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Friendly Warfare. By Caleb Guy. Chapter 1: At Tomothy’s house. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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By Caleb Guy

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CHAPTER 1: AT TOMOTHY’S HOUSE Mike and his friends, Brent and Tomothy, were eating cheese puffs and watching Nickelodeon channel. Mike picked the show they were watching. Brent and Tomothy were whispering to each other, “No wonder everyone tells us to hang out with them instead of stupid Mike over there.”“What did you sa-” Mike stumbled with his words. He knew that if he talked to them like that they would ditch him and leave like the others did.Right then Brent just suddenly became really angry, “Mike,” Brent stated calmly, “GET OUT OF TOMOTHY’S HOUSE!” he screamed. Tom wasn’t surprised at all with the way Brent had just acted.

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Just when Mike was going to leave, Tom stopped him at the door. “Hey, wanna go to Wakefield to surf?” Tom asked.“What?” Mike replied surprised.When Mike and Tom left, Brent was really confused. Tom was his best friend. He would never leave him. He finished the cheese puffs and as he was about to put in Gladiator, when he realized he was still at Tom’s house. Brent decided to catch some air skateboarding at the skate park in Wakefield.When Brent arrived at the beach, Tom ran up to him and was apologizing and started talking really, really fast.“Wooo! Slow down there, speed racer.” Brent commanded.“Dude, Mike’s saying that you’re such a wimp to the whole school. He’s also saying stuff like ‘Brent’s mom doesn’t shower’ or ‘Brent’s mom is a drunk’ or even ‘Brent doesn’t wash his clothes’.”

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“Dude, he really said that? I think Mike should know that I can beat him up. I am the star defensive lineman for the school football team. I’m gonna hit him so hard that he won’t need his glasses anymore, because the lenses will be stuck to his eyes.”Chapter 2: Back at schoolSummer had faded away quickly, but Brent still didn’t forget about Mike. When Tom and Brent entered the school everyone was quiet. But after a while they all pointed at Brent and laughed hysterically. “Stay away from that smelly kid without the clean clothes!” said Chuck, a 5th grader. All the kids laughed again.“Oh what’s that smell? Oh yeah it’s the smell of beer on Brent’s shirt!” dissed Chuck. The kids laughed even more.“Hey Brent I can smell your mom from here!”, Chuck

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yelled again. The kids bursted out laughing but it was interrupted by a loud yell.

“Shut up you loser!!!” Brent shrieked. He grabbed Chuck by the shirt and punched him in the gut.“I’m gonna beat your hair off.” He punched him in the nose and then in the gut.“And now I’m gonna beat it back on!!!” He gave the kid a hard slug in the eye and Chuck started bleeding.“How does that feel? Think it hurt as much as the words you said? Huh? Huh? Huh!” Brent screamed at Chuck’s face. He started crying. He was only in 5th grade. Brent was in 8th. “Tom, did I do the right thing?” Brent inquired.

“Of course you did. It was his fault to mess with you, the toughest kid in the whole junior high school. Just forget about it Brent.”

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“You’re right man, I guess he did deserve it. He should have known to mess with us. Hey kid, that’s why you don’t diss the members on the football team!” He yelled down the hall at the running kid.“Come on man, we’re late for Math. We don’t wanna get another demerit this year. Last one there’s a rotten 5th grader!” Yelled Tom as he bolted down the hall.Chapter 3: The sorrowThe next day Mike was walking down the hall with his 2nd string friends. “What a nerd. He’s not even good enough to make the 2nd string. He just hangs out with them ‘cause they’re the coolest people that will let him in with them.”“Hey Brent,” he said as he tossed him a bar of soap, “You’ll need it after the game on Saturday. Hahaha.” He chuckled by himself. Brent was about to rip off his head wh-

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-en Tom stopped him.“Not now Brent, not now.”“ I know man it’s just, he really got on my last

nerve. He sent out that kid to make fun of me, he told lies around the whole school body, and worst of all, he was about to try to hit me. I know I could beat him up, it’s just that he used to be my friend and now he isn’t.”

“It’s okay man. He had lots of friends, but they ditched him because he’s a dingbat.”

“Yo, meet me at the McDonalds on 5th street.” Brent told Tom.

“Okay, I’ll be there at 6 sharp.”“C-Ya there.”When Brent was walking home he saw Mike

and his friends.

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“Hey Brent. Did you use the soap bar I gave you?” Mike asked sarcastically.“Hahaha!!!” His friends chuckled as they walked away.“What a loser. I can’t believe that I was ever his friend.” Brent thought to himself the same way he thought earlier that day at school. What Brent thought the most strange thing was that Mike only used that same line for his disses. ‘Did you use the bar of soap I gave you.When Brent got back to his house he realized that it was already 6. Brent grabbed his bike and rode it over there. When he got there he found out it was 6:15. He wondered if Tom left already. He called Tom’s phone, but he wouldn’t pick up. Brent went inside McDonalds to see if Tom was there. When he went in he found Tom on a table unconscious. “Tom!!!” Brent screamed as he ran over to see peanut-

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-s shoved in Tom’s mouth and nose. Tom had a severe allergic reaction to peanuts. Brent asked everyone if they saw who did it. A couple of little kids said that these kids in letterman jackets with the numbers 21, 22, 23, 24, and X on them. He knew who they were. Mike had the X because he couldn’t make it on the team and get a real number. The second string all had numbers in the 20’s.

“Mike!!!” Brent shrieked as he ran to Mike’s house. Brent asked Mike’s mom if he could come in. When Brent walked into Mike’s room he found Mike crying on his bed.

“Mike! Why did you do that?!?!?!” Brent asked Mike in a screaming voice.

“I didn’t. They did. I told them not to. But they just ignored me. I'm so sorry.” Mike said softly in-between tears.

“Well it’s to late now.” Brent replied as he left slowly.

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