fr. dave r. ireland, std, pastor fr. thomas j. winkel ...holy communion for the homebound call...

Fr. Dave R. Ireland, STD, Pastor Fr. Thomas J. Winkel, MDiv Senior Parochial Vicar Deacon David N. Chordas, MA Mr. Mark Langley (216.215.4382) Director of Music 1545 S. Green Rd S. Euclid 44121 Phone: 216.382.7601 FAX 216.382.4992 website: email: [email protected] formed: visit us on Facebook

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Page 1: Fr. Dave R. Ireland, STD, Pastor Fr. Thomas J. Winkel ...Holy Communion for the Homebound Call Parish Office to arrange for Holy Communion to be brought by an Extraordinary Minister

Fr. Dave R. Ireland, STD, Pastor

Fr. Thomas J. Winkel, MDiv

Senior Parochial Vicar

Deacon David N. Chordas, MA

Mr. Mark Langley (216.215.4382)

Director of Music

1545 S. Green Rd S. Euclid 44121 Phone: 216.382.7601 FAX 216.382.4992 website: email: [email protected] formed:

visit us on Facebook

Page 2: Fr. Dave R. Ireland, STD, Pastor Fr. Thomas J. Winkel ...Holy Communion for the Homebound Call Parish Office to arrange for Holy Communion to be brought by an Extraordinary Minister

Parish Mission Statement

Through our Roman Catholic Faith, Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish is committed to welcoming, engaging, and serving a diverse population in the Heights and Hillcrest areas.

Established in 2010 through a merger of St. Margaret Mary and St. Gregory the Great Parishes, Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish is a vibrant center of Catholic worship, education, Faith formation, service, evangelization, and community life. Through these apostolates, we seek to enable our members to establish and nurture a relation-ship with Jesus Christ and carry forth His mission in the World.

New Parishioners: register at the parish after any Weekend Mass or by appointment .


...regarding Sacraments... Baptism

1st & 3rd Sundays, please pre-register Pre-Baptism class for first child ONLY, offered on

4th Sunday of January, April, July and October at 1 p.m. (Mary’s Room); pre-registration required.

Marriage Couples should contact a priest 6 to 12 months before their wedding date.

Anointing of the Sick Celebrated at Masses annually during October or at home at the request of family In cases of emergency: at hospital or other medical

facility when a priest is available In non-emergency cases: call the parish or Catho-

lic hospital chaplain closest to the person to be anointed.


Contact funeral director of choice to meet; ask Director to call the Parish Office to arrange date and time.

Call & visit parish office; meet with priest as-signed to Mass.

Holy Communion for the Homebound Call Parish Office to arrange for Holy Communion to be brought by an Extraordinary Minister. Priests visit on First Friday. Please let us know if you are ill and con-fined to home.

Hospital Calls Please notify the Parish Office when you or a member of your family is hospitalized. Be sure to tell the hospi-tal you are Catholic and would like the Catholic Chap-lain to visit. In case of emergency, ask hospital to con-tact the priest on call. Most hospitals have Extraordi-nary Ministers of Holy Communion who bring Holy Communion to the Catholic patients. Be sure to let your nurse know that you are a Catholic and would like to receive Holy Communion.

Sponsor Requirements Requests for sponsor certificates are directed to a priest. Individuals must

be registered and practicing members of this parish; at least 16 years of age,

and have received the Sacraments of Baptism, Eu-charist and Confirmation.

if married, be in a marriage accepted by the Catholic Church.

Mass Schedule

Weekend Saturday: 4 p.m. Sunday Vigil Sunday: 8, 10, 11:30 a.m., 5 p.m. On the 1st Sunday of the month, the 5 p.m. Mass is celebrated in the extraordinary form. Weekday Monday–Friday 6:45 a.m. & 12:10 p.m. Saturday: 6:45 a.m. On the 1st Saturday of the month ONLY , there is an extra Mass at 8 a.m. (celebrated in the extraordinary form), followed by the Rosary, Devotion Prayers, and a Conference of the Society of the Sacred Heart. ALL ARE WELCOME.

Religious Education... Parish School: Corpus Chr isti Academy Principal: Mr . Matthew Tabar Phone: 440.449.4244 website:

PSR Religious Education Classes: Sundays 10-11:15 For info call the Parish Office (216.382.7601)

RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) Please contact Fr. Ireland (216.382.7601) for more information.

Parish Pastoral Council: Questions/suggestions to: [email protected]

Sts. Margaret & Gregory Credit Union: 216.691.0242/(FAX) 216.691.0435 Closed Mondays 1499 Dean Dr., South Euclid, OH 44121 Tuesday-Thursday 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Friday 10 a.m. to 6 p.m./Saturday 9:30 a.m to 3 p.m.

5655 Mayfield Road Lyndhurst, OH 44124

Phone: 440.449.4244

Mr. Matthew Tabar, Principal

Page 3: Fr. Dave R. Ireland, STD, Pastor Fr. Thomas J. Winkel ...Holy Communion for the Homebound Call Parish Office to arrange for Holy Communion to be brought by an Extraordinary Minister


In the Spotlight This week

Highlights of This Week’s Activities

Sunday, September 22: (Church Building) PSR 10-11:15 a.m.

Monday, September 23: (Mary’s Room) Bible Study 10 a.m. Wednesday, September 25: (Church) Rosary for Peace 11:45 a.m. (PFC) St. Vincent dePaul 7 p.m. (Gym) Men’s Volleyball 9 p.m.

Thursday, September 26: (Chapel) Marian Movement of Priests 7 p.m.

Saturday, September 28: (Mary’s Room) Catholic Men’s Fellowship Breakfast/Mtg. 7:30 a.m.

The week of September 16th was an unbelievably busy week at Corpus Christi Academy. Our Eagles are reaching for the sky as we begin our Magazine and Cookie Dough Sales Drive. The annual drive supports our PTG and it lasts until Octo-ber 1st, so keep an eye out for Eagle Entrepreneurs.

Officer Phil stopped in on Wednesday to promote safety in our schools, homes, and community. The Officer Phil program collaborates with the South Euclid Lyndhurst safety officials to ensure that our students are prepared in all situations. Wednesday was also Marco’s Pizza Night. Thank you for your support by enjoying some of their delicious pizza pie.

Thursday we “ROCKED THE SCHOOL” with unique and innovative lessons created by our Eagle Educators. More importantly, our teachers have created an environ-ment where our students want to be each and every day.

While the events of the week disrupted the traditional classroom experience, these outside-of-the box activities are the perfect example of why the CCA Eagles SOAR above the competition.

As for ME AND MY HOUSE, We will serve the Lord!

- Joshua 24:15

God Bless,

Matthew Tabar, Principal Corpus Christi Academy


Eucharistic Adoration is adoring or honoring the real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist. In a deeper sense, it involves contemplation of the Mystery of Christ truly present before us. During Eucharistic Adoration, we “watch and wait”, we remain “silent” in His Presence, and we open ourselves to His Graces which flow from the Eucharist.

A “Holy Hour” is “Eucharistic Adoration of Reparation”: approximately 60 minutes of silent adoration. Adoration ceremonies traditionally include Scripture readings, hymns and prayers. Jesus waits for us in the Blessed Sac-rament. He waits for our acts of faith, love, thanksgiving, repentance, reparation and charity that we can offer Him as we contemplate His Divine Majesty in the Blessed Sacrament.

If you would like to become a regular “adorer” please contact Kay Sutula (216.849.1871).

From the Pastor’s Desk ...

My dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Very soon, we will join with our Cluster Parish, Holy Rosary, in presenting the RCIA (Rite of Christian Initia-tion of Adults) to those members of our parishes who are seeking to learn more about the Catholic Faith and are interested in coming to know and embrace a relationship with Jesus Christ through membership in the Roman Catholic Church.

The RCIA Process will guide those interested in the Faith and their sponsors on a journey designed to bring them into full membership in the Church at the Easter Vigil, 2020.

Our search for people to join the journey will begin with an examination of our parish records to discover which members have non-Catholic spouses Once we have identified those persons, I will send out a letter to per-sonally invite them to join the Catholic Church. I would ask each of you to join with me in this effort by inviting your non-Catholic friends, relatives and neighbors to consider being a part of the journey this year. .

Please call or email me with the names of people you would recommend: (phone: 216.382.7601, x 14, or email at [email protected]).

May God’s blessings be yours this week.

Father Ireland

Page 4: Fr. Dave R. Ireland, STD, Pastor Fr. Thomas J. Winkel ...Holy Communion for the Homebound Call Parish Office to arrange for Holy Communion to be brought by an Extraordinary Minister


HOLY FATHER ’S INTENTION : ...that politicians, scientists and economists work together to protect the world’s seas and oceans...




Saturday Vigil: 4 p.m. J. Jaros P. Bernardo/M. Romeo C. & K. Fox

Sunday 8 a.m. M. Quandt J. Rieck/D. Fiorelli Adults 10 a.m. D. Miklic A. Castellano/B. Krajnak 11:30 a.m. B. Poelking L. Poelking/B. & A. Worsdall C. & P. Stergar 5 p.m. O. Gagliardo M. Razayeski/C,Cullen




(B) = Borromeo (SM) = St. Mary

Sunday: Bishop Emeritus Anthony M. Pilla Joseph McCarron (B) Brother Luke Maria, Dominicans

Monday: Rev. John Betters Rev. Thomas Mahoney Noah Furin (B)

Tuesday: Rev. Kevin Liebhardt Rev. Matthew M. Cortnik Michael Garvin (B)

Wednesday: Rev. Dennis O’Grady Rev. Patrick Anderson Jeremy Gaugler (B)

Thursday: Rev. James Ols Rev. John Mueller Maxwell Giorgi (B)

Friday : Rev. Edwin Leonard Rev. John Valencheck Nicholas Grismer (B)

Saturday: Rev. Patrick Spicer Rev. Lucjan Stokowski Sam Hadjis (B)

Please remember these parish-ioners who are either sick, homebound, elderly, or in nursing homes, as well as their family members and caregivers:

Marie Bernardo, Alan Biro, Teresa Caporale, Nick DiFranco, Carol

Hengenius, Edward & Cecilia Guccion, Georgia, Georgette & Robert Ireland, Aida Kinczel, Anna and Nazzareno

Perrone, Sally Rummel, Clare Schuele, E. Joseph Stanziano, Jim and Pat

Sweeney, and all the prayer requests written in the book of Intentions in the

Blessed Sacrament Chapel.

Readings for Week of

September 22

Mass Intentions (*=Anniversary)

Monday, September 23 St. Pius of Pietrelcina, Priest

6:45 Ann Shaveyco (*) 12:45 Bob Leone

Tuesday, September 24 (Novena to the Infant Jesus)

6:45 Living & Deceased of the Fraser Family 12:10 Rita A. Schaab (*)

Wednesday, September 25 (Novena to the Infant Jesus)

6:45 Carmela Pucini 12:10 Tom Donovan

Thursday, September 26 Optional: Cosmas & Damian, Martyrs

6:45 Joanne Kalin (L) 12:10 Ethel Theus (*)

Friday, September 27

St. Vincent de Paul, Priest

6:45 Nancy Oprazdek 12:10 Robert McGinty

Saturday, September 28 Optional: Sts. Wenceslaus, Martyr & Lawrence Ruiz & Companions Martyrs

6:45 Fr. William Ring 4:00 Mary Ann Cirino

Sunday, September 29

26th Sunday in Ordinary Time

8:00 Lillian Kruzanski 10:00 Johnny Gerome 11:30 Lawrence E. Arth, Sr. 5:00 Parishioners of Sacred Heart of Jesus

Sunday: Am 8:4-7/Ps 113:1-2, 4-8/1 Tm 2:1-8 Lk 16:1-13 Monday: Ezr 1:1-6/Ps 126:1b-2a-d, 3- 6 Lk 8:16-18 Tuesday: Ezr 6:7-8, 12b, 14-20/Ps 122:1-4a-5, Lk 8:19-21 Wednesday: Ezr 9:5-9/Tb 13:2-4a, 4b,e-h,n, 7-8 Lk 9:1-6 Thursday: Hg 1:1-8/Ps 149:1b-2-6a/Lk 9:7-9 Friday: Hg 2:1-9/Ps 43:1-4/Lk 9:18-22 Saturday: Zec 2:5-9, 14-15a/Jer 31:10, 11-12a, 13/Lk 9:43b-45




September 28 & 29.

Page 5: Fr. Dave R. Ireland, STD, Pastor Fr. Thomas J. Winkel ...Holy Communion for the Homebound Call Parish Office to arrange for Holy Communion to be brought by an Extraordinary Minister




9/15/19: $7,549.20 12 wk. Avg: $9,930.30 9/16/18: $8,941.00 12-wk. Avg: $9,975.00

Thank you to those who faithfully support us each week. We rely on your generosity to accomplish the mission of Jesus Christ in the Hillcrest area.

If you have discontinued your financial support, please consider reinstating that practice. If you do not use your weekly envelopes, please help us keep our costs down by considering the use of direct deposit or a payee account through your personal checking account.

Children’s envelopes total was $5.20

Parents: Please encourage your children to bring their collection envelopes weekly when they come to church with you. Thank you.

Father Ireland

Adele Bobrowski


Nancy Skupic, grandmother of Fr. John Chrysostom Kozlowski

May Almighty God grant His comfort and peace to

their families and friends who now mourn their deaths. May they rest in peace. Amen.