from pastor steve27f9a3b34d32ec0edd9d-163e73ba57e8a7d963abe4aced13fcea.r70.… · sent to an...

1 “8 It is the LORD who goes before you. The Lord will be with you; the Lord will not fail you or for- sake you. Do not fear or be dis- mayed.” (Deut. 31:8) Though this passage is a word to the Isra- elites preparing for the transition of moving from the wilderness to the Promised Land, and from Moses passing the mantle to Joshua, I find it fitting as LoC prepares for some transitions. It is hard to believe that this August will mark my second anni- versary of serving as Sr. Pastor. During the past two years we have gone through some changes in Board leadership and staff positions. As we ven- ture into Summer 2019, we hope to complete ini- tial interviews the end of June of our candidates for our Director of Youth and Family Faith For- mation and for our 9:00AM Contemporary Worship Leadership position. We will give thanks to Renee Bennett, Sunday, July 14, for her faithful service to our youth and families, but thankfully, not be say- ing good-bye. August 1, Anita Christensen will continue in her role, but her position will now be called Coordinator of Faith Formation for Children (Preschool-6 th Gr) and Families. On August 31, Nanette Christofferson will be completing her year of full-time seminary internship, but we anticipate contracting with her as we hope to initiate the call process to bring her on board this fall as our full- time Associate Pastor for Faith Formation and Faith in Action. Please pray for all of us as we continue to discern the Lord’s leadership and trust that the Lord is truly with us through these transi- tions. As in summers past, mission and ministry continue at LoC. VBS, Music Camp and Chime Camp have become important summer outreach and teaching opportunities. Collection of water bottles for Grace in the City Homeless Heat Res- pite continues through July. Some of our men will be gathering in retreat the end of July. We will be collecting items and packing backpacks for kids heading to school. We will also be engaged in serving our neighbor through compassionate sup- port of asylees being released in the Valley. Along with the above, weekly worship and the sharing of Holy Communion remain central to who we are and what we offer. Though our wor- ship attendance shrinks during the summer as many of us seek cooler climates, it is comforting to know that a faithful remnant will gather each week to sing praise to God, to pray for the Church, the world, and the needs we bring to God, and to share in fellowship. It is also comforting to know that no matter the season or the circumstances, whatever chang- es come before us, like the early Israelites, we can hold on to the promise our Lord goes before us, is with us, and will not fail or forsake us. With Gratitude, P.S. Due to the 6/1 Fire Sprinkler accident, all three services will be offered in the Center of Compassion (north side of campus off Indigo) until the Sanctuary is renovated. From Pastor Steve 1525 North Power Road Mesa AZ 85205 Fax: (480) 832-2583 Office: (480) 981-6199 JULY/AUGUST/SEPT 2019

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“8 It is the LORD who goes before

you. The Lord will be with you;

the Lord will not fail you or for-

sake you. Do not fear or be dis-

mayed.” (Deut. 31:8)

Though this passage is a word to the Isra-

elites preparing for the transition of moving from

the wilderness to the Promised Land, and from

Moses passing the mantle to Joshua, I find it fitting

as LoC prepares for some transitions. It is hard to

believe that this August will mark my second anni-

versary of serving as Sr. Pastor. During the past

two years we have gone through some changes in

Board leadership and staff positions. As we ven-

ture into Summer 2019, we hope to complete ini-

tial interviews the end of June of our candidates

for our Director of Youth and Family Faith For-

mation and for our 9:00AM Contemporary Worship

Leadership position. We will give thanks to Renee

Bennett, Sunday, July 14, for her faithful service to

our youth and families, but thankfully, not be say-

ing good-bye. August 1, Anita Christensen will

continue in her role, but her position will now be

called Coordinator of Faith Formation for Children

(Preschool-6th Gr) and Families. On August 31,

Nanette Christofferson will be completing her year

of full-time seminary internship, but we anticipate

contracting with her as we hope to initiate the call

process to bring her on board this fall as our full-

time Associate Pastor for Faith Formation and

Faith in Action. Please pray for all of us as we

continue to discern the Lord’s leadership and trust

that the Lord is truly with us through these transi-


As in summers past, mission and ministry

continue at LoC. VBS, Music Camp and Chime

Camp have become important summer outreach

and teaching opportunities. Collection of water

bottles for Grace in the City Homeless Heat Res-

pite continues through July. Some of our men will

be gathering in retreat the end of July. We will be

collecting items and packing backpacks for kids

heading to school. We will also be engaged in

serving our neighbor through compassionate sup-

port of asylees being released in the Valley.

Along with the above, weekly worship and

the sharing of Holy Communion remain central to

who we are and what we offer. Though our wor-

ship attendance shrinks during the summer as

many of us seek cooler climates, it is comforting to

know that a faithful remnant will gather each week

to sing praise to God, to pray for the Church, the

world, and the needs we bring to God, and to

share in fellowship.

It is also comforting to know that no matter

the season or the circumstances, whatever chang-

es come before us, like the early Israelites, we can

hold on to the promise our Lord goes before us, is

with us, and will not fail or forsake us.

With Gratitude,

P.S. Due to the 6/1 Fire Sprinkler accident, all three services will be offered in the Center of Compassion (north side of campus off Indigo) until the Sanctuary is renovated.

From Pastor Steve

1525 North Power Road

Mesa AZ 85205

Fax: (480) 832-2583

Office: (480) 981-6199 JULY/AUGUST/SEPT 2019

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Land Sale Update

Our two parcels of land south of our campus have been on the market since December 2018. During

that time we entered into two purchase contracts only to have them be forfeited due to the inability of

buyers to feel confident the City of Mesa will support re-zoning and the needed density of develop-

ment to make the investment worthwhile. The most recent agreement was rescinded April 19. As of

this newsletter, no new offers have been entertained, but our broker continues to do outreach to area

developers and builders. The property is also being marketed on normal real estate platforms. In

July we begin to pay added mortgage cost due to an increase of one of our three notes with Thrivent.

In the event that our property had not been sold, we factored in a conservative estimate of what that

cost might be in our 2019 budget. We are hopeful and trust in God’s timing the land will sell at a fair-

price and we can make a significant dent in our current debt load of just under $1.8 million. “Debt re-

duction leads to mission expansion!”

The following presents the case statement for launching our 2020-2023 Capital Campaign. The

Campaign was approved at our February 2019 Congregational meeting. Pledges to the Campaign

will be incorporated into our Fall 2019 Annual Stewardship Response Program, but the Board wanted

the whole congregation to have this information to begin to pray and anticipate how LOC households

might participate.

“For surely I know the plans I have for you, says the LORD, plans for your welfare

and not for harm, to give you a future with hope.”

Jeremiah 29:11

1. Vision

Love of Christ Lutheran Church strives to know Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and to make him

known to the world. As a welcoming, growing and diverse community, LOCLC, in response to God’s

blessings and grace, desires to expand mission and ministry.

2. Challenge and Opportunity

In 2003, at the cost of $4 million, the Center of Compassion was completed. After capital gifts were

made to this project, the remaining debt on the whole campus and the two vacant lots sat close to $3

million. Our debt was spread across three notes with Thrivent Financial with staggered re-rating

dates. Since 2003, regular and some special payments have been made which place our indebted-

ness just under $1.8 million. Current annual mortgage payments total $161,760 each year. Every dol-

lar used for debt servicing is one less dollar not available for advancing Christ’s mission and ministry.

Additionally, the interest rate on one of our three notes will increase in July 2019, which will consume

even more funds which could be directed to support mission and ministry.

Vision 2020

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Vision 2020 (Continued)

3. Plan

Vision 2020 is a three-year Capital campaign, aiming to free up general ministry operating funds

by cutting our mortgage debt in half. A successful campaign of $550,000 joined with the sale of

the vacant land (estimated net proceeds of $325-350,000 being applied directly to debt reduction)

on the south side of Hobart will help us get close to that goal. It will also potentially redirect be-

tween $60,000 and $70,000 a year currently being applied to debt service to being used to sup-

port LOCLC’s mission and ministry into the future. This means LOCLC will be able to sustain and

support a second full-time pastor. (We will need an additional $20-$25,000/yr beginning in 2020

to cover the cost of a second fulltime pastor). We will be able to lessen the pressure to raise addi-

tional funds outside our budget for our Music Ministry and Youth and Family Ministry. We will be

able to increase mission partnerships beyond our own walls, and continue to address ongoing

maintenance needs.

Congregation Approved Use of Vision 2020 Capital campaign gifts:

80% of the amount raised will be directed to debt reduction allowing us to annually re-amortize

our notes and secure lower monthly payments.

5% to support critical staffing and sustaining a second fulltime pastor. (These funds will only

be needed if we are not able to sell the land or significantly reduce our monthly debt ser-

vice within the three years of the campaign)

5% to repairs, renovations and improvement to our beautiful campus. (We currently have a list

of prioritized needs including replacing the 30-year old carpeting in the Sanctuary and

providing new chairs in the Sanctuary)

10% to increasing our support of church wide and synod mission efforts. In 2019, LOCLC

plans to share about 4.45% of our unrestricted annual income with the ELCA and Grand

Canyon Synod; an increase from 1.98% in 2018. The longstanding goal for ELCA congre-

gations is to share 10%, or a tithe of non-restricted offerings to support our synodical, na-

tional and global work together.

Changes to the planned use of funds are not expected. Should unforeseen events require adjust-

ments the congregation will be a part of any changes to the distribution formula.

4. “Why Now?” Each month LOCLC writes checks in excess of $13,480 for mortgage payments. The

sooner we reduce our debt, the sooner LOCLC can begin to redirect general funds to ministry

programs. VISION 2020 will complement the congregation’s decision to sell unused land and our

commitment to debt reduction.

5. Your Call to Action

Vision 2020 is a campaign over and above the regular ongoing giving you make to carry

out current mission and ministry at LOCLC. It is an invitation to consider a sacrificial gift. All LO-

CLC members and friends will have multiple ways for making a three year pledge to VISION

2020. Households are encouraged to donate appreciated assets like stocks, bonds or required

IRA distributions to lessen tax liabilities. Achieving the $550,000 will require broad participation at

many levels of giving. Remember any pledge is in addition to your regular support of the general

ministry budget.

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2,000,000 and 5,479

What do these two numbers have in common?

Every year since 2009 Love of Christ has hosted at least one “Feed My Starving Children” Mobilepack event

where our own Center of Compassion is transformed into a meal packing facility for three days. Nearly 1.9

million meals have been packed with your hands and paid for (at $.22 per meal) with your generous donations.

Mark your calendars. This November 7-9, we will once again be firing up the oldies music and packing at least

another 150,000 meals with your help at LOC’s 11th Mobilepack event. At this event, we will exceed

2,000,000 meals packed by our members and surrounding community at Love of Christ.

Yes, that’s where the 2 million figure above comes from!

To host such an event costs about $35,000.00 which LOC has historically raised, many years with the generos-

ity of a single major donor. If this event is to be sustained over the years ahead, others in this community will

need to share in supporting the cost, which has to be over and above regular support of the ongoing ministry of

LoC. The average person packs about $50 worth of meals in a 2 hour packing session and is encouraged to use

this figure as a guide for donating to the event. Currently the LoC Board has restricted funds of $20,000 dedi-

cated to this event. If you are interested and able to cover the cost of the food you may pack, or want to make

a special donation, just indicate that on your giving envelopes or check memo or contact Dick Beckman.

As has been posted in recent LOC articles, Feed My Starving Children (FMSC) is a Christian nonprofit dedi-

cated to providing nutritious meals to children worldwide. FMSC meals are hand-packed by volunteers and

sent to an incredible network of partner organizations who distribute them to those in need. Nearly 1.2 million

volunteers packed more than 333 million FMSC meals in 2017. More than 90 percent of total donations go di-

rectly to feed kids and FMSC has earned the highest four-star rating from Charity Navigator for 13 consecutive

years. Visit for more information.

The 5,479 figure?

That’s the number of starving children that can receive a meal for an entire year with the 2,000,000 meals your

hands have packed. Well done, good and faithful servants.

Matthew 25:40

“…I tell you the truth, that whatever you did for one of the

least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.”

Feed My Starving Children

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“How Might LoC Love Our

Asylum-Seeking Neighbors”

On Tuesday, May 7 the LoC Board invited members and friends to attend a listening post to discern how our congregation might re-spond to the humanitarian crisis happening within U.S. southern border states. The crisis is the result of people (65% women and children) fleeing the violence and failed governments of El Salvador, Honduras, and Guatemala. Because of Congress’ failure to address comprehensive immigra-tion reform, the Border Patrol, County Sheriff departments, and local governments have been overwhelmed by the volume of migrants pleading for asylum. Federal law requires any person arriving at our border or living in our country who seeks asylum be given an opportunity to determine if there is credible fear of violence or persecution if they return to their country of origin. Federal law requires that any individual seeking asylum complete an initial interview to determine the credibility of their case, and if deemed credible they cannot be detained longer than 20 days. At that point Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) delivers those approved to have their case heard to the nearest transportation hub. In our case, the downtown Phoenix bus station. Those being released have a legal resident somewhere in the United States who will be responsible for them to report to the nearest immigration office, and then they must wait up to 1.5-3 years to have their case heard by an immigration judge. This long delay is due to the lack of Congress’ approval of funding to staff immigration courts to meet the need of the high-volume of cases over the past many years. During their wait these asylum-seekers are ineligible to work. Currently 150 adults and children are being released from detention in the metro Phoenix area. Since March, Lutheran Social Services of the SW has been designated the agency to coordinate faith groups, humanitarian organizations, and individuals who want to assist in helping these groups of people simply being dropped off in a place they do not know, with limited language ability, and the need to get to the legal resi-dent/relative who has agreed to provide long-term shelter. Managing the logistics for each individual or family takes 1-3 days, so churches of all sizes and other groups are stepping up to open their arms and their doors to practice being the Good Samaritan to these folks. About 50 members and friends of LoC gathered on May 7 said they want our congregation to be involved in some way. Two Immediate Ways: -Donate First Aid Items: Pedialyte, Thermometers with shields, small medicine cups, Lotrmin foot cream, antibiotic cream, hydrocortisone cream, packages of 4/4 gauze pads, gauze rolls, medical tape, liquid Tylenol, children’s cough medicine, anti-nausea medicine, anti-diarrhea medicine, Pepto Bismol, box of UTI treatment, box of latex gloves. (We have designated collection boxes in the Sanctuary and the CoC) -Personal Advocacy: As citizens and voters we have a right to voice our Christian values to those elected to serve our State at the national lev-el. The humanitarian crisis requires Congress to address not just security at the border, but address immigration reform so that these individuals do not have to wait 1.5-3 years to have their case heard. Longer term, there is a need to address democratic and humane ways in which our na-tion can assist failed countries to help stop the surge of people from fleeing their homeland. Members of LoC are invited to express their concerns to our U.S. Senators and U.S. Representatives. Call the U.S. Capitol switchboard at 202.224.3121 and ask to connect to the office of our elected leaders. Write: Office of Senator Sinema or McSally, United States Senate, Washington, D.C. 20510 or Representative (name of your Repre-sentative), United States House of Representatives, Washington, D.C. 20510. A leadership team consisting of Melissa Riner, Karen Humbert, Patti DeLaney, Dana Harper, Cheryl Mertens, Raeann Nunez, Heather Parker, and Karen Wenzel will be working to coordinate those interested in other ways of serving whether the recommendation is to provide the 1-3 days of shelter here at CoC or sending volunteers to neighboring congregations already involved in providing this. If you are interested in getting involved or receiving emails about how our congregation is responding, please contact Dianne Oien 480.681.0941 or [email protected] Please keep this concern in your prayers, and I invite all of us to keep wrestling with our response to Jesus’ familiar story of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37).

Asylum Seeking Neighbors

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with the Youth and Children combined, great dinner, adult study and lots

of love shared!!



Kitchen Team – Karen & Brian Thompson, Connie Erickson, Denise Erickson, Jacquie Gallo

Music Team – Brooke Osterman, Laura Ontiveros, Jung Csuy

Children’s Program Team – Christine Deets, Emily Radics, Olivia Running

Youth Team – Renee Bennett, Kurt Parker, Bryan Barchey

Adult Programming – Pastor Steve, Intern Nanette, Barb Talmage, Denise Smith


We NEED YOU!! We would love to have some more volunteers to help us work with these fantastic kids. It is just 90

minutes, and if we have enough volunteers, we could set it up on a rotation so your commitment would only be twice a

month. If you have any interest – we would love to have you – everything is prepped for you ahead; you just show up

and enjoy these wonderful gifts of God’s children in our lives!!

Questions - please contact Heather at [email protected] or 480-681-0925.

The Word on Wednesday

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A Note From Intern Nanette

Acts 2:1-4 “When the day of Pentecost had come, they were all together in one place. And suddenly

from heaven there came a sound like the rush of a violent wind, and it filled the entire house where they

were sitting. Divided tongues of fire, appeared among them and a tongue rested on each of them. All of

them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other languages, as the Spirit gave them abil-


This is my last newsletter entry that I will write as an Intern! How exciting is that?! As I

began to think about this note I started to reflect upon this exciting scene in Acts 2 as the

Holy Spirit descended upon this small room full of believers. If you read further in this

passage, we find that these believers were then compelled to go out and share this Good News with others.

Hopefully, when you hear or read the word Pentecost, you think of the Holy Spirit, or maybe, you think of the

more conventional way this season is often labeled which is, the season of growth. The question I often have is

what does growth look like in this season? How do we measure growth? And in this case what does it look

like to grow in the Spirit? Even more specifically, what does it look like to grow in Spirit here at Love of

Christ? Certainly, one of the more obvious ways we grow in Spirit is by digging into Scripture. Whether that

is through daily devotions, taking time each day to read the Bible, or participating in Bible studies; all of these

provide a way to learn more and grow in our personal relationship with our triune God.

While Spiritual growth not only happens as we dig deeper into the Word of God. We can also experience God

in other ways too. This can happen through prayer, meditation, journaling, conversations, acts of service, ritu-

als and traditions, exploring nature, music, and many other ways. To experience the gift of the Holy Spirit is

not about a formula but more about letting go of your will and God filling you. It often happens in surprising

ways, ways in which we are not expecting. One of the things we can always count on as we begin to experi-

ence and learn more about God is that we will be changed.

Love of Christ, this summer, is offering many ways for us as a congregation to grow Spiritually. Along with

Pastor’s Monday Morning Bible Study, we have two Wednesday night offerings, and opportunities to serve

through VBS and Music Camps. There may also be opportunities to serve through the Asylum Refugees Pro-


Summer is often a time of preparation and LoC is no exception. Anita, our Children’s Ministry Director, is

implementing a new Sunday School Curriculum called Godly Play. This curriculum teaches children the Bib-

lical stories in a way that invites interaction, wonderment, and application. Preparations begin in the summer

for the fall programing and hopefully the careful planning will help spawn new growth for all ages in our faith


As for this Intern…. This past year at LoC has been a great year of learning and spiritual growth. Not only

have I gained some of the skills necessary to become a pastor through an excellent supervisor, but this congre-

gation has taught me just as many things as to what it means to be a pastor and a leader. I am ever so grateful

for the opportunity to have served this LoC faith community. May we all continue to grow in Spirit during this

season of Pentecost.


Intern Nanette

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Women’s Summer Bible Study Present Over Perfect

Offered by Intern Nanette Christofferson and Barb Talmage

Please joins us for a light dinner from 6:00-6:30 in the COC Room #48 and our study from 6:30-8:00 in COC Room #49, except July 24th when it will be in the Fellowship Hall. This Bible study is offered on the following dates: June 19 and 26, July 17, 24, and 31. Present Over Perfect Summer LOC Women’s Summer Bible Study

Wednesday Nights this Summer June 19 , 26 and July 17, 24, 31

(For travelers, each week will be a self-contained lesson, so come when you can.) Dinner at 6:00PM. Bible Study 6:30-8:00PM.

Join Pastor Steve for Soup, Salad, and Bible Study with Contemporary Media. June 19, 26 & July 17 & 31— dinner will be in COC room #48 and Bible Study in COC Main Room

July 24—dinner will be in the Fellowship Hall and Bible Study in the Leadership Room.

June 19: Session 2 – The Roles We Play June 26: Session 3 – Yes, and No July 17: Session 4 – Unflashy, Unspectacular, Good

July 24: Session 5 – Living the Love July 31: Session 6 – Moving Forward From Here

Summertime Wednesday Bible Studies

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As you do some cleaning, please put aside any books, including children's books, that you could donate to the Book Nook. Please note: Novels donated to us should have copyright dates within the last 10 years, which would be 2009-2019. We do not have enough shelf space and older books do not sell very well. Thank you. Book Club News- We will not meet in July. Our next book club meeting will be on Sunday, September 8. The book talk will be Educated by Tara Westover. Here is a synopsis of the book:

#1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • An unforgettable memoir about a young girl who, kept out of school, leaves her survivalist family and goes on to earn a PhD from Cambridge University. "A coming-of-age memoir reminiscent of The Glass Castle."-O: The Oprah Magazine. "Beautiful and propulsive . . . Despite the singularity of [Westover's] childhood, the questions her book poses are universal: How much of ourselves should we give to those we love? And how much must we betray them to grow up?"-Vogue. Born to survivalists in the mountains of Idaho, Tara Westover was seventeen the first time she set foot in a classroom. Her fami-ly was so isolated from mainstream society that there was no one to ensure the children received an education, and no one to inter-vene when one of Tara's older brothers became violent. When another brother got himself into college, Tara decided to try a new kind of life. Her quest for knowledge transformed her, taking her over oceans and across continents, to Harvard and to Cambridge University. Only then would she wonder if she'd traveled too far, if there was still a way home. If you have any questions about the Book Club, please contact Barbara Hummel at [email protected] or Penny Day at [email protected]. Thanks for your continuing interest in the Book Club. We always have room for one more at our table!

Kevin Saunders’ The Bible Between the Lines Tuesdays 10-Noon August 6, 13, 20 & 27 in the Center of Compassion.

Morning Java Thursday 6:30 a.m. to 7:30 a.m. Join other men of the congregation for a morning devotion, a little coffee, some breakfast (optional). Vil-lage Inn, (Southwest corner of Recker and McKellips).

Men’s Morning Java!

Weekday Bible Study led by Pastor Steve Talmage and Intern Nanette Christofferson

Mondays 10-11:30 AM in the Center of Compassion Room #48. (Please note change of room assignment). Preparing for Sunday Worship Each week we are looking at the assigned readings from Revised

Common Lectionary for the upcoming Sunday, paying particular attention to the text from which the weekly sermon is being pre-pared. In the Revised Common Lectionary, readings are prescribed for each Sunday: a passage typically from the Old Testament or the Acts of the Apostles, a passage from one of the Psalms, an-other from either the Epistles or the Book of Revelation, and final-ly a passage from one of the four Gospels.

Kevin Saunder’s Summer Session

Monday Morning Bible Study

Book Nook and Book Club

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Subscribe to “Gather Magazine” The magazine of Women of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America — guides you as you live

and experience your faith every day. It offers a mix of articles, theological reflections, devotions, and stories of comfort and challenge that help readers grow in faith and engage in ministry and action. Gather is published 10 times a year with combined issues in January/February and July/August. It’s only $15 a year. – Subscribe online at: or by calling 1 (800) 328-4648.

On May 19, 2019 we received the following new members to share in the ministry of Love of Christ Lutheran Church. We are glad you are here!

Barbara Arnet 2550 S. Ellsworth Road #566 Mesa, AZ 85209 602-568-2381 [email protected] Chris & Cheryl Gross 787 West Desert Seasons Drive San Tan Valley, AZ 85143 206-992-0440 480-254-5353 [email protected] [email protected] Susan Kish 6240 E. Ivy St. Mesa, AZ 85205 480-216-7725 [email protected] John & Faith Krstich 5062 E. Hannibal Street Mesa, AZ 85205 480-898-3279 [email protected] [email protected]

Gloria Long 7911 E Kael St Mesa AZ 85207 360-334-1787 [email protected] Kirk & Pam Mahoney 2654 N. Armour Ave Mesa AZ 85215 480-216-2242 [email protected] [email protected] Vel & Laurie Sneezy &

Daughters (Mary Natsyn, Kelsey Sneezy, Kaylee Sneezy)

3014 N. Olympic Mesa, AZ 85215 480-229-5592 [email protected] Anthony & Jenny Sylva 32762 N. Pebble Creek Drive San Tan Valley, AZ 85143 406-260-0929 [email protected]

Crafting & Chatting Women of LOC We welcome all Ladies/their friends for our Sunday afternoons. We meet the 2nd Sunday of the month at 1pm. We have become a “Sisterhood” and support many projects in the church, in the community, and enjoy our times together with work and laughter. We craft, chat, coupon, chat, crochet, chat, knit, scrapbook, and a whole lot more!!! Contacts are: Karen Wenzel 480 890 8692, Karla Harvey 480 262 7666 or Barbie Berry 480 705 3139.

Welcome, New Members!

Women’s Ministry

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Love of Christ is a community gathered around Word and Sacrament in our worship experience! We are hosting two classes for those folks who would like to make LOC their church home. Whether you have been with us for a short time or a long time, this is an important time as you consider the tug of the Holy Spirit to join with others who have made the commitment to part-ner with LOC as we share the Love of Christ. Contact Dianne Oien at [email protected] or 480-681-0941 for more information.

We enjoy attending a variety of events! We are open to any suggestions that anyone has for upcoming events. We also welcome any help in planning for events! The more ideas and more people involved equal more fun and fellowship. Any questions, comments or suggestions, you can contact Dianne Oien at [email protected] or 480-681 0941 or Barb Weldon at 608-325-4289.

Saturday, August 24th – Hale Centre Theatre – 4PM – Bright Star - From Grammy, Emmy, and Acade-

my Award-winning Steve Martin and Grammy Award-winning Edie Brickell. Broadway’s Bright Star tells a sweeping tale of family, love, and redemption set against the rich backdrop of the American South in the 1920s,‘30s and ‘40s. The story unfolds as a rich tapestry of deep emotion, beautiful melodies, and moving performances. An uplifting theat-rical journey that holds you tight in its grasp, Bright Star is as refreshingly genuine as it is daringly hopeful.

New Member Classes

Fall Classes TBD

People on the Go/FAB Events

New Member Classes

EXPLORE ARIZONA….. On July 13th, the LOC Women’s Hiking Group will be travel-ing north to Flagstaff and hiking to Fisher Point via Sandys Canyon Trail. This 5.3 mile easy hike (it’s a quick 100-foot drop into the canyon and then completely flat the rest of the way) will take us to two caves connecting to the AZ Trail. We will meet at 7:00 am in the COC parking lot and return by 6:00 pm.

EXPLORE ARIZONA… On August 17th, the LOC Women’s Hiking Group will be traveling to Prescott and hiking the easy 2.7 mile Horse Camp Loop Trail. This trail is an easy loop through granite boulders in an open pine forest. It also takes us by the Groom Creek School House – build in the early 1900’s and used till 1952. We will meet at 7:00 am in the COC parking lot and return by 6:00 pm.

EXPLORE ARIZONA… On September 14th, the LOC Women’s Hiking Group will be traveling to Flagstaff and hiking the easy 4.1 mile Walnut Meadows Loop Trail. This trail weaves through pine trees and meadows with views of Mt. Elden. We will meet at 7:00 am in the COC parking lot and return by 6:00 pm.

Call Pat Shaw at 981-1325 for more information.

Women’s Ministry (Continued)

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JULY 8—12, 5:30—8PM




$20 per person or $50 max per


VBS Celebration at 9:00 a.m. Worship Service

July 14th

“God IS Good!” VBS kids and staff will be sharing music


the blessings from our awesome week!

A BIG thank you to all the volunteers who blessed our VBS participants

with their time and talents for the week!

Thank you to those who supported us with donations and prayers!

We couldn’t have done it without you!!

Vacation Bible School

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Summer Music Camp

July 22-26, 9:00 a.m. ~ 3:00 p.m. Performance: Sunday, July 28 at 9:00 a.m.

(Dress rehearsal on Friday, July 26) Pre-register NOW for those entering

1st~8th grade $75 per child or $100 per household, up to 3 children, then $25 per additional child.

Registration forms at the Children’s Ministry table, church office, or online at

Questions? Contact Jung Csuy at 480-832 2449 or

[email protected]

Calling all adults and teens

9-12th grade…

July 22-26

Music Camp needs you!


Games Leader

Crew Leaders

Snacks coordinator

Drama leader

Music Ministry—Music Camp

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Upcoming Music Department Events


Sunday, November 24, 2019 after each service: Bake Sale for your Thanksgiving dessert!

Thanksgiving is Thursday, November 28 this year! We are asking all of the Love of Christ

Congregation to please help us out and bring baked goods so that we can raise money

for the music ministry budget. You can bring pies, brownies, bars, muffins, and cookies.

Please mark your calendar to bring the baked goods and drop them off in the CoC kitch-

en on Friday, Nov. 17 between 8am ~ 5pm. Please let me know if you can help receive

and wrap the baked goods as they come in. Sign-up sheets for the donation and helpers will be available at

the music ministry table.

December 6, 2019 at 6:00pm- LIVE JAZZ NIGHT and DINNER/SILENT AUCTION, in CoC

Come hear the innovative sounds of live jazz featuring our very own Bill Nunes on keyboard.

Improvised riffs and bent notes will prevail throughout the evening for those longing for the

distinct sounds of jazz. Bill will be performing with vocal soloists and a multi-component jazz

band. The dinner menu and ticket sale dates are TBA, $25.00 per person.

January 10, 2020 at 7:00pm- FIESTA featuring the Phoenix Opera’s Los Tres Tenores, in CoC

If you haven’t heard the sounds of Phoenix Opera’s Los Tres Tenores, you are in for a real treat! Starring the

fabulous trio of Johnny Huerta, Guillermo Ontiveros, and Francisco Renteria, Los Tres Tenores will blend their

magnificent voices with a unique selection of songs ranging from operetta to Mexican Ranchera. Their special

guest sopranos will challenge the mighty voices of Los Tenores with impressive duets and songs of their own.

What an evening to remember! Ticket sales dates and the fee TBA. Light refreshments will be sold.

February 14, 2020 at 6:00pm- SOCK HOP DANCE, in CoC

Break out the poodle skirts, saddle shoes and the white T-

shirts as we return to the days when we danced barefoot (or

close to it)! Come dance on a wood floor to the Rockin’ Baby

Boomers, who know all your favorites! Rumor has it that

there will be a hula-hoop contest complete with prizes! Din-

ner will include the traditional food of the day served ham-

burger stand style: Sloppy Joes, green salad and root beer

floats in red baskets lined with paper. Ticket sales date TBA,

$20.00 per person.

March 13, 2020 at 7:00pm- Community Youth Talent Show, in CoC


Music Ministry

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Love of Christ Church would like to encourage our youth to become more involved in Community Outreach. In order to accomplish part of this goal, we are planning a talent show that will be presented in the CoC on March 13, 2020 at 7pm. Presentations can be music (vocal, instrumental), comedy, dance (single and group) gymnastics, etc. If you have something that you'd like to present and it isn't listed, contact Jung Csuy: [email protected] or 480-832-2449. This Community Outreach Talent Show will be open to all local talented youth from 1st through 12th grades. Acts will be judged by a panel of volunteers consisting of professional singers, actors and musicians. Mone-tary prizes will be awarded for the best acts. First $150, Second $100 and Third place $50. Performances need to be kept to a maximum of 4 minutes and performers need to come prepared with all their own props, costumes, CDs/music, etc. All interested need to audition with Love of Christ Lutheran Church’s Music Direc-tor, Jung Csuy (date and time will be announced). Although there’s no fee to perform, tickets to get in will sell for $5.00 per person and will help pay for the prizes. Light refreshments will be sold. Dear LOC Music Ministry, I hope you have had a wonderful summer! It’s time to resume choir rehearsals and sing praise to the Lord! Soul Ringers (Youth Hand Bell Choir) rehearsals start Tuesday, September 17, from 5:15pm ~6:15pm in the green room. Alleluia Ringers (Hand Bell Choir) rehearsals start Tuesday, September 17, from 6:30pm ~8:00pm in the green room. Women’s Ensemble rehearsals start Thursday, September 12, from 5:45pm ~6:30pm in the sanctuary. Chancel Choir rehearsals start Thursday, September 12 from 7:00~8:30pm in the sanctuary. We welcome back all former choir members and are delighted to have new ones join us! What is needed for newcomers? Have Tuesday or Thursday nights FREE, have a teachable spirit, a heart for worship, a desire to grow musically and spiritually, the ability to sing in tune (bell ringers do not have to sing in tune!) I look forward to getting our choirs back into action! Contact Jung Csuy: [email protected] or 480-832-2449.

Christmas Cantata – Call for Singers! The Christmas Cantata date this year is– Sunday, December 15 at 9am and 10:45am in our Center of Compassion building. Please participate in this year’s Christmas Cantata and please spread the word. We want to reach eve-ryone who sang with us last year and as many other singers as possible for this beautiful Cantata! All I ask is that, if you are serious about your participation, attend rehearsals and practice a little bit on your own. I as-sure you that if you commit to eleven weeks of singing in the cantata, you will get hooked! The fellowship and enjoyment of participating in the cantata comes mainly during the rehearsals.

Here are the rehearsal dates: 7:00p.m-8:15p.m. In the sanctuary Thursdays, October 3, 10, 17, 24, 31, November 7, 14, 21, Monday, November 25, December 5, 12, & Satur-day, Dec. 14 (dress rehearsal from 9am to 12pm in COC). These dates are coming quickly and we need to put them on the calendar now. Music will be distributed at the Oct. 3rd rehearsal at 7pm in the sanctuary. I look forward to having you sing with us this year! If you have any questions, contact me at 480-832-

2449 or [email protected]

Music Ministry—Choirs Starting and Cantata

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Full & Half Day


FOR SUMMER 2019 and

2019/2020 SCHOOL YEAR Flexible Scheduling, Affordable Rates, Phonics based curriculum,

and Christian atmosphere.

Contact Preschool Director at (480)681-0937 (DIRECT LINE)

or [email protected] for tours and information.

Summer Chime Choir, July 29~August 1, 4~6PM The Chime Choir is a wonderful way for kids with some music experience to learn more about

music, have fun, and learn about working together to praise God through music. This chime choir is for children going into 4th grade and older.

The rehearsal begins July 29~ August 1 from 4:00 ~ 6:00pm in the Green Room. There will be performances at the 9 am and 10:30 am services on Sunday, August 4th. This

time is dedicated to learning music reading concepts and repertoire for a performance at the worship services this summer. A light dinner will be provided.

If you are interested in joining, please contact Jung Csuy at 480-832-2449 or email at [email protected].

Grace in the City – Heat Respite Project

Thru July 28th

Water Appeal Bring Your Cases of Water for our “Grace in the City” Heat Respite Pro-

ject! Leave your water by your car and we’ll do the rest! Need volunteers with a pick up truck to take water to Grace in the City on Monday, June 24th, July 8th, July 15th, July 22nd &

July 29th…please contact Dianne Oien at [email protected] or 480-681-0941.

Back to School Clothing & Backpack Round-Up Thru July 21!

We are collecting backpacks, school supplies and clothing for Lutheran Social Services, LaMesita Women’s Shelter/New Leaf Foundation & Wilson

Elementary. Here is a list of the supplies needed: Notebooks (wide rule) Composition notebooks Mechanical pencils Regular Pencils Pencil Erasers Crayons

Highlighters Glue sticks Kleenex Wipes Hand Bacteria Soap Backpacks Pick a tag from the Saguaro for clothing items.

Music Ministry—Summer Chime Choir

Water Collection Project

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Children and Youth Ministries


August 4th, 2019


9:00 a.m. Service

Students of all ages (preschool-?) and teachers are invited to bring their

back packs, tote bags or briefcases for our Back to School Blessing.

Begin the 2019-2020 academic year with prayer and receive a special gift!

Junior High and High School Students!

Dive Back into T.I.M.

(Teens in Ministry)

Meeting weekly in the Youth Room at 10:15 – 11:10 a.m.

Fellowship, Bible Study and Service


Parent Fellowship Time:

Parents of preschoolers through 6th graders are invited to join

Intern Pastor Nanette at 10:15 for coffee and treats as she shares the details of

our new curriculum and the Faith Stepping Stones.


Love of Christ kids will enjoy special treats and activities

as they greet old and new friends and share their summer adventures!

Watch the bulletin and e-news for locations.


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Children and Youth Ministries

As we enter a new season of faith formation, we are excited to be offering a new direction here

at Love of Christ:

Preschoolers through 4th graders will be growing their faith through the Godly Play curricu-

lum. Godly Play is about presenting God’s story. It shares the Biblical story of God’s family

and God’s intentions for us through his Son Jesus Christ. It is in these sacred stories that our sense of Christian unity is

stimulated, while at the same time providing a way of developing a sense of Christian identity. In these sacred stories,

we tell of God’s People and invite children, to become themselves, part of the story. We cannot underestimate the

power of stories. Stories are a part of our lives…we relate to stories through storytelling, books, and often media. It is

through stories that we invite one another to make meaning of our world and ultimately our lives. Stories connect us

and bring to us identity. Godly Play helps connect us to God’s story through the Scriptures. We can hear and learn of

a God who is constantly seeking us through the Word and wanting a meaningful relationship with us. Each week the

children, through storytelling, will be introduced to a new Bible story and then will have an opportunity to explore that

week’s story or a previous week’s story in creative ways: How do I fit in the story? Who or where would I be in the

story? I wonder…

Love of Christ kids will also be learning about the Faith Stepping Stones:

Preschool and Kindergarten - Prayer

1st and 2nd grade – The Apostle’s Creed

3rd and 4th grade – The Ten Commandments

F.L.Y.T.E. (Faith, Life, Together)

5th & 6th Grade


Preteens are at a pivotal point in their faith. They want to talk about faith but may lack the confidence to jump in.

They’re eager to connect and make a difference but aren’t sure how. BE BOLD helps navigate those waters by facili-

tating meaningful discussion and Bible exploration. It’s not about having all the answers – it’s about being willing to

listen to kids and explore what Scripture has to say. BE BOLD turns questions into action and helps kids make a differ-

ence. They will experience the impact of faith in action through service to others. Our preteens will also be reviewing

their Faith Stepping Stones as they prepare for 7th grade confirmation.

We’re excited to be part of the “wonderment” with our kids!

Check out the bulletin and e-news for locations and more details for our Sunday, August 4th kickoff!

Questions: [email protected] or [email protected]

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Habitat for Humanity is an inter-national, non-profit, faith-based organization with the goal of eliminating sub-standard housing throughout the world. With part-ners like us, they facilitate the construction of simple, decent, affordable homes to families in

need. The families with which we partner are select-ed without regard to race, ethnicity, or religion. The families must be United States citizens or on perma-nent residency status, demonstrate a need for ade-quate housing, have a two-year history of stable in-come between 30 and 65 percent of the median in-come, have a good credit history, complete 100 hours of “sweat equity” on a fellow Habitat owner’s house, and an additional 300 hours on their own

home before taking occupancy, and complete classes on home maintenance, financing, and home owner-ship. The homes are NOT given to the homeowners. At the time of the home completion and dedication, the homeowners make their first payment on a profit-free mortgage, and the average payment is about 25% of their income, which includes the prin-cipal, property taxes, homeowner’s insurance, and a maintenance account. These funds are then used by Habitat to build even more homes. The results are incredible – families living in sub-standard housing and caught up in a cycle of poverty become home-owners, tax-payers, and contributors to the well-being of their neighborhoods! For additional information on the Christian principles that guide Habitat for Humanity, please pick up one of the tri-fold brochures, visit or call Clark Wirthlin at 480-985-8757.

Don’t Forget About Us!!!


On the last Sunday of each month we would like everyone to bring a bag of non perishable items for the Food Bank and overflow the Feed My Sheep box! THE FOOD BANK REALLY APPRECIATES AND NEEDS OUR SUPPORT!

While the “heat is on”, donations of deodor-ant, sunblock, wipes, sun glasses, caps, and water, will be much appreciated by the home-less ladies in the I-HELP program. The women

are sheltered at night, but are out in the elements during the day. Also, tuna and

chicken snack kits for the lunch sacks will be welcome. During the hot season the kits are the primary protein lunch items given. Your

support is so appreciated.

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Cursillo Retreats

Cursillo has its roots in the Catholic Church.

It is a retreat centered on the events of Holy

Week, with talks and worship grounded in

God’s amazing grace. Through a Cursillo

weekend, men gather with other men and

women gather with other women, to experi-

ence an opportunity to affirm and strengthen

their relationship with Christ and share in

intentional Christian Community. The Lu-

theran Cursillo Movement of Arizona invites

men and women from across Lutheran de-

nominations to share in this retreat as it re-

flects our Lutheran lens for understanding

what God has done for the world through Je-

sus Christ. The retreats are offered at 1st

Evangelical Lutheran Church, 142 N Date,

Mesa, AZ 85201. There is no charge to at-

tend one of these retreats. The Cursillo Com-

munity practice a pay-it-forward philosophy,

so that no one is denied an opportunity to at-

tend a weekend due to finances. Previous

weekend participants make a gift to Cursillo

to provide for an upcoming weekend. If you

would like to learn more about a Cursillo

Weekend Retreat, you are welcome to speak

with our LoC Parish Representatives: Clyde

and Sally Anderson [email protected]

or [email protected]) or you can speak

to Pastor Steve Talmage.

Dates for the next

Weekend Retreat

Men’s Weekend, 5PM Thursday, October 3

thru 5PM Sunday, October 6.

Women’s Weekend, 5PM Thursday, Octo-

ber 10 thru 5PM Sunday, October 13.

Summer Hours: 8:30 am-11 am Stained Glass room across from

Sanctuary Narthex Contact Person: Barbara Otto 480.390.9631

Come for Prayer following or during each Worship Service. Bring your prayer concerns for yourself or family and friends. Prayer Team members will be available to speak with and pray for you. Your shared concerns in the Chapel will remain in the Chapel. They will not be shared with others unless

you request to have your prayers on the weekly prayer requests for the church. Special Opportunity: The Prayer Chapel is “Looking for a Few Good People” to help run the chapel on Sunday mornings. If this is your passion, please contact Rick Otto rrotto1946 PRAYER VOICES Please join us as we pray for each other, our Love of Christ family, Staff, Servant Volunteers, Mis-sions, Ministries, Small Groups, Activities, and Events. If you are interested in attending, please call Barbara Otto at 480.390.9631.

Prayer Chapel & Prayer Voices

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On Facebook? "Like"

Love of Christ Lutheran Church, Mesa AZ and visit our page to find out what's happening at the church! Become a member of the group if you'd like a weekly scoop. Here's the link if you can't find us:

Your Business in our Directory! If you are a business owner and a member of Love of Christ, we are offering an online business directory to you and your business. To list your business, you must submit a Business Directory form on the Love of Christ website at

To get started: Must be a member of LOC to submit your business on LOC’s website. Access LOC’s website at and go to the “Find It Here” section on the main page

Then click on Business Directory Read and follow the instructions on the page. One time donation of $20 is requested.

These funds will be used for Children’s Fellowship Ministry (place this info in the memo line on the check). Make check out to LOC. ***Remember to check out the variety of businesses or services that are available from LOC members!***

Did You Know?



Update! Do you love coffee? Do you enjoy drinking the coffee following the 9:00 service? Well we could sure use about four more members to sign up for once a month or every other month to make coffee. You might ask “what is involved?” The tables and chairs are setup by our facility team, so on Sunday the tables need to be decorated, coffee brewed, set up, and clean up! If interested or just want more info, you can contact Dianne Oien at [email protected] or 480-681 0941.

GREETERS & USHERS are needed at all three services!

Serving Opportunities

Volunteer Security… Thanks to Karen & Brian Thompson, Joe Holmwood, Joe & Jodi Bogushefsky, Dave Dohrmann and Rob Floyd! Thanks for serving in this minis-try. Currently we need volunteers to cover Wednesday and Saturday eve-nings! If you have 30 minutes to spare, we can certainly use your help. If you can’t commit to every week but can commit to a couple days a month, that would be great! If interested, you can contact Dianne Oien at [email protected]. or 480-681 0941.

Altar Guild Servants Needed

Can you help out one or two Sun-days a month?

Please sign up to serve on the Altar

Guild to set up communion for one of our three services. If you have any questions you can contact Donna Johnson at 480-326-8370 for the 9:00 service or Dianne Oien at 480-681 0941 for the 7:50 & 10:30 services.

Ride to Church

We would like to create a list of people that drive and would be willing to pick up someone that does not drive for church on Sunday. If you want to be a servant in this capacity, please call Dar-lene at 480 981 6198 to add your name to the list.

Can you help

with a ride

to church?

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Online Giving Did you know that you can go onto our website ( or scan the QR Code to the right and make a contribution?

Download any free QR code app.

Scan QR Code printed here.

Register (one time only)

Indicate the amount you would like to contribute.

“For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” –

Jesus, Matthew 6:21 Jesus taught that how we handle our money is an indicator of our hearts, and Paul taught that we should give cheerfully and sacrificially in response to the love of God. Giving is a central theme of the Bible, and at Love of Christ we invite our regular attendees and members to give in our weekend services or by mailing in their contri-butions. We are now pleased to offer the option of giving online. In our digital age with online shopping, online bill pay, Ebay, and Amazon, Love of Christ has chosen to make online tithing and giving available to those who are interested. You can give online by either check or credit/

debit card. We believe that living “debt free” is a worthy goal for all Christians. Online giving does involve the use of credit and debit transactions and makes no distinction between the two. We offer this option only as a convenience and we strongly urge you to use your credit card only as a payment method, never to incur debt. However, if you intend to pay off your balance each month, we believe that is an issue of conscience and leave that between you, God, and your frequent flier miles. With online giv-ing, you can give your tithe to Love of Christ and also sup-port our missionaries and mission trips. Online giving will be counted toward your regular yearly giving and will appear in your year-end giving statement for tax purposes, along with all other contribu-tions. “Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to

give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” – 2 Corinthians 9:7

For more information visit us online at or contact Dick Beckman at 480-981-3550.

The SIMPLY GIVING Program What’s the easiest way to prepare your offering? By using Simply Giving, you have an easy way to have your offering transferred automatically from your account on a regular basis. This makes it easy for you to know you are always current, and it also assists the church with our record-keeping. Visit the Ministry Tables on Sunday for a brochure or contact Dick Beckman at 480 981-3550.

Are you a “Thrivent Financial for Lutherans” member?

If you are, then you may be eligible to participate in their “Thrivent Choice” program! Eligible members are designated Choice Dollars, based on insurance premiums, contract values, and Thrivent Financial volunteer leadership. Choice Dollars can be directed to Lutheran organizations you prefer nationwide, including your local Lutheran congregation (LOC!). When you become eligible to direct Choice Dollars, you will receive a letter in the mail. Eligible members may direct Choice Dollars by contacting Rick Aussprung of Thrivent at

480 396 5333.

New Students are Welcome! Mondays:

5:30pm-6:30pm – Family Class - Beginner and above

6:30pm-7:45pm - 2nd Yellow Belt and above

For more information please contact Joe Bogushefsky at

480-455-9829 or email to [email protected].

Free Martial Arts!

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LOC 2019 Church Board Members & Officers

Church Board President Patti DeLaney Church Board Vice President Dan Wilke Church Board Treasurer Michael Obert Church Board Secretary Karen Humbert Church Board Member Clyde Anderson Church Board Member Dave Dohrmann Church Board Member Al Gjersvig Church Board Member Melissa Riner Ex Officio Pastor Steve Talmage

Columbarium: A final resting place. This is a great oppor-tunity to take advantage of our special pricing for purchas-ing a niche in the new section of our columbarium to the first 40 people. SPECIAL PRICING----NICHE FOR TWO PARTIES $1,000.00 SPECIAL PRICING----NICHE FOR ONE PARTY $ 700.00 Once the first 40 limit is reached, the pricing will be $1,500.00 for a two-party niche and $900.00 for a one-party niche. If you are interested in purchasing a niche, please call the church office and talk to either Darlene Fleischhauer at 480-981-6198 or Dick Beckman at 480 981-3550 .

Worship & Care Directory Phone/Ext.

Information/Visitors Dianne Oien 480 681 0941 Landscaping Dick Beckman 480 981 3550 Secretary Darlene Fleischhauer 480-981-6198 Readers: Sharon Randall 480 628 5829 or [email protected] Ushers 7:50 Service Elaine Warwick 986-4873 Ushers 9:00 Service Jeff Milan 814-7514 Greeters 7:50, 9:00, 10:30 Dianne Oien 480 681 0941.

Prayers of Sympathy and Comfort to…

Altar Flowers

The Altar Flower Charts are at the Ministry Tables on Sunday morn-ings. Altar flowers are $30 per arrangement and may be taken home following the service you attend. To give flowers in honor of a special occasion, in memory of a loved one, or to the Glory of God, please sign the Flower Chart at the service you worship, or call Darlene at 480 981-6198, or email [email protected].

Shut-In & Spouse Birthdays!

Church Directory Ext. / Phone Email

LOC Office 480 981-6199 Senior Pastor Steve Talmage [email protected] 480 681 0939 Intern Pastor Nanette Christofferson, [email protected] 480 681 0940 Dick Beckman, Finance, [email protected] 480 981 3550 Renee Bennett, [email protected] 480 681 0930 Children’s Min. Dir. Children’s Music Ministry—Brooke Osterman & Laura Ontiveros Joey Bogushefsky, Audio Visual Anita Christensen, Children’s Ministry Leader Mark Cloud, Facilities Jung Eun Csuy,Dir. of Music [email protected] 480 832 2449

Darlene Fleischhauer [email protected] 480 981 6198 Office Manager/Church Secretary Gary Fuller-Facilities Janice Herron, Preschool, [email protected] 480 681 0937

Bill Nunes, 7:50 & 10:30 Pianist Dianne Oien, [email protected] 480 681 0941 Ivan Ontiveros, Audio Visual Heather Parker (WOW), [email protected] 480 681 0925 Tim Rosenow, Facilities Brian Thompson-Facilities Happy Birthday to everyone celebrating a Birthday

in July, August & September.

Lindsay Woodard, family & friends upon the death of

her dear husband Jack.

Don Long Jr., family & friends upon the death of his

dear mother, Dora.

Melissa Powell, family & friends upon the death of her


William Stoops, family & friends upon the death of his

dear mother, Laura.

Debbie King, family & friends upon the death of her

father, Robert McCormick.

The Sterling family and friends upon the death of

grandmother and great grandmother, Connie Cline.

Aiden & Emma Schmidt, family & friends upon the

death of their father.

Joe & Carla Strand, family & friends upon the death of

Joe’s brother.

Gloria Brunette, family & friends upon the loss of her


Maggie Gerchick, family & friends upon the death of

step daughter Cari Gerchick Neuberger.

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Top Food Bank Needs Mac & Cheese, Pork & Beans, Cereal,

Peanut Butter/Jelly & Tuna. NON PERISHABLES ONLY.

LOC donation boxes are located in the Sanctuary and COC narthexes.

Lutheran Social Services Assistance

Robert Sanders Phone 480 284-1081

Email [email protected]

Food Banks: Victory Lutheran Church

Phone 480 654-4539 5946 E. University Drive

Mesa AZ 85205 Hours: Mon-Wed-Fri 9:00-11:30 AM

First Evangelical Lutheran Church

Phone 480 969-7221 142 N. Date Street, Mesa AZ 85201 Hours: Tues-Thurs 9:00-11:15 AM

Closed Second Tuesday each month

Announcements LSS is utilizing the Homelessness

Prevention and Rapid Re-Housing Program (HPRP) to help prevent individuals from eviction and utility shut-off. Clients must have a five day eviction notice and recent

loss of employment.

Mesa area clients contact Neighborhood Services Department at 20 E. Main Street, Suite 250 or call 480-644-2168. The hours

are 7 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Thursday.

We continue to see an overwhelming need for assistance. We appreciate your

continued donations to our food banks and financial assistance that helps clients with their utility bills. Thank you for your


LSS CONNECTORS You can make a posi-tive difference in our church and in our com-munity by volunteering as a Lutheran Social Services of the South-west (LSS-SW) Connect-or. Connectors educate individuals about how they can be involved in the vital safety net ser-vices LSS-SW provides to individuals in need across AZ, and expand awareness and commu-nity involvement in ser-vices that support older adults, individuals with disabilities, foster chil-dren, families who are hungry and in need, newly resettled refu-gees and individuals experiencing homeless-ness.

Asylum Seeking Neighbors 5

Back to School Drive 16

Bible Study , Everyone Summer 8

Bible Study, Women’s Summer 8

Board 23

Book Nook/Club 9

Children’s Ministry 17/18

Chime Choir Camp 16

Columbarium 23

Community Garden Insert

Cursillo 20

Feed My Starving Children 4

Food Bank 19

Habitat for Humanity 19

I-Help 19

Kevin Saunders 9

Land Sale Update 2

Lutheran Social Ministries Insert

Martial Arts (Free) 22

Men’s Morning Java 9

Monday Bible Study 9

Music Camp 13

Music Ministry 13-16

New Member Classes 11

New Members Received 10

Online Giving 22

Pastor Steve 1

Pastoral Intern Nanette 7

People on Go/F.A.B. 11

Prayer Chapel 20

Prayers of Sympathy 23

Preschool 16

Serving Opportunities 21

Staff 23

Vacation Bible School 12

Vision 2020 2/3

Water Project 16

Women’s Ministry 10/11

Worship Times 24


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Community Garden

Sometimes the vegetable harvest from the LOC Community garden is not always as productive as we hoped. All of the time, the positive outcomes in non-vegetable areas are much greater than we expect. The garlic this year, for example, was smaller than in years past. Sometimes the squirrels get the tomatoes before we have a chance or the quail and rabbits get up into the gardens for their daily salad treat. We gardeners are learning each season. The bigger harvest is, one not so easily seen, in growing relationships between people of varying ages and interests. The garden community shares its successes directly at the monthly garden first Saturday morning work sessions and more often at random meetings at the garden or after church. We are already looking ahead to the fall and getting to know new gardeners in our group. We are part of some-thing at Love of Christ Lutheran Church.

We ask you to join us when the weather is cooler (in September or October) and try your hand at a garden in the desert. We have a few plots available. Leave a message for Nancy at [email protected].

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Worship and Communion

Sunday Morning Holy Communion during Sunday worship every Sunday.

(2nd, 4th, 5th Sundays by intinction.)

7:50 & 10:30 A.M.Traditional Worship Services, COC (off Indigo)

9:00 AM Contemporary Worship Service,

Center of Compassion (casual attire)

10:15-11:10 A.M Sunday School (3 yr. old-4th grade)

11:30 A.M.-12:15 Confirmation (Sept. - May)

7:30AM-12:30 PM Prayer Chapel— See page 20

QUARTERLY NEWSLETTER THE OCT/NOV/DEC NEWSLETTER WILL BE MAILED ON SEPT. 23RD. If you have any questions, please contact Darlene at 480 981 6198 or [email protected].

Weekdays at LOC: Weekday Preschool

Tuesdays 10:00 a.m. The Bible Between the Lines

Wednesdays: WOW (Sept. - May)

Website: www.LoveofChristChurch.Net


Evangelical Lutheran Church in America

(ELCA) Grand Synod