for your love is better than life - · the word of the lord has meant insult for me....

SAINT HELEN’S PARISH 22 nd SUNDAY of the YEAR THE YEAR OF THE WORD THE GOD WHO SPEAKS 30 th August 2020 FOR YOUR LOVE IS BETTER THAN LIFE THE WORD THIS WEEK Hero to Zero: Saint Peter, who got it so right last Sunday, gets it all wrong today: ‘This must not happen to you!’ Perhaps we all want to protect Jesus, keep him safe, different from us. But Jesus tells us we are no different we also have to take up our cross, lose ‘our’ life to be able to find it in him, and share his glory. A strange seduction, that puts an ache for God deep in our bones, offering our ‘living body as a holy sacrifice’. The only way to discover ‘what is the perfect thing to do’. SUNDAY MASS: (Psalter: Week 2) Gathering Antiphon (6.30pm): Have mercy on me, O Lord, for I cry to you all the day long. O Lord, you are good and forgiving, full of mercy to all who call to you. Jeremiah 20: 7 9. The word of the Lord has meant insult for me. Response: Psalm 62. R/. For you my soul is thirsting, O Lord my God. Romans 12: 1 2. Offer your bodies as a living sacrifice. Acclamation for the Gospel: Alleluia, Alleluia! May the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ enlighten the eyes of our mind, so that we can see what hope his call holds for us. Alleluia! Matthew 16: 21 27. If anyone wants to be a follower of mine, let him renounce himself. Preface: of Sundays ii. Eucharistic prayer: III. Communion Antiphon (6.30pm): How great is the goodness, Lord, that you keep for those who fear you. O Crux Ave, Spes Unica! Hail, Holy Cross, Our Only Hope!

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    THE GOD WHO SPEAKS 30th August 2020


    THE WORD THIS WEEK Hero to Zero: Saint Peter, who got it so right last Sunday, gets it all wrong today: ‘This must not

    happen to you!’ Perhaps we all want to protect Jesus, keep him safe, different from us. But Jesus tells

    us we are no different – we also have to take up our cross, lose ‘our’ life to be able to find it in him,

    and share his glory. A strange seduction, that puts an ache for God deep in our bones, offering our

    ‘living body as a holy sacrifice’. The only way to discover ‘what is the perfect thing to do’.

    SUNDAY MASS: (Psalter: Week 2)

    Gathering Antiphon (6.30pm): Have mercy on me, O Lord, for I cry to you all the day long. O Lord, you are good and forgiving,

    full of mercy to all who call to you.

    Jeremiah 20: 7 – 9. The word of the Lord has meant insult for me.

    Response: Psalm 62. R/. For you my soul is thirsting, O Lord my God.

    Romans 12: 1 – 2. Offer your bodies as a living sacrifice.

    Acclamation for the Gospel:

    Alleluia, Alleluia! May the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ enlighten the eyes of our mind, so that we can see what hope his call holds for us. Alleluia!

    Matthew 16: 21 – 27. If anyone wants to be a follower of mine,

    let him renounce himself.

    Preface: of Sundays ii. Eucharistic prayer: III.

    Communion Antiphon (6.30pm): How great is the goodness, Lord,

    that you keep for those who fear you.

    O Crux Ave, Spes Unica! Hail, Holy Cross, Our Only Hope!



    22nd SUNDAY of the YEAR for our Schools

    Sun 30th Aug 10.30am for the People of the Parish (Live-streamed)

    Mon 31st Aug 10.00am Barbara Jones (SVP)

    Tues 1st Sept


    World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation

    Honora Kathleen Coyne (JM) (Public Mass)

    Wed 2nd Sept 2.00pm 3.00 – 4.00pm

    Requiem for Anna Stella Curtis

    Exposition and Adoration

    Thurs 3rd Sept 10.00am Saint Gregory the Great, Pope + Doctor of the Church

    Giovanni + Faustina Fecci (G+RF)

    Fri 4th Sept 10.00am Private Intention (TT) (Public Mass)

    Sat 5th Sept


    23rd SUNDAY of the YEAR for the People of the Parish

    Sun 6th Sept 10.30am for Our New Communicants (Live-streamed)

    THE SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: At any time by prior arrangement with the priest (outside).

    AND NOW THE OTHERS: Next Sunday morning 12 more of our

    children will come with their families to SHARE IN THE BREAD OF

    LIFE for a first time. We are filled with joy for them and their families, and keep them in our prayers, along with the first 6 children who joined in

    Communion last Sunday.

    WELL PREPARED! We thank and congratulate the children’s Parents and their Catechists for all their work of preparation, education, and growth in faith

    for these children. But with present restrictions, how will we manage this parish effort and work of

    Faith-Sharing for the future, for our Children preparing for sacraments, for Couples preparing for

    Marriage, for Parents preparing to Baptise and bring up their children? Who can do it? Who will do

    it? In a couple of weeks we will gather to look at SHARING FAITH IN THE PARISH and

    meanwhile Father will be talking to one or two with an invitation.

    So where is everybody? How are they getting on? What are they doing?

    DON’T FORGET THE ZOOM COFFEE MORNING straight after Sunday Mass, a chance to meet up and catch up before school starts again. Easy entry, via the parish facebook page. See you there.

    THE BOOK CLUB ‘meets’ on Tuesday evening, all welcome! This month we read ‘The Alchemist’: A fascinating book, but short, so there is still time to read it before Tuesday night. To join the discussion, register via the Parish facebook page.

    The PARISH PRAYER LIST Among all those we pray for in this time, we continue to remember all suffering from the virus and its effects, all the medics, health-workers, and other front line workers, and also each other coping with the gradual easing. We remember also: Teresa Meade Rosa Channon Graham Jenkins Sandra Bray Lloyd Jones Cecelia Mawby David Mabey Isobel Cummins Pauline Richards Margaret Jones Carol Morrissey Claris Howell Anne Morgan Pat Starynski Yvonne Grandon Martyn Western Marjorie Gurney Carmen Agius Lowela Teves Joe Marenghi Pamela and Keith Griffiths Pat + Pino Emanuelli Mary & Wilson Brown John Maguire Katrin Merry Sian Thomas Maura Coll Mary Everson

  • Of Your Mercy please pray also for the Repose of the Soul of Barbara Jones of Saint David’s Way, a committed member and involved member of this Parish. who died last Monday. We offer our

    commiserations to Bill and Martin.


    “The words of the Gospels echo through the centuries precisely because they speak afresh in every generation. Ever ancient, ever new, this story of transformation invites us to be transformed and gradually conformed to the likeness of the one who was the gift to others. Not dead words on a page, but a living message addressed to each of us personally.

    (The Rt Revd. Peter M Brignall Bishop of Wrexham)


    Date Time Event

    Tues 1st September 7.00pm Book Club: Via Saint Helen’s Facebook

    Thurs 3rd September 7.30pm Scripture Study: Via Saint Helen’s Facebook

    Sun 6th September 10.30am


    SUNDAY MASS: Via Saint Helen’s Website or Facebook

    ‘Coffee Morning’: Via Saint Helen’s Facebook

    PRAYER CYCLE FOR OUR DIOCESE: We pray for the Parishioners of Saints Julian, Aaron, and David, Caerleon, part of the All Saints Pastoral Area, led by Revd. Michael Doyle.


    Article 3: SACRED SCRIPTURE In Brief: (134) "All Sacred Scripture is but one book, and that one book is Christ, because all divine

    Scripture speaks of Christ, and all divine Scripture is fulfilled in Christ" (Hugh of St. Victor, De

    arca Noe 2, 8: PL 176, 642).

    (Catechism of the Catholic Church 1992)

    Parish Directory Priest: Revd. John Kelly 20883192 Chair of Parish Council:

    Safeguarding Officer: 20864112 SVP: 20883462 Bereavement support: 20863450

    Music: 07971848734. Hall Bookings: 20883192 Piety shop: 20862998

    Cafod: 20861930 Marriage Care: [email protected]

    Saint Helen’s School: 20852532 Cardinal Newman School: 01443 494110

    Newsletter items: 20883192 Calendar Additions: [email protected]

    [email protected] Website Additions: [email protected]

    Saint Helen is a Parish of the Archdiocese of Cardiff, a Registered Charity.

    “Taking up your cross means living in a faith that believes that nothing is impossible to God, accepting that God is greater than our human imagination. Indeed whenever we succumb to the notion that God cannot offer us a way out of our pain into some kind of newness, it is precisely we have reduced god down to the size of our own limited imagination.”

    The Passion and the Cross: Ronald Rolheiser

    mailto:[email protected]://

  • The God Who Speaks Spirit In The Sky ~ Norman GreenBaum ~ 1969. This catchy

    one-hit-wonder influenced by traditional southern blues

    and folk revival music. Norman set out to write a religious

    rock song and although Jewish chose to reference Jesus as

    it would be more marketable in the US.




    from Saint Helen’s Church

    Late have I loved you, O Beauty so old and so new: late have I loved you! And look! You were within me, and I was outside myself: and it was there that I searched for you. In my unloveliness I plunged into the lovely things which you created: you were with me, but I was not with you. Those created things kept me far away from you: yet if they had not been in you, they would have not been at all. You called and shouted: and broke through my deafness. You flamed and shone: and banished my blindness. You breathed your fragrance on me: and I drew in my breath and I pant for you. I have tasted you: and now I hunger and thirst for more. You have touched me: and I have burned for your peace.

    Saint Augustine – Confessions 10: 27 (38)