fls guide rev2 (uncomplete)

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  • 8/16/2019 FLS Guide Rev2 (Uncomplete)



    FLS GuideWarlords of Draenor Season 18

    WOD S18FLS

  • 8/16/2019 FLS Guide Rev2 (Uncomplete)


    FLS Guide WOD SEASON 3


    Abstract:  ............................................................................................................................................................................. 2

    FLS guide:  ........................................................................................................................................................................... 3

    Feral:  ................................................................................................................................................................................... 5

    Talents:  ........................................................................................................................................................................... 5

    Glyphs:  ............................................................................................................................................................................. 6

    Rotation:  ......................................................................................................................................................................... 7

    Positioning:  .................................................................................................................................................................. 9

    Comp setup:  .................................................................................................................................................................. 10

    Macros:  ........................................................................................................................................................................... 16

    Glossary:  ........................................................................................................................................................................... 17

    Melee Comps:  ................................................................................................................................................................ 17

    Caster Comps:  .............................................................................................................................................................. 17

    Hybrid Comps  ................................................................................................................................................................ 18

    Terms:  ............................................................................................................................................................................. 18

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    FLS Guide WOD SEASON 3


    There are is a lot of information in this guide, and to ensure I do not repeat/bloat

    information, it might be common to see paragraphs becoming shorter as some situations

    might apply to previous examples. Predominantly in the Comp set up section. Furthermore

    experiment with the information I have to offer, however do not take it as the onlystrategy available. Some techniques/approaches will work better against some teams, while

    you’ll have to figure out what to do against others. It is also vital to switch up your

    game plan in higher rated combat as players diversify their angle of attack.

    Another point of advice, even if you have high experience 2600+ within the last few

    seasons (15, 16, 17, 18) although not a lot of practice with a certain comp, you most

    likely will notice a relatively large drop in your MMR when learning to play a new comp

    effectively. Do not expect that just that a player is X rating, they can shift their

    skill into various other comps unless they have practice with that particular comp. It

    takes time dedication and practice to learn a comp, unless its turbo.

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    FLS Guide WOD SEASON 3

    FLS guide:

    In this guide I will provide in-depth explanation of each classes, rotation, positioning,

    macros, talents, glyphs and other various gameplay features. For details on comp

    specifications view the glossary:

    However before I go into the details I want to mention this:

    Play to have fun, the only way to push rating is to practice, and learn with an open

    mindset. Critique your team-mates but also compliment them. Improve your game every match

    and learn your foes well.

    If you understand your team-mates abilities, and strategy this comp can be played to rank

    one without using voice communication.

    Mechanical Capability:

    Mechanical capability is the ability of the player to remember all the keybinds they

    have, without ever having to look at their action bars, unless they’re tracking a big


    Before you even start trying to push rating, I highly recommend you learn all your

    abilities off by heart, Know what resource they use, what passives they provide (check

    the back of the spell book). What they do exactly with certain talents ect. Learn your

    keybinds off by heart. Also ensure that they’re all placed in comfortable and quick reach

    binds for you to have a fast reaction. I would go as far as saying don’t even attempt to

    push rating until you know exactly where each keybind is without having to look. Not only

    that but learning your rotation so you can maintain focus on other aspects such as

    cooldown and positioning of foes and friendlies.

    Furthermore, mechanical capability is also about reaction times and your ability and

    speed of processing what is going on in a game. Play such games as OSU, CSGO/source, and

    humanbenchmark.com to see reactions.


    Positioning is key no matter what comp you play or your role in a team. It is one of the

    most fundamental features in this game. It can be said that positioning is your strongest

    defensive in this game. Also, with correct positioning you can force the enemy team into

    situations that will only benefit you. Make sure you communicate what your strategy is

    and know when your healer has trinkets and what defensives he has left (or track them



    Awareness is a general skill players learn over time, it is you knowledge of the game as

    a whole. A good way to increase your awareness is to play multiple classes and learn what

    abilities they have whether it be offensive, defensive or utility. You can also:


    Watch streamers, or friends that know their class

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    FLS Guide WOD SEASON 3


    Duel multiple players. (duel not to win but to learn)

    3)  Create your own characters and learn all the abilities yourself.


    Play each class on the PTR (if you don’t want to level new toons) 

    Awareness will give you the ability to anticipate set ups, allowing you to minimise the

    amount of defensives, or reduce the size of the defensive you have to use in order to

    become victorious. This game is all about cooldown management, and if you force morecooldowns then they do to you, you usually end up winning a game.


    Strategy is about knowing what to do as a team, and how you manage cooldowns, what to do

    at a certain time frame in a game, what your objective is in a game. Too many players,

    play fls as a purely no brain rot comp, and lose on potential rating due to a bad mind

    set. (Although it is a more forgiving comp, compared to RMD/MLS)

    If the feral and the warlock sync damage you can overwhelm the enemy healer and single

    target burst an enemy player. Both classes have more than enough counter measures andsingle target burst to absolutely surprise teams.

    You can actually play this comp as a single target dps comp. Although it is rare. (There

    are some comps, which I’ll mention throughout this guide which actually require some

    single target damage to win).

    Strategy goes together with Awareness hand in hand, most strategies will or will not work

    due to the player understanding what a certain comp can or cannot do, and what cooldowns

    they have left. Timing is crucial in this game, and leaving your burst either too late or

    too early means the team could either have a cooldown available again or you push in and

    give them the advantage.

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    FLS Guide WOD SEASON 3


    Talents:Below I’ve listed the predominant talent choices you will be picking in ‘most games’

    although they can change depending on which comp you will face. I categorize teams into

    two types: High overall (HO) damage and high burst (HB) damage. [View Glossary]

    Talent choices:

    Tier 1 Wild charge will probably be your only choice

    in this tier, in some circumstances you can

    use Displacer Beast, particularly againstsomething like frozen chicken when you want to

    blink towards your healer and hide from line

    of sight against the enemy team while they

    have their burst active.

    Tier 2 Ysera’s gift will normally be the choice in

    this tier due to its high passive healing, thefact you don’t have to do anything and just

    get healed makes it an easy choice. I always

    take this talent against HO teams. CenarionWard is a great talent if you can anticipate

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    FLS Guide WOD SEASON 3

    burst from HB teams. Macro’ing this together

    with bear form or even Heart of the Wild

    (HotW) will be a life saver against extremelyhigh burst teams such as assassination rogue

    thug and assassination RMD/RMP.

    Tier 3 I often alternate between Faerie Swarm and

    Typhoon. Fearie swam is good against meleeteams slow them down and keep rogues from re-

    stealth, although if you keep shred slow/shaman’s earthbind up it shouldn’t be a

    problem. Typhoon is great if you just need

    that extra interrupt on an important spell.

    Also a preferable talent if you have maps with

    a Z-axis (multiple levels: e.g. Blade’s Edge

    Arena, Dalaran Sewers)

    Tier 4 Incarnation. (Pretty much explains it self, I

    tried the other two talents and I do not feel

    they provide anywhere the capability to what

    incarnation has).Tier 5 Incapacitating Roar, can be used if you stack

    an enemy team and want to provide some great

    peels. Otherwise Mighty bash is you otheroption.

    Tier 6 This tier is really divided due to the

    cooldown and uptime. Heart of the wild makes

    you extremely tanky, however a 6minutecooldown is slightly too high for a comp that

    usually tries to drain the enemy team over a

    ‘longer’ period. Furthermore the healing done

    by natures vigil is rather incredible if you

    have bleeds on all team members

    Tier 7 Claw’s of Shirvallah, is pretty much the only

    option in this tier as it gives 5% versatility

    and promotes more utility, such as casting

    cyclone without having to shift forms and

    compromise yourself.


    As with talents there are two glyphs that you want to keep constant. The 3 rd glyph can be

    alternated however it’s less comp dependent and more so play style.

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    FLS Guide WOD SEASON 3

    1) [Ninth Life], is a must 10% damage reduction, passive.

    2) [Glyph of Savage Roar] is a great glyph, if you know how to use it effectively to

    minimise the amount of combo points you spend on savage roar.

    3) [Cyclone]: adds 5 yards onto your cyclone. (This glyph surprises the enemy team verymuch as they are not used to a feral being able to cyclone them from a certain range.

    Having an Arena-123 cyclone macro will really push your team to new limits).

    4) [Master Shapeshifter]: reduces the mana cost of all shapeshifts by 100%. (Great if you

    have to power-shift many roots or if you need to switch to bear-form a lot to avoid

    damage [Remember that sometimes [Shirvallah’s form] is better for damage reduction as you

    have the 10% damage reduction in cat form and 5% versatility from the [Shirvallah’s


    5) Skull Bash: increases the duration of skull bash interrupt by 2 seconds, but increases

    the cooldown by 5 seconds. (Only time you would use this glyph is if the enemy team has

    the only caster being its healer, and if that healer is either a Holy Paladin orMistweaver, furthermore I suggest you would learn how to kick before choosing this


    Rotation:Rotation 1:

    This rotation was from one of my good feral friends, I’ve never talked to him on VOIP,

    however he knows his class and his meta extremely well. I have never seen a feral who has

    done as much damage as he has. IMPORTANT NOTE: this rotation will only work if your whole

    team completely understands the meta. For this, you will need each member of your team to

    push and chase the enemy healer. Doing this will drag all enemy players towards one

    location on the Arena floor which decreases the distance the feral has to move to

    maintain uptime on his bleeds. If your healer decides to run away from the dps that are

    attacking him, and ignore the strategy this rotation will fail ultimately and you will

    end up doing less damage than a normal 2 player bleed strat.

    Usocrazy-Illidan: “The more Globals you use per game, the more damage you can potentially


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    FLS Guide WOD SEASON 3


    Keep rake up on all targets2)


    Keep savage roar active, although don’t spend a 5 combo pointer, as you want to

    save these for big rips. (it takes a while to build 5 combo points, hence you want

    to use all the 5 combo points on rips, The only difference between different combo

    point savage roars it the duration, it’s easy to just use a single or a double

    combo point to refresh).


    Keep 5 combo point rips active on as many targets as possible.


    Tiger’s Fury when Energy is low and you’re not about to be CC’d, you can reapply a

    rip here as it will have increased damage and is one of the only abilities in the

    game that still uses snap-shotting.


    Trash if there are 3 targets in close proximity.


    If all targets are full of bleeds you have permission to use ferocious bite.7)


    If target is >25% hp and has rip active, you can ferocious bite to renew the bleed.

    8)  Shred to slow enemy/build combo points if rake isn’t going to fall off soon.


    Ensure you are always between 0-99 energy, If you’re about to sit cc, trash the

    target ect. (do not tigers fury right before you sit CC)  Awareness will help in

    this regard.

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    FLS Guide WOD SEASON 3

    Rotation 2:


    Keep [Rake] up on all targets


    Keep [Savage Roar] active, although don’t spend a 5 combo pointer, as you want

    to save these for big rips.

    3)  Keep 5 combo point rip on main target, and 3 combo point rip on off targets


    [Tiger’s Fury] when Energy is low and you’re not about to be CC’d, you can

    reapply a rip here as it will have increased damage and is one of the only

    abilities in the game that still uses snap-shotting.


    Use [Shred] as a filler.

    6)  Once energy is low and no tiger’s fury Cyclone a target which is low hp, unless

    you are bursting on that target.


    Use Ferocious bite if main target has rip active.


    If target is >25% hp and has rip active, you can ferocious bite to renew the



    Positioning with respect to rotation 1, is relatively simple but at the same time more

    difficult to pull off, as it involves everyone in your team to move in sync as a ball

    (Protoss death ball [if you get the reference]) although against some ‘cleave comps’ such

    as turbo it is vital that there is enough distance between you that you will not take the

    spread pressure from them (keep about 12 yards from one another). As feral you are the

    You can see how low Shred

    and Ferocious bite damage

    is. And this was a ‘quick


    Yeah, that’s sustained damage.

    43k. and 36k. Both perfect DPS.

    You can see the enemy team

    would struggle versing this

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    FLS Guide WOD SEASON 3

    only melee player on the team, and if you push in too far you will become a target

    against better players.

    Positioning with respect to rotation 2, is about being in line of sight of both your

    healer and warlock, although you do not have to move together as a team, Try keeping

    bleeds up on most targets and move around so that you can give the appropriate player a

    [predatory swiftness]: Healing Touch or a Entangling roots on enemy player which is oneither your shaman or warlock. It is important to track stuns such as HoJ/bash/Kidney

    shot so that you don’t become an easy target behind a pillar.

    (More positioning will be explained in the Comp setup section)

    Comp setup:General tips:

    For all comps: When you cyclone a target, try and ensure your warlock is not about to

    haunt that target

    If an enemy healer dispels your warlocks UA, it’s a good time to swap to them, as they

    are going to sit a 4 second silence, out of that (check the DR first) Bash them. This can

    normally (if all targets are dotted/bleeding) force him to use another defensive earlier

    than expected.


    Depending on their enemy healer, ensure you keep him at bay with cyclone. You can bursteither of the feral or DK depending on what cooldowns they’ve used. You should be

    extremely quick to cyclone the enemy druid as soon as he pops incarnation. Alternate

    cyclones during their burst, Also make sure that the enemy DK does NOT dark simulacrum

    your cyclones. If you have the dark simulacrum debuff, use [soothe]

    (I prefer to incarnation at the exact same time as the enemy feral, then rake the feral

    and DK then cyclone the feral, sometimes you can force the feral to trinket the first

    stun, to kick you, then rake stun him again.

    During their burst, You can burst as well, pop incarnation and Natures vigil, stun their

    whole team, rake arena 123, then re-rake them until each of them are completely stun

    DR’d. During this time it is a good idea for your warlock to pop dark soul. Although itcompletely depends on his buffs.

    Ebola cleave is usually played with a holy paladin healer, and they will be using

    avenging wrath (wings) at the same time. If you can hold incarnation for after the wings,

    you WILL force bubble.

    As a feral druid versing this comp, it would be advised to sit on their Holy paladin for

    as much as possible, but always be in peel range of your team. Their paladin WILL be

    using Fist of Justice (FoJ/HoJ) on you so ensure you can be dispelled. I normally do not

    like to escape trinket the fists, or using escape trinket to be offensive in general.

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    FLS Guide WOD SEASON 3

    Your shaman should play in line of sight with you, furthermore make it accessible for

    your warlock to dot all targets with ease. The more your warlock is on the move, the less

    damage he is capable of outputting.

    Start on DK, stun him out of stealth, I prefer not to rake stun druid as He might

    incarnation after and I can only then ½ stun DR him with a following rake, if he

    incarnations early (which he probably will since they’re playing Ebola, against an R-sham team). This will normally force DK to use a certain escape trinket, could be

    desecrate ground/icebound ect. If he doesn’t desecrate try to cyclone him, ensuring

    your warlock is in range of dotting either the healer, or if the feral is already

    out of stealth (there’s no point cycloning him in the opener otherwise) Remember

    not cyclone randomly, your warlock is dotting targets, if you can communicate that

    an agony is about to fall off prior to a cyclone it would help a lot). It is also

    good to communicate if you’re going to cyclone a target so your healer can free

    cast. Riptide-> Unleash life-> Healing surge is huge against a melee cleave if

    they’re training your shaman (it will save spirit link/ascendance). Next full bleed

    the Hpal. If he bops here, cyclone him. Normally my kill target is DK in this comp.

    Switch between all three targets. And use your predatory swiftness: entanglingroots on DK where ever possible if he is not in-line of sight of his healer.

    (Preferably use Healing touch on the Predatory swiftness proc, if your healer is

    low). Communicate as soon as DK doesn’t have Icebound/AMS, and switch to him

    regardless of stance. Also try forcing the DK into blood whenever you can, they

    flop* harder than you think. Furthermore Hold your Skull Bash against the Hpal. I

    like to kick relatively late against them, A few games I played against them, and

    forced bubble by holding my kick as they thought they couldn’t juke. 

    Remember to also stay relatively close to your healer during the enemy team’s burst

    phase, as he will be needing to spirit link, and him and the warlock inside are not

    enough, They will NEED you to be there for the shared health pool.

    When versing a Hpal team against a melee cleave such as Ebola, it is extremely

    important for you and your warlock to be able to interrupt the paladin, If you’re

    missing too many kicks, hold your kicks. There’s no point trying to kick at 30 -40%

    if that’s his juking range. Remember Paladins have very little in terms of instant

    heals outside their cooldowns. Holy shock and sacred shield are it… they will cast.

    Moreover, a free-casting denouncing Hpal is never a good sign. Particularly when

    your comp has the most interrupts in the game. If you’re given an ability use it. 


    Against Turbo cleave: go the Restoration druid, although track his bash, so that you do

    not chase him and end up sitting and cyclone spams you when your warlock cannot interrupt

    it. If you become bashed, and have trinket, sit the full bash and let him clone,

    instantly trinket the clone, this way you have sat a cyclone DR even though you only sat

    the duration of the bash CC (make sure to also get ready to skull bash the healer,

    because he is probably mid cyclone trying to cyclone your trinket). Go druid whenever you

    can. If you notice your warlock is about to kill one of the targets or is making progress

    on the enhance/warrior use a stun such as maim or bash on the healer and Cyclone him,

    then run over and help him, furthermore, if you notice you won’t be able to kill the

    target also cyclone the kill target. As soon as the druid runs to Heal that player he

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    FLS Guide WOD SEASON 3

    might accidentally use [Nature’s Swiftness] on the cyclone, which immunes the heal. If

    you’re playing the cyclone glyph, cast cyclone on healer again, He will usually not

    expect it, particularly if you are not facing him/ > distance than the normal cyclone

    without glyph range. Furthermore, I try to cyclone as MUCH as I can, without influencing

    my damage, this is helpful for a few reasons. When the healer pushes in to heal, it’s a

    great opportunity to call to swap him, if your warlock can get a [Soul Swap] [Haunt] into

    him while draining and you with full bleeds and a ferocious bite (remembering you cyclonethe either the warrior/enhance) you could end the game there.


    Healing over time spells against a druid team fall off inside the cyclone making

    the druid have to completely reapply them all once they get out.


    Cyclone target at low health, if enemy healer has a method of getting them back to

    a safe range (track enemy healer cds). Cyclone target, to force druid in and

    cyclone druid.


    Cyclone healer when you can if he has used cds, e.g. Mistweaver monk cocoon, Priest

    Pain Suppression, Paladin BOP, (if your shaman or warlock cannot purge it off).

    4)  Cyclone DPS targets for peels against your warlock/shaman


    Cyclone enemy dps if they are using offensive/defensive cooldowns.

    You do not have to worry about just trying to cyclone a target in order for the

    enemy team to use cooldowns such as interrupts, groundings/reflects. As this should

    come naturally when you are trying to cyclone as in the steps above.

    One thing I learned over a period of time, was to JUKE cyclone. From an affliction

    warlock’s perspective, it seems fine for a feral to hard cast a cyclone, because it

    should always be kicked, is it doesn’t matter if he gets it or not. [THIS IS WRONG]

    Make sure you juke cyclone, don’t waste too much time on it. You will learn the

    appropriate timing, and how much time to spend on casting it. (This is also

    situational due to who you are versing and how aggressive they are with theirkicks). Also pay attention to your energy bar during this phase, if you’re sitting

    at max energy just juking cyclone all day you’re not helping anyone. 

    Furthermore: If you notice the enemy team is instantly interrupting (botting): Cast

    cyclone whenever they have a kick up. Gg, no more kicks go to your team-mates, and

    you have a free casting affliction warlock.

    Using [Soothe] on a resto druid in bear form can purge his Frenzied Regeneration (heal

    over time effect). (Not enough ferals do this!!!!)

    I prefer hitting warrior in turbo, if you feel you cannot kill the druid, for a number ofreasons.


    Enhance shaman’s defensives are fairly powerful against FLS, due to their short

    cooldown and self-heals.


    It is more difficult for the shaman to heal/notice his warrior is lower hp, hence

    he will require to use his maelstrom proc heals on the warrior. *It’s much easier

    to use healing surge on yourself [as enhance], unless he has a macro for his team-



    You will force warrior in defensive stance


    You might be able to kill warrior without him remembering to stance switch.

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    FLS Guide WOD SEASON 3


    You can drag him behind the boxes, sure you can do the same with an enhancement

    Shaman, however warriors do not have freedom. Such as [Ghost wolf] or [freedom

    totem]. Yes freedom totem can be used on team-mates, however a lot of players are

    relatively single minded with their cooldowns, and use CDs such as freedom when

    they’re slowed. 

    It’s also a good idea to keep faerie swarm/fire on the druid so he cannot shadow-meld(if he is a night elf [nelf])- actually good to do this on all targets so that your

    warlock can effectively kite when required.


    Understanding who to try and kill in kittycleave very much comes down to the healing

    class on their team. If a Hpal/r-sham/mw, go healer (although don’t waste too much time

    if you do not have mobility cooldowns chasing a MW monk), if disc, play the game in close

    proximity to their healer, so you’re ready to interrupt whatever ability they cast. Do

    not worry about trying to kick every heal, save some kicks for the feral’s cyclone if you

    notice that they are casting often. Disc rely on shields, they basically pre-heal a

    target, so kicking them is less effective unless they’re already low. For the most part

    it’s a pretty good idea to hit the warrior, again same situation as turbo. Cyclone his

    DBS (depending on situation)- if lock is going to kill with a drain haunt or if the

    warrior is extremely low make a judgement call. It’s relatively, important to juke two

    things here, Skull bash (as the two set resets the feral’s tigers fury which increases

    his damage) and a spell reflect (SR) or Mass Spell Reflect (MSR) – Unless you are dr’d to

    a psychic scream and they’re about to switch you. 

    Similar to Ebola, Start the warrior, do not rake stun first global on the feral for

    the same reason as ebola, (unless you caught him out of stealth)- if that is the

    case cyclone the feral.

    Keep 5 combo point rips on the target you think your team believes is a viable kill

    target (I cannot emphasize this enough, arguing with your team who you want to kill

    then splitting DPS focus dps barely works against high burst and sustained melee

    damage comps: training your r-sham). Unless your lock and you are maintaining 40k+

    DPS and competent interrupters then try and focus one target. (I personally suggest

    the warrior).

    It is a great time to burst warriors if you can communicate with your shaman to

    peal the warrior out of line of sight of their healer, when they do not have heroic

    leap available, and either incarnation triple stun or bash/coil him, when your

    warlock has full dot/drain on the target.


    These comps have been listed together because they are relatively similar in their set

    up. Melee-hunter-healer. Although it is important to note all the utility the melee

    player has in these comps and how they cooperate with the hunter to line up relatively

    large cc chains. Furthermore, it is vital to watch out for their burst damage which is

    sync’d together with the Hunter’s [A Murder of Crows] (AmoC). For FLS the strategy for

    beating these comps is relatively similar. While each of these comps might either go your

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    warlock or your shaman it is very important to CC target with the lowest DR cyclone

    category possible.

    For each of the hunters cc-set ups:


    Wyvern -Trap


    Binding shot –Trap


    HoJ- Trapd)


    Cyclone –Trap


    Root –Trap


    Bash –Trap


    Physic Scream- Trap

    h)  Others (you get the picture)

    Awareness is key, Cyclone the hunter if you notice there is potential CC inbound onto

    one of your friendlies. (Again, make a judgement call as to if the hunter is kill

    target and about to die).

    A good way of knowing when CC is about to hit your team-mate is by noticing the

    initial cc chain on the target (listed above), followed either with a [Post-haste]

    Disengage. If you can cyclone the hunter mid disengage, you can provide enough time

    for your healer to react to the cooldowns used in the situations to either ground the

    trap if he has grounding up or pop down a tide/healing stream ect.

    Against all retribution teams, [Cyclone] the [Avenging Wrath] (Wings for short), It is

    a good idea to immediately start casting cyclone, most of the time you will be able to

    cyclone his trinket immediately. From my experience, the only real time PHD or any Ret

    team has kill potential is during wings. Therefore controlling them through their

    short burst window is vital.

    Same deal with incarnation in Jungle/Zoo cleave. Cycloning feral is important.

    Although remember to keep pressure up and not casting cyclone all day.

    In each of these comps, keep a 5 combo-point rip on the hunter, at all times, In most

    cases the game will end where your warlock will dot and drain him to death while you

    are being a pest to their healer. Your bleeds go through deterrence, so as a hunter

    besides Sac, they have nothing to stop your damage.


    This comp had to be mentioned as it, if played correctly is can be a strong counter to

    FLS. And it is imperative that the feral druid knows the set ups and can anticipateincoming bursts. High rated god comp will usually have a setup such as the following:

    Deep freeze Resto-Shaman, simultaneous Psychic Horror on feral druid & Silence on the

    warlock to prevent fear spam/ or Spell lock if pet is sacrificed. Following the Deep

    Freeze, a Full Sheep into the r-sham, followed by a possible re-sheep/frost-jaw/sheep

    and psychic scream, While out of the Psychic horror on the feral a HoJ (if the shatter

    is played with a hpal) or Bash (if resto druid). Good teams will ensure there are no

    globals between the stuns to ensure the feral druid cannot Survival Instincts through

    their burst. The feral druid will always be the target of choice. If you can pre-

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    survival instincts their burst you will completely avoid having to use any big

    cooldowns such as trinket. However, if you are not able to. In most cases, unless:

    a)  Warlock CC’s enemy pressure


    Resto Shaman Pre-tides burst

    c)  Resto shaman is not in CC


    Pre-survival instinctYou will need to trinket their burst set up. It is extremely important that you and

    your shaman NEVER trinket simultaneously, as each of you need to save them for set ups

    for the next burst. It is also recommended that the warlock does the same (saves

    trinket for when he is CC’d using their defensive on your behalf (It’s actually for

    the team’s behalf). Escape trinkets should be used as a defensive measure, using

    escape trinket for offensive pressure is rarely rewarding. Moreover, depending on the

    circumstance, it is more appropriate for you to use your trinket prior to your


    As you are the kill target for the enemy team, you have the biggest impact with

    regards to positioning. You determine where the game is played as their team will mostlikely follow you into locations that are less suitable for their team. Against god

    comp, force them to play pillars, and keep your shaman close by. If your healer is

    aggressive enough, and affluent with his Windshears/groundings/purges you should try

    to play rotation 1 against godcomp.





    WWDK (Walking Dead)


    -Feral Game play and how to maintain high pressure on healers… 

    -Positioning to optimize damage for your warlock.

    -Finsih drawing arena top view

    -rsham guide

    -afflic guide

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    Resto Shaman

    Communication: If believe your team doesn’t have that great awareness it is good to call

    each CC or potential CC you’re going to sit. (If you aren’t sure just mention it for good

    measure). If you are together in voice communication, it is good practice to repeat

    yourself 3 times. Project yourself when you talk, there is no need to be shy. If someone

    was talking over you the first time you mentioned something, nobody in the call might

    notice you’re about to sit a full kidney, killing-spree without a trinket. They might be

    in the midst of killing another target.

    Advanced Healing tactics:

    As FLS you are a damping comp, and your team can deal extraordinary damage left alone.

    There is a mental tactic that can provide your team with the highest uptime, however it

    is relatively difficult to pull off.

    Against certain comps: (specific comps):

    You can, if you are the target not entirely top your health pool and sit between 25-40%,

    this will sometimes trigger the enemy team to want to train you, and try and blow every

    GCD to kill you, ignoring about what the feral and the warlock in your team are doing. If

    you can track and understand what each of their CD’s are capable of you can sit in this

    health range for a period, then try and top yourself off prior to their CC. It should be

    noted that you should track all the Stun/silence DR’s on-yourself prior to trying this

    tactic out. It’s relatively advanced and only really works effectively against teams that

    don’t know when to peel back.

    This tactic helps a lot when your warlock is using dark-soul. As most of the time in high

    ladder play, players will try to hide during the warlock’s dark soul, hence this method

    is a good way of pulling them out. (Tip: never do this against WWDK) … 

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    Glossary:Melee Comps:

    Ebola Cleave :: Feral - Unholy – Healer HOTurboCleave :: EnSham - Dk / Warr – Rdruid HOKittyCleave :: Feral - Warr – Hpal HO

    African Turtle Cleave :: Protwarr - Hunter – Rdruid HOZoo / Jungle Cleave :: Feral - Hunter – Healer HOTSG :: Dk - Warr – Hpal HOPHD :: Dk - Hunter – Hpal BD-HOTreeSG :: Dk - Warr – Rdruid HOTreeHD :: Dk - Hunter – Rdruid HOVanguards Cleave :: Dk - Ret – Healer HOSmokebomb Cleave :: Dk - Rogue – Healer HOKFC :: Warr - Hunter – Healer HOLumberjack Cleave :: Warr - Warr – Pal HOMan Cleave :: Arms - Prot – Pal HOThug Cleave :: Rogue - Hunter – Healer BD

    Kanye Cleave :: Rogue - Rogue/Dk – Shaman HOScooby Doo Cleave :: Ret - Rogue Rdruid/Sham HOBatman Cleave :: Rogue - Warr – Healer HOPHP :: Ret - Hunter – Priest BD-HOCupid :: Ret - Hunter - Healer (Non-Priest) BD-HOFreedom Cleave :: Ret - Dk – Hpal HOBeast Cleave :: Hunter - EnhSham – Healer HO--------- Cleave :: Dk(Unholy) - Dk(Unholy) – Healer HOStalin Cleave :: Dk(Frost) - Dk(Frost) – Healer HOUnholy Meditation :: WW - DK – Hpriest HOCheeky Narwahl Cleave :: EnhSham - Rogue – Rdruid HO

    Caster Comps: 

    MLP / Hogwarts Cleave :: Lock - Mage – Priest BD

    Harry Potter Cleave :: Mage - Mage – Healer BD

    Frozen Chicken Cleave :: Mage(Frost) - Moonkin – Healer BD

    Spicy Chicken Cleave :: Mage(Fire) - Moonkin – Healer BD-HO

    El Diablo Cleave :: Mage(Fire) - Lock – Rsham BD-HO

    Shattreeplay / God Comp:: Mage - Spriest – Rdruid BD

    Shatterplay :: Mage(Frost) - Spriest – Sham BD

    Fireplay :: Mage(Fire) - Spriest – Sham BD-HO

    MLD :: Mage - Lock – Druid BD

    MLS :: Mage - Lock – Sham BD

    L.SD :: Rdruid - Lock(Des) – EleSham BD

    L.SD2:: Rdruid - Lock(Aff) – EleSham HO

    L.SD2 Variant :: Moonkin - Lock – Rsham HO

    Owlplay :: Moonkin - Spriest – Sham BD-HO

    Shadowplay :: Spriest - Lock – Healer HO

    Volcano Cleave :: Ele - Mage – Healer BD

    God Cleave :: Moonkin - EleSham – Healer BD

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    Hybrid Comps 

    Liberty Cleave :: Mage - Dk - Priest

    RMS :: Rogue - Mage - ShamRMD :: Rogue - Mage - Druid

    RMP :: Rogue - Priest - Mage

    FMP :: Mage - Feral - Disc

    FPS :: Feral - Spriest - Rsham

    WLD :: Warr - Lock - Druid

    Unholyplay :: Druid - Spriest - Dk

    Mongolian Earthworm Cleave :: EnSham - Moonkin - Priest

    Mongolian Armadillo Cleave :: WW - Moonkin - Priest

    Dancing with the Stars :: Rogue - Moonkin - Healer

    Angel Cleave :: Ret - Spriest - Healer (Orig Dpriest)

    RPD :: Druid - Spriest - RogueRPS :: Rogue - Spriest - Rsham

    Zombie Chicken Cleave :: Dk - Moonkin - Healer

    RLS :: Rogue - Lock - Sham

    RLD :: Rogue - Lock - Druid

    Shadowcleave :: Healer - Dk - Lock

    WMD :: Warr - Mage - Druid

    WMP :: Warr - Mage - Priest

    WMPal :: Warr - Mage - Pal

    WMChi / Lama Cleave :: Warr - Mage - MW

    WLS :: Warr - Lock - Sham

    RMD2 :: Rogue - Moonkin - MageCleaving with the Stars :: Warr - Moonkin - Rsham

    Scatterplay :: Hunter - Spriest - Rsham

    Dispel Cleave :: Warr - Disc - Resto

    FLS :: Lock - Feral - Sham

    Thundercat Cleave :: Feral - EnSham - Healer

    Thunderfist Cleave :: WW - EleSham - Healer

    Harvest Cleave :: WW - Lock - Healer

    Thunder Cleave :: Arms Warrior - Ele Shaman - Resto Druid









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