fyp presentation using mobile sensors for wireless home security system author:student id: sun chak...

Download FYP Presentation Using Mobile Sensors for Wireless Home Security System Author:Student ID:  Sun Chak Fong, Cheung Ngai

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FYP Presentation Using Mobile Sensors for Wireless Home Security System Author:Student ID:Sun Chak Fong, Cheung Ngai Hoi, Project supervisor : Dr. Amine Bermak Opportunities Motion detection Location positioning MoCam Future development Objectives Movement detection Tracky Notification Agenda Design by Brian Implementati on Design by Jason Discussion Introduction Opportunities Objectives GUI Introduction to Jason's Work Algorithms Implementation Motion Detection Algorithm Movement Detection Algorithm Surveillance Algorithm Notification design Notification Alert Notification CCTV Surveillance System, MoCam Algorithms Implementation Motion Detection Edge Detection in iPhone Input image Edge Detection Edge Extraction Compare the difference Identifiy Motion Algorithms Implementation Motion Detection Face Detection in iPhone Input image Face Detection Face Extraction Face Extraction Face Recognition Identifiy Human Motion Algorithms Implementation Motion Detection Pixel Difference Optimization Optimization of Pixel difference detection Pixel Difference Level represents the sensitivity of the difference between two pixels Optimization of Pixel difference detection Motion Points represents the number of pixels per particular area to compare with Optimization of Pixel difference detection Motion Level threshold level indicates the percentage of the number of pixels difference counted over total Motion Points Comparison of motion detection algorithms Pixel Difference Detection Edge Detection Comparison of motion detection algorithms Algorithm Time to identify motion occurred Accuracy CPU/Memory Usage Edge Detection 1 2 secondLow Medium Face Detection 3 5 secondMedium High Pixel Difference (After optimization) Less than 1 secondHigh Low Win! Algorithms Implementation Movement Detection Algorithms Implementation Surveillance Motion Detection Mode Monitoring Mode Start Image Processing of Pixel Difference Detection Start Movement Detection Start Surveillance SendNotification regularly Start Surveillance Notification design Notification SMTP Server Photo Attachment Senders Outgoing SMTP Server Receivers Incoming SMTP Server Notification design Alert Notification AVFoundation AVAudioPlayer *_player; // Load the audio file NSURL *fileURL = [[NSURL alloc] initFileURLWithPath: [[NSBundle mainBundle]_player = [[AVAudioPlayer alloc] initWithContentsOfURL:fileURL error:nil]; if( isAlarmOn && isMotionDetectionMode) { [_player play]; } Introduction to Brian's work Algorithms implementation Location positioning algorithm Notification design Notification with Google Maps Location tracking system, Tracky Mapkit API Algorithm for displaying user location MKMapView MKCoordinateRegion MKUserLocation MKReverseGeocoder MKPlacemark MKPinAnnotation Algorithm for calculating Safe Zone Store user locations latitude & longitude Compare them with the Safe Zones values Make sure they are within boundary Alert if not Stability of internet connection Generate error message Accuracy of location positioning GPSWLAN Hotspot3G/triangulation Google Static Maps Performance and Power consumption Connect to the network using the WLAN whenever Transmit the smallest amount of data needed Disable location updates when it is not in use CCTV Surveillance System, MoCam Hardware Architecture Overview of GUI Demonstration Location Tracking system, Tracky Hardware Architecture Overview of GUI Demonstration Future Variety of notifications, e.g. SMS Multi Tasking Web server support Control external sensors Q&A