florida elections commissionsalas,+jesus_redacted.pdf · florida elections commission florida...

In Re: Jes us Salas TO: Jesus Salas 12702 SW 113' 11 Lane Miami, FL 33186 SIA IE OF FLORIDA FLORIDA ELECTIONS COMMISSION Case No.: FEC 13-333 Division of Elections 500 S Bronough Street, Room 316 I allahassee, FL 32399 NOTICE OF HEARING (INFORMAL HEARING) A hearing will be held in this case before the Florida Elections Commission on February 25, 2015, at 8:30 am, 01 as soon thereafter as the parties can be heard, at the following location: Senate Office Bnilding, Room 110-S, 404 South Monroe Street, Tallahassee, FL 32399. Failure to appear in accordance with this notice will constitute a waiver of your right to participate in the hearing. Continuances will be granted only upon a showing of good cause This hearing will be conducted pursuant to Section 106 25, Florida Statutes, which governs your participation as follows: If you are the Respondent, you may attend the hearing, and you or your attorney will have 5 minutes to present your case to the Commission.. However, some cases (including those in which consent orders or recommendations for no probable cause are being considered) may be decided by an en masse vote and, unless you request to be heard or the Commission requests that your case be considered separately on the day of the hearing, your case will not be individually heard. If you are the Complainant, you may attend the hearing, but you will not be permitted to address the Commission In addition, some cases (including those in which consent orders or recommendations for no probable cause are being considered) may be decided by an en masse vote and, unless the Respondent requests to be heard or the Commission requests that the case be considered separately on the day of the hearing, the case will not be individually heard If you are an Appellant, and you have requested a hearing, you may attend the hearing, and you or your attorney will have 5 minutes to present your case to the Commission Please be advised that both confidential and public cases are scheduled to be heard by the Florida Elections Commission on this date As an Appellant, Respondent or Complainant in one case, you will not be permitted to attend the hearings on other confidential cases. The Commission will electronically record the meeting. Although the Commission's recording is considered the official record of the hearing, the Respondent may provide, at his own expense, a certified court reporter to also record the hearing If you require an accommodation due to a disability, contact Donna Ann Malphurs at (850) 922-4539 or by mail at I 07 West Gaines Street, The Collins Building, Suite 224, Tallahassee, Florida 32399, at least 5 days before the hearing See further instructions on the reverse side. NOH FEC #13-333 ;!.ttty :M<Keiwer <Toman Executive Director Florida Elections Commission February 9, 2015

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Page 1: FLORIDA ELECTIONS COMMISSIONSalas,+Jesus_Redacted.pdf · FLORIDA ELECTIONS COMMISSION Florida Elections Commission, Petitioner, Case No.: FEC 13-333 v. Jesus Salas, Respondent. ORDER

In Re: Jes us Salas

TO: Jesus Salas 12702 SW 113'11 Lane Miami, FL 33186


Case No.: FEC 13-333

Division of Elections 500 S Bronough Street, Room 316 I allahassee, FL 32399


A hearing will be held in this case before the Florida Elections Commission on February 25, 2015, at 8:30 am, 01 as soon thereafter as the parties can be heard, at the following location: Senate Office Bnilding, Room 110-S, 404 South Monroe Street, Tallahassee, FL 32399.

Failure to appear in accordance with this notice will constitute a waiver of your right to participate in the hearing. Continuances will be granted only upon a showing of good cause

This hearing will be conducted pursuant to Section 106 25, Florida Statutes, which governs your participation as follows:

If you are the Respondent, you may attend the hearing, and you or your attorney will have 5 minutes to present your case to the Commission.. However, some cases (including those in which consent orders or recommendations for no probable cause are being considered) may be decided by an en masse vote and, unless you request to be heard or the Commission requests that your case be considered separately on the day of the hearing, your case will not be individually heard.

If you are the Complainant, you may attend the hearing, but you will not be permitted to address the Commission In addition, some cases (including those in which consent orders or recommendations for no probable cause are being considered) may be decided by an en masse vote and, unless the Respondent requests to be heard or the Commission requests that the case be considered separately on the day of the hearing, the case will not be individually heard

If you are an Appellant, and you have requested a hearing, you may attend the hearing, and you or your attorney will have 5 minutes to present your case to the Commission

Please be advised that both confidential and public cases are scheduled to be heard by the Florida Elections Commission on this date As an Appellant, Respondent or Complainant in one case, you will not be permitted to attend the hearings on other confidential cases.

The Commission will electronically record the meeting. Although the Commission's recording is considered the official record of the hearing, the Respondent may provide, at his own expense, a certified court reporter to also record the hearing

If you require an accommodation due to a disability, contact Donna Ann Malphurs at (850) 922-4539 or by mail at I 07 West Gaines Street, The Collins Building, Suite 224, Tallahassee, Florida 32399, at least 5 days before the hearing

See further instructions on the reverse side.

NOH FEC #13-333

;!.ttty :M<Keiwer <Toman Executive Director Florida Elections Commission February 9, 2015

Page 2: FLORIDA ELECTIONS COMMISSIONSalas,+Jesus_Redacted.pdf · FLORIDA ELECTIONS COMMISSION Florida Elections Commission, Petitioner, Case No.: FEC 13-333 v. Jesus Salas, Respondent. ORDER

Please refor to the information below for further instructions related to your particular hearing:

If this is a hearing to consider an appeal from an automatic fine, the Filing Officer has imposed a fine on you for your faihne to file a campaign treasurer's report on the designated due date and, by filing an appeal, you have asked the Commission to consider either (!) that the report was in fact timely filed; or (2) that there were unusual circumstances that excused the failure to file the report timely You are required to prove your case.. If the Commission finds that the report was filed timely or that there were unusual circumstances that excused the failure, it may waive the fine, in whole or in part The Commission may reduce a fine after considering the factors in Section 106265, Flmida Statutes If the Commission finds that the report was not timely filed and theie were no unusual circumstances, the fine will be upheld.

If this is a hearing to consider a consent order before a determination of probable cause has been made, the Commission will decide whether to accept or reject the consent order If the Commission accepts the consent order, the case will be closed and become public If the Commission rejects the consent order or does not make a decision to accept or deny the consent mder, the case will remain confidential, unless confidentiality has been waived

If this is a hearing to consider a consent order after a determination of probable cause has been made, the Commission will decide whether to accept 01 reject the consent order. If the Commission accepts the consent order, the case will be closed If the Commission rejects the consent order or does not make a decision to accept or deny the consent order, the Respondent will be entitled to another hearing to determine if the Respondent committed the violation(s) alleged

If this is a probable cause hearing, the Commission will decide if there is probable cause to believe that the Respondent committed a violation of Florida's election laws Respondent should be prepared to explain how the staff in its recommendation incorrectly applied the law to the facts of the case Respondent may not testifY, call others to testify, or introduce any documentary or other evidence at the probable cause hearing The Commission will only decide whether Respondent should be charged with a violation and, before the Commission determines whether a violation has occurred or a fine should be imposed, Respondent will have an opportunity for another hearing at which evidence may be introduced

If this is an informal hearing, it will be conducted pursuant Sections 120569 and 12057(2), Florida Statutes; Chapter 28 and Commission Rule 2B-L004, Florida Administrative Code At the hearing, the Commission will decide whether the Respondent committed the violation(s) charged in the Order of Probable Cause .. The Respondent will be permitted to testify. However the Respondent may not call witnesses to testify.

Respondent may argue why the established facts in the Staff Recommendation do not support the violations charged in the Order of Prnbable Cause.. At Respondent's request, the Commission may determine whether Respondent's actions in the case were willfol The Respondent may also address the apprnpriateness of the recommended fine If Respondent claims that his limited resources make him unable to pay the statutory fine, he must provide the Commission with written proof of his financial resources at the hearing A financial affidavit form is available from the Commission Clerk

Page 3: FLORIDA ELECTIONS COMMISSIONSalas,+Jesus_Redacted.pdf · FLORIDA ELECTIONS COMMISSION Florida Elections Commission, Petitioner, Case No.: FEC 13-333 v. Jesus Salas, Respondent. ORDER


1 l, NOV 2 I PM I: 2 3

S -1 .. ~~ ( E .'JF FL.Oi~l0.4 ELECTiOi-tS COMf'HSSlOi~


Florida Elections Commission, Petitioner,

Case No.: FEC 13-333 v.

Jesus Salas, Respondent.


THIS MATTER was heard by the Florida Elections Commission (Commission) at its

regulatly scheduled meeting on October 28, 2014, in Tallahassee, Florida

Based on the Complaint, Report of Investigation, Staff's Recommendation, and oral

statements (if any) made at the probable cause heating, the Commission finds that there is

probable cause to chatge Respondent with the following violation(s):

Count 1:

On or about October 10, 2013, Jesus Salas violated Section 106..07(1), Florida Statutes, when he failed to timely file with the filing officer, Florida's Families First's 2013 Q3 Report, listing all contributions received and all expenditures made, by or on behalf of the committee.

DONE AND ORDERED by the Florida Elections Commission on October 28, 2014

P:/Order of Probable Cause docx (07/14) FEC Case# 13-333


i'i~~Lla ay, Chairman Florida Elections Commis ion

Page 4: FLORIDA ELECTIONS COMMISSIONSalas,+Jesus_Redacted.pdf · FLORIDA ELECTIONS COMMISSION Florida Elections Commission, Petitioner, Case No.: FEC 13-333 v. Jesus Salas, Respondent. ORDER


Copies furnished to: Stephanie J. Cunningham, Assistant Genernl Counsel Jesus Salas, Respondent Division of Elections, Complainant

As the Respondent, you may elect to iesolve this case in several ways Fi1st, you may elect to resolve this case by consent order where you and Commission staff agree to resolve the violation(s)s and ag1ee to the amount of the fine The consent order is then presented to the Commission for its approval To discuss a consent orde1, contact the FEC attorney identified in the Orde1 of Probable Cause

Second, you may 1equest an info1mal hearing held befo1e the Commission, if you do not dispute any mate1ial fact in the Staff Recommendation You have 30 days from the date the Order of Probable Cause is filed with the Commission to request such a heaiing The date this orde1 was filed appeais in the uppe1 right-hand come1 of the fast page of the ordei. At the hearing, you will have the light to make written or om! aiguments to the Commission concerning the legal issues related to the violation(s) and the potential fine. At the 1equest of Respondent, the Commission will conside1 and dete1mine willfulness at an info1mal heaiing Othe1wise, live witness testimony is unnecessaiy.

Third, you may request a formal healing held before an administrative law judge in the Division of Administrative Heaiings (DOAH), if you dispute any material fact in the Staff Recommendation You have 30 days from the date the Orde1 of Prnbable Cause is filed with the Commission to 1equest such a heaiing .. The date this orde1 was filed appeais in the upper right­hand comer of the first page of the 01der. At the heaiing, you will have the right to present evidence relevant to the violation(s) listed in this 01der, to cross-examine opposing witnesses, to impeach any witness, and to rebut the evidence presented against you ..

If you do not elect to 1esolve the case by consent order or request a fo1mal heaiing at the DOAH or an info1mal heaiing before the Commission within 30 days of the date this 01de1 of Probable Cause is filed with the Commission, the case will be sent to the Commission for a fo1mal or info1mal heaiing, depending on whethe1 the facts rue in dispute The date this order was filed appeais in the upper 1ight-hand come1 of the fost page of the 01de1

To 1 equest a heaiing, please send a wiitten request to the Commission Cle1k, Donna Ann Malphurs. The address of the Commission Cle1k is 107 W. Gaines Street, Collins Building, Suite 224, Tallahassee, Flo1ida 32399-1050.. The telephone numbe1 is (850) 922-4539.. The Clerk will provide you with a copy of Chapter 28-106, Florida Administrative Code, and other applicable rnles upon request No mediation is available

P:/Order of Probable Cause docx (07/14) FEC Case# 13-333

Page 5: FLORIDA ELECTIONS COMMISSIONSalas,+Jesus_Redacted.pdf · FLORIDA ELECTIONS COMMISSION Florida Elections Commission, Petitioner, Case No.: FEC 13-333 v. Jesus Salas, Respondent. ORDER

In Re: Jesus Salas

TO: Jesus Salas 12702SWI13th Lane Miami, FL 33172


Case No.: FEC 13-3.33

Division of Elections 500 S Bronough Street, Room 316 I allahassee, FL 3 23 99


A heating will be held in this case befo1e the Florida Elections Commission on October 28, 2014, at 8:30 am, or as soon thereafter as thiparties can be heard, at the following location: Senate Office Building, Room S-110, 404 South Monroe Street, Tallahassee, FL 32399.

Failure to appear in accordance with this notice will constitute a waiver of your right to participate in the heruing .. Continuances will be granted only upon a showing of good cause

This heruing will be conducted pursuant to Section 106 25, Florida Statutes, which governs your participation as follows:

If you are the Respondent, you may attend the hearing, and you or your attorney will have .5 minutes to present your case to the Commission However, some cases (including those in which consent orders or recommendations for no probable cause are being considered) may be decided by an en mas se vote and, unless you request to be herud or the Commission requests that your case be considered separately on the day of the hearing, your case will not be individually heard

If you are the Complainant, you may attend the hearing, but you will not be permitted to address the Commission.. In addition, some cases (including those in which consent orders or recommendations for no probable cause are being considered) may be decided by an en masse vote and, unless the Respondent requests to be heard or the Commission requests that the case be considered separately on the day of the heru ing, the case will not be individually heard

If you are an Appellant, and you have 1equested a hearing, you may attend the hearing, and you or your attorney will have 5 minutes to present your case to the Commission

Please be advised that both confidential and public cases are scheduled to be heard by the Florida Elections Commission on this date. As an Appellant, Respondent or Complainant in one case, you will not be permitted to attend the hearings on other confidential cases.

The Commission will electronically record the meeting. Although the Commission's 1ecording is considered the official record of the hearing, the Respondent may provide, at his own expense, a certified court reporter to also record the hearing ..

If you require an accommodation due to a disability, contact Donna Malphurs at (850) 922-4539 or by mail at 107 West Gaines Street, The Collins Building, Suite 224, Tallahassee, Florida 32399, at least 5 days before the hearing.

See further instructions on the reverse side

J!my :M.Cl(eever'l'oman Executive Director Florida Elections Commission Octobe1 13, 2014

Page 6: FLORIDA ELECTIONS COMMISSIONSalas,+Jesus_Redacted.pdf · FLORIDA ELECTIONS COMMISSION Florida Elections Commission, Petitioner, Case No.: FEC 13-333 v. Jesus Salas, Respondent. ORDER

Please refer to the information below for further instructions related to your particular hearing:

If this is a hearing to consider an appeal from an automatic fine, the Filing Officer has imposed a fine on you for your failure to file a campaign treasurer's report on the designated due date and, by filing an appeal, you have asked the Commission to consider either (1) that the report was in fact timely filed; or (2) that there were unusual circumstances that excused the failure to file the report timely. You are required to prove your case.. If the Commission finds that the report was filed timely or that there were unusual circumstances that excused the failure, it may waive the fine, in whole or in part The Commission may reduce a fine after considering the factors in Section 106265, Florida Statutes If the Commission finds that the report was not timely filed and there were no unusual circumstances, the fine will be upheld.

If this is a hearing to consider a consent order before a determination of probable cause has been made, the Commission will decide whether to accept or reject the consent order If the Commission accepts the consent order, the case will be closed and become public If the Commission r«jects the consent order or does not make a decision to accept or deny the consent order, the case will remain confidential, unless confidentiality has been waived.

If this is a hearing to consider a consent order after a determination of probable cause has been made, the Commission will decide whether to accept or reject the consent order If the Commission accepts the consent order, the case will be closed. If the Commission rejects the consent order or does not make a decision to accept or deny the consent order, the Respondent will be entitled to another hearing to determine if the Respondent committed the violation( s) alleged ..

If this is a probable cause hearing, the Commission will decide if there is probable cause to believe that the Respondent committed a violation of Florida's election laws Respondent should be prepared to explain how the staff in its recommendation inconectly applied the law to the facts of the case Respondent may not testifY, call other:s to testifY, or introduce any documentary m other evidence at the probable cause hearing. The Commission will only decide whether Respondent should be charged with a violation and, before the Commission determines whether a violation has occurred or a fine should be imposed, Respondent will have an opportunity for another hearing at which evidence may be introduced.

If this is an informal hearing, it will be conducted pmsuant Sections 120 569 and 12057(2), Florida Statutes; Chapter 28 and Commission Rule 2B-l .. 004, Florida Administrative Code. At the hearing, the Commission will decide whether the Respondent committed the violation(s) charged in the Order of Probable Cause .. The Respondent will be permitted to testify.. However the Respondent may not call witnesses to testify.

Respondent may argue why the established facts in the Staff Recommendation do not support the violations charged in the Order of Probable Cause .. At Respondent's request, the Commission may determine whether Respondent's actions in the case were willful The Respondent may also address the appropriateness of the recommended fine. If Respondent claims that his limited resources make him unable to pay the statutory fine, he must provide the Commission with written proof of his financial resources at the hearing A financial affidavit form is available from the Commission Clerk.

Page 7: FLORIDA ELECTIONS COMMISSIONSalas,+Jesus_Redacted.pdf · FLORIDA ELECTIONS COMMISSION Florida Elections Commission, Petitioner, Case No.: FEC 13-333 v. Jesus Salas, Respondent. ORDER


' I

FLORIDA ELECTIONS COMMISSION 107 W. Gaines Street, Suite 224

Collins Building Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1050

Jesus Salas 11231 Northwest 20th Street #140-135 Miami, FL 3 3172

(850) 922-4539

August 15, 2014

RE: Case No.: FEC 13-333; Respondent: Jesus Salas

Deru Mt. Salas:

The Florida Elections Commission at its last regulruly scheduled meeting was unable to heru this case Therefore, this case has been rescheduled for its next meeting, which is scheduled for October 28-29, 2014 in Tallahassee .. A notice of heruing will be mailed approximately 14 days before the heruing ..

If you have any questions, please contact us at the number listed above or at [email protected].

AMI/em cc: Division of Elections, Complainant



/sf.ft.my 9Y1.CK./ever1'oman Executive Director

Page 8: FLORIDA ELECTIONS COMMISSIONSalas,+Jesus_Redacted.pdf · FLORIDA ELECTIONS COMMISSION Florida Elections Commission, Petitioner, Case No.: FEC 13-333 v. Jesus Salas, Respondent. ORDER


In Re: Jesus Salas Case No.: FEC 13-333

TO: Jesus Salas 11231Northwest201

h Street #140-135 Miami, FL 33172


Division of Elections 500 S Bronough Street Room 316 Tallahassee, FL 32399


A hearing will be held in this case before the Florida Elections Commission on August 5, 2014, at 11:00 am, or as soon thereafter as the parties can be heard, at the following location: Senate Oflice Building, Room S-110, 404 South Monroe Street, I allahassee, FL 32399.

Failure to appear in accordance with this notice will constitute a waiver of your right to participate in the hearing. Continuances will be granted only upon a showing of good cause

This hearing will be conducted pursuant to Section 106 25, Florida Statutes, which governs your participation as follows:

If you are the Respondent, you may attend the hearing, and you or your attorney will have 5 minutes to present your case to the Commission However, some cases (including those in which consent orders or recommendations for no probable cause are being considered) may be decided by an en masse vote and, unless you request to be heard or the Commission requests that your case be considered separately on the day of the hearing, your case will not be individually heard

If you are the Complainant, you may attend the hearing, but you will not be permitted to address the Commission In addition, some cases (including those in which consent orders or recommendations for no probable cause are being considered) may be decided by an en masse vote and, unless the Respondent requests to be heard or the Commission requests that the case be considered sepatately on the day of the hearing, the case will not be individually heard

If you are an Appellant, and you have requested a hearing, you may attend the hearing, and you or your attorney will have 5 minutes to present your case to the Commission

Please be advised that both confidential and public cases are scheduled to be heard by the Florida Elections Commission on this date As an Appellant, Respondent or Complainant in one case, you will not be permitted to attend the hearings on other confidential cases.

The Commission will electronically record the meeting Although the Commission's recording is considered the official record of the hearing, the Respondent may provide, at his own expense, a certified court reporter to also record the hearing.

If you require an accommodation due to a disability, contact Donna Malphurs at (850) 922-4539 or by mail at 107 West Gaines Street, The Collins Building, Suite 224, Tallahassee, Florida 32399, at least 5 days before the hearing

See fm th er instructions on the reverse side.

Jl.ttry :M.CKeever'l'oman Executive Director Florida Elections Commission July 16, 2014

Page 9: FLORIDA ELECTIONS COMMISSIONSalas,+Jesus_Redacted.pdf · FLORIDA ELECTIONS COMMISSION Florida Elections Commission, Petitioner, Case No.: FEC 13-333 v. Jesus Salas, Respondent. ORDER

Please refor to the information below for further instructions related to your particular hearing:

If this is a hearing to consider an appeal from an automatic fine, the Filing Officer has imposed a fine on you fqr your failure to file a campaign treasurer's report on the designated due date and, by filing an appeal, you have asked the Commission to consider either (I) that the report was in fact timely filed; or (2) that there were unusual circumstances that excused the failure to file the report timely You are required to prove your case. If the Commission finds that the report was filed timely or that there were unusual circumstances that excused the failure, it may waive the fine, in whole or in part. The Commission may reduce a fine after considering the factors in Section 106265, Florida Statutes If the Commission finds that the report was not timely filed and there were no unusual circumstances, the fine will be upheld ..

If this is a hearing to consider a consent order before a determination of probable cause has been made, the Commission will decide whether to accept or reject the consent order.. If the Commission accepts the consent order, the case will be closed and become public If the Commission rejects the consent order or does not make a decision to accept or deny the consent order, the case will remain confidential, unless confidentiality has been waived

If this is a hearing to consider a consent order after a determination of probable cause has been made, the Commission will decide whether to accept or reject the consent order If the Commission accepts the consent order, the case will be closed .. If the Commission rejects the consent order or does not make a decision to accept or deny the consent order, the Respondent will be entitled to another hearing to determine if the Respondent committed the violation(s) alleged ..

If this is a probable cause hearing, the Commission will decide if there is probable cause to believe that the Respondent committed a violation of Florida's election laws .. Respondent should be prepared to explain how the staff in its recommendation inconectly applied the law to the facts of the case Respondent may not testifY, call others to testify, or introduce any documentary or other evidence at the probable cause hearing The Commission will only decide whether Respondent should be charged with a violation and, before the Commission determines whether a violation has occuned or a fine should be imposed, Respondent will have an opportunity for another hearing at which evidence may be introduced

If this is an informal hearing, it will be conducted pursuant Sections 120 569 and 120 57(2), Florida Statutes; Chapter 28 and Commission Rule 2B- l .004, Florida Administrative Code At the hearing, the Commission will decide whether the Respondent committed the violation(s) charged in the Order of Probable Cause .. The Respondent will be permitted to testify. However the Respondent may not call witnesses to testify

Respondent may argue why the established facts in the Staff Recommendation do not support the violations charged in the Order of Probable Cause .. At Respondent's request, the Commission may determine whether Respondent's actions in the case were willful The Respondent may also address the appropiiateness of the recommended fine If Respondent claims that his limited resources make him unable to pay the statutory fine, he must provide the Commission with written proof of his financial resources at the hearing A financial affidavit form is available from the Commission Clerk

Page 10: FLORIDA ELECTIONS COMMISSIONSalas,+Jesus_Redacted.pdf · FLORIDA ELECTIONS COMMISSION Florida Elections Commission, Petitioner, Case No.: FEC 13-333 v. Jesus Salas, Respondent. ORDER

In Re: Jesus Salas


Case No.: FEC 13-333


Pm suant to Section I 06 25( 4 )( c ), Florida Statutes, under signed staff counsel files this written recommendation for disposition of the reforral in this case recommending that there is probable cause to charge Respondent with violating Section 106.07(1), Florida Statutes Based upon a thorough review of the Report of Investigation submitted on May 23, 2014, the following facts and law support this staff recommendation:

1. On December 20, 2013, the Florida Elections Commission ("Commission") received a reforral from the Department of State, Division of Elections ("Division"), alleging that Jesus Salas, chairman and treasurer of Florida's Families First ("Respondent") violated Chapter I 06, Florida Statutes

2 Florida's Families First, a political committee ("committee") filed its State of Florida Appointment of Campaign Treasurer and Designation of Campaign Depository for Political Committees form ("DS-DE 6") on August 8, 2013, appointing Respondent as its treasurer.. (ROI Exhibit 1, page 3) 1

3 By letter dated April 8, 2014, the Executive Director notified Respondent that Commission staff would investigate the following statutory provision:

Section 106.07(1), Florida Statutes: Jesus Salas, chairman and treasuier for Florida's Families First, a political committee, failed to timely file the 2013 Q3 campaign tJeasuier's report

4 On August 16, 2013, Kristi Reid Bronson, Chief, Bureau of Election Records, sent Respondent a letter acknowledging that the Division had received the committee's Statement of Organization form and Appointment of Campaign I reasuie1 and Designation of Campaign Deposit01y form ("DS-DE 6") and that the committee was placed on the list of active committees.. (ROI Exhibit 2) The letter advised Respondent that all committees filing 1epo1ts with the Division are required to use the electronic filing system (EFS), and provided Respondent with a user identification number and initial password to grant access to the EFS .. Id

5 Ms .. Bronson's August 16, 2013 letter farther advised Respondent that all of the Division's publications and reporting fo1ms were available on its website and directed Respondent to print out the 2013 Calendar of Reporting Dates as well as other relevant documents Id

1 The Report oflnvestigation is refoned to herein as "ROI."

Staff Recommendation FEC 13-333 1 -----· ---- ----------------

Page 11: FLORIDA ELECTIONS COMMISSIONSalas,+Jesus_Redacted.pdf · FLORIDA ELECTIONS COMMISSION Florida Elections Commission, Petitioner, Case No.: FEC 13-333 v. Jesus Salas, Respondent. ORDER

6 The committee's 2013 Q3 Repo1t was due to be filed by October 10, 2013; however, Respondent failed to timely file the repo1t (ROI Exhibit 9)

7 By letters dated Octobe1 14, 2013, Octobe1 21, 2013, November 8, 2013, December 5, 2013, and Januaiy 6, 20142

, the Division notified Respondent that the committee's 2013 Q3 Repo1t had not been 1eceived. (ROI Exhibits 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8) The December 5, 2013 and January 6, 2014 letters were confirmed delivered on December 11, 2013 and January 8, 2014, respectively. (ROI Exhibits 7, page 2, and 8, page 14) The lette1s were sent to the address listed on the Respondent's DS-DE 6 form (ROI Exhibit I, page 3)

8 As of May 23, 2014, Respondent has not filed the committee's 2013 Q3 Report (ROI Exhibit 9)

9. "P10bable Cause" is defined as reasonable g10unds of suspicion supported by circumstances sufficiently strong to wanant a cautious person in the belief that the person has committed the offense cha1ged Schmitt v. State, 590 So.2d 404, 409 (Fla. 1991). Probable cause exists where the facts and circumstances, of which an [investigator] has reasonably trustworthy information, are sufficient in themselves fo1 a reasonable man to reach the conclusion that an offense has been committed Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles v Favino, 667 So 2d 305, 309 (Fla I" DCA 1995)

I 0 The facts set forth above show that Respondent was the chairman and treasurer for Florida's Families Fiist, a political committee registe1ed with the Division The committee's 2013 Q3 Report was due by October 10, 2013, but Respondent failed to timely file the report By letters dated Octobe1 14, 2013, October 21, 2013, November 8, 2013, December 5, 2013, and January 6, 2014, the Division sent notifications to Respondent informing him that the committee's 2013 Q3 Report had not been received The December 5, 2013 and January 6, 2014 letters we1e confirmed delivered on December I l, 2013 and January 8, 2014, respectively, to the address listed on the Respondent's DS-DE 6 form As of May 23, 2014, Respondent has not filed Flo1ida's Families First's 2013 Q3 Report

Based upon these facts and circumstances, I recommend that the Commission find p10bable cause to charge Respondent with violating the following:

Count 1:

On or about October 10, 2013, Jesus Salas violated Section I 06 07(1 ), Florida Statutes, when he failed to timely file with the filing officer, Floiida's Families First's 2013 Q3 Report, listing all cont1ibutions 1eceived and all expenditures made, by or on behalf of the committee

2 The Division's website shows that the Januaty 6, 2014 letter included copies of the previous 2013 Q3 Report

letters sent to Respondent. The January 6, 2014 letter can be accessed by clicking on the pdfversion of the January 6, 2014 document titled "Fail to File Letter" (Attachment A)

Staff Recommendation FEC 13·333 2

Page 12: FLORIDA ELECTIONS COMMISSIONSalas,+Jesus_Redacted.pdf · FLORIDA ELECTIONS COMMISSION Florida Elections Commission, Petitioner, Case No.: FEC 13-333 v. Jesus Salas, Respondent. ORDER

Respectfully submitted on June 10, 2014

Assistant General Counsel

I reviewed this Staff Recommendation this \()~y of June 2014

Staff Recommendation FEC 13-333

Amy McKeever T Executive Directo

3 ·------~-----~------------

Page 13: FLORIDA ELECTIONS COMMISSIONSalas,+Jesus_Redacted.pdf · FLORIDA ELECTIONS COMMISSION Florida Elections Commission, Petitioner, Case No.: FEC 13-333 v. Jesus Salas, Respondent. ORDER

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Information Lookup Florida s Families First :========:::::: Florida s Families First

lorida s Families First Florida s Families First Florida s Families First Florida s Families First Florida s Families First Florida s Families First Florida s Families First Florida s Families First



Received . Description 04/11/14 Fail to File Letter 03/31/14 Response to Disbandment Letter 03/26/14 Disbandment Letter 03/24/14 Fail to File Letter 03/11/14 Fail to File Letter 03/03/14 Pin/Password Reset Request 02/28/14 Fail to File Letter 02/20/14 Fail to File Letter 02/11/14 Fail to File Letter 01/31/14 Fail to File Letter 01/22/14 Fail to File Letter 01/13/14 Fail to File Letter 01 /06/14 Fail to File Letter 12/20/13 Fall to File Letter 12/11/13 Fail to File Letter 12/05/13 Fail to File Letter 11 /20/13 Fail to File Letter 11 /13/13 Fail to File Letter 11 /08/13 Fail to File Letter

PAC 10/21/13 Fall to File Letter PAC 10/14/13 Fail to File Letter PAC 08/16113 cknowledgment Letter PAC 08/14/13 Registered Agent Appointment PAC 08/14/13 Registered Agent Appointment PAC 08/12113 Registered Agent Appointment PAC 08/08/13 PAC Statement of Organization PAC 08/08/13 PAC Appl of Campaign Treasurer

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Page 14: FLORIDA ELECTIONS COMMISSIONSalas,+Jesus_Redacted.pdf · FLORIDA ELECTIONS COMMISSION Florida Elections Commission, Petitioner, Case No.: FEC 13-333 v. Jesus Salas, Respondent. ORDER


Case No.: FEC 13-333

Respondent: Jesus Salas Counsel for Respondent: n/a

Complainant: Division of Elections Counsel for Complainant: n/a

Pursuant to Section 10625, Florida Statutes, on December 20, 2013, the Florida Elections Commission received information from the Division of Elections that Respondent violated Chapter 106, Florida Statutes The Division's referral was mandated pursuant to Section 106 07(8)( d), Florida Statutes Commission staff investigated whether Respondent violated the following statute:

Section 106 .07(1 ), Florida Statutes, failure of the treasurer of a candidate to file timely regular reports of all contributions received, and all expenditures made, by or on behalf of the candidate

I. Preliminary Information:

1 Respondent is the chairperson, treasurer, and registered agent of the political committee (PC), Florida's Families First He accepted the appointment as chairperson and treasurer on August 8, 2013 The area, scope, and jurisdiction of the PC is to support "political campaign and candidates in city, county and statewide" elections

2 Complainant is the Division of Elections (DOE)

3 Respondent's filing officer is Kristi Reid-Bronson, Chief, Bureau of Election Records ..

II. Alleged Violation of Section 106.07(1), Florida Statutes:

4 I investigated whether Respondent violated this section of the election laws by failing to timely file his report due on October 10, 2013 (2013 Q3 Report), after receiving notice that the report was due

5. Complainant alleges that Respondent did not file a campaign report after being notified that the report was due by the filing officer Complainant states that Respondent has failed to file the 2013 Q3 Report

6 On August 8, 2013, Respondent filed the current Statement of Organization (DS-DE 5), as well as the Appointment of Campaign Treasurer and Designation of Campaign Depository (DS-DE 6) with the Division of Elections.. To review copies of Respondent's registration documents, refer to exhibit 1 ..

Inv002 (7/08) 1

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( (

7.. On August 16, 2013, Complainant sent Respondent an acknowledgement letter that acknowledged receipt of the registration documents that were filed in their office. The letter informed Respondent that the name of this organization has been placed on the active committee list as a political committee that supports candidates The letter also advised Respondent that his "first campaign treasurer's report will be due on October 10, 2013" .. To review a copy of the August 16, 2013 acknowledgement letter, refer to exhibit 2.

8 On December 19, 2013, DOE staff representative, Kristi Reid-Bronson, submitted a sworn affidavit regarding Respondent's failure to file a 2013 Q3 Report that was due on October 10, 2013 To review a copy of the December 19, 2013 sworn affidavit, refer to exhibit 3..

9 On October 14, 2013, Complainant mailed Respondent a failure-to-file letter informing him that a 2013 Q3 Report had not been received. This letter was sent to the address that Respondent provided on all of the registration documents (Exhibit I) To review a copy of the October 14, 2013 failure-to-file letter, refer to exhibit 4.

10 On October 21, 2013, Complainant mailed Respondent a second failure-to-file letter informing him that a 2013 Q3 Report still had not been received This letter was also sent to the address that Respondent provided on all of the registration documents (Exhibit 1 ). To review a copy of the second failure-to-file letter that was sent on October 21, 2013, refer to exhibit 5

11 On November 8, 2013, Complainant mailed Respondent a final notification letter regarding the 2013 Q3 Report. This letter also included copies of the failure-to-file letters that were previously sent to Respondent This letter was also mailed to the address that Respondent provided on the registration documents (Exhibit 1) To review a copy of the November 8, 2013 final notification letter, refer to exhibit 6.

12 On December 5, 2013, Complainant mailed Respondent a second final notification letter regarding the 2013 Q3 Report This letter also included a delivery confirmation receipt This letter was also mailed to the address that Respondent provided on the registration documents (Exhibit 1) To review a copy of the December 5, 2013 final notification letter with delivery confirmation receipt, refer to exhibit 7..

13.. On January 6, 2014, Complainant mailed Respondent another final notice notification letter regarding the 2013 Q3 Report. This letter included copies of the failure-to-file letters that were previously sent to Respondent This letter also included a delivery confirmation receipt This letter was also mailed to the address that Respondent provided on the registration documents (Exhibit 1). To review a copy of the January 6, 2014 final notification letter with delivery confirmation receipt, refer to exhibit 8 ..

14 As of the date of this report, Respondent's 2013 Q3 Report has not been filed with the Division of Elections .. To review a copy of Respondent's filing history, refer to exhibit 9

15 There is no record that Respondent has previously violated this section of the election laws

III. FEC History:

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16 None


17. Respondent was offe1ed several oppo1tunities to make comments regarding the findings of this investigation. Respondent did not respond to any of the messages left for his behalf

18.. In the August 16, 2013 acknowledgement letter, Respondent was informed that all of the Division's publications were available online at DOE's website. In the letter, Respondent was admonished as follows: "It is your responsibility to read, understand, and follow the requirements of Florida's election laws. Therefore, please print a copy of the following documents: Chapter 106, Florida Statutes, 2012 Political Committee Handbook, 2013 Calendat ofReporting Dates, and Rule lS-2.017, Florida Administrative Code" To review a copy of the August 13, 2013 acknowledgement letter, refor to exhibit 2 ..

Mr Jesus Salas 11231 N.W .. 201

h Sl!eet #140-135 Miami, Fl 33172-1856

N~n1e and·'Acldr·ess ofFiling officer:

Ms Kristi Reid-Bi onson Chief of Bureau of Election Records 500 South Bronough Stieet, Room 316 Tallahassee, Fl 32399

Respectfully submitted on May 23, 2014

Cedric Oliver Investigation Specialist

'. .1.1:;: < ' ".'.;g; ·;:~\.:·. ' ''1::' (' ' ';:<· ' ~ ... Currentaddre~s of Complainan!

;>:<: e; ...

Division of Elections 500 South Bronough StJeet, Room 316 Tallahassee, Fl 32399


Ch~l~of co!iimittee ,< ,'JJ.·

Mr Jesus Salas Chaiipe1son 11231 NW. 20'h Street #140-135 Miami, Fl 33172-1856

Copy furnished to: Mr .. David Flagg, Investigations Manager

Inv002 (7/08) 3

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Jesus Salas -- FEC 1.3-333

· Exhibits #s

Exhibit 1

Exhibit 2

Exhibit 3

Exhibit 4

Exhibit 5

Exhibit 6

Exhibit 7

· Exhibit 8

Exhibit 9

Inv004 (5/08)

Respondent's registration documents

August 16, 2013 acknowledgement letter

Decembe119,2013 sworn affidavit

October 14, 2013 failure-to-file letter

October 21, 2013 failme-to-file letter

Novembe1 8, 2013 final notice failure-to-file letter

December 5, 2013 second final notice failure-to-file letter with delivery confitmation

January 6, 2014 thi1d final notice failure-to-file letter with delivery confirmation

Respondent's filing history

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i>r-- .. -.. ... . - ....,.. ~ff I ~, ,·- I t




(PLEASE TYPE) ~1;: ··ie::.- ~; 'r~· :_ · ... - ·~.r · · '.,.J,,, ,,f t·t.' "'IO""

• . ., I r~ ,~

1' Full Name of Committee Telephone


-· -·---- - __ ... ·---

Mailing Address (include city. state and zip code)

11231 N.,W 20TH STREET #140-135 MIAMI, FLORIDA 33172-1856

-·----- ... ···----~--··· ···--····-Street Address (include city, state and zip code)

11231 N ,W, 20TH STREET #140· 135 MIAMI, FLORIDA 33172-1856

2, Affiliated or Connected Organizations (Includes other committees of continuous existence and political committees)

... ·-···-"" ooMH" ·--- -- ·--Name of Affiliated or

Connected Organization Mailing Address Relationship ,._. .. .. ·-·--··-.·--··-··- ---·


3,. Area, Scope and Jul'lsdlction of the Committee


4, Nature of Organization or Organization's Special Interest (e,,g,, medical, legal, education, etc,,)


5. Identify by Name, Address and Position, the Custodian of Books and Accounts (include treasurer's name) ---- --Full Name Mailing Address Committee Title or Position

···-· - . -···-·---JESUS SALAS 11231 NW,, 20TH STREET #140-135 TREASURER

MIAMI, FLORIDA33172 .. 1856

DS-DE 5 (Rev,, 05/06)

EXHIBIT I ( \ 1J i) (continued on reverse side)

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6 .. List by Name, Address and Position, Other Principal Officers, Including Officers and Members of the Finance Committee, If Any (include chairman's name) --

Full Name Mailing Address Committee Title or Position -- -·--->-·---JESUS SALAS 11231 N. W. 20TH STREET #140-135 CHAIRPERSON

MIAMI, FLORIDA 33172-1856

7.. List by Name, Address, Office Sought and Party Affiliation Each Candidate or Other Individual that this Committee is Supporting (if none, please Indicate)

~- ---- .. Full Name Mailing Address Office Sought Party


a. List Any Issues this Committee Is Supporting: N/A

L.ist Any Issues this Committee is Opposing: NIA

9 .. If this Committee Is Supporting the Entire Ticket of a Party, Give Name of Party


10. In the Event of Dissolution, What Disposition will be Made of Residual Funds?


11. List all Banks, Safety Deposit Boxes, or Other Depositories Used for Committee Funds - ' ··--

Name of Bank or Depository & Account Number Mailing Address ··-- -· " ·----


12 .. List all Reports Required to be Filed by this Committee with Federal Officials and the Names, Addresses and Positions of Such Officials, It Any

- " ·-----~ ·-·-·-·-Report Title Dates Required to be Flied Name & Position of Official Mailing Address _ .. ________ , __ .

. -- - ·-IRS FORMS ANNUALLY Internal Revenue IRS Center

Service Center Ogden, Utah 84201-0027


I, JESUS SALAS , certify that the information in this Statement of ----· ...

Organization is complete, true and correct.

x - - ~ ?-· ,, - > WJ __ -·- Signature of Chairman of Political Committee Date


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.... RE.cc: ;.·;·r <-/Vr· ' ... / ;.. 1' ':' J,;.·" ... ! ' • J ::·'/~·' .... '- '...)


1 .•


POLITICAL COMMITTEES ..... •01-..~r-: U ... ;. . (Sections 106.011(1) and 106 021(1), F . .S)

Fc•;c···l,j .. -·· .·1;n.v<: ·~


£81 Original Appointment of Treasurer 0 Reappointment of Treasurer D Deputy Treasurer

1 Committee or Organization 2 Telephone

FLORIDA'S FAMILIES FIRST (786 ) 319-8000 -

3 Name of Treasurer or Deputy Treasurer 4 Email (optional) 5 Telephone (optional)

JESUS SALAS ( ) -·· ---------- ---------

6 Mailing Address

11231 N .. W .. 20TH STREET #140-135, MIAMI, FLORIDA 33172-1856 ------·· ---------·- ·-

7 Street Address

11231 N .. W .. 20TH STREET #140-135, MIAMI, FLORIDA 33172-·1856 -· ----·--------·-

8 The following bank has been designated as the !El Primary Depository 0 Secondary Depository ]-- " " ------·-9 Name of Bank 0 Street Address

OCEAN BANK 2500 N.W. 97TH AVENUE -- ·--- --·-r-- . -------11 City 12 State 13 Zip Code


14. Signature of Chairman .. --····.... ---·--=:::;:i 15 Name of Chairman (Print or Type)

x ;;: - ~7------ JESUS SALAS

Camoaian Treasurer's Acceptance of Aooointment

I JESUS SALAS - do hereby accept the appointment as

(Please Print or Type)

treasurer or deputy treasurer for FLORIDA'S FAMILIES FIRST -· - - ---· (Committee or Organization)


-··" 08/05/2013 x - > ?$--==--~-e==:=:::--· --= . => z

Date Sianature of Camoaian Trea'surer or Deoutv Treasurer DS-DE 6 (Rev .. 7/10)


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~R/13/2~13 16:37 3ri5--3R3-3668 FEDE:'- r:iFFICE 15 7 4


(Section 106 022, F S )

0 Origlrial Appointment 0 Change l?f Appointment

0 Change of Mailing Address D Chl3nge of Physical Address ----------------Registered Agent and Offic 1-----------·- ----

Name JESUS SALAS !---'-=~~'-=='-·-----·--------

Street Address 11231 N.W. 20TH STREET#140-1_35 Citv --]~----MIAMI __ FLORIDA

Mailing Address

11231 N.W. 20TH STREgT #140-135 --,--·----Cdy I State MIAMI FLORIDA


OFFICE USE ON&'-'ll t 2913 AUG 14 AH 7: 29


~i~ 1~~~Is~~~~~pHs

-e Information

- -786-319-8000 _J Telephone

I Zip Code 33172 ·-·

:J: Zip Code - 331i2 -

PAGE 112


I accept this appointment and confirm 1l1at I am familiar with and forth in Section 106.022 F.S. I also understand that I may res statement of resignation and filing i\ with the applicable filing office

accept \tie Obligations of \tie position as se\ ign this appointment by executing a written r


~;~,:ti?~~------~~---··~---~--· Date

-Former Registered Agent and Office Info rmation (for changes only)

• 1 Telephone __ L -·--··--··----·-'- ·-------



-~--·· I Zip Co~e rc_i_fy----~~-~~-~-,~ 1·s~te --===­Committee or Organization

Name of Committee or Organization

FLORIDA'S FAMILIES FIRST _____ _ Street Address 11231N.W.20:!}:!_§.TREET #140-135 c11y ----Tstate ·----

Information --

Telephone 786-319-8000 Zip Code 33172




MIAMI _____ ____j_ FLORI~. ----·-· ·-------·--·

JESUS SALAS 08/05/2013 ·-Printed Name of Chalrp<!rson Date "-·-------------·----------·

Form DS··OE 41(r~vlsed61111

EXHIBIT_1._._(......._.y o:..;._t S ......... J_

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es11312e13 11;: 3i 3e5-·-383-3F.>58 ' FEDS~ OFFICE 1574 PAGE I'll

$ ~Office ..

DEP RECEIVED · :<\RTMENr DF s1A1E Fax Cover Sheet

FedEx Kinkoo is now FedEx Offi:;e 2013 AUG I 4 AH ]: 29

ll I . -;i. { '3 DIVISION OF HE Date lJf10>-JJ.---·-1AL AHAssa::r,JP.NS Number of pages __ (including cover page I

To: Name f_\l£\~(A l)\ VJ~\CT{) __ Company __ Of:_ lli.c£1 aflS --

From: Name -:Jes.is ~--·-0..::_S ___ _

Company ------·---

Telephone . .. Telephone "'""-:i-'6'G-"3 \ q _ 8" 0 0 0 Fax £5_()_:d_lj_ ~-:_ {(;;)_sci _ Comm''." __'DS-1£ ~ \)- ~~__,,,,_,____

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(Section 106.022. F S)

-u·~p~%'f !f~~;'. ·I, I

ZOl3AUG 14 AM g: 49

[{] Original Appointment 0 Change of Appointment

0 Change of Mailing Address D Change of Physical Address

Registered Agent and Office Information T---·-· ·-·-· . Telephone 1786-319-8000

Name FLORIDA'S FAMILIES Flc.cR=S_,_T __ Street Address 11231 N .. W. 20TH STREET #140-13!2--,---· ------City J State MIAM,_I __ ----··--·--------'--'F'--'L::..:0:..oR..::l=cD:...:A

Zip Code 3317'-'2'---

Mailing Address 11231N.W~20TH STREET #140-135 City MIAMI


I accept this appointment and confirm that I am familiar with and accept the obligations of the position as set forth in Section 106 022, F.S. I also understand that I may resign this appointment by executing a written statement of resignation and filing it with the applicable filing officer

08/05/2013 --·--·----

glstered Agent Date ---·-··-·-·--··-·----··-----·---·----------

Former Registered Agent and Office Information (for changes only) ·---· --- ----

Name Telephone

Street Address

City ------·-~r.'.ate ----···-··-·- . Zip Code

Committee or Organization Information -----------~

Name of Committee or Organization

FLORIDA'S FAMILIES FIRST Street Address 11231 N.W. 20TH STREET #140-135 City MIAMI

JESUS SALAS Printed Name of Chairperson

Form OS-DE 41 (revised 6/11)

Telephone 786-319-8000 --·--·-----+--·-------

! State Zip Code FLORIDA . 33172

08/05/2013 Date

-----------··--·-··--------~--- ---

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(Sec;tion 106 022. F. S )

0 Original Appointment D Ctiange of Appointment

D Change of Mailing Address 0 Chsng9 of Physical Addresi;


-----···--~-----~ ----~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~--!

Registered Agent and Office Information -------Name FLORIDA'S FAMILIES FIRST Street Address


-------·---- 786-319-8000 ---··---f

11231N.W.20TH STREET#140-135 ---~-----------.--City State Zip Code MIAMI FLOR!D_A__ 33172 Mailing Address

11231N.W.20TH STREET#140-135___ ------ --.. ---· .. --. City l State ·-··--:-lzi

3z3;p1. c72

ode MIAMI ____ -·- ··--- FLORIDA • __j~

I accept this appointment and confirm that I am familiar with and accept the obligations of the position as set forth In Section 106.022 F.S. I also understand that I may resign this appointment by executing a written staternent of resignation and filing it with the applicable filing officer

""> s-.- ;--:::.. --.,

Signature of ;irstered Agent

08/05/2013 Onte

----------· ------Former Registered Agent and Office Information (for changes only)

Name·-·---- · ----------·--------J Telephone

-------·-.. -- . ______ _l __________ _

Street Mdress

>-C-ity---------·--------~,-S-ta-te________ I ZlpC;-de------·-· ____ . ________ ,[ _________ ____._

Committee or Organization Information 1----------~-

Name of Committee or Organization

FLORIDA'S FAMILIES FIRST __ Street Address 11231N.IJY.20TJ:l STREET#140 .. 135 City MIAMI



- ... ""=-- ------------.:----"-- _.,;::. ~ -=-,-:;::::::.- ------ ::::-:.,, - - ·---... -M·--

Signature of ChairpefSon

JESUS SALAS .. ---------·-.-"-· Printed Name of Chairperson

Form DS .. 01' 41 (revfs•d 6/11)

EXHIBIT I (1 0 t '!,)


Telephone 786-319-8000 Zip Code 33172

08/05/2013 -----------Date

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' ~8/12/2~13 11:33 3~5--718-3272

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Date --~l::xJJ_3 __ . __


Fax Cover Sheet

Number of pages _ (Including cover pa gel

From: Name :JesCJ S soJ U 5 companv F/ot:.ida~ Fami/ie:s_ Telephone Fi g,s:b_ __ . __

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~ VIVA fl0RIDA500



KEN DETZNER Secretary of State

August 16, 2013

lesus Salas, Chairperson Florida's Families First I 1231 Northwest 2o•h Street # 140-135 Miami. Florida 33172-1856

Dear Mr Salas:

This will acknowledge receipt of the Statement of Organization and Appointment of Campaign Tteasurer and Designation of Campaign Depository for Florida's Families First, which were placed on file in our office on August 14, 201 3 This information appears to comply with the requirements of Section 106 03, Florida Statutes, and the name of this organization has been placed on our active committee list as a political committee that supports candidates

Campaign Trea~urer's Repor!~

Yout first campaign treasurer's report will be due on October 10, 2013. The report will cover the period of July L 2013- September30, 2013 All political committees that file reports with the Division of Elections are required to file by means of the Division's Electronic Filing System (FFS)

Credentials and Sign-ons

l:klov. is the web address to access the EFS and the committees user identification number. The enclosed sealed envelope contains the committee's initial password Once you have logged in using the initial passv.ord. you will be immediately prompted to change it to a confidential sign­on The chairperson, campaign treasurer, and deputy treasurers are responsible for protecting this password from disclosure and are responsible for all filings using these credentials., unkss the Division is notified that your credentials have been compromised

EFS Website Address: https://efS dos.state tl us Identification Number: 60804

Division of Elections R.A. GI·ay Bldg .. , Rm, 316 • 500 S Bronough St.• Tallahassee, Flor'ida 32399-0250

Telephone: (850) 245-6200 • Facsimile: (850) 245-6217 elections.myflorida .. com

Commemoza~~l~O~eaQ o( ll:t;Jstory www.fla500.com ~ VIVA flORIDA500

Page 27: FLORIDA ELECTIONS COMMISSIONSalas,+Jesus_Redacted.pdf · FLORIDA ELECTIONS COMMISSION Florida Elections Commission, Petitioner, Case No.: FEC 13-333 v. Jesus Salas, Respondent. ORDER

Mr. Jesus Salas, Chairperson August 16, 2013 Page Iv.co

Pin numbers arc confidential secure credentials that allow you to submit reports and update information The enclosed sealed em elopes contain your confidential pin numbers

Each political rnmmittee chairperson is required to provide the Division of Elections with confidential personal information that may be used to allow access in the event that the password is forgotten or lost When you enter the campaign account screen .. there will be a drop down box where you pick a question (such as What is your mother's maiden name?) and supply an ansv.er.. All passwords and answers to questions a1e sto1ed as encrypted data and cannot be viewed by Division staff and given out over the phone Please notify the Division if your credentials have been compromised ..

All reports must be completed and filed through the EFS not later than midnight, Eastern Standard Time, of the due date.. Reports not filed by midnight, Eastem Standard Time, of the due date are late filed and subject to the penalties in Section 106.07(8), Florida Statutes In the event that the E F S is inoperable on the due date, the repor1 will be accepted as timely filed if filed no later than midnight, Eastern Standard Time .. of the first business day the EFS becomes operable No fine will be le\ied during the period the EFS was inopernble

Any political committee failing to file a report on the designated due date is subject to a fine of $50 per day for the first 3 days and, thereafter, $500 per day for each day, not to exceed 25% of the total receipts or expenditures, whicheve1 is greate1, for the period covered by the late report However, for the reports immediately preceding each primary and general election, the fine shall be $500 per day,, not to exceed 25% of the total receipts or expenditures, whichever is greater .. for the period covered by the late report ..

Electronic Receipts

The person submitting the report on the EFS v.ill be issued an electronic receipt indicating and verif~ing the report was filed Each campaign treasurer's report filed b; means of the EFS is considered to b~ under oath by the chairperson and campaign treasurer and such persons are subje<.:t to the pro' isions of Section 106 07(5).. Florida Statutes

EXHIBIT_;;J..._~_...o_,__+ _...;;.3)_

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Mr Jesus Salas, Chairperson August 13, 2013 Page Three

Instructions and Assistance

/\n online instruction guide is available to you on the EFS to assist with navigation, data entry, and submission of reports. The Division of Elections will also provide assistance to all users by contacting the F. FS llelp Desk at (850) 245-6280

All of the Division's publications and reporting forms arc available on the Division of E.lections' Vlebsitc at http://clcctions.myflorida.com.. It is yom responsibility to read, understand, and follow the requirements of Florida's election laws. Therdore, please print a copy of the following documents: Chapter I 06, Florida Statutes, 2012 Politic11l Committee Handbook, 2013 Calendar of Reporting Dates, and Ruic l S·.Z 017, Florida Administrative Code

Please let me know if you need additional information


Kristi Reid Bi on son, Chief Bureau of Election Records



EXHIBIT d ( ':?J* J)

·----------------------·-------------·--- --·-------·----------·--··--!

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County of Leon


Kristi Reid Bronson, being duly sworn, says:

' I '

L I am the Chief of the Bureau of Election Records of the Division of Elections (Division). In that capacity, I oversee the Division's duties related to the filing of campaign finance reports

2. This affidavit is made upon my personal knowledge, including information obtained frnm review of the attached records, of which I am the custodian

3 I am of legal age and competent to testify to the matters stated herein

4 Florida's Families First (60804) is a political committee registered with the Division. On August 8, 2013, Florida's Families First filed the DSDE 5 and 6 with the Division of Elections indicating that Jesus Salas was the chai1pe1son and the treasurer for the committee. (See attached documents and acknowledgment letter.)

5 The Florida's Families First campaign t1easu1er's report was due on October 10, 2013. At the time the 2013 Q3 report was due, Mr·. Salas was the treasurer

6 On October 14, 2013, the Division mailed Mr. Salas notifications that the Florida's Families First campaign treasurer's report had not been filed.. (See attached letter .)

7 On October 21, 2013, the Division mailed Mr. Salas notifications that the Florida's Families First campaign treasurer's report had not been filed. (See attached letter)

8 On November 8, 2013, the Division mailed Mr. Salas final notification with delivery confirmation that the Florida's Families First report had not been filed (See attached letter with delivery confirmation )

INV035 (5/00)

-----·---~-------·----------·---------------- ------ ---· --1

Page 30: FLORIDA ELECTIONS COMMISSIONSalas,+Jesus_Redacted.pdf · FLORIDA ELECTIONS COMMISSION Florida Elections Commission, Petitioner, Case No.: FEC 13-333 v. Jesus Salas, Respondent. ORDER

9 As of December 19, 2013, Jesus Salas has failed to file the 2013 Q3 repott

I hereby swear or affirm that the foregoing information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge.

INY035 (5/00)

Sworn to (or affirmed) and subscribed before me this of Decem er, 2 3,

Print, Type, or Stamp7ommi ion d Name of Notary Public

Personally Known __

···~ "~··., JOEL MYNA.RD fl ~·"~ WI COMMISSION i DD 962588 ; : :.; EXPIRES: May 16, 2014 ~f., .. w Bonded Thru Nota<Y Pub!~ Unde!Wri\0!$

,J? ... t.

Page 31: FLORIDA ELECTIONS COMMISSIONSalas,+Jesus_Redacted.pdf · FLORIDA ELECTIONS COMMISSION Florida Elections Commission, Petitioner, Case No.: FEC 13-333 v. Jesus Salas, Respondent. ORDER


October 14, 20 l.3

Jesus Salas, Treasurer

Florida's Families First

11231Northwest20th Street #14Q .. 135 Miami, FL 33172-1856

Re: PAC 60804

Dear Mr . Salas:

Ken Dctzner Secretary of State


Your campaign treasurer's report, which was due October I 0, 2013, has not been received ..

Section 106 07(8)(b), Florida Statutes, requires that the filing officer immediately notify you of the failure to file this report and that a fine will be assessed of $50 per day for the fast 3 days late and, thereafter $500 per day, although a fine cannot exceed 25% of the total receipts or expenditures, whichever is greater, for the period covered by the late report However, for the reports immediately preceding each primary and general election, the fine shall be $500 per day for each late day, not to exceed 2.5% of the total receipts or expenditures, whichever is greater, for the period covered by the late report

Once your report is filed, this office will notify you of the specific amount of your fine Fines must be paid to the filing officer within 20 days of receipt of the· payment due notice

Please be adv.ised, however, that failuie to file a campaign treasurer"s report may constitute a violation of Chapter 106, Florida Statutes, independent of the automatic fine violation referenced above. Therefore, if you fail to file a report the division will turn the matter over to the Florida Elections Commission

Section 106 265(1), Florida Statutes, authorizes the Florida Elections Commission to impose a civil penalty up to$ l ,000 per count for each willfi.tl violation of Chapter I 06

If you have any questions, please contact the help desk at (850) 245-6280


A~·~·13-~sti Reid Bronson, Chief Bureau of Election Records

The RA Gray Building-Room 316 • 500 South Bronough Street • Tallahassee FL 32399 .. 0250 • (850) 245-6240

FAX: (850) 245-6260 • ~~s: 'g'""w" dos .. state fl..us • E-Mail DivEl<aionsla;dos slate fl us

------·---------.. ---- ·----· -------···-

Page 32: FLORIDA ELECTIONS COMMISSIONSalas,+Jesus_Redacted.pdf · FLORIDA ELECTIONS COMMISSION Florida Elections Commission, Petitioner, Case No.: FEC 13-333 v. Jesus Salas, Respondent. ORDER


Second Notice

October 21, 2013

Jesus Salas, Treasurer

Florida's Families First

1123 1 Northwest 20th Street #140-115 Miami, FL 33172-1856

Re: PAC 60804

Dear Mr Salas:

Ken Detzner' Secretary of State


Your campaign treasurer's report, due October I 0, 2013, has not been received

Section 106, 07(8)(b), Florida Statutes, requires that the filing officer immediately notify you of the failure to file a report,

The first notice of the failure to file the above mentioned report was mailed, via regular mail, to the address on file with our office on October 14, 2013 As of this date, we do not show a record of receiving this report

If the report is not filed via the Division's electronic filing system within 14 days of receipt of this notice, this matter will be referred to the Florida Elections Commission for fltrther action, Section I 06.265( I), Florida Statutes, authorizes the Florida Elections Commission, upon finding a willful violation of Chapter I 06, Florida Statutes, to impose a civil penalty up to $ J ,000 per count

If you have any questions, please contact the help desk at (850) 245-6280

~~c:~ Kristi Reid Bronson, Chief Bureau of election Records

The RA Gray Building-Room 316 • 500 South Bronaugh Street • Tallahassee FL 32399-0250 • (850) 245-6240


Page 33: FLORIDA ELECTIONS COMMISSIONSalas,+Jesus_Redacted.pdf · FLORIDA ELECTIONS COMMISSION Florida Elections Commission, Petitioner, Case No.: FEC 13-333 v. Jesus Salas, Respondent. ORDER




FINAL NOTICE_ Delivery Confirmation:

November 8, 2013


Jesus Salas, Treasurer for Florida's Families First (60804) 11231 Northwest 20'" Street,# 140 .. 135 Miami, Florida 33172-1856

Dear Mr Salas:

9114 9010 7574 2751 291113 For Tr;ick111g or 1nqu1n:us go to USPS cam oreol! i soo .. 222.1011

KEN DETZNER Secretary of State

According to a review of the Division's records, the organization referenced above has not filed the following report:


2013 Q3

~rer Period

07/01/2013 .. 0913012013

The organization has previously been notified of the report that is outstanding. Enclosed are copies of letters sent by the Division. If the report is not filed within 7 days of receipt of this Jetter, the Division will forward this matter to the Florida Elections Commission for further action Section 106265( I), Florida Statutes, authorizes the Florida Elections Commission to impose civil penalties of up to $1,000

per violation

If you have any questions, please call Help Line at (850) 245-6280.

Sincerely. .

~/1.~~-~~ Kristi Reid Bronson, Chief Bureau of Election Records



R. A. Gray l3uilding • 500 South l3ronough Street • Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0250 Telephone: (850) 245-6240 • Facsimile: (850) 245-6259 www.dosstate .. 11.us

Commemor·ating 500 yews of Florida history www.flaSOO .. com ~ VIVA flORIDA500 VIVA flORIDA 500


Page 34: FLORIDA ELECTIONS COMMISSIONSalas,+Jesus_Redacted.pdf · FLORIDA ELECTIONS COMMISSION Florida Elections Commission, Petitioner, Case No.: FEC 13-333 v. Jesus Salas, Respondent. ORDER


Second Notice

October 2 J, 201 3

Jesus Salas, Treasurer Florida's Families First I 12311\orthwest 20th Street # 140·!l5 Miami, FL .3'1172 1856

Re: PAC 60804

Dear Mr Salas:

Ken Detzncr Secreiary of State


Your campaign treasurer's report, due October !O, 2013, has not been received

Section 106 .07(8)(b), Florida Statutes, requires that the filing officer immediately notify you of the fa i I ure to file a report

The fit st notice of the failure to file the above mentioned report was mailed, via regular mail, to the address on file with our office on October 14, 20 \J. As of this date. we do not show a record of

receiving this report.

If the report is not filed via the Division's electronic filing system within 14 days ofreceipt of this notice, this matter will be referred to the Florida Elections Commission for further action Section l 06 265( l ), Florida Statutes, authorizes the Florida Elections Commission, upon finding a willful 'iolation of Chapter I 06. Florida Statutes, to impose a civil penalty up to$ I 000 per count.

If you have any questions, please contact the help desk at (850) 245-6280

Si11cc1·el\I .. i/ .-- l-d ,.-.) /

~1 !l~ ~ J /~cl '\->---Kristi Reid Bronson, Chief Bureau of Election Records

The R A Gray Building-Room 316 • 500 South Bronough Street • Tallahassee FL 32399-0250 • (850) 245--6240

EXHIBIT [o ( Q o~3)

Page 35: FLORIDA ELECTIONS COMMISSIONSalas,+Jesus_Redacted.pdf · FLORIDA ELECTIONS COMMISSION Florida Elections Commission, Petitioner, Case No.: FEC 13-333 v. Jesus Salas, Respondent. ORDER


Octoher I~, 20 I J

Jesus Salas, Treasurer Florida's Families First l 1:23 l Northwest 20th Street #140 .. 135 Miatni, FL JJ I 72-1856

Re: PAC 60804

Dear Mr Salas:

Ken Dctzner Secretary of State


Your campaign ueasurer's report, which was due October 10, 2013, has not been received

Section I 06 0 7(8)(b ), Florida Statutes, requires that the filing officer immediately notify you of the failure to file this report and that a fine will be assessed of $50 per day for the first 3 days late and, thereafter $500 per day, although a fine cannot exceed 25% of the total receipts or expenditures, whichever is greater, for the period covered by the late report J lowever, for the reports immediately preceding each primary and general election, the fine shall be $5()0 per day for each late day, not to exceed 25% of the total receipts or expenditures, whichever is greater, for the period covered by the late repor1

Once your report is filed, this office will notify you of the specific amount of your fine. Fines must be paid to !he filing officer within 20 da;s of receipt of the payment due notice

Please be advised, however, that failute to file a campaign treasurer's report may constitute a violation of Chapter 106, Florida Statutes, independent of the automatic fine violation referenced above Therefore. if you fail to file a report the division will turn the maner over to the Florida Elections Commission

Section 106 265(1 ), Horida Statutes, authorizes the Florida Elections Commission to impo>c a civil penalty up to Sl.000 per count for each willful violation of Chapter 106

If you ha\c an~ questions, please contact the help desk at (850) 2~5-6280


~A~~ .. ~ Kr 1sti Reid Bronson, Chief Gurcau of Election Records

EXHIBIT 0 ( 3J ·3J The R A Gray Building .. Room J 16 • 500 South Bronaugh Street • Tallahassee FL 32399-0250 • (850) 245 .. 6240

FAX: (850) 245-6260 • WWW Address: http://\\ww dos.state .. fl us • E-Mail DivE/euions1iJo; state fl us

Page 36: FLORIDA ELECTIONS COMMISSIONSalas,+Jesus_Redacted.pdf · FLORIDA ELECTIONS COMMISSION Florida Elections Commission, Petitioner, Case No.: FEC 13-333 v. Jesus Salas, Respondent. ORDER

•• ~ '--~-LO_RI_D_,A_--=D-E-PARTMENT ofSTATE


KENDETZNER Secretary of State

FINAL NOTICE Delivery Confirmation:

December 5, 201.3

Jesus Salas, Treasurer for Florida's Families First (60804)

USPS TRACKING• 9114 9010 7674 2751 2912 36 & CUSTOMER For Tracking or rnqufrics go to USPS com RECEIPT <lr caU 1 .. soo .. 222 .. 1s11

11231 Northwest 20" Street, # 140-135 Miami, Florida 33172-1856

Dear Mr Salas:

According to a review of the Division's records, the organization referenced above has not filed the following report:


2013 2013



Cover Period

07/01/2013 .. 09/30/2013 10/01/2013" 10/31/201.3

The organization has previously been notified of the report that is outstanding Enclosed are copies of letters sent by the Division .. If the report is not filed within 7 days of receipt of this letter, the Division will forward this matter to the Florida Elections Commission for further action. Section !06265(1), Florida Statutes, authorizes the Florida Elections Commission to impose civil penalties of up to $1000 per violation

If you have any questions, please call the Help Line at (850) 245-6240


4l A-;.A.~.-Wx 1i--


Kristi Reid Bronson, Chief Bureau of Election Records



R A. Gray Building • 500 South Bronough Street • Tallahassee, Florida 32399·0250 Telephone: (850) 245 .. 6240 • Facsimile: (850) 245-6259 www.dos.state.ftus

VIVA flllHIDA 500 eommemoratin~~~~ITs :'j{f;f QJY www Da5oo com

)k VIVA flOHIDA500

Page 37: FLORIDA ELECTIONS COMMISSIONSalas,+Jesus_Redacted.pdf · FLORIDA ELECTIONS COMMISSION Florida Elections Commission, Petitioner, Case No.: FEC 13-333 v. Jesus Salas, Respondent. ORDER

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Page 38: FLORIDA ELECTIONS COMMISSIONSalas,+Jesus_Redacted.pdf · FLORIDA ELECTIONS COMMISSION Florida Elections Commission, Petitioner, Case No.: FEC 13-333 v. Jesus Salas, Respondent. ORDER



FINAL NOTICE Delivery Confirmation:

January 6, 2014

Jesus Salas, Chairpe1son for Florida's Families First (60804)

USPS TRACKING# 9114 9011 59818370 2501 36 & CUSTOM~R For Tracking or rnqu1ne$ go to USPS com RECEIPT or call \ .. S00-222-1811

1123 J Noithwest 20'" Street, # 140-1 35 Miami. Florida 33172-1856

Dear Mr Salas:

KENDETZNER Secretary of State

According to a review of the Division's records, the organization referenced above has not filed the following repo1t:


2013 2013 2013


Q3 MIO Mil

Cover· Period

07/01/2013 -09/30/2013 10/0l/2013 - 10/31/2013 1110112013 - 11/.30/2013

The organization has p1eviously been notified of the report that is outstanding. Enclosed are copies of letters sent by the Division. If the report is not filed within 7 days of receipt of this letter, the Division will forward this matter to the Florida Elections Commission for further action Section 106 265(1), Florida Statutes, autho1izes the Florida Elections Commission to impose civil penalties of up to $1,000 per violation.

If you have any questions, please call the Help Line at (850) 245-6240


~~~~-.~ Kristi Reid Bronson, Chief Bureau of Election Records




R. A .. G1ay Building • 500 South Bx·onough Street • Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0250 Telephone: (850) 245-6240 • Facsimile: (850) 245-6259 www.dos.state .. fl.us

Commemor·ating 500 years of Florida hlsill www .. fla500.com

EXHIBIT $ ( \ of- l ~ ~


Page 39: FLORIDA ELECTIONS COMMISSIONSalas,+Jesus_Redacted.pdf · FLORIDA ELECTIONS COMMISSION Florida Elections Commission, Petitioner, Case No.: FEC 13-333 v. Jesus Salas, Respondent. ORDER


October l 4, 20 Ll

Jes us Sa las, Treasurer Florida's Families First 112.31 Northwest 20th Street #140-135 Miami, FL .13172-1856

Re: PAC 60804

Dear Mr Salas:

Ken Detzner Secretary of State


' I

Your campaign treasurer's report, which was due Oc1ober JO, 2013, has not been received.

Section 106.07(8)(b), Florida Statutes, requires that the filing officer immediately notify you of the failure to file this report and that a fine will be assessed of$50 pet day for the first .3 days late and, thereafter $500 per day, although a fine cannot exceed 25% of the total receipts or expenditures, whichever is greater, for the period covered by the late report However, for the reports immediately preceding each prima1y and general election. the fine shall be $500 per day for each !ate day, not to exceed 25% of the total receipts or expenditures. whichever is greater, fo1 the period covered by the late repo1t

Once your report is filed, this office will notify you of the specific amount of your fine Fines must be paid to the filing officer within 20da) s of receipt of the paiment due notice

Please be advised, however, that failuie to file a campaign treasure1's report may constitute a violation of Chapter 106, Florida Statutes, independent of the automatic fine violation referenced above .. Therefore. if you fail to file a report the division will turn the matter over to the Florida Elections Commission

Section 106265(1 ), Florida Statutes, authorizes the Florida Elections Commission lo impose a civil penalty up to $1,GOO per count fm each willfUI violation of Chapter 106

lfyou have any questions, please contact the help desk at (850) 245·6280.


~A~·~~··~ Knsti Reid Bronson, Chief Bureau of f.lection Reco1ds

EXHIBIT CS c 0 o~ / 4 ) The RA Gray Building··Room 316 • 500 South Bronough Street • Tallahassee FL 32399··0250 • (850) 245-6240

f AX <R~O) ')4-'; . .f,-'>t)() a WW\V Addr·e,o;: httn:llv.w"·· rloo; .. ir;.tatf' .. fl .. us • ;: .,\;fui/ n1vF'/"' 1innc{f; ,/A( t·t11ro fl "~

Page 40: FLORIDA ELECTIONS COMMISSIONSalas,+Jesus_Redacted.pdf · FLORIDA ELECTIONS COMMISSION Florida Elections Commission, Petitioner, Case No.: FEC 13-333 v. Jesus Salas, Respondent. ORDER

Second Notice

October 21, 2013

Jesus Salas .. Treasurer Florida's Families First



Secretary of State


I I 23 I Northwest 20th Street #140-135 Miami, FL 33172-1856

Re: PAC 60804

Dear Mi. Sa las:


Your campaign treasurer's report, due October I 0, 20 I 3, has not been received

Section 106 .. 07(8)(b), F Jorida Statutes, requires that the filing officer immediately notify you of the failure to file a report

fhe firs! notice of the failure to file the above mentioned rep011 was mailed, via regular mail, to the address on file with our office on October 14, 2013 As of this date, we do not show a record of receiving this report.

If the report is not filed via the Division's electronic filing system within 14 days oft'eceipt of this notice, this matter will be reforred to the Florida Elections Commission for fluther action .. Section I 06 265( I), Florida Statutes, authorizes the Florida Elections Commission, upon finding a willful violation of Chapter 106, Florida Statutes, to impose a civil penalty up to $\,000 per count

If you have any questions. please contact the help desk at (850) 245 .. 6280

6~:--rS-/ Kristi Reid Bronson, Chief Bureau of Election Records

The RA Gray Building-Room 316 • 500 South wo~h Sf\eet ,f\Tallahassee FL 32399-0250 EXHIBIT . \. :.J i:£ I 1iL_

• (850) 245-6240

Page 41: FLORIDA ELECTIONS COMMISSIONSalas,+Jesus_Redacted.pdf · FLORIDA ELECTIONS COMMISSION Florida Elections Commission, Petitioner, Case No.: FEC 13-333 v. Jesus Salas, Respondent. ORDER

)t_ VIVA flURIDt5fiD




Delivery Confirmation: usPs n<ACK1NG • &CUSTOMER RE'CEJPT

November 8, 2013

Jesus Salas, Treasurer for Florida's Families Fiist (60804) 11231 Northwest 20•h Street, #140 135 Miami, Florida 33112-·1856

Dear Mr Salas:

9114 9010 7574 2751 291113 For Tr.iclOrlg or •nq<.1lrie~ go to USPS com or cal 1 BOO 222-1fH1


KENDETZNER Secretary of State

According to a review of tbe Division's records, the organization referenced above has not filed the following report:





Cover Period

07101/20\3 - 091301201:l

Ihe organization has previously been notified of the report that is outstanding.. Enclosed are copies of letters sent by the Division.. If the report is not filed within 7 days of receipt of this letter,, the Division will forward this matter to the Florida Elections Commission for further action. Section 106 . .265(1), Florida Statutes, authorizes the Florida Elections Commission to impose civil penalties of up to $1,000 per violation

lf'you have any questions, please call Help Line at (850) 245-6280


4)~--e~ --.:p_ Kristi Reid Bronson, Chief Bureau of Election Records



R.. A. Gray Bllilt!ing • 500 Sollth l!ronough Street • Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0250 Telephone: (850) 245 .. 6240 • Facsimile: (850) 245-6259 www.dos .. state.fi .. llS

Comme~~i;~OO :ZTU:~o~~Jtstory www fla500.com

--------------··· ---------~------~---

)t_ VIVA flDilDA500

Page 42: FLORIDA ELECTIONS COMMISSIONSalas,+Jesus_Redacted.pdf · FLORIDA ELECTIONS COMMISSION Florida Elections Commission, Petitioner, Case No.: FEC 13-333 v. Jesus Salas, Respondent. ORDER


Second Notice

October 21, 2011

Jesus Salas, Treasurer Florida's Families Firs!

1123 I l\orthwest 20th Street # l40-ll5 Miami, FL 3l172-1856

Re: PAC 60804

Dear Mr Salas:

Ken Detmer Secretary of State


Your campaign treasurer's report, due October l 0, 2013, has not been received

Section 106 .07{8)(b), Florida Statutes, requires that the filing officer immediately notify you of the failure to file a report.

The first notice of the failure to file the above mentioned report was mailed, via regular mail, to the address on file with our office on October 14, 2013. As of this date we do not show a record of receiving this report ..

If the 1eport is not filed via the Division's electronic filing system within 14 days of receipt of this notice, this matter will be refoned to the Florida Elections Commission for further nction .. Section I 06.265( I), Florida Statutes, authorizes the Florida Elections Commission, upon finding a will fol 'iolation of Chapter I 06. Florida Statutes, to impose a civil penalty up to $1. 000 per count.

lfyou have any questions. please contact the help desk a( (850) 245-6280


~ ~;~-A}~c)--~~/ Kristi Reid Bronson, Chief Bur~au of Election Records

EXHIBIT <:/:, (';) o±- LLD The R A Gm Buildin•-Room 316 • 500 South Bronou~h Street " Tallahassee FL 32399,02.10 • \&50)245··6240

----,---. ----·--------··------------------------ ----·· -------

Page 43: FLORIDA ELECTIONS COMMISSIONSalas,+Jesus_Redacted.pdf · FLORIDA ELECTIONS COMMISSION Florida Elections Commission, Petitioner, Case No.: FEC 13-333 v. Jesus Salas, Respondent. ORDER

I '


Octoher 14, 2013

Jesus Salas, Treasurer florida's Families First l 1:23 l Northwest 20th Street #140-135 Miami, Fl .JJ Jn-1856

Re: PAC 60804

Dear Mr .. Salas:

Ken Dctzner s~cretnry of St11tc


Your campaign ttcasurer's report, which "as due October 10, 20 I 3, has not been received

Section 106 07(8)(b), Florida Statutes, requires that the filing officer immediately notify you of the failure to fik this report and that a fine will be assessed of$50 per day for the first 3 days late and, thereafter $500 per day, although a fine cannot exceed 25% of the total receipts or expenditures, whichever is greater, for the period covered by the late report 1 lowever, for the reports immediately preceding each primary and general election, the fine shall be $500 per day for each late day, not to exceed 25% of the total receipts or expenditures, whichever is greater, for the period covered by the late report

Once your report is filed, this office will notify you of the specific amount of your fine Fines must be paid ro the filing officer within 20 days ofreceipt of the pa}ment due notice

Please be advised, however, that failu1e to file a campaign treasurer's report may constitute a violation of Chapter 106, Florida Statutes, independent of the automatic fine violation referenced above Therefore if )O\l fail to file a report the division will turn the maner over to the Florida f lec1ions Commission

S~ction 106 265(1 ), Florida Statutes, authorizes the Florida Elections Commission to impose a civil pcnah)' up 10 Sl..000 per count for each willfltl violation of Chapter 106

If you ha\C any questions, please contact the help desk at (850) 245-6280


~A~~-1> Kusti Reid Bronson, Chief Ourcau of Election Records

EXHIBIT Cl ( fo J 1.40 The R A Gray Building·-Room 316 • 500 South Bronough Street • J allahassce fl 32399-0250 • (850) 245··6240

Page 44: FLORIDA ELECTIONS COMMISSIONSalas,+Jesus_Redacted.pdf · FLORIDA ELECTIONS COMMISSION Florida Elections Commission, Petitioner, Case No.: FEC 13-333 v. Jesus Salas, Respondent. ORDER


November 13, 2013

Jes us Salas, Treasurer Florida's Families First 1123 I Northwest 20th Street #140-135 Miami, FL 33 J 72 .. 1856

Re: PAC 60804

Dear Mr Salas:

Ken Detzner Secreta1y of Stale


Y·our campaign treasurer's report, which was due November 12, 2013, has not been received.

Section 1Q6 07(8)(b), Florida Statutes, requires that the filing officer immediately notify you of the failure to file this report and that a fine will be assessed of $50 per day for the first 3 days late and, thereafter $500 per day, although a fine cannot exceed 25% of the total receipts or expenditures, whichever is greater; for the period covered by the late report. However, for the reports immediately preceding each primary and general election, the fine shall be $500 per day for each late day, not to exceed 25% of the total receipts or expenditures, whichever is greater, for the period covered by the late report

Once your report is filed, this office will notify you of the specific amount of your fine .. Fines must be paid to the filing officer within 20 days ofreceipt of the payment due notice.

Please be advised, however, that failure to file a campaign treasurer's report may constitute a violation of Chapter 106, Florida Statutes, independent of the automatic fine violation reforenced above. Therefore, if you fail lo file a report the division will turn the matter over to the Florida Elections Commission

Section I 06 265(1 ), Florida Statutes, authorizes the Florida Elections Commission to impose a civil penalty up to $1,000 per count for each will fol violation of Chapter 106 ..

If you have any questions, please contact the help desk at (850) 245 .. 6280


~~~--~~?, Kristi Reid Bronson, Chief Bureau of Election Records

EXHIBIT £ (I ot \ lhl The RA Gray Building-Room 316 • 500 South Bronough Street • Tallahassee FL 32399-0250 • (850} 245-6240

Page 45: FLORIDA ELECTIONS COMMISSIONSalas,+Jesus_Redacted.pdf · FLORIDA ELECTIONS COMMISSION Florida Elections Commission, Petitioner, Case No.: FEC 13-333 v. Jesus Salas, Respondent. ORDER


Second Notice

November 20, 2013

Jesus Salas, Treasurer Florida's Families First 11231 Northwest 20th Street #140-135 Miami, FL 33172-1856

Re: PAC 60804

Dear Mr Salas:

Secretary of State


I '

Your campaign treasurer's report, due November 12, 20 l .l, has not been received

Section 106 .. 07( S)(b), Florida Statutes, requires that the filing officer immediately notify you of the failure to file a report.

The first notice of the failure to file the above mentioned report was mailed, via regular mail, to the address on file with our office on November 13, 2013 As of this date, we do not show a record of receiving this report

If the report is not filed via the Division's electronic filing system within 14 days of receipt of this notice, this matter will be refimed to the Florida Elections Commission for further action. Section l 06265(1 ), Florida Statutes, authorizes the Florida Elections Commission, upon fmding a will fol violation of Chapter l 06, Florida Statutes, to impose a civil penalty up to $1,000 per count.

1f you have any quesiions, please contact the help desk at (850) 245-6280

~~ Kristi Reid Bronson, Chief Bureau of Election Records

EXHIBIT 1; ( <£ J J ·yJ The RA Gray Buildin~·Room 316 ., 500 South Bronough Street e Tallahassee FL 32399-0250 • (850) 245-6240

Page 46: FLORIDA ELECTIONS COMMISSIONSalas,+Jesus_Redacted.pdf · FLORIDA ELECTIONS COMMISSION Florida Elections Commission, Petitioner, Case No.: FEC 13-333 v. Jesus Salas, Respondent. ORDER


FINAL NOTICE Delivery Confirmation:

December 5, 2013

Jesus Salas, Treasurer fo1 Florida's Families First (60804)


11231 Northwest 20'h Street, # 140-135 Miami, Florida.33172-1856

Dear Mr. Salas:


9114 9010 7574 2751 2912 36 for Ta~ or llCll.iries Qo to USPS com arr.all HJ00 .. 112 .. te11

KENDETZNER Secretary of State

According to a review of the Division's records, the organization referenced above has not filed the following report:

~ 2013 2013

B~J!fil:! Q3 MIO

Cover Period

07/01/2013 -09/30/2013 10/01/2013 - 10/.31/2013

The organization has previously been notified of the report that is outstanding, Enclosed are copies of letters sent by the Division. If the report is not filed .within 7 days of receiJ)t of this letter, the Division will forward this matter to the Florida Elections Commission for further action. Section 106265(1 ), Florida Statutes, authorizes the Florida Elections Commission to impose civil penalties of up to $1,000 per violation.

If you have any questions, please call the Help Line at (850) 245-6240



J_ .......................

Kristi Reid Bronson, Chief Bureau of Election Records



R. A. Gray Building • 500 South Bx<>nough Street • Tallahassee, Florida 32399-·0250 Telephone: (850) 245·6240 • Facsimile: (850) 245-6259 www.dos.state.fl.us

commemor·ating 500 years of(lodd1isID www.fla500.com

EXHIBIT Clf Cj v I , -· ~----·----

Page 47: FLORIDA ELECTIONS COMMISSIONSalas,+Jesus_Redacted.pdf · FLORIDA ELECTIONS COMMISSION Florida Elections Commission, Petitioner, Case No.: FEC 13-333 v. Jesus Salas, Respondent. ORDER



Secretary of State


Second Notice

November 20, 20 l 3

Jesus Salas, Treasurer Florida's Families First 1123 I Northwest 20th Street 11140·135 Miami, FL 33172-1856

Re: PAC 60804

Dear Mr Salas:

Your campaign treasurer's report, due November 12, 2013, has not been received.

Section l 06 07(8)(b), Florida Statutes, requires that the filing officer immediately notify you of the failure to file a report

The first notice of !he failure to file the above mentioned report was mailed, via regular mail, to the address on file with our office on November 13. 2013 As of this date, we do not sbow a record of receiving this report

If the report is not filed via the Division's electronic filing system within 14 days ofreceipt of this notice, this matter will be referred to the Florida Elections Commission for further action Section l 06 265(1 ), Florida Statutes, authorizes the Florida Elections Commission, upon fmding a willful violation of Chapter I 06, Florida Statutes, to impose a civil penalty up to $1.000 per count.

lf you have any questions, please contact the help desk at (%50) 245··6280

Sincerely, _ '":-:JJ

~~~/ Kristi Reid Bronson, Chief ...

Bureau of Election Records

EXHIBIT <£ ( l 0 o~ 1-0 T'l..- n Ar- •.•. r. .. a..s .. ,. n.. ...,,.. "'"'""'•• I . ...,, ..,.. ••-1 .. .. ,-., ..... ~'"'""' ""'""'

Page 48: FLORIDA ELECTIONS COMMISSIONSalas,+Jesus_Redacted.pdf · FLORIDA ELECTIONS COMMISSION Florida Elections Commission, Petitioner, Case No.: FEC 13-333 v. Jesus Salas, Respondent. ORDER



November 13, 2013

Jesus Salas, Treasurer Florida's Families First 11231 Northwest 20th Street #140-135 Miami, FL 3JI 72-1856

Re: PAC60804

Dear Mr Salas:

Secretary of State


Your campaign treasurer's report, which was due November 12, 2013, has not been received

Section l 06 .. 07(8)(b ), Florida Statutes, requires that the tiling officer immediately notify you of the failure to file this report and that a fine will be assessed of $50 per day for the first 3 days late and, thereafter $500 per day, although a fine cannot exceed 25% of the total receipts or expenditures, whichever is greater, for the period covered by the late report However, for the reports immediately preceding each primary and general election, the fine shall be $5()0 per day for each late day, not to exceed 25% of the total receipts or expenditures, whichever is greater, for the pe1 iod covered by the late report

Once your 1eport is filed, this office will notify you of the specific amount of your fine. Fines must be paid to the filing officer within 20 days of receipt of the payment due notice.

Please be advised, however, that failure to file a campaign treasurer's report may constitute a violation of Chapter 106, Florida Statutes, independent of the al\tomatic fine violation referenced above .. Therefore, if you fail to file a report the division will rum the matter over to the Florida Elections Commission

Section l 06 .265(1 ), Florida Statutes, authorizes the Florida Elections Commission to impose a civil penalty up to $1 .. 000 per count for each willfol violation of Chapter l 06

If you have any questions, please contact the help desk at (850) 245-6280


Kristi Reid Bronson, Chief Bureau of Election Records

EXHIBIT i,(1 \ J_ jm

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December J l, 20 l.3

Jesus Salas, Treasurer

Florida's Families First 1123 I Northwest 20\h Street # J 4() .. 1J5 Miami, FL 331 72-1856

Re: PAC 60804

Dear Mr .. Salas:

Ken Detzncr Secrcmry of State




Your campaign treasurer's report, which was due December 10, 2013, has no\ been received

Section l 06 .07(8)(b), Florida Statutes, requires that the filing officer immediately notify you of the failure to file this report and that a fine will be assessed of $50 per day for the first 3 days late and, thereafter $500 per day, although a fine cannot exceed 25% of the total receipts or expenditures, whichever is greater, for rhe period covered by the late report However, for the reports immediately preceding each primary and general election, the fine shall be $500 per day for each late day, not to exceed 25% of the total receipts or expenditures, whichever is greater, for the period covered by the late report

Once your report is filed, this office will notify you of the specific amount of your fine Fines must be paid to the filing officer within 20 days of receipt of the payment due notice

Please be advised, however, that failure to file a campaign treasurer's report may constitute a violation of Chapter 106, Florida Statutes, independent of the automatic fine violation referenced above Therefore, if you fail to file a report the division will turn the matter over to the Florida Elections Commission.

Section I 06.265( I), Florida Statutes, authorizes the Florida Elections Commission to impose a civil penalty up to $ l ,000 per count for each willfol violation of Chapter I 06

If you have any questions, please contact the help desk at (850) 245-6280

Sincerely, ~' 1\,.,. . ( (' ~ t, ('

, "-J)Jo0W .~ tW.\.;\~-··t· Kristi Reid Bronson. Chie Bureau of Election Records

EXHIBIT CZi (19 of 1YhJ

The RA Gra) Building-Room 316 • 500 South Bronough Street • Tallahas.ee Fl 32399-·0250 • (850) 145-·6240 ~A y t~<C\O\ 'iA. '\ .. ~')hf! 411 WWW A.tlrtr ... ee· httn ·llwwv.i ~f\.C <:tot"' n UC ... f:' ~,(.,..;! n;,_,f;'f,,,, ,,,,. ... rt;j ,,;,,... ( .,..,,., (1 •-'I

Page 50: FLORIDA ELECTIONS COMMISSIONSalas,+Jesus_Redacted.pdf · FLORIDA ELECTIONS COMMISSION Florida Elections Commission, Petitioner, Case No.: FEC 13-333 v. Jesus Salas, Respondent. ORDER


Second Notke

December 20, 2013

Jesus Salas, Treasurer Florida's Families Fi1st 1123 l Northwest 20th Street #140-135 Miami, FL 331n-l856

Re: PAC 60804

Dear Mr .. Salas:

Secretary of State


Your campaign treasurer's report, due December 10, 2013, has not been received

Section 106.07(8)(b), Florida Statutes, requires that the filing officer immediately notify you of the failure to file a report

The first notice of the failure to file the above mentioned report was mailed, via regular mail, to the address on file with our office on December 11, 2013 As of this date, we do not show a record of receiving this report.

If the report is not filed via the Division's electronic filing system within 14 days of receipt of this notice, this matter will be referred to the Florida Elections Commission for further action Section I 06 .265(1 ), Florida Statutes, authorizes the Florida Elections Commission, upon finding a willfol violation of Chapter 106, Florida Statutes, to impose a civil penalty up to $1,000 per count

If you have any questions, please contact the help desk at (850) 245-6280

;tj'"4c(~ Kristi Reid Bronson, Chief Bureau of Election Records

EXHIBIT 'l ( l So~ i4) The R A Gray Building··Room 316 ~ 500 South Brnnough Street • Tallahassee FL 32399-0250 • (850) 245-6240

Page 51: FLORIDA ELECTIONS COMMISSIONSalas,+Jesus_Redacted.pdf · FLORIDA ELECTIONS COMMISSION Florida Elections Commission, Petitioner, Case No.: FEC 13-333 v. Jesus Salas, Respondent. ORDER

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Page 52: FLORIDA ELECTIONS COMMISSIONSalas,+Jesus_Redacted.pdf · FLORIDA ELECTIONS COMMISSION Florida Elections Commission, Petitioner, Case No.: FEC 13-333 v. Jesus Salas, Respondent. ORDER

Florida Department of State - Division of Elections Florida Election System Reports

Committee Name: Florida's Families First Account: 60804

11.1m1151•1w•-1111111111 .. 1m1t1s1111•1 4/10/2014 M3 NEN 0 $0 00 $0 .. 00 $0.00 3/10/gp]\~i~ .M2''. NEN:lf'.10 .; 2/10/2014 M1 FEC 0 $000

V161ggj1:ftj Mf~ ~:~: .• · 12/10/2013 M11 FEC 0 $0 00 [f11121201@M19 c:!!JH"'w·· 10/10/2013 03 FEC 0 $0 00 $000

EXHIBIT __ g.L..---

Page 53: FLORIDA ELECTIONS COMMISSIONSalas,+Jesus_Redacted.pdf · FLORIDA ELECTIONS COMMISSION Florida Elections Commission, Petitioner, Case No.: FEC 13-333 v. Jesus Salas, Respondent. ORDER

' I


Jesus Salas 11231 No1thwest 20th Street #140-135 Miami, FL 3 3172

Suite 224 Collins Bnilding Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1050

Telephone: (850) 922-4539 Fax: (850) 921-0783

Ap1il 8, 2014

RE: Case No.: FEC 13-333; Respondent: Jesus Salas

Dear Mi. Salas:

On December 20, 2013, the Florida Elections Commission 1eceived a complaint alleging that you violated Florida's election laws I have reviewed the complaint and find that it contains one or more legally sufficient allegations The Commission staff will investigate the following alleged violation:

Section 106.07(1), Florida Statutes: Jesus Salas, chairman and treasurer for Florida's Families First, a political committee, failed to timely file the 2013 Q3 campaign treasurer's report

You may respond to the allegation above by filing a notarized statement providing any information regarding the facts and circumstances sunounding the allegation. Your 1esponse will be included as an attachment to the investigator's report

When we conclude the investigation, a copy of the Report of Investigation will be mailed to you at the above address You may file a 1esponse to the report .within 14 days from the date the report is mailed to YQ!! Based on the 1esults of the investigation, legal staff will make a written recommendation to the Commission on whether there is probable cause to believe you have violated Chapter 104 or 106, Florida Statutes.. A copy of the Staff Recommendation will be mailed to you and you may file a response within 14 days from the date the recommendation is mailed to you Your timely filed response(s) will be considered by the Commission when determining probable cause

The Commission will then hold a hearing to determine whether there is probable cause to believe you have violated Chapters 104 or 106, Florida Statutes You and the complainant will receive a notice of hearing at least 14 days before the hearing The notice of hearing will indicate the location, date, and time of your hearing You will have the opportunity to make a brief oral

ComOI ! (10/07)

Page 54: FLORIDA ELECTIONS COMMISSIONSalas,+Jesus_Redacted.pdf · FLORIDA ELECTIONS COMMISSION Florida Elections Commission, Petitioner, Case No.: FEC 13-333 v. Jesus Salas, Respondent. ORDER

statement to the Commission, but you will not be permitted to testify or call others to testify, or introduce any documentary or othe1 evidence

At any time before a probable cause finding, you may notify us in writing that you want to enter into negotiations di1ected towards reaching a settlement via consent ag1eement

The Report of Investigation, Staff Recommendation, and Notice of Hearing will be mailed to the above address as this letter. Therefore, if your address changes, you must notify this office of your new address. Otherwise, you may not receive these important documents. Failure to receive the documents will not delay the probable cause hearing.

Under section 106.25, Florida Statutes, complaints, Commission investigations, investigative reports, and other documents relating to an alleged violation of Chapters 104 and I 06, F101ida Statutes, are confidential until the Commission finds probable cause or no probable cause The confidentiality provision does not apply to the person filing the complaint Howeve1, it does apply to you unless you waive confidentiality in w1iting The confidentiality p1ovision does not preclude you from seeking legal counsel. However, if you retain counsel, yom attorney must file a notice of appearance with the Commission befo1e any member of the Commission staff can discuss this case with him or her.

If you have any questions 01 need additional information, please contact Cedric Oliver, the investigat9r assigned to this case


ComOl I (8/08)

Page 55: FLORIDA ELECTIONS COMMISSIONSalas,+Jesus_Redacted.pdf · FLORIDA ELECTIONS COMMISSION Florida Elections Commission, Petitioner, Case No.: FEC 13-333 v. Jesus Salas, Respondent. ORDER



To FEC from Division of Elections

Florida's Families First

Account Number: 60804

Chairperson: Jesus Salas

Treasurer: Jesus Salas

Registered Agent: Jesus Salas

/ I 13-333.


ZOIJ DEC 20 P IJ: 32·:

S1ATE::omtlaRl@A I c . . "' ,. ' . ' SSlON

The Division of Elections is referring this issue to the Florida Elections Commission pursuant to Section 106 .. 25, Florida Statutes.. Section 106 .. 07(8)(d) Florida Statutes, requires the filing officer to notify the FEC of a political committees alleged failure to file reports as set forth in the notification.

The following report is outstanding after notification:

2013 03 Campaign Treasurer's Report

Sent By: Kristi Reid Bronson J[i(.f} Date: December 19, 2013


Page 56: FLORIDA ELECTIONS COMMISSIONSalas,+Jesus_Redacted.pdf · FLORIDA ELECTIONS COMMISSION Florida Elections Commission, Petitioner, Case No.: FEC 13-333 v. Jesus Salas, Respondent. ORDER


County of Leon


Kristi Reid Bronson, being duly sworn, says:

, I

I am the Chief of the Bureau of Election Records of the Division of Elections (Division). In that capacity, I oversee the Division's duties related to the filing of campaign finance reports

2 This affidavit is made upon my personal knowledge, including information obtained from review of the attached records, of which I am the custodian.

3.. I am oflegal age and competent to testify to the matters stated herein.

4.. Florida's Families First (60804) is a political committee registered with the Division On August 8, 2013, Florida's Families First filed the DSDE 5 and 6 with the Division of Elections indicating that Jes us Salas was the chailper son and the treasurer for the committee.. (See attached documents and acknowledgment letter.)

5. The Florida's Families First campaign treasurer's report was due on October 10, 2013 At the time the 2013 Q3 report was due, Mr. Salas was the treasurer

6 · On October 14, 2013, the Division mailed Mr. Salas notifications that the Florida's Families First campaign treasurer's 1ep01t had not been filed (See attached letter . .)

7 On October 21, 2013, the Division mailed Mr. Salas notifications that the Florida's Families First campaign treasurer's repmt had not been filed (See attached letter..)

8 On November 8, 2013, the Division mailed Mr. Salas final notification with delivery confirmation that the Florida's Families First report had not been filed (See attached letter with delivery confirmation)

rNV035 (5/00)

------·-------· ·----.

Page 57: FLORIDA ELECTIONS COMMISSIONSalas,+Jesus_Redacted.pdf · FLORIDA ELECTIONS COMMISSION Florida Elections Commission, Petitioner, Case No.: FEC 13-333 v. Jesus Salas, Respondent. ORDER

I '

, I

9.. As of December 19, 2013, Jesus Salas has failed to file the 2013 Q3 report.

I hereby swear or affirm that the foregoing information is true and con·ect to the best of my knowledge.

INV035 (5/00)

Print, Type, or Stamp7ommi ion d Name of Notary Public

Personally Known __


.. ····~'t'''•, JOEL MYNAFID /'f'I" "¥:. MY COMMISSION I OD 962588 j*; :,; EXPIRES: May 16, 2014 . ~~·····~c;: Bonded Thru No\alY Public Undetwfl\ol"S


Page 58: FLORIDA ELECTIONS COMMISSIONSalas,+Jesus_Redacted.pdf · FLORIDA ELECTIONS COMMISSION Florida Elections Commission, Petitioner, Case No.: FEC 13-333 v. Jesus Salas, Respondent. ORDER

, ... Rfcc:: ··><r c../Vr· , .• ,, f ; • 1' ':", ,.,, .... I • ' I:•;::';~·, ._'-. ... !...,)



POLITICAL COMMITTEES .:..1'; I-' / • ', ~ l ',.,' '

v .... r; UF·,.. , (Sections 106 .. 011(1) and 106.021(1), F S.) C• 'C"·:ld~ · · · 1,nvc:

' v


[8] Original Appointment of Treasurer 0 Reappointment of Treasurer D Deputy Treasurer

1 Committee or Organization 2 Telephone

FLORIDA'S FAMILIES FIRST (786 ) 319-8000 ·------ -

3. Name of Treasurer or Deputy Treasurer 4 Email (optional) 5 Telephone (optional)


""' ·------·-··----· 6 Mailing Address

11231 N .. W. 20TH STREET #140-135, MIAMI, FLORIDA 33172-1856 ---- --·-·------·-·· ------·-

7 Street Address

11231 N .. W. 20TH STREET #140-135, MIAMI, FLORIDA 33172-1856 I-·---·-- ··---.. ·-·-------·-

8 The following bank has been designated as the IBl Primary Depository D Secondary Depository

. ]---·- --·----·--9 Name of Bank 10 Street Address

OCEAN BANK 2500 N.W. 97TH AVENUE -·-------------·--·--- ---·- ·-· -------~····-

11 City 12 State 13 Zip Code


14. Signature of Chairman _,,.._ ...... ---·-··-:=::;::> 15 Name of Chairman (Print or Type)

x -~-- ~7--·---- JESUS SALAS

Camoaian Treasurer's Acceotance of Aooolntment

I JESUS SALAS , do hereby accept the appointment as -· ·-· (Please Print or Type)

treasurer or deputy treasurer for FLORIDA'S FAMILIES FIRST -·· - ---· (Committee or Organization)


08/05/2013 x ~--::==~~--· - • -- . ::> -z Date .- ,...,..-- ..•. ·~~.r,_F Sianature of Camoaian Treasurer or Deoutv Treasurer

-OS DE 6 (Rev 7/10) - - - - -

Page 59: FLORIDA ELECTIONS COMMISSIONSalas,+Jesus_Redacted.pdf · FLORIDA ELECTIONS COMMISSION Florida Elections Commission, Petitioner, Case No.: FEC 13-333 v. Jesus Salas, Respondent. ORDER

1>,-,,...,. ...

STATEMENT OF ORGANIZATION [; ~ i' t}"j f(qf f I~~~~ :9NL Y

,, I'


(PLEASE TYPE) ' .• ' (" . . I·~·' : •\ ~.lfv- ! .. ;' )~' r;i f"i t" ·~·~ . .-.. 1.:.

•. " ..... .'t .. 1/0h'S'

1. Full Name of Committee Telephone


--· - - ----------·--· ·--·· -Mailing Address (include city, state and zip code)

11231 N .. W 20TH STREET #140-135 MIAMI, FLORIDA 33172-1856

--·----·- ·-- . ··--·-----"· ·---··--···-· Street Address (include city, state and zip code)

11231N.W20TH STREET#140135 MIAMI, FLORIDA33172-1856

2 .. Affiliated or Connected Organizations (Includes other committees of continuous existence and political committees)

·----- --····-··-· ·-·--- ·-·-----.--·· ·-Name of Affiliated or

Connected Organization Mailing Address Relationship >--· " ···---·····--··--·- -· "'"' --


3 .. Area, Scope and Jurisdiction of the Committee


4. Nature of Organization or Organization's Special Interest (e .. g, medlcal, legal, education, etc .. )


5. Identify by Name, Address and Position, the Custodian of Books and Accounts (include treasurer's name) -·--·---·- ·-----

Full Name Mailing Address Committee Title or Position --· -·-· · r--------·

JESUS SALAS 11231 N .. W. 20TH STREET #140-135 TREASURER MIAMI, FLORIDA 33172 .. 1856

OS-DE 5 (Rev .. 05/06) uooous (continued on reverse side)

Page 60: FLORIDA ELECTIONS COMMISSIONSalas,+Jesus_Redacted.pdf · FLORIDA ELECTIONS COMMISSION Florida Elections Commission, Petitioner, Case No.: FEC 13-333 v. Jesus Salas, Respondent. ORDER

' I,

6 List by Name, Address and Position, Other Principal Officers, Including Officers and Members of the Finance Committee, If Any (include chairman's name) ·------- --

Full Name Mailing Address Committee Title or Position ·-- ·- ---·-


7 List by Name, Address, Office Sought and Party Affiliation Each Candidate or Other Individual that this Committee is Supporting (if none, please Indicate)

1-- ------ .. ·-Full Name Mailing Address Office Sought Party


8. List Any Issues this Committee Is Supporting: N/A

List Any Issues this Committee Is Opposing: NIA

9 If this Committee Is Supporting the Entire Ticket of a Party, Give Name of Party


10 .. In the Event of Dissolution, What Disposition will be Made of Residual Funds?


11. L.ist all Banks, Safety Deposit Boxes, or Other Depositories Used for Committee Funds - - ··-------· --

Name of Bank or Depository & Account Number Mailing Address -----·-----"" ---.. ·-


12. List all Reports Required to be Filed by this Committee with Federal Officials and the Names, Addresses and Positions of Such Offlclals, If Any --- ··-----~ ·-·-·-·-·-

Report Title Dates Required to be Filed Name & Position of Official Mailing Address _ .. ---·- I- "" - ·---IRS FORMS ANNUALLY Internal Revenue IRS Center

Service Center Ogden, Utah 84201-0027


I, JESUS SALAS , certify that the information in this Statement of ----- -Organization is complete, true and correct.

--· x ~ ---=- 3 :::;; ..... ) ~!_)_"" -·- ·---Signature of Chairman of Political Committee Date 1 innn;-·.,.::

---·-----·----·----·-----·- ··-··-----··-------.-- ---- -- .. ------- --~---·---·--· - --------------·--·------~-----~------ --------·-·--------------- ···---------·--·-

Page 61: FLORIDA ELECTIONS COMMISSIONSalas,+Jesus_Redacted.pdf · FLORIDA ELECTIONS COMMISSION Florida Elections Commission, Petitioner, Case No.: FEC 13-333 v. Jesus Salas, Respondent. ORDER

I, 1574 PAGE l'.\2

~8/13/2~13 1~:37 3~5- -3B3- %~8

DE RECE:IVEQ - - P.A D·rMr• .,.


STATEMENT OF APPOINTMENT 2913 AUG 14 AH 7: 29 (Section 106 022, F S )

01~1~,~~~Xs~~1::vrHs - ·--0 Original Appointment D Change of Appointment

0 Change of Mailing Address 0 Chonge of Physical Address --Registered Agent and Office Information

-·- - ·-Name Telephone JESUS SALAS ·-----.. -· _I 786-319-8000 Street Address 11231 N.W. 20TH STREET #140-135 ·---------City State I Zip Code MIAMI I FLORIDA -· ... ·- }3172 ·-Mailing Address 11231 N.W. 20TH STRE!;T #140-135 Crty -ntate J: Zip Code--MIAMI 33172 ..... - FLORIDA

I accept this appointment and cnnflrm that I am familiar with and accept the obligations of the position a forth in Section 106. 022 F .S. I also understand that I may 1esign this appointment by executing a w statement of resignation and filing it with the applicable filing officer

,.... ..... _, 08/05/2013

~ ..... _

:;:,.. - - __ ... _,_ -·· --Signature ot Kegi red Agent Date --a- --·----

Former Registered Agent and Office Information (for changes only) "·--·· ·---· I Telephone Name

--· ·------L. Street Aeldres~

-- ·--City ·-----r I Zip Co~e

-·-- -State

Committee or Organization Information - -··--Name of Committee or Organization

FLORIDA'S FAMILIES FIRST ,...._. - -Street Address Telephone 11231 N.W. 20TH STREET #140-135 786··319-8000 ·-· ==r-·-·--C\ly Slate Zip Code MIAMI ---· FLORIDA 33172 ·--·- ·---------


~ - ::::> ? ;e ::s -

Signature Of c¥erson

JESUS SALAS 08/05/2013 Printed Name of Chairperson Date - -- -Ferm os .. oe 41 (r~vlsed 6111)

$ sel ritten

Page 62: FLORIDA ELECTIONS COMMISSIONSalas,+Jesus_Redacted.pdf · FLORIDA ELECTIONS COMMISSION Florida Elections Commission, Petitioner, Case No.: FEC 13-333 v. Jesus Salas, Respondent. ORDER



August 16, 2013

Jesus Salas, Chairperson Florida's Families Fi1st I I 231 Northwest 2o•h Street# 140-135 Miami .. Florida 33 I 72-1856

Dear Mr Sal as:

KEN DETZNER Secretary of State

This will acknowledge receipt of the Statement of Organization and Appointment of Campaign T 1easure1 and Designation of Campaign Deposito1y for Florida's Families Ffrst, which were placed on file in our office on August 14, 2013 This information appears to comply with the requirements of Section 106 03, Florida Statutes, and the name of this 01ganization has heen placed on our active committee list as a political committee that suppo1ts candidates

Campaign Tre!!§.Urer's Repor.!§.

Your first campaign treasurer's repo1t will be due on October 10, 2013 The report will cover the period of July 1, 2013 - September 30, 2013. All political committees that file reports with the Division of Elections are required to file by means of the Division's Electronic Filing System (FFS)

Credentials and Sign-ons

B<::low is the web address to access the Ef Sand the committee's user identification number. The enclosed sealed envelope contains the committee's initial password Once you have logged in using the initial passv.ord, you will be immediately prompted to ~hange it to a confidential sign­on 1 he chairperson, campaign treasurer, and deputy treasurers are responsible for protecting this password from disclosure and are 1esponsible fm all filings using these credentials .. unless the Division is notified that 1our credentials have been comp1omised

EFS Website Address: https://efs.dos.state fl.us Identification Number: 60804

Division of Elections R.A., Gray Bldg ... , Rm .. 316 • 500 S Bronough St..• Tallahassee, Flo?'ida 32399-0250

Telephone: (850) 245-6200 • Facsimile: (850) 245-6217 elections.myfloI"ida .. com )k .. -tl.LllJJt0.0.LO.lC.RO. ___ _ Commemor·ating 500 years of Florida history www .. flaSOO .. com 111111 r1nnin1 rnn

Page 63: FLORIDA ELECTIONS COMMISSIONSalas,+Jesus_Redacted.pdf · FLORIDA ELECTIONS COMMISSION Florida Elections Commission, Petitioner, Case No.: FEC 13-333 v. Jesus Salas, Respondent. ORDER



Mr Jesus Salas, Chairperson August 16,2013 Page lwo

Pin Nnmher;§.

Pin numbers arc con!idential secure credentials that allow you to submit reports and update information The enclosed sealed envelopes contain your confidential pin numbers ..

Each political committee chairperson is required to provide the Division of Elections with confidential personal information that may be used to allow access in the event that the password is forgotten or lost When you enter the campaign account screen .. there will be a drop down box where you pick a question (such as What !1 row mother's maiden name~) and supply an ansv.er All passwords and answers to questions are stored as encrypted data and cannot be viewed by Division staff and given out over the phone Please notify the Division if your credentials have been compromised.

T imelv Filing

All reports must be completed and filed through the EFS not later than midnight, Eastern Standard Time, of the due date.. Reports not filed by midnight, Eastern Standard rime, of the due date are lak filed and subject to the penalties in Section l 06.07(8), Florida Statutes. In the event that the EFS is inoperable on the due date, the repon will be accepted as timely filed if filed no later than midnight, Eastern Standard Time, of the first business day the EFS becomes operable No fine will be levied during the period the EfS was inopeiab!e

Any political committee failing to file a report on the designated due date is subject to a fine of $50 per day for the first 3 days and, thereafter, $500 per day for each day, not to exceed 25% of the total receipts or expenditures, whichever is greater, for the period covered by the late report However, for the reports immediately preceding each primary and general election, the fine shall he $500 per day .. not to exceed 25% of the total receipts or expenditures, whichever is greater,. for the p~riod covered by the late report

Electronic Receipts

The person submitting the report on the Ef S v.i!l be issued an electronic receipt indicating and v"rifying the report was filed Each campaign treasurer s report filed b; means of the EFS is considered lo b~ under oath by the chairperson and campaign treasurer and such persons are subie<.:t to the pro\ isions of Section l 06 07(5), Florida Statutes


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Mr Jesus Salas, Chaiiperson August I 3, 2013 Page Three

Instructions and Ass~~


An online instruction guide is available to you on the EFS to assist with navigation, data entry, and submission of reports The Division of Elections will also provide assistance to all users by contacting the F FS Help Desk at (850) 245-6280

All of the Division's publications and reporting forms ar·c available on the Division of E.lections' website at http://ckctions,myflorida.com.. It is your responsibility to read, understand, and follow the requir'ements of Florida's election laws. Therefore, please print a copy of the following documents: Chapter· 106, Florida Statutes, 2012 Political Committee Handbook, 2013 Calendar of Reporting Dates, and Ruic IS-.Z .. 017, Florida Administrative Code.

Please let me know if you need additional information


~ _v,.,C~4-~: :fl Kristi Reid Bronson, Chief Buteau of Election Records



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October 14, 2013

Jesus Salas, Treasurer

Florida's Families First

11231 Northwest 20th Street #140-135 Miami, FL 33172-1856

Re: PAC 60804

Dear Mt Salas:

Secretary of State


Your campaign treasurer's report, which was due October I 0, 2013, has not been received

Section 106 07(8)(b), Florida Statutes, requires that the filing officer immediately notify you of the failure to file this report and that a fine will be assessed of$50 per day for the first 3 days late and, thereafter $500 per day, although a fine cannot exceed 25% of the total receipts or expenditures, whichever is greater, for the period covered by the late report However, for the reports immediately preceding each primary and general election, the fine shall be $500 per day for each late day, not to exceed 25% of the total receipts or expenditures, whichever is greater, for the period covered by the late report

Once your report is filed, this office will notify you of the specific amount of your fine. Fines must be paid to the filing officer within 20 daJ s ofreceipt of tl1c payment due notice

Please be advised, however, that failm e to file a campaign treasurer's report may constitute a violation of Chapter l 06, Florida Statutes, independent of the automatic fine violation referenced above. Therefore, if you fail to file a report the division will turn the matter over to the Florida Elections Commission

Section I 06 265( I), F Jorida Statutes, authorizes the Florida Elections Commission to impose a civil penalty up to $ L.000 per count for each willfUI violation of Chapter I 06

If you have any questions, please contact the help desk at (850) 245-6280


~A~--~--~ Knsti Reid Bronson, Chief Bureau of Election Records


The RA Gray Building-Room 316 • 500 South Bronaugh Street • Tallahassee FL 32399··0250 • (850) 245-6240 FAX: (850) 245-6260 • WWW Address: http://" ww dos .. state fl.us • E-Mail DivE/eaions{ildos state fl us

Page 66: FLORIDA ELECTIONS COMMISSIONSalas,+Jesus_Redacted.pdf · FLORIDA ELECTIONS COMMISSION Florida Elections Commission, Petitioner, Case No.: FEC 13-333 v. Jesus Salas, Respondent. ORDER

, I


Second Notice

October2l, 2013

Jesus Salas, Treasurer

Florida's Families First

I l 2 3 l Northwest 20th Street #140-135 Miami, Fl 33172-1856

Re: PAC 60804

Dear Mr Salas:

Secretary of State


Your campaign treasurer's report, due October I 0, 20 l 3, has not been received

Section 106 07(8)(b), Florida Statutes, requires that the filing officer immediately notify you of the failure to file a 1eport

The first notice of the failure to file the above mentioned report was mailed, via regular mail, to the address on file with ou1 office on October 14, 20l1 As of this date, we do not show a record of receiving th is report

If the report is not filed via the Division's electronic filing system within 14 days of receipt ofthis notice, this matter will be referred to the F Jorida Elections Commission for !lather action. Section I 06 .265( I), Florida Statutes, authorizes the Florida Elections Commission, upon finding a will fol violation of Chapter I 06, Florida Statutes, to impose a civil penalty up to $1,000 pe1 count

lfyou have any questions, please contact the help desk at (850) 245-6280


~~~~(;·~/ Kristi Reid Bronson, Chief Bureau of Election Records


T"he RA Gray Building-Room 316 • 500 South Bronough Street • Tallahassee FL 32399-0250 • (850) 245-6240

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,· I



KENDETZNER Secretary of State

FINAL NOTICE_ Delive1y Confirmation:

November 8, 2013

Jesus Salas, Treasurer for


Florida's Families First (60804) 11231Northwest20'h Street, #140-135 Miami, Florida 33172-1856

Dear Mr Salas:

9114 9010 7574 2751 291113 For Tracl<lng or inquiries go to USPS com or call 1 aoo .. 222-1a11

According to a review of the Division's records, the organization referenced above has not filed the following report:


201 3



Cover Period

07/01/2013 .. 09/30/2013

The organization has previously been notified of the report that is outstanding .. Enclosed are copies of letters sent by the Division.. If the report is not filed within 7 days of receipt of this letter, the Division will forward this matter to the F lotida Elections Commission for further action Section 106.265(1 ), Florida Statutes, authorizes the Florida Elections Commission to impose civil penalties of up to $1,000 per violation

lfyou have any questions, please call Help Line at (850) 245-6280.

Sincerely. ·-~

41~~-~~~1l Kristi Reid Bronson, Chief Bureau of Election Rec01ds



000013 R. A. Gray Building • 500 South Bronough Street • Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0250

Telephone: (850) 245-6240 • Facsimile: (850) 245-6259 www.dos.state.ftus Commemor·ating 500 year·s of Florida history www.fiaSOO .. com

)t_ VIVA flORIDA 500. VIVA flORIDA 50

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Unique ID


RE: Missing Registered Agent

HISTORY NOTES Florida's Families First - 60804


Date Recorded Last Edited Date

10/2/2013 4:23:00 PM

Orginally Recorded By


I called to speak with mr. Salas and the phone went straight to voicemail stating, "Do not leave a voicemail either text or email an inquiry", I reviewed his paperwork and it didn't have a email address, so I left him a voicemail telling him to fax or email the dsde 41 form so that the division could process the application LJR 8/8/2013

<JOOOJ..4 Page 1 of 1 12/18/2013

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