full agenda with speakers' profile

Gedung Dewan Pers (Indonesian Press Council) Jl. Kebon Sirih No. 32-34 Jakarta Pusat, Indonesia #WPFD2016 #PRESSFREEDOM DEWANPERS WORLD PRESS FREEDOM DAY HARI KEBEBASAN PERS SEDUNIA Access to Information & Fundamental Freedoms Akses atas Informasi & Kebebasan Fundamental 3-4 May / 3-4 Mei

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Gedung Dewan Pers (Indonesian Press Council)Jl. Kebon Sirih No. 32-34 Jakarta Pusat, Indonesia




Access to Information & Fundamental Freedoms

Akses atas Informasi & Kebebasan Fundamental

3-4 May / 3-4 Mei

Page 2: Full Agenda with Speakers' Profile

3 May 2016 (Tuesday)Time Agenda08:30-09:00

RegistrationVenue: Main Hall, Indonesian Press Council, Jl. Kebon Sirih No. 32-34 Jakarta Pusat, Indonesia


Opening Session

• Shahbaz Khan, Director & Representative, UNESCO Office in Jakarta• Ahmad Djauhar, Vice-Chairperson, Indonesian Press Council• Johanna Brismar Skoog, Ambassador of Sweden to Indonesia• Rudiantara, Minister of Communication & Information Technology of



Coffee break


Session I: Access to Information as a Fundamental Freedom and Target of SDGsModerator: National Information Commission of Indonesia

• Ouk Kimseng, Under-Secretary, Ministry of Information & Spokesper-son, Technical Working Group on Drafting ATI Law (Cambodia)

• Dyah Rijadi, Commissioner, National Information Commission (Indo-nesia)

• Angkhana Neelaphaijit, Commissioner, National Commission on Hu-man Rights (Thailand)

• Staffan Dahllöf, Journalist on Open Government and Access to Infor-mation (Sweden)

• Oliver Spencer, Head of Asia Programme, ARTICLE 19 (United King-dom)


Session II: Access to Information: From Policy to Daily Applica-tionsModerator: Southeast Asian Press Alliance (SEAPA) & Aliansi Jurnalis Independen (AJI)

• Yoyok Riyo Sudibyo, Regent, Batang, Central Jawa (Indonesia)• Isra Sunthornvut, Secretary-General (incoming), ASEAN Inter-Parlia-

mentary Assembly• Melinda Quintos de Jesus, Executive Director, Centre for Media Free-

dom and Responsibility (Philippines)• Haris Azhar, Coordinator, Kontras (Indonesia)




Roundtable Session (by invitation)“Sharing Good Practices and Lessons Learnt on Access to In-formation”Venue: 7th Floor, Dewan Pers IndonesiaModerator: Ming-Kuok Lim, Advisor for Communication and Information, UNESCO Office in Jakarta Misako Ito, Advisor for Communication and Information, UNESCO Office in Bangkok


Coffee break


Evening Reception Hosted by the Swedish Ambassador to IndonesiaVenue: Jl.Sriwijaya Raya 11A, Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan

4 May 2016 (Wednesday)Time Workshop Agenda08:30-17:00

Workshop I: Open Data Journalism: How to use open data to your advantage in reporting?Venue: Main Hall, Indonesian Press CouncilPartners: Code4Nation, Tempo, Jakarta Smart City, Jakarta Planning Agency, PerludemLanguage: Bahasa Indonesia and English


Workshop II: Reporting on Human Rights: How best to report on human rights issues in Southeast Asia?Venue: 7th Floor, Indonesian Press CouncilPartners: OHCHR & SEAPALangauge: English

Page 3: Full Agenda with Speakers' Profile

Speaker’s Profile

Rudiantara, Minister of Communication & Information Tech-nology of IndonesiaMr Rudiantara is the Minister of Communication & Information Technology in President Joko Widodo’s cabinet. Previously, he had been the general manager for business development at Indosat, director of Telkomsel, and director of corporate affairs at XL. Mr Rudiantara has a bachelor’s degree in statistics from Bandung’s Padjadjaran University and an MBA from the Indonesian Institute for Management Development.

Shahbaz Khan, Director & Representative, UNESCO Office JakartaMr Khan is the Director & Representative of the UNESCO Ofifce Jakarta and the UNESCO Regional Science Bureau for Asia and the Pacific. In 2008, Mr Khan joined UNESCO as Chief of the Water and Sustainable Development Section in the Division of Water Scienc-es in the Natural Sciences Sector in Paris until 2012 when he was laterally transferred to the UNESCO Office in Jakarta as Deputy Director and Senior Programme Specialist. He holds a PhD in Civil Engineering (1995) from the University of Birmingham.

Ahmad Djauhar, Vice-Chairperson, Indonesian Press CouncilIn 1992, Mr Djauhar joined Bisnis Indonesia as a reporter, the larg-est business and economic newspaper in Indonesia. Subsequent-ly, he was promoted to Editor (1996-1997), then Managing Editor (1997-2002) and Chief Editor (2002). Since 2004, he has been a member of the several board of directors including PT Aksara Ar-tha Abadi, PT Jurnalindo Aksara Grafika, PT Aksara Grafika Prata-ma and PT Aksara Dinamika Jogja. He had pioneered several new newspapers, including Harian Jogja. Mr Djauhar has a Master’s degree in business administration of Binus University with Honors.

Johanna Brismar Skoog, Ambassador of Sweden to IndonesiaMs Brismar Skoog is Ambassador of Sweden to Indonesia, Timor-Leste and ASEAN. A career diplomat, she has held various positions in Latin America, the US and Europe. She has a mul-tilateral profile with extensive experience from working with the United Nations and the European Union, both from postings in New York and Brussels and from roles with the Ministry for Foreign Affairs in Stockholm. Ms Brismar Skoog has an MBA from Lund University in Sweden. She is married and has three children.

Rosarita Niken Widiastuti, Director-General of Information and Public Communication, Ministry of Communication and Information Technology (Indonesia)Ms. Widiastuti was appointed to her current position in 2016. Previously, she was the President of the Asia Pacific Institute for Broadcasting Development (AIBD) and President Director of Ra-dio Republik Indonesia (RRI) from 2010 to 2015. She was also the Vice Chairperson of the program committee of Asia Pacific Broad-casting Union (ABU) from 2008 to 2012. Since 1983 she has held various positions at RRI Yogyakarta. In 2004 she was appointed as Head of RRI Cirebon. She also serves as a lecturer at Multi Media Training Center (MMTC), Gadjah Mada University and Communi-cation Academy in Yogyakarta, Indonesia.

Ouk Kimseng, Under-Secretary of State, Ministry of Informa-tion & Spokesperson, Technical Working Group on Drafting ATI Law (Cambodia)Mr Ouk has worked in print and broadcast media industry since 1983, in both state-run and private media organizations as news presenter and translator for Radio the Voice of the People of Kam-puchea English programme (1980s), news editor at The Cambodia Times newspaper (1990s), director at Cambodia Radio & TV3 news program (2003). He joined the Ministry of Information as deputy director-general of Agence Kampuchea Press and Press Advisor (2004-2014) and became the Under-Secretary of State in 2015.

Dyah Rijadi, Commissioner, National Information Commis-sion (Indonesia)Ms Rijadi is responsible on matters concerning the of information dispute settlement and it policy and regulation. Prior to her cur-rent position, she was on the expert team of Committee III House of Regional Representative of Republic Indonesia (Dewan Per-wakilan Daerah RI) from 2009 to 2013. She has been a researcher, NGO worker and independent lawyer. During her work in the NGO she executed some projects funded by various donors on media law and policy issues. Her work focused on research and advocacy.

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Angkhana Neelaphaijit, Commissioner, National Commission on Human Rights (Thailand)Ms. Neelaphaijit is a Thai human rights activist and the wife of disappeared human rights lawyer Somchai Neelaphaijit. Described as “a leading human rights defender in Southern Thailand” by Am-nesty International, Ms. Neelaphaijit currently serves as the chair-woman of the Working Group for Justice and Peace, and continues to investigate allegations of police abuse in Southern Thailand. In 2006, Ms. Neelaphaijit, along with Malalai Joya of Afghanistan, won the Gwangju Prize for Human Rights.

Staffan Dahllöf, Journalist on Open Government and Access to Information (Sweden)Mr Dahllöf is a freelance reporter based in Copenhagen, where he reports on Danish issues to Swedish media, and on European affairs to Danish and Swedish media. Staffan is knowledgeable in Swedish, Danish and European freedom of information acts. On behalf of the Swedish Journalist’s Union he preapared a number of reports comparing EU and Swedish access to documents. Staffan is a member of the Farmsubsidy team. In 1993 he was co-editor and co-author on “JournalisternasEG-handbok”, a guide in Swed-ish on EC/EU-reporting.

Oliver Spencer, Head of Asia Programme, ARTICLE 19 (United Kingdom)Mr. Spencer joined ARTICLE 19 in 2008 and has since worked on freedom of expression and information across Asia. He oversaw the regionalisation of ARTICLE 19’s Asia programme to Myanmar in 2013 and to Cambodia in early 2016. He has worked on legal reform in Asia relating to access to information, broadcasting and press, digital rights, defamation and assembly. He has worked ex-tensively at the UN including two cycles of the UPRs on Asia and with the UN Special Rapporteurs for free expression, for Myanmar and for Cambodia, and was an Independent Expert for the UN Special Rapporteur for the Right to Culture, and for the UN Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Assembly and Association. He has an MA in South Asian Law and an LLM in Human Rights Law.

Melinda Quintos de Jesus, Executive Director, Centre for Media Freedom and Responsibility (Philippines)Ms. de Jesus has worked in journalism since the 1970s, includ-ing print, radio and TV. In the 1980s, she was among the women columnists of the Bulletin Today who wrote critically on the Mar-cos regime. She organized the CMFR in 1989 to address prob-lems confronting the free press in a developing democracy. She is the publisher and editor-in-chief of the annual journalism review, Media Times. She developed training programs on media and the justice system, peace reporting, & media and gender-based reporting. Ms. de Jesus has served on the IFEX Council and the World Movement for Democracy. She is a founding member of the Board of Trustees of SEAPA and the Philippine-based Freedom Fund for Filipino Journalists, Inc.

Yoyok Riyo Sudibyo, Regent, Batang Regency, Central Jawa (Indonesia)Mr Sudibyo is a former Major of the Indonesia Army who was elected as the Regent of Batang Regency in 2012. He campaigned for transparency and accountability especially in government spending. He created the Festival Anggaran Batang (Batang Bud-get Festival) as a way to public discuss about state budget with the people of Batang. He is a recipient of the Bung Hatta Anti-Cor-ruption Award in 2015. Mr Sudibiyo is a graduate of the Akademi Militer (1994) and Sekolah Lanjutan Perwira (2004).

Haris Azhar, Coordinator, Kontras (Indonesia)Mr Azhar has worked for KontraS, a nation wide human rights NGO based in Jakarta, since 1999. He started as a volunteer for the Advocacy Division and continued as a staff member of the Mon-itoring & Research Bureau before going on to become Head of Documentation Research Bureau, Head of Research, Investigation and Database Bureau, and then the Vice Coordinator of KontraS before becoming the Coordinator in 2010. He has a Bachelor of Laws from the University of Trisakti in 1999, and a Master of Art (MA) in Human Rights Theory and Practice, University of Essex, UK in 2010. He also studied a Magister Degree in Philosophy from the University of Indonesia from 2000-2003.

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Isra Sunthornvut, Secretary-General (incoming), ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA)Mr Sunthornvut is a former member of the House of Representa-tives in Thailand, where he served as a member of the Democrat Party. He has also held various other positions in the Thai govern-ment, including Deputy Secretary General to the Prime Minister and Spokesperson for the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration. He will formally assume the position of Secretary-General of AIPA in October 2016 and will serve until September 2019.

Misako Ito is the Advisor for Communication & Information, UNESCO Regional Office in BangkokMs Ito is responsible for UNESCO’s programme on promoting media freedom, right to information, and media and information literacy in the Mekong region. She also represents UNESCO in the Memory of the World Committee in Asia and the Pacific and pro-motes the preservation of documentary heritage, and to increase access to it. From 2009 to 2015 she worked as the ACI at UNESCO’s Office in Rabat, Morocco. Prior, she was in UNESCO Headquarters in Paris from 2005-2009. She is an engineer in information tech-nology by training and graduated from the Ecole des Mines of Paris and HEC School of Management.

Ming-Kuok Lim, Advisor for Communication and Informa-tion, UNESCO Office in JakartaMr Lim is responsible for UNESCO’s advocacy campaign to strengthen and raise awareness on freedom of expression, press freedom, safety of journalists and the issue of impunity. Mr. Lim is part of them team at UNESCO which supports capacity building for journalists, advises on media policy, and expanding journalism curricula to reflect the new Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). He works with various partners to encourage youth to develop mobile apps as well as promoting the use of indigenous languag-es on the Internet. He has a PhD in Mass Communications from Penn State University (United States). He was a Fulbright Scholar and the Japanese Monbukagakusho Scholar.

Jamie Lee, Communication Specialist, UNESCO Office in Phnom Penh

Jamie Lee is a Communication Specialist at UNESCO Office in Phnom Penh. She works in the field of freedom of expression, safety of journalists, human rights, and access to information. She is currently coordinating a participatory law-making process in cooperation with the Government of Cambodia and international and national stakeholders to draft and implement an Access to Information legislation in Cambodia.

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