fraze - protocol

I would like to express my heartfelt greetings to you and your esteemed colleagues serving at your Court. Dear colleagues, I wish to congratulate you on behalf of myself and on behalf of the whole team of the Constitutional Court of Moldova, with this great holiday of freedom and spring. Respectfully, with friendly regards, (Mesaj de ramas bun) I would like to express most sincere thanks for your efforts aimed at deepening the cooperation and friendship between our countries and Constitutional Courts. (Mesaj de binevenire) It is with pleasure to wish you accomplishments in administering constitutional justice in your country and personal fulfilment in undertaking and managing such an important and honourable task as President of the Court. (ZN) May your birthday mark the dawn of a year of happiness and good fortune, that you may live long and prosper, with multiple opportunities for strengthening the relationship between our courts. (Multumire pt ospitalitate) I am back in Chisinau, and I would hereby like to congratulate You for the successful congress and to thank You very much for Your hospitality. It was for me an honour and a pleasure to participate in this very interesting and very well organised congress and at the same time to have the opportunity to visit Your country. The conference was an excellent opportunity to share our experiences in the field of constitutional justice and to establish closer personal ties with colleagues from other constitutional courts and other similar institutions. The social programme and friendly atmosphere created by you and your colleagues was impressive. Please kindly convey my appreciation also to your colleagues and other members of your staff who contributed to the success of the conference. (Slovenia) Excellency, I avail myself of this occasion to renew to You the assurances of my highest consideration. I am convinced that the excellent relations existing between our Courts, that you have preserved and encouraged, will be maintained and strengthened by your successor, Mr ______ , in a spirit of mutual respect, collegiality and sharing experience.

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Post on 17-Dec-2015




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Fraze - Protocol


I would like to express my heartfelt greetings to you and your esteemed colleagues serving at your Court.

Dear colleagues, I wish to congratulate you on behalf of myself and on behalf of the whole team of the Constitutional Court of Moldova, with this great holiday of freedom and spring.

Respectfully, with friendly regards,

(Mesaj de ramas bun) I would like to express most sincere thanks for your efforts aimed at deepening the cooperation and friendship between our countries and Constitutional Courts.

(Mesaj de binevenire) It is with pleasure to wish you accomplishments in administering constitutional justice in your country and personal fulfilment in undertaking and managing such an important and honourable task as President of the Court.

(ZN) May your birthday mark the dawn of a year of happiness and good fortune, that you may live long and prosper, with multiple opportunities for strengthening the relationship between our courts.

(Multumire pt ospitalitate) I am back in Chisinau, and I would hereby like to congratulate You for the successful congress and to thank You very much for Your hospitality. It was for me an honour and a pleasure to participate in this very interesting and very well organised congress and at the same time to have the opportunity to visit Your country.

The conference was an excellent opportunity to share our experiences in the field of constitutional justice and to establish closer personal ties with colleagues from other constitutional courts and other similar institutions. The social programme and friendly atmosphere created by you and your colleagues was impressive. Please kindly convey my appreciation also to your colleagues and other members of your staff who contributed to the success of the conference. (Slovenia)

Excellency, I avail myself of this occasion to renew to You the assurances of my highest consideration.

I am convinced that the excellent relations existing between our Courts, that you have preserved and encouraged, will be maintained and strengthened by your successor, Mr ______ , in a spirit of mutual respect, collegiality and sharing experience.

I am confident your future undertakings will be framed by the values of constitutional justice, nobility and uprightness. The good relationships between our Courts are to be developed and valued for the good of our people.

On the eve of this significant event, let me wish you wealth, health and multiple successes in fulfilling important and responsible tasks of your Embassy staff aimed at enhancement of our thus far excellent bilateral cooperation and friendship between our people.

Allow me to sincerely wish you new accomplishments in making constitutional justice, consolidation of democratic principles, guarantee of the Constitutional supremacy, defence and development of human rights and its basic freedoms.

I am sure there will many future opportunities to continue and develop a mutual co-operation between our Courts for the benefit of democratic values, protection of human rights and rule of law in our countries.

It gives me a special pleasure to convey you, on behalf