fltnhly excursionit iisc ijhat on g w fodryearsofire as not to attract too much atten¬ tion to the...

s r r a J c d t ti s n rr < =+ rM lan- a ° iwr < < 4 rAGE > 9IT TJltfJ IADTICAH EVENING SUN W il FltnhlY 1r EXCURSIONit t On Steamer I G W ROBERTSON Friday Night July 29 lr f To Metropolis and Return i f Two Hours in Metropolis H I GOOD MUSIC COOL BREEZES Boat Leaves 830 Returning 1130 Round TripII II = 25c- J ° Ea Rollins Master IN TO EVANSVILLE I and Return On tlio Strainer 1John S HopK > s- IUUS i AXI IliUTH IXCLllii i 1pat Leaves IMdiirnli Tucsilnys Thursdays nml Saturdays at 10 n in Until Plioncs 10 Excursion Bulletin Springy and Summer Season The Str Dick Fowler offers the following reduced rate Cairo and return toI I Blngle round trip to CaiN Parties Elegant and return of flve orchestra and over on 1126J J I to furnish muilo all Umj j I S A Iowlcr General Agent I Both Phones Xo 33I R RATES TO AUTO OWNERS S ring cars per moutht5A0n- g cars per month700 I Any Size Machines Rpalrs 30 cents to 76 cents perII ur according to nature of work be done OPEN DstY AND N1GKT Complete lino of auto supplies d accessories at your servic daj d night Kentucky Auo Machine Co eaea 56 Sixth and Jefferson Btt r > I1llIr 8UtlIlIng The late O Henry whose flippant F ind slangy stories gave him a great eputatfon a humorlit was In prl te liCe a serious student A visitor to the library of Mr Por vo New York residence was amazed the ponderous histories and bloc pities on every side But dont you read said the via > r Ellis Parker Butler and writers that sort Well no sajd Mr Porter 5 Ho laughed and added whim feally I make fancy cakes and sell em but I only eat bread and eat Washington Star LC I i on a 1 9 the getting quite thin until the top my bead was mutely bald About tour months ago I com- menced ¬ using Sage sad Sul¬ phur The lint bottle teemed to do and I kept using It until now I used lour bottles The 2 topol my head it now airly revered with hair and It ieeni coming In thicker I shall keep on using It a while loneerat I notice a constant STEPHEN BACON Rochester ft Y STATaoa yaw You 1 Stephen Itaron being dui sworn aaya that he hat read the statement above annexed and that the contents ol said r statement are BACON t Sworn UmlaY W Notary Safe Method n ¬ body uudi rtnmU and tlii rely avoid tap the chance of having hU argu- ments Orllnirely refuted U TlioiiKlits of Youth A small boy was hoeing corn In a sterile Held by the road lde when a passerby stopped and said Peers to me your corn Is rather said the boy Its dwarf corn But It looks yeller we planted the yeller kind nut It looks as If you wouldnt get more than a half crop Of coune not we planted It It Isnt difficult for a man to soo his affinity in a woman with an obes bunk account I L VETERMAVB ROACH FOOD km rtckt water buft > ndbretle Standard lor PETEHJIAWS DISCOVERY killt lied bus nd their teas A ure n e PCTERMAV8 MOTH HOOD Odotlcu KlUt moths A sure pretfnutlre r An- t Du1rn yl 1 For Sale by R Vf Walker Co tI I IN JUST FIVE J I a Full Growth of Hair Bald Head or Heres Proof myJulr of regularly 2hale Improvement asCounty tom- eSTEPIIEN outdap PubU- crr IA reputaI emailCertainly Certainly on- halvesEverybodys Magazine ROACH FOOD prevfrnitirer- FnTUMAN3ANTIOODkillitnt 11ONTHSi Grew The birthright of every man woman and childa full healthy head of hair If your hair is falling if it is full of dandruff or if it is faded or turning gray it is diseased and should be looked after without delay WYETHS SAGE AND SULPHUR HAIR REMEDY a true Hair Tonic and Restorer removes dine druff in a few days stops hair falling in one week and starts a new growth in a month r Does not soil the skin nor injure the hair but it is an ideal hair dressing that will restore faded to natural color andkeep the hair soft and glossy ft Cents and 1 a BoUieAt all Druggists > r Seat Direct Express Prepaid Upon Receipt of Price WYETH CHEMICAL COMPANY 74 CORTLANDT ST NEW YORK CITY N Y FOB JAJJB AND RECOMMENDED BY Wlf GILBERT t SIMS TELLS HOW I IsC WAS S MILKED FOKMDK SUPKlllXTKXDKNT OK I AIKMIIIIS GUI COMIUNV I jXnino of Im Hnun introduced Into I JlcnrliiK Through Letter Put I In by Attorney Illgpi HILLS PADDED 10 PKU CENT Chicago July 29The Illinois Central Railroad company was dubbed the Santa Claus of the car repair Christmas tree In today besslon of the graft investigation be- fore ¬ Master in Chancery Koaewell I IL MasonChristmas was every day In the year for the stockholders of the car rnpalr companies and certain high officials of the railroad who were participants In the graft More than f 1500000 of the rail roads cash Is said to have gone Into the pockets of the plotters In the years of 1907 and 1908 Details of the methods used are now being spread upon the court records for the first time It was as one of the platters Who has reformed put It to dan easier than taking candy money from a threeyear kiddIe The names of all Involved In the Illinois Centrals graft have not yet come out In the proceeding before Master Mason but Ira Q Rawn who during the Christmas period was vice president In charge of opera ¬ tion was mentioned yesterday by Harold A Sims former superIntend- ent ¬ of the Memphis Car company Mr Rown furnished the tar company with the schedule of lumber prices which would be allowed In figuring car repair work Frank Iklmont Itcfonns After the first ills oii at the car repair frauds Mr Uawn resigned and later became president of the Morton railroad He died last week at his summer homo In WJnnetkd from a wound alleged to be self inflicted Frank W Delmont who as chief clerk of the Memphis Car company made out most of the padded bills by which the Illinois Central claims to have been defrauded out of at least 800004 was the most illumi ¬ nating witness called today lie told of standing orders to raise all bills to the limit regardleis of the amount of work done on a car He told of billing cars that were never Von Inside the shops and of collect Ins full rates for mistakes in bill making Belmont Is a sharpfaced little fel- T who foundt his conscience when he lost his job with tho Mem- phis works He is now employed by the Illinois Central He told of the frauds which he perpetrated on hs present employers with a smiling face and chuckled gleefullp at some of the more daring coups In graft Graft Wax the little lie testified that he worked direct ly under the orders of E H Ward secretary of the Memphis Car com- pany ¬ and that his billing instruct- ions were to come clthe fully or as near as possible to the limit that was set on car repairs Irrespective of the repairs that actually went Into the cars I have taken a car on which 16 worth of work was actually done and rendered a bill for 326 or 3o he said with something ke professional pride That was getting It up to thf mlt suggested Attorney A W Bras who was examining for the IMroIs Central It sure was sir answered the witness Instead of putting on all the traffic would bear we put on all the ear would bear Was this adding to the bills the exception asked the railroad at ¬ torneyThe goodlaugh The exception Dices you no It was the rule The only exception was when 1 let a car go through light Ire as not to attract too much atten ¬ tion to the big bills- Inspectors Dismissed 1 throughlight When I had say 40 bills Id put twotgo DolmontThe Jlllnol8C thehills theydidnt Crabtree refused to sign some bills before I completed thorn an- other ¬ man took his place was the prompt answer The wltnen said that ho fro qupntly made out bills for cars that had not yet been repaired If tho company needed money ho would slightnxlng limit Who told you to do title Mr Ward the secretary of the companyWhy T Wasnt I working for the com- pany ¬ Belmont demanded with a snicker I C People Fixed Didnt you fear trouble would followWell I asked Olr Ward about It once admitted Belmont I asked If there wouldnt be trouble Ho said No i go the limit as often as you like the I C people are fixed Do you awear that nearly evert t < AFTER FODRYEARSOF Cured by Lydia E Pink UaiusVcgetaUleCopipoundBaltimore niv life was a misery to mo I suffered from irregulari- ties ¬ terrible drag glng sensations extreme nervouS- ness and that all gone feeling In my stomach I hail given up hope of ever being well when I began to- takeLydiaEPlnk hams Vegetable Compound Then I fo t as though now lIfo had been given me and I am recommending It to nil my friends3IrsW S FonD 2207 W Franklin St Baltimore Ill Tho most successful remedy In this country for tho cure ot nil forms ut llnk1Iams more widely stint successfully used than any other femalo remedy It has cured thousands of women who havo been troubled with displacements inflam ¬ mation ulceration fibroid tumors Ir- regularities ¬ periodic pains backache that bearingdown feeling tlatulency Indigestion mid nervous prostration after nil other means had failed If you are suffering from any of these ailments dont give up hope until you have given Lydia E P5n tams Vege table Compound trial If you would llkospcclnl aelvlco LI1H1rIS thousands to licnlib free of Minrire bill rendered the Illinois Central In the six mouths you were bill clerk for the Memphis Car company was padded asked Attorney Biggs solemnly I do ro swear testified Belmont without a quiver It developed that even the em ¬ ployes of the car company were buncoed The company wanted tho men to believe they wero being paid by the piece Instead of by the hour yet It wanted to pay by the Hour Belmont tats new they worked it We figured on ptylng them about 28 cents an h don tho aver- age ho said One week we would pay them 29 Vi cents The next week 2iS cents That say a man never Knew bow much was coming to him though wo kept of ole cbeck on hint 4nd he worked faster and harder Ran Only TrpckitStraight jtralgJttlown < m with a sight Nothing but tho trnbks laughed the witness When I tame to Mom phW we were charging flvo gallons of paint to a fat car Thu work raallj required two fialloue After 31f Ward made n little trip to Chicago to tojd me to charge ten gallons The charge was never5 questioned Then came the tale or Olr Del monts acmo In graft I billed a car In error ono day Tho amount was nearly + HOO and I put down tho wrong ear number 1 I did not notice It until l I had mailed The Worlds Standard De I aval Cream Separator Over 1200000 In use There never was a better time to make this most necessary and profitable of all dairy Investments with one cow or ono hundred than NOW Why purchase IMITATIONS when you can get tho READ TIlING All other Separators are but Imitations of the Do Laval We guarantee tho De Laval Separator to do better work skim closer to bo easier run as well as cleaner than any other Separator on tho market A De Laval may bo bought on such terms as to pay for Itself Why not try one now for yourj j own satisfaction Call on or address i sit At Fowler Supply Co AJcntsI We have machines In stock and can demonstrate them to you r the bill I told Mr Ward about It He said to let the error go but to I 1bo sure to make out a bill for the right number Both bills were paidAnd you quit at Christmas BlggfJust Christmas laughed tho witness 1 Harold A Sims farmer wipcrln tcndcnt of tho Memphis plant di- rectly ¬ Involved certain unnamed Illi ¬ note Central officials I high officials or the Illinois cen tral ho testified wore Interested In tho car repairing plants They entered Into an agreement to divide tho profits grafted from the railroad Theso profits amounted to as much as 40 per cent of the total amount paid by the railroad company i Sims said he had received five shares of tho SOO shares of stock Issued by tho Memphis Car company when It was organized Ho told of being In on the organization of tho BarksdaleKcllogg1 Lumber com panyv from which tho car shops got lumber cheaper than tho schedule of tho Illinois Central The railroad was charged full price I Tho first moon wo split on tho lumber deal was 1000 each all except Mr Taylor who only got 500 testified Sims I told him they were holding out on him but I dont know what ho did about It Doctonxl All Cane All was grist that came to tho SimiI thornLeven ¬ matItsr not sure about tho percentage but III I cntI ho loft th < and all the easy graft Icompany wero nwny changing inj salary they wore cutting my ex penso money and they failed t to SlAY tho right dividends on stock he declared I determined to get out and go Into business myself 1 snot King of tho llllnote Central 1 1S street and said to him Theyre not treating me right I dont want to expose my friend but 1 do want Justice I think ho aunt J Mi Taylor to me and Taylor as Isuued me that Id get all that woe coming to mo I The third witness of the day was Benjamin Richard Sims who was head bookkeeper for the Memphis Car company at 100 per month without any Kraft on1 the tide He Is now working for the Illinois Con ¬ trol In I Chicagolhrokkcc1eras Wine lie sawtflo way things were going at the Memphis shops and not wteh lag to bo double crossed kept n duplicate set of books for his own 1 protection Theso books are now I Iin the possession of the Illinois Cen tral and shore that tho net profits ot the Memphis tar company In the first six months at Its operation re- HlHC not Including ri special dividend of 1C000 which was largelexpense concern The company was capital ¬ totalf assets 173000 at tho end of the tnrst half year I Henry C 09ter ann the former Illinois Central Conductor who or jgnnlzed the Memphis l Car company and became Jttf president was not at tho hearing today but will be called later It was said It was Oitor msnns lavish expenditure of money that first attracted the attention of President Hnrohan of me railroad to the probability of car repair graft The hearing will bo continued at 10 oclock tomorrow morning Wo are aiming tho Memphis Oar company In this case for the rettltu tlon Of 300000 graft sakl Attor noy Biggs at the clout of the hear ¬ lug today J From the disclosures of wit f noiBos wo may have to sue for more before we are through t I Harpers Weekly SliihlemnnV fnlucky Kind An hasinn agowhen foundpa InsetwJtch l l Imitationdlamold yearlater lrITho thebabys birthday n ¬ Jeweler to Timechild andthe whitecstono UOOfur Brodequln andtool who handed policei worthsiao prosecuted nottako seven years aso Londoa Bvcnlne Standard TJN AND SHEET IRON WORKERS Tin Slate Paper and Tin Shingle Roofing Guttering and Spout- Ing n specialty Out of town work especially solicited All work guaranteed i- HOPPMAN S HANNIN 201 Kentucky Avenue riinnerf New 1003J Old 4MA jxxratsxxs Mcxxxvc IytlgilClpghC UqCX1C UUCXX I fI Evening Suns Daily Markets iIIt > e LOCAL lnonUOE S y Corrected dally by Woolfolk Boxers k company liens poundr 9 cents Spring chickens pound 12 costa Butter packing stocky 1C cents Eggs dozen 10 cultic S MVKSTOCK S e LouUrUIe Ky July 9Tho ro potpts of catUij ware SS head the four days tlHu week 1433 head Only a tow of the local butchnro and traders prtwoat ou tho yard this mornJnt thntr demands limited and time market ruled quiet and with lit tie change In valuM or conditions Thom was some demand for ibe do sizable hardy wolghl butcher cattle at steady price medium and com ¬ mon and draggy especially the grany halffat 900 to 1100 pound Mndit Fair request for oboicc prlnra stockers and elders and common Inferior kinds not wanted Good bulls bout steady common bulls and cannon dull Much cows steady Xo prime heavy dipping cnttl here feeling about steady Cutlet Tho receipts wvro 87 head for tho week thus tf GGtltITbe market ruled aboulkcadyT Hulk of the bqst f74C 8c Salt fancy light calves higher Medium697tjc aatJcJIduK Ho Hogs The receipts ware 979 head for tho week thus far 2763 hood The market opened fc higher n aU grade Selected heavy hogs 200 pounds and up 870 medium 1C8 to 200 pounds S9 light 90 fo 1GS UOjL = HOM Mango Pills A new discovery that bus exploded tho destructive local theory of treating dog mango Given Internal- ly ¬ No trouble and no nasty remedy to apply Promptly kills mango germ yet I le positively nonpoison- ous Guaranteed to cure or money refunded Price j0c per box now Vonnafugo removes tho worms and keeps dog healthy Prlco jOe Row Germ Lotion UHs fleas lice chicken mites etc Sold In Paducah by S H IVInstcnd W J Gilbert and Lang 3ros Mall orders promptly filled W9 AIM TO rUEAf withour R Ijhat ften One of the Wail we take 1 Is is stake our charges so reuonabl tbet you will not deprive yourself of tbs pleasure of a drive OB account of tli l a expense BuppoM you take as I I I r fay If Urn ratlir USItIII Il1 lULLY LIYIISY QM jj r iseuerst- Tr t K7 b Botk Fk as ft j U > I The for 111 Ill 4 bU b VVSXXVWX30CWOI roughs 810 down The I ran wore- well Cll rod but the market closed low Sheep situ 11111111I Tho receipt wore 3 039 lead for e 1 tho four daystids week 320C8 WJth rooraJ thousand left over front yes ¬ terday and the fresh run today made quite a liberal supply The market was late and stow in opening at about lIe lower on top lambs Prime lambs GUGGo Ptconda DCCVio culls 3Vi a 4c Fair domaiulfor IItookle1 duMI GIf10 wai r G1I11 840 cows and heifer 3SOO72 < stockers and feeders 1j326O6gG Texas and Indian steers 4075c- ows and tiolfoni 3GOGL60 divas In carload lots SGO92C 1100r renlpta 8000 market ttoadyr pigs s anti lights 825C9JO packers 8I 00 bitlchcra and best heavy 8CO ll e 4TSS Bhoop Receipt 3t1e0fl r market weak Native nultons a7C CI2C Iambi C7iG73Gt t j TOBACCO IUV1KV S y Ixul rlllf Kyy 29Ocrer IDBS wero WIT light and prtcro were considerably lower on tho local to tbI If 1 e follow 1 Barn 29 dnrk84j totsirlI13t t tl original 91 revluws221An + jii agt Rn SIK The nrrt sale was hold at the Cent iJti 110 At price ningflllC 1 tram U to U The Farmers haute roppiicd lU hogsheads of burley at GC < > to + H7 Tho State house rejxrtoO 21 hagea heeds of Lurksy at 060 to 1770- lUckctt houses old 3 hogsheads of burley at U to 1226 33 tress Reads dark at C to 9 Kentucky houses old 1C hogsheads dark at C30 to 7CO 2 rojiotlons Ninth ctrcvt house sold 20 hogs- heads dark at 410 to 1175 3 reo JecUonn Of course you know tho story of William Tell said tho serious oUt len To tell you tho truth replieda Mr Cumrox Im not clear AboutI hInt I cant exactly rememberb t whether ho WILl a great marksman or A famous opera alngcrrWaihlng ton Star s II t w F PAXTON n nuiiv v punvtuitP- rpnldcnt OMhlcr Assistant Cashier CITIZENS SAVINGS BANK J v J tacorporated j J i Third andlBroadvray State Depogiiery Capital tc r < 4 iv aC1C000I BurpIUS 4t i Kr i 50000 i Stockholders liability 100 tre ttd eet s 100000 Total security to depositor rrrrrrrt rcoIrtrr 60OUj INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITSa A OPEN SATUIWAY NIGIITS FIIOSI 7 TO 8 OCLOCK t MITCHELLI I MACHINE i EfcECTRIC CO t t fc Try Us 4 Thats A1I> I 123 Broadway uti Old PhonlrjTja jTja t Nsrw g Jr Phoneja

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Page 1: FltnhlY EXCURSIONit IIsC Ijhat On G W FODRYEARSOFIre as not to attract too much atten¬ tion to the big bills-throughlightInspectors Dismissed 1 twotgo When I had say 40 bills Id put

s r r a J c d t ti s nrr< =+rM lan-a °iwr



I G W ROBERTSONFriday Night July 29

lrf To Metropolis and Returnif Two Hours in Metropolis

H I GOOD MUSIC COOL BREEZESBoat Leaves 830 Returning 1130

Round TripII II = 25c-J ° Ea Rollins Master


and ReturnOn tlio Strainer

1John S HopK > s-

IUUSi AXI IliUTH IXCLlliii 1pat Leaves IMdiirnli Tucsilnys

Thursdays nml Saturdaysat 10 n in

Until Plioncs 10

Excursion Bulletin

Springy and SummerSeason

The Str Dick Fowler offersthe following reduced rateCairo and return toII

Blngle round trip to CaiN


and returnof flve

orchestraand over



to furnish muilo all UmjjI

S A Iowlcr General AgentI


ring cars per moutht5A0n-g cars per month700 I

Any Size MachinesRpalrs 30 cents to 76 cents perII

ur according to nature of workbe done

OPEN DstY AND N1GKTComplete lino of auto suppliesd accessories at your servic dajd night

Kentucky Auo Machine Co

eaea 56 Sixth and Jefferson Bttr


I1llIr 8UtlIlIngThe late O Henry whose flippant

F ind slangy stories gave him a greateputatfon a humorlit was In prlte liCe a serious studentA visitor to the library of Mr Por

vo New York residence was amazedthe ponderous histories and bloc

pities on every sideBut dont you read said the via

> r Ellis Parker Butler and writersthat sortWell no sajd Mr Porter

5 Ho laughed and added whimfeally

I make fancy cakes and sellem but I only eat bread andeat Washington Star



on a 1



getting quite thin until the topmy bead was mutely bald

About tour months ago I com-menced

¬using Sage sad Sul¬

phur The lint bottle teemedto do and I keptusing It until now I

used lour bottles The2 topol my head it now

airly revered with hair and Itieeni coming In thicker Ishall keep on using It a whileloneerat I notice a constant


STATaoa yaw You 1

Stephen Itaron being duisworn aaya that he hat readthe statement above annexedand that the contents ol said

r statement areBACON


UmlaY WNotary

Safe Methodn


body uudi rtnmU and tlii rely avoidtap the chance of having hU argu-ments Orllnirely refuted


TlioiiKlits of YouthA small boy was hoeing corn In a

sterile Held by the roadlde when apasserby stopped and said

Peers to me your corn Is rather

said the boy Itsdwarf corn

But It looks yellerwe planted the yeller

kindnut It looks as If you wouldnt

get more than a half cropOf coune not we planted It

It Isnt difficult for a man to soohis affinity in a woman with an obesbunk account


VETERMAVB ROACH FOOD km rtcktwater buft > ndbretle Standard lor

PETEHJIAWS DISCOVERY killt lied busnd their teas A ure

n e

PCTERMAV8 MOTH HOOD OdotlcuKlUt moths A sure pretfnutlre



Du1rn yl 1

For Sale by R Vf Walker Co



I a Full Growth of Hair Bald Heador

Heres Proof













halvesEverybodys Magazine





The birthright of every manwoman and childa fullhealthy head of hair If yourhair is falling if it is full ofdandruff or if it is faded orturning gray it is diseased andshould be looked after withoutdelay

WYETHS SAGE AND SULPHURHAIR REMEDY a true Hair Tonicand Restorer removes dinedruff in a few days stops hairfalling in one week and startsa new growth in a monthr Does not soil the skin norinjure the hair but it is anideal hair dressing that willrestore faded tonatural color andkeep thehair soft and glossy

ft Cents and 1 a BoUieAt all Druggists>

r Seat Direct Express Prepaid Upon Receipt of Price








jXnino of Im Hnun introduced IntoI JlcnrliiK Through Letter PutI In by Attorney Illgpi


Chicago July 29The IllinoisCentral Railroad company wasdubbed the Santa Claus of the carrepair Christmas tree In todaybesslon of the graft investigation be-


Master in Chancery Koaewell

I ILMasonChristmas was every day In the

year for the stockholders of the carrnpalr companies and certain high

officials of the railroad who were

participants In the graftMore than f 1500000 of the rail

roads cash Is said to have gone Intothe pockets of the plotters In theyears of 1907 and 1908 Details ofthe methods used are now beingspread upon the court records forthe first time It was as one of theplatters Who has reformed put It todan easier than taking candymoney from a threeyear kiddIe

The names of all Involved In theIllinois Centrals graft have not yetcome out In the proceeding beforeMaster Mason but Ira Q Rawn whoduring the Christmas period wasvice president In charge of opera ¬

tion was mentioned yesterday byHarold A Sims former superIntend-ent


of the Memphis Car companyMr Rown furnished the tar companywith the schedule of lumber priceswhich would be allowed In figuringcar repair work

Frank Iklmont ItcfonnsAfter the first ills oii at the car

repair frauds Mr Uawn resignedand later became president of theMorton railroad He died last weekat his summer homo In WJnnetkdfrom a wound alleged to be selfinflicted

Frank W Delmont who as chiefclerk of the Memphis Car companymade out most of the padded billsby which the Illinois Central claimsto have been defrauded out of atleast 800004 was the most illumi ¬

nating witness called today lie toldof standing orders to raise all bills

to the limit regardleis of theamount of work done on a car Hetold of billing cars that were neverVon Inside the shops and of collectIns full rates for mistakes in billmaking

Belmont Is a sharpfaced little fel-

T who foundt his consciencewhen he lost his job with tho Mem-phis works He is now employed bythe Illinois Central He told of thefrauds which he perpetrated on hspresent employers with a smilingface and chuckled gleefullp at someof the more daring coups In graft

Graft Wax the littlelie testified that he worked direct

ly under the orders of E H Wardsecretary of the Memphis Car com-pany


and that his billing instruct-ions were to come clthe fully oras near as possible to the limit thatwas set on car repairs Irrespectiveof the repairs that actually went Intothe cars

I have taken a car on which 16worth of work was actually doneand rendered a bill for 326 or3o he said with somethingke professional pride

That was getting It up to thfmlt suggested Attorney A W

Bras who was examining for theIMroIs Central

It sure was sir answered thewitness Instead of putting on allthe traffic would bear we put on allthe ear would bear

Was this adding to the bills theexception asked the railroad at ¬

torneyThegoodlaughThe exception Dices you no It

was the rule The only exceptionwas when 1 let a car go through light

Ire as not to attract too much atten ¬

tion to the big bills-Inspectors Dismissed1

throughlightWhen I had say 40 bills Id puttwotgoDolmontTheJlllnol8CthehillstheydidntCrabtree refused to sign some

bills before I completed thorn an-other


man took his place was theprompt answer

The wltnen said that ho froqupntly made out bills for cars thathad not yet been repaired If thocompany needed money ho wouldslightnxlnglimit

Who told you to do titleMr Ward the secretary of the

companyWhy T

Wasnt I working for the com-pany


Belmont demanded with asnicker

I C People FixedDidnt you fear trouble would

followWellI asked Olr Ward about It

once admitted Belmont I askedIf there wouldnt be trouble Hosaid No i go the limit as often asyou like the I C people arefixed

Do you awear that nearly evertt




Cured by Lydia E PinkUaiusVcgetaUleCopipoundBaltimore

niv life was a misery to mo I sufferedfrom irregulari-ties


terrible dragglng sensationsextreme nervouS-ness and that allgone feeling In mystomach I hailgiven up hope ofever being wellwhen I began to-

takeLydiaEPlnkhams VegetableCompound ThenI fo t as thoughnow lIfo had been

given me and I am recommending Itto nil my friends3IrsW S FonD2207 W Franklin St Baltimore Ill

Tho most successful remedy In thiscountry for tho cure ot nil forms ut

llnk1Iamsmore widely stint successfully used thanany other femalo remedy It has curedthousands of women who havo beentroubled with displacements inflam ¬

mation ulceration fibroid tumors Ir-


periodic pains backachethat bearingdown feeling tlatulencyIndigestion mid nervous prostrationafter nil other means had failed

If you are suffering from any of theseailments dont give up hope until youhave given Lydia E P5n tams Vegetable Compound trial

If you would llkospcclnl aelvlco

LI1H1rISthousands to licnlib free ofMinrire

bill rendered the Illinois Central Inthe six mouths you were bill clerkfor the Memphis Car company waspadded asked Attorney Biggssolemnly

I do ro swear testified Belmontwithout a quiver

It developed that even the em¬

ployes of the car company werebuncoed The company wanted

tho men to believe they wero beingpaid by the piece Instead of by thehour yet It wanted to pay by theHour Belmont tats new theyworked it

We figured on ptylng themabout 28 cents an h don tho aver-age ho said One week we wouldpay them 29 Vi cents The next week

2iS cents That say a man neverKnew bow much was coming to himthough wo kept ofole cbeck on hint4nd he worked faster and harder

Ran Only TrpckitStraight


mwith a sight

Nothing but tho trnbks laughedthe witness When I tame to MomphW we were charging flvo gallons ofpaint to a fat car Thu work raalljrequired two fialloue After 31fWard made n little trip to Chicagoto tojd me to charge ten gallonsThe charge was never5 questioned

Then came the tale or Olr Delmonts acmo In graft

I billed a car In error ono dayTho amount was nearly + HOO and Iput down tho wrong ear number 1Idid not notice It untill I had mailed

The WorldsStandard

De I aval Cream

SeparatorOver 1200000 In useThere never was a bettertime to make this mostnecessary and profitable ofall dairy Investments withone cow or ono hundredthan NOW Why purchaseIMITATIONS when youcan get tho READ TIlINGAll other Separators arebut Imitations of the DoLaval We guarantee thoDe Laval Separator to dobetter work skim closerto bo easier run as well ascleaner than any otherSeparator on tho market

A De Laval may bobought on such terms asto pay for Itself Whynot try one now for yourjj

own satisfaction Call onor address i

sit At Fowler Supply Co

AJcntsIWe have machines In stockand can demonstrate themto you


the bill I told Mr Ward about ItHe said to let the error go but to

I1bo sure to make out a bill for theright number Both bills were

paidAndyou quit at Christmas

BlggfJust Christmas laughedtho witness

1 Harold A Sims farmer wipcrlntcndcnt of tho Memphis plant di-


Involved certain unnamed Illi ¬

note Central officialsI high officials or the Illinois central ho testified wore InterestedIn tho car repairing plants Theyentered Into an agreement to dividetho profits grafted from the railroadTheso profits amounted to as muchas 40 per cent of the total amountpaid by the railroad company

i Sims said he had received fiveshares of tho SOO shares of stockIssued by tho Memphis Car companywhen It was organized Ho told ofbeing In on the organization oftho BarksdaleKcllogg1 Lumber companyv from which tho car shops gotlumber cheaper than tho schedule oftho Illinois Central The railroadwas charged full price

I Tho first moon wo split on tholumber deal was 1000 each allexcept Mr Taylor who only got

500 testified Sims I told himthey were holding out on him butI dont know what ho did about It

Doctonxl All CaneAll was grist that came to thoSimiIthornLeven ¬matItsrnot sure about tho percentage but

IIIIcntI ho loft th <

and all the easy graftIcompany wero nwny changing injsalary they wore cutting my expenso money and they failed tto SlAY

tho right dividends on stock hedeclared I determined to get outand go Into business myself 1 snot

King of tho llllnote Central11S street and said to him

Theyre not treating me right I

dont want to expose my friend but1 do want Justice I think ho auntJ Mi Taylor to me and Taylor as

Isuued me that Id get all that woecoming to mo

I The third witness of the day wasBenjamin Richard Sims who washead bookkeeper for the MemphisCar company at 100 per monthwithout any Kraft on1 the tide HeIs now working for the Illinois Con ¬

trol In



lie sawtflo way things were goingat the Memphis shops and not wtehlag to bo double crossed kept nduplicate set of books for his own

1 protection Theso books are nowIIin the possession of the Illinois Central and shore that tho net profits otthe Memphis tar company In thefirst six months at Its operation re-

HlHC not Including ri specialdividend of 1C000 which was

largelexpenseconcern The company was capital ¬totalfassets 173000 at tho end of the

tnrst half yearI Henry C 09ter ann the formerIllinois Central Conductor who or

jgnnlzed the Memphisl Car companyand became Jttf president was not attho hearing today but will be calledlater It was said It was Oitormsnns lavish expenditure of moneythat first attracted the attention ofPresident Hnrohan of me railroadto the probability of car repair graft

The hearing will bo continued at10 oclock tomorrow morning

Wo are aiming tho Memphis Oarcompany In this case for the rettltutlon Of 300000 graft sakl Attornoy Biggs at the clout of the hear ¬

lug todayJ From the disclosures of witf noiBos wo may have to sue for more

before we are throughtI

Harpers Weekly

SliihlemnnV fnlucky KindAnhasinnagowhenfoundpaInsetwJtchl lImitationdlamoldyearlaterlrIThothebabysbirthdayn


Jeweler toTimechildandthewhitecstonoUOOfurBrodequlnandtoolwho handedpoliceiworthsiaoprosecutednottakoseven years aso Londoa BvcnlneStandard

TJN AND SHEET IRON WORKERSTin Slate Paper and Tin Shingle Roofing Guttering and Spout-Ing n specialty Out of town work especially solicited Allwork guaranteed i-

HOPPMAN S HANNIN201 Kentucky Avenue riinnerf New 1003J Old 4MA

jxxratsxxs Mcxxxvc IytlgilClpghC UqCX1C UUCXX

IfI Evening Suns Daily MarketsiIIt >e LOCAL lnonUOES


Corrected dally by WoolfolkBoxers k companyliens poundr 9 centsSpring chickens pound 12 costaButter packing stocky 1C centsEggs dozen 10 cultic


S e

LouUrUIe Ky July 9Tho ropotpts of catUij ware SS headthe four days tlHu week 1433 headOnly a tow of the local butchnro andtraders prtwoat ou tho yard thismornJnt thntr demands limited andtime market ruled quiet and with littie change In valuM or conditionsThom was some demand for ibe dosizable hardy wolghl butcher cattleat steady price medium and com¬

mon and draggy especially thegrany halffat 900 to 1100 poundMndit Fair request for oboicc prlnrastockers and elders and commonInferior kinds not wanted Goodbulls bout steady common bulls andcannon dull Much cows steady Xoprime heavy dipping cnttl herefeeling about steady

CutletTho receipts wvro 87 head for

tho week thus tf GGtltITbemarket ruled aboulkcadyT Hulk ofthe bqst f74C 8c Salt fancy lightcalves higher Medium697tjc

aatJcJIduKHoHogs The receipts ware 979 head

for tho week thus far 2763 hoodThe market opened fc higher n aUgrade Selected heavy hogs 200pounds and up 870 medium 1C8

to 200 pounds S9 light 90 fo 1GSUOjL=HOM Mango Pills

A new discovery that bus explodedtho destructive local theory oftreating dog mango Given Internal-ly


No trouble and no nasty remedyto apply Promptly kills mangogerm yet Ile positively nonpoison-ous Guaranteed to cure or moneyrefunded Price j0c per box nowVonnafugo removes tho worms andkeeps dog healthy Prlco jOe RowGerm Lotion UHs fleas lice chickenmites etc Sold In Paducah by S HIVInstcnd W J Gilbert and Lang3ros Mall orders promptly filled


withourRIjhatften One of the Wail we take 1Is isstake our charges so reuonabl tbetyou will not deprive yourself of tbspleasure of a drive OB account of tli l

aexpense BuppoM you take as I II r

fay If Urn ratlir USItIIIIl1 lULLY LIYIISY QM jjr



K7 b Botk Fk as ft

j U >

I The


111 Ill 4bU b VVSXXVWX30CWOI

roughs 810 down The Iran wore-well Cll rod but the market closedlow

Sheep situ 11111111ITho receipt wore 3 039 lead for e 1tho four daystids week 320C8 WJthrooraJ thousand left over front yes¬

terday and the fresh run today madequite a liberal supply The marketwas late and stow in opening atabout lIe lower on top lambs Primelambs GUGGo Ptconda DCCVioculls 3Vi a 4c Fair domaiulfor

IItookle1duMI GIf10wai

r G1I11840 cows and heifer 3SOO72 <stockers and feeders 1j326O6gGTexas and Indian steers 4075c-ows and tiolfoni 3GOGL60 divasIn carload lots SGO92C 1100rrenlpta 8000 market ttoadyr pigs santi lights 825C9JO packers 8I00 bitlchcra and best heavy 8CO ll e

4TSS Bhoop Receipt 3t1e0fl rmarket weak Native nultons a7CCI2C Iambi C7iG73Gt t


S y

Ixul rlllf Kyy 29OcrerIDBS wero WIT light and prtcro wereconsiderably lower on tho local totbIIf 1 efollow 1

Barn 29 dnrk84j totsirlI13t t tloriginal 91 revluws221An +jiiagt RnSIK

The nrrt sale was hold at the CentiJti110 At price ningflllC 1tram U to U

The Farmers haute roppiicd lUhogsheads of burley at GC <> to +

H7Tho State house rejxrtoO 21 hagea

heeds of Lurksy at 060 to 1770-lUckctt houses old 3 hogsheads of

burley at U to 1226 33 tressReads dark at C to 9

Kentucky houses old 1C hogsheadsdark at C30 to 7CO 2 rojiotlons

Ninth ctrcvt house sold 20 hogs-heads dark at 410 to 1175 3 reoJecUonn

Of course you know tho story ofWilliam Tell said tho serious oUtlen To tell you tho truth repliedaMr Cumrox Im not clear AboutIhInt I cant exactly rememberb t

whether ho WILl a great marksman orA famous opera alngcrrWaihlngton Star


tw F PAXTON n nuiiv v punvtuitP-

rpnldcnt OMhlcr Assistant Cashier


J tacorporated j Ji Third andlBroadvray

State DepogiieryCapital tc r < 4 iv aC1C000IBurpIUS 4ti Kr i 50000 iStockholders liability 100 tre ttd eet s 100000

Total security to depositor rrrrrrrt rcoIrtrr 60OUjINTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITSaA




tt fc

Try Us 4

Thats A1I>


123 Broadway utiOld




