food chemistry 1

FOOD CHEMISTRY 2 SKS LELA LAILATUL KHUMAISAH 08132012794 Lailatul_khumaisah@yah!"m #y$ %&! St'(' Tal"tt

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Page 1: Food Chemistry 1

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Lailatul_khumaisah@yah !" m

#y$ %&! St'(' Tal" tt

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)'" mm'*+'+ T',t- + .h'mist&y/ 3&+ E+iti *'* -'**'ma '+!.lass's M''t$ M */ '+/ a*+ -&i

My i"' is '* at all tim's

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I-T %' i*iti * - + S"i'*"' Food science is the discipline in which biology,

chemistry , physical sciences and engineering areused to study:

The nature of foods

The causes of their deterioration

The principles underlying food processing.

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- + S"i'*"'$ A* I*t'&+is"i li*a&y

-i'l+ Stu+y

Food Science






N trition

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- + .h'mist&y#asis + s"i'*"'


.a&5 hy+&at's6& t'i*sLi i+sMi"& *ut&i'*ts6hyt "h'mi"als


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- + .h'mist&y E,am l's

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Li i+s i* 6'a*uts'*'+ a& 'a*ut 5utt'&$ "h'mi"al &'a"ti *

i* th' il has',i+ati * th' u*satu&at'+ atty a"i+s i*

th' 'a*ut il &'sults i* & +u"ti * a&a*"i+ + &!6'a*ut 5utt'& &' &'s'*ts a s '"ial +syst'm "all'+ a* 'mulsi *



Hydrocarbon chain

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S luti *s a*+ Emulsi *s

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Droplets of dispersed phase within the continuous phase

Solutions are homogeneous mixtures in whichsoluteparticles are small enough to dissolve withinsolvent

Solute examples: salt, sugar, vitamin C, other small solid particlesSolute liquid examples: water, ethanol; gas examples: CO2

Dispersions (colloidal dispersions) are mixtures in whichsolutes do not dissolve (too large)

Examples of colloids milk protein (casein)egg white protein (albumen)gelatin proteinpectin polysaccharideCa and g (minerals)MILK

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What is an emulsion

Mixture of two immiscible liquids

oil H2O

Surface tension acts to keep the liquidsfrom mixing

Result: oil “sits” on

top of the water phase

Stable food emulsions = addition of emulsifierslecithin, sucrose esters, MAG, DAG, etc





mil!ice creamma"o


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. mm * .h'mi"al # *+s i* - +s

. (al'*tSha&i* 1 & m &' ai&s 'l'"t& *s

'&y st& * 5 *+s/ * t 'asily 5& k'* i* +s

.:. & .;. 5 *+sI *i"

-illi* &5itals th& u h th' t&a*s '& 'l'"t& *s.ati *s <=> a*+ A*i *s <:>? a = = .l : ; a.l

Hy+& '*. m u*+s " *tai*i* & ith 5 u*+ hy+& '*

'&y 'ak 5 *+s? .:H & :H

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-u*"ti *al B& u s i* - +s

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Th' C#asi"sD - + .h'mist&y

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SOME FOOD MO"EC#"ESim$ort%nt in &ood chemistry

H ' O ' H O ( C ( OCH ) ' COOH

N% H CO ) C *H +, O * N%Cl

NH , ' CH , - COOH CH ) ' .CH , / n - COOH

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SOME FOOD MO"EC#"ESim$ort%nt in &ood chemistry

01TER c%rbon dio!ide%cetic %cid

sodi m bic%rbon%te gl cose sodi m chloride

The %mino %cid2glycine3

gener%lstr ct re o& %&%tty %cid

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A Few Food Functional roups:

ACID GROU ! "carbox#lic acid$ COO%acids donate &lose' (rotons

COO% COO &)' * % &*'

This me%ns %cids &orm ions .ch%rged s$ecies/%nion h%s .-/ ch%rgec%tion h%s .4/ ch%rge

5ineg%r cont%ins %cetic %cid CH ) COOH

T%rt%ric %cid &o nd in gr%$es is % di-c%rbo!ylic %cid '6h%t does this me%n7

Citric %cid is tri-c%rbo!ylic %cid8

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1MINO 9RO#P : NH ,

Deri;ed &rom %mmoni% .NH ) /

1mines %re 2b%sic3 ' me%ns they g%in $rotons

methyl %mine: CH ) ' NH ,

trimethyl%mine is u*+ i* ish/ a*+ is &'s *si5l' &C ishy + &D

CH ) ' CH ' COOH Alanine, an amino acid

NH ,

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Alcohol +rou( ) O% “h!drox!l group”

Meth#l alcohol methanol! C% - ) O%

.thanol C / %0O% is produced during the fermentationof sugars" it is water#soluble and is called “grain alcohol”because it is obtained from corn$ wheat$ rice$ barle!$and fruits%

&easts use sugars for food ' the! fermentsimple carboh!drates and produce ethanol and ()*:

S1ARC% h!drol!sis C 2%3/ O 2 * C / %0O% + * CO /lucose ,thanol (arbon


Other &ood molec les th%t cont%in OH gro $s: cholester ol .% li$id/<toco$her ol .% ;it%min/< retin ol .% ;it%min/< = c%lci&er ol .% ;it%min/

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Aldeh#de +rou( ) C%O

1here is actuall# a double bond between two atomsin this +rou(!

formaldeh!de .(.): . ' ( ' .


Al+'hy+'s "a* 5' &m'+ & m li i+ ,i+ati */ a*+

'*'&ally ha(' ('&y l s'*s &y th&'sh l+s! - & ',am l'/ &'sh um ki* has th' sm'll a"'tal+'hy+'? &'sh "ut &ass th' small h','*al!

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/here are 0 other important bonds in foods:

&3' An ester bond &lin4a+e' in li(ids

&/' A (e(tide bond &lin4a+e' in (roteins

&-' A +l#cosidic bond &lin4a+e' in su+ars

Covalent: %haring of electrons, strong $onds, C&C or C'C $onds(onic: )ransfer of electrons, *aCl+"drogen: Wea! $onds with O or * with $ound h"drogen

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An ester bond &lin4a+e' in li(ids!


Gl#cerol C O fatt# acid

1n food fats$ fatt! acids are attached to gl!cerol molecules$ throughwhat is called an ester lin4a+e

,ster linkage

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Gl#cerol is a small molecule, containin+ onl# - carbons

5ut, to each carbon atom of +l#cerol, one fatt# acidcan attach, 6ia an ester bond7

A mono), di), or tri)esterified fatt# acid to a +l#cerol is!

A MO8OAC9:G:9C.RO:7 A fat molecule thathas O8. fatt# acid attached &"esterified$' to +l#cerol7

A DIAC9:G:9C.RO:7 A fat molecule thathas 1;O fatt# acids esterified to +l#cerol7

A 1RIAC9:G:9C.RO:7 A fat molecule thathas 1%R.. fatt# acids esterified to +l#cerol7

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% < C < O %

% < C < O %

% < C < O %


% O

% < C < O < C ) &C% / ' n < C% -

% < C < O %

% < C < O %


, s t e r

Fatt! acid chain

a mono+l#ceride

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;hat do (e(tide bonds &lin4a+es' in (roteins loo4 li4e=

Amino acid Amino acid7 7 7 re(eat

1n food proteins$ or “pol!peptides”$ indi2idual amino acids areattached to each other through what is called a (e(tide lin4a+e

3eptide linkage

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AMI8O ACIDS contain both the amino &8% / 'and the acid &COO%' +rou( in their structure7

In the formation of a (e(tide bond, one of the aminoacids loses one % atom, and the other loses O and %7

Acid group of the amino acid

8% / 8% /C < C ) O < % )))))))))))))


"R$R is an!Side chain

C < C ) O < %




Amino group

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Th' &mati * ' ti+' 5 *+


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A +l#cosidic lin4a+e in su+ars connectssu+ar units into lar+er structures

+lucose +lucoseO

MA:1OS., a disaccharide com(osed of / +lucose units

l!cosidic linkage

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St&u"tu&'s su a& +isa""ha&i+'s

lpha -, gl"cosidic$ond

lpha -, gl"cosidic$ond

/eta -, gl"cosidic$ond

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6 lym'&i" Li*ka 's


C% / O%





C% / O%




/eta -, 0in!age(ndigesti$le

lpha -, 0in!ageDigesti$le

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& a*i" A"i+s i* - +s

A li"ati * u*"ti *al & u s

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A"i+s i* - +s

& a*i" a"" <l'm *s>/ Mali" <a l's>/Ta&ta&i" < &a 's>/La"ti" <y u&t>/A"'ti" <(i*' a&>

- + a"i+s " m' i* ma*y &ms/ h '('&$6& t'i*s a&' ma+' ami* acids-ats a&' ma+' & m atty acids

-&uits a*+ (' 'ta5l's " *tai* h'* li" acids& a*i" a"i+s a&' "ha&a"t'&i '+ 5y "a&5 ,yli"

a"i+ & u <):. H>? * t &'s'*t i*Cmi*'&al a"i+sD su"h as H.l a*+ H 3 6 4

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. mm *& a*i"


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A"i+s i* - +s

A++ la( &/ ta&t*'ssAi+ i* + &'s'&(ati * 5y l '&i* HA"i+s + *at' & t *s <H= > h'* +iss "iat'+

St& * a"i+s ha(' a l t +iss "iat'+ i *s'ak a"i+s ha(' a small +iss "iati * " *sta*t

A"i+s +iss "iat' 5as'+ * H

As th' H i*"&'as's/ a"i+ ill +iss "iat' Ka is th' H 'Fuili5&ium 5't ''* ass "G+iss "

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Tit&ati * .u&(' & A"'ti" A"i+

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They %lso h%;e other roles in &ood

. *t& l H6&'s'&(' + < H 4! is a "&iti"al (alu'>6& (i+' l'a('*i* <"h'mi"al l'a('*i* >Ai+ i* 'l &mati * <i!'! '"ti* 'ls>H'l &'('*t * *:'* ymati" 5& *i*H'l &'('*t '* ymati" 5& *i*Sy*'& ists & a*ti ,i+a*ts < & s m'/ l H is +>.h'lat' m'tal i *s <i!'! "it&i" a"i+>E*ha*"' la( & <5ala*"' s ''t*'ss>

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A"i+s i* - +sI* & +u"t +'('l m'*t y u "a* us' *'a"i+ & a " m5i*ati *s a"i+s

: la( & : u*"ti *ality: sy*'& y: *atu&ally ""u&&i* 5l'*+s: + a++iti('s

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1cidity is im$ort%nt chemic%lly

:%'*atu&ati * a*+ &'"i itati * & t'i*s

:M +i y "a&5 hy+&at's a*+ hy+& lysis " m l', su a&s

:Hy+& lysis atty a"i+s & m TAB sB'*'&ally u*+'& alkali*' " *+iti *s

I*('&si * su a&s <su"& s' t lu = &u>

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Chemic%l Re%ctions in Foods

.+/ En>ym%tic.,/ Non-en>ym%tic

9eneric%lly %$$lied to:C%rbohydr%tes


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C1RBOHYDR1TEchemic%l re%ctions:

En>ym%tic bro6ning

Non-en>ym%tic bro6ningHydrolysis


O!id%tion?red ctionSt%rch gel%tini>%tion

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PROTEIN chemic%l re%ctions:

B &&ering

Non-en>ym%tic bro6ningHydrolysisCondens%tion

O!id%tionDen%t r%tionCo%g l%tion

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"IPIDchemic%l re%ctions



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.h'mi"al # *+s t .h'mi"al ),*s

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.h'mi"al )'a"ti *s i* - +sE* ymati"

E* ym's a&' proteins that ""u& i* '('&y li(i* syst'mE* ym's "a* ha(' 5'*' i"ial a*+ +'t&im'*tal ' '"ts

#a"t'&ial '&m'*tati *s i* "h''s'/ i"kl's/ y u&tA+('&s' " l &/ t',tu&'/ la( &/ a*+ + &

Hi h +' &'' s '"i i"ity <E* ym' J Su5st&at'>

*:'* ymati"Th s' &'a"ti *s that + * t &'Fui&' '* ym'sA++iti */ &'+ ,/ " *+'*sati */ hy+& lysis

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Th' A"ti(' Sit' th' ES . m l',

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sucrose +lucose+lucose * fructosefructosesucrase

“ invertase ”

E* ym' )'a"ti *sEn>ym%tic re%ctions c%n occ r &rom en>ymesn%t r%lly $resent in % &ood

Or %s $%rt o& &ood $rocessing< en>ymes %re%dded to &oods to en%ble % desired e&&ect

En>ymes s$eed $ chemic%l re%ctions .goodor b%d/ %nd m st be controlled bymonitoring time %nd tem$er%t re8

Ty$ic%lly 6e thin@ o& en>ymes %s 2bre%@ing

%$%rt3 li$ids< $roteins< or c%rbsA b t there%re se;er%l en>yme c%tegories

E* ' l h & " '&i i *

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E* ym' .lass .ha&a"t'&i ati *s

1! ,i+ &'+u"tas',i+ati *G&'+u"ti * &'a"ti *s

2! T&a*s '&as'T&a*s '& *' m l'"ul' t a* th'& <i!'! u*"ti *al & u s>

3! Hy+& las'.ataly ' 5 *+ 5&'aki* usi* at'& <i'! & t'as'/ li as'>

4! Lyas'.ataly ' th' &mati * + u5l' 5 *+s/ t'* i* +'hy+&ati *

&'a"ti *s/ +u&i* 5 *+ 5&'aki*! Is m'&as'

.ataly ' i*t&am l'"ula& &'a&&a* 'm'*t m l'"ul's! Li as'

.ataly ' " (al'*t atta"hm'*t t su5st&at' m l'"ul's

mm * E* ym' )'a"ti *s

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. mm * E* ym ) a ti *s.some re%ctions c%n %lso occ r 6itho t en>ymes/

HYDRO"YSIS- + m l'"ul's s lit i*t small'& & +u"ts/ +u' t th'a"ti * '* ym's/ & th'& c%t%lystsc%t%lysts <h'at/ a"i+> i* th'

&'s'*"' at'&

O ID1TION ? RED#CTION $)'a"ti *s that "aus' "ha* 's i* a + s "h'mi"alst&u"tu&'s th& u h th' a++iti * & &'m (al a*'l'"t& * <hy+& '*>!

,i+ati * is th' &'m (al a* 'l'"t& *)'+u"ti * is th' a++iti * a* 'l'"t& *

i+ ti * ( i+i '+

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,i+ati * (s ,i+i '+

Th' &'m (al a* 'l'"t& * is ,i+ati * <&'+ , &'a"ti *s>!h'* a + syst'm is ,i+i '+/ ,y '* is a++'+ t a* a"ti('

5i*+i* sit'- & ',am l'/ th' &'sult li i+ ,i+ati * is that th' li i+ may

5'" m' ,i+i '+!

I* th' + i*+ust&y/ ' " mm * s 'ak C ,i+i i* a '*tsD('&sus C&'+u"i* a '*tsD! # th a&' us'+ i* +s!

)'+u"i* a '*ts a&' " m u*+s that "a* + *at' a* 'l'"t& * i* th''('*t a* ,i+ati * &'a"ti *!L:as" &5i" a"i+ is a* ',"'ll'*t &'+u"i* a '*t as a&' m st a*ti ,i+a*ts

,i+i i* a '*ts i*+u"' th' &'m (al 'l'"t& *s#'* yl '& ,i+' is " mm *ly a++'+ t C5l'a"h'+D h'at l u&

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L'ts ut E* ym's a*+ .h'mi"al

)'a"ti *s i*t 6'&s '"ti('

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E* ym'sLi(i* & a*isms must 5' a5l' t "a&&y ut "h'mi"al &'a"ti *s

hi"h a&' th'&m +y*ami"ally ('&y u* a( &a5l'#&'ak a*+G & &m " (al'*t 5 *+sAlt'& la& ' st&u"tu&'sE '"t th&'' +im'*si *al st&u"tu&' "ha* 's)' ulat' '*' ', &'ssi *

Th'y + s th& u h '* ym' "atalysisA " mm * 5i l i"al &'a"ti * "a* tak' la"' ith ut'* ym' "atalysis

5ut ill tak' 7 0/000/000 y'a&sith a* '* ym' !it tak's 22 millis'" *+s

E('* im & ('m'*t a a"t & 1/000 ul+ 5' +*ly 7 0/000 y'a&s

Li(i* syst'm ul+ 5' im ssi5l'

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E '"t E* ym'sA 5a su a& "a* 5' st &'+ & y'a&s ith ('&y littl'" *('&si * t . 2 a*+ H 2

This " *('&si * is 5asi" t li '/ & '*'& yh'* " *sum'+/ it is " *('&t'+ t "h'mi"al '*'& y

('&y ast# th '* ymati" a*+ * *:'* ymati" &'a"ti *s

E* ym's a&' hi hly s '"iali '+ "lass & t'i*s$

S '"iali '+ t '& &m s '"i i" "h'mi"al &'a"ti *sS '"iali '+ t &k i* s '"i i" '*(i& *m'*ts

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E* ym'sN

- + Fuality "a* 5' "ha* '+ +u' t th' a"ti(ity '* ym's +u&i* st &a ' & & "'ssi*N E* ym's "a* als 5' us'+ as a*alyti"al i*+i"at &s t

ll th s' "ha* 's

N E* ym':"ataly '+ &'a"ti *s "a* 'ith'&E* ym':"ataly '+ &'a"ti *s "a* 'ith'& '*ha*"''*ha*"' &&+'t'&i &at'+'t'&i &at' + Fuality+ Fuality

N .ha* 's i* " l &/ t',tu&'/ s'*s &y & '&ti's.ha* 's i* " l &/ t',tu&'/ s'*s &y & '&ti's

E* ym' A li"ati *s i* th' + I*+ust&y

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E* ym' A li"ati *s i* th' - + I*+ust&y

C%rbohydr%ses : m%@ing corn syr $ &rom st%rch

Prote%ses : Me%t tenderi>ers"i$%ses : Fl%;or $rod ction in chocol%te %nd cheese

Pectin%ses 9l cose o!id%se Fl%;or en>ymes

"i$o!ygen%sePoly$henol o!id%seRennin .chymosin/

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at'& . *t'*t - +sT mat 's/ l'ttu"' :: 9 OA l' ui"'/ milk :: 87O6 tat :: 78OM'ats :: :70O#&'a+ :: 3 OH *'y :: 20O

)i"'/ h'at l u& :: 12OSh &t'*i* :: 0O

.) .). .

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at'& &ks

at'& must 5' Ca(aila5l'D i* +s & th' a"ti * 5 th "h'mi"al a*+ '* ymati" &'a"ti *s!

Th' Ca(aila5l'D at'& &' &'s'*ts th' +' &'' t hi"hat'& i* a + is &'' &$.h'mi"al &'a"ti *sE* ymati" &'a"ti *s

Mi"& 5ial & thPuality "ha&a"t'&isti"s)'lat'+ t a sim l' l ss m istu&')'lat'+ t 'l 5&'ak+ *- + t',tu&' < ai* & l ss>

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at'& &ks'&y im &ta*t <Q1 i* &'+i'*t i* ma*y +s>

St&u"tu&'6 la& *atu&'/ hy+& '* 5 *+i*

.a* ""u& i* ma*y &ms <S/L/ >A"ts as a +is '&si* m'+ium & s l('*t

S lu5ility

Hy+&ati *Emulsi *sB'ls. ll i+s

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at'& &ks

Th' am u*t C &''D at'&/ a(aila5l' & th's' &'a"ti *sa*+ "ha* 's is &' &'s'*t'+ 5y at'& A"ti(ity !As th' '&"'*ta ' at'& i* a + is C5 u*+D "ha* i*

& m its C &''D stat'/ th' at'& a"ti(ity +'"&'as's

at'& A"ti(ity is &' &'s'*t'+ 5y th' a55&'(iati *$ A 1

A1 ; 6G 66 ; a & &'ssu&' a +6 ; a & &'ssu&' u&' at'& <1!0>

a & &'ssu&' "a* 5' &' &'s'*t'+ as 'Fuili5&ium ) H

Is 5as'+ * a s"al' 0!0 t 1!0A*y + su5sta*"' a++'+ t at'& ill l '& at'&

a"ti(ity !s / all +s ha(' a at'& a"ti(ity l'ss tha* 1!0

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at'& -&'' (s! 5 u*+

at'& a"ti(ity <A >M'asu&'+ 5y (a & &'ssu&' +This (alu' is +i&'"tly " &&'lat'+ t th' & th mi"& & a*isms a*+ th' "h'mi"al &'a"ti *s

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Free 6%ter .c%$ill%ry 6%ter or Ty$e III /0%ter th%t c%n be e%sily remo;ed &rom % &ood0%ter th%t is res$onsible &or the h midity o& % &ood0%ter &rom 6hich 6%ter %cti;ity is me%s red

Bo nd 6%ter .%dsorbed or Ty$e II /0%ter th%t is tied $ by the $resense o& sol ble solidsS%lts< ;it%mins< c%rbohydr%tes< $roteins< ems li&iers< etc8

0%ter o& hydr%tion .Str ct red or Ty$e I /0%ter held in hydr%ted chemic%ls

N%, SO C 8 + H , O

) Forms o& 0%ter


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4ater Sorption 1sothermTy ' I

Hy+&ati *Ty ' II

A5s &5'+Ty ' III


at'& A"ti(ity

M i s t u

& ' . * t ' *

t I s t h ' &


at'& S & ti * Is th'&m

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at & S & ti Is th &mTy ' I

Hy+&ati *Ty ' II

A5s &5'+Ty ' III


at'& A"ti(ity

L i 4 i + , i +

a t i *

@ E #

E * y m '

a " t i ( i t y

M l + s

R ' a s t

M 0

M i s t u

& ' . * t ' *

t I s t h ' &


M istu&' s & ti * is th'&m <MSI>

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M istu& s & ti * is th &m <MSI>

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H t Us' th' Is th'&mMoist re sor$tion isotherms

Sh s th' &'lati *shi 5't ''* at'& a"ti(ity a*+ m istu&' at ai('* t'm '&atu&' <th' t a&' T 'Fui(al'*t>

)' &'s'*t m istu&' " *t'*t at 'Fuili5&ium & 'a"h at'& a"ti(ity

All & &'+i"ti *s i* "ha* 's m istu&' " *t'*t a*+ its t'*tial ' '"t * at'& a"ti(ity

I th' t'm '&atu&' is alt'&'+/ th'* th' &'lati *shi s "a* * t 5'" m a&'+ 'Fui(al'*tly

Ea"h &'a"ti * is ('&*'+ 5y its * t'm '&atu&':+' '*+'*"'A"i+ hy+& lysis &'a"ti *s a&' ast'& at hi h t'm '&atu&'sE* ym':"ataly '+ &'a"ti *s "'as' t u*"ti * at hi h t'm '&atu&'s

l & (

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I* lu'*"'s * at'& A"ti(ity

- +s ill *atu&ally 'Fuili5&at' t a i*t 'Fuili5&ium ith its '*(i& *m'*t- +s ill *atu&ally 'Fuili5&at' t a i*t 'Fuili5&ium ith its '*(i& *m'*tTh'&' &'/ +s "a*Th'&' &'/ +s "a*a+s &5a+s &5 &&+'s &5+'s &5 at'& & m th' '*(i& *m'*tat'& & m th' '*(i& *m'*t%'s & ti *%'s & ti * is h'* a C 'tD + is la"'+ i* a +&y '*(i& *m'*t

A*al us t +'hy+&ati *? 5ut * t th' sam'%'s & ti * im li's that th' + is att'm ti* t m (' i*t 'Fuili5&ium <i'! i* a

a"ka '>

%'hy+&ati * is th' '&ma*'*t l ss at'& & m a +I* 5 th "as's/ th' A +'"&'as's

%'s & ti * is '*'&ally a sl & "'ss/ ith m istu&' &a+ually +'"&'asi*u*til it is i* 'Fuili5&ium ith its '*(i& *m'*t!

A+s & ti * is h'* a C+&yD + is la"'+ i* a 't '*(i& *m'*tA+s & ti * is h'* a C+&yD + is la"'+ i* a 't '*(i& *m'*tAs +s ai* m istu&'/ th' A i*"&'as'sTh' t'&m Chy & s" i"D is us'+ t +'s"&i5' +s & "h'mi"als that a5s &5m istu&'A &'al & 5l'm i* th' + i*+ust&y <lum i* / "lum i* / i*"&'as's &,* &at's>

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at'& A"ti(ity i* 6&a"ti"'#a"t'&ial & th a*+ &a i+ +'t'&i &ati *

Hi h at'& a"ti(ity i* m'at/ milk/ ' s/&uitsG(' i's

1!0:0!9R'ast a*+ m l+ s ila '

I*t'&m'+iat' at'& a"ti(ity +s su"h as 5&'a+a*+ "h''s'0!7 :0!9

A*al us t a H 4! / a* A 0! has th'sam' &'s'&(ati * ' '"t


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1 6 in "o6 Moist re Foods

at'& a"ti(ity a*+ its &'lati *shi ith m istu&' " *t'*th'l t &'+i"t a*+ " *t& l th' sh'l li ' +s!B'*'&ally s 'aki* / th' & th m st 5a"t'&ia isi*hi5it'+ at at'& a"ti(iti's l '& tha* 0!9 a*+ y'asta*+ m l+ & th &'('*t'+ 5't ''* 0!80 a*+ 0!88!A als " *t& ls hysi "h'mi"al &'a"ti *s!

at'& a"ti(ity lays a* im &ta*t & l' i* th'+'hy+&ati * & "'ss! K* l'+ ' a5s & ti * a*++'s & ti * 5'ha(i & is us' ul & +'si *i* +&yi*

& "'ss's & +s!

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H t C. *t& lD at'& Th' &ati &'' t 5 u*+ at'& has t 5' alt'&'+R u "a* 'ith'& &'m (' at'& <+'hy+&ati * &" *"'*t&ati *>

.a* "ha* ' th' hysi"al *atu&' th' +Alt'& is " l &/ t',tu&'/ a*+G & la( &

& y u "a* " *('&t th' &'' at'& t 5 u*+ at'& A++iti * su a&s/ salts/ & th'& at'&:s lu5l' a '*ts

R u "a* &'' ' th' +This imm 5ili 's th' at'& <a*+ l '&s th' A >H '('&/ * t all +s "a* 5' & sh ul+ 5' & '*-& '* +s ill '('*tually tha / a*+ th' & 5l'm '&sists

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at'& 0%ter cont%ins intr%molec l%r $ol%r co;%lent$ol%r co;%lent bondsE&&ects

Boiling $ointFree>ing $oint5%$or $ress re

E%sy &orm%tion o&H bondsH bonds 6ith &ood molec les

6& '&ti's at'&

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Th' t&i l' i*t is th' t'm '&atu&' a*+ &'ssu&' athi"h th&'' has's <liFui+/ i"'/ a*+ (a &>

" ',ist at 'Fuili5&ium/ a*+ ill t&a*s &m has'ssmall "ha* 's i* t'm '&atu&' & &'ssu&'!Th' +ash'+ li*' is th' (a & &'ssu&' su '&" l'+ liFui+ at'&!

Chemic%l %nd & nction%l $ro$erties o& 6%terChemic%l %nd & nction%l $ro$erties o& 6%ter

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Chemic%l %nd & nction%l $ro$erties o& 6%terChemic%l %nd & nction%l $ro$erties o& 6%ter

S l(ati */ +is '&si */ hy+&ati *

at'& a"ti(ity a*+ m istu&'at'& as a " m *'*t 'mulsi *sat'& a*+ h'at t&a*s '& at'& as a* i* &'+i'*t

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-&'' i* - +s

. *t& lli* at'&

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-&'' i*B&'atly i* lu'*"'+ th' ay ' 'at

-&'' i* "u&('s

at'& -&'' 's C 6u&'D-& '* - +sMust 5' su '&:" l'+ t 5'l 0 .

.&ystal *u"l'ati * 5' i*sT'm '&atu&' &is's t 0 . as i"' &ms

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)' &i '&at'+ a*+ -& '* - +sTh' Ma&k't

M'als a*+ '*t&''sM'at/ ult&y/ ish%ai&y/ 5'('&a '-&uits a*+ (' i's#ak'&y & +u"ts

S*a"ks/ a 'ti '&s/a*+ si+' +ish's

A**ual Sal's < #illi *>83!7


1 !11 !8

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-&'' i* - +s

Su '&:" li*

-&'' i* 6 i*t


0 7090



Lat'*t h'at

.&ystalli ati *

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-&'' i*-&'' i* - +

)'Fui&' l '& t'm ! t " *ti*u' &'' i*

Last &ti * at'& is ('&y ha&+ t &'' 'U* & '* at'& is a & 5l'm

VVVAs l * as u* & '* at'& is &'s'*t i* a

+/ th' t'm '&atu&' ill &'mai* *'a& 0 .+u' t th' lat'*t h'at "&ystalli ati *!

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-&'' i*Puality "ha* 's +u&i* &'' i*

. *"'*t&ati * ' '"t ; small am u*t u* & '* at'& E,"'ss s lut's may &'"i itat'6& t'i*s may +'*atu&'

H may +'"&'as'Bas's may " *"'*t&at' <i!'! ,y '*>

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-&'' i*Puality "ha* 's +u&i* &'' i*

%ama ' & m i"' "&ystals6u*"tu&' "'ll m'm5&a*'s

La& ' "&ystals "aus' m &' & 5l'ms-ast &'' i* mu"h m &' +'si&a5l'

L'ss " *"'*t&ati * ' '"tSmall'& i"' "&ystals

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-&'' i*-i*al st &a ' t'm '&atu&'

:18 . is sta*+a&+

Sa ' mi"& 5i l i"allyLimits '* ym' a"ti(ity *:'* ymati" "ha* 's a&' sl

.a* mai*tai* ai&ly 'asilyB + ('&all sh'l :li '

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-&'' i*-a"t &s +'t'&mi*i* &'' i* &at'$

- + " m siti *

-at a*+ ai& ha(' l th'&mal " *+u"ti(ity/sl + * &'' i*This is a C5u '&i* D ' '"t!

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-&'' i*ays t s ''+ u &'' i*Thi**'& +s &'' ' ast'&

B&'at'& ai& ('l "ityM &' i*timat' " *ta"t ith " la*tUs' &' &i '&a*t ith &'at'& h'at "a a"ity

Hi h P E&&

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High Press re E&&ects -&'' i* is &' a&+'+ as *' th' 5'st m'th +s

& l * t'&m + &'s'&(ati *!Th' 5'*' its this t'"h*iFu' a&' &ima&ily & ml t'm '&atu&'s &ath'& tha* i"' &mati *!

-&'' i* - +s

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-&'' i* "a* 5' +ama i* t + syst'ms +u' t- &mati * i"' "&ystals <'s '"ially la& ' i"' "&ystals>

. *"'*t&ati * s lu5l' s li+s

. *"'*t&ati * ass's <i'! ,y '*>I*t'&mitt'*t tha i* < & t'm '&atu&' " *t& l>

T &'+u"' th' "h'mi"al a*+ m'"ha*i"al +ama ' t + syst'ms +u&i*&'' i* / t'"h* l i's ha(' 5''* +'('l '+ t &'' ' +s ast'& & u*+'&

hi h &'ssu&'s! #'*' its i*"lu+'$Hi h'& +'*sity i"' <l'ss Cs a"'D 5't ''* "&ystals & m ai& & s li+s>I*"&'as'+ &at' &'' i*Small'& i"' "&ystal &mati *U*i &m "&ystal &mati *

ith hi h: &'ssu&' &'' i* th' i*"&'asi* &'ssu&' +'"&'as's th' t'm '&atu&'*''+'+ t &'' ' at'&/ thus th' i"' *u"l'ati * &at' i*"&'as's!H6 &'' i* '*'&ally i*( l('s " li* a* u* & '* sam l' t :21. u*+'& hi h

&'ssu&'s <300M6a> "ausi* i"' &mati * t ""u&!A* th'& m'th + i*( l('s &'ssu&' shi t &'' i* h'&' th' + is " l'+u*+'& hi h &'ssu&'s ith ut "ausi* &'' i* ! *"' th' &'ssu&' is &'l'as'+/th' sam l' &'' 's i*sta*tly!

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Th' 6has' +ia &am sh s us th' & "'ss hi"h tak's la"' as at'& isa++'+ t a li i+ syst'm! It "a* 5' s''* that th' li i+ has' t&a*siti *t'm '&atu&' alls ith i*"&'asi* at'& " *t'*t! S /5'l that

a&ti"ula& t'm '&atu&' th' "hai*s a&' "&ystalli*' a*+ h'* th't'm '&atu&' is a5 (' it th'y a&' m'lt'+ i* a lui+ " *+iti *! t'$ Th'

h s hati+yl "h li*'s 5i*+ a si *i i"a*t am u*t at'&! This is sai+t 5' W5 u*+W & Wu* &'' a5l'W at'&!

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at'& " *t'*t i* a + syst'm i* lu'*"'s th' &at' "h'mi"al&'a"ti *s 5y shi ti* &'a"ti * 'Fuili5&ia (ia L'.hat'li'&Ws

&i*"i l' & 5y th' m &' su5tl' ' '"t "ha* i* th' H!Ess'*tially/ as at'& is &'m ('+ th s' s lut's i*( l('+ i*

+' &a+ati * &'a"ti *s a&' " *"'*t&at'+! Th's' s lut's a&'&'s *si5l' & th' H th' syst'm!#a"k i* 1923/ t &'s'a&"h'&s/ . &&a* a*+ L' is/ sh '+ thatth' a"ti(ity th' hy+& *ium i *s <: H> i*"&'as'+ ithi*"&'asi* su"& s' " *"'*t&ati *!#asi"ally th' su"& s' 5 u*+ th' at'& &'sulti* i* a +'"&'as' i*

H/ & a* i*"&'as' i* th' a"i+ity a i('* s luti *!)'"'*t &'s'a&"h has +'m *st&at'+ that &'a"ti * &at' ami*a"i+ +' &a+ati * &'a"ti *s a&' H +' '*+'*t!

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%'hy+&ati * a*+ . *"'*t&ati *

- +s

. *t& lli* at'&

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%'hy+&ati * a*+ . *"'*t&ati *-a"t &s a '"ti* +&yi* &at's

Su& a"' a&'a

T'm '&atu&'Ai& ('l "ityHumi+ity

6&'ssu&' <(a"uum>S lut' " *"'*t&ati *Am u*t &'' a*+ 5 u*+ at'&

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%&yi* .u&(' a - +

at'& that is 'asily &'m ('+

at'& that is +i i"ult t &'m ('

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%'hy+&ati * a*+ . *"'*t&ati *Puality "ha* 's#& *i*

E* ym's : sul it' ill &'('*t.a&m'li ati * : l '& t'm s! ill limitMailla&+ &'a"ti * : &'a"ti * su a&s a*+ami* a"i+s : l '& t'm s ill limit

A"&ylami+' XXX-la( & "ha* 's

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.a&5 hy+&at's i* - +s

A '*'&al ('&(i'


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Ka&5 hi+&at 5a*yak t'&+a at +alam 5aha**a5ati/ 5aik 5'&u a ula s'+'&ha*a/ h'ks sa/

'*t sa/ mau u* ka&5 hi+&at +'* a* 5'&at

m l'kul ya* ti* i s' '&ti ati/ 'kti*/s'lul sa/ +a* li *i*!S'lul sa 5'& '&a* s'5a ai '*yusu* +i*+i*s'l ta*ama*#uah:5uaha* m'* a*+u* m * saka&i+as' '&ti luk sa +a* &ukt sa!


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%isaka&i+a s' '&ti ula t'5u <suk& sa atausaka& sa> 5a*yak t'&ka*+u* +alam 5ata*t'5u

%i +alam ai& susu t'&+a at lakt sa#'5'&a a li saka&i+a 5a*yak t'&+a at+alam si&u ati/ & ti +a* 5i&!

#'&5a ai lisaka&i+a s' '&ti ati 5a*yakt'&+a at um5i:um5ia* +a* s'&'alia


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S'lama & s's 'mata* a*/ ka*+u* a* ati+alam 5uah:5uaha* 5'&u5ah m'* a+i ula:

ula '&'+uksi ya* aka* m'*im5ulka* &asama*is!Sum5'& ka&5 hi+&at utama 5a i kita a+alahs'&'alia +a* um5i:um5ia*!6a+a hasil t'&*ak/ khusus*ya +a i* /ka&5 hi+&at t'&+a at +alam 5'*tuk lik '*ya* +isim a* +alam a&i* a* t t +a*+alam hati!



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.a&5 hy+&at's a&' "a&5 * " m u*+s that " *tai* ma*yhy+& ,yl & u s!Th' sim l'st "a&5 hy+&at's als " *tai* 'ith'& a* al+'hy+' <th's' a&' t'&m'+ $olyhydro!y%ldehydes > & ak't *' <$olyhydro!y@etones >!All "a&5 hy+&at's "a* 5' "lassi i'+ as 'ith'& monos%cch%rides<dis%cch%rides< oligos%cch%rides &$olys%cch%rides !A* li sa""ha&i+' is a*y h'&' & m a5 ut t t t'* m * sa""ha&i+' u*its/ li*k'+ 5y ly" si+i" 5 *+s!6 lysa""ha&i+'s a&' mu"h la& '&/ " *tai*i* hu*+&'+s m * sa""ha&i+' u*its!Th' &'s'*"' th' hydro!yl gro $s .'OH/ all s"a&5 hy+&at's t i*t'&a"t ith th' aFu' us '*(i& *m'*t a*+ t

a&ti"i at' i* hy+& '* 5 *+i* / 5 th ithi* a*+ 5't ''* "hai*s!


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SUBA)S " *tai* 2 im &ta*t a*+ ('&y &'a"ti('-u*"ti *al & u s$

-OH .hydro!yl gro $/Im &ta*t & s lu5ility a*+ s ''t*'ss

-C(O .c%rbonyl gro $/

Im &ta*t &&'+u"i* a5ility a*+ Mailla&+ 5& *i*

9"#COSE is a* 1"DOSE su a& ith *' . at m',t'&*al t th' :m'm5'&'+ &i*

FR#CTOSE is a ETOSE h', s' ith t "a&5 *at ms ',t'&*al t th' :m'm5'&'+ &i*

(lassifications for the main categories of food carboh!drates are


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(lassifications for the main categories of food carboh!drates arebased on their degree of pol!meri5ation%

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Ty 's .a&5 hy+&at's

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YE IS KA)# HI%)AT6a+a umum*ya ka&5 hi+&at +a at+ik'l m kka* m'* a+i m * saka&i+a/

li saka&i+a/ s'&ta lisaka&i+a! M * saka&i+a

m'&u aka* suatu m l'kul ya* +a at t'&+i&i +a&ilima atau '*am at m ./ s'+a* ka* li saka&i+am'&u aka* lim'& +a&i 2:10 m * saka&i+a/

a+a a+a umum*ya lisaka&i+a m'&u aka* lim'& ya* t'&+i&i l'5ih +a&i 10 m * m'&m * saka&i+a!

M * saka&i+a

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Tata *ama m * saka&i+a t'& a*tu* +a&i u usu* si *al ya* +imiliki +a* l'tak u us

hi+& ksil*ya!M * saka&i+a ya* m'* a*+u* satu u us

al+'hi+ +is'5ut al+ sa/ k't sa m'm u*yai satuu us k't *!M * saka&i+a +'* a* '*am atam . +is'5uth'ks sa/ misal*ya luk sa/ &ukt sa/ +a*

alakt sa!M * saka&i+a ya* m'm u*yai lima at m .+is'5ut '*t sa misal*ya ,il sa/ a&a5i* sa/ +a*

&i5 sa!


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Th' m * sa""ha&i+'s " mm *ly u*+ i*+s a&' "lassi i'+ a"" &+i* t th'*um5'& "a&5 *s th'y " *tai* i* th'i&

5a"k5 *' st&u"tu&'s!Th' ma & + m * sa""ha&i+'s " *tai*si, "a&5 * at ms!

C%rbohydr%te Cl%ssi&ic%tions H', s' ; si,:"a&5 * su a&sBlu" s'/ Bala"t s'/ -&u"t s'

>ischer ro?ection of a)D)Glucose

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%aworth ro?ection of a)D)Glucose

Chair form of a)D)Glucose


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Sucrose : pre2alent in sugar cane and sugar beets$ is composed

of glucose and fructose through an 6#78$*9 gl!cosidic bond%

# *+s 5't ''* su a& u*its a&' t'&m'+ glycosidic bonds /

a*+ th' &'sulta*t m l'"ul's a&' glycosides !Th' li*ka ' t m * sa""ha&i+'s t &m+isa""ha&i+'s i*( l('s a ly" si+i" 5 *+! Th' im &ta*t

+ +isa""ha&i+'s a&' su"& s'/ la"t s'/ a*+ malt s'!

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:actose :

is found exclusi2el! in the milk of mammals and consists ofgalactose and glucose in a #78$;9 gl!cosidic bond%

Maltose :

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1s the ma<or degradation product of starch$ and is composed

of * glucose monomers in an 6#78$;9 gl!cosidic bond%

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li saka&i+ali saka&i+a a+alah lim'& +'* a*

+'&a at lim'&asasi 2 sam ai 10 +a* 5iasa*ya 5'&si at la&ut +alam ai&!

li saka&i+a ya* t'&+i&i +a&i +ua m l'kul+is'5ut +isaka&i+a/ 5ila ti a m l'kul +is'5utt&i sa/ 5ila suk& sa t'&+i&i +a&i m l'kul

luk sa +a* &ukt sa/ lakt sa t'&+i&i +a&im l'kul luk sa +a* alakt sa!


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Ikata* a*ta&a +ua m l'kul m * saka&i+a+is'5ut ikata* lik si+ik! Ikata* i*i t'&5'*tuka*ta&a u us hi+& ksil +a&i at m . * m &

satu ya* u a +is'5ut ka&5 * a* m'&ik+'* a* u us hi+& ksil +a* at m . a+am l'kul ula ya* lai*!Ikata* lik si+ik 5iasa*ya t'& a+i a*ta&a at m. * ! 1 +'* a* at m . * ! 4 +'* a*m'l' aska* 1 m l ai&!


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A+a ti+ak*ya si at '&'+uksi +a&i suatu m l'kulula +it'*tuka* l'h a+a ti+ak*ya u us hi+& ksil

< H> 5'5as ya* &'akti !

Suk& sa ti+ak m'm u*yai u us H 5'5as ya*&'akti ka&'*a k'+ua*ya su+ah sali* t'&ikat/s'+a* ka* lakt sa m'm u*yai H 5'5as a+aat m . * ! 1 a+a u us luk sa*ya! Ka&'*a itu/

lakt sa 5'&si at '&'+uksi s'+a* ka* suk& sa 5'&si at * * '&'+uksi!


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Suk& sa a+alah li saka&i+a ya* 5'& '&a* '*ti* +alam '* laha* maka*a* +a* 5a*yakt'&+a at a+a t'5u/ 5it/ si ala*/ +a* k'la a k y &!

6a+a 'm5uata* si&u / ula asi& <suk& sa>+ila&utka* +alam ai& +a* +i a*aska*/ s'5a ia*suk& sa aka* t'&u&ai m'* a+i luk sa +a* &ukt sa/ya* +is'5ut ula i*('&t!

Bula i*('&t ti+ak +a at 5'&5'*tuk k&istal ka&'*ak'la&uta* &ukt sa +a* luk sa sa* at 5'sa&!

li k &i i '& l'h &i h il hi & li i

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li saka&i+a +a at +i '& l'h +a&i hasil hi+& lisis lisaka&i+a +'* a* 5a*tua* '* im t'&t'*tu atau

hi+& lisis +'* a* asam!6ati +a at +ihi+& lisisi +'* a* '* im amilas'm'* hasilka* malt sa/ malt t&i sa/ +a* is malt sa!#ila ati +ihi+& lisis +'* a* '* im t&a*s luk si+as'aka* +ihasilka* suatu li saka&i+a +'* a* +'&a at

lim'&isasi ya* l'5ih 5'sa&! S'*ya a i*i +is'5ut+'kst&i* ya* sa* at la&ut +alam ai& +a* +a atm'* ikat at: at hi+& 5ik s'hi* a +i '& u*aka*s'5a ai food additive u*tuk m'm '&5aiki t'kstu&

5aha* maka*a*!

6 li k &i

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6 lisaka&i+a6 lisaka&i+a +alam 5aha* maka*a* 5'& u* si s'5a ai

'* uat t'kstu& <s'lul sa/ h'mis'lul sa/ ati/ +a*li *i*> +a* s'5a ai sum5'& '*'& i < ati/ +'kt&i*/

lik '*/ +a* &ukta*>! 6 lisaka&i+a '* uat t'kstu& i*i

ti+ak +a at +i"'&*a tu5uh/ t'ta i m'&u aka* s'&at:s'&at<dietary fiber > ya* +a at m'*stimulasi '* im:'* im '*"'&*aa*!6 lisaka&i+a m'&u aka* lim'& m l'kul:m l'kulm * saka&i+a ya* +a at 5'&a*tai lu&us atau

5'&"a5a* +a* +a at +ihi+& lisis +'* a* '* im:'* imt'&t'*tu!

6 i

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6ati6ati m'&u aka* h m lim'& luk sa +'* a*ikata* al a: lik si+ik!#'&5a ai ma"am ati ti+ak sama si at*ya/t'& a*tu* +a&i a* a* &a*tai .:*ya/ s'&ta a akah

lu&us atau 5'&"a5a* &a*tai m l'kul*ya!6ati t'&+i&i +a&i +ua &aksi ya* +a at +i isahka*+'* a* ai& a*as!-&aksi t'&la&ut +is'5ut amil sa +a* &aksi ti+ak

t'&la&ut +is'5ut amil 'kti*! Amil sa m'm u*yaist&uktu& lu&us s'+a* amil 'kti* m'm u*yai"a5a* !

B'l i*i i

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B'lati*isasi6ati +alam a&i* a* ta*ama* m'm u*yai 5'*tuk &a*ula ya*

5'&5'+a:5'+a! %'* a* mik& sk '*is ati +a at +i5'+aka*ka&'*a m'm u*yai 5'*tuk/ uku&a*/ +a* l'tak hilum ya* u*ik!#ila ati m'*tah +imasukka* k' +alam ai& +i* i*/ &a*ula

ati*ya aka* m'*y'&a ai& +a* m'm5'* kak! 6'*i* kata*( lum' &a*ula ati ya* t'& a+i +i +alam ai& a+a suhu 0.

J 0. m'&u aka* 'm5'kaka* ya* s'su* uh*ya/ +a*s't'lah 'm5'* kaka* i*i &a*ula ati +a at k'm5ali k'k *+isi s'mula!B&a*ula ati +a at +i5uat m'm5'* kak lua& 5iasa +a* 5'&si atti+ak +a at k'm5ali la i a+a k *+isi s'mula! 6'&u5aha*t'&s'5ut +i*amaka* 'lati*isasi!

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Suhu a+a saat &a*ula ati '"ah +is'5ut suhu'lati*isasi ya* +a at +ilakuka* +'* a* '*am5aha*

ai& a*as!6ati ya* t'lah m'* alami 'lati*isasi +a at

+ik'&i* ka*/ t'ta i m l'kul:m l'kul t'&s'5ut ti+ak+a at k'm5ali la i k' si at:si at s'mula! #aha* ya*t'lah k'&i* t'&s'5ut masih mam u m'*y'&a ai&+alam umlah ya* "uku 5'sa&! Si at i*ilah ya*+i u*aka* a a&instant rice +a* instant pudding +a atm'*y'&a ai& +'* a* mu+ah/ yaitu +'* a*m'* u*aka* ati ya* t'lah m'* alami 'lati*isasi!

S'l l

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S'lul saS'lul sa m'&u aka* s'&at:s'&at a* a* ya* 5'&sama:sama h'mis'lul sa/ 'kti*/ +a* & t'i* m'm5'*tukst&uktu& a&i* a* ya* m'm '&kuat +i*+i* s'lta*ama*!Tu&u*a* s'lul sa ya* +ik'*al +'* a* carboxymethylcellulose <.M.> s'&i* +i akai +alam i*+ust&imaka*a* u*tuk m'*+a atka* t'kstu& ya* 5aik!Misal*ya a+a 'm5uata* 's k&im/ 'makaia* .M.aka* m'm '&5aiki t'kstu& +a* k&istal lakt sa ya*t'&5'*tuk aka* l'5ih halus!


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6'kti*6'kti* s'"a&a umum t'&+a at +alam +i*+i* s'l &im'&ta*ama*/ khusus*ya +i s'la:s'la a*ta&a s'lul sa +a*h'mis'lul sa! S'*ya a 'kti* 5'& u* si s'5a ai '&'kata*ta&a +i*+i* s'l satu +'* a* ya* lai*!6a+a umum*ya s'*ya a 'kti* +a at +iklasi ikasi m'* a+iti a k'l m k s'*ya a yaitu asam 'ktat/ asam 'kti*at< 'kti*>/ +a* & t 'kti*!Ka*+u* a* 'kti* +alam ta*ama* sa* at 5'&(a&iasi 5aik

5'&+asa&ka* '*is ta*ama**ya mau u* 5a ia*:5a ia* a&i* a**ya!

K m sisi ka*+u* a* & t 'kti*/ 'kti*/ +a* asam 'ktat+i +alam 5uah sa* at 5'&(a&iasi t'& a*tu* a+a +'&a at 'mata* a* 5uah!

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6a+a umum*ya & t 'kti* ya* ti+ak +a atla&ut itu t'&+a at +alam a&i* a* ta*ama*ya* 5'lum mata* !

6 t'*si 'm5'*tuka* 'li +a&i 'kti* m'* a+i 5'&ku&a* +alam 5uah ya* t'&lalu mata* !#uah:5uaha* ya* +a at +i u*aka* u*tuk

m'm5uat 'li a+alah am5u 5i i/ a 'l/ l'm */ lum/ '&uk/ s'&ta a* u&!

Blik '*

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Blik '*Blik '* m'&u aka* C ati h' a*D/ 5a*yakt'&+a at a+a hati +a* t t 5'&si at la&ut +alamai&/ s'&ta 5ila 5'&'aksi +'* a* i +i* aka*

5'& a&*a m'&ah!Blik '* u a t'lah 5'&hasil +iis lasi +a&i

5'*ih a u* < sweet corn >!Blik '* +isim a* +alam hati h' a* s'5a ai"a+a* a* '*'& i ya* s' aktu: aktu +a at+iu5ah m'* a+i luk sa!

6 li k &i+ L i*

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6 lisaka&i+a Lai*Bum A&a5ik ya* +ihasilka* +a&i 5ata* h *akasiaA a&:a a& +i+a atka* +a&i a* a* m'&ah!

Asam al i*at atau a:al i*at +ihasilka* +a&isuatu a* a* laut ya* 5'sa&!Ka&a '*a* +i+a at +'* a* m'* 'kst&aksilumut I&la*+ia +'* a* ai& a*as! %i '& u*aka*s'5a ai stabilizer a+a i*+ust&i " klat +a* hasil

& +uksi susu!

P l % h% id

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M st th' "a&5 hy+&at's u*+ i* *atu&' ""u& i* th'&m hi h m l'"ula& 'i ht lym'&s "all'+

$olys%cch%rides !

Th' m * m'&i" 5uil+i* 5l "ks us'+ t '*'&at' lysa""ha&i+'s "a* 5' (a&i'+? i* all "as's/ h '('&/th' &'+ mi*a*t m * sa""ha&i+' u*+ i*

lysa""ha&i+'s is %: lu" s'!

h'* lysa""ha&i+'s a&' " m s'+ a si* l'm * sa""ha&i+' 5uil+i* 5l "k/ th'y a&' t'&m'+homo$olys%cch%rides !


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Sta&"h is th' ma & &m st &'+ "a&5 hy+&ai* la*t "'lls!

Its st&u"tu&' is i+'*ti"al t ly" '*/ ',"' t &a mu"h l '& +' &'' 5&a*"hi* <a5 ut '('&y20:30 &'si+u's>!

U*5&a*"h'+ sta&"h is "all'+ %mylose#&a*"h'+ sta&"h is "all'+ %mylo$ectin !


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)'+u"i* su a&s

#& *i* &'a"ti *s <"a&am'li ati * a*+ Mailla&+>S ''t*'ss a*+ la( &s.&ystalli ati *

Hum'"ta*"yI*('&si *,i+ati * a*+ &'+u"ti *

T',tu&i i*

is" sityB'lli* < ums/ '"ti*s/ th'& hy+& " ll i+s>B'lati*i ati * <Sta&"h>

In;ert s g%rIn;ert s g%r

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I*('&t su a& is a liFui+ "a&5 hy+&at' s ''t'*'& i* hi"hall & a &ti * th' su"& s' &'s'*t has 5''* inverted $

Th' su"& s' m l'"ul' is s lit a*+ " *('&ts t a* 'Fuim la&mi,tu&' lu" s' a*+ &u"t s'!

I*('&t su a&s ha(' & '&ti's & m su"& s'? th'y h'l 5ak'+ +s &'tai* m istu&'/ a*+ & l * sh'l :li '!.a*+y ma*u a"tu&'&s us' i*('&t su a& t " *t& l

&ai*i* !I*('&t su a& is +i '&'*t & m hi h &u"t s' s ''t'*'&s

SU.) SE = invertase enzymeinvertase enz yme lu" s' = &u"t s'

S crose

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Where does sucrose come from

I*('&t su a&

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I*('&t su a& is a liFui+ "a&5 hy+&at' s ''t'*'& i* hi"hall & a &ti * th' su"& s' &'s'*t has 5''* inverted $

Th' su"& s' m l'"ul' is s lit a*+ " *('&ts t a* 'Fuim la&mi,tu&' lu" s' a*+ &u"t s'!

I*('&t su a&s ha(' & '&ti's & m su"& s'? th'y h'l 5ak'+ +s &'tai* m istu&'/ a*+ & l * sh'l :li '!.a*+y ma*u a"tu&'&s us' i*('&t su a& t " *t& l

&ai*i* !I*('&t su a& is +i '&'*t & m hi h &u"t s' s ''t'*'&s

SU.) SE = invertase enzymeinvertase enz yme lu" s' = &u"t s'

. &* sy&u s

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Corn syr $sCorn syr $s a&' ma*u a"tu&'+ 5y t&'ati* " &* sta&"h

ith a"i+s & '* ym's!Corn syr $s / us'+ ',t'*si('ly 5y th' + i*+ust&y a*+i* th' h m' kit"h'*/ " *tai* &ima&ily lu" s'<+',t& s'> 5ut th'& su a&s as 'll!

High-&r ctose corn syr $ .High-&r ctose corn syr $ . HFCSHFCS // is ma+' 5y t&'ati*+',t& s':&i"h " &* sy&u ith '* ym's <is m'&as'>!Th' &'sulti* H-.S is a liFui+ mi,tu&' +',t& s' a*+

&u"t s' us'+ 5y + ma*u a"tu&'&s i* s t +&i*ks/"a**'+ &uits/ ams a*+ th'& +s!

H-.S " *tai*s 42/ / 90 & 99 '&"'*t &r ctose&r ctose!


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. &* sta&"h is t&'at'+ ith -%myl%se-%myl%se/ 5a"t'&ial &i i*/ t & +u"' sh &t'& "hai*s su a&s <+',t&i*s> as sta&"h &a m'*ts!

',t/ a* '* ym' "all'+ gl co%myl%segl co%myl%se/ 5tai*'+ & m th' u* us Aspergillus niger / 5&'aks th' &a m'*ts + * '('* u&th'& tyi'l+ th' sim l' su a& lu" s'!

A thi&+ '* ym'/ gl cose isomer%segl cose isomer%se / is ', '*si('/ a*+ " *('&tslu" s' t (a&i us am u*ts &u"t s'!

H-.S: has th' ',a"t sam' s ''t*'ss i*t'*sity as su"& s' <" la>H-.S:42 is l'ss s ''t/ us'+ ith &uit:5as'+ 5'('&a 's a*+ & 5aki*

Blu" s' is m'&as' is s ', '*si(' that it is " mm *lyimm 5ili '+ * a s li+:5as'+ C&'si*D 5'a+ a*+ th' lu" s' sy&u

ass'+ ('& it! .a* 5' us'+ ma*y tim's ('& 5' &' it sl lyl s's its a"ti(ity!

H-.SH-.S is s'l'"t'+ & +i '&'*t u& s's!

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S'l'"ti * is 5as'+ * s '"i i" desired & '&ti's$

)'tai* m istu&' a*+G & &'('*t +&yi* ut. *t& l "&ystalli ati *6& +u"' a hi h'& sm ti" &'ssu&' <m &' m l'"ul's i* s luti *> tha*

& su"& s'Control mi"& 5i l i"al & th

6& (i+' a &'a+y yeast fermentable su5st&at'#l'*+ 'asily ith s ''t'*'&s/ a"i+s/ a*+ la( &i* s6& (i+' a " *t& lla5l' su5st&at' & 5& *i* a*+ Mailla&+ &'a"ti *!Im a&t a +' &'' s ''t*'ss 'ss'*tially ; t i*('&t liFui+ su a&s

Hi h s ''t*'ssL (is" sity)'+u"'+ t'*+'*"y t a&+ "&ystalli ati *. sts l'ss tha* liFui+ su"& s' & " &* sy&u 5l'*+s)'tai* m istu&' a*+G & &'('*t +&yi* ut + & +u"t


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H-.S has th' ',a"t sam' s ''t*'ss a*+ tast' as a* 'Fualam u*t su"& s' & m "a*' & 5''t su a&! %'s it' 5'i* am &' " m li"at'+ & "'ss tha* th' ma*u a"tu&' su a&/ H-.Sis a"tually l'ss " stly!It is als ('&y 'asy t t&a*s &t/ 5'i* um '+ i*t ta*k'&t&u"ks!T th' '* ym's us'+/ Z:amylas' a*+ lu" s':is m'&as'/a&' '*'ti"ally m +i i'+ t mak' th'm m &' thermost%blethermost%ble !This i*( l('s e!ch%nging s$eci&ic %mino %cids in the $rim%ryseG ence s that th' '* ym' is &'sista*t t u* l+i* &+'*atu&i* !This all s th' i*+ust&y t us' th' '* ym's at hi h'&t'm '&atu&'s 6itho t loss o& %cti;ity !

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Sta&"h's: Q1 Hy+& " ll i+

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Hydrocolloids a&' su5sta*"'s that ill &m a 'l &a++ (is" sity * a++iti * at'&!M st a&' lysa""ha&i+'s a*+ all i*t'&a"t ith at'&!

Th' m st " mm * is st%rchst%rch

Sta&"h is a mi,tu&' amyl s' a*+ amyl '"ti*!

Th' si ' +ist&i5uti * th's' hy+& " ll i+s is th' m stim &ta*t a"t & i* th' t',tu&' a*+ hysi"al 'atu&'s


STA).H6 lym'&s lu" s'

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yAMRL SE li*'a& "hai* lu" s'

Blu" s' lym'& li*k'+ Z -1,4

AMRL 6E.TI 5&a*"h'+ lym'& lu" s'


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Li*'a& lym'& lu" s'Z 1 : 4 li*ka 's%i 'sta5l' 5y huma*s <4 k"alG >2 0:3 0 lu" s' u*its * a('&a '. &*/ h'at/ a*+ tat sta&"h

10:30O amyl s'


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#&a*"h'+ "hai* lym'& lu" s'Z 1 : 4 a*+ Z 1 : ly" si+i" li*ka 's-ully +i 'sta5l' 5y huma*s1/000 lu" s' u*its is " mm *

#&a*"h i*ts '('&y 1 :2 u*its


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Sta& h

Amyl '"ti* <5la"k>Amyl s' <5lu'>

M +i i'+ Sta&"h'sB'l i*i i * i h' ' i' i i" i *

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B'lati*i ati * is th' 'asi'st m +i i"ati *

H'at'+ i* at'& th'* +&i'+!A"i+ a*+Gh'at ill &m C+',t&i*sDZ:Amylas'

hy+& ly 's Z <1:4> li*ka '&a*+ m atta"k t mak' sh &t'& "hai*s

[:Amylas'Als atta"ks Z <1 : 4> li*ka 's

Sta&ts at th' * *:&'+u"i* '*+ th' sta&"h "hai*Bi('s sh &t +',t&i*s a*+ malt s'

# th '* ym's ha(' t& u5l' ith Z <1 : > li*ka 's

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D.@1RI8S are considered to be h#drol#sis (roductsh #drol#sis (roducts of incompletel! broken down starch fractions

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6 lysa""ha&i+' #&'ak+ * 6& +u"ts

0h%t s the di&&erence bet6een 7

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Malt s'

Maltit lMalt +',t&i*s%',t&i*s%',t&a*s

Malt s' ; lu" s' +isa""ha&i+'Maltit l ; ',am l' a C ly lDMalt +',t&i*s ; '* ym' " *('&t'+ sta&"h &a m'*ts

%',t& %',t& ii*s*s ; sta&"h &a m'*ts <Z:1:4> li*ka 's & +u"'+ 5yhy+& lysis amyl s'

%',t& %',t& aa*s*s ; lysa""ha&i+'s ma+' 5y 5a"t'&ia a*+ y'astm'ta5 lism/ &a m'*ts ith m stly Z <1 : > li*ka 's

Maltodextrins and en #me)con6erted starch!

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S1ARC%S1ARC% fermentation SUGARS



G.:A1I8IB.D S1ARC%G.:A1I8IB.D S1ARC% al(ha am#lase Maltodextrins

Corn S#ru(s


/he smaller the si5e of the products in these reactions$ thehigher the dextrose equi2alence 7-,9$ and the sweeter

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the! are

Starch -, = lucose 7dextrose9 -, = 8

>altodextrin 7>-9 -, is ?*

(orn s!rup solids 7(S9 -, is @*

ow -, s!rup alpha amylase >- beta amylase .igh-,S!rup

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Hy+& " ll i+s

#i*+i* at'& ith "a&5 hy+&at's


“Begetable gum” pol!saccharides are substances deri2ed

from plants$ including seaweed and 2arious shrubs or trees$

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ha2e the abilit! to hold water$ and often act as thickeners$

stabili5ers$ or gelling agents in 2arious food products%

6la*t ums : ',u+at's/ s''+s

Ma&i*' hy+& " ll i+s : ',t&a"ts & m s'a ''+s

Mi"& 5i l i"al lysa""ha&i+'s: ', "'llula& lysa""ha&i+'s

M +i i'+/ *atu&al lysa""ha&i+'s

-U .TI S I - %

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U .TI S I %

B'lati*is" sity

Sus '*si *

Emulsi i"ati * a*+ sta5ilityhi i*

-&'' ' tha & t'"ti *

-i5'& <+i'ta&y i5'&>But h'alth#i*+s "h l'st'& l


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El'"t&i"al "ha& '/ H s'*siti('I*t'&a"ti *s ith sit'ly "ha& '+ m l'"ul'sSalts

L H ' '"ts.hai* l'* th

L * '& "hai*s a&' m &' (is" us

Li*'a& (s #&a*"h'+ "hai*sI*t'&:'*ta* l'+/ '*t'&: ('* m l'"ul's


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BUA) <Bu&a* Bum>M st us'+/ 5'hi*+ sta&"h/ l " stBua& 5'a* & m I*+ia a*+ 6akista*. l+ at'& s lu5l'/ hi hly 5&a*"h'+ ala"t ma**a*Sta5l' ('& la& ' H &a* '/ h'at sta5l'Thi"k'*i* a '*t/ * t a 'l

t'* a++'+ ith ,a*tha* um <sy*'& isti">

\A THA E,t&a"'llula& lysa""ha&i+' & m !anthomonas campestris

'&y ula&/ i*', '*si(' & m '&m'*tati *s- &ms ('&y thi"k 'ls at ('&y l " *"'*t&ati *s


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L .UST #EA#&a*"h'+ ala"t ma**a* lym'& <lik' ua&>/ 5ut*''+s h t at'& t s lu5ili '

#'a* & m Italy a*+ S ai*Yams/ 'lli's/ i"' "&'am/ may **ais'


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S % \ ) . S

.a&&a ''*a*s < & m &'+ s'a ''+>Ka a < 'l>I ta < 'l>

Lam5+a <thi"k'*'& *ly>Milk/ 5aki* / "h''s'/ i"' "&'am

A a&

Al i*at's

CSt&u"tu&alD 6 lysa""ha&i+'s

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.'llul s'6 lym'& lu" s' li*k'+ ]:1/4

H'mi"'llul s'Simila& t "'llul s'. *sist lu" s' a*+ th'& m * sa""ha&i+'s

A&a5i* s'/ ,yl s'/ th'& :"a&5 * su a&s

6'"ti*6 lym'& ala"tu& *i" a"i+


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.h'mi"ally m +i i'+ "'llul s'% * t ""u& *atu&ally i* la*tsSimila& t sta&"h/ 5ut[ :<1/4> ly" si+i" 5 *+s.a&5 ,ym'thyl "'llul s' <.M.> m st " mm *

A"i+ t&'atm'*t t a++ a m'thyl & uI*"&'as's at'& s lu5ility/ thi"k'*i* a '*t

S'*siti(' t salts a*+ l H-&uit illi* s/ "usta&+s/ & "'ss'+ "h''s's/ hi h

i5'& ill'&


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Li*'a& lym'&s ala"tu& *i" a"i+B'ls &m ith +' &'' m'thylati * its "a&5 ,yli" a"i+

& u sMa*y s u&"'s/ all *atu&al/ a l' a*+ "it&us ma"'

Sus"' ti5l' t +' &a+i* '* ym's6 ly ala"tu& *as' <+' lym'&i '>6'"ti* 'st'&as's <&'m (' m'thyl & u s>

L * '& lym'&s/ hi h'& (is" sity

L '& m'thylati */ l '& (is" sityI*"&'as' 'l'"t& lyt's <i'! m'tal "ati *s>/ hi h'& (is" sity

H a* s lu5l' s li+s im a"t (is" sity

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.C1IC SU5S1A8C.S : cell cementing compound" fruits and 2egetables"pectin will form gel with appropriate concentration$ amount of sugar and p.%

Casic unit comprised of +alacturonic acid+alacturonic acid %

Com(osition : pol!mer of galacturonic acids" ma! be partiall! esterifiedesterified %

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ectic Acid

ectin Molecule

6'"ti*s6'"ti*s a&' im &ta*t 5'"aus' th'y &m gelsgels

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M'"ha*ism 'l &mati * +i '&s 5y th' +' &'' 'st'&i i"ati * <%E> th' '"ti* m l'"ul's%E &' '&s t that '&"'*ta ' '"ti* u*its ith a m'thyl & u atta"h'+

-&'' . H & u s "a* "& ssli*k ith di;%lent c%tionsdi;%lent c%tions

Su a& a*+ a"i+ u*+'& "'&tai* " *+iti *s "a* " *t&i5ut' t 'lst&u"tu&' a*+ &mati *

"M $ectin 2lo6 metho!yl $ectin3"M $ectin 2lo6 metho!yl $ectin3 has %E 0O ? 'lati* is" *t& ll'+ 5y a++i* "ati *s <lik' .a== a*+ " *t& lli* th' H>

HM $ectinHM $ectin Chi h m'th ,yl '"ti*D has %E 0O a*+ &ms a 'lu*+'& a"i+i" " *+iti *s 5y hy+& h 5i" i*t'&a"ti *s a*+ H:5 *+i*

ith +iss l('+ s li+s <i!'! su a&>

%#dro(hobic attractions between nei+hborin+ (ectin (ol#mer chains(romote +elation

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E,t&a"ts & m th' 5&a* 5a&l'y a*+ atsL * lu" s' "hai*s ith mi,'+ ]:li*ka 's

'&y la& ' < 2 0/000 lu" s' u*its>at'& s lu5l'/ 5ut ha(' a l (is" sity

.a* 5' us'+ as a at &' la"'& )'s *si5l' & th' h'alth "laims <"h l'st'& l> &

h l' at & +u"ts- &mulat'+ t &'+u"' th' ly"'mi" i*+', a +


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.HITI6 lym'& :A"'tyl:%: lu" sami*'- u*+ i* th' ', sk'l't * i*s'"ts a*+ sh'll ishMa*y us's i* i*+ust&y/ + a*+ * *: +!

I ULI.hai*s &u"t s' that '*+ i* a lu" s' m l'"ul'

B'*'&ally a s ''t tast'Is lat'+ & m Y'&usal'm a&ti"h k's a*+ "hi" &yA"t as a +i'ta&y i5'& 6 t'*tially a &':5i ti" " m u*+

COM O8.81S O> DI.1AR9 >I5.R

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.'llul s' All + la*ts

H'mi"'llul s' All + la*ts/ 's '"ially "'&'al 5&a*

6'"ti* Mai*ly &uit

Li *i* Mai*ly "'&'als a*+ W +yW(' 'ta5l's

Bums a*+ s m' +thi"k'*'&s

- + a++iti('s i* & "'ss'++s

HR%) . LL I%SA k'y att&i5ut' ums is t & +u"' ;isco s dis$ersions;isco s dis$ersions i* at'&

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is" sity +' '*+s *$

Bum ty 'T'm '&atu&'. *"'*t&ati * um%' &'' lym'&i ati * umLi*'a& & 5&a*"h'+ lym'&s6&'s'*"' th'& su5sta*"'s i* th' syst'm

S lu5ility <+is '&sa5ility i* at'&> (a&i's am * ums

A a& is i*s lu5l' i* " l+ at'&? +iss l('s i* 5 ili* at'&

M'thyl"'llul s' is i*s lu5l' i* h t at'&/ 5ut s lu5l' i* " l+ ^

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u& -i&st #& *i* )'a"ti *

.a&am'li ati *


Th'&' a&' 2 +i '&'*t ki*+s 5& *i* &'a"ti *s ith "a&5 hy+&at's$

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Th & a& 2 +i & *t ki*+s 5& *i* & a ti *s ith a&5 hy+&at s$

.a&am'li ati *

Mailla&+ < & * *:'* ymati"> 5& *i*

.A)AMELI ATI.A)AMELI ATI ""u&s h'* su"& s' is h'at'+ 1 0:170 . <hi hh'at^> (ia " *t& ll'+ th'&mal & "'ssi*

%'hy+&ati * th' su a&/ &'m (al a at'& m l'"ul'

Th' st&u"tu&' "a&am'li '+ su a& is &ly u*+'&st + 5ut "a* ',ist i* 5 th <=> a*+ <:> s '"i's

. mm *ly us'+ as a " l &a*t" l &a*t

<=> "ha& '+ "a&am'l ; & m t's 5& * " l & i* 5&' i* a*+ 5aki*i*+ust&i's

<:> "ha& '+ "a&am'l i* 5'('&a 'G s t +&i*k i*+ust&y <" la a*+ & t 5''&>

.A)AMELI ATIhat is &' '&&'+ t as C"a&am'l i m'*tD " *sists a

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hat is & && + t as C a&am l i m tD sists a

" m l', mi,tu&' lym'&s a*+ &a m'*ts i*+' i*it' "h'mi"al " m siti *.a&am'la*s <24/ 3 / & 12 "a&5 * l'* ths>

Si*"' "a&am'l is a "ha& '+ m l'"ul'/ t 5' " m ati5l'ith h s h &i" a"i+ i* " las th' *' ati(' &m is us'+

.a&am'l la( & is als +u' t th's' a*+ th'& &a m'*ts/

" *+'*sati */ a*+ +'hy+&ati * & +u"ts!+ia"'tyl/ &mi" a"i+/ hy+& ,y +im'thyl u&a* *'

A&ti i"ial a*+Alt'&*ati(' S ''t'*'&s

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Alt &*ati( S t * &s

/he perception of sweetnessis proposed to be due to achemical interaction thattakes place on the tongue

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takes place on the tongueCetween a tastant moleculetastant moleculeand tongue receptor proteinton gue receptor protein

/., A.DC /.,)R& )F S4,,/E,SS

A sweet tastant molecule 7i%e% glucose9 is called the A.+DC#“gl!cophoregl!cophore”%1t binds to the receptor C#DA.+ site through mechanismsthat include .#bonding.#bondin g%



+1 /&

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C A. `

1on+ue rece(tor (rotein molecule

.!drophobic interaction

For sweetness to be percei2ed$ a molecule needs to ha2e certain requirements%1t must be solublesoluble in the chemical en2ironment of the receptor site on thetongue% 1t must also ha2e a certain molecular shapesha pe that will allow it to bondto the receptor protein%

astl!$ the sugar must ha2e the proper electronic distribution% /his electronicdistribution is often referred to as the A.$ C s!stem% /he present theor! ofsweetness is A.#C# 7or gamma9% /here are three basic componentsto a sweetener$ and the three sites are often represented as a triangle%

(dentif"ing the +1 and /&regions of two sweet tastantmolecules: glucose and saccharin.

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amma 7 ` 9 sites are relati2el! h#dro(hobich #dro(hobic functional groupssuch as ben5ene rings$ multiple (. * groups$ and (. 0

4.A/ 1S SG(RA )S, AE- .)4 1S 1/ >A-,H

S l $ i d f $

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Sucralose $ an intense sweetener made from sugar$

is approximatel! I times sweeter than sugar%

1n a patented multi stage process three of the h#drox#l +rou(s in the sucrose molecule are selecti2el! substitutedwith 0 atoms of chlorine%

/his intensifies the sugar like taste while creating a safe$stable low kcal sweetener with 5ero calories%

Although its chemical structure is 2er! close to that of sucrose7table sugar9$ sucralose is not recogni5ed b! the bod! as a carboh!drateand has no effect on insulin secretion or o2erall carboh!drate metabolismin health! human beings%

-e2elopers found that selecti2e halo+enations changedthe percei2ed sweetness of a sucrose molecule$ with chlorineand bromine being the most effecti2e%

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and bromine being the most effecti2e%

(hlorine$ as a lighter halogen$ retains higher water solubilit!$so chlorine was picked as the ideal halogen for substitution%

Sucrose portion

Fructose portion

(ompared to sucrose$ sucralose has three ke! moleculardifferences that make it similar in structure$ !et different in

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metabolism and function%

/hese three differences are chlorine % /hree chlorine atoms$in the form of chloride ions $ replace three h!drox!l groups in

nati2e sucralose%

1t was determined that the tightl! bound chlorinecreated a stable molecular structure$ approximatel!I times sweeter than sugar%

1n sucralose$ the two chlorine atoms present in the fructoseportion of the molecule comprise the h#dro(hobic @)site $which extends o2er the entire outer region of the fructose

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which extends o2er the entire outer region of the fructose

portion of the sucralose molecule%

/he h!drophobic and h!drophilic regions are situated onopposite ends of the molecule$ similar to sucrose$apparentl! unaffected b! the third chlorine on the (; ofthe p!ranose ring%

/he similar structure of sucralose to nati2e sucrose isresponsible for its remarkabl! similar taste to sugar%


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/he drasticall! increased sweetness of sucralose is dueto the structure of molecule% 1n sucralose$ the two chlorineatoms present in the fructose portion of the molecule leadto more h!drophobic properties on the opposite side of themolecule 7upper left9$ which extends o2er the entire outerregion of the fructose portion of the sucralose molecule%


Area &A%*'! /his area has h!drogens a2ailable toh!drogen bond to chlorine attached to the glucosebottom portion of the molecule%

Area &5 )'! /his area has a partiall! negati2eox!gen a2ailable to h!drogen bond to the

partiall! positi2e h!drogen of an alcohol group%



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1n * J (oca#(ola released a new formulation of -iet (okesweetened with sucralose$ called “-iet (oke with Splenda”%

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Sta&"h/ & t'i*/ i5'& at'&


St&u"tu&'Husk <i*'+i5l'>#&a* < i5'&>

E*+ s '&m <sta&"h/ & t'i*/ il>B'&m < il>

h'at K'&*'l

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.'&'al B&ai*

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. m siti * .'&'als

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2 ty 's h'atHA)% ; hi h'& & t'i* < lut'*>/ mak's'lasti" + u h/ us'+ & 5&'a+:maki*

Hi h'& CFualityDHi h at'& a5s & ti *

S -T ; l '& & t'i* < lut'*>/ mak' 'ak+ u hsG5att'&s/ us'+ & "ak's/ ast&i's/

5is"uits/ "ak's/ "&a"k'&s/ 't"!L '& CFualityD +u' t l '& & t'i* " *t'*ta*+ us' ul a li"ati *s


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h'at Milli*T & +u"' l u&

.l'a*'+ ith ai& <+ust/ 5u s/ "ha >S ak'+ t 17O m istu&' : timum &milli*)'m (' husk .&a"k s''+s : &''s '&m & m'*+ s '&m


h' Milli*

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h'at Milli*) ll'&s: t m'tal h''ls tu&*i* i* sit'+i&'"ti * 'a"h th'& E*+ s '&m is 5&ittl' a*+ 5&'aksB'&m a*+ 5&a* &m lat lak's a*+ a&'&'m ('+ 5y s"&''*s & si'('sE*+ s '&m ; l u&

L'ss " l & a*+ l'ss *ut&i'*ts as milli* " *ti*u'sh l' h'at l u& ; + * t &'m (' all th'

5&a* a*+G & '&m

h'at Mill B&i*+i* ) lls

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h'at Milli* Si t'&s

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h'at E*&i"hm'*tA++ #:(itami*s a*+ s m' mi*'&als t m st

hit' l u&s <si*"' missi* th' 5&a*>

Us's l u& .ak's/ 5&'a+s/ 't"!6asta/ * +l's/ 't"!. u&s' l u&/ * t l'a('*'+

)i"' 6& "'ssi*

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)i"')i"' Milli*

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)i"' Milli*M st &i"' is h l' &ai*)'m (' husk/ 5&a*/ '&m 5y &u55i* itha5&asi(' +isks & &u55'& 5'lts6 lish '*+ s '&m t lassy i*ish#& * &i"' ; ('&y littl' milli*


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)i"' E*&i"hm'*tA++ s m' (itami*s/ mi*'&als. at &i"' ith *ut&i'*ts < li" a"i+>

6a&5 ili* & st'' i* <" *('&t'+ &i"'># il &i"' 5' &' milli* < 10 h&s/ 70 .>

ut&i'*ts/ (itami*s a*+ mi*'&als/ illmi &at' i*t '*+ s '&m <* &ti i"ati *>

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A+(a*ta 'sG%isa+(a*ta 's Milli* )i"'

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)#& * )i"'

Mi*imal milli*Hi h'& i* li i+ <sh &t'*s sh'l :li '>

Hi h'& i* mi*'&als <* t &'m ('+ i* milli* >hit' <Mill'+> )i"'

E,t&'m' milli*itami*s a*+ mi*'&als &'m ('+ <Thiami*>

- &ti i"ati * t &'('*t #'&i5'&i +is'as'

A*at my . &*

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B&ai* 6& "'ssi*

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't milli* <" &* sta&"h/ " &* sy&u s>S ak " &*B&i*+ ith at'& i*t a 't ast'

Slu&&y is all '+ t s'ttl' a*+ th' '&m a*+hulls l at t t <hi h i* il>)'mai*+'& is '*+ s '&m <sta&"hG & t'i*>

.'*t&i u '+ & ilt'&'+t &'m ('G" ll'"t th' sta&"h

B&ai* 6& "'ssi*

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't milli* <" *tW+!>%&i'+ sta&"h ; " &* sta&"h.a* & +u"' " &* sy&u s & m sta&"h

Us' '* ym's <amylas'> t 5&'ak sta&"h i*tlu" s' <" &* sy&u >

Us' a* th'& '* ym' <is m'&as'> t " *('&tlu" s' i*t &u"t s' <H-.S>

.a* als & +u"' 'tha* l & m " &* sy&u

6& +u"ts & m . &*

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B&ai* Usa '

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th'& &ai*s: m stly & a*imal ''+#a&l'y ; us'+ i* 5''& )y' ; "a* * t us' al *' < & & t'i* Fuality>

ats ; atm'al/ lak's

#&'ak ast "'&'alsMa+' & m ma*y +i '&'*t &ai*s


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I* &'+i'*ts-l u&


6& t'i* ; lut'*? &ms 'lasti" + u h that ill', a*+ +u&i* &isi*


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I* &'+i'*tsL'a('*i* a '*t)isi* +u' t "a&5 * +i ,i+' & ai& R'ast ; al" h li" '&m'*tati * & +u"'s"a&5 * +i ,i+'#aki* +'& ; "h'mi"al &'a"ti * that&'l'as's "a&5 * +i ,i+'


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I* &'+i'*tsL'a('*i*

Ai& l'a('*i* ; s * ' "ak'

6a&tial l'a('*i* ; i' "&usts/ "&a"k'&sE s

A++ la( &i* sA++ " l & H'l s h l+s ai& h'* hi '+


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I* &'+i'*tsSh &t'*i*

T'*+'&i 's

H l+ ai& Su a&

T'*+'&i 's

S ''t*'ss-'&m'*ta5l' su a& H'l s &'tai* m istu&'


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('* 5aki*Bas & +u"ti * a*+ &isi* " *ti*u's%'*atu&ati * a*+ " a ulati * & t'i*s%&yi* a*+ "&ust &mati *-la( & +'('l m'*t. l & +'('l m'*t ; .a&m'li ati * a*+Mailla&+ &'a"ti *


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Hi h altitu+'sE,"'ssi(' as & +u"ti * <l'ss &'ssu&'>

'ak'*s a*+ " lla s's + u h t as 5a+ & 5&'a+

.a* alt'& &mulaL'ss 5aki* +'& Mak' t u h'& + u hA++ l'ss t'*+'&i '&s

L' um's a*+ ils''+s

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S y5'a*s/ 'a*uts / 't"!Hi h'& i* il <20: 0O> a*+ & t'i* <20O>M'thi *i*' a*+G & "yst'i*' a&' limiti*ami* a"i+s6& t'i* " m l'm'*tati * ith "'&'als

L' um's a*+ ils''+s

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S y5'a*s ; us'+ & 5 th il a*+ & t'i*6'a*uts ; h l' *ut/ il/ 'a*ut 5utt'&