froshnt. o taklematl - · attack racially motivated:...

I - - i 1 l m I -By Andrea Lamberti and Prabiat Mehts Two construction projects begun this past spring will provide additional space for the bio- logical and managerial sciences. Construction of the new -'Aes ;Street-iology building has been divided into two phases - ex- cavation and construction - and is currently in the excavation phase. Excavlmi... n; ise. expetred to be completed in early October, and actual build- ing construction is slated for late October. At this point, work is on schedule, according to Francis P. Lawton, special assistant to the vice president The building, which will be Building 68, has 'a budget of $70 million. In early' August, selected bidding contractors will be allowed to price the building, and a con- tractor for the second phase will be selected five to six weeks later, Lawton said. ; . Currently being excavated are eight feet of material that contains-some contaminants, pri- ~~~~~...... L I .I .- says incident racially motivated By Linda D'Angelo Doeringer said appeared to be in- later apprehended by Cambridg The Saturday morning stab- toxicated, allegedly shouted ra- Police. ;bing of Michael: Goldfarb G by a cial slurs at the group. Pinto then Pinto is being held on $25,00 :Dorchester teenager was racially charged the group and stabbed bail after pleading not guilty t motivated, District Attorney Tom Goldfarb in the lower right back, charges of assault with intent t Rielly said in Cambridge District Doeringer said. murder, assault and battery wit Court Monday.- The juvenile restrained Pinto a dangerous weapon, and civ .Goldfarb and three.others from further stabbing Goldfarb, rights Aolati arraign . JoeD einger G, Justin Won G Doeringer said, adding that had ment Monday. A pretrial confer and Petrie Oryer, a visiting scien- Pinto not been restrained, "Mike ence is scheduled for July 24. tist -were allegedly attacked on would be dead." The fotr then The juvenile, whose name Windsor Street shortly-after mid- ran from the scene, he said. being withheld, was arraigne -fight by 17-year-old Jaral Pinto Goldfarb was taken to Massa- in Cambridge Juvenile Cour and a 16-year-old as they walked chusetts General Hospital, where Monday. : home from an off-campus party. he remains in stable condition. Attack racially motivated :Pinto and the juvenile, whom Pinto and the juvenile were 1~!1 P lC} u!. en.~,-, fnrr th ge to to th vil br- is ed irt Aill leglily, SposespCtSon ult ui ta DA's Office, said the district at- torney had asked that Pinto's bail be set at $500,000, an amount she called 'very high,," because- of "the unprovoked viciousness of the attack" and also because the defendant has "a long juve- nile record." While Reilly said civil rights violations are not "automatic" when racial slurs are used during an attack, she said the victims told police they felt they had been attacked because they were white. "We are going to make sure that the case is prosecuted ag- gressively," Reilly said, noting that state legislation "guarantees a-very stiff sentence for a crime Jae ~ ~ ~ h inPw cla SO1e tu "o ag'"'"17; (Please turn to page 17) hp. FroshNt. o taklematl -. . . . . -. - :By)Andrea Lamber'i` cording: to Assistant- Dean for I : uing/ Residence/Orientation ;:Undergiaduate6;:Education Mar- :1 Week his :year freshmenmwill take garet S.: Endes; who isoversee- a nmath diagnostic'test; the results ing the diagnostic test program. of which will be provided to stu - Students will 'be expecpted to : dents and their advisors before finish the.20-question 'test, in class -selection in the fall.' about 45 minutes,` but two hours' The -test is designed to help have been se.eduled for the test, ~- freshmen check their math back- :Enders said. The test will will be grounds against certain math given in small classrooms rather skills in algebra, geometry, trigo- than large lecture halls, and it nometry, analytic geometry, 'and may have a flexible starting time, logarithms and exponentials they so that students aare not do not will be expected to know -at MIT. feel pressure if.someone around "There's a perception among them finishes early; Enders said. administrators and faclity mrem, . A testlaverage wll:not be pub- bers;. narticularlv faculty -in the' lished, but the average time taken : core scie nc / - s ;.,!-,that a" o 0ish-'itest gtibe-pub, . signifi'~fitai:tfiu'nue~rT!6{o',,MIT -stu - :lishid;-.End` s fds ~'Theltest !Wil dents enter the science core !:iith::no f 'be graded- for passing: .r their pre-ai culsi math skills 'in failing grades, studnts will be rusty condition," Associate Dean told how many questions they an- for Student Affairs. Travis R. swered. correctly. in each section, Merritt said. and how long it took them to fin- "We thought that ... it would ish the test. be a good"idea to use this diag- Professor of Physics' Anthony nostic procedure .. in order-to P. French, who was an author of give students and. their advisors the test, said, "Obviously we'll be some early sense of any shortfalls interested in the statistical re- and means of correcting those sults, but we don't think there shortfalls or deficits,", Merritt,9 will be any~great surprises there. who heads .the Undergraduate [The test is] very much geared to Academic Support Office, added. help the student choose the most . In June, members of the Class appropriate program for him, in of 1995 received a version of the other'words, which math class, test and a set of solutions. should they consider postponing The actual test given during R/O physics by one semester, things. Week will have the same number like that.". of questions and be similar in na- French was the primary author- ture to the summer version, ac- of the test but incorporated "a -akers aurestaurant. lot of consultation and trials by various std ents-ending their freshman yearn in putting the test together, he said. Summer math hotline In the letter sent with the diag- nostic test, to freshmen, Enders said, "The diagnostic is based on the kinds of things .you should have at your- fingertips when you- begin your first semester here.. Thepurpose of this ex- ercis e is to enable you to discover any.weak pointsin your pro-cal- culus proficiency and take steps -to remedy thim :in advance." T- TOWard thA .end, the Under- !gadu E4. te office ::'has. set up a toll-free hotline,. staffed by current MIT students, to an- swer any questions freshmen may have about the test or about how they can review material.. Additionally, math review "modules" have been prepared and are available for freshmen who want them. French and Ade- laida Moranescu '94 wrote the re- view packets on the five subjects covered in the test, which are partly based on' previous review modules prepared by the mathe- matics department. For students who want to re- view further once they arrive at MiT,' four review- nights w'fi be (Please turn:to page 17) B Lakshmana Rao The new restaurant propc by ARA for the first floor of Julius A. Stratton, '23" Stud Center is scheduled to -opeI early fall, according to Alan, I general'manager of food sexrvic The restaurant, which .will called Hacker's, is to replace Networks restaurant and:is be a "comfortable P for students to Come and ha, meal,. and 'would have a bzr range. of menu items at I prices," Leo said. The introduction of Hacl was part of the food service posal from ARA, whichin May was awarded the contrac provide food servicesat'MI T marily petroleum hydrocarbons, at varying lev- els. Once that has been removed to approved sites, the Ames Street site will be tested again for further contaminants and excavated further. Once 'the site has been excavated to a level where + h.drt conai .....- c...mi...nt. w... ,h,, d~rt t ; e n .. _C ... am -ntn s, hich Lawton expects to be about 15 feet, the excava- tion can proceed- much more quickly in prepara- tion, for the building foundation. After initial excavation, interlocking metal sheet piles were driven into the ground to an av- erage level of 46 feet. The piles hold back the ground water and prevent it from falling to a lower level, Lawton said'. If the water table fell, wood piles supporting' the surrounding buildings could rot. The first phase will end when all the dirt is. excavated and a concrete mat has been laid at-:. the bottom of the hole. This mat' is called':a-' "mud mat," Lawton said; and will keep water.- (Please turn topage 19) -1.; . I l l , I . Drive . -- M.m ' 0 amid. . &%,, AgNm swok IMPOL. gm, w Aft Aft Aaft K slyfigja 1. OIC31.u , - I %V sea*. · ~z---f fa. der the new "profit-and-loss" )sed system. the Hacker's -will serve individual- lent size' Pizza Hut Express pizzas .y . - along eaith a FrnF of appetizers Leo(, grilled items and other regular ices. entries. ARA is 'considering re- I be placing the I pizza station in Lob- the . dell Court, Itza Pizza, with. a de-'>; new food oPtion such'as a pasta dlace corner. ye a Hacker's is scheduled to oper- road ate every -day, from 11 am to low 11 pm. Currently, ARAi is explor- - ing with other . restaurants the ker's possibility of providing a wider pro-. -,range of late-night meal plan s-r- late .vices..'Te present arrangement ct to '~ with -Domino's Pizza that allows 7 un- students to order Domino's defiv-. ,ery and pay for it with their meal cards will continue tooperate un- der- the % Cw xcontr _t. Leo said that even though they i"are -eintroducing the new space - with certain broad'-concepts and ideas, they are very flexible in terms of the details of services and products that will be offered at Hacker's,; Leo proposes to. ,(Piease turn to page 2) .. . ~ ~~. . .. . . William Chu/The Tech The site of the new biology building is in the excavation phase. Construction of the building is expected to begin in late October. BUIOogy site, E 56 w ork begins

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Page 1: FroshNt. o taklematl - · Attack racially motivated: ... FroshNt. o taklematl. .-. . -. . - :By) ... sheet piles were driven into the




i 1 l m


-By Andrea Lambertiand Prabiat Mehts

Two construction projects begun this pastspring will provide additional space for the bio-logical and managerial sciences.

Construction of the new -'Aes ;Street-iologybuilding has been divided into two phases - ex-cavation and construction - and is currently inthe excavation phase. Excavlmi... n; ise. expetred tobe completed in early October, and actual build-ing construction is slated for late October.

At this point, work is on schedule, accordingto Francis P. Lawton, special assistant to the vicepresident The building, which will be Building68, has 'a budget of $70 million.

In early' August, selected bidding contractorswill be allowed to price the building, and a con-tractor for the second phase will be selected fiveto six weeks later, Lawton said. ; .

Currently being excavated are eight feet ofmaterial that contains-some contaminants, pri-




. - says incident racially motivatedBy Linda D'Angelo Doeringer said appeared to be in- later apprehended by Cambridg

The Saturday morning stab- toxicated, allegedly shouted ra- Police.;bing of Michael: Goldfarb G by a cial slurs at the group. Pinto then Pinto is being held on $25,00:Dorchester teenager was racially charged the group and stabbed bail after pleading not guilty tmotivated, District Attorney Tom Goldfarb in the lower right back, charges of assault with intent tRielly said in Cambridge District Doeringer said. murder, assault and battery wit

Court Monday.- The juvenile restrained Pinto a dangerous weapon, and civ.Goldfarb and three.others from further stabbing Goldfarb, rights Aolati arraign. JoeD einger G, Justin Won G Doeringer said, adding that had ment Monday. A pretrial conferand Petrie Oryer, a visiting scien- Pinto not been restrained, "Mike ence is scheduled for July 24.

tist -were allegedly attacked on would be dead." The fotr then The juvenile, whose nameWindsor Street shortly-after mid- ran from the scene, he said. being withheld, was arraigne-fight by 17-year-old Jaral Pinto Goldfarb was taken to Massa- in Cambridge Juvenile Courand a 16-year-old as they walked chusetts General Hospital, where Monday.

: home from an off-campus party. he remains in stable condition. Attack racially motivated:Pinto and the juvenile, whom Pinto and the juvenile were

1~!1 P lC} u!. en.~,-, fnrr th





Aill leglily, SposespCtSon ult ui ta

DA's Office, said the district at-torney had asked that Pinto's bailbe set at $500,000, an amountshe called 'very high,," because-of "the unprovoked viciousnessof the attack" and also because

the defendant has "a long juve-nile record."

While Reilly said civil rightsviolations are not "automatic"when racial slurs are used duringan attack, she said the victimstold police they felt they hadbeen attacked because they werewhite.

"We are going to make surethat the case is prosecuted ag-gressively," Reilly said, notingthat state legislation "guaranteesa-very stiff sentence for a crime

Jae ~ ~ ~ h

inPw cla SO1e tu "o ag'"'"17;

(Please turn to page 17)


FroshNt. o taklematl-. . . . .-.

- :By)Andrea Lamber'i` cording: to Assistant- Dean for I: uing/ Residence/Orientation ;:Undergiaduate6;:Education Mar- :1

Week his :year freshmenmwill take garet S.: Endes; who isoversee-a nmath diagnostic'test; the results ing the diagnostic test program.of which will be provided to stu -Students will 'be expecpted to :dents and their advisors before finish the.20-question 'test, inclass -selection in the fall.' about 45 minutes,` but two hours'

The -test is designed to help have been se.eduled for the test, ~-freshmen check their math back- :Enders said. The test will will begrounds against certain math given in small classrooms ratherskills in algebra, geometry, trigo- than large lecture halls, and itnometry, analytic geometry, 'and may have a flexible starting time,logarithms and exponentials they so that students aare not do notwill be expected to know -at MIT. feel pressure if.someone around

"There's a perception among them finishes early; Enders said.administrators and faclity mrem, . A testlaverage wll:not be pub-bers;. narticularlv faculty -in the' lished, but the average time taken :core scie nc / - s ;.,!-,that a" o 0ish-'itest gtibe-pub, .signifi'~fitai:tfiu'nue~rT!6{o',,MIT -stu - :lishid;-.End` s fds ~'Theltest !Wildents enter the science core !:iith::no f 'be graded- for passing: .rtheir pre-ai culsi math skills 'in failing grades, studnts will berusty condition," Associate Dean told how many questions they an-for Student Affairs. Travis R. swered. correctly. in each section,Merritt said. and how long it took them to fin-

"We thought that ... it would ish the a good"idea to use this diag- Professor of Physics' Anthonynostic procedure .. in order-to P. French, who was an author ofgive students and. their advisors the test, said, "Obviously we'll besome early sense of any shortfalls interested in the statistical re-and means of correcting those sults, but we don't think thereshortfalls or deficits,", Merritt,9 will be any~great surprises there.who heads .the Undergraduate [The test is] very much geared toAcademic Support Office, added. help the student choose the most

. In June, members of the Class appropriate program for him, inof 1995 received a version of the other'words, which math class,test and a set of solutions. should they consider postponingThe actual test given during R/O physics by one semester, things.Week will have the same number like that.".of questions and be similar in na- French was the primary author-ture to the summer version, ac- of the test but incorporated "a

-akers aurestaurant.

lot of consultation and trialsby various std ents-ending theirfreshman yearn in putting the testtogether, he said.

Summer math hotline

In the letter sent with the diag-nostic test, to freshmen, Enderssaid, "The diagnostic is based onthe kinds of things .you shouldhave at your- fingertips whenyou- begin your first semesterhere.. Thepurpose of this ex-ercise is to enable you to discoverany.weak pointsin your pro-cal-culus proficiency and take steps

-to remedy thim :in advance."T- TOWard thA .end, the Under-

!gadu E4. te office ::'has.

set up a toll-free hotline,. staffedby current MIT students, to an-swer any questions freshmen mayhave about the test or about howthey can review material..

Additionally, math review"modules" have been preparedand are available for freshmenwho want them. French and Ade-laida Moranescu '94 wrote the re-view packets on the five subjectscovered in the test, which arepartly based on' previous reviewmodules prepared by the mathe-matics department.

For students who want to re-view further once they arrive atMiT,' four review- nights w'fi be

(Please turn:to page 17)

B Lakshmana RaoThe new restaurant propc

by ARA for the first floor ofJulius A. Stratton, '23" StudCenter is scheduled to -opeIearly fall, according to Alan, Igeneral'manager of food sexrvic

The restaurant, which .willcalled Hacker's, is to replaceNetworks restaurant be a "comfortable Pfor students to Come and ha,meal,. and 'would have a bzrrange. of menu items at Iprices," Leo said.

The introduction of Haclwas part of the food serviceposal from ARA, whichinMay was awarded the contracprovide food servicesat'MIT

marily petroleum hydrocarbons, at varying lev-els. Once that has been removed to approvedsites, the Ames Street site will be tested again forfurther contaminants and excavated further.

Once 'the site has been excavated to a levelwhere +h.drt conai .....- c...mi...nt. w...,h,, d~rt t ; e n .._C -ntn s, hichLawton expects to be about 15 feet, the excava-tion can proceed- much more quickly in prepara-tion, for the building foundation.

After initial excavation, interlocking metalsheet piles were driven into the ground to an av-erage level of 46 feet. The piles hold back theground water and prevent it from falling to alower level, Lawton said'. If the water table fell,wood piles supporting' the surrounding buildingscould rot.

The first phase will end when all the dirt is.excavated and a concrete mat has been laid at-:.the bottom of the hole. This mat' is called':a-'"mud mat," Lawton said; and will keep water.-

(Please turn topage 19)

-1 .; . I l

l , I .


. - - �M.m ' 0amid. . &%,, AgNm swok IMPOL. gm, w Aft Aft Aaft

K slyfigja1. OIC31.u , - I %V sea*.

· ~z---f fa.der the new "profit-and-loss"

)sed system.the Hacker's -will serve individual-

lent size' Pizza Hut Express pizzas.y . -along eaith a FrnF of appetizers

Leo(, grilled items and other regularices. entries. ARA is 'considering re-I be placing the I pizza station in Lob-the . dell Court, Itza Pizza, with. ade-'>; new food oPtion such'as a pasta

dlace a Hacker's is scheduled to oper-road ate every -day, from 11 am tolow 11 pm. Currently, ARAi is explor-

- ing with other . restaurants theker's possibility of providing a widerpro-. -,range of late-night meal plan s-r-late .vices..'Te present arrangement

ct to '~ with -Domino's Pizza that allows7 un- students to order Domino's defiv-.

,ery and pay for it with their mealcards will continue tooperate un-der- the % Cw xcontr _t.

Leo said that even though theyi"are -eintroducing the new space

- with certain broad'-concepts andideas, they are very flexible interms of the details of servicesand products that will be offeredat Hacker's,; Leo proposes to.

,(Piease turn to page 2).. . ~ ~~. . . . . .

William Chu/The TechThe site of the new biology building is in the excavation phase. Construction of thebuilding is expected to begin in late October.

BUIOogy site, E 56 w ork begins

Page 2: FroshNt. o taklematl - · Attack racially motivated: ... FroshNt. o taklematl. .-. . -. . - :By) ... sheet piles were driven into the


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I "';r -"1T--NPT4 R*Pi-,:

By Dave Watt.Professor Emeritus Edward N.

Lorenz SM '43 of the Depart-ment of Earth and Planetary Sci-ences has been awarded the 199iKyoto Prize for the basic sciencesfoF his pioneering work on thestudy of mathematically chaotic

sphere, small variations in theinitial conditions of a systemproduced huge changes at latertimes. Many systems in mathe-*matics and nature have ·this prop-erty, which is now known aschaos.

Ideas about chaos have influ-enced not only mathematics and.meteorology, but all areas ofbasic science. The Kyoto PrizeCommittee called the discoveryof chaos "as important as ...the discovery of the principleof uncertainty in quantummechanics."

Lorenz later discovered thatthe ch-aos inherent in at;oshere.circulation made it impossible toforecast the weather over any giv-en area of the globe more thanabout 10 days in advance. Smallchanges in the initial values forair pressure or temperature in aremote comer of the globe couldeventually propagate into hugechanges elsewhere.

He thereby demonstrated thatweather cannot be predicted be-yond a certain point, regardlessof how precisely scientists canmeasure the conditions of theearth at any given time.

The Kyoto Prizes are givenannually "to honor those.-whohave contributed significantly tothe scientific, cultural, and'.spiri-tual development of mankind."

Awards are presented annually,one each' in; the basic sciences,creative ar'ts and moral sciences,and advanced technology.

Four -MIT faculty membershave won the award in the past.

Lorenz, 74, has worked atMIT as a student and facultymember since 1940. He will visitKyoto, Japan, in November toaccept the prize.

Lorenz, who is at the NationalCenter for Atmospheric Researchin Boulder, CO, could not bereached for comment.

photo courtesy Inamori FoundationProfessor Emeritus -EdwardN. Lorenz SM '43systems in nature. The amount ofthe prize is 450 million yen, orover $300,000.

Lorenz, a meteorologist, madehis greatest discoveries whiletrying to understand circulationin the atmosphere, and its con-sequences for predicting theweather. His classic 1963 paper,"Deterministic NonperiodicFlow," demonstrated. that evenfor simple models of the atmo-

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:- .,, -- p·e,. . . ,

. fhlle grad- shtdenlt :c.onci!? rese nfs:3 .

NetwOrks has been closed inHacker.'s restaurant.'

Andrea Lamberti/The Techpreparation for the opening of

Currently architects arework-ing -out the layout 'for Hacker's.Leo said that the renovations be minor, with' Only afew. changes in the front counter.The basic seat-plan of the:exist-ing Netwo rks will .-be retained,_ headded.

(ConPtinued from page 1)

work closely with the representa-tives of the Undergraduate Asso-ciation and to get feedback onthe proposed services through acampus-wide marketing .survey to'be conducted early in the fall.

'. W.F.

:�mrr==-�, URDA.-Y'



We also have Grinders' and, Subs'OPEN: 10:00 A.M. - 10:00 PM.

7 Days a weelk

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I .02c 9& d~~l~4·hr "Ir -Ill

. I OOAe .

~-~ PAGE 2 The Tech WEDNESDAY, JULY 17, 1991 1

Lorenz awarded Iyo o : -lrize

.RouN Is

; ~'.- '. 4"_:' P '.:"..--:..:....

R, Hr 0O =Z S-L:1^ANO:'k'·J N[qP3 T$dg 4p8 ~~~~~~~~a , .:.. .?-;: -.

Networks restaurant closes


indcldes entrance' into' twoof. the Newvp'ort mansionIs and'

tluid-tri'p' bus transportation: C~AMBPUS PIZZAB239 Massachusetts Ave.

Cambridge, MA' Tel: 547;2208

'2 blocks from-M IT'eEA~f%1 I AK1K 'WCDQAO


~ ~J R3 ~~~~~i . .-I ,o=N\ 11 �ii2

prhone 'the. GSC office at 253-2195 for m~ore' informationl .

Page 3: FroshNt. o taklematl - · Attack racially motivated: ... FroshNt. o taklematl. .-. . -. . - :By) ... sheet piles were driven into the

,11111 rill mom . : , ,~~~~~~~~~

How, you feelin? Hot!, Hot! Hot!As we move into the climatologically warmest

Week of the'year, -the weather across much ofcentral and southern New EngIand will'feelmarkedly warmer. A ridge of high pressure coveringmost of the central and eastern US will keep theheat on through the next several days, with daytimehighs exceeding the 90-degree mark for much of theforecast period. Somewhat cooler weather isindicated for late in the upcoming weekend. Higherdew points will also make the weather quiteuncomfortable for many. There will be increasingchances for thundershowers and showers throughthe period as well.

Wednesday: Mostly sunny, hot and a bit moresticky. High around 95°F (35°C). Southwestwinds 10 mph (16 kph).

Wednesday night: Partly cloudy and mild. Low 70-75 OF (21-24°C).

,_ ... ay.. Pa.t-ly cloudy and hot with higher dewpoints. High around 95°F (35°C). Winds shiftingwest 15 mph (24 kph). Low 75°F (240C).

Riday: Partly cloudy and hot with showers orthundershowers possible. High around 92 OF(33 °C),

Forecast by Michael C. Morgan

-- ---I-"-··�8�·Q1B

I i

,"iMutual'asking NJ regulators for helpThey have been getting coffee and counseling; but

customers trying to cash in-their Mutual Benefit life insur-ance policies are not getting cash. That is because thecompany - the nation's 18th largest life insurer-- is ask-ing New Jersey officials to take control to prevent its fail-ure. Even though the company is'solvent, state regulatorshave become concerned as policyholders' withdrawal re-quests have climbed to $1 billion.

Fed not to' reduce. interest rates ....Federal Reserve Chairman Alan, Greenspan is- dashing

hopes that "interest rates will drop anytime soon. He hastold a house .banking subcommittee that the Fed-hasstopped trying to push rates down for now because it is,trying to avoid a resurgence of inflation. President George

Head of Hilltop heifer heistedto Herald headquarters

Investigators are still searching for a herd of fiberglasscattle heads stolen from outside a Braintree steakhouseover the weekend. Police say one heifer head was broughtinto the lobby of the Boston Herald building and left bythe'security- guard. But five other heads and a completefigure of a calf remain missing from the Hilltop SteakHouse. Police say someone beheaded the life-sizedbovines between midnight Saturday and 4 am Sunday.The cow sculptures are valued'at $500 apiece. Restaurantofficials say they will probably be replaced.

Diffusers to help clean harb'orDrillers are working 24 hours a day, six days a week,

about nine miles east of Deer Island to set diffuser pipesthat will disperse more than one billion gallons of treatedsewage a day. The work is part of the cleaning of BostonHarbor, and drilling contractors to the MassachusettsWater Resources Authority have completed work on six ofthe 55 diffusers. The pipes will be linked to a sewage tun-nel from Deer Island beginning in 1993. When the diffus-er pipes are in place, they are topped with mushroom-shaped caps with eight nozzles to disperse treated sewage.The area around the cap is filled with sand and stone.

,Gay defenders charge' discriminationThe Gay and Lesbian Advocates and Defenders. Group

has filed a complaint with the Massachusetts CommissionAgainst Discrimination on behalf of a lesbian who losther job after becoming pregnant, The executive directorof the group said it believes Susan Rivet was fired fromher job -as a supervisor with the Charles River Associationfor Retarded Citizens in Needham because she,,.was alesbian who became pregnant,. He said he thought thecase was the first of its kind in the state, The complaintsays the woman was told her position had been eliminatedthrough reorganization but that she was replaced by aman.,

Policema n- threw trash in cemeteryA Clinton police detective has admitted to dumping

trash in a local cemetery, and he has been made to clean itup. Detective Robert' Burke also was disciplined'by thepolice department, but details of his punishment Were notdisclosed. Authorities say Burke, who fives in Clinton,dumped, debris in Woodlawn: Cemetery late last:"'onth.Among the litter was a television 'set, a house Window,children's toys and clothing.

A·s~~ i

:The Tech PAGE 3·WEDNESDAY, JULY 17, 1991.�`�''�� ''''�' ' ' : ' � ''

Plan prOposes UN track arms salesThe arms-cOntrol communique the summit leaders, re-

leased today calls for the United Nations to keep track ofsales of conventional weapons. The plan offered by Japanand. Britain reflects the leaders' concern about the flow ofarms to the Middle East and the military force Iraq wasable to amass before the gulf war.

'Croaans appeal for truceTrouble in Yugoslavia is apparently moving from Slo-

venia to. Croatia, as officials in the second of two break-away republics appeal for help from the EuropeanCommunity. Croatia wants EC monitors to enforce atruce brokered by the Europeans. Meantime, leaders theresay ethnic violence has flared - at a time independence-related violence in Slovenia -has subsided under the EC-monitored cease-fire.

Gorbach ev mak ing: pitch for aidSoviet President Mikhail S. Gorbachev is in London,

preparing to make a pitch for outside help for his reformprogram. Leaders of the industrialized democracies- willhear the'Kremlin chief present his plan for Soviet eco-nomic reforms. Secretary of State James A' Baker IIIsays Gorbachev will; not leave empty-handed. He says theSoviet leader will'be offered help integrating the So-viet -

economy into the world market. When asked if this aidmight include money, Baker noted that Gorbachev is notasking for cash.

Democratic leaders -praise Kremlin '-Fireworks and dinner"with thequen apped: the second:

day at the economic summit of the World's seven richestindustrial democracies. President George Bush, and his sixallies earlier used their .'Lorndon forum to praise.MikhailS. Gorbachev's drive toward an 'open and danm .ratic So-,viet Union." And they say their support for the Kr emlin 'reforms is "strong as ever."

·Baker- cautious on Mideast peaceSecretary of State James A. Bakerl III says there are

,plenty of things that could get in the way of a Mideastpeace conference as he gets ready to visit the regionagain. At a news conference in London yesterday, Bakerindicated that he expects some mov eement from Israel nowthat Syria is showing a willingness tomtalk.

US expected to close Clark Air BaseDefense Secretary Dick Cheney says it is'notf very likely

the United States will continue to use Clark Air Base inthe Philippines. He says it is "just not a:viable prospect.,The base was Severely damaged by eruptions of MountPinatubo. US officials negotiating leases on US bases inthe Philippines say the effort is beginning to focus on Su-bic Bay Naval Base.

Bush has been pressing for even lower interest rates, to Census f rmul l ma.~~~ Ce ssfrua my be, adjustedfuel the economic recovery..Wall Street is not pleased with . ......Greenspam's announcement ° Greenspan's announcement. ~Commnerce Secretary'RObert Mosbacher is offering apossible Corfilcmrom~se ton jIrisdictions Up in arms over the

Nunn: Thomas-. onfirmation likely' 1990 census. Mosbacher ts sad the Buslf ~administationwill not correct the, count. - which it says may be off byPresident George EBush's choice for the Supremne Court

is getting a boost from a key Democrat. Georgia Senator tive million p o le: !ntf~;::he: says h6:~ Will try to comeN- "'nn-~b~uuan· .gs~gls· -~m ,~b_ ~il~~Pih~-·-d utp~~- with' a wff.0 :d8jtis ~ the e dea: i d formula for

Sam- u nn says:~i~e m likeliho o :eilvttcnfirm: 'area§s - thatm hatre'nbeenicheated by: the count. CensusJudge Clarence Thomas.figures are used for dishing out federal funds'.

Senate. wants to restore abortionc ounsei1ng '--at. federal Clinics

The Senate has edged closer to reversing the admininistion's ban on abortion i ounse ling at federally funfamily planning clinics. On a 64-35 vote, the Serejected an -effort' to satage -part of the. counselingThe administration is renewing: a threat to vetomeasure.

Gates' confirm ation hearings delayWhite House officiols have lone aong withes. pla

delay confirmation hearnlgs for Robert Gates, iorinby President George Bush to become director of thetral Inte!ligen-..Ageicy.. The SenatIteJnelligence Comntee has 'pUt' Off~ofi 'atio ion- fnih :'uintil :st'eip.,"llook further into Gates' role during. the Iran-contra sdal. In a statement.from London, White House offisaid. they hope the'n ew ' date Will m-ean smooth sailingthe nomwnee. The statement said the delay shouldlawmakers-:move ahead on-the confirmatoiin without itrupt~piorn.

Chemical spill headed for resafroA California official says hundreds ofpeople have

their homes as thousands of gallons of w eed killer:-'toward the state's biggest reservoir. The chemical is Iing into a river from a derailed freight train. CaptainDavidge of the Departmen t of Forestry says chemiststry to determine the enviro'nmental and health bazar

L.A. may limit poice chief termThe Los Angeles City Coidcil has taken a first stel

ward limiting the term of the chief of police, as DGates fights pressure' to step down becamse 'of a p,brutality scandal. A councilman today proposed a r,endure on imposing a two-term limit of five years eac:Los Angeles Times survey out yesterday showed thatout of five Angelinos want a new police chief.

DOL school'reforms 'pa presenteThe US Department of Labor today promoted a

si1001U ' reform p!an. The- plan, oresanted to New Engbusiness leaders ..and:' federal officials at a forunBoston, calls- for t4aching -.students, especially thosebound for college,. how':to tinderstand and use tachrio

· In addition, the repo. f::;caus foriovd instruiticsuch areas as: math , ilrkadgimfiting, speaking, listenreasoning andprobk/m)~sgIvfig.6 Under-the Plan, $200lion wiu ld' be ised fromu businssesto Set up more500 model schools dirdund theo iuntry. Regional offiquestioned whether it is possible' to teach work skilschools, that~ are eliminating- staff and- programs inmidst of budget cUt ts.

Three companies to build bomber--Three contractors say #tey are joining forces to win th6e

contract to build a new.,carrier-based attack bomber forthe Navy. Grumman, B0~ing and Lockheed hope to avoidproblems that led to the cancellaton of the A-12 program.

Pentagon purchased -from :- suspend epd olCntractor.

fed A ranking member of Congress is:accusing the Penta-m to gon of doing 'business with what he calls "a convictedrated corporate felon." Michigan Democrat John Conyers Jr.Cen- says a report from his House Committee on Governmenttrait- Operatiorisfound 161 subcontracts handed to the Nor-6 :to throp .,C&oration while the defense contractor was. on;can- suspension because of fraud. The Air Force defended[cials some of the deals - saying it was the only place to buyg for certain items.I letnter-'~ Perdue fowls nutritional analysis

.-.:~)An ~ic~advocacy group accuses PerdueFarms of misleading'.:consumers with the nutritional' analysis of its chicken.

-: The Center for Science in the Public, Interest says the in-, '5,, formation is based on one-ounce servings, instead of the

)left: customary five-ounce servings. The company says it isdrift studying the complaint that has Wen filed with two feder-leaik- al agencies.iJim ·.

~ willrds. .Coors Light receives Heavy Fines

..New York state is putting the brakes on the Coors LightBeer slogan that says it "won't slow you down." The stateattorney general says the phrase implies that the beer ispl to- not intoxicating. He says the third-best-selling beer in

)aryl America has only slightly less alcohol than regular-Coors.efer- Offcrials say Coors Brewing Company of Colorado hash. A agreed to drop all old and new ads with the slogan byh. A Oct. 1. The company does not admit any wrongdoing as

part of the settlement, and it applies only to New Yorkstate. State officials say Coors will also stop using the"Silver bullet" jet and race car on television ads. They saythe brewer will also reimburse the state $100,000 in costs.

newdland A company spokeswoman in Colorado had no immediate

n'w in comment on the settlement.n 'in-·· not4ogy. 'Hardee's ad pokes fun at McLean")n in The lean-burger war is heating up, with Hardee'sningn g McDonald's' McLean l Deluxe on the grill. A newmil7 Hardee's commircial pushing, its own low-fat burger

than implies there is something fishy about its competitor'sicials product. A McDonald's spokeswoman says she has neverIs in seen the spot in which an actor playing a Hardee's manag-ti the er says Hardee's wrould neverf use seaweed, but she says it

sounds like the ad contains misinformation.Compiled by Lois E. Eaton'

and Bill Jackson

Page 4: FroshNt. o taklematl - · Attack racially motivated: ... FroshNt. o taklematl. .-. . -. . - :By) ... sheet piles were driven into the


I [~~

Volume 111, Numt

Chairman..........Editor in Chief.Business Mana!Managing EditoExecutive Edito

News Editors .......

Night Editor .........Opinion Editors ....

Arts Editor ..........Photography Editor

Contributing Editors

' -

Advertising ManageProduction ManageSenior'Editor .......

Associate News Ed'94, Joey Marquez'89, Linda D'Ange'93, Sharon PriceMeteorologists: Ro

The Tech WEDNESDAY, JULY 17, 1991 ' · - . ' , . t- ', . ', , ' ~ " , .Jl/:_ i

- - -' ; - | 9 s s s , , - * ;, _ _l i- ,., . -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~,

. - - . . : .......................~~~~~~~' '......... ..,-. -- <:,.'""? .^1 ;--<.X.-...s-;1 '' Column by MatthewH.Hersch [ I ,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Waiting outside of Crazy Arnie's Propane Barbe- The fundamenta an pel at- Ncue Filling Station on Long Island, NY, I could nott just because the United States and the-Soviet Umon .

- '- w > b I >keep my mind from wandering to the subject of the have large arsenal, theo l ,be quick to inter-POS \r 4ASTR / X combustible nature of Yugoslav politics. And not vene notony in .rei, disputes, but-'with ach9V Rose= C_ ,just the Balkan mess, but the crumbling of the So- other with little justification. With the world as un- -

- . r F S > viet Union and all the other political instability inf stable 'as it is, su ower leaders cou not possibly Ew--__-i, -sproerHleadersh"the world. be dumb enough to initiate global war on hunches People don't like instability. On sompe kind of ba or suspicions. While orderly Cold War society- lived.

| sic level it frightens them, and it keeps them from with hair-triggerntensions that could have easily ig-predicting the future - a painful torture for politi- nited conflict, contemporary tsuperpowers are more

:| .p| iii X cal columnists. cautious. With more players now entering the glob- ____________nju_ -ttI think it is for this reason that some considerable al political game, the superpowershave to be cau--

wonderful, global revolutions -have received some- tious.' Whil th-ehtances of- G- low-intensity co'nflict -

condemnation and a whole lot of, bad press lately. may be greater now,', the chances that these skir- -Once supporting the uprising of the Baltic states in mishes will escalate into cataclysms have nose- the Soviet Union and the Kurds in postwar Iraq, dived. ithe Bush administration has begun to back repres--__

'i ._ * ~~~ sive forces that can maintain stability over smaller dl .s lee t insurigent groups that match the Unitedm St iates' po-tionst senti ment, ui

-litical bent., issuing a wishy-washy stateuent o Os-O Ioaionistcentirand ing the independence movement in the Yugoslav re- while innocent and quaint, -

publics, the Bush administration had to-flip-flop to re k_ tniifravoid political embarrassment. For whatever rea- -

ber 29 Wednesday.July 17, 1991 sons, the present administration refuses to risk Ibacking the wrong horse. Political analysts conve-

................................. Lois E. Eaton '92 niently agree. And this brings us to the last great reason to sup-

........ Andrea Lamrberti '91 No one much questions the rationale for this pol- port the world's Hitrs, Saddams and Stalins-tolger ............... Mark E. Haseltine '92. icy, and it's a good.thing, too,. because none exists. make sure -that relationships- with the bad guy are

mr ................. David A. Maltz '93 Order mongers are quick to cite three sniveling rea- not damagedby helping the good guys. More a ra- - ur ffi . Joanna E. Stone ~~'92 sons for helping out the bad guys: We can't get in- tionaliation for doing nthing than' a political doc-

./....... . cnReuven M. Lerner '92 -volvedt we can't let instabiliy fluers ori leatrieern,, the statssthati ter to ase ban-Karen Kaplan '93 d on a growing rebellion than risk the disapproval of

Brian Rosenberg '93 . the tyrant state. Bette rto applaud th ae ofr~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~_th applatuninad the-Krsi maost-acreIrq,Katherine Shim '93 The Bush a'dministratio students in an en Square than to anger the ................ .. D Daniel-A. Sidney G Chas begunto back repressive Chinese government. -.................. ...... Prabhat Mehta -'91 9 P Not only is this policy ethically unsound, but it

Bill Jackson '93 forces that can maintain subverts foreign policy tthe actions of another na- e............ ... Deborah A. Levinson '91 stability tion - in effect allowing another nation to extort U

rs Sean Dougherty '93 stablity over' smaller support for its nastiness. -The United States, -under.......... Doug. .. KPeter Dunn G insurgent- groups that mthe banner of -peace and stability, has allowed itself

Michael J. Franklin '88 match thee•n S to become victimized mainlay by wtheChinese k~~~~ulics th e Buhamistation hdt lypf o bo* Russen W'lcox'9o1 UI~,~mJIn it -d and Syrans gw*ernrnentLtWO- bodi¢s wuo seerc LOWc -~~~~~~~~~everyreaally wmorks.t bu- - ~- Daveowt -political-bent. -counter US inerests at-eryavailabmoment, bt br BeA.To'3............. Ben A. ao '93 - whose support the United mStates believed -it needed t

Marie E. V. Coppola .... '..................... . to fightthe Persian Gulf . -...... :....... .. J ......... Jatn chmond the ortunath ely- or the lazy.; ofi, biase-sdappeasers who- tloser) or we will dainage relations with thek bad- guys. -flaunt the peace and stability doctrine, this prophe-

NEWS STAFF - - -Isolationist sentiment, while innocenand quaint, bcy- is self-fulfiling. B refusing th help a rebel par-ditars:- Alice N. Gilchrist '94, Jeremy Hylton never really works. f we do not choose to involve ty, -they often guarantee its destruction. Order mon- '94, Staff: Lakshmana Rao. G, Andrew L. Fish ourselves in the afefairs of other- nations, we lose out gers often become not impartialtobservers, but the -Ia~~~~~~~~~~~ '90 Migulvd wcan'tleto '1Shrinstbiit Mlouihor iillao'94, Chris Schechter '94, KaTeh Tao '94o - in trade, in defense, and in -global political con- tools of the oppressive foreign regimes. In the rare-b9rt Chrisa Ro 94 e cens.Evenbr '9e w;exbr .Bac .RbrtJ ~nemu .-cerns. EVeI1 worse,-we set ourselves up to become ; of

*bert -i * X ^c. Bva ^ *k*hs G, Robert J. represi v_Michael C. Morgan G, Greg Bettinger '91, Yeh-Kai Tung '93,Marek Zebrowski.

- : -- PRODUCTION-STAFFAssociate Night Editor: Kristine J. Cordella '91; Staff: JoshHartmann '92, Tzu-Jun Yen '92, Jonathon Weiss '93, Sasha K.Wood '93, Aaron M. Woolsey '93, Chris Council '94, Alex Dong'94, Jeff Galvin '94, Christopher Lee '94, Rebecca J. Soble; TENDirector: Andrew J. Kass '94.

OFINION STAFFAssociate Opinion Editor: Matthew H. Hersch '94; Staff:Gregory T. Huang G, Pawan Sinha'G, Jason Merkoski '94. .

SPORTS STAFFJordan J. Ditchek "91,' Mohamnmed Eissa '91; Stiawn Mastrian'91t, David Rothstein '91, Jennifer M. Moore '94.

ARTS STAFFMark Webster G. Manavendra K. Thakur '87, Christina Boyle'91, Emil Dabora '91, Robin Kullberg '91, Michelle P. Perry '91,Saride Chen '92, David Hogg '92, Rick Roos '92, Kevin Frisch'93, Nic Kelman '94, David Zapol '94, Chris Wanjek.

PHOTOGRAPHY STAFF'Associate Photography Editor: Vipul Bhushan G; Staff: WilliamChu G, Morgan Conn G, Christian S. Marx G; Dan McCarthy G,Andy Silber G, Lisette W. M. Lambregts '90, Sarath Krishna-swamy '91, Mauricio Roman '91, Anne Sammis '91, ChipBuchanan '92, Jonathan Kossuth '92, Lerothodi-Lapula Leeuw'92, Chris Blanc '93, Paulo Corriea '93, Michelle Greene '93,Sang H. Park '93, Matthew Warren '93, Jeremy Yung '93, HughB. Morgenbesser '94, Lawrence S. Schwartz '94. DarkroomManager: Kristine AuYeung '91.

FEATURES STAFFTaro Ohkawa '91, Jon Orwant '91, Mark Hurst '94.

BUSINESS STAFFAssociate Advertising Manager: Shanwei Chen '92; AccountsManager: Jadene Burgess '93; Staff: Haider Hamoudi '93.

ADVISORY BOARDV. Michael Bove '83, Harold A. Stern '87.

PRODUCTION STAFF FOR THIS ISSUENight Editors: ......... ........ Daniel A. Sidney G

Deborah A. Levinson '91Staff: Vipul Bhushan G, V. Michael Bove '83, Maya N.Federman '92.

The Tech (ISSN 0148-9607) is published on Tuesdays and Fridays during the academicyear: (except during MIT vacations), Wednesdays during January, and monthly during.the summer for $20.00 per year Third Class by The 'Tech,' Room W20-483, 84Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, MA 02139-0901. Third Class postage paid atBoston, MA. Non-Profit Org. Permit No. 59720. POSTMASTER: Please send alladdress changes to our mailing address: T77ie Tech, P0 Box 29, MIT Branch,Cambridge, MA 02139-0901. Telephone: (617) 253-1541. FAX: (617) 258-8226.Advertising, subscription, arnd typesetting rates available. Entire contents © 1991 TheTech. The Tech is a member of the Associated Press. Printed by Charles RiverPublishing, Inc.

the friendless victim of imperialist states, and aloof,, .selfish, ethically bankrupt global citizens.. 'For whatever-.rea'sons, the,:The fear that sovereignty disputes and indepen- ' r a e a n tdence movements Wil lead to global war is my fa- present administrationvorite sniveling excuse fororder mongering, mainly refuses to risk backin the~y refuses to ris'k backing thebecause, like the bestSoppressive doctrines, it is uni- 9versally accepted without justification. The argu- wrong horse.-ment goes something like this.

1. Natives get angry at King.2. Natives get restless. event that the rebels win:without our help, they, like3. Natives try to overthrow King. - the North Vietnamese wh0 asked for US support in4. Natives steal nuclear device from King and - defeating their French rulersin the 1950s, will come

detonate it over Kingt palace. to detest us with a passion.5. -Russians think Americans did it. The UN forces could have taken Baghdad, with6. Russia destroys America. or without Chinese and Syrian support, but didn't.7. America destroys Russia. The-United States could have terminated Saddam's8. Everyone destroys everyone. command, but didn't. The United-States -could have

Matthew H. Hersch, a sophomore, is associateopinion editor of The Tech.

helped the Kurds win, but didn't. To the Bush ad-ministration: Don't excuse -this obvious screw-upwith calls for. peace and order. -






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Page 5: FroshNt. o taklematl - · Attack racially motivated: ... FroshNt. o taklematl. .-. . -. . - :By) ... sheet piles were driven into the

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.... ,: .;~~ ~ ¢ .. ........... . ,I->3,',.4 \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~" W'EDNESDAY, 'JULY 1'X

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C te Sc- smmer-.a4 eeryoe i set- hat IT as reltivly igh bright; they look around them-(Editor;i-note.i -The follb~igi Engineering -' and optrSi umr a~eeyn ssa-ta ] a eaieyhgthe text of ,Tod Rodgr&ltetOne--o personas name, just tered. The true for-these suicide rate. Others have con- adsetevle htaedsMIT President-tharles._ M'. Veit.) "DePartment of Electrical Enigi- other schools, but they knew -firmed my impressions that- MIT plydbthMIleeri.

'- ' - "' ' neering',;' What -an imp'ersona 1 Douglas, and they cared. They cares first about research and its Please also understand that II'm. writing to -try -to. express -,way -:to, X'espond -to a, student's cared'abo'ut him, and they cared ow reuainnthscnifc mntbligMIfrcuig

my anger, outrage,-,sadness and death'.- enough to re~pond- from~wherev-anegierg-wldcrsDols'ucd.BtIamvya~~~~~hng scengicerigw d anres Douglas' suideBt I am strogydisappointment at the -way MIT 'Douglas' death was also re- er they were.- ' soehtaottahas failed to respond to~tfhe~_tragip,:_.==poted sin. the., June ,26 issue .of Another ray of sunshine in this' negneigt negau rtczn I o en fceideath of -our 'son, Douglas P.' The Tech.'Unfortunately, there dark affair has been the response aeadcrshrl talbyisniieaducrn.FrRodge '93. !.want- to -make two. wasIa ,'con-fusion- about, exactly of Douglas'i fraternity. I have aothwsuet eeo stemrItikoeo hpoints. First, kappears, t MIT" -~~~~~ a b o u how students, -diedopa thereore, whl thumnbingk maysiebneft of bengmoe

poins. Frst it'a ppers hatMT -o qga eteewr neverbeen a,)big fan of -fraterni- whlehm abensmny siecbnfisofengdorneither 1'nows-, nor cares, -about-- confused: c omncain henes but the - response,, supportommuni~~cations. , -.whenMy-tiesn point to you con- sensitive, more caring and more,~~~~~~~~~~~·adfinsthi orfmlhsre ersuicide specifically. What is human would be fewer suicides.MIT is an insensitive and uncar- Tech reported it as definitely an ceived: from Theta Xi has been the, suicide rate at MIT? How Iamntloigfrspthing institution. that -is willing accidental death. we have sinceovrhligdestcmpewthterol casathspin;Imlokgto accept student suicides as~nor- obtained facts from the police Several of his friends have been lesD yoacptiasnr frato.Wrdwllotba-real and will probab ly ave many, ithat have convinced, Us all that out to the house several times, mlIfy hvexrindteeqa;watouospkso

= .... /.,- - his<:death!w~as:;suicid,: if- the 'and:i1 have been -told that 30-40 0inore. -his-- death"" idd-' ~~~~~~~~~~death -wtsomcone close, 'I'm sure Iloud that. I can't hear what you1On -June 20. my wife returned -suicide of,,'a' 20-year-old is not of them attended the memorialyoknwtaageisnefth sy.Iopyuwlldsmtig

hometo indDougas~ ded- tagi enugh, he- aparetlyhadservice -- many traveling- long- natural feelings; and my anger is for MIT in general and for Thetabody do this. Two of -them ~~~~~~~~~~~~not limited to MIT. Xi specifically; and I would ap-

from he gaaeparet.yy uthe las-mn- disatynce to ecpfrom he grage apprenty try uteand as tyingto esape pokeatt hehsrvicev-antheaPlesethsoyunerstndetatlIoreunderharinaabottwhttyoing to scape nto th basemnt, frm the arage.made a, significant. and ~nmoving am not angry at you personally. I do.

of or hme.~e_'ied romcar But my-first 'Poinl-t you impression- on all our friends. know you are new, and I'm sure Ias att fe yeftbon monoxide poisoning. The doesn't depend on whether it was _,Althoughj., was initially ~very yuaevr uy o' xet o n I fteei n a

reou think I could be helpful. Iknow of hit'~ 'wa's an~' ac idenL tr aqw n oresuicide Eitherd no anryatte ~kh)w~'tal knityte, the more -Iyurodoeeeyhigyua'iYeknowif t wa anac'ideit-Jr a resondEiter n on t~l~wih- hem, th moe 1,reaizedoing, just 'because some under-, would be happy to talk with yousuicide. ':...' Douglas, or, no one cares. Not 'a/ " hwelpful./ah d supportivd e thapy.t

A friend of ours ;is a professor single teacher-has respobnde'd. No had been' to Douglas' all along - hmeEtl ihgopo ntigesat MIT, -and. hie- kindly offered teaching- assistant or' lab assistant, and how.'shocked, upset and BuasteldrofMTyu yuthncudbeepu.

to take'dare~~~~~ofinformintrubled the hag epne.ko,&ive been by are 'very visible; and you could Tod RodgerShotly threater wereeivd -lia~ltnd~of)~.ha'-,'resondd.Douglas'-death.', :m disturbed:<-. have a major impact on making

fr.6~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ andcncre that they. have no. MIT amore sensitive, -caring and P.S. Your letter arrived after Ia_'cal11~~ ~ ~~~~, -. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. =l............. rte theais, b tefor- I isenacity adVist.r, sIftad~ocre S{Uden: Affirs: Rbert-M... Ranab hmnpce- resp doduStudentAffaim~ ~ ~~ "Roer repne· adult leadership-to care aout wuante o wrote---su befyore IWante itO.

If, te nex timesomeoe in your letter were part of an overalld~lp. Raidop~hhas alld, sver Ini contrast to-this, ,six. of histhmon dil asatMT

-: ai times',and, he ;attefid/d Do'ug-, fdrmer=,Mgh school teac'hers~came 'i have shared-some of -my an- teMTc ~.u~ycnnt.s icide, you did d ~~ro evrting mihbearelyns aequate; buT.. itlas nim~il- ervce~w-ine 9:down' from New H'amp~shire and .ger and disappointment with sev- cgyudooo vrmn

· .If youdOh~t :know~Ranfdolph; you .Maine: to attend:-his memoriaerlMIaumiadnonei~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~or Ia day f, vei psit Ihn 'factl, atheidral bigest nthing m oria ervice;sh ' Ihud.-"Foif-o' r;~ espei~tive,. iervice-,:and, manyths< have:srie.ITat:hirbgetthemoil serie it could confirm all my feelings in let-

;' he's -one-o'f .hef`i-fa&eig; titnh''HS:had'str-ahntd' up r se wa s -hit!aSicdead:i hv apofud mac n hmar.sou lee wse? ? aa profound impact °~seanon thet t tr.a

y.:ouga ha -ia-~a'/!,~dl!,ohthersnv a~aarte .,' 'f.r ,' ... ' onRnolhLhav ,r ,has -,be-sedntms!ffl.'u,!, I-eou.,-!md so.e'::to. ,~,~.:,uthat,~Y,<, .,;.. ,..,-< ::..-:.. spel o nam correctly--. It.. re.....

, io,.ni,d ti'"t, ;rtne a, e,brt,[,til, tsay-oehng . od ' :a M~adp0blhl f .. ..b.. ,. ,,ur.,_,,

s~~~~~~~~~~~~t. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ '' ,' w~]"ed:: -i ,b, ..- d` w g 4.. 1 s mone -cet r es, , a nso u m~c i!g lL;[ . .

,.~~~~~0A .bycaw,164-icthe. Deatmet of lc ~and , nlet'sge d,'tell~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ei' eea, .- peo~ple7h haeitors me fweaarig easuieciders. MIT stheudeath ale proueyV"C -,, ~ "~ ,~I.I,,,~,r - m



7, 1991- Tli~eTechI


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MflT'~s r-eac lon. t.o-, suic Ide-s -xwvI am Writing to inform yoiu -time tasked hiimplekase.not,;;to. .- I.'will leave it up: toyou X de-

that, the article about my. son use the:'word:;siuicide -because, it-, 'cide if and howiyouy'want to cor-Dou0as P. CRdger '93 that ap-. was such a painful thought for my- rect the news' as your -paper haspeared on the front page of. the wife and me, and because in our, reported it. It's'understandableJune 26 issue -of, The Tech -is in- · minds -there was, still some doubt. that'yourpaper received-incorrectcorrect and, misleading..: - . aboutwhat actually -happened. -ihformation--(probably from As-

It is -true that. Douglas, died of . I thought the, reporter was go- sociate Dean for Student Affairscarbon monoxide,,poisoning; but ing: to, write something neutral, ;~Robert: M.-; Randolph's office,it is not true that he was,,Wrking ;.-like "he if 'cbn monoxidei 'whom- we conact ed) althoughon his- car at -the time, .and4at i -)po"soning,o.and-.leave it at that., it's: .unfortunate:'that it wasn'tnot true that his death- has. been-- The policeofficially-declared the: :checked mo-r"carefully beOre -

de 'ared~ancdent.; '~:' ;.-<t .:--'} '' :''.de afeA-suicide, :but it wan't :n-^ ; magjt~sound so- cela that- it-The author: of, the story.;was- -ti: Juy; 3 tht hey :fmaly agreed . -. wasa acadent,. . -

careful to call me. before-publish-, to meet swith-us, and share all.-the-. -My real concern at this timeing the-article to check, the; spell-,.- data,,-they :"had. We hahe n ow . casually MIT seems toing. of -names, and: to,..-ask me painfullyraccepted that the death -'.accept suicide;- Although - thereabout Douglasinterests'.At-that- was truly a suicide,'_ were, in-fact; two MIT suicides

inadequate)ur paper sider using your paper to makeIthe oth- MIT a more considerate, thought-

ful and sensitive place where therethere are might be fewer MIT. I Tod Rodgertged that (Editor's note: The Tech re-inds this ceived information that DouglasAlthough P. Rodger was working on his carand not at t-h,,e t-me of~ de,.H.,t jf.m. ,.,ented that Dean's Office. At press time,

editorial the, death- had not been declared3ry about a suicide, but rather had -been

. mistakenly called an accident.spy of a According to the reporter, TodPresident Rodger never mentioned his son'sxil dems, death being a suicide in, theirX will con- conversation June 25.)

in the month of June, y0missedone and reporteder rather blandly.

The reporter told meseveral suicides per year aam appalled and 0utrathe MIT community finormal and acceptable.i'm- -obviously biasedobjective, i'm.disappoiryou: chose to- use yourpage, for'a'humorous- stobaseball.-

I am enclosing a coletter I have sent to I

Charles M. Vest and severand I'm-hopeful that you



Page 6: FroshNt. o taklematl - · Attack racially motivated: ... FroshNt. o taklematl. .-. . -. . - :By) ... sheet piles were driven into the

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Page 7: FroshNt. o taklematl - · Attack racially motivated: ... FroshNt. o taklematl. .-. . -. . - :By) ... sheet piles were driven into the

, I , - - - - -

.. contractions19 Told.20 "-in the Family"21 Fondle . -.22 Writing pads24 Heroic events25 At home'27 "Magnum-"28 Early morn .29 Armstrong ID

:- -:30 Uncanny31 Real estate map32'Arrow poison,34 Hearing organ

'-36 Roman garment'38 Brush aside

39 Roman bronze40 Tin symbol

,41 Defamed44 Stanfield ID46 Spread for drying

'47 That thing48 Dine49 Scottish cap50 Individual51' Health resort

',53 Neon symbol54 Concerning55 Let it stand57 Pinch

·59 .Evil60 Prompthy; quickly

'61 ID for MayorDinkins

62 'Steeples64 Grief: poetic66 Dress protectors68 Edible seed70 Remains at ease72 Electrified

particle73 Lance7"A'

7r G. a'.Yui77 In music, high78 Holds in high

regard80 Wets down

Welcome IQ the MIT Libraries!

The MIT Library' System offers a variety of libraries to meet your study needs. There arefive major subject libraries: Barker Engineering, Science, Dewey (social sciences andmanagement), Rotch (architectur e and urban planning), and Humanities. In addition, branchlibraries provide specialized collections in aeronautics and astronautics, medical andneurosciences (Schering-Plough), earth, atmospheric and planetary sciences (Lindgren),visual collections in architecture and urban studies, industrial relations, music, and thehistory of MIT (the Institute Archives).

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WEDs JULY I7, ,9 *, 9 !, i v , ; ,

WEDNESDAY, JULY 17, 1991T I te . Te P 7

The Tech PAGE 7I" . I -, , ' ,.


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SolutiOn '(


-1 River 161~talk.5.7'Chinese-pagoda

10 Haggard heroineo-'13 Muscular .

I I11

82 Bother 159. Hiurl 2 4 , 2683 ,Heayy:mac . 160. E4quallI . _ 241 .

.~ 5Cinrdrica I ~ 161 PAoe-ptant^-- ,>; e32-t '

86 Spirited hiorses 163 Wanders : ' -87 Unhmly child' : 165 Musewotfp try IT

88 Huirried - 167.Pai n- 4 _ .. _90 Corded cloth 168 Diphthong -."91: vegas 169 Surgical thread- . - - ,__- $ 4

- 92 Fruit:;'Wd "-,-171 Briml cap ', .. ..93 Ridicule- -:72 GaveuP - -..

good-natu'rediy '43U ah8.' p 62-~ _, : 96 Old-time slave5 ' and''

,99:Marin ... , ,. ..': aughters-';, ~ 7' '99 M 1, ~~176 .Headliners.

101 Musical _1 7 .ieot '8inst'uments 178 Old musical- - . . .m

104 Kimono sash ' !~~''- '05 Move rom Side '.- ",'17:,7--' , ....... ' 931~,

to side " . . .:,.'. DOWn - - - 9107 Pigeon,"pea'- ; ' : " ' '04

lO8 Beastof binde n --:;: 1 Filled to 104 IPrhibit- .- t' ' capacity .109 Prohibits." " .'., v1I O Chicagos'st . .: ; : 2 Assumed name 11

'":"'',' '4'Pait of TGIF112Jog -. . --- -- . .. '3, e ._114 Suandir ..' . ' ' " own: p .-25:116 Strain fnr:'br'eah-; N d -. . _ -. 8 _ _

117 Negatie ot .7 Tantalum symbol, __ -1"3 '118 Printer's measure 8 H gh' mountain - .. .120 God o e -, ,o,, .- : :2, ',!-' 1'44 146v122 Witty remaorK" . 0 .t..t rs od l53 . 5 |115 - 5123 "" ~ '/' ' "': 1I Dress border,, :-13Pastebrd..,''".... ' "t: -1rut" " ' "-'-:: !3_::,

124 Silver shm-.. -160 2 .1,rute6.1-125 Alternative'wOri . .-:: 13,:T,..f'PayY ..

127 Articl. '--. :: .. .14:Father -;:: ..... . .169 171129 Wear awvay . R 5Wie House .-_1 . 1713i Schsool: Fr.' c :nknarne 176.- 133 LandonID .. 16 Killed, .-.. -. _ _:_.__134 Italian river. -:17 Earn -136 Hebrew Iefter' . 18'Re'unerati"l : -G'..,The-sixth sense.,-' 73 Odors --',137 Vat -' A e19yMd - ' 5 :i-75 Mountain on,139 Sailor: cbihoq." :: .23"S?;o ::";:;?- " ;, . :56Bed cano0py ....Crete , 140 Solemn wonder .. '.--..2i6's-home.--'- 58 Balance, .76 vessel

141 Spider's tra~up -.'~ :29Mi nevein 59 Fetters; shackles; 79 TciGer ID142 Chaldean city . -32 -Concern, 60 Goes swiftly .', 81:Neart143 Slender finala -- r - ':-33~'Ve - - . --: 62 Grave; gloomy ., 84 Flying mamm145 Flap : - ., , -.-.35 Paid notice - 63 Cubic meters . 87-Large147 Feels regret for 36 are.for. 65 Behold! 89 Eft151 River island . 37 PoOrffinishers: , {66 Beg,. 92 Football kick

-15,2 E,--r,,. d ~-., ' - ......... ; :, .......: 7 a CaunSUdden : 93 Nod153.Gypsy - -. Eee. -. ' 40'i$arcasmIL f- - 9... I -; '~ ;94 Arabian.garm155.opening .,:.:-:-' ,..,/-. - 1.. ::42-Amg :68.MccaSin ' -. 95 UnjUs-al157 Eagle's ne"t!.. 43- Bellow, -69, Cl0thmeasure ,..97 Uncooked158 PiSmi"e:~.j:'¢;~;~,'~/ 57,-: ~*~v¢ ...t71" aed4hrOlh - ;:e- 98 Blaze

©9 1991 United'.125 Musical dramas* 126 Rests,

128 Hard-shelled--, ' fruit

130 Visionary132 Provider, cooker,

99 Hanirig a dull--:fiish

100 'Employ-101:Wedding ring102 Guido's high note103 Crafty106 Blood109 Reveal1.13 Civi injury1 15 Therefore116 Wan- -

.:t 19 malli rug -'i121Float in air'

..123 Farm, animals.' 124.0Pest's vestment

Feature Syndicate149 Teutonic deity150 Female relative151 Positive pole152 Astaire ID154 Short jacket156 Bard158 The sweetsop159 Heavy, wet earth162 Those holding

office164. Macaw166 Gid's name167 Shoemaker's tool170 As far as174 Negative prefix


etift *

server of food133 Encountered134 Throb135 Speechifies138 Container

'i41, HumOrist ' --144 Sanford ID.146 Domestic pigeons148 Nuisances.,..-

.: Dear NeW Student:


Jay K, Lucker,Director of Libraries

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t ', . . , I I 11,

. , e , -, -

312M emorial Di

The LibrariesMassachusetts Institute of Technology

Cambridge, Massachusetts, 02139

Office of the Director

July 1991


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Page 9: FroshNt. o taklematl - · Attack racially motivated: ... FroshNt. o taklematl. .-. . -. . - :By) ... sheet piles were driven into the

W EDNESDAY, JULY 17 , 1991 The Tech PAGE 9

' er i Tr: Zfor the action, not th ~story

TERMINATOR 2:i ward Furlong), is living With foster parents but it's still enjoy /able. However, the mid- injuries he inflicts are fairly sick. On the

JUDGMENT DAY because Sarah has been placed in a maxi- die third of 72 is a bit of' a fiasco in my other hand, the T-lOOO kills people in dis-

Diece by Ja- - camer--o-n. : -: -- mum-security mental~institution. The ma-. opinion !, because it drags and then seems gusting but silly ways. Overall, the tone ofWriteten by James Cameron . chines in l the future have sent back a new to introduce a circular time-travel paradox this film is very unlike the dark, subtle,

ndWrilliamb WJamesamro prototype Termninator,: a T-1000 model that is far more serious than what is ac- unassuming-yet-deep nature of The Termni-

Sarrng Arnold Wscharer. gge (Robert Patrick), this :timne to strike at' ceptable -up to that point. There is some nator. Instead, 72 is direct and actually

SLndtarringtonand Robrt John Connor directly.; However:, the resis- confusion as to whether: the Judgmnent Day -strains to send a message about peace (!)

NoLainga Hamito t ne L oewCer ti. -. ' tance h oa stolen and sent back 'amother of- the title.wil come or not, that being the and the value of human life.Y~o pl ig~a -he oesChrlJ.:; - -Terminator (Arnold) ,yhch t:hey pro- day on whcncerwr swgdb h

By -RGR r HUANG-grammed to protect Johni. The chase-is on. ;-ra~chines against mankind. I gdon't under- Die-hard: Terminator fans will enjoy T2ByGREGORYT.___________-_-_____:_X- The T-1000 is much m rore-sophisticated stand rwhy the writers made the mi uddle .as it unfolds in the theater, but they will

: HE TERMINATOR IS A CLASSIC to than Arnold's model. -It: is composed of third the way it is; it clutters up an already catch inconsistencies and ultimately, will

m l re, one of my all-time favorite "liquids metal"; and: can assume differenit fuzzy story- for no good- reason. ' want as little association made between the

1l:films.S I had to accept the fact appearances. Here, the computer graphics T 2 may be a bit more violent than, its two films as possible. Other people can

v:that a sequel had been made and effects: are 'quite good. Scenes involving, a predecessor, even though Arnold is a polit- hopefully just enjoy T2 for what it's worth

tTreat it as- a separate flim to'b D j -udge½ -- ieT10 are interesting-to: watchbut in ' icazlly correct Terminator 'this-time. It: can '-- intense action entertainment, but un-

-dependently fof its predecessor. nMy hoper~litthe -model: doesn't: make: much: be argued that he doesn't 'actually kill a fortunately, not worth its budget of $94

was that Terminator '2: Judgment. Day:'sense. Accepting; that the liquid metal is; single-person-in the film, but some of the mnillion.'would stand on its ownas a sci-fiactio inteligento

:best~if you don't think about 'it too A-t~~ this' leap: in technology: toe better use in:__

: :The Terminator told the story of anin- their 'ffort Wto exterminate Xmankind. 'For-:C::~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :0 tensechase th-yeat-old ensud when corg giving that, sint'sa ym iiiyassetorwhy fcthe

was sent backin time to kil a woman desructive weapns agaisteJoh or(enspe-sil ejybe .Hwvr

The cybor, known s a Termiator, wa is absoltely nobeasn whyth T d00 72i -. fa iso nm te ad h -10 il epei sent by machines in an attempt towip does'jutkl Sarah when itcn,a na

Terminator was desroyed, aii Sarah es- an' ditnciestye T ed strutur of thrdo

of the resistance. chase a~~Mu ndl batntliLe,' theu lastsan tensem thirdbu sly aof vealthetneo

T2 picks up the story 10 years later~~~~~ Sa- film).a imitates-t vehpafirstikmoviearabitbtoo

rah's 10-year-old on, John Connor (d-~ much - perhap ntntonll,mindfactha s-a nresrosta-ha sa-uasmik'tde aur fTeTr

-,an-W~im iser, .rootpe

Sch w rZen gger: .' ne iax


Hr~OSE ~WHO STLL il5iPet yffs'nyw

' ' ""':i:'" ' I] ': / " there -:should be '::-. free' : t: ... . . . aegg:openborders need on3! .be r c .a.zeeg .r.flgenre

i. - .mnded of -one man: Arnold - But hope is :,:renew ed :in the' kowl,'dge

'Schwarzen eggerThis irreplaceable nation-. that Arnold - who in the - last ew yeas .'I

al' asset, who likely!does more to reduce' has consolidated -his position !as thena- ,;.our trade deficit than the Big Threeauto- tion's'keystone by marry ing 'into 'the' Ken- :

" makers combined, -is .in: iact an import nedy family (and giving it some long- -from:Austrai- Whichis cauiise for concern needed 'respectability -and, -more~until one remembers'tha t in 1983 Arnold importantly, 'Republican genes), heading

'became a-US. citizen. : the President's Council on Physical Fitness,- Indeed, -the name Schwarzenegger has and Sports, receivingthe- Simon Wie-!become synonymous with meticulously senthal Centei's National. Leadership I

'groomed 'action flicks, an institution --of Award, amassing a well-respected art

our popular cultue which also happens to -collection, and looking good alongside"

,be. a'.principal export comodity.And Tonight Show host-idesignate Jay Leno -with the passage ,of time eawait evn is hard at work sifting t rough the m i -

-grander- spectacles from a :. man whose : tanis of scripts outside his door, plottigmovie budgets - iand, -I presume, whose yet another mind-boggling action-thriller;earnings - ballon at:- a rate even ter inkee-ping with hiis good f-ed George

.than the number of ammoci ps expeded Bush's philosophy, a kinder, gentler r_.

per movie. -That is -why a- $94-million se-- mantic comedy. For we know that his stan- :qul. to a movie made with a budget of a dards - likehis biceps,',- are higher -than....

feathery $6.5 million just seven years ago ours. Of one thing I can be certain, He'llhad nearly broken even before it hit the' be back. - ---

box office. A-d--that is' also why, after just. Buttlet us not get bogged down in. such..::.five 'days, the movie hadgrOssed $52.3 nuances as direction of thumbs -which are

million ait the nation's box offices. for reviewers [see revie of Terminator Producer and director James Cameron, Judgment Day, ..-this: pagel,. not admirers.

in devisiig a:;sequel to his 1984 Termina- .What we, as amirers, see is-the next- evo- -:'tor, knew::W hat A'rMold and;- his loyal fans lutionary step in filmmaking- technology,

(..of whom:I am one) would expectseven -brought to. you by Industrial Light and

years. later.And, for the" most part, in de- 'Magc, the George Lucas-founded' outfit

veringerminator.. 2: JudgmentD, he. that c e-meinto being:duing th Star Wfars'. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~4 i * .~ Wq s .-w_ ........................................ liz _ C_

era. ::The' special:effects ,ini t'ihis movie inevitably bring about such dramaticso real that:they' are almost unnoticeable, evolution in filrnmmaking. It is the great

It is taken for granted that globules of 'man, in this case Arnmold, whose talents

molten:. m.etal can reconstitute themselves and. efforts, like those of 'his Terminatorinto-,a-:T-1000, the: next-generition:.of cy- characters, determine the course ofbernetic Terminators, as it seems almost history. ' 'ordinary that. this malleable'menace walks Arnold represents the excellence that'through:iron bars -with the ease ,of as a this country has for--the- most part re-

.Ginsu salesman might say,. butter thirough nounced. Our general economic and politi-hot knives. - cal malaise'- and its corollary scapegoat-

These effects do not say anything about ing - look -pitiful in tlie wake of Arnold's.ArnolId ecptthat, were it nolo isArnold except that, were it not for his steely will and iron discipline, The effortsworldwide appeal and his high standards, of human-ghts advocates Aleksandr Sol-w ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~o.hmnrgt avocts

A e a nrolthey might never have come to the big zhenitsyn, Andrei Sakharov, Lech Walesa

screen. One cannot hold that social forces and Vaclav Havel,;-having recently begun' ''- ' '. ' ' ' , i. '; '. .'to yield gloriously- through the collapse of

:.:k:e:::i ",' ,, .:.,:communism, show how individuals can:: move mountains. However, it seems that

in. this country, mountains as tiny as thedeficit and our decline in competitivenessare too large for everyone but Arnold, the

last true American "great man."-

Perhaps, in the face of such perfectin-as Arnold, we all sink into shame, hoping

that he will pull us along for a while, (In-~~ -P~~ - deed, his efforts to have marketed a civil-

ian version of the military's- Hum-Vee all-

~ -. -,--. terrain vehicle-('What, do you want to|5Wli~~~~~~~~~~alf *-4 S an D f ;0; 00- tS-f500004 -C~'-D~t; * ? f f; 0-~-;D And 0Vt X * ;S-- ---00 -----a-~ Just wait until the Japanese come by and

beat. you at:this?" heasks unforgivingly)3M'a jutreutin another couple million

- ~~~~~--~~~~ ~~~ v - - -- - - - ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~off our trade deficit.) Of course, if that is- , ~~tr'ue, ,then a conkstittional amendment is

~ ~-, in order: one that Will enable an Austrian-born man of, best intentions to become

¾ President'Arnold. '(-What, do, you think-- I'm ~~~going to let you. flabby-wabb grly-

men sit, in front of that TV and scratch~-- t your tummy-hairs?")

AroISb~r~feg~ shwshs eriiv~deinace~ r-mTrtfiaOr2 Jdget a Makes- me feel likegetting to thegm

Page 10: FroshNt. o taklematl - · Attack racially motivated: ... FroshNt. o taklematl. .-. . -. . - :By) ... sheet piles were driven into the

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PAGE 10 The. Tech -WEDNESDAY, JULY-,1'7, 19,91

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Hare irts, r ..Aa , ' - Musi Club -.

ages show at MT. te .Be.ars: 0 '''rook. : TopCONTEM PORARY-MUSIC-. lne stret, . jIut not of- ,-2.''.

The Palain aniae vin, formerly Mt Tti iW42 027 "'- :'''"--'--, '"~'* ' ",'

oftheBltersperfornmatHarpers Fer ' '- * * .

, 158 Brighton Avenue, tAlston. Tl: ^ C254-9743. f~~eC~rrlad Tiltrook :Per-

* * * * ~~~~firm 'ath Piradise, 967- Com~monBoceherii Ensele, Hemlieb Man- -weath Xvenue, Bson. Telephone iw

ver, afltShrubs- perform at The Edge, 2One NecdPlace;, near -South'Station-'J nin

downt~sjn Boston. Tickets: $5. Tel: 426-. :Q-:7744 Vk ' :cpefrsat3-thMbds,

* '- Routs :140t'49:a:ield".TketsGod's Eyer-,Sleepyhead; adChis liar, -k 3,$1.0-$7.0 n 124 aeford' perform iin n l+ae sow- at.PRO'S)39-3.T.T. the 'Bears, 0BokieSre, -Cambridge, just -northf .of'" MiT. .Tele ^ swiinle d and _Ld Lords A..o Soul -"' ' -';&,

'Perf orntat%,Harper% ,Ferry,- 158 Brighton. ,7--,phone:. 492-0082?' :"* '_. 7: :: "%; - ,'- ::Avt'enu&AUston. Telpone: 254-9743 "'---.--:: k ::'::

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A3ntne ota'S i iaMY.

-1!0,'FS;'-,TOO- .0 Won- t youhear� plea:e bv-� and'M Co see,,mea, "Q ,- I 11� - v, 11 I'll shidl;7,Cren_:�7 ause: e /Me: YOU Smilerd6x1 CA Re�ords.-` pry,Yo u, make m Y, W'

-RUMOR- 1,�net -of love,pk h a-: r" `77�Mpson. tiny. songthecor 146�� it'stard1b l6ke-wit

contains. nTHE`�ZEST` OF,, ifie'w6id ��Iinet" i its title,'and .lip i*!i -oil eri it's a,:-.Crerishe r on40"de n1feAy, pne: 0 4

E7sigff V

LEVINSO 90 what Crenshaw does-DEB-'Q AH.A. N: cl, k S' Me -where'went trac .6,AMC, anARSHALL',CRENSHAW has - 6. Do e% ine, d biiiitififl,�,�&,

,b,&en, one,�.of f te t 1overs 'uncertain, about their ain� 11e,h "fo getlher.-:N Y, openSingsto,� over=6fit is-

-sue,' -tlitRetiicements, tit'b nths gq;by, ope:, ope,,,__The�,mo bDthin b thfi7gbn er�-, thi�,.-sun`the rig a out._�Rjs Simplest du R-Cre'n'shawsswe"i't' t` d&- iilly�-,Viiice I knowSoine time -,mifflbo our time.,T S'J, -jeleasej'�- ye.�s bo',Sh his'first". Somewhere dowh M641ne.--'S1nC1e'.-,1 87-s��jqar Ji emd, 9 Others.ean.-"t" d" hi CertainI Lif?' op, ortCritics: often au t Ciefishaw. for., s' in -Sh is �fto- 1447rzq: TY,:abil :thd,.,S hi op :�shall Crenshaw. Crens aw wimmering p h 'II probablyalb

soun ,Jiis,.�`�eponytnous derb, xit um never, top that albx1m, id-the' meai V.ti, Li es oo �S or. Is amore - harr-me, 'h I'ips aw notherWrite' 10 tTriie;- C. .e' -m4y�, never,:, ome-!� equate subsfit4e.�und- -in X C. or Si ad

Back OIM"but,, -4B ICHARO ',TI40 PS6N hw, ose ''sod�'Planet,:ofl-'Love and.� 'Ever''y carder his 'yielded, albu fi

thipg. .-the Trut '411,,thn��.bf W]Hc 'ard osete, re fth� th corded:-�.n '7'ton L ife �s, To6, Short,. :aren. t too, different p ays_-� catc y Autiegftom their predecessors They c6ntain A eh hblit.,.wi yn( 4"af": �: "; � -`:s - Are:. i�_;_ee-lik& 're9 'r�s6ene''s"`bf1ife.same.darlyrI9.6Njangly gjjitarS":, Ch `jih� �cuttifig-" bitte fsmoothi plaintive`vb6als, and th6;sameqn�-, body's. 4ppirt.,id I'm 4oin k'g.,tq Wemaculate sense �of -What makesthe per go( ,,sh_ s"On' AdSmpson,4� ng

'Poptsd For w �tonigh "Ihat6aithy. n�. that's exaOtly _G �7-" fiii shi t1f le" obd ng:' 6'doi With "I eeffCrenshaw. Wiltis pure, pabashed POP isgop, 1�m-going to someone apart'.;so takd 1952 Vincent Black Lightnin ALWAYS FIND IT MANGE when an,music that is endlessly. fun, to listenL to� 9tonig S rylit. tells ThoMp on. It sto ot. "alternative" or underground bandarm-of Crens a , .�;� . .: " reThe ch hW's music lies in, . As 'a dark', -Jam a' robber, Who,'- he lays :dleases' a greatest-hits compilation.Thompsons musical es as yin,his�eiigiigiiig"mixof�.inndcel�ftt-lyti6 -*ithjr_-

S, dismal one, whert women and,',. men betray- will 'hi'. predou vintage niotoicyclt to his., R.E.M., Joy Division (posthumous-Wnes. -He 'an simplestresistible" 6 inate the .::each other, with,':,diAurbin& L ua ness- e he song is- a ballad in'

cas I girlfri nd..: T -thetra-, 1y), and Lloyd Cole and the Commotionsand everyone, as some f carries more oti o, but I can't 'say that I ex-h 9 0 Secretort itional.-stylebutVp- h om. ination, as, di in on-,,- have all done Scome. nt a winning, c, N

'htaSticr _e-9 -endings conid, al weight than -most: --to ed the Waterboys to produce theirpectin "Fai Planet of j.,oVe..., own.about, as bti� -a s -a, so ar �ec'li The,pse �apd nreached -for her.j a dway you smi, e even S, Sig, IS�o latest um unwr d -He: he� Unfortunat6ly, The Best of the Water-e..-,., iA�h - -- 'f -1� � h e-

jumou ve he',,,--'fhe',krb, an: ap ate ojie. s_--ian ga r boys '81-'90 doesn't stand up to their fel-ean reak Sha&-,� d'p]q He said / d6nt ha06 any.,furtherI.Ivlbshib� in" -around swirl .1 -1. . lows' tollections.'As a rule, greatest hitsy

416ou n if. -. I I . . spiritless; sure, theyow, thaWs 'one �,�hing d albums ar empty and009 tp; 0, learn how to -..db - dealers.

but the best songs on an al-and'chr6nw. ever eased,heav n n rel and there-6% �10

.at me;-home: .- '- . -. fore never turn. up in- collections..:.gav.. '.,. .';: ..... '": y " .- , This is not to say that The Best ofe., gave heton ,ast M'kss and'dieid .... ; ....:.' '..:':., :-:.-i'-:--,',:-.i:c"'t:":de!"'t contain:any great songs. The Wa'.- .1..----,-- -:--;. ..... erboy most popular (Read: received a

:':':;' .':~RUmor. .d~-'$Sigh~ells,!:i.Jts -stories 'aimos t, -modicum of airplay) hits are .almost all- ,w'l..fro'm:"'n~g:i:'tles? a:klash ' there: "A Girl Called Johnny, " , '"AU the

, :Love--. Affa'r,4...Psy :.Streets'.- -'Why . .Things She Gave Me," "The Whole oflues." Buthurch NotBow' and

ise for the~s will ap-id that. at-there is no, sappy "A'Sundays"um, Roommuch bet-,ction con-Ay Heart'aotes fromGo Away,"miserably

s '81-'90y. "Killing" will un-Lire album,really have

_ _ S.........

~'~"e-~ '~~~ ' ~ ~~~-~.~~~ ::~~,,~~/~;~:Mu'st :::17 Plead'," "I,.' Misunderstoo& d De- .'.teMo " - ad "Fs r mnsB::'.'spite'his'reccpatw wh: brek-up ad' "~' ae Pagan Place," 'Cb...... . ~;~.~x:~, '. par~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~asitic'7 relhtionships,, "Tompson is'n. 'Made With' Hands," "Medicine I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'

'~~~~~~~r 'Z ' h' is. th '.ea".?.whiner;: ,(That s::Wren- .Zvn'sprovinc"e.) "!Thi isth'a?'.· ~ e~ha}.~inack.forgett-ng dse his char , ".f orse, one -can make a ca..... .: :-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~~~~~~~acteirs~and'ieeln :lei esnlte fact that not everyone's favorite

:.with . only.::;a.rew.:,words.' ;n-. "Read About' pear on a greatest hits album, an,.":Love;! !' Th6::m'son's' protagonist ~is a boy' gument certainly has merit. Yet t]

:" .~~ in~o',d in',~a::iae-rape Who doesn't Under-.:':. Point to including the execrable,

'''- ' --4''"'d, $ev en-e4:: '...'-tiesnge ':rom 'that same albuVffi Read 'Aboift lov ~~~~~~~~Roam' -would have bena'l

::?teghe 'says,:explainiing' what an. e pr' ter choice. And though the colic,i:' .':~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-i..e.jr cn.-theWays of a woman.", Thes~ong', rains two new songs, "Killing -- ' ~..i:.~:. l"':r is chilling, n"6t~~~~ijU~t for its~~subject: matter, :." andr "'andd"Oldlnnlandoonesoongqq

r ' '' '' ~: :': :r'' :-but .:for~~~~~~its depictionof aman ~~so'ignora~nt .Fishermnan's Blues' "When Ye C' ' ' , ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~as.i-io believe'and'act:Up'on the sexist fluff"' and 'it, is a poorly executed,','.'printed in..those magazines: . .. edrdqoeat that.," ',': "."'::' "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Tiiom-,-.:~n's guitar" work is as brilliat. '.' The'Best of the Waterboy:· ' "; "-.:'.;715 .-': ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~as coeri a''dRumoriand'Sigh is worth pur-i ' sh Ou ld be for' completists only,

caig for hs. ens of- melody alone. Buy .My Heart" and "Old England"· ' ::,:..-:;,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~it 'for :the lyri'cs; though; it's music to. play.' doubtedly' turn up on some futu:' ': '' '''' :' '' ' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~r ~:I''!og aiy. rnydays;. .. sic as raw an'd and then this compilation will r

p wrful:as a~::thunde rtr.:" been a waste of $10.99,;

'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ s'"~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ e r Hutchnson

777777-:1 St~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~lethw,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~4 .-"' 1: .

Anthony " ;

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-, - ob 74R - :' e S f X w w * - o 4 h -~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~U S Ueh, cn Lg ,m ; ars :Lif e : SWtth fae Thrnll Kill Kult show

'}.;E 1.lj"'J'.-'rI : : : :I'ntera tion l.Sin'Set. and the-title cut voclued sthe bakp c aists appeared in before a vehement, cacophonous ending..- IKyt~u~ t li~f~W l;/tj. ::~TH - ----- 'TH RILL .cMit tt * : : ia boom . .o --i - - -inof ffead~enrthee early drew from other fafvoiesuhsI-:L-; .: - i. -: ~-: ^--: . .:group'r:fist releae :I S GoodSpeats I isplaYof lunacy captDvated and mesmer-e -1 :- 'INW i d HAPPENBD ATr :- songs catchyRoses,5boasting lts odd refrain of Chris-...:l c 9 s o c ,egan :...:.:_.,: .. :. :. ;- :...,, .:,bra.':''::,::. of ls . t how began to unzombie vampires, I am the father, thedutil sho . : : - .: W,;oi T~r s s-"~ ;My:: -' i.'.' ,: $ee7 Iad : 'piritS; .and t heir ab le st - ie h e :: aud ience as the show'beopen-:father of nothing." 'town m. d t , , Y',2" put ;oc-a 'ol,-:,'',eos m i ch' :'.. . an : th' - muican .., .. Nevup er th -d Ss, g f

". at hi le the biggest shift of me-- On the whole, the concert was a mixed· :.a wasexcelle (with, a minmum. ofpre-re- mentum;occurred when the band launched bag. Uneven pacing and dragging songs. in.~/' i'..'tzeht- l~ The' club,:'acU tomd ': reta es',;q te a feat frean. i nodustrial single,-, Sex, : W heels." e early portions 'obbed the audience' of',L :/:'-.:~:J&.:/sh>reasing~local't~alad "up'="-'band 'Still, 'the. showt dragg -'on, the T- s kelastyear s Kooler than Je- what, would have -otherwise been a tr'iu

.and -omln,.'alte m a , : acts, -.wasthe.hmte. nove lty: m a ten - sut hx -te crossed over from, co l- ofnea t, , exuberan t show.'y-hfl:`psf6aMie..9[`-tr.w akin ntweartinT h eaee dun, },'lege, radio , s tation s, to dance clubs, to bethetednrfro m anti n g s oo pretcorninghan A lso worth noting tho su ow's o p e n -" idustriai-:'ho ,as:/W~'/Tmax:'stalwartsMy ' -interete! d'adto"reeeasd, }unable -to*-:coig.a alternative hit. The crowd tookided'i'to:,,u-t.-0n~i~ .prly :-- s -si . ,, - .._ . ..`. - ... -

.- eted'iato ing De aTh e fr e n zytown. and ,p ed- toi put q erup'ted'into. a~dancing frenzy. The frenzyvidual with an acoustic,'guitar. The crowd,town~~~~~~~~~~~~~~dipae a serie of bizarr morhegtndihte, st of whom were expecting the, orignapaced but J/'q~~ipus' show -~~: " -h addsl~das~.s Qfiagre,..;b. re vn~,.more h-eitfghtened, Boith-th.The i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/Bg:'Ca'.'thfoJit,"A wer e,: utoi' put ritemldy

tw~~ ~~~' epo: s'wii ~ n ?a?.-/:lrQh hw,an d s'dfo be ast wp ith mbu

e nitledl:CzI''Ht. h fnwwy, hcl hsmnwobs-neary ?hl[:.0t:~eshi6wi~matefia::as.atil a e head aJd o ne a mecint-sogtoo netrl e, bercosde-calwsinteihtlceattlytehy~~P a o a i t , a b r e?[r (:. m l d h

g ~ '! ea ud en e . wi h v ry b e t

drw.f(~fi~al:~."'!i~¢:~~~;.Snstuhea.- wad hauine'his. libaeryaloti- raiongas 'aot bithuefo

perly1iues· wrttident and }:':!:' ..

Coolidge Comer: Scenes from the. oen:August 2 and 3; JiMi HendrixMle of Wlght on August 2, 3, 91; Blonde Emmanuelle in 3-D on,t 9, 10, 16, and 17; Phant ni ofern on August 16, 17, 23, and 24;isngre on August 23 and. 24. Tele-734-6600.

- .EXHIBITSMuseum of Fine Arts: Americauand Stencil Prints 1930s - I%.,Qg highlights in the use of screencontinues through September 29;gating Identot, an exhibition in-ting the meanings of the termArt," from August 10-Novemberranfie and Ftstastic Landscapes,1ibition featuring 25 18th- andwntury landscape paintings, contin-ough July 1992. Telephone: 267-

tBoston, Bosto n's longest-Tunningisational comedy troupe, contin-late-night performances every Fri.d Saturday indefinitely at 10:30 atck Alley Theater, 1253 Cambridgeinman Square, Cambridge. Tick-general, $6 students. Telephon e:666

ON CAMPUSadung Lines: Urban Projects forby Young .Architees continuesJuly 19; Wter colors by Fred dy

irger, landscapes -.primarily ofand Maine - by the physician/st/diplonat/artist, continuesSeptembe r 1 2; an d Do D Edget-

topping Yime, photographs andabilia documenting the invention: of the strobe' iiht, continues in-fly at ,the MIT Museum, 265 Mas-.tts AvenueCCambridge. Museumwe Tuesday-Friday,9-5 and Satur-nday 1-§. Admission: $2 request-xation, free to MIT community.Dhe: 2 534444' .

Alman Brothers at Great Woods on Sep-tember 6. Manhattan Trunsfer at GreatWoods on September S. Sting at GreatWoods on September 13 and 14.

w~ ~-R~- qom-mI-.P=* * 'CRITICS' CHOICE 4'~* *

Crazy After.Calculus: Humor atMRi, documentingthe rich h3o,'y of]MIT wit and wizardry show n thro ugh h

'hacks,: continues through September13 in the MIT Compton Galler,be-tween lobbies 10 and 13. No Ladmis

sion charge. Telephone: 253-4444.

* CRITICS' CHOICE * * * Lear, by William Shakespeare,inues through July 28 at therican Repertory Theatre, 'Loebl a Center, 64 Brattle Street, Hat-Square, Cambridge. Perfor-es are T uesday-Sunday at 8 pmmatintes Saturday & Sunday ati. Tickets: $17to $35.-Telephone:1300._

* * * CRITICS' CHOICE * * *Pleasure s o f Pads fro m Daumier toPicasso, focusing o n amusements tha twere part of Parisian life during th elast quarter of t he 19th centur y, asseen i n painting s, prints, drawings,photographs , an d posters, continuesthrough September I i n the GundGallery, Museum of Fine Arts, 46 5Huntington Avenue, Bo ston . Muse umhours a re T uesday-S unda y 1 0-5 a ndWednesday 10-10. Admission- $6,gen-e ral, $5 senior s a nd students , freewith MIT ID. Telephone:-267-9300.__

'1~ ~~~~~~~- - ....... _ 1- l"I ].....





--am- -Imm- --AM- -�- --mw-. .4nora----- - ,


. ' :;'-i:':. .orepiled by Deborah A. 'Levinoi~Cntnu'i'mPag :~b~):~:otf0,.ai~ :ispe~~?:A.:(,,~, ~r~ ,=hck-:pn ~27;."tMheMue"AotFneth:CreenMuAstee.--!.u '-and '10;!/August'16l-and/:,.~:,,.:~and ... ~,=-(!9859 .AkiraKwr_~A,an 1"f uio.fa _Rntn,·-.u , t 3. A rts C~,rimek~ and ,k the***...***. C; :=. ';: ~AZ~.J~S-[:~'~7"=:'.~:":Augu'St 23 and 24 by the MIT.Communi.-. of Blood {1957, Akira Kosw)onJulyTeMthFcoyGr 90 ki cr

a hThe Woh~ o m~ Coeer2 ierie at ':' :'ty Players at Kresge Littlesbeater. Tick-'--. ':2; ih f.h u~(955, Charles:' ismakid on -July 24;' lhe Earring of Ms-gs ' and 10;.danme De :.. ,:(1953, Max Ophuls) and Augustlhone karttl:Jl 3.JMil~~ es:- $9 $8MTcmukstcents, cauhilnadrCen urnact1962, J. MirSt-V d' n r 12, $6 MIT stu-~' Thomson) on July, 29; 1ningluation, jules and Jhni9 161,,'Fran9_is Truffaut) the OUem'~~~~~~dentsly3 ThelAv ~ ephone' 253-2530. · tione Wild: rustarT ot anteearn I~~o July 26,; Callmail inialt (1984_ Aki SantaSOesmn, AiiguWt~ :. ' 1 ~ - l .. I ... Anmaio on


* 0 190(91,Br-. on, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Kaurismaki) and I 1Hred a Contract Kill. phone: :..' :Ruddigore'or The Witch's Corse, by'Off-'. ' n~0 Bet01cci~n Jly 3;Snilesofuer 01990; Aki. Kauiiishmaki¥,on July 31;' 0n'th 'Ca6~ i':J:' a~"'.ile ~G-n 11'mr ' .;-bert' &:Sullivan, :--presented through. "- ', S' r~~~~~~~ammr _i'.(15, nmrBga).Jln He.drx-a,& the Isle O-f- Wigt: (1990 " 28' t;the: Pubic 'T ear, :h/c ,

.'Murray Lerner) on ~A-ugst 2' Shadows in At the!"YaxQuartet on. July 26;'-Jonior Walker: Ch-rstian'A.,Hcter:Park,-Soldiers Field 5f '. esan on:rAuust I;98 S. Kau' Scree of -gt 7 Paromdise-t (16.Ai aurt ismakio Seem. fcee'and thMe AU-.Starn and The Big, Blues' Road, Boston,.'Rear Harvard .Squar e.; (1943,Af~ Hi~ok,'j[f,..ui;kmal~ar:eeSe. su~rveying

Enk~~~~~~~~~ JnBntadBlPan' st 8pm. Tkicfs $11 $13;s' an~ S-15, general, is Inaln Tap on A.ugus:; tea w i no Itivi!!-1967, Murray, Lerner) on August toterrogtlai end-on-Aujst,9;:C~yp4 H~i- $2-discount t~:eo r ad chIidrenele-,', .(1 954, Alfred Hitc!hoock)`and Dial Mr for : ;Hme'G~ Bans 18,'i :vesugatirrl~]l~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~sw ani-Ri ,qWf,~~~~

9nae 11R161 bs--Akcane and-Blm:S I~ugust 16; phofie: 782-541Murder (1954, Alfred, Hitchcock) on Au- ,Kaurismaki) and Andy's Fen H-ouse Bak- ' *c* :*~*~ '~ ~-~ .=:;k g~~~st3-Othello (1965, Stuart Bqrge).and. " `. . . .. l 3 Rm*deio~~~~' ' A~ ........ Lie,(97 Gog uo)oAugu ; . . Mabel.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(177 Chng qAugust 14,6- d ad....musical abot "the~deran: hather :f~?AAggus.4;-MU at !arial sd (akaM~ ,~ 1 d~~hs 0I 19,Chn: l9th-ceni'I ut Itlie ..dStreet,

Yr 21 presetzed Angst'305/7ier1'(l9__) _05,Jhin -jres97& harper'. of, ur~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~eiu -tn) o n'urgst', 16and 21; Days Of tiues th'At~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~le Strht', is,

hroiJ~,~: At th. Peg' i dk,; T164'September 1, -September. 5-8;:ad . Murder, My: weetl.0944,: Edward'Da.

ram #ps- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Beang Wild {1990,- Wong Kar-wai) and,." 9300.ternet. 2-1¢by. th-AI Mu'sical :The-' Ityk) on Leost S,.? nnmek. -New' Queen of Temple Street (1990, Lawrence,.jity 2-2,~: *14hstDrems 66 j~yz'jater Guild in Kresge'Littl!,Theater. 'Tick-, -and Old Adimanion ftrouz,.the Brote .h~o)o um2ad2;h.ers:et:$,dscouints`"iwaical Ffor students-: Qusyi On August 6;1-l'ne.-Iicecde Thiif :e'ain/im tion 'of Golden Lotus ¢1989;'the'BeguiY~~~~~~'ad satters TaelLpon`Aet: 2 5-694 diugust 1 (1~~~~~~~949, Vittmoi$jDe Si)an h ide!..]Fziwl, China '(1990,-.- llTriM'~by Ju~ry, bY. Gilbert. Sullivan, isgt7;ed i1o;Mheago;ofPle '(98aceCat'IeMr,,'r,,~pr, 'eseted.tlit~uh~:A~jg'fSt 3~'bytile M'a~ i/Aontoni')!ndB, "(16.MichliY:)- Ca"nd -Lady 9. i98 Jakie ucsits 'iBay Theate Companyat.:The. Peter- gco Antomo.~.~ 9n~U~ust S;:op..e i.Chan) on August 30.-Siiienings in Rentis day andF~~~~~~~~~~~:nagnce d Pl a c;ng ' B rawy SomerviHM, 19,' Alfred Hitc );,';Uder Capd4) :Auditorium, MFA, 465 Huntington Ave-te aels.ISVo 1ul 'near theSullivan T!-stop on the orange ¢r(14,AfeHicc),Te nue, Boston. Ticketsy:-?'and- $8 for Street, II-)line. ' Pirformancesar hrsday,-Satur- ,.dinet of?/,esterm:n2viliatloin on..Augutt: Andy's Fog- e !:$'gnerlo4~ t:$' da at'8 rod ickts:$12. Telephone: ... 9; The Man Wno.-Knew Too Muchti,q!56 M mmes.~radsue ts. 49-1bhrch. if-' 'MTickets:¢$;'~r:~~i'~t's 2.30bridge.,,tickiiirl, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ : ~ .~':-:.r r :

::;:a d'Th eiTroab hiel.h',Hr=ry(l955,Al:,Tephn' 2 7 '3~: ,'~'.Wearing red~~~~~~sneakers. '00,Telephone: 5267-93.. .~~~~~~~,-"'7-.' fred Hitchcock):,on AUguSt 10; A Mi*d , .::~i:.?:='.::/i; ' ' '?' ~, Nearing red, snea ers Telephone:. 'snmmeNight's Prmm(1935, Max Ri- .

~ " "~~ "~ ' 2;/7 d r' ~ !!/~q~~l~ ~ ~i'i- ' :. ' ~hiardt and" William Dieterie) and As,'You ln At the Tsai- Performance Center: The L,'e-_~ . . 6, ~lil~,i~')~onkus .....

...Early Music, Ersemtble 'of Boston on JulyIIGgj(I4,GoreCkranAnri24; Music of the:20th Cenumry featuiring

SdeiFii,15,.ii~Mlii nA- rm

works by 'Cirter," Kord¢, Zwilich, dte'Fal- "/ ~ "~--~- gut ~.12 'vard~~la, andLigeti, on July. 31. Telephone: Ag F~i-Std n-mne--353-3345.&- :: .,-=-:;::..: .:lni

,ii T 'D _d ...069,.Fdre Felni'n

PM.'nd :'-~.'~ lAtthe Longy School of Music: S1111 h~o 1iAit uisi)anny7-3At~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~





.*. -Side~p wth Susan Motherwayj voice,n e_wi~~~~~~~~~

August., 15. Fri' ~~:~."/D~ale Hubb.ard piano, and Jane .Wang, tg tl5~Af rm-huhl(96'ro elsO usn

Up'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Agfi 1;,Stahe FrlWgklt (90- Afiid:fomi Shnh'1954 ro Welles' K )Onbass, on .JulY-22=: Elbe :$ackendoff,'.p-! ... hd ).1 Cofs :1953, Alf'"'d-ly o""011

.2. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~the LittlanD,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~2 -Red Mountanr1951, William tlno,st, ''-ano, andL Sulanne~~~~b , 'Sopran ~Hitchcock) and The.Deelinc Of Western Jl?2 e on' 91 ila Dietede)--and~~~~ Shv-15, ereSeo hi

'Jl 4 nerleshey, vio la da ga m ba, -Da a M l e , ~ ack oA g s -7 K -b a :1

7 , ,DA

NEli ,K z n on Ju: 24 d y_'harps~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ichord,.ion, Pau- IIrior: Ko Ttev HMlet a olmp YPets~ anon1963,Le'.

v~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ioln eterlad Syks hite (1953, theoMTrgeng" rgr RSee~I - a I I ,s, 'Agust, 2; Susan Nagel, sopra]6oi on August. A u g u s t i 1 o;f¥ tsev)(on 58,:gAlfred1HitCros- y iefnsah) O n July.2 3 ; S T hef B e epr-gt(9 0Aman'and dance bY.Ju~~~~~~~~~~~iejno:~~~~~Tho'Mp_ and Sun~'I. '"to~~~~~ Cythem r(94Te

a d Henrshy Wenb rg ra dia o, on Au-, Au st 1 ;DanayDaibenu Ik.... ,( 98, . 'cc ) ~on ~ g 1-~n -er (970,:just 10;, Jawies'!Nkol~~~~6n, doubts, virgin'Wi' i 'Augusste:(19510'Eia am n) n Raiy ( 4ho 9 43.theyMij98, wtn 'nglpoemos) ooy She atr IV.....



vmhn;~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~EA 1 PetriSykes, h194stJhor, CocteAu) ........Ggust Knthesevand. alt(16,mi, antsc Iand In the3Mist LentJlthe MI:I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~8 ,Rebeln W¥togtaa CauseB 1955,t=i,:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- 'ggn·ei's .o m -c·~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~rvt-y housetif; $AsndNalie, mo~ o uustc

Tri J151 Alfred., Hitccock, T e B ndk n Jl 9 a Smith 9-30 an.a-. [: ndo Tozmnmy v on August 23; CPosyc- Ri6, Sud(98 enryHthaay)~on July-2'T- Bee-r

''~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~lrdHtcc)ad ---- M'hii y



.aa~~~~~~~~to~lfedHtccok August 24y Juulis

eacc-Lfomp-[. an Joc Chopra)' - Do-n't LookeI''


' "

[i h son Og ',-a dM jruL a u n M y s and Ch rot pwein on July 2-7a are U~/, rLiowin myd~Patry m Landy 3;Pr t O.tJa~. (1967,'Thee'ne0oirl nd~uey, Tri~ ~out 0n:;U.SUt' $~ hay!r Lln.d~y '-,, Rfi~liff Dane -ceterRadclffe'J 194c4imSnRobo noS' Clarsake)Fu en)August'to ythTaheiRecTonsAructpuion~~~~~~~~~~~~~iiiYand aend Welneeger,.ino, on uu- !TYar CaLmbridge Vikeos 1 Feestiva and-.-2~~~~~~~~~ gs ;, TayWaeS uadvsers -ofra July igicend he Great (1970, Thtutis . [''198.~Augs.2;:Ba~Rn

c;p0, ATnoAn eloouolos),an andDysc,,oeIn~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~on Auugust'14 TTelexjysone'

August 9;'6(92 -~~~~~~~~$oc ~jamua~iau ut Fza-.u

'.h.M(1977, Theo -A ngelopoulos) on'Aug-t ,.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~utI;G Up -'~~~~~~~~~~g s 'u t - & ~ t l s n . h 1 6 - F : e' H u t n T h'e o s r c i n n.'· ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~h LI -(`91'4iqc Dey . . .. *t~df Plyr '-- A'-gUU n..... ' ....... : ' ' ' ''' : f 't' 'e' ' ;e' : ''' -Phohi:~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~Jl 25-bta (979;" 6T.eBe~ Joue--ut Cb

ed~~~~~~~ ' by 't=, :MasetiayllTAeie' ARTh:.u'7 Iu.4.2 olCeud (1983, Meartn Scorteu)'teta =a'd Meici adc~~ h ~~o'u~ Ihrd

4.~~~~~~~~h Ls i/atq;l th:FeC, orses; thPatrea- 27 and' (1,u9 ''an'th ]l~kmjea s l""ht tli oiki Jean `,...........

.........Brodwa,:S me~lk.~Te.-~~05:13~ Sisk ;t. Au"~ ehefim'stcomedhe look6a Martn Scortease on 'August 72;tagr na ls . .an'Te W l = "~ -15"AIN-Irto~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~,., ..

:,~~~~~~~~ nate-y noswt a nave Lum Train 15,Afe Hitccok he... m 'n......."~ .... 15i er'Mrri~~~i6 Htirpajk~~~~~~ji`~~~pr' "d f' M'--~~~~~~~ ~~, ric ton,-j & ko d~~~~~,,~, . ' -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~S'. ~ ~ ~ ~~ & ,j', ~ ~ t'bk[ v ";, nota~ J ,- definitely- .. , ...hours ar'.d~: ~:?.%7-- ~-/[', ~' .. ' . .- sented August 22-24' at The Performance and Tommy on AuNust 23;hPsogho on9August. ........d a y -~~~~~~~~~~ S u i~~~~~~~ a y - 'a t , S ~~~~~~~~~~~~' .r b T i c k e ts : $11, O

i d~e d d nmm.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~u tlv~, enytattwyonJly -6mae*-/ueaa;~mrne-~eAted, Hitchcock~, and Thief

"J~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~)deid~~3 ..' ,'i~ .~'.7' .~ -./~.CJ J ~ ' .~ ~ ~~ 7 hoe'~ .;3- . i.

A ..

OFF CAMPUS ~e .,Boston Now 10, celebrating the aclileve-.meit a nd contributions o fl4 a rea artistswh o fi rst"gained pu blic exposure throughinclusion in ICA exhibits, continuesthrough July 21 at the Institute of Con-temporary Art, 955 Boylston Street, Bos-ton. Institute hours are Wednesday &Sunday 11-5, Thursday-Saturday J I-8.Admission: $4 general, $3 mtiidents,$1.50 seniors and children, $1 with MITor UMass ID, free on Thur sda y S -8.Telephone: 266-5152.

Connections: Brice Mlrden, paintings bythe abstract painter which e cho;Ma net'sE xecution of the Emiperor Maximiian,continues through July 21. in the FosterGallery , Museum of Fine Arts, 46 5 Hu n-tington Avenue, Boston. Museum hoursare Tuesday-Sunday 10-5 and Wednes-day I0-10. Admission: $6 generals $5 se-nlors and students, free with MIT ID.Telephone: 267-9300.

Abstractions from SOll Life, paintings byDavid Rollow, continues through July 26at the 'French Library in Boston, 53Marlborough Street, Boston. Libraryhours are Tuesday-Saturday 10-5 andWednesday & Thursday IO-8. NO ad mis-sion charge. Telephone: 266-4351,.-. . ~~~~* * * ·.. ;.Witness to A merica's Post: Two 'Cen tu-ries of Collecting by-the MassachusettsHistorical Society, approximately 160works illustrating the' vital episodes andpersonalities in American history, contin-ues through August 4 at th e Museum ofFine Arts, 465 Huntington Avenue, Bos-"ton. Museum hours are Tuesday-Sunday10-5 and Wednesday 10-10. Admission:$6 general, $5 seniors a nd students, f reewith MIT ID. Telephone: 267-9300.

A Day i n th e Life of Boston, photo-graphs chronicling one day in th e life o fpeople in Boston, continues through A u-gust 9 at the Federal Reserve Bank ofBoston Gallery, 600 Atlantic Avenue,across from South Station on the MBTARe d Line. Museum hours a re Monday-Friday 10-4. No admission charge. Tele-phone: 9 63-3453..

ame , Dan Goggin's comedy abouttic Sisters of Hoboken who stage ashow to raise money to bury fourr number, continues indefinitely atharles Playhouse, 74 WarrentonBoston. Performances are T ues-

riday at 8 pm, Saturday at 6 pm &with matinee s Thursday at 2 pmtoday at 3 pro. Tickets: $15.50 toI general, half-price for seniors andits on Thursday matinee. Tele-426-6912 .

Madness, the long-running comicr mystery, continues indefinitely atharles Playhouse, 74 WarrentonBoston. Performances are Tues-riday at 8:00, satlirday at 6:30 &and Sunday -at 3:00 & 7:30. Tick-18 and $23. Telephone: 451-0195,

PAGE 15 _.WEDNESDAY, JULY 17, 1991 The Tec

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- . - ..Andrea Lamberti/The Tech Upper floors of Building E56 are being prepared tO :house classrooms- and- offices for the Alfred R. Sloa1n School of wManagement. . -

W01-,·' -:,,, . ,' ' , ". I to , Work Ins on E56Sne, v , U1-: new buii l iiig si' "

(Continued firom page l) 10,000 square feet wi- be , ready -,~ .:,~ ~ by Sep, 1-,,said Victaoia- V.- Sir-

from s~ping into the"excavated: - ianni of the depaitment of Phys-hole throigh the bottom. At that ical: Pl'ant.point the -site will. be ready for -.The 10,000 square fet current-the second phase, construction of,. ,ly under -renovation are on thie the building, which wi :begi.. :secondthir d and..nthous elev- .with the, .- foundation ,and the P:.els.and:ivill .iOUse dclassroom, , i .

building's two basements.- ; . several sinmaller,: semirnar.rooms.- :The biology building i e six ;and ome fis r theifred --

stories. tall and -is expctd'to ' .:Sloai :School of-Ma"nageemit¢: |.'- -,Sbe completed by Decemberv t993. Siriani said ...-.Thephysics department,"t `tk01- . !The-future6iotfthe rest' of" the -,ogy. researchers ?~d jthe:#iterde- bilding -whioh'is nextt- the Al-partmental "b6iteehnlo0y -re- fied :P. S1an Building'(E52), is 'search~projectEillioccupy spsce r tin. W r, sill nego- . <left vacan/by;t.-e biology &-' tiatin sthat,.SidanniSaid. ' j ;mernt in its cuiirrent siace in. -The; Mucision to use muql. of :;./:;Buildings 5i and 16. -3 i: the space for the: Slo/i l. I '%: r >


i Thenew building will houe 32: was made last' yeairi d -. : -' : - -faculty members . , ... ;,lng in tl52 was sited as the prima- : -- :

Wor~t"36 M-al -" w:"ry raason!.o.-expansion.--- ' - -- '......... -- -rie ,antnes . -. The building, which ,is now '- -

Meanwhile,"renoVationork'in -:-E56. wa W. orlyOcc-upied:by j..-. --the- building on136 Membrial Airthur D.-Little, 'Inc - ItbecameDrive begun 'i the- spring contin- available -for academic "use'afterues, with the: expectation 'that Arthur. D. Little's lease-expired.....

..... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ,- .. . . .. , ,N , t , , ~ :' : '~ . ,~,. F. >. , '::'wt _~~~~~~~~~~~~~



WEDNESDAY, JULY 17, 1991 The Tech PAGE.19 ,_~

Assalamu alaikumither-you are a Mulim looking for7 ndshihp"based on the bo-nds bf Islamic7therhood and sisterhood, companionshipperorming religious duties, fun andod times within the bounds ofamn, or a place to deepen your. ,igioaus knowledge...

.ether you are a non-Muslim whoWuld like to learn more about ther.ld'is fastest growing religion, ormeet students from a cultuare other7 your own...3. .

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: .prayers every Friday at 1 :10 p.m. in AshdownHouse (Building W-1) West Basement.

-Hope to see you. erei,; - ope to see you whel-e*/

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Page 20: FroshNt. o taklematl - · Attack racially motivated: ... FroshNt. o taklematl. .-. . -. . - :By) ... sheet piles were driven into the

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