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    FLY for Dropbox Installation and Configuration Guide

    Issued March 2018

    FLY for Dropbox

    Installation and Configuration


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    FLY for Dropbox Installation and Configuration Guide

    Table of Contents

    About This Guide............................................................................................................................................................. 3

    Uninstalling FLY for Dropbox...................................................................................................................................... 4

    Installing FLY for Dropbox ........................................................................................................................................... 5

    Creating a Dropbox Admin Profile ........................................................................................................................... 7

    Creating an Office 365 Profile .................................................................................................................................... 9

    Configuring User Mappings ..................................................................................................................................... 10

    Modifying the Maximum Number of Sub Jobs on Server ............................................................................ 12

    Modifying the Maximum Number of Sub Jobs in Each Job ........................................................................ 13

    Using an Application ................................................................................................................................................... 15

    Creating a Client Certificate ................................................................................................................................. 15

    Registering an Application ................................................................................................................................... 15

    Granting Permissions to the Application ........................................................................................................ 17

    Modifying Application Properties ..................................................................................................................... 19

    Giving Consent to Your Application ................................................................................................................. 21

    Configuring the PFX File ....................................................................................................................................... 22

    Modifying the JobConfig.xml File ...................................................................................................................... 24

    Notices and Copyright Information ...................................................................................................................... 26

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    FLY for Dropbox Installation and Configuration Guide

    About This Guide

    This guide is provided to help you walk through the steps of installing FLY for Dropbox again,

    creating Dropbox admin profile and Office 365 profile, configuring user mappings using

    mapping tool, customizing the maximum number of FLY for Dropbox sub jobs on server and the

    maximum number of sub jobs that a FLY for Dropbox job can be divided into, and registering an

    application in Azure management portal.

    Configure the following settings step by step. Click the link to jump to the corresponding step.

    1. Uninstalling FLY for Dropbox

    2. Installing FLY for Dropbox

    3. Creating a Dropbox Admin Profile

    4. Creating an Office 365 Profile

    5. Configuring User Mappings

    6. [Optional] Modifying the Maximum Number of Sub Jobs on Server

    7. [Optional] Modifying the Maximum Number of Sub Jobs in Each Job

    To register an application in Azure management portal that will enable your FLY for Dropbox

    environment to access SharePoint Online, refer to Using an Application.

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    FLY for Dropbox Installation and Configuration Guide

    Uninstalling FLY for Dropbox

    You can use any of the following methods to access the Cloud Storage Migration Suite

    Uninstallation Wizard window to uninstall your FLY for Dropbox environment:

    *Note: Make sure the user who accesses the Uninstallation Wizard is a local administrator on

    the server where FLY for Dropbox is installed.

    • Double-click the Setup.exe file in the extracted folder of the installation package

    and click Uninstall to run it.

    • Go to the Uninstall folder in the …/AvePoint/CloudMigration directory and run

    the CloudMigration.Uninstallation.exe file.

    • Navigate to Control Panel > Uninstall a program > Cloud Storage Migration

    Suite. Double-click Cloud Storage Migration Suite.

    • Open the Start Menu on the server and navigate to All Programs > Cloud

    Storage Migration Suite Uninstall. Click Cloud Storage Migration Suite


    After accessing the Uninstallation Wizard, complete the following steps to uninstall your FLY for

    Dropbox environment:

    1. On the Cloud Storage Migration Suite Uninstallation Wizard window, click Uninstall.

    2. Click Next.

    3. Select the Delete the Database checkbox to delete the FLY for Dropbox database.

    4. Click Finish to complete the uninstallation.

    *Note: Once the uninstallation has started, it cannot be cancelled.

    After uninstalling your FLY for Dropbox environment, make the following preparations before

    installing it again:

    1. Delete the BoxInstallation and CloudMigration folders from the

    C:\Users\[Username]\AppData\Local\Temp directory on the server where your FLY for

    Dropbox environment is installed.

    2. Delete the Dropbox database whose name starts with dropbox2o365db_ from the SQL


  • 5

    FLY for Dropbox Installation and Configuration Guide

    Installing FLY for Dropbox

    To install FLY for Dropbox, complete the following steps:

    1. Download the file by contacting an AvePoint

    representative for links to this package.

    2. Copy the file to a server with network connection.

    3. Extract the file. The Setup.exe file can be found in the

    extracted folder.

    4. Double-click the Setup.exe file.

    5. When the welcome screen appears, click Install.

    6. In the Installation Location step, click the Browse button. Select a location for the

    Cloud Storage Migration Suite installation. By default, the installation location is

    C:\Program Files\AvePoint.

    7. Click Next. The Installation Rule Scan page appears. The requirements pre-scan starts


    *Note: If anyone of the requirements has a status of Failed, update your environment

    and then click Retry Scan to san your environment again.

    8. After the statuses of all requirements are Passed, click Next.

    9. Set up the Control Database Settings:

    a. Database Settings ‒ Configure a Control database for Cloud Storage Migration

    Suite to store its settings and configurations.

    o Database Server ‒ Enter the server name or IP address of the SQL server

    to which you want to connect.

    o Database Name ‒ Enter the database name for Cloud Storage Migration

    Suite to store its settings and configurations. If the database does not

    exist, it will be automatically created in the entered database server.

    b. Database Credential ‒ Select Windows Authentication or SQL Authentication for

    the Control database that is to be used when connecting to the SQL server.

    o Windows Authentication ‒ Use this method when you want the user’s

    identity to be confirmed by Windows.

    o SQL Authentication ‒ SQL server will confirm the user identity based on

    the entered account and password.

    10. Click Next.

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    FLY for Dropbox Installation and Configuration Guide

    11. In the Service Installation step, click Next.

    12. Set up the Windows Service Settings:

    • Control Service Host – Configure the FLY for Dropbox host. Enter the hostname

    or IP address of the machine where FLY for Dropbox will be installed. By default,

    the hostname of the machine where the Setup.exe is run will be automatically


    • Control Service Port – Enter the port number. The default port number is 20200.

    13. Click Next to go to the Installation Summary step. All information configured in the

    previous steps is listed.

    14. Click Next to go to the Installation Progress step.

    15. In the Installation Progress step, click Next after the installation finishes.

    16. In the Complete step, click Finish to exit the Installation Wizard.

  • 7

    FLY for Dropbox Installation and Configuration Guide

    Creating a Dropbox Admin Profile

    To migrate data from Dropbox to Office 365 using FLY for Dropbox, FLY for Dropbox needs to

    use Dropbox API to integrate with Dropbox first. Before using the Dropbox API, it is required to

    create an app in Dropbox. The App Key and App Secret will be automatically created when the

    app is created in Dropbox, and they two, used as a pair, are the only unique identifier to identify

    the app.

    To get the App Key and App Secret of an app from Dropbox before creating a Dropbox admin

    profile, refer to the following steps:

    1. Access the Dropbox website using a Dropbox admin account:

    2. Click My Apps on the left pane.

    3. Log into Dropbox using your Dropbox account.

    4. Click Create App on the upper-right corner.

    a. Choose an API – Select Dropbox Business API.

    b. Choose the type of access you need – Select Team member file access –

    Team information and auditing, plus the ability to perform actions as any

    team member.

    c. Name your app – Enter a name for the app you are going to create.

    5. Click Create App. The App Key and App Secret for this new app are automatically

    created and displayed. The App Key and App Secret will be used in later steps.

    After the App Key and App Secret are created, refer to the following steps to create a Dropbox

    admin profile:

    1. Log into FLY for Dropbox.

    2. Select Profiles on the left pane of the main interface.

    3. Click the Add button under the Dropbox Profiles section. The Add Dropbox Profile

    page appears.

    4. Complete the following information about the Dropbox admin profile:

    • Display Name – Enter a display name for the Dropbox admin profile you are

    going to create.

    • App Key – Enter the App Key.

    • App Secret – Enter the App Secret.

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    FLY for Dropbox Installation and Configuration Guide

    5. Click Get Dropbox Code. A pop-up window appears. Log into Dropbox and click Allow.

    The Dropbox Code will be provided.

    6. Copy the provided Dropbox Code and paste it in the Dropbox Code text box.

    7. Click Save to save this profile.

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    FLY for Dropbox Installation and Configuration Guide

    Creating an Office 365 Profile

    Refer to the following steps to create an Office 365 profile:

    1. Log into FLY for Dropbox.

    2. Select Profiles on the left pane of the main interface.

    3. Click the Add button under the Office 365 Profiles section. The Add Office 365 Profile

    page appears.

    4. Complete the following information about the Office 365 profile:

    • Display Name – Enter a display name for the Office 365 profile you are going to


    • Name – Enter the login name of an existing Office 365 tenant admin.

    • Password – Enter the password.

    5. Click Save to save this profile.

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    FLY for Dropbox Installation and Configuration Guide

    Configuring User Mappings

    Before configuring user mappings, create a Dropbox admin profile and Office 365 profile in your

    FLY for Dropbox environment. User mappings that map Dropbox users in the Dropbox admin

    profile to Office 365 users in the Office 365 profile can be automatically created using the user

    mapping tool.

    After creating user mappings to map Dropbox users to Office 365 users, you can create a plan

    and run a job to migrate content from Dropbox to Office 365.

    Refer to the following steps to use the user mapping tool:

    1. Go to the ...\AvePoint\CloudMigration\CloudMigration directory on the machine where

    your FLY for Dropbox environment is installed.

    2. Find the UserMappingXmlCreator.exe file and double-click it.

    3. In the window, enter the following commands:

    Figure 1: Entering commands.

    a. Enter the Dropbox admin profile name, and press Enter on the keyboard.

    b. Enter the Office 365 tenant admin’s login name, and press Enter on the


    4. When the tool runs successfully, a CSV file named UserMappingInformation.csv will be

    created in the …\AvePoint\CloudMigration\CloudMigration\Config folder.

    5. Open the UserMappingInformation.csv file.

    Figure 2: The UserMappingInformation.csv file.

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    FLY for Dropbox Installation and Configuration Guide

    6. In the UserMappingInformation.csv file, a Dropbox user is automatically mapped to an

    Office 365 user who has the same username, and the corresponding column value of the

    IsExist column is TRUE. For example, the Dropbox user [email protected] will be

    automatically mapped to the Office 365 user [email protected].

    7. If all Dropbox users in the Dropbox admin profile are automatically mapped to Office

    365 users in the Officer 365 profile, which means the IsExist column values are all TRUE,

    you can create plans and run jobs to migrate content from Dropbox to Office 365; If

    there are Dropbox users who failed to be mapped to any Office 365 users, which means

    the O365User column values are empty and the IsExist column values are all FALSE, you

    can manually configure user mappings for these Dropbox users.

    Refer to the steps below to manually configure user mappings for Dropbox users:

    1. Find a Dropbox user who failed to be mapped to an Office 365 user by the tool, and

    enter an Office 365 user’s login name in the O365User column to map the Dropbox user

    to this Office 365 user.

    2. Choose whether or not to validate the configured Office 365 user by the tool by

    configuring the IsExist column’s value:

    • FALSE – The entered Office 365 user’s login name will be validated by the tool to

    check if it exists in Office 365. This is the default value.

    • TRUE – The entered Office 365 user’s login name will not be validated by the

    tool. If the Office 365 user cannot be found, the corresponding Dropbox user will

    not be mapped in the migration.

    3. Save changes to the file and close it.

    If you keep any IsExist column value as FALSE in the UserMappingInformation.csv file, you

    MUST run the user mapping tool again to validate the Office 365 user information. If the Office

    365 user’s login name exists in Office 365, the corresponding IsExist column value will be

    changed to TRUE.

  • 12

    FLY for Dropbox Installation and Configuration Guide

    Modifying the Maximum Number of Sub Jobs on


    You can define the maximum number of FLY for Dropbox sub jobs that are allowed to

    simultaneously run on the server where your FLY for Dropbox environment is installed by

    modifying the AgentService.exe.config file.

    To modify the AgentService.exe.config file, complete the following steps:

    1. Go to the machine with FLY for Dropbox installed and find the AgentService.exe.config

    file in the …\CloudMigration\CloudMigration directory.

    2. Open the AgentService.exe.config file with Notepad.

    3. Find the node. By default, 20 FLY for

    Dropbox sub jobs can simultaneously run on the server. The FLY for Dropbox sub jobs

    that exceed the maximum number configured here will be added to a queue to run later.

    You can modify the number to customize the maximum number of sub jobs that can be

    run simultaneously on the server.

    Figure 3: The AgentService.exe.config file.

    4. Save changes to the file and close it.

  • 13

    FLY for Dropbox Installation and Configuration Guide

    Modifying the Maximum Number of Sub Jobs in

    Each Job

    If multiple user mappings are configured in a plan, FLY for Dropbox supports dividing a job into

    multiple sub jobs based on the number of user mappings to improve job performance. You can

    define the maximum number of sub jobs that a job can be divided into by modifying the

    appsettings.json file.

    *Note: The actual number of sub jobs that a job can be divided into is based on the number of

    user mappings in the plan and cannot exceed the maximum number configured in the

    AgentService.exe.config file:

    • If the number of user mappings is smaller than the maximum number of sub jobs

    that a job can be divided into, the actual number of sub jobs will be equal to the

    number of user mappings.

    • If the number of user mappings is larger than the maximum number of sub jobs

    that a job can be divided into, the actual number of sub jobs will be the

    configured maximum number in the appsettings.json file. Some sub jobs will

    migrate users in more than one user mapping.

    To modify the appsettings.json file, complete the following steps:

    1. Go to the machine with FLY for Dropbox installed and find the appsettings.json file in

    the …\CloudMigration\CloudMigration directory.

    2. Open the appsettings.json file with Notepad.

    3. Find the SubJobCount property. By default, a FLY for Dropbox job can be divided into 5

    sub jobs. You can modify the number to customize the maximum number of sub jobs

    that a FLY for Dropbox job can be divided into.

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    FLY for Dropbox Installation and Configuration Guide

    Figure 4: The appsettings.json file.

    4. Save changes to the file and close it.

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    FLY for Dropbox Installation and Configuration Guide

    Using an Application

    Configure the following settings step by step to register an application in Azure management

    portal to enable your FLY for Dropbox environment to access SharePoint Online. Click the link to

    jump to the corresponding step.

    1. Creating a Client Certificate

    2. Registering an Application

    3. Granting Permissions to the Application

    4. Modifying Application Properties

    5. Giving Consent to Your Application

    6. Configuring the PFX File

    7. Modifying the JobConfig.xml File

    Creating a Client Certificate

    Complete the instructions below to create a client certificate:

    1. Download the file to a server with network connection. Contact an AvePoint

    representative for the link to this ZIP file.

    2. Extract the file, and find the Cert.ps1 file in the extracted SPApp folder.

    3. Right-click the file, and select Run with PowerShell. The Windows PowerShell window


    4. Enter a desired password, and then press Enter on your keyboard. The password will be

    used in the Configuring the PFX File step later.

    *Note: During the execution process, you are required to enter the same password

    multiple times. Enter your password to proceed until the Succeeded message appears.

    5. An output folder is created in the extracted SPApp folder, and the client certificate file

    named FlyApp.pfx is stored in the output folder.

    Registering an Application

    Complete the instructions below to register an application in Azure management portal:

    1. Sign in the Azure management portal website:

    2. On the left pane, select Azure Active Directory > App registrations, and then click

    New application registration. The Create window appears.

  • 16

    FLY for Dropbox Installation and Configuration Guide

    Figure 5: Selecting Azure Active Directory > App registrations.

    3. Complete the following information on the Create window:

    Figure 6: The Create window.

    • Name – Enter a name for your application.

    • Application type – Select Web app / API from the drop-down list.

    • Sign-on URL – Enter the following URL:

    4. Click Create. The application is created. A unique client identifier, Application ID, is

    assigned to your application. The Application ID will be used in later steps.

  • 17

    FLY for Dropbox Installation and Configuration Guide

    Granting Permissions to the Application

    After registering an application, grant permissions to the application to allow your application to

    access SharePoint Online.

    Complete the instructions below to grant permissions to the application:

    1. On the Registered app page, click Settings, and then click Required permissions.

    Figure 7: Clicking Settings > Required permissions.

    2. On the Required permissions page, click Add, and then click Select an API.

    Figure 8: Clicking Add > Select an API.

    3. On the Select an API page, select Office 365 SharePoint Online

    (Microsoft.SharePoint), and then click Select.

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    FLY for Dropbox Installation and Configuration Guide

    Figure 9: Clicking Select an API > Select.

    4. On the Enable Access page, select Have full control of all site collections and Read

    user profiles, and click Select.

    Figure 10: Selecting Have full control of all site collections and Read user profiles > Select.

  • 19

    FLY for Dropbox Installation and Configuration Guide

    5. Click Done.

    6. Click Grant Permissions.

    7. When finishing granting permissions, click Close.

    Figure 11: Closing the window.

    Modifying Application Properties

    After granting permissions to the application, complete the instructions below to modify the

    application properties:

    1. On the Registered app page, click Manifest.

    Figure 12: Clicking Manifest.

    2. On the Edit manifest page, click Download, and then click Download manifest.

  • 20

    FLY for Dropbox Installation and Configuration Guide

    Figure 13: Clicking Download > Download manifest.

    3. Save the .json file named after the application name to a local path.

    4. Open the .json file with Notepad.

    5. Find the keyCredentials property.

    Figure 14: Finding the keyCredentials property.

    6. In the KeyCredentials property, enter the following value: { "customKeyIdentifier" :

    "$base64Thumbprint_from_above", "keyId": "$keyid_from_above", "type":

    "AsymmetricX509Cert", "usage": "Verify", "value": "$base64Value_from_above" }.

    Figure 15: Entering value.

    7. Edit the KeyCredentials property values as follows:

    • "$base64Thumbprint_from_above" – Replace the value with the content in the

    base64Thumbprint.txt file of the output folder.

    • "$keyid_from_above" – Replace the value with the content in the keyid.txt file

    of the output folder.

  • 21

    FLY for Dropbox Installation and Configuration Guide

    • "$base64Value_from_above" – Replace the value with the content in the

    base64value.txt file of the output folder.

    8. Save changes to the file and close it.

    9. Click Upload on the Edit manifest page.

    10. Click Browse and select the modified .json file to upload it.

    Giving Consent to Your Application

    Complete the instructions below to give consent to your application to let it access to OneDrive

    in Office 365:

    1. Find the Auth.ps1 file in the extracted SPApp folder.

    2. Right-click the file, and select Run with PowerShell. The Windows PowerShell window


    a. Enter the Client ID. The Client ID is the Application ID of the application. For more

    details, refer to Registering an Application.

    b. Press Enter on the keyboard.

    c. Enter the Redirect URL. The URL is the Sign-on URL you entered in step 3 when

    Registering an Application.

    d. Press Enter on the keyboard.

    3. The window prompts. Click Accept after reading it carefully.

  • 22

    FLY for Dropbox Installation and Configuration Guide

    Figure 16: Clicking Accept.

    Configuring the PFX File

    Complete the instructions below to configure the FlyApp.pfx file:

    1. Find the FlyApp.pfx file in the output folder of the extracted SPApp folder.

    2. Copy the FlyApp.pfx file to the machine where FLY for Dropbox is installed.

    3. Double-click the FlyApp.pfx file. The Certificate Import Wizard window appears.

    4. Select Local Machine, and click Next.

  • 23

    FLY for Dropbox Installation and Configuration Guide

    Figure 17: Selecting Local Machine > Next.

    5. The full path of the FlyApp.pfx file in automatically populated in the File name text box.

    Click Next.

    6. Enter the password you configured when you create this FlyApp.pfx file in Creating a

    Client Certificate.

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    FLY for Dropbox Installation and Configuration Guide

    7. Click Next.

    Figure 18: Entering password.

    8. Click Finish.

    Modifying the JobConfig.xml File

    After configuring the FlyApp.pfx file on the machine where your FLY for Dropbox environment

    is installed, complete the instructions below to modify the JobConfig.xml file:

    1. Find the JobConfig.xml file in the …/AvePoint\CloudMigration\CloudMigration\Config


    2. Open the JobConfig.xml file with Notepad.

    Figure 19: The JobConfig.xml file.

    3. Refer to the following steps to edit the node:

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    FLY for Dropbox Installation and Configuration Guide

    • IsUseAPPTokenAccessSPO Flag="false" – Change the parameter value to true.

    • ClientId=" " – Enter the Application ID. It is the one assigned to your application

    in Registering an Application.

    • ThumbprintId=" " – Copy the content in the thumbprint.txt file of the output

    folder and paste it here.

    4. Save changes to the file and close it.

  • 26

    FLY for Dropbox Installation and Configuration Guide

    Notices and Copyright Information


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    525 Washington Blvd

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    About This GuideUninstalling FLY for DropboxInstalling FLY for DropboxCreating a Dropbox Admin ProfileCreating an Office 365 ProfileConfiguring User MappingsModifying the Maximum Number of Sub Jobs on ServerModifying the Maximum Number of Sub Jobs in Each JobUsing an ApplicationCreating a Client CertificateRegistering an ApplicationGranting Permissions to the ApplicationModifying Application PropertiesGiving Consent to Your ApplicationConfiguring the PFX FileModifying the JobConfig.xml File

    Notices and Copyright Information