from - university of hawaiʻi · 2015. 6. 2. · from san francisco australia june 22d mariposa...

t - Vol IV wfw-p-- i s - fsjjr tW fJf sT ff For Wood or Coal The Universal Stoves aiifKRanges A Large Invoio Just to Harfd Tho Castings of this Factory aro so far away suporior to all otlior makes that k COMPARISON IS FUTILE Tho Australia brought a largo invoice of assorted goods to tho IPa OiflO Hardware OO Xjlmlteciwtail substantiate word of Call and examine their stock or writo thorn for anything you want It ha3 tnkon sovoral yoars to satisfy users of WIND MILLS that there b nothing mado which equals tho QYOHiOasr ei Orders are coming in faster than wo cau fill thorn but wo aro doing tho host wo can Pacific Hardware Co Li HONOLULU II I SUGAB FACTORS IMPORTERS OF G ener al Merchandise AND OOIlvOSSIQIIKr IB3KOE33SrT3 Agenda for Lloyds Canadian Australian Steamship Line British Foreign Marino Insurance Co Northern Assurance Co Fire and Life Canadian Pacific Railway Co Pioneer Line of PacketH from Liverpool Telephone 92 H E MdNTYRE BRO CORNER STS P 145 IMPORTERS AND DEALERS Groceries and Feed New and rccolvcd by ovory packet from California Eastern and European Markoto Standard Grade o Canned Vegetables Fruits ancl Fish ISLAM BAST FORT KING IN Fresh Goods Btatca Cife- - Gooda delivered to ny part of the City O niAnw BOTmTTwn QATiawAnTTOM h mtwrd Oceanic Steamship Company TIME TABLE Tho Fino Passenger Stoamors of This Lino Will Arrivo and Leave This Port as Horoundor FROM SAN FRANCISCO AUSTRALIA JUNE 22d MARIPOSA JULY 1st AUSTRALIA JULY 20th MOANA JULY 29th AUSTRALIA AUG 17th ALAMEDA AUG2Gth In with tho of tho abovo tho aro to issue to by any from San to all in tho aud from any all ports For particulars to S S T Bread Pies Cakes of all kinds fresh every day Freeh Ico Oioani mado of tho Uest Wood lawn OrcauUn all Flavors Tho finest Home made J7 M II MONDAY Box FOR SAN FRANCISCO MOANA JUNE 21th AUSTRALIA JUNE 30th JULY 22d AUSTRALIA- - JULY 28th MARIPOSA AUG 19th AUSTRALIA Aug 25th sailing stoamors Agents prepared iutondiug passengers coupon through tickets railroad Francisco points United Stated Now York by steamship linoto Europenn furthor apply Wm G Irwin Co General Agents Oceanic Company HORN The Pioneer Bakery Confectionery HONOLULU JUNE k ALAMEDA connection THOS LINDSAY Jeweler IB PREPAIIED TO Manufacture and Repair All kinds of Jewolry IflRSr OIASS WORK ONLY 6W Lovu Buildine Fort St tf r T v jr I THE KX OUEEN OF HAWAII 1JY UAllltlET IltESCOTT SrOFFOIU Concluded Sho has lived a spotloss life as child womau aud wifo It was ubl till sho was fifty yoars old that Bcan dal nssailod hor and thou only iu furthoranco of tho plans for hor overthrow One who visits hor isl- ands ¬ oight of tho fourteen of which laro in full civilization will uot only to ono any- - on thing that has been uttered against her but will findathat it is all both untrue and impossible Sho is a deeply religious woman a motnbor of the church in good standing ono of hor first aots aftor coming to Washington this yoar was to attend divino service and partako of com- munion ¬ She is refinement itself a lady who has visited in kings palaces and beon roceived on equal terms by tho Queon of England and other sovereigns She has uover been known by any uoar hor to ut- ter ¬ a questionable word or do a clandestine act Hor tablo is of tho simplest sho uover drinks wino thorn nor has sho over beon in tho habit of taking anything of tho sort iu hor life She talks no gossip and allows none in her presence sho has never boon heard making an unkind remark about hor euomies as individuals That falsehood which has been most persistently urgod against her is that sho declared such pooplo merited boheadal Sho never said it or anything liko it The agent who had called upon the othor government but granting hor no such courtesy lind summoned hor into his presenco had a stenogra- pher ¬ concealed bohind a Bcroen and tho stenographer by a slight and careless movomout exaggerated tho Bigus wnien siguiuos punishment into the sign whioli signifies be hoadal Doubtless the Queen might think that treason on hor soil should rocoive tho samo treatment that it would olsowhore but she said nothiug about beheading As a tnattor of record in her oflioial state ¬ ment sho promised them all am ¬ nesty It was owing to her extreme horror of bloodshed that sho sur- rendered ¬ hor kingdom rolying on what sho doomod a sufficient pledge protection from tho United States and sho said only the other day in tho course of conversation I thank Hoavon at any ratej that I havo no blood upon my soul Tho Queon is tho very soul of autivo charity Her resources have never boon large as such things go but sho has spout thorn for others uot horself Most of hor jowols aro tho gifts of princoB Sho has now tho property of hor husband the sum customarily voted her from tho treasury aud tho revenuo of tho crown lauds that bolonged to hor ancestors amounting yearly to somo eighty thousand dollars moro or less has beon appropriated by tho now governmout Besides hor count- less ¬ lesser charities and hor support of a nativo rotinuo of three hundred Bho has maintained as many as twonty girls at tho Missionary Somi uary aud as many moro at various other schools Finding it necessary onco to cut dowu tho items of an appropriation bill sho said to hor Minister It is going to bo very hard for tub poor school touchers to havo their Salary reducod I will toll you Begin with mo Aud sho drew tho poncil through tho sum called hor Balary She provided moreover for tho maintenance and education of a groat number of chil- dren ¬ It is a Hawaiian custom no matter how largo tho family already to adopt tho child of a friond of the poor of tho unfortunate Tho cus ¬ tom arising among tho high chiefs for tho purpose of comontiug afTootiouato rolations between tho great families sproad to tho losser Innlhuuiil in Jfth impel 7 1897 - ADMINISTRATRIXS NOTICE is heIuTby given that tho unriortigncd has this day been ap ¬ pointed Administratrix of tlio Ksiato of Joseph Kiiliooliihl Nawnhl deceased of Honolulu Island of Onhu Hawaiian Isl ands and all creditors aro hereby notifld to present tholr claims duly authenticated am wmi projior voncners u nny oust pwi tlfl claim It soiiircd by mortgage ih tlio oilico of J K Knnlli nt the corner of NuiiHim and Queen Sheets or io moat my ro Idenco wltlilu ilx months from date or bo forovcr barred And all persons In- debted ¬ to tlio said Ksiato are rcituostod to make immedtato payment of said Indebt ¬ edness to mo EMMA A NAWAHI Administratrix Estate of Jos K Nawfthl deceased Juno 11897 600 ttoow SURF -- HIDING First class Canoes With Experienced Native Canoeists May bo obtained ou five minutes no tice nt any hour in tiie day from tho RUIPAKAKANALriSS Of Waikiki S0T Tickets SI per hour for each person to bo obtainod from tho Hale Oiwi W W Dimonds store von Holt Block or at any of tho popular beach resorts or by tolophono 5C on week days or 921 on Sundays Oanoos sont anywhere on tho Beach 531 tf SURF RIDING TO DATE Carofal and Experienced Canoeists Who will Land Their rassncors SAFELY may bo obtained at tbo long established popular LONG BRANCH BATHB car- - Bpeulal caro taken of Lndlos and Children Cars Pass tho Dnor 678 tf O J SHERWOOD Prop W II RICKARD General Business Agent WILL ATTEND TO Convoyaucing in AUIts BraucIiGB Oollocting and All Bualnosa Mattors of aruot business entrusted to him will receive prompt aud careful attontlon Oilico Honokaa Humakua Hawaii Professional Horseshoer Has Opened His Shop at No 321 on King Street TB Murrays Promises Horso Owners will find It to their advan ¬ tage to patronlzo tho new shop whero tho host work Is Guaranteed Telephone Wo 57B 437 tf In To Sovoral Inquiries Why tho ZEPalama 3 rocery Dont Keop HORSE PEED H 0 CANNON Is pleased to state that ho is now proparod to supply HAY and GRAIN uffir And hopos bv giving Honest Weight at tho LOWBBT P0SB1BLK RATKB to morlt a Share of Publlo Patronage also FAT SALMON SALMON IIKLLIKS TONGUE and BOUND MACKEREL and PIGS FEET Kit or Blnglo Fish 4MP TELEPH0NE 765 Every Tlmel WS 337 Opposlto Railway Dopot tf IF YOUR saaSCfct Horse or Dog IS 3IOK Cull on A 11 HO WAT D V b 600 OMco Olub Stables tf No Wifes Hteamship Co TPE TABLE 0 L WIGHT Proa 8 11 Seo Copt J A FortSupt Stmr KXNATJ OLAltKK Commander Will leave Honolulu atlOA m touchlngat Lahalna Maalaea Hay and Makcna the same day Mohnkeno Kowalbaeand Lau pahoe hoe tbo following day arriving at Hilo tho samn afternoon LEAVES HOKOLtJLU AmUVKS HONOLULU Xpofday Juno 8 i nuiiy J 11110 IS luesduy Juno 20 -- inuiiy juiv u All by 1rlday Aug SO iuetday Auk 31 Friday Sept 10 Tuesday Soptl i UMjr vUl luesday Oct 12 Friday Oct Hi Tuesaay Nov 1 Friday Nov U Tuesday- - Nov 23 Friday Deo 3 Tuesday Deo 11 Thursday Dool3 SM KOBE KING Frldnv Juno 4 TuosUay Jane 10 lrlday Juno US Tuesday Julr n i iiiuuy juiy JO iuoidoy July 27 JWoy Aug o rlJiy AuBi7 Tuesday g0pt 7 Friday bopt 17 Tupsday Boptto irluay Uet 8 luesday Oct 10 rlUny Oct 20 Tuesday Nov 0 day Nov 10 Tuesday Nov 30 hiy Deo 10 la sduy Deo 21 Friday Deo 31 Returning will leave Hilo at 8 oclock kntuclut T aupahoehoe Mabu same day ilakena Alaalaeu Bay and Lahalna the fo lowing vlBt Honolulu the afternoons of luosdays and Fridays iJSSft Hl CnU 0t 10t0iki pn o trips ST1iolrSfiIftwu ho received after b a on day sailing ni10 PomllnI rouo o tho Volcano is vln good carriiigo road tho outiro dis tanco Hound trip tlckots cohering all exponses 15000 Stmr OLAUDINE OAMERON Commandor Will leavo Honolulu TaesdayB at 0 r m touch ng at Kahulul Hana Hamoa and Klpamlu Maui Returning arrives at Honolulu Sunday mornings U- - 0t XUU Knup0 onco oach month N lrelKbt will bo received after 4 r m on da of Balling This Company will reserves the rightto make cbanges in tho time of departure ond arrival of Its Steamers without notlco and it will not be responsible for any conse ¬ quences arising therefrom Consignees must bo ut tho Landings to receive their freight this Company will not hold Itsolf responsible for freight after It has been lauded Live Stock received only at owners risk This Company will not be responsible for Money or valuables of passengers unless placod In tho caro of Pursers BPV Passongors are requested to pur ¬ chase Tickets before embarking Thoso falling to do so will bo subject to on addi tlonal charge of twentv flve per cont CLAPS SPIIEOKELS WM O IHWIN Clans Spreckels Co HONOLULU San Francisco Agents THE NEVADA HANK OF SAN FJIANOISCO DRAW EXCHANGE OH BAN FRANOISCO Tho Novada Bank of Ban Francisco LONDON The Union Bank of London Ltd NEW YORK American Exchange No tlonal Bank OHIOAGO Merchanta Natlonol Bank PARIS Comptolr National dEscompte de Paris BERLIN Dresdnor Bank HONG KONG AND YOKOHAMA Hong KongBhanghalBauklnuCorporatlou NEW ZEALAND AND AUSTRALI- A- Banl of Now Zealand YIOTOUIA AND VANCOUVER Bank of British North America Transact a General Hanking and Exohanqe Hasinas Deposits Recolved Loans mado on Ap ¬ proved Security Commercial and Travel ¬ ers Credit Issued Bills of ExonJngo bought and sold Oolloetlono Promptly Accounted For J3 tf

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  • t -

    Vol IV

    wfw-p-- i s - fsjjr tW fJf sT


    For Wood or Coal

    The Universal Stoves aiifKRangesA Large Invoio Just to Harfd

    Tho Castings of this Factory aro so far away suporior to all otlior makesthat k

    COMPARISON IS FUTILETho Australia brought a largo invoice of assorted goods to tho

    IPa OiflO Hardware OO Xjlmlteciwtail substantiate word ofCall and examine their stock or writo thorn for anything you want

    It ha3 tnkon sovoral yoars to satisfy users of WIND MILLS that there bnothing mado which equals tho

    QYOHiOasr eiOrders are coming in faster than wo cau fill thorn but wo aro doing tho

    host wo can

    Pacific Hardware Co LiHONOLULU II I


    General MerchandiseAND

    OOIlvOSSIQIIKr IB3KOE33SrT3Agenda for Lloyds

    Canadian Australian Steamship LineBritish Foreign Marino Insurance Co

    Northern Assurance Co Fire and LifeCanadian Pacific Railway Co

    Pioneer Line of PacketH from Liverpool

    Telephone 92


    P 145


    Groceries and FeedNew and rccolvcd by ovory packet from California Eastern

    and European Markoto

    Standard Grade o Canned Vegetables Fruits ancl Fish




    Fresh GoodsBtatca

    Cife- - Gooda delivered to ny part of the City


    niAnw BOTmTTwn QATiawAnTTOM h mtwrd

    Oceanic Steamship Company

    TIME TABLETho Fino Passenger Stoamors of This Lino Will Arrivo and Leave

    This Port as Horoundor



    In with tho of tho abovo tho aroto issue to by any

    from San to all in tho aud fromany all ports

    For particulars to

    S S


    Bread Pies Cakes of all kinds freshevery day

    Freeh Ico Oioani mado of tho Uest Woodlawn OrcauUn all Flavors

    Tho finest Home madeJ7 M






    sailing stoamors Agentsprepared iutondiug passengers coupon through ticketsrailroad Francisco points United StatedNow York by steamship linoto Europenn

    furthor apply

    Wm G Irwin CoGeneral Agents Oceanic Company


    The Pioneer Bakery








    Manufacture and RepairAll kinds of Jewolry

    IflRSr OIASS WORK ONLY6W Lovu Buildine Fort St tf

    r T v jr





    Sho has lived a spotloss life aschild womau aud wifo It was ubltill sho was fifty yoars old that Bcandal nssailod hor and thou only iufurthoranco of tho plans for horoverthrow One who visits hor isl-ands


    oight of tho fourteen of whichlaro in full civilization will uot only

    to ono any- -


    thing that has been uttered againsther but will findathat it is all bothuntrue and impossible Sho is adeeply religious woman a motnborof the church in good standingono of hor first aots aftor coming toWashington this yoar was to attenddivino service and partako of com-munion


    She is refinement itselfa lady who has visited in kingspalaces and beon roceived on equalterms by tho Queon of England andother sovereigns She has uoverbeen known by any uoar hor to ut-ter


    a questionable word or do aclandestine act Hor tablo is of thosimplest sho uover drinks winothorn nor has sho over beon in thohabit of taking anything of tho sortiu hor life She talks no gossipand allows none in her presencesho has never boon heard making anunkind remark about hor euomies asindividuals That falsehood whichhas been most persistently urgodagainst her is that sho declared suchpooplo merited boheadal Sho neversaid it or anything liko it Theagent who had called upon the othorgovernment but granting hor nosuch courtesy lind summoned horinto his presenco had a stenogra-pher


    concealed bohind a Bcroen andtho stenographer by a slight andcareless movomout exaggerated thoBigus wnien siguiuos punishmentinto the sign whioli signifies behoadal Doubtless the Queenmight think that treason on hor soilshould rocoive tho samo treatmentthat it would olsowhore but she saidnothiug about beheading As atnattor of record in her oflioial state ¬ment sho promised them all am ¬nesty It was owing to her extremehorror of bloodshed that sho sur-rendered


    hor kingdom rolying onwhat sho doomod a sufficient pledgeprotection from tho United Statesand sho said only the other day intho course of conversation I thankHoavon at any ratej that I havo noblood upon my soul

    Tho Queon is tho very soul ofautivo charity Her resources havenever boon large as such things gobut sho has spout thorn for othersuot horself Most of hor jowols arotho gifts of princoB Sho has nowtho property of hor husband thesum customarily voted her from thotreasury aud tho revenuo of thocrown lauds that bolonged to horancestors amounting yearly to somoeighty thousand dollars moro orless has beon appropriated by thonow governmout Besides hor count-less


    lesser charities and hor supportof a nativo rotinuo of three hundredBho has maintained as many astwonty girls at tho Missionary Somiuary aud as many moro at variousother schools Finding it necessaryonco to cut dowu tho items of anappropriation bill sho said to horMinister It is going to bo veryhard for tub poor school touchers tohavo their Salary reducod I willtoll you Begin with mo Aud shodrew tho poncil through tho sumcalled hor Balary She providedmoreover for tho maintenance andeducation of a groat number of chil-dren


    It is a Hawaiian custom nomatter how largo tho family alreadyto adopt tho child of a friond of thepoor of tho unfortunate Tho cus ¬tom arising among tho high chiefsfor tho purpose of comontiugafTootiouato rolations between thogreat families sproad to tho losser

    Innlhuuiil in Jfth impel

    7 1897



    is heIuTby given thattho unriortigncd has this day been ap ¬

    pointed Administratrix of tlio Ksiato ofJoseph Kiiliooliihl Nawnhl deceased ofHonolulu Island of Onhu Hawaiian Islands and all creditors aro hereby notifldto present tholr claims duly authenticatedam wmi projior voncners u nny oustpwi tlfl claim It soiiircd by mortgageih tlio oilico of J K Knnlli nt the cornerof NuiiHim and Queen Sheets or io moatmy ro Idenco wltlilu ilx months from dateor bo forovcr barred And all persons In-debted


    to tlio said Ksiato are rcituostod tomake immedtato payment of said Indebt ¬edness to mo

    EMMA A NAWAHIAdministratrix Estate of Jos K Nawfthl

    deceasedJuno 11897 600 ttoow

    SURF -- HIDINGFirst class Canoes With Experienced

    Native CanoeistsMay bo obtained ou five minutes no

    tice nt any hour in tiie dayfrom tho


    S0T Tickets SI per hour for eachperson to bo obtainod from tho

    Hale OiwiW W Dimonds store von Holt

    Block or at any of tho popularbeach resorts or by tolophono 5Con week days or 921 on Sundays

    Oanoos sont anywhere on tho Beach531 tf


    Carofal and ExperiencedCanoeists

    Who will Land Their rassncors SAFELYmay bo obtained at tbo long establishedpopular LONG BRANCH BATHB

    car-- Bpeulal caro taken of Lndlos andChildren Cars Pass tho Dnor

    678 tf O J SHERWOOD Prop


    General Business Agent


    Convoyaucing in AUIts BraucIiGBOollocting and All Bualnosa

    Mattors of aruot

    business entrusted to him will receiveprompt aud careful attontlon

    Oilico Honokaa Humakua Hawaii

    Professional Horseshoer

    Has Opened His Shop at No 321 on KingStreet T B Murrays Promises

    Horso Owners will find It to their advan ¬tage to patronlzo tho new shop

    whero tho host work IsGuaranteed

    Telephone Wo 57B437 tf

    InTo Sovoral Inquiries Why tho

    ZEPalama 3 roceryDont Keop HORSE PEED

    H 0 CANNON Is pleased to state that hois now proparod to supply

    HAY and GRAIN uffirAnd hopos bv giving Honest Weight at tho

    LOWBBT P0SB1BLK RATKB tomorlt a Share of Publlo



    and PIGS FEET Kit or Blnglo Fish4MP TELEPH0NE 765 Every Tlmel WS

    337 Opposlto Railway Dopot tf

    IF YOUR saaSCfct

    Horse or DogIS 3IOK

    Cull on A 11 HO WAT D V b600 OMco Olub Stables tf


    Wifes Hteamship Co


    0 L WIGHT Proa 8 11 SeoCopt J A FortSupt

    Stmr KXNATJOLAltKK Commander

    Will leave Honolulu atlOA m touchlngatLahalna Maalaea Hay and Makcna thesame day Mohnkeno Kowalbaeand Laupahoe hoe tbo following day arriving atHilo tho samn afternoon


    Xpofday Juno 8i nuiiy J 11110 ISluesduy Juno 20-- inuiiy juiv u



    1rlday Aug SOiuetday Auk 31Friday Sept 10

    Tuesday Soptli UMjr vUlluesday Oct 12

    Friday Oct HiTuesaay Nov 1Friday Nov U

    Tuesday-- Nov 23Friday Deo 3

    Tuesday Deo 11Thursday Dool3



    Frldnv Juno 4TuosUay Jane 10lrlday Juno USTuesday Julr n

    iiiiuuy juiy JOiuoidoy July 27JWoy Aug o

    rlJiy AuBi7Tuesday g0pt 7Friday bopt 17Tupsday Bopttoirluay Uet 8luesday Oct 10

    rlUny Oct 20Tuesday Nov 0

    day Nov 10Tuesday Nov 30

    hiy Deo 10la sduy Deo 21Friday Deo 31

    Returning will leave Hilo at 8 oclockkntuclut T aupahoehoe Mabusame day ilakenaAlaalaeu Bay and Lahalna the fo lowingvlBt Honolulu the afternoonsof luosdays and FridaysiJSSft Hl CnU 0t 10t0iki pn o trips

    ST1iolrSfiIftwu ho received after ba on day sailingni10 PomllnI rouo o tho Volcano is vlngood carriiigo road tho outiro distanco Hound trip tlckots cohering allexponses 15000

    Stmr OLAUDINEOAMERON Commandor

    Will leavo Honolulu TaesdayB at 0 r mtouch ng at Kahulul Hana Hamoa andKlpamlu Maui Returning arrives atHonolulu Sunday morningsU-

    -0t XUU Knup0 onco oachmonth

    N lrelKbt will bo received after 4r m on da of Balling

    This Company will reserves the righttomake cbanges in tho time of departure ondarrival of Its Steamers without notlco andit will not be responsible for any conse ¬quences arising therefrom

    Consignees must bo ut tho Landings toreceive their freight this Company willnot hold Itsolf responsible for freight afterIt has been lauded

    Live Stock received only at owners riskThis Company will not be responsible forMoney or valuables of passengers unlessplacod In tho caro of Pursers

    BPV Passongors are requested to pur ¬chase Tickets before embarking Thosofalling to do so will bo subject to on additlonal charge of twentv flve per cont


    Clans Spreckels Co




    Ban FranciscoLONDON The Union Bank of London

    LtdNEW YORK American Exchange No

    tlonal BankOHIOAGO Merchanta Natlonol BankPARIS Comptolr National dEscompte de


    KongBhanghalBauklnuCorporatlouNEW ZEALAND AND AUSTRALI- A-

    Banl of Now ZealandYIOTOUIA AND VANCOUVER Bank

    of British North America

    Transact a General Hanking and ExohanqeHasinas

    Deposits Recolved Loans mado on Ap ¬proved Security Commercial and Travel ¬ers Credit Issued Bills of ExonJngobought and sold

    Oolloetlono Promptly Accounted ForJ3 tf

  • J



    Kioppt Han lay

    At Brito Hall Konia Stroot


    BOBSOBIPlION RTEtJPer Month anywhere tn tho IJn- -

    wnllan Inlands Mior Yenr 0 00IVr Year postpaid to Foreign Coun ¬

    tries I 8 00

    Payrtblo Invariably lu Advanco

    K J TESTA ProDrietor and Publlabur

    EDMUND NOIiniE EditorW HOUAOK WHIG HI Asaistant

    EditorHosldlnc In Honolulu

    MONDAY JUNE 7 1897


    Annexation Club to ThuiistonYou draw Jiko a soap and siiRarpoultico What do jou do uitb alltho stuff we send you Wo passedthe hat again tho other day amongour businoss mon and all of themwith the exception of tho mission-ary


    firms rofuBod to dig up nuymoro Ono man put up but did notrrant to have his partner know aboutit You cannot count upon receiv ¬ing anothor remittance after thisDont come homo


    It was amusing on Saturday after-noon


    to watch President Dole in hisrole as a courtier at the MaternityHomo luau The President of thisdemocratic Government arrived

    accidentally a few minutes beforethe Queen Dowager and waiting herarrival assisted Kalakauas widowfrom hor carriage to the grounds ofthe Homo Somo poople wondoredwhether Dolo ramombared his posi ¬tion in 1887 when hn was ono of thefive who woll nevor mindit is auoiont history or whether hostill romembers 1893 or whethermost likely coming ovents are

    throwing their shadows ahead Itwas a refreshing sight anyway


    And now comes tho Advertisersaying View the conditions fromany standpoint desired tho studontof the situation cannot got awayfrom tho fact that Hawaii to day isin tho air Just where it will dropan all powerful Frovidonco alonocan say To what a lame and im-potent


    conclusion have the con-spirators


    of January 1893 comewhen their organ can uttor thoabove language The best govern-ment


    theso islands evor had bosrun publio affairs uqtil Hawaii to-day


    is in the air

    The monarchy had both feet onthe ground until tho forces of thoUnited Statos under Stovons andWiltse ovorturnod it and wouldhavo had tho conspirators in thoair but tor the said forcos and allwould have been woll to day Howovor wo livo in 1897 and by gonesshould be by gones

    But when tho Advertiser attemptsthe pious act in saying Just wheroHawaii will drop an all powerfulProvidence alono can say TneIndependent must put in a de-murrer


    and hold tho best govern-ment


    dowu in tho court of MrThurstons partnor whore proceed-ings


    wore first taken aud havo boencontinued up to this timo No pray-ing


    good Lord and good doyilShould Frovidonco tako hold ofHawaiian affairs in dead earnest tho

    best government may take to thowoods Just now Mr Thurston andhis partner have the swing


    Wo are permlttod to make thofollowing extracts from a lotterfrom San Froucisoo writton by agentleman who is woll informed andwho has exceptional opportuuitiei

    for securing information Thofooling in regard to omiexatiou hnachanged the very mou who tlirooyoars iwo lalkodloudly of the American fliiK floating out in tho PaoifioOcean arn now in favor of thepoliuyof notiiuiorvtiiitioii There arn manycauses which inilueiieu this ehaugoof opinion Tho first is a far hotteracquaintance with the situation nmthe circumstances of the dethrone ¬ment as you know it on tho spot atthe tune The feeling amongst thosesympathizing with tho native Hawaiians is that they have been quithitherto because their Queen toldthem to lomuin so with a view ofhaving her wiongs righted by thoUnited States 3et just as soon as itis kuown that tho United States ac ¬cepts the Senate report as final andwill do nothing unless absolutelyorced to not tho native poople will

    no longer accept tho condition ofthings but make alliance with auydisturbing element for the purposoof restoration of the monarchy Ithink that so far as tho presentdrend by the Dolo government issincere this is the course of thingsthey fear Thon the tariff questionwith m is a oiy serious matter womust have more revenue say thefinanciers It is suggested that wohave allowed MO000000 of sugar tocome in froo of duty in loss thantwenty years that neither our owncouutry nnr Hawaii has benefittedby it that tho treaty hos been sole-ly


    for tho benefit of a few sugarplanters who hoard their millionsThis view of matters is helped alongby tho growth of tho beet sugar iuterost which has ceasod to be anexperiment California ouco yourally for closer relationship now hastho strongest of reasons for koepiugyou at a distance Tho Stato needsthe protection for beet sugar whicha duty on your caue sugar will bringto her and I see uothiug butfinancial ruin for your sugar ostatosunless they cau do business on afour to eight per cent profit Theyoan pay no such dividends as in thopast Ono man of whom it wasasked what would bocome of thoislands in case annexation was refusod and abrogation of tho recipro-city


    treaty bocamo a fact repliedThoy must go back to just wherothey wero prior to 1878 their com-mercial


    prosperity was overthrownin 1893 tho treaty never benefittedtho common people and in timetheir situation would bo as it oncewas It is hard to soo or say howthe treacherous ovorthrow of thoformer government has worked thoruin of the present rulers yet suchis the mineral belief I horo hoardit said that tho men now in powerif their pride would allow it wouldlike to eoo tho monarchy reestablish-ed


    Olaus Sprpokels who has donea great deal for the commorco ofthe inlands is I think thoroughlysick of them his capital and hisinterests in businoss aro far morolikely to bo dovoted to building upthe beet sugar industry In Washington just now it is all Cuba uponwhich resolutions aro offered inCongress aud columns of discussionin tho newspapers You could notget up any oxcitomont thoro justnow on Hawaii whatever the issue

    Escaped Erom tho Marion

    A sailor belonging to thp U S SMarion who is uudor a very heavyseutonoo for having committed anunnatural offense has succeeded inescaping in spito of boing under nstrict guard and it 1b stated in irons

    No traco of the escaped conviothas yet beon found

    It is reported that tho actingjailor will place a double guard attho jail to proventtho escaped sailorfrom entering tho promisos whore acortnin missionory pot is confinedand that similar precautions will botaken at tho Polico Station whoroanother Wlldo has taken up hisrosidonce

    A Suggestion

    To morrow is the Philadelphiaand Marions shore drill day Thetroops will land at tho usual hourTun Independent suggoBts an attackon Puuohbowl for a change thoforcos dividing for attack and defonse

    vflpt fr r t w Frr v


    The Hawaiian Amusement Company seems to havo a palont backnotion that furnishes anything butnrnusoinout

    Messrs Warron and Chamberlainof tho police foree have beu moroor less justly dealt with for violationof tho rules sot to govern themwhile Lieut Kekai aud Gus Cordesare permitted to slip through themeshes of tho same rules Carry anQveu hand Mr Marshal

    So Parson Beokwith went fromMakawno to Wailuku to pray at thooponing of the Second Circuit Courof this funny littlo republic thatJohn W Kaltin presides over Youmade a mistake Mr Beckwith youshould havo como to hoadquartorsbut thon you might have failedjust tho samo Like master liloman

    Tho Advortisor says Tho poli-tical


    and commercial stability ofthin country can bo assured only byone of tho great national powersroaihiug out a positive protectingarm How would it do by way ofa ohango to institnto a home gov ¬ernment of tho people by the peo-ple


    and for tho people Just lotthe people have a word at tho ballotbox nnd lot the majority havo a voicein directing tho so called Republicof Hawaii

    There seem to bo many peoplehere who do not realizo that Hawaiihas a Hawaiiau Press which is en-titled


    to tho samo courtesy null con-sideration


    ni aro tho newspaperspublished in the English or otherlanguages Thero are newspapershere printed iu tho Hawaiiau langu-age


    which aro read and known bymany more peoplo than are thoforeign papers Whenever tho

    services of tho Hawaiian papers areconsidered of consequence the goodpeople who manage luaus entor- -


    car- -tter

    rrrirBW yry ft f y v ffyjffWtWy1 5

    tninmouts shows etc etc can al ¬ways find them Whenever an exohangoof courtesy is in order thoHawaiian papers aro forgottenEventually tho native press will notbo ai accommoduliug as it is at pre ¬sent

    Tho Hawaii Herald treats thokilling of the Chinese contract la ¬borer at Hakalau in a merrysportive manner hardly in keepingwith its bravo motto Indepen-dent


    in all things Neutral innothing Civilization has notreached a high standard when itsexponents may oraek jokes over thoromaius of a Chinaman douo todeath by cruelty that is barbaricTho killing of tho Chinese at Lihuonud Hakalau has its serious sido tooil but fools

    Oombination of OongroKtttlouH

    At tho moruiug sorvico of theSeuond Congregation of St AndrewsCathedral tho Rev Alex Mackin ¬tosh gavo notice of a meeting of thoCongregation for 730 to morrowevening in the Sunday Suhool RoomsIt is understood that tho sub-ject


    to be diseusAod is thefuturo wolfnro of tho Church audincidentally the uuiou of the twoiioiigregaliutis a proposition whichis supposed to have tho warm en ¬dorsement of tho Bishop aud manyexcellent churchmen

    Tho Mutoruity Homo Luau

    The luau given by tho ladies con ¬nected with tho Maternity Homo onSaturday last was well attended andtho financial result was highly grati-fying


    to tho management of thatworthy institution Many promi-nent


    citizens wero present withladies aud children and all enjoyedtho sumptuous luau tho beautifulflowers and other good things lurnishud by the loading ladies of Ho-nolulu


    It is understood that morethan 1000 will be realized from theluau


    IT IS PUKERainier beer is not Injurious to tho

    weakest organization but promoteshealth and strength and preserves itAs a wholesome tonic it 1ms NOEQUAL On tap or in bottles at theCriterion Saloon


    q ATTTTfT A Y

    TopesHonolulu June 6 1807


    and so doe milk Probablyyou know that but do youknow time tho De Laval UroumSeparator is just tbc verything you wunt ior it willwill have you in actual cashresults alono at least 10 acow a year and maltc yourdairy work profitable andsatisfactory instead of thereverse It saves in skimm-ing-and in churning- - it savesin time and in labor nd IN10 ID AD WATER andthat is important in view ofthe scarcity of that climentand a threatened drought Itensures a puro product andat increased butter value andwhile giving a much superiorcrcam REMOVES 1 UliER- -

    ULOSLS and disoao germsand fjivos warm fresh sweetskin milk Xow tho Alphamachines aie the best sim ¬plest and mo t scientific in thomarket ami we win by specinlarrangement sill them at re-duced


    prices The BABYHUMMING BIRD is aneasily operated hand machinesimple enoutih for a childto run and just suitable forhome use There are othersizes Then if you want achurn wo can safely recom ¬mend our Cylindrifals from250 upwards or a good

    substantial bx one If youhave a cow and like to makeyour own butter for breakfastcall and inspect our stuck

    Tub Hawaiian Hardware Co Id307 Fokt Sthket

    We shall offer to the Masses aof a Bankrupt Stock

    bonght in New York

    The Goods are now being Marked andwill be ready for Inspection







    We shall Sell Organdies at 15 Oents per YardWe shall Sell Ginghams at 20 Yards for 1


    X i IS 3EZZHi3RJR Queen St Honolulu

  • A1- -


    7 S





    i- -

    --A 4 fr



    l AJ V

    y - v-- n


    Sheriff Andrews of Hawaii i intown

    Bluo Snrgo Suits woll tuado for 7Qt Korra

    J T Waterliousoconntor for you

    has n bargain

    Attorney General Smith roturucdto tho iity yontorday

    Captain Uerger and his baud pinyat Emma Square this evening

    The Sons of St Georgo iustnltheir officers for tho ensuing yoarthis oveuiug

    Tho Board of Registration is againoff to tho country districts to drumup a few voters

    Collarettes Holtsnnd Neck RuohingsN S Sachs

    nnd Ohoakorsfor tho races at

    Tlio Fourth of July oommittoomeet at tho Arliugtou on Wednes ¬day evening noxt

    Latest leather Baits Kid Glovonnd tho finest line of Shirt Waistsat N S Sachs

    Tho Tug of Wnr repents its suc ¬cessful attraction to morrow even ¬ing Buy vour tickets early

    Ho for tho racosl Lndiei andchildren trimmed Hats for tho litcorrect Btylo at N S Sachs

    His Excellency tho U S MinisterprcMintid his credentials this morniug nnd was received with the cus ¬tomary courtesies

    Jtiou Ouuanohohas an excellentpoultry diuuor to morrow in familystylo with plenty of othor goodthings to select from

    Fine Orgnudies coufeotion Mus-lins


    in blue pink lavender nilegroou leghorn and cardinal showyand pretty malorial nt N S Sachs

    Tho Y SI 0 A will probablyBhortly have a cyolo track of theirown and it may expectod to bo con ¬ducted on clean and wholesomeprinciples

    Attorney General W O wou Smithwillleavo for Hawaii to morrow Itis roportod that His Excellency willpersonally investigate the Hakalaumurder case

    A change of venue having boongranted tho four natives chargedwith the murder of n Chinaman onMolokai hnvo boon brought to thincity for trial

    Thoro will bo a special meeting oftho Y H I this ovoniug at FosterHall All members are requested toattend as thoro is business of im ¬portance to be considered

    The many friends of A St MMackintosh will bo glad to hoar thathe is again on deck at tho ForeignOffice having completely rocovorodfrom his rocent severe indiBpostion

    Tho Ka Ahailono o Hawaii cele-brated


    its first ihsnu this morningwith a lu a u luncheon in whioh thtentire stnff of Tun Independent joiuod with their best wishes for thosuccess of tho uhw venture

    Major J Wnltor Jones loaves onTuesday for Hawaii During hisabsonco Capt Camara will bo incommand of tho second battalionHo is one of our host officers andwoll worthy of tho command

    W W Dimond has somethingvory interesting and importaut toocouomionl householders in hisnotico to day Ho has evidontlytaken tho lead in all inattors pertaining to crockery and glassware

    Tho Portugueso colobratod WhitSunday in a regular old countryfasuion yesterday tub onuroufestival nttraoted thousands duringSaturday and Sunday tho baudplayod on and in tho evoning thorowore fireworks around Puuohbowl

    A largo numbor of visitorsauioncst whom wore many ladiesand children enjoyed tho hospitality of Ool Shorwood nt Long BranchBaths yesterday and wore gratifiedby having a cIobb view of tho dash ¬ing waves whioh broke in mountainour maRSOs of silvory foam along thereof ouoirclod shore Tho surf isbreaking more grandly at prosoutthan for a year past and tho daringsurf riders give added intorost tothe inspiring oconn view

    Sharkoy Will Defeat Malier

    There can bo no doubt says aprominent sportsman that Sharkoywill defeat Manor whon thoy mootat tho end of this month If thispropheoy comes out correct thoSailors viofory can bo attributed totho fact that ho rubs his inuormnu down with tho fino braud ofO P S whiskey now impprted horoby J H Lovojoy Co and cools offon pure Soattlo boor whioh wholesoino bovoragon nro now beiug sorveilat tho Auohor Saloon

    i r f rwp- -


    Th Rnulmonto Dpfoat tho StiiB ina CIobii Oanio

    Tho game plnyod on Saturdaylast on tho Heoroation Grounds be ¬tween tho Hegimeut nud Star teamsin tho baseball championship serieswas one which woll repaid thosepresent to witness and tho absontones lost tho opportunity of sooiugtho most interesting game so farplayod this season By reason oftho rainy woathor which mado thoball groaRy and tho ground slip-pery


    tho game was marked by num-erous


    errors to oithor sido tho Rogimouts making 10 and tho Stars 8Tho ovonnos of play mado tho gameattimosoxcitingand tho interest waBmaintained until the last inningsTho Regiments had the game wontwo or throo timos but tho Starspluckily stayed on deok and buckodadvoreo fate in suoh n manner thatit was a close call for tho Rogimontsto pull out victors which they didfinally iu a scoro of 15 to 11 Timoof game 2 hours 20 minutes Um ¬pires Whitney and Lucas ScorerBlaekley Following is tho scoro byinnings


    Stars 01st Reg 8

    3 1 5 G 7 8 9

    G 0 U2 --15

    Time 815 9 13 22 1120 23 7


    A clone call 15 to 1 1Twas a Star game allright all

    rightMoore dono moro than his share

    Ho was in it with both feetTub Independent called tho turn

    right au iutorosting aud hardfought gamo

    Tho Stars faced the music of thosphoro as pluckily as UBunl

    Chester Lightdiet was a hoavywoight at work in playing ballFqul ilies died in his hands

    Umpiro Harry Whitney mindsneither wind nor woathor Windwas UBod for timo but Harry saidnilDunoan should bo roasted only

    ho is really not in coudition butworked hard

    Old roliablo Duko OConnorstopped the gamo

    Babbitt worked hard nnd made agood showing Reservo Lionel wasalso on hand

    A greasy ball and Blippory ployby both uinos

    Evon tho bloaohor kids got onto Gorman whon ho panted intho 8th

    Cincinnati May 11th CincinnatiG Now York 5 11 innings Bothplayed ball in the proseuco of 1000people

    Tho oxohangos say that tho Aus ¬tralian players wore expected to boat least 3rd class profossiouals butthoy are not oven 1st class amatoursGet on some local olubl

    Harry Wildor diad short touohwith Hevornl hot ones but sovoredcounootion quickly

    Lunhiwas home run in the firstwas well earned Uoruinn shouldhave stopped that collision in tho5th

    The nudiouco was woll pleasedwith tho chaugoablo events in thogame

    Both teams played ball forbrood novor mind tho errors thowoathor and ground wero againstclose ploy

    Pahau as usual playod woll butGorman and Bowers did lay himout nont in tho second

    Monro in liable to bo jailed forstealing so many bases So are Ma ¬nuka and Porcy Lishman

    Gorman plnyod well bohiud thobnt ns did Ounhn and Wilder butsome of their second throws werowide

    Kannohi hold a hot one fromOunhn iu the Gth whioh gave theStare a oiphor instead of n tally

    Scoror Blaokloy is tho dolicht oftho press don Affable aud up todate

    Tho ohnncos aro that thoro willnot bo any gamo next SaturdayToo much liorso

    Gorman is nil over tho fiold in abnll game On Saturday he got inaide another mans pants

    Thoy novor stopped for woathorBoth nines played ball togetherAnd Gorman mado much laughter

    With his change pauts on

    immwi i

    THF lOa-OF-WA- H- V

    A Morry limn f It nnd n GoodEveiiUigo Sport

    Thoro wbb plonty of fun aud ex ¬citement at tho opening night of thoTug of War contest on Saturday attho Bristols pavilion on tho comerof Beretnnin and Alakea Streetsand tho monagers gavo tho largo at ¬tendance full vnluo for tho gnlomoney and thoro wero no kicks re ¬gistered Tho Hawaiian QuintottoClub boys furnished capital musicand iu fact by thoir musclo stirringstrains of Moanalun soorod a creditfor that tontn proving that musichas charms to stir the huggingbreast and mako the manly bosomswell off into tho muscular tissuesof arms and thighs

    The able officers who honestly audjudiciously discharged thoir import ¬ant duties wero Judge ThomasWright reforeo and starter H EWalker timo keeper Charles Crauoand markor W Nott

    Tho first contest was between twobrawny stalwart and massive teamsof natives handsome specimens ofphysical manhood representing thoHonolulu Iron Works and tho Paltaka or wharf boys This was nsplendid contest of 33 minutes nudthou as tho Foundry boys won totho 5 feet notch tho roof was liftodwith sunh uproarious olieors thatDolo Cabinet probably trembled atthe thought of another revolutionbut tho military wero not despatchedto Tantalus or Waikiki

    Considerable interest was taken intho next tug for the appearance ofthe team of tho sailor boys of thoPhiladelphia was more promisingthan that of tho Waikiki uativofishermen aud boat boys but it wassoon seon that tho rule that appear ¬ances are often deceiving was a goodthing to bet your hat on for thokanakas downod the Navy in nineminutes

    Tho third pull should haro beonwith a team that showed its discre-tion


    by running away to fightanother day so tho Monnalua toatnwas pitted against a scratch kanakateam Things wero going veryevenly until the biased band boysstruck up on their twangers Moanalua This was quite enoughtho stratch toamKcouldut stand such

    niUBio ns that and they quietlyfainted away into tuthorial spaceleaving their ropo wraith as amemento in tho hands of tho boysfrom tho haunts of Sunday luausoicoiouao and otner insKiuesses

    To morrow ovoniug tho contestingteams will bo

    1 U S S Marion vs Monnalua- 2 Honolulu Iron Works vs Wai-kiki


    3 Pakaka vsUSS PhiladelphiaTho admission will bo of and

    25 cents

    J T Waterhouse

    Have you thought o goods

    ior euminor frocks ribbons

    for trimmings or house




    Tho Assortment of



    ON OUK

    Baigain Counters

    Your opportunity to secure

    bargains is horo

    J T WaterhouseQUE ION STREET

    --vy ymnymrrr C f


    Established JS59 Capital Jt00000bInsuranco effected Buildings Goods Ships nnd Morohnndiso

    Insurance Company of North America1hllndelphln la

    Founded 1703 Gash Capital 3000000Oldest Firo Insurance Company in the United StatesLosses paid since organization over - - - 90000000

    For lowest apply to

    --EEL ZOS3jGonoral Agont for tho Hawaiian Islands


    Tuesday Evoning June 8

    At Bristols Pavilion C0111- -ininrinn nf R fiVlnnlr

    U S S Marlon vs Makani Uoeo

    Honolulu lion Works ys Waikiki

    Pakaka vs U S S Philadelphia

    Admission CO nnd 25 Cents


    being impossible for the Treas-urer


    to reach all intending subscrib ¬ers to the Permanent Memorial ortho Days Celebration Funds sub ¬scriptions will bo received thooOiuos of


    Honolulu 27th May 18970X 2w

    A S HuMiiRivf 8 J Macdonald

    HUMPHREYS a MAODONALDAttorneys and Counsellors



    113 Knnlinmanu StreetHonolulu

    PeopleWho saw our advertise ¬

    ment in the Illustrated Maga ¬zine got a fair idea of themerits of the Jewel StoveIts a good one for iho house-keeper


    We have other thingsjust as pretty and just as use¬ful Every department of ourestablishment is complete inthe minutest detail This isnotably the case with crockery

    Ironstone Whitein any article in crockeryThis is the cheap grade Thenthere is WHITE SEMIPORCELAIET the closest topure china manufactured Thisis also pure white

    English Decorated WareThree patterns beautifulcolors aud designs Everypiece of this ware can beduplicated from our stock intho event of a breakage oc-curring


    This enables peopleto have their sots always fulland complote

    IN FRENCH CHINAwe have the largest stock inHonolulu and the patternsaro more varied than can bofound elsewhere Wo havethree stock patterns fromwhich one piece or a hundredmay bo purchased

    FANCY ARTICLESin plain white china or indecorated waro These piecesinclude Chocolate Sets bouil-lon


    Cups and Saucers Avithcovers Oystor Plates MustardPots etc

    Von Holt Mock






    Thirteenth Annual MeetingOF THE

    Hawaiian Jockey Club


    Itncos will Common co at lO a mShnrp on tho 11th

    Races will Oommonco at 1 p m ontho 12 th


    FIRST BICYCLE RACEHalf mllo dash Prize Trophy

    valued at 20

    SECOND BICYCLE RACEOno milo handicap Prize Tro-


    valued at 30THIRD HONOLULU PURSE


    Running raco half mile dashFreo for all

    FOURTH MERCHANTS PURSETrotting and Pacing to Harness

    bost 2 in 8 235 class Purso 150

    FIFTH --IRWIN CUP RUNNINGOno milo dash for Hawaiian bred

    Horses to bo won twice by mem ¬bers of tho Jookey Club 5150added

    SIXTH MULE RACEOno milo dash Purse 50


    Trotting and Pacing to Harnessbest 2 in 3 230 class PurBO 150


    Running Race lodash Hawaiian bred


    One and a quarter miles froo forall 150 added to no won twico


    Nob 1 and 2 samo as Juno 11


    Five eighths of a mile dash forHawaiian breds Purso 150




    Paoing and Trotting frno for allbost 8 iu 5 Purse 150 with 50added


    Running Raco one mile dash

    SIXTHMAIDEN RACEHalf milo dash For Horsos that

    havo not previously started Purso100


    Paoing and Trotting handicapfroo for all beaten horses Purso


    All outries aro to bo made withtho Secretary boforo 2 oolook TUES-DAY


    Juno 8 1897 Entrauoo feosto bo 10 per cent of purso unlessouierwiau bijuuiuuu

    All Races to bo run or trottodunder the Rules of tho NatioualTrotting Association and Stud HorsoAssociation

    All Horses aro expected to startunless withdrawn by 0 oolook x mon Juno 10 1807

    General admission 50 CentsGrand Stand oxtra50 Cents and 1Carriages inside Course each 250Quarter Stretch Badges 5

    Por Order of OommittooS G WILDER

    Soorotary Hawaiian Jookoy Club


    OBON KINOAOOTTAQi little boyond

    LUlhii Is To Lot reasonableSJKnauIro tlilsOllico lS3tl

  • J U8T ARRIYEDA new lot ot Hit-- Finest

    Musical InstrumentsAutoharpo Guitars Violins Etc

    AlhOii now Involco of tho Celebrated

    Westermoyor PianosSpecially manufactured for tho tropical

    climate second to nono


    On tho Hawaiian Islands during tho lastyears



    General Merchandise

    Also the choloost European and Amorl- -

    Beers Ale Wines LiquorsAT MOST nKASONAULB miCKS


    Oomor KIiik Bethel Streets

    821 fc 323 King Street

    riie Leading

    Carriage and

    Wagnn ManufacturerALL MATKBIALS d HARD

    Alil lurulsh everything outside steamboats and bolters

    Horse Shoeing a Specialty

    TKLKPHONK C72 -- a

    rEiKrnoNK C07 P O Box 321


    Carriage Manufactory128 130 Fort Street

    Carriage BuilderAND ItEPAIUER

    Bianksinittiing iu all Uh Braiiclios

    Orders from tho otBer Islands In BuildingTrlunnlngPaintlng Etc Etc

    promptly attended to

    W W WRIGHT ProprietorBucoessor to Q Wost

    Wm G Irwin CoLIMITED

    Wm G Itwln President ManagerGlaus Sprockels Ylce lrosldentW M Glffard Secretary TreasurerTheo 0 Porter Auditor


    Commission AgentsAGENTS OF THE

    Oceanic Steamship CompyOf Hnn KrannlHno On

    Metropolitan Meat Go


    G J WALIiKB - Makaueb

    Wholesale andKetall


    Navy Contractors


    A lamily HotelT KBOUBE - - - Prop

    Por Day 200Per Weelr 1200


    Tbe Dost of Attendance the Best Situationj vr v0n n hi 0t



    Uoldors of Walcr Privileges or thosepaying walcr raoi aro horoby notified thatthe hours for Irrigation purposes aro fromn to 8 oclock A M nnd from 1 to 0 oclockv m ANDKUW 1JKOWN

    Supt Honolulu Wator WorksApproved

    1 A KinoMiulstorof Interior

    Honolulu II I April 0 1807 651 tf

    Lobsters lied JacketUnderwoods 2s 2 doz In caso

    Shrimps Djnbars 1 lb can flCrubbcnRiiinll

    Shrimp nnd TomatoesDeviled Crabs 2 lb tins

    ii it i itAncliovy Bloater Shrimp Paste fanpy

    potsAnntiovy Boator Shrimp Pasto small

    potHThon Marino Tojss square tins

    with Pickles Pimento andTritfllcs

    AppetltSIldsmall keg

    Bombay DuckAnchovloH In salt

    oilYarmoih Bloaters Kusslan CaviarFish OhowderClum Ohowdur Chun BoulllcuA union lliutilooKsHerrings Fresh Tomato Sauce

    - MustnnlTomatoSousedKlppcreil8nokodHolland OonulnoWhlto Snllcd

    Mackerel In Oil Salt KitsSardines varieties iSalmon in Wood and Tin 0 Varieties

    To Seiive Bom hay Duck 8orvo thoCurry and ltlco on a eeparato dish Laythe Bombay Duck on a broiler and beatthoroughly then crumb It over the currynnd rlcn By heating tho Bombay Dnck ftbecomes brittle and crumbs easily


    Tele phono 210 Freo doUvery twice dally



    San Francisco Oal


    NEWELL UXIVEUSAL MILL COMnnf National Cane Shredder

    Nuw York U S A

    N OHLANDT COSan Francisco Cal


    BS2 tf San Francisco Col

    nuoinosn Onrdo


    Real Estate and General BusinessAoents Also Surveyors

    Oflico Vi Konla Strcot Honolulu

    R N BOYD

    Surveyor and Real Estate Agent

    230Oillco Iiothol Strcot over tho New

    Model Itostanrant



    Plumbino Tin CorrER and SheetIkon Work s

    King Strcot Honolulu



    Kaahumanu Btreet Honolulu


    Frank Brown Manager

    98 unit Wt Mmln Oof Unnnlnln H T


    Dealers in Lumber and Goal andBniLDiNd Materials op

    All Kinds

    Qpnon Ofot Wnnotnln

    9 - - -

    Continued from 1st jnc

    people nnd bocaino geuoral TUoQueen herself although born ofparents of sufficient resource wasadopted by tho ohiof Pnki andbrought up with his daughter after ¬wards Mrs Bishop Tho childrenadopted by tho Qnoen wore of richand poor allko aud this noblo gonorostty of hors is one of tho thingsthat hor euetnios havd misconstruedand used against her It Is not de-sirable


    hero to speak of Hawaiianpolitics but it is duo to tho Queento say that those who wrested horpowor from her claimed that shohad favored a lottory bill they havoomitted to say that tho bill waspassod in the Assembly contrary toher wishes aud that tho powor ofveto had been takou from hor Thoythen complained of an opium billbut in this tho Queen finding itnecessary to regulate a traflio whichon account of tho resident Chineseit was impossible to abolish hadmerely favorod tho adoption ofmeasures in forco under tho rule otVictoria They also omit -- to saythat since her deposition tho presutit government lias itself sold alarge quantity of opium They fur-ther


    contended that she attackedthe Constitution But if our ownConstitution allowed aliens resi-dent


    but not citizens indeed I hocitizens of another nationality tovote upon our affairs wo mightthink it worth while to change itBut hero again it is omitted to saythat it has always beon a prerogativeof tho Hawaiiau sovereigns to pro ¬pose a now Constitution to the peo-ple


    whon they chosoWhen tho Queen was mado pris-


    sho was confined for eightmonths in hor palaco of Iolaui alargo building of light coral stonewith columned front and galleriesstanding amoug its palms nnd othertropical growth behind it a mag-nificent


    mountain horizon and be-fore


    it tho sea Here sho was atfirst allowed a prayer book but nota newspaper Sho loves her peo ¬ple passionately and pitifully shehas seon them dwindle from 400000at tho time of the islands discovoryto tho 40000 of to day she know thatarmod resistance meant their exter-mination


    Doubtloss sho has heardthe statement that sunh races godown before tho conquering whiteraco Perhaps she hopoB I do notknow that tho white raco will horotako advautago of its opportunityand for onco fnrboar At auy ratesho believes as wo do that govern ¬ment depouds upon tho consent ofthe govorned and remembers thatto day iu Hawaii hor pooplo aro dis-franchised


    Sho knows that thoyaro intensely devoted to hor andher rule and givo no consont orcountenauco to tho plan whiohurges tho United States to annexfortify and dofond a group of isl ¬ands as far as Ireland is It seemsthat all who liko myself have nofriendship for monarchy and boliovo in tho least possible govern-ment


    must yot feol that this peoplohavo a right to choose their owngovernment and must sympathizewith an unfortunate and malignedwoman

    Sinco ooming to Washington thoQueen has romniued very quiotlyroceiving few guosts Sho is accom ¬panied by her friond Mrs Kin Nnhaololua by Mr Joseph Heleluhoher secrotnry for tho last sixtoouyears and by Oapt Julius A Palm-er


    of Boston who having beouresident in Hawaii on throo ditTorout occasions and having visitodtho Quoon thoro joinod tho partywhon ho found hor Majesty in ueodof some ona conversant with Amorioan customs and affairs CaptainPalmor is a man who has taken car ¬goes of gunpowder round CapoHorn with firo balls playing abouttho mast hoad and ho is not afraidto speak his mind and ho doos nothuBitate to say what ho thinks of thoprosont govommout of Hawaii con ¬sidering tho Qtioou a greatly wrongod person aud attending hor now intho fulfilment of a promise made totho Hawalians that should thoy atany timo ueod his services thoyshould have them n promiso of


    it 7 v V l J- -- - Jff

    which hey rumiudrd him whon thoQueon came to our shores

    All thoto people are tenderly at ¬tached to the Queen while her dollcato sensitiveness to their feolings ishardly more than that which sheshows to all with whom sho comesin contact Declining to see inter-viewers


    aud promiscuous individualshere sho has now aud then alloweda friend to visit her and has recoivodtho ladies of tho hotel whore shostays and tho polilo calls of variousprominent persons To tho younggirls of a school who wishod to souher her Majosty could not refuse nuaudience Oh how beautiful arotheir sweet young faces she ex ¬claimed as thoy camo into the roomand before thoy left sho said Iwish to extend to you my thanks forthe honor you havo shown mo bythis visit It shall always bo re ¬membered as a bright spot in mymemory of this stay in America Iam glad to soe you all and to knowthat each of you is desirous of at-taining


    intellectual advancementIt shows tho progress of tho worldTho world cannot stautl still Womust oither advanco or recedeSince my arrival in this countryI havo been impressed withits grandeur but nothing morefavorably impresses mo than tho ad ¬vantages you have for loarningAgain I desire to thank you and Iwish you all a prosperous aud happyfuture

    Tho Queen sponds a great doal ofhor time ith hor work and hormusic She is a vory accomplishedmusiciau having reduced to notationmany of tho native airs and havingcomposed a groat number of melo-dies


    aud versos horsolf But indeedthero is litllo swoeter melody thanthe sound of tho liquid Hawaiianvowels from her lips HarpersBarzaar

    Only Entorpriso

    Tho first quofliou put to JimDodd by tho pilot yesterday onboard of tho Australia was did youbring a cablet Tho next questionwas Jim did you go to Washingtont Thon camo how about an ¬nexation Jim looked mysteriousHo winked a wunk and thon ho saidCome up boys to tho Pantheon

    and I will toll you all about myEntorpriso and tho boyB aro coming


    Mous Hats at 25 and 85 cents eachat Kerrs

    Mens ready mado pants nt 1 porpair at Korrs

    Mens Suits ready to wear at 425tho suit at Kerrs

    All Silk Necktios made up and totio 2 for 2oo at Korrs

    Shirts and Collars iu all qualitiescan bo had at bottom notch pricesat Korrs

    Joseph Tinker is unrivaled in thoexcellency of his Oambridgo Clubbreakfast and Frankfurter lunchsausages Thoy aro immense

    H Carl one of tho most oxpertbarbers in Honolulu is now to bofound nt tho tonsorial parlors of MA Poixoto at tho Union Art GolloryLane

    Ned Doyle at tho Cosmopolitan isrecommending ho colobrated Put ¬nams Blackberry Brandy a toniowhioh is uurivallod assisted by JimThompson formorly of tho S SAustralia an excellent half andhalf is served to the thirstycustomers of tho Cosmopolitan

    Buffalo Boor has provod its immonso popularity at tho Royal Paci ¬fic aud Cosmopolitan Saloons Thocolobrated Pabst is also rotainedthero in draft or in bottle Tho in ¬terchangeable check systom that hasprovod such a convenience to thopatrons of those popular resorts isalso in vogue

    One ounce of prevention is hotterthan ton ouncos of euro Tho Em-pire


    boasts of iufalliblo romodlesagainst tho varioloid Wioland beeron draft boats vaooination andDoctor Charlie Andrew prosidos ovortho finest stock of remedies thatcan bo found in town All for medi ¬cinal purposes and cash

    Jurors as a rule got out uow-a-da-very lato iu tho ovoning Iu

    the morning tho wiso men who havobeon drinking tho ico wator of thoSupremo Court aud eating dry Baudwichoj need something to clear theirthroats That is tho reason why thoPaoifio Saloon servos Rook and Ryeevery morning to tho rooky whowalk through tho Rye t

    Bruce faring Go

    Heal sfatQ Digits603 Fort SU near King

    building lotsHouses and lots and

    lands For Balk

    SDfr Parties wishing to dtaposu of theirPrnnertleM nrn Invttpd tii paII on im

    Merchants yumS I BHAW Iroprietur

    Corner King Alio Miuiinu Mut-eli- -


    Fkw Beers

    nr TRLKIIIONR 111 --TSn

    Corner Nuuanu nnd Hotel Bts

    OiMiars W Axtimus Minmir

    GiM wines i ipiirs nit 0HALF AND HALF ON PltAUOHT

    Wieland Beer on DranghxNOW ON TAP

    Rainier in Bottles

    0andmad Sour Ms sisA specialty

    Established 1883

    CITY MEAT MARKETNuuanu St opposite Chaplain Lane

    J TINKEH Practical Butcher


    Buef Mutton Lamb and VealIn tho market

    Homo fed Pork and PoultryTho Cnlehratcd

    OAlCI3IIIDC3 H3 S AUSAQB1for breakfast

    635 TKLRPHONK 280 dm

    Hew Market RestaurantSOS ilorchant Strcot near Alakca

    JUAN OAMANOHO PropHis tablo excels any In Honolulu

    Caters for Balls DinnersWoddlngs and Piouio Parties

    Cofleo Hot Itolls and Breakfast 6 till 1A m DInnor 11 a m till X r m Supper1 r M till 8 p mExtra Tender Refrigerator Beefsteaks to


    Bond In Ordors for Homo mado BreadCakos and Pantry the day boforo

    G28 3m

    Hawaiian GrownOysters

    Tho abovo delicacy oan now beprocured iu such quantities as re-quired


    upon leaving ordors with

    H E iciDtpe k Bro307 tf


    JOHN PHILLIPSHas removal his Plumbing naslnesh from

    KltiR street to the premises on

    Hotel 3troetKnnnnrly oooupled by Woven

  • t -

    Vol IV

    wfw-p-- i s - fsjjr tW fJf sT


    For Wood or Coal

    The Universal Stoves aiifKRangesA Large Invoio Just to Harfd

    Tho Castings of this Factory aro so far away suporior to all otlior makesthat k

    COMPARISON IS FUTILETho Australia brought a largo invoice of assorted goods to tho

    IPa OiflO Hardware OO Xjlmlteciwtail substantiate word ofCall and examine their stock or writo thorn for anything you want

    It ha3 tnkon sovoral yoars to satisfy users of WIND MILLS that there bnothing mado which equals tho

    QYOHiOasr eiOrders are coming in faster than wo cau fill thorn but wo aro doing tho

    host wo can

    Pacific Hardware Co LiHONOLULU II I


    General MerchandiseAND

    OOIlvOSSIQIIKr IB3KOE33SrT3Agenda for Lloyds

    Canadian Australian Steamship LineBritish Foreign Marino Insurance Co

    Northern Assurance Co Fire and LifeCanadian Pacific Railway Co

    Pioneer Line of PacketH from Liverpool

    Telephone 92


    P 145


    Groceries and FeedNew and rccolvcd by ovory packet from California Eastern

    and European Markoto

    Standard Grade o Canned Vegetables Fruits ancl Fish




    Fresh GoodsBtatca

    Cife- - Gooda delivered to ny part of the City


    niAnw BOTmTTwn QATiawAnTTOM h mtwrd

    Oceanic Steamship Company

    TIME TABLETho Fino Passenger Stoamors of This Lino Will Arrivo and Leave

    This Port as Horoundor



    In with tho of tho abovo tho aroto issue to by any

    from San to all in tho aud fromany all ports

    For particulars to

    S S


    Bread Pies Cakes of all kinds freshevery day

    Freeh Ico Oioani mado of tho Uest Woodlawn OrcauUn all Flavors

    Tho finest Home madeJ7 M






    sailing stoamors Agentsprepared iutondiug passengers coupon through ticketsrailroad Francisco points United StatedNow York by steamship linoto Europenn

    furthor apply

    Wm G Irwin CoGeneral Agents Oceanic Company


    The Pioneer Bakery








    Manufacture and RepairAll kinds of Jewolry

    IflRSr OIASS WORK ONLY6W Lovu Buildine Fort St tf

    r T v jr





    Sho has lived a spotloss life aschild womau aud wifo It was ubltill sho was fifty yoars old that Bcandal nssailod hor and thou only iufurthoranco of tho plans for horoverthrow One who visits hor isl-ands


    oight of tho fourteen of whichlaro in full civilization will uot only

    to ono any- -


    thing that has been uttered againsther but will findathat it is all bothuntrue and impossible Sho is adeeply religious woman a motnborof the church in good standingono of hor first aots aftor coming toWashington this yoar was to attenddivino service and partako of com-munion


    She is refinement itselfa lady who has visited in kingspalaces and beon roceived on equalterms by tho Queon of England andother sovereigns She has uoverbeen known by any uoar hor to ut-ter


    a questionable word or do aclandestine act Hor tablo is of thosimplest sho uover drinks winothorn nor has sho over beon in thohabit of taking anything of tho sortiu hor life She talks no gossipand allows none in her presencesho has never boon heard making anunkind remark about hor euomies asindividuals That falsehood whichhas been most persistently urgodagainst her is that sho declared suchpooplo merited boheadal Sho neversaid it or anything liko it Theagent who had called upon the othorgovernment but granting hor nosuch courtesy lind summoned horinto his presenco had a stenogra-pher


    concealed bohind a Bcroen andtho stenographer by a slight andcareless movomout exaggerated thoBigus wnien siguiuos punishmentinto the sign whioli signifies behoadal Doubtless the Queenmight think that treason on hor soilshould rocoive tho samo treatmentthat it would olsowhore but she saidnothiug about beheading As atnattor of record in her oflioial state ¬ment sho promised them all am ¬nesty It was owing to her extremehorror of bloodshed that sho sur-rendered


    hor kingdom rolying onwhat sho doomod a sufficient pledgeprotection from tho United Statesand sho said only the other day intho course of conversation I thankHoavon at any ratej that I havo noblood upon my soul

    Tho Queon is tho very soul ofautivo charity Her resources havenever boon large as such things gobut sho has spout thorn for othersuot horself Most of hor jowols arotho gifts of princoB Sho has nowtho property of hor husband thesum customarily voted her from thotreasury aud tho revenuo of thocrown lauds that bolonged to horancestors amounting yearly to somoeighty thousand dollars moro orless has beon appropriated by thonow governmout Besides hor count-less


    lesser charities and hor supportof a nativo rotinuo of three hundredBho has maintained as many astwonty girls at tho Missionary Somiuary aud as many moro at variousother schools Finding it necessaryonco to cut dowu tho items of anappropriation bill sho said to horMinister It is going to bo veryhard for tub poor school touchers tohavo their Salary reducod I willtoll you Begin with mo Aud shodrew tho poncil through tho sumcalled hor Balary She providedmoreover for tho maintenance andeducation of a groat number of chil-dren


    It is a Hawaiian custom nomatter how largo tho family alreadyto adopt tho child of a friond of thepoor of tho unfortunate Tho cus ¬tom arising among tho high chiefsfor tho purpose of comontiugafTootiouato rolations between thogreat families sproad to tho losser

    Innlhuuiil in Jfth impel

    7 1897



    is heIuTby given thattho unriortigncd has this day been ap ¬

    pointed Administratrix of tlio Ksiato ofJoseph Kiiliooliihl Nawnhl deceased ofHonolulu Island of Onhu Hawaiian Islands and all creditors aro hereby notifldto present tholr claims duly authenticatedam wmi projior voncners u nny oustpwi tlfl claim It soiiircd by mortgageih tlio oilico of J K Knnlli nt the cornerof NuiiHim and Queen Sheets or io moatmy ro Idenco wltlilu ilx months from dateor bo forovcr barred And all persons In-debted


    to tlio said Ksiato are rcituostod tomake immedtato payment of said Indebt ¬edness to mo

    EMMA A NAWAHIAdministratrix Estate of Jos K Nawfthl

    deceasedJuno 11897 600 ttoow

    SURF -- HIDINGFirst class Canoes With Experienced

    Native CanoeistsMay bo obtained ou five minutes no

    tice nt any hour in tiie dayfrom tho


    S0T Tickets SI per hour for eachperson to bo obtainod from tho

    Hale OiwiW W Dimonds store von Holt

    Block or at any of tho popularbeach resorts or by tolophono 5Con week days or 921 on Sundays

    Oanoos sont anywhere on tho Beach531 tf


    Carofal and ExperiencedCanoeists

    Who will Land Their rassncors SAFELYmay bo obtained at tbo long establishedpopular LONG BRANCH BATHB

    car-- Bpeulal caro taken of Lndlos andChildren Cars Pass tho Dnor

    678 tf O J SHERWOOD Prop


    General Business Agent


    Convoyaucing in AUIts BraucIiGBOollocting and All Bualnosa

    Mattors of aruot

    business entrusted to him will receiveprompt aud careful attontlon

    Oilico Honokaa Humakua Hawaii

    Professional Horseshoer

    Has Opened His Shop at No 321 on KingStreet T B Murrays Promises

    Horso Owners will find It to their advan ¬tage to patronlzo tho new shop

    whero tho host work IsGuaranteed

    Telephone Wo 57B437 tf

    InTo Sovoral Inquiries Why tho

    ZEPalama 3 roceryDont Keop HORSE PEED

    H 0 CANNON Is pleased to state that hois now proparod to supply

    HAY and GRAIN uffirAnd hopos bv giving Honest Weight at tho

    LOWBBT P0SB1BLK RATKB tomorlt a Share of Publlo



    and PIGS FEET Kit or Blnglo Fish4MP TELEPH0NE 765 Every Tlmel WS

    337 Opposlto Railway Dopot tf

    IF YOUR saaSCfct

    Horse or DogIS 3IOK

    Cull on A 11 HO WAT D V b600 OMco Olub Stables tf


    Wifes Hteamship Co


    0 L WIGHT Proa 8 11 SeoCopt J A FortSupt

    Stmr KXNATJOLAltKK Commander

    Will leave Honolulu atlOA m touchlngatLahalna Maalaea Hay and Makcna thesame day Mohnkeno Kowalbaeand Laupahoe hoe tbo following day arriving atHilo tho samn afternoon


    Xpofday Juno 8i nuiiy J 11110 ISluesduy Juno 20-- inuiiy juiv u



    1rlday Aug SOiuetday Auk 31Friday Sept 10

    Tuesday Soptli UMjr vUlluesday Oct 12

    Friday Oct HiTuesaay Nov 1Friday Nov U

    Tuesday-- Nov 23Friday Deo 3

    Tuesday Deo 11Thursday Dool3



    Frldnv Juno 4TuosUay Jane 10lrlday Juno USTuesday Julr n

    iiiiuuy juiy JOiuoidoy July 27JWoy Aug o

    rlJiy AuBi7Tuesday g0pt 7Friday bopt 17Tupsday Bopttoirluay Uet 8luesday Oct 10

    rlUny Oct 20Tuesday Nov 0

    day Nov 10Tuesday Nov 30

    hiy Deo 10la sduy Deo 21Friday Deo 31

    Returning will leave Hilo at 8 oclockkntuclut T aupahoehoe Mabusame day ilakenaAlaalaeu Bay and Lahalna the fo lowingvlBt Honolulu the afternoonsof luosdays and FridaysiJSSft Hl CnU 0t 10t0iki pn o trips

    ST1iolrSfiIftwu ho received after ba on day sailingni10 PomllnI rouo o tho Volcano is vlngood carriiigo road tho outiro distanco Hound trip tlckots cohering allexponses 15000

    Stmr OLAUDINEOAMERON Commandor

    Will leavo Honolulu TaesdayB at 0 r mtouch ng at Kahulul Hana Hamoa andKlpamlu Maui Returning arrives atHonolulu Sunday morningsU-

    -0t XUU Knup0 onco oachmonth

    N lrelKbt will bo received after 4r m on da of Balling

    This Company will reserves the righttomake cbanges in tho time of departure ondarrival of Its Steamers without notlco andit will not be responsible for any conse ¬quences arising therefrom

    Consignees must bo ut tho Landings toreceive their freight this Company willnot hold Itsolf responsible for freight afterIt has been lauded

    Live Stock received only at owners riskThis Company will not be responsible forMoney or valuables of passengers unlessplacod In tho caro of Pursers

    BPV Passongors are requested to pur ¬chase Tickets before embarking Thosofalling to do so will bo subject to on additlonal charge of twentv flve per cont


    Clans Spreckels Co




    Ban FranciscoLONDON The Union Bank of London

    LtdNEW YORK American Exchange No

    tlonal BankOHIOAGO Merchanta Natlonol BankPARIS Comptolr National dEscompte de


    KongBhanghalBauklnuCorporatlouNEW ZEALAND AND AUSTRALI- A-

    Banl of Now ZealandYIOTOUIA AND VANCOUVER Bank

    of British North America

    Transact a General Hanking and ExohanqeHasinas

    Deposits Recolved Loans mado on Ap ¬proved Security Commercial and Travel ¬ers Credit Issued Bills of ExonJngobought and sold

    Oolloetlono Promptly Accounted ForJ3 tf

  • J



    Kioppt Han lay

    At Brito Hall Konia Stroot


    BOBSOBIPlION RTEtJPer Month anywhere tn tho IJn- -

    wnllan Inlands Mior Yenr 0 00IVr Year postpaid to Foreign Coun ¬

    tries I 8 00

    Payrtblo Invariably lu Advanco

    K J TESTA ProDrietor and Publlabur

    EDMUND NOIiniE EditorW HOUAOK WHIG HI Asaistant

    EditorHosldlnc In Honolulu

    MONDAY JUNE 7 1897


    Annexation Club to ThuiistonYou draw Jiko a soap and siiRarpoultico What do jou do uitb alltho stuff we send you Wo passedthe hat again tho other day amongour businoss mon and all of themwith the exception of tho mission-ary


    firms rofuBod to dig up nuymoro Ono man put up but did notrrant to have his partner know aboutit You cannot count upon receiv ¬ing anothor remittance after thisDont come homo


    It was amusing on Saturday after-noon


    to watch President Dole in hisrole as a courtier at the MaternityHomo luau The President of thisdemocratic Government arrived

    accidentally a few minutes beforethe Queen Dowager and waiting herarrival assisted Kalakauas widowfrom hor carriage to the grounds ofthe Homo Somo poople wondoredwhether Dolo ramombared his posi ¬tion in 1887 when hn was ono of thefive who woll nevor mindit is auoiont history or whether hostill romembers 1893 or whethermost likely coming ovents are

    throwing their shadows ahead Itwas a refreshing sight anyway


    And now comes tho Advertisersaying View the conditions fromany standpoint desired tho studontof the situation cannot got awayfrom tho fact that Hawaii to day isin tho air Just where it will dropan all powerful Frovidonco alonocan say To what a lame and im-potent


    conclusion have the con-spirators


    of January 1893 comewhen their organ can uttor thoabove language The best govern-ment


    theso islands evor had bosrun publio affairs uqtil Hawaii to-day


    is in the air

    The monarchy had both feet onthe ground until tho forces of thoUnited Statos under Stovons andWiltse ovorturnod it and wouldhavo had tho conspirators in thoair but tor the said forcos and allwould have been woll to day Howovor wo livo in 1897 and by gonesshould be by gones

    But when tho Advertiser attemptsthe pious act in saying Just wheroHawaii will drop an all powerfulProvidence alono can say TneIndependent must put in a de-murrer


    and hold tho best govern-ment


    dowu in tho court of MrThurstons partnor whore proceed-ings


    wore first taken aud havo boencontinued up to this timo No pray-ing


    good Lord and good doyilShould Frovidonco tako hold ofHawaiian affairs in dead earnest tho

    best government may take to thowoods Just now Mr Thurston andhis partner have the swing


    Wo are permlttod to make thofollowing extracts from a lotterfrom San Froucisoo writton by agentleman who is woll informed andwho has exceptional opportuuitiei

    for securing information Thofooling in regard to omiexatiou hnachanged the very mou who tlirooyoars iwo lalkodloudly of the American fliiK floating out in tho PaoifioOcean arn now in favor of thepoliuyof notiiuiorvtiiitioii There arn manycauses which inilueiieu this ehaugoof opinion Tho first is a far hotteracquaintance with the situation nmthe circumstances of the dethrone ¬ment as you know it on tho spot atthe tune The feeling amongst thosesympathizing with tho native Hawaiians is that they have been quithitherto because their Queen toldthem to lomuin so with a view ofhaving her wiongs righted by thoUnited States 3et just as soon as itis kuown that tho United States ac ¬cepts the Senate report as final andwill do nothing unless absolutelyorced to not tho native poople will

    no longer accept tho condition ofthings but make alliance with auydisturbing element for the purposoof restoration of the monarchy Ithink that so far as tho presentdrend by the Dolo government issincere this is the course of thingsthey fear Thon the tariff questionwith m is a oiy serious matter womust have more revenue say thefinanciers It is suggested that wohave allowed MO000000 of sugar tocome in froo of duty in loss thantwenty years that neither our owncouutry nnr Hawaii has benefittedby it that tho treaty hos been sole-ly


    for tho benefit of a few sugarplanters who hoard their millionsThis view of matters is helped alongby tho growth of tho beet sugar iuterost which has ceasod to be anexperiment California ouco yourally for closer relationship now hastho strongest of reasons for koepiugyou at a distance Tho Stato needsthe protection for beet sugar whicha duty on your caue sugar will bringto her and I see uothiug butfinancial ruin for your sugar ostatosunless they cau do business on afour to eight per cent profit Theyoan pay no such dividends as in thopast Ono man of whom it wasasked what would bocome of thoislands in case annexation was refusod and abrogation of tho recipro-city


    treaty bocamo a fact repliedThoy must go back to just wherothey wero prior to 1878 their com-mercial


    prosperity was overthrownin 1893 tho treaty never benefittedtho common people and in timetheir situation would bo as it oncewas It is hard to soo or say howthe treacherous ovorthrow of thoformer government has worked thoruin of the present rulers yet suchis the mineral belief I horo hoardit said that tho men now in powerif their pride would allow it wouldlike to eoo tho monarchy reestablish-ed


    Olaus Sprpokels who has donea great deal for the commorco ofthe inlands is I think thoroughlysick of them his capital and hisinterests in businoss aro far morolikely to bo dovoted to building upthe beet sugar industry In Washington just now it is all Cuba uponwhich resolutions aro offered inCongress aud columns of discussionin tho newspapers You could notget up any oxcitomont thoro justnow on Hawaii whatever the issue

    Escaped Erom tho Marion

    A sailor belonging to thp U S SMarion who is uudor a very heavyseutonoo for having committed anunnatural offense has succeeded inescaping in spito of boing under nstrict guard and it 1b stated in irons

    No traco of the escaped conviothas yet beon found

    It is reported that tho actingjailor will place a double guard attho jail to proventtho escaped sailorfrom entering tho promisos whore acortnin missionory pot is confinedand that similar precautions will botaken at tho Polico Station whoroanother Wlldo has taken up hisrosidonce

    A Suggestion

    To morrow is the Philadelphiaand Marions shore drill day Thetroops will land at tho usual hourTun Independent suggoBts an attackon Puuohbowl for a change thoforcos dividing for attack and defonse

    vflpt fr r t w Frr v


    The Hawaiian Amusement Company seems to havo a palont backnotion that furnishes anything butnrnusoinout

    Messrs Warron and Chamberlainof tho police foree have beu moroor less justly dealt with for violationof tho rules sot to govern themwhile Lieut Kekai aud Gus Cordesare permitted to slip through themeshes of tho same rules Carry anQveu hand Mr Marshal

    So Parson Beokwith went fromMakawno to Wailuku to pray at thooponing of the Second Circuit Courof this funny littlo republic thatJohn W Kaltin presides over Youmade a mistake Mr Beckwith youshould havo como to hoadquartorsbut thon you might have failedjust tho samo Like master liloman

    Tho Advortisor says Tho poli-tical


    and commercial stability ofthin country can bo assured only byone of tho great national powersroaihiug out a positive protectingarm How would it do by way ofa ohango to institnto a home gov ¬ernment of tho people by the peo-ple


    and for tho people Just lotthe people have a word at tho ballotbox nnd lot the majority havo a voicein directing tho so called Republicof Hawaii

    There seem to bo many peoplehere who do not realizo that Hawaiihas a Hawaiiau Press which is en-titled


    to tho samo courtesy null con-sideration


    ni aro tho newspaperspublished in the English or otherlanguages Thero are newspapershere printed iu tho Hawaiiau langu-age


    which aro read and known bymany more peoplo than are thoforeign papers Whenever tho

    services of tho Hawaiian papers areconsidered of consequence the goodpeople who manage luaus entor- -


    car- -tter

    rrrirBW yry ft f y v ffyjffWtWy1 5

    tninmouts shows etc etc can al ¬ways find them Whenever an exohangoof courtesy is in order thoHawaiian papers aro forgottenEventually tho native press will notbo ai accommoduliug as it is at pre ¬sent

    Tho Hawaii Herald treats thokilling of the Chinese contract la ¬borer at Hakalau in a merrysportive manner hardly in keepingwith its bravo motto Indepen-dent


    in all things Neutral innothing Civilization has notreached a high standard when itsexponents may oraek jokes over thoromaius of a Chinaman douo todeath by cruelty that is barbaricTho killing of tho Chinese at Lihuonud Hakalau has its serious sido tooil but fools

    Oombination of OongroKtttlouH

    At tho moruiug sorvico of theSeuond Congregation of St AndrewsCathedral tho Rev Alex Mackin ¬tosh gavo notice of a meeting of thoCongregation for 730 to morrowevening in the Sunday Suhool RoomsIt is understood that tho sub-ject


    to be diseusAod is thefuturo wolfnro of tho Church audincidentally the uuiou of the twoiioiigregaliutis a proposition whichis supposed to have tho warm en ¬dorsement of tho Bishop aud manyexcellent churchmen

    Tho Mutoruity Homo Luau

    The luau given by tho ladies con ¬nected with tho Maternity Homo onSaturday last was well attended andtho financial result was highly grati-fying


    to tho management of thatworthy institution Many promi-nent


    citizens wero present withladies aud children and all enjoyedtho sumptuous luau tho beautifulflowers and other good things lurnishud by the loading ladies of Ho-nolulu


    It is understood that morethan 1000 will be realized from theluau


    IT IS PUKERainier beer is not Injurious to tho

    weakest organization but promoteshealth and strength and preserves itAs a wholesome tonic it 1ms NOEQUAL On tap or in bottles at theCriterion Saloon


    q ATTTTfT A Y

    TopesHonolulu June 6 1807


    and so doe milk Probablyyou know that but do youknow time tho De Laval UroumSeparator is just tbc verything you wunt ior it willwill have you in actual cashresults alono at least 10 acow a year and maltc yourdairy work profitable andsatisfactory instead of thereverse It saves in skimm-ing-and in churning- - it savesin time and in labor nd IN10 ID AD WATER andthat is important in view ofthe scarcity of that climentand a threatened drought Itensures a puro product andat increased butter value andwhile giving a much superiorcrcam REMOVES 1 UliER- -

    ULOSLS and disoao germsand fjivos warm fresh sweetskin milk Xow tho Alphamachines aie the best sim ¬plest and mo t scientific in thomarket ami we win by specinlarrangement sill them at re-duced


    prices The BABYHUMMING BIRD is aneasily operated hand machinesimple enoutih for a childto run and just suitable forhome use There are othersizes Then if you want achurn wo can safely recom ¬mend our Cylindrifals from250 upwards or a good

    substantial bx one If youhave a cow and like to makeyour own butter for breakfastcall and inspect our stuck

    Tub Hawaiian Hardware Co Id307 Fokt Sthket

    We shall offer to the Masses aof a Bankrupt Stock

    bonght in New York

    The Goods are now being Marked andwill be ready for Inspection







    We shall Sell Organdies at 15 Oents per YardWe shall Sell Ginghams at 20 Yards for 1


    X i IS 3EZZHi3RJR Queen St Honolulu

  • A1- -


    7 S





    i- -

    --A 4 fr



    l AJ V

    y - v-- n


    Sheriff Andrews of Hawaii i intown

    Bluo Snrgo Suits woll tuado for 7Qt Korra

    J T Waterliousoconntor for you

    has n bargain

    Attorney General Smith roturucdto tho iity yontorday

    Captain Uerger and his baud pinyat Emma Square this evening

    The Sons of St Georgo iustnltheir officers for tho ensuing yoarthis oveuiug

    Tho Board of Registration is againoff to tho country districts to drumup a few voters

    Collarettes Holtsnnd Neck RuohingsN S Sachs

    nnd Ohoakorsfor tho races at

    Tlio Fourth of July oommittoomeet at tho Arliugtou on Wednes ¬day evening noxt

    Latest leather Baits Kid Glovonnd tho finest line of Shirt Waistsat N S Sachs

    Tho Tug of Wnr repents its suc ¬cessful attraction to morrow even ¬ing Buy vour tickets early

    Ho for tho racosl Lndiei andchildren trimmed Hats for tho litcorrect Btylo at N S Sachs

    His Excellency tho U S MinisterprcMintid his credentials this morniug nnd was received with the cus ¬tomary courtesies

    Jtiou Ouuanohohas an excellentpoultry diuuor to morrow in familystylo with plenty of othor goodthings to select from

    Fine Orgnudies coufeotion Mus-lins


    in blue pink lavender nilegroou leghorn and cardinal showyand pretty malorial nt N S Sachs

    Tho Y SI 0 A will probablyBhortly have a cyolo track of theirown and it may expectod to bo con ¬ducted on clean and wholesomeprinciples

    Attorney General W O wou Smithwillleavo for Hawaii to morrow Itis roportod that His Excellency willpersonally investigate the Hakalaumurder case

    A change of venue having boongranted tho four natives chargedwith the murder of n Chinaman onMolokai hnvo boon brought to thincity for trial

    Thoro will bo a special meeting oftho Y H I this ovoniug at FosterHall All members are requested toattend as thoro is business of im ¬portance to be considered

    The many friends of A St MMackintosh will bo glad to hoar thathe is again on deck at tho ForeignOffice having completely rocovorodfrom his rocent severe indiBpostion

    Tho Ka Ahailono o Hawaii cele-brated


    its first ihsnu this morningwith a lu a u luncheon in whioh thtentire stnff of Tun Independent joiuod with their best wishes for thosuccess of tho uhw venture

    Major J Wnltor Jones loaves onTuesday for Hawaii During hisabsonco Capt Camara will bo incommand of tho second battalionHo is one of our host officers andwoll worthy of tho command

    W W Dimond has somethingvory interesting and importaut toocouomionl householders in hisnotico to day Ho has evidontlytaken tho lead in all inattors pertaining to crockery and glassware

    Tho Portugueso colobratod WhitSunday in a regular old countryfasuion yesterday tub onuroufestival nttraoted thousands duringSaturday and Sunday tho baudplayod on and in tho evoning thorowore fireworks around Puuohbowl

    A largo numbor of visitorsauioncst whom wore many ladiesand children enjoyed tho hospitality of Ool Shorwood nt Long BranchBaths yesterday and wore gratifiedby having a cIobb view of tho dash ¬ing waves whioh broke in mountainour maRSOs of silvory foam along thereof ouoirclod shore Tho surf isbreaking more grandly at prosoutthan for a year past and tho daringsurf riders give added intorost tothe inspiring oconn view

    Sharkoy Will Defeat Malier

    There can bo no doubt says aprominent sportsman that Sharkoywill defeat Manor whon thoy mootat tho end of this month If thispropheoy comes out correct thoSailors viofory can bo attributed totho fact that ho rubs his inuormnu down with tho fino braud ofO P S whiskey now impprted horoby J H Lovojoy Co and cools offon pure Soattlo boor whioh wholesoino bovoragon nro now beiug sorveilat tho Auohor Saloon

    i r f rwp- -


    Th Rnulmonto Dpfoat tho StiiB ina CIobii Oanio

    Tho game plnyod on Saturdaylast on tho Heoroation Grounds be ¬tween tho Hegimeut nud Star teamsin tho baseball championship serieswas one which woll repaid thosepresent to witness and tho absontones lost tho opportunity of sooiugtho most interesting game so farplayod this season By reason oftho rainy woathor which mado thoball groaRy and tho ground slip-pery


    tho game was marked by num-erous


    errors to oithor sido tho Rogimouts making 10 and tho Stars 8Tho ovonnos of play mado tho gameattimosoxcitingand tho interest waBmaintained until the last inningsTho Regiments had the game wontwo or throo timos but tho Starspluckily stayed on deok and buckodadvoreo fate in suoh n manner thatit was a close call for tho Rogimontsto pull out victors which they didfinally iu a scoro of 15 to 11 Timoof game 2 hours 20 minutes Um ¬pires Whitney and Lucas ScorerBlaekley Following is tho scoro byinnings


    Stars 01st Reg 8

    3 1 5 G 7 8 9

    G 0 U2 --15

    Time 815 9 13 22 1120 23 7


    A clone call 15 to 1 1Twas a Star game allright all

    rightMoore dono moro than his share

    Ho was in it with both feetTub Independent called tho turn

    right au iutorosting aud hardfought gamo

    Tho Stars faced the music of thosphoro as pluckily as UBunl

    Chester Lightdiet was a hoavywoight at work in playing ballFqul ilies died in his hands

    Umpiro Harry Whitney mindsneither wind nor woathor Windwas UBod for timo but Harry saidnilDunoan should bo roasted only

    ho is really not in coudition butworked hard

    Old roliablo Duko OConnorstopped the gamo

    Babbitt worked hard nnd made agood showing Reservo Lionel wasalso on hand

    A greasy ball and Blippory ployby both uinos

    Evon tho bloaohor kids got onto Gorman whon ho panted intho 8th

    Cincinnati May 11th CincinnatiG Now York 5 11 innings Bothplayed ball in the proseuco of 1000people

    Tho oxohangos say that tho Aus ¬tralian players wore expected to boat least 3rd class profossiouals butthoy are not oven 1st class amatoursGet on some local olubl

    Harry Wildor diad short touohwith Hevornl hot ones but sovoredcounootion quickly

    Lunhiwas home run in the firstwas well earned Uoruinn shouldhave stopped that collision in tho5th

    The nudiouco was woll pleasedwith tho chaugoablo events in thogame

    Both teams played ball forbrood novor mind tho errors thowoathor and ground wero againstclose ploy

    Pahau as usual playod woll butGorman and Bowers did lay himout nont in tho second

    Monro in liable to bo jailed forstealing so many bases So are Ma ¬nuka and Porcy Lishman

    Gorman plnyod well bohiud thobnt ns did Ounhn and Wilder butsome of their second throws werowide

    Kannohi hold a hot one fromOunhn iu the Gth whioh gave theStare a oiphor instead of n tally

    Scoror Blaokloy is tho dolicht oftho press don Affable aud up todate

    Tho ohnncos aro that thoro willnot bo any gamo next SaturdayToo much liorso

    Gorman is nil over tho fiold in abnll game On Saturday he got inaide another mans pants

    Thoy novor stopped for woathorBoth nines played ball togetherAnd Gorman mado much laughter

    With his change pauts on

    immwi i

    THF lOa-OF-WA- H- V

    A Morry limn f It nnd n GoodEveiiUigo Sport

    Thoro wbb plonty of fun aud ex ¬citement at tho opening night of thoTug of War contest on Saturday attho Bristols pavilion on tho comerof Beretnnin and Alakea Streetsand tho monagers gavo tho largo at ¬tendance full vnluo for tho gnlomoney and thoro wero no kicks re ¬gistered Tho Hawaiian QuintottoClub boys furnished capital musicand iu fact by thoir musclo stirringstrains of Moanalun soorod a creditfor that tontn proving that musichas charms to stir the huggingbreast and mako the manly bosomswell off into tho muscular tissuesof arms and thighs

    The able officers who honestly audjudiciously discharged thoir import ¬ant duties wero Judge ThomasWright reforeo and starter H EWalker timo keeper Charles Crauoand markor W Nott

    Tho first contest was between twobrawny stalwart and massive teamsof natives handsome specimens ofphysical manhood representing thoHonolulu Iron Works and tho Paltaka or wharf boys This was nsplendid contest of 33 minutes nudthou as tho Foundry boys won totho 5 feet notch tho roof was liftodwith sunh uproarious olieors thatDolo Cabinet probably trembled atthe thought of another revolutionbut tho military wero not despatchedto Tantalus or Waikiki

    Considerable interest was taken intho next tug for the appearance ofthe team of tho sailor boys of thoPhiladelphia was more promisingthan that of tho Waikiki uativofishermen aud boat boys but it wassoon seon that tho rule that appear ¬ances are often deceiving was a goodthing to bet your hat on for thokanakas downod the Navy in nineminutes

    Tho third pull should haro beonwith a team that showed its discre-tion


    by running away to fightanother day so tho Monnalua toatnwas pitted against a scratch kanakateam Things wero going veryevenly until the biased band boysstruck up on their twangers Moanalua This was quite enoughtho stratch toamKcouldut stand such

    niUBio ns that and they quietlyfainted away into tuthorial spaceleaving their ropo wraith as amemento in tho hands of tho boysfrom tho haunts of Sunday luausoicoiouao and otner insKiuesses

    To morrow ovoniug tho contestingteams will bo

    1 U S S Marion vs Monnalua- 2 Honolulu Iron Works vs Wai-kiki


    3 Pakaka vsUSS PhiladelphiaTho admission will bo of and

    25 cents

    J T Waterhouse

    Have you thought o goods

    ior euminor frocks ribbons

    for trimmings or house




    Tho Assortment of



    ON OUK

    Baigain Counters

    Your opportunity to secure

    bargains is horo

    J T WaterhouseQUE ION STREET

    --vy ymnymrrr C f


    Established JS59 Capital Jt00000bInsuranco effected Buildings Goods Ships nnd Morohnndiso

    Insurance Company of North America1hllndelphln la

    Founded 1703 Gash Capital 3000000Oldest Firo Insurance Company in the United StatesLosses paid since organization over - - - 90000000

    For lowest apply to

    --EEL ZOS3jGonoral Agont for tho Hawaiian Islands


    Tuesday Evoning June 8

    At Bristols Pavilion C0111- -ininrinn nf R fiVlnnlr

    U S S Marlon vs Makani Uoeo

    Honolulu lion Works ys Waikiki

    Pakaka vs U S S Philadelphia

    Admission CO nnd 25 Cents


    being impossible for the Treas-urer


    to reach all intending subscrib ¬ers to the Permanent Memorial ortho Days Celebration Funds sub ¬scriptions will bo received thooOiuos of


    Honolulu 27th May 18970X 2w

    A S HuMiiRivf 8 J Macdonald

    HUMPHREYS a MAODONALDAttorneys and Counsellors



    113 Knnlinmanu StreetHonolulu

    PeopleWho saw our advertise ¬

    ment in the Illustrated Maga ¬zine got a fair idea of themerits of the Jewel StoveIts a good one for iho house-keeper


    We have other thingsjust as pretty and just as use¬ful Every department of ourestablishment is complete inthe minutest detail This isnotably the case with crockery

    Ironstone Whitein any article in crockeryThis is the cheap grade Thenthere is WHITE SEMIPORCELAIET the closest topure china manufactured Thisis also pure white

    English Decorated WareThree patterns beautifulcolors aud designs Everypiece of this ware can beduplicated from our stock intho event of a breakage oc-curring


    This enables peopleto have their sots always fulland complote

    IN FRENCH CHINAwe have the largest stock inHonolulu and the patternsaro more varied than can bofound elsewhere Wo havethree stock patterns fromwhich one piece or a hundredmay bo purchased

    FANCY ARTICLESin plain white china or indecorated waro These piecesinclude Chocolate Sets bouil-lon


    Cups and Saucers Avithcovers Oystor Plates MustardPots etc

    Von Holt Mock






    Thirteenth Annual MeetingOF THE

    Hawaiian Jockey Club


    Itncos will Common co at lO a mShnrp on tho 11th

    Races will Oommonco at 1 p m ontho 12 th


    FIRST BICYCLE RACEHalf mllo dash Prize Trophy

    valued at 20

    SECOND BICYCLE RACEOno milo handicap Prize Tro-


    valued at 30THIRD HONOLULU PURSE


    Running raco half mile dashFreo for all

    FOURTH MERCHANTS PURSETrotting and Pacing to Harness

    bost 2 in 8 235 class Purso 150

    FIFTH --IRWIN CUP RUNNINGOno milo dash for Hawaiian bred

    Horses to bo won twice by mem ¬bers of tho Jookey Club 5150added

    SIXTH MULE RACEOno milo dash Purse 50


    Trotting and Pacing to Harnessbest 2 in 3 230 class PurBO 150


    Running Race lodash Hawaiian bred


    One and a quarter miles froo forall 150 added to no won twico


    Nob 1 and 2 samo as Juno 11


    Five eighths of a mile dash forHawaiian breds Purso 150




    Paoing and Trotting frno for allbost 8 iu 5 Purse 150 with 50added


    Running Raco one mile dash