannon O’Donnell wasn’t always into fashion. She was known to wear a baggy hoodie and beat up vans every day, but all of that changed and she gained a new perspective in a summer spent with her grandmother. “She opened up my view of clothing and different ways to accent it with jewelry, hair, and makeup. Low and behold;it was a new me!”

In high school, Shannon says her style was on the preppy side, then when she hit college, her style changed again! She became so passionate and expressive about her new style that she would dress up, more than her old usual, every day! People would ask her “Why do you dress up just to go to class?” To which she says, “That’s just the way I am.” She describes her style as being “urbanesque” and having “a laid back feeling, but still strong enough to make a statement.”

It’s no surprise to see that Shannon has great style, when you learn how creative she is. She is going to the University of West Florida to get her BFA in Graphic Design. She then aspires to be an interior designer, with her dream job being fashion designer (a career in which, there is no doubt she would soar!)

Shannon draws inspiration while working at Cotton On and also through magazines, TV, pinterest, and her friends.

Shannon gave us these shopping tips to share with you. “Have fun while you’re shopping!” and “You would never know what colors, shape, cut, or style could look on you without just simply trying it on. Be strong and just try it on!”

Shannon wraps up our interview saying, “I hope you all enjoy seeing all the fierce fashion coming your way.”

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My grandmother, Isabel Macleod, was born and raised in Paisley, Scotland. When she was sixteen she moved to London to model professionally. This is when her love of fashion started. She traveled some when modeling, to New York and Paris and started collecting clothes and expanding her wardrobe.

In 1954 she and her husband Angus moved to New York City, and in 1958 they moved to Pensacola. She has lived in Pensacola ever since where I can go by her house and explore her many closets full of clothes she collected over the years. She continued to travel just for fun over the next few decades so her wardrobe is very diverse.

Thanks to the many years that she has collected and kept all her clothes, I now have a vintage goldmine to shop in for FREE! My grandmother is very generous and lets me wear, borrow, have any clothes she has that don’t fit her anymore or that she just doesn’t wear that often.


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Here’s a list of things I learned from time spent searching through my grandmother’s closet:

1. Never ever get rid of your clothes, if you have space to keep them. If you have limited space definitely keep the highest quality items even if it’s just a few that you will keep forever. Everything ends up coming back in style at some point, and everyone loves a good vintage piece.

2. When shopping on a budget, start by looking where you may find clothes for free. Along with clothes being passed down from my grandmother, my stepdad’s sister, Karel let me have some of her old clothes, and different members of my family have jewelry from my mamaw (my dad’s mom).

3. I learned so much about my grandmother’s story. From stories about shopping over seas to tales of time spent in bomb shelters during World War II. Using the starting point of her clothes, I found myself learning life lessons and about what it was like to grow up several decades ago.

Thank you, Grandma, for giving me tons of your old clothes! I wear them all the time and they have added character and quantity to my wardrobe that I otherwise

couldn’t afford to have.23

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What happens when you gather bboy’s in a frozen yogurt shop? BERRY AWESOME JAM! We spent the night watching b-boy groups with creative names like Opal Ring Crusaders and Reckless Rhythm battling for the number one spot, and it was a blast! Each group was extremely talented and performed moves

that I could never do myself. Roger Kyle, The host of the event put it together to promote Berry Yogurt, and give the newer generation a change to grow in their dance. The event was very inviting and I’d love to see more of these in the future and I’m sure I will.

“We’re a community of individuals that really truly believe in ‘each one teach one’ spreading the knowledge of our dance to anyone and everyone who are interested in what we do.” - Kenneth Eady


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GlowRage was formed early in 2012 but the idea has been around for a bit. Pensacola was lacking this type of party and it just seemed like the right thing to do for the nightlife scene. This type of music “EDM” is what fuels most every major club in the U.S. from Vegas, Miami, Atlanta and up the East Coast. They not only have this type of music but it dominates these areas and many others even throughout Colorado. The lure of hundreds packed on a dance floor dancing as hard as they can go all night is where it is at. So why not hit them with something new, like gallons of paint.

Keith Pardue conceived the idea and made it all happen with a few DJ friends from Tallahassee. Keith launched it in Pensacola and it didn’t take but one show then it exploded into everyone begging for more. After several successful parties it caught the eye of local night club owner and event planner Marcus Story which quickly bought

into the company. With Keith’s idea of a party and the business and events back ground of Marcus it rapidly took Pensacola and Destin and change the way they party. GlowRage now GlowRage Tour is hitting all the popular spots and heading out of town with a full schedule expanding into 2013. GlowRage is just getting started with locations but the name is already spreading. Keith and Marcus added one other component to the mix Jud Odom with JO Services a local media expert. Jud is involved with many of Marcus’s on going projects and brings many things to the table quickly redesigning the look and the branding along with video editing and wed service. GlowRage now has everything it needs to continue the party.

The best DJ’s, the GlowRage Girls and the power to throw the biggest party in town!


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I’m really inspired by the people we work with. It’s only been a month since we started the journey to make FIVE a reality, and it has grown from a simple project to an actual legit magazine. It’s incredible to work with and surround myself with such creative and ambitious people. I am motivated by the power of photography and imagery. A picture is really worth a thousand words, and can be so inspirational. I’d like to give a special shout out to the FIVE fans and followers, Without you none of this would be possible.

Jarrin StokesCo-Editor-in-Chief

Hey guys! If you’re reading this it means you are one of the original members of the FIVE family. Thank you so much for believing in us and in our vision. Along the way I’ve met so many inspiring people! Photographers, fashionistas, bloggers, artists, eccentrics, and the like! I hope FIVE helps all of you make new, inspiring connections as well. If you have some feedback, I’d love to talk to you! Just e-mail me!

Kara WoodsonCo-Editor-in-Chief


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Co-Editors-in-ChiefJarrin Stokes and Kara Woodson

Graphic DesignerAlicia Nguyen

ArtNathaniel Johnston

PhotographersAshton SikesLindsey RussellKara WoodsonAmber FletcherJosh Shelton

FashionShannon O’DonnellKaitlin MoralesChonchon KashungKerrie AndersonNoel FontainePayton AndersonAlex HiltonEric ChangFelix JonJoe Chisenall

FeaturesRoger KyleKenneth EadyVictor Ramos
