flr l.a icarriis, alla1,y.chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82015753/1853-08... · .tie, ass.suim...

ItW A ... tetW ulbe .Yw t. on , A t22. IMS G. of St. laudif 3hN OFr o1' re0L1@~ootu 7r~pfg IJfwa. JOH YSON . S l with giet a tldsactlae that the proprie- of this rpe• rmeatoean that Mr. Edward ohsaon hatleen engaged, and will, .tie, ass.suim the Editorial charge of la Iesn known at the North, and te Union, as a whi of " slga 5s ,nV writer. s Mesat of qtho iNhS seleted l to . the -g ga/~,he5dik lpden Pleas- s f * h kilspd Whig. For a ig~ ?A * so busstmbedkhd with Gales & Sea- a., te a tthip that veteran paper the R He is ais well known ye Sesn tLth letters ov•t eregnature t 'eio, whtich have otlBid snoh gen- for their pith, fora6 and elegance. will be ae•itelt by Mr. Wm 'fwheo•g su,,otse n leed with the pres of 'tN ost Sa us veral ys$ MrIH.B. l well ka wa as- tia c'l ble and accomplished " ;Eopp T THE DOXALD- r rENTION. U .O W H\-iT. dnst that we have been tip following protest ,he.naldsonville Con- g;tCothe whigs of Bt. Mar- tit re are names attached viie s'otimp been associated the ant which, hy the respect *t , giveto the.amovlment a nommsads our attention. ds ra4t to the gent omen who age hV LthLi pretest, we object to the posi- *g.IEs`a y have taken, not only believing *IIb ngdS •ua atenea but being satisfied ht the spirit which the movement engenders lI be grejadioetahl the interests of the whig - ke daelelga frtsl tbs*lly repre- ' g •5Itht ]pasty here, , mode 'to the whig otrsiegth rep- luel upon and finally aeanlty o jn t was in accord. , seage •ste party, and had any be bfied upon, other sectiont reason have objected, as ii A epugrtare from an estab- In our humble opinion, although the country a. on cecount of the manner in laarged, yet the object was correct, 'de•igates tto the Convention un. gidged, one, utof all the talent Olad worth of t rirented for their e4klacy e edlpon Mr. Hint, becanus Siey eqtidered him deserving, 1as a man. only serve his Bt1 faithfuo" isljre, but would be tti o should sar car ose delegages Mr. itereets of iNe Saoa lthtw neither the gratifi- o pu'ty, h4J(ambltion nor of sectional o opmt" iD~ sy recommend to the of St.4 ~ at they will, upon more reeltion,• to the present state of !_ b beauk d certainly arise from e they LL , muchl harm might. S lti ants at the present crisis resoe t defeat, and success "-a remote possibility. o * Wti Ihl. ef St. Mlartin if it i• Itsld s . oaf o ider their course, lbeJo arsy ih ve under a common ban- _al t and not for men, nor I <' The harmony of the id0l b''hboe ersonal preferences alt'0 onn of sectional favor- i on, in which we have nsoelje but li geoooLo•the party, we hope ethe geatlemen who consider themselves w. rill magnaafmsataly make some sacri- Sr the good of the jgty. We wuuld cheer- baik-eheir sulggetion for another couven- beithaI bingese the moral effect would syt " e Sincerely do we trust 1oomptmli will have the effect. to llsta1fI1g phalanx and lead them on ST. ~ARinLvatL. , Augut 12, 1853. Sthe dk ttoers of the Cresenet: Gasw-, whlhs of the Parieh of St. Mar- ti fwlia ~ themselw iajured, and deprived of *0ly tsights btUe ets of the city delegation, •a the Posallaonville Convention, ando unwilling to sabnats to such high-handal means as was emere made use of, have determined to l,,test aslt the ppoedIngs. The following ducu. Rsl t eopy of ** original, contaiuing our Sts a. Wea4 f oyou topublish them : o hofri St. WM in. feel I -eIlI . ;.e rsease of right and jutc:e. Utw ill not be bouond by the ae- y s l Qonventtun of Donald- that d•nantiou for the purpose S i e reprsentatives epreeo•lg to. wih of whit part7 of New Uneteto. We 0% with tSie h1t14 fe'llowship extended, to msle s Oa•dldaed weMIn we Could support. We U to mcut peee ads harmony, to forward O' lttturt of all, and to pledge to thot our MUtty in the support of ear principles, let us a plsed where we would. We went au.l met a deegation whom we believe did not epreprent the wish of the city whigs; a delegation who ,stel al oqt ures from the country parishes, - -' _inlaeted o f.rcing upou us a rule of action sewieumly agreed on among themserlves: a dIle- whose object cs5 to deplrive ig of every no Mt allowing us ane. B ei"ion of our will, flrbiddlng us apreet>, un.ss we spoke to flrur thIr views and their oanlidate, eapeoting ts to a•blit to every tyranlmcal aot, aud finally to upport the only man wham they would consent to -•eeams t . We were willing that the electoral |vsii shold be the guide in voting; we ert willing that a eadidate should be takhnfrom the city -ltAueA we think the interests of the eity sut- Usteatly represented; we were willing to 1u. oll 1h-1- Igd whigs could do, tsr the sake of our Is .But we would not cosiento that a i.s delegation should deprive us of every right bad, in spite of our protesta ions, geos egts fnis, whether acceptable or kawtgu laat stake whichake t' feel deepljy. adwe ill not seaeiflce them to graty isindelicate ambition of onoe min, a ho pua•la Rri5 r eettings and marohes up to tll. Co 'gitoFwith his delegates at his back, edetemned to nominate him, or so oS. Slw,.rwe ask a ir IO•sation, where all _.aybg ,pre tdnt; we and our rights U 1esp7ast V th at who will the nee, we will oh•s 1y support hha and Sparish give her full whig m ijority. We therefore call upon the whigs of the Sec- ond I ongressional Dstrict to assemtble in Con vention at Donaldsonville, on the second Mon- day in Septembaorto cholse a candidate. We ask yeo to meet in the spirit of peace and harmony, that we may more eff•ctually secure the ends which, as a party, we have in view. haes. O.lsE, Ola.De P FotoorJ• J3ev. tt.,e Itoecer Fotveacs, Ai.eec,.. Tossee,. to.,,. ora~rT, J. 8 P.Rcc, R' >I. TIsoa., Eovieo Morct, P. P BeI..,. JFoccr,TTic. Jn. A SiniIe, p WaidR elot,, F.c,eiTo.cc•LTa, E LLaio. Jiors 8. R05..eO.I ENcatiieeTR.ITi.J U.OteIase. JR. The Epidemic. Our weekly report hoows a fearful mortality. Still there is do decro tse, but the yellow scourge grows and strengthens by what it fee's on. F,.r a while it only visited the poor, wretched and forsaken; but now, it attacks all classes and preys upon all with the same gluttonous appe- tite. One-sixteenth of our resilt.nt population have already fallen--perhaps more-and what proportidn is yet to feed its insatiate maw must beleft to thedecision of time and the fates. Nei- ther our leisure nor limits will permit us to dwell further upon the sual et. We reter to the statement below, which i teapitulation of all the deaths in the city frou, the 1st of June to the 21st inst., indlusive. '81*S the report tup toyesterday morning was made up by the Board of Health, ' earn that in addition the burials in the Hhr, .Cemeteries, Nos. 1 and2, were 18, and in St. Patrick s that there were 28 interred without certifieater These added would swell the mortality ftr the 24 hours ending yesterday morning, to 15. We have been inform, d that the Street Com- missioner yesterday buried upwards of 90 bodies-thee being of the poor who had to hbe buried at the public expense. Ma. 7 .... 14t 0 O -. 1 19-=,ta9 " Jana 4....14' 1 141 '" ts 14...54 4 t a 0 "a t" .... lt 140 ass o"2,...7 610 21 l538|$9 "' . 9...16Rt 9 12a t" 16.... 14 a4 140 ' 4:....1i 4"20 Ia 5t....04.-2210 c,.=1108192961a August - ....t1 ' 1a 25 . .... 1;5 1 5 '....148 a9 8 1 at a " 4....16 1 15 16 t .... 25 194 3 " .. l203-1lt 1O_ 07 4.10d 4b.6 S 8... .210 ati? a S. n....a2i 1nh 21t l s d 0. 0 a-3 so a I.... 223 92 13 19 [ 12....27 30 2 2 ao" 1. S... 4 17 22 1:a a ..... 23_..526 i91-1288 25-13 a'-5 S15....217 187 24 t" 6....193 16a 10 11 S t....19 9ot 2t t 1....2:14 2a,3 as 11 - .o...."2:4 164 4 "" 21....26--10T6 280--15" 24-1" 517s 3 Totl .......... 7247 •- 1 5 t.--2 S Uesides from l Patrlck's Cemeter7 r.totlcer -. aatse. 3repotld by th,. Saxtou yesterday, makiog a t taof0 letl fcr the wnek ending outhe Itlst Lss. Daily reportr4f the ioterments in all the •m. eteria of the city for th. 24 hnun eoding at 0 o'c t k t, m., 11aturday. 20t• august, 1S33 : To l. F.rrr. L,... st ,d. Protestant. Gired tWet ........ 14 10 4 - t'vpree t re.v . No, 1............ 4 4 Cy prece Uruvr, .,. 2 ......... 81 ,7 4 d4 let Kt .............. 1 1 - tCharity ltepital ................ d 10 1 at P ratrick' ................... :3 ,% 8 tCathohte No 1. l6re,.d Distriet.. 2 2 - atihLt No 2. " " . t 3 4 St V deT'au. .Thd " .. 2 3 2 yrtt ......... ........... 34 0 3 1 ltebrA Fourth Distriet........ 3 3 Total ................. 22' 4 14M 1 . J. C 8lan.r. \1. o. io. Blrd of Itealth. Daily Report of the i:terments in all the Carmterlie fCr the tweuty.f,1ur hours ernding at G o'clockt . u, ot B Sunday, sllt Lt. I P, ,t ,ttt. t.t Proteut r- et.......... A I 1 t t)",rceir. e.N,, 2 ............ 1 B. " o•ryi.ta .. t................. 2 7 - .t Palt t lL ..... ............ t..4. Or ti 1, "'ethltc. N. Ir, t o,-ud o l.-tu t.. 2 1 •athb.4e No .. .. 1- at V.d P"iul, Third Dietrit..t i 39 t 3 4 Lsioyett, FourthD1atrlt ....... 6 21 6 - Total ...................... 26 "30 24 to J. C Saoe, M. D, •o'y Board ofI Health. CHAnr!Y FloqT ret..-mofe following is the rc- port from this hurtituti~n fr thu 24 huur+rsdiug at 12 o'.!oek hridsy tight : Admlr*tI .v .............. FD t).11. 11 U 01rhxrgrs ... ........... II9!ny yclll. Lever........... 1 Ctn.\n n Y TIOSPI'ITf..-The flIl~owi YO .e ponrt of this iurtltuliau for thy, "I hours endudi ~ ll i "I, "r "tutdsy night Adia11s~Ji-m .... .... ...... R:; D.&thr,.......... ... ,....:A,: b iaeL barge. ............. a, by y.llotr &rr...... ..... Z Ci.&ii'y 1 Iupikr ..- The following is the re- port If this iorstiultur for the Reek dig at 4 o'lock caturd:ry creuiny; 4dmuw'ils. n * 4.....O.. ... ltt...... Uuhharges ............ :e+ yry.-U'. t-vr......... .L CUnE Ilt YET.LIIo FLV•LI.--,omebody has sent us the Boston Journl, of the 10th inst.. with the ftllowing paragraph specially marked : The venerable Captain Samuel Tlopllf gives the fillowinig s an effctual cure lihr yellow lever. lie has ustdi it with invariable succes in a great numbell r of cases: " give the patient ,c soon after the attaek as posilhle, ait fll wine-glass off lent , joite, with as mucth salt as will di-slve lu it. Cvne- unte the bowels thollltoghly with a eo iuLi gl gle ter of warm c:aytile sotliolln, IsIL'tsa. and water, or any other uii teriil, under tilie t.re.- tton of l physiciant ; isl let the patienlt drik freely of emonide till the hlver is alttet. : thiL let hlln have such nourishllllelt Ias wouldl be tsilt- able for any jick or weak pier s ."' MOBILE ITcrEs--le/lti l' /hi'tr. -Seven easest of yellow fever were reported to, the lhtar I ot IHealth ttn the 10th inst., awl in the 2lthli thlere welse seven dea ts fit the uallle idtseo,' There were two ldealths e the ti'th of other di - t'tese. Of ) t•e intt,'ltes ts ft"llta yellow Ilverl two were frism the City llo.pital. The liegister of the 1'Jil says: The "Ca'n t get away tlui " held a prelihiti- stisy tiltltei, aigireestli t 1 c to :atli le o l'u•-,v. al s d a iftr is,- e 11Ine l-,f iugrs lh.lll s ll- i,•rrne to et again ltt the trcutit t :Curt roili on tsiiy ni ext, tlr e titie or' ttlait tI T ibuue of the ,ilth h..s thle I olowin : ii,! luat.s -Toie M,,h i le Jockey Clutb ias fixed upont TuestIdy. Dcemtller 1, . sl the e Il- llitncllemet oft the ill meetl; ofi ti•e tlutl lroum the extenos te tii ,venoti ts oi a on tl ithe, it lse ulite C'ursei dotll lthie p at lw t ,-.. andt the numllber of tturl'ti.e Iui l t,1'.1 ' I .. I to lee in atrt anc , it Is very ertl I : t tpIT or clh i n- lh'etitlg will 1: the ,, , .. ' tile yet wttinessd os11 the ,lltni " t ,: The Intent scrunti4so h kvtw i: fTllu x'iu lll'ln \e_"tueuin llrl. t Scr. rnr: I,'Il 14:_u iolr II at ShawIii iii gram:i i.,.l, lil o ltutli Stil t, d c, ou. tt',u ti. :S" .o, ,lea,,r t;utth, Siou 1 II wI: 9L-Ple ,hlt he aliiutg: I tlit, 1;. tI I u i i:ir,ig S tt ,lih. ft ( ui. 1g . it g iiu .. jpct.Iitt ahi, t (I The steathip ij We hut. on i t Ne w Yorkvii Saturday, the 1tgit, Ifr 'ou,.u1I ll and Iure wIt. hlae takenouta ctsently right pacr tge ccii z,289 27,.o in specie. Attaig the I-to,,t,.ti - 're CI'evILrr. aldernde l t iliti i t liii. it iater at Wasitingtn, and Itm ldy; 1 (4.e Sclagar, niu 1'. 1'. iliielite, ot it'aliingiut. A prentiii. of ',;l/ is ,.rt iil, on liltlf if it trtpusec to it l,,r ! J ,.t". 1 o41iii tihe tork tultij l 141 P iiciecttcuu,t titt ani t., a, tot euiceedtitgl plihleattun to Ciriatitan life it" tie dittitunra of the Geepel, and With out-hal reference to they Wbl~eraIczu of tintierna Cto ~rint. 'lbofLaghts Alout Yellow Fever. We have received the fIllowing communiUcr- tion from an old resident, whose prantical good sense and sententious style entitle Lim to a hear- ing. [Eds. MR. E~TroR--It is admitted by all that at present there is no panic with regard to the yel- low fever, fear having driven nearly all the timid away, and the nmost of those persons nn- acclimated brave the risk of getting sick, yet no diminution has taken placte in the daily deaths, and as 1 cannot believe that it is the will of Providence that all stricken should die. there must be fault somewhere amongst us, and from my experience among the sick and dying, I ran only give as a reason that there are too many doctors. By this, I mean parchmentM1. D.'s. who are licensed to kill. Naturally the friends of the sick call in the first doctor who is at hand, supposing that all be ring that honorable title are skillful. Thi- isi gross delusion. In proof, I will state facts, which have passed within the last three months under my own notice, and I only refer to those persons that have had a fair shareof attend- ance, and an implicit following of the doctor's directions, until in most cases death ensued. Fully ninety per cent. of persons having this kind of medical advice from the cotmencement of the simple stage of fever hrre died. That there was at great want of skill is own by the aueer'osf r others, (who would the el •ed to he called doctors,r ti.,'y having cur rinjy had cases of fever. These are ftcts kn tao may, and cr:: hoverified byexamilnmg the certiticrtes ,f h,riol-. at the cemeteries. There it will be sr , by the records thallt some of tile 31 D'a lost all their patients; or else, through cu- ,,tty. have taken too rmany in charge to give a ,proplr attendanie to all. As my ot jectin this communication is to 'draw public attention In thefact thlrt too malny teaths have occurred by trusting the lites; td' tihe sick to quas tr, anldl that it is .afer to let thie ptient take Iris chance than to call in esrer of these mis ralled doctors, who by their .fruist• are known to lack judgment anti kill. I will give a case in point : A certain doctror, in attendlance on three ment, gave them up as incurable, and tuoll them that there was no hope. and that they would die. tine of the " Howard men," whose notice they callle tniltr, thoughrrt otherwise, andi hie set to work and -lid not leave tllem until they were tonanleh•eut. They were uip and about the room. doing remarkably well, when, as fate would have it, this do;tor (!) heing in the vitmn- itv, by accident heard that they were living lie visited them, and. through hellir tears, forced them to take med•icle whichhe prescribedI, oattI in less thantwelve hoours ater, t/l Iteerre drad. Another doctor, not one htun Ired mtle. from the :t tCharles lhtel, visited a poor patient, and after orderiug some nltelict;u used the ex- presaion, " D iun you, you'll die!" ThisfItl- low was allhowed to see the sickoman again, and addled to his former fiendish lan.rruage, antel nhilo lie was ahusing him thle uan tdied. As it to:y he malte to appear by the quinck- cry class that 1 have a h.stility to the medical faculty, I herle discaim any ouoh itntenti,u, knowing that there are some of the most skill- ful and humane en amonug ,em;n bhit whileit is the tishio• to make the " fbol of the tomily " a tudent (!) of mwlheinre, nnt the many rival medical collteget grant diplomans to all who t:y f,,r thte coursets of lectures, it is time now, when death ,tlks antng as, to draw a diitinetioa, ant1 prertut very many of those mis-called doc- tors from nappronchiag the jick. Ileepectfully, A. t. J. MLisissippi Items. YELLOW •E'iRt IN NATCHuIZ.--The rree Tra- der of the 17th says: Upon inquiry among our citizens and conver- satin with several of our phyicians, we le:.rn that Iut three deaths have taken place fl'tm yellow fever originating here,.piOnounced such by the attending physician. Two fital ec-ses tnro Newolrleaus have occurred in the U S Ma- ne ltospital, nawl two others have occurred in ivote practice, both foreigners and both unac- e ted, aind one having been here but a week. het g recently pansed through NewOrleaus on his - here, and spent one day there. At aaeetiug of the City Council, on the 13lh, the following annucia:tion fromt the lealth Of- ticer was read: NATCotu, AngUlnt l;, 1801, SGentetrn-TI towl i t,,y ,dtoy to itlfJr, yin. tbh, you t lay puotl hly notify o:lters that ecaor of the yellow thevr h toe occurredl with unarlct- Imatetld citizens heleloeufre only ill such ttiltu ers nearly every year conlluol Iltlli This c-t, but uot in greater number and ti ntuuh iute.';ty. From this I infit the prolbabhility of a s 11 more extensive prey.lence: ana I ktot your in- tention is, thi:t the coltie of the country and city shall he faill y warned, that they may avo d exlpoure to the cause of 'lie disc tae, and apply in tlue fer mnedwlal tirealtlnt. Yolrs, etc., C. IH. [ ros•:, Ileu!th Officer. The City Council, doubling the correctnes3 of this opinion, polsed the fiollowing resolutions : , aiohlcd, That it is deieme l thle duty of this Board tt o keep the pIbhlc fully itnformellt d of the nanitary condlitioin if the city; ant in tirder to ,o this tlhe Hi' ltlth t'-nutiltee are direlc.tel to make lpublic the clmlmulinitcation of thle t'otith nit1nieitlhte thle ihllrd wt olttl Ii t ti:hat hid h9lime n, evidence thi" tile fever is let epidemic; but thw nili. is given that all persons nlay i, tetl glll' to gl ni l t ag illlt ill exp-,ures Ilnr wlt i e calculaled to prodllua- sickieas at thoi , 01,on itf tht " r, a ilt h e I- troiiI t in ir .itg. ill a -ihy.ic i li lie fir-t y taintto s t f ,i .li-ee. li , r , ... ''That wv.here• •, i i mt nlt ,rtlllh y of the c: : litly Ot l:Z eottllt.l ti e soexon lie re l, to to fur't'lt h tie le H llth 'aolulit eu with a ldliy trelcrt of the deatlahs wtht thy uiry ti. puL, i•:ttion. The lree Trralrc. after o:ating that the alarm i ou wai 'rm.lt atu.re, saysv: A panic lias hen proIueed; all persons that or ic iot cmi',ellel t o stay have gilll or are n re pIaring to go: ilerchtltl! are rliu !;li• h lt e in the e notllry lqro. ratoty to olo•Ulg ill t wit: a:i :tlogether there is suh a groamu,,l".s and uni. tvera:l triglht that the city will ill three diy's l. enitirely tihser:te ly a wll who ca get away. 1t llha t 'rlt r tn I i/,.,l:bnritg.-The Sentinel it' lhe la:th inst. aysn : We rfel it to hle ,i r duty to stlat, luptti tlhe tlllthlelt o tll't rotith , te'le y I l'e li n it h t tt here wis it dh,,it Icy y, ltl w lever 11 towil n ti Thu b :y. It is t n til try o try ln keoep , t:i, i thini" 'pt tell- . i tit, but bh i'el i t to ie wr, ng, as the ictsl when kollwn, talry nta.ke other, morle prlndent. T'I, cae >lpkrn ofi h 1Io eProta I nc a \ln, . 11, I thet, is , no aI ithen :,,.o ,t , c p ' tr t o .fl tt" L. a " li t - hi I t t hii ' "t i t ill tret 0I l nlati ep ;lallet in re i\. It l lc 4i t tin., Ill .l tale it i t t ' " tit It i lh hae tin to t ti n - li l , ' W I Iw' 1 t u o-l ,-t o c-,ti lenel it~ .t countr r , w ci. ls, f,, thi t I n we, n--uo- et:wr. ot the a:-n, t f the i -e t h ey will t:iv foill tri,,I, flee to the. eitit c int. ie' think that it w0 1,ld be I.clfi'tly site 1ar any one wi-lr .g to I to di so I Ketni t We " tii t ,r :i. , to mini k i J'\icrwle, we wi•i, w•ithout ht i'.lt.l. has tl .c:,llo• ig it e l ts: lWe h vU inl. nil I lhy sevo'ral cltizenis of .t 1. , thlit ittn I tcrop en rll , a'. nlt i, i.tai~ , but Iha•t c.ue leak< Il. ! ! t:i. hilt i n-|tt tit this rea.on of t1. - e..r, I .t in i lly plates s iin b-tt--r ctt li- tit th l it hlt I + i foryetis pai- t. Iy a getilt rsoh ht ltd e onsh Poti lrt •indt n, we or. inarill l e is gt t.at thlress arn niLe- S,1ity it prrcnt Irs-ail ii n ti Tt towtn,t huogh he t'nt.i , lhot'y tile +xistence of yellow lever Tie Iliteln 0 G ti+r e eof the ];th Ill :'l, : t . I , tU ~o" bi in"t n 1 t, tai niatv l i,, '-bn , ic er 1f,,r it,,.I , :,,, lllltl -. 11 ri Al" [ they'aal' the ,ewun elatw i t atet .c:,ot A while n i, , t 1 -- usi arrived it Alle- crowd of , ,' ,k- t-e niWlel, sn , ' cnr ri'l t,,e c'l ti', tl. i- that t e!ty 1101 1ecn i, l- The eut'er. t uleh Cushin .. I et,•,rt )! .'lo, land at n I J t' 1t ;!,l. a tt,- t4a t , l three "of it .tw 'llI -1 ii the I. th, ir.'muq .toi r set. la s tachueetts. '1 i.rst Tee•,lo complete the .tu,•ld- ron of six, to be fitted out by Mb Arthur Leary for the Treasury Department. News Items by Mail. The ijourneymen houste carpenters of New York are demanding $2 a day. Geu. Paet, ex-President of Venezuela, has be come a permanent resident of New York city. United States ship Cyane, Com. Hollins, from Pensacola, arrived in Halmpton Roads on the 12th inst. The New York canal tolls for the first week in August were i24,27 ; for the season, i1,471,1tS. I Increase $50,784. The Navy Department, it is said, is about to contraet with Il wlaund & Aspinwallto furnish the East IndiatSquadroa with coal. On the 1th inst. a sham tight took place in the Gut of Canso, on board the U i ship-of-war Decatur, in honor of the Earl of Ellesmere. Mr. Bancroft will publish the third volume ol his h" History of the American Revolution." bhe ing the sixth of his "i H istory of tihe United States," in October. Professor A. 1). Bache. of the U. 8. Coast Survey, has been elected President of the Ametr cean Association for the Advancement of Edu- cation. M. Robinson, of Baltimores ; A. P. Jump, of Maryland, and W. Robinson, of Virginia, gra duated week before last at the New York Las SSchool at Poughkeepsie The O'Donohue and Trainer duol case,at Boston, was discharged on the 12th inst , thi racuser declining to prosecute. The belligerento then shook hands and made it all up. The quantity of pine lumber manufactured inWit'onsin is very great. The amount of pine lumber pro luced in the htate is 211,0t00,100 feet, which amount includes sawed lumber only. It is now thoughtthatthe IInn. Robert J. Walker will yet be able to proceed to China in the iron steamer Allegheny, which will beready for service in about two weeks. Amon, the recent deaths in England was Henury i ockton, the author of Valentine Vox Sylvester Soulnd, and some other works, witch have enijyed an extensive popularity with a reretailaess of readers. The sh:ip which conveyed Gen. Wolfe to Que- hbe is still afloat. uonler the nalme of " Williatt and Ann " bhe was built in 17tt3 for: bmh- ketch, and was in dock in the Thames ree ,nte.y, sound. and likely to endure lmany years yet. She is now engaged in the Hlonduras and Aiiri- can timbertrade. The valuation of real estate in the city of Btsrton, for the present year. as ascertained by the assessors, is ~lh3.2ti1tJ)0 ; per sonal e.tate, 90.6til.400; total valuation, e,21t.12tt,4011, numberot pollis, l4t,Il)0; an I the ratio of taxa- lion alopted for tile present year is 76 cens uOn one hundretd dollars. In the 31nnicipal Court of Boston, on the 1lth inst., Lemuel N. Clark, on a charge of larceny froml a lwellin" hlouse, was sentencerd to two years in the lt.use of Correction. At hits particular request, however, the sentence was changed to the State l'rison, as he sati be I referred that institutiua, which h hh bad visit.d twice before. Rev. Mr. Johnson, of the Baptist Church in Sptgerties, N. Y , %it! his wile and inthtut chilp, took a sail in a o:.tlil boat a few lays .go. antd oat their startih. tot return hmte Mrs J.s'umbled a:rnd fell over '.'ttI. withl the chill il her arms. ?1r. J. so.•:,t holdl f his witeis dress and ws a:!O3 0 1twn overboarl. Tlihe Ihc'h went dowI together, hbut ill tile tru-gle they became separate, :rm) Nhs. J, anl the child were drowaec Mre. . reached the ehoie nearly exh.atte I. A late London letter writer says: " The third volume of Mac.ulay's history is to sppear in a few weets, the celel.rated author having at last delivered his MS. to his pubaiiler. Ilis frientds never believed that he wouq be able to fitliish it, astile excesive use of .plum, to which ihe isadlbcted, has destroyed his heal:h, and prevents him l r l anly continued mental exer- tion. A tory author, whom I saw a few days I back, remarked about the expected third vol- ume of Macaulay, ' it will be his tlor-y, butnot Hitolory.'' A very interesting casehas recently been lecided in Ireland, in which iwa i declared by thecourt that a nun is not atld in law, but could succetd to an estate as the lawful heir. Tile statutes f mtort main were declared not to apply to a ptersou in her conlhtito The caseis regc:itded as importtant, aut otly for the con-e- qll,'nces re.:!tihg peculnarilv, but as nlakl. v voit, I fI :lte liw can, the vow of poier'y ta:ku Iby itrotse I liuns. The de-ision wtill lmak: eome nl 0 in tile world, udt is token to theBlritish llouoe of Lords on appeal m s - s Dead !t"I' . ;,,. t k" I,'- TH lle ll\IY-NInt I'-',,.lii F. i ,,.. TIi,r rvt or,(,r +wi:;. arc t r ,i( ll wI , "".I r u.....1 hl l i". .S.rk.I-..e. . I , s. rua.rtr!....twArfrl~rJO rrta~'. I ,, t, W, .- , -1 c 'I; . r . ii.,..:r 1r".. wn , " . r rlur ~,. , f' n :ne,y f'r"'r.w, Ir FE .r ,I. '11i.1111t Al~r.\I1"\1-I : lle ,. l l nl' C>T' ii .r.,l.....,) ",.., o' f). \1 v.,"". ,...., .I "1'f'r .," i !. .' III )'\iU -\1\r:"411 x:1 ki,. ,o \,, J...:" V I~rk, . r I '. F " ('1V, II n n ',A 1.",.~ ~i " t.",.:, I."1 f' or Y-tl ri Fn -"1 i0) N CT r.. .:. 1 I 1 r... .I J i i.n . .1y ' Ilrl r r, , .. tii r ; l hn! I* 1I.~l i i I I 1 C I 'i. L i\\I I_ Le Al~~l : ~... il.l O I~fRUS.1 GRAY, .11I u orl r, ., ~ i: W.DarT RE(FIl': lift iAU.s L. I; H1lL', 105 Ve IN L hEj 1'. 105 bI .11Y 1-Ii 'I tI MU It I II\\t h1" IF I :I M I . .I I I .1 I r ( , ,\ \ " `:I 1'.I YF I :l WI't1'1I E p 1 11t 7\ I 1 h ; .. I- ' fel Fines . L. . :W I t .. t11\1)Al ' AlI. .4 at 1i11f Iol iii I, ."1 "I 1 I I r Y\I 1ln\: 14IOtiTY Fl:t:T I F TAI'!? R'nh\I E~Ih1'1Ld 1 -.. curt ... f l I " :I. ii .. i ii : 1 ! . i 1 IF .I .i\ I \ , r. II'l II 1r" . 1 I I III ('i- U.R\I t i . 1 " .. ... I) I i 1 1 . .1 Iii 11 " I.I i .I- Ix h I lr l l l~ir ".Ju.i~d rhold . r nl~l r .I1i 1' ~ Dullr I. n. I 1JI 'd ab) .h 1 I .nu arl e W t:< p U r~p. ur rhuf, to I U rlry Dtt11rn.a ( urylk:u4lh .da\ C.L'rv tr9 WHUi CKNTIUK. S'roAE: (iinheITTrv- At of1 i, U+.iha.C~ ~ . . IIl inlb.. WybiN.. .. o-il (Iltila r I I ATUIIMA(. on bu hlh -I-t, Lr MI-4 Si "...I -I,. F.. ALPtIviE Ik :f mw. DIUNCAN F. RIINN'R, of I i-ol ,, 11""d Il'oar A nnol Dwterr 1 J. 11N RAY, F A A k' Irtl^ Co; rr.uxl Dixlrlcl. ,.re -'4IIYE . \ lIS\ .. 'll l; I - I IlY All U, I. S 1h,-l O, I AI. t' EllffARDR. Lrn~V yr IltY. lt Wbig pnp.. h.hahL""tII Slw, rll pl111 IA. BOB Mr' UEDWARD t WV IDMINO, L.A ICARRIiS, AllA1,y. flr The six gentlemen above name l were ".x11 , ICC( "t u I.>1 ar AlIC r* prlrant Ith Fl.FAh pre. r to .rr O' x ,IrtIn eh~ Ptt-hialend llnl Cunlleuil"nn l D--O C-1-DLI M C.EDWAADS, PrrIInt. P.rPLEI.ECVq a...faror. ."ItY PlrerrFsO 1151KV 'F. ItIAAN.-Tihe meihodt nl . Il.,- I - Ii I.gI. h Iah 11. I n hw ri v .luu'ahl. l.. I 11 rl13~PlI IC n I l, CII xnl CC C tb I'. 1~II n~l ",I .. I , I" xnl, x, n"" li n". , `, I ? Y nn .. " r 1., ,1" 1 11 F r-ninx 1'i ,"e ,o en 1~1nmn~ iin x r r.t~ 1~ ,." "x n xl. txr .w~ " e r IF: P)I I,, a ipxiRr1.Ii' Cku'L(`I ,U OF I'RUTLI'TIONFILtE JO O I` . Y A N . I.- 1. A: HI klR ,.i tyn,, .n"1 An...,.d.P...l. 6. 1. II1 IIUA Y h t i k `. 111. tr', u lr,w i r'I nmoP, u iy U. ,1"R 1' L'H A(." '3 M- n. 4d 01 '-.-h11I1 CHAR LILL* H \AI.1NI It.. 19N w I..... 11. JW, ArI HAh \ WORIrA 1.1-st A.FurL lnul TH-IHA% 'LT~kY -,- ,fli V..k .n..~o C-ii~rllt-wU 1 tt MI'I l"111', "rr .. offit Jurwtl o, 'rllupuuul .l I-ft. 1 Y 1 r1 ,Y.W I ;L tk fyit.R .. r NV. H Rb:.R/, a,.ne~r NI* 1..".. .'u1.Wi rY. V '"I . , r Nd [ H. BART iV Illir 1 11a AtA r:M we In. r~rl.l .d". N n) ut A. .k oumiw,a l .ryilw. rT m~br of LY Rr:ui n rsnultN.. WI1I~p rl6 Locritl>A (Ilta - Relief Committee. ho tkoll.L.g lit .mmn hav. bEn duly lpdLat,l . Rlib Cmullu• L-J ATR I1 < , l t ", " 'Y M rlN o rle t r. t RALA *I AIIYYIl F R Pali .. fAS I 3. T-0Y JIll , I. ' ,, r P 'I)U IR \' Y .I' ."I, Ys.n Tlll ,, l. JA-N- .I. A Y. A .lYIET 1. , Il. IAi, r, Altr A l l t 'I -IRRR u", ". r .. , umiiuu .. ira wr W IARuT. ' \ A A i , t l. .l rW i t. 'An PO PA.T JLIT ,I Al TaIAR 11rT 1n . 3 uvFAS I 'Aro. ARwPOR.LESl TWR•t'L , 3I'].. A,'W U.oTY.- IA.: . .lh . I.-. A. -, , I ,t..l rl ,. u1 , 1. T t1 . If. I,;E5.s r,' ,l, . tA m l.. 1,i". HY•- IY BLuirl., J, O. Itm'Nt Y'. U+ , H J. ST A •BLl'FY', Ih{•,o unl. L%%W IA R•RAII tIl. Cl- ,:* JohW&"; JAS. BLOI:S. (. FR AH D m rl'l Ii it I.•-s, . 1nwA~t, A,, IAntriTr o,--July 23, '.-- Tl .il r re ur"^.l'l f r. W.. s•pu.sd toulll..t il~a~ Ia sd :oIRS r &ro i 1,, J. .i+,,m. m, O •.:'Res'lrlW l', M~tAD IIeTrR, -. ltr'mri I r4,.IT r. :. W WHVIILL, J. J. ultWA6, J. bd. A+,r, lWAr.. J. -p .wi S. r !oon . .I .. 'e rr .. SI . . .. 'pN. p3` HoW7AM K AtqlulCAth):O -- New Orleans, I4 II ,;.n -Trh .. .l.r rut -.. : rrlv.ru.1 V.. kId . LrL UU 'r~ul 1~ t I .ttrllny p,not older b. p .1 p. N. rS EfiI,.. :r TI LM. M AITA'IA ,,,.f 22--..t- 1 . PI.dd.16 ".E. .P.W F pEIC r, Uiu -- .t. .- v2 N. ~LO2.. W rr, nlnl W-, ... , ht, w.PY. DI. HIRElY Iu 15 I A. ln IA eVLIl .. I'I2 H1,W.y.". .1d . ::.ltY. P.. YH;SAR,Ud.' htnB.Au. .. j. fn. lNEI NEN 13('rwadll re 1 .: NJEA 17~IIRIACI..IVS...,717.AAl. PN. 7EH'iE,. 11"5 .. S... psi p,. H 77 "CHF S .". B. Ak. 1. ' ,"t.Ch r.. I U1' Inrt, cur Oau l Dr..'3 rY*c'o \IN 11,'-'() , I fDr. cXIRI Y U,U .m' "n.: R w.l A*. KlIA'lYl " lhlip n r*.t. D.~a~. LFu0.7fl, :t l t., " c,~l~u Dr."f13 r 11, rA"0 o I:nr u ll. a^^w1 IfrH a M A RT, 5.. l .", nh:.nr n i Camp. r th . 110 RU, L I.r ~i ~ Dr. RI. '. LR\R1 11 'I's I . ru. In B .. tV'"ING, t.. .J..".t, , .. U.R ilrn., Dr, J. A "1YT& !I. E,/ 'n" Jr... utL. Dr, SCHUBERT , .. rn" .r o" 1tly nu I e n .tll. . IR A.1)L-lnlcU1-Hr , myuth nn +:. ... r R'. AlI rwb. Rn r n p" 11n1 0,4r .. m.. t 1 L11 1 11.'w.. Ir , . h th. I/7/ ryll n 1 RICA RIN, B..trrl }D' W ,wl r AHo ii IATIn\ -S ew Orleena, A hi' h ", 5 i_, ,,i..r Wa. .. VT;.i ,.. F Ift,1,1 h ier,,,,eOu,, , ,.i~.in~ ~ ... rr 7 I.r llh''. & l':1 a . nr- et rTI.A aU V , \I. 4 11 1 I 1,~ raru.r htANu! ,RhY." .-Y. CAt '.r.,*! IYa.Ik.rr .lrw I .. H.,L. 37 -A *.~.~."rr of PmydrNd 4"".n .Vu J Pr. llltk 1f, " I TI reupt.I " Y1 Lr*~w Ilt T K 1NWI\Ihr, .u, ,,* h.%.1 u ., lb. a,! Man A b1IAIHI, ". "rlr~l,)(;. Mmr'l n u C f..4 IA 11' AtI(. I I /l aY uAIIA Lr n.*.., }'. PO I.I' r1,ron. V.7Ylad P,"q,..u Y r1.A. L. r &il.9r)i, " "lr 11aI. 4 al1 Il.r , 1.. Air.L(,, . r r " y 1 I~uuyil;lY"trN F. f RaY6Kil,.p 1, tY 7a~su.4 .iY .Lr1"{ C!Clli.PS a 1 (. $a ur1. A. .AL[R. o .rr "I ra."/ll y/ NraI. AllnY. A,Sr:HWAB, r Lvr " r~l. Mt r Y.n ad LIIaIOC, 1,1: BI\, r. n' O. ull. d VW". AlIt. A. Cr(;"yA~,..nr ". I1Pa ,.d iullCI Hnw~t. J. A1, P.Gt,'V 1, nr t I : a" " ""1 .. / .Tpu Road. II A.C;)ILDI1* ,', 11'..."d 114 UnW IIrY. D LAI.. ., L vr-lVL.II wl*IIU YrLL)waL 1 .. I", J PTpIa Y I II, it. llER, .... ,".n i, d * yar. . L"r*. :.1,:..1.1', V, r"r.. Y, r:_, 7 N 1 ""~d INnyYrll I~ran1. rIY' `... ,r' I.e t r u1 at t ha Al rn u l li..d, ri..i;r D 1 &ICA IrulJW Irv Ilr*uu y C- 11'1s Ay h rillls'fwN, - BOW1I YiY 1', 'rL .1.1.11'.1. 1'n.. "!.:, ,, 1t lfs((Hlp .. d/Yp tr..t. ri. \1 111'"1', F,r,: L' I'.-ll~rN. r ny t" u ,""W b6-6 Or. r ,II!"." ,...1'.. i drY .+B.4 n ti. RI,.-rIrthl I,'(n...nr, I/ u . " uL f/ (icy Ir I. It!' flllrl '.rail r,der r .ly .t " .. d ItrlWLY I Y** 15 I .. 7I Ls. r r, r rl runp."d .ly. .r"";. T . It'y-. .'-..e.. DA, .. p e~aeU. ME 11.!iiII.I I't, )' . e~d Deionl e41e1, LYrt rrl: p 1': It \ iIt r:I JL N 1 , 8t. l P. 11 1n. 1. u .hrlLY t l'h 1 A! 1., : 1 r : u..d..t e'lppe el. W \!1M J .;Iait:'7.1- n :".w ...... , ... r Yllrru. U.7 -VAN,rl\ Y.rl.' tr..t, Ctr..a P..wpur Aaaft mli . Ur nrw~e r~q rnnlnl." I111 pl... r7 t1' -74 t. t.. . r . .. .t. d tiul rh w "7t !.i M .LIlr UI Ir.r: tlw . , o a. I , . t,,*Yr " u o rul " h M 5ew 21 R:' r i?,rllAr : ;.aol Irrr rnillE F Ii1t'E:tl LANG4UAiE. -- Munleur ''tAllt I'L.\NING MILL, crner of Hercule- . p.. n.l. .n. 1., jlO COKE CONSUMEKS,-From sad alter V ." i. . '4(...n*..,ta, t .f. 6, •r•t HA.)'A- DEA.LCKi: AND BUILD 1'FI DOf 1 ri .1 I .. s . I ,AL.. rt a H.ARR I, SCHEiESE-lo0 oses English D,,iry and Pine II loan. m t o e aS h, f.. Or J. ft. Sled1, PUBLLSHER, J3OOKSELLCR d BSTATIONEIt, 60 'CAMP STREET.- l r ALWAYS ONE HAND. A (%Mu'L3M asaIrurNT OF I.AW (E.~.. .d FV..), NIrIePAAL. 'IC1 IPK ANtD RCnDS. 1nJOK!. ('1.\4a*Al. )A\ AITERARY WORIAS OCd.P won- [NIATANS., RTC. 1! TATIICINEV. DAXIVT1(' AND FODIVAOR. 1P BLANK NOASNB ANDCADA A o.7 -dIU,.A. 17 Ill NTINA AND ROOK AINUONII *..A4 itA .. *. Ap1 dl.A.lh. SW AII:NT PA1 1. T. WHIAIA PDIINTTNJ TDAPU, LD., AN II'In A CO.'SLDLEBRAThA) ANINTINA P50MhZ, . "U FI95W EiADU Dank er Corlar. s Co. 8V Cip "t.. .4 L r MX TM Qri. U47M T P V .. w.." W a .w~n WM. A -tn.. WW POU BR OCN?. IM.MMT ,g - D. i to . 1./b.w .. 1f" iP lius. aned Sin Paintlng. A. WOODS, Ni. 30 Cii.Mhoai.. .trwiu i.,P RIWTL 3" AL ORDII L!rrW ITII 10y WIL. i I POiiPTLY Arr Nnln TO. -14 Ir.. I11n. 0. DiboUl. CARr N T R A N D UIL D R, No. 170 St. Joseph stret, Mt-- el. ("WIN -4 C-d~lt IT flJiiLLtNO.1 i.u...4p. tin r- .i.0'. ........ R7. 10h, l.o.. ,,,, .. .,.d. ,t rI .i00,d .. .. IM .... I e+.h D-, -ld 0..)..,.d. ANr r..il,..,.Iw* Ir\ P.O. l r. Edw. Jeaiu'a ('o.r.", Dr~uumr, No. 75 Camp it. rvT D. L. 1. CTK'R PRIPARATnYA, i. ?Ai nN1 u+ M .. rl, l'H ... , \.. br LI"\.In nir m In .I.:. ,.y r~p.W Ilulp"r.l if((ru.A b, ".0. .".0.:,. M. SO 1\.Y..V. n LR"IH[RN miliH LY*IP. Vi01I 'RT II *PlI, IBULAPAS.L B iD (5J . A.111CAN IOU am LY(zznl V. aiDsnet Iin 'r.B0RRT t R 151 7 1140 ANuD P00- M~nlNT CUBA Or Tug 1ll19. ttr )pl . N+ 1$Cr. r..* y D. . -d pr To t.. Ladieu. MA1) Ali PLAT3N 0 D.t* p.'.0,,'I.l Ar.h w. .. , n 0 h.. Irl... ( 4 7001 110Db .\" ruP-M-1 Mh lb- - "-',A A-w1 PIUO.API;J 1'TLPI. VInflU. IROFU'.K ANDPAI'IFUI.MONIORD&TON iN- B.YI1 F. Sr~nafu., fliTrrwry. 114MMTA.CI:RTIMO 11. mIARL 31. V. T\. r..M+.t .1.Pt d N ". r :.:\...h h \.. r..t t\..rnrml b*e .. WN..u1.1:.4 Anrd., u. n" P.""., 1 4Jn .+A P~ r.. Twh, IM nia h~r., (.w.Y .. \u w:1. Cllli.P, . w..) rrFI11 IYtr bl re ".. I".NA.. ., n ImILL. W 4--- .f A.(i.- r,10 . +..I,.rn ....... r . rn b -rd. M~d P. d.-I. Lxn~i. r.rlul ( . lru. rr rSlls. II u ~ ~rIIWIRS Ds, J Lw rr [Met - -'B. F. PltnUlh, DDNTIAT. 114 ST. CLLe RLU KTRr.RT, .IIP S d . 6..w L...rI Mb r haegi1 E. Ii Ue, 1. rd 14 r... kr (1.., T Y. 1(3 CPTIl'11, doer h~n *.~..n uI rrrc w\: rr~rNI.,i T , 1^ 11r Y f i-. ']IY" i In 1(C 'r( IR . w r I b N .. '"d _ _ v I i - 1 " Drug.,.V/edicnea, Perflnmery, dtc 14.n TkTA."y f am''. w h . .I r'.1 ,IAS , ueppiu.[....) u. al. :. r ,r, r " lr r e". .h. 1 ikeynN'n, .'ll hahed R.H aIAS l.8oirA.g Ilmv+l; .i'~~l.l~~ l.Lnl. .A.I . 'AI 4. .A*. 141,3311 1~n 4. .wk Ih.-I. A.. . w44l'4444 l r..Li.. LI! i Immr~ l N . : p:; s 11,; r, lk-i' Pf I'UYIITT out!L IIi IX& t TA.)$1 A. v\ iY yl777,* 7*M,1 47nL ? A.C 6A. 1". hlmba 714- tI. la Demwl 1.ord fleydor, FOR !tOUNO LADILS, OONDUCTID By MIA M.D DLAIrrkT. Ne .. r-rn4d . N,.. Nw1.S.Y1 IwkNr. .. Nit .r~l yNouw.\;e,:r"rl. q, rod. Sw .f A.., Ae.'. * Y. IYn ... yMt -. 1.8d-lwi 1113n PIOYUI IRAYD mwn. n.peil TN 4nftl ~r. ai n I wl..t Al.v\. IU.I. yIt, .t 0. I.A~b, TIYOI CIRCUS, 1&4LI5111 131 A713W y1 Inc.U T. ?kylor, AIZO 1ROYAL ITFMDA ASAAOIIA UB"RI.9 7144 W .INES, IQUORSCORDI, N. ALS , N,. A [a .. r lr Ihnn u w+.lr :.+r~., -ll OK Ou/Neld'a lrnrictln H wlpplw Un ft.-, WII(IV A Mf~f~ 9' '~~ A. J PIORIAR BRAND, *KAILISnrn IN IM. A4. SAYLIA CO., A PRIZE MEDAL~ WAN AWAS. -9D AT rW. WDIVIA, .41., "1" "".l NOLMUCIATL UTA II,,r IT.( II t, SWQy A. h. n tA..,7I r".wt.. Il,;y Iyuol , .* L 1.kHR4.M104'l.A4C1 I'... nmrr 'rlll G... m.. Bl.unllt. R. V. (IALP IN A CO~ Nom.1 " 71'.lE Atr I. 4d N>, " .tleet R w HALL, SC",IP A CO.,romr f nl .. ,d T.++: plloul.-%vu 1. L. J'+liv Stn 11 A 1., +: "..r : lU. .I . . . .A 4 A ... 7 1,. WHITC.IVR A I"AN)CH.,.,r To.. 1 w .. f .. d Yv ItS.L. A. J.RO8.tR A C.4 . { Pgn.l .,n";.; 10JI. 0T1 LLI' IN, TATI).,n,.,.,r. 4.4 EY / Bu EfbnV, yt l,,n - l 3. e . SAYLY aCO.,t I Comm""''. 36 rl Im( [RN DAI.I.TnI1 A 1vl..nr.. u' N".v,. 2..;Crylupl\MJttW1 V1 . ADVS., T. '+. ir ....... J!)I L Y I, SNAP V I ti' f, 'tr I"".na''+RlI ,\. WESTERN P1(1' I. iR _I,. i..I. AN Mr 0.i1M fii A. A. n, IYI" - _- OH. CnA RI. DUiri)A M, [(n..lnl.llr Ci 4Y Rt M ETI\,f11'EN f yl. rrluull~[~y[ IIt, ",Se A :RuILIp. AT hee mat.+ MA' y, r rtMA(A(1NbAet) 1LX,.gOYR:&daiuM s, Z&2L.'', XJ)L.ATRAW,?AAI LL. Ad CAMFA..M) A61-. 1 sM"y. v vM/MT A m, N PIX)Lb ebteelrwe. .aga~, 8Aouj arsd firegen,us R0 ludhl~ro blp Yorl,.ll,nd u MIeyunNNl ",-**t fr mOom. M)IM. YO6A AN, HAW, .A ! IIIlOr pi O M "PA. EUvkT 51-4AM*I. WOOl MEI6AM, PML.U LA*N,ATRAW NA OAMFZACUT EAts, M Me L~r1 e ~elet prf eu. 4! e1" rM+ "W*T A . 1!'yr ne+M4 GN RBAT BARGAINS. - d. PiJILLIi'b. of 'U ^ Rl iRR 1 :17PIAIINTITY . Y. *r .Y.., .. r Man.. a~m.., r-,11 D,rrr u r 1 arrNOrulmlrI i * P.u A""r t FneN U-11, W.i d.",rw "I r"Ww( 1y uYV 4,1,iI LY kwo ,Yd .. IL V -4 f AV(;T AVU IT.PLC ASE 111.'18 OA, l p. Th " hul, L. l~n 1" . .,uA .. " :.ll.. 1.d . or In",M." 1" n IJ .' ,. * 'C , I.. w 6 w K NnY ywY ).."l x ~ i,,wnrlt r NN INTS, I. . ..Ar . dIOCIRAN &n .. . . AIL". III' YCUI .'rlllln~ 01IO 0III,. 4...~lu~p, AIA ,.. A, hULxd 1-. U'AM.N LAK0 LLIZNto, ryrrr. to "+, ripmae Fl!K DA HMIY, hr rnr,.1,r 8N " 0. WI.&(' B 0NSk.l: l*Qll )CIIR lAIN&. ,""e. AA .AA I M ll h .rr ,u, 9..."v ", I.l d n AlArd. DYI 1 .p., 9aa, h.. ... .9 .s. .1.., A...vI I4n 3 l .o. I.. ' .TA..y .1 - , - 3na.n KI Gd UOU8r , dl~ul Ci gr- AI ,I "r"". o. ,lrr ,.":J Mla ra, h 0 N N t 9 Nro. UT LjrS " I(. fIAru,r( ".A I.I t% ki, 11.4 . . Y NNAIWA L'YXCIIAR N B ASEDO , B U . r.- r tr I w,...a len ... . ... r . l 51W YORK, W i'.IAUAlfAA70 RAY I. AlLrYl. v~,I, S. W. & S. G. CO CRALIN &Mu., AIANLUON L+.YMUad 1w.... .. ....... .. YrIUI. AIP IrI,. L TISVALLU, Y o .u 1 IAII YLe. 1 lllI. MIA Mk acIA(LC L("" A l, . JR A".. ,.. Imw.. jNr 4 1TYHAN i OF ORU TUF A.N Lar., 88, air S "JNI. -Seine pof d aIff.r.nt tio~o, j r re- Ff"1I iAY~~ rUln lnlI .lyl( ; :.. w Zhu LINO(I r Mr tn. IA. J u:. AAAACMAt'A J A .,ITIAy C . " .41 3MA&N oP DAIA 31. 11 Lamp . steS. Ill1W'ON, IT. U/Ct6,rree( NL TRS LOITILP 4" AT119 9 FIER a 5( El IM T Ie T AD Y F, A3 YOK, I n .1U al)I IA lu III LVAL I1I L M uoirw, LOUP VILL, UT u IO' atrLL 1..4 YI A YH1LfU t C 119 1 1 .. r JURYB LEF'E Stck, ote Ezeang XCIIbt0Y -71U Idll~ on oii..soi aE , . V.I. 01% J =192Mnl i ir -A.. f,.ro ti A .n ,. d .rAn " Y, tun auc } 1 Ai, I', S .IL110I.d\1' '1'C.- Illm " v t, ow 1h" " . I St a SIA: . SM'NES.-Seines of dil flcrent Biz", jus To Nt."d IIII I . YW1 "I f ." L . u IW NRN ofVo * llilI\ I.l lrrl M.. L I I1( FI r A( '.li: ,y. \'ul. 0. M,11. u"1 hs isjuel lip u calM eFEl ii'" r" w u"IITA .I..t eunlb r":Ic. . r"Il. ~ ,. K cAYrr l~h 'll1. 1. 1 ( r m;. N U I IMma l !t r . 1, _ _ r. ' JI U. rl X.,i ^." "..."t .. f +N j VIR~rtX. .. .r I ", +.~ tI fP OIOK AND LADI)DR O(IMYANY NA. ..-.. n R, 1, *n ~l q 1t i l, oft , t" HWld- ld I ."wln, hl nnnl, ,hr f Il~wlnK R"Iiol C1,.nuil wM Y/t r N M . 16* ir~lu l Ir. Nn AIIM["Y , Tr, llnnll 1 -. , .l.* er t. R. KY fJA, I I.Vln r t.5 rl) .. ,t IIn t. 1I1hN. Mkill. FIItRAiFNCITARITAHLE ASOlCIATTO N R.', I , Th7.A'*'. tA ",Ah.4.tIj l... a. h : f., e. tn .Jn Nr"n N.l I* 7wd. A...... r It ", M fw I t " In 7777577 7. i..b pitrp ., or .M I .h tP78 4' 4 4 r4 47 487 3,14INNS , 111, R1 7 . ' li 4lp N 3r MI l, . 14 n f, I At rM(A17lr'H 1{ ll' HR, ",\" Il. nnr~i nrai. Y"1 Dnntu .Irr"1.. RiRVAIIC r'l ' V Y.. 1', I'.lr, nLrn PuI wrJ SOIJI. Jnrru 111 Y' ..4 'IA.P.'...I lrl 1 J0M ,V H7 la. n r. I, ll a nlsl n .r IIIt, t"MwA Jl1N\ " , ,:I',r .: 1,1 V". II, Trilna \11I. L~t.sl lrt. ulD 110r'l yrlr,,l r ' I. C -1- U-trt LMt-fr Lwr J r:... t." I n,. .t , 1111 P1 S . 453474 ... ,4., A .'-f'"I r17754 7 I.l . L 0 IARM1I.L 1 IY., i r ""n 8. , A' -D H,r I(ML I'fI . I.IIEt4 P- Tll " 1'" , . I 1 , rtll r Oul",~ r.." II. .r''~ i,111 'I NALLRLII . .a r . I ri.I- Utl ,"Y A. S11LI.FLl. .r.:I of . " ' ^ I .. C 1 Ap, PPF'- I t M, 1 I(.mar.~l~ Io. n. *" \ ul y w u 6~- I~~~ . "l~ y.. irJ : i r~~: .. JV7~~~I* 1. 1 lIL, t. w u I r r 'nr' Y t itkorn, wu 77 r u.. . `!J~ t t . YM. "1 . JA N - 'oft R 1 Il tw 's P'.. 'v 1 h1i Y ! OX.%`,I~~o I~ iT ANN W iiii U r h ` '( 1 "' " n i~' I r ", 11111n t iww L ( "t .il ." r t I I.`Iw. r Ilf Milk a NlS } F l{ ' A•r l~ ~ . AA V N 't tl.A .I 1" L 1 ,.,• nr r.l rr r . , .. ,, ,,,,r ' .f .^ RN 64. : 1, T . ............ ipt"~ . .. .... w , ,.. ... ,- *Yr*r rrlp 1' ) II I ' ". ... ... "' 4 I ;r I, 11 i T cw . "1. r. ." T" !""" ,W' " M, " 1t" r IN f1" lro r. .lr . r, .. " ti I .- An 1) . ,'-- IA, I,,. 1.-11 Itlll l~K' J l~ }'ll.. 'r Ll al, r- r,% 40. A.- . -,.,I I~r . N -8. W ~1ntI , ,. ."ri Y n.. r i .. r. sw le~ , gtl(.. .' . . Y. A.P., l.."lt .. ".... la `1. eV l,, B ~l i . HET r . It. .)i~~i I r~..,..... I) I P1"'1 S I. REIEF I' N1 CI M,' tl.' JA1 r r~ I . a . . . L.. ,... t".". ." ,.te. . ` '.t r r 1.. :, .. er.... ua J 'r . \, n Y,. "., - !I.T.Yn., t AL R... W.,. 51."..-- .!,ht frndr { No. Z ll . +.. , ,, , >.+ ,-. ,! I '1* I o' ,,,,l ,,, .1 W.J .) %'. - Krt.: 1. u, T. .I' WI '. 1' K'1 i1` 4. JI*NV { If.. liii Gui iA' b'. .If ,+ . II'... I . :.u', (" .l . ' a .- N'I.I SAL ~a .. _ l %.. l"pl w.".11. -- '1 ,+t"* -RI.AN4 1r L ,, RLm-+ (`.. "i, W.'.+WI...-'h. ().t r,•m t",i~.' iH'- Y" i.l . : ' ... o .,, = ,.,i+be ,. . "+, If {' I ,.e,1p ,p ,N { t`.Ai-l ~ . Sl .+,*. . .,,. 1d -ARI' N 171' II v + ,+ , + t -+ " *iH , K .w p" .. V H..I I IiA 7 +41. Y I - , *. I Irl I , tb r, r b pt J (JL tiN 1.1 (t 1i. I .' S r ,A .Y J. t.. mR o. .. I R n r n I / ti-+r I.. (+ J.' IANUI UY 1ll rl I. -, . Bk A ta I. t'[. ( s. (1.9 -A 1.,S(. 1,L..l{46.,Nlp I rhiII n, w ,.l-. n .,:.n" w~ .... r.. .. r..rr U flYTIKAI MEN. -I Hill payM InwAFAVETTE f*i rlr 1."f1;I R1'N Yl llu,. ` Itl :"V. -\'rvi . '"xM I.,,.. rl.ll1, CI (,) r{.l ; fa .r ", 1,re.. Ma. 1vIY. .11 Ft .. Y S "[LnP. ":t ) 'x Y.. L I.1. r.S W *, e" rY. J. ci. OT EO T1 Itr.InI1:d0 J 'l[1 i; 1 .I: il. FI' Y 1I 1 IY I \ . . ... "1 n 14u r l, rr. .. I-Y ... 1.i " . M ur n 'j 4 t f r .lx. .t e ... 1 , "' xo u olY f ,":.". 4 ,t Ip t ll:E OF '1'l1C 1 tUK. LilUI~, alinPlI E 1 rna11 lu +...1I."P .rYra ,T. .. Mu. .cl *.. ',4w,4. 1 '. t,. k\IILI""-*1 1' 1"U Tl* L.,IMA .Ill .7. It 1iR:A, Jf1n 2F' .l -R, ;r r 1'i .: 4aU~at:J"I. l , ke apn "Itcr, wflnyLr ,!r 1.1. 1()., .YYoT .r.rh.. C(rl .I tTilii.-oin aud a tr the 1st of January. Irnr. 1~n n Y. n, , x::l to " n~p Ir *r, d. n L~e n: "` KI.".V Kl:l .Ir . ~lne.lr, wW Lullf`"\: L u.A~r M" l', M. P. A 4.4 J(X).,38 Uuly rwol. L Co"IL no. l. _____ me w" . , U Gj1,1 IV . I.p1 . ... 4g. In i i.l IlaK 1: .. 71 .. yy ." AS 1",a\ i+, R+... Rwrr :w , JAL rl l .1kAI .1 .6r yL Ju "<is.t~h '1 IC1t LJ, nAlt~h.l\'11 !- AR . it! [-A.T~ t1 % l,, ,, mu du C. I" rll+ "' . J .A r,. ~y~r~ C.4.j 'C'.i!H,.l u'e..n . .:. H 'i.`. , i h :1.r ",xl ... traa ,r+ ."uI.. vr~wHuYMI. Yr,1aI{ Y. Yaw. w. rI M.'1.l ir q. 1:rtw "1 tl al lr.l . L r . U.Ix, .{N yf V.L+., ., ve~f P.l~a. wt. 1tIltr.sa.... trrwt, " C..n'1y`w a w".Y. ., . V " 1. N.. Y.. y n P lr~lxiu wt 'wax'{. .. , ,P' il~fl, h. n. Tahaap lu avea... a. fulWV. .u. .I Yr wW Pwo. MrTr.. Y. YaIYn; \. Y.1., *. Youa, r. .; w., "r I ., Ytlrrw1. .Ii A..`. M~-,~ r..l YaI. I, 4i . L.lvrwfO. 6.....tllOt = - iJu~rYll N- CYOY'a a 4 Vl amrl .1'1r

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Page 1: flr L.A ICARRIiS, AllA1,y.chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82015753/1853-08... · .tie, ass.suim the Editorial charge of la Iesn known at the North, and te Union, as a whi of" slga




tetW ulbe .Yw t. on ,

A t22. IMS

G. of St. laudif

3hN OFr o1' re0L1@~ootu

7r~pfg IJfwa. JOH YSON .S l with giet a tldsactlae that the proprie-

of this rpe• rmeatoean that Mr. Edwardohsaon hatleen engaged, and will,

.tie, ass.suim the Editorial charge of

la Iesn known at the North, andte Union, as a whi of

" slga 5s ,nV writer.s Mesat of qtho iNhS seleted

l to

. the -g ga/~,he5dik lpden Pleas-

s f * h kilspd Whig. For a

ig~ ?A * so busstmbedkhd with Gales & Sea-

a., te a tthip that veteran paper theR He is ais well known

ye Sesn tLth letters ov•t eregnature

t 'eio, whtich have otlBid snoh gen-for their pith, fora6 and elegance.

will be ae•itelt by Mr. Wm'fwheo•g su,,otse n leed with the pres of

'tN ost Sa us veral ys$ MrIH.B. l well

ka wa as- tia c'l ble and accomplished


U .O W H\-iT.

dnst that we have beentip following protest

,he.naldsonville Con-

g;tCothe whigs of Bt. Mar-tit re are names attached

viie s'otimp been associated

the ant which, hy the respect*t , give to the.amovlment a

nommsads our attention.ds ra4t to the gent omen who

age hV LthLi pretest, we object to the posi-

*g.IEs`a y have taken, not only believing

*IIb ngdS •ua atenea but being satisfied

ht the spirit which the movement engenders

lI be grejadioetahl the interests of the whig

- ke daelelga frtsl tbs*lly repre-' g •5Itht ]pasty here, , mode

'to the whig otrsiegth rep-luel upon and finally

aeanlty o jn t was in accord.

, seage •ste party, and had anybe bfied upon, other sectiont

reason have objected, as iiA epugrtare from an estab-

In our humble opinion,although the country

a. • on cecount of the manner inlaarged, yet the object was correct,

'de•igates tto the Convention un.

gidged, one, utof all the talent

Olad worth of t rirented for their

e4klacy e edlpon Mr. Hint, becanus

Siey eqtidered him deserving, 1as a man.only serve his Bt1 faithfuo"

isljre, but would be

tti o should sar

car ose delegagesMr. itereets of iNe

Saoa lthtw neither the gratifi-o pu'ty, h4J(ambltion nor of sectionaloopmt" iD~ sy recommend to the

of St.4 ~ at they will, upon morereeltion,• to the present state of!_ b beauk d certainly arise from

e they LL , muchl harm might.S lti ants at the present crisis

resoe t defeat, and success"-a remote possibility.

o * Wti Ihl. ef St. Mlartin if iti• Itsld s . oaf o ider their course,

lbeJo arsy ih ve under a common ban-_al t and not for men, nor

I <' The harmony of theid0l b''hboe ersonal preferences

alt'0 onn of sectional favor-

i on, in which we havensoelje but li geoooLo•the party, we hopeethe geatlemen who consider themselves

w. rill magnaafmsataly make some sacri-Sr the good of the jgty. We wuuld cheer-

baik-eheir sulggetion for another couven-beithaI bingese the moral effect would

syt • " e Sincerely do we trust1oomptmli will have the effect. to

llsta1fI1g phalanx and lead them on

ST. ~ARinLvatL. , Augut 12, 1853.Sthe dk ttoers of the Cresenet:Gasw-, whlhs of the Parieh of St. Mar-

ti fwlia ~ themselw iajured, and deprived of*0ly tsights btUe ets of the city delegation,•a the Posallaonville Convention, ando unwillingto sabnats to such high-handal means as was

emere made use of, have determined to l,,testaslt the ppoedIngs. The following ducu.Rsl t eopy of ** original, contaiuing ourSts a. Wea4 f oyou topublish them :

o hofri St. WM in. feel I -eIlI .• ;.e rsease of right and jutc:e.

Utw ill not be bouond by the ae-y s l Qonventtun of Donald-

that d•nantiou for the purposeS i e reprsentatives epreeo•lg to.wih of whit part7 of New Uneteto. We0% with tSie h1t14 fe'llowship extended, tomsle s Oa•dldaed weMIn we Could support. WeU to mcut peee ads harmony, to forwardO' lttturt of all, and to pledge to thot ourMUtty in the support of ear principles, let usa plsed where we would. We went au.l met adeegation whom we believe did not epreprentthe wish of the city whigs; a delegation who

,stel al oqt ures from the country parishes,-- '

_inlaeted o f.rcing upou us a rule of actionsewieumly agreed on among themserlves: a dIle-whose object cs5 to deplrive ig of everyno Mt allowing us ane. B ei"ion of our will,flrbiddlng us apreet>, un.ss we spoke to flrur

thIr views and their oanlidate, eapeoting ts toa•blit to every tyranlmcal aot, aud finally toupport the only man wham they would consent

to -•eeamst

.We were willing that the electoral |vsiishold be the guide in voting; we ert willing

that a eadidate should be takhnfrom the city-ltAueA we think the interests of the eity sut-Usteatly represented; we were willing to 1u. oll1h-1- Igd whigs could do, tsr the sake of our

Is .But we would not cosiento that ai.s delegation should deprive us of everyright bad, in spite of our protesta ions,geos egts fnis, whether acceptable or

kawtgu laat stake whichake t'

feel deepljy. adwe ill not seaeiflce them tograty isindelicate ambition of onoe min, a hopua•la Rri5 r eettings and marohes up totll. Co 'gitoFwith his delegates at his back,

edetemned to nominate him, or so oS.Slw,.rwe ask a ir IO•sation, where all

_.aybg ,pre tdnt; we and our rightsU 1esp7ast V th at who will the

nee, we will oh•s 1y support hha andSparish give her full whig m ijority.

We therefore call upon the whigs of the Sec-ond I ongressional Dstrict to assemtble in Convention at Donaldsonville, on the second Mon-day in Septembaorto cholse a candidate.

We ask yeo to meet in the spirit of peace andharmony, that we may more eff•ctually securethe ends which, as a party, we have in view.

haes. O.lsE, Ola.De P FotoorJ•J3ev. tt.,e Itoecer Fotveacs,Ai.eec,.. Tossee,. to.,,. ora~rT,

J. 8 P.Rcc, R' >I. TIsoa.,

Eovieo Morct, P. P BeI..,.JFoccr,TTic. Jn. A SiniIe,

p WaidR elot,, F.c,eiTo.cc•LTa,E LLaio. Jiors 8. R05..eO.I

ENcatiieeTR.ITi.J U.OteIase. JR.

The Epidemic.Our weekly report hoows a fearful mortality.

Still there is do decro tse, but the yellow scourgegrows and strengthens by what it fee's on. F,.ra while it only visited the poor, wretched andforsaken; but now, it attacks all classes andpreys upon all with the same gluttonous appe-

tite. One-sixteenth of our resilt.nt populationhave already fallen--perhaps more-and whatproportidn is yet to feed its insatiate maw mustbeleft to thedecision of time and the fates. Nei-

ther our leisure nor limits will permit us todwell further upon the sual et. We reter to the

statement below, which i teapitulation of allthe deaths in the city frou, the 1st of June tothe 21st inst., indlusive.

'81*S the report tup to yesterday morning wasmade up by the Board of Health, ' earn thatin addition the burials in the Hhr, .Cemeteries,

Nos. 1 and2, were 18, and in St. Patrick s thatthere were 28 interred without certifieater

These added would swell the mortality ftr the24 hours ending yesterday morning, to 15.

We have been inform, d that the Street Com-missioner yesterday buried upwards of 90bodies-thee being of the poor who had to hbe

buried at the public expense.

Ma.7 .... 14t 0 O -. 1 19-=,ta9 "

Jana 4....14' 1 141 '"ts 14...54 4 t a 0 "a

t" ....lt 140 ass

o" 2,...7 610 21 l538|$9 "'

.9...16Rt 9 12at" 16.... 14 a4 140

' 4:....1i 4"20 Ia5t....04.-2210 c,.=1108 192961a

August -....t1 ' 1a 25

. .... 1;5 15 '....148 a9 8 1 at

a " 4....16 1 15 16t ....25 194 3

" .. l203-1lt 1O_ 07 4.10d 4b.6S 8... .210 ati? a

S. n....a2i 1nh 21t l s

d 0. 0 a-3 soa I ....223 92 13 19[ 12....27 30 2 2

ao" 1. S... 4 17 22 1:aa .....23_..526 i91-1288 25-13 a'-5S15....217 187 24t" 6....193 16a 10 11

S t....19 9ot 2t

t 1....2:14 2a,3 as 11-.o...."2:4 164 4

"" 21....26--10T6 280--15" 24-1" 517s 3

Totl ..........7247 •- 1 5 t.--2

S Uesides from l Patrlck's Cemeter7 r.totlcer -.aatse.3repotld by th,. Saxtou yesterday, makiog a t ta of0 letl

fcr the wnek ending ou the Itlst Lss.

Daily reportr4f the ioterments in all the •m.eteria of the city for th. 24 hnun eoding at 0 o'c

t k t,m., 11aturday. 20t• august, 1S33 :

To l. F.rrr. L,... st ,d.Protestant. Gired tWet ........ 14 10 4 -t'vpree t re.v . No, 1............ 4 4Cy prece Uruvr, .,. 2 ......... 81 ,7 4d4 let Kt .............. 1 1 -

tCharity ltepital ................ d 10 1at P ratrick' ................... :3 ,% 8tCathohte No 1. l6re,.d Distriet.. 2 2 -atihLt No 2. " " .t 3 4

St V deT'au. .Thd " .. 2 3 2yrtt ......... ...........34 0 3 1

ltebrA Fourth Distriet........ 3 3

Total ................. 22' 4 14M 1 .J. C 8lan.r. \1. o. io. Blrd of Itealth.

Daily Report of the i:terments in all theCarmterlie fCr the tweuty.f,1ur hours ernding at G o'clockt

. u, ot B Sunday, sllt Lt. I P, ,t ,ttt. t.t

Proteut r- et.......... A I 1t t)",rceir. e.N,, 2 ............ 1 B. "

o•ryi.ta .. t................. 2 7 -

.t Palt t lL ..... ............t..4. Or ti 1,"'ethltc. N. Ir, t o,-ud o l.-tu t.. 2 1•athb.4e No .. .. 1-at V.d P"iul, Third Dietrit..t i 39 t 3 4Lsioyett, Fourth D1atrlt ....... 6 21 6 -

Total ...................... 26 "30 24 toJ. C Saoe, M. D, •o'y Board ofI Health.

CHAnr!Y FloqT ret..-mofe following is the rc-port from this hurtituti~n fr thu 24 huur+ rsdiug at 12o'.!oek hridsy tight :Admlr*tI .v .............. FD t).11. 11U 01rhxrgrs ... ........... II9!ny yclll. Lever........... 1

Ctn.\n n Y TIOSPI'ITf..-The flIl~owi YO .eponrt of this iurtltuliau for thy, "I hours endudi ~ lli "I, "r "tutdsy nightAdia11s~Ji-m .... .... ...... R:; D.&thr,.......... ...,....:A,:b iaeL barge. ............. a, by y.llotr &rr...... ..... Z

Ci.&ii'y 1 Iupikr ..- The following is the re-port If this iorstiultur for the Reek dig at 4 o'lockcaturd:ry creuiny;

4dmuw'ils. n * 4.....O.. ... ltt......Uuhharges ............ :e+ yr y.-U' . t-vr......... .L

CUnE Ilt YET.LIIo FLV•LI.--,omebody hassent us the Boston Journl, of the 10th inst..with the ftllowing paragraph specially marked :

The venerable Captain Samuel Tlopllf givesthe fillowinig s an effctual cure lihr yellowlever. lie has ustdi it with invariable succesin a great numbell r of cases:

" give the patient ,c soon after the attaekas posilhle, ait fll wine-glass off lent , joite,with as mucth salt as will di-slve lu it. Cvne-unte the bowels thollltoghly with a eo iuLi gl gleter of warm c:aytile sotliolln, IsIL'tsa. andwater, or any other uii teriil, under tilie t.re.-tton of l physiciant ; isl let the patienlt drikfreely of emonide till the hlver is alttet. : thiLlet hlln have such nourishllllelt Ias wouldl be tsilt-able for any jick or weak pier


MOBILE ITcrEs--le/lti l' /hi'tr. -Seven easestof yellow fever were reported to, the lhtar I otIHealth ttn the 10th inst., awl in the 2lthli thlerewelse seven dea ts fit the uallle idtseo,'There were two ldealths e the ti'th of other di -t'tese. Of ) t•e intt,'ltes ts ft"llta yellow Ilverltwo were frism the City llo.pital. The liegisterof the 1'Jil says:

The "Ca'n t get away tlui " held a prelihiti-stisy tiltltei, aigireestli t 1 c to :atli le ol'u•-,v. als d a iftr is,- e 11Ine l-,f iugrs lh.lll s ll-i,•rrne to et again ltt the trcutit t :Curt

roili on tsiiy ni ext, tlr e titie or' ttlait tIT ibuue of the ,ilth h..s thle I olowin :

ii,! luat.s -Toie M,,hile Jockey Clutb iasfixed upont TuestIdy. Dcemtller 1, . sl the e Il-llitncllemet oft the ill meetl; ofi ti•e tlutl

lroum the extenos te tii ,venoti ts oi a on tl ithe,it lse ulite C'ursei dotll lthie p at lw t ,-..andt the numllber of tturl'ti.e Iui l t,1'.1 ' I .. Ito lee in atrt anc , it Is very ertl I : ttpIT or clh

in- lh'etitlg will 1: the ,, , .. '

tile yet wttinessd os11 the ,lltni " t ,:

The Intent scrunti4so h kvtw i:

fTllu x'iu lll'ln \e_"tueuin llrl. t Scr. rnr: I,'Il14:_u iolr II at ShawIii iii gram:i i.,.l, lil o

ltutli Stil t, d c, ou. tt',u ti. :S" .o, ,lea,,rt;utth, Siou 1 II wI: 9L-Ple ,hlthe aliiutg: I tlit, 1;. tI I u i i:ir, ig S tt ,lih.ft ( ui. 1g .it g iiu ..jpct.Iitt ahi, t (I

The steathip ij We hut. on i t Ne w YorkviiSaturday, the 1tgit, Ifr 'ou,.u1I ll and IurewIt. hlae takenouta ctsently right pacr tgeccii z,289 27,.o in specie. Attaig the I-to,,t,.ti -'re CI'evILrr. aldernde l t iliti i t liii.

it iater at Wasitingtn, and Itm ldy; 1 (4.eSclagar, niu 1'. 1'. iliielite, ot it'aliingiut.

A prentiii. of ',;l/ is ,.rt iil, on liltlf if it

trtpusec to it l,,r ! J ,.t". 1 o41iii tihe tork tultij l141 P iiciecttcuu,t titt ani t., a, tot euiceedtitgl

plihleattun to Ciriatitan life it" tie dittitunra ofthe Geepel, and With out-hal reference to theyWbl~eraIczu of tintierna Cto ~rint.

'lbofLaghts Alout Yellow Fever.We have received the fIllowing communiUcr-

tion from an old resident, whose prantical goodsense and sententious style entitle Lim to a hear-ing. [Eds.MR. E~TroR--It is admitted by all that at

present there is no panic with regard to the yel-low fever, fear having driven nearly all thetimid away, and the nmost of those persons nn-acclimated brave the risk of getting sick, yet nodiminution has taken placte in the daily deaths,and as 1 cannot believe that it is the will ofProvidence that all stricken should die. theremust be fault somewhere amongst us, and frommy experience among the sick and dying, I ranonly give as a reason that there are too manydoctors. By this, I mean parchment M1. D.'s.who are licensed to kill.

Naturally the friends of the sick call in thefirst doctor who is at hand, supposing that allbe ring that honorable title are skillful. Thi-isi gross delusion. In proof, I will state facts,which have passed within the last three monthsunder my own notice, and I only refer to thosepersons that have had a fair share of attend-ance, and an implicit following of the doctor'sdirections, until in most cases death ensued.Fully ninety per cent. of persons having thiskind of medical advice from the cotmencementof the simple stage of fever hrre died. Thatthere was at great want of skill is own by theaueer'osf r others, (who would the el •ed to hecalled doctors,r ti.,'y having cur rinjy hadcases of fever. These are ftcts kn tao may,and cr:: ho verified by examilnmg the certiticrtes,f h,riol-. at the cemeteries. There it will besr , by the records thallt some of tile 31 D'a

lost all their patients; or else, through cu-,,tty. have taken too rmany in charge to give a,proplr attendanie to all.

As my ot ject in this communication is to'draw public attention In the fact thlrt too malnyteaths have occurred by trusting the lites; td'tihe sick to quas tr, anldl that it is .afer to letthie ptient take Iris chance than to call in esrerof these mis ralled doctors, who by their .fruist•are known to lack judgment anti kill. I willgive a case in point :

A certain doctror, in attendlance on three ment,gave them up as incurable, and tuoll them thatthere was no hope. and that they would die.tine of the " Howard men," whose notice theycallle tniltr, thoughrrt otherwise, andi hie set towork and -lid not leave tllem until they weretonanleh•eut. They were uip and about theroom. doing remarkably well, when, as fatewould have it, this do;tor (!) heing in the vitmn-itv, by accident heard that they were livinglie visited them, and. through hellir tears, forcedthem to take med•icle which he prescribedI, oattIin less than twelve hoours ater, t/l Iteerre drad.Another doctor, not one htun Ired mtle. from

the :t tCharles lhtel, visited a poor patient,and after orderiug some nltelict;u used the ex-presaion, " D iun you, you'll die!" This fItl-low was allhowed to see the sick oman again, andaddled to his former fiendish lan.rruage, antel nhilolie was ahusing him thle uan tdied.

As it to:y he malte to appear by the quinck-cry class that 1 have a h.stility to the medicalfaculty, I herle discaim any ouoh itntenti,u,knowing that there are some of the most skill-ful and humane en amonug ,em;n bhit whileitis the tishio• to make the " fbol of the tomily "a tudent (!) of mwlheinre, nnt the many rivalmedical collteget grant diplomans to all who t:yf,,r thte coursets of lectures, it is time now, whendeath ,tlks antng as, to draw a diitinetioa,ant1 prertut very many of those mis-called doc-tors from nappronchiag the jick.

Ileepectfully, A. t. J.

MLisissippi Items.YELLOW •E'iRt IN NATCHuIZ.--The rree Tra-

der of the 17th says:Upon inquiry among our citizens and conver-

satin with several of our phyicians, we le:.rnthat Iut three deaths have taken place fl'tmyellow fever originating here,.piOnounced suchby the attending physician. Two fital ec-ses

tnro Newolrleaus have occurred in the U S Ma-ne ltospital, nawl two others have occurred in

ivote practice, both foreigners and both unac-e ted, aind one having been here but a week.het g recently pansed through NewOrleaus onhis -here, and spent one day there.

At aaeetiug of the City Council, on the 13lh,the following annucia:tion fromt the lealth Of-ticer was read:

NATCotu, AngUlnt l;, 1801,

SGentetrn-TI towl i t,,y ,dtoy to itlfJr, yin.tbh, you t lay puotl hly notify o:lters that ecaorof the yellow thevr h toe occurredl with unarlct-Imatetld citizens heleloeufre only ill such ttiltu ersnearly every year conlluol Il tlli This c-t, but uotin greater number and ti ntuuh iute.';ty.

From this I infit the prolbabhility of a s 11more extensive prey.lence: ana I ktot your in-tention is, thi:t the coltie of the country andcity shall he faill y warned, that they may avo dexlpoure to the cause of 'lie disc tae, and applyin tlue fer mnedwlal tirealtlnt. Yolrs, etc.,

C. IH. [ ros•:, Ileu!th Officer.The City Council, doubling the correctnes3 of

this opinion, polsed the fiollowing resolutions :, aiohlcd, That it is deieme l thle duty of this

Board tt o keep the pIbhlc fully itnformellt d of thenanitary condlitioin if the city; ant in tirder to,o this tlhe Hi' ltlth t'-nutiltee are direlc.tel tomake lpublic the clmlmulinitcation of thle t'otith

nit1nieitlhte thle ihllrd wt olttl Ii t ti:hat hid h9limen, evidence thi" tile fever is let epidemic; butthw nili. is given that all persons nlay i,

tetl glll' to gl ni l t ag illlt ill exp-,ures Ilnrwlt i e calculaled to prodllua- sickieas at thoi, 01,on itf th t " r, a ilt

he I- troiiI t in ir .itg. ill

a -ihy.ic i li lie fir-t y taintto s t f ,i .li-ee.li ,

r , ... ''That wv.here• •, i

i mt nlt ,rtlllh y of the

c: : litly Ot l:Z eottllt.l ti e soexon lie rel, to to fur't'lt h tie • le H llth 'aolulit eu with a

ldliy trelcrt of the deatlahs wtht thy uiry ti.puL, i•:ttion.

The lree Trralrc. after o:ating that the alarmi ou wai 'rm.lt atu.re, saysv:

A panic lias hen proIueed; all persons thator ic iot cmi',ellel t

o stay have gilll or are n re

pIaring to go: ilerchtltl! are rliu !;li• h lt e inthe e notllry lqro. ratoty to olo•Ulg ill t wit: a:i:tlogether there is suh a groamu,,l".s and uni.tvera:l triglht that the city will ill three diy's l.enitirely tihser:te ly a wll who ca get away.

1t llha t 'r lt r tn I i/,.,l:bnritg.-The Sentinelit' lhe la:th inst. aysn :

We rfel it to hle ,i r duty to stlat, luptti tlhetlllthlelt o tll't rotith , te'le y I l'e li n it h t tt herewis it dh,,it Icy y, ltl w lever 11 towil n ti Thub :y. It is t n til try o try ln keoep , t:i, ithini" 'pt tell- . i tit, but bh i'el i t to ie wr, ng,as the ictsl when kollwn, talry nta.ke other,morle prlndent. T'I, cae >lpkrn ofi

h1Io eProta I

nc a \ln, . 11, I thet, is , no aI ithen :,,. o ,t , c

p ' tr t o .fl tt" L. a " li t - hi I t t hii ' "t i t ill tret 0I lnlati ep ;lallet in re i\. It l lc 4i t tin., Ill.l tal e it i t t ' " tit It i lh hae tin to t ti n -li l , ' W I Iw' 1 t u o-l ,-t

o c-,ti lenel it~ .t

countr r , w ci. ls, f,, thi t I n we, n--uo- et:wr.ot the a:-n, t f the i -e t

hey will t:iv foill

tri,,I, flee to the. eitit c int. ie' think that itw0 1,ld be I.clfi'tly site 1 ar any one wi-lr .g to I

to di so I Ketni t We " tii t ,r :i. , tomini k i J'\icrwle, we wi•i, w•ithout ht i'.lt.l.

has tl .c:,llo• ig it e l ts:

lWe h vU inl. nil I lhy sevo'ral cltizenis of.t 1. , thlit ittn I tcrop enrll , a'. nlt i, i.tai~ , but Iha•t c.ue leak<

Il. ! ! t:i. hilt i n-|tt tit this rea.on of t1.- e..r, I .t in i lly plates s iin b-tt--r ctt li-

tit th l it hlt I + i foryetis pai- t.Iy a getilt rsoh ht ltd e onsh Poti lrt •indt n, we

or. inarill l e is gt t.at thlress arn niLe-S,1ity it prrcnt Irs-ail ii n ti Tt towtn,t huoghhe t'nt.i , lhot'y tile +xistence of yellow lever

Tie Iliteln 0 G ti+r e eof the ];th Ill :'l, :

t .I , tU ~o" bi in"t n 1 t, tai

niatv l i,, '-bn , ic er 1f,,r it,,.I ,

:,,, lllltl -. 11 ri Al" [ they'aal' the ,ewun

elatw i t atet .c:,ot

A while n i, , t 1 -- usi arrived it Alle-

crowd of , ,' ,k- t-e niWlel, sn,' cnr ri'l t,,e

c'l ti', tl. i- that t e!ty 1101 1ecn i, l-

The eut'er. t uleh Cushin .. I et,•,rt )! .'lo,land at n I J t' 1t ;!,l. a tt,- t4 a t , l three "of

it .tw 'llI -1 ii the I. th, ir.'muq .toir

set. la stachueetts. '1 i.rst Tee•,lo complete the .tu,•ld-

ron of six, to be fitted out by Mb Arthur Learyfor the Treasury Department.

News Items by Mail.

The ijourneymen houste carpenters of NewYork are demanding $2 a day.

Geu. Paet, ex-President of Venezuela, has become a permanent resident of New York city.

United States ship Cyane, Com. Hollins, fromPensacola, arrived in Halmpton Roads on the12th inst.

The New York canal tolls for the first week inAugust were i24,27 ; for the season, i1,471,1tS. IIncrease $50,784.

The Navy Department, it is said, is about tocontraet with Il wlaund & Aspinwall to furnishthe East IndiatSquadroa with coal.

On the 1th inst. a sham tight took place in theGut of Canso, on board the U i ship-of-warDecatur, in honor of the Earl of Ellesmere.

Mr. Bancroft will publish the third volume olhis h" History of the American Revolution." bheing the sixth of his "i

History of tihe United

States," in October.Professor A. 1). Bache. of the U. 8. Coast

Survey, has been elected President of the Ametrcean Association for the Advancement of Edu-cation.M. Robinson, of Baltimores ; A. P. Jump, of

Maryland, and W. Robinson, of Virginia, graduated week before last at the New York LasSSchool at PoughkeepsieThe O'Donohue and Trainer duol case, at

Boston, was discharged on the 12th inst , thiracuser declining to prosecute. The belligerento

then shook hands and made it all up.

The quantity of pine lumber manufacturedin Wit'onsin is very great. The amount of pinelumber pro luced in the htate is 211,0t00,100 feet,which amount includes sawed lumber only.

It is now thought that the IInn. Robert J.Walker will yet be able to proceed to China inthe iron steamer Allegheny, which will bereadyfor service in about two weeks.Amon, the recent deaths in England was

Henury i ockton, the author of Valentine VoxSylvester Soulnd, and some other works, witchhave enijyed an extensive popularity with areretai laess of readers.

The sh:ip which conveyed Gen. Wolfe to Que-hbe is still afloat. uonler the nalme of " Williattand Ann " bhe was built in 17tt3 for : bmh-ketch, and was in dock in the Thames ree ,nte.y,sound. and likely to endure lmany years yet.She is now engaged in the Hlonduras and Aiiri-can timber trade.

The valuation of real estate in the city ofBtsrton, for the present year. as ascertained bythe assessors, is ~lh3.2ti1tJ)0 ; per sonal e.tate,90.6til.400; total valuation, e,21t.12tt,4011,

numberot pollis, l4t,Il)0; an I the ratio of taxa-lion alopted for tile present year is 76 cens uOnone hundretd dollars.

In the 31nnicipal Court of Boston, on the1lth inst., Lemuel N. Clark, on a charge oflarceny froml a lwellin" hlouse, was sentencerdto two years in the lt.use of Correction. Athits particular request, however, the sentencewas changed to the State l'rison, as he sati beI referred that institutiua, which h hh bad visit.dtwice before.Rev. Mr. Johnson, of the Baptist Church in

Sptgerties, N. Y , %it! his wile and inthtutchilp, took a sail in a o:.tlil boat a few lays.go. antd oat their startih. tot return hmte MrsJ. s'umbled a:rnd fell over '.'ttI. withl the chill ilher arms. ?1r. J. so.•:,t holdl f his witeisdress and ws a:!O3 0 1twn overboarl. TliheIhc'h went dowI together, hbut ill tile tru-glethey became separate, :rm) Nhs. J, anl thechild were drowaec Mre. . reached the ehoienearly exh.atte I.

A late London letter writer says: " Thethird volume of Mac.ulay's history is to sppearin a few weets, the celel.rated author having atlast delivered his MS. to his pubaiiler. Ilisfrientds never believed that he wouq be able tofitliish it, as tile excesive use of .plum, to whichihe is adlbcted, has destroyed his heal:h, andprevents him l r l anly continued mental exer-tion. A tory author, whom I saw a few daysI back, remarked about the expected third vol-ume of Macaulay, ' it will be his tlor-y, but notHitolory.''

A very interesting case has recently beenlecided in Ireland, in which iwa i declared bythe court that a nun is not atld in law, butcould succetd to an estate as the lawful heir.Tile statutes f mtort main were declared not toapply to a ptersou in her conlhtito The case isregc:itded as importtant, aut otly for the con-e-qll,'nces re.:!tihg peculnarilv, but as nlakl. v

voit, I fI :lte liw can, the vow of poier'yta:ku Iby itrotse I liuns. The de-ision wtilllmak: eome nl 0 in tile world, udt is token tothe Blritish llouoe of Lords on appeal

m s -s


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tr9 WHUi CKNTIUK. S'roAE: (iinheITTrv- Atof1 i, U+.iha.C~ ~ . . IIl in lb.. WybiN..

.. o-il (Iltila r I I ATUIIMA(. on bu hlh -I-t, Lr MI-4

Si "...I -I,. F.. ALPtIviE Ik :f mw.

DIUNCAN F. RIINN'R, of I i-ol ,,11""d Il'oar A nnol Dwterr 1

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,.re -'4IIY E . \ lIS\ ..

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lt Wbig pnp.. h.hahL"" tII Slw, rll pl111 IA. BOB


L.A ICARRIiS, AllA1,y.

flr The six gentlemen above name l were".x11 , ICC( "t u I.>1 ar AlIC r* prlrant Ith Fl.FAh pre. r to

.rr O' x ,Irt In eh~ Ptt-hial end llnl Cunlleuil"nn l D--O C-1-DLI

M C. EDWAADS, PrrIInt.P. rPLEI.ECVq a...faror. ."ItY

PlrerrFsO 1151KV 'F. ItIAAN.-Tihe meihodtnl . Il.,- I - Ii I.gI. h Iah 11. I n hw ri v

.luu'ahl. l.. I 11 rl13~PlI IC n I l, CII xnl CC Ctb I'. 1~II n~l ",I .. I , I" xnl, x, n"" li n". ,

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iin x r r. t~ 1~ ,." "x n xl. txr .w~ " e r IF: P)I I,, a

ipxiRr1.Ii' Cku'L(`I ,U OF I'RUTLI'TION FILtEJO O I` .Y A N .I.-

1. A: HI klR ,.i tyn,, .n"1 An...,.d.P...l.6. 1. II1 IIUA Y h t i k `. 111. tr', u lr,w i r'I nmoP, u iy U.,1"R 1' L'H A(." '3 M- n. 4d 01 '-.-h11I1CHAR LILL* H \AI.1NI It.. 19N w I..... 11.JW, ArI HAh \ WORIrA 1.1-st A. FurL lnulTH-IHA% 'LT~kY -,- ,fli V..k .n..~o C-ii~rllt-wU1 tt MI'I l"111', "rr .. offit Jurwtl o, 'rllupuuul .l I-ft.

1 Y 1 r1 ,Y.W I ;L tk fyit.R .. r

NV. H Rb:.R/, a,.ne~r NI* 1..".. .'u1 .Wi rY.

V '"I ., r Nd [ H. BART iV Illir 1 11a AtA r:M we

In. r~rl.l .d". N n) ut A. .k oumiw, a l .ryilw. rT

m~br of LY Rr:ui n rsnultN.. WI1I~p

rl6 Locritl>A (Ilta - Relief Committee.ho tkoll.L.g lit .mmn hav. bEn duly lpdLat,l . Rlib Cmullu•

L-J ATR I1 < , l t ", " 'Y M rlN o rle t r.

t RALA *I AIIYYIl F R Pali ..

fAS I 3. T-0Y JIll , I. ' ,, r

P 'I)U IR \' Y .I' ."I, Ys.n Tlll ,, l.

JA-N- .I. A Y. A .lYIET 1. , Il. IAi, r,

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IARuT. ' \ A A i , t l. .l rW i t. 'An PO PA.T JLIT ,I Al

TaIAR 11rT 1n . 3 uvFAS I 'Aro.

ARwPOR.LESl TWR•t'L , 3I'].. A,'W U.oTY.-

IA.: . .lh . I.-. A. -, , I ,t..l rl ,. u1 , 1.

T t1 . If. I,;E5.s r,' ,l, . tA m l..1, i". HY•- IY BLuirl.,

J, O. Itm'Nt Y'. U+ ,

H J. ST A •BLl'FY', Ih{•,o unl.

L%%W IA R•RAII tIl. Cl- ,:* JohW&";

JAS. BLOI:S. (. FR AH D m rl'l Ii it I.•-s,

. 1nwA~t, A,, IAntriTr o,--July 23, '.--Tl .il r re ur"^.l'l f r. W.. s•pu.sd to ulll..t il~a~ Ia sd

:oIRS r &ro i 1,,

J. .i+,,m. m, O •.:'Res'lrlW l',

M~tAD IIeTrR, -. l tr'mri I r4,.IT r.:. W WHVIILL, J. J. ultWA6,

J. bd. A+,r, lWAr.. J. -p .wi S.

r !oon . .I .. 'e rr .. SI . . .. 'pN.

p3` HoW7AM K AtqlulCAth):O -- New Orleans,I4 II ,;.n -Trh .. .l.r rut -..: rrlv.ru.1 V.. kId . LrL

UU 'r~ul 1~ t I .ttrllny p,not older b. p .1 p.

N. rS EfiI,.. :r TILM. M AITA'IA ,,,.f 22--..t- 1 .PI.dd.16".E. .P.W F pEIC r, Uiu -- .t. .- v2

N. ~LO2.. W rr, nlnl W-, ..., ht, w.PY.DI. HIRElY Iu 15 I A. ln

IA eVLIl .. I'I2 H1,W.y.". .1d . ::. ltY.P.. YH;SAR,Ud.' htnB.Au. .. j.fn. lNEI NEN 13 ('rwadll re 1 .:

NJEA 17~IIRIACI..IVS...,717.AAl.

PN. 7EH'iE,. 11"5 .. S...psi p,. H 77 "CHF S .". B.

Ak. 1. ' ,"t.Ch r.. I U1' Inrt, cur Oau l

Dr..'3 rY*c'o \IN 11,'-'() , IfDr. cXIRI Y U, U .m' "n.: R w.lA*. KlIA'lYl " lhlip n r*.t.

D.~a~. LFu0.7fl, :t l t., " c,~l~u

Dr. "f13 r 11, rA"0 o I:nr u ll. a^^w1 IfrH

a M A RT, 5.. l .", nh:.nr n i Camp. r

th . 110 RU, L I.r ~i ~Dr. RI. '. LR\R1 11 'I's I . ru.

In B .. tV' "ING, t.. .J..".t, , .. U. R ilrn.,

Dr, J. A "1YT& !I. E,/ 'n" Jr... utL.

Dr, SCHUBERT , .. rn" .r o" 1tly nu I e n .tll. .

IR A. 1)L-lnlcU1-Hr , myuth nn +:. ... r R'. Al I rwb.

Rn r n p" 11n1 0,4r .. m.. t 1 L11 1 11.'w.. Ir , . h th.

I/7/ ryll n 1 RICA RIN, B..trrl

}D' W ,wl r AHo ii IATIn\ -S ew Orleena,

A hi' h ", 5 i_, ,,i..r Wa. .. VT;.i ,..F Ift,1,1 h ier,,,,eOu,, , ,.i~.in~ ~ ... rr

7 I.r llh''. & l':1 a . nr- et rTI.A aU V ,

\I. 4 11 1 I 1,~ raru.r htANu! ,RhY." .-Y.CAt '.r.,*! IYa.Ik.rr .lrw I .. H.,L.

37 -A *.~.~."rr of PmydrNd 4"".n .Vu

J Pr. llltk 1f, " I TI reupt.I " Y1 Lr*~w IltT K 1NWI\Ihr, .u, ,,* h.%.1 u ., lb. a,! ManA b1IAIHI, ". "rlr~l,)(;. Mmr'l n u C f..4IA 11' AtI(. I I /l aY uAIIA Lr n.*..,

}'. PO I.I' r1,ron. V.7Ylad P,"q,..u Y r1.A.

L. r &il.9r)i, " "lr 11aI. 4 al1 Il.r ,1.. Air.L(,, . r r " y 1 I~uuyil; lY "trNF. f RaY6Kil,.p 1, tY 7a~su.4 .iY .Lr1"{

C!Clli.PS a 1 (. $a ur1.A. .AL[R. o .rr "I ra."/ll y/ NraI. AllnY.

A, Sr:HWAB, r Lvr " r~l. Mt r Y.n ad LIIaIOC,1,1: BI\, r. n' O. ull. d VW". AlIt.A. Cr(;"yA~,..nr ". I1Pa ,.d iullCI Hnw~t.J. A1, P.Gt,'V 1, nr t I : a" " ""1 .. / .Tpu Road.

II A. C;)ILDI1* ,', 11'..."d 114 UnW IIrY.

D LAI.. ., L vr-lVL.II wl*IIU YrLL)waL

1 .. I", J PTpIa Y

I II, it. llER, .... ,".n i, d * yar. .L"r*.:.1,:..1.1', V, r"r.. Y, r:_, 7 N 1 ""~d INnyYrll I~ran1.

rIY' ̀... ,r' I.e t r u1 at t ha Al rn u l li..d,

ri..i;r D 1 &ICA IrulJW Irv Ilr*uu

y C- 11'1s Ay h rillls'fwN, - BOW1I YiY

1', 'rL .1.1.11'.1. 1'n.. "!.:, ,, 1t lfs((Hlp .. d/Yp tr..t.ri. \1 111'"1', F,r,: L' I'.-ll~rN. r ny t" u ,""W b6-6 Or.

r ,II!"." ,...1'.. i drY .+B.4 n

ti. RI,.-rIrthl I,'(n...nr, I/ u . " uL f/ (icyIr I. It!' flllrl '.rail r, der r .ly .t " .. d ItrlWLY I Y**

15 I .. 7I Ls. r r, r rl runp ."d .ly. .r"";.

T . It'y-. .'-..e.. DA, .. p e~aeU.

ME 11.!iiII.I I't, )' . e~d Deionl e41e1, LYrt rrl: p

1': It \ iIt r:I JL N 1 , 8t. l

P. 11 1n. 1. u .hrlLY

t l'h 1 A! 1., : 1 r : u..d..t e' lppe el. W \!1M

J .;Iait:'7.1- n :".w ...... , ... r Yllrru.U.7 -VAN,rl\ Y.rl.' tr..t, Ctr..a P..wpur Aaaft mli .

Ur nrw~e r~q rnnl nl." I111 pl... r7 t1' -74 t. t..

. r ... .t. d tiul rh w "7t !.i M .LIlr UI Ir.r:

tlw . , o a. I , .t,,*Yr " u o rul " h M 5ew21 R:' r i?,rllAr : ;.aol Irrr

rnillE F Ii1t'E:tl LANG4UAiE. -- Munleur

''tAllt I'L.\NING MILL, crner of Hercule-. p.. n.l. .n. 1.,

jlO COKE CONSUMEKS,-From sad alterV ." i. . '4(...n*..,ta, t .f. 6,


1'FI DOf 1

ri .1 I .. s . I ,AL.. rt a H.ARR I,

SCHEiESE-lo0 oses English D,,iry and PineII loan. m t o e aS h, f.. Or




Ap1 dl.A.lh.


."U FI95W

EiADU Dank er Corlar. s Co.8V Cip "t.. .4

L r MX TM Qri. U47M T P V .. w.." W a .w~n

WM. A -tn..

WW POU BR OCN?. IM.MMT ,g - D. i to .1./b.w .. 1f" iP

lius. aned Sin Paintlng.A. WOODS,

Ni. 30 Cii.Mhoai.. .trwiu i.,P RIWTL3" AL ORDII L!rrW ITII 10y WIL. i I POiiPTLY

Arr Nnln TO. -14 Ir..

I11n. 0. DiboUl.CARr N T R A N D UIL D R,

No. 170 St. Joseph stret,Mt-- el. ("WIN -4 C-d~lt

IT flJiiLLtNO.1 i.u...4p. tin r- .i.0'. ........ R7.

10h, l.o.. ,,,, .. .,.d. ,t rI .i00,d .. .. IM .... Ie+.h D-, -ld 0..)..,.d. ANr r..il,..,.Iw* Ir\ P.O.

l r. Edw. Jeaiu'a ('o.r.",Dr~uumr, No. 75 Camp it.

rvT D. L. 1. CTK'R PRIPARATnYA, i. ?Ai nN1 u+ M.. rl, l'H ... , \.. br LI"\.In nir m In .I.:. ,.y r~p.WIlulp"r.l if((ru.A b, ".0. .".0.:,. M. SO 1\. Y..V.n LR"IH[RN miliH LY*IP.

Vi01I 'RT II *PlI, IBULAPAS.L B iD (5J .

A.111CAN IOU am LY(zznl V.

aiDsnet Iin 'r.B0RRT t R 151 7 1140 ANuD P00-M~nlNT CUBA Or Tug 1ll19.

ttr )pl . N+ 1$Cr. r..* y D. . -d pr

To t.. Ladieu.MA1) Ali PLAT3N

0 D.t* p.'.0,,'I.l Ar.h w. .. , n 0 h.. Irl... ( 4 7001 110Db.\" ruP-M-1 Mh lb- - "-',A A-w1 PIUO.API;J 1'TLPI.


B.YI1 F. Sr~nafu., fliTrrwry.

114MMTA.CI:RTIMO 11. mIARL 31. V.T\. r..M+.t .1.Pt d N ". r :.:\...h h \.. r..t t\..rnrml

b*e .. WN..u1.1:.4 Anrd., u. n" P.""., 1 4Jn .+A P~ r.. Twh,

IM nia h~r., (.w.Y .. \u w:1. Cllli.P, . w..)

rrFI11 IYtr bl re ".. I".NA.. ., n ImILL. W 4---.f A. (i.- r,10 . +..I,.rn .......r . rn b -rd.

M~d P. d.-I. Lxn~i. r.rlul ( . lru. rr rSlls. II

u ~ ~rIIWIRS Ds, J Lw rr [Met

- -'B. F. PltnUlh, DDNTIAT.114 ST. CLLe RLU KTRr.RT,

.IIP S d . 6..w L...rI Mb

r haegi1 E. Ii Ue,1. rd 14 r... kr(1.., T Y.

1(3 CPTIl'11, doer h~n *.~..n uIrrrcw\: rr~rNI.,i T , 1^ 11r Y f i-. ']IY" i In 1(C 'r( IR

. w r I b N ..'"d _ _ v I i - 1 "

Drug.,.V/edicnea, Perflnmery, dtc

14.n TkTA."y f am''. w h . .I r'.1 ,IAS ,ueppiu.[....) u. al. :. r ,r, r " lr r e". .h. 1ikeynN'n, .'ll hahed R.H aIAS l.8oirA.g Ilmv+l;

.i'~~l.l~~ l.Lnl. .A.I . 'AI 4. .A*. 141,3311 1~n4. .wk Ih.-I. A.. .w44l'4444 l r..Li.. LI! iImmr~ l N . : p:; s 11,; r, lk-i' Pf I'UYIITTout! L IIi IX& t TA.)$1 A. v\ iY

yl777,* 7*M,1 47nL ? A.C 6A. 1". hlmba 714- tI.

la Demwl 1.ord fleydor,FOR !tOUNO LADILS,


Ne .. r-rn4d . N,.. Nw1.S.Y1 IwkNr. .. Nit .r~l yNouw.\;e,:r"rl. q, rod. Sw .f A.., Ae.'. *

Y. IYn ... yMt -. 1.8d-lwi


mwn. n.peilTN 4nftl ~r. ai n I wl..t Al.v\. IU.I. yIt, .t 0. I.A~b, TIYOI CIRCUS,

1&4LI5111 131 A713W y1



[a .. r lr Ihnn u w+.lr :.+r~., -ll OK

Ou/Neld'a lrnrictln H wlpplw Un


WII(IV A Mf~f~ 9' '~~



WAN AWAS. -9D AT rW. WDIVIA, .41., "1" "".lNOLMUCIATL UTA II,,r IT.( II t,

SWQy A. h. n tA..,7I r".wt.. Il,;y Iyuol , .* L

1.kHR4. M104'l.A4C1 I'... nmrr 'rlll G... m.. Bl.unllt.R. V. (IALP IN A CO~ Nom.1 " 71'. lE Atr I. 4d N>, "

.tleet R w

HALL, SC",IP A CO.,romr f nl .. ,d T.++: plloul.-%vu

1. L. J'+liv Stn 11 A 1., +: "..r : lU. .I .. . .A 4 A ...7 1,.WHITC.IVR A I"AN)CH.,.,r To.. 1 w .. f .. d Yv ItS.L.A. J.RO8.tR A C.4 . { Pgn.l .,n";.;10JI. 0T1 LLI' IN, TATI).,n,.,.,r.4.4 EY / Bu EfbnV, yt l,, n -- l 3.e . SAYLY aCO.,t I Comm""''. 36 rl Im(

[RN DAI.I.TnI1 A 1vl..nr.. u' N".v,. 2..;Crylupl\MJttW1

V1 . ADVS., T. '+. ir .......

J!)I L Y I, SNAP V I ti' f,

'tr I"".na''+Rl I ,\. WESTERN P1(1' I. iR _I,. i..I. AN

Mr 0.i1M fii A. A. n, IYI" -_- OH.

CnA RI. DUiri)A M, [(n..lnl.llr Ci4Y Rt M ETI\,f11'EN f yl. rrluull~[~y[

IIt, ",SeA :RuILIp.AT hee mat.+ MA' y, r rtMA(A(1NbAet)

1LX,.gOYR:&daiuM s, Z&2L.'', XJ)L.ATRAW,?AAI LL.Ad CAMFA..M) A61-.1 sM "y. v vM/MT A m, N PIX)Lb ebteelrwe.

.aga~, 8Aouj arsd firegen,us

R0 ludhl~ro blp Yorl,.ll,nd u MIeyunNNl",-**t fr mOom. M)IM. YO6A AN, HAW, .A !III lOr pi O M "PA. EUvkT 51-4AM*I. WOOl

MEI6AM, PML.U LA*N,ATRAW NA OAMFZACUT EAts, MMe L~r1 e ~elet prf eu. 4!

e1" rM+ "W*T A . 1!'yr ne+M4

GN RBAT BARGAINS. - d. PiJILLIi'b. of'U ^ Rl iRR 1 :17PIAIINTITY . Y. *r .Y. ., .. r

Man.. a~m.., r-,11 D,rrr u r 1 arrN OrulmlrI i * P.uA""r t FneN U-11, W. i d.",rw "I r"Ww( 1y uYV 4,1,iI LYkwo ,Yd .. IL V -4 f

AV(;T AVU IT.PLC ASE 111.'18 OA, l p.Th " hul, L. l~n 1" ..,uA .. " :.ll.. 1.d . or In",M."

1" n IJ .' ,. * 'C , I.. w 6 w K

NnY ywY ).."l x ~ i,,wnrlt

r NN INTS, I. . ..Ar .

dIOCIRAN &n .. .. AIL".

III' YCUI .'rlllln~ 01IO 0III,. 4...~lu~p, AIA

,.. A, hULxd 1-. U'AM.N LAK0 LLIZNto,

ryrrr.to "+, ripmae Fl!K DA HMIY, hr rnr,.1,r

8N " 0. WI.&(' B 0NSk.l: l*Qll )CIIR lAIN&.,""e. AA .AA I M ll h .rr ,u, 9..."v ", I.l d n AlArd.

DYI 1 .p., 9aa, h.. ... . 9 .s. .1.., A...vI I4n

3 l .o. I.. ' .TA..y .1 - , -3na.n KI Gd UOU8r , dl~ul Ci gr-AI ,I "r"". o. ,lrr ,.":J Mla ra, h 0 N N t 9 Nro. UT LjrS

" I(. fIAru,r( ".A I.I t% ki, 11.4 . . Y NNAIWA


tr I w,...a len ... . ... r . l51W YORK, W i'.IAUAlfAA70RAY I. AlLrYl. v~,I,


L+.YMUad 1w.... .. ....... .. YrIUI. AIPIrI,. L TISVALLU, Y o .u1 IAII YLe. 1 lllI. MIA Mk acIA(LCL("" A l, . JR A".. ,.. Imw.. jNr

41TYHAN i OF ORU TUF A.N Lar., 88, airS "JNI. -Seine pof d aIff.r.nt tio~o, j r re-

Ff"1I iAY~~ rUln lnlI .lyl( ; :.. w Zhu LINO(I

r Mr tn. IA. J u:. AAAACMAt'A J A .,ITIAy C . "

.41 3MA&N oP DAIA 31. 11 Lamp .steS.


4" AT119 9 FIER a 5(

El IM T Ie T AD Y F,A3 YOK, I n .1U al)I IA


uoirw, LOUP VILL, UT u IO' atrLL1..4 YI A YH1LfU t C 119 1 1 .. r

JURYB LEF'E Stck, ote Ezeang

XCIIbt0Y -71U Idll~ on oii..soi

aE , . V.I. 01% J =192Mnl i ir -A..

f,.ro ti A .n ,. d .rAn " Y, tun auc

} 1 Ai, I', S .IL110I.d\1' '1'C.-

Illm " v t, ow 1h" " . I St a SIA: .

SM'NES.-Seines of dil flcrent Biz", jus To

Nt."d IIII I . YW1 "I f ." L

. u IW NRN of Vo * llilI\ I.l lrrl M.. L I I1( FI

r A( '.li: ,y.\'ul. 0. M,11. u"1 hs isjuel lip u calM eFEl

ii'" r" w u"IITA .I..t eunlb r":Ic. .r"Il. ~ ,.

K cAYrr l~h 'll1. 1. 1 ( r m;. N U I IMma l !t

r . 1, _ _ r. ' JI U. rl X.,i ^." "..."t .. f +N

j VIR~rtX. .. .r I ", +.~

tI fP OIOK AND LADI)DR O(IMYANYNA. ..-.. n R, 1, *n ~l

q 1t i l,

oft , t"

HWld- ld I

."wln, hl nnnl, ,hr f Il~wlnK R"Iiol C1,.nuil wM Y/t

r N

M .16* ir~lu l

Ir. Nn AIIM["Y , Tr, llnnll 1 -. , .l.* er t.

R. KY fJA, I I.Vln r t.5rl) .. ,t IIn t. 1I1hN.


FIItRAiFNCITARITAHLE ASOlCIATTO NR.', I , Th7.A'*'. tA ",Ah.4.tIj l... a. h : f., e.

tn .Jn Nr"n N.l I* 7wd. A...... r It ", M

fw I t " In 7777577 7. i..b pitrp ., or .M I .h

tP78 4' 4 4 r4 47 487

3,14INNS , 111, R1 7 . ' li 4lp N3r MI l, .14 n f, I At rM(A17lr'H

1{ ll' HR, ",\" Il. nnr~i nrai. Y"1 Dnntu .Irr"1..RiRVAIIC r'l ' V Y.. 1', I'.lr, nLrn PuI wrJ SOIJI.Jnrru 111 Y' ..4 'IA.P.'...I lrl 1J0M ,V H7 la. n r. I, ll a nlsl n .r IIIt, t"MwA

Jl1N\ " , ,:I',r .: 1,1 V". II, Trilna \11I. L~t.sl lrt. ulD

110r'l yrlr,,l r ' I. C -1- U-trt LMt-fr Lwr J

r:... t." I n,. .t , 1111 P1

S .453474 ... ,4.,

A .'-f'"I r17754 7 I.l .

L 0 IARM1I.L 1 IY., i r ""n 8. , A' -D H,r I(ML

I'fI. I.IIEt4 P- Tll " 1'" , .I 1 , rtll r Oul",~

r.." II. .r''~ i,111 'I

NALLRLII . .a r . I ri.I- Utl ,"YA. S11LI.FLl. .r.:I of ." ' ̂ I .. C 1

Ap, PPF'- I t M, 1 I(.mar.~l~

Io. n. *" \ ul y w u 6~- I~~~ . "l~y.. ir J : i r~~: ..JV7~~~I* 1. 1

lIL, t. w u I r r 'nr' Y t itkorn, wu77 r u.. . `!J~ t t . YM. "1 .

JA N - 'oft R 1

Il tw 's P'.. 'v 1 h1i Y !

OX.%`,I~~o I~ iT ANN W iiii U

r h ` '( 1 "' " n i~' I r ", 11111n t iww L ( "t .il

." r t I I.`Iw. r Ilf Milk

a NlS } F l{ ' A•r l~ ~ . AA V N 't tl.A . I

1" L 1 ,.,•

nr r.l rr r • ., .. ,, ,,,,r ' .f .^

RN 64. : 1, T . ............ ipt"~ . ...... w , ,.. ... ,-*Yr*r rrlp 1' ) II I ' ". ... ... "' 4 I ;r I, 11

i T cw . "1. r. ."

T" !""" ,W' " M, " 1t" r INf1" lro r. .lr . r, .. " ti I .-

An 1) . ,'-- IA, I,,. 1.-11

Itlll l~K' J l~ }'ll.. 'r Ll al, r-r,% 40. A.- . -,.,I I~r .N -8.

W ~1ntI , ,. ."ri Y n.. r i .. r. sw

le~ , gtl(.. .' . . Y. A.P., l.."lt .. ".... la

`1. eV l,, B ~l i . HET r .It.

.)i~~i I r~..,..... I) I

P1"'1 S I. REIEF I' N1 CI M,' tl.' JA1

r r~ I .a ... L.. ,... t".". ."

,.te. . ` '.t r

r 1.. :, .. er .... ua

J 'r . \, n Y,. "., -!I.T.Yn., t

ALR... W.,. 51."..-- .!,ht frndr { No. Zll . +. . , ,, , >.+ ,-. ,! I '1* I o' ,,,,l ,,, .1

W.J .) %'. -Krt. : 1. u, T. .I'WI '. 1' K'1 i1` 4.JI*NV { If.. liii Gui iA' b'..If ,+ . II'... I . :.u', (" .l . ' a .-

N' I.I SAL ~a .. _ l%.. l"pl w.".11. -- '1 ,+t"* -RI.AN4 1r L ,, RLm-+ (`.."i, W.'.+WI...-'h. ().t r,•m t",i~.' iH'-

Y" i.l . : ' ...o .,,= ,.,i+be ,. . "+, If {' I ,.e,1p ,p ,N { t`.Ai-l ~

.Sl .+,*. . .,,. 1d -A RI' N 171' II v + ,+ , + t -+ "

*i H , K .w p" .. V H..I

I Ii A 7 +41. Y I -, *. I Irl I , tb r, r b ptJ (JL tiN 1.1 (t 1i. I .'

S r ,A . YJ. t.. mR o. .. I R n r n I / ti-+r I..

(+ J.' IANUI UY 1ll rl I. -, .

Bk A ta I. t'[. ( s.

(1.9 -A 1.,S(. 1,L..l{46.,Nlp I rhiIIn, w ,.l-. n .,:.n" w~ .... r.. .. r..rr

U flYTIKAI MEN. -I Hill payM

InwAFAVETTE f* i rlr 1."f1;I R1'N Yl llu,. `Itl :"V. -\'rvi . '"xM I.,,.. rl.ll1, CI (,)

r{.l ; fa .r ", 1,re.. Ma. 1vIY. .11

Ft .. Y S "[LnP. ":t ) 'x Y.. L I.1.

r.S W *, e" rY. J. ci.

OT EO T1 Itr.InI1:d0J 'l[1 i; 1 .I: il. FI' Y 1I 1 IY I \. . ... "1 n 14u

r l, rr.

..I-Y ...

1.i " .M

ur n

'j 4 t f r .lx. .t e ... 1 , "' xo u olY f ,":.". 4 ,t

Ip t ll:E OF '1'l1C 1 tUK. LilUI~, alinPlI E1 rna11 lu +...1I."P .rYra ,T. .. Mu. .cl *..',4w,4. 1 '. t,. k\IILI""-*1 1' 1"U Tl*

L.,IMA .Ill

.7. It 1iR:A,

Jf1 n 2F' .l -R, ;r r 1'i .: 4aU~at:J"I. l , ke apn

"Itcr, wflnyLr ,!r

1.1. 1()., .YYoT .r.rh.. C(rl .I

tTilii.-oin aud a tr the 1st of January.Irnr. 1~n n Y. n, , x::l to " n~p Ir *r, d. n L~e n:

"` KI.".V Kl:l .Ir . ~lne.lr, wW Lullf`"\: L u.A~r M"

l', M. P. A 4.4 J(X).,38 Uuly rwol.

L Co"IL no. l._____ me w" . , U Gj1,1 IV . I.p1 .... 4g.In i i.l IlaK 1: .. 71 .. yy . "

AS 1",a\ i+, R+... Rwrr :w , JAL rl l .1kAI .1 .6r yL

Ju "<is.t~h '1 IC1t LJ, nAlt~h.l\'11 !-

AR . it! [-A.T~ t1 % l,, ,, mu du C.I" rll+ "' . J .A r,. ~y~r~ C.4.j

'C'.i!H,.l u'e..n . .:. H 'i.`. , i h :1.r ",xl ...traa,r+ ."uI.. vr~wHuYMI. Yr,1aI{ Y. Yaw. w. rI

M.'1.l ir q. 1:rtw "1 tl al lr.l .L r .U.Ix,

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wt 'wax'{. .. , ,P' il~fl, h. n. Tahaap lu avea...a. fulWV. .u. .I Yr wW Pwo. MrTr.. Y.


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