formal proposal

Formal proposal. Magazine Title: For my magazine I wanted to address the fact that this is a unique magazine as there are no or very few magazines that are specified to indie rock. I also wanted to incorporate the aspect of the literal definitions of the genre names and thus, the genres that will feature in the magazine. Therefore I decided to incorporate the words independent meaning ‘indie’ and popular meaning ‘pop’. However when exploring this I found that ‘The Independent popular’ wasn’t difficult and unnatural to say and therefore would be difficult to remember. However ‘The popular independent’ explained the genre of indie pop, as well as sounded natural and simple to say. Therefore this would be an easy title to memorise. However in my research I found that abbreviated titles or acronym’s are easier to remember, pronounce and favoured my many magazines such as ‘NME’. Thus I decided to make my title ‘TPI’. Also the fact that this is a triple will also make it more memorable and prominent and easier to pronounce. Genre: The genre for my magazine is an indie pop magazine. Yet, as I discovered from my research and planning, the most successful and unique artists that are prominently pop or prominently indie are sometimes associated and linked with the indie pop genre. Therefore the genre of my magazine will also cross over into both of these genres. For example the majority of the time, bands/ artists that are classified as indie pop such as Florence and the machine will be featured, however other artists such as Lady Gaga or the Killers will occasionally be featured. I chose this as my magazine genre as most of the music magazines on the market are either indie rock or pop, there are very few that feature indie pop artists, despite the growing popularity of the music genre. Thus I identified a gap in the market for this genre. I also identified the wide range of music tastes that people have and therefore the need to cross and explore other genres.

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Post on 27-Jun-2015




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Page 1: Formal proposal

Formal proposal.

Magazine Title:For my magazine I wanted to address the fact that this is a unique magazine as there are no or very few magazines that are specified to indie rock. I also wanted to incorporate the aspect of the literal definitions of the genre names and thus, the genres that will feature in the magazine. Therefore I decided to incorporate the words independent meaning ‘indie’ and popular meaning ‘pop’. However when exploring this I found that ‘The Independent popular’ wasn’t difficult and unnatural to say and therefore would be difficult to remember. However ‘The popular independent’ explained the genre of indie pop, as well as sounded natural and simple to say. Therefore this would be an easy title to memorise. However in my research I found that abbreviated titles or acronym’s are easier to remember, pronounce and favoured my many magazines such as ‘NME’. Thus I decided to make my title ‘TPI’. Also the fact that this is a triple will also make it more memorable and prominent and easier to pronounce.

Genre:The genre for my magazine is an indie pop magazine. Yet, as I discovered from my research and planning, the most successful and unique artists that are prominently pop or prominently indie are sometimes associated and linked with the indie pop genre. Therefore the genre of my magazine will also cross over into both of these genres. For example the majority of the time, bands/ artists that are classified as indie pop such as Florence and the machine will be featured, however other artists such as Lady Gaga or the Killers will occasionally be featured. I chose this as my magazine genre as most of the music magazines on the market are either indie rock or pop, there are very few that feature indie pop artists, despite the growing popularity of the music genre. Thus I identified a gap in the market for this genre. I also identified the wide range of music tastes that people have and therefore the need to cross and explore other genres.

Target audience:The target audience for my magazine are mainly females (75% female, 25% male) between the age group of 25-32. I think this is an appropriate target audience for this magazine as their music preferences would be between a more youthful music style of pop and a young adult’s music style of indie. This is still a slightly older audience of music fans that are often not addressed in the music and magazine industry, yet beyond this age women often begin to get married and have families, meaning they have less time to pursue their hobby in music and buy music magazines.

Initial ideas about front page:From my research I found that the colour scheme of Red, white and black are popular with magazines as it provides a simple and understandable layout, with aspects that appear more prominent than others. It also avoids an over crowded and busy design that may confuse or discourage people from buying the magazine. As this magazine will be unique in the fact that it is an indie pop magazine that is aimed at women, I want a female artist to be featured on the

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front cover in a casual non-seductive manor, which I feel will attract females, this will represent an artist such as Adele, who main fan base is female. The copy will be in a son-serif font to avoid a misconception with a sophisticated or elegant magazine as I want my magazine to appear in a serious manor.

Initial ideas about content page:My contents page will continue the colour scheme from the front cover. It will include at least 1 large image dominating the page. It may also include some smaller images. The masthead will be positioned exactly as it is on the front cover. I will follow the rule of thirds, yet in order to make an image dominate the page, I may make some item use two of the columns.

Initial ideas about double page spread:The main image of the article will fill the whole of one of the pages. There will be a stand first, drop capital, a pull quote, a by-line, picture credits, a tag, a dominating title and a dominating picture of the artist featured on the front cover. The content of the article will be relevant to the image on the page; this may be of a gig or live performance, a review or success for example.

Initial ideas about photographs:The main image on the front cover will be of a female on a plain white background in a photo shoot manor. I will produce several photographs for this and then decide which will be best for the front cover image and the other images that may be used on the double page spread, that are most appropriate to my target audience. For the main image on the double page spread I am going to produce several other images of the artist such as photograph of them playing acoustically to an intimate live audience. These may include pictures such as:

A live gig (acoustic session) An artist on drums (their other talents) A duet or collaboration An interview Tech (speakers for example) Music class etc…