from global champions to local loops: sustainable lifestyles in europe 2050


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The presentation held in World Resources Forum Davos 2013 and it is based on the SPREAD Sustainable Lifestyles 2050 projects backcasting scenarios (


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From Global Champions to Local Loops: Sustainable Lifestyles in Europe 2050

Aleksi NeuvonenDemos Helsinkiwww.demoshelsinki.fialeksi.neuvonen@demoshelsinki.fiTwitter: @leksis

Satu LähteenojaDemos Helsinkiwww.demoshelsinki.fisatu.lahteenoja@demoshelsinki.fiTwitter: @satulahteenoja

Rosa GroezingerCentre on Sustainable Consumption and Production (CSCP)www.scp-centre.orgRosa [email protected]

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Demos Helsinki - independent Think tank.

Demos Helsinki creates new markets for resource smart consumer businesses.

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SPREAD Sustainable Lifestyles 2050

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Pandemic technology


Endemic technology


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Mobility (daily and tourism) 11 000 kg

Housing: building

2400 kg

Product consumption 2600 kg

Leisure time 1500 kg

Food 7300 kg



3300 kg


900 kg


30 000 kg

Mobility (daily and tourism)

2800 kg

Food 2500 kg

Housing: building 1300 kg


Housing: electricity 300 kg

Product consumption

Leisure time

300 kg

8000 kg37 years = one generation

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Mobility (daily and tourism) 11 000 kg

Housing: building

2400 kg

Product consumption 2600 kg

Leisure time 1500 kg

Food 7300 kg



3300 kg


900 kg


Mobility (daily and tourism)

2800 kg

Food 2500 kg

Housing: building 1300 kg


Housing: electricity 300 kg

Product consumption

Leisure time

300 kg

Assumption on sustainable lifestyles as a doable goal

Elements of disruptive change

From quantitative decline in resource use to qualitative bits of lifestyles

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Pandemic technology

Meritocracy Human-centrism

Endemic technology

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Pandemic technology


Endemic technology


Singular Super Championsprice mechanismUpcycling economyDense urban livingCompetition

Ubiquitous technologiesMultiprofessional careersDigital communities3D printing consumers

Energy crisesLocal resources, local technologiesLocal professional clusters/guildsService economy

Economic crises, collapse of nation statesLocal resourcesProduction of food and energy in large role

Governing the Commons

Local Loops

Empathetic Communities

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Structure of the scenarios

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Pandemic technology


Endemic technology


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Craftsman attitude

Local turn

Rediscovery of local resources

Peak-oil game-changer

I returned my old shoes to the shoe store and got my store credit returned by doing so. I can now get brand new shoes and I know that it’s great for the environment as well!

“For my husband and me, leisure means visiting one the Local Gastronomy Guilds around, who are reinventing new recipes from local seasonal food.”

Open kitchens promotinglocal gastronomy

Food lessons of green cooking

2023: Oil prices continue to rise beyond belief, pushing great numbers of logistics companies out of the market or forcing them to sell their operations to the few remaining large ones. As a result, a small number of firms dominate transport markets in many countries, which ultimately leads to significant price increases.

!I love living in my Danish town. We haven’t had to worry about buying energy in ages. I know lots of other towns that enjoy the same situation.

Green doorkeepers are a specialized guild that controls, monitors and ensures the energy efficiency of buildings and blocks. They serve as links between the neighbourhoods.

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Six-pack of most influential lifestyle triggers1. Extremely high energy and food prices persuade people to focus their choices on local and secure


2. Tight workplace and neighbourhood-based communities enable and encourage people to share spaces and equipment. The need for living space is reduced.

3. People live close to their guild peers. Ample service options mean minimal need to commute outside the neighbourhood.

4. People prefer appliances, furniture and clothes to be sold as services. Maintenance and adaptation services are improved and they significantly prolong the lifecycle of products.

5. Consumers can no longer make mistakes: policies built on scientifically backed environmental and health objectives eliminate bad choices.

6. People eat out more. Better food services ensure a healthy diet, adjust portions to optimal size, eliminate food waste and help people focus on their work and social life.

Scenario ”Local Loops”

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Gatekeepers for lifestyle changes

Scenario ”Local Loops”

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Material footprint distribution comparison between scenarios (total 2050 footprint 8000kg/year/capita in all scenarios)

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Pandemic technology


Endemic technology


iFuture workshops: testing scenarios with people

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iFuture participant’s footprint 2012-205

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...but why scenarios on sustainable lifestyles?

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1.Alternative futures for sustainable lifestyles.

There are several pathways/social models to sustainable society. Sustainable society should enable diversity of lifestyles.

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2.Expanding the scope of feasible.

Normative scenarios on sustainable lifestyles help in looking beyond current lock-ins.

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3.Experiments are signpost towards disruptive changeScenarios are tools for evaluating potential and routes for scaling up of

lifestyle experiments and emerging technologies.

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4. New leverages for advancing sustainable society.Focus of scenarios is on systemic relationships between lifestyles-

technologies-politics and how interplay of these factors could accelerate leap towards more sustainable practices.

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Next steps: European scenarios are a platform for city/region/

industry/company level scenarios.Just add local characteristics, strategic goals, startups,

experimental projects, community projects....Results: shared visions on enabling policy

environments, supportive infrastructure and alternative business models.